^•^t"-.<:^w.- ^WJ^Xr* ^ ^ ' ' ^ ^ ^ ^ \ «^4l^;4H#'fh:% s^,^rv^rf* ;^^,:>%^^^wf*-^^^4 .,^^^^ ; ^,v^*^i^^^fcfri^»^^^ THE OGDENSBTJRG ADVANCE AND ST: LAWRENCE WEEKLY DEMOCRAT. CHY LOCALS. —Th* D«lryni«iu'* Ho*rd of Tmd* flow tMiiMiiw rtt I ;ui ( »«UH'k on Saturday aft**r noon Th* HI twin vHi-.ht r**t. VinKAr brought mi piriimloii hertf from up river point*. Katunlwy -Win. C iyinh of rhi* tity him IMH*U appointed K»v«rnnwnl IntMwtor of Hclrtnlg lug rontnut in thw t'onntMtlnut rtvor Fr«nk AcUtrm, » wulor on th* Ht*ftrii«r Krowt, w*« »rr«w»U«<l H n u d n y w h l l * d r n n k on th* «t r^tt* H* W«J» ord*r«wl to l**v* the CUT *«»«' p r o m p t l y n t o y t t l o n U m Arthur Webb, w h o hm» Iwen braking on * freight out of thin cltv, has lw**n p r o - moted ton iHmUlon «« frwitfht conductor on f h# U W A;: < >. H II , riimtitiK o u t of W H t * r t o w u , «u»d vrtMit to that city Monday to <Ult«r Upon hiH IIPW dutif'M Ttu» new prwlfllng eld<*r, lt*v OUn H. Colt. of thin illdtrlrf of th* M K. church will I** In thw nltv Friday pvwnliiK, to at tf>nd * «niart*rly r<mf*»rfMic«of that church. M« w i l l *l«w» I*' h«r« Sunday *v*niwK and nrtwach hU ttrMt wr tuoulto an Ogdmudmry; aiultwnc**. A lmrvfoot»-«l U»y rtlwmt f o u r t w n y**r« <>f ag« wan glv«»u hxtging at tht> OWIIH Sun lay itl^tir ll« V » hi* narno aa Tom WalniMh'V of K ingMton. t >nt , and Haiti lu> wa« JookioK for work H* ha<I mon»»y enough to takn him »>*t'k. to < 'anada nod WKH itHIllwtHMl Mrs KHa Met "<»y of Watartowu haa hwn brought to th" St Uwrfiir* Stat** Hospital fl*<r hallucination la that «h»* wrinthw HtrwM railway In Watortown, and A fnw dayn ago ah« t.M>ard**d a oar ami i*«r j»ic*#v| tht> conductor by ordering worn* vtxry radical chaug**« In th« policy of thr» road Thn annua! c^curHlon ta ()gdpiiahurg of the- Y<>»mg i ropln'« A«««« iatton of (Jra«-* rhtirrlt, l,an*Hoqo#\ vvll! IH'CIII- on Thorn day hun» 14. by nUmmm Anuulcii ThU IM uo . VIMII t h a t IH e a g e r l y w»»t< hed for and tint mi!: r**\ CH< b yc»»r by our Cairn IHIV.' el I'h.i Htciuncr will htart fium u.tkr n 1 1 wtopH on < 'an.'iilian diau < "i K int-'it" Hldf Th«- -tiilphur IIMIIU at the hhvnnUI"Hi: Hfarch w o i k i nt < >udmnl CHUMIII Mr««. In-t w»^-k. and thi< little < ';»n*dian village WH- thrown nit" tt\trn*t* r \rif«»menf, for nhoiilii u,or« building* burn down the plant would hardly 1M- r> built thct»> The fire w»« but ju«f K»>tttug tdcely utartrd when til«*'ovcrcd Hnd w«« .jiilikh c U i'n.uiMhcd \ ^liort t i m e >*<<< ' hi- unii|HiiiV bud H fl.>0 % 0#0 lire I ( >«M ,b»H»<ph \ n h l e y w a x n g a i u »H»f<»re t h e r l t v recorder mi utunla\ No one appeared wh»ui the • HHV wa>. - alb-d th#> Saturday Jne vlmirt ctcepf t ttc frtiHiif wiTicer. and if w»e. Ht«f*Mt t h a t the matter hud h«**<n Hcttltnl, Mr AKhl<»V a g r c w l n g to neud hlw rhlldrrn t,, H<-h«M»l r n g u l a t l y h e r e a f t e r The caat* wan h»dd O|HMI howoym, and hint Saturday A«h ley wan «M»ut for and enmv U\u> court with lawyer, who Muted r hut the trouble »rtw from « ndHUnHler**fanding on the part of Mr A»itd»<y, that he wan very «mrry a n d In tended no harm that he WHH antfoun that htH c h i l d r e n diould go to m hool and w<»uld h*>r0Aft*r a«aiHf the. lU>nrd In r«v#»ry wav poMHlbln Mr Waterman on l>ehalf of the truant otticer and Boar** <»f K^lucatlon ac c««ptlug the explanation, tt\t^ prowNution of (tie >-harg«> a g a i i m f him of not aending h\m children to MIIHKII waa dlamlaa4vl Alniandei Addey, of 1'ioua Hollow, I Kit on *iciHiur i'«i M, rltMH»' one <lav la.»«t WMtk, while gafling b«r Kuck#»r» In the < >H w«g«f* hf»» river iwdow ttre dam Me had HIM hori«! out m » punt, and atorwl w h i p p i n g t he, w a U r w i t h a long line heavily londed with l»tfg»-ga»l' hook^wlfh bnf little «,!<• , ,.,sn |l,'ilit'ii mo\ed nearer the dam and found that the c IOMM he got to where the wat4U lun.lixl from the top of the dam onto the ro< kx Uil.nv. the U-tter wan hi-< ^;H. i .'-»n In tlm incltt'incnl he got too . iom< t<i the ilatn and the punt wan caught In a whirlpool and <arrled directly under the falling water, which tmrhutth erilHhed the Uia« Into kindling WO.M! A ;hlcy escaped to, fnmiilng Info ' tm water an•! wa>r t hrown ha* k onto t tie UMIC- and conaiderahly hrntHed, bot imt Metiou-dy H»»land«»d on one of the many -dieU ui^. HH k>;, from w h h h he was rescued by partlei who rowed out from -diore Hut herford •< athletic organi/.atlon .farte^l ..nt on the road thl" week under cmcllent mpipii e•. and b» reported aa «lolug a fine biiHlmuta To 1CV*HM of athletics the entertainment put up by W S Kufhcr ford la m- at (utereatiug ('haa Mi Neil, of Heu-iwlaer Falla, and Tim Mct'omdck, ot < >KderiHburg. who stnnd '> ft ! and •"> tt ', weighing 'I. and 'in rean*-cl vely, e H pourrd t tie diiTertMit gr1p4 and cute hen In wr»*«f l l n « . winding up with a friendly bout An at t t a i t U e rent u re of the ahow la Sam Hoy. ex thief of Police of I'reMCOtt. Who p*M Hon at«>« hla thrilling and daring deed of cap furiuK the five dc»iperaf#i burglar*. Joint ( o|ter. Win > our»n, Tom t'oiiriera, t ieo WiMid and Dan Warner, who blew open Viirni', \ < b-velaud -I *;afe at ('ardinal. Hoiiirtiiiii'iinn t 'hief Hnv madethecjip fure -iny!> handed, nlmply depending on hiatru-if\ ^uu. Mr Hutherford wlllahow t tirouyhout ('enttal * > 111 itlo during the KHHIIIh'l IIHiNlln /' ' I he ( hash : V.hley hardware htiaiut'Ha tiH-i tweii Mold f.i 1,'Heland <V t'hiaholm, of (io'i vei "tieu ', the -tale b n l u d i n g ttre Mt<M r k it.iii' no l'i>id it na-t alao t he two hl^ .4 »f, t h e ( i A. I, ( ' K H ar.d The new l i n n lifW t a k e n IIOM-;OI he i<(><wI»i are '>elng rrnrrntiyi d holm one of t he proprietory will HI in rende < harlea Ashley haa active bmunoMa in < >gdeuahurg for SUICIDE POSTPONED. .fnttn Mwrtln Ar«ui»e4t riotm Hollow by Threat* That He wan Oolng to lirown litnmnIf. Taken In Charge by the Police. HH<I Ileeonie l»4««|u»mleut. The south end of the Flrnt Ward wits In An upro»»r of «**olf4»ment one aftenioon th»- past week over the statement* of one John Martin, an old penalonor, who Haiti he WHH going to the Oawegatc.hle river to drown hlmaelf. Martin followed the river bank along up toward the cemetery aa though.to aelect ann^uulet place where no oim would luhBrfor* with hla plana, and while aome pArMMm k«t»t watch or him othera ha«t*ned rlown towu and notified the police. The chief and an oflUwr haxf^mnl out to the oemeterlea and there found the old fellow seated ou a little mound chatting with aome workmen. He was brought to the police station, where he denied that he in tended to kill himaeir. Martin came here from Nebraaka and has l»een vialtlng hia aiater In Pioua Hollow. He has undergone two aurglcal operations and it la thought that Ida mini! la allghtly iitiiMilauc*d. HIH aiat^r weat, out of town on a vinlt and thinking It waa don» for the purpose of "ahaklug him" he ia^came deapondent and threatened aulelde. After I>elng held at the atatlou a ahort time he waa releaae<l on promising to poatiame the aulelde afTalr. ANTOINE JtlTuE DROWNED. HM<I finti* to fllf( IMIMIMI to Fish. Fomul hy I I U No-n Drowned In about Two Feet of tVarar. Antoine Jerue, a well known carpenter of thin city, wan drowned at Uig lalaud at tire hea«l of the Oaloupa Kaplda, la**t Wetl ueeday nighty He left here that day with hia mm Peter and nephew. Fid ward Jerue, to upend a few rlaya down the river fluhlng They u\arte camp on the Canadian end of Hig Inland, and during the evening the \ruing men went to the opposite en*l of tin island to the home of one McDonald. An tolne Jerue, w h o In 72 years of age, waw left In the tent, it waa after ten o'clock wheh the vouug inci returniHl to camp, which they found deaerted. Thinking the old gentlemen wa» cloae at hand they waited a while, then began »r Hearth tor him t . d ig towinU rh nvei tiiey noticed the ho.it v\ at iidriff, but hclO r lose in ahoie by an f h l \ As one of tin m walked into fhewatei to uv\ tin boat lit saw i he body of t he old man in about f-.M. bad ol water. He lay upon hi* (n <\ hi anna e vteurlt «l The lM«|y WHH ^eCUtfHl HU(1 l>laced 111 t h e tent while OHO of the Iniya took the bo i' and atarfed for home, arriving here abou orieo'cbx-k next morning, 'I he authoritic*- were notified ami a wagon sent Hftei the IMHIV, which waa taken to hla late home oh I h<nny at reet if IK thought that Mr Jerue WHH in tin !>OMf and U'IW «4»|/ed with a fainting apell to which he wan subject ami fell iut^r the wafer and drowned He WHH Hubj,»«t f** dropay, Cormier Brown WHH notifliMi anrl con dncbsl an inveat igathm. Decea*M*d had workrnl at Hannan'a mill for aeveral vearH, ami WHH a pat tern maker. Mra Jerue, four aona and five daughtera, all grown up, aur vlve A Monatet lee House. it ifl expected that work will b% CO»u meuceit ttdn week at Carthage on the big gear Ice houae In Northern N«-w York it will Iwr hwnf^'d |ti«f alKivetheoid (\ X- A nitiiitlhoiiw, on the Iwtnk of the river and wilt l>e erected hy the pnaliu^e department of the American K.xpreHa c o m p n u y t'ar t h a « e w i l t ae lev t e d iMa-aua*^ it, in cent rails located All the mllK i-datlona la'lwetui it ha and ('gdenaburg w i l l IM* f u r u i a h e d with lee there, HIHO all refrlgr«rat<rr car , together with ice couauim^i by the railroad company. At the present time St Law reijce river ice H u«ad, t he dl-d r i b u t I n c pomta being Clayton arid Capo Vincent. Ibis arr'anremi nt haa necessitated comdd ernble tuconveuteuce and in t he change of location t h i s w i l l IH< o v e r c o m e The new building will be HO constructed that earn will run Into if and U* loaded by machinery in a few miuutea. ThoU'-an«la of toti-i <»i ice will (M> harvpafed every winter Tt I i*l •! n rum. DEMOCRAfTIC CONVENTION. Delegate* to State Convention Instructed for Hon. John Ilunnan For Delegate to National « on vent Ion. The Fir«t Aa4embiy niotrlrt Democratic Convention wa£ held at the Opera House, Friday, being- called to ortler by Hon. John Hannan of the distrlot committee. l)r Jatnea tfirvin, of Morri<*town, waa chosen chairman and H, .1. Corbett, of Fine, and John Morley, Qgdenaburg, a*ctya. The delegated responded aa follow*: Fine H. J. jCorbetf, Hylvester McCor- mick, t4eo. W. Parker. Dekalb ~ Dam Hurley, Duncan Mctiruer, Danl Powell. Fowler- M. V. Har.elton, Harlow Hhorlea, C K. Jennie. Morrlatown4 Robert Nicholson, Geo. K Wilaon, Dr. Ja^. Garvin, lilMbou-P. U. Mullin, S. W. Dailey, D. M. Ix>ohy. KOM1«~W. B. Burns, ¥. W. PheUn, J. S. C^orhin, Bennett, Jos. Cal- F. Darrow, Thomaa Taylor, Walter Klu- W. la a liat of trial jtirora for the commencing In Canton, Mini ;n warehou i ont4-ntu "Hi («nO \ M ( h ...no- 1 Ix-cll ll fully tintf a ri'iiturv, loining here in April, PCtO. from hiffle Falla and opening a atoje uf the corner of Koid and State, afretda Later to' built the Mock at preanut oc i u pled by hla itore and haa conduchjHl a I at k/.e w h o l e s a l e ami retrri 1 bunineaa ( iwi tig '<• falling health he forttunl a afock com pHiiy a few yearn ago, which rtlated for four yearn, when the wtore went back Into hla own hauda, and he then decided to cltHM* It out entirely The new proprietor** are men of i onatderable experience and ptiah and will no doubt make a anceeaa of thin n n d e r t a k lr<K CAN ION AMARANTH. Ofllii'ifl r.le> leU for liiiiilii| Vmr. TW«i> tf Hn> N»>w | IIIIOIIM* f., h e Added. Following county court day, June p h A It Overacker, Oabornviltc, W H Parker, Someiville. A A, Keniaon, Spraguevillc, Charh'H (J. Taylor, Dekaltr lunction, Andrew C. Drxlda, (iouverneur, I W Htoele, Heuvelton; H. A Harlow, Hraaher Iron Worka, Krlwin P Holland, Dtikalb, Hen j am In (iray, Morriatowu, ,1 S Holland, Depeyater, J H Dralge, Maaaena. Patrick Donnelly, Norfolk, Jamea I^»arv. North I^xwrence, If 10 I \ a d , N'orfh Stock holm, l^lwln Alden. Maaaena; Jamea K Put h»>rfonl, Waddlngton, Fdwin Young, Star liHke, John A Hnghea, Madrid, Wil Ham Strarler, Weat Hot ad am. li<»re.n W a i n wrighf, Canton, George Cuglar, Chaae MUIH. Kmory tiale, <Ja!e; Dorwin Hlalr, Parlahville, H. tt Washb.irn, Depeyaler; Bradford Stirling, (iouverneur, Thomaa " ; McGiun'a, Waddington. F.ugeue Tilla paui/h, Hermott, William K fircoii, Wad dtngton. Dester II tb^r, Fullet ville. Al ta»rt Nort(»n, Sout h Hammond, Harvey I. t'leland, Isdwardw, A \ ('lark, Wick, Frc<l F t.ardncr, Ktr-hville, p H Mullin, 1 IIH bou t'erifre John U f'rowlcy, Helena, .liiliti t'airney. Koaaie. (iouverneur ^C. A laghan, Joa George. Oa wegatchle (Jeo vSpratt, H. llaufonl. Waddlngtou^ I (i, ney, H. N Hose. Hammond James B. Worthea, M Tlmmerman, W. K. Forrester. Madrid W. T. (iaK^, Geo, D. Hughes, Henry BetUh Macomb-J. M. Bogardus, T. J. Whit- ney, J. W. Mauaon. Ogdenaburg, lat Wartl—(»eo. Hall, H. Holland, John M. Morlty. Unci W a r d «. B. Capron, T. J. Whalen, Jas. F. Akin. .'»r<l War»i J<mn Hannan, Jaa. K. Kelly, Geo, K. Van K«|nnen. 4th Ward -VTm. Cox, Dennis Lynch, E P Lynch. Delegatea to the State Convention were unanimously Chosen as follows: Geo. K Van Kennen of Ogdeushurg, Jos. (Jeorgr of (iouverneur and Dr. James Garvlu of Morrlatown. They are given the power of auhatitutUm. Heaolutlons expreHalng regret on the I death of Dr. I, H Hossie of Gouverneur, a | stanch dem<x:rHt and a memlwr of the dh- : trlct comtnilie*', were adopted, and the v\mpHthy of the i:onven»ion rxtcuded to the tatnilj of the de<eaat*d. .1. S Corbiu tuoVtMl that the deleuatca to t he Slate convention l>e iuntiuct^l to aup port o n l y tho"<f <ielcgi»t«'a to Die National convention who aic in tavor of William Jeunlnga Hryati for pr««*.idei.t ('ouHHh'r/iblt< oppobiflon aroae, and it was finally deemed fwat f<» send the deb 1 galea Oldo«t I rh'tfd, t troy being m e n In whom the convention had full confidence to carry out as far as possible the vvUhe* ot t heir constituent*. Geo. Iv Van Kenueu, one of the delegate* idiosen, addresstal the convention, Haying lie preferred t o g o there uniuatructed, and 1 made known that he ahould use hla vote ami mlluetice ftir the eelerdion of Hon. John i Hannan, of Ogdenahurg, as a delegate to 1 the National oonv ntlon. Hla statement v«,>iH greetwl with prolonged! applauat*. It WHH then pioved tint- the Stat* dele gates la- instnu'UHl to support Hon. John Hannan as delegate to National con veil Hon, and sam* waa adiipted amid great applause. It wax then moved to adjourn, but Mr. Parker aaked to offer a motion which was to ttieeffWt that Mr. Hannan, if Heleoted a-* d e l e g a t e to the National convention, la* instructed to vote for William Jennings Hryau for president. The motion to ad journ took precedence and was adopte<l. IllUmon «', Phelpw. NOBWOoi>, M a y -.'