,I 1 1-- - -Ri© FOB- d e Ruby Canyon

1-- - -Ri© FOB- d estreamlinermemories.info/RG/RG47RubyCynbkfst.pdf · Ry-Krisp (Non-fattening), 15 Coffee, Pot, 25 Instant Sanka, or Instant Postum, Pot, 25 Cocoa, Pot, 25 English

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Page 1: 1-- - -Ri© FOB- d estreamlinermemories.info/RG/RG47RubyCynbkfst.pdf · Ry-Krisp (Non-fattening), 15 Coffee, Pot, 25 Instant Sanka, or Instant Postum, Pot, 25 Cocoa, Pot, 25 English

,I1 1 - - -- R i © F O B - d e

Ruby Canyon

Page 2: 1-- - -Ri© FOB- d estreamlinermemories.info/RG/RG47RubyCynbkfst.pdf · Ry-Krisp (Non-fattening), 15 Coffee, Pot, 25 Instant Sanka, or Instant Postum, Pot, 25 Cocoa, Pot, 25 English

- - -

J49O€4PaI4O,.4iSPresident Truman recently has asked al lAmericans to pledge themselves to:

1. Use no meat on Tuesdays2. Use n o poultry o r eggs on

Thursday3. Save a slice of bread every

day4. Public eating places to serve

bread and butter only on re-quest.

We Earnestly Solicit You r Cooperation

—Rio-6ra-177eD I N I N G C A R S E R V I C E







No check issued for lessthan 2 5 c f o r e a c hperson.


Cartemato Juice, 25

Grapefruit Juice, 2530 L e m o n and Water, 15math Cocktail, 25

nanas with Cream, 35

Aced Apple, 30Sliced Orange, 30

unes, 30, wi th Cream, 35Jar Extracted Honey, 253rapefruit, 30

arils w i t h Cream, 35Puffed Rice C r e a m of Wheat

Grape Nuts T o a s t e d Corn Flakesded Ralston B r a n Flakes R i c e Krispies

Whole Whea t Biscuit

5 F i l l e t o f Fresh Fish, 1.00g with Scrambled Eggs, 1.00

nacon or Ham and Eggs, 1.00

Eggs, Boiled, Fried, Scrambled, or Shirred, 50Poached on Toast (2), 65

Omelette, Plain, 55, wi th Diced Ham, 85

American Fried or Hashed Browned, 25

Breakfast Rolls o r Muffins, 15White, Whole Wheat or Rye Bread, 15

Ry-Krisp (Non-fattening), 15

Coffee, Pot, 25Instant Sanka, or Instant Postum, Pot, 25

Cocoa, Pot, 25English Breakfast, or Orange Pekoe Tea, Pot, 25

Pasteurized Mi lk , o r Buttermilk, Bottle, 15Malted Mi lk , 25

If there i s a part icular d ish y o udesire, no t l isted, t h e Stewardwi l l g lad ly furnish, if available.

Kadota Figs, 35

Grilled Bacon, 1.00

Dry or Buttered Toast, 15Milk Toast, 40 C r e a m Toast, 60

French Toast w i th Jel ly, 65

Buckwheat or Wheat Cakes wi th Maple Syrup, 40 W i t h Honey, 50

We are proud of our employes. We will appreciate it if youwill write us about any unusual courtesies they show you.

Service outside o f Din-ing Car, 25c extra foreach person served.

Page 3: 1-- - -Ri© FOB- d estreamlinermemories.info/RG/RG47RubyCynbkfst.pdf · Ry-Krisp (Non-fattening), 15 Coffee, Pot, 25 Instant Sanka, or Instant Postum, Pot, 25 Cocoa, Pot, 25 English

"-Rio-Groh-We Club Breakfast cService

Good Morning,

Number OneChoice


Number TwoChoice


Number Three

Number Four





FRUITSLemon and WaterTomato Juice

Orange Juice V - 8 Cocktail P r u n e Juice C a l i f o r n i a Prunes K a d o t a FigsBaked Apple

CEREALSRolled Oats W h o l e Wheat Cereal C r e a m of Wheat

Puffed Wheat S h r e d d e d Whole Wheat Biscuit A l l BranPuffed Rice T o a s t e d Corn Flakes W h e a t i e s

