vv IBMWWMBWI nfi hZ jTTQ J5?; PyK3wT 1'ioin. Snn rrnncitco: "i Mongolia August IK Evening BULLETIN For San rrnnciscos Some lrtc their nerve, but those WllliGliiiltm August 17 who do stick, uln out, became gool From Vancouver: advertising in good newspaper ft Mukura Aupust ID boun.1 to Irn; iciult Tor Vancouver: '.cnlaiidla August H 3;30 ED IHTi O IN Has helped to make many Honolulu merchants successful ESTABLISHED 1882. HO. 4099. 30 PAGES HONOLULU. TERRITORY OF HAWAII, WEDNESDAY, AUOUST 17, 1910 10 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS, .1 ' V ; i - j t 1 V 7 - ? 5 Va Bi ?W H t H a ROOSEVELT SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 17. Re-tut- from the primaries held yes- terday .throughout the State, under tho operation of the new direct pri- mary law, rivc a sweeping victory for the insurgent Republicans or what it known as the Lincoln-Rooseve- lt League, Hindu Johnson was nominated for (locrnor'by a vote of fifty thousand ovrr Curry, his chief opponent. The others on the list trailed far be- hind. William Kent has defeated HcKmlny in the Second District. Kent was one of the staunch supporters of Francs J. Hency in the graft prosecutions. In Southern California, Stenhcns has defeated Congressman McT.ach-lnn- . and it is possible that Kirby will dcfral Congressman Smith, al- though the returns indicate a .very tlov vote Judge Works of the Circuit Court will probably receive the endorse, mcut for United States Senator, the ballot securing an advisory vote. HONEYMOON FOR MAYOR. , Muvor Torn lin licou granted ii Mtcallnu extending from uguit 2fi lu Soptoniboi "J during will Ii tliu" Ills Honor lutein to pay a vlalt to Ki ii.i. Tho asked for leivo Of uli toine tit last night h meeting of tho Kiiporvlsois mi gt anted KING OF THE Zealaiidia's Recruit Ready . To Fight All Coiners There vaa a IiIb'i degree of heat to ho found wllhlii tins toiilliirs of tho fllcrooni or tho new ami palatlil Caiiaillau Aiifiliiillnn llnoi Cealamlln iluripK'tho fnw Iioiiih that t"ol i malncit at tho pent of Honolulu. A lariru ninouut of tho loriiillty Old not orlKluato fioin co.il, hut m pioiluiKl Ii) oiiu miii rrirult who had ui'uintl pi'inihlnu to Join tho iuv and uorl, hlx pnih.iKD to Van ioiiM'1 lif tslandliiK hid w.ttcli at tlio fiiriiairn. , llowovor, this una not tho fauso of tho ilulay In tlio sailing of tlio Zoalniulla, . Tho iiRPiita had an noiiiK il that tho Klcaniiii woubl ho dlspifhi'il for the Noil Ii v. est co it at 'J o'llodt, Tills houi airivril anil niM'ial aulisi (iiuiit pcilodii worn cov ond Ify tlio hands of tho clock It v,in i o'tlo ): In tho mornlni; hefoto llio llnoa woio tiiBt tiff and tho Zca l.inilla, with homo foity additional iicsmi;orH from llonoliilii, htcamed thioimh tlio ihatiuol and out to Mia, i ii routo In tho Can ulliin ports. Il'.'twinu II nMixk and mldnlKht Ihnio woio all Kinds of oxiltcmout koIiik tlio I oiinds In Ki'iiliintlln f idea. It iiviiii ifiiilioil tho hrltlRo lloil, of tho mm llnor. mid InoiiKht Captain .1 I) S. I'lillllps from out a tnund ftltiniliur to tho lower por- tion of tho ship 'llio Zoalandli arilvnd at Honolulu jiistunlny aftornoon altoi a (pilot voiiK0 riom tho Alltlpodra, but was niliiuB tseyoral nion Mi tho flimonm Vmtorday pmmiIiii? tho ohlcf oukIii-to- r ri'culml an npplliatlon fiom a man who had bicn loft, at Honolulu (Continued on Pap,c 3) Stlss Ini'Z Slulliolland of New York, who whb liallod as tho pnt- - llcst woman" In tho London suffiaKn liundo, Is thamplouliiK mnn i nlknl KnylUh iiiovi'iiicntn. Plan Is For To Stump For Tho Diinoir.UH arc planning to ilo a Hlnnt the Jlku of Willi Ii Iihh never lioen nocn In llio lsl mtl bofiiio It Involves nothing lmn tlimi lliu liupoitatloh of a ic.it llo Con- gressman lo iln u KtiinipliiK Jour on tho tat Inns Wands 1 lit CoilgllSSIliail III IlllCltlllll In llipiiseutnllve C'aiiillcr who visited llic Ishnds last ur as .t member of tlic Congressional parly . It appc i in Hint I'.indlci liked tliu most In, they Ifirftug nnil tlio people In mot miliilu am getting lo will that foio Into execution or llio Die tint should iiiiiiIioih of art sltonglv In 16 ai'ipi ilntautcr Tlio fawn' or Tin Idea to ouch took remark llto Continued on Pace 4 ii J) Court Views Wreck Of Garden And Soaks Accused i: N Voollci wan found KUllly of inatkloiiH Injury at tho I'ollio Coin I thin iminiliiK and wax lined $1"' and U)l by liidrfo Aiidradc Tho i.iku uro'o throui;h Vmllcr slashliiK a niimliiM of phintH and trios In the Kiounds of a lottiiRO on Kamidiainuha IV Itoad, Knllhl 'llio tomplalnltiK wltnraH toHtllhil lo tho (lam iko (lone but Voollor, who his own case, said that bu (Continued on Fap;c 3) (E tHpnlal Coritspoudcni-- August IB V M If ntblin uioas tho well Known ilork at the jMaiuia k'oa whliif, Is llio lust llllo iiian to ho draggtil Into tho limelight as a politic poiKlblllt) Tho Itopub Ikau pirty loaders aio ngurlng on miming lit as a (andidalo fin the House, ami ho Miyu that ho Is willing to mako a tiy at It same turtles flguio that Jim l.owls may be id to run for tho Senate wbllo P rnandor Is uImi en of as u ltepuhlliaii laudldato fiom Ibis sldo of llio klaiid for tho upper houso lit, I'm Is and Knmauoha, tho former Iwo old smators aio being moiitloiiid as possibilities tho Sen nto from tliu other sldo of tho Island Whin It ionics lo candldalis for the House fiom tho wlndwaid sldo ouo Is glten tho thoko of Affonxo, Moina till, Kidakollo I'itrsiminuiis IVrnan-dc- z fwho has ttiilnl Unit ho would lirefcr llio House win io he at homo, to tho Si and Kalllmal, who was de.fntteil when ho rati last elect Inn. I'mm tho leeward bldo Ilolslelu I) vld Kauplko (of South Komi) and M K. Mnkekau tiro mentioned POLICE ALARM FOR DR. MACKALL IU Ilrneo V Maekall City Lilly. Hllii ihf-- Ii Rim In pic pirn f'u tliu r unn ilgu a time ngo boinc i incmboied CiiiiIIit anil his el it irn nl. It was duldol tlmt It would In) a desirable thing for ili(l Demo train to gel Candler hero as the ole pluilit their show anil weoid Ingly inking lihn IT lie would I r willing lo ilo n cinipilgn Blunt licic tills fa, I Ilo annum il lli.it lie would do It If lie wire cillid on Now tlio llmiocrnts In Ilo Islands licio r irrj tlio m Ii iu dcpjllt'd In' plan Man mado rom.it k ho like tlio paity lo ictinu renew tho plan is iinterrlfleil this down lumliirtcd ) HII.O il Tho India spok (low for1 finis mile) whin shell wioto uadi TO THE COAST Williclmina Carried Many Tourists And Russians Out of clKhly si uruKu p isi'iiKorn who booked foi Km IrauUsio by tho Matt mi NavlKitlou stouui'i Wllliol iiilua Unit Killi I for tho loast at ten o'clock this nioinliu- - almost tho ciitlic lot wctc latoly ariluMl Itiisslau liuml riinnts Tboso pioplo cri'iili'd no llttlo rum liinnt as I hoy wint iihoiid tho llnor at tlio MatKon wharf this niornlni; Tin 'ai 'uk of thill effiils oh lioaul (Continued on Page 3) TO Hawaii's hospitality was iuaulfo.iteiI last night at llio homo of V V At hi Not only vas It tilled "ith Hiwailan dilleicliM piipaitd esp chilly for llio honoreil iiiullhlnls, but It was likewise Instefully dot orated with red and w lillo e.iiintlou lels. Intertwined hand soim I) with giLonuy and inallos llio In in was m ranged for the nth hits of Htnufmd University who ur rived yesterday and continued llieli joiuney on llio now Cuundlaii Austru linn liner i alandln Athl Jr who itlLiidiil Stanfoid was responsible for he hiuc'ss of tho party Ilo had known tint his ft. How students In Stanford who coming uml acrordlng ly mado airangomonts for a genuine Hawaiian limit. Tlio tables wero Inadt d down with a Mtrkty of llawiliau dlshos, width wore ptrtaktu or by tho guosts Wlillo Biatwl nt tho long table, the visitors wero showered with carnation lols of red and while llio gnosis wire wallid upon by lio young ladles, Miss litno Itoyil Miss Watllo Holt, Miss Orllla Itlco, Miss Sarah I'amaiioha, Miss Itubecta Aehl and Miss Sarah Kcnlil. Shoitls nflei the visitors lauilod yia tctdny iiftnrntMin AchlJr, and Stnnluv Kenuody took Ihiir collogo iimtes out In automobiles to Alia, Tall and othor points of lutoit'st i During the entertainment n Hawaii and an ipifttet club (urulslioil tho music County iihysleinns has liwn giantid " a police alarm box and the sanio will BISHOP ESTATE SEEKS ANSWER, soon bo Installed at tin losldemo at r Dodge ropR-henlln- tliu Hlshop cost not exceeding one Inunlri d and Ustato has forwarded a rommuukii fifty dollais It is lonlenikd that tho tlon to tlio Roard of Siipcuvlmrs ask private alaini system lonnettliu with ing Hint homo action bo taken lu e iiollro lieadquaiti'is v. HI provo of gaid to Hie proposul of tho lllbhop setvlcn to the illv physjcl.ju In lint Kslnto 111 the nuUler of giving ceilnln he can bo suminoued with far gieator parcels of laud to bo used In llio wld ptomptuess. oiling of Nuuauu Avenub I FORGES TO LAW AND HELP OUT Big Island Politicians Have Scheme On Foot WANT SUPERVISOR E REPRESENTING ALL HAWAII lHpocl.il 'Corri'spoudoiiLP ) 1.0. iik 1.". The rcpoit or tho lommltleo or tin llotrd of Trade, hhowlng tho loudltlous pro ail I iik In tho niattor of the llouolll roul (on- - tiarts, tho deplorable lonilltlon of the inunty, and llnally tlio siorchlni? londcinmtlon b tho llullotlu of tlio prcsont methods of tho Hoard of SuporvlFors, whero oery member Is fiKhtltiK for tho benefit of his homo district, have all loiuhlni'd lu mako Jlho polltlilans, p irtlrularly thiKc who liao tuelr linhll.it lu tho i unty ofll os, alt up Mid ttilvf tiolko VailoiiH ro.uedlos aro boliiK ills- - lllHKIll. " One has found particular faor iiuoUK nioinliois of holli tho Hnpubll. i an and tho Homo talli parties, ami (Continued on Fm:e 3) llclga Is Past Brcf Up ; Much Cargo Lost It would appear as If the salvors! "onld koiiio lint Utile of value from the wreck of tho Ilrltlsh birkeutliie llilga now lying off Knllti nit neai Wnlklkl Captain Mlllei xt III eontlnira work of dismantling (he Ilclgu of uiiib lit tings and miteiliil as ho inn biciiro wllhout endangering llio mfcty of bin ideatner the lames Makee, The silvag kIo imor ictiirned from- - 'Continued on Pace 3) FOR "I bellcvn that Norman Watklns w,oiild ho a good Mayor foi Honolulu, and a Unit i Ian i inndlilate foi tho party," said a business man of llio city this imn nlng This bringing In of Mr Watklns Js an entirely now politic nl feature Whether tho.iommont moans that a seanh Is being mado for u lompro-mlb- o candid ilo as a result of the old light ovir tho mayoialty, Is not known Nor is It known that Mr Watklns lias been cnnsultiil 'llio bus- iness mini bringing tho matter up mild ho thought Watklns was a irtan whoso candidal y would appeal to tho busi- ness nun of tho city and county FAMOUS VIOLINIST HOTEL UUESTS lllhol Canflold, tho famous vio- lin virtuoso, aicompanled by I'rof. Andeison of Now York, will enter- tain tho diners at the lnxandr Young Cifo on Monday, Wednesday, Pilil.iv and Saturday nights Tuesday and Thursday nights she will bo liturd at the Young Hotel ilhiliiK-riiun- i. ou tho sixth llonr, and at the Monnu Hotel ou Sunday night U. S. And Can To In iIikc tho property owners of the Maliukn site, whkli has been select- ed for tho l'eiler.il building, lan not t tuiio to an amicable aRiocment with the (imerniiiont nor llio prlco of their piopirU. thou lonikinnatlon pnx ooiIIiikh wilt ho Instituted by United Slates Attorney Ilrctkons Ashed this morning what would bo done lu tho event that no aurcc-men- t tonld he arrived at, Attornoy llreikotis stated that all llio properly-ownei- would be subpoenaed to ap- pear In tho IVilcrnl Court heforo tho Jury and there their easo would ho heard and derided upon Cooper Gives Him Six Months More Than S Paebeio was this morning ren-tini- lo linprlKonmeiit at hard labor for a period of one' year and six months for assault on another 1'orto Illiai tbn i.iso having been conllniied since last weik I'a,' hei ii and Sofereno Cru. atl irltt.il another I'orli) Hican, ouo armid w tl a knife and tho other with a boltlo When arraigned last week 'u, thti (Continued on Pace 3) I' Hanson Kellttt, Jr, is and hns been drawing threo dollars a day from tlm coffers of the Clly and County of Honolulu as payment for his services as a dark to Itoad .Supervisor J" K I'aelo of Koolaupoko dlstrlet I Now, Kollell Is alleged a bright and lonspknnus ilgurn In tlio HepuUilcan stronghold Ilo Is surrounded on ov-- I cry hand by tho unlerrlflcd followers 'of tho Immortal lefforson and Jack- son Tho Kellott presento In the midst of Democracy has proviI u thorn In the sldo of mure than one ardent party worker and hence comes the story that the Democrats of the windward dlstrlet aro out for the po- litical scalp of Kellett and Incident- ally would long ago have shorn him of his three dollar a day job J K I'aelo, road Buporvlsor, has I eon visited by Hie members of the City anil County Itoad Committee I'aolo Is n porti d to have Informed Chairman (Julnn and tho othor on Page 3) m PAIUS. Aur. 17. Aviator LeBIanr in a monoplane won the race over a 485-mil- e course today in one minuti under twelve hours. TWO LOST KIEL, Germany. Auk 17. Two German navv torpedo deitroyers were sunk todav-b- a collision during ma neuvers, No lives were lost. ; ii c ' v. jj im Ua .& .'aaifeiA-i.L- .. The Jui would fx tho Millie tho property In dispute, ho Mild If either tlio (internment or property owners nio not .iturwl nc pauca over luc with award whkb is mado hx Thi it the iirtt time in hittorv th the Jury on the property under con- - two percent have made such a fligl dcmnatloti, then an appeal tint be taken to the I'ulted Stalls flu nil Court, and tho taso would ho taken to the California circuit of this lonrt "I hope this thing Is going to h" settled amicably," said lire kens , dont want to have niiythlng to do about It, and If It (an bo arranged out of 'ourt It wilt bo mn h better for e cry one to Sale Of Stock At Small Price Tho euro of M I) Monsnrrat against his trustee In bankrupt y T I' Utnslng, for tho hi every ol tot tain stoeks which he ilulms were sold (i1 less than their market va no and ' ,hkli trnnsaitlon ho niiusoi A t'otiko of purthasliig them timing)! unfair means, wa lonHnueii until August 21 by Judge ltohertsou In tlio lVdornl Court litis morning (Continued on Page 3) Auoi'dliig to llgures which (lov ernoi Ticar Is Incorporating In his icHiit to Wnshingtoif, thoie U about $'.',01)0,000 Invested In automobiles In llio Territory of Hawaii Tbigre aio on tho different Island hlil maelilnos, and at a low estl mate they nlust have originally tost on an average $2000 e.uh This llg lire would probably bo holow tho at t it til avcrago cost of mnihlnes here but that as an estimate, then 'llio peoplo of Hawaii have tied up In uutouiohlks, which are doteilorat lug every day, $1,72'.!. QOn As tho roglstiallon shows, ihnie ire iiioio by far In tlm illy and count) of Honolulu than any place iilse, about s of tho total number of machines being owned on Oaliu lly counties the llgiuea aro. Ilniiii uln, 5 .'..',. Hawaii, U'J, Maul. 10U. Kauai, 7." lesttmaledi 'I ho flgdren for Kauai aro not exact, but approx- - mate, as there was no legtslratlon of machines there at the tluio the report was made These llgures foi giibolliie buggies wero (implied on luiio 3D, tho end of tho IW.il ye.ii, and slnic that time the number has hit leased tonslder-alil- v hi that the total Investment In I machines In the Islands todny Is far ore than $2,000,000 ADVICKS furnished by the AssoelU d Oil Compiny t tho effict that ho ship Falls of Clyde sailed from 'iavlota Aug b, and Marion Chll (ott sallod from Mo'iterey Aug II both bound foi Hoiiolu u and oil laden Mrs Inlin Hugliis at the sultrage llleotlllg ill (laleshiiu; III worod sevoral Stnti orlkla'a who .no Decking icelectloii. WAR ! DEMOCRATS TO BRING STUMP SPEAKER Californi Insurgers Victors Democrats Will Bring Candler Nearly Completed Congressman Bourbons ACIlfHOST ATHLETES AN AT AMEND MAYORALTY ENTERTAINS Appeals Possible TWO Cfflsi On Condemnation Phjnnc Both Fort Street Owners Carry Case California Court PACHECO GETS Accomplice WANT SCALP OFKEUEH MONOPMANE MAKESRECORD TORPEDO BOATS AVukatetfitiiiiy Aiaiifa imkMkm:(tritm kaiit(W.rititiu' WANTS DEAL DECLARED OFF Monsarrat Objects Aflight ' DEAL, Enp;.. Aur 17,Moissart. f Spanish aviator from Pariv arriv here today in an aeroplane, accoi .iwJwnicJ bv a imscnccr. with whs inpiuri unmin the taking art the iRooseve WillFigh HEW YORK, Aup. 17. Clmira 1. m tit the State. Republican co m.Uce stated today that the fight mrke Colonel Roosevelt the tcitj rary chahnvm of the State conv ticn will be tarried from tl5j itr: cs to inc noor ot tnc convent itself. Sugar Up 4.425 SAN FRANCISCO. Anir, 1G.-- ar: 00 decrees tctt, 4 425c. Prcvl nuotation. 4.39c. Beets: 88 analy 14s, 10 par.ty. 5.17c. Prcv nuotation, 14 lOd. GAYNOR'S CONDITIO NEV YORK. Aur. 17. Ma Gayncr's sccictary stated today! Mr. Gayncr is not out of danger. ( public Ins been informed from 3 to day that the Mayor is max good progress toward health, bu annenrs that those neatest stricken man's bcdr.de arc not o confident of the outcome, , DAILY SCORES G BIG LEAGUI (Special Bulletin Cable) SAN FRANCISCO. Atiir 17.' secies in the big leagues' p'.ay tQ aic: '1 Naticnal Ph ladclphia 7. Cin nati 3; Philadelphia 1. Cinciun.it? Brooklyn 7, Chicago 5; Brooklyj Pblra'"v ? Boston 4. St? lotus New York 1, Pittsburg 2. American Wasliingldh 2, Be 4; Cleveland 5, Philadelphia 8. .A Stindlnn of American LeiQUe, Au Club I'hllucklpbla Detroit . IloHton Now York Cli vejand Washington Chicago . .. . Standing Naticnal League, Au Club Pittsburg . Chicago New Yoi X Phltadclphln Clncliiuntl .. Tlrookly n .. St Umls . lloston . . Wi 70 SO no no 47 1". of V 51 CI 47 4S 13 40 40 41 Optimism Is sometime licit' go of on ei lone. U V G7j - 41 31 41 51 ', -- 57

1 V Va Evening BULLETIN - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17542/1/...will dcfral Congressman Smith, al-though the returns indicate a .very tlov vote

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Page 1: 1 V Va Evening BULLETIN - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17542/1/...will dcfral Congressman Smith, al-though the returns indicate a .very tlov vote



1'ioin. Snn rrnncitco: "iMongolia August IK Evening BULLETINFor San rrnnciscos Some lrtc their nerve, but thoseWllliGliiiltm August 17 who do stick, uln out, became gool

From Vancouver: advertising in good newspaper ftMukura Aupust ID boun.1 to Irn; iciult

Tor Vancouver:'.cnlaiidla August H 3;30 ED IHTi O IN Has helped to make many Honolulu merchants successful


' V




j t 1 V 7 - ? 5 Va Bi ?W H t H



SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 17. Re-tut-

from the primaries held yes-

terday .throughout the State, undertho operation of the new direct pri-mary law, rivc a sweeping victoryfor the insurgent Republicans orwhat it known as the Lincoln-Rooseve- lt

League,Hindu Johnson was nominated for

(locrnor'by a vote of fifty thousandovrr Curry, his chief opponent. Theothers on the list trailed far be-

hind.William Kent has defeated

HcKmlny in the SecondDistrict. Kent was one of the staunchsupporters of Francs J. Hency inthe graft prosecutions.

In Southern California, Stenhcnshas defeated Congressman McT.ach-lnn- .

and it is possible that Kirbywill dcfral Congressman Smith, al-

though the returns indicate a .verytlov vote

Judge Works of the Circuit Courtwill probably receive the endorse,mcut for United States Senator, theballot securing an advisory vote.


Muvor Torn lin licou granted ii

Mtcallnu extending from uguit 2filu Soptoniboi "J during will Ii tliu"Ills Honor lutein to pay a vlalt toKi ii.i. Tho asked for leivo Of ulitoine tit last night h meeting of thoKiiporvlsois mi gt anted


Zealaiidia's Recruit Ready

.To Fight All


There vaa a IiIb'i degree of heatto ho found wllhlii tins toiilliirs oftho fllcrooni or tho new ami palatlilCaiiaillau Aiifiliiillnn llnoi CealamllniluripK'tho fnw Iioiiih that t"ol i

malncit at tho pent of Honolulu.A lariru ninouut of tho loriiillty

Old not orlKluato fioin co.il, hut mpioiluiKl Ii) oiiu miii rrirult whohad ui'uintl pi'inihlnu to Join thoiuv and uorl, hlx pnih.iKD to Van

ioiiM'1 lif tslandliiK hid w.ttcli at tliofiiriiairn. ,

llowovor, this una not tho fausoof tho ilulay In tlio sailing of tlioZoalniulla, . Tho iiRPiita had annoiiiK il that tho Klcaniiii woubl hodlspifhi'il for the Noil Ii v. est co itat 'J o'llodt, Tills houi airivril anilniM'ial aulisi (iiuiit pcilodii worn covond Ify tlio hands of tho clock Itv,in i o'tlo ): In tho mornlni; hefotollio llnoa woio tiiBt tiff and tho Zcal.inilla, with homo foity additionaliicsmi;orH from llonoliilii, htcamed

thioimh tlio ihatiuol and out to Mia,

i ii routo In tho Can ulliin ports.Il'.'twinu II nMixk and mldnlKht

Ihnio woio all Kinds of oxiltcmoutkoIiik tlio I oiinds In Ki'iiliintlln fidea. It iiviiii ifiiilioil tho hrltlRolloil, of tho mm llnor. mid InoiiKhtCaptain .1 I) S. I'lillllps from outa tnund ftltiniliur to tho lower por-

tion of tho ship'llio Zoalandli arilvnd at Honolulu

jiistunlny aftornoon altoi a (pilot

voiiK0 riom tho Alltlpodra, but was

niliiuB tseyoral nion Mi tho flimonmVmtorday pmmiIiii? tho ohlcf oukIii-to- r

ri'culml an npplliatlon fiom aman who had bicn loft, at Honolulu

(Continued on Pap,c 3)

Stlss Ini'Z Slulliolland of NewYork, who whb liallod as tho pnt- -

llcst woman" In tho London suffiaKnliundo, Is thamplouliiK mnn i nlknlKnylUh iiiovi'iiicntn.

Plan Is ForTo Stump

ForTho Diinoir.UH arc planning to

ilo a Hlnnt the Jlku of Willi Ii

Iihh never lioen nocn In llio lsl mtl

bofiiio It Involves nothing lmn tlimi

lliu liupoitatloh of a ic.it llo Con-gressman lo iln u KtiinipliiK Jour ontho tat Inns Wands

1 lit CoilgllSSIliail III IlllCltlllll In

llipiiseutnllve C'aiiillcr who visitedllic Ishnds last ur as .t member oftlic Congressional parly. It appc i in Hint I'.indlci liked tliu


In, they

Ifirftugnnil tlio people In mot miliilu am getting lo

will that foio Into execution or llioDie tint should iiiiiiIioih of art sltonglv In

16 ai'ipi ilntautcr Tlio fawn' or Tin Idea toouch took remark llto Continued on Pace 4

ii J)

Court Views Wreck Of

Garden And SoaksAccused

i: N Voollci wan found KUllly ofinatkloiiH Injury at tho I'ollio Coin Ithin iminiliiK and wax lined $1"' andU)l by liidrfo Aiidradc Tho i.ikuuro'o throui;h Vmllcr slashliiKa niimliiM of phintH and trios In theKiounds of a lottiiRO on KamidiainuhaIV Itoad, Knllhl

'llio tomplalnltiK wltnraH toHtllhil lotho (lam iko (lone but Voollor, who

his own case, said that bu(Continued on Fap;c 3)


tHpnlal Coritspoudcni--August IB V M If ntblin

uioas tho well Known ilork at thejMaiuia k'oa whliif, Is llio lust lllloiiian to ho draggtil Into tho limelightas a politic poiKlblllt) Tho ItopubIkau pirty loaders aio ngurlng onmiming lit as a (andidalo fin theHouse, ami ho Miyu that ho Is willingto mako a tiy at It

same turtles flguio that Jiml.owls may be id to run for thoSenate wbllo P rnandor Is uImien of as u ltepuhlliaii laudldato fiomIbis sldo of llio klaiid for tho upperhouso

lit, I'm Is and Knmauoha, thoformer Iwo old smators aio beingmoiitloiiid as possibilities tho Sennto from tliu other sldo of tho Island

Whin It ionics lo candldalis for theHouse fiom tho wlndwaid sldo ouo Is

glten tho thoko of Affonxo, Moinatill, Kidakollo I'itrsiminuiis IVrnan-dc- z

fwho has ttiilnl Unit ho wouldlirefcr llio House win io he athomo, to tho Si and Kalllmal,who was de.fntteil when ho rati lastelect Inn.

