Vinura Ltd (T/A Sheene Mill) 39 Station Road Melbourn Royston SG8 6DX Date: 28.6.2020 COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT FOR OUR VENUE 1 The Risk COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19, and in particular Sheene Mill should consider the risks to our workers and customers. As an employer, we also have a legal responsibility to protect workers and others from risk to their health and safety. This means we need to think about the risks faced and do everything reasonably practicable to minimise them, recognising we cannot completely eliminate the risk of COVID-19. We must make sure that the risk assessment for our business addresses the risks of COVID-19, using this guidance to inform our decisions and control measures. We need to consider the security implications of any decisions and control measures we intend to put in place, as any revisions could present new or altered security risks that may require mitigation. 1.1 Managing the Risk We have a duty to reduce workplace risk to the lowest reasonably practicable level by taking preventative measures. Employers must work with any other employers or contractors sharing the workplace so that everybody's health and safety is protected. In the context of COVID-19 this means protecting the health and safety of our workers and customers by working through these steps in order: Ensuring both workers and clients who feel unwell stay at home and do not attend the venue. In every workplace, increasing the frequency of handwashing and surface cleaning. As working from home is not possible, we are making every reasonable effort to comply with the social distancing guidelines set out by the government (2m, or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable, is acceptable. Where the social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in full, in relation to a particular activity, we have considered whether that activity needs to continue for the business to operate, and if so, take all the mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission between their staff. Further mitigating actions include: Further increasing the frequency of hand washing and surface cleaning. Keeping the activity time involved as short as possible. Using screens at the reception and barriers in the kitchen to separate workers from each other and workers from customers at points of service. Using back-to-back or side-to-side working (rather than face-to-face) whenever possible. Reducing the number of people each person has contact with by using ‘fixed teams or partnering’ (so each person works with only a few others).

1 The Risk - Sheene Mill · COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT FOR OUR VENUE 1 The Risk COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19, and

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Page 1: 1 The Risk - Sheene Mill · COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT FOR OUR VENUE 1 The Risk COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19, and

Vinura Ltd (T/A Sheene Mill) 39 Station Road Melbourn Royston SG8 6DX

Date: 28.6.2020


1 The Risk

COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19,

and in particular Sheene Mill should consider the risks to our workers and customers. As an

employer, we also have a legal responsibility to protect workers and others from risk to their health

and safety. This means we need to think about the risks faced and do everything reasonably

practicable to minimise them, recognising we cannot completely eliminate the risk of COVID-19.

We must make sure that the risk assessment for our business addresses the risks of COVID-19, using

this guidance to inform our decisions and control measures. We need to consider the security

implications of any decisions and control measures we intend to put in place, as any revisions could

present new or altered security risks that may require mitigation.

1.1 Managing the Risk We have a duty to reduce workplace risk to the lowest reasonably practicable level by taking preventative measures. Employers must work with any other employers or contractors sharing the workplace so that everybody's health and safety is protected. In the context of COVID-19 this means protecting the health and safety of our workers and customers by working through these steps in order:

• Ensuring both workers and clients who feel unwell stay at home and do not attend the venue.

• In every workplace, increasing the frequency of handwashing and surface cleaning.

As working from home is not possible, we are making every reasonable effort to comply with the social distancing guidelines set out by the government (2m, or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable, is acceptable.

Where the social distancing guidelines cannot be followed in full, in relation to a particular activity, we have considered whether that activity needs to continue for the business to operate, and if so, take all the mitigating actions possible to reduce the risk of transmission between their staff.

Further mitigating actions include:

• Further increasing the frequency of hand washing and surface cleaning.

• Keeping the activity time involved as short as possible.

• Using screens at the reception and barriers in the kitchen to separate workers from each other and workers from customers at points of service.

• Using back-to-back or side-to-side working (rather than face-to-face) whenever possible.

• Reducing the number of people each person has contact with by using ‘fixed teams or partnering’ (so each person works with only a few others).

Page 2: 1 The Risk - Sheene Mill · COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT FOR OUR VENUE 1 The Risk COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19, and

• Finally, if people must work face-to-face for a sustained period with more than a small group of fixed partners, then you will need to assess whether the activity can safely go ahead. No one is obliged to work in an unsafe work environment.

• Avoid scheduling those employees who are considered especially vulnerable to COVID-19.

