4 ^ ^ THE Ali^RIjCAN ISRAELITJE. 1 TU« k ^«r ' iA ft lornnlU' n vidual sinner. It must necessarily I se ems to h' ave overlooked the fact , that Jews, Zola, Scheurer-Kestner and (li ght of the Lord i s your strength. " 1 terrify them. Remembering all the i The BoyaiwttoWaSertorado brtiiifl oo^ * ¦ luR Atltnl CdH ISmCIllCI I'm't itself to some communal sins, all Christian preachers , Martin Luther everybody supposed to be in favor of 9<> the people did ,, "' afid made great good the Lord has done for us , every known. Aetj .Bi te»t. shoty" it Oo. foa * a *' K i iiu niiimmmi and of theae u c( . n epec . fy bu( . ft ftw induded make wftp up0Q reaaon | ftnd tbe reyiai|m 0f t} lf s proceeding at the mirth" in addition to it. heart must behoved to gratitude , to third further than «ny other briad. t TCO wt«5E A oO We sin by neglecting the sanctuarv of necessity enfeeble it , and setting Drey fu s frial . are now clamoring for it Here is eviden tl y the object of this worship, to joy and gladness ory this Z. pT , of Israel , by non-appearance in the down reason aa the work of the devil, in the streets. A few more days will hol y day as a memorial , and of thi s day ot memonaLh oly to the LorcU bo,. pobmshmbs and pbopbikorb. house of the Loifd to worshi p God with induce the mind to unreasonable be- in all likelihood see the order for a idea in course of time was developed much tor the good we remember. * As ^*fll#i h ' Office: N.W.Cor. Fifth and Race St. the congregation. Repent ! liefs and inconsiderate action. What new trial issued. Wheth* even this the day ot jud gment and the day, of light remind s us ornight , being ita BUTa I rat ah if wt<?p bvJvXT We sin by neg lecting the Thorah , the professor says against the revival- will establis h a belief in the guilt or penitence . Here is again tbe his tor- direct . Opposite ,, freedom. . . calls up in -T»i «ra"5ij L/ i ISAAL j u. wiw. . ¦ matter. ^6 hol y treasure of lBra6l' 8 literature ist , may be said about, every orthodox innocence of Capt. Drevfus in the ic.il memento! . On this day -holy to our minds the idea of slavery , and the P-; v g^ga ^ ( inoiniinii ft 8«nt 99 iRQR and history—this sin is most grievous- preacher. ,,- public mind , depends entirely on the the Lord we are assembled in this colors of the r&inbpw un consciously flOYM v mciniian u., oopi. m, i oao. iy * omm iUed b y lhe Rabbis-for our- ; -*-, nature of the trial , Unless it is a pub- house of worship- , all Isr ael in all parfcr direct the mind to the dark back- f IfM smttre i us second oiftsB mai l matter »t the selves and our children , whom the ' Major Pond announces Mr. Israel' "lie one and the ordinary law s ol evi- of the civilized, wo rid is now " assem- ground;¦;; so- doesi the good wbiou we . . , .tvsTJ yowoffloe at ciueinuati . Ohio. Father of men entrusted" to our care. Zangwill for a lecture tour of tbe d erice are allowed to govern and: peril- bled in its templea to remember our remember awaken in our souls its very v^ Kj GJjg ' ¦ , . MBSCRIPTIOH fRJCE , PER YEAR ¦ $2.50 Repent! cities of the United States and Can- newt, questions of Council on both doingsand our omiEslohs, the incid ents opp osite/ RJ^SaIM if lti Deborah $1,00 ' We sin by our constant long ing lor a(ja< His subjects are: "The Drama wles are answered without reservation and accidents of the past ; it is avrom - the evil op MAN. —AKIN™ ' P oataae to Eutobb , QBE Year - -- $1.00 change of ritual and ministers , because & a Fine Art , " "Fiction the Hi ghest by the witnesses, the public will have Haxikoran. As grateful children ' of How di d the Day of Memorial be- ¦»«¦¦¦ ¦ »¦ ¦ ¦• ¦ ' we respect neither lor any length of Form of Truth " "The Ghetto. '' Mr. no faith whatever in the justice of any our Heavenl y Father it behooves us to come a]ao a Day ot Judgment , the POWDER " bates or ADVgRTisisQ . t j me ; and for innovations , making zaDgWill has lectured all throug h verdict that may be rendered. remember first , as Nehemiah com- Y om Haddi n, as we find 'it in the " Absoiuteh?Puro ssssKaS- ^D^r^rs; «•* n r and t . he ° a new "V °i re - Great Britai Q and lreland * aa lar * e —™— nunded h p30ple > Mi8huah - and' ¦* the e reat * &h ? h ?: **™w» ° "gion , because in fact we Lad not audiences aa any p latform speaker has The persecution of the Jews , which the blessings of god. ian teacher Aba Areka also in our h- ka ^ 0 ' a > UE^^^ ever had . He was the first Eng lish marked the re-occupation of Thessal y r .. t . .. .. .. tur gy and in the consciousness of the ¦ ¦ ' All congregations neg lecting to join lecturer to be invited to Holland , by -the Greeks, continues unabated. ^e are ' , W9 hve > the *?$ ma J ot,tv peop l e? Just so we may. maintain , the I .. *»» ¦ --. ^* ."»v« , aTn^rTl^^^lT^tS^^ the Union of American Hebrew CJon- where money was turned away at the The authorities appear to be willing l,^/ 6 ^^^ iT ilf I„lL°Z goodness 5 of God rouses in our souls . . __^ ' amrkioan iMn*EUTB only paid matter , at a gregations, refusing to assist in ce- doors in ' every town. He has even to prevent further outbreaks , but are country, are ana j ive m a. statei 01 it8 opposite which is the evil doings of . . _ /• ,. A ^.j. ¦ . . . »n, l0r m chp.se 0185.00 c^ h. mentiDg the Union of j flrael ; n this ^^ . q j * a8al whe a both the powerUj 88. It Wa8 lound nece83arv to happiness j fSw are those who sutler , mf tu ^ The contemplation of alfihe V" ^^ - J *%£Z ^°" , ln ' in ans^enag m of the ,dT«ti ie ment s i. uu land of liberty for us and the unborn American and Eng lish Consuls intro - call out troops to give peaceful burial a ? d ver ?> V6 W {ew amo ^. U3 fUffer CQ and bountiful blessings -we re- .^*™ff , "JMTj ffi"?' ' f f i ty * s,^r , our read.™ win confer a favor uiK,u both the g enerations , sin grievousl y against duCed his lecture by flattering re- to the body of a Jewish woman who •* human asnstiu ce can relieve them. ceire from the rich store ot Provi- ¦^,^J^ kiSi^Sw "to^ j m ^^ ^^^xss. a' a future in this C0UDtr7, Re ' marks - f He t 11 D ? doybt be equftll j -^-^ d b ^ ,? e 7 b - r ^r [^™ P ^^ ^ —: p en 11 successful m America. are helpless, as they have been do- ; ¦ .r ,,tu ' J ,1 . UII W 1 W »uu uhiiiiuw n ask itself , do I deserve all this blesr c . ^. ^ & . . .,, .^ ' . \6 U ^ ^^^^^S^i^T^l' All congregations that feign to be __. . .,. _ prived of all weapons and other means ^^ ?^8«w» . s irom on hig h. -Let;.u s - g ? What e ;^ wha(f ig ^ r }if e ^^W^^.^-f 16 " 77 do , iZiT^ ^^X^l^VcT^ too poor to pay to -the Union the Eev w w Ev(jrts of Stf V p A0 i. if wlf.defeh^--AH a xBBuJU^neral thank God ior , l^ hedth prosperity ^ y^ ri ght eousness 'wha^ - Sll^-ffi^fflWShSS «» dolK du«?. and Z h ^Z * *Z Woo^lS P^k Ba^tisi emi gration hi. s,t in , upward^f 200 M SS2 £1 also for ^i^^^^S^^ S ^S p^m,n ? fo?^ leaard to the aumber or times published, of- members is able to spend plenty of Ch ' , ' ., , th n reyfus families having gone from ¦ Lai Usa \ ^ el tn ? . P0°raa5 ^ t^e 1 ? , « d«lfe^«^ « mo„ey,in articles of luxury, sins griev- ^S^L Tln ^i S i «Jone. T^ Jd * «re settling ar ^-^^^^^^ ^ HOT wUhto hayo f ta advertisoment iD 6erte3 ousl y. Repent! ' . iJ hrtr ' iwfinn of thfl ( nW r of ner- Kavana , on Turkish territory, find ng «ur P^perjty 'bat . in ^e gooaness ot f d 8 ^ Mg bo fessea ; bef ore God "I ° p ^Tr " .\.ft a ^ U P?™"°:™ member ^fSSX^^&^SWStA ^l congregations that tail to send S^^; f ^£^ ^ V ¦ their representatives to the Council XSeoplt '' he said^ «ind He w 1 than under the ' erosa , as is the caieM «» . '• °^- : ior _ most all of n^ or cei^ grace:ani truth; which thou has t d<»n e ^1 SS&^J ^j fe ^ar t ] :Accoa at, orwedd In K .a nd baT1 ai3W mbe of the Union , as Ezra said in his time, ^£Hn^ While we Kree?w?th ' owr Eastern Europe. ' ¦ ¦• —^""' ° f ?"