I'mm tho leeward bldo Ilolslelu I)vld Kauplko (of South Komi) and M

K. Mnkekau tiro mentioned


IU Ilrneo V Maekall City

Lilly. Hllii ihf-- Ii Rim In picpirn f'u tliu r unn ilgu a timengo boinc i incmboied CiiiiIIit anilhis el it irn nl.

It was duldol tlmt It would In) adesirable thing for ili(l Demo

train to gel Candler hero as the olepluilit their show anil weoidIngly inking lihn IT lie wouldI r willing lo ilo n cinipilgn Blunt licictills fa, I Ilo annum il lli.it lie woulddo It If lie wire cillid on

Now tlio llmiocrnts In IloIslands licio r irrj tliom Ii iu dcpjllt'd In' plan Manmado rom.it k ho like tlio paitylo ictinu renew tho plan isiinterrlfleil this















Williclmina Carried Many

Tourists And


Out of clKhly si uruKu p isi'iiKornwho booked foi Km IrauUsio by thoMatt mi NavlKitlou stouui'i Wlllioliiilua Unit Killi I for tho loast at teno'clock this nioinliu- - almost tho ciitliclot wctc latoly ariluMl Itiisslau liumlriinnts

Tboso pioplo cri'iili'd no llttlo rumliinnt as I hoy wint iihoiid tho llnorat tlio MatKon wharf this niornlni;Tin 'ai 'uk of thill effiils oh lioaul

(Continued on Page 3)


Hawaii's hospitality was iuaulfo.iteiIlast night at llio homo of V V At hiNot only vas It tilled "ith HiwailandilleicliM piipaitd esp chilly for lliohonoreil iiiullhlnls, but It was likewiseInstefully dot orated with red andw lillo e.iiintlou lels. Intertwined handsoim I) with giLonuy and inallos

llio In in was m ranged for the nthhits of Htnufmd University who urrived yesterday and continued llielijoiuney on llio now Cuundlaii Austrulinn liner i alandln Athl Jr whoitlLiidiil Stanfoid was responsible forhe hiuc'ss of tho party Ilo had

known tint his ft. How students InStanford who coming uml acrordlngly mado airangomonts for a genuineHawaiian limit.

Tlio tables wero Inadt d down witha Mtrkty of llawiliau dlshos, widthwore ptrtaktu or by tho guosts

Wlillo Biatwl nt tho long table, thevisitors wero showered with carnationlols of red and while

llio gnosis wire wallid upon by lioyoung ladles, Miss litno Itoyil MissWatllo Holt, Miss Orllla Itlco, MissSarah I'amaiioha, Miss Itubecta Aehland Miss Sarah Kcnlil.

Shoitls nflei the visitors lauilod yiatctdny iiftnrntMin AchlJr, and StnnluvKenuody took Ihiir collogo iimtes outIn automobiles to Alia, Tall and othorpoints of lutoit'st

i During the entertainment n Hawaiiand an ipifttet club (urulslioil tho music

County iihysleinns has liwn giantid "a police alarm box and the sanio will BISHOP ESTATE SEEKS ANSWER,soon bo Installed at tin losldemo at r Dodge ropR-henlln- tliu Hlshop

cost not exceeding one Inunlri d and Ustato has forwarded a rommuukiififty dollais It is lonlenikd that tho tlon to tlio Roard of Siipcuvlmrs askprivate alaini system lonnettliu with ing Hint homo action bo taken lu e

iiollro lieadquaiti'is v. HI provo of gaid to Hie proposul of tho lllbhop

setvlcn to the illv physjcl.ju In lint Kslnto 111 the nuUler of giving ceilnlnhe can bo suminoued with far gieator parcels of laud to bo used In llio wldptomptuess. oiling of Nuuauu Avenub I




Big Island Politicians

Have SchemeOn Foot



lHpocl.il 'Corri'spoudoiiLP )

1.0. iik 1.". The rcpoit or tholommltleo or tin llotrd of Trade,hhowlng tho loudltlous pro ail I iik Intho niattor of the llouolll roul (on- -

tiarts, tho deplorable lonilltlon ofthe inunty, and llnally tlio siorchlni?londcinmtlon b tho llullotluof tlio prcsont methods of tho Hoardof SuporvlFors, whero oery memberIs fiKhtltiK for tho benefit of hishomo district, have all loiuhlni'd lumako Jlho polltlilans, p irtlrularlythiKc who liao tuelr linhll.it lu tho

i unty ofll os, alt up Mid ttilvf tiolkoVailoiiH ro.uedlos aro boliiK ills- -

lllHKIll. "

One has found particular faoriiuoUK nioinliois of holli tho Hnpubll.

i an and tho Homo talli parties, ami(Continued on Fm:e 3)

llclga Is Past Brcf

Up ; Much Cargo


It would appear as If the salvors!"onld koiiio lint Utile of value fromthe wreck of tho Ilrltlsh birkeutliiellilga now lying off Knllti nit neaiWnlklkl

Captain Mlllei xt III eontlnira workof dismantling (he Ilclgu of uiiib littings and miteiliil as ho inn biciirowllhout endangering llio mfcty of binideatner the lames Makee,

The silvag kIo imor ictiirned from- -

'Continued on Pace 3)


"I bellcvn that Norman Watklnsw,oiild ho a good Mayor foi Honolulu,and a Unit i Ian i inndlilate foi tho

party," said a business manof llio city this imn nlng

This bringing In of Mr Watklns Jsan entirely now politic nl featureWhether tho.iommont moans that aseanh Is being mado for u lompro-mlb- o

candid ilo as a result of the oldlight ovir tho mayoialty, Is notknown Nor is It known that MrWatklns lias been cnnsultiil 'llio bus-

iness mini bringing tho matter up mild

ho thought Watklns was a irtan whosocandidal y would appeal to tho busi-

ness nun of tho city and county



lllhol Canflold, tho famous vio-

lin virtuoso, aicompanled by I'rof.Andeison of Now York, will enter-

tain tho diners at the lnxandrYoung Cifo on Monday, Wednesday,Pilil.iv and Saturday nights

Tuesday and Thursday nights shewill bo liturd at the Young HotelilhiliiK-riiun- i. ou tho sixth llonr, andat the Monnu Hotel ou Sunday night

U. S. AndCan To

In iIikc tho property owners of theMaliukn site, whkli has been select-

ed for tho l'eiler.il building, lan not

t tuiio to an amicable aRiocment withthe (imerniiiont nor llio prlco of

their piopirU. thou lonikinnatlonpnx ooiIIiikh wilt ho Instituted by

United Slates Attorney IlrctkonsAshed this morning what would

bo done lu tho event that no aurcc-men- t

tonld he arrived at, Attornoyllreikotis stated that all llio properly-ownei-

would be subpoenaed to ap-

pear In tho IVilcrnl Court heforo thoJury and there their easo would ho

heard and derided upon

Cooper Gives Him Six

Months More Than

S Paebeio was this morning ren-tini-

lo linprlKonmeiit at hard laborfor a period of one' year and six

months for assault on another 1'orto

Illiai tbn i.iso having been conllniiedsince last weik

I'a,' hei ii and Sofereno Cru. atl irltt.ilanother I'orli) Hican, ouo armid w tla knife and tho other with a boltloWhen arraigned last week 'u, thti

(Continued on Pace 3)

I' Hanson Kellttt, Jr, is and hnsbeen drawing threo dollars a day fromtlm coffers of the Clly and County ofHonolulu as payment for his servicesas a dark to Itoad .Supervisor J" K

I'aelo of Koolaupoko dlstrletI Now, Kollell Is alleged a bright andlonspknnus ilgurn In tlio HepuUilcanstronghold Ilo Is surrounded on ov-- Icry hand by tho unlerrlflcd followers

'of tho Immortal lefforson and Jack-son Tho Kellott presento In themidst of Democracy has proviI uthorn In the sldo of mure than oneardent party worker and hence comesthe story that the Democrats of thewindward dlstrlet aro out for the po-

litical scalp of Kellett and Incident-ally would long ago have shorn himof his three dollar a day job

J K I'aelo, road Buporvlsor, hasI eon visited by Hie members of theCity anil County Itoad CommitteeI'aolo Is n porti d to have InformedChairman (Julnn and tho othor

on Page 3)m

PAIUS. Aur. 17. Aviator LeBIanrin a monoplane won the race over a485-mil- e course today in one minutiunder twelve hours.


KIEL, Germany. Auk 17. TwoGerman navv torpedo deitroyers weresunk todav-b- a collision during maneuvers, No lives were lost. ;

ii c'

v. jj im Ua .& .'aaifeiA-i.L- ..

The Jui would fx tho Millietho property In dispute, ho Mild

If either tlio (internment orproperty owners nio not .iturwl nc pauca over lucwith award whkb is mado hx Thi it the iirtt time in hittorv ththe Jury on the property under con- - two percent have made such a fligldcmnatloti, then an appeal tint betaken to the I'ulted Stalls flu nilCourt, and tho taso would ho takento the California circuit of thislonrt

"I hope this thing Is going to h"settled amicably," said lire kens ,

dont want to have niiythlng to doabout It, and If It (an bo arrangedout of 'ourt It wilt bo mn h betterfor e cry one

to SaleOf Stock At Small


Tho euro of M I) Monsnrratagainst his trustee In bankrupt y

T I' Utnslng, for tho hi every oltot tain stoeks which he ilulms weresold (i1 less than their market va noand ' ,hkli trnnsaitlon ho niiusoiA t'otiko of purthasliig themtiming)! unfair means, wa lonHnueiiuntil August 21 by Judge ltohertsouIn tlio lVdornl Court litis morning

(Continued on Page 3)

Auoi'dliig to llgures which (lovernoi Ticar Is Incorporating In hisicHiit to Wnshingtoif, thoie U about$'.',01)0,000 Invested In automobiles Inllio Territory of Hawaii

Tbigre aio on tho different Islandhlil maelilnos, and at a low estlmate they nlust have originally toston an average $2000 e.uh This llglire would probably bo holow tho att it til avcrago cost of mnihlnes herebut that as an estimate, then'llio peoplo of Hawaii have tied upIn uutouiohlks, which are doteiloratlug every day, $1,72'.!. QOn

As tho roglstiallon shows, ihnieire iiioio by far In tlm illy andcount) of Honolulu than any placeiilse, about s of tho totalnumber of machines being owned onOaliu

lly counties the llgiuea aro. Ilniiiiuln, 5 .'..',. Hawaii, U'J, Maul. 10U.Kauai, 7." lesttmaledi 'I ho flgdrenfor Kauai aro not exact, but approx- -

mate, as there was no legtslratlonof machines there at the tluio thereport was made

These llgures foi giibolliie buggieswero (implied on luiio 3D, tho endof tho IW.il ye.ii, and slnic that timethe number has hit leased tonslder-alil- v

hi that the total Investment InI machines In the Islands todny Is far

ore than $2,000,000

ADVICKS furnished by the AssoelUd Oil Compiny t tho effict thatho ship Falls of Clyde sailed from

'iavlota Aug b, and Marion Chll(ott sallod from Mo'iterey Aug IIboth bound foi Hoiiolu u and oil laden

Mrs Inlin Hugliis at the sultragellleotlllg ill (laleshiiu; III

worod sevoral Stnti orlkla'a who .noDecking icelectloii.





Democrats WillBring Candler

Nearly CompletedCongressman








Appeals Possible TWO Cfflsi

On Condemnation PhjnncBoth Fort Street

Owners Carry CaseCalifornia Court







AVukatetfitiiiiy Aiaiifa imkMkm:(tritm kaiit(W.rititiu'



Monsarrat Objects

Aflight' DEAL, Enp;.. Aur 17,Moissart.

f Spanish aviator from Pariv arrivhere today in an aeroplane, accoi

.iwJwnicJ bv a imscnccr. with whsinpiuri unmin






WillFighHEW YORK, Aup. 17. Clmira

1. m tit the State. Republican com.Uce stated today that the fightmrke Colonel Roosevelt the tcitjrary chahnvm of the State convticn will be tarried from tl5jitr: cs to inc noor ot tnc conventitself.

Sugar Up

4.425SAN FRANCISCO. Anir, 1G.--

ar: 00 decrees tctt, 4 425c. Prcvlnuotation. 4.39c. Beets: 88 analy14s, 10 par.ty. 5.17c. Prcvnuotation, 14 lOd.


NEV YORK. Aur. 17. MaGayncr's sccictary stated today!Mr. Gayncr is not out of danger. (

public Ins been informed from 3

to day that the Mayor is maxgood progress toward health, buannenrs that those neateststricken man's bcdr.de arc not oconfident of the outcome, ,


BIG LEAGUI(Special Bulletin Cable)

SAN FRANCISCO. Atiir 17.'secies in the big leagues' p'.ay tQ

aic: '1Naticnal Ph ladclphia 7. Cin

nati 3; Philadelphia 1. Cinciun.it?Brooklyn 7, Chicago 5; BrooklyjPblra'"v ? Boston 4. St? lotusNew York 1, Pittsburg 2.

American Wasliingldh 2, Be4; Cleveland 5, Philadelphia 8.

.AStindlnn of American LeiQUe, AuClub

I'hllucklpblaDetroit .

IloHtonNow YorkCli vejandWashingtonChicago . . . .

Standing Naticnal League, AuClub

Pittsburg .

ChicagoNew Yoi X

PhltadclphlnClncliiuntl ..Tlrookly n . .

St Umls .

lloston . .







Optimism Is sometimelicit' go of on ei lone.




-41314151 ',

-- 57

Page 2: 1 V Va Evening BULLETIN - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17542/1/...will dcfral Congressman Smith, al-though the returns indicate a .very tlov vote

Masonic Temple

Weekly Calendar


J.'enlil 'o. 2 Regular.'TUESDAY'



V fHidayj


til visiting members ot tie"del are cordially Invited totito il meetings of locallodges

w L Meet on the2nd and 4thMondavi oteach monthat K. F. Hall7:30 P. M,

limine riirwtirrnrf JuemDcri 01maninc cnoinccna oti,er

ASVSIATIQK. obtiou cor- -mui)-- ,. -IABM0NY LODGE, No. 3, L 0. 0. F.

Meets every Monday evening at130 In I. O. 0. F. Hall, Fort Street.- E. It. ItENDIlY, Secretary.

H. E. McCOY, Noblo Grand.All vlilUng brothers very cordiallyvltL

AHU L0DQE, No. 1, K. of P.

Meets every first and third Frlly ovenlng at 7:30 In K. ot P. Hall,irner Fort and Dcretiiula. Visitingrothsra cordially Invited to attend.


0. F. HEINE), K. n. aAWAI1AN TBIBE, No. 1, 1. 0. E. M,

ileeu every first and third Thurs-ij- i'

of eacb month at Knights otftblas Hall. Visiting brothers coram Invited to attond.

A. L. CAICIN, Sachem.IS V. TODD, C. of R.

0N0LULU AERIE 140. F. 0. E.

Mm on the 2nd and 4th WED- -

ESDAY evenings of each month at30 o clock In IC of P. Hall, corneriretanla and Fort streets.Visiting Eagles are Invited to atid

VV. R. RILEY, W. P.' WM. C. McCOY, Sec.


Honolulu Lodfie No. 616, I). P. O.Ice,, meets In their ball, on Kingee't.uioaiFoiV every Friday even-f- .

n Visiting Brothers are cordiallyrlted to attend.



tWib every 2nd and 4fh Saturdayinlng at 7:30 o'clock In K, ot P.R, cor., Fort and Doretanla. Visit-- :

biothe'rs cordially Invited to at-i-



It is much belter to buynew.

gee per larc Btock of JAP--!ANESE Rnd CinNESE MAT-- iTING nnd CHINESE MAT-1TIN-

RUGS both twistedand plain.

i;, Colorings and Patterns thatwill harmonize with yourwalls and furniture.


. Limited.

177 South King Street

IM. E. Silva.


CATH0UJ SISTERSid 170 Nicht Call 10H


olnlu Branch of tho Harrisonf .J .... ...,- -uuiuu iiuciuuun


'ANY experiM enced house-

keepers vi 1 1

use nothing but IvorySoap, even for washingthe coarser things.

As for curtains, laces,blankets, dainty dressgoods of all kinds thehousewife who cleansthem with anything butIvory Soap runs a greaterrisk of injuring themthan most women nrewilling to take.

Ivory Soap.991o Per Cent. Pure


Entered fcrEccord August 1G. 1010.l n 1 mllmfj uoboii. iJ'.noi I.?' '.;Notice

Maknllke Miller and hsb to t'ltjMill Co Ltd M

Arahl Milipij Co to A w i:Tbomp.oa . .

.. ..A W U Thn'iiiu'uii Miller

H.ihaKo I'o Mil AMD.mdcin & Lansing lo Now Juilil

Tnut PlanKukau.t Apaii and hub to Solo-

mon N'aual et illI. II) Ciahbc and bsli to Hono-

lulu I'lnutii CoAgnes II II .In (Id by ntty to A II

Dondeio ct al Par ltdAgnes 11 II .Iiuld bj uttyto A II

Dondcro ct al Par lie!J Alfred Magoon to Tr ot M ot

J L llhilsilell M

J AITred MnsiHiu to Tr of IM ofJ L lllaloilell AM

ll.illey tc l.au mm el all to (' 1.

Se.bolt, n AgrmtWllllain U Chilton mill, wf to

Oeorgo T.ilt I)

Entered for Record August 17. 1010.' From 9 a. m. to 10:30 n. in..V N Iliiysehlcn to Philip Kh- -

plndu -- .,...;.... RclW'l, Decoto to C It LlndKcy ItelHiram .Ickkq to Ilalr.iuia Oplo. .. I)

Kallio and wf to Joao I. Nocs. . I)

THE lNTKRISLANI) steamer W O.Hall has arrived from Kati.il portawith the following cargo: D43D BacksCI. & R. sugar. SH biles bides. 12 sheepskins and 39 packages sundries.



Tho ideal non-sm-


Makes copies ns clearoriginal.

Sold by

Hawaiian News Co.,LIMITED

Alexander Young Building

Office Supply Co.,LIMITED





TCfSubtcrilic for the CALL, CHRONI-

CLE or EXAMINER, and net thenews of the world,


Booki! Books! Books!

Go to

3H0WN & LYON CO.. LTD..Alexander Yonne Blde.

Rebujlt TypewritersBcbmlt Remington Visiblo Writing

Only 80A. B. ARLEIGH & CO.

Hotel Street

For RoutFolding Chairs & Tables

J. Hopp & Co., Ltd.



Anton, $1 jior hour. Lewis Stable.Arctic Soda Wntcr Is llio bent In a

bleb ball Phong 557If jour horse or dog Id nick. A It

llowat. D. V. 8.. jibono 1129.It govs without Raying that every-

thing la licit at The Encore.Olio thousand splendid books, Gic

Drown and Lyon Co. Until wo tnovoonly.

lU'luni of resale In Ihe enso of PaulMuhhiidorr versus Hawaiian laindCompany wai died today.

For distilled water, Iliro's noolHear nnd i oil other popular drinksRing up plmno 71c Consolidated HodaWorhs.

I'ay rash and ask for green stampsThoy'ro free. Call tit the show roomand sio what )ou get frco forstamps.

lloreos for sale .lint arrived perllllonlan, a line lot of work and hackhorses. Cn I at Club Stable, or Telephone 1W.

l.au Sang and Chang Sing versusKnp and l.au l.cn for u hill of

Injunction was nrgued before JudgeIloblnson this morning. The demurr-er In the case was rint.ilued nnj the

j1" I'"an,lH,tMgranted Mltlatu, Kamall

,"(Hy trJ'" ,K'r 1""""""1 Wl111'""'Allinoiiy of $(i.03 weoklj was nllowolaml "10 J'X'fWl busb.ind has to paymx'i auinirj a ices oi im anil courtiinin llllluuilllNK HI 91.1.

1 ''0'1" "' w"sn" ns "I'cclol ii'lmlnlK,n.imr tn nr- - iu .iuiiii iiiiiii;,lutli. had his Dual accounts approedtoday by Judge llolilnmn. The com-missions wlilc li Wilson received forllila work amounted to ir$3.32.

l)r. It. llordorn, ctcrlnary stirgenu, nriUed by the llllnnl'in withn splendid lot of horses for tho Clubstables Dr. Ilordorb will take uplira tlse In the city, making hishradnunrtcrs at tho Club Stables.

Lieutenant Iltirrhfleld'H liamo a:ion the charge sheet nl tho police courtthis morning but tho mailer wai scutn or llll Augtmt 21. This Is tho same

old case In which llurchflcid Is charg-ed with uilng threatening language.

Alexander .1 Frnscr, n prominentwas a through

passenger on tlui Zoalandin. He Isproceeding to London, where be willoccupy an Important position on diettaft of the Aiiftrahslan cablu ser-vice.

Mrs. Correi, who Is charged withpracticing medicine without a license,had her ciu.0 rent ocr till August 24by Judgo Aivliuilu IIiIh morning. Thewoman Is ullcgcd to have given a sickfriend some herbs that might do hersouio good. '

Tho launch Elizabeth, belonging totho Hawaiian Dredging Company em-

ployed at Pearl Harbor was destroy-ed by lire last Monday night. Tho(Ire h supposed to liao started fromsparln dropping on deck which burned through to tho gasolluo tank.

There are on band at tho Depart-ment of Agrlctiltum n supply or tho1903 year book of United States D?- -

paitmcut of Agriculture which arc forflee distribution. Anyone desiring co.

pics may obtain them by applying attho department on South King street.

Friends of the Into Mrs. Hopper arocxpccUug that her remains will arrlu on tho Mongolia that comes Intopoit tonionow rallies navo uccn re'cnltnl that Mr. and Mi). Wlllardllrown. Mr W L. Hopper and MissMargaret Hopper will nrrho by thatsteamer nnd It Is assumed that theyaccompany tho remains of MotherHopper.


Much to the surprlso and relictof Chief McDitrfle, John Oliver, thefamous tourlBt and Btan- - bum, didnot return to Hawaii on tho Zcalan-dla- .

)t appears that John Is Inprison at Suva for theft, nnd al-

though ho begged that ho bo allowelto depart on tho Canadian boat forthe l'nrndlsn of the l'aclllc, tho llrltlsh authorities told him to bo pa-

tient and that thero werp many moroC.-- steamers on which he might,at a fiituru date, return to tho landor liquid sunshine,

John took his Imprisonment muchto heart, ns ho ban boon nccustnmodto being allowed to pull nut of anycountry ns 10011 as bo did anythingwrong, It qulto upset bis Ideas oftho eternal fitness of things, when;ho round that ho would have tobervo three months' Jail and therebymiss Unvoting by tho Zealandla onher maiden oyage.

There Is every chairo of Jfihn com-In- g

along noxt boat, us his free mealticket will explro In plenty of time,for lil m to mnko nirangomonts tocatch tho Mnrama. Whether ho willgot ashoro hero or not dependa onhow quick ho Is at dodging McDufllo

Director Wnltor of tho Pittsburgboard of health advocates it munici-pal henhouse, so as to Keep rosldeutt;from housing fowls In their baso- -

incuts.i l

James Richard Cox. law partner ofWilliam II. Sowaril when the latterwas Rovojnor of Now York, Is den.lnt bin homo In Auburn, N. Y., frnni.ctroPtan attack qj, heart dUeaw. He waiiihoIn his ninetieth year.

Our New- - l'hono Number Will Ho

1281City Transfer Co.


ocean, bis rcqii.oin of the plim orthe roiubcr gulls, Ihc, suli ol tlu soilh. only lament luwbd,.l r,r allIbal was mortal of Captain All. on IU

Simmon, has been , .milled ,o themeat (Itilf stream. It was his deslruexecuted to" tho letter, not Ihc fancyof n moment, nor the whim or mi exrtti d mind, but n deliberate plan

The yacht Hamo.i of New York car-.le-

IhoJioly of Captain Simmons, reposing In n metallic casket on the bon--

of the cssel. The yacht was steeredto the middle of the Oult streamwbcio tin1 idmplc ccteiiion of commltmcnt was iwrrormod. The remainsIn the casing or canvas wero liftedfrom tho casket and giildrd silentlyowr tho side. Captain Simmons leftscaled Instructions as to the disposalof his bjdy.

Till: FRENCH MARK .lean ll.ip-tlst-

whl h arrived at the port onAugust 1, with fertilizer and gen-

eral enrgo from Europe, will soonfor San rinnclscb. It Is 'under-

stood that tho cssel has rerehed acharter lo load wheat for Europeanporta.

in FOREIGN! ponrT "

Wednesday, August 17. ltiin.Sun Frnnclsco Arrived, Aug. 7, 1

a. m , S. S. I.urllne, lieiue Aug 0.San Francisco Sailed, Aug 17, S.

S, Santa Rita, sor Honolulu


Clt and County Phjulrlan llntceMcV. Macknll has emphasized theneed of a county hospital for Honolulu on mnio than one nndlast evening another itep towardsicnchlng tho desired end wau made,when Chairman McClcll.in of thelommlltco (Ji Faiiltatlnn and healthreported that tho niattei was underconsideration nnd. that certain rcecmmondatlons might bo exposed boforo ary long. The anuouu.cnicntthat I'alama llo'rpltul would hoclosed by the Athorton Estate, whichhas been Its chlel Mipporter, hasnwnkoned the clt ami iniinty fath-ers to icnewcd iullit.

As matters now stand, a very smallpeiccntngo or Hiiwnll.ui i will willingly--

" permit thcmsclies lo bo takento the Queen's Hospital Despite thestipulation In tho i.haiterjifjho lat-ter Institution that t"mustut niltimes accept Indigent Hawaiian patients free of chin ge. thero appearsto bo a marked reluctance upon thepart ot these pcop o to Bcek treat-ment lit the Queen's Hospital.

Or Mnrkall Is ot the opinion thattho city and (ounl must cooner orlater provide a hospital of Its ow.ifor tho care of the Indigent sick andInjured. The tiiggertlnn has beeninndo that such an Institution mightreceive substantial aid through prl-va- to

charily.It Is cxpcUod that the forthcom-

ing report from tho health nnd san-

itation committee will teivo tochryu-talllz- o

tho sentiment of tho boardupon tho Important matter.

At the. prci-eii- t limn tho city nndcounty Is tending patients to theQueen's and Palatini liiupltals nnd totho Knplolant Maternity Home. Tholatter institution but rcaontly riilBedIts rates on all Indigent pntlunUbrought there.


Op0luWTomorrow morning tho dlvorco ensa

or Nlcolona Norgaard against her hus-band tho Torritoil.il veterinarianagainst whom sho alleges tho mostcruel nn.l abusive treatment will hohoard tomorrow morning,

Tho case was set for. today bqfoioJudgo Roblnbon hut was postponednipl ns Robinson u.111 Jit, .away --untilMonday ho triiiibferrpj tho caso toJudge Cooper


Tho City and Count y fathers arclncllnc.l to place n bun tipon largosigns when they becomu n nuisaucoby being sti etched across, the businessstrect'i,

Tho uqiicst coming from tho Ha-waiian FIshcilcs Company that theybo allowed to swing a largo yard wldobanner actoss Kokaullko sticct atsomo distance mak.il of King Btreet,whllo not printed has been turnedover a tho commlitco on police forInvestigation.