2 Keeping Customers and Visitors Safe

We have done the following to keep customers and visitors safe:

• Lowered our capacity at the venue

• Reconfigured our indoor tables to a distance of 1m or greater

• Encouraged outdoor seating to reduce the risk of spread

• Opened several different areas of the venue rather than condense customers in one room

• Staggering entry times of customers to avoid queues

• Arrangement of an entry only route and exit only one-way system

• Advising customers to avoid using public transport to reach our venue

• Providing additional signage and guidance for customers

• Discouraging customers to stand at the bar or queue to pay by requesting that they

remaining seating throughout the duration of their visit

• Providing clear guidance on social distancing and hygiene to people on arrival

• Providing hand sanitizer stations through the venue and encouraging their use

• Making customers aware of, and encouraging compliance with, limits on gatherings. For

example, on arrival or at booking. Indoor gatherings are limited to members of any two

households (or support bubbles), while outdoor gatherings are limited to members of any

two households (or support bubbles), or a group of at most six people from any number of


• Reminding customers with children that they are responsible for supervising them at all


• Reminding customers that during adverse weather conditions that they cannot seek shelter

indoors unless social distancing is maintained

• Considering whether essential services and contractor visits can be conducted outside of

service hours

• We will keep a record of all customers and visitors for 21 days to assist NHS Test and Trace

with requests for data if needed

2.1 Managing service of food and drink at Sheene Mill

• Maintaining social distancing (2m, or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable, is

acceptable) from customers when taking orders from customers

• Minimising customer self service of food, cutlery and condiments to reduce risk of

transmission. We intent to only provide cutlery and condiments when food is served

• Cleaning non-disposable condiments after use

• Reducing the number of surfaces touched by both staff and customers. For example, asking

customers to remain at their tables where possible, and not leaning on counters or bar tops

when waiting

• Encouraging contactless payments where possible and regular wiping of the card machine

• Asking customers to pay a £10 per person deposit over the phone when booking to allow for

contactless payment methods to be utilised further

• Reduce the contact between front of house and reception staff by providing screens

Page 3: 1 The Risk - Sheene Mill · COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT FOR OUR VENUE 1 The Risk COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19, and

• Keeping as many doors and windows open as possible to avoid the need to touch handles

and to maintain better ventilation

• All menus to be available online to be browsed on mobile devices

• To avoid congregation, only staff will collect and return used glasses and plates

2.2 Takeaway food service at Sheene Mill

• Encouraging customers to order online and stagger collection times to avoid queues

• Minimise contact between kitchen working and front of house workers by having zoned off


• Limiting access to the venue by providing an outdoor collection point for takeaways

2.3 Customer Toilets

• The use of signs and posters will build awareness of handwashing techniques, the need to

increase handwashing frequency and to avoid touching of your face

• Encourage customers to sneeze into a tissue or their arm if a tissue is not available

• Hand sanitizer and wipes to clean surfaces will be provided

• Increased frequency of toilet cleaning will be introduced

• Fixing entrance doors open where possible to increase ventilation

• Bins will be available in all toilets and more frequent rubbish collection introduced

2.4 Providing and explaining available guidance

• Customers will be given clear guidance on expected customer behaviour. This information

will be displayed on our website, booking confirmations and visual aids within the venue

• Employees will provide spoken communications of the latest guidelines to customers at the


• Verbally reminding customers to wash their hands regularly

3 Who should go to work

• Sheene Mill has considered who is essential to be on site for business operations. Those who

are vulnerable or over 70 years of age are requested not to attend the site

• We have planned for the minimum number of staff at the venue to operate safely and


• Anyone who is showing any symptoms will be requested to not attend work and to self-

isolate for 7 days

3.1 Protecting those who are at higher risk

• Clinically extremely vulnerable individuals have been strongly advised not to work outside

the home during the pandemic peak and only return to work when community infection

rates are low

• Clinically vulnerable individuals, who are at higher risk of severe illness (for example, people

with some pre-existing conditions), have been asked to take extra care in observing social


• Any workers who are suffering from mental health or wellbeing issues should seek advice as

soon as possible

3.2 People who need to self-isolate

• These individuals must stay at home and not report to work

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4 Coming to work and leaving work

• We will be staggering arrival and departure times at work to reduce crowding

• Bike storage is available throughout the site to avoid the use of congestion in the car park

• Hand sanitizer is provided at entry and exit points

• Staff are requested to change into their work uniform in the staff room only

• Staff are requested to regularly wash their uniform at home following every shift