*T -> '^^ wi&^ . »nbiiBhod ireo oi cbargu , whea they occur in -in trrinvouslv Iienent' protec t tnein. >vnue we agreo wiui ^ once - poor^and, needy^and God has , A - f t.;^t „ji +i, a ui D - ti;«v,a aVinworo/1 tne Day ot ; Memorial as ;the Day of toe family of a BubMrfter; otherwise a charge 9in grievously, iiepenu Brother. Everts n what he s ' avs, we ¦ ¦ . - r— •¦» - . hpln^iia - «n Ko W1 Ml- n n rn fnrt thorn if ^ w ^^^ ,. wui.be made for pubiicatloa of from $2 to «io A 1 the Rabbis Who minister to con- - „„ ____ „,., i +a «;» ..^r, f„^l, " 0r 0 n fl THDPP I F«ftN<! in onp nelpea us , so ne will comtort them it . n j o, ;: . ,, ; juagment^caiis aipua -Keturn y6 jcoo rdingto leugtb Aoconnts not exceeding „re„ationS not in the Union-especial- f tre P re P ared . «<> a step further and THREE LESSONS IN ONE. ,-y deli ght of the Lord is their. U ^ ; ; t^»Wl, a ^ rock f «v rnan : to toward . - childr en , ' ; retuni before it ' SOlfnes In length will bo published free if ac- gregauoup uul tu tuo tj ^iuu cdwcuum f . nation will- ha brosnerer] . - ¦ - -v ¦ .< ¦ m -V" - ' ^i. r j i lt;l8 a very nara taSK lor mail, to k . ¦ ¦ *- . - i , ;^ .. ¦- ¦ - . i . ' . ' ^„ j -' . v- - ¦ ¦ SiSK^ffi?-^. 01 °' ^W* " nd l y the graduates of the Hebrew Union SL " SiS anvbhe for S relia- A Sermo » on 'tho .:-f .shre " New Ye«, 8 ^eng h.. Trust in the Lord , hope , exercise ' sel f criticism, mo9t of: us love b* to° late to^° Wd ' if^ moto p^lor one year. , Coljege ^-^ithout try ing their utmost g gt^SSit S . Preached «n; . tft B Bene Yeshurun . ^^ coHMUHicXTioN s not sisned b/ the writers will to free their respective congregation * on » sane, oe ne ^nr stian or «iew, , Temple ot Cincinnati , all bis .deserving children ; thank him n(i fl ifn n o,p.i = ft h/^^ ' not bo published or preserved. No MS=H. will }. ^ J1CD t . ,7 ' C ^ LJ¥ ° . . ^ U 6' C B. "' U " Mohammedan Or infidel.RellglOUS pel - ¦ ¦¦ ¦ - ¦- ¦ - fhr nil tho blpSiiri tra hfi ahnmora nhhh & ' ¦ au eXC, Use ^ qr ; 6V0I1Jl JUSlin ca- |,. pl. J™.(g Vft n. ' Tfl' mtorn' -In tL . be rDturacd uiiieM fonFarded for eiahiiukuoii at from this sinfulness, sin grievously. do „,,,i fln i.on ^„ i„ mn ,„ m ^f 0 i, n , tor an tne Blessings ne sriowers upon t 0n for bur misdeeds. The younr > luc f ^er^y ou. ip ; return to the . ^^oi the.ub,^ b, tf - .. - ¦» .,. ¦ . ^ ^aS&S y^tat . - !^! -!-- . , S^SSS'^not ^^ ^^^^4; ^Sf ^^i^&i^t arti taiMiV. :. a^ilTS a^ S ^S H^ ¦^^n^dewdesdendi^re^ . 1898-^-56*9. America/ May Gbi forgive vou all decadeQC« a"d degradation. f ¦«»^tm^i >kn^.^^ Monday, Sept. l9.........-.FaBt of Gedniiah; ; your sins on this Day of- Atonemen t , "— ? . ..r ¦?. ¦ i- . - " : .. choice j bLessiog -gra^ousl y^ descend . sons near and deaeTund^beloved-tbis s- .^. n0 ^ m( . l eft, to attend ' try other deception and seltdelusion ; sincerel y Monday, Sept. 26 ,.,.Yom Ki ppur. Lite the American Israel in the cove Divide service was held in due upon ^ us on this New Year' s Day, and day. sends the words of Nehemiah; 5*^ rSy?lT^SSJf -rff to repent with a contrite heart all mia- :l^ay ^c^.!:;:::-;: ;::;gS!a Habba. San? 0 r^"^Sor SZ ^^ Saturd ay, Oct. 8 ......, .....8hemini Atsere . t. name of God Let; us all awake from: ""b soldiers , m camp at; Lexington , ens grace, that, yearn to; behold :the of the Lord is vour strength.? , God's ^i ^„^ ^ ^r>k« > ' ¦ZJ!££ ^ ^f V +ka fi rmly to resolve to return to God and Tuesday Nov. . i5..i ... J ..„New Mood , Kislev. hess , and do work for Israel' s mission an undergraduate , of . the Hebrew glory nils ^eaven and earth and ^ makes his as well . as the living ; ne . is the ^ tvninnicat voti ' must^ aubmit to ness ; Thus the-T) ay of Memorial x& k^ u ""^^ 1 ^:^ - t^: to the human family / ahdv loyalty: to^ Union : College ,; and will al so. take grace to shine in the pure^ouhi of ; th e father of the quick and-the dead , th e SomSS ' vOurSntSv^nde? becbmes/Day of jud gment, and Vthe Thurs^y. Jan. iv ..New Moon 'Shebat. : Lord in his boundless mercl^^ will , for- and after Sunday evening next. The May ^MnaA,by ; i^ :/fC&. ^:ih::::;:Ko»^ ir - ' .:. .&¦&* .$» .&* « ¦** . Day v^ f™ ' ^^tSS^Tit m&^^S^^il %^ W*^^Wv&$ ^^MSi£^d S& ^^^ mm^f ij ^ . Friday,. Feb. 24:...;.;....;..Parim. : of Atonement. //< v - .. . Miller Brothers - of Lexington,., The its glory in tne joy anaVgladness of the et' s : message : : VTh y dead ones live, 0f dutvin this rioor soul but who mourn , we need not weep, r We may Sunday, Ma rch l2. v .;„.New Moon, Nissan; , : : ; vV^ ; s . books and the Sepher ,Thorah were hearterpf all assembled ; here, to-w br- theicoipses 1 al so, wiU tise , they are ^,, j^Ta^&S>h^ todUnTuit eat and; drink and rejoice with the : 1a^^i^:fz: ^ dt PesWt ;;^ ^^ ^ . Tuesday, * Apr H n ........ ::. *New Moon , lyar. men tion the sins of our. joillionaires American Rabbis. The lad ies of Lex- Y ear Day. . May this joy and glad- who dwell in the dust. ' ? Mourn not, u^r - ' r *rrP^A flnl^ht^A^ t^ n us also in the new year, for the de- v . Friday, ^ri) ^,.^.,.. MVp m^ : ¦ and multimillionaires, who neg lect to ington provided the: New Year' s din- ness; reverberatefin all hearts during weep/not^ let the deli ght of: the Lord S Lj ^^nimuifip ^Tnv^A Hgbtf of the Lord is your strength. lon&^^^MM '^- cap itali Ze the only Je\vi a lr college: in ner ,tor : th6 soldiers. / and; will treat ^. «°mmg and many more years, be jour s . Friday, June 9.. : ...... i«Ne w Moon , Tamuz. this country; wlio let i-u* bei - . poor them in the same^^ .mann er^ after night- Amen..- , - ,> . . .;, : - .^ : : : ;. ; ^- , . ; . ; , r ; Let all Israel remember on this day ^l^- ^i^i . -^i n L; t at i„^ ^ n in gladness: th y^ lir eiid ,/d rink with a ; : Sund ay l .iuly -i6.„.,......JFastorAb. ¦ . - . - ¦ us to shame before our . neig hbors; who prayer books are to .be ^ given io the witii all the , sacred books : and tradi- f > bountif«Uyr evealed ^ver bis own. ^ people below me, " my; ideals are a^rea^een ^f^ ^^^ Noba^ ed^o preoedlng day; . ¦ ishments. We - . di* not mention ; his h^,^^ cegratod m Lexington , acterbticall y distinguished b y its con- ^¦^^^^ ¦^^^ 5^ rel igion^no ' moral training, ho Spirit, ^ e *&K^™™™^^: Wi. I ¦ . ¦- - - ¦ ¦- ¦ - —. f act , because we on|y spoke of sins, ICy., m the. year 565? A. My . , ^t allusion^^ to nature; history, / and * ? mef^ U Pa^ of the . w ^ ld v n0 ^ u ai^leyktioni I am aU in^U:to^ny-: ^ rer ^ a ^ and ' in , d ^^ *»?eand ,:. /- . ^¦i : . ;, , : .,/ 1 /' :. " and^is is^sin , it i s ^ a .crime , and , ¦ ;; , •- .;, . . - , , , , ; :/;, ; ¦ . , human r^ ason^ /It coiistantl y Invite s ^^g alUhe persecutions and .#£&# -^ other . and bothj 0f thein/ fV 3 ™^'^: * e ^ ra ^ ^ he # rd . u ¦ ¦ Miss Ha^ Glw is traveling in the the Day of Atonement expiates sins I K the early part of last week AU- W rather in^ king^e . reigned ^ and he^wilKr eign interest of the, AmerioanJsbaelite onl y v / X , ¦ ., /- ! ; juta nt General Corbin issued a geneN himself, to^ reason on facts^ and: phe ^ S 1 ^?^ 8 ^- * he W^ ^ S^^^ at hand, ,when they do fin^ : time /to ^rever and^ '^h y Go^liveth , : v and Die Debokah. ¦ She is our ^ ^ - Vllrr ' n ^ - n ,- t ter . ^ al order granting, a ton days' furl ough hbmena, ^3 promised to/the ; chSsen S*^?^^? all , the, raging anti- th ibk 0^^!^ theii .: d binis and ^ ¥a^d ^M^t ^^im for- auth orized agent. . . To sen^ currency in a ^ letter is to t0 M ot . the J eff ish soldiers in Ae peopled rare reward ioi ita^ obe- f 6 ^ 18 ^ *¥, , f ew B ^ ds ^".to- omisaioiSi, Such is ' man , even those ™> .<£^.^*:™to **$Vn >* s ' / " . :: .. " : SS Ln^ to GbdVlawSS StS ^^.^^^: ^m> who commit S crinie^Wro^ no^^ hi ^ a ^^ ^M is go^forever ; VftM KiDDllD ^B'io A ' " » mo?, often than not , n^ reaches ito ions s ervices on New Year s Daf^ and will j aamit; ^that "This great nation and^a^^ better^nown , appre^ besides themselves ^nd perha™ /theii» end ureA^ gra^^he^ end; of all YOM H1 PPUB-5659 H. M. . " ;- ^^-^^^JgW the Day of Atonement there being^ 0npl a^ wise and inS gS^eb^ <^ ^:^P^^^t^ m owri ; c hiId^n ^ ¦^ i - n , - *; ¦ > . f eade ifW^ ^ ,n f" 8 ^^ (Tm^nmnvA HJRtn^r i„ fri ti ^; tP9 8ame P^PP^P" : ^ h ' 8 a°tj tg- BCignti0Ufl rnan,the [ true Israelite^ the "N- " / // j &^A * +mm^ . The solemn Day of fi Atonementap^ letters ^ S /: u.iii S^S^ : rfe^SSSfi^ ^^^ ^ ^ they do. v & ^^^^^^: |^|ge days itfeaf refilt ^3^^ gS^ ^^^^l ^ ^S?