Qulnii took tho stand against es-

tablishing a precedent. It was con-tended that In permitting one or more

banners others would demandsame prhllego to tho dlsflguro- -

ment ot all down town thoroughfnies,

(Jas. II. Loo)


THE PACIFIC Hloamshlp Navlftst,, Company. naMt for bovciiIv',... i,. '" " '" .. "'SLS'"", ', '0?(K

I LT?llr i "" I""J', " .i'" TV"or Soulb, IsAmerica, atmut ti ba pb

sorbed by Its powerful rival, tho Ito(il .Mnll Htcam Packet Company or

Ureal llrltaln. The primary reasonlor this Is that (he completion or thetransatlantic rnllwny bis ended thelino's lucrative paspcngor tratllc androbbo.l It or Its mall service, as mallsmi I p isEoiigers will now bo landed ntHiruos Ayres nnd transported over-land t.i Valparaiso In quicker timesays Iho Now York Marine Journal".

This steamship Hue was started byWllllain Wheelwright or Ncwbiiryport,MahS.. who oneeheil the Idea wbonAmerican Consul at niinjaqiill. houppciileil to Congress for aid, only lobe refused, ho ho went lo Umdon.where ho obtained tho requisite subsidy, and tho scrxlce was started In(ho MOs nnd nn Immediate result wnstho passing of commercial supremacyIn tho South Pacific to Kngllnh con- -

tild wheio It hn.s.slnco remainedThe Rojnl Mall, which will tako

oxer the Pacific (oiiipjiiy, has alreadyiiecn a nnicli laruT enterprise, It wasfounded In 1811) by n subtly of $1.- -

200,000 n j car, mid this was Increasedto $1,350,000 when its Bcrvlcc was extended to tho River Platte.

rIP THK hulk of the c!d liner City of

I'CKing manges hands a few, morntimes It may fall Into Iho bands of IhoPacltic Mall Co., lis former owner, andincome it useful vessel. Tho PacincMall sold tho Peking a few monthsago lo a Junk dealer, who Slept overtho deal one night nnd then sold bispurchase for $19,000 to W. J. lingersfc Co., wh3 strlppcl the esse of alltho brass npd copper that seemedwoith saving, and then sold tho remalm to Dales & Chosebroiigh for$21,600. Tills firm, It Is said, seesmore than Iho price they paid In thobig bulk mil wlnl goes with It. andshipping men cxpiesa tho opinion thaianother transfer is not Improbable.Tho bronro piopeller, nlono. Is saidlo""bo worth $2,000, and there Isenough good sttel and Iron In the hulklo return u small fortune.

Hales & Chcsehrough plan to beachtho vessel and loosen It up by dyna-mllo- ,

In order to render the work ortearing It to pit res oislcr. Just beforeHates ft Chchobrotigh recured tho Pe-king, a former hhlpinnstnr planned to buy tho hulk, rig Itit lib snlls an dtnko It to New Yorkwith n cargo of scrap Iron and inei- -

chamllso from this coast, u scheme Inwhli h ho saw a fortune

TWO DAYS after leaving llnrbailoson July IMil, the Urltlsh steamer I ka-

ils, which arrived at. Now York onJuly 31 from Ilucnos Ayrcs, slghtol nsinking stoop Hying hlgnals of distress.Tho sloop turned out to bo tho lltlloSunlight, a cargo cairler that ran botweeu the Islands ot Atillgun and Liar- -

Dados, she lay helpless with her master and her ciew or flvo flat on Ihodecks. When tho men had boon holst-n-

nlioiud iho1 Btenmer and revived,Captain J. Prank, owner ot tho Sun-light, said that he had lost his bearings in ii fog nnd for thirteen daysho nnd bis crew bad been living on

Illegal- - and sugar. How long theyhad been imcotiEclops before tho I ka-

ils boro down on them, ho did notknow. Thu crow worked at the pumpsuntil exhausted. Distress signalswero set after a storm washed theirlend and water overboard.

When tho weather cleared. It wasfound thai thu compass hud gono withIho piovisious and tho crew pumpednnd sailed recklessly until one by onethey wero overcome by exertion undstarvation nnd oich In his mmsti etched himself on tho deck to dlo.Captain Krnuk was tho last man togle in.

14THK STORY of n sea tragedy wns

told by the crew of tho Ditto Funnelsteamer Teleniiichus on their arrivalat BlugaKiro icccntly, ncoordlng tomall ndvlces. Ilrlofly, tho fncts dls- -

closo I that tho schooner-rigge- barkSea Queen or Maho, In tho SeychclloIslands, which left that port during

y pa it of January, was caughtIn very heavy weather, and was blowna consldurnblo way out c( Its cuurso.Aftor cruising about for some time.tho crow was unable lo"Blght land,and proyjslonB ran out. Tho crow ofth o was reduced to drinking saltwater and outing raw flsh, which theyveio able to catch, Life iiudor Buch

tcniblo condition!! Boon told on thomen, nnd the second hnnd'dlod In thoagonies of thirst. Soon after tho cap-

tain nlso succumbed, nnd a lad ot 19

wns left tho solo occupant or thocrafr. He existed cm tho frugal

diet of fish and what lltllo rain waternnd dew ho (ould catch until ho waspicked up by tho Tclomncliti 1010

miles from Maho.

TIHMlAItKEKTINK Macomber wasicpoitcd nt AhuMnl and. Iho llrllishhteamcr Zalnbcsl nt Klnoio nt Hi tlmoof departure of tho stoamor Hall fromKauai jiorts yesterday



Wokicidy, Auo. 17.Hawaii n Maul ports --Ctaiidlne,

stmr., a, m.rtiiuai ports w u. nail, sltnr., a.



Per stmr. W. (I. Hall from Kauai,pons. Aug. 17. F. Crawford, Mrs,rlastle. Miss M. Hnstle, Mrs. Q. N,Hundley, Miss U. Hpndley, Miss Ot.i-wa. Miss Mary Fernandez. M. drnnt.Mrs. Hlclicrt, John Mendez, Mrs. Mondcz.



In nccordanco with authority frommo Department of Commerce and LaDor, on August 1, 1910, tho offlccs ottho Assistant to tho Knglneer, 12thi.igiii-noiiK- District, together with allequipment, property. He. wore trans-rencil to and rlaced under tho chargeor iho Assistant to tho Inspector. 12thi.iKiu uniise instrici. vn the samednto tho llght-hoiis- districts or theUnited States were rearranged, andheieaftcr tho d2tlu Light-House- - Sub-district will bo known its tho (J9thLIl)t-Hous- c District, comprising- - ihcjHawaiian Islands and othrr Americanrnciue islands. An communicationsoftlclnl mid otherwise, should be adJdressed to tho Inspector ot tho 19thLlghtllouso District. Room 311 lieCan ill ess Ilulldlng. Honolulu, T. II.

m8TR0N0 WINDS and choppy seas

were met by tho steamer Claudlnathat has returned from n trip to Ha-waii and Mnul ports. The vesselbrought n general cargo Including 3fcoids wood. CO cases' honey. 300 rasc-- j

salmon, 2 aulos and 23(1 packages sun-dries. The cabin was well filled withpassengers while n largo number tra-veled on deck. Tho Clau.llne Is sche-duled to h.i on hr iogul.tr trip toHllo and Intermediate portu on Frfday evening.

OLLIK SCOTT occluded tho desk Intho purser's ofilro of tho Iil'tor-Islan-

steamer Manna Kca when that vessolsailed for IIIlu and way iorts yester-- ,day morning. Purser Philips sustain-ed nu injury to his leg that or latohas caused him considerable trouble.As the member required close medical attention ho decided to remainashore for one trip mid the MannaKca went out with Olllo Scott thogenial shipping clerk ns substitutepurser.

laTIIK JAPANIISU liner Tenyo Mini

from Snn Francisco Is duo to arriveat Honolulu early on Monday morn-ing. This vessel sailed from thecoast at noon yesterday. Ilclug a foreign csncl thero will bo no pa3sen-gor- s

for Honolulu save those, stopping over from u through trip to theiOrient.


Till: AMERICAN schooner Transithas been undergoing uoiuo repairs undn repainting on tho Inter-Islan- d marine rnllwny. Tho vessel arrived hareon August 3rd with u shipment oflumber and general curgo tram SanFraucisco. Tho transit will return totho coast within a short tlmo.

AFTER A PASSAQB covering twon- -o days tho American schooner

Omega hus arrived nt Pugct Sound.This vessel brought u shipment oflumber to Honolulu and having com-pleted the discharge of tho cargosailed from this port on July 20.

SHIPPING AT tho port or Hllo onlast Monday the date of tho sailingol tho steamer Claudlno Included theschopnerj 8. C. Holmes, J. M, Woathciw'nx. Gamble and AmcrlcnnHawntl- -

nn freighter Virginian and thoIrmgnrd,

PURSER LOGAN ot tho sti'nmerHall arriving from Kauai ports thismorning reports tho following sugaras awaiting shipment on tho OaulonIsland : M. A. K. 37,800; V. K. C50; fi,S, M. 1450; P. J 3510; H. M. 6130.

rwTHE UARKENTINB Irmgurd bus

arrived nt Hllo after n twonty-da- y

pasBiigo from San Frunclsco. Thisessel brought down u largo general

cargo cqnslgnod through the agencyof F. A. Schaorcr &, Co.


qf fuel oil at tho port of Knanapull,thu American steamer Rosecruns hasdeparted for a roturn voyugo to Gaf-ot- u.

The vessol sailed on last Mon-day.

A CAIILi: hns been received nf tholocal agoncy of'tbo Oceanic SteamshipCompany announcing the urrlval otlira steamer Sierra ut Snn Franciscont 6 o'clock on Tuesday morning.

THE INTER-ISLAN- stoamec Ho- -

Inio hat, been placed on tho berth tosail at flvo o'clock this evening forI'aaulmu, Kohalalolo, Kiikalau, Ooka-- j

la, Latipahoehoo nnd Papauloa.Ol

TODAY'S departures included thosteamer Nllhnu for Houokan. Thel, ..nena., . aillml,...,,.., ,i,,A4,i lliltt,,,,n nflnmniin,,,-- , innfii nn.l.till .

miy return with of siunrami n deck load ot cattle. '

Tuesday. Aun 16. .

Hllo via way ports Mnutia Ken,stmr., 10 a. m.

Kauai nirv 5' p ni..Maul, Molokat and Lnnnl Krts

simr'., m,Wednesday, ABfl. 17- -


Vancouver Zcalandla, C.-- 8. 8., 2a, in.

San Francisco Wllhelmlna, M. N.S. 8, 10 a. m.


Pe? Btmr, Claudlno from Hawaiiloud Maul imrts, Aug. 17. W. J. Dyer.

C. 8. Ilradt, B. P. JlBdlson, Mrs. Nich-olson, Miss S. Akco, Jno. Anln, Mrs.Ahrpn, Mrs. A. Combs, Mrs. 8ylva, .

P. Fleming. C. Copp Jr., Miss 8. Copp.Miss W. Copp. Miss nnlcom, iMIfsWrcnck, Miss' Olllllmid, Ilro. Ilcrnnnl.Ilro. Robert, nro. George. M, Urate.Mlsi ACorba, M, S, de- Ponto, !!.'.'.Clark. Rev. K. R. Turner, Mlsj K.Lloyd, T Odn, Mn. Lons, E, A.Strotit, Miss K. Kingsbury. W. M. Ro-berts, S.- llancroft, A. D. Haldwln,Mrs. Bald In, MrsI'A. B. Carter, P. P.Raldnln, 8. P. Chllllngworth, Mrs.Chllllngwnrth, Miss K, Kelley, A.Goasro, Mrs. Grossc, A.. Abreu, MissK. Cornwcll. O. Martlnetl', Mrs. A.Clark, M. Drclcr A N. Ilnyscldcn,A. Soblmnnn. 'I- pi

Per 8. S, Zealiudli.frcoi Sydney.Aug. Hi. Mrs. T M. and Miss Duller.Mr. and Mrs, C. Monhl and Infant,Miss Franklin. R, T. McCullock. It.,Rudland Dodc, F. Mulr, S. Grace--, R.T. Stross, E. Lnngler, W, Dnrnvnrd,W. Clons, T Pntton, C. Jones; J. Dale,A. Hagnn, G. Anderson, McCuIlough,U Hutchinson, E. Hoyt. II. W. Smith.H. C. Mitchell. J. Wallace J- - Mc- -

Qutvn, N. Bath. J. W. Inge, C. South-cot- e

nnd 19S in transit ror Canadaami America.


Per stmr. Klnau, ror Kauai ports,Aug. IC Miss Shaw, Mrs. Chamber-lain, Jtrs. E. B.-- Ilrldgewatcf, MIsa P.IC. Manson, Miss j, T. Mtlntyre, MIsaKopkc. Miss Kimball, Anna M. Retd,L. lokla.

Per S, 8, Zcalandla, for Vancouver.Aug. 10. Mrs. E. M. HIM and child,Mrs. Dntlcr. Miss lJutlcr, J. W. Smithand daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H C.Adams and child, Mrs. Ai C. Alexan-der, L. E. Tnlbat, Miss Annie Gabe,Miss Grace Aycrs. W. K. Vincent. MrsAnntu Kcowns, "w; IL Battersby, Mr.and Mrs. H. R. Bryant nn two girls.P ,C Enos. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ji W.Kwlu- Mr. nud Mrs, Oi P. Clemens.Mr. rnd Mrs. A. L. Stotlnrt and'threochildren, O. 1). 1). Stanloy, Miss C. M,Ciimmlngs, Miss M. Rath, Miss Mar-tha Rath. Miss II. M. Fenwlck, Mr.and Mrs. J. M. Hucnkn, U M. John-son, J. Dyer, B. and' O. Orotton.

Per M. N. 8. 8. Wllhelmlna for 8anFrancisco, Aug. 17. Dr. Harry E.

Mrs. 11. Y.. Aldercon, A. C.Coburn, D. T. Fullaway, Goo.- Oard-ne-

Jas, IC. Jarrett, S. C, Kennedy,Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Hurtt nnd Infant,H. A. Wilder. W. Foster Homer. S.Thompson, Miss C. C. Desmond, Mrs.Alox. Lindsay nnd child, Mrs. L. G.Marshall, Miss Lydla K. Aholo, MissIt. Raphael, Mrs, A. E. Leo, Mr. andMrs. C. A. Do Cow, Mies' VIda Ross,Mrs. David Little, Mrs. Robert Scott,Miss Ireno Young, Miss Ioulso Mc-

Carthy, Miss Josepblno Pratt; MIsaMary Sexton, Mrs. A. VT. Spinney,Miss M. do Brcttevllle, J. B. Cox, W.II. Baugh, Miss L. Doamond, Mrs.Desmond, W,' A. Baljey, Dr. J. N.Vroom, Miss JcsbIo Konncdy, Mrs. J.A. Kennedy, Mrn. L. E. Arnold, In-

fant und.mnldi Master L. 'Arnold, MissL. Arnold, Miss Dutschy, Mrs. Buts-ch-

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Carlor nndchild, M, II. lhmsen, L. O.- Richard-son, Inn L. Clark, Miss II, Hobron,Mr nnd Mrs. J, C. Hltchman, R. 11.

Hyman, Dr. J. 8. B. Pratt, Mrs. M.

Stone, Mrs. II. W. Hyman. E. D, Ten-no-

Miss C, Richardson, MIsa K.Hutchinson, Miss D, Richardson, Mra.L. G, Rlchanisou, Mr. nnd Mrs, A. D.Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hutchin-son. Charles R. Frnzlcr, W. M., Rob-

erts, Miss A. Robertson, Miss Ella L.Roll, Miss VIda Ross, Mrs. RobortScott, W. P. 8chrodcr, Mrs. W. P.Schroder, Miss Mary Soxtou, II. M.

Shrdvo, Mrs. II. M. Shrove, 11. D.

Stanley, Mrs. M, Stone, E. D. Tonii'jy,Dr. J. N. Vroom, dipt, L. T, Ward,R. W. Wilbur, Mrs. R. W. Wilbur,H. A. Wilder, Geo. Wlllfons, MissIrcno Young.



For San Francisco, per O, 8. S.Sierra, Aug. 31. W. J. Lynch, Mr,and Mrs. von ilnmnr, Mr, and Mra.J. McLntchlo, Mr, and Mrs, O, Chal-

mers, Miss Ayors, MIbs Kolllnm, Mr,nnd Mrs. F. L. Hill, MIbh N. II. Win-

ston, Mrs. W. F. Lucas, Mrs. P, N.Ward. Miss II. Ward, Miss Ilryan,Miss M, F. Ellis, Miss O. Burr, h. C.

Attoo, P, C. Jones, E. O. Falkner,Cnpt. Marlx, Miss C. Schumgor, Dr.nnd Mrs. Ingnlls, R, S. Thruston, 11.

II. Bond, G. W. Cojcman, Dr. andMrs. AVhlto,, Miss M. Shaw, Mrs. J.8. Bishop, G. Kaawo, J. Kumtikau.A. J.4 Falrwoathor, Mr ami Mrs. I

H. dry, D. Makena, C. P. Kaloukoa,K. Kaal, Miss N. Mutch, Mrs. C. A.Ilollou, Mr. nnd Mra. O, C. Scott,Ml fin A. Newlngton, II. P. Hill, O. V.Sackwltz, D. Yardbrough, C. II.Lleppcrb.

Page 3: 1 V Va Evening BULLETIN - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17542/1/...will dcfral Congressman Smith, al-though the returns indicate a .very tlov vote


Shop Early Saturday

We Close at 1 p.m.

Our SATURDAY SPECIALS will afford Golden Oppor-tuniti-

to Economize. They are evcry-da- y necessities at'saving prices.

COTTON COVEM CLOTH Suitable for Riding andTramping Skirts; in Grey and Brown Mixtures. 20c a yard,special 12Vio a yard.

SILK NET OLOVES For the warm days; in Black,White, Pongee and Grey. G5o a pair, special 50c.

ALU WOOL CHALLIES In, floral designs and sill:stripes; two qualities. 75c'a yard, special 55c; GOe a yard,special 45c.

PERCALES A line of our regular 12scstock we will clear at 12 yards for $1.

WHITE GRASS LINEN SQUARES Hand embroideredin Blue, slightly soiled. Size 34x34, regular $4.50, special$2.75; size 27x27, regular $3, special $2.25.

WHITE NORMANDY LACES wid Insertions to matchLaces 3 to 5 inches wide; Insertions 1 to 2 inches wide.

Regular 15c a yard, special 5c a yard.

Sachs' Dry Goods Co., Ltd.,Corner Fort and Beretanla Streets Opposite Fire Station



(Continued from Page 1)that Is to provide for the election ofa supervlsor-nt-larg- who will bokind of a manr of the Island. Tliofavor which this suggestion lias verygenerally met makes It seem veryprohahlo that a plank making provl.bIoii for such on amendment will beInserted In the platforms of one or ofboth of the parties.

The proposition wart spoken of Instweek by both tlio prospective candi-dates for county attorney, Ileers airllleen, and both spoko warmly In fa-f-

thereof. Tlio plan Is, so far asIt' has been Outlined, to have onesupervisor elected ut large. Ho shallhave an ample salary, say 4-- amonth, and shall devote his entireattention to county business, maintahilug its reshjenco nt tho countyseat. Ho will also bo given tho pow-

er of a vote which can not be. actedon until the following meeting, nndthen. It will tako a two-thir- or :ithree-fourt- volo of tho members tooverride It. Theio provisions, It willbe seen, are ly the stimo usthose relating to the offlce of mayorof the City and County of Honolulu.the main difference being In thetitle.

Those who nre In favor of thoproposition point out that tho lackof business methods which has characterized the present county admin-istration has been largely caused byfactional fights among tho Individualmembers. I'roni time to time a baromajority of tho board has formed a

combination which has appropriatedfunds for tho benefit of tho districtsrepresented by tho members of sucha coalition, ami as a consequence anInjustice I111V been douo to the dis-

tricts, tho members representingwhich wero in tho minority. Inshort, the Iden has been In tho pastthat every member grabbed 'what ho

could for his own district, withoutpaying the slightest consideration to

the others. The bent grabber was thebest supervisor, und the devil taketho hlndermost.

It Is. further argued In favor of

tho proposition that the suporvlsor- -

depending on tho voto of allHie districts, would have to Bee to Itthat each of these got Its fair shareof tho funds. lie would thus n"t isn sort'of balanco-wliee- l, shoving hisvote in the bieuch whenever it grubcombination got to woik, nnd com-Ig- g

to aid of the poor, unfortunntosupervisors whoso dlstllcts weio notgetting their shnre.

Of course, thcro Is still anothergreat argument that a new Jobwould bo created, which would makepolitics so much nioro Interesting.


(Continued from Face 1.)liy one of the Ran Francisco Steam-ers, tin nnkml tlint hn tin tnlfltn flu

to been In

pressed topassage to

Tho deal closed and tho Ho-

nolulu man went heluv ready toturn to nnd go to work. It was thenthat trouble In deadearnest.

The of the Zealamlln Is nl- -Hmdt aiiO.ntx .........

to ofunion.

they had made the thatwas ono among thorn

they hail reason to believe wna notnumbered with their

pi o( to take to drivehim from tho furnaces.

Thon followed light whllonot lusting a great length tinlc.


siguiiieii nis intention or iick-In- g

each and every member thellreroom crew. Ho

that he an nndcould lick weight and slzo inmi thing tlint llrltlsh shli car-ried In way crew.

Tho llremnu paidvisit to Captain and again

tonlo nil comers; that he will-

ing lo go to work, hut did Intend to stand for mi)

all theHie of tho

the portleft

40cases meats,

L'73of lot

Theteam wore

during brief stay ofTho

fiomand New

well knownfor

by the vessel.

i iMfia. IPAOIEGO GETSevery uouy anouiu in

Ing the Pests,Kali hp trrown rerr numerom of lata In

(Terr lection of tbn country, and thlimulled In attacks on children and In tome In- -

tancoa on grown perwn. i"Eteribodr should Join In dfstrorlni thsa

rianffrnn. ! Tli t,t In ot M nt I rlrtllf IflllArt frftwi Dan-- 1

' &hCdS,ft " ta"tle- I"" '"" "die, and Is alnolutelr reliable. j wus given one year s

'Sieafo fatta laaoldbrdrurelttior ' 1'itchcco lit tlint time pleitJel notif"OTiiionreceunoitirico.iot.Doi .guilty lilld III ns con




from Pace 1)Hip scene of the wreck liutL eveningbringing n itiniitlty of chain nudcouple of anchors. The ntnoiiut ho fartaken from llio wreck In believed willJust nbout net the cost salvage,uliniiM Hie inntcrlnl bo tip

or miilvrsale,

Tlio llolga In said to lio going loplctes. Tlio mnlniiiHst wont liy

board on Monday ami this wanfollowed by the foremast which wentover Hide last Tlio maststiro Hccured liy nnd linen andwill bo lo port byllio tlio Mnkec.

Thp nilzzen mast In still standing.The tins almost

on her Ride. Slio In ubreast01 reel uiin siuu 01 uer nuiuhas been crushed In the ac-tion of tlio waves.

Captain Milter has yet to securethe net of spare sails and n largeamount of seven Inch that is

as fireman or rniiLnnainr. nnd ex.1 said have stored tho Inz- -

' ' " .. - ... ii-- ..his wlllliicness work his nrc" " c'Rn- - ",1R



rrcw,... I




thenew n








it? cusp 1




" 'the ship is now under wa.ter and will require tho ser-

vices of an dUer orto

and cable easy access oftho salvage corps.

The cabin up and aof Its have been washed

seaman. In the main they belong amfilsliligenerally recognized Afterdiscovery

there whom

organization,they ceded steps




willingnessdressing-dow- n




Sttarni' Electric Co.,Cblcao.III.






vessel turned




broken por-


at mid a big portionenrgo of Australian coal bus already

scnlternl. Tho Miller Salvtgohave secured the Helga's

and gear

Tho donkey englno and boiler havedl!iidK.'red, they being dumped Intotho sen with succcsslblo rollingof llio wieck. The James Mnkeo layat the old Klnaii wharf this morning

was the less strenuous. Tho ft)1, ,t wnH fnlm )lcr ,iat thustranger won out hands down. Ho 0 wn i)eng taken.

was Americanhis


Phillipsannounced admin-ister guod,






(Continued from Pace 1)hers of road board that nt u meet-

ing In McCnndless Itthe nf the

The skipper stated tlint ho ... Walkane. that Puolu should dismisswilling to buck up tho nowcomcr, Kellett service. Tho matternnd ho told to go ahead and do brought about tho Intro--wnat no could in work of pncl. duetlon of a special resolution. Sofylng Insuriectlonlsts of the lire- - Democratic 1msroom- - off source of supply of tho Hepub- -

Tho crowd that had been pester- - llcan Kellett from tho municipal gov-In- g

llremnu read tho hand- - crniuent trough. has In- -

writing on will, so to speak, and formed tho road board that ho hasfinding ono their number placed thus never mentioned matterIn a decidedly condition to Kellettthrough coining Into contact with, However It Is Btnted us n fact thattho lists ir Irato they with one or exceptions eery

negotiations towards a pence "t piesent on pay of thetomiuet. i county in Kooliiupokn rpiir) ills'

liy the time tlint the Zenlandln t'lct bus slgnm Democratic mem- -

away to merry withIn buwelry ship,

While the Zealandllii considerable quantity

freight. Including casus Jam, lTiObags sulphate. 2R0 of

of beof, carcassedand mutton, andof sundries.

members of tho American uni-

versity football loyally en-

tertained the thevessel at port. team

successful visit toAustralia' Zealand.

A number of Honolulupeople took their depnrturo thomainland


I. Ull- -

ifput at auc-

tion dlsiosed


probably broughttrips


pletelyinu 1110




perhapsresorting to dynamite bringsails






thothe bnllwlck wits

Reuse DnmocriitB untltnredwas

from thewns was through

thethe fur the Pnele not cut


tho new feed Paolothe

of fur the

tho stranger, but twoopened man tlio roll


gut was









bershlp roll,Qlilnn .stated that ho lias been un-

able to discover any proof lo the effect,(hut l'uelti nr his lnnil, Moses. Akuwit,had udvlsed opiplnyceH un the roads,to line up with the Democrats.

The tempest raised by the allega-tions Hint Democrats were doing "pol-

itics" with the road board Is stated ashaving originated with certain mem-bers of tho Democratic- -

who are alleged to have told n num-ber of workmen that In hold theirJobs they must enroll under the ban-ner of thu Democrats.

One thousand splendid books, S.lo.Drown and I.)ou Co. Uml wo moveonly.

