1 Quality Mngmnt

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  • 8/16/2019 1 Quality Mngmnt





    gement (Introduction)(Introduction)By: M. SajidBy: M. Sajid


    MA EconomicsMA Economics

    MA English LiteratureMA English Literature


    MPhil (IQM)MPhil (IQM)

    Ph! (IQM)Ph! (IQM)

    "aculty at I#E$ P% Lahore"aculty at I#E$ P% Lahore

  • 8/16/2019 1 Quality Mngmnt


    &hat is Quality&hat is Quality''

    ► he assessment o uality is *ery im+ortant ormost demanding managers no,.► In deciding uality$ ,e might assume that

    +eo+le consider *arious and multi+le attri-utes

    o a gi*en ser*ice or +roduct and assigndierent ,eights to each attri-ute -eorereaching a decision.

     otal uality management has its roots in the+ri*ate sector. hus$ it may -e -ene/cial toanaly0e the history o QM 1 QM in the +ri*atesector in order to im+ro*e our understanding o

    the +otential and limits o QM 1 QM.

  • 8/16/2019 1 Quality Mngmnt


    Quality Management in +ri*ateQuality Management in +ri*atessectorector

    ►2. Quality ins+ection►Monitoring acti*ities -ecame the e3clusi*e

    tas4 o additional hierarchical and unctional

    units.►Quality ins+ection had a +urely technicalunction: It had to detect the good +roductsand let them +ass and had to sto+ the -ad 1

    non conorming +roducts.► he main management instruments ,ere

    technically specifed norms and standards

    that hel+ed to carry out ins+ections correctly.

  • 8/16/2019 1 Quality Mngmnt


    ► 5. Statistical Quality #ontrol5. Statistical Quality #ontrol► In order to o*ercome this +ro-lem uality ins+ection

    ,as urther de*elo+ed as statistical quality control 6

    SQ#.► Quality$ in this sense$ ,as an objective concept

    since the judgment on uality ,as -ased onuantitati*e data.

    ► S+eciali0ed unctional di*isions ,ere res+onsi-le orthe assessment o +roduct uality$ ,hich is a third-

     party assessment rom the ,or4ers7 +ers+ecti*e.

    ► It is a static view that em+hasi0es technicalconormance$ no matter ho, much the s+eci/cationor a +roduct may ha*e -ecome ina++ro+riate orthe circumstances in ,hich this +roduct must no,

    -e used.

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    ► 8. System9oriented uality assurance► Successul organisations no, ha*e to manage

    e3ternal rather than internal systems.► his de/nition o uality means meeting the

    e3+ectations o *arious customers.► . #om+any9,ide uality9control

    ► #ustomer9orientation does not only reer to thee3ternal$ -ut also to the internal customer sothat the ,hole com+any may -e inter+reted as anet,or4 o customer9relationshi+s.

    ► As a conseuence$ all management eortsconcentrate on the ul/llment o customer needs.

    ► #om+any9,ide9uality9control and QM are oten

    reerred to as synonyms in literature.

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    ► ;. (otal) uality management► QM is -ased on a de/nition o uality that

    comes rom consumer +sychology literature and

    sets customer expectations as the /rst andultimate goal o each acti*ity in an organisation.

    ► In order to unction +ro+erly$ QM reuires theull and acti*e in*ol*ement o all em+loyees to a

    cor+orate uality +lan as ,ell as com+rehensi*einormation systems that collect and +rocessinormation ,ith regard to customers$ su++liers$cor+orate9,ide +rocesses and com+etitors.

    ► QM also reuires a ,illingness to in*estsu-stantially in training.► "inally$ QM in*ol*es cultural change to,ards

    continuous im+ro*ement < change.

  • 8/16/2019 1 Quality Mngmnt


    Pu-lic Admn orPu-lic Admn or P*tP*t BusinessBusiness''

    Public Private

    Value   Service Profit

    Responsive to   Polity Shareholder  

    Basis   Monopoly Competitive

    Services   Collective Excludable

    Sustainability   No exit Exit

  • 8/16/2019 1 Quality Mngmnt


    Quality in PublicOrganization

    ►the uality o a +u-lic organization may -e assessed on the -asis o utility$eui+ment$ relia-ility$ conormance tonorms$ sta-ility$ riendliness o ser*ice$

    design and +erce+tion o the +roduct.►Quality$ as a an e3am+le o thiscom+le3ity is also su-ject to the desire.

    ► So$ scholars as ,ell as +ractitionersha*e made *arious attem+ts to /nd auality measure ,hich can ca+ture 1de/ne se*eral dimensions o uality.

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    uality dimensionsin=uencing customer7s *ie, o uality

    ►> angi-les►> ?elia-ility►> ?es+onsi*eness

    ►> #om+etence►> #ourtesy►> #redi-ility

    ►> Security►> Access►> #ommunication

    ►> %nderstanding the #ustomer 1 #lient

  • 8/16/2019 1 Quality Mngmnt


    Quality Indicators► he de/nition o a set o uality measures is

    only a /rst ste+ in the +rocess o ualitymeasurement.

