1 Title I Supplemental Grants 2007-08

1 Title I Supplemental Grants 2007-08. 2 Introduction Elizabeth McClure Education Consultant Soumary Vongrassamy Grants Specialist

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Page 1: 1 Title I Supplemental Grants 2007-08. 2 Introduction Elizabeth McClure Education Consultant Soumary Vongrassamy Grants Specialist


Title ISupplemental Grants


Page 2: 1 Title I Supplemental Grants 2007-08. 2 Introduction Elizabeth McClure Education Consultant Soumary Vongrassamy Grants Specialist



Elizabeth McClure Education Consultant

Soumary VongrassamyGrants Specialist

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Overview and Purpose

Serve as a piece of the Statewide System of Support (SSOS)

Provide districts with additional funds and resources to support their neediest schools

Funds are to supplement district efforts

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Title I schools that: have been identified for improvement (SIFI) have missed adequate yearly progress

(AYP), or were identified as high need by a

Department of Public Instruction (DPI) review of distances from the 2014 annual measurable objectives (AMO) for reading and mathematics

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Provide district support for these schools based on the Characteristics of Successful Districts

Address the needs of eligible schools based on AYP indicators

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Grant applications: Due October 1, 2007

Reporting: Mid-year report due February 29, 2008 End-of-year report due June 30, 2008

Required grantee meetings: October 17, 2007 (Stevens Point) January 14-16, 2008 (Madison) April 2, 2008 (Stevens Point)

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Basics Statement of Need Goals and Objectives Budget Rubric

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All grant activities must be based on a needs assessment

Funds can be spent on items for district and school improvement, such as the examples in the guidelines

Non-educational incentives are not allowed

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A. District Needs. Summarize your district’s key strengths and areas of improvement for providing support to its neediest schools. Provide a rationale for each key strength and area of improvement by using the Characteristics of Successful Districts, your district’s list of eligible Title I school(s), background data, and other relevant information. Specific information in this narrative will help the grant writer focus when describing improvement plans for the neediest schools. Be sure to address each of the five Characteristics regardless of whether it applies to the district as a need. The five Characteristics are:1. vision, values, and culture.2. leadership and governance. 3. decision making and accountability.4. curriculum and instruction. 5. professional development and staff quality.

B. School Needs. Based on the analysis of the 2007 school performance reports for eligible Title I schools, describe the adequate yearly progress (AYP) indicators and/or subgroups to be targeted with grant activities.


Statement of Need

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Statement of Need—Part A: District Needs District—use Characteristics of

Successful Districts Vision, Values and Culture Leadership and Governance Decision Making and Accountability Curriculum and Instruction Professional Development and Staff Quality

Find a copy of the Characteristics at: http://www.dpi.wi.gov/ssos/pdf/characteristics.pdf

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Statement of Need—Part B: School Needs

School—use Adequate Yearly Progress School Review Summary reports District Assessment Coordinators has

access to retrieve reports at:


Website found in notification letter

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Annual Measurable Objectives

2004-07 Reading: 67.5%Math: 47.5%

2007-10Reading: 74%Math: 58%

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Sample AYP report—3-year Summary

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Sample AYP Report—Reading

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Sample AYP Report—Math

AMO is 58% for 2007

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Sample AYP Reports—Final Hints Review all the subgroup scores

Pay special attention to those that are close to falling below the bar or will be below the bar for the next AMO 2007-10

• Reading: 74%• Math: 58%

Watch for declines in student and subgroup performance from previous years

Utilize other district level data, where applicable, to complete the picture of school performance given by the AYP report

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District Plan for Use of Funds—Goals and Objectives

Goalsare not typically measurable, but

describe the desired outcome;should be logically related to an

identified need; andshould be clearly and succinctly


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District Plan for Use of Funds—

Goals and Objectives Objectives

should provide framework by which a given goal is met, reduced, or satisfied;

should be clearly and succinctly written; should be measurable, time-limited, logically

related to goals and describe desired outcomes

may address individual schools’ needs.

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District Plan for Use of Funds—

Goals and Objectives cont’d For each objective:

include the chronological activitiesgive a timeline of the stated activitiesinclude the allotted grant funds for

Year 1 of the grantdescribe the evaluation methods to be


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Duplicate for additional goals.