Last Three Days-M- en's $3.00 Shoe Sale

Though the sizes are somewhat broken after the heavyselling of past few days many of the best styles andsizes are still here. It will pay you to step inand try to be fitted. $4, $4.50, and $5 valuesin Men's Hig'h Grade Shoes at $3.00the pair.


til today, at which time ho chi'tigcdhis plea to guilty and wai aentenr-i-to six months more than bis ncfoiu- -

pllce. the Court holding tlm a knifewas u worn- - weapon than rt bottie,with which to make un iit'nok.

Attorney 'Htrous represenle-- bothmen ut arraignment nnd this morn-lu- g

lie asked for the sum" sentencefor I'uoliecu as had been given CruzHe brought Up tin- - fart that the jiianwho ntttickeJ ami was tie' complaining witness bad Impersonated nn of-

ficer In the melee That he hud brillarrested on complaint of one of thereaccused men on that ehnri'e lo whichho had pleaded guilty liefuic Jlidg"AndriUe.

Prosecuting Attorney Mlhertoujollied with the defense 111 asking thatthe sentence of one c.ir be imposed,bet the court added another sixmonths

Yosbldn Yaiingl pleaded not guiltylo the charge of assault mid his cuewas continued


(Continued from Pace 1)the Wllhelinitia produced n considerable stir as the tlm set for departuredmw nigh.

The sailing or the Wllhclmlna forSan Francisco wns attended by thousual crowd of sightseers. The regu-lars wero out In force. Some of Hitmore iwrslsleut succeeded In gainingthu decks of Hie vessel from four lon half dozen times during the halfhour nllowed for visitors. It was nconstant stream that lined tho largegangway.

The Territorial band s' rvcil as nntnlticemcut for inan to take In thodeparture of the steamer. Thcro witslittle doing In tho shopping districtuntil after the vesti-- l had disappearednrnumt Diamond Head

Tho steamer left with a large gen-

eral cargo. Of the shipment of Ha- -

I wall products, sugar lead In uunntltloiioweu uy generous snipiuents inpint apples, coffee, rlco and sundries.

Tlio caoin passenger HW wneii nn- -

ally closed at tho ifllco of Cast In &Cooko showed mm hundred nnd fourdepartures.

A mall destined for tho mainlandamounting to 112 sneks was dispatche.l by tho Wllhcluiliin.



(Continued from Pace 1)had only cut some "clippings ' ofplants that he wished to set out Inhis new homo, '

To decide the matter JudgeProM'CUtor A. M. U'ohii und a

Ilullutln man YJs'.c!d the scene oftho ulleced muI'cIuiir Injury As soonns the garden wus entered It was nt

that sumo vniitlal had been atwork. A creeping vino that hadgraced thu front Innul was cut offnear tho ground und tho deadbranches still clung to the house. A

banana tree wax slushed off about ufoot from tho ground; several rosebushes wero also rut on ubout u footfrom the butt, und numerous otherplants wero destroyed. A mango treehud a limb cut off nnd there weremany gushes In tho other branches.

Tho work was said to han beendone after dark, and the defendantclaimed In coi.rt this morning that hemeant to call next day for the "clip-pings "


(Continued from Pase I)In a petition tiled August 111, Moii-Bari-

claims that 100 shares of l'a-lol-

I.nml ami Improvement Com-pany stotk were wild by Lansing toCooke for the sum of $100, whenIhelr market value was at least $1,-00- 0,

The par value of thu stock wus$100 per share.

lo btates that Cooko, who ownsa gre.it deal nt the stock of the com-pany, In soiiiu wuy Induced Lansingto part with this Mock nt a fractionof Its market value and he wauls lore. over it.

Ho petitions that the sale bo vtiisblo and thu stock tettirned tit him.

Mous.irriit was adjudged a bank-rupt .Inly 27, 1901, and was dis-charged Apill 2 '1. 1905.

He also alleges that if his trus-tee had not been ca'ielosa and neg-leitf-

that tho money duo blinwould have been collected and howould huu been able to pay all dch.tslong ago.

They Carry Their Own Proofs


Timing the visit of President Gllf-llll- is

of Uahit College through theeastern states ho has not only addedto his stock of college educational nmt-te- rs

but has found that wherever stu-dents from tho colleges of Oahu haveentered In the east they hnvo beenmilking good In every instunco nnd ex-

pressions of prulso for tho nethoda

jtJ A.


Keep Primo

Beer on ice athome.

It's the finest

tonic and


can drink

faiiBagsfat . UL - .ili &,&. iXt Mil .LY 'abdHUadyMalaBaHalaBaBaaaaHaVaialalaHaMMaV1!1

rkato'1 A''' ,a4kj.v.-.i- i ,w.-'-i

rf.BaiifinL-- fti

, ..


Certainly if we can showyou a line of garments thaicannot be surpassed in themarket for the price youwill want to see it, won'tyou? I

We've established our--

claims proven to the buyingpublic that we have the rierhtkind of clothing at the rightkind of prices. 1

If you are wiseyou will put us

test make us prove it. v .1

",yPrices range from $20 to



Jaaf V .Bar .bY 4aaa faV 0 Atf

II,. -- -

employed In tho local Institutionswero heard on every aide.

At tlio Mohonk conference I'rofea-so- r

(JrllllthR spoko Tit nome.lctinUi ontho subject of Hawaiian imtuTgrltlon

Ho told of ull tho iirrangri'uculH thathave been luado for tho comfort oflmnigruiita and the nilviiiHafieH- Hurtwere offered thorn to bo come jood

citizens.1'rosldenl Hrlfnths also rejires.n il

tB i i jW&K r LJaaflLaVB,"-,

thu Honolulu Chamber of CouvnbAfoie thu International ArbltnfAssociation. 4 ;

uuuer mo impression tnai u .

wns u dependency, the National I'j

(iiuomu jiMMiiiitiioii nan muni mipoint u Hawaiian representative.!'u condition of uffalrri surpriseddent Urltflths somewhat.

rjf"Vnx at

During the Hot WeatherYou Need a Healthful Beverage.






and be


The J3ccr That's J3revedt tz i n V"i a.

ioe5uu me v. iiiniMe' "" T "" ""'.r"jryvif-'w"- "

LaaLv.-..JWAfauiiefe'iiliii- r-f wnwiin.'




1Rale" cards llullotl

nullatln offlea.


-- to


J 'lM

ahi.aa l ft'ij n"Wfni

Page 4: 1 V Va Evening BULLETIN - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17542/1/...will dcfral Congressman Smith, al-though the returns indicate a .very tlov vote

fcasns'n- - Bulletin(nd WEEKLY Published by BULLETIN JUBLISHMH CO,, IXD.King, Street, Honolulu, Territoryof Hawaii.

ery except Sunday. Weekly issued ou Tuesday of each week





Ihjtnrwhtrt In 0.3 9 .711her, njwhct.lnU.9 ... 3.htJinrohftt lnU.3. ....IVpoMpaM, lortlun, . 13. oo


. ) Editorial Rooms, - 185canm JU.W? justness Office,


lidnl, as in robbery, theas bad as the tliief

:Kestcrileld.TTZ '

n Kent Is the man who said

Hawaii a limn has either loalonnry or n hoodlum." Hut,

Congress, will bo one of tinmis1 mi American Hawaii ran

have ktlrred up enough dls-an- il

wiisprcad opposition lrulilicun jiarty'fa warrant glv-- a

honorary titles iih Andrew-en.o)tc-

upt pupils of the


;5? i- - ., 'InillfTortfnt success cnunol

lio rlghtjprlnclple Imohed li

llgrntldn movement. N'or cannchlng of tli' Andrcwsky-C- o

h conibintlnn cause tlio He

l party Ui bo scared out f atiln and progri'sslw" stand "on

algrntlnti iiuestloii

itrso oerono would linvo beertp soq Theodoro lloosevell

try clialrmun of the New York

invention. And there artfriends of Theodore, who will

I that any harm has been donillndlng the thn'.ro others In this freo and en

id country.

nlenscd with tho success ol'Kent In his Congressional

jons, many In Ilawnll will learreoti regret of the, defeat of Con-io-

Mel ndhlnn , for renomlna-Mr- .

has been 0110 ol

iuiich supporters of Important

S"for the development of

'all's status Is such that It Is all-S-

to return' ua overwhelm-it-

for a high protective tariff,iclcgate. to Congress must bo a

man elected on u high

platform. The tariff Is tho cor-m- e

of our prosperity. In our

ins with tho States nnd otherxirlos thero Is no Issue more

taut than this


rln Andrew called to account

e tho Republican Territorialnlttce that employed him to work

le party, U'credlted with making,. ...... ' tin ,11,1 tint pncnirelUllllVMl Hit. . " ' -

armonlzo tho Republican party,,uty was merely to organize,at reply ulpnpjs sufficient to Jus-th- o

Immedlnto discharge of thisQruin the service of the commit- -

link of a man engaged to organ-Rhe- 'r

a of men or n bust-Jtelll-

his employers that ho In- -

to organlzo but not toi Harmon- -






iht man Is cither deficient or u

iriil born ass, who tries to mnln-th-

any organization amountingmythlng can bo carried on wit!)- -

harmonizing.lie orgnnlzer who fulls to hnrmon- -

isjii completo failure.ut It seems from Andrews' replyjftio has been dcllberato In Ignor- -

iiarmonlous organization.ho can profit by such lnhar-ijlo-

organization hut Andrews;



Jnfortunntoly tho meeting of tho

ninber of Commerce ut which tho

fraldent "urged tho consolidation or

ilness organizations, was marked(action In connection with the olcc-j- n

of officers, thnt furnUhcs thoinclpal argument of tho Independent

fn'of tho city ngnlnst consolidation.tfSr t'ho third successive year, tho

IncToxccutlvo olllcors aro serving tho

fflnber of Commerce. If this policy

followed out under consolidation oriTconsolldatlon, It will certainly re-

ft In dissatisfaction and fno r"yfnlPtlio old feeling that brought aboutnVrircatilzatlon of tho MerchttUtV AS- -

" - ,


Per SM MontM .Hor Vtir, nprtai VS I.ooPer Year anywhere a Cnd, I. HoPtrVor xlplJ,loitiitn 3.or




tntercd l Ihe'rontolfice t Itonaivlau leconu-ciai- i miner

AUGUST 17, 1910


The II u 1 1 c 1 1 n Is Informed that

one Joel C. Cohen Is going about this

town making thn statement that In

ho coming political campaign theEvening' lliiilotln Is to swingInto the, ndihticrnttc party, nnd willmpport tho party nnd Us candidates

Jool C Cohen-- Biatcment Is nbao-'.ute- ly

false.If ha rciieals this assertion, he will

utter that which hp known lo bo ninlsehood, and ho may be Judged by

he voters accordingly.

locUlloiir imnicly,- - llmt-tl- Chamberof Commerce Is ruled and controlledjy a continuous ring of big pcrronnlntf rests and tho "little fellow" has10 moi e show than feathers In Kl- -

uuea.Tho feeling that exists against

work each ear In the liaiuliit tho same men Is not In the rintiiref n reflection on tho character or

iblllty of the Incumhcnts.The overage- - men In Honolulu

whether rightly or not, thatihero arc moro than one or two or tenncn In the city capable of doing good

vork. Let the name- Individuals han- -

o the business of any. seinl-publ-

i gnnlrntlon )ear after car.anmierorows un n seriio of personal owner- -

Ip and right to drect and commandvhlch llio iiverngo citizen resents, f'

Any mnn who has Jiad to do with'tho nffulrs of organizations of thisjhaructcr has learned that rotation inoffice keeps tho temper of tho mem

bers In much bettor condition, it usu- -

illy makes n live organization out of

i dead one.It mav be accented ns n certainty

that with nil the business organizations centralized under tho Chamberat Commerce, hardly a year will passbefore tho grumbling will bo heardof certain elements 'yojjging It all.

This rltlclmi will n .t he outspoW-n- .

It will como out In back office talksin soincthlnu like tliu, form- - " don'twent to crftlcl'O. hut " The Jicxl

mnn will como out of u Chamhjjrmeeting and Bwenr that tho action of

lire meeting was wrong and give ashis exenso for not saying so In open

meeting thnt "I can't nrford' to buck

3ueh and such nn Interest In tho or

ganization," or "Wo aro ruled by arins: and what are you going to doT

Any man who did not encounter!this spirit nnd theso expressions III

tho days when tho Chamber of commerce, was tho only business organi-zation In Honolulu, must have lived

In a sphoro of nctlvlty far removed

from Tort street. '

It Is quite possible to lao all thopeople In tonn'ineiuucra of fin organ-

ization nnd for that organization to

lack many of tho essentials of a rep

resentntlo body, when It gels Into

action. '

Tho 11 ul let In docs not enro

whutlicr Honolulu Jins ono businessorganization or more. It wnnts to

see tho active rnen orgnnlied In amanner that will give, tho best resultsIn tho development of n broad, liberal,progressiva community spirit.

Thcdreilciill"ytho scheme suggestedIn the arfnual report tq tho Chamber

of Comraorce Is good.When dealing with the matter prac-

tically, It is well to tnko Into consld-pnitln- n

the facts of ""tho situation In

Honolulu as developed by, what men

do, what they say, an'd'hqw tliey.act,it ta ivnll in remember Oint BOino

of our liest citlzenB of 7argo wealthnnd power when listening to tho remarks nn nverago citizen of lesswealth but equal bra'ln capacity, nroInclined to isneer, "Oh, what uoes no

amount to anyway." or If they don'tsay It, to act the part. '

When IJonqliil)! has reached thetinlnt whero each member of n con

solidated business organization Is

ready to admit that every other ono

Is ns deeply loyal to the welfare of tiocity and has tho iafiio right to a re-

spectful bearlns, wjthqut taking It?."l,lrn In Inn Ivlflwlrnwn! nf llllsl- -

nesH orders, t)ien the tlmo will bo

rlpo for the unity that combines tho

E4ftN0 BOitET1N,'HO?lot.Otg, T. H tNteDAT, AUG. 17, :


H t t....n..ni t.nn.ta trAnamltv nfflm nit unLiiiuiiL nun tin w.....j.

'. selling nt a price that will yield a

x higher return than for years past.' Consult us when liuenllng In se-- H


Trent Trust Uo.,A.ta.H Member Honolulu Stock ana jiuhiH i:xrhango

""""WM"M 'i

"' ""i i

FOR SAI.EVery desirable home, corner

Pensacola and Kinau streets,

Your choice of two proper-

ties. Call at our office and

we will take you out to see

I them.

The price is right and

terms can be arranged.

Bishop Trust Co., Ltd.


The &ight Way" to communicate with

the other islands is by


business bodies In a grand, aggrcsslve, and loyal force, whero everyman and oery Interest gets n fairhearing nnd a squnre deal.

If the business men of nil Cie organizations believe that that time liasarrived, they should by all meansenrry through tho proposed consolidation.

If It has not arrived, consolVntlonwill be n complete failure.




rtoturnBfrom the lirlmnrlos In CalIfornln show that tho neoulo of thatgrand and powerful young State) aroaroused to tho needs of tho hour nndrespond heartily to tho call that hasgono forth' throughout tho country-- forn squafo deal In liolltlcs nnd hontstyin governntcnt.

Tho victory of. such men ns IlltamJohnBon and William Kent moans thattho new era ln tho moral tono of ourcountry's political activities has ar- -



When Buying

Watch Get

The Best


One that meets every demandfor perfect service; one thatcombines perfection in theworks, style and character inIhc case to satisfy and pleaseindividual taste and rcauiro-ment-

'Our Watches wc recoramenfl

to you.

H. F. Wichman



rtved nnd thnt It is real nnd earnest.I Of. courffi 1110 llgV Ol me uvai ijmontlis will bo complicated by tilt' In

torests of Graft. Iilglt aud low, operating In tho two parties to account- -

llsh their nonpartisan nml sullisii

ends. Hut tho people hale been lenrn-!ln- g

a'thlng or two In the last few

years, nnd they haVo shown their null-

ity to comblno on n

basis when it como to lighting In-

terests that are rooked. Having....., ...An i.n mutnln ulll urnhablvsiurieu muii m i'i'.I continue the good work In California,

nnd elect to officii Independent men

for the State and foi Congress,

Desmond Dunne Jr , son of .i

limine, foimerlv commissionerof public works lu Brooklyn, wns

killed Instantly In nn niliomouuo ac-

cident nt Westhnmiiton, I.. I. Hisautomobile turned turtle.

A sovcro electric ttorm Bwcpt over- , .. .. ,.... -, t mild

St. 1.0UIS, .MO., II1IU I."" oi. -

III., recently. Ai tho latter placa. .

seven aeroplanes were awmytu,

Waterhouse Trustwmmimmm- m- I

Special Opportunityi -

During this monrth only we offer the following choiceKaimuki residences for purchase, unon terms withm thereach of anybody desirous of acquiring a home. Small cashpayment and halanf.e in monthly instalments. Call and get

particulars of the.e two special bargains before they are


NO, 1 Three-bedroo- house on car line. SpaciousNewly papered and painted throughout.

Lot 100x225, covered with shade 'and fruit, ' trees, tables and servants' quarters.

' ' NO, 2 New bungalow. Magnificent viewof two (Oceans j adjoining Kaimuki Crater (re-- y

served nsapark). Either one or two lots, asdesired.


Three-bedroo- furtnished bungalow on the Kaimuki carline. One of the most icomfortable homes in Honolulu.

Waterhouse,. Fort al Mcrohant Strata )L



WASHINGTON, I). C, July 9- .-Itobc'rt St. (loprgo Dryonforlh, eightears old. must be guarded from th

wiles ot'w-omcn- .

Tlicfp and many inner mauum"are prescribed by thci will "f )i!a

father, Hhbert (1. Drjenforlh, m

wealthy patent attorney, who dleij

July 1 nnd whose will has been lllnd

for probate.Tl,n nntlrn oot.nlH with the OXCPP- -

tlnu of n few bequests left to theexecutors of tho will and in rcia-tlvr.- 8

will Im rnnverted Into n trustfund to carry out tho wishes of .tlietestator In regard to his son's rear-

ing.In the event of tho death of joung

llobert before he reaches the nge "T

lis jears, or In the event of histins' with n relative, one Jennie

llrviMifnrtl, nr lipr dntichtcr. llOSO

Mario KnnwHnn, tho vast estnto ito go to William 11. Harold and lion-cr- t

Drjenforlh, who aro named ex-

ecutors.Thn will, which was dated April 2,

1909, first provides for tho creationof tho tniRt fund for tho boncflt of

the son. colling for tho payment ofSGn a mnnti for his maintenanceuntil ln Is twelvn vpars 'old: $1000

a year aftpr ho reaches that age, andlater lio Is to rccolac sinoo a yearlie does not enter Into tio full bene.(It tif bis estate until ne renencs uinge of 2S.

I itnrttiiilnrK rnnnpst tnv OXPCll

tors to thoughtfully nnd well guardni beloved son from women i n.t v

Hint Is. tiutellvT gradually.through no erratic cx)7cme, to lethim he informed and Know mo tin-fi- ll

nnd pnrnslllcal nature of mott of

the unfortunate sex, nnd tn care thatho does iiotvmnrry beneath hlni,"rptiiln ntie nnrncrntill nf tho Wilt.

With tho Instrument was nicti anaco of Instructions (oncernlng th"cdtiratlon of tho boy. Tho fatherwishes lilm prepared lo t;nler hlglis hool nt the age of 14 and to entertlnrvnnl nt thenco of 18. to tnko .1

special course which will nt mm ror

the study of law at Oxford University. He nlso directs that each yeartho boy be taken to visit one countryof Uurope from tho tlmo ho Is IIveais old. ler ho llnlshes Oxford

the father wishes him to enter thelulled Stntcs Military Academy,crmpleto the cnurso nnd serve thorequired time In tho army, afterwhich he directs Hint the boy takeup tho practise of law. ,

- . rm-


SIMLA, 'itlsh India. July 29.T - 'i ci In Tibet, duo to the con.ti i ..i-lt- of tlio Chlnefe. hasatsuu.-- J so threatening n form thatiii r.ni?ilali government has ordereda suinclcnt number of Indian troopsto ho held In readiness ou tno 11

hctan frontier, to proceed, If ncces.sary, to tho relief of Qynntso nndOuatong, the Ilrltlsh agencies In


Olaa advanced to 0.7.", on tho Stockr?vplinttrrn tlilu liiftrnlntr n lilnck nflvo shares being taken nt that figure.

Tlio stock also 'movoti raincr rrceiynt R.r,2Vi, six liloekH' tolnllng- tlirepiiundred nnd scvcnty-Hv- shares being

taken ni innt iiguru.Vnlalna also strengllinned mnterl-ally- !

u blqek or Hvc going nt 1211.00

nnd nrtcrl) shnrri nt 1S, the histsale halug been at 129.

Ffty shares of Oaliu went nt 31.1214

and ten nt Si.nO.

rive slinre of llnnnlnlii llrnwingand MnlllpR Company was taken at21 75 nnd fifteen nt 21.87'i



Mm Wnlminniia Mnlol. n wellknown Hawaiian, who hns been fnll-lu-

In hrnlth for somo time, tiled yes-

terday at I.uiinlllo Ilnnie. She wns

nhout 100 ears of nge, nnd was one

of the most conspicuous figures. In thel'alncc during tho dynasty oi mu mieKlng'Kalaknun.

Acconllng lo aged Ilnwailans, sirs.Mnlni was nrobahly tho last of nil

the Hawaiian women, who had specialknowledge of tho meillcnal value of

connln Hawaiian plants.The funeral over tho remains of the

deceased will he held this afternoon.

7,Wi:JMM OAK TltlllL. .

ro hi: corny koi: .(ii:i .max

Mitvniiv I ml.. Jiilv 27. A glnntntit-- irpn Hint had been watched from

n sapling Beenty-nv- o years ago to Its'

present size will epcaso tno iinuy oiI'nrv U'pnwlck. need 77. Ills sons to

day cut down the great tree thnt grewIn the doorynrd or tho rnmiiy iiomc-uipm- i.

nml llicv are fashioning It Into

a coffin, llphnlsterers will smooth theiouglinei8 of V)ie Interior, mil tlio out-sid- o

nnd the lid will bo of the uiilln- -lnl.,1 .nn,l A annrlnl lipnrsn will berequired to convdy tho coffln-n'n- Its

contents to the cemctory, wnero mecomn will bo burled In u grave of

cement.Fcnwlck, who wns a prosperous rar- -

inr iuirl nlwnVS InVpd tllO datlt Oak,

tind when rclutlvcs yesterday opened

his will they round tnorein tno sirnngerequest that lie be hurled 1n n coffinmndo froni thn tree.

Tibet. The Chlneso gqvernment In

Its ettorts lo lecstabllsh Its authorityIn Tibet sent troops and officials Intotho country. Thcte were opposed by

tho Dalai vl,aini and the theochncygoverning the iuntr tho conflictculminating In the (light of the Da-

lai I.amn to Kngllsh territory earlythis year. Advices from tio Ilrltlshprote.-tornte- of Nepaul and llhutnn,which adjoin Tibet, nt that time, In-

dicated that tho Chinese occupancynf tiiipi imil excited unrest In thoprotectorates, which might call forinterference to protect lirmsu intorests.

lirMfiOiAT wii 1


(Continued from TaRe 1)havo Candler work principally forr it. rnrAti,tlnaa whn la to

make tlio effort of his Ilfo this time,.. . . .. . .. . .,.- - ,t. -

II being reaii7eu mat .now mm. monn, 'nM Ininl titnnlt I which did1 ho v

mucji sorVlCn lit ihft.lnstw'rnmpalRn,has been shot to pieces, sorncunngnovel Is needed In take, Its place.On tho other hand Iho lehtic.rs figure-tha- t

Cnuillcr will ntso ho nhn to dosomo good work for tlir legislativeanil own tho count tickets.

Ilul . 'Tim "hut" lii lnp.il Demneratle noil- -

ilnj.n1i.nia I mtlmt fa llin fltinnrlrttquestion. In ihls case It- - Is tlio money for Candlers travelling nnd oinerexiienses. Unk Is quite" .willing tollg. ns Is becopilnf! a man who mniiobis start In Iho business,but ho feels that the other membersof the party should do a llltle delving,too.

So tho call has gono out to goodim! im-n- l lioniiirrats nil over Ihe Islands, nsklng what they think nf Ihoplan, nnd Incidentally suggesting matjhey klmw their symjiathy lu "llin formof money contributions. I'rospecllincnndldatCH particularly aro remindedor llip hejiollt which they, will derjvoif the services' of Candler nro secur-ed.

tr comes to Hawaii toinkn the stuinn for McCandlCM nndagainst Jxiihlo, he will hnve.to goback on a statement nnii opinionvoiced ,by himself whllo herc,.nstyear with iho Congressional fdelega.Hon or vlsllois. At one or tno manyluaus jjlveii lna honor or tho nationallegislators, Cnrjdlor asserted" tliat Kil-hl- o

wns entitled to tho united sup-

port or tho people ot llnwnll at (honext election. According to thostatements or those prest-n-t nt Iholunii, Capdler pracflcalfy urged thqilinllshiiient nf nailv lines when Itcame to tho next ulceHini and thoselection of a Delegate, tho basis Tor

tho assertion being what hq conl(- -

cred the great work thnt was neinslone ror the Territory by yrlnco ku-h(- o

as tho Dqlcgato to Congress.L. I McCandless this morions

practically confirmed tho report qttho proposition to bring Candler toitiiwnll. In renlv to n question nsto. whether Candler would not hoi...u.. win, htu mvn fences In thoState (it Mississippi, McCandless stat-

ed Hint, Candler could come aftertho primaries nils monin, lor nu

would then bo root-lfis- o and fancy-frco.t- o

tell the people of Hawaii whythey Rliouiu. vma ino usiuuuj,uiuticket.

JlcCnndless stated further that thoplan had bcoi talked of for somo.

time, but did not state deftnUcly thatCandler was coming, which wouldnow uppear lo ho a foregono conclu-


Thq man who pays as ho gocB sel-

dom gets bcond tho. speed llmIC

Don't bo a kicker. A mule can beatyou at the game.

km ill It T!fglBSL-Sl-S-S3I- E' "TCSIiViyT1 oiMfm' ' ' l




Chalmers Qm

Victor of Victors,-- '- i

On Track, Road and Tpur19Q9-1Q-H- y

.'No car. tor the price has ever

equalled the Chalmers' Record.Few cars that sell for .more have

surpassed the Chalmers' Record.

Specifications for thc beautiful

jiew 1 9 i.i .Models on application

Sold by

Associated Garage. V ' r

Limited JfMiiiin n

' 'v V?V.



. !




Page 5: 1 V Va Evening BULLETIN - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17542/1/...will dcfral Congressman Smith, al-though the returns indicate a .very tlov vote



i A



'.JJ ''.." "J "'" "'im.j!.'jil'"?'",'w",til


You Do Not Sacrifice


IK andIN and

ONJintl ON for or i

I 0 BIf yoii to or



' 125

of arc the

by the

in at

on tho of


,' P. H.of for hjs

of Balefor th

79 81310



on 187

in the

II T3 N R Y &22- -




. .A .j t

w. - - . j i T TT " T T rcA J L . TJ




When You Wear Our Shoes

The anatomy of the foot is studiedby the makers of the last and thecutters follow the models.