!> Hanson C. Phelps. a gornl and very much respected citi/.en of this village, died last Thursday forenoon between '.» a n d 1<< o'clock at his reatdenc* on Main st re* v ts of acute Hright's diaease. Mr. Phelps waja lairu in V e r m o n t , *>'> year- ago last August, tmt has spent most of hln life in St Lawtenee county He was chief clerk of the Michigan Southern H U , n o w I»ake Shore, for a nuinlHM* of years and ha«< held tnanyothrrr ptominent poaitions, and aiiioug them was the post mastership of this place under Cleveland's arlministr.t- tlon. Mr. I'heliiH was a democrat and al ways took an active part in politic*. Three brothers of the deceased are living, Sidney K, and William F- Phelps, of this village, andtiary H, o( Minneapolis Mr Phelps SH Hurvived by n widow and three sous, ^ainucl, Fred !«url Charles Phelpa. THE NEWYORK INDIANS. Their Number, Condition, and I*ro«p«et4i, The annual report of A. W. Ferrin, V. H. agent for the New York Indiana, contains a large amount of Information relative to the remnants of the aboriginal t>i\>c» still remaining la this state. From thb reiMiit we extract the follow- ing : The Indians renting within the limits of the State number 5 817. and are divided hy tribal or- gnnlr.atlonH as follows: Cayugas, 170; Oneidas, v»-'; (liioiidagHS, 551; Seneeas, 2,813; Ttwearorfif, 378; Ht. Kegls, l,r4. There are «Ix Indian reser- vat tons In the state. Their names, location* In the state. Their names, locations and size are UB follows: Allegany, In Cattaragu* county, 86 miles along the Allegany river, with an average width of one mile, and comprising 80,409 sore*. Cattaraugus, in « Hilaritugvm, Chautauqua and Krie counties, 9U miles long, with an average width of three miles, and embracing 21.080 acres; Onondaga, In Onondaga county, 8 miles south of Syracuse, 4 ralloS long. 2.8 miles wide, 6,100 acres; Ht. Hegis, in Franklin county, on the Cana- dian border. 7.8 mllen long by about 8 miles wide, 14^40 acres; Tonawanada, In Erie and Geneste counties, about 2n miles east of Buffalo, 0,549 acrtw; Tusearora, In Niagara oounty, about 5 miles northeast of Niagara Falls, 6.249 acres The Cayugak and Onsidas have no reservation A few families of the latter reside among the white* in Oneida and Madison counties, what lands they have ihev own In fee simple. A con stderahle numlwr of Oneldas r»»ide on the Onon- daga reservation. Thet'ayngas mostly reside on the Cattaragus reeervatioa. The descendants of the noted Heneca chief, t'omplanter, numbering about «;, occupy a small reservation, emhractag some 700 acr%?s, on the Allegany river, Just south of the State line. Thin land was a gift of to Corn planter from the 8Late of PennnyIvania, and is owned by his descendants In fee, and Is divided In severalty among them. The population of the different reservations is as follows : Allegany, Henecas 996. Onondagas, at); Cattaraugus, Senecas 1,270, Cayugas 152. On- ondaga, Onondagas f 51. Oneidas 114; Ht. Regis, Ht, Regla 1,154; Tonawanda, Seneca* of Tona wariila band, 602, Allegany and < attaraugus Hene- cas 44, Cayugaa 18, Oneidas 6; Tusearora, Tus caroras 378, Onondagas 4H There are realrltng on hong Inlands remnant of the shlnuecoek tribe, iiumla^rlng about 150 a few famlllas of I'ooHpatueka, and a few Moa tanks These remnants of tribes have latermar rlod with negtocK until their aboriginal character i« nearly obliterated. The Tusearoras are the best fanners. They have f r<MMl farniH aiirl r-..rnfortahl« houser* and farm )iillrllnj;s There are a good many thrifty farmer?* KIKO OIJ the mtUtraugMH reHervntton. The residents on the Allegam reservation are mak IriK steady progress*, HIHI there ar«' quite a finin t *«i whnhnvo cood 'i-nuwHird NNC.1 tllle<l fanrr** A i-oiisld* nihil- pin f of the < •rmiidagH and 'Cona v. and it i •*• ei vatU'Ti- ;;;i- c I>-IH) by whites uttrl r a Stiite law The M. t c r Indians negh ct tlnh .'«'t''nM fo eri(.',i(fc id luski'l ni.'ikiiiK. in which thev Itr. M r> profiele'il 'the govet llUl.'Ut ot l he l esefVMt iotlH is ) V chi' H w'th the e iejitl"ii of the Allegany and < a' taraiuiH t Hervathii Ther*e two latter rent-mr- tiojis ,ifc tiiilied uinler n coilititutioiiHl «yste|ji of ^ .<\ eriiineiit iiici-' i"ii ,!ic«l iiinhr fhelawHof c\v Vori> us the i iu'ea Nation." Th< ofticerH in I-II-I-IMI by popni I Vi'te. The »-l»-ct i o n s Up t o th>- present yr-ar « M « held aniniallv. hut the ;on«'ii«l'd collet .* lit h >u of the SrlH'C't Nation, n biefi was ratifierl b\ tin- late beidslature, pro vldes for ii hleutihtl 'lection to he hold hi Nov "•inher. The nai Inn < lecN a pi esidi nt clerk and tieusurer. and 111 < oim<-illors el<iit from each re*> t \ation. and oilier minor < flieers The pre siiierit rtlnl eiiimeil i "iistii i.ie l he e\* eritlve anrl h-KislHtiv*' branche** of ((„. jfuverntnent, and the aftiiisot the nation »re arltnhuHtere^l try them The judicial power Is hulked in th<» prHC«'Uiakr-r»r' courts and i-'uincll. the latter acting n>* an appel- late court Th«-sr» court** afford hut meagre pr« teotiou to flu- jH'ople The pcuccniakerHtue often men without »«hi( afion or «xp«>rien<'e, and com plaliitN «re freipiently nunle that they are »n«- ceptlhh' to corrupt and Improper influences. Complaints are also madeiigahiHt theoouncilthat appeal** are d» i-.UJed, not upon their merit*, but through favoritlHtn and political Influence. The agent r<*commendri that provision he made hy the I/egtalature for an ap|>ea) to the whlUs conrtH nn all the reservation* complaint Is made HK*hiNt t h e g o v e r n m e n t n n t h o s e o r u of favoritism, anrl there appears to be H lack of r,x>wer trr carry the decree* of the autlioriticH lnt<» effect. There l»* much diHsatlsfacf Ion among the peo- ple uf the Seneca Nation growing out of the be lief that the income of the nation in improperly handled. \ bill is pending In emigre*-- providing for the collection «f rent* and < il royaltler* try the C H. IndlHii ageni ln»t*md of hy the Heneca Nation treasurer, and for a distribution of such fund** Hntonif th» (K«>pU* affrr giving tlt« Heneca Nation c'unicll a Htipulatcd arriount for paying th« ex p -rise* of the go\ emrnerit The schools on the vaiioii* rencr vat ions in the New York agency <ie Kiippor.i'd by the Htate. The Hchool n-fiort.s >-how that there are 29 riit* districts, with a total number of 1.29<1 pupils of school age. The state build- and maintains, the fcchool buildings on the iiftcient rehervatlons, and payn the teachers. I fie expenses of the schools for the past si-bool vt a rare repon«*d at f 11.S9I.I0. Ttie State also Mupp,rts tin- i hoinat* asylum, an institution for-the i are and education of Indian o.phioi and dependi nf chihlien The asyliun i 1 - loi atc<l on the < 'atlaiaugu - reservation near V'er s .illi"--, and etiren fur ov.-r !<>• children, IH'IWWII the ages of ;t and It; \ cars I he State makes an annual appropriate»n of .-jomvo f ( ,r the support of the ass inns, anil is expending a large sum oi money In the erection of buildings The Friend, of Pnil tdelphia maintain a board ing school for Indi nr children adjacent to the Allegany reservation, ncai the jamtofhoe ot TunesHNsa There Is connrHted with the school a fai m nf 40-| acres. Che boys and girls. In ad dition to the instruction in tin school room, are taught all bran* lies of farm and housework. The atfendatn-e of pupils is limit«*d to i'), and th*' cost id maintaining rhe school, outside of farm n ^^>&n;^&&>£yte^ year $8,500 worth of sheeting i and ginghams among the Cayugas, Oneida*. 0n< ndagas, Senecaa and Tnscaroras, In pursuance of treaty made with the Six Nations, November 17, 1784 The State pays annuities as follows, To the Onon- dagas, t2,440; to the Cayugas, ||.8Q0. to the St Regis, i», 180.67, and to the Senegas, $600. LOUI6VJLU:. LotTMYlLLE, M a ? 88.-Mr. and Mr». David Willson are in very poor health. Mrs. Policy, of Masseua, and Mrs. Louiaa Willson, of Louisville Lam ling, are here carluK for them.—Jamea Mathews of the Ijanding and daughter, Mn. Hardendorf. of Madrid, were calling on fr lends in town. —Mrs. Frederick Mein ana son Harold, also Mrs. Mark Alexanderl of Norfolk, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bamuel Alex- ander.—Mr. and Mrs. L. C.I Ball, Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips and 3. Russell, of 1 Maaaena, were here last waek.—Mr. and Mrs. John E. Davey drove! to Potsdam, Saturday.— Two teams of horses are en- gaged in drawing lumber for the town bouse from Bucks Bridge, j The founda- tion is nearly completed.—Miss Margaret Gaynor and John G. Doud 4pent Sunday in Potsdam.—Mr. and Mini, J o h n H. Whalen and family attend*.!! the funeral of their cousin, Thomas Denjen in Madrid, Sunday.-Ezra Oakes was tfte guest of hla sister In Norwood, Sunday!-Mrs. Hugh Short and daughter, Miss iJ a J. McUur- ry, also L. J. Sullivan, Drl O'Brien and Wm. Bradshaw were in MasTena last week. Clayton Campbell and W. L. Bradshaw will begin taking the census June 1st.— Mr. and Mrs. Rich mi re, of Iroquois, are the guests of Rev. Coons and wife.—8 F. Wells and daughter Jessie, also Miss Mary Wells visited frienda at the landing, Sun day.-Samuel Wells met with quite a pain ful accident. Tuesday. While at work in the saw mill in some way bis leg caught in the belt and held him then* until assist ance came, when he was released. The Mesh on the leg waa torn somewhat. lit- is quite lame. "Mian Ada l)<iwey was the guest of MIKH Grace Whiting. -Mrs Iienj. Nichols, who has tieen VIHIUUK relatives here, han. returned to her home in Galilee. —Win. Andrew lont a valuable horse la*d week. -Miss .ienuie C Sulllvau, also J as. M Gaynor attended Ma.«s at the church of the Sacred Heart in Massenh —Miss Har riet Hoy wood, of MaHseoH, called OJ Mis^ C Antoinette Miller, Sunday. • Miss Katie MeNuity, who had to dose h»r school her* on account of slcknins, reopened it again Monday I w i l l flurprinc y o u - t r y I t . I t 1» tin 1 tneilicino alsivo all others' for catarrh and is worth its weight in gold EIV'M Cream Balm dr>es all that is claimed for it. B W. Sperry, Hartfor*!, Conn My.son wan aillicted witj catarrh. I Jo usexi Ely's Cream Balm and the diHagree- ahle catarrh all left him.—J. JC Ol instead, Areola, ill. The Balm does not irritatedr r^uoe sneez ing. Sold by druggists at 50 r:t«. or maile<i t»y Kly Brother*, f>fi Warren Sr , New York NOTICE. 9000 c,o^d, f reen w ^^ tOT ^ e at whoiesai w v U prices. Will deliver «Teen soft wood to any part of the city for $8-00 ]>er cord, 4 feet long. Also birch and l>eech 82 inches long for $5.00, Cash mnst aexjompany ordeni, Addreaa <'. F. JONB8. 80 Mont*^mery St , <1ty ; CREAM t 1 M L BASS StASON. 'hlef I'mli < t< t I'MIKI r»not«'H the f.aw« At »« regular tneetlng «>f Canton Amur anth. N« )'', I'atrlarelm Militant, the fol IOWIHK >dir^r« w e r e ln»rf.Hlle<l for the enaii- Irrif yeni (Vrmmnntlf, DoiiKlaxN CrniiM^r, li«Mit#MiHiit, Vm\ A Hmrt, en«lgn, Dr l» A S«ol»le, clerk, John M FVIl, ar < ormt ant, Jame« A M.tiillu, nt^mdnrd tionrer, fhoirr J. HarrN. guard, drdin K. Wafer man, picket. Win Ilaelegrave st^ntlnel, .1 B. ilolmeH. ,1 I,. Bourdon wan appoint ed drill m«»t/ir The Canton IM now In a v«»ry flourishing condition, havltitf rt U<>«M! mf«nilw<r«ihlp, mid great lnt«nwt In being taken In the drlllB In a nhort time twenty Ave new uniforms will l>e purrhjumd which will then place the Canton among the bent In the state. Speaking of the onen and c l o s e d HenHou for black !