1 Modularity Shani Bard Based on a lecture by John Mitchell Reading: Chapter 9

1 Modularity Shani Bard Based on a lecture by John Mitchell Reading: Chapter 9

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Shani Bard

Based on a lecture by John Mitchell

Reading: Chapter 9


Why Modularity?

effective design - each module can be designed and tested independently

easy to understand – subprograms are smaller and easier to understand then the original big program


Modularity goal

divide and conquer

• allow one module to be written with little knowledge of the code in another module

• allow a module to be redesigned and reimplemented without modifying other parts of the system

Modern programming languages and software development environments support modularity in different ways


In this chapter

ways that programs can be divided into meaningful parts

the way that programming languages can be designed to support these divisions

• In Chapters 10–13 we explore object-oriented languages in detail, in this chapter we are concerned with modularity mechanisms that do not involve objects



structured programming support for abstraction Modules

• to describe module systems and generic programming we will use:

– standard ML module system– C++ Standard Template Library (STL)


Stepwise Refinement

Wirth, 1971 • “… program ... gradually developed in a sequence

of refinement steps”• In each step, instructions … are decomposed into

more detailed instructions.

Historical reading on web (CS242 Reading page)• N. Wirth, Program development by stepwise

refinement, Communications of the ACM, 1971• D. Parnas, On the criteria to be used in

decomposing systems into modules, Comm ACM, 1972

• Both ACM Classics of the Month


Dijkstra’s Example (1969)

beginprint first 1000 primes

end beginvariable table pfill table p with first 1000 primesprint table p


int array p[1:1000]make for k from 1 to 1000

p[k] equal to k-th primeprint p[k] for k from 1 to 1000



Program Structure

Main Program

Sub-program Sub-program Sub-program



Data Refinement

Wirth, 1971 again:• As tasks are refined, so the data may have to

be refined, decomposed, or structured, and it is natural to refine program and data specifications in parallel



For level 2, represent account balance by integer variable

For level 3, need to maintain list of past transactions

Bank Transactions

Deposit Withdraw Print Statement

Print transaction history


Modularity: Basic Concepts

Component• Meaningful program unit

– Function, data structure, module, …

Interface• Types and operations defined within a component

that are visible outside the component

Specification• Intended behavior of component, expressed as

property observable through interface

Implementation• Data structures and functions inside component


Example: Function Component

Component• Function to compute square root

Interface• float sqroot (float x)

Specification• If x>1, then sqrt(x)*sqrt(x) x.

Implementationfloat sqroot (float x){ float y = x/2; float step=x/4; int i; for (i=0; i<20; i++){if ((y*y)<x) y=y+step; else y=y-step; step = step/2;} return y;}


Example: Data Type - Heap sort using library data structure

Component• Priority queue: data structure that returns

elements in order of decreasing priority

Interface Priority queue: structure with three operations• Type pq• Operations empty : pq insert : elt * pq pq deletemax : pq elt * pq


Example: Data Type

Specification• Each priority queue has a multiset of elements.

There must be an ordering < on the elements that may be placed in a priority queue. (For integer priority queues, we may use the ordinary < ordering on integers)

• An empty priority queue has no elements• Insert add to set of stored elements• Deletemax returns max elt and pq of

remaining elts These specifications do not impose any

restrictions on the implementation


Implementation - top-down design

Algorithm using priority queue (heap sort) First step: the problem - sorting an array

function sortbegin

sort an array of integers


Second step: refine the statement sort an array of integers into subtasks function sort (n : int, A : array [1..n] of int) begin

place each element of array A in a priority queueremove elements in decreasing order and place in array A



Implementation - top-down design

Final step: final refinement

function sort (n : int, A : array [1..n] of int)begin

priority queue s;s := empty;for i := 1 to n do s := insert(A[i], s);for i := n downto 1 do (A[i],s) := deletemax(s);


This gives us an O(n log n) sorting algorithm


support for abstraction

abstraction mechanism • emphasizes the general properties of some code

and hides details• generally separats a program into parts that

contain details and parts where these details are hidden

– client: the part of a program that uses program component– implementation: the part of a program that defines a

program component

• The interaction between the client and implementation of an abstraction is usually restricted to a specific interface


support for abstraction

Procedural Abstraction• Client: a program making a function call• Implementation: the encapsulated function


Advantages:• well-defined interface• local variables has no effect on other parts of

the program• enclosing code inside a function makes the

code generic and reusable


Data Abstraction

hiding information about the way that data are represented

Goals:• Identifying the interface of the data structure• information hiding by separating

implementation decisions from parts of the program that use the data structure

• Allowing the data structure to be used in many different ways by many different programs


Abstract Data Types

Prominent language development of 1970’s

Main ideas:• Separate interface from implementation

– Example: • Sets have empty, insert, union, is_member?, …• Sets implemented as … linked list …

