South Grafton High School Planning Document 1. School Strategic Plan 2009-2011 2. School Direction for 2011 NORTH COAST REGION

1. School Strategic Plan 2009-2011 2. School Direction for 2011web1.sthgrafton-h.schools.nsw.edu.au › sghs › school_community › S… · 1. School Strategic Plan 2009-2011 2

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Page 1: 1. School Strategic Plan 2009-2011 2. School Direction for 2011web1.sthgrafton-h.schools.nsw.edu.au › sghs › school_community › S… · 1. School Strategic Plan 2009-2011 2

South Grafton High School Planning Document

1. School Strategic Plan 2009-2011 2. School Direction for 2011


Page 2: 1. School Strategic Plan 2009-2011 2. School Direction for 2011web1.sthgrafton-h.schools.nsw.edu.au › sghs › school_community › S… · 1. School Strategic Plan 2009-2011 2

South Grafton High School Strategic Plan

Our strategic plan is influenced by our context, purpose, strategic directions and DET priorities.

School Context:

Strategic Management Plan for 2009-2011

We work in a learning community where teachers, administration staff, students and parents arrive at strategies or suggestions through the

collaborative decision making cycle. South Grafton High School is a comprehensive rural secondary school, offering a wide range of options for

all stakeholders. We are part of the dynamic Grafton Community of Schools where we work to share resources, ideas, policies and professional

learning opportunities.

We aim to;

*provide opportunities that allow all students, staff and community members to develop a standard of excellence in striving for the best outcomes;

*provide equity of opportunity for all members of the learning community;

*provide a curriculum that is relevant and adequately resourced to meet the full range of students needs;

*provide the opportunity for all stakeholders to contribute toward the decision making processes that impact on student learning;

*provide a welfare structure based on PBL that allows students to develop as happy, caring, and confident members of society in a safe environment;

*provide optimum teaching programs for all courses currently taught.

Our Priority Areas for the next 3 years are:

1. Literacy 2. Numeracy 3. Engagement and retention

These will be achieved through:

Improve the literacy and numeracy results for all students based on NAPLAN data and have growth that at least matches regional


Improve the results of Aboriginal students in literacy and numeracy based on NAPLAN data through proactive support and


Further develop quality teaching within the framework of Positive Behaviour for Learning and professional development.

Improve student engagement and student retention whilst reducing student absenteeism.

Further develop our opportunities for students to excel within an environment that encourages success and the use of technology.

Improve parental and community involvement within our school as measured by numbers attending functions.

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The Strategic Management Plan will:

enhance skills and educational programs that provide greater career opportunities.

develop educational programs and curriculum opportunities that meet the current and future needs of all students.

structure a positive student ‘profile reporting’ framework which measures student performances on a daily basis.

strengthen technology across the school by incorporating more technology within classrooms and used through educational management.

extend programs with the feeder primary schools, middle school, self select classes, GAT classes, teaching and learning and curriculum

frameworks as well as build stronger links within the Grafton Community of Schools

implement policies that clearly demonstrate reporting and assessment, supervision, resource management and leadership frameworks.

Specific Targets

2009 1. Increase the number of students in proficiency and high bands by 2% for both literacy and numeracy results. 2. Have all staff involved in delivering Positive Behaviour for Learning through the use of the Quality Teaching model. 3. Reduce our student absenteeism by 1% for each year group.


1. Increase the number of students in proficiency and high bands by a further 2% for both literacy and numeracy results. 2. Have 75% of staff using technology to deliver some lessons each week. 3. Reduce student absenteeism by a further 1% and increase retention by 5% 4. Increase engagement and retention through QT practices and innovative and tailored learning opportunities.


1. Increase the number of students (in years 7 and 9) in proficiency and high bands by a further 2% based on NAPLAN results literacy and numeracy testing. 2. Decrease the number of ATSI students in the elementary bands is decreased by 5% and increase the number in the top two bands by 5%. 3. Have student attendance at 89% 4. Have 60% of our students proceed from Year 10 to Year 12. 5. Further increase engagement and retention through QT practices and innovative and tailored learning opportunities.

National Partnership Reforms

Reform 1 Incentives to attract high performing principals and teachers Reform 2 Adoption of best practice performance management and staffing arrangements that articulate a clear role for principals Reform 3 School Operational arrangements that encourage innovation and flexibility Reform 4 Providing innovative and tailored learning opportunities Reform 5 Strengthened school accountability Reform 6 External partnerships with parents, other schools, businesses and communities and the provision of access to extended services

(including through brokering arrangements)

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Management Plan Strategies for 2009-2011

The management plan will:

Identify the specific roles and responsibility of each person within the organisation.

Identify the structures that have been developed to give a wider variety of educational outcomes for all students.

Identify the strategies that are in place to maximise the teaching and learning for students and staff.

Identify the management structures that will enhance the communication network for improved assessment and reporting.