• Staff should avoid giving lifts to each other and only those within your home or social bubble

should be collecting and dropping you off

4.1 Movement around the venue

• Non-essential trips and movements around the venue should be avoided

• All order requests to the kitchen should be communicated via the till systems where possible

• Extra care and attention should be taken when moving between known bottle neck areas of

the venue such as stairways and the country room

4.2 Working areas

• Those who have a fixed area to work in (such as the kitchen) should avoid moving between

different areas of the venue where possible

• Avoid face to face contact where possible

4.3 Food preparation areas

• Allow kitchen access to as few people as possible

• Minimise interaction between kitchen staff and other workers, including breaks

• Space out working areas where possible

• Use a one-way system in the kitchen to avoid the need to cross paths

• Request all delivery drivers to leave goods outside of the main entrance door

4.4 Entertainment At present venues should not permit live performances, including drama, comedy and music to take

place in front of a live audience. All venues are required to take steps to avoid people needing to

unduly raise their voices to each other which includes but is not limited to refraining from playing

music or broadcasts that may encourage shouting, including if played at a volume that makes normal

conversation difficult, loud background music, communal dancing, group singing or chanting.

• Prevent the broadcasting of any live sporting events to discourage gatherings

• Encourage online ordering of any events rather than payment in person

4.5 Back of house and common areas

• Staff to take breaks outside where possible in a safe area away from customers

• Stagger break times

5 Cleaning the Workplace

• Wedge doors open where possible to reduce touchpoints. This does not include fire doors

• Frequently cleaning of objects and surfaces that are touched regularly including counters,

tills, card machines, door handles, laminated menus, tables, chairs, trays

• Maintain good ventilation in the work environment by opening doors and windows

frequently, where possible

• Enhanced cleaning required in busy areas such as reception

Page 5: 1 The Risk - Sheene Mill · COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT FOR OUR VENUE 1 The Risk COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19, and

5.1 Keeping the kitchen clean

• Introduce additional cleaning and disinfection measures

• Wash hands before handling plates and cutlery

• Consider the use of face masks and face visors when preparing food

• Wash hands regularly throughout the day

6 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Face Coverings

Sheene Mill support our workers in using face coverings safely if they choose to wear one.

We recommend the following:

• Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser

before putting a face covering on, and before and after removing it.

• When wearing a face covering, avoid touching your face or face covering, as you could

contaminate them with germs from your hands.

• Change your face covering if it becomes damp or if you’ve touched it.

• Continue to wash your hands regularly.

• Change and wash your face covering daily.

• If the material is washable, wash in line with manufacturer’s instructions. If it’s not

washable, dispose of it carefully in your usual waste.

• Practise social distancing wherever possible.

You can make face-coverings at home and can find guidance on how to do this and use them safely

on GOV.UK.

7 Wedding Ceremonies at the Venue

Making Sheene Mill a safe environment is something that we take very seriously and to demonstrate

this, here are some of the measures we have put in place.

• A COVID 19 risk assessment has been undertaken.

• Over a dozen control measures have been identified and implemented – these will minimise

risk and protect all staff and guests as much as possible.

• Venue spaces have been redesigned to facilitate the government’s guidelines on social


• Deep Clean regimes in place throughout the venue.

• Suitable and sufficient PPE available on request for all staff and guests.

• Hands free sanitizer sprays available throughout the venue.

7.1 Wedding Ceremony guidelines

• Government advice is still that 2m+ social distancing is preferred, and where possible we will be trying to keep to this. Our risk assessment outlines how we will be maintaining a safe environment where a 2m distance may not be possible (1m with mitigation).

• Photographs may only take place with people within the same social bubble with a maximum of 6 guests

• All vendors are considered to be part of the 30 guests allowed at a wedding ceremony. Please bear in mind the following:

o The person from your venue that has to be present throughout o The couple, two witnesses and the two registrars

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o Any photographer / videographer o All ages, including babies and children

• The venue will provide clear guidance of how guests should be seated

• The venue will require a guest list from the bridal couple with their household and social grouping displayed in order to create the ceremony room layout

“Must” Where the guidance states that an activity must take place this is because it is a requirement under the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020, and therefore is a requirement in law.