^?S§S^ ? ' " ' ¦??¦ f^S' ai?^^ 0 ^ OK behalf of our ^as^elfas on ^S^^^ as t^.rtfeif^S ^ d f%f *^ :- , bwh coun^in; KlSSSSlS W^^^Mm^^if^ . /woy^lmS ; arie s, to make atonement be ore God » reetin2B and kind wishes^n the Kbsh ° ted 4, 000 volunteers , who either fonght t lbld -: ^7i .v^ W^/ ^T "^ nations and/the occupants of therP "^ WB 1 u ^?™* /S"^ r ' ft? C0 W ,y^.^;-5J^iiila ..Bept^fttti-, 1 898. ' «.- *i.«- =w„-tn«m ; n „i «p \u„„ „„ ' v i.:i B'eeMng 8 ano Kino wisnes on ine nosn ., ¦ a . . , . _ Ba ¦ ed , re^niaiits mi- quent admonition of Holy -Writ , *n d "^™ .^. 7S-^ "^T - Y w "^. " ¦ ¦ ¦^ ¦ '¦-^:- ¦ in ju dgment before the omniscient ^^ The Board oonvenedln retrtilar session SunoW ^SS 9 TWs «W Vi°nah' ^^ aU tbe . good they %£*$£ Ss^he aolSge^ aVattached/to;^ ^^ Sf^aa Th^&^ Juo^bM Hi gh; in : li fe or in : death/ at the^ual ;^*e^ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ffi^i /1 2&^nink^l 1 f^- ^ f ot US ' >- : al8o: Sf^ 16 ^ ^ en , : V 1 eral of IUinois has never tafen the; - na- beside^those : relating to the weekly of^m g . Solomon , Thank the Lord , andlcari expect nb more and nb bet^ ^tasheimer .^onaoher^vy^SIarks, . chorus will raise its voice to the 5a- greater^ measure to them and . their tionality of the troops of this state, or at gabbatt and the three hiirh;: festival^ weep. npt , mourn . not on this day hol y *_.. iui£ -,- desert*' —to tte : triie Is- I^Ponr ' ^oUaok ^^v theiChalman , ; ther of men , "Forgive us, Fathe r , for, families, -and may heaven' s choicest least ola^stfied : the 4ationali^ Ku^SSSiEn we have sinned ; pardon us, O King- blessing^ be showered unon ^effi flir where t hey w ere taken , so . tha&t is o^ ^ .^ ^i te 'S'm!l" W^W'^ ^ MeBBrB.Drapker and^tix were excused fnr wfl hftvn tranB^rflBsftrl 1" Mav ft l Dle8S1D S s oe snowerett upon tnem au. nl(. t ^ ' ho^ many Jews are In: the visible and admirable, garment of ~tu£ 0 ?i ?«? /t,u!w*. fh«? «.« w^l . Day of Memorial , when he recounts on,aooount;of their absence from; tha city, SuVwobhiSh^bV theKu a - " //¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦/ " v ' -/ B Woe '&<£i <ia*^ S^^ Z^W frS^?^^« ^ hims elt all the . benefit s which ' he Mt v^P 0111 :^?«!^;-to-/*ttaiW! «a ?ia JlS f trtm nn wSf ., L Db, Johk Hall , pastor of the an estlmafe there afe moie than/lOd in ffie Great King and his/ho/ of, bril^ *«** ¦ m^ t^ n his tradu^rs as the ^ njo ^ 8 > beoomes^lso a Day ot ; Judg-; W* hla eMuses^^ The^mlnates: of ths ,: .the ( message from on high as did « ift r * a ^.,. p-^iK^rion rh„^w the Second rerimeii t and about - fifty in iiiifl,ir irii„ - iux (3^,0,0^1, riVsJiMt. persecuted always was a better man w,i* 1 * ^;v^' \ - jr m 7j fu^ . :_ '-a n^^ ^;-^fi - - laa' regular and intervening, special MoseV in his day : ¦ '. « And the Lord F^th * v ^l n^ wfT 'ft"* . , the S? EveS s^ve n^ooSed W1?^1^^ -g? |»'^ ab ] d ing; fo air hk persecutor ; and this is cer-: ^^^^^, i J ?W?' a . da£: ° f ^" : ' meetmg8 were read and approved. % s aid, L have forgiven as ' th ou hast P>» Y 0 * J^?' *ed ¦ . 1 & ItfmA T quite a number, as shown^by/the /r^ a°4/m?! ^ ^ the: blue . deep of the ^ l y a ?ery ple^n t ::i ecolle S ^^^ snoken " September 17th. Dr„ Hall ww the mark bf ^ther KeUy:: 'iThey went to sk^* ; ft ¦ -wrnnrrnrfii l in th« pffiMrv nf rhii sp ecial patron and defender of Wars i 5 mass jn st the same as the} other boys , part : thereof, as the Heathens did and ^ZSi »w at * i&«,t«i a *>&„ !££* thoughts *; deeds and* feelings. ¦ v: It is:. .to * To the/President and' Membersi of the Dav ^ltoneme^ iKw Sd "wink. ¦ It can readily be believed and seemed to enjoy nStob. " >: So ; it' can^hl y admire ifas the habdt ^^rl^ ?M& " l AS^?^ them hat this r. da 7 ; speaks with . its " Bo^ pf.Gto ve rnbra:,. i m ^; ' E ft r^«! lrt?nr^oVir; nIl^^ d / th at thlluial proviflg beyond question -•• y " \ ¦ WoVk Of the^ su blime architect: of th e ¦ 1 ^ft-^'J^?^ - ' ii I^ 0 ??- :^S<5 trumpet voiw, rem bmfe;st^^^ Li- ^p feKHto^^ af in of fl» . ^ -ttef ^hbniy and M«. Qekson R.s™a ot New universe, and contemplate,it *ith awe .^^tffiSfl^SBSS £ d f f^ W«^».^ ' r ^^£ffin ( 8 ¦ dL7A?^3g striving w^ 8 ^?^ iSint^atHS&s aa ^ '2 ®"Ssff!^ si^ssas^^ to^^s^outs^ ^^^smm^^ ^rimSwl vS to^re nS health- al songs , viz : "America, " "C olumbia; if, it fa the intrinsic value, ; the effi- S SiSf ^S ^I^S^tJf ^bu hast arrived. ; ^ , ¦ ' '/ The;Dtou^s or Epk,feetufl , :byi George SoS ,i d ^rZa^td e s: A "~~~r~" f , f ^ G ^ Q ^ d ; ,Th * i l Dt ^^ ^ ^^ ^m ^^^ tifi cation of the i.ul. This durability A m th€ [ manv ^J ^mors that S pangled fa nner.", The translating idea zn. each b ^ eing and ^ th e i^^ of this day' s special holiness and moral are bwng sent us from Europe % the u most excellentl y done and the metre hett«We wisdom ^ in^the wh ole , ^e 0 f the Lord showered upon us at homl pie there are somb, perhaps many, who Memoes rf Soo«te|- by Xenophon , tr. influence proves as the Psalmist says ; cbeerful j diot that represents the As- is perfectl y preserved. The language All wi th ite co-ordination and subor- . fl - m Q r u6t ^ land - , ^ke the serious mistake of imagin- ^ti^ n^f^^iK " This i s irom the Lord , it is marvel- aoc,ated Presa in London there has of the Hebrew vemon ^^^ ^^ leitiMl y £ T flll o{ U8 anQ P ftr ing , they are truly good and deserve pfuShla ^ KuSbsSS^^ ous in our eyes f it musi be of divine »««» beea received m a long time like the ongjnal of the Psalms. In his structUr^ox^ 'hie. It ^s not the ripp lin g the '4p ort of>, 000, 000 hiore in all the blessings God 6 bestows on them , fu^S^b^e^&owit^fM origin , for it lasts forever. The work that was more foolish , or possibl y ^a- preface the translator says : creek, it i s the mighty ocean , it is ?ot te^ga - couBtrieaf The nation covered if they commit no crime, are loval phiay 1898 .Vv ^T : - ' of God onl y stands forever , t he work ! l0I< ?" 8 ' Jban the one received on Sep- To translate these songs into the Ian- the^ower , it is the ^ f ruit , it is not the Uself with glory iathe pastE g two- citizens, pay their taxes, haJrm none; '/ From the- 17. S. Government , Wash- nr man nrilv in nprisVinhlfi Tf mnn tember 1 7th , which states that Emile gnage of the prophets has. been a labor earth , it is the magnificent vault of P , A i „.„f r> ,,v,„ an A \ti puj i:^ nffpnrl nnn t nr« in rinhruiv ' a Wov «nH ton—Fourteenth Report of the Olyil Ssr- of man on y is perishable, it man z . . fa » become a Catholic of love for me: I iound , to my great de- heaven which Holt Writ admires as -^ d gl v?^ , Caba a ¦ the ( Philip , paend none, are in nobody s way, anci , vi0e Commission, Washington, 1898. had appointed this solemn Day of ^ » «?« t0 "^J Lard 0f liBHthat the .poets must have ^ mused in £ Ba/ m ^tof ?be Deib- ffiSe U P^a rchipelagp were made free ,, and pay even their pew . ren^; punctually. Sfcatistioal Atlas of th^ TJ.sf Was hing. Atonement it would have lost its effi- Pnea t - " . t le a naseless canard ^, ot He breW) beoaTlBe aV1 i havs done with jne garment , oi to e ueity, oecause it spain waa. driven , from this Western They are not bad , but . they are yet ton , 1898. cacy long ago. It is by divine com- ?°un,V VSJ™ tr !Je , » 7<?ri * the patriotic songs has been to restore knows of no sylvan gods m the d _ ark hemisphere to return no more. The far ' from' heing truly good. Good is Respectfully sub mitted , mandment and not by any human the autho r of "Lourdes and ' Pans them to their^riginal tongue. I found shades of the fo res ts, no nymphs smg- old 0 F utwom and rotten aeSp0tiBm he who does good. It is to them that / S. Man«heimer. ordinance that we celebrate this great "?