Brian Heath

Deputy Principal

Robert Perl

Deputy Principal

English Maths Humanities PDHPE CAPA Admin Welfare Technol Lib/Car/


Bertus (HT)


L. Hunt




R. Hunt


Sinclair Hardy

Owen (HT)









Court (HT)










L. Wood


Kelsey (HT)















Neill (HT)





Bruce (HT)

Barton (HT) D. Youman (HT)

Vercoe (HT)







S. Wood

J. Worthing

White (IT SAO Milne (IT SAO)

Hilliard (TSO)







R. Hunt

L. Hunt

LOTE (Vercoe – HT)





J. Heath












L. Youman






Hill McCartney











D. Skinner






Year Advsrs




Ab Ed


Norta Norta




K. Skinner





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Ongoing Supervision Structures –Whole School


Deputy Principal

7/8/9 Welfare Team Deputy Principal


Executive Admin

Welfare & Discipline



Day to day organisation


Year Advisers

Levels systems

Subject selection


Staff Absences

Teacher Relief

Welfare & Discipline


Middle School

Day to day organisation


Year Advisers

Levels system

Subject selection


Shop front

Organisation of Executive

and SASS

Liaise with parents



Student Interview



Case Management

Students at risk

Learning Support team

Awards system

Tutorial Centre / MCC

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Fortnightly Meeting Teams at KLA and Project Level


Deputy Principal Deputy Principal

KLA, Admin & Welfare Teams

Programming, Registration & Supervision

Teaching & Learning; Literacy & Numeracy Structures

Positive Behaviour for Learning

Quality teaching and professional development / Peer Coaching

VET & School to work program

Leadership & Curriculum Issues

Technology Initiatives and Resource Management

Assessment & Reporting

Student Welfare Programs / Learning Support Team

Future Initiatives and Self select Strategies

HT Supervision/Structured

meeting with


Classroom Teacher Supervision Structure

Teaching Management

Program & Registration

Quality Teaching elements

Teacher and KLA Professional Learning - management

Positive Behaviour for Learning - support

VET & School to work program - monitoring

Teaching Resource Management

Examinations & Assessment

Discipline & Welfare - management

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South Grafton High School Strategic Directions 2009-2011

Following meetings held with the entire school community and an analysis of a wide range of data, during 2009-2011 we will target the following areas:



Absenteeism, Retention and Engagement

Aboriginal Education

Professional Learning

Community enhancement

Quality Teaching

Student, Staff and Whole School Wellbeing

DET Priority Objectives

In addition, the following DET priority objectives will also reflected in our work: Our priorities relate to the following documents:

Values we teach (2004), OH&S (2005), Code of Conduct (2005), Protecting and supporting children (2005), Environmental management (2005), Excursions policy (2005), Healthy Canteen (2005), Workplace learning (2005), Student Identification (2005), Promotion of safe & ethical practice (2005), Leading and managing the school (2005), Requirements for head teachers and teachers handbook (1990), Policy strategies for GAT students (2005), Controversial issues in schools (1977), Professional learning (2005), Homework policy (2005), School uniform policy (2005), Student welfare policy (2005), Guidelines for the safe conduct of sport (2005), Suspension and expulsion (2005), Aboriginal Education Review (2006), Anti bullying plan for schools (2005), Good discipline and effective learning: Ministerial Statement (2004); National Partnerships (2009)

DET objectives from the values we teach document are Participation, Fairness, Care, Integrity, Respect, Democracy, Responsibility and cooperation.

Our strategic plan is translated into school practice through targets in the Annual Plan that follows. The plan has been endorsed and approved by:

Principal: Date: School Education Director: Date:

Principal‟s initials: ______________

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Priority Area: Literacy

Intended Outcomes:

1. Data for students completing NAPLAN will show each student improving their results based on previous results. 2. Increased student, staff and parent understanding of the literacy skills required across all courses 3. Teachers consistently implement quality teaching models, technology and PBL techniques to improve student outcomes. 4. Staff continue to develop skills in teaching literacy and improve their teaching practice through interpretation of Smart data. 5. The gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students will be decreased

Target: In 2011, in writing, increase the number of students (in years 7 and 9) in proficiency and high bands by 2% based on NAPLAN results

compared to 2010 data.

In 2011, 65% of all students in year 9 are in band 6 or higher.

Indicators Strategies Responsibility Resource Allocation and

Funding Source


Reform areas

Timeframe 2011

T1 T2

T3 T4

Students with literacy needs identified from NAPLAN data and from in school testing procedures and support put in place including PLPs

Teachers use NAPLAN data to identify students below the National benchmark. Year 7 students tested by STLs for their reading, writing and comprehension level.

Information from primary schools accessed to identify students with literacy needs. Adjustments and accommodations made to the English program based on item analysis of smart data and student achievement levels. Information sourced from teachers on Year 7 students needing additional support and information passed through to the LST. Additional SLSO and STL time added to STL team to support identified students.

Literacy team; (School Development Officer) SDO / Mentor

STL team Transition team = counsellor, principal and primary schools English KLA, Literacy team

All school staff / LST


Counsellor / STL / MCC staff

NPLSES (0.8 SDO) to support staff ($115122 from 2010 funds) PSP staffing (0.6 additional STL) School transition team TPL NIL PSP staffing (as above) PSP allocation for 0.8 SLSO ($26200)

TPL ($3200)

R1, R2, R3, R5



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Additional staff trained to deliver literacy assessment tests. Purchase graded literacy resources relevant to student needs and interests

SDO, Exec

HT English / Literacy team

School TPL ($2300) PSP allocation ($3600) Personnel NPLSES total= $115122

Students can access the curriculum in a variety of ways.

Intensive literacy program in year 7, 8 and 9. Identified students supported through a 10 week program to enhance their writing skills. Year 7 and 8 students selected to participate in Peer reading Smart data analysis used to develop ILP and an Intensive Literacy program Year 10 students trained to be Peer Reading Tutors to assist younger students 1 – 1 support and small groups for identified students with specific reading needs. Multilit used to support reading development of identified students. Link with partner schools in supporting a Writing coordinator Shared curriculum developed and implemented across the COS and students tracked.