Om Shoes aro the T3ostaircl not High Priced

M'lueimy Shoe StoreFort St., just above King

Weekly Bulletin, $1 Yea



THE HILLS, cashlmnial payments;

want rent your place'somebody else's place

IBorrow loan money,

iPratt,the Land ManMERCHANT STREET

More Available,


and Securethan Letters Credit


issued American Bank-ers' Association.

Current every country1'IXEIVALUES plainly stat-:- d

facp eachcheque.

Bank of Hawaii, Ltd.Capital Surplus:


BURNETTECora'r. Deeds California

Hew York; NOTARY PUBLIC;Grant Marriage Licenses: DrawsMortgages, uceds, iJUliLeases, WillsEtc. AttorneyDistrict Courts. MERCHANTHONOLULU; PTTONT.

Vienna Bakery1129 Fort





Best Market

MAY CO.Phone



J3-9- 5 Kiiif? Street, ne'ar Maunakea.Phone Daily Delivery

PAY-- q;




Paper, of any description






Fort and Queen Streets

OEO. Q. GUILD - ManoRer

A VacationReminder


Safe Deposit



JHawaiianfrusi Co.,Ltd.




S3 Merchant SJreet Telephone 780

Stop' Paying RentSee the

HAWAIIAN REALTY CO.Phone 553. 83 Merchant St.

$500 to $15,000

CALIFORNIAOIL MAP FREEWe are giving away rrca tothose answering this advertise-ment before July 31st, a map orall the California oil fields; alsoa free ouliscrrptlon to our tradeJournal, "California Oil Fields."Sagar-Loom- ls Co., 833, S34, $33I'helan Uldg., San"- - Trnnclsco,California.

385 editorial roams 250 bmlnesk' office. These are tho telephonenumbers of the D u 1 1 0 1 1 n office.

Ji i'j

Alfred D. CooperHawaiian Stocks and Bonds

Bought and Sold307 JTJDD BU11DINQ

Telephone 489 P. 0; Box 007

Wm. Williamson,

Stock and Bond Broker,

u mxjcchant it.PHOJTE 612. P. 0. BOX 5McHonolulu Stock Exchange

Wcdneart.iy, Aus. 17.


C. Drawer & CiSUOAIt.

ttwn r'antntluti Co ...... UK MHawaiian Agrlc. Co 240Haw. cum. b.etiK Cu. . . 4Ullawiiliaii Susir Oi 44Iionomu Buga Co I jo' Ih5Ilonokna Sueur Co ...r. m.v X.'fIlnlkii Sugar Co ......... "SoHutrlili.-oirHirKl- ir PMnL .Kuhliku ''lantalldn Ci. ...Kuknha Rn'sar Co 00 2ICoiu.i ug.ii Cu 103MellryrtoSugjrCo. ..... 'oiiO1I111 Sliear f!Oiu'iiiea Sugkr Co 4H IK'.MH

I'm SugnrCc. Ltd. .'.... 6K lijiOIiiw'uIhCoI' i.iubau Suur Plant. Co. 26l-- 3

I auric Sugar Mill 140t'ul 1 1'luutatlon Co l?Pt'lieekl Susar Co 150 ifHPioneer Mill Co lilt 2.WWnlaitin Asno Co l3oWulluku buRHrCo 7SWnlraanalo Sugar Co 220Wulmea 81'gar Mill Co. . . ' 125 150

MISCELLANEOUS.Inter-Islan- Htonra N. CoHawaiian Electric Co. . . . '4SHon. It. T. &L Co.. Pier, . 105Hun It. T. & I. Co . Com. . 105.Mutual Tclujihunu Co. ... UNalilku Huboei Co..

J'aldUpNnhlku Itubboi' Co.. Ahh. .Oalm It. & L. Co M l 2Hllo R. IL Co. PfdHllolt.lt.co 12 12

Hon. D. 4 M.'Co 21 K 22Ilawailaa Plueapplo C'11 . . 33Tanjong Olok ft. Co. u1 U .7

do do anil. 65 u 2

irnw.Tor.4X FrCI.) ..Havr.Ter.4Xhaw.Ter.4HIUw.Tcr.4Vii:IIaw.Ter.3V4Cal. Beet tints, ft Iter. Co. (i

Hamakiia UUch Co.,Upper TJltch Cs 104

Hnw. Irr. Co., 61 45 pd. .Haw. Irrgtn.CoCa 103Haw. Com. & Sub. Co. 5 lo's"Hllo It. It. Co., lflouo 190Hllo IL R. Co. Con. f. ...HunokaaSugui Co., 6 ,. ot IOJI-- 2

Hon. H. T. ft U Co. Q ... ic6Kauai Ity. Co. Cg V) IOO VKoliala Dltcli Co. 6 tool."Mcltrydo Susai Co. fit . . . 9s" ySl-- 2

OabuIl.&L.Co. iX 102Oahu Sugar C'i 5'Olaa Hugar Co. 6 i',(P.c. Bug. Mill Co. 6a 102Piqnotir Mill Co. 6 101

Walalua Agrlo. Co. X . . .

HAI.KS IlcUccn Ilci.ircLs: 200 Olaa,?R C2'v: 25 Olaa, SKfi2ii; r Ola.i.IG.G3V4: 50 olaa, J.2'4; 30 Oalm Hug,Co., f3L12i-j- , 25 Paliang Hub. Pd. $18.

SohbIoii ShIim: 15 Hllo Com., 312; 20Haw. (. & S. Co.. $11.121,..,; 5 Hon. H.& M. Co.. $21.73; 25 Olaa. J.C2Vj; 23Olaa. $fi.t;2'i,; 5 Olaa. $fi,73: 15 Him.II. & M. Co., $2i,87'4; 10 Oahu Suit.Co. $31; 5 Walalua, $12UG0; 50 Kwa,$33.7G; 10 Kwa, $33.75; 3 Walalua.$130; 10 Wnlalui, $13').

Latest sunar nuotatlon 4.425 centscf $88 SO a ton.

Sugar, 4.425 cts

Reels I4s 10 l-- 2d


Mtmhtr Honolulu Ctock nd BonoExchange


HarryArmitageStock and Bond Broker

Member of Honolulu Stock andBond Exchange

Campbell Block, Merchant Street


Members Honolulu Stock and BondExchange



Trent Trust Co.,Limited


.Inhn Warner and Hay Met alf.oa'li 11 eara old. coufeiied llritI hoy hud committed f,00 liurglarlni,when the Canton, O , pollco nrrostedthem.

...- I - ' f.w",rrr r : rr . ffl


A new supply of the huge nickepads has just come in, Two hundred sheets for five cents, at thiBulletin 'office.

One To i:iglit Ona.St Louis College opens Tucsdny

Sept. 0. .

Oim- - IhoiiKiind splendid books, 53cUnnwi niiil l.)un Co. Until no moveonly.

The band will play at KaplolalilPark this afternoon at the children'spicnic.

Do you vsunt n clean cotnfjrtnbhroom $1.30 or $2 week? Call 1281

fori St.Company C of the Marino Corpt

defeated Company II yesterday atbaseball, tlic'scoro being Id to 3.

If you wntit a good Job done on anauto or carrlago take It to HawaiianCarrlago Mfg. Co.. 427 Queen St.

Tho desks and other fixture nt thepolice court h.tvo been cleaned andpainted, und the place looks like nownow. ,

Jerry Itooncy Is now at the AutoI.hery Co. with bis Packard car.No. 270. Hotel rtid Union atrccls;phono 6.

The Lille b.iseball nine beat theKahiilm ln rm t rn Sunday by h

of 9 to 8, and the game was an ex-

citing one.Inoiio. who wat charged wl(h bnv

lug used threatening language, hadtho cano against him nollo proxscd nt

the police court this morning.Kour rtuislana tried to stowaway

on board tho Wlllielmlua this morn-ing, but they were discovered andsent (in shore ngntn by the police.

Tho Japauere Orphan Asylum willbe located on the property of V. II.Castle, at King nnd Pllkol streets, nlean halnglbecn obtnlncd for tbosame.

A Japanese on n blcyclo receiveda Fcvern shaking up last night In ahead-o- n collision with John Cluney'snuto a Clurioy was coming out ofAdams lane,

JnmrH .lurrett, brother of SheriffJnrrctt. leTt on tho Wllhelmlna thismorning for the mainland whuro hewill return to bis studies at SantaClara College. '

Has our boy bis chool clothes'Don't put off getting tho boy's outfituntil Just before school opens. Tnkulilm down to Sllva's Togijcry nnd fithim with tho bust clothes ho lias overhad.

Itemember that today, tomorrow nndFriday aio tho remaining days of theextraordinary sale of men'? , IiIeUgrndo shoos at tho Manuracttiivrs'Shoo Co. $100, $1.50 nnd $3.00 at$3.00. .

Oct to Sards before uno o'clock onSaturday and tnko advantngo of theirSpecials. Thcro Is Cotton CovertCloth, 811k Net Oloves. All Wool dial- -

lies, Normandy and otherbaigalus.

Hlgnshl, a Japancso who Is eburgedwit bnssault and battery, failed to res.jxind to bis name In court this morn-ing. His ball or $23 jvaa ordered tobo forfeited, and a bench warrant wasIsriied for his arrest.

Ororge Kami was arrested Instnight on a rhnigu of attempting todefraud an auto driver of his fare.After a Joy rldo with several companlons, he attempted to "stand off"the chauffeur, but It did not work-Nex- t

Saturday thero will ho a freoouting for poor children nt Walklkl.Tho Salvation Army will conduct thogood time. It Is expected that sev-

eral carloads of joungstcra will bnpresent. Tickets will bo given to a I

children who apply lieforo I'rld.iyevening. Tho crowd will leae Kingnnd Nimnim streots at 'J o'clock.Lunch will be furnished.

Rev. Krnnk M. Italns of Cincin-nati, 0 secrctnry of the ForeignMissionary Srolety of tho Christianchinch, will reach Honolulu b theMongolia and will preach at theChristian churih, Thursday evening,at 7:30. Fred Kdward Osborne, 'i

Chrlttlan man of tlio transort llurinto, will sing one, iiml probably twosolos during the evening. All r

Invited to enjoy this dim I

ringing nnd good preaching, no offcrlng.


Hi: IT ItESOI.VKI) by tho Hoard

of Supervisors of tho CILy andCounty of Honolulu, Territory ofHawaii, that the sum of TWHNTY-l"IV-

HUNDIIKI) nOLLAHS ('-'-,SOO.00) bo and H hcrally appropri-ated fioin tho Henornl Fund for anaccount known aa "MAINTKNA.NCi:OF SCHOOLS."

Presented by SupervisorIJANIKL LOOAN

Honolulu, T. IL, August 1G, 1910.

The foregoing resolution was, atn regular meeting of tho HoniM .ofSupervisors of tho City and Countyot Honolulu, hold on Tuesday, Au-

gust 1C, 191V, ordered passed toprint on tho following oto of saidHoard:

Ayos Aylett, Cox. Logan, McClolIan, Qulnn. Total, ft.

Noes--Non- e.

Alrcnt nnd not otlurc Aliln.13. nUFFANDEAU,

Acting City and County Clotl;.4C99 Aug. 17, IS, 19, 20, 22.

mi) il.iifr' ttaftttr-tiijir'iii- ..ru&ix.oaW..L-i&- i

AW 17, inin. ! -- .

How About Your

Boys' School


Bring the boy inand let us fit himwith the best wear-ing and best ap-

pearing SCHOOLCLOTHES he hasever had.



It has been said Good-

ness is always on the inside.


CIGARETTESare good to look at but belter tosmoke. The mouthpiece, thepure mats paper, the choice to-

bacco blended just right, givesyou the cigarette par excellence.

10 for 10 centsTHE JOHN nOLLMAN CO., Mfr..




P. 0. Box 040 Telephone 708

Conducts all cjasses of Audits andInvcstirationj, nnd famishes Reportson all kinds of financial work

Suggestions Riven for simplifyingor systematizing office work. Allbusiness confidential,



llrown Dachshund, name, 'Caruso,"No tollar on Reward J10. Ap-

ply Helen's Court !G99-2- t


The water will bo shut off betweenthe hours of 7.110 p. m nnd mid- -

I night, on Wednesday, August 17,1910, on Hotel street between Alakoaand Jtlt'hnrdx, on Itlchards stieet be-

tween Hotel and King, and on Alakeabtreet botwoen Hotnl nod King, furthe piupnse of mailing rep.ilis inmain plpn lines

J. M LITTLi:,Superintendent of Honolulu Water

Works. 1099-lt

. if- -, iJB 'M

mm rf .' r v' 'r Wit

I'- - " A":" B

111'; ;if 4Mm

YTRAGOOf)Knee pants lined all through

Don't wait until just beforeschool opens. Our stock is

large but a few days differencemeans first choice.

Silva's ToggeryLimited

Elks' Building King Street


local government nlMrl.il was stand-ing on tho dei-l- of tho liner ChlyoMaru tho other day watching thopassengers disembark. The alleywayla which be wns standing wns Utter- -

oil with hand bnggage. Pointing tione bundle, the olllclal raid:

I "It's alwa)H been a puzzle to Innwhy th cue darn fool tourists want topuck tiireo or tour gross or waiKingsticks around the world with them."

Ucv. llobcrt Iliirdetto of t'avidouawas standing Just the bundleof walking canca, and within easyearshot of tbo speaker.

"I'm the darn fool that bololigs tothat collection," snld the reverun I

humorist, wheeling around and fir-ing the group to whom tho olllclalhad addressed the remark.

"I'll tell ou about thoeo canes,"Iliirdetto continued. "If jnu examinethem jou'll seo thnt tlioy're all cheap.Tho most expensive didn't cost 25centH Met I picked them up Indifferent plates, and am taking themhomo fin- - a purpose. Among my goodfriends in Pasadena uro some whonever know when It Is time to gohome. The) 'II all call on mo when I

get buck there, and when I llud my-vo- ir

getting sleepy and uiutlilo to goto bed bccnUBo tome visitor hna Ig-

nored tho march or tlmo, 1 will Jumpup Fiiiblcnly, taKo him by tho arm

,:.rt i


- -


m ii.uk Ak

und lead lllm to the bull, saying:"1 Just happened to think of It.

I brought ou romethlng from tboOilent, and I want jnu to take' Itnow '

I will present him with one otthere stli-k- Ho Is not likely to I'JV-I- t

back In the umbrella stand. Hawill hardly crVry It with him Intotho parlor. The only thing lit) nudo Is to tuko It home."

"Aren't. cu urrnhl, Mr. Ilurdctte,"tfiu onicla'. "that some or

these newspaper men might publishwhat jou sn?"

"It might be n good thing lr theydid." replied Iliirdetto. "You see.some or the peoplo for whom I havobought thcro sticks ure pretty alowto cat h on, nnd it might help awhole lot If they knew exactly whatthey worn expected to do when I gavetbeni tho stick."


t i,

Tho appraised valuo of 1'9,989.,'i

acres or land comprising l.Oiijla I HI, "30 according to., n

statement mndo byCampbell or the or PublicWorks, thcao homesteads having allbeen Purveyed since the amended Orgnnlc Act was recehed from

Thrro havo been manyTor homesteads but practically all ofthem have been for lands now underlease and not yet surveyed.

Tho opening of these homestenrisalready auncvod will tako place InNm ember nnd those wishing to bo Inon tin should file


Sale of

SIsLiIvSThis Week


Jordan's.wK.i-Uw.iv- .







drillings applica-tions

jftto.;,!.-- .



Page 6: 1 V Va Evening BULLETIN - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17542/1/...will dcfral Congressman Smith, al-though the returns indicate a .very tlov vote


it t


'fiA r4f) rftf',f!


o HVnNINn 1IUIXRT1N. IIOXOU-'M- '. T II.. WEDNnaDAY. AUd. 17. I"t0.T

Are WjBffl New and Complete Line ofCountry Stores

Take Notice


This equipment will protect you fromfire. Extinguishers, Chemical Engines andWatchman's Clocks for sale by

J. A. GilmanFort Street, Honolulu Phone No. 50



I will kvc you low fi pities on any one of nbovo different kind ofwork that you may wnnt figures on. Give me n chance.


0. W McDOWALL, ManagerOffice Hours 5:30 p. m, to 0:30 p.m. rhone 588



f yr

iy ftsvHilBBf Y '








Sitit and Skirts when cleaned by

our French Process retain their orig-

in al frcshr.c.s.







White Frost

Have Arrived

at the

Coyne FurnitureCo.,

Bishop Street



Pints and Quarts




Macey Sectional


bcaut.fy your home and pre-

serve your hooks free from dtutand insects. All sizes and

shapes in beautiful' golden oak.

H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD.,Hardware and Office Furniture Department




Vaudeville mid farce tonicity oftlio hlRhcst ciuullt), us given tllldweek at llio New Orphciim, iiro tliomagnets wlili li (oittlimo to comfort- -ulily llll tlio popular Hotel streetthcatur tilRhtl). A vnuiluvlllo pio-mu-

of elKlit iiunilieiH In followedby a IiIIiiiIiiiihI) fiimi fane cullo I

"A I'.ilr of H hcineis," and thciu Is

entertainment ciiuurIi to ple.iso

fori ln)il . llunjca ntnl (ildcon nroseining ii bigger lilt til ii n even lastneck, ami (liclr singing and plnno-plnvln- g

a t Is considered ono ot tliomost novel of its kind ever seenlicro. A feature nf this nunilicr Utin) fait that nil tlio hours renileiedh Miss lliinyca mid (ildcon nro CJ Id

eons own . (impositions. Miunl'iIto kwol 'h mm) uunitjcrH arti well

noil i lie coiitlnues to Ret tlio

'U cml of the applause each iiIrIUChi Him Chiieo, Harry (larrlly, HarrisMiQiilm ami llarr) Stn.ut arc nt

tin I' lies! In "A l'alr of Schemers '

ami between tlio iiunrtet then- - Ismall) u IiiurIi lianilcil out. LaurelAtkins' liultiUlons of Hurl l.iimlerhip tlio best plcco of wink Hint shebus (Idiie liere, OIr.i St cell lias aicficidilug change III Iter il . lit II --

ilune spcMiiillv. I"" r pc "Nauglltv13) oh" being i pu of the lil'. i'f tliopioprnm.

at ti:i: onui:.A' i'w Kniplro, for a ml hr.i

in nt, 'lliompFon ami the Dtuiiiniiilidi.tcrs mo iippearliiR, IuivIiir upeiicilto a big Iioiiko last nlRlit Tills trioneeds no pulling to liclp Hi" b.ix nllWreceipts, as vaudeville

they arc second In none Ifou nro lookltiR for iimiiBiinii"ii go to

tlpi Kniplro.This wcok, the dinning of Mm l.v.ilvu Is par excellence It Is far nnil

away tlio most Rrnieful dance tillsllttlo artist lias dnmi In Honolulu llyway of n cIiiiiiro Miss I3tn will, fortlio lattnr part of tlio week do an

song and danto



Hi'.TTI.IJ. Wash.. July 28 - Thogasollno trading schooner Helon.Inhiisloii. owned mid navigated byI.oiiIh I .ii lie. run of Chillies I) I.ane,tho t'aliroitila mllllmialre, Jilly n

a heid of 20.000 walrusswImiultiR In tho sea near tho I)lo-inc-

Islands, In liming Straits. Thomilmils covered an nioii of severalacies of water, mid tho s hooiior,after trlng to Ball IIiioiirIi tint herd,drew to olio sldo. Knrtnu ilely aphotogriiphei was on tho Johnsciii,and tho Ituidniit will ho reunited n't.entlfliullv. This Is said to be thelargest held ever n'en, and teoms to

ills"rodlt roputts of tho Impendingextinction of thu wall us tluoughhunting for Its Ivoiy tusks

llanv J .liihnson, a negio, whoniiirdeieil and rnblied slohn II. Ilnrt- -

uiiiu. a UveiMiinn of Hnrrlsburg, l'a.,Dei ember s, 1009. lias been haneed.Ills last words wero: "No InjusticeIs being done "

Major (iiiner.it (Iratit at New Yntkdo hired lie had llttlo faith In the

Ten Thousand Iowa Farmers Rebuild380 Miles of Roadway Across

State in 60 Minutes.

Tin ce hundred ami clRlity milesof road straight n'ross tlio Htnto ofIowa ncio ichullt In one hour by

ton thousand fanners, with mi out-

lay ot not ono cent, according to astory in Good Ho.ida Advocate for.Itil).

The Aihocatc stnrj follows:The greatest plcio of road build- -

Iiir the wortd cor wltncwcd wnspulled off in Iowa last neck whenIn the short spaco of otio single hour,u Hue of road 380 miles In lengthanil stretching entirely ncioss tlioState of town, was put in llio mostlierfttt condition of miy road westof the Mississippi rlcr. Weeks midmonths wcic spent in preparing forthe rl, but not a pick nor hIioscIwns iifcil until the designated secondwas ticked off. Then, iib If hini.iRb. lo.ooi) workmen swarmed outonto the roadway mid when theyleased work, CO minutes Inter, Iowahad ono of the finest o

roads In tlio West.And not tlio least interesting thing

In (onno-lio- with tlio tremendouspleic of work Is the fact that not aman of tlio entire 10,000 engagedon the work lerelvcd ono cent ofwages. (lood will and patriotismalone are responsible for the splen-did showing. In addition to benefit-ing by the toad which was liullt sorapidly and so well, the Stato ofIowa has iccelved all impetus towardgood roads Hint will undoubtedlylaud It in tlio very frolit ranks ofthose Slates which cull brag on theirpood roads.Country Roads Fearful,

All tiioso who have passed tluoughIowa during tlio wet season havetunneled at the tcrilhlo conditionsof the lountry' hlghwajs. Withprm tluillv no inacndaiii In tlio State,theiouiitrj loads nro of the "gumbo'"order In the winter, while In Biini- -

iiiei the.v nro nothing but long linesof dust wlili Ii seem, nt times, to ilsoup andi oIibcuio cvor)thlng withinordinal y sight.

Last winter tlio Iowa mails boinmo so fearfully bad that trallKwas iiiHitlcally killed and farmerswero (iiiiipelleil simply to remain Intheir homes. The (ondltlon readi-ed a illin:i and a general dcninmlfor better roads was olced nil ovortlio Stnte. Country and farm nows-pape- is

took up tlio ciy and advo-

cated that suiiiethliiR bo done.Finally tlio matter of toads bee.imo

u political question, and both par-

ties got behind tho movement. (Sov-ern-

Cnrroll clillcd u "ainhI roads"meeting nt Pes Mollies' early lastMaixh, and out of this meeting wnsowdveil thr plan of a "rl.er to ilcr"toad, sttotclilng fiom Council 111 ti ITh

on tho Missouri ihor to IMvcuportmi tho Mississippi, a illstau e of 380miles straight across tho Stato fromcast to we'st. .

Advice of the Convention Followed."Malm tho rlver-to-iho- r mad us

near poifeit Is Is posslhlo to makoJust (omnion dirt" wns tlio senso ot

, tho Rood toad (onvotitlmi.Instead of appointing new com

mittccH to handle tho work, tho reg-

ular . Itoitiililtt.nl mid Dcnioerutlccommittees In each county IIiioiirIiwhich tho mad would pass wero ap-

pealed In. Tho chairmen of tho linn-mlttc-

of each party were asked togot in tho gauio and work for thoload. Kveiy one iigiced to do so, unit

thotlio the fniialoto seo whlth party would have thomost workmen "on tho Job" when thutime for woifi mrlvcd.

Last Satuidii) was ni cited as thoday, mid from 0 o'clock to 10 o'clocktho hour of work.

Uvoty fanner along tho way wua


9 A

und pow-i-

picks, shove a ,iais, loadlit i,(

men n lit IC.eifanner withSiipeilntenili'iits i.ndbeen In nil.-- i

ni ') 'or., la.i Didorissued to

IO.Omi v i'. mineto." Tor In in thei I,


mid f 111 hi k went link theli

All run down, easily tired, nerv-

ous? And do not know v,!i;tto take? Then go direct toyour Ask his opinionof Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It con-

tains alcohol, stimulation,and is a blood purifier, a nervetonic, a strong alterative, aidto digestion. Ask your doctorabout Ayer's Sar-

saparilla as a strong tonic forthe weak.

Ayer's Sarsaparilla

Fnpartd by Dr. J C. L C. toH, Mm U. 8, A.


Tho Salvation Army Is. planning nfieo children s outing. They arc polug to tako u blR crowd of childrento Wnlklkl beach a Rood timeSaturday. I'loni tho native Hawnllaudown to the latest comcis, tho chlt-- di

on of tho ltusslans in the ramptwllel, Including Chinese, Japanese,Porto Itlcans and tlio others withoutregard to rneo or cieed, all who np-pl- y

will bo mid tho momtho

What tho ojllccr In charge oflocal corps needs to mako tills freeouting possible and acceptable to thellttlo folks Is money transporta-tion and a good lunchfor the llttlo besldi s miiiio few

ropes, baseballs and bits,nnd. prlres running races, etcThen some small lings to wno tithe trolley ilde to nnd from bciuliwill add zest nnd enthusiasm Hi swiling American crowd of little ful

Hnough grown rolks will ro nlong tomako It safe nud happy tlionnd klndeiRaitrn liilldrrn.