“Should” Where the guidance states that an activity should take place this is not a legal requirement under the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020, however it is strongly advised that consideration is given to following the advice being given to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.

https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-for-small-marriages-and-civil-partnerships/covid-19-guidance-for-small-marriages-and-civil-partnerships Please see 7.9 for more information about rules for Aisle Walk & Face Masks.

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7.2 Indoor (2m distanced – individually grouped – no face masks – no aisle walk) Worst case

scenario layout Please note that this assumes that the bride and groom have invited guests who are all arriving

individually and are not in the same social bubble. The likelihood of this is extremely low. The bride

can make a socially distanced entrance (aisle walk) with her father if they live in the same household

and the centre 3 guests are not used (reducing the capacity by 3). Face masks are not mandatory as

2m distancing will be present throughout.

Capacity – 30 people (2 registrars and any suppliers such as a photographer are included. Venue staff

are not included in this total)

Capacity with aisle – 27 people (2 registrars and any suppliers such as a photographer are included.

Venue staff are not included in this total)

“Wherever possible, adhere to social distancing of at least 2 metres, or 1 metre with risk mitigation (where 2 metres is not viable),

between households.”



Page 8: 1 The Risk - Sheene Mill · COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT FOR OUR VENUE 1 The Risk COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19, and

7.3 Indoor (social bubble groups of two – face masks required– with aisle walk)

Please note that this assumes that the bride and groom have invited guests who live in the same

social bubble / household (therefore social distancing is not required). The likelihood of this is

extremely high. Groups of three or four from the same household can be added into the spaces

illustrated without breaking any government guidelines. The bride can make a socially distanced

entrance (aisle walk) with her father if they live in the same household. Face masks will be required

for all guests for risk mitigation as 2m distancing will not be present throughout.

Capacity – 30 people (2 registrars and any suppliers such as a photographer are included. Venue staff

are not included in this total)

Please see 7.9 for more information about rules for Aisle Walk & Face Masks.

“People from different households should maintain social distancing between one another. This may require marriages or civil

partnerships to be adapted to remove practices that would otherwise have brought people into contact with one another, unless

required for the marriage or civil partnership to be legally binding. Where this is the case precautions should be put in place to

minimise contact and ensure the timeframe is as short as possible.”

“Household” and “Support Bubble” A household is a person or a group of people who live together in the same accommodation. A

support bubble is where a single adult living alone, or a single parent with children under 18, can form an exclusive network with one

other household where social distancing does not have to be observed. The two households that form a support bubble count as

one household for the purposes of this guidance.



Page 9: 1 The Risk - Sheene Mill · COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT FOR OUR VENUE 1 The Risk COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19, and

7.4 Indoor (2m social distancing different households – no face masks – with aisle walk)

Please note that this assumes that the bride and groom have invited guests who live in the same

social bubble / household (therefore social distancing is not required). The likelihood of this is

extremely high. Groups of three or four from the same household can be added into the spaces

illustrated without breaking any government guidelines. The bride can make a socially distanced

entrance (aisle walk) with her father if they live in the same household. Face masks will be required

for all guests for risk mitigation as 2m distancing will not be present throughout.

Capacity – 26 people on this layout but up to 30 if groups of 2 guests become 3 or 4 (2 registrars and

any suppliers such as a photographer are included. Venue staff are not included in this total)

Please see 7.9 for more information about rules for Aisle Walk & Face Masks.

“People from different households should maintain social distancing between one another. This may require marriages or civil

partnerships to be adapted to remove practices that would otherwise have brought people into contact with one another, unless

required for the marriage or civil partnership to be legally binding. Where this is the case precautions should be put in place to

minimise contact and ensure the timeframe is as short as possible.”

“Household” and “Support Bubble” A household is a person or a group of people who live together in the same accommodation. A

support bubble is where a single adult living alone, or a single parent with children under 18, can form an exclusive network with one

other household where social distancing does not have to be observed. The two households that form a support bubble count as

one household for the purposes of this guidance.



Page 10: 1 The Risk - Sheene Mill · COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT FOR OUR VENUE 1 The Risk COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19, and

7.5 Indoor (2m social distancing different households – no facemasks – no aisle walk)

Please note that this assumes that the bride and groom have invited guests who live in the same

social bubble / household (therefore social distancing is not required for them). The likelihood of this

is extremely high. Groups of three or four from the same household can be added into the spaces

illustrated without breaking any government guidelines. The bride can make a socially distanced

entrance (aisle walk) with her father if they live in the same household. Face masks will be required

for all guests for risk mitigation as 2m distancing will not be present throughout.