HT English / Literacy team STL team / Peer Reading team Literacy Team, HT English STL team / Peer Reading team STL & Literacy team Literacy team Principal, Literacy Team

SDO,Principals and HT (COS)

NPLSES funds: $143 270 (0.6 Teacher – literacy support, 2 SLSO literacy) PSP (STL allocation and Intensive literacy coordinator) As above PSP (0.1 Allocation for Peer Reading) PSP funds ($4200) & resourc TPL ($2500) NPLSES as above PSP as above School Funds (0.2 Teachers for writing support COS) As above + NPLSES: $16581 (0.2 staffing) Personnel NPLSES total= $159851

R3, R4



R4, R6

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Staff incorporating literacy techniques in everyday teaching and in teaching programs

QT model used to develop strategies that can be used by all staff to improve literacy skills across all KLAs concentrating on the skills in teaching Use data analysis of NAPLAN and incorporate NAPLAN suggested teaching strategies Teaching of literacy skills are embedded in KLA programs PBL lessons delivered through role call and PBL techniques used in teaching to encourage students to participate. PLPs for identified students available to all staff Additional support for teachers in the classroom

QT coordinator and QT team Peer Coaching STL team, Literacy team Executive, All staff PBL team and all staff STL team to produce folder for all KLA Literacy team and LST

NPLSES: $54182 (0.6 QT coordinator /mentor) TPL ($4500) PSP QT ($3000) Professional learning team Faculty budgets NPLSES:$2500 (resources) PSP allocation (0.2 staff and $1800) for PBL team Faculty Budget NPS 0.6 literacy teacher (as above) Personnel + resources NPLSES total= $56 682

R1, R2, R3, R5 R2, R4 R2, R4 R1, R2, R3

Capable students involved in competitions, GAT programs and additional mentoring

Competitions including debating, English competition, writing competition, general competitions publicised to encourage students to participate. Staff supported in developing strategies to lift students into higher bands Senior mentors identify and work with students to develop study skills Senior students supported in study periods. All Self select students to participate in all national testing competitions

Executive, Newsletters, assembly information SDO SMP team SDO GATS Team

PSP funding ($1650) to encourage students to participate. NPLSES SDO (as above) PSP (1.0 staff) NPLSES: $79202 (1 teacher) Subsidise costs - PSP Personnel NPLSES total= $79202


R1, R2


As competitions arise

throughout the year.

As competitions arise

throughout the year.

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Aboriginal students identified and supported

Norta Norta Support (juniors in class, seniors as 1-1 tuition) Aboriginal students at Risk program (identified through the LST) Encourage Aboriginal students to come to school. PLPs for all Aboriginal students 1-1 Multilit Reading support for identified Aboriginal students with trained SLSO

Aboriginal mentors Norta Norta team, Ab Ed team SDO LST and Aboriginal mentors (1.5 AEW) CLO, HT Admin, All staff STL Team, Ab Ed team, LST Trained SLSO, Literacy team

State funding based on NAPLAN results and numbers of senior ATSI students ($120 000). Funding Support ($62000) NPLSES: $45122 (0.8 CLO) As above Funding as above PSP ($1800 resources) PaCE funding ($6500) School Budget Funding Support for SLSO Personnel NPLSES total= $45122

R5, R6 R3 R6

All staff demonstrate understanding of and implement the QT framework through programs, Lesson Study, Ongoing professional development to strengthen the analysis and use of Smart data to cater for student needs

Elements of QT are reinforced through Lesson Study, KLA meetings and professional learning opportunities. Lesson study links with community of schools and project based professional support Professional learning involvement in smart data analysis Consistent approach adopted to assessment and reporting across the school and with GHS.

QT coordinator, Executive, All staff SDO, Principals SDO SDO, Principals, Executive

NPLSES as above NPLSES: $67900 (for lesson study release) PSP as above NPLSES: $93 500 for COS NPLSES as above TPL ($3500) Personnel (casual) NPLSES total= $ 161 400

R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 R6

R2, R4

Rewards day organised for students who demonstrate growth in their NAPLAN results.

High Achievers and those who gain growth above the expected value, identified and rewarded with a rewards day

Literacy Team, Year advisers 7, 8, 9

School Global Budget ($1800)

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Priority Area: Numeracy

Intended Outcomes:

1. Data for students completing NAPLAN will show each student improving their results based on previous performance. 2. Increased student, staff and parent understanding of the numeracy skills required across all courses and an enhancement of these skills are achieved through

consistent teaching practises. 3. Teachers consistently implement quality teaching models, technology and PBL techniques to improve student outcomes. 4. All staff understand the basic principles of teaching numeracy and the explicit teaching is evident in all teaching programs. 5. Staff improve their teaching practice through interpretation of Smart data. 6. The gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students will be decreased based on school NAPLAN results.

Target: 1. In 2011, increase the number of students (in years 7 and 9) in proficiency and high bands by a further 2% based on NAPLAN results

compared to 2010 data.

2. In 2011, 60% of all students in year 9 are in band 6 or higher.

3. In 2011, 60% of students experience growth in NAPLAN, School Certificate and HSC mathematics results.

Indicators Strategies Responsibility Resource Allocation and

Funding Source


Reform areas

Timeframe 2011

T1 T2 T3 T4

Improved numeracy outcomes for students. - Students will achieve at a

higher level than they started and NAPLAN results will indicate growth from years 7 -9

- Improved SC and HSC mathematics results

- Increased student numbers in advanced maths.

All students in Year 7 – 9 will be tested using a ACER PAT test to determine a baseline level of achievement. Tested again after 30 weeks to determine improvement. Selected Year 7 students will be offered 1-1 support in a Quicksmart program. Students in most B and C stream classes (Year 7-9) will complete numeracy activities each week with additional class support through the Djehuti Smart program.