* *'** considering this step it the language to he that of ^^^^^ jng in the stream ; _ no gods U all. br0W down under the crushing weight the Day of Memorial as . the Day of Mr . Lipman Levy, Secretary F. A. H. day of atonement , which stands in m.ght safel y be regarded as a symptom The oWe£ "^^pfJ^J^ This is the reason , that Scripture as- f fte . { yQWg iant 0 / libe g rfc Jud gment, Yom Haddin, speaki in ^^^T&^T^Z^ol Israel as the symbol of the doctrine of > re813 - measure! X the^ame tongue. -there ^ iZ S f VZ° ^'T' and-hnnianity: "The delight of the its trumpet language, Man wWgbod hHS a^ and SX^S ptii"^ Ei3 t^d n i;r^ SrdtSt PW^ rrs?; ^ a ^f ^ ^ ^^:^^^^ t^^^z^^ ^'ti^ lti '^i and lovd kindness to^railanan wh^ ^^ repents h tt misdeeds and returns with of 2 UwtiL and a statement of the t^ pos session of the American nation Kw ^r Xieh " ?S^ progress of P meB8 ' tve7- °" e under hwI ™* ' r ? f ®™ ^f ™ ?™ ™* la^T«ar? g~ £ ™g «&SSSS^ hta his whole heart and energy to God , d r PHuiu d oi i , ker o3en e,aaptha , t *?JTX ™L^ lM f ° r the ^^^e^^dBS^^ ° ne under hl3 fi g tree ' wlth n0ne * to ^" r^- 11 to day nearer to human ^ death. At the special request of the , nghteousuess , virtue and purity and ¦ . t i ova JL eu ^ t i Jewa ' / tl ' benefit of all humanity . " ;„ u7^„ ° g n «„a f TaIw^ ?!« «wi ' perfection as you are nearer to the donor , Kaddiln vrill also be recited every holiness. It is the symbol of the doc- lTJ^^^ utht7h«i ^ To a11 of which a" true Je ^ish a ^ ?T i ? 7 Sr v A C\*~«+ n;o^,«..„ ' grave ? Are you as much , nearer to Sabbath during the whole first year oi ' trine that man is gifted with reason ^Enttey wou S^ kaow , 2 Americans will say Amen 1 - - of Isr 1 knownmj . Now Year A Gf^t DlSCO^y your God , asV - nearer to death ? m ^Sual Executive session" followed rood Tnnh^^h^^l^ ;f h G t o , d z ^s^^rstz **«« **« **« * ^- ^r™w?ii4 ' ^^' Lf ?^ fer;r;aw^^ nd man ;an S d the free wU not onl y ^ %£%$ Wvn th Uaw net ministers Lid at the Elysee PaU S^VdZsth S ^^ ^ A^ ^ ^ V^ P^not away liWthe dust befbre^e > M j. Bxoom, Sec - ,. to do what he conceives to be rig ht t be subTect were enacted and estab- ac® last . Saturday, it K as decided to oc "P lure oruains mis 4^^^z=^f === ^^s^<^r WI ? d? M 7 go°d man , r emember , that ^-— and good , but also to stop sinning, if iio i, or i i;. n _ k 0fnrA pii„;„ B mrn ic u submit the documents in the Dreyfus And the Lord spoke unto Moses , ^j ^—S^^^ doing nothing bad is not yet goodness. The beet medicine you cau tafee is that he did , and return to goodness and |«TLnnfhlp ¦£ ,„ " " J ™lt a t case to a commission , to be selected by saying : Speak unto the Children of C ^ \T ^A _Jl L-il, You feed the hungry, th row before ^ioh buildB a solid foundation for health in - . , . ' »,. „„ j i is tasnionaole also among scientists to , , u . . . , T ' . »«¦ a J Israel saying, in the seventh month, «•* T^\ \ ^ASTi^iW\ \\ \ ^ ~~ n *.u j l r n- "" "°*"*° pur e, nob. blood— Hood ' s Sara aparilla. righteousness of his own accord , and know QOthi of j ew i8h literature. * f MInlste ?• <? f Ju ? t]ce ' M % S , arne °- in the flrst day of the month . shaU ye ^ JJ^^ISlWy- T- them the dry crumbs falling from the ¦- - all that without supernatural agen cy ; ° The commission summoned by M. have a Sabbath , a memorial (by) blow- * L^^^^M «!(iC^^P\J ri°h man s table, is that a deed of ^. : -l' , ' .^- ^ so merciful and beni gn is tbe Lord ~ " Sarrien is to beg in the con siderati on ing of trumpets, a holy convocation ; ^ ^ iMMv^ ll t i»!fi'trr~^ goodness ? You pay to all charities, mIHIj ' ' ' w\!. ' ^ God of Israel. The doctrine symbol- The first scientist protesting against of the documents to be submitted to ye shall do no servile work therein ; l^ll8$l Si Ill^^^^l certainly not in proportion to your 4 lll ^t l ^lM#f#t ized by the Day of Atonement is di- revival meetings and revival preach- them on Wednesday, Sept. 21. Presi - bu t ye shall offer an offering made by t^^WS " il^^ffl^ wealth , for all payments of that kind II Ifllllllllll ' vine , so sublime that nations given to ers, to the best of our knowled ge, is dent Faure presided at the El ysee n« unto tne L,ord. (Levitions ^a:28.) . ¦ ^F^V k J If li^ ' o amount with the richest amon g us not /Vff l4IWtVW* sensuality and anthropopathism have Dr. F. H. Giddings of the Columbia meeting. Tbe Minister for War , Gen- The character and si gnification of f tS^^/V?/? JM *$=) ilAflf^S^ TO to the cigar , wine, theater and opera not yet been able to comprehend it. University in Now York. A paper eral Zurlinden , and the Minister of this day , as the fathers understood ^^My^ ^^-^ ^[rO^ « D^la be pays, but much less, you ftt aVn ANIV IIPfilfHT Israel onl y did , and it has become to on the subject was read by Prof. Gid- Public Works , M. Tillay, did not ap- it , is evident from Nehemiah 8:9. It c tmr ai a oryHai-Sp arkiing as a Diamond. " know , very much less. You pay to all WwUl lT AllU UllUUni it the foundation of the most sublime dings before the American Academy prove of the action of the majority of is reported there that on. this day the Th e club water par excellencci charities , perhaps your neighbors do ¦V« i « ethics known to men. Therefore we ot Sociology, over w^iich he presides, the cabinet and have resi gned. Gen- Thorah as transcribed by Ezr a was Far superior to all other Lithia waters. , the same, and you can not stand back , I MM^^%'f \ m : t\ilf ^ m i^^ ' still celebrate as solemnl y as ever the The paper appeared in the Annals of eral Chanoiue , Commander of the read publicl y before the peop le assem- The most delicious of table waters. although .your heart is not in it. We ¦ i ^l/l I \\ II \ || I Ij I Day of Atonement. the Academy and then in Tlie Liter- First Division of the First Army bled in Jerusalem. The people were Good for the appetite , health and would not speak of those who dispense * 'IMl|w.t .Vl ' l >V^ /To celebrate well the Day of Atone- ary Di gest and other periodicals. The Corps (Department of the North and so much affected that many of them . The^r iost tl valuabl e medicinal wate r Qther rj epp le ' s charity with a curse on np HlfHPCf ment , we must become aware of our professor advances that the revivalist the Pas-De-Calais), . was appointed wept Nehemiah, Ezra and the as- known to the medical profession. thei r lips hurled at the- blushing face Ur ni UlldSI sins, trul y repent our misdeeds, and appeals to the overwroug ht phantasy of Minister of War , and Senator Gadin , sisting Levites said to the . people: invaluable in Rheumatism , Bright- a of the poor reci pien t ; for they are ARtlSTir OIIA1 ITY make atonement before God by hu- the credulous mass<38 against the sound representing French Indi a, - Minister ¦* This day is holy unto the Lord your Ph ' f^Vch^d Tnt«^^ , C Wabc«e "! appointed officers and must in the first iwi P . iiL - wj n wit. miliation , confession , and appeal to and sober dicta of reason. This pro- of Public Works. At present writing God , mourn not , weep nqt * * * DyspcpdaiinsomniaundSkin Eruption. place do their duty to their generous God' s mercy wi th the firm resolve to duces the effect of enfeebling the un- it seems as though a new trial were Go your way, eat th e fat and drink B ^rIZb^' ai ' r.a ' mra nv. donors. All Jews who stand outside l\ If Di | T|WT\r C. C(\ sin no more. The Israelite derstanding and irritating the excited probable. Tbe large majority of the the sweet , and send portions unto The Waukesha Water Company, of the congregation, all non-orth odox If* Il> D AJj li if 111 vL vv'J could not possibly speci f y the prob- clientele to rash and inconsiderate press is demanding it and the fickle them for whom nothing is prepared, Wauke sha, wiooohoin. * congregations who remain outside of able sins of the murtitude . and show action. The professor furnishes no Parisian mob , which a f ew wee ks ago for thi s day is hol y unto the Lord ) 8TEIN-VOQELER DRUG CO, thepJnion;<if American^^ Hebrew Gon- 142 and 144 W. 1 4th St., , the path of salvation to every indi- data in support ot his theory, and was howling for the destruction of the neither be ye sorry, f or (if) the de- wholesale Agents. Cincinnati , ©, l egations , all who refuse to co-operate FACTORY : GIL8EET AYE, Cincinnati

