1 Use ProtoGENI CS606, Xiaoyan Hong University of Alabama

1 Use ProtoGENI CS606, Xiaoyan Hong University of Alabama

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Use ProtoGENI

CS606, Xiaoyan Hong

University of Alabama


outline• Prerequisites

– User account with Emulab (Utah site, per Prof Hong)– For using Flack (web-based), Browser be Flash ready

• ProtoGENI general entry– http://www.protogeni.net/

• Tutorial of using Flack Interface with example – http://www.protogeni.net/ProtoGeni/wiki/GeniTutorial– And with video clips

• Tutorial of using command line Linux – http://www.protogeni.net/ProtoGeni/wiki/Tutorial– And with video clips

• Assignment/project #0


Emulab’s Administrative Structure

• Emulab has a two level administrative structure: “Projects”, and “Groups”– Plus “Elab Admins” on top, and “Users” on the bottom

– E.g., a class project with multiple, isolated groups (created by the project leader)

• Administrative control is delegated to “leaders” at each level

• Project gets its own disk space/tree• Users may join multiple projects

• Groups are independent– Files/experiments are protected from each other

• Groups can share– Share the common project file hierarchy


Account at Emulab

• Obtain an account :– clicking "Request Account" and then  "Join an Existing Project" on

the new page.

– You will need to join the project UA-cs606. https://www.emulab.net/reqaccount.php3


Flack based tutorialhttp://www.protogeni.net/ProtoGeni/wiki/GeniTutorial

• Follow the steps– Login and building credential for use

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XF6wyNu1BE (4min)

– Create a slice (a network)

– Use Rspec to specify a slice (resource and code) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5q-AYwggug&NR=1 (6min)

– Materialize the afore-claimed slice into sliver• After waiting for booting, your code is running. You have all the

resources at your finger tip

– Use tools to monitor your experimental traffic (INSTOOLS)


* NOTE: learn Rspec format through examples– http://www.protogeni.net/ProtoGeni/wiki/RSpecExamples

– http://www.protogeni.net/ProtoGeni/wiki/RSpec


Tutorial with Video : Flack based experiment

• First GENI Experience: Hello, GENI!– http://


– First clip: login/download credential

– Second clip: set up slice/Rspec (save it from web)• Iperf server/client

– Clean up


Command line based tutorialhttp://www.protogeni.net/ProtoGeni/wiki/Tutorial

• Follow the steps– Login and building credential for use

– Obtain command line tools “test scripts”• Click the test scripts link

• http://www.protogeni.net/ProtoGeni/wiki/TestScripts

– Create a slice (a network) using registerslice.py

– Use Rspec to specify resource and code for the slice• Tickets contains all the resources and credentials to use them

– Materialize the afore-claimed slice into sliver

– Need to log into Linux machine to execute the code.

– * NOTE: uploading SSH keys


Video Tutorial:command line based experiment

• First Omni Experience: Hello, Omni!– http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/



Assignment/Project #0• Joining Mailing list for ProtoGENI Users

– https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/protogeni-users

• Sample Assignment– Use advanced tutorials: Writing a Web Server

– http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/WebServerExample

• Multithreaded server

• Obtain the example code and instruction and try out

• Modify the network parameters, curve your results.

• Submit a report.



• 1. Physical system of ProtoGENI

• 2. Webserver vs iperf

• 3. Iperf condition vs network condition


Q&A, 1• 1. Physical system of ProtoGENI

– Physical network (real world hostname and IP address, link via internal network/switches)

– Experimental network (own defined topology, own hostname and ip address 10.0.*. *.)

– Mapping between experimental and physical• many exp nodes can be on one physical node (ie, a exp node

uses a Vnode). Rspec can declare the preferences

• Impact to experiment results – Not using the defined topology.

– Super good if all the traffic sends through physical network (interface).

– Do not react to changes in the network conditions if sending through physical network (interface).


Q&A, 2

• Webserver vs iperf– All are multithreaded – Server side listening

• Iperf has client side and statistics

• Webclient is not available to run inside the exp due to GUI; it has no statistics


Q&A, 3

• Iperf condition vs network condition

• Iperf is a traffic generator– UDP/TCP, Server/client

– Parameters to change the sending load

– Both server and client output statistics

• Network conditions – Link delay, link loss rate, link bandwidth, topology

– System architecture (S/C, number of Cs, P2P, etc)


Including running iperf