• Use type checking to enforce separation– Client program only has access to operations in

interface– Implementation encapsulated inside ADT construct


ML - abstract data type

An ML declaration of an abstract data type of complex numbers may be written as follows:abstype cmplx = C of real * real with

fun cmplx(x,y: real) = C(x,y)fun x coord(C(x,y)) = xfun y coord(C(x,y)) = yfun add(C(x1, y1), C(x2, y2)) = C(x1+x2,


ML returns: type cmplx val cmplx = fn : real * real → cmplx val x coord = fn : cmplx → real val y coord = fn : cmplx → real val add = fn : cmplx * cmplx → cmplx


Representation Independence

a type has a property called representation independent when it has built-in operations

In a type-safe programming language with abstract data types we can:• declare variables of an abstract type• define operations on any abstract type• use type-checking rules to guarantee that only

these specified operations can be applied to values of the abstract type


Partition Operations

it is possible to partition the operations on the type into three groups:

• Constructors: operations that build elements of the type• Operators: operations that map elements of the type

that are definable only with constructors to other elements of the type that are definable with only constructors

• Observers: operations that return a result of some other type


Partition Operations - Example

empty : setinsert : int * set → setunion : set * set → setisMember: int * set → bool

the operations can be partitioned as follows:• Constructors: empty and insert• Operator: union• Observer: isMember

we may prove properties of all elements of an abstract type by induction on the number of uses of constructors necessary to produce a given element



General construct for information hiding Two parts

• Interface: A set of names and their types

• Implementation: Declaration for every entry in the interface

Additional declarations that are hidden

Examples:• Modula modules, Ada packages, ML

structures, ...


Modules and Data Abstraction

module Setinterface

type set val empty : set

fun insert : elt * set -> set fun union : set * set -> set fun isMember : elt * set ->


type set = elt list val empty = nil fun insert(x, elts) = ... fun union(…) = ...

...end Set

Can define ADT• Private type• Public operations

More general• Several related

types and operations

Some languages• Separate interface

and implementation

• One interface can have multiple implementations



developed by Pascal designer Niklaus Wirth in

the late 1970s main innovation of Modula over Pascal is a module system Interface is called definition module Implementation is called implementation



Modula – transparent Module

definition module Fractions;type fraction = ARRAY [1 .. 2] OF INTEGER;procedure add (x, y : fraction) : fraction;procedure mul (x, y : fraction) : fraction;

end Fractions.implementation module Fractions;

procedure Add (x, y : Fraction) : Fraction;VAR temp : Fraction;BEGIN

temp [1] := x [1] * y [2] + x [2] * y [1];temp [2] := x [2] * y [2]; RETURN temp;

END Add;procedure Mul (x, y : Fraction) : Fraction;...END Mul;

end Fractions. In this example, a complete type declaration is included in

the interface. As a result, the client code can see that a fraction is an array of integers – not a good use of the Module abilities


Modula – opaque Module

definition module Stack moduletype stack (* an abstract type *)procedure create stack ( ) : stackprocedure push( x:integer, var s:stack ) :


end Stack moduleimplementation module Stack module

type stack =array [1..100] of integer...

end Stack module



designed in the late 1970s and early 1980s as the result of an initiative by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)

The DoD wanted to standardize its software around a common language that would provide program structuring capabilities and specific features related to real time programming

By some measures, Ada has been a successful language:• Many Ada programs have been written and used• Some Ada design issues led to research studies and improvements in

the state of the art of programming language design

adoption of the language outside of suppliers of the U.S. government has been limited• Lack of easily available implementations• companies who produced Ada compilers expected to sell them for high

prices to military contractors


ADA packages

Interface is called package specification Implementation is called package bodypackage FractionPkg is

type fraction is array ... of integer;procedure Add ...

end FractionPkg;package body FractionPkg is

procedure Add ...end FractionPkg;


ML Modules

designed in the mid-1980s as part of a redesign

and standardization effort for the ML programming language three main parts

• structures• signatures• functors


ML structure

a module, which is a collection of type, value, and structure declarations

structure S =struct

type t = intval x : t = 3


s.x = 3

s.t = int


ML signature

module interface signatures behave as a formof “type” for a structure a module may have more than one signature a signature may have more than one associated module If a structure satisfies the description given

in a signature, the structure “matches” the signature


ML signature

signature SIG =sig

type tval x : t


Because the structure S previously introduced satisfies these conditions, it is said to match the signature SIG

The structure S also matches the following signature SIG’: signature SIG’ =

sigtype tval x : int


SIG AND SIG’ are different, because there are structures that

satisfy only one of them and not the other


ML Functor

Functors are functions from structures to structures. Functors are used to define generic modules.

Because ML does not support higher-order functors (functors taking functors as arguments or yielding functors as results), there is no need for functor signatures.

functor F ( S : SIG ) : SIG =struct

type t = S.t * S.tvalx : t= (S.x,S.x)



Generic Abstractions

Parameterize modules by types, other modules

Create general implementations • Can be instantiated in many ways

Language examples:• Ada generic packages, C++ templates, ML

functors, …• ML geometry modules in book• C++ Standard Template Library (STL) provides

extensive examples


C++ Templates