collections.americanjewisharchives.orgcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/... · 1 terrify them. Remembering all the iThe BoyaiwttoWaSertoradobrtiiifl oo^ * luR iiiu Atltnl

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Page 1: collections.americanjewisharchives.orgcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/... · 1 terrify them. Remembering all the iThe BoyaiwttoWaSertoradobrtiiifl oo^ * luR iiiu Atltnl

4 ^ ^ THE Ali^RIjCAN ISRAELITJE. 1TU« k ^«r'iA ft i» lornnlU'n vidual sinner. It must necessarily I seems to h'ave overlooked the fact, that Jews, Zola, Scheurer-Kestner and (li ght of the Lord is your strength." 1 terrify them. Remembering all the iThe BoyaiwttoWaSertorado brtiiifl oo *¦ luR Atltnl CdH ISmCIllCI I'm't itself to some communal sins, all Christian preachers, Martin Luther everybody supposed to be in favor of 9<> the people did ,, "'afid made great good the Lord has done for us, every known. Aetj .Bi te»t.shoty" it Oo.foa*a*' Ki iiu niiimmmi

and of theae u c(.n epec.fy bu(. ft ftw induded make wftp up0Q reaaon| ftnd tbe reyiai|m 0f t} lf s proceeding at the mirth" in addition to it. heart must behoved to gratitude, to third further than «ny other briad.t TCO wt«5E A oO We sin by neglecting the sanctuarv of necessity enfeeble it, and setting Dreyfus frial .are now clamoring for it Here is eviden tly the object of this worship, to joy and gladness ory this

Z. pT , of Israel , by non-appearance in the down reason aa the work of the devil, in the streets. A few more days will holy day as a memorial, and of this day ot memonaLholy to the LorcU bo, .pobmshmbs and pbopbikorb. house of the Loifd to worship God with induce the mind to unreasonable be- in all likelihood see the order for a idea in course of time was developed much tor the good we remember. * As

*fll#i h 'Office: N.W.Cor. Fifth and Race St. the congregation. Repent ! liefs and inconsiderate action. What new trial issued. Wheth* even this the day ot jud gment and the day,of light reminds us ornight , being ita BUTaIrat ah if wt<?p bvJvXT We sin by neglecting the Thorah , the professor says against the revival- will establish a belief in the guilt or penitence. Here is again tbe histor- direct . Opposite, , freedom. . . calls up in -T»i«ra"5ijL/ iISAAL j u . wiw. • . ¦ • matter. ^6 holy treasure of lBra6l'8 literature ist , may be said about, every orthodox innocence of Capt. Drevfus in the ic.il memento! . On this day -holy to our minds the idea of slavery, and the • P - ; v g^ga ^( inoini inii ft 8«nt 99 iRQR and history—this sin is most grievous- preacher. ,,- public mind, depends entirely on the the Lord we are assembled in this colors of the r&inbpw un consciously flOYMv mciniian u., oopi. m, ioao. iy *ommiUed bylhe Rabbis-for our- ; -*-, nature of the trial, Unless it is a pub- house of worship-, all Israel in all parfcr direct the mind to the dark back- f IfMsmttrei us second oiftsB mai l matter »t the selves and our children, whom the' Maj or Pond announces Mr. Israel' "lie one and the ordinary laws ol evi- of the civilized, wo rid is now "assem- ground;¦;; so- doesi the good wbiou we . ., .tvsTJyowoffloe at ciueinuati .Ohio. Father of men entrusted" to our care. Zangwill for a lecture tour of tbe derice are allowed to govern and: peril- bled in its templea to remember our remember awaken in our souls its very v^ Kj GJjg ' ¦, .MBSCRIPTIOH fRJCE , PER YEAR ¦ • • $2.50 Repent! cities of the United States and Can- newt , questions of Council on both doingsand our omiEslohs, the incidents opposite/

RJ^SaIMif lti Deborah $1,00 ' We sin by our constant longing lor a(ja< His subjects are: "The Drama wles are answered without reservation and accidents of the past ; it is avrom - the evil op MAN. —AKIN™ 'Poataae to Eutobb, QBE Year - • - - $1.00 change of ritual and ministers, because & a Fine Art ," "Fiction the Highest by the witnesses, the public will have Haxikoran. As grateful children' of How did the Day of Memorial be- ¦»«¦¦¦¦»¦¦¦ •¦ ' we respect neither lor any length of Form of Truth " "The Ghetto.'' Mr. no faith whatever in the justice of any our Heavenly Father it behooves us to come a]ao a Day ot Judgment, the POWDER "bates or ADVgRTisisQ. tj me ; and for innovations, making zaDgWill has lectured all throug h verdict that may be rendered. remember first , as Nehemiah com- Yom Haddin, as we find 'it in the " Absoiuteh?PurossssKaS- D^r^rs; «•* nr and t.he° a new "V °i re- Great Britai Q and lreland * aa lar*e —™— nunded h™ p30ple> Mi8huah - and'¦*the ereat *&h?h?: **™w» °"gion , because in fact we Lad not audiences aa any platform speaker has The persecution of the Jews, which the blessings of god. ian teacher Aba Areka also in our h-ka 0'a>UE^^^

ever had . He was the first English marked the re-occupation of Thessaly „r .. t. . . . . .. turgy and in the consciousness of the¦ ¦ ' All congregations neglecting to join lecturer to be invited to Holland , by -the Greeks, continues unabated. ^e are', W9 hve> the *?$ maJot,tv people? Just so we may. maintain , the I . . *»» ¦--. *."»v« ,

aTn^rTl^^^lT tS^ the Union of


Hebrew CJon- where money was turned away at the The authorities appear to be willing l, /6^ iT ilf I„lL°Z goodness5 of God rouses in our souls . . __^'amrkioan iMn*EUTB only a« paid matter , at a gregations, refusing to assist in ce- doors in' every town. He has even to prevent further outbreaks, but are country, are ana j ive m a. statei 01 it8 opposite which is the evil doings of . . _ / • , . A^ . j . ¦.. .»n,l0rm chp.se 0185.00 c^h. mentiDg the Union of jflrael ;n this ^

.q j * a8al whea both the powerUj 88. It Wa8 lound nece83arv to happiness j fSw are those who sutler, mftu The contemplation of alfihe V"^^

- J *%£Z °", ln 'in ans^enag m of the ,dT«tiiement s i. uu land of liberty for us and the unborn American and English Consuls intro - call out troops to give peaceful burial a?d ver?> V6W {ew amo

^. U3 fUf fer CQ and bountiful blessings -we re- . *™ff ,"JMTjffi"?' 'ff ity *s, r , our read.™ win confer a favor uiK,u both the generations , sin grievously against duCed his lecture by flattering re- to the body of a Jewish woman who •* human asnstiu ce can relieve them. ceire from the rich store ot Provi- ¦ , J kiSi^Sw"to^ j m •^^^^ xss. a'a future in this C0UDtr7, Re' marks- f He t11 D? doybt be equftll j -^-^d b^,?e 7b- r r [ ™P ^— ^ —: — pen 11 successful m America. are helpless, as they have been do-; ¦ .r,,tu ' J,1.UIIW1W »uu uhiiiiuw n'° ask itself, do I deserve all this blesr c. ^.

& . — . .,, . ^ '. \6 U^^^^^^S^i^T^l' All

congregations that feign to be __ . . .,. _ prived of all weapons and other means ^^ ?^8«w». sirom on high. -Let;.us -g ? What e; wha(f ig

^r }if e ^^W^^. -f 16" 77 do ,iZiT ^ X^l^VcT too poor to pay to -the Union the Eev w w Ev(jrts of Stf VpA0i.if wlf.defeh^--AH a xBBuJU^neral thank God ior, l hedth prosperity

y^ righteousness'wha -Sll^-ffi^fflWShSS «» dolK

du«?. and Z

h^Z * *Z Woo^lS P^k Ba tisi emigration hi. s,t in , upward^f 200 M

SS2 £1 also for ^i^^^ S^^ S ^Sp^m,n? fo?^leaard to the aumber or times published, of- members is able to spend plenty of Ch ', ' ., , th nreyfus families having gone from ¦ Lai Usa \ el tn?. P0°raa5 t^e1?,

«d«lfe^« « mo„ey,in articles of luxury, sins griev- ^S^LTln^i S i «Jone. T^

Jd* «re settling ar ^-^^^^^^

^HOT wUhto hayo fta advertisoment iD 6erte3 ously. Repent! ' . iJ hrtr'iwf inn of thfl (1»nWr of ner- Kavana, on Turkish territory, find ng «ur P^perj ty 'bat .in ^e gooaness ot f d 8^Mg bo fessea ; before God "I '°°p^Tr ".\.fta