Tow aid .iinch there can be iimiIbread, butter. Jelly, or.ucsor npplcs, rakes, peatiuts, soda water,lie nud tonio little meat, too, irhandwlchcs mil any other 3

edibles,A good lunch, a Rood ride, a Rood

swim lor tho blgRer bos mid glili)and ! Jolly nil luiind Rood time, "V

In rummer llir.o Is

wl.ni tie little rolks lave leari'i'd tolook forward to when HalvatlonAimv b.is u Tico dicu h outing, iiyl

iiiljiii.itil tut wnnt toto inato little onet. who ii.i.e

to this ovcut nil thowrallou. so fat

Send your contribution or check toSalvation Army, louirr Niiuanu inlKIiir street, euro Ailjiltnnt M T

in clinrRc, or send aeanl to h.io soino call

to Satva'iollArmy, Ilox r,l8, rlly.


which luito stood Hi" tint of timeileservo ii lilac o 111 lb" inodlelii" elie I

of ever fiiiull inn lull,administering to their dilMien tloremedies their jsnilidlii'itliuis iri'd

Tor tlility I.vdl-- i linkham's Vcgotnt 'c Coiiipound, iii'iil"from roots i. Ins been cur

soon a ilvahy cicatcd between I lug women of HUs eouutiy rmiu

Republicans mid Democrats, oath ! wmst of III., milmerit ah ic cull have nlood hip'ii a

tent of Hutu and un'i mi h an invlable re


personally seen by tho toininlttics 'Hi" f llrwinp ill III ndei liarlio'ilmid pi.u tlciilly ovory man agieeil to ii ueil l tbo N'. II :

glvo tho ono houi that was usl.el Nafiual (iiiiiid i.f Ilnwallfor. KarinciB wero asked to tn'lu.; ; IKid;iHilc Kl i Infintrv.tliolr plows, hciapeis nnd load di igs i; n lulu,' VuPiiet 1010.mid mi orgaulznllmi equal to tSuicu Coiipii' O dor V lii, , '

In piofessloual rt llioa.l uinl .Je'iii liniouia c r thobuilding was worked out. 'Mist In inln, Nillmia' (iu.ud of

In tho weeks pteiedlng t'K w.u.t Unv I'. rtntl(ii"l ul willbridges and cult oils 1110113 tho a -- iiIjIk uilcr iiiib at tho Dilll

road wero repaired and v In llrst t IidcI 01 Sund lAtiKimt 1010, aticlass order , that 110 ilelnv mlglit come 7 '.n m , findll'l. ,to tho s wluti oiko tiH Culm m. Hinyjro.latter sturtod vvorkln;;. v it i.u'e. t r'r"i'rnil '.'cg'or

Tho result of tho s.iulzitioii tt,u T 'rs t CI'AIMINH.Bhown-hi'- t, Saturn.! . 8hu.l bo 'fipl aid Villi Inf., N. (I It.fore o'clock In iho iiioinlng farmers began getting cut In the load. nHundreds ilioiiainnH of

, . di'iivs.grjidlug ma nnd oihui Itn.ilo

ta weie i i uluiig.broni.-li- i lis bliu

.inmneis liu i

appolu'ed lo.ulluessprompt I j . was

"fa 111"Ami i I nun 'fall

in i nullum)working might aad main10 He wi 'i fltililml

kite ' to


no no


Apr ,

tor next




formaterials for




for bab'.cruru



("uistiu.if.' Hie


the docs .llwip-pnb- it

looKcd forward

llrjant, olllcerono for

iiddiesH'd the


nrs, 11.











CASTOR I AFor Infants and Children.

Tho Kind You Have Always Bought

Bcar3 themcuaturo of&8S

tilii'lis M, 1 utile a l.nuite o'He 'iii'lil nplh, Midi. cuMieiH'" li"s sin d !).' a dltoiro ufieihaving boon spj a tfil fiom his wlf

1.... 11 ..iitiu mrt ' fields, leiiiliii: lowu III no tHenylon of dm e ki o vtilalv o imii-.- ! d liU onllr!II'IHIII IIIIU 11111 I"'" l...' riit"T- - " - . -

koIio. to ioviiliillnnln niodein war- - thu Hues plise of long dbuiiin'o luad- - mem l'i tho C"ll War llftv ve--

VtS s sSilk Vests, - $2.75 to $4 eachCotton Sleeveless, 15c'to 20c ea

Lisle Sleeveless, 25c to $1.75 eaLisle Thread, H.N., --LfS., 35c each

3 for $1.00Lisle Thread, L.N., S.S., 35c each

3 for $1.00Lisle Thread, H.N., S.S., 60c eachLisle Thread, H.N., S.S., 60c each

Lisle Thread, L.N., S.S., 60c each


The Thor Electric

Washer and Wringer

will launder your clothes in a sanitary manner IN Y0UK

OWN HOME, with no hrnd lf.bor.

Electricity Opes the Work

Attach the cord to an ciettric li;ht socket and makewash day a day of ret.

The Hawaiian Eifeciric Co., Ltd.

3tylish MillineryfK UYEDA

Um Nminnii St

Honolulu Institute fir PhysiotherapyCORNER BERETANIA AND RICHARDS STREETS P. 0. BOX 410

Open From 8A. M. to 7J M., Except Sunday

All kinds of Electric Llpltt Ba'lis (li e, red, white and violet).

Stwtn liiths- - Turkish. Russian. Ft e Ncc'lc, Ninthctm. Catbonto Acid

and 0u;cti. or f.Iediial Baths: Masat;c. and HirIi Frequency,

stc.f"eiii fnr Mnlri

Sig'lit-Seein- g: AutosLeave Hawaii rroitto'K.n Cnmnnltrc Henlqunrtcri

MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 10:30 a. m., Pali; 3 p. m.,

Mnanalua or Punchbowl, .

TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY 10:30 a. m., arouudDiamond Head; 3 p. 111 , F.ili

SUNDAY 10:30 a. m. Pali. 3 p m..inuml Diamond llcaa.CHARGE PEU PASSniGER, $1

Cars can bo hired for special occasions, $5 per hour, For par.ticttlars a"'ly

Hawaii Promotion CommitteeHonolulu Power Wninn Co. Owm-- s, Ollicc und aaroRO, South

Stre t Nmr ,f ttf

M i$4





For One Week Only

L.B.Kerr&Co.,Lt&Alakea Street

In , it t. .fare, t . way a .-.


f"' .. . . . .fSMlk'mJi

M( k:J.m ' mmmmttmnmimfMmim-m.&&i,1&- r 443 . ..fJ., hSHh

-- .


&fl 1


Page 7: 1 V Va Evening BULLETIN - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17542/1/...will dcfral Congressman Smith, al-though the returns indicate a .very tlov vote




Dog- -



E. 0. HALL & SON, LTD.Sec the Furc-Brc- d POINTER PUPPIES in Our Kinc

Street Window.



J. A. GILMAN,Shipping and Commission

Agent forArthur Sowall & Co., Bath', Mo.

Parrott & Co., San FranciscoBadgor's Firo Co.


Nouman Clock Co.(WATCHMAN'S CLOCK)

Royal Standard TypewriterAachen & Munich Fire Ins. Co.



'Glover Remedies

Sharp SignS


Yosemife ValleyOPEN ALL YEAR

The Scenic Attraction of CaliforniaA valley of threat beauty nnd rrrandcur, unique in iti

asscmhlancc of sheer walls of grcnt height, imposing peaks,and the number of its stupendous waterfalls.

Now Reached by Rail A Quick,Comfortable Trip

Daily train service from Merced to the Park Line, con-nects nt Merced with Southern Pacific and Santa Fc.0 W. I.EHMER. Traffic Mutineer. Y.V R R. Merced, Cal.





Metropolitan MarketW. F, HEILBRON, Fropilctor PHONE 45

' W. C. Peacock & Co., Ltd.WINES AND LIOUOHS


:MONT ROUGE .WINES& THE WINES OF CONNOISSEURSW deliver to all parts of the city twice daily.


Evening Bulletin 75c. Per Month



'nvnNiNO nui.urriN. Honolulu, t. ii.. wi:dnksday, auo. n, imp. . .


,....-i- lr1

I'-- fesr I --g. Jt --"F 1



(Special Correspondence )

HIM). Aiir. in Last week wits nlino 0110 for llio hiucbill fans nfUllii, tho triple tusslo wttli the WitrcdiiB piovlng a erj Inlcrcst Iiik

Tlio Japanese arrived Instunder tliu cliapcronngu of

Tony Maitalllno, mill were 10 olvedwith great enthusiasm by tho .Inp-ut! oho population, tho new lloiioiuuInpincsc hand being hoard horo fortho drat time.

Willie tlio Jnpnncso bo)B on Hi,"whole proved too ninth for tho localpli)crs, Illto need not he ashamed orthe showing hor nine undo, for Intho ono gnmo in which It did heattho Japanese, it gave thcin tho woistdrubbing tho luivo had sliro theled tho Uutd of the Chosanthcmum.tho games wore gimd, mid theru wasabsolute order throughout tho series.

Tho first Riinio was n most unfortunate ono for tho llilo team Tlio,Jiipatitbo shut It out lt a scorn ofl0 to 0, and thu Jo) niuotiR tho

wan grcnt 'I hero was ti spoiltcrowd of Japanese present, and lliulooters' notion, (oniised of mmlio) k with II.1R3, under the leader-xhl- p

of a )i--ll maiitor, had u m'HInmy time The llllo Iioih did welloiiiiiirIi In tho start, hut after thefatal sixth IiiiiIiir, uhoru tho Japancko Riithcied nix limn, they lost heart

1 ho JnpaiiCHo plijcd " very rellahlc,lint not a hrlltlant, g.imo, thc toiildho dopeuded on to do their work, hutthe) took no chnnics,

'I ho lineup of tho teams was a"fOJIOWB!

Wimcdai) Matsiidn, p ; YamiiK,ikl,c.; 01, lh , Hani, L'h , Inula, 3ti ; No.nomiiia, bs.; MIK..inl, If ; Ogawa, if ;

I'ltknhori, rf.IIIIoh IM, Desha, p ; lliown, i ;

Makanul, lh.; Canton, 'i ; Akini,3h ; I. man, b ; Uei. Dccha, If;Kupa, if ; Solomon, rf.

The Bcoru lij Innings waa as fol-

lows:Wancdas 1 0 n 0 1 B 0 ) 0 9lillos 0OOOUUU0 0 0

Preliminary Game.On Satiirdn) nftcmoon a grc it

daughter of tho Jnpanei-- tiMik plue,tho llttlo hrown men liclug defeatedIn hoth tho Junior and tho pphIo-gamP-

In tho 111 ut gamo, of hcvciiliuilngH, hotwecn tho Ktlnucas nndtho KazaiiB, tho latter were defeatcd hj a n ore of 12 to .1, the scoroli liinlngu hilng a follouBiKiiaucaH r. o :i .i i n n 1.Kazalia 3 (1 n n 0 II II ,1

Tho lint up wns as follons:Kllaue.lR Carter, p.; Alilnn, c ,

M Vlerrn, Hi l Alona, 2h ; P. Vlerra,,lh, Koiim, at.; l'crr. If., Hohlnbon,f,. Ah Took, rf

Kazans Him, p ; Chu, c ; a,

lh , Tnknno, 2h ; MasiM, HI).,

Tan I mot o, an , Klmiira, If.; Kioann,f f , Biizuml, rflillos Rcat Wascdns,

Thn lineup of tho senior teams mIII porno itniirrlB dlfrerrnt from thatof fho proUoiiB da), thn primlpnl

linngch pi'liig miiln in tho h.itterlpuflio llllo toiiu plnrril Itodrlgura, nlsoknown its Crook, in tho hox, whlloho JnpanpBO hegnn tlio. riiiio with

Omiira an pit her and MatHiida 'iscatcher, hut In the sixth Inning theychanged limit again to tho arrangeincut of the previous da), with Mat-Hild- a

In tho hox.


Tlio lineup of tho tiams was atfollows

Watedas Omitrn, p , Matsitda, c ;

'lohlilc, lh., Ilara, Jli , Ireda, 31).;Noiioiiiurn, xs ; YaiiiasaM, If , Ogawn,if ; I uknliorl, rf.

lillos itoiiriguet, p , Todd, (

Miikamtl, lh.; Huston, l'h , Akau:ih., Ionian, is.; Ueo Desha, If, KdDtshn, cf., Solomon, rf.

I list inning Wascdas Yamasaklout oi. II) to Geo Dfilia, Tolildo out

Ion II) to Solomon, Inula to Hist onIllusion's error; Ilara out, nltilier tofirst lillos: (Ico. Deslu out on II)to right, loman out, third to first;.Makanul out, pitcher to first

So ond Inning W'asedasout, catcher to llrst, MatBiid i

out, pitcher to first, Ogana out,loachcd h) hatted hall lillos Solo-mon strii"k out; IM Desha allied ,

Kaslon out on (1) to left, Akau hitto Bcioud, Desha foiccd onJ

Third IiiiiIiir Wascdns Xonotiiiira lllcs to center, Omiira out, so(mil to llrst, Yamauakl walked, Tohide out, pitcher to llrst lillosltodrlgucs to first on shorts crior,Todd walked, advancing ltodrlgucs ton'loiul, C( Desha sacrlllced,

Todd to second and Hod-rlgu-

to third, I.yniau to first on llydropped li pitcher; .Makanul up,ltodrlgucs homo on wild pitch, Toddto third, I.) man to second, Makanulout on fnul y caught h) first, Sol-

omon up, Todd and Lomaii homo onpitcher's muff; Uolntuusi to llrst onshorts error, IM Dosha to llrst midSolomon to second cm Miort'a error,Solomon to third and lHsha to sec-

ond on wild pitch, Kuston struckout.

l'uurth Inning W'nscdns: Isedxstruck out; llaia caught by thlnSI'ukiihorl walked, Mntsuda out on II)to (leo. Desha lillos; Akau out,plt'hi'r to llrst; ltodrlgucs to llrston short's on or, I odd tiles to third,(tro. Desha to llrt.t nnd ltodrlgucs t'ithird; Desha stcalo second; l,)inatilllcs to left.

l'lfth Iniililg W'nbcdas: Ogawacaught out on II) h) catcher; Nonotiiiira to llrst on short's crior,Oniura out, pitcher to llrst, Nonoinula steals, aiuisaU caught outon II) h) Todd Jlllos. Makanulstruck out; So'omon walked, IMDesha hit to lirM, Solomon to second,n.iston gets llrst on lilt, Solomon tothird, Desha to second, Akau reachessetond on hit over third, Solomonand Dcsh.i homo, ltodrlgucs to firston hit, llanton home, and Akau tothird, IttxIrlRiicg steals so ond; Toddimckes two haggei to left, sendingAkau and Hodrlgucs liiiuo; (ieo Dosha strneU oiit, Todd steals third;I.) man nut, pitcher to llrst.

Sixth Inning Wnscdns; Tolildoout, short to first, Iscdt out, pitcherto llrst, llnrn out, third to first IIII03: Makanul out, pitcher to llrstSolomon out, thort In llrst, Kd Duelm to Unit on Tilt to thlid; Kastonup; Duilm out at setond

Sovonth Inning Waseilns. l'ukiiboil walked, Mattmda out on Iniiit,Ognwa out, pltthcr In ITrat, nnd I'uknhoil out on licit dotthlo pi ly IIIlos' Akau I, leu lo left, KodrigucHcaught oy llrst; Todd wilkcd, (leoDesha tn first on hit to (enter, Toddto K'tond; l.ym in to llrrt on firstsfitmhle, Todd home, Desha tn third,




Played to Birr Crowds in KvdncvForty Thousand People Presentai unc inaicn acnaeter Intelviewed.

Mappy, ami full of good stories ortheir travels, tho California!) 'ar--slt) football part) landed )cctcrdavnftcrnoou from the 'ealandla. Tho)oiiiir fellows had a glorious lime InAustralia and New Zealand, and thewhole oxpensc of the trip was hornoby tho Hugh) Association of theConimonw faith

Coach Schnefcr of tho Americaniiiihcrslt) tcum speaks In the highest terms of tho re option necordedthe twent) thrco members of thopart) who hmo completed a verypleasant two months' visit to theAntipodes

"The) could not do enough taiimko things agreeable for us," saUSell lefer )rstcrilii) as ho was leav-ing the Canadian-Australia- n linerZealandla at Honolulu

'While ntta) o phoed fourteenRiunct, Our pirt) In'luded tweuty-tlue- e

ptople, Including the managernnd loach. Out of tho number ofgames that wo p'n)cd, wo won threennd tied on two of the contests

"llioy urn certainly mighty keenon siwrt down In tho AustrnllA'1cities Ono RituiB that wo playedwhllo at S)dnc) was attended b) atleast fort) thousand people

"Tho samo brand of enthusiasmand encouragement was met withwhen wo loft tho Commonwealth fora tour of New Zealand. Wo pla)cdmatches nt Wellington, Dunedln,Chrlbtchurch and Auckland. Ateach of theso Rimes wo aoragclan) where between four and fivethnuiaud paid admissions.

'Our pirty Includes ten Stanfordbo)s, cloven from tho I'nhcrslt) ofCnllfornli, nnd two members of theteam ro drawn from tho Unlvcr-sll- )

of Nevada"Wo are bound for Vancouver and

will then make but a brief stop hoforo gittlng back to San FranciscoTho trip has worked womlors with amnjoilt) of tho ho)H who loft theSlates onl) a few months ago,"

Tlio part) continued on thowhich loft at 3 o'clock this

morning:: :t n a tt a tt it n :t n tt :t :t :: ttliMiinn Bleala hccond, Makanul up,Desha homo on wild pitch, Ioniantn third; Makanul walked, Solomonto third on hit to left, I,) man andMakanul homo, IM. Desha out on llyto left.

IJIglitli Inning Wnsodns Nononinra flics to enter, Oniura out, thirdto llrrt; Yamasakl out, third to llrstilllos- - Cnstoti lllcs to center, Akaulllcs to center; Hodrlgucs lo llrst onhit mer short; Todd lo flist onpllchcr'B error, ltodrlgucs to second.(!co Desha out nt (list.

Ninth Inning Waxed is Tohlde((ut. short to first; Iscda out, shortto first, llnrn caught out b catcher

Tho s oio l Innings was as fol-

lows ,

Wnsodas 0 0 nil 0 0 (I ') 0 0

lillos . , 0 0 3 0 5 0(012

Everybody SaysThat one drink at our bar "goesbetter" than TWO anywhere else.

There's a reason why,

"It's The Fashion"The Two Jacks.. ' Hotel near Fort




Purse of Six Hundred Dollars Put Upfor Bout Fight to Be on Au- -

Rtist 27 E. J, Love Promotim:Show.

Jack Cordell and I'at Corii)n wmcInst night signed up to box a return I

match nt catch weights, mer ncourse, on tho night of Au

gust 27. Tho men will dhldo a JGfldpuise, and the r ma) ho broug'itoff at the Oiphciiin Theater I'homatch should ho in Interest! u "n ,nml it will doubtless draw a bigcrowd of fnns to tho theater.

Tho men will box straight rules,nml a competent referee will ho nppointed. Mlko I'nton- - may net asthird mini In tho ring, and if hodoes all will ho sntisfactor) MlkoIs leaving for tho foist on tho Si-

erra, but Intends to return to Honolulu within a short time.

Tho Cordcll Cornjti contest hathung firo for n long tlmo now, andit Is good to think that the men nilmeet once more The first time themen met, at the Aloha Park, the)fought fifteen rounds to a draw, an I

n fine exhibition of skill and c:idtiranto was given b) both men. Hol-ered l'alon gave n good decision onthat occasion, nnd ho could hnrdlthave done other than call tlio go atlraw.

Cordoll has been doing light worketcr slnco his last match withCom) n, and ho is in good conditionnow Joo Mcflurn, tho Rnmo Irishman, has been working out withCordcll, and the irsult Is thai bynext Snturdn) week .lack should hoIn tiptop condition and ready to putup n good light against Corny p Mc-(iu-

Is a good man to handle, aboxor, and ho wmlcs Into Cordcll Ingreat st)lo when the men put theglmcs on

l'nt Com) n bus been also workingout quietly si a ho met Cordcll .amiho Is nlmr ' eady to step Into thering l'nt w 11 not luno tho servicesof luotller Dick to work out winthis time, hut there aro plcnt) ofother willing men who will go n fewjrounds with him uflcri

Shutter,H. J l.ove, who Is managing tho

show, Intends to stage n good prelimInnr) hout, but ho has not )ct set-tled upon tho men who will put uptho ontcst. There nro half a dozengood preliminary man In town, andthere, should bo no Irouhlo In tcctirng n pair of them.

IIoxIiir Is looking uii again, nmlwhit wltli Cordcll, Cornin, MrOiirn.Madison, Wnhllanl, Hoio, Mci'ol'o'ighand Hotornl others looking for gore,there should bo something doing hoslrfes the Cordoll Corn) n go Dlthtt t: ii tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt n tt it u t: ::

COMINQ EVENTS.n ttIt Secretaries nnd managers of itIt nthlitlo clubs nro Invited to s ml tl'Jt In tlio dates of any oventa nhuh :t

SirttC'ZS IItt Address lollII tho Sporting lMltor, 11 ul lot In II,

It Daseballtt Aug 20 St lamls vs N (I II ,

tt Military s, I'nnaliou. lIt Aug 27. N. 0 II vs I'minhou. l:tt St Louis vs. Marines II i

It Sept 3 Miliary s Marines. St IItt Louis vs Puliation tlIt Oahu Juniors. tlII Aug 21 C A C .Irs vb AtthU. It i

It Aug .21 Mil Hocks vs I'alamaIt Qolf.It August 21. Koursomo, Countr) tiit Cluh itII Aug 2R Poursomo, II (1 C Mo ttit liiiatut t:it Fittlc. ittt Aug 27 Cordell vs Coi'i)n tttl Cricket. itit August 20 Match.ti Tennis. ittt August K. O Hall Cup titi Polo. itti Angiut 17 Cavalry b OiIiii tiii August 20 Kauai vs. Maul iitt August 21 vs Cnvnln ttti August 27 OiIiii s M til i!it Basketball. iitt August 18 Y. M C A s roil tlI! Shatter. tiit it tt ii tt tt ti t it ii ii ti t: t: t; :i ti

ICullcn (I'd, not romo In on thennd Hie Intcrt news of him

If tint he was knocked out In theI ninth ro'iml tif n fight with .lohmi)'Menghan To last nlno round withMeigian Is a distinction, us JolinnvIs nbcut the best nt his v eight Tn

the Land of the Kangaroo.:: :t it

Mnd'toi, the toiing boxer wholino l.cd out Do Mcllo of llllo. c.imeIn on tho Cl.itidlnn this morning. Moleports that he almost had Dc Mcllo"" "' the fifth iiiiind. nml that afterthnt he had in tnsy time Madison' '1""k ' UrIh Mcdurii, If thoUa,f,i "'" 1,n!" oiRiii. or aii)onec '" "l,m" ,lU iindnge


Tomoriow night nt the I'alamaKMiinafluin. tho third hiskctballdime bctweiu the Y M C A andthe I ort Slinfitrs will take place.and an cvltlng Ftrugglo lsbrtlnglooked forward to h) tho supportersof both tc mis(Additional Sncrts, Pages 10 nnd 11)


New Orpheum(l'honu CCU)

TONIOHT TONIGHTtHIgh-dns- s Vaudeville of Nine.


In Another Scicam"THE SCHEMERS1'





TRANK BLAIRThe Casino Four:



HARRIS McGUIREAn Orchestra Scat for 25c

PRICES 15c. 25c. BOj

Park TheaterMISS ETHEL MAYSoprano Soloist

uon r.cliis


Admission ,.5c, 10c. 15o


THOMPSON & DESMOND bISTERSHone nnd Dnnrc Artists


and 'i hi: iii::h'

Motion PicturesIN THIJ CITY

Admission 16r, 10c. flo..-


Hen Wise & Kitty MiltonItcturulng Ii um Ciicccbflful Tour of

Aurtrulla ami New Zealand



Adminion Br. 10c. 15a!-- The. 7C.

R0YA1 ACADEMY OF nANCINOmOdd Fellows' Hall

Meets evor l'ritlay evening7 In S p m . Social. 8 to

10 f. p mMusle fOinhhcd by a HAWAIIAN

quivrrcr ci.ntIt ilea ami Tuition on nnpllcntlon

at Odd lVllowa Hall, or lei 140

The PACIFIC;SALOON, Kingand Nun a nn

every oon nllfJUNHA'S ORCHESTRAPort

nil cnmmiinlcntlomi






Page 8: 1 V Va Evening BULLETIN - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17542/1/...will dcfral Congressman Smith, al-though the returns indicate a .very tlov vote








Oceanic Steamship Company""" SCHEDULE S. S. SIERRA, 10,000 TONS DISPLACEMENT

I Itave B. "2. Arrive Hon.Lcavc Hon. Arrive S. F


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0. BREWER & CO,. LTD., (Icncinl ArciiU.

Pacific Mail Steamship Co.,

and Toyo Kisen Kaisha

Btcotncrs ot tlio nbovn Compantoa will ('nil nt HONOLULU and Leavethis Port on or about tlio I) lira roriitloned below:'"

teave Honolulu For Orient. Icavr Honolulu For S. F.Mongolia AtiRtnt 15 Ni""on Mnru .'August 20Tenyo Mam ... August 23 S.bcria Auptst28Korea Auciut 20 China Scntemlier ft

Nippon Mnru . September 13 Manchuria September 10Siberia September 10

For further Information ppi to

H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., agents


From San Francisco For San Francisco

8. S. Lurline August 31 S. S. Lurlinc ScitcmbcrlO

For further particulars, apply toCASTLE & C00KE, LTD.. General Agents, Honolulu

Canadian-Australia- n Royal MailSTEAMSHIP COMPANY





From New York to Honolulu, via Tclinantcpeo, every sixth day.Freight received at nil times at the Company's wharf, 41st Street,


For further information apply to ,H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD.gents, Honolulu.

C. P. MORSE. General Freight Atrent.

OurNew Location

on King street, next to the Alexander Young Hotel, wasselected because of its exceptional qualification for storinghousehold goods.

Moving Baggage Transfer DrayingUnion-Pacif- ic Transfer Co., Ltd.,



Estimates jrlven on all kinds ofExrivatine, Filling.FIREWOOD AND COAL, WAIANAE


The B. F. Dillingham Co.LIMITED

General Agent for Hawaii; 'Atlas Assurance Company of London,New York Underwrite' Agency. a.Providence. Washington Insurance Co. p.


LIFE INSURANCEIt not a Luxury; It It a Ntcectlty.

But you Mutt have tlio OESTapd tliat It provldea jy the famousand mott equitable Laws of Massachutettt. In the


New England MutualLife Insurance Co. a


ir you would be fully Informed abouttr)ete lavt, address






Draying, Teaming, Road Buildis..,


Oahu Railway Time Table

Outward.For Wnlaiiae, Walalu.i, Knhtiku and

Way BtntloiiM '3. IS a. m .1:20 p. inFor Peuil City, Hwn Mill and Way

Stations t7:30 n. in., 9:15 a. m..11'I0 a. in. 3:15 p. :n.. 'SO p. m,5:15 p in., 19:30 p. in., tll:lC p. ra.Knr Wiililawn and l.ellouua i:20in., '5:15 o. tu., t9:30 p. in, 111:15in.


Arrlvo Honolulu from Xahuku, Walnulna and Walunao 8:30 a, m.,

5 21 p. ! 'Arrlvo Honolulu from Ia Mill and

Pearl Clly t7:45 n. m., '8-- n. ra.11 02 a. in., 1:40 p. in., 4;2C p. in.5:31 p. in, 7:30 p. in.Arrlo Honolulu from Wililaw'a nnd

l.cllehui--- 9 16 a, m., U;40 p. in., C;3Im, tlO'.o p. in.

Tlio llalclwa l.lmllPd, n twohciirtrain (only Hist clans Uclrta lionorod),Injvcn Honolulu ovcry Sunday at

m ; returning arrlvia In Hnnalulu10 in p m Tlio Limited stops onlyPnirl city ami Wi.lan.io outward,

and Wiiinnao, Witlpahu and Poarl CityInward.

Dally. tSundar Excepted tSundayOnlv

P PKNI80N. F O. SMITH.Superintendent fj, .p, a.

rBulletin Bnsiness Offlr Phnn. okaBulletin Editorial Boorp Phone 18l'

iWH & wAfjitktt




Commercial and Trav-elers' Letters of Creditissued on the Bank ofCalifornia and The Lon-don Joint Stock BankLtd., London.

Correspondents tor theAmerican Express Com-pany anr1 Titos. Gok &Son.