District Improvement GoalImprove reading achievement for English Language Learners in our identified schools

Goal Evaluation Methods      Analysis of WKCE and other benchmark testing, analysis of classroom level data

Goal Implementation Objectives Activities Timelines

Grant Funds

Objective Evaluation Methods

ObjectiveAll staff in the eligible schools will participate in professional development activities designed to support ELLs in the classroom

"Reading Strategies for ELLs" workshop

Workshop refresher and follow-up

Classroom action research group with ELL focus

Monthly book group on reading across content areas with focus on ELLs

Employ .50 FTE instructional coach to build capacity for utilizing reading strategies for ELLs in the classroom

Grade/subject level meetings to discuss professional development

October 28, 2007 -- inservice day

January 18, 2008

January, 2008-June 2009

September 2007-June 2009

January 2008 - December 2008

November 2007-May 2008

$2,000 $2,000





Workshop evaluation and feedback; staff meeting discussions and ongoing needs assessment to inform future workshop(s)

Principal and/or leadership team conduct informal observations to monitor use of strategies

Principal and/or leadership team attend grade/subject level meetings to participate in and observe discussion of professional development

Analyze student by student data to determine progress

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Goal Implementation Objectives Activities

Timelines Grant Funds

Objective Evaluation Methods


The top 35% of ELLs who need additional assistance in reading will participate in extended learning opportunities

Purchase materials for after-school and supplementary activities for ELLs

Pay for staff to instruct during after-school programming

Host 6 workshops for parents about how to support their child’s academic success

January 2008

January 2008-June 2009

September 2007-June 2009




List of students identified by data to participate in extended learning opportunities

Analysis of common, formative assessments and progress monitoring to determine increases in ELLs’ reading performance

Parent attendance at workshops

Evaluation and feedback from parents about workshops and their sense of efficacy in helping their child succeed academically

ObjectiveAll eligible schools will implement benchmark testing (at least four tests a year) for ELLs for the school years 2007-08 and 2008-09

Conduct meetings with ESL/bilingual staff to investigate options for benchmark assessment kits

Purchase kits

Provide professional development for all staff on using new benchmark assessments; analyzing data to inform specific needs and monitor progress of ELLs

September 2007-June 2008

June 2008

September 2008-June 2009




Verify assessments are studied and evaluated : review minutes of meetings where the kits were discussed; principal/leadership team member attend meetings

Professional development evaluation and feedback

ESL/bilingual staff meetings about ongoing needs assessment to inform future professional development

Principal and/or leadership team conduct informal observations to monitor use of benchmark assessments

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ObjectiveProvide research-based instructional materials for ESL instruction and/or to enhance general classroom instruction for all classrooms in the eligible schools

Conduct meetings with general and ESL/bilingual staff to investigate research-based instructional materials that best suit the needs of ELLs in the district

Purchase instructional materials

Conduct professional development to train staff on curricula and its implementation

Add high interest trade books in languages other than English to Library Media Center

September 2007-January 2008

January 2008

January 2008-January 2009     

November 2007





To verify materials are studied and evaluated, review minutes of meetings where the materials were discussed

Materials evaluation and feedback; staff and grade level discussions; ongoing evaluation to inform continued use of materials

Principal and/or leadership team conduct informal observations to monitor use of new materials

Goal Implementation Objectives Activities

Timelines Grant Funds

Objective Evaluation Methods

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Duplicate for additional goals.

District Improvement Goal

Students will improve performance on mathematics constructed response items

Goal Evaluation MethodsWKCE results and other benchmark testing

Goal Implementation Objectives Activities Timelines

Grant Funds

Objective Evaluation Methods

ObjectiveAll staff in the eligible schools will develop and utilize common assessments, including open-ended response items, as an integral part of all mathematics instruction

Provide series of workshops for professional development on developing, utilizing, and scoring common assessments

Provide additional professional development on the development, implementation, and scoring of constructed response items

Provide staff time for common assessment development: restructure scheduling to provide for grade level and subject level meetings and provide stipends for time outside of contractual hours

September, 2007-08

September, 2007-08

September 2007 - May 2008




Workshop evaluation and feedback; staff meeting discussions and ongoing needs assessment to inform future workshop(s)

Principal and/or leadership team conduct informal observations to monitor use of common assessments

Staff and Grade/Subject level meetings focused on development and discussion of common assessments

Examine attendance data for staff members at above meetings

Analyze student data (from grades, common assessments, formative assessments) quarterly to monitor progress

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ObjectiveAll staff will utilize common assessment data to inform instructional decision making