>«-*«, Cfiii f (iHiue I'rolector .1 W Pond *rnid yeetorday "<'ommunicat ions are l»*»in.< received daily relative to the open and cloned wimon for black 1)H I *H The Keneial provUton readw aw follows "The clone weaHou for hlack I rasa ahull la< from .iHiuiary I-*t t o June ir>fh, l»oth In cltmlve." This must nreessarlly make January Uf and all time from then up to and Including June 1Mb the clone seanon. Therefore h «MH SHhiug under the genera! irroviHion will not open until June With in- stead of the ITdh as heretofore. "A sptM-iul provision whhdi applies t-o ! the waters of the St. Ijawrence river reads as follows 'The close season for black baas shall fee In the St I«awreuce river and waters In JetTerson county from January lat to .IUIIP uth, liofh Inclusive ' " I IttTitry Nuten. Ttinnot generally known that attaphe<I to the statT of the I'arls Olwervatory is an American astrenomer, Misa Dorothea Klumpke of California. In k VovemlM»r last, In company with a friend ami an aeronaut. Miss Klumpke marie an ascension from the city of I'arls with the purpose of oh serving the expected shower of 1 eon Ids Her experience of "A Night In a Ballooon," on a trip which extended to the bonier of the «ea, will I>e narrated by her in the Jttne Cenfnrj/, with illustrations by Castalgne. drawn under her directions, and with a portrait of the writer. LDWARDSVILLt LAWSUIT. Will <io to th»* Court of Appeals, Two lurle* Fall to k Agree, Another Flndu No I i»u*e for Action. County .fudge Affirms the Decision. County Judge Theodore Swift has hand *d down a decision affirming the judgment of the lower eourt In the case of Chamtiers vs. Austin, and the case will now go to the appellate division. 1,. K. Chambers for marly resided trj Edwardaville and In a.sale of certain land took in part payment a quantity of tuinlier from H.S. Austin win run a saw mijl. During; a conflagation which nearly wiped out the hamlet, the saw mill and a port ion of the lumf**r which wa«||not delivered were burned, and thh' action was brought to recover the value of t h e l u m b e r b u r n e d , a b o u t $.'C». The CH<*O was heard isdore Justice Mc- Kostie and a jury trial deniandetl. Twice juries wreMled with therjuestlon as to lia billty ami were unable to axre*», but the third jury promptly handed in a verdict of no cause for action. The CUM' was taken to the county court and argued liefore Judge Swift who af flrniH the verdict found below. The plain till' is not satisfied aa yet and declares his intention of going to the appellate division. CiiHiles Hagerman of Alexandria Hay went to Watertmwn, Friday, and took his fiv*> little children Rachel, aged l;t; Myr tie, aged 7; Annie, aged ft; Mabel, aged 4, and Arnold, aged ii -from the Orphan's Home, lieing now in circumstances which will allow htm to care for them. The chll- dren were placed in the Heme two years i ago, when their mother, Mrs. Josephine Hsgerman, wan drowned while vainly try Ing to rescue thidr sister, Addle Belle, and brothers. Marsh and Bert, who had broken through the ice while skating on a pond a f"w rods from the Hagerman home, on December Until, IH"8. The little ones ap peared very happy at the prospect of going to their own home once more. ranhona (SrnngnrM. St. Lawrence Co. Pomona GraBJBs Will meet in Masonlij Hall, Norwood, June ft at. II o'eloek a m. The evening session will 1* public, at which time Hon. A. W. Lltch- ard of Alleghany Co. will speak.*He Is assemblyman from that county and one of the best speaker^ In the state. A literary and musical pro-gram will also be given. Farmers, it is worth your while to attend. Village people Will be well paid for coming. j FRED SHEPARD, Sec'y. I^awrenceville, May 28. eljtts, h about $*>,'•<*> |MT vear, In addition to the seftool laeiUtles jirovlihvl hy the .state and the IrleniN, a go<xl many Indian children from thin agency are enjoying the ad- vantages to he found In the I' ,s. government hooiHHt Carl "h> and Philadelphia, I'a., and Hamilton, \'a. A'tive missionary work is carriod on hy white missionary sordeties on all the reservation of the agr-ncy. The Preshyterlatis have two churches rrri the Allegany, reservation, one at jimerson town, the other at Old Town, with a meinhr-r shi|'ofl2T» and r..\ respectively. There Is also a church on the Cornnlantcr resrrvatlon jtisf over over the line In rentmylvanla, with amemhei- Hhip of 61, Ther«« an- Sunday achools connected with these ehtiM In-^. The Daptists have a church at IUH\ House, on the Allegany reservation, with a small memherslrlp Hervicrs are reuularly crai duett <1 by Harly Khnkey, n Hene«a Indian <>n the Cattaraugus reservation the I'resby terla-is, the HapTists and Methodist Episcopal each one The PrcHhytcriaiiKsupport a miicdouary on the tield "n the TonawHiida reservation there ts a I'ri'H hyterlan. Hspfht and Methodist Kpineopal elmrch, On thcT-scarru-a ieso vatl- n Ith.r is a Banti t and i'rr'shyteriau •hur'di, arid on the r nonda/u r»>ser\atiou an KiHcupal, Methrsllst Kptseopal and S\ esleyan Meilio<tUt <duireh. In (connection with tie* Kplscoim) ' | iur ,.i, there i-a mission In which Industrial training Is given. A majority of the St. Keids Indian^ are Catholics and mem l-ersoi the catholic ch ur( .h in the Canadian vil- lage oi St. Regis. The Methodist Kplseopal ehurr h at ll-'ganshiirg has >i itiemhership ol 52 The missionaries in charge of the work on these reservations repott substantial progress In the condition of the Indian people. They are build Ing more eomforlah;e homes, cultivate their lands tHMt«»r, take more Interest in educational matters, are more helpful to each other, evince an increased spirit of self sacrifice aud Christian work. Rev. M. K Trlpi*>. who has heen engaged hi the work for nineteen years, report* that fie has ,, ni, hesitation in saving that the Indians can he as readily and thoroughly christianized and civilized as any people among whom the i Christian church hns planted missions." The agent reports the white* living hi the vi- cinity of the reservation* generally agree that there is steady Improvement In the condition of the Indians residing thereon. Nevertheless re servatlon morals urn not what they should'be The Indians as a rule are not a vicious class, but Intemperance and immorality prevail to a large extent The Indians have a natural projiensfty for 'the water" and It In difficult to enforce the law prohibiting the sale of liipior to them. The Court of Claims and Supreme Court of the l-nlted Htates having decided In favor of the New York Indians in the matter of the Kansas laud claim. Congress has appropriated $1,967,066 to he distributer! among the Indians entitled to share in such distribution. The agent nays a large majority of the Indians are opposed to citizenship The principal rea sons for this opposition .are these; The unedu- cated and non progressive feel that they are un~ propared for the duties and responsibilities of citizenship, and they fear to make the change from the present to a new system. Many of the more intelligent and enterprising people have arviulrrnl considerable re H i estate, and they fear a division of lands In severalty and citizenship wotilti<iopr.ve them of the results of their enter prise and Industry. The United Htate holds in trust 1288,060 tor the Seneeas and $86,950 for the Tonawanda band. The Interest on these funds, amounting to $11,~ 009.50 and $4,849 50, respectively la distributed by the United State agent. The per capita amount froin the first fund last year was $4JW Each of the Tonawanda* received $8 88 from their fond, ftad$4.80 from the general, or a total of $1S.«6- In addition, the federal agent distributes eaoh THROUGH A GLASS. ,VORY SOAP is a skin soap. On one squafe inch of your hand there are 2,800 pores. On the whole body you have 2,381,284 0 { these little cavities to look after. Every one of these openings must be kept clear, or the impurities of the body can not pass out. Now, to cleanse the pores, you need a fine, pure soap. Scientists who speak not from opinion, but from scientific analyses, urge the use of Ivory Soap. 99 4 >6. per cent. pure. COFVICCW' ilti •» ?Hf H'X'II * OA*»i.( CO. C!«CIM«MTi •_ ErneM A. Fay, chairman of the repub - other business as may properlj <x>me be- lican county committee, has issued the call for the republican county convention to be held nt the opera house in Canton ou June 12, a t 1:W ]' M . for the purpose of nomi- nating: coHiitv officers and transacting such •••••••••••••••••••••••••a fore the meet ing The town caictlisee throughout the county are to be held June 0, at 2 p M , and the ward caucuses on the sam-J day at 8 p. M. Watches AND 2 Jewelry! Have a talk with us about Watches before you buy , it would be profitable to you. We have a very large stock this year and the prices are set to move the goods. < : ! ; : i : : BAILEY A PLUMB.J If you *ant CR^AM of a high standard of excel-J lence that givesi superior richness to coffee, ice • Cream or anytljing else in which Cream is used, get it from W( FARM. It is frtbm clean milk, taken out qy a sepa rat or and cannojt absorb any odors as it to do under the of allowing it to ••^••••••—•—••«——•• is liable jld style rise. M >< » M M M M M M M :: >* M M » M M M M M M M M 'i- *J S t w ttwtywfyvwtittyt CLEAN LINEN OTMNWMW1 IHIMHWII Should be every mar^s pride. There is where we encourage him. We turn out imnaculate SHIRTS, COLIJARS and CUFFS. AWEKICAN STEIri LAUNDRY Catherine Street, near Ford. • % nm wwyrw A m JKA, «<«<* ww wm m tLtt»tt»i * ;W. C BERRY & CO t family Liquor jjtore, i Jewelers and Opticians, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• IJ JU. S E 0 C L A 0 C d after MAY 1st, 1900. 3 p On an C A S The price of Fuel Gas will be re- duced to the very iuw pr1r<- <>f ^1 10 p c»" »»000 Cu ^ i « O U bicFeet. (i')OD BVR COAL Tou are a back number You niuat go. Farewell capricious, choleric, cumben*ome rxjal. Let every family place a Oa? Stove in their kitchen. Save money by burning jras and avoid all oust and dirt. G 0 E S 0CDENSBURG GAS CO W. SMITH, W'I1«(J.K*AJ.H AM; KKTAIJ. r ^ Ulbiskits, l.a^cr. Bcrr 6> Cigars, j f You will make n<> misUiko when w a n t <>f a n y t h i n g in tho alx)vo n .-• -•/• i f tiiuUMi Matos arm an? t>ro|)ar m furnish gorxta im low a« uioy ci i IK)ught any wlioro. \ A Bar Glassware, Corks, flasks and i \ Sue plies of all kinds. A linen, to try ux, aw since going int' tin* wh<»h*t«il«» businoKK w e h a v e f'<>n- noction with the Ix'.st housos in th«« UIIIUMI SUitos and an? nn-"i>are«l b> ?an lw Sflfpli 1ST MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. - -f^-i:.*^ Good Dressers w w w A Somt n>rn tikr t*Strong Cigars; Otlwr* J Like IDild Onr$; #Others Prrftr Pipes; r Some want io centers, jome 5 centers, others twofers. Some want dollar a pound tobacco ; others 25 cent tobacco. We have all kinds and suit everyone's taste and pocketbook. Our business is to satisfy our customers. HANNAN BROTHERS. Can get just what they want at CRANE'S, THE CLOTHIER, 37 Ford Street. NOTICE. ™" P URSUANT TO AN ORDER OF ALSIC 1 Herriman. Surrogate of the oounty of St. ] Lawrence, and a<XH»rairyf to tin? statute in saoh j »'a«« made and provided. Notice is hereby irivea I to all peraone having claims,aKalnHt the estate of i .Jeanic V. Tlionipson, late of Lisbon, in «aid \ county. de<'nai*ed, that they are required to ex- hibit the Rame. with the voucher* thereof, to the , suljstrrlber, at hip store, in Klackville, in the said j county, on or Iwfore the 17th day of Oetoberfcaert, l)at«d April n t h , 1900. SAMVEL S. TnAYKR, ' Adminlstrato 48 Isabella St., Ogdensborg, We> have juat received 8t<K)k e v e r b r o u g h t t o t h i s stating of WniHkiee, Brandies A I rn portal and ' Native Wines, Champegnea, (luinnefia' Stout Alcohql, (JinB, Scotch Tom (5 n, Ba«s Ale, A full line of Cordial), Mineral Waters, &c. Our Whiskies are all botight in bond, we can j therefore guarantee their purity. Imported and DomeiHc Cigars, Ales and Lager, Jugs, yFlaakfl and Corks. Particular attention given to Family Trade. Goodflj delivered promptly. |W. C. BERRY, ^4,^ .+< a **- h.i U i J 't« ^ftiwsife^ *#%t > * the fine« city, con" Whiskey, A T T At McGRUER'S. Every department bright and fresh with the opening of New Spring Goods. Carpets, Wall Papers, Lace Curtains, Muslins, Ladies' Tailor-made Suits, Etc. Particular attention has been given to the selectioa of these goods. A stock to-day never surpassed here, and if sot here, then nowhere else in the city. Prices, too, which point economies to the prudent. NOW IS THE BUYING TIME. D. J. CftiCHT o 1 You are cordially invited to make an early investigatioa of the new goods. 66 Ford Street. McGRUER'S. mm 5;~ * *! '# % & f/i^MM^B'^l v f^-lL* *^» ""*! ^i ! ;!?w^ >t& iyi&