    ► Quality measures ha*e to -e made

    o+erational ,ith uality indicators.► @Smart uality indicators should -e:► > S+eci/c

    ► > Measura-le► > Achie*a-le► > Rele*ant

    ► > Time9related

  • 8/16/2019 1 Quality Mngmnt


    2. he IS CDDD Series and hird Party#erti/cation

    ► he IS CDDD series$ citi0en7s charters anduality e3cellence models ha*e -ecome ,ide9s+read instruments or 4ee+ing uality in Pu-licorganizations.

    ► he IS CDDD series is an internationallyrecognised standard or uality assurance.

    ► IS is the International rganisation orStandardisation$ ,hich is a ederation o nationalstandards -odies$ and ,hich is res+onsi-le or+re+aring international standards.

    ► he international standard gi*es indications ho,to set u+ uality systems in organisations ,herea contract -et,een seller and -uyer reuires thedemonstration o a su++lier7s a-ility to su++ly tomutually agreed reuirements.

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  • 8/16/2019 1 Quality Mngmnt


    5. #iti0en7s #harters 1 Socialet,or4ing

     he essential idea -ehind charters is to increasethe uality o ser*ices as +ercei*ed -y ser*iceusers 1 consumers 1 clients.

    ► he ultimate +ur+ose is to rene, citi0en trustnot only in +u-lic ser*ices -ut also in the State.

    ► #onsidering charters as +urely technicaldocuments descri-ing intentional and +lanneduality im+ro*ement strategies underestimatethe real sco+e and signi/cance o thesedocuments.

    ► he +otential o charters is to e3+ress aconsensus on a societal model on the -eha*iourand res+onsi-ilities$ rights and duties$e3+ectiations and trust o +oliticians ingo*ernment$ ci*il ser*ants in +u-lic ser*ices and

    citi0ens 1 users.

  • 8/16/2019 1 Quality Mngmnt


    8. Quality E3cellence Models► Most uality e3cellence models ha*e /rst -een de*elo+ed

    or the +ri*ate sector and ha*e -een transerred to the

    +u-lic sector.► In Euro+e$ they clearly cluster around t,o core models 9 the

    2CCC *ersion o the Euro+ean E3cellence Model (+re*iously4no,n as the Business E3cellence Model) and the 2CCF*ersion o the S+eyer Quality A,ard or Germany < relatedcountries.

    ► A detailed com+arison identi/es the ollo,ing organisationaland managerial 4ey criteria$ ,hich are also ound in most&estern Euro+ean national uality a,ards that in*ol*e+u-lic ser*ice organisations:

    ► > leadershi+► > +olicy and strategy► > +eo+le► > resources► > +rocesses► > dierent categories o @o-jecti*e and @su-jecti*e results

  • 8/16/2019 1 Quality Mngmnt


    From Hig Quality Public Ser!ices to"ards HigQuality Public Organization

    ► here is em+irical e*idence that *arious uality

    im+ro*ement +rogrammes in +u-lic organizations ha*e increased user satisaction.► Het$ at the same time$ mass +u-lic sur*eys indicate

    a decrease in trust in national go*ernment$+arliament and the ci*il ser*ice.

    ► his indicates that there is no linear relationshi+-et,een ser*ice uality and trust.►  he +erce+tions o uality come rom *ery s+eci/c

    o-ser*ations o +u-lic ser*ices ,hereas trust reersto the go*ernment machinery in general.

    ► t may -e +ossi-le to esta-lish a relation -et,eensatisaction a-out a certain ser*ice and trust in thatser*ice -ut it is not clear ho, satisaction a-outs+eci/c ser*ices in=uences trust in go*ernment$es+ecially since go*ernment cannot -e considered

    as an accumulation o +u-lic ser*ices.

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    ► "rom this ,ider +ers+ecti*e$ an e3cellentorganization is not sim+ly one ,hich has thecharacteristics o an e3cellent ser*ice +ro*ider.

    ► It must also -e e3cellent in the ,ay in ,hich itdischarges its +olitical and social res+onsi-ilities.► "or e3am+le$ e3cellent ser*ice +ro*ision does not

    guarantee that the streets are clean i citi0ens 4ee+on thro,ing litter in the streets.

    ► It may +ro*e necessary to teach children at schooland at home a++ro+riate ci*ic -eha*iour in order tocreate a clean en*ironment or citi0ens.

    ► In other ,ords$ uality im+ro*ement also reuires a

    res+onsi-le ci*ic society.► As a conseuence$ uality indicators should not

    only ocus on measuring ser*ice uality as +ro*ided-y an indi*idual organi0ation -ut also on the ser*icesystem$ and the o*erall uality o lie.

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     he Q%ALIH A++roaches he Q%ALIH A++roaches


    Ne! PublicMana"ement

    Political #e"al

    Value Efficiency$effectiveness






    Competitive Pluralism (dversary

    )ndividual )mpersonal$rational

    Customer *roup member Particularisticindividual


    Rational +ecentrali-ed Muddlin"throu"h


    .unction Executive Executive #e"islative /udicial

    Bud"et Rational 0costbenefit1


    )ncremental Ri"hts based

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    Questions < #ommentsQuestions < #omments