Grape Nuts R i c e Krispies B r a n FlakesShredded Ralston


Sliced Bananas


1.50 Per PersonHam or Bacon wi th Eggs

Fried Corn Meal Mush w i th SausageIncludes choice of above listed Fruits and Cereals

1.25 Per PersonCorned Beef Hash, Poached Egg

French Toast wi th JellyOmelette with Diced Ham

Includes choice of above listed Fruits or Cereals

1.00 Per PersonEggs, Boiled, Fried, o r Scrambled

Plain OmeletteBuckwheat Cakes o r Wheat Cakes w i th SyrupIncludes choice of above listed Fruits or Cereals

.75 Per PersonChoice of above listed Fruits and Cereals


Tea M i l k

Saccharin avai lable, i f desiredParents may share their portions with children without extra charge

Half portions wi l l be served children under twelve years of age, at half price


Please order by number. Write selection on meal checks, as waiterscannot accept verbal orders.

H. F. Eno C . A . Wa l lPassenger Traff ic Manager S u p t . Dining Car and Hotel Dept.

Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad, Denver, Colo.

Page 4: 1-- - -Ri© FOB- d estreamlinermemories.info/RG/RG47RubyCynbkfst.pdf · Ry-Krisp (Non-fattening), 15 Coffee, Pot, 25 Instant Sanka, or Instant Postum, Pot, 25 Cocoa, Pot, 25 English

Tomato Juice, 25Orange Juice, 25; Double, 35 G r a p e f r u i t Juice, 25

California Prune Juice, 30 L e m o n and Water, 15Vegemato Cocktail, 25


QA , ta Carte

FRUIT S l i c e d Bananas w i th Cream, 35Apple Sauce, 30 K a d o t a Figs, 35

Baked Apple, 30Whole Orange, 15 S l i c e d Orange, 30

California Prunes, 30, wi th Cream, 35Individual Jar Extracted Honey, 25

Grapefruit, 30

Al l Cereals w i th Cream, 35Oatmeal P u f f e d Wheat P u f f e d Rice C r e a m of Wheat

Whole Wheat Cereal G r a p e Nuts T o a s t e d Corn FlakesAl l Bran W h e a t i e s S h r e d d e d Ralston B r a n Flakes R i c e Krispies

Shredded Whole Whea t Biscuit

FISH C o l o r a d o Mounta in Trout, 1.25 F i l l e t o f Fresh Fish, 1.00Kippered Herr ing wi th Scrambled Eggs, 1.00

MEAT B r o i l e d Ham, 1.00 G r i l l e d Bacon, 1.00Bacon or Ham and Eggs, 1.00

EGGS E g g s , Boiled, Fried, Scrambled, or Shirred, 50Poached on Toast (2), 65

Omelette, Plain, 55, wi th Diced Ham, 85

POTATOES A m e r i c a n Fried or Hashed Browned, 25

BREAD B r e a k f a s t Rolls o r Muffins, 15White, Whole Wheat or Rye Bread, 15

Ry-Krisp (Non-fattening), 15





Dry or Buttered Toast, 15Milk Toast, 40 C r e a m Toast, 60

French Toast w i th Jelly, 65

Buckwheat or Wheat Cakes wi th Maple Syrup, 40 W i t h Honey, 50

Coffee, Pot, 25Instant Sanka, or Instant Postum, Pot, 25

Cocoa, Pot, 25English Breakfast, or Orange Pekoe Tea, Pot, 25

Pasteurized Mi lk , o r Buttermilk, Bottle, 15Malted Mi lk , 25

We are proud of our employes. We will appreciate it if youwill write us about any unusual courtesies they show you.

No check issued for less I f there i s a part icular d ish y o u S e r v i c e outside o f D in 'than 2 5 c f o r e a c h d e s i r e , no t l isted, t h e Steward f o g Car, 25c extra forperson, w i l l g lad ly furnish, if available, e a c h person served.


Page 5: 1-- - -Ri© FOB- d estreamlinermemories.info/RG/RG47RubyCynbkfst.pdf · Ry-Krisp (Non-fattening), 15 Coffee, Pot, 25 Instant Sanka, or Instant Postum, Pot, 25 Cocoa, Pot, 25 English

-Wict-Grat-Re Club Breakfast cSery ice

G o o d M o r n i n g .

