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Page 1: 1... · Web viewthe week el fin de semana the weekend ¿Cuál es la fecha? What is the date? enero

UNIT 2 THEME: La hora, la fecha y el tiempo[Time, date & the weather]


INTERPRETIVEListening Reading

I can understand some-one saying a date or time.

I can understand someone talking about their age and birthday.

I can understand basic personal information from communications such as e-mails, personal profiles.

I can identify some cognates or characters that help me understand the meaning.


I can answer questions about my age.

I can tell someone the date and time.

I can tell someone when my birthday is.

I can talk about the seasons and the weather.PRESENTATIONAL

Speaking WritingI can tell the date and time.

I can tell my age and my birthday.

I can write an introduction of myself.

I can write my age and my birthday.

I can write the date & time.

Page 2: 1... · Web viewthe week el fin de semana the weekend ¿Cuál es la fecha? What is the date? enero

UNIT 2 THEME: La hora, la fecha y el tiempo[Time, date & the weather]


¿Qué día es hoy? What day is today? Hoy es… Today is…lunes Mondaymartes Tuesdaymiércoles Wednesdayjueves Thursdayviernes Fridaysábado Saturdaydomingo Sundayla semana the weekel fin de semana the weekend¿Cuál es la fecha? What is the date? enero Januaryfebrero Februarymarzo Marchabril Aprilmayo Mayjunio Junejulio Julyagosto Augustseptiembre Septemberoctubre Octobernoviembre Novemberdiciembre December

¿Cuántos años tienes? How old are you?Tengo _____ años. I am _____ years old.treinta thirtytreinta y uno thirty onecuarenta fortycincuenta fiftysesenta sixtysetenta seventyochenta eightynoventa ninetyciento (cien) one hundredla hora time

Page 3: 1... · Web viewthe week el fin de semana the weekend ¿Cuál es la fecha? What is the date? enero

UNIT 2 THEME: La hora, la fecha y el tiempo[Time, date & the weather]

el día dayla noche nightel reloj clock¿Qué hora es? What time is it? Es la una. It's one o'clock.Son las ____ It's ___ o'clock. (2-12)… y cuarto quarter past (:15)… menos cuarto quarter before (:45)… y media half past (:30)de la mañana in the morning

de la tarde in the afternoonde la noche in the evening, at night

el tiempo weather¿Qué tiempo hace? How is the weather?Hace calor. It's hot.Hace frío. It's cold.Hace fresco. It's cool.Hace viento. It's windy.Hace sol. It's sunny.Hace buen tiempo. It's good weather.Hace mal tiempo. It’s bad weather.Está nublado. It's cloudy.Llueve. It rains. / It's raining.Está lloviendo It’s raining. (right now)Nieva. It snows. / It's snowing.Está nevando It’s snowing. (right now)la primavera springel verano summerel otoño fall, autumnel invierno winterla lluvia the rainla nieve the snowla temperatura temperature

Page 4: 1... · Web viewthe week el fin de semana the weekend ¿Cuál es la fecha? What is the date? enero

UNIT 2 THEME: La hora, la fecha y el tiempo[Time, date & the weather]


Memorized forms of the verbs SER, HACER, and TENER. Telling the day of the week in Spanish. Telling the date in Spanish. Telling the weather in Spanish. Telling your age in Spanish Telling time in Spanish.


Reversed seasons in southern hemisphere. Differences in telling time & date in Spanish countries. General weather in Spanish Speaking countries.


Vocabulary quizzes Telling the day & date quiz Telling time quiz Speaking Performance [Ask & answer personal/basic questions]

o Both students will ask & answer questions relating to: Name How are you? Where are you from? Phone number Age Birthday

o Student A will ask student B about: The date The weather

o Student B will ask student B about: The day of the week The time

Page 5: 1... · Web viewthe week el fin de semana the weekend ¿Cuál es la fecha? What is the date? enero

UNIT 2 THEME: La hora, la fecha y el tiempo[Time, date & the weather]


To ask what day it is, say: ¿Que día es hoy?To answer say: Hoy es name of day of the week.

To ask what day tomorrow is, say: ¿Qué día es mañana?To answer say: Mañana es name of day of the week.

The days of the week are not capitalized in Spanish. Note that the week is considered to begin on Monday in most Hispanic countries

To ask the date, say: ¿Cuál es la fecha?To answer say:

(Hoy) Es el # of date de name of month(Today) It is the _____ of _____.


Hoy es el dos de marzo.Today is the second of March.

Mi cumpleaños es el dieciocho de noviembre.My birthday is the eighteenth of November.

EXCEPTION – the 1st of the month Use the word primero (1st) instead of uno (1).

Mañana es el primero de mayo.Tomorrow is the first of May.

The months are not capitalized in Spanish.

To ask someone’s age say: ¿Cuántos años tienes?[literally – “how many years do you have?”

To answer say: Tengo #of years old años. (literally – I have # years.)

To ask the time in Spanish, say: ¿Qué hora es? [literally – What hour is it?]

If it is one o’clock [1:00] say: Es la una.

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UNIT 2 THEME: La hora, la fecha y el tiempo[Time, date & the weather]

If it is any other hour [2:00 – 12:00] say: Son las followed by the # of the hour.

Son las cuatro. [4:00]

For times between :01 and :30, you add the word y and the # of minutes after the hour.


Son las cinco y veinte. [5:20]Son las once y dos. [11:02]

For the quarter [:15] and half [:30] hours, the words cuarto and media are used instead of the words for fifteen and thirty.


Son las seis y cuarto. [6:15]Son las doce y media. [12:30]

For times between :31 and :59, you go up on the hour to the next, add the word menos and subtract minutes back from the next hour.


Son las ocho menos diez. [7:50]Son las cuatro menos veinticinco. [3:35]

For quarter till the hour [:45], a special word is used.


Son las diez menos cuarto. [9:45]Son las tres menos cuarto. [2:45]

Watch out for:

Es la una menos diez. [12:50]Son las dos menos cuarto. [1:45]