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—Th* D«lryni«iu'* Ho*rd of T m d * flow tMiiMiiw rtt I ;ui (»«UH'k on Sa turday aft**r noon

T h * HI twin vHi-.ht r * * t . VinKAr b r o u g h t mi p i r i i m l o i i hertf from up river point*. Katunlwy

- W i n . C i y i n h of rhi* t i t y him IMH*U appo in ted K»v«rnnwnl IntMwtor of Hclrtnlg lug r o n t n u t in thw t'onntMtlnut rtvor

Fr«nk AcUtrm, » wulor on t h * Ht*ftrii«r Krowt, w*« »rr«w»U«<l Hnudny w h l l * d r n n k on th* «t r^tt* H* W«J» ord*r«wl to l**v* the C U T *«»«' p r o m p t l y n t o y t t l o n U m

A r t h u r W e b b , w h o hm» Iwen b r a k i n g on * freight out of thin c l tv , has lw**n pro­m o t e d t o n iHmUlon «« frwitfht c o n d u c t o r on f h# U W A;: < >. H II , riimtitiK o u t of W H t*r towu , «u»d vrtMit t o t h a t c i ty M o n d a y to <Ult«r U p o n hiH IIPW dutif'M

Ttu» new prwlf l lng eld<*r, l t*v OUn H. Colt . of thin illdtrlrf of t h * M K. c h u r c h wi l l I** In thw nltv Fr iday pvwnliiK, to at tf>nd * «niart*rly r<mf*»rfMic«of t h a t church . M« wil l *l«w» I*' h«r« S u n d a y *v*niwK and nrtwach hU ttrMt w r t u o u l t o an Ogdmudmry; aiultwnc**.