^fSSX^^&^SWStA l congregations that tail to sendS ^;

f^£^^V ¦ their representatives to the Council XSeoplt'' he said^ «ind He w 1 than under the'erosa, as is the caieM «».'• ° -: ior _ most all of n^

or cei grace:ani truth; which thou has

t d<»n e ^1 SS&^J j fe art ]:Accoaat, orwedd InK. and baT1ai3 W m b e of the Union , as Ezra said in his time, ^£Hn^ While we Kree?w?th' owr Eastern Europe. ' ¦¦• —^""'°f?"*T->'^^ wi&^. »nbiiBhod ireooi cbargu , whea they occur in -in trrinvouslv Iienent' protect tnein. >vnue we agreo wiui ^ once- poor^and, needy^and

God has ,A„- f t .; t „ji +i,a uiD-ti;«v,a aVinworo/1 tne Day ot ; Memorial as ;the Day oftoe family of a BubMrfter; otherwise a charge 9in grievously, iiepenu Brother. Everts n what he s'avs, we ¦ ¦. -r— •¦» - . hp ln^iia - «n Ko W1Ml- nnrn fnrt thorn if ^w^^^, . • wui.be made for pubiicatloa of from $2 to «io A 1 the Rabbis Who minister to con- -„„ ____ „,.,i +a «;» „ .. r, f„^l,"0r 0n fl THDPP I F«ftN<! in onp nelpea us , so ne will comtort them it . n j o , ; : . , , ; j uagment^caiis aipua -Keturn y6jcoordingto leugtb Aoconnts not exceeding „re„ationS not in the Union-especial- ftre PrePared *».«<> a step further and THREE LESSONS IN ONE. ,-y delight of the Lord is their. U

^;; t^»Wl,a rock f «v rnan : to toward.- children,' ; retuni before it 'SOlfnes In length will bo published free if ac- gregauoup uul tu tuo tj ^iuu cdwcuum f . nation will- ha brosnerer] •. - ¦ -—— -v ¦ • . < ¦ m -V" - ' ^i. r j i lt;l8 a very nara taSK lor mail, to k . ¦¦¦ *- .-i , ; .. ¦-¦-. i . '. ' ^„ j - ' .v- *¦ -¦ ¦SiSK^ffi?-^.01 °' ^W* "

nd ly the graduates of the Hebrew Union SL "SiS anvbhe for Srelia- A Sermo» on 'tho .:-f .shre" New Ye«, 8^eng h.. Trust in the Lord , hope, exercise'self criticism, mo9t of: us love b* to° late to^° Wd' if^ K«moto p^lor one year., Coljege -^ithout trying their utmost g gt^SSitS . Preached «n; .tft B Bene Yeshurun . ^^coHMUHicXTioNs not sisned b/the writers will to free their respective congregation *on » sane, oe ne ^nr stian or

«iew, , Temple ot Cincinnati , all bis.deserving children ; thank him „n(i fl ifn n „ o,p.i=ft h/^^ 'not bo published or preserved. No MS=H. will }. J1CD t . ,7'C^LJ¥ °. . ^U6'CB."' U " Mohammedan Or infidel.RellglOUS pel - ¦¦ ¦¦ • - ¦- ¦ - • fhr nil tho blpSiiri tra hfi ahnmora nhhh &' ; ¦ ¦ au eXC,Use

^qr; 6V0I1Jl JUSlinca- |,.pl. J™.(g Vftn . ' T f l ' mtorn' -In tL. be rDturacd uiiieM fonFarded for eiahiiukuoii at from this sinfulness, sin grievously. do„,,,ifln i.on ^„i„mn,„

m^f 0i,n „ , tor an tne Blessings ne sriowers upon t 0n for bur misdeeds. The younr> lucf ^er^y


ip ; return to the. ^^oithe.ub, b, tf - .. - ¦» .,. ¦ . ^ ^aS&Sy^tat . • -! !-!--. , S SSS' not ^ ^^ ^4; Sf ^ i^&i^tarti taiMiV. : . a^ilTSa^S^SH^ ¦ ^n^dewdesdendi^re^ .

1898- -56*9. America/ May Gbiforgive vou all decadeQC« a"d degradation. f ¦«»^tm^i>kn^. ^Monday, Sept. l9.........-.FaBt of Gedniiah; ;your sins on this Day of- Atonement, "—*¦ ? . ..r ¦? . ¦ i - .- " : . . choice j bLessiog -gra^ously^descend. sons near and deaeTund^beloved-tbis s-. . n0 ^

m(. left, to attend'try other deception and seltdelusion ; sincerelyMonday, Sept. 26 ,.,.Yom Ki ppur . Lite the American Israel in the cove Divide service was held in due upon^us on this New Year's Day, and day. sends the words of Nehemiah; 5* rSy?lT^SSJf-rff to repent with a contrite heart all

mia-:l ay c .!:;:::-;:;::;gS!a Habba. San?0r^" SorSZ ^Saturday, Oct. 8......,.....8hemini Atsere.t. name of God Let; us all awake from: ""b soldiers , m camp at; Lexington, ens grace, that, yearn to; behold :the of the Lord is vour strength.? , God's ^i „^^ ^r>k«> ' ¦ZJ!££ ^ ^fV +ka fi rmly to resolve to return to God and

Tuesday Nov..i5..i...J ..„New Mood , Kislev. hess, and do work for Israel's mission an undergraduate , of . the Hebrew glory nils eaven and earth and^ makes his as well .as the living ; ne. is the

tvninnicat voti ' must^ aubmit to ness; Thus the-T)ay of Memorialx&ku "" ^1 : - t^: to the human family/ ahdv loyalty: to^ Union : College,; and will also.take grace to shine in the pure^ouhi of ; the father of the quick and-the dead, the SomSS'vOurSntSv^nde? becbmes/Day of

judgment, and VtheThurs^y.Jan. iv ..New Moon 'Shebat. : Lord in his boundless mercl^^ will, for- and after Sunday evening next. The May ^MnaA,by ; i:/fC&. :ih::::;:Ko» ir- '• .:. &¦.&¦&*.$».&*« ¦**. Day v f ™' tSS Tit m&^ S^ il %^W* ^Wv&$^ MSi£^dS& ^^mm f ij ^. Friday,. Feb. 24:...;.;....;..Parim. : of Atonement. //< v - ... Miller Brothers- of Lexington,., The its glory in tne joy anaVgladness of the et's : message : : VThy dead ones live, 0f dutvin this rioor soul • but who mourn , we need not weep, r We maySunday, March l2.v.;„.New Moon, Nissan; , : : ; vV^ ; s . books and the Sepher ,Thorah were hearterpf all assembled;here, to-wbr- theicoipses1 also, wiU tise, they are ^,, j ^Ta^&S>h^todUnTuit eat and; drink and rejoice with the

:1a^ i :fz:^ dt


; ; ^ ^ ^ ^. Tuesday,*AprH n........::.*New Moon, lyar. mention the sins of our. j oillionaires American Rabbis. The lad ies of Lex- Y ear Day.. May this joy and glad- who dwell in the dust.'? Mourn not, u r - ' r *rrP^A flnl^ht^A^ t n us also in the new year, for the de-v . Friday, ri) ,. .,..

MVp m^

: ¦

and multimillionaires, who neglect to ington provided the: New Year's din- ness; reverberatefin all hearts during weep/not^ let the delight of: the Lord S Lj ^^nimuifip ^Tnv A Hgbtf of the Lord is your strength.lon&^ ^MM ' - capitaliZe the only Je\vialr college: in ner ,tor : th6 soldiers. /and; will treat ^. «°mmg and many more years, be jour s

. Friday, June 9.. :...... i«New Moon , Tamuz. this country; wlio let i-u * bei -. poor them in the same ^ .manner^ after night- Amen..- , :¦- , > . ..;,: - . :: :;.;^- ,. ;. ; , r ; Let all Israel remember on this day ^l^- ^i^i .-^i nL; t ati„^ ^n in gladness: thy^ lireiid,/d rink with a

; : Sundayl.iuly-i6.„.,......JFastorAb. ¦. - . - ¦ us to shame before our. neighbors; who prayer books are to .be^

given io the witii all the, sacred books : and tradi- f >bountif«Uy r evealed ^ver bis own. ^ people below me," my; ideals are a^rea^een ^f^ ^^^

Noba^ed^o preoedlng day; . ¦ ishments. We - .di* not mention ; his h^, cegratod m Lexington, acterbtically distinguished by its con- ^¦ ^ ^ ¦ ^ 5 religion^no'moral training, ho Spirit, ^

e *&K ™™™^ : Wi. I¦ . ¦ - - - • ¦• ¦ - ¦• - ;¦• —. fact, because we on|y spoke of sins, ICy., m the. year 565? A. My . , ^t allusion^^ to nature; history,/ and *?mef U Pa of

the. w^

ldvn0^ uai^leyktioni I am aU in^U:to^ny-:


^a ^


*»?eand,:./- . ^¦i:.;,,: .,/ 1/ ' :." and^is is^sin, it is

^a .crime, and , ¦ ;; , • - . ; , . .- ,, ,, ; :/;, ; ¦. , human r ason^ /It coiistantly Invites ^^g alUhe persecutions and .#£&# - other . and bothj0f thein/ fV3™^'^: *e





#rd. u¦ ¦ Miss Ha^ Glw is traveling

in the the Day of Atonement expiates sins IK the early part of last week AU- W rather in^ king^e.reigned^

and he^wilKreigninterest of the, AmerioanJsbaelite onlyv /X ,¦., / - ! ; j utant General Corbin issued a geneN himself, to^ reason on facts^ and: phe^ S1 ?^8

^-*he W^^ S^^ at hand, ,when they do fin^ : time /to ^rever and^' hy Go^liveth,: vand Die Debokah. ¦ She is our

- Vllrr'n - n , - tter .

al order granting, a ton days' furlough hbmena, 3 promised to/the ; chSsen S* ?^ ? all, the, raging anti- thibk 0^^! theii.: dbinisand ^