Provide series of workshops for professional development on utilizing common assessment results to analyze student performance and identify gaps in instruction

Provide staff time for analysis of data and discussion of instructional changes: restructure scheduling to provide for grade level and subject level meetings and provide stipends for time outside of contractual hours

September 2008-May 2009

September 2008-May 2009



Workshop evaluation and feedback; staff meeting discussions and ongoing needs assessment to inform future workshop(s)

Staff and Grade/Subject level meetings focused on data analysis and discussions of instructional changes

Evidence of instructional modifications based on data analysis, including student level data

Goal Implementation Objectives Activities

Timelines Grant Funds

Objective Evaluation Methods

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ObjectiveThe top 40% of students who need additional assistance in responding to constructed response items will participate in extended learning opportunities

Purchase materials for after-school and supplementary activities

Pay for staff to instruct during after-school programming

Host 4 math nights for parents on how to support their child’s academic progress in math

May 2008

September 2008-May 2009

September 2007-June 2009




List of students identified by data to participate in extended learning opportunities

Analysis of continued common assessments and progress monitoring to determine increases in student performance

Evaluation from parents about workshops and how helpful they were in assisting their child’s performance and progress in math

Goal Implementation Objectives Activities

Timelines Grant Funds

Objective Evaluation Methods

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Duplicate for additional goals.

District Improvement Goal

Improve district support of principals as instructional leaders

Goal Evaluation MethodsEvaluate model of district support for instructional leadership; feedback from principals; artifacts from support activities

Goal Implementation Objectives Activities Timelines

Grant Funds

Objective Evaluation Methods

ObjectiveEstablish professional community for district's principals that allows for a minimum of one opportunity per month for principals from eligible schools to share best practice

Monthly workgroups for principals—by grade level span and feeder schools

Online community forum for principals to discuss and analyze practice

Annual principal leadership retreats

Leadership newsletter that addresses instructional leadership with examples, research articles and resources for principals

September 2007-June 2009

October 2007-June 2009

November 2007, 2008

September 2007-June 2009





Attendance of principals at workgroup meetings

Surveys of principals’ sense of community and support in district

Principal turnover in district; exit surveys

Feedback from principals at regular meetings, from website, and informally about resources available

Evaluation of and feedback about annual retreats

Review of leadership newsletters

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ObjectiveIncrease awareness of instructional leadership strategies through no less than eight opportunities for focussed professional development per year for each principal of eligible schools

Monthly professional development for principals that highlights instructional leadership strategies

Attendance at New Wisconsin Promise conference

Scholarships for principals to attend principal institutes

Membership to The Principals’ Center (Harvard) for identified schools’ principals

September 2007-May 2009

January 2008, 2009

September 2007-May 2009






Professional development evaluation and feedback

Implementation of knowledge/skills learned in professional development at school level; school visits and informal observations of school principals

Presentations at district level and principal meetings about findings from New Wisconsin Promise conference

Contributions to leadership newsletter based on attendance at conferences, principal institutes and membership to The Principals’ Center

Goal Implementation Objectives Activities

Timelines Grant Funds

Objective Evaluation Methods

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ObjectiveDevelop and implement a support system for all initial principals

Monthly professional development for new principals to assist with typical responsibilities (e.g. budget, hiring, evaluation)

New principalmeetings to discuss and plan for leadership

Mentorship program (with stipend for principal mentors)

September 2007-May 2009

September 2007-June 2009

September 2007-June 2009




Professional development evaluation and feedback

Feedback from school staff regarding building leadership

Attendance at professional development activities and new principal meetings

Surveys of new principals’ experience with mentors

Goal Implementation Objectives Activities

Timelines Grant Funds

Objective Evaluation Methods

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Budget Detail Budget Summary

Instruction Support Services—Pupil & Instructional Staff Support Services—Administration

Budget Revisions Submit both revised budget summary sheet

and written explanations Due June 30, 2008

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Statement of Need Use of Characteristics of Successful Districts Use of AYP School Review Summary Reports

Goals Alignment with Statement of Need section Evaluation methods

Objectives Alignment with goals Logical activities, timelines and allotted grant funds Evaluation methods

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Grant Awards

Reviews are planned to be completed by end of October

Grant awards will be distributed promptly to approved applications

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Contact Information

Elizabeth McClure Education Consultant (608) 261-6324 [email protected]

Soumary Vongrassamy Grants Specialist (608) 267-1067 [email protected]