1 st Samuel 1:1-6

1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

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Have you ever had a Peninnah in your life? That rival or person that really gets under your skin.

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Page 1: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

1st Samuel 1:1-6

Page 2: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah

the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephraimite. 2 And he had two wives: the

name of one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children. 3 This man went up from his city yearly to

worship and sacrifice to the LORD of hosts in Shiloh. Also the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, the

priests of the LORD, were there. 4 And whenever the time came for Elkanah to make an offering, he would

give portions to Peninnah his wife and to all her sons and daughters. 5 But to Hannah he would give a double

portion, for he loved Hannah, although the LORD had closed her womb. 6 And her rival also provoked her

severely, to make her miserable, because the LORD had closed her womb.

1st Samuel


Page 3: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

Have you ever had a Peninnah in your life?

That rival or person that really gets under your skin.

Page 4: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

We see that Hannah had a rival in Peninnah (vs. 6) Why did Peninnah provoke Hannah?• Provoke means – Unmerited treatment, stir up

inwardly, thunder.• This went on continuously. (vs. 7)• Could it have been because Elkanah loved

Hannah more? (vs. 5)

Let’s look further…

Page 5: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

Because of this, did Peninnah become jealous and use the

fact that Hannah had no children while she herself had at least four children?

(vs. 4)

Page 6: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

Why do the Peninnahs in your life do the things that they do towards you?• Maybe it’s because you may have material

possessions that they don’t have.• Maybe it’s because you hold a higher position

at work.• Maybe it’s because you have chosen to follow

after Jesus Christ. (Matthew 5:11)

Page 7: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

"Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely

for My sake.



Page 8: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

We may ask ourselves, Why did God allow Peninnah to be in Hannah’s life?• Why did God allow Peninnah to constantly

provoke, irritate, to be a thorn in Hannah’s life?• We may even ask, “Why does God allow such

people into our lives?”• Why does He allow us to suffer day after day,

year after year because of those who seek to provoke and hinder us?

Page 9: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

As we go through this study, we are going to see that God allows suffering in our lives.

Page 10: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

But, He also uses prolonged suffering.• There is something about time.• We don’t like to suffer.• If we are going to have to suffer, we want it to

be short, done and over with quickly.

Page 11: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

Sometimes God allows us to be in situations, or even puts

us in situations, where the suffering goes on year after year and it doesn’t look like

there’s any end in sight.

Page 12: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

God uses prolonged suffering for several reasons.I will just suggest a few thoughts.• Maybe it’s to test our faith.

- Do we really believe that God is there for us, or do we depend on our own understanding?

Page 13: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6

In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He

shall direct your paths.



Page 14: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

God uses prolonged suffering for several reasons.I will just suggest a few thoughts.• Maybe it’s to test our faith.

- Do we really believe that God is there for us, or do we depend on our own understanding?

• Maybe it’s to show what’s really in our hearts.• To show us what we are really like inside.

-Anyone can put up with a moment of irritation, but years of irritation begin to expose what we’re really like.

Page 15: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

We get squeezed…

Page 16: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

You squeeze a lemon, what comes out?When we get sqeezed over time, what comes out shows us what’s really inside.• Sometimes it’s not a pretty sight is it?• We start to see… “My heart is ugly.”

Lemon Juice

Page 17: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

It might be that third or fourth child.• The first two were pretty easy. They slept

through the night peaceably, quiet and compliant.• Then there was the third child.

-No text book was written for this child.• Day in, day out, this child just knows how to

push your buttons.

Page 18: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

You see, God will use that child, rival or whoever is setting out to provoke you.It may be those who are in their own little group and don’t acknowledge you and leave you out.• But, God will use that person or persons to

expose what’s really in you heart.

Page 19: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

As in water face reflects face, So a

man's heart reveals the man.



Page 20: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

25 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the

cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence. 26 "Blind

Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also. 27 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,

hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful

outwardly, but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness. 28 "Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but

inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.



Page 21: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

You see, God will use that child or rival, whoever is setting out to provoke you.It may be those who are in their own little group and don’t acknowledge you and leave you out.• But, God will use that person or persons to

expose what’s really in you heart.• We think to ourselves, “That’s not me. That’s

not my heart. That person made me do it.”

Page 22: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

10 When He had called the multitude to Himself, He said to them, "Hear and

understand: 11 "Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a




Page 23: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

As Christians we must strive to have pure hearts.

Page 24: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are

noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any

virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these




Page 25: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

As Christians we must strive to have pure hearts.When others do wrong to us, whether intentional or unintentional, we must have within us the mind of Christ.• 1st Corinthains2:16; Ephesians 5:1-2; 2nd

Corinthians 12:7-9

Page 26: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

It is through pain and suffering that we see God’s

grace and Mercy.

It is through trails or tests that our faith is made


Page 27: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the

testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience

have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete,

lacking nothing.



Page 28: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the LORD and wept in anguish.

1st Samuel


Page 29: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

We see that Hannah was suffering inside, she was in bitterness of soul.• But what she did because of it is the point of

this lesson.• She prayed to God and wept in anguish.

Page 30: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

This is given to us as an example!• When we are put in situations, when people

are put in our lives to provoke us, what is truly in our hearts will come out.• Along with that, will come pain and suffering.

Page 31: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

It is at these times that our dependency on God is shown.

Page 32: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

28 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29

"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am

gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your




Page 33: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

•How is your heart?•Do you really know?•Has it been tested?•If not, it will be one day.•Will you do as Hannah did and go to God?•Will you come tonight?

Page 34: 1 st Samuel 1:1-6. Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him,

and he with Me.