Quicksmart coordinator, STL Team and SLSOs trained to deliver Quicksmart. QS coordinator, QS tutors Maths staff and QS team

School Global Funds ($27000) PSP (0.4 staffing + $26200 for additional QS SLSO) NPLSES: $49 744 and $47 874 (0.6 QS coordinator and 1 additional SLSO) As above TPL for training of Maths staff ( $4000)

R1, R2, R4, R5 R1, R2

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Selected students in Year 9 and 10 will be invited to join a Djehuti smart roll call class where they will practise their number skills 5 days per week. Regular reporting of Quicksmart outcomes recorded via CAAS testing and reports home to parents for those students involved in the program over the 30 week timeframe. Mathletics incorporated into teaching to promote student engagement. Parent evenings run to encourage participation and support for Mathletics Continued work with identified students to improve numeracy skills in small groups and 1-1 GATS programs to cater for identified students Programs implemented between GHS and our school to extend more able students

QS coordinator / team HT Admin to organise roll call group QS coordinator Maths HT and maths Staff Mathletics Coordinator Mathletics Coordinator STL, LST GATS team, Maths staff HT senior students Principals, Maths HTs

School Funds and NPLSES as above TPL ($2500) NPLSES: $8700 Mathletics registration and resources) School Global funds NPLSES as above PSP GATS ($5100) School global funds Global funds TPL ($1500) Personnel + resources NPLSES total= $106318

R6 R2, R3, R4 R6

Explicit teaching of numeracy skills is evident in all programs

Discussion with HT Maths and staff re results and indentifying areas of weakness that need additional work – these areas highlighted in teaching programs. Teaching of numeracy skills is embedded in all programs. Maths staff trained in QS and Djehuti smart so all are using the same strategies and it is being used in the classroom.

Principal, Maths HT and maths staff Executive Professional Learning team, SDO Maths HT, Maths Staff, QS coordinator

TPL ($2500) NPLSES as above PSP staffing as above

R1, R2

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QT coordinator and Numeracy team work with the Maths staff to more effectively use the QT model in teaching. Ongoing professional development in the interpretation and use of data to inform teaching practices based on student needs. Increased use of Moodle by teachers and students

QT Coordinator QS numeracy team SDO, Executive SDO, all staff

PSP & NPLSES funding as above for QT and QS coordinators and Numeracy team NPLSES TPL ($3600) NPLSES as above TPL NPLSES total= $3600 Other costs in previous cells

R3 R1, R4, R5

Maths staff using PBL goals to encourage students to participate.

PBL skills covered during staff meetings and roll call times. PBL teams develop and implement a range of strategies to use for achievement of each goal.

All staff / PBL team PBL team

School TPL funds and PSP allocation for PBL NPLSES: $2000 resources Resources NPLSES total= $2000


Cooperation occurs between partner primary schools to map student results and achievement levels.

Work with partner primary schools to gather data and map student achievements. Mathletics incorporated across all schools in the COS.

SDO, Numeracy team, transition team Principal, SDO, numeracy team

NPLSES TPL ($1800) Transition funds ($1500) NPLSES: $15300 (registration for non NP schools in the COS) Resources + TPL NPLSES total= $17100

R6 R6

Aboriginal students improve their results based on NAPLAN data, ACER testing and computer CAS testing.

Norta Norta tutoring in class Quicksmart tuition from Aboriginal SLSO / tutors. Identified students at risk supported by the Aboriginal team

Aboriginal mentors Norta Norta Tutors Norta Norta coordinator. Trained Aboriginal tutors, AEO, Ab Ed team, CLO

Norta Norta funding (as above) NPLSES funds for QS coordinator (as above) NPLSES funding for CLO School global funding for SLSO

R3 R5

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Encouraging Aboriginal students to attend regularly through liaising with parents and following up and support of students.

CLO, HT Admin, AEO

As above NPLSES total expenditure covered in previous cells.


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Priority Area: Absenteeism, Retention and Engagement

Intended Outcomes:

1. Quality teaching and learning are the main focus within the school where staff enhance engagement and encourage students to succeed through fostering high expectations, setting high standards and providing relevant engaging experiences.

2. Transition and student retention are enhanced through working as a community of schools, school to work programs, support from a transition adviser and appropriate VET courses.

3. Transition programs are in place to connect partner primary schools and support students moving into the work place. 4. The percentage of students in the top percentile will be increased to 20%. 5. Parental and community engagement is evident throughout the school through greater communication, involvement in decision making and increased

attendance at school functions. 6. Attendance rates improve to 89%. 7. Technology is used to develop teaching strategies to engage students.


1. In 2011, increase the whole school attendance rate by 2% (from 85.4%in 2010 to 87.5% in 2011) across all students 2. In 2011, 60% of students who entered Year 11 complete Year 12 or continue with further study at TAFE. 3. Student and parent engagement and satisfaction is increased as evidence by surveys. 4. 90% of parents have an email listed for contact.

Indicators Strategies Responsibility Resource Allocation and

Funding Source

NP LSES Reform areas

Timeframe 2011

T1 T2 T3 T4

The termly whole school attendance rates show an increase on each occasion.

Students, parents and staff regularly informed of the importance of attending school and classes. Follow up of students absent for 3 or more days. Regular prize draw for students who attend 5 days in the week. Continue SMS messaging to notify parents of absences

Principal, Sen Exec, all staff Roll call staff, HT Admin, CLO All staff, Draw by HT Admin Monday mornings HT Admin

School funds for newsletter PSP allocation (0.2 staff for attendance officer and CLO) NPLSES AbEd CLO School funds and PSP funds for rewarding positive behaviour ($1000) NPLSES: (SMS $1000, 0.6 SASS $29396)

R6 R3, R5, R6

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Introduce Millenium software to use on staff laptops to mark rolls at the beginning of the day and during each lesson and remotely link to school system.