Capacity – 30 people on this layout (2 registrars and any suppliers such as a photographer are

included. Venue staff are not included in this total)

“People from different households should maintain social distancing between one another. This may require marriages or civil

partnerships to be adapted to remove practices that would otherwise have brought people into contact with one another, unless

required for the marriage or civil partnership to be legally binding. Where this is the case precautions should be put in place to

minimise contact and ensure the timeframe is as short as possible.”

“Household” and “Support Bubble” A household is a person or a group of people who live together in the same accommodation. A

support bubble is where a single adult living alone, or a single parent with children under 18, can form an exclusive network with one

other household where social distancing does not have to be observed. The two households that form a support bubble count as

one household for the purposes of this guidance.



Page 11: 1 The Risk - Sheene Mill · COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT FOR OUR VENUE 1 The Risk COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19, and

7.6 Indoor Conservatory (2m social distancing different households – no facemasks –with

aisle walk)

Please note that this assumes that the bride and groom have invited guests who live in the same

social bubble / household (therefore social distancing is not required for them). The likelihood of this

is extremely high. Groups of three or four from the same household can be added into the spaces

illustrated without breaking any government guidelines. The bride can make a socially distanced

entrance (aisle walk) with her father if they live in the same household. Face masks will be required

for all guests for risk mitigation as 2m distancing will not be present throughout.

Capacity – 16 people on this layout (2 registrars and any suppliers such as a photographer are

included. Venue staff are not included in this total)

Please see 7.9 for more information about rules for Aisle Walk & Face Masks.

“People from different households should maintain social distancing between one another. This may require marriages or civil

partnerships to be adapted to remove practices that would otherwise have brought people into contact with one another, unless

required for the marriage or civil partnership to be legally binding. Where this is the case precautions should be put in place to

minimise contact and ensure the timeframe is as short as possible.”

“Household” and “Support Bubble” A household is a person or a group of people who live together in the same accommodation. A

support bubble is where a single adult living alone, or a single parent with children under 18, can form an exclusive network with one

other household where social distancing does not have to be observed. The two households that form a support bubble count as

one household for the purposes of this guidance.



Page 12: 1 The Risk - Sheene Mill · COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT FOR OUR VENUE 1 The Risk COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19, and

7.7 Indoor (social bubble groups of two – guests to wear face masks – with aisle walk)

Please note that this assumes that the bride and groom have invited guests who live in the same

social bubble / household (therefore social distancing is not required). The likelihood of this is

extremely high. Groups of three from the same household can be added into the spaces illustrated

without breaking any government guidelines. The bride can make a socially distanced entrance (aisle

walk) with her father if they live in the same household. Face masks will be required for all guests for

risk mitigation as 2m distancing will not be present throughout.

Capacity – 20 people (2 registrars and any suppliers such as a photographer are included. Venue staff

are not included in this total)

Please see 7.9 for more information about rules for Aisle Walk & Face Masks.

“People from different households should maintain social distancing between one another. This may require marriages or civil

partnerships to be adapted to remove practices that would otherwise have brought people into contact with one another, unless

required for the marriage or civil partnership to be legally binding. Where this is the case precautions should be put in place to

minimise contact and ensure the timeframe is as short as possible.”

“Household” and “Support Bubble” A household is a person or a group of people who live together in the same accommodation. A

support bubble is where a single adult living alone, or a single parent with children under 18, can form an exclusive network with one

other household where social distancing does not have to be observed. The two households that form a support bubble count as

one household for the purposes of this guidance.



Page 13: 1 The Risk - Sheene Mill · COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT FOR OUR VENUE 1 The Risk COVID-19 is a public health emergency. Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19, and

7.7 Indoor (social bubble groups of different sizes– guests to wear face masks – no aisle walk)

This layout depends on each wedding and their actual bubbles of people. This is a demonstration to

show that 30 people can be this room at the same time whilst adhering to social distancing

guidelines. Please note that this assumes that the bride and groom have invited guests who live in

the same social bubble / household (therefore social distancing is not required). The likelihood of

this is extremely high. Groups of three from the same household can be added into the spaces

illustrated without breaking any government guidelines. No aisle walk is permitted for this layout as

1m distance cannot be guaranteed. Face masks will be required for all guests for risk mitigation as

2m distancing will not be present throughout.

