1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas Anderson University of Washington NSDI, April 2008 This work partially supported by

1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas

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Page 1: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble

Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas Anderson University of WashingtonNSDI, April 2008

This work partially supported by

Page 2: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


Global Reachability When an address is reachable from every

other address Most basic goal of Internet, especially BGP

“There is only one failure, and it is complete partition” Clarke, Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols

Physical path BGP path traffic reaches Black hole: BGP path, but traffic persistently

does not reach

Page 3: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


From use, seems to usually work Can we assume the protocols just make it work?

“Please try to reach my network from your networks…. Kindly anyone assist.” Operator on NANOG mailing list, March 2008.

Does Internet give global reachability?

Page 4: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


Does Internet give global reachability?

Page 5: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


Hubble System Goal

In real-time on a global scale, automatically monitor long-lasting reachability problems and classify causes

Page 6: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


Problem Seen by Hubble on Oct. 8, 2007

1. Target Identification – distributed ping monitors detect when the destination becomes unreachable




5:09 a.m.

5:11 a.m.

Page 7: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


Problem Seen by Hubble on Oct. 8, 2007

1. Target Identification – distributed ping monitors

2. Reachability analysis – distributed traceroutes determine the extent of unreachability

5:13 a.m.

Page 8: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


Problem Seen by Hubble on Oct. 8, 2007

1. Target Identification – distributed ping monitors2. Reachability analysis – distributed traceroutes3. Problem Classification

a) group failed traceroutes

Page 9: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


Problem Seen by Hubble on Oct. 8, 2007

1. Target Identification – distributed ping monitors2. Reachability analysis – distributed traceroutes3. Problem Classification

a) group failed traceroutesb) spoofed probes to isolate direction of failure


D to Y works!

Y to D fails!

D to Z works!

Z to D fails!





Page 10: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


Architecture: Detect Problem

Ping prefix to check if still reachable Every 2 minutes from PlanetLab Report target after series of failed pings

Maintain BGP tables from RouteViews feeds Allows IP AS mapping Identify prefixes undergoing BGP changes as targets

Page 11: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


Architecture: Assess Extent of Problem

Traceroutes to gather topological data Keep probing while problem persists Every 15 minutes from 35 PlanetLab sites

Analyze which traceroutes reach BGP table to map addresses to ASes Alias information to map interfaces to routers

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Architecture: Classify Problem

To aid operators in diagnosis and repair: Which ISP contains problem? Which routers? Which destinations?

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Architecture: Classify Problem

Real-time, automated classification Find common entity that explains substantial

number of failed traceroutes to a prefix Does not have to explain all failed traceroutes Not necessarily pinpointing exact problem

Page 14: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


Classifying with Current Topology Group failed/successful traceroutes by last

AS, router

Example: Router problem No probes reach P through router R Some reach through R’s AS 28% of classified problems

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Classifying with Historical Topology Daily probes from PlanetLab to all prefixes Gives baseline view of paths before problems

Example: “Next hop” problem Paths previously converged on router R Now terminate just before R

14% of classifiedproblems

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Classifying with Direction Isolation Internet paths can be asymmetric Traceroutes only return routers on forward path

Might assume last hop is problem Even so, require working reverse path Hard to determine reverse path

Isolate forward from reverse to test individually Without node behind problem, use spoofed probes

Spoof from S to check forward path from S Spoof as S to check reverse path back to S

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Classifying with Direction Isolation

Hubble deployment on RON employs spoofed probes 6 of 13 RON permit source spoofing PlanetLab does not support source spoofing

Example: Multi-homed provider problem Probes through Provider B fail Some reach through Provider A Like Cox/USC

6% of classified problems

Page 18: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


Architecture: Summary of Approach

Synthesis of multiple information sources Passive monitoring of route advertisements Active monitoring from distributed vantage points

Historical monitoring data to enable troubleshooting Topological classification and spoofing point at


Page 19: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


EvaluationTarget Identification How much of the Internet does Hubble monitor? Reachability Analysis What percentage of the various paths to a prefix

does Hubble analyze?Problem Classification How often can Hubble identify a common entity that

explains the failed paths to a prefix? How often does spoofing isolate the failure


For further evaluation, please see the paper.

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How much does Hubble monitor?Every 2 minutes: 110,000 prefixes 89% of Internet’s edge address space 92% of edge ASes Origin ASes for 99% of 14M BitTorrent users

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What % of paths does Hubble monitor?

AT&TAT&T SprintSprint

CenicCenicGigapopGigapop AbileneAbilene


Tier 1




GigapopGigapop CenicCenic


PlanetLab’s restricted size and homogeneity limit uphill 90% of our failed traceroutes terminate within 2 AS hops

of prefix’s origin

Compare withBGP paths of447 RIPE peers(downhill ASes)

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What % of paths does Hubble monitor?

AT&TAT&T SprintSprint

CenicCenicGigapopGigapop AbileneAbilene


Tier 1




GigapopGigapop CenicCenic


BGP ASes: { AT&T, Sprint, Gigapop, Cenic, Intel }Also on Traceroutes: { Sprint, Gigapop, Cenic, Intel }Coverage for Intel prefix: 4 of 5 downhill ASes = 80%

Compare withBGP paths of447 RIPE peers(downhill ASes)

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What % of paths does Hubble monitor?