Number OneChoice


Number TwoChoice


Number Three

Number Four



One 1


FRUITSTomato Juice L e m o n and Water S l i c e d Bananas

Orange Juice V - 8 Cocktail P r u n e Juice C a l i f o r n i a Prunes K a d o t a FigsBaked Apple G r a p e f r u i t

CEREALSRolled Oats W h o l e Wheat Cereal C r e a m of Wheat

Puffed Wheat S h r e d d e d Whole Wheat Biscuit A l l BranPuffed Rice T o a s t e d Corn Flakes W h e a t i e s

Grape Nuts R i c e Krispies B r a n FlakesShredded Ralston

01.50 Per Person

Ham or Bacon wi th EggsFried Corn Meal Mush w i th Sausage

Includes choice of above listed Fruits and Cereals

1.25 Per PersonCorned Beef Hash, Poached Egg

French Toast with JellyOmelette wi th Diced Ham

Includes choice of above listed Fruits or Cereals

1.00 Per PersonEggs, Boiled, Fried, o r Scrambled

Plain OmeletteBuckwheat Cakes o r Wheat Cakes w i t h SyrupIncludes choice of above listed Fruits or Cereals

.75 Per PersonChoice of above listed Fruits and Cereals


Tea M i l k

Saccharin avai lable, i f desiredParents may share their portions with children without extra charge

Half portions will be served children under twelve years of age, at half price

Please order by number. Write selection on meal checks, as waiterscannot accept verbal orders.

C. A. WallSupt. Dining Car and Hotel Dept.

H. F. EnoPassenger Traff ic Manager

Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad, Denver, Colo.


Page 6: 1-- - -Ri© FOB- d estreamlinermemories.info/RG/RG47RubyCynbkfst.pdf · Ry-Krisp (Non-fattening), 15 Coffee, Pot, 25 Instant Sanka, or Instant Postum, Pot, 25 Cocoa, Pot, 25 English


The Rio Grande Railroad's Moffat Tunnel Route parr Eelsthe easy grade of the upper Colorado River for almost twohundred fort) miles from Granby, Colorado, high on the head-waters o f the Colorado River to Westwater, Utah, near theColorado-Utah state line. That mileage is one of the longestsections o f American rai lroad uninterruptedly co-extensivewith a major river.

For that reason the Moffat Tunnel Route is often termed the"Colorado River Scenic Short-cut" between East and West.

The railroad, the river and the Colorado-Utah -tate l ineconverge in Ruby Canyon, a little known ravine of rare con-figurations and colorful beauty that ranks among the finestpanoramic attractions along the Scenic Line of the World.

Ruby Canyon is aptly named. The time-worn walls andcrumbled stones present a riot of reds a l m o s t every huefrom pink to russet. Punctuated with a smattering of sparse butbrilliant greens and enhanced by the mercurial mirror of thestoried Colorado River, the in toto effect is one of breath-takingbrilliance. Short but spectacular, this beguiling canyon ctifoidsfresh eye-appeal at every turn.

In Ruby Canyon facetious Nature has sci_lptored red sand-stone into weird, fantastic figures. During untold eons, water,wind and sand, relentless as Time, restless as Creation, ' lavebeen erosively working to chisel this grotesque masterpiece.

In Ruby Canyon the Colorado is a placid, meandering riveroffering little hint of the tremendous power it , evekps by thetime it reaches massive Boulder Dam, miles to the southwest.

Longest river on the western slope of the United States, theColorado has played the romantic role of hero in numerousballads, books, poems and Indian legends.

Born in glacier-fed Grand Lake high on the sunset slope ofthe Continental Divide in Colorado, where towering peaks formthe lofty backbone of the nation, "the silvery Colorado wendsIts way" do lA iward through tortuous canyons, verdant va l l ys(where its ;pctrkling snow waters are the life-blood of agricul-ture), and painted deserts. Momentarily harnessed by man, theColorudo generates titur,ic electric horse-power at Boulder Damand then rushes on to pour its waters into the Gull of atlicorniacmo oventually become assirri' Ited and lost in the vast I ic i f icOceun.D E N V E R A N D R I O G R A N D C W E S T E R N R A I L R O A D