Capacity – 25-30 people (2 registrars and any suppliers such as a photographer are included. Venue

staff are not included in this total)

“People from different households should maintain social distancing between one another. This may require marriages or civil

partnerships to be adapted to remove practices that would otherwise have brought people into contact with one another, unless

required for the marriage or civil partnership to be legally binding. Where this is the case precautions should be put in place to

minimise contact and ensure the timeframe is as short as possible.”

“Household” and “Support Bubble” A household is a person or a group of people who live together in the same accommodation. A

support bubble is where a single adult living alone, or a single parent with children under 18, can form an exclusive network with one

other household where social distancing does not have to be observed. The two households that form a support bubble count as

one household for the purposes of this guidance.



• We can adequately accommodate 18 guests (including registrars, bridal couple, and

witnesses) under current government 1m guidelines.

• There is over 90m2 of space within this section of the building shown (37.5m2 for the

conservatory in particular).

• Large bifold doors will enable sufficient ventilation.

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7.8 Outdoor Ceremony Layout (1m+ social distancing different households – with facemasks

– aisle walk)

An outdoor ceremony can only take place if the witnesses are within the same social

bubble/household (therefore social distancing is not required or them). Face masks will be required

for all people within the licensed structure. ( Cambridgeshire Registrars 20/7/2020)

Capacity – 30 people (2 registrars and any suppliers such as a photographer are included. Venue staff

are not included in this total)

• The risk of infection is far less outdoors

• Please see 7.9 for more information about rules for Aisle Walk & Face Masks.

“People from different households should maintain social distancing between one another. This may require marriages or civil

partnerships to be adapted to remove practices that would otherwise have brought people into contact with one another, unless

required for the marriage or civil partnership to be legally binding. Where this is the case precautions should be put in place to

minimise contact and ensure the timeframe is as short as possible.”

“Household” and “Support Bubble” A household is a person or a group of people who live together in the same accommodation. A

support bubble is where a single adult living alone, or a single parent with children under 18, can form an exclusive network with one

other household where social distancing does not have to be observed. The two households that form a support bubble count as

one household for the purposes of this guidance.













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A – 3100MM B – 2100MM C – 2800M

Registrars – Red (not in same social bubble assume)

Bridal Couple – Green (same social bubble certain)

Witnesses – Blue (same social bubble to verify)

Putting a table in the middle of the pavilion enables

everyone to keep a safe distance.

When the registry book needs signing everyone will

rotate around in a circle to maintain distance.

A touch free hand sanitizer will be positioned on the

table along with a face mask and tissue bin.

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7.9 Bridal Walk and Face Mask Instructions Bridal Walk

As for bridal entrances, the person accompanying the bride down the aisle will either need to be

part of the same household or part of the social bubble attached to that household (as defined by

the government guidelines) for there to be no social distancing requirements. If this is not the case,

social distancing of 2m or 1m+ masks will need to be adhered to between them and on either side. – Cambridgeshire Registrars 20/7/2020

Face Mask Disposal

If the bride intends to remove her mask once she has completed her entrance, as long as 2m

distancing prevails at this point, a waste bin will be provided for the bride and groom to dispose of

their masks safely during the ceremony. If they are making an exit, in front of their guests, they will

also need to don a fresh mask again to ensure a safe exit. The registrar will also be provided access

to a bin for the used wipes when bride, groom and witnesses clean the pen we will provide for their

use for the signing of the register. – Cambridgeshire Registrars 20/7/2020

Why Face Masks?

Following advice from Cambridgeshire Registrars Services, we are happy to conduct ceremonies as

long as social distancing is maintained at 1m+ mitigations (face masks for all). Our concern is to

protect not only your guests but the health and wellbeing of our staff and the Cambridgeshire

Registrars. If registrars have to go into isolation following an outbreak there will be a smaller pool of

registrars able to perform ceremonies like yours in the future. We thank you in advance for your

understanding. – Cambridgeshire Registrars 20/7/2020

7.10 Advice from Cambridgeshire Registrars (June 2020) Ceremonies

The guidance at the moment from the General Register Office is that we should only be considering

conducting ceremonies which satisfy the minimum requirements for a legal marriage or civil

partnership formation, thus ensuring that we minimise any risks to those attending. This means

there will be no entrance by the couple and no readings or other additions to the ceremony. We are

expecting further clarification in the following days.