Interest allowed ontcnn and Svins hankDeposits.



Sticccttors toCLAUS SFRE'CKELS CO.

Invites your Account ami.'ffcri satisfactory service.

Loans nt market rates.

Exchange end Cable trans-fers.

Travelers' Credits and.Checks available everywhere.

The Yokohama SpecieBank, Limited

Capital (Paid Up). Yon 21,000,000lleservo Fund ....Yen 16,250,000


llin bank liuja and rccelvoa forrolleclun bills of exeliango.Issues DrnflH and l.ottom ofCredit, and transacts a ccneralbanking business.

Tlio Dank receives Localand Head Ofllco Deposits

for fined periods.Local deposits ?25 nnd npwtids

for ono year at rato of 4 per an-

num.Head Ofllco Deposits, Yen 25

and upwards for one half yo.ir, onoyear, two yeura, or tluee years atrato of 414S per annum.

Particulars to bo obtained onapplication.

Honolulu Ofllco C7 S. King BLP. O. Ilox 1C8.

Yu Akal , Manager

Oahu Machine ShopManager - - - H. L. ItOSS


Teleolione 514


Automobiles, Motor Cycles, Gas Sta-tionary and Marine Engines, Rice

in in juacmnery, xic.



ALIK k SOJSIN30H.nn Itreit ? t; ? Honnliln


full assortment, sizes Z4"x80"to 48"xl20", and i?augt No. 10 toNo. 20 just to hand.

We do slieet metal work of allkinds, and guarantee satislaction.Your pationanc is solicited.PROMPT ATTENTION TO JOBBING

EMMELUTH & CO., LTD.Phone 211 145 Kin St.




Alexander & Baldwin,LIMITED.

OFFICERS AND DIRECTOR8.It. P. Baldwin PresidentW. 0. Smith.. FirstW. M, Aloxnndri

SecondJ. P. Cnqko .. ... .,

Thjrd Vlcol'ies mid ManagerJ. Wntorhouso TreasurerB. E, 'I'nxlun S'ctetaryJ D. Cnntlo directorJ. II. Ualt Dli o torW. R. Cmtle Director


Sugar Factors.Commission Merchants,I and' Insurance Agents

Hawaiian Coiiitnercli.l & Sugnr Co.Haiku Sugar CompanyPain Plantation.Maul AKrlciillitr.il Company.iluwallau Sugar CompanyKalmku Plnnlalkin Company.Kaliulul llnllriiftd Company.Halnakala Itamh CompanyIlimnliin K.iiichMcltryiln Hi'isur Co.Kptial Hallway Cn.

Castle & Cooke, LtdHonolulu, T. H.



RepresentingKwa Plantation Co.W.tlalun AKrlciiltiir.il Co, Ltd.Knhalit Sugar CoWnlmcn Sugar Mill Co.Apokoa Sugar Co, Ltd.

Fulton Iron WnrkB of St. Louis.Ilabcock & WIlMin PinnpROrcen's Fuel Economizers.MaUon Knvlgatlnu Co.

C, Brewer & Co., Ltd,


Officers and Directors!K I'. Illsliop PresidentCeo, If. IlubertHim

....Vlco-Pmdilcn- t and MnnagcrW. W. North Trcasurorlllchnrd tvnrs SecretaryJ. It. O.iltl AuditorOco. It. Carter DirectorC. II. Cooko DirectorIt. A, Cooko DirectorA. Gartloy Director

C.Brewer &CajSL



Itoyal Insurnnco Co. ot Llveriwol.London Assiirnnco Corporation.Commercial Union Assurance Co.

of I.nnCJii.

ScoIMbIi I'nlim & National InsCo. of IMInburgli.

Caledonian Insurnnco Co, of Kilnburgn.

Upper Ithlnc Insurance Co. (Ma-rino)

Teiritqrial Board ofimmigration

Office 403 StangewaJd Ii.TTnnolnlw '



ForcegrowthWill do it


Consulting, Designing and Con-structing Engineers,

Bridges, Buildings. Concrete Structures, Steel Structures, Sanitary Sys-

tems, Reports nnd Estimates on PtoJects. Phone 145.

JM5 editorial rocJmt ar( busi-ness office. These are the telephone

CrUSllCd ROCK WclmvcthcbMtCoraland Crush.

. cd Rork for roids, walks and drives.

LOlul Ring us up and get an estimate,i

I , Honolulu Construction & Draying Co., Ltd.Queen Street and Kaahumanu Telephone 281

AUG. 17, 1510.

WMtmmmmmMmtinmniMwwimvi mimwtmtiijmmi

.Real Estatemmmmmmmmtmm

Entered for Record, Auo. 15, 1910,from 10:30 a. m to 4 p, m.

liobcrt M Knnealir cl n to 15 Ka- -

inchalkti ,. .', DAgrcirindustrlal Corp of Haw Ltd

to Oonsahes Co Ltd Muiciii nanada tn Kaliulul ilallroad

Co Ltd .'..CMWoiik All Chong to 'Knliiilul Hall-roa-

do Ltd CMlist of W C Umalllo by T- - to .Ma-

ria J Korbcs ltoll)ald 1C Kiilniaiin l.y (Mil tu Illlo

Itallro.nl Co '. I)Wnlilncaci (w) to Kunakulmlloa

w ";Antra H II Judil by Atly to A II

Dondero et al DA II Dondcr6 ct al to Agues II II

,1I11 MAntilij.!' K Parke- - by (Idn to Hone--

kaa Sm.ir Co AgrmtII ! Lewis and wf to Ticnt Trust

Co Ltd I)Entered for Record, Aug 16, 1910,

m 9 a. m. to 10:30 a. m.II Lewis nrd wf tn Now Ocean

VJcw Tract PlanOcean View Tract by Affl AffdvtJ It Hornb-rgc- r Tr to Krncsl U Mit-

chell and nf D

Walter 11 llradlcy an I wf to JemimaHOII.l) D

Recorded August I, 1910. 'Mary Kahatiiiaclo Io Sam Knlmu- -

naclc, I); purs gr 'JlSti, Kunawal,Honolulu, Oahu; !"00. II 337, i

inn. Mar 9, 1910.Ham Kalinunaclo to C D Samson,

M; por gr 2180, Ktinaxval, Honolulu,Oahu; 1150. 1) 339, p 152. Aug 3,1910.

Mrs Kitrella M Calhau to KnjoIto, I); Int, In 93r7 si ft land, bldgs.otc, cor Knwalahao mid South Sts,Honolulu, palm; $2000. I) 337, pJUG. Aug 2, 1910.

Manuel Klguclra to Antonio VI- -

cra nnd wf, Ilcl; lots 12, 13 and II,Kiiltilanl Tract, Honolulu, Oahu;1100. U 339, p 150. Aug i, 191".

U II Dcu to Wado W Thiijer. P A;general powcrti. II 33K, p 190. May4, 1910.

Louisa M Deo to Wndo V Thaer,P A; general powers, II 33Q, p 191.May 4, 1910,

Lawrence II Dqo and wf by nttvto llcrnard I Noen, D; lot 72 (7200Hi) ft land), King St Tract, Honolu-lu, Oahu; J350. H 337, p 170, Aus3, 1910.

A S Humphreys and wf to Or.ii: Harriett. i; 2ri,isn tq ft or i. pKIGS, kill 835911. Kaalawal, Hono-lulu, Oahu; JTT.OO. II 337, p 171.Aug 3, 1910.

Joseph K Aea Sr and wf to TomA)oy, I); 11,513 bcj ft K P 4162, kul5G97, up 1, Fort St, Honolulu, Oahu;IS00. II 337, p 173. Aug 4, 1910.

Tom A joy to Klrst Am Sava & TrCo of Haw Ltd, M; 11,543 q ft orII P 4402, kul 5097, ap 1, Port St,Honolulu, Oahu; J 100. II 339, p157. Aug 4, 1910.

Vo Toy Youk to Olaa Sugar CoLtd, C M; canp crop on 5 otlot 82, Olaa Tract. "Puna, Hawaii;

1 and adv to $318. II 339, p 1G4.Juno 1, 1909.

Mariano Joso to Ola aSugar CoLtd, Agrmt; to soil , for S10, 12-- ft

rtrlp for rallrd through lots 8 and10, Kaoho Homestead Tract, Piinn.ijawiui; fiv. II .J JO, i 188, juiy,23, 1910.

Helen K IJdniondK and an gdn ctnl to Notice; npplrn for reg tltlo of,8930-si- ) ft or kul 1178, near IlrldgeSI, Illlo, Hawaii. I) 336, p 189Aug 4, 1910.

W V Hoy and wf, to John D Paris,P; 300 of L P GQfi3, llopalo, NKopii, Hawaii; $1000. II 337, p 16S.1910.

John T llrown and wf to J USmith, L; land hetwu Church, Pona-hawal- ,

Kront and Volcano Sts, Hllo,Hawaii; 35 )ra at $110 per nifc. II330, p 10 1. Dec 27, 1909,

Mlunlo lona and hsh to rranclifflay, Dj por It P 4.121, kul 7C77(Hnii.ipcpo, JJonn. Kuiial; $250, II337, p 108. Mar 19, 1909,

Recorded Auc. 5, 1910.llcrnard It Manning by Ally to No-tle-

Notlco; Applet! hr Itog Tltlo o(Ap 2, Kill 981, Parker Utno etc. Ioliolulu. II 33G, p 193, Mny 14, 1910.

Leo Kon et nl to Tang Chan; CM:Int In planting Agrmt on 12A land amilivestock, crops, tools etc, Wahlawa.Wnlalu.1, Oahu. $138.50.' II 334,247. Se"t 1. 1909.

Lew York Chong to Chal Hing Kco,118; goods, warcH, mdso oto ot LoqYoik Chung (Aim). $215. II 330, rl175 July 22, 1910,

l.w) Look to Chal Hlng Keo; A M;Mlg Leo York Chung on Int In goods,wares, mdso furniture, fixtures, acrts,'oie no aws WalUlkl, Honolulu, $350,H 331, p 219, July 27, 1010,

Pioneer Uldg & Loan Assn or HawLtd to Oraco W Kahoalll; llel; pqlund, Kuaklnl St, Honolulu. $1800. 11

331, p 250. Aug 1, 1910Oahu Hnllway & lind Co to Hono,

lulu Plantn Co; Oinnt; It W acrossrailway on Kill 8878, Kwa, Oahu; ilehtjto lay plpo lines across land, Oahuj$1 etc. I) 337, ii 174. Aug 2, 1910.

Isabel Spencer and hsh (J a) toWilliam O hwlii; Addii CIiko: nora(lr "2 mid 1553. Niiuanii Vallev ltd.Honolulu $2000. II 331, ii 250. July5. 1910.

Hinlllo L D'Heiblaj to William N


Armstrong et a! P A! Special powterg. D 330, p 106. Dec 4, 190li J


II V Uwls and wf io Gertrude 0Whltcman; I), lt I. U'k 1. rcntgetc. Kalnnikl Tract, Honolulu. $t00,11 337, n 177. Aiib 3, 1910.

first Am Savs & Tr Co of Haw

Ltd to David I. WUhlngton; Itclj por

Lot B!l, Or 3SG5 nnd Or 3G77, Pros-

pect St. Honolulu. $3250. B 334, p

252. Aug 5, 19i0.' I "I


CAPTAIN' A. P. Loronticn, manng'I

nK owner of tho American ship JohnKna, which nrrHcd n few days ago at

I Phllndclplila after n record pnssago ofcKhty-fou- r dnys from Honolulu, liasreceived telegraphic advlcca that Cap- -

tain Nick 1ircnx, who died on the,nlsnR0 0ff Capo Horn, nns burled oujuy 27 nt Phlladolphln. Captain Cy. Olson, tlio first-mat- e, who assum- -

n.t chargo nf tlio Knn following fftlltnln Iirenz' demise, has been author'Izcd to take tho command of the cs- -

scl nnd bring her bnck to tho Coast.e

TO ASCERTAIN tho difference In

the cost ot operation ot steamers un-

der the Norwegian and,' Dritlsli flags,tho steamer Cuico, of tho Grace fleet,which wan launched under tho Ilrltlshensign, has teen registered tind.T theNorwegian flag. The Cuzcn Is ownedby W. It. Orace & Co., but In 'iri'cr toploco her under Norwegian Trlstry Itwaa necessary to form a new com-

pany, Incorporated under tho laws ofNorway. Tho now company Is knownns tho Aktlcselsknbet Cuzeo, or tho,

Curco Shares Company.n

IT IS nEPOUTni) THAT a nowlino of steamers may shortly ply be-

tween Vnncomcr and South Amerlcan ports. Kllas Derrcn of tho EastAsiatic Shipping Company of Copen-

hagen, Denmark, Is credited with thisannouncement. Thero Is n big de-

mand In South America for DrltlshColumbia timber, nnd Dcrrp kcoruiJd,-cr- s

that u profitable carrying tradecould bo developed by shipping tim-

ber to South America and returningwith hardwoods which nro adaptablefor rnllway ties.

faNEWS WAS brought by tho ttenm-o- r

Makurit at Victoria, 1). C, on July26 that the Merchants' and Shippers'Steamship lino has been establishedIn Austrnlla nnd Is arranging to haveAustralia's sharo In tlio cntorprlso toestablish n lino of steamers to NewYork and Iloston, thence to Montrealand LUcrpcot, la tho Straits ot Magellan, pending completion or tho Pa-

nama Canal. Flvo steamers or 10,000

tons nro to bq used..


Former Controller Declares There U

No Occasion for Pessimism.

NEW YORK, July 28. A. llartonHepburn, former comptroller of thecurrency, who Is just bacjc In New

York from an extended Western trip,expressed tho belief on his arrivalhero ' that tho reports which havebeen circulated In Walt Street ofcrop damage and business stagnationIn the West aro grossly exaggerated.Ho foitnd' tho general business situ.ation good, asserting that tho onlything which marred his optimismw;i8 tho evidence of wild oxtravu-ganc- o

In domostlc cconoiiiy. Mr:Hepburn summed up tho situation ashe sees It In this wise;

"However serious tho crop loscmay bo in certain isolated localities,tho genera) statement remains truethat the crons of- the countrv, as awholo promise at tho present tlnio Co

exceed in valuo any previous cropsprodu"cd. Thero is no occasion forpessimism.

"Thnt tho business of the countryas a wholo Is In good condition anilprofitable, Is evidenced by tho verylargo volume of business. I nm veryoptimistic as to goncral business condltlons, Tho one thing thnt Is radleaily wrong la' tho wild oxtrnva-ganc- o

In domestic economy, whichunquestionably exists throughout thecountry. This, perhaps, Is most con-spicuously evidenced by the crnze forautomobiles, which nro expensive tobuy and still moro expensive to main-tain. Ab u nation, we havo beenupending for tho last two 5 cars morethan we earned, Hut there Is not asuggestion or crisis In the situationand there Is no reason why legitimate commercial business should beIn the least disturbed."


Tho Hawaiian band will glvo aconcert tonight at Aala Park, withtho following program:Tho Guard of Honor (now) Sollars.Love's Vision and Serenade (new)

JoycqThe Klng'B Way and Love's Otildq

(new), .EBarThe Mill by tho Stream (new)..'."

EllenbergVornl Hawaiian Songs

Ar. by llergorTho lllg lloom WilliamsThe Plinntom KuhnerA CjiJId of I lie Time carl

The Star Spangled Ilanncr.

iMMstJB 1,1 Ii ljstitt.s..aji



TTTp- -




Thursday,- - Aug. IB.

San Francisco Mongolia, P. M. S,'S.

Friday, Aug. 19.

Ban Francisco Ncvadnn, M. N. 8.S.

Victoria and .Vancouver Makura.C.-- S. 8.

Saturday, Aug. 20.Hllo via way porta Manna Kca,

atror.Hongkong and Japan ports Nip-

pon' Marti, T. K, K. 8. 8.Sunday, Aug, 21,

Kanal ports Klnaii, slinr.Maul, Molokal and Lanal porta

stmr.Tuesday, Aug. 23.

San Francisco Tenjo Muru, T. K.K. 8. 8.

Wednesday, Aug. 24.Kauai ports W. O. Hall, Btmr.Hawaii via Maul' ports Claudlne,

stmr.Friday, Aug. 26.

Ballon Cniz via San Francisco andSeattle Mlssourlon, A.-I- B. 8.

San Francisco Sierra, O. S.'S.Saturday, Aug. 27.

Hllo ,ln way ports Mauna Koa,

ittmr.SuncUy, Aug. 28,

Hongkong via Japan ports Siberia,P. M. 8. 8.

Maul, Molokal and Ijinnl portBBtmr.

Kauai jiorts Klnau, atmr.Mopdty, Aug, 29.

San Fronclscc Korea, P. M. S. B.

Wednesday, Aug. 31.San Francisco Lurline, M. N. 8. 8.Hnwa'li via 'Maul' 'ports'Claudlne,

stmr. 'KiUta! ports W. Q. Hall, Btmr.


Thursday, Aug. 18.

Hongkong via Jnpan porta Mongo-

lia. P. "M.' 8. SV

Kauai ports W. O. Hall, stmr., B

P. m.Friday, Autf. 19.

Yokohama and Japait ports Albany,'

U. 8. 8.Manila via Ouam BufLalo, U. 8. 8.Maul and Hawaii port" Clandlno,

stmr., 5 p. m. ,Australian porta Makura, C.-- 8.

a. 'i 8turday,.Aug.l20, .

San Franclscc-Nlpp- on Mnru.'T. KV

K. 8. 8.Monday, Aug. 22.

Kauai portB Noeau, stmr., 5 p. m.Tuesday, Aug. 23.

Hllo via way ports Mauna Kca,stmr., 10 a. m.

Kauai ports Klnnu, stmr., 5 p. in.Maul, Molokal and Lanal ports

Mlkahata, stmr.Thursday, Aug. 25.'

Kauai porta W.'O. Hall, slrr.r., 5

p. m.Hongkong via Japan ports Tenyo

Maru, T. K. K. S. 8,v

Friday, Aug. 26.Maul and Hawaii ports Claudlno,

stmr., 5 p. m.8undy, Aug. 28.

Ban Francisco Siberia, O. 8. S.Monday, Aug. 29.

Hongkong via Japan ports Korea,P. M. S. B.

Wedntidsy, Aug. 31.San FrnnclBCo-'Slc'rr- o, O, 8. 8.


Malls are nun at Honolulu frompoints as follows:Ban Francisco Mongolia, Aug. 18.Colonics Per Marama, Sept. 13.

Yokohama Per Nippon Maru, Aug.20.

Vancouver Per Makura, Aug. 19.

Malls will depart for the followingpoints as follows:San Francisco Per Nippon Maru,

Aug. 20.Vancouver Per Marama, 8opt, 13.Yokohama Por Mongolia, Aug. 15.Colonies Per Makura, Aug. 19.

I TRAN8PORT SERVICE.i .jDlx, sailed from Honolulu for Manila,

Aug. 12,Logan sailed from Honolulu for 8an

Francisco, Aug, 4th.Sheridan, sailed' from Honolulu forManila, Aug. If.Sherman, sailed from Manila, Aug. 14.


Tuesday, Aug. 16,

COOS DAY Arrived Aug. 14: Schr.Omoga, licnpo July 20.

SAN FRANCISCO Arrived 0 a. m.,Aug. 16: 8, B, Sierra, henco Aug, 10.

SAN FRANCISCO Sailed 2 p. ra.,Aug. 16: 8. 8. Tenyo Maru, for Ho-

nolulu.HILO Arrived Aug. 15: nktno, Irm- -

gard, from Port Ludlow,KAANAPALI Sailed Aug. 15: 8, 8.

Ilosqerans, for Qavlota.' . Monday, August 15,

San Francisco Arrlvod, Aug. 1,bkt. Hawaii, from Mahukona.

Yokohama Arrived, Aug, 13, 8. S.'ABla, hence Aug. 2i

Tort Gamble Arrived, Aua! 15,bk. Albert, from Hllo July 24. L

Gavlola Sailed, Aug, 14, spTMa-rlo- n

Chlleolt, ror Honolulu.

A man on a bicycle esenpeil col-lision with an aulnmnbllo nt Olenilldgo, N. J., and Immediately wnaknocked unconscious by a Boat,

Page 9: 1 V Va Evening BULLETIN - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17542/1/...will dcfral Congressman Smith, al-though the returns indicate a .very tlov vote



.1. .wt.t.J ,. TCVENINC. nnLLCTIN, HONOLULU, T. H., WEDNESDAY. ALU IT, 1&10. ' "" " " - ,. "0.-- . ".. I M

No Danger to HealthIn a- - f x .. VV ll I I L 'A

Milk or CreamSupplied by

The Pond Dairy

Telephone 800

3Chain Now at the


lias just arrived "from the Coast.M. "VIERRA. .'. . "..'...Proprietor

A., BLOM,Dry Gdods

For Street, Opposite Catholic Church




MIES WOODWARD .... Fort Street


"Exclusive Desicnj and ReasonablePricci, at


Boston Building Fort Street

LEADING HAT CLEANERS.All Kinds ot Hats Cl'eaned'ind' Blocked, '

"No Acids Usei. Work GuaranteedFELIX TURRO, Specialist,

1184 Fort Street. Opp. ConventHonolulu. T. H. ,

New Shipment

Steamer Trunksand Bagsi

YEE CHAN & 0 0.Bethel and King Streets

Always Something New at

YAT H1NG STORE'r Importers and dealers in Fancy

Dry Goods, Oriental Silks and Gents'Furnishings, Trunks, Suit Cases, etc.



Wan Ying Chong Co.,King St., Ewa Fish Market



Dealers in Furniture, Mattresses,to-.-

,etc. 'All kinds of KOA.and MIS.

BION FURNITURE made to order.

TTou'll Find


"' for Gifts at .

Wing On Chong's,Bethel St., Between King and Hotel


WING WO TAl & CO.841 Nuuanu Street Phone 2G8


FINEST FITAnd Cloth of Al Quality Can bo

I Purchased from


P. 0. Box'OGl! Telephone 031i

Meat Market and Importers.


CarpenterContractor for Building, Stone and

Cement Work, Painting, Paperhang-ing- .

No. 1310 LILIHA ST., Cor. Kukui,Honolulu

H. YOSHINAGA, Emma Street, above Beretania

New BICYCLES arrived for racingand general use. Prices, $25 up to$35, without brakes. Repairing and

g done neatly.


King Street Fish Market

PHONE 566 .. .1 i J.

" -- k ban rrancsco Hotels FRtSIUtNl MUNII 15 UtAU W A "NT T Q i, i w ' " WT' ' ' w, wwww ...SlflMFT PIMP-- !f : .'.',

you consider Quality, Designand Price. If you sec ourlarge stock of these, Just fromthe factory, you will And allthese elements in them.

J. A. R. Vieirate Co.,

113 HOTEL STREET , Phone 512...i t . jj


assmasaE I

AutomobileSupplies & Repairing

Associated Garage,Limited

AutosRepairedYour machine will be ready foi

on when we say it will be. Welon't experiment on antos; wt rsirthem! A

Von Hamn-Youn- g


LOCOMOBILE"The Best-Bui- lt Car in America"


J. W. KERSHNES,i f )

Auto Tire Repairing1177 Alakea St Phone 434.


Jest In ex Hilonian

CLUB STABLESTelephone 109


Clias. R. FrazierCompany

fOUR ADVERTISER!fhone 371. 122 Kinr St.





Business Suits for $21,Hotel St.

t For the Best SODAS, GINGER ALEand DISTILLED WATER, telephone270,

Hycrofc's Fountain' Soda Works


Bottled by


Phone 510


SAN FRANCISCOGeary Street, above Union Square

Juit oppoilte Hotel St. FrincltEuropean Plan $1.60 a day upAmerican Plan $3.00 a day up

Steel and brick structure, furnlih.Ings cost $200,000. nigh class hotelat moderate rates! Centerof theatreandretalldlitrlet. Oncarlinestrans.(erring allover city. Omnibus meetsall trains and steamers. Send forbooklet with map of San Francisco.Hotel Stewart now recognized asIlawaii&nls1andhea'dquarrs. Cableaddres:, "Tiawets." ABC Code.

HOTEL STEWARTVA New Wholesale Store

Is Open for Business

R0SA& GO,,Liquor Dealers

This new store will make a spe.cia'ty of the family trade and willhsvo regular deliveries and, goods putUp in convenient packages.

ROSA, CORREA & PREG1L, Props.Corner Queen and Alakea Sts.

In the. heat of aday there's nothing so

refreshing as a

Good, Cold Glass of


TheCriterionC. J. MCCARTHY. Proprietor

Hotel and Bethel




WAIK1K1 INNFirst-Clas- s Familv Hotel

Best Bathing on the Beach

W. C. BERGIN. Prop.

Hotel MajesticSachs Block, Fort and Beretania Sts.

' una furnished room, si per day11.0 and upwards per month. Splendid accommodations.


Charlie LambertIs Now at

ANCHOR SALOON.CURIOS will be' there after the

" ' """ "" "Plebiscite.'


: Order:'Cream Pure Rye

Soldbv" J




Delivered to residencesand offices at 25c, perhundred in 10-l- lotsIce or more.

W.O. DARNHART,133 Berehint St.,

Tel. 1B.

ICEManufactured from pure distilled witer. Delivered to any part of city bycourteous drivers.

Oahu Ice & Electric Co.,Kewalo. Telephone 528

, , .



BBBBBBHHfwZBSSJBSBSSBW itVI j yr- - 'BSISlBtt )H3SSsflEsSMZ iSBSH V1 1 z'' -- 'V ifci Kb

111' 1m-- HsK"(fl'Hll'& . Mt VVA?i"""fn!pV:"""Hh"P"SkI 1 "sHKHBsbc v

I u BSKI' n

1IUI;MI:N, Aug. in.- - t

l'edro Muntt of the Hepubllc ot Chile

died suddenly In this city tonight.lie wus a victim of be.irt dlwase. lit'had Just arrived fiom New ork via


ot the bitterest nnd most excitingprimary elections over held In Cali

fornia resulted today In a sweepingvictory for tho Llncoln-Hooi!e- lt

League, bended by Hiram W. John- -

boii, avowed insurgent and opponentof the policies of the Southern Pacific railroad In polltH-n.-' Accordingto returns received tonight, JoImiboiinnd the other Insurgent candidatescurried nearly till counties In theState.

Secretnry of Stato CharlesCurry wns re ond In tho race.- forGovernor. Allien Anderson, tho orlK--Inal machine candidate;State Engineer Nathaniel Kllery an--

Philip A. Stanton, who based hisclaims for nomination upon tho,. factthat ho was a Southern Californiaman, fell fur behind In tho race.

Johnson openly denounced the Republican Stato organization and theSouthern Pacific. Curry, whileclaiming that ho was not a Southern j

Pacific cundlil.ite, did not openly an-tagonize It during the canmnlgn.

Tho I'c.tiirns Indicate also that (he !