¥a^d M^t ^^im for-authorized agent. . . To sen currency in


letter is to t0M ot. the Jeff ish soldiers in Ae peopled rare reward ioi ita^ obe- f6^


*¥, ,few B^

ds ^".to- omisaioiSi, Such is'man, even those ™> .<£ . *:™to**$Vn>* s '

/" . :: .. " / ¦ : SS Ln^to GbdVlawSSStS ^ .^^ :^m> who commit Scrinie^Wro^ no^^ hi^


^M is go^forever; VftM KiDDllD ^B'io A '"» mo ? , often than not, n^ reaches ito ions services on New Year s Daf^ and willj aamit; that • "This great nation and^a^^better^nown, appre^ besides themselves nd perha™ /theii» endureA^ gra^^he^ end; of allYOM H1PPUB-5659 H. M. . " ;- ^^-^^^JgW the Day of Atonement

there being^ 0npl a wise and inSgS^eb <^^: P^^ t^ m owri;chiId^n ¦ i - n , -*; ¦> . feadeifW^



^ (Tm nmnvA HJRtn^r i„ fr i ™ti ^;tP9 8ame P^PP^P": h'8 a°tjtg- BCignti0Ufl rnan,the[ true Israelite^ the "N-" / // j&^A * +mm^. The solemn Day of

fiAtonementap^ letters S/:u.iii S S

: rfe^SSSfi ^^^^^they do. v


| |gedays itfeaf refilt ^3^ gS^^^^^l S?^?S§S ?'" ' ¦??¦ f^S'ai?^^0

OK behalf of our ^as^elfason ^S^^ ast^.rtfeif^S ^

df%f * :-,bwh coun^in; KlSSSSlS W ^^Mm^ if ./woy^lmS; aries, to make atonement be ore God »reetin2B and kind wishes^n the Kbsh °

ted 4,000 volunteers, who either fonght tlbld-: • ^7i.v W / ^T " nations and/the occupants of therP " W B 1 u ?™*/S" r' ft?

C0W ,y^. ;-5J^iiila..Bept^fttti-,1898.' «.- *i.«- =w„-tn«m;n„i «p \u„„ „„ ' vi.:i B'eeMng8 ano Kino wisnes on ine nosn ., ¦a . . ,._ Ba

¦ ed , re^niaiits mi- quent admonition of Holy -Writ, *nd " ™ . . 7S-^ " T - Yw" ." ¦¦ ¦ ¦'¦-^:- ¦ in ju dgment before the omniscient ^^

The Board oonvenedln retrtilar sessionSunoW ^SS

9 TWs «W Vi°nah'

^^aU tbe. good they %£*$£ Ss he aolSge aVattached/to;

^^Sf^aa Th^& Juo^bM High;in:life or in: death/ at the^ual ; *e^¦¦¦¦¦ffi^i / 12&^nink^l1f^-

f ot US' >-: al8o: Sf^16

^ ^en,: V1 eral of IUinois has never tafen the;- na- beside^those: relating to the weekly of^mg .Solomon, Thank the Lord, andlcari expect nb more and nb bet^ tasheimer. onaoher^vy^SIarks,. chorus will raise its voice to the 5a- greater^ measure to them and . their tionality of the troops of this state, or at gabbatt and the three hiirh;: festival weep.npt, mourn .not on this day holy *_.. iui£ -,- desert*'—to tte : triie Is- I^Ponr' ^oUaok ^v theiChalman,; ther of men, "Forgive us, Father, for, families, -and may heaven's choicest least ola^stfied : the 4ationali^ Ku^SSSiEnwe have sinned ; pardon us, O King- blessing^ be showered unon ^effi flir where they were taken, so.tha&t is o . ^ite'S'm!l" W^W'^

MeBBrB.Drapker and^tix were

excusedfnr wfl hftvn tranB^rflBsftrl 1" Mav ft l Dle8S1DSs oe snowerett upon tnem au. nl(. t ^ ' ho^ many Jews are In: the visible and admirable, garment of ~tu£0 ?i ?«? /t,u!w*. fh«? «.« w^l .Day of Memorial, when he recounts on,aooount;of their absence from; thacity,SuVwobhiSh^bV theKu a -" / / ¦ '¦*¦ ¦¦/ " v ' - / BWoe'&<£i<ia* S^ Z^WfrS^?^^«

himselt all the .benefits which' he Mtv^P0111 : ?«! ;-to-/*ttaiW! «a?ia JlS ftrtm nn wSf ., L Db, Johk Hall, pastor of the an estlmafe there afe moie than/lOd in ffie Great King and his/ho/ of, bril^ *«**¦ m^ t n


tradu^rs as the ^njo

^8> beoomes^lso a Day ot ; Judg-; W* hla eMuses^ The^mlnates: of

ths,: .the (message from on high as did «ift r* a ^.,. p-^iK^rion rh„^w

the Second rerimeiit and

about- fifty

in iiiifl,iririi„ - iux (3^,0,0^1, riVsJiMt. persecuted always was

a better man w,i*1*^;v^'\- j rm7jfu^ . :_'-a n^^ ^;-^fi -- laa' regular and intervening, specialMoseV in his day : ¦'.« And the Lord F^th* v^l n^ wfT 'ft"*., the S? EveSs ven^ooSed W1? 1

-g?|»' ab]ding; foair hk persecutor ; and this is cer-: ^^^^^,iJ?W?' a . da£: °f ^" :'meetmg8 were read and approved. %said, L have forgiven as 'thou hast P>» Y0* J^?' *ed ¦. 1&ItfmAT quite a number, as shown^by/the /r^ a°4/m?!

the:blue .deep of the

^ly a ?ery ple^nt ::iecolle S ^^^snoken " September 17th. Dr„ Hall ww the mark bf ^ther KeUy:: 'iThey went to sk^*; ft¦ -wrnnrrnrfiil in th« pffiMrv nf rhii special patron and defender of Warsi5 mass jn st the same as the} other boys, part: thereof, as the Heathens did and ^ZSi »w at* i&«,t«i a *>&„!££* thoughts*; deeds and* feelings.¦ v: It is:..to * To the/President and' Membersi of theDav ^ltoneme^ iKw Sd "wink. ¦ It can readily be believed and seemed to enjoy nStob." > : So; it'can^hly admire ifas the habdt ^^rl^ ?M& "l AS^?

them hat

this r.da7; speaks with . its" Bo pf.Gtovernbra:,. i m ;'


/ that thlluial proviflg beyond question — - • • y " \ ¦ WoVk Of the^ sublime architect: of the ¦1^ft-^'J^?^ - 'iiI^0??-: S<5 trumpet voiw, rembmfe;st ^^ Li-

^pfeKHto^ af in of fl».

-ttef^hbniy and M«. Qekson R.s™a ot New universe, and contemplate,it *ith awe . ^tffiSfl^SBSS £

df f W«^». ' r^^£ffin

(8t£¦'£ dL7A?^3g striving w^8 ? iSint^atHS&s aa^

'2®"Ssff! si ssas^ to^^s^outs ^ smm^^rimSwlvS to^renS health- al songs, viz : "America," "Columbia; if, it fa the intrinsic value, ; the effi- SSiSf ^S I^S^tJf ^bu hast arrived. ; ^ ,¦ ' '/ The;Dtou^s

orEpk,feetufl ,:byi GeorgeSoS,id

^rZa^tdes: A "~~~r~" f, f ^



d;,Th*i l

Dt^^ ^^^^m^^^tification of the i.ul. This durability A?°m th€[ manv J ^mors that Spangled fanner.", The translating idea zn. each b

^eing and

^ the i^^

of this day's special holiness and moral are bwng sent us from Europe % the u most excellently done and the metre hett«We wisdom^

in^the whole, ^e 0f the Lord showered upon us at homl pie there are somb, perhaps many, who Memoes rf Soo«te|-by Xenophon, tr.influence proves as the Psalmist says ; cbeerful j diot that represents the As- is perfectly preserved. The language All with ite co-ordination and subor- .

fl -m Q r u6t„ land -, ^ke the serious mistake of imagin- ti^n^f^^iK"This is irom the Lord, it is marvel- aoc,ated Presa in London there has of the Hebrew vemon ^^^ ^^ leitiMly £T flll o{ U8 anQPftr ing, they are truly good and deserve pfuShla KuSbsSS^^ous in our eyesf it musi be of divine »««» beea received m a long time like the ongjnal of the Psalms. In his structUr^ox^

'hie. It s not the

rippling the'4port of>,000,000 hiore in all the blessings God6

bestows on them, fu^S^b^e^&owit^fMorigin, for it lasts forever. The work that was more foolish , or possibly a- preface the translator says : creek, it is the mighty ocean, it is ?ot te^ga -couBtrieaf The nation covered if they commit no crime, are loval phiay 1898 . V v T : - 'of God only stands forever, the work !l0I<?"8' Jban the one received on Sep- To translate these songs into the Ian- the^ower, it is the

^fruit , it is not the Uselfwith glory iathe pastEg two- citizens, pay their taxes, haJrm none; '/ From the- 17. S. Government, Wash-

nr man nrilv in nprisVinhlfi Tf mnn tember 17th, which states that Emile gnage of the prophets has. been a labor earth, it is the magnificent vault of P„ ,A „i„.„f r> ,,v,„ an A \ti puj i:^ nffpnrl nnn t nr« in rinhruiv'a Wov «nH ton—Fourteenth Report of the Olyil Ssr-of man on y is perishable, it man z . .

fa »

become a Catholic of love for me: I iound, to my great de- heaven which Holt Writ admires as -^d gl v?^ ,Caba a ¦ the ( Philip, paend none, are in nobody s way, anci ,vi0e Commission, Washington, 1898.had appointed this solemn Day of » «?«

t0 " J Lard 0f liBHthat the.poets must have mused in £ Ba/m tof ?be Deib- ffiSe U P^archipelagp were made free ,, and pay even their pew. ren^; punctually. Sfcatistioal Atlas of th^TJ.sf