The government guidelines on the number of attendees at your venue from different household

groups only covers marriage ceremonies and civil partnerships (formations and ceremonies). Once

our staff have left, and the ceremony is completed, all the normal COVID-19 restrictions apply. It

states (ref 1.17) “Large wedding receptions or parties should of course not be taking place. Wedding

celebrations can only happen when people follow the guidance of six people outdoors, support

bubbles, or two households indoors or outdoors. It is critical for these guidelines to be observed to

keep you and your family and friends as safe as possible.”

General Advice

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• Ceremonies should be kept as short as possible, limited to the parts of the ceremonies required for the marriage to be legally binding.

• No food or drink should be consumed as a part of the ceremony unless required for the purposes of solemnisation.

• Hands should be washed before and after the exchanging of rings. The rings should be handled by as few people as possible.

• People should avoid singing, shouting, raising voices, or playing music at a volume that makes normal conversation difficult. This is because of the potential for increased risk of transmission from aerosol and droplets from a raised or projected voice.

• Spoken responses during marriages or civil partnerships should not be in a raised voice. • Singing, chanting, shouting and instruments that are blown into should be specifically

avoided. Where required for the marriage or civil partnership, one individual can be permitted to sing or chant.

• Avoid face-to-face seating. • Adapt ceremonies to remove practices that bring people into contact with each other so

that people from different households can maintain social distancing between one another. Where contact is required for the marriage or civil partnership to be legally binding, precautions should be put in place to minimise contact and reduce the timeframe as much as possible.

• Guests should avoid touching property belonging to others. • Single-use order of service sheets can be provided as long as they are removed by the

attendee. • Items owned by individuals for use in the ceremony, such as a prayer mat, religious text or a

pen for the signing of the register should be removed after the ceremony. • Consider using protective screens and face coverings. • Reduce the number of people in enclosed spaces and improve ventilation. • Close non-essential social spaces and remove non-essential soft furnishings.

Useful links




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8 Site Plan & Intended Venue Usage

Outdoor dining

Indoor dining / ceremony use

Outdoor ceremony / Picnics

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Potential configuration to maintain social distancing of restaurant

We can adequately accommodate 50+ covers under current government guidelines.

In addition, we have over 50+ outdoor seats, 0.5 acre of lawn and several other indoor locations at

the venue.

There is over 150m2 of space within this section of the building shown.

Large bifold doors and air conditioning throughout will enable sufficient ventilation.

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Potential configuration to maintain social distancing of restaurant (conservatory)

We can adequately accommodate 15-30 covers under current government guidelines depending on

table size (i.e. we can fit more tables of 6 than tables of 2).

In addition, we have over 50+ outdoor seats, 0.5 acre of lawn and several other indoor locations at

the venue.

There is over 90m2 of space within this section of the building shown.

Large bifold doors will enable sufficient ventilation.

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Covid-19 Risk Assessment

Severity 6 Multiple death 5 Death 4 Major injury 3 Lost time injury 2 Minor injury 1 Delay

Likelihood 6 Certain 5 Very likely 4 Likely 3 May happen 2 Unlikely 1 Very unlikely

Risk 0-10 Low Risk 11-20 Medium Risk 21-36 High Risk

What are the hazards

Who might be harmed

Controls in place Additional control required Severity Likelihood Risk

Spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus

Staff, Visitors, Contractors, Vulnerable Groups

All Staff to have a return to work meeting and training in what measures have been introduced and requirements are for them and guests

All employees must have a return to work meeting, reporting any changes in circumstances to a Manager as soon as possible Training in bagging and storing of dirty laundry procedures Training in the use of PPE, what and when it is required

1 1 1

Hand Washing • Hand washing facilities with soap and water in place • Stringent hand washing taking place • Guidance posters on display • Drying of hands • Alcohol hand sanitisers in place

Employees to be reminded to wash and sanitise hands upon arrival at work and on a regular basis to wash their hands for 20 seconds with soap and water and to dry hands properly with paper towels. Use the same measures for public toilet areas for handwashing Follow Catch it, Bin it, Kill it and to avoid touching face etc Tissues to be made available

2 1 2

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Encourage staff to report any problems

Public usage of toilets to be signed for social distancing awareness and cleaning of public toilets within the venue to be robust and frequent

Use a cleaning checklist and leave in the area for transparency Ensure a robust cleaning schedule is in place and monitor standards