HT Admin

NPLSES: $5000 for software Personnel, resources + software NPLSES total= $35 396

R3, R5

The numbers of students staying on to complete Year 11 and Year 12 increases by 5%

Combined Information evenings with GHS to outline the meaning of Year 11 and Year 12 terms. Senior mentors in the library for every period to support students with their study, assessment tasks and courses. Study skills days organised for Years 11 and 12 (2 per year) Visiting speakers to outline vocations in the future and the requirements of these vocations. Increased number of VET courses available in school structure by ensuring staff are trained. Fresh Start actions to support Aboriginal students in mapping pathways and being involved in vocational training

Sen Exec CLOs Selected senior mentors SM coordinator Year Advisers Careers Advisor Transition Advisor VET staff, Principal, district support Careers Advisor Fresh Start coordinator

School funds for postage home of letters. PSP staffing (1.0) NPLSES: as above (1 staff) PSP funds ($2400) NIL TPL funds ($5000) NPLSES TPL: $12000 NPLSES: $4000 School Budget: $4000 TPL + resources NPLSES total= $16000

R3 R1, R2 R6

Decreased number of unexplained absences as checked each term

Regular review of absences and phone calls once 3 unexplained days and then letters generated once 5 unexplained absences are formed. CLOs (Aboriginal and Non Aboriginal) in place to liaise with the community and prepare parent newsletters. Referring regular non-attenders through to HSLO

Roll call staff, HT Admin HT Admin All HT of KLAs and all program coordinators

School funds PSP funds ($24500) NPLSES CLO as above NIL


2 per year per Year


As available

As needed

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Link involvement in school activities to attendance using LOC. Awareness of expectations through weekly newsletters.

Principal, all staff HT of KLAs

NIL NIL Personnel NPLSES funding reported in previous cells

Increased awareness of students of the PBL program.

Survey students to gather their understanding of the PBL core goals and how they have been covered. Assembly reports relating to PBL to increase student awareness.

PBL team / Moodle survey SRC/SLIKK

PSP (PBL coordinator = 0.2) School Global funds Nil

Successful addition of new curriculum into Yrs 9 and 10

Develop a new courses for Year 9 and 10 (Z elective) to give students more elective choices and ones that engage students. School to work program embedded in school program

Curriculum team and timetable team Careers Adviser, Transition Advisor

TPL = 15 days for timetablers ($5300) School to Work tied funds ($3500)

For Aboriginal students, the rate of absenteeism will decrease by 1% and the numbers of Aboriginal students in Year 11 and 12 will increase.

Use the Aboriginal team in school to regularly contact parents to explain the school policy and expectations. Support Aboriginal students at school with mentors to help with assessment tasks. CLO to liaise with parents to explain letters of concern, attendance requirements and follow up with parents as well as support them in interviews. Aboriginal vocation days, Deadly days, V Tracks and other significant events for Aboriginal students. ATSI SBT positions promoted across the school and community. Identify Aboriginal students at risk and support them being at school.

AEO, Aboriginal mentors, CLO Norta Norta Team Aboriginal SLSOs CLO, Principal AEO, Ab Ed Coordinator Careers Adviser, CLO Fresh Start, AES Coordinator Ab Ed team, CLO, SLSOs

School funds, NPLSES funds (as above) for CLO NPLSES Funding support for 1 x SLSO (as above) NPLSES 0.8 CLO (as above) School resources Nil As above Personnel NPLSES total funding reported in previous cells

R6 R6 R3, R6

Once per semester

Term 2, 4

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Increased numbers of students engaged in extra curricula activities.

Lunchtime activities program in a range of activities – both outdoors and indoors. School Magazine development

Sports organisers + other interested staff Magazine coordinator

NPLSES: $36122 (0.4 staff) Personnel NPLSES total= $36122 School Global ($2000)

R3, R6

Student Retention reaches 60% for completion of their HSC

Co-ordinator to run programs and support students at risk. Support staff in LS programs + other initiatives related to (New School leaving Age) NSLA Co-ordinators to run community of schools programs across cluster and combined timetable to support and track students

Transition Adviser Principal, LST Careers Advisors HT Snr Studies

NPLSES: $33162 (0.4 staffing) NPLSES: as above School Pilot Program Personnel NPLSES total= $33162 + reported in previous cells

R1, R3, R5, R6 R6

Further enhancement of Yr 5, 6 transition program and curriculum sharing with partner primary schools evidenced by the number of schools and students involved in the program

Establish closer links with partner primary schools through staff sharing resources through:

- Transition meetings - Data Analysis - Curriculum support - GATS programs - ICT - Literacy and numeracy discussions - Sharing resources

Staff, QT and technology coordinators CSI teacher Transition Team GAT team Literacy and Numeracy team

NPLSES: QT and Tech coordinators (as above) $69 282 (0.8 CSI teacher) NPLSES: $33162 (0.2 staff) School funds – transition, staff, resources ($5500) Personnel NPLSES total= $102 444

R2, R3, R4, R6

VET programs are maintained and continually improved, meeting RTO requirements.