Washing.Atonement it would have lost its effi- Pneat- " .tle a naseless canard ^, ot HebreW ) beoaTlBe aV1 i havs done with jne garment, oi toe ueity, oecause it spain waa. driven, from this Western They are not bad, but .they are yet ton, 1898.cacy long ago. It is by divine com- ?°un,V VSJ™ tr!Je,» 7<?ri • * the patriotic songs has been to restore knows of no sylvan gods m the d_ark hemisphere to return no more. The far' from'heing truly good. Good is Respectfully submitted,

mandment and not by any human the author of "Lourdes and ' Pans them to their^riginal tongue. I found shades of the forests, no nymphs smg- old 0

Futwom and rotten aeSp0tiBm he who does good. It is to them that / S. Man«heimer.

ordinance that we celebrate this great "?* *'** considering this step it the language to he that of^^^^^

j ng in the


; _ no gods U all. br0W down under the crushing weight the Day of Memorial as . the Day of „ Mr. Lipman Levy, Secretary F. A. H.day of atonement, which stands in m.ght safely be regarded as a symptom The oWe£ "^^pfJ^J^ This is the reason, that Scripture as- f fte .{ yQWg iant 0/ libe

grfc Judgment, Yom Haddin, speaki in ^ ^T&^T Z^olIsrael as the symbol of the doctrine of>re813- measure! X the^ame tongue.-there

iZ S f VZ ° 'T'' and-hnnianity: "The delight of the its trumpet language, Man wWgbod hHSa^andSX^Sptii" Ei3t^dni;r^SrdtSt PW^rrs?; a^f :^ ^ t^^ z^^ 'ti^lti ' iand lovd kindness to^railanan wh^

^^repents htt misdeeds and returns with of 2 UwtiL and a statement of the t^ possession of the American nation Kw rXieh"?S progress of PmeB8' tve7-°"e under hwI ™*' ™r? f ®™ f ™ ?™ ™* la^T«ar? g~ £ ™g«&SSSS htahis whole heart and energy to God ,d r PHuiu d oii ,kero3ene,aaptha, t *?JTX ™L^

lM f°r the

^ ^e^^dBS ^ °ne


hl3 fig tree' wlth n0ne *to ^"r^-11 to day nearer to human

death. At the special request of the ,nghteousuess, virtue and purity and ¦ . tiova JL eu ti

„ Jewa ' / tl ' benefit of all humanity . ";„u7^„°gn «„afTaIw^ ?!« «wi ' perfection as you are nearer to the donor, Kaddilnvrill also be recited everyholiness. It is the symbol of the doc- lTJ^ ^ utht7h«i

To a11 of which a" true Je^ish a ^ ?T i ? 7

Sr v A C\*~«+ n;o^,«..„ ' grave ? Are you as much, nearer to Sabbath during the whole first year oi 'trine that man is gifted with reason ^Enttey wou S kaow , 2 Americans will say Amen 1 - - of Isr 1 knownmj . Now Year A Gf t DlSCO^y your God , asV-nearer to death ? m

^Sual Executive session" followedroodTnnh^^h^^l^;fhGto,d z s^ rstz **««**«**«* - ^r™w?ii4' ^^'Lf? fer;r;aw^^nd man ; a nSd the free w U not onl y

%£%$ Wvn th Uaw net ministers Lid at the Elysee PaU S VdZsth S ^ A ^V

P^not away liWthe dust befbre^e >M j . Bxoom, Sec-,.to do what he conceives to be rig ht tbe subTect were enacted and estab- ac® last. Saturday, it Kas decided to oc"Plure oruains mis

4^ z= f === ^ s^< r WI?d? M7 go°d man , remember, that ^-— and good , but also to stop sinning, if iio i,ori i;.n _ k0fnrA pii„;„B mrn ic u submit the documents in the Dreyfus And the Lord spoke unto Moses, j ^—S^^ doing

nothing bad is not yet goodness. The beet medicine you cau tafee is that

he did , and return to goodness and |«TLnnfhlp ¦£ ,„ " " J ™lta t case to a commission, to be selected by saying : Speak unto the Children of C^\T ^A_Jl L-il, You feed the hungry, throw before ^ioh buildB a solid foundation for health in

-. , . ' » , . „ „ j i is tasnionaole also among scientists to ,, u. . . , T '. »«¦ a • J Israel saying, in the seventh month, «•*—T \ \ASTi^iW\ \\ \ ~~ n *.u j l r n- "" "°*"*° pure, nob. blood— Hood's Saraaparilla.righteousness of his own accord , and know QOthi of jewi8h literature. *f MInlste?• <?f Ju?t]ce' M % S,arne°- in the flrst day of the month. shaU ye ^JJ^ ISlWy-T- them the dry crumbs falling from the ¦- -all that without supernatural agency ; ° The commission summoned by M. have a Sabbath, a memorial (by) blow- * L^^^^M«!(iC^ P\J ri°h man s table, is that a deed of ^. :-l', ' . ^-^so merciful and benign is tbe Lord ~ " Sarrien is to begin the consideration ing of trumpets, a holy convocation ; ^^ iMMv llt i»!fi'trr~ goodness ? You pay

to all

charities, mIHIj •' ' 'w\!. ' ^God of Israel. The doctrine symbol- The first scientist protesting against of the documents to be submitted to ye shall do no servile work therein ; l ll8$l Si Ill^^^^l • certainly not in proportion to your 4lll t l^lM#f#tized by the Day of Atonement is di- revival meetings and revival preach- them on Wednesday, Sept. 21. Presi- but ye shall offer an offering made by t^^WS " il^^ffl^ wealth , for all payments of that kind II Ifllllllllll' vine, so sublime that nations given to ers, to the best of our knowledge, is dent Faure presided at the Elysee n« unto tne L,ord. (Levitions ^a:28.) . ¦ ^F^Vk J If li

' o amount with the richest among us not /Vff l4IWtVW*sensuality and anthropopathism have Dr. F. H. Giddings of the Columbia meeting. Tbe Minister for War, Gen- The character and signification of ftS^ /V?/? JM *$=) ilAflf^S^ TO to the cigar, wine, theater and operanot yet been able to comprehend it. University in Now York. A paper eral Zurlinden , and the Minister of this day, as the fathers understood ^^My^ ^- ^[rO « D^la be pays, but much less, you ftt aVn ANIV IIPfilfHTIsrael only did , and it has become to on the subject was read by Prof. Gid- Public Works, M. Tillay, did not ap- it, is evident from Nehemiah 8:9. It „ctmr ai a oryHai-Sp arkiing as a Diamond." know, very much less. You pay to all WwUllT AllU UllUUni

it the foundation of the most sublime dings before the American Academy prove of the action of the majority of is reported there that on. this day the The club water par excellencci charities, perhaps your neighbors do ¦V« i #» «ethics known to men. Therefore we ot Sociology, over w^iich he

presides, the cabinet and have resigned. Gen- Thorah as transcribed by Ezra was Far superior to all other Lithia waters. , the same, and you can not stand back, I MM^ ^% 'f \m :t\ilf^m i^^ 'still celebrate as solemnly as ever the The paper appeared in the Annals of eral Chanoiue, Commander of the read publicly before the people assem- The most delicious of table waters. although .your heart is not in it. We ¦ i l/l I \\ II \ || I Ij IDay of Atonement. the Academy and then in Tlie Liter- First Division of the First Army bled in Jerusalem. The people were Good for the appetite, health and would not speak of those who dispense * 'IMl|w.t .Vl' l>V^/To celebrate well the Day of Atone- ary Digest and other periodicals. The Corps (Department of the North and so much affected that many of them .The^riost

tlvaluabl e medicinal water Qther rj epple's charity with a curse on np HlfHPCfment, we must become aware of our professor advances that the revivalist the Pas-De-Calais), . was appointed wept Nehemiah, Ezra and the as- known to the medical profession. their lips hurled at the- blushing face Ur niUlldSI

sins, truly repent our misdeeds, and appeals to the overwrought phantasy of Minister of War, and Senator Gadin, sisting Levites said to the . people: invaluable in Rheumatism , Bright-a of the poor recipient ; for they are ARtlSTir OIIA1 ITYmake atonement before God by hu- the credulous mass<38 against the sound representing French India,- Minister ¦* This day is holy unto the Lord your Ph'f^Vch^d Tnt«^^,CWabc«e"! appointed officers and must in the first iwiP. iiL - wj nw i t.miliation, confession , and appeal to and sober dicta of reason. This pro- of Public Works. At present writing God, mourn not, weep nqt * * * DyspcpdaiinsomniaundSkin Eruption. place do their duty to their generousGod's mercy with the firm resolve to duces the effect of enfeebling the un- it seems as though a new trial were Go your way, eat the fat and drink B

^rIZb^'ai 'r.a'mra nv. donors. All Jews who stand outside l\ If Di | T|WT\r C. C(\sin no more. The Israelite derstanding and irritating the excited probable. Tbe large majority of the the sweet, and send portions unto The Waukesha Water Company, of the congregation, all non-orthodox If* Il> D AJj li if 111 vL vv'Jcould not possibly specify the prob- clientele to rash and inconsiderate press is demanding it and the fickle them for whom nothing is prepared, Waukesha, wiooohoin. * congregations who remain outside ofable sins of the murtitude .and show action. The professor furnishes no Parisian mob, which a few weeks ago for this day is holy unto the Lord ) 8TEIN-VOQELER DRUG CO, thepJnion;<if American^^ Hebrew Gon- 142 and 144 W.14th St., ,the path of salvation to every indi- data in support ot his theory, and was howling for the destruction of the neither be ye sorry, f or (if) the de- wholesale Agents. Cincinnati,©, legations, all who refuse to co-operate FACTORY : GIL8EET AYE, Cincinnati