2 2 4

Cleaning Frequently cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces that are touched regularly particularly in areas of high use such as door handles, reception area - including keyboards, card machines and Telephones using appropriate cleaning methods and products

Rigorous checks will be carried out by line managers to ensure that the necessary procedures are being followed, checklist at front door for door handles, leave as many doors open as possible for entry

2 1 2

Social Distancing Reducing the number of persons in any work area to try and comply with the 2 metre gap recommendation

Staff to be reminded on a daily basis of the importance of social distancing both in and outside the workplace Management checks to ensure cooperation

2 3 6

Wearing of gloves or PPE All cleaning including bedroom laundry and cleaning must be done wearing gloves, an adequate supply will be supplied

All staff to be reminded that wearing of gloves is not a substitute for handwashing, gloves and hand sanitiser will be provided for all staff with masks available

1 1 1

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All tables to be cleaned then disinfected, appropriate materials will be provided

Staff to be trained on appropriate products and order in which these are to be used

2 2 4

Condiments to be removed from all tables and knives and forks only placed when food is ready to reduce contamination

Staff are to be reminded of this process at the beginning of each shift

2 2 4

One-way system for breakfast and minimal contact, Grab & go breakfast facilities tea/coffee station to be set up

Staff to make sure there is minimal contact between guests and themselves during high traffic service

3 2 6

Symptoms of COVID-19 • If anyone becomes unwell with a new continuous cough or a high temperature in the workplace they will be sent home and advised to follow the stay at home guidance • If advised that a member of staff or public has developed COVID-19 and were recently on the premises the management team will contact the public health authority and take advice

Internal communication and cascading of messages through the line managers will be carried out and support to colleagues in a fast changing situation, support will be given to staff who are affected or has a family member affected

3 3 9

Mental Health Management will promote health & wellbeing awareness to staff

Regular communication of mental health information and open door policy for those who need additional support

3 3 9

All staff must change into clean uniform on the premises to minimise the chance of

Facilities will be provided for ALL staff to change in privacy, this must

1 1 1

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contamination and change after finishing shift

be adhered to. These must be washed to standard daily

Room Service Room service will be provided to all guests Timings and menu given to guest upon arrival Delivered to the guest bedroom door on tray All charged to room – no money to be exchanged

2 2 4

Check in/out procedure to provide minimal contact, email confirmation and preferably payment in advance, email invoice or receipt

To prevent cross contamination check in and check out should have as little contact as possible, provide a drop box for keys which will be sanitised after use, email all invoices and receipts out where possible to avoid contact Payments to be made by card where possible

3 2 6

Table reservation procedure to provide minimal contact, email confirmation with guidelines attached and deposit in advance

To prevent cross contamination contact throughout the reservation process should be kept as minimum as possible. Capture all information required for the Government over email in advance of their visit. Email invoices where possible.

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Contactless payments to be made by card where possible

Infectious outbreak within a bedroom

Quarantine the bedroom and ALL staff to be instructed not to enter

Call the guest to clearly understand the situation and if the guest needs to extend their stay and for how long Offer assistance with calling local doctor, 111 or ambulance Inform all staff that the bedroom is in quarantine and DO NOT ENTER Inform Duty Manager so all cases are accounted for if the situation becomes worse (reporting purposes for the EHO) Extra amenities, food, linen and bags, medicines etc to be placed outside the room if required Immediately clean all public areas as per guidelines and increase frequency Minimise contact with guest on departure Leave the bedroom empty for 72 hours if possible and then place in air purifier before servicing room

3 3 9

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Key Links

• Public Health Advice - https://www.publichealth.hscni.net/news/covid-19-coronavirus

• Public Health Authority Guidance - https://www.publichealth.hscni.net/

• Hand Washing Guidance - https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-body/best-way-to-wash-your-hands/

• Communications - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19

• Social Distancing Guidance - https://www.publichealth.hscni.net/news/covid-19-coronavirus

• Social Distancing Guidance for Vulnerable People - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-on-social-distancing-and-for-vulnerable-people

• HSE Face Masks Guidance - https://www.hse.gov.uk/news/face-mask-ppe-rpe-coronavirus.htm

• HSE Guidance for Drivers, transport, delivery - https://www.hse.gov.uk/news/drivers-transport-delivery-coronavirus.htm

• HSENI Mental Health Guidance Coronavirus - https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/coronavirus-and-your-wellbeing/www.hseni.gov.uk/stress