Insurgents have nominated threeeandldutcs for Congress. The mostvigorous campaign for Congress wnsthat londu-te- d by Duncan i,

Incumbent, and WilliamKept, insurgent. I

'Tho victory for Johnson nnd hisfellow Insurgents places California

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 1 -- WhutIn K.ilil to be one of the largest dealsIn the history of the sugar IndustryIn Mexico 'hits been cnnxumninted,according to telegraphic ndvl en re-

ceived )iy Sun Francisco capltnllsU,tho Stnnloa l.und Company liavlnjracquired tho Knvolato miliar plantat-

ion- nud factory. The purchase priceU wild to hnvo been :i,r,U0,000 pesos,or iipprojclnintoly SiJoO.UOO.

The plantation nnd mill of thoNuvolntn coinjMtiy are located In thevalley or the cullncun river, iwcnjymlloa Houlh of the city of Ciillacun.A miruber of rapltullats of San Fran-cisco nrc interested In tho triiiinae-tlo- n.

aa nro a number of Himolulticapitalists. . A deal Involving, hcv- -

eral millions of dolhiis Is kjiIiI tube pending between the owners of

another sugar plantation In that lo-

cality and Honolulu uipltallsta.Tilts plantation that ban been wild

rnmprlaes 70,000 acres. 3000 ofwhich art? now In cane, u modernsugur mill nnd dUtlllory huUng beonrctontly erected. Tho mill has n ca

paelty of 000 tons of ciine dull),while the distillery U capable, of

turning out laigo quantities of alco-

hol dally.

llaselmll claimed Its third victimIn Mniilclalr, N. J., thin whei)

It. D. KdwmiU, uu olllcor of theschool, died aftor ln

Htruck on the head with n bnt withwhich it teamster had Itno-kc- d out u

home run,

the llnmburg-Amerli'ai- i line, and wn'pri - linrliig to tour the continent.

President Montt was elected JulyL. .. ,, n ,,,, r .,, gx mlal ,,0WCrfU fmilllea ofChile.

In the same category ns Kansas, Iowaand Wisconsin. Johncon acquire Ihis first Stutc-wld- e and nationalprominence by assisting Francis: J.Heuey In the Schmltz-ltue- t graftprosecutions,

The voting was much heavier Inthe cities than In the Interior.


CHICAGO, Aug. 1C A m'lmatlotiwas sprung today In the trial of l.eoNell llrown in connection with thoalleged wholesale bribery committedfor tho purpose of securing the elec-

tion or I.orlmer to the United StatesSenate, when the presiding Judge de-

clared there had been wholesale tam-

pering with the Jury nnd dismissedthe entlie panel of seventy-liv- e.

The judge announced that he wouldsturt an linestlgatlon to, find outwho has been guilty of trying tothwart Justice In tho trial.

Tinnsr.vF.T.T Tnn ArrrnrF.OYSTER HAY, Aug. IC In re- -

gard to tho action of tho RepublicanState committee today, Colt Rooso- -

velt do lured that Ills defeat wasduo to his activity In progressiveNew York politics.


.Mayor John Purroy Mitchell todayprevented a boxing contest here be.twecn I.nug and Kaufman,


The balance In the treasury oftho Chamber of Commerce ut tho tlmqof the annual meeting yesterduy was

ft,832.r:, the expenditures during thyyear being $9,G67.39,

Most of tills expense wns IncurredIn promotion work and the salaries ofofficers, ontertalnnicntH during theyear costing $1,589,98, and tho anti-

tuberculosis campaign donation being$500.

Tho same officers and trustees Morefor another yenr without

contest, President Morgan being putback u office despite his protests (batho wanted a rest and that souvtoneelse should be elected.

Olllcera for the coming enr e be codwere: James F. Morgan, president;J. P. Cooke, vice president; II. P.Wood, Hecrtary und treasurer, who,with the following, iniiko up the hoardof trustees: It. F. Dillingham, Rob-e- rt

Cutton, J. f. Wnldron, A. W. T.Uottomley, J. f). Dole, R. Kern, J. A,Kennedy', F. Klump, K. H. Paxton, K.I. Spuldlng, M. 11, Wodohousc, und K.D. Tenney.

All business transacted ut the moot-ing wus o fa routine nature, tho reporta of tho ofllcom which were readoccupying most of the time the moot-ing was In session.

(lovornor Fronr hnR received roiliicstH to Bend dolegatr-- to AmericanMining Congress and to Dry FarmingCougrtMH both of which will lio heldon (ho mainland Mllhlti tho next fewucokx. All) one wishing to bo a dele'gate apply at tho pula'cv. ,

.lLj'. f" .!. .J ' yfflr--""!- W TBilrlrovtiffllsin SiV-- ynsjsMmPWfcjatMtt.ij-- ;wxm'm.MilatikSl ILtfaistLttatf .. feyjajyMMjBBffllfiiiSMBjjfflSjSsjBj

Motorists to know t tint It's a pleas-an- t

ten minutes' trip from themain Hnlelwn road to the Wnl-mli- u

Kxrhangu. Finest llquurjnnd cigars.

Uverrbody to use ttie largo nickelpad (or nchool and Dgurlng use.Two hundred sheets ot good paper(or flvo cents, at this offlce. tt

Have your hat cleaned by the Expertlint Cleaners, 1123 Fort St., opp.

. Club Stables. Dot workmanship;no acids used. 4$G9-t- (

Position on books by energetic youngman. Address "D. 11.", this of-

flce. 4078-t- f

Yardboy; good wages, board nmlroom. Cressnty'ti, 2011 Kalla lid

4C08-2- t

Anyihlhg'or value' bought 'for cash.Address or call 1117 Fort strec!.

omce boy. Apply Otnco 39, Alexander Young building. 4BUS-3- 1

Clean wiping rngg at the Bulletinofflce.


Japanese Cooking School. Families nrhotels supplied with cooks. C. M.MaUle, 1457 Auld Lane. Tel. 16C4.


Cameo brooch, mounted In gold, wlihtwo pearls. Finder please returnto this otnco and lecelve reward

4C98-3- t

lllark bill purse, with 1230. Finderreturn to Roynl Hawaiian Hoteland receive reward. 4097-2- 1


Taoneie Employment AssociationMaunakea near Assl Taiater. Callup phone C97 If you want a cook,good boy or servants.


Young BuildincDR. N0TTAOE .. .9 to 11 and 1 to 3DR. ROGERS.. . 11 to land 3 to 5

Sundays 9 to 11Other Hours by Appointment


Eastman Kodak U

makes it possible foreveryone to take pictures, 'Itlends itself absolutely to thefancy of the amateur. Youcan have pictures of the chil-

dren at play; a formal por-

trait in the library windoyv;

or snaps of your vacation life.

HonoluluPhoto Supply Co.




Fort below King Street


Gurrey's, Ltd.

t yStlltfeBftlHHBajlSSBBiL

iSBP i BfBvjriv!iiiH

When your eyes tire after readinga short time, they need attention,See


Fort Street Harrison Block

NewJi 'illl'l'l'l'E'HlUvv Post CardsII v .sLkjhEi



Young Bldg,


New (urnlshcd cottages nt WnlkIMDeach Itnteg ressonuble. Oooil

bathing. Crcssaty's, 2011 Kntlnroad, next u Cnssldy's.

Furnished rooms cool ntd pleaisntIn private family. Apply Hri.

V. L. Schmidt, prop Alupal St,No. 1038, near King. 4G29-t- f

nirnlshed rooms cool nnd lilcacant125S Miller street. Cottiigo 0.

460C lw

Two (iirnlibed rooms. Apply Mr.D. McConnell. 1223 Emma B.


Cool furnished rooms and collage,with or without board. 1034Nuuanu Ave., near School St.Prices moderate. 4100-1- 1


'Wlnton automobile Infirst-clas- s condition. Telephone 30.,,It interested, and ask Mr. Kelly fordemonstration, or address "Wln-ton," care this paper. 4074-t- f

The Transo envelope a tlme-savl-

Invention. No addrsislng neces-

sary In sending out bills or re-

ceipts, Dulletln Publishing Co.,sole agents for patentee tt

Furniture of mosciullo-proo- fcottage, with privilege rentingrottnge at $15 per month. ApplymornlngH. 1523 Artesian St., oftWilder Ave. 4600-C- t

One No. 1 Itansomo concrete mixerNo, (new), complete, withtrucks, etc, II. S. dray, 032 Fortstreet; P. O. Ilox 549.

Selected Carnvonlca wool cottonseed. A. V dear, 1214 Fort St.P. O. Ilox 4d4. 4093-t- f

Reading Standard motorcycle; goodas new. Apply "8.", this office.

Inter-Islan- d and Oahu Railroad ship-

ping books, at bulletin offlce. tf


Around the Island, four or more pas-

sengers, SO each. IndependentAuto Stand. Special rates by thohour. Rhone 609. 4677-t- f

For hire, soren-seate- d Packard; ,phone 1.98. Young Hotel Stand;Chas. Reynolds. 4540-t- t


City Clothes Cleaning Co., No. 4 Ms--sonic Temple, Alakea St. Clothescalled for and delivered.


All kinds of laborers furnished; Rus.slan foclelj. Address Gohn Pho- -

- mlchciv. general delivery.4G8S-l-


fee tins; lee-Plum- ber and Tinsmith,Bmlth St.. bet. Hotel and Pauahl.



'"Phone 33



Merchant and Nuuanu Streets


JOHN NOTTThe Pioneer Plumber



M. A. OUNST & CO. - Aeenti

ViotorTalking Macliinos

On Easy Monthly Payments



Thoyor Piano Co.150 Hotel St. Phone 218.






Page 10: 1 V Va Evening BULLETIN - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/17542/1/...will dcfral Congressman Smith, al-though the returns indicate a .very tlov vote



T.fW3 (, .1" V"

V'MMIrtHttwfRi ,,,.-..- .. n-- .m,,Mtm,.yrH





..1IELE KAII.I. TEUUITOUV OKHAWAII, by Alexander I.ludsay,Jr., nil Attoriiey.Ocncral, nil J byMarston Campbell, ns Superin-tendent ot Public Works; CITYAND COUNTY OK HONOLULU,by Joseph .1 Kern, ns Mnor andPresident of the Hoard of Super-visors; nnil to ALL whom It tnnyto litem:

Whereas, n petition has been pre-

sented to snld Court by LINCOLNLOY McCANDLESS to reglstsr andconfirm his title In the. following-describe- d

land:Lot at west corner of Nuuanit and

I'.iuuhl streets, Honolulu, being nportion of Land Commission AwardNumber fiSfi, Itoyal l'atcnt Number10 1 7 to Isaac Lewis.

Ilrglnnlng at an Iron bolt at thesoutheast corner of this lot, said Ironbolt marking the west corner of la-ila-

and Nuuanu streets. The co-

ordinates of said bolt being 230.4!2feet south and 397. RIG feet westfrom n Oincrnnient Survey StreetMonument which Is on the Intersec-tion of n offset In the streetfrom the southwest line' of IlerctanlaBtrcct and running southwesterly,ami u onset In the strecfrom the northerly line of Nuuaii'istreet, ami running southwesterlythciico running as follows by trueazimuths:1. 117 38 123.00 feet ntong I'au- -

nbl street;2. 53 10' 23.00 feel nlong L. C. A.

783 to Kuakb'lo;3. (' 15' 13.20 feet nlong L. C. A.

floi to John ilobbs;4. 332 20' 27.70 feet niong i,. C.

A. 971 to M. Kckuanaon; 'C 322 47 II" 82.86"tcol along li

O. A. 971 to M. Kckuanaoa loNuuanu stroc

0. 238 39' 28.10 feel along Nuu-

anu street to the Initial point.Area, 3880 square feet.You nro hereby cited lo appear at

the Court of, Lund Heglstratlon, tolie held at the City and County otHonolulu on the 6th day of September, A. D. 1910, at ten o'clock Inthe, forenoon, Mo show cause, It any)ou have, why the prayer of pa'dpetition should not be granted. Andunless jou nppenr at said Court illyie time and place aforesaid your d.fault will be recorded, and tho mi Idpetition will bo taken lis contested,nnd j 011 will be forever barred fron)contesting said petition or any de-

cree entered thereon.Witness the llonorablo W. J.

Judge of said Court, this 3rdday of August, In the J ear nineteenhundred and ten.

Attest with Heal of said Court:(Seal) .M. T. SIMQNTQN.

Heglstrar.ICS7 Aug. 3, 10, XT, 2.NOTICE TO CREDITORS.

' Estate of Alexander Young,Deceased.

Notko Is horcby glvon by tho un- -

dcrslgned Exccutore of tho Will otAlexander Young, late of Honolulu,T. II., deceased, to aU persons ha-

ving claims against raid decedent nrIlls Estate, to present tho samd toMessrs. Smith, Warren & Ilcmenway,attorneys for said Executors, ut their

'office In the Judil hultdlng. In saidHonolulu, or to any one of tho un-dersigned Executors in person,whether such claims be secured nrunsecured, within six (6) inontlufrom August 8, 1910 (tho date otfirst publication ot this notice), orthey will ho forovcr barred.

D.ited tills 8.1b day of August,1910.


ExecutorH of thu Will of said Alex-

ander Young, Doccased.4691 Aug. 8, IB, 22, 29; Sept. 5.

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THEFirst Circuit, Territory of Hawnll.-- At

Chambers. In Probate. No. 4281.In the matter uf the Estate of

Perry of Honolulu, T. II. A

document purporting to be the l,nstjwin ami n'mitineiu 01 lamaza retryof Honolulu, T. II.. di)'eiued, li living1111 tho 3rd day of August, A D. 1910.been presented to said Probate Court,and a petition for probate thereof,praying for tho Issuance of LettersTestamentary to Manuel Rego Souzlhaving bean filed by said ManuelRego Soma, It Is Ordered, that Tiles.day, the 6th day of September, A. D.

1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day,at tho couitroom of said Court Intho "Judiciary Hulldlng, In the Cityand County of Honolulu, bo unci thesame Is hereby appointed the tlmflnnd placo for proving said Will andheating said application. Dated, Ho-

nolulu, August 3, 1910. Ily ordernr the Court: J. A. THOMPSON,Olcik. ricill Ciiiut. Klrst Circuit.('. K. Pi'li'rxmi, attorney for peti-

tioner.' 1

IUK7- - Aug. 3. 10. 17, 21.


IN THE CIIICUIT COURT,Klrst Clicult, Territory of Hawaii.- In 1'iobatc. At Chnmbcrs, No.1173. In the mutter of the Estateof Carl llelnrich August l.udwig ,

deceased, Olljrcadllig nnd fil-

ing the 1'elltlon nnd nrcountB otW-- ' I'folenhniler, Executor of the Es-

tate of Carl llelnrich August l.ud-wig Alilliorn, 'deceased, wherein pe-

titioner nsks to be allowed $78,064,33and charged with $8B, 084.94, nndasks that the same be examined nndapproved, nnd that a final order bemade of Dlstilbutlnn ot the remain-ing property to the persons theretoentitled nnd discharging petitionerand sureties from nil further responsibility herein: It Is Ordered,' thatMonday, the 29th day ot August, A.1). 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m., beforethe Judge presiding at Chambers ofsaid Court at his courtroom In theJudiciary Hulldlng, In Honolulu,County of Honolulu, be and the samehereby Is appointed the time nndplnce for hearing said Petition andAccounts, nnd that all persons Inter-ested may then nnd there nppenr nndshow caiifc, If nny they have, whythe same should not be granted, andmay present evidence as lo who areentitled to the said property. Datedthe 26th day of July, A. D. 1910.Ily the Court: (Seal) M. T. SIMON-TO-

Clerk of the Circuit Court oftho Klrst Circuit.

4681 July 27; Aug. 3, 10, 17.



Scaled Tenders will he received bythe Superintendent of Public Worksuntil 12 o'clock noon ot Saturday,August 20, 1910, for furnishing thoDepartment of Public Works withthe following materials, viz.:WHARK LUMIIER. TER THOUSAND

KEET, U. M.- -

3x12 N.W.4x12 N.W.8x12 N.W.

10x12 N.W.12x12 N.W.

PILES, DOUGLAS KIR, NOT LESSTHAN 11" (HARKED), EACH.BO 40 ft.6050 ft.PQ 00 ft.3070 to 80 ft.

COPPER...10 cases 18 oz, Muntz Metal.10 rases 20 oz. Muntz Metal.


10 kegs 1" Copper Nails.30 kegs 8" Galv. Wire Spikes.All proposals to be on blanks fur-

nished by the Department ot PublicWnrki.

The Superintendent of PublicWorks reserves tho right to rejectany or all bids.

MARSTON CAMPHELL,Superintendent of Public Works.

Honolulu, August 4, 1010.4689-1- 0t



Oaha Railway and Land Company.

The Annual Meeting ot tho Stock-holders ot the Oahu Railway & LandComp.inyvhuH bccn.ialjcd for Friday,August li, A. D. 1910, In pursuancoof an order ot tho Dlrojtnw, nnd willbe hold at the office of Tho II. K. Dil-lingham Co., Ltd., StaugonwaldHulldlng, Honolulu, at 2 o'clock p.m. on that date.

The stock books of tho companywill bo closed to transfers fropi Au-gust 12 to 19, both dates inclusive.

A. W. VAN VALKENHUnn,Secretary, O.ihu Railway & Laud Co,

Honolulu, August 12, 1910.4696 Aug. 13, 13, 10, 17, 18.


The annual meeting of tho Will-nlh- ii

Hill Uind will bo held atllnnnlel, Kauai, at 10 o'clock

a. in. on tho 2Qth day ot September,1910.

JAMES K. LOTA,4097 3w President.



TJie Hawaiian Ballasting Companyhas moved from Maunakea street toBcretanla street, near Nuuanu. Ithas no connection with the OahuBallasting Co., which now occupiesits old office. 4094.1m


GRASS. Honolulu, II. T., Aug.IB, 1910. Sealed proposals, In trip-licate, will be received here until 10a. in., August 25, 1910, and thenopened, for fftrnUhlng 100,000 I In.fresh panlcuin grass nt Quartermas-ter's corral, Honolulu, II. T. Deliv-

eries to commence September 1, 1910,and continue as lequtied until Juno30, 1911. Further Information on ap.plication to tho undersigned. M. NFALLS, Captain and Quaitei master,U. S. A., Deiot Quartermaster.

4697 Aug. 15. 16. 17, 18, 24.

Inter-Inlan- and O. R. & L. shippingbooks for sale at tho II ii 1 1 u 1 1 li

iifllen 50c each.


i. Tho Hoard of Supervisors of theCounty of Kilual will re clve scaledbids until 12 o'clock noon of Sep-

tember 7, 1910, for furnishing thofollowing pipe and fittings, to be dpllvercd f. o. b. Wnlmen wharf, or (byoption ot the bidder) at the Walmc.iterminus ot the Mukawell plantationrnllwnys

1750,fFot of 8" standard Well Cas- -

1100 feet of 5" studurd (iatvnnlzcdPipe.

.Tliico 8" Tees, 3 8"xfi" Nipples, 28"xB" llushlngs, 8 8" Klango Union's,u fi" Klango Unions nnd 2 8" brabs.lined (Into Vnhos.

The above fittings nil for well cas-ing.

Also 3 (lalo Valves, .1 Tees, 3 Nipples, 3 Elbows, C Klangc Unions mil1 22" Nipple for Ii" galvanized pipe.

Time of delivery to be stated Inbid.

Any or all bids may bo rcjoitcd.Illils to bo endorsed "TcnderB for

Wntcr Pipe." on outside of envelope,nnd iiddrcsscd to tho Hoard of Su-pervisors, County of Knual, Llhue,Kauai.

J. II. MORAONE,County Road Supervisor.

4697-C- t


Sealed Tenders will bo received bytho Superintendent 6f Public Worksuntil 12 in. of Thursday, August 2",1910, for furnishing tho Departmentof Public Works With 1360 feet of

wooden stnvo pipe, withoutclips or bands. Sample of plpo re-

quired may bo seen at tho ofllco ottho Superintendent of Public WorkB.

Tho Superintendent reserves thoright to reject nny or nil bids.

MARSTON CAMPHELL,Superintendent of Public Works.Honolulu, August IB, 1910,

4697-1- 0t

Senlcd Tenders will bo received bytho PresldenC of tho Honrd of Kogents, nt his ofllco In tho JudiciaryHulldlng, until 12 in., Saturday, Au-

gust 20, for constructing n Daliylaboratory for tho College of Ha-waii, lu Manna Valloy, in nccordan'owith plans nnd specifications on fileIn the President's office.

The President of the Hoard ofreserves tho right to reject any

or nil bids.JUDGE HENRY E. COOPER.

President, Hoard of Regents.4695-G- t


King and Bethel.

C L. HOPKINSSystematizer, Notary Public. Agentto Grant Marriage Licenses, Hawai-

ian Interpreter and TranslatorOFFICE Judiciary Bide. HOURS

0 a. m. to 4 p. m.







pom is afiemu: bv mat summers

Moanalua Will Be Scene of ActionGreat Inteicit Taken in the


At 3 o'clock this afternoon thomticli-tnlkc- d of polo gamo betweenOahu nnd tho Fifth Cavalry willtako place, and another exciting andgood match Is expected to eventuate.Tho Oahu team will lio tho tmmo asplayed last Saturday, and Walternnd Harold Dillingham, togetherwltliDr. and Sam llaldwln, will up-

hold tlier honor of Honolulu.Tho it'avalry will play Captains

Korsyth and Stewart and Lieutenantshanson and Sheridan. Tho umpirewill bo Harold Illie of Maul, and thutimekeepers will be tho samo ns Instweek",

Tho usual crowd ot enthusiasts 'sexpected to attend, and ns the HeldIs In good condition, there shouldbe nothing but good Bpoit and funnt tho grounds.

On Saturday next tho great gamebetween Maul and Kauai will takoplaco and a record ciowd Is expectedto attend at Moanalua. Tho Maulmen have no less than eighteenponies, and they will make tho Kntt-ala-

play a perfect gamo It thoGarden Island men nic to have achance of defeating tho Valley Isloteam.

LI HUE, Kauai, Aug. 13. Thotrack or the new extension ot thoKnual Railroad, running out to thollnio quarries east of Kolou, was fin-

ished ns far ns tho mill last weeknnd cam ate now being run upon It,the first of Its labors being In fulllll-nie-

of the contract It had to de-

liver coal the first week In Augustto Koloa plantation.

Tho faithest extension, out to thelime quarry Itself, will not be luopeatloii until the next- sugnr sea-

son begins. Hut lu the meantime ncareful examination and analysis oftho lime lock Is In progress, In orderthat the best grade of the rock maybo seducd for mill purposes, us wellas agrliiillur.il. The main quarry la

in one of tho gulches ot Mahaulepu,nnd Is about three miles fi'0111 Koloilanding Garden Island.


Tlieie Is no reason In tho opinion ofthe suporvlsornl commltteo on elec-tric lights why the residents of llolo-kaba-

l.ano should not bo piovldcdwith 11 better nnd moro satisfactory Il-

lumination. Tho matter was present-ed to tho Hoard last evening and fav-

orable action has been taken ton urdstho Installation of additional lights.


Rudic Knocked Out in Ninth Roundat Brisbane $1500 Purse WasSplit. '


At llrlsbaiip, Queensland, on July23, lloor Unholz was knocked out1by JoluiBle Summcis, who lu thoninth lound landed one on the Doer'sJaw mid rent lit 111 to Bleep tor tho nillotted pellod. The first threo roiindttlwere even, and In. tho fourth S11111-- I

ineiH punished Uubolz .ibout tho face. I

In tho (If lb tho Itocr put n heavyone to Summers' Jaw, but tho Inttcrlquickly lovlved and fought buck

"gamely.At tho end uf the sixth round tho

betting was 3 to 1 on Summers win-- :

mug, 111111 uniiniz iookuii an 10 iiiubad. The llocr was fighting rough-hoiiF- e

Etk, while Summers was us-

ing his hands to the best ndvniitngo.Tho Englishman' showed clcVcr foot-

work, nnd III every way had tho DoorRoliiK.

Tho end came, ns stated, lu theninth lound, and the Australians re-

joiced. The men wero scheduled togo twenty rounds, and the ptirso was$1500.

. ttLast Sunday at llllo the Lellcbuas

wero defeated by tho Kazaus by 11

scoro of 8 to 3, nttcr n good gamothat attracted 11 big cruwd. Thogamo was n preliminary to the thirdWnscda-Hll- o match, which was wonby tho Nipponese by it "oro of 7

to 1.


Colonel Jones of tho NationalGuard expects lo ha' cublo advlccHrrom Camp Perry next Wednesday,thu Bccond day of tho shoot

Nothing has been hcnid from thoteam representing Hawaii fllnqo itsarrival ut San Francisco.

Although no ilcllnlto Informationhas been received hero It seems to botho general Impression that tho datoof the team shooting has been setahead one week, nnd It that Is thocaso then results Bhuiild bo receivedhero within tho next two days.

1 1

ii 111: iio.v forSKCOMI AMI SOl'TH.

Tlieie Is n fair prospect for tho In-

stallation of 11 tiro alalia box ut thocorner of Second and South 'BtrcotHIn tho near future Tho matter hasbeen brought beforo tho Hoard ot Citynnd County Supervisors through 11

generously signed petition. Tho mat-

ter received attention at last night'smeeting.

i 1

Ono thousand splendid books, 55c.Drown and I.von Co. Until wo moveonly.

Dlank bodk of all sorts, ledgersetc, nianufaciircd by tho H u 1 1 0 1 1 nPuhllxhlng L,niianv.


i'h'.. '.'.,. Ann n- nu,l'ri,s .A" i L''1. t ' n. -- .. -

NBW YOItK, July 24. An army of Sa.nuil tolleis, nlth women as leaders, are lighting one of tlio inoal stiotmoinstrikes In the history of New York. Tho (laimeut Workers' I'nlon has struck pay and to abolishwhat the IcadorB term the "rule of slaveiy." The women leadors have gone on lecord as Baying thev .tie paidor low as 12 cents for making a Jacket, while a twenty-liv- e dollar garment Is made for less than $2 ."ft So tarthe police havo had little nr no work beyond keeping the sldewalka dear. Speeches nic hurled n' the nann-arturei-

morning, noon and night, whllb eiry hall on the east able Is cimvded throughout the d.i and themajority of tho'nlKUt with patient, swelteiiug audiences, who pay strict attention to the talks dclluuvd by thowomen. I'olly Colin arid Kutlo Colin are tun (if the most nctle leadeiH lu the stilku. They came Ireiii Itutslatwo'jears ago and have sluco earned t hell' UUng by tho needle.



Well AgedThat's why most people

prefer it to others

The Beer ThatSuits the People





SAILOR HATSGreat Rciftictions in the prices of Flowers andSailor Hats have hcen made for this sale.

All Fresh and Now

Dunn sHatShooFort



Go yc therefore into the landof Kaimuki, and say thou untoMr. Pessimist that I shall buy alot and proiit thereby, and upontha'. lot shall I build a house, andin tlv.i'. house shall I dwell, highabove the sea, and enjoy the KokoHead breeze forever more.

Land Co., Lid.

iVVJrf.ms JM&g ?MsWhen we get your wireless call for HELPwe will come to the rescue with tfood old