AT&TAT&T SprintSprint

CenicCenicGigapopGigapop AbileneAbilene


Tier 1




GigapopGigapop CenicCenic


Overall for prefixes monitored by Hubble For >60% of prefixes, traverse ALL downhill RIPE ASes For 90% of prefixes, traverse more than half the ASes

Compare withBGP paths of447 RIPE peers(downhill ASes)

Page 24: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


How often can Hubble classify? 9 classes currently

Based on topology Point to an AS and/or router

Results from first week of February 2008 Automatically classified 375,775/457,960

(82%) of problems as they occurred

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How often does spoofing work?When a RON path works and another does not: Isolate 68% of failures from spoofing sources 47% forward, 21% reverse

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How long do black holes last?

3 week study starting September 17, 2007 31,000 black holes involving 10,000 prefixes 20% lasted at least 10 hours! 68% were cases of partial reachability

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How long do black holes last?

3 week study starting September 17, 2007 31,000 black holes involving 10,000 prefixes 20% lasted at least 10 hours! 68% were cases of partial reachability

Partial reachability:

Can’t be just hardware failure

Configuration/ policy

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Other Measurement Results Can’t find problems using only BGP updates

Only 38% of problems correlate with RouteViews updates Multi-homing may not give resilience against failure

100s of multi-homed prefixes had provider problems like COX/USC, and ALL occurred on path TO prefix

Inconsistencies across an AS For an AS responsible for partial reachability, usually some

paths work and some do not Path changes accompany failures

3/4 router problems are with routers NOT on baseline path

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Conclusions and Future Work Hubble: working real-time system

Lots of reachability problems, some long lasting Baseline/ fine-grained data enable problem

classification Spoofing to isolate direction of path failures

http://hubble.cs.washington.eduUses iPlane, MaxMind, Google Maps

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Long term prospects for spoofing?Support for spoofing: No complaints about our spoofed probes Can receive spoofed probes at PlanetLab PlanetLab support in future kernels? Router vendor talking to us about router

support for measurements

Alternatives to spoofing: Traceroute servers behind problems End-hosts behind problems

Page 32: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


Comparison to PlanetSeer [OSDI ‘04] Most similar system Passively monitors CoDeeN clients, probes on

anomalies Different and complimentary analysis

PlanetSeer Clients that connected

within 15 minutes 43% edge ASes

(sum over 3 months) Not problems that

prevent access to CDN

Hubble All prefixes every 2

minutes 92% edge Ases

(every 2 minutes) All partial or complete

reachability problems

Page 33: 1 Studying Black Holes on the Internet with Hubble Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. John, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Wetherall, Thomas


Characteristics of Problems of Interest Routable prefix present in BGP tables Persistent through 2 rounds of probes Routing infrastructure failures

Not simply end-system/end-network failure Judgments based on connectivity to origin AS

Not simply source problem Monitor if less than 90% of vantages reach Based on 4 months of probes to 110K prefixes

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How well does Hubble work?Scale: 89% of the Internet’s edge address space 92% of edge ASes Origin ASes for 99% of 14M BitTorrent users

Effectiveness: Finds 85% of black holes, 95% of those that last at least 1 hr

[compared to pervasive approach]

Cost: 5.5% of the probes required by pervasive approach

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Does spoofing work?

When 3+ spoofing RON nodes fail to reach: Isolate all failed paths in 61% of cases 42% forward, 16% reverse, 3% mixed For 95% of cases, all paths isolate to same


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Provider(s) Unreachable

• No probes reach even the provider(s) of Origin AS

• Probes fail in AS upstream

3% of classified problems (1-13% at any point in time)

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Single-homed Origin AS Down• No probes reach single-homed Origin AS

• Some reach its provider

17% of classified problems (4-37% at any point in time)

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Multi-homed Origin AS Down

• No probes reach multi-homed Origin AS

• Some reach its provider(s)

9% of classified problems (2-30% at any point in time)

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Provider AS Problem for Multi-Homed• Probes through Provider B fail to reach P

• Some reach through Provider A

6% of classified problems (1-17% at any point in time)

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Non-Provider AS Problem

• Probes through Non-Provider C fail

• Some reach through other ASes

17% of classified problems (1-37% at any point in time)

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Router Problem on Known Path • Last hop router R was seen on recent paths reaching P

• No probes reach P through R

• Some reach through R’s AS

7% of classified problems (1-40% at any point in time)



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Router Problem on New Path

• Last hop router R not seen on recent paths reaching P

• No probes reach P through R

• Some reach through R’s AS

21% of classified problems (1-40% at any point in time)

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Next Hop Problem on Known Paths • No last hop router or AS explains problem

• Paths previously converged on router R

• Now terminate just before R

14% of classified problems (1-39% at any point in time)

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Topological classification resultsOf ones we classify: Overall (range over time)

1. Provider(s) unreachable: 3% (1-13%)

2. Single-homed origin AS down: 17% (4-37%)

3. Multi-homed origin AS down: 9% (2-30%)

4. Provider AS problem for multi-homed origin AS: 6% (1-17%)

5. Non-provider AS problem: 17% (1-37%)

6. Router problem on old path: 7% (1-40%)

7. Router problem on new path: 21% (1-40%)

8. Next hop problem on known paths: 14% (1-39%)

9. Prefix unreachable: 22% (7-79%)