A lmrvfoot»-«l U»y rtlwmt f o u r t w n y**r« <>f ag« wan glv«»u hx tg ing at tht> OWIIH S u n • lay itl^tir l l « K « V » hi* narno aa T o m WalniMh'V of K ingMton. t >nt , and Haiti lu> wa« JookioK for work H* ha<I mon»»y e n o u g h to takn h i m »>*t'k. to < 'anada nod WKH itHIllwtHMl

Mrs KHa Met "<»y of W a t a r t o w u haa h w n b r o u g h t to t h " S t U w r f i i r * Stat** Hospi ta l fl*<r h a l l u c i n a t i o n la that «h»* • wrinthw HtrwM ra i lway In W a t o r t o w n , and A fnw dayn a g o ah« t.M>ard**d a oar ami i*«r j»ic*#v| tht> c o n d u c t o r by order ing worn* vtxry radical chaug**« In th« policy of thr» road

Thn a n n u a ! c^curHlon ta ( )gdp i iahurg of the- Y<>»mg i ropln'« A«««« iatton of (Jra«-* rhtirrlt, l , an*Hoqo#\ vvll! IH'CIII- on Thorn day hun» 14. by nUmmm Anuulc i i T h U IM uo . VIMII that IH eager ly w»»t< hed for and

tint mi!: r**\ CH< b yc»»r by our Cairn IHIV.'

e l

I'h.i Htciuncr wi l l htart f ium u.tkr n11 wtopH on < 'an.'iilian

d iau < "i K int-'it" Hldf

Th«- -tiilphur IIMIIU at the h h v n n U I " H i : Hfarch w o i k i nt < >udmnl CHUMIII Mr««. In-t w»^-k. and thi< l i t t le < ';»n*dian v i l l age WH-t h r o w n n i t" tt\trn*t* r \rif«»menf, for nhoiilii u,or« b u i l d i n g * burn d o w n the plant w o u l d hardly 1M- r> built thct»> The fire w»« but ju«f K»>tttug tdcely utartrd w h e n til«*'ovcrcd Hnd w«« . j i i l i k h c U i'n.uiMhcd \ ^liort t i m e >*<<< ' hi- unii|HiiiV bud H fl.>0%0#0 lire

I ( >«M

,b»H»<ph \ n h l e y w a x n g a i u »H»f<»re t h e r l t v recorder mi u t u n l a \ No one appeared wh»ui the • HHV wa>. - alb-d th#> S a t u r d a y Jne vlmirt c tcepf t ttc frtiHiif wiTicer. and if w»e. Ht«f*Mt that the matter hud h«**<n Hcttltnl, Mr AKhl<»V agrcwlng to neud hlw rhl ldrrn t,, H<-h«M»l rngulat ly hereafter T h e caat* wan h»dd O|HMI h o w o y m , and hint S a t u r d a y A«h ley wan «M»ut for and enmv U\u> court wi th lawyer , w h o Muted r hut t h e t roub le » r t w from « ndHUnHler**fanding on the part of Mr A»itd»<y, that he wan very «mrry and In tended no harm that he WHH a n t f o u n that htH ch i ldren diould g o to m hool and w<»uld h*>r0Aft*r a«aiHf the. lU>nrd In r«v#»ry wav poMHlbln Mr W a t e r m a n on l>ehalf of the truant otticer and Boar** <»f K^lucatlon ac c««ptlug the e x p l a n a t i o n , tt\t^ prowNution of (tie >-harg«> agaiimf h im of not aending h\m ch i ldren to MIIHKII waa dlamlaa4vl

A l n i a n d e i A d d e y , of 1'ioua H o l l o w , I Kit on *ic iHiur i'«iM,rltMH»' o n e <lav la.»«t WMtk, w h i l e gaf l ing b«r Kuck#»r» In the < >H w«g«f* hf»» river iwdow ttre d a m Me had HIM hori«! out m » punt, and atorwl w h i p p i n g t he, w a U r wi th a long l ine heavi ly londed wi th l»tfg»-ga»l' h o o k ^ w l f h bnf l i t t le «,!<• , ,.,sn | l , ' i l i t ' i i m o \ e d nearer the d a m and found that the c IOMM he got to where the wat4U lun.lixl from the top of the d a m o n t o the ro< kx Uil .nv. the U-tter wan hi-< ^;H. i .'-»n In tlm inc l t t ' incnl he got too . iom< t<i the ilatn and the punt wan c a u g h t In a whir lpool and <arrled d irect ly under the fa l l ing water , which tmrhutth erilHhed the Uia« Into k i n d l i n g WO.M! A ;hlcy escaped to, fnmi i lng Info ' tm water an•! wa>r t hrown ha* k o n t o t tie UMIC- and conaiderahly hrntHed, bot imt Metiou-dy H»»land«»d on one of the m a n y -dieU ui^. HH k>;, from w h h h he w a s rescued by par t l e i w h o rowed out from -diore

Hut herford •< a th le t i c organi / .at lon .farte^l ..nt on the road thl" week under

c m c l l e n t mpipii e•. and b» reported aa «lolug a fine biiHlmuta To 1CV*HM of a t h l e t i c s the e n t e r t a i n m e n t put up by W S Kufhcr ford la m- at (utereat iug ('haa Mi Nei l , of Heu-iwlaer Falla, and T i m M c t ' o m d c k , ot

< >KderiHburg. w h o stnnd ''> ft ! and •"> tt ', w e i g h i n g ' I . and 'in rean*-cl ve ly , e H pourrd t tie diiTertMit gr1p4 and cute hen In wr»*«f l ln« . w i n d i n g up wi th a fr iendly bout An at t t a i t U e rent u re of the ahow la S a m Hoy. ex t h i e f of Pol ice of I'reMCOtt. Who p*M Hon at«>« hla thr i l l ing and dar ing deed of cap furiuK the five dc»iperaf#i burglar*. Joint ( o | ter . Win > our»n, T o m t'oiiriera, t ieo WiMid and Dan W a r n e r , w h o b lew open Viirni ' , \ < b-velaud -I *;afe at ( 'ardinal . Hoi i irt i i i i i ' i inn t 'hief Hnv m a d e t h e c j i p fure -iny!> handed, nlmply d e p e n d i n g on hiatru-if\ ^uu. Mr Hutherford w l l l a h o w t t irouyhout ( 'entta l * > 111 i t lo d u r i n g the

K H H I I I h ' l I I H i N l l n / ' '

I he ( hash : V.hley h a r d w a r e htiaiut'Ha tiH-i tweii Mold f.i 1,'Heland <V t 'h iaho lm, of (io'i vei "tieu ', the -tale b n l u d i n g ttre Mt<Mrk

it.iii' no l'i>id it na-t alao t he t w o hl^ .4 »f, the ( i A. I, ( ' K H ar.d T h e n e w l i n n lifW t a k e n IIOM-;OI

he i<(><wI»i are '>elng rrnrrntiyi d holm one of t he propr ie tory wil l

HI in r e n d e < harlea Ashley haa act ive bmunoMa in < >gdeuahurg for


.fnttn Mwrtln Ar«ui»e4t r io tm H o l l o w by T h r e a t * T h a t H e wan Oolng to l i r o w n litnmnIf. T a k e n In C h a r g e by t h e Po l i ce .

HH<I I l e e o n i e l»4««|u»mleut.

The south end of the Flrnt Ward wits In An upro»»r of «**olf4»ment one aftenioon th»-past week over the s ta tement* of one John Martin, an old penalonor, who Haiti he WHH going to the Oawegatc.hle river to drown hlmaelf. Mar t in followed the river bank along up toward the cemetery aa though. to aelect a n n ^ u u l e t place where no oim would luhBrfor* wi th hla plana, and while aome pArMMm k«t»t watch or him othera ha«t*ned rlown towu and notified the police. The chief and an oflUwr haxf^mnl ou t to the oemeterlea and there found the old fellow seated ou a l i t t le mound cha t t ing with aome workmen. He was b rought to the police s ta t ion, where he denied t ha t he in tended to kill himaeir. Mart in came here from Nebraaka and has l»een vialtlng hia aiater In Pioua Hollow. He has undergone two aurglcal operat ions and it la thought t h a t Ida mini! la allghtly iitiiMilauc*d. HIH aiat^r weat, out of town on a vinlt and th ink ing It waa don» for the purpose of "ahaklug h i m " he ia^came deapondent and threatened aulelde. After I>elng held at the atatlou a ahort t ime he waa releaae<l on promising to poatiame the aulelde afTalr.

ANTOINE Jt lTuE DROWNED. HM<I finti* to fllf( IMIMIMI to F i s h . Fomul

hy IIU No-n D r o w n e d In a b o u t T w o Feet of tVarar.

A n t o i n e J e r u e , a wel l k n o w n carpenter of thin c i ty , wan d r o w n e d at Uig lalaud at tire hea«l of the Oaloupa Kaplda, la**t Wetl ueeday n ighty He left here t h a t day w i t h hia mm Peter and n e p h e w . Fid ward J e r u e , to upend a few rlaya d o w n the river fluhlng T h e y u\arte c a m p on the C a n a d i a n end of Hig Inland, and d u r i n g t h e e v e n i n g the \ruing m e n w e n t to the oppos i t e en*l of tin i s land to the h o m e of one M c D o n a l d . A n to lne Jerue , w h o In 72 years of age , waw left In t h e tent , it waa after ten o'clock w h e h the v o u u g i n c i returniHl to c a m p , wh ich they found deaerted.

Thinking the old g e n t l e m e n wa» cloae at hand they wai ted a w h i l e , then began »r Hearth tor him t . d ig t o w i n U rh n v e i tiiey noticed the ho.it v\ at iidriff, but hclO r lose in ahoie by an f h l \ As one of tin m w a l k e d into f h e w a t e i to uv\ tin boat lit saw i he body of t he old man in about f-.M. bad ol water . He lay upon hi* (n <\ hi a n n a e vteurlt «l

T h e lM«|y W H H ^eCUtfHl HU(1 l>laced 111 t h e

tent w h i l e OHO of the Iniya took the bo i' and atarfed for h o m e , arr iv ing here abou orieo'cbx-k next m o r n i n g , 'I he authoritic*-were notified ami a w a g o n sent Hftei the IMHIV, wh ich waa taken to hla late h o m e oh I h<nny at reet

if IK t h o u g h t t h a t Mr J e r u e WHH in tin !>OMf and U'IW «4»|/ed w i t h a fa in t ing apell to w h i c h he wan subject ami fell iut^r the wafer and d r o w n e d He WHH Hubj,»«t f** dropay,

Cormier B r o w n WHH notifliMi anrl con d n c b s l an inveat i ga thm. Decea*M*d had workrnl at Hannan'a mi l l for aeveral vearH, ami WHH a pat tern maker . Mra Jerue , four aona and five d a u g h t e r a , all g r o w n up, aur v lve

A Monatet l e e H o u s e .

i t ifl e x p e c t e d that work wi l l b% CO»u meuceit ttdn week at C a r t h a g e on the big gear Ice houae In Northern N«-w York it wil l Iwr hwnf^'d |ti«f a l K i v e t h e o i d (\ X- A ni t i i i t lhoi iw, o n t h e Iwtnk of t h e river and wilt l>e erected hy the pnaliu^e d e p a r t m e n t of the A m e r i c a n K.xpreHa c o m p n u y t'ar t h a « e wilt ae lev ted iMa-aua*^ it, in cent rails located All the mllK i-datlona la'lwetui i t h a and ( ' g d e n a b u r g wi l l IM* furuiahed w i t h lee there , HIHO all refrlgr«rat<rr car , toge ther w i t h ice couauim^i by the railroad c o m p a n y . At the present t i m e St Law r e i j c e r i v e r i c e H u « a d , t h e dl -d r i b u t I n c pomta be ing C lay ton arid Capo Vincent . I b i s arr'anremi nt haa necess i ta ted comdd

ernble tuconveuteuce and in t he c h a n g e of locat ion th i s wi l l IH< overcome The new b u i l d i n g wil l be HO cons truc ted t h a t earn wil l run Into if and U* loaded by machinery in a few miuutea . ThoU'-an«la of toti-i <»i ice wi l l (M> harvpafed every w i n t e r

T t I i*l •! n r u m .


D e l e g a t e * to S t a t e C o n v e n t i o n I n s t r u c t e d for Hon . J o h n I l u n n a n For D e l e g a t e to Nat iona l « on vent Ion.

The Fir«t Aa4embiy n io t r l r t Democratic Convention wa£ held a t the Opera House, Friday, being- called to ortler by Hon. J o h n Hannan of the distr lot commit tee . l)r Jatnea t f i rv in , of Morri<*town, waa chosen chai rman and H, .1. Corbett , of Fine, and J o h n Morley, Qgdenaburg, a*ctya.

The delegated responded aa follow*: Fine H. J . jCorbetf, Hylvester McCor-

mick, t4eo. W. Parker . Dekalb ~ Dam Hur ley , Duncan Mctiruer ,

D a n l Powell. F o w l e r - M. V. Har.elton, Harlow Hhorlea,

C K. Jennie . Mor r l a town4 Robert Nicholson, Geo. K

Wilaon, Dr. Ja^. Garvin, l i lMbou-P. U. Mullin, S. W. Dailey, D.

M. Ix>ohy. K O M 1 « ~ W . B. Burns , ¥. W. PheUn , J .

S. C^orhin, Bennet t , Jos . Cal-

F. Darrow, Thomaa

Taylor, W a l t e r Klu-


la a liat of trial jtirora for the commencing In Canton, Mini

;n warehou i ont4-ntu

"Hi («nO \ M ( h

. . . n o - 1 Ix-cll ll ful ly tintf a ri' i iturv, l o i n i n g here in Apri l , PCtO. from hi f f le Falla and o p e n i n g a atoje uf the corner of Koid and State, afretda Later to' built the Mock at preanut oc i u pled by hla itore and haa conduchjHl a I at k/.e who lesa le ami retrri 1 bunineaa ( iwi tig '<• fa l l ing hea l th he forttunl a afock com pHiiy a few yearn ago , w h i c h r t l a t ed for four yearn, w h e n the wtore went back Into hla o w n hauda, and he then decided to cltHM* It out ent ire ly The n e w proprietor** are m e n of i onatderable e x p e r i e n c e and ptiah and wil l no doubt m a k e a anceeaa of thin nnder tak lr<K

CAN ION AMARANTH. O f l l i i ' i f l r.le> l eU for l i i i i i l i i | V m r . TW«i>

tf H n > N»>w | I I I I O I I M * f., h e A d d e d .

Following county court day , J u n e p h

A It Overacker , Oabornvi l tc , W H Parker , S o m e i v i l l e . A A, Keniaon, S p r a g u e v i l l c , Charh'H (J. T a y l o r , Dekaltr l u n c t i o n , A n d r e w C. Drxlda, ( i o u v e r n e u r , I W Htoele, H e u v e l t o n ; H. A Harlow, Hraaher Iron Worka, Krlwin P Hol land , Dt ikalb, Hen j am In ( i ray , Morr ia towu, ,1 S H o l l a n d , Depeyater , J H Dralge, Maaaena. Patr ick Donne l ly , Norfo lk , J a m e a I^»arv. North I^xwrence, If 10 I \ a d , N'orfh Stock h o l m , l^ lwln A l d e n . Maaaena; J a m e a K P u t h»>rfonl, W a d d l n g t o n , F d w i n Y o u n g , Star liHke, J o h n A Hnghea , Madrid, Wil Ham Strarler, Weat Hot ad a m . li<»re.n W a i n wrighf , C a n t o n , George C u g l a r , Chaae MUIH. Kmory t ia le , <Ja!e; Dorwin Hlalr, Par lahvi l l e , H. tt W a s h b . i r n , Depeyaler; Bradford S t i r l i n g , ( i o u v e r n e u r , T h o m a a "; McGiun'a, W a d d i n g t o n . F.ugeue T i l l a paui/h, Hermott , W i l l i a m K fircoii, Wad d t n g t o n . D e s t e r II t b ^ r , Ful le t v i l le . Al ta»rt Nort(»n, Sout h H a m m o n d , Harvey I. t ' le land, Isdwardw, A \ ( ' lark, W i c k , Frc<l F t .ardncr , Ktr-hville, p H M u l l i n , 1 IIH bou t'erifre J o h n U f 'rowlcy , Helena , .liiliti t'airney. Koaaie.

( iouverneur ^C. A laghan, Joa George.

Oa wegatchle • (Jeo vSpratt, H. l laufonl .

Wadd lng tou^ I (i, ney, H. N Hose.

Hammond J a m e s B. Wor thea , M T l m m e r m a n , W. K. Forrester .

Madrid W. T. (iaK^, Geo, D. Hughes , Henry BetUh

M a c o m b - J . M. Bogardus, T. J . Whit­ney, J . W. Mauaon.

Ogdenaburg, lat Wartl—(»eo. Hall , H. Hol land, John M. Morlty.

Unci Ward «. B. Capron, T. J . Whalen , Jas . F. Akin.

.'»r<l War»i J<mn Hannan , J a a . K. Kelly, Geo, K. Van K«|nnen.

4th Ward -VTm. Cox, Dennis Lynch, E P Lynch.

Delegatea to the S ta te Convention were unanimous ly Chosen as follows: Geo. K Van Kennen of Ogdeushurg, Jos . (Jeorgr of ( iouverneur and Dr. J a m e s Garvlu of Morrlatown. They are given the power of auhatitutUm.

Heaolutlons expreHalng regret on the I death of Dr. I, H Hossie of Gouverneur , a | s tanch dem<x:rHt and a memlwr of the d h -: trlct comtnilie*', were adopted, and the

v \ m p H t h y of the i:onven»ion r x t c u d e d to the tatni l j of the de<eaat*d.

.1. S Corbiu tuoVtMl that the deleuatca to t he S l a t e c o n v e n t i o n l>e i u n t i u c t ^ l to aup port on ly tho"<f <ielcgi»t«'a to Die Nat ional c o n v e n t i o n w h o a i c in tavor of W i l l i a m J e u n l n g a Hryati for pr««*.idei.t

('ouHHh'r/iblt< oppobiflon aroae, and it w a s finally d e e m e d fwat f<» send the d e b

1 ga lea Oldo«t I rh'tfd, t troy be ing m e n In w h o m the c o n v e n t i o n had full conf idence to carry o u t as far as poss ible the vvUhe* ot t heir cons t i tuent* .

Geo. Iv Van K e n u e u , one of t h e d e l e g a t e * idiosen, addresstal the c o n v e n t i o n , Haying lie preferred to g o there un iua truc ted , and

1 m a d e k n o w n that he ahould u s e hla vote ami ml luet ice ftir the eelerdion of Hon . J o h n

i H a n n a n , of O g d e n a h u r g , as a d e l e g a t e to 1 the Nat iona l oonv nt lon . Hla s t a t e m e n t

v«,>iH greetwl w i t h prolonged! applauat*. It WHH then pioved tint- the S t a t * de le

g a t e s la- instnu'UHl to support Hon. J o h n H a n n a n as d e l e g a t e to Nat iona l con veil Hon, and s a m * waa adiipted a m i d great applause .

It wax t h e n m o v e d to a d j o u r n , b u t Mr. Parker aaked to offer a m o t i o n w h i c h w a s to t t i ee f fWt that Mr. H a n n a n , if Heleoted a-* d e l e g a t e to the Nat iona l c o n v e n t i o n , la* ins t ruc ted to vote for W i l l i a m J e n n i n g s Hryau for pres ident . T h e m o t i o n to ad journ took precedence and w a s adopte<l.

I l l U m o n «', P h e l p w .

NOBWOoi>, May -.'!> H a n s o n C. P h e l p s . a gornl and very m u c h respected citi / .en of th is v i l lage , died las t T h u r s d a y forenoon between '.» and 1<< o'clock at his reatdenc* on Main st re*vts of a c u t e Hright 's diaease. Mr. P h e l p s waja lairu in V e r m o n t , *>'> year-a g o last A u g u s t , tmt has spent most of hln life in St L a w t e n e e c o u n t y He w a s chief clerk of the Mich igan S o u t h e r n H U , now I»ake Shore , for a nuinlHM* of years and ha«< held tnanyothrrr p t o m i n e n t poait ions , and ai i ioug t h e m w a s the post m a s t e r s h i p of th i s place under C leve land ' s arlministr.t-t lon. Mr. I'heliiH w a s a d e m o c r a t and al w a y s took an ac t ive part in politic*. Three brothers of the deceased are l i v ing , S idney K, and W i l l i a m F- Phe lps , of t h i s v i l lage , a n d t i a r y H , o( Minneapo l i s Mr P h e l p s SH Hurvived by n w i d o w and three sous , ^a inuc l , Fred !«url Char les Phelpa.


T h e i r N u m b e r , Condi t ion , and I*ro«p«et4i,

The annual report of A. W. Ferrin, V. H. agent for the New York Indiana, contains a large amount of Information relative to the remnants of the aboriginal t>i\>c» still remaining la this state. From thb reiMiit we extract the follow­ing :

The Indians renting within the limits of the State number 5 817. and are divided hy tribal or-gnnlr.atlonH as follows: Cayugas, 170; Oneidas, v»-'; (liioiidagHS, 551; Seneeas, 2,813; Ttwearorfif, 378; Ht. Kegls, l , r 4 . There are «Ix Indian reser-vat tons In the state. Their names, location* In the state . Their names, locations and size are UB follows: Allegany, In Cattaragu* county, 86 miles along the Allegany river, with an average width of one mile, and comprising 80,409 sore*. Cattaraugus, in « Hilaritugvm, Chautauqua and Krie counties, 9U miles long, with an average width of three miles, and embracing 21.080 acres; Onondaga, In Onondaga county, 8 miles south of Syracuse, 4 ralloS long. 2.8 miles wide, 6,100 acres; Ht. Hegis, in Franklin county, on the Cana­dian border. 7.8 mllen long by about 8 miles wide, 14^40 acres; Tonawanada, In Erie and Geneste counties, about 2n miles east of Buffalo, 0,549 acrtw; Tusearora, In Niagara oounty, about 5 miles northeast of Niagara Falls, 6.249 acres The Cayugak and Onsidas have no reservation A few families of the latter reside among the white* in Oneida and Madison counties, w h a t lands they have ihev own In fee simple. A con stderahle numlwr of Oneldas r»»ide on the Onon­daga reservation. Thet'ayngas mostly reside on the Cattaragus reeervatioa. The descendants of the noted Heneca chief, t'omplanter, numbering about «;, occupy a small reservation, emhractag some 700 acr%?s, on the Allegany river, Just south of the State line. Thin land was a gift of to Corn planter from the 8Late of PennnyIvania, and is owned by his descendants In fee, and Is divided In severalty among them.

The population of the different reservations is as follows : Allegany, Henecas 996. Onondagas, at); Cattaraugus, Senecas 1,270, Cayugas 152. On­ondaga, Onondagas f 51. Oneidas 114; Ht. Regis, Ht, Regla 1,154; Tonawanda, Seneca* of Tona wariila band, 602, Allegany and < attaraugus Hene­cas 44, Cayugaa 18, Oneidas 6; Tusearora, Tus caroras 378, Onondagas 4H

There are realrltng on hong Inlands remnant of the shlnuecoek tribe, iiumla^rlng about 150 a few famlllas of I'ooHpatueka, and a few Moa tanks These remnants of tribes have latermar rlod with negtocK until their aboriginal character i« nearly obliterated.

The Tusearoras are the best fanners. They have

fr<MMl farniH aiirl r-..rnfortahl« houser* and farm )iillrllnj;s There are a good many thrifty farmer?*

KIKO OIJ the mtUtraugMH reHervntton. The residents on the Allegam reservation are mak IriK steady progress*, HIHI there ar«' quite a finin t *«i whnhnvo cood 'i-nuwHird NNC.1 tllle<l fanrr** A i-oiisld* nihil- pin f of the < •rmiidagH and 'Cona v. and it i •*• ei vatU'Ti- ;;;i- c I>-IH) by whites uttrl r a Stiite law The M . t c • • r i« Indians negh ct tlnh .'«'t''nM fo eri(.',i(fc id luski'l ni.'ikiiiK. in which thev Itr. M r> profiele'il

' the govet llUl.'Ut ot l he l esefVMt iotlH is ) V chi' H w'th the e iejitl"ii of the Allegany and < a' taraiuiH t Hervathii Ther*e two latter rent-mr-tiojis ,ifc tiiilied uinler n coilititutioiiHl «yste|ji of ^ .<\ eriiineiit iiici-' i"ii ,!ic«l iiinhr fhelawHof

c\v Vori> us the i iu'ea Nation." Th< ofticerH in I-II-I-IMI by popni I Vi'te. The »-l»-ct ions Up t o th>- present yr-ar « M « held aniniallv. hut the ;on«'ii«l'd collet .* lit h >u of the SrlH'C't Nat ion , n biefi was ratifierl b\ tin- late beidslature, pro vldes for ii hleutihtl 'lection to he hold hi Nov "•inher. The nai Inn < lecN a pi esidi nt clerk and tieusurer. and 111 < oim<-illors el<iit from each re*> t \ation. and oilier minor < flieers The pre siiierit rtlnl eiiimeil i "iistii i.ie l he e\* eritlve anrl h-KislHtiv*' branche** of ((„. jfuverntnent, and the aft i i isot the nation »re arltnhuHtere^l try them The judicial power Is hulked in th<» prHC«'Uiakr-r»r' courts and i-'uincll. the latter acting n>* an appel­late court Th«-sr» court** afford hut meagre pr« teotiou to flu- jH'ople The pcuccniakerHtue often men without »«hi( afion or «xp«>rien<'e, and com plaliitN «re freipiently nunle that they are »n«-ceptlhh' to corrupt and Improper influences. Complaints are also madeiigahiHt theoouncilthat appeal** are d» i-.UJed, not upon their merit*, but through favoritlHtn and political Influence. The agent r<*commendri that provision he made hy the I/egtalature for an ap|>ea) to the whlUs conrtH

nn all the reservation* complaint Is made HK*hiNt thegovernmentnnthoseoru of favoritism, anrl there appears to be H lack of r,x>wer trr carry the decree* of the autlioriticH lnt<» effect.

There l»* much diHsatlsfacf Ion among the peo­ple uf the Seneca Nation growing out of the be lief that the income of the nation in improperly handled.

\ bill is pending In emigre*-- providing for the collection «f rent* and < il royaltler* try the C H. IndlHii ageni ln»t*md of hy the Heneca Nation treasurer, and for a distribution of such fund** Hntonif th» (K«>pU* affrr giving tlt« Heneca Nation c'unicll a Htipulatcd arriount for paying th« ex p -rise* of the go\ emrnerit

The schools on the vaiioii* rencr vat ions in the New York agency <ie Kiippor.i'd by the Htate. The Hchool n-fiort.s >-how that there are 29 riit* districts, with a total number of 1.29<1 pupils of school age.

The state build- and maintains, the fcchool buildings on the iiftcient rehervatlons, and payn the teachers. I fie expenses of the schools for the past si-bool vt a rare repon«*d at f 11.S9I.I0.

Ttie State also Mupp,rts tin- i hoinat* asylum, an institution for-the i are and education of Indian o.phioi and dependi nf chihlien The asyliun i1-loi atc<l on the < 'atlaiaugu - reservation near V'er s .illi"--, and etiren fur ov.-r !<>• children, IH'IWWII the ages of ;t and It; \ cars I he State makes an annual appropriate»n of .-jomvo f(,r the support of the ass inns, anil is expending a large sum oi money In the erection of buildings

The Friend, of Pnil tdelphia maintain a board ing school for Indi nr children adjacent to the Allegany reservation, ncai the jamtofhoe ot TunesHNsa There Is connrHted with the school a fai m nf 40-| acres. Che boys and girls. In ad dition to the instruction in tin school room, are taught all bran* lies of farm and housework. The atfendatn-e of pupils is limit«*d to i'), and th*' cost id maintaining rhe school, outside of farm n


year $8,500 worth of sheeting i and ginghams among the Cayugas, Oneida*. 0n< ndagas, Senecaa and Tnscaroras, In pursuance of treaty made with the Six Nations, November 17, 1784 The State pays annuities as follows, To the Onon­dagas, t2,440; to the Cayugas, ||.8Q0. to the St Regis, i», 180.67, and to the Senegas, $600.

LOUI6VJLU:. LotTMYlLLE, Ma? 8 8 . - M r . and Mr».

David Willson are in very poor hea l th . Mrs. Policy, of Masseua, and Mrs. Louiaa Wil lson, of Louisville Lam l ing, are here carluK for them.—Jamea Mathews of the I janding and d a u g h t e r , M n . Hardendorf. of Madrid, were cal l ing on fr lends in town. —Mrs. Frederick Mein a n a son Harold , also Mrs. Mark Alexanderl of Norfolk, were gues t s of Mr. and Mrs. Bamuel Alex­ander.—Mr. and Mrs. L. C.I Bal l , Mr. and Mrs . J a m e s Phi l l ips and 3 . Russell , of

1 Maaaena, were here las t waek.—Mr. and Mrs. J o h n E. Davey drove! to Po t sdam, Saturday.— T w o teams of horses are en ­gaged in d rawing lumber for t he t o w n bouse from Bucks Bridge, j The founda­tion is nearly completed.—Miss Marga re t Gaynor and John G. Doud 4pent Sunday in Potsdam.—Mr. and Mini, J o h n H. Whalen and family attend*.!! the funeral of thei r cousin, Thomas Denjen in Madrid, S u n d a y . - E z r a Oakes was tfte gues t of hla sister In Norwood, S u n d a y ! - M r s . H u g h Shor t and daugh te r , Miss i J a J . McUur-ry, also L. J . Sul l ivan, D r l O'Brien and W m . Bradshaw were in MasTena last week. Clayton Campbell and W. L. Bradshaw will begin t a k i n g the census J u n e 1st.— Mr. and Mrs. Rich mi re, of Iroquois, a re the gues ts of Rev. Coons and wife.—8 F . Wells and daugh te r Jessie, also Miss Mary Wells visited frienda a t the l a n d i n g , Sun d a y . - S a m u e l Wells met wi th qui te a pain ful accident. Tuesday. Whi le a t work in the saw mill in some way bis leg c a u g h t in the belt and held him then* unti l assist ance came, when he was released. The Mesh on the leg waa torn somewhat . lit­is qu i te lame. "Mian Ada l)<iwey was the gues t of MIKH Grace Whi t ing . -Mrs Iienj. Nichols, who has tieen VIHIUUK relatives here, han. returned to her home in Galilee. —Win. Andrew lont a valuable horse la*d week. -Miss .ienuie C Sull lvau, also J as. M Gaynor at tended Ma.«s at the church of the Sacred Hear t in Massenh —Miss Har riet Hoy wood, of MaHseoH, called O J Mis^ C Anto ine t te Miller, Sunday. • Miss Kat ie MeNuity, who had to dose h»r school her* on account of slcknins, reopened it again Monday

I w i l l flurprinc y o u - t r y I t .

I t 1» tin1 tneilicino alsivo all others' for ca ta r rh and is worth its weight in gold EIV'M Cream Balm dr>es all tha t is claimed for it. B W. Sperry, Hartfor*!, Conn

M y . s o n wan aillicted w i t j c a t a r rh . I Jo usexi Ely 's Cream Balm and the diHagree-ahle ca ta r rh all left him.—J. JC Ol instead, Areola, ill.

The Balm does not i r r i t a t ed r r^uoe sneez ing. Sold by d rugg i s t s a t 50 r:t«. or maile<i t»y Kly Brother*, f>fi Warren Sr , New York


9000 c , o ^ d , freen w^^ tOT ^ e at whoiesai w v U prices. Will deliver «Teen soft wood to any part of the city for $8-00 ]>er cord, 4 feet long. Also birch and l>eech 82 inches long for $5.00, Cash mnst aexjompany ordeni, Addreaa

<'. F. JONB8. 80 Mont*^mery St , <1ty

; C R E A M t

1 M L B A S S S t A S O N .

• ' h l e f I ' m l i < t< t I ' M I K I r»not«'H t h e f.aw«

At »« regular tnee t lng «>f C a n t o n A m u r a n t h . N« )'', I 'atrlarelm Mil i tant , the fol IOWIHK >dir^r« were ln»rf.Hlle<l for the enaii-Irrif yeni (Vrmmnntlf, DoiiKlaxN CrniiM^r, li«Mit#MiHiit, Vm\ A Hmrt, e n « l g n , Dr l» A S«ol»le, c lerk, J o h n M FVIl, ar < ormt ant , J a m e « A M . t i i l l u , nt^mdnrd tionrer, fho irr J. HarrN. g u a r d , drdin K. W a f e r m a n , p icket . W i n I l a e l e g r a v e st^ntlnel, .1 B. i lolmeH. ,1 I,. Bourdon wan a p p o i n t ed drill m«»t/ir

T h e Canton IM n o w In a v«»ry f lour i sh ing cond i t ion , havltitf rt U<>«M! mf«nilw<r«ihlp, mid great l n t « n w t In be ing taken In t h e drlllB In a nhort t i m e t w e n t y Ave n e w u n i f o r m s wi l l l>e purrhjumd which wi l l t h e n place t h e C a n t o n a m o n g the bent In the s tate .

S p e a k i n g of the onen and closed HenHou for black !>«-*«, Cfiii f (iHiue I 'rolector .1 W Pond *rnid y e e t o r d a y "<'ommunicat ions are l»*»in.< received da i ly re lat ive to the open and cloned wimon for black 1)HI*H T h e Keneial provUton readw aw fo l lows " T h e clone weaHou for hlack I rasa ahull la< from .iHiuiary I-*t to J u n e ir>fh, l»oth In c l tmlve ." T h i s m u s t nreessar l ly m a k e J a n u a r y Uf and al l t i m e from then up to and Inc luding J u n e 1Mb the clone seanon. Therefore h «MH SHhiug under the genera! irroviHion wil l not open unt i l J u n e With in­stead of the ITdh as heretofore.

"A sptM-iul provis ion whhdi app l i e s t-o !

the w a t e r s of the St. I jawrence river reads as fo l lows 'The c lose season for black baas shal l fee In the St I«awreuce river and w a t e r s In JetTerson c o u n t y from J a n u a r y lat to . IUIIP uth, liofh Inc lus ive ' "

I IttTitry Nuten.

T t i n n o t generally known tha t attaphe<I to the statT of the I 'arls Olwervatory is an American as t renomer , Misa Dorothea Klumpke of California. In kVovemlM»r last, In company with a friend ami an ae ronau t . Miss K lumpke marie an ascension from the city of I 'arls with the purpose of oh serving the expected shower of 1 eon Ids Her experience of "A Night In a Ballooon," on a t r ip which extended to the bonier of the «ea, will I>e narra ted by her in the J t tne Cenfnrj/, wi th i l lus t ra t ions by Castalgne. d rawn under her directions, and with a por t ra i t of the writer .

LDWARDSVILLt LAWSUIT. Wil l <io to th»* Court of A p p e a l s , T w o

• lur le* Fall tok Agree , A n o t h e r Flndu No I i»u*e for Act ion . County . f u d g e Affirms t h e Dec i s ion .

County J u d g e Theodore Swift has hand *d down a decision affirming the judgment of the lower eourt In the case of Chamtiers vs. Aust in , and the case will now go to the appellate division. 1,. K. Chambers for marly resided trj Edwardavil le and In a.sale of certain land took in par t payment a quan t i ty of tuinlier from H.S . Aust in win run a saw mijl. During; a conflagation which nearly wiped out the hamlet , the saw mill and a port ion of the lumf**r which wa«||not delivered were burned, and thh' action was brought to recover the value of the lumber burned, about $.'C».

The CH<*O was heard isdore Jus t ice Mc-Kostie and a jury trial deniandetl. Twice juries wreMled with therjuest lon as to lia billty ami were unable to axre*», but the third jury promptly handed in a verdict of no cause for action.

The CUM' was taken to the county court and argued liefore J u d g e Swift who af flrniH the verdict found below. The plain till' is not satisfied aa yet and declares his intent ion of going to the appellate division.

CiiHiles Hagerman of Alexandria Hay went to Watertmwn, Friday, and took his fiv*> li t t le children Rachel, aged l;t; Myr tie, aged 7; Annie, aged ft; Mabel, aged 4, and Arnold, aged ii -from the Orphan ' s Home, lieing now in c i rcumstances which will allow htm to care for them. The chll-dren were placed in the H e m e two years

i ago, when their mother, Mrs. Josephine Hsgerman , wan drowned while vainly t ry Ing to rescue thidr sister, Addle Belle, and brothers . Marsh and Bert, who had broken th rough the ice while ska t ing on a pond a f"w rods from the Hagerman home, on December Until, IH"8. The l i t t le ones a p peared very happy a t the prospect of going to their own home once more.

ranhona (SrnngnrM.

St. Lawrence Co. Pomona GraBJBs Will meet in Masonlij Hall , Norwood, J u n e ft at. II o'eloek a m. The evening session will 1* public, a t which t ime Hon. A. W . Lltch-ard of Alleghany Co. will s p e a k . * H e Is assemblyman from t h a t county and one of the best speaker^ In the s ta te . A l i terary and musical pro-gram will also be given. Fa rmers , i t is wor th your while to a t tend. Village people Will be well paid for coming.

j F R E D S H E P A R D , Sec'y.

I^awrenceville, May 28.

eljtts, h about $*>,'•<*> |MT vear, In addition to the seftool laeiUtles jirovlihvl hy

the .state and the IrleniN, a go<xl many Indian children from thin agency are enjoying the ad­vantages to he found In the I' ,s. government • hooiHHt Carl "h> and Philadelphia, I'a., and Hamilton, \'a.

A'tive missionary work is carriod on hy white missionary sordeties on all the reservation of the agr-ncy. The Preshyterlatis have two churches rrri the Allegany, reservation, one at jimerson town, the other at Old Town, with a meinhr-r shi|'ofl2T» and r..\ respectively. There Is also a church on the Cornnlantcr resrrvatlon jtisf over over the line In rentmylvanla, with amemhei-Hhip of 61, Ther«« an- Sunday achools connected with these ehtiM In-̂ . The Daptists have a church at IUH\ House, on the Allegany reservation, with a small memherslrlp Hervicrs are reuularly crai duett <1 by Harly Khnkey, n Hene«a Indian

<>n the Cattaraugus reservation the I'resby terla-is, the HapTists and Methodist Episcopal each one The PrcHhytcriaiiKsupport a miicdouary on the tield

"n the TonawHiida reservation there ts a I'ri'H hyterlan. Hspfht and Methodist Kpineopal elmrch, On thcT-scarru-a ieso vatl- n Ith.r is a Banti t and i'rr'shyteriau •hur'di, arid on the r nonda/u r»>ser\atiou an KiHcupal, Methrsllst Kptseopal and S\ esleyan Meilio<tUt <duireh. In (connection with tie* Kplscoim) ' | i u r , . i , there i - a mission In which Industrial training Is given. A majority of the St. Keids Indian^ are Catholics and mem l-ersoi the catholic chur( .h in the Canadian vil­lage oi St. Regis. The Methodist Kplseopal ehurr h at ll-'ganshiirg has >i itiemhership ol 52

The missionaries in charge of the work on these reservations repott substantial progress In the condition of the Indian people. They are build Ing more eomforlah;e homes, cultivate their lands tHMt«»r, take more Interest in educational matters, are more helpful to each other, evince an increased spirit of self sacrifice aud Christian work. Rev. M. K Trlpi*>. who has heen engaged hi the work for nineteen years, report* that fie has , ,ni, hesitation in saving that the Indians can he as readily and thoroughly christianized and civilized as any people among whom the i Christian church hns planted missions."

The agent reports the white* living hi the vi­cinity of the reservation* generally agree that there is steady Improvement In the condition of the Indians residing thereon. Nevertheless re servatlon morals urn not what they should'be The Indians as a rule are not a vicious class, but Intemperance and immorality prevail to a large extent The Indians have a natural projiensfty for ' t h e water" and It In difficult to enforce the law prohibiting the sale of liipior to them.

The Court of Claims and Supreme Court of the l-nlted Htates having decided In favor of the New York Indians in the matter of the Kansas laud claim. Congress has appropriated $1,967,066 to he distributer! among the Indians entitled to share in such distribution.

The agent nays a large majority of the Indians are opposed to citizenship The principal rea sons for this opposition .are these; The unedu­cated and non progressive feel that they are un~ propared for the duties and responsibilities of citizenship, and they fear to make the change from the present to a new system. Many of the more intelligent and enterprising people have arviulrrnl considerable reHi estate, and they fear a division of lands In severalty and citizenship wotilti<iopr.ve them of the results of their enter prise and Industry.

The United Htate holds in trust 1288,060 tor the Seneeas and $86,950 for the Tonawanda band. The Interest on these funds, amounting to $11,~ 009.50 and $4,849 50, respectively la distributed by the United State agent. The per capita amount froin the first fund last year was $4JW Each of the Tonawanda* received $8 88 from their fond, ftad$4.80 from the general, or a total of $1S.«6-In addition, the federal agent distributes eaoh

THROUGH A GLASS. ,VORY SOAP is a skin soap. On one squafe

inch of your hand there are 2,800 pores. On the whole body you have 2,381,284 0{ these little cavities to look after. Every one of these

openings must be kept clear, or the impurities of the body can not pass out. Now, to cleanse the pores, you need a fine, pure soap. Scientists who speak not from opinion, but from scientific analyses, urge the use of Ivory Soap. 994>6. per cent. pure.

COFVICCW' i l t i •» ?Hf H ' X ' I I * OA*»i.( CO. C!«CIM«MTi


ErneM A. Fay, cha i rman of the r e p u b - o ther business as may properlj <x>me be-

lican county commit tee , has issued the call

for the republican county convention to be

held nt the opera house in Canton ou J u n e

12, at 1:W ]' M . for the purpose of nomi­

nating: coHiitv officers and t ransact ing such


fore the meet ing The town caictlisee th roughou t the county are to be held J u n e 0, a t 2 p M , and the ward caucuses on the sam-J day at 8 p. M.

• Watches • AND

2 Jewelry! Have a talk with us about Watches before you buy , it would be profitable to you. We have a very large stock this year and the prices are set to move the goods.

• <

: • ! • ; • : • i




If you *ant C R ^ A M of a high standard of excel-J lence that givesi superior • richness to coffee, ice • Cream or anytljing else in which Cream is used, get it from W( F A R M . It is frtbm clean milk, taken out qy a sepa rat or and cannojt absorb any odors as it to do under the of allowing it to

• • ^ • • • • • • — • — • • « — — • •

is liable jld style rise.

M >< » M



:: >* M M » M M M M M M M M ' i -

* J S t w t t w t y w f y v w t i t t y t


Should be every mar^s pride. There is where we encourage him. We turn out imnaculate S H I R T S , COLIJARS and

C U F F S .


Cathe r ine S t r e e t , near F o r d . •

% nm wwyrw A m JKA, « < « < * ww wm m t L t t » t t » i *

; W . C BERRY & CO t family Liquor jjtore,


• J e w e l e r s and O p t i c i a n s , •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


S E 0 C

L A 0 C

d a f t e r

MAY 1 s t , 1 9 0 0 .

3 p On an C A S

The price of Fuel Gas will be re­duced to the very iuw pr1r<- <>f

^ 1 1 0 p c»" »»000 C u ^ i « O U b i c F e e t .


Tou are a back number You niuat go. Farewell capricious, choleric, cumben*ome rxjal. Let every family place a Oa? Stove in their kitchen. Save money by burning jras and avoid all oust and dirt.

G 0 E S



^ Ulbiskits, l.a^cr. Bcrr 6> Cigars, j f You will m a k e n<> misUiko when

w a n t <>f a n y t h i n g in tho alx)vo

n . - • -•/•

i f tiiuUMi Matos arm an? t>ro|)ar m furnish gorxta im low a« uioy ci i IK)ught any wlioro. \

A Bar Glassware, Corks, flasks and i \ Sue plies of all kinds. A

linen, to t ry ux, aw since go ing in t ' tin* wh<»h*t«il«» businoKK we h a v e f'<>n-noction wi th t he Ix'.st housos in th«« UIIIUMI SUitos and an? nn-"i>are«l b>

?an lw


1 S T M A I L O R D E R S S O L I C I T E D .

- -f^-i:.*^

Good Dressers w w w

A Somt n>rn tikr

t*Strong Cigars; Otlwr*

J Like IDild Onr$;

#Others Prrftr Pipes;


Some want io centers, jome 5 centers, others twofers. Some want dollar a pound tobacco ; others 25 cent tobacco. We have all kinds and suit everyone's taste and pocketbook. Our business is to satisfy our customers.

H A N N A N B R O T H E R S .

Can get just what they want at


3 7 Ford Street .


PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF ALSIC 1 Herriman. Surrogate of the oounty of St.

] Lawrence, and a<XH»rairyf to tin? statute in saoh j »'a«« made and provided. Notice is hereby irivea I to all peraone having claims,aKalnHt the estate of i .Jeanic V. Tlionipson, late of Lisbon, in «aid \ county. de<'nai*ed, that they are required to ex­

hibit the Rame. with the voucher* thereof, to the , suljstrrlber, at hip store, in Klackville, in the said j county, on or Iwfore the 17th day of Oetoberfcaert,

l)at«d April n th , 1900. SAMVEL S. TnAYKR,

' Adminlstrato

48 Isabella St., Ogdensborg,

We> h a v e jua t received 8t<K)k ever b r o u g h t to th is stating of

WniHkiee, Brand ies

A I rn p o r t a l a n d ' N a t i v e Wines ,

Champegnea , (luinnefia' S t o u t

Alcohql , (JinB, Scotch T o m (5 n, Ba«s Ale ,

A full l ine of Cordia l ) , Minera l W a t e r s , & c . O u r Whiskies a r e al l bo t ight in bond , w e can j the re fore g u a r a n t e e the i r pu r i ty .

Imported and DomeiHc Cigars,

Ales a n d Lager , J u g s , yFlaakfl

a n d Corks .

P a r t i c u l a r a t t en t ion g iven t o F a m i l y Trade . Goodflj del ivered p r o m p t l y .


^ 4 , ^ .+< a **- h.i U iJ't« ^ f t iws i fe^ *#%t > *

t he fine« c i ty , con"

Whiskey, A T T

At McGRUER'S. Every department bright and fresh with the opening of New Spring Goods.

Carpets, Wall Papers, Lace Curtains, Muslins, Ladies' Tailor-made

• Suits, Etc.

Particular attention has been given to the selectioa of these goods. A stock to-day never surpassed here, and if sot here, then nowhere else in the city. Prices, too, which point economies to the prudent.


D . J . CftiCHT o 1 You are cordially invited to make an early investigatioa of the new goods.

66 Ford Street. McGRUER'S.


5 ; ~ * • * !



& f / i ^MM^B'^ l v f ^ - l L * *^»

""*! ^ i ! ; !?w^ >t& iyi&