VET programs are regularly checked and meetings held with staff. Staff trained to update VET offerings

VET coordinator Principal

VET budget NPLSES VET as above TPL NPLSES total reported in previous cells

R1, R2

Guest speakers and presenters run special interest days for identified students

Invite specialists and guest presenters to run special interest days in TAS, CAPA, Home Ec, Science, English

Executive NPLSES: $14500 School resource budget $6500 Resources NPLSES total= $14500

R1, R3, R6

Once per semester

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Priority Area: Quality Teaching and Professional Development

Intended Outcomes:

1. Staff to be more aware of the elements of the QT framework and implement them in their every day teaching. 2. Teachers use quality teaching models, technology and PBL techniques to improve student outcomes. 3. All staff participate in a professional development during the year especially relating to leadership development.


1. All staff incorporate at least three Quality Teaching elements in their teaching (related to PBL and behaviour management) and be involved in one professional development activity apart from SDD in line with their stated needs as per the DASA survey.

2. Every teacher has a DER laptop and uses other technologies (IWB, software and Moodle) at least daily in the teaching. 3. 85% of teachers indicate technology support helped in improve teaching.

Indicators Strategies Responsibility Resource Allocation and

Funding Source


Reform areas

Timeframe 2011

T1 T2 T3 T4

Staff can outline examples of where they have used elements of the Quality Teaching framework in their teaching.

Formation of a QT team in the school to coordinate dissemination of information at staff meetings, preparation of SDD and links to PBL team. QT team to attend QT conference and bring back ideas for discussion and implementation. QT coordinator to work with NST and KLAs to ensure there is a clear understanding of the elements of QT and they are incorporated in teaching programs and that NST have a clear idea of how to use examples. Feedback from staff on how they have used QT elements in their teaching. Lesson study program involving all staff centring on skills involved in the art of teaching

QT coordinator. QT team QT coordinator Principal, QT coordinator QT coordinator and team, all staff

NPLSES as above for QT coordinator PSP TPL ($3000) Time at SDD and staff meetings dedicated to QT discussion. TPL funds ($3000) and tied money for Beginning Teachers tied ($2400) Moodle

NPLSES relief as above NPLSES Personnel costs reported in previous cells

R1 R2 R5 R1, R2, R4

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All teachers will be involved in professional development

Staff outline their professional development needs. Professional Learning plans to be developed by all staff identifying areas of need and choosing 1 area for professional development ICT TPL organised and available to all staff. Ensure staff are aware of the range of professional development courses available, the PLE and be willing to discuss these with HT and principal, know how to log on to myPL@det.

Principal / Staff Principal, SDO Principal, IT coordinator, IT paraprofessional Principal, Professional learning team, SDO

DASA Survey NPLSES: $33 840 (0.6 IT paraprofessional) Allowance for IT teachers to support other staff (school staffing) TPL funds ($25,500) Personnel NPLSES total= $33 840

R2 R2, R3

Peer Coaching program implemented in ICT

Peer coaching team developed in ICT from interested staff.

Peer Coach / plus support of regional team

TPL funds ($3500)

All staff involved in complete another Behaviour module and other mandatory professional development

District behaviour team booked to deliver the next core behaviour module Child Protection updates completed

Behaviour team / Principal Principal / Counsellors

TPL funds ($1200)

Enhanced school capacity to lead classroom teachers in improving student learning outcomes

Participation in the Team leadership for School Improvement Program School team plans implementation for phases 2 and 3

SDO, Principal, Exec School team

NPLSES TPL: $7200 School TPL: $7200 TPL NPLSES total= $7200

R1, R4, R5

AETD policy is embedded in school practices resulting in:

- Cultural awareness programs run

- Increased attendance rates of students

- Aboriginal community involvement in the school decision making

- Home – school

Addresses to staff on cultural awareness as part of professional learning. Involvement of staff in AECG meetings PaCE workshops conducted Support for students both in class and through mentoring.

AECG, Regional Ab Ed team, principal Staff Ab Ed Coordinator, CLO AEW, AEO, Norta Norta team, STL

NPLSES: $ 10500 resources and personnel DEERW funds $6500 NPLSES CLO as above

R6 R5 R6



Each SDD

Through T1

and T2

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partnership strengthened - Sustainable leadership

initiatives for ATSI established

- Student mentoring

SLIKK committee plans cultural events such as NAIDOC week, Harmony Day, Culture performances, Celebration Evenings PLPs in place and implemented for all ATSI students. Aboriginal students are recognised and celebrated for their outstanding achievements in sport, cultural activities, HSC results, leadership, and performing arts. Fresh Start supports students in their vocational pathway.

Slikk Coordinator Ab Ed Team, STL, CLO Principal, Ab Ed Team, staff Principal, Careers Adviser

School budget $2500 NPLSES funds for CLO PSP funds School Budget $1200 School Rewards Scheme Budget $3500 NPLSES as above for Fresh Start Resources NPLSES total= $10500 Other costs reported in previous cells

R3 R3, R5, R6 R3, R6 R3, R6

Students actively engaged during “study periods”

At least one staff member to be timetabled in the library to assist as tutors for senior students.

Principal and SMP Co-ordinator, SMP

2.0 staff from NPLSES and PSP (see attendance above)


Lesson Study program using the QT framework and concentrating on the skills involved in teaching.

Teachers to buddy up for lesson observation within KLA in school or like KLA COS Identify elements in QT Frame work as identified in Situation Analysis (every 3 weeks across 12 elements)

Executive Staff All staff, QT coordinator

NPLSES funds as outlined above NPLSES Personnel costs reported in previous cells

R1, R2, R6

Consolidation and training to better use the school wide technology resource of Clickview

SAO assistance to set up, digitise and access Clickview in the Library

Librarian SAO

NPLSES : $19 598 Personnel NPLSES total= $19598


Continue to offer VET courses to cater for all student needs

TPL for teachers to be trained in VET course delivery

HTs and Principal NPS TPL as above R1, R3

Increased integration of technology and ICT into all teaching and learning programs due to

- Effective use of connected classroom

Access to technology for all staff enhanced through IWB, laptops, connected classroom, Moodle, and other technologies.

IT Coordinator

NPLSES: $34000 for 5 x IWB; IT paraprofessional (as above)

R1, R3, R4

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technologies - Increased teacher

participation in ICT TPL - Support in using ICT in


Professional Learning for all staff in the use of all technologies Use of Regional IT staff to deliver workshops (1 per term) DER TPL available to all staff All staff have a DER Laptop

IT coordinator, IT paraprofessional Principal, SDO Professional Learning team Principal

NPLSES as above School TPL funds = 4 x $500 = $2000 plus relief DER Tied funds $13600 School Budget for extra 15 staff laptops ($8000) Resources NPLSES total= $34000

Strengthened accountability in NPLSES through internal review and SSA

Internal reviews to evaluate effectiveness of current programs and to help determine future directions Evaluate effectiveness of programs within COS Participate in VC and professional learning relating to NPLSES

Principal, SSA team, SED,SDO SDO, Principals SDO, Principal, Exec

NPLSES TPL days $6500 Nil NPLSES TPL $1250 TPL NPLSES total= $7750

R3, R5, R6 R6 R5

A staff induction program is in place for all NST and new staff to the school.

The staff handbook is updated. A staff induction program is run over 5 weeks for all NST and new staff.

Principal, QT coordinator

School funds for catering and printing QT coordinator funding as above

R1, R2 R5

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Priority Area: Community Enhancement

Intended Outcomes:

Increased contact with community so that all stakeholders feel they have an active part to play in our school. Active communication with community members


1. For 2011, the number of parents attending organised activities is increased on past years. 2. There are increased numbers of the Aboriginal community involved in school activities. 3. 90% of parents have an email contact listed with the school

Indicators Strategies Responsibility Resource Allocation and

Funding Source


Reform areas

Timeframe 2011

T1 T2 T3 T4

Parents attend the organised information evenings for Year 11, Year 12, CSI and subject selection nights for Years 8/10

Ensure website is up to date. Parent newsletter sent to parent email addresses. Continue to work on changes to school newsletter Advertise programs occurring at school. Running information nights on programs and ensure parents are contacted by MAIL as well as email All staff have name tags to wear at functions and executive have business cards

IT Coordinator IT SASS CLOs Principal Principal, Principal PA Principal, HT Admin CLO, SDO Principal, SAM

NPLSES as above PSP and NPLSES for Ab ED CLO Advertising Budget ($2000) School funds for mail outs ($2000) School Admin budget NPLSES Personnel costs reported in previous cells


Community members are involved in professional development

Parents invited to SDD Training session for Merit Selection for parents.

Principal, President P&C, CLO Principal / PBL team

P&C, CLO Nil

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Parents as members on school finance, merit selection and PBL teams

Principal, P&C NIL

Parents are happy with Parent / Teacher evenings

Ensure parents are invited by newsletter and email to parent / teacher evenings. Events advertised in the paper and on school reports. Survey of parents who attend the evenings. LST to invite selected parents


Principal HT Computing SDO, SSA LST

Advertising budget ($2000) Satisfaction surveys, Moodle

Aboriginal parent meetings held on a regular basis to increase their involvement in the school decision making processes.

Meetings held on a fortnightly – 3 weekly basis (linked with AECG) or PaCE meetings

Principal, Ab Ed Coordinator, CLO

School funds for catering PaCE funding

Clarence Science Initiative (CSI) continues to be popular

GATs program that involves ALL primary schools in Grafton for their GATs to do a GAT Science based program at SGHS for 37 weeks of the year.

Principal CSI teacher

NPLSES as above NPLSES personnel costs reported in previous cells

R1, R6

Engagement and involvement of partner primary schools in a curriculum enhancement program

Special lessons run in / with partner primary schools to enhance the curriculum in science LOTE and sports coaching with satellite workshops being conducted.

Principal and identified staff

NPLSES funding (as above in Engagement priority) NPLSES costs reported in previous cells

R1, R4, R6

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Priority Area: Aboriginal Education

Intended Outcomes:

1. The gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students will be decreased 2. Aboriginal parents attend more school functions


1. For 2011, in reading, writing and numeracy, increase the number of Aboriginal students achieving proficiency or higher by 5% based on NAPLAN results compared to 2010 data.

2. All ATSI students have a PLP updated on the school network.

Indicators Strategies Responsibility Resource Allocation and

Funding Source


Reform areas

Timeframe 2011

T1 T2 T3 T4

Results from NAPLAN data indicate improvements for each Aboriginal student and there are less students in the elementary band.

Involve identified students in Peer Reading program with appropriate role models. Train Aboriginal parents who can support the school‟s current literacy and numeracy program so they can act as mentors / tutors. Norta Norta Tuition for identified students below the national benchmark. Support for students identified at risk through behaviour, attendance and / or parental concern Community Liaison Officer to improve liaison with Aboriginal parents and community members.

STL, Peer Reading Coordinator STL and Principal Norta Norta Team AEW Aboriginal Mentor AEW SLSO HT Admin / CLO

PSP funding for Peer Reading ($4300) School Funds Norta Norta funding for ICT based on NAPLAN results NPLSES SLSO as above School funds NPLSES CLO (as above) NPLSES costs reported in previous cells

R3 R6

Aboriginal students involved in Quicksmart and showing improvement in their achievement level

All students tested with ACER PAT tests to determine need and baseline level. Follow up testing using CASA testing to give feedback.

QS coordinator Aboriginal tutors

PSP funds School funds NPLSES funds as above for QS


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Aboriginal students involved in student leadership

Encourage Aboriginal students to be nominated for SRC SLIKK / SLIKK leadership camp SLIKK planCultural awaresness days planned – NAIDOC, Harmony Day, Aboriginal Dance etc

AEO, SRC coordinator SLIKK coordinator AEO / Slikk team Ab Ed Team, SLIKK coordinator

Nil Budget allocated ($2500) Cultural funds available ($2000)

Absentee rates of Aboriginal students decreased compared to 2010.

CLO to make personal contact with Aboriginal parents. Regular reminder to students about school‟s attendance expectations through Aboriginal Parent Newsletter Regular contact with ATSI students at school Aboriginal Roll class for identified students at risk

HT Admin / CLO Principal, CLO Year Advisor for ATSI students Ab Ed Team

NPLSES funding (as above) NIL NPLSES Funding = $3600 NIL Resources NPLSES costs = $3600

R6 R6 R3

More ATSI students stay on to complete SC, Preliminary and HSC years.

Inform students of appropriate pathways . Use role models and guest community speakers to talk to younger students . Interview students and discuss options and develop PLPs VET options explained clearly to parents and students Fresh Start program to support ATSI students.

Principal / Careers Adviser / AEO / CLO AEO – AMS, community members, past students Aboriginal mentors, STL, Ab Ed team CLO / principal Norta Norta Cordinator Fresh Start Coordinator

NIL School funds for catering PSP funds

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Increased ATSI parent involvement in the school

Regular ATSI parent meetings to have a „yarn‟ about what is happening. Identify and invite Aboriginal elders and community members into the school to talk with students – special events, AMS, curriculum connection, language program

AEO, Principal, CLO, Ab Ed team AEO, Principal, CLO, Ab Ed team

NIL NPLSES: $3000 School funds Resources NPLSES costs = $3000


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Priority Area: Whole School Wellbeing

Intended Outcomes:

To build resilience, self esteem and leadership within the members of our school


For 2011, to celebrate the major achievements of students and staff within our school.

Indicators Strategies Responsibility Resource Allocation and

Funding Source


Reform areas

Timeframe 2011

T1 T2 T3 T4

PBL is accepted and consistently taught across the school in all settings.

Regular PBL team meetings to move forward each aspect of the accepted PBL matrix by increasing staff awareness, developing tools and strategies to be used in each setting and modelling ways to teach the goals in various settings. Each KLA has a member on the PBL team PBL is an agenda item for each staff briefing and SDD. Survey staff, students and parents about their satisfaction with PBL implementation.

PBL team / QT team PBL Coordinator All staff PBL Coordinator, Principal PBL Team PBL team

PSP funding for coordinators in PBL and PSP Budget Nil NIL Moodle

There is a decrease in the reports of bullying in the school based on RISC data

Regular reminders of bullying policy and hands off policy within the school. Monitor entries on RISC

Ensure all staff are aware of the school anti bullying policy.

Follow through with students and parents in reports of bullying.

Welfare team / LST team / Principal / HT of KLAs PBL Team

Principal DPs / principal Welfare team

TPL for professional development. ($1200) Nil Nil

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Encourage staff to use PBL strategies and register positives on RISC as well. Monitor and report the number of positives on RISC versus negatives.

PBL team PBL team

Students have greater resilience as evidenced by survey results

Run Core of Life for all year 9 students Run the Love Bites program to support student welfare and development Rock & Water program conducted for identified students

Home Ec, YA, HT Welfare LST, HT Welfare, Counsellors, YA Rock & Water Coordinator

NPLSES: $3400 (speakers and resources) School Welfare funds TPL ($2400) School Global Budget ($2000) School staffing TPL NPLSES total= $3400

R2, R6

Theme fun days held at school to encourage participation and engagement in school – evidence by participation in the events and feedback from students.

Theme days Reward positive behaviour with awards Breakfast program

SRC, Welfare Team, Awards Coordinator HT Welfare

School Budget ($2000) PSP budget ($3500) School Budget ($3000) Bendigo Bank sponsor ($3000)

Students nominate and involved in leadership activities and monitor progress through RISC entries.

SRC leadership camps SLIKK Leadership nominations through various organisations (Lions, Rotary, Council Youth Committee, Youth Parliament, Bendigo Bank, charity work) and involvement in the School Volunteer program Greater emphasis on role of house captains for major carnivals

SRC SLIKK Coordinator Principal / SRC / HT Welfare / student involvement Sports Organiser

SRC funds SLIKK Budget ($2500) NIL Tied funds ($1900) House Budget ($200 each)

Engagement at Lunchtime. Activity program available across a range of activities.

Regular Lunch activities conducted to occupy students and increase student retention and engagement

Sports Organisers + others

NPLSES funds as above


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Primary school gala days to be conducted to assist in transition

This is to be supported by Sport studies and SLR Classes

Sports Organisers, staff

NPS Funding 0.4 staff as above


Accountable and accurate monitoring of programs and additional funds

Employ one additional full time SAO to support Finance

SAM, Principal NPLSES: $48994 1x SAO Personnel NPLSES total= $48994


Increased school image School magazine Magazine coordinator and student team

As above

Total Allocation from the NPLSES program (as per

plan) = $1 155 903 (+$2500 Shared positions costs)

= $1 158 403

NOTE: This is a whole year plan. RPT is for

semester 1 only.

Total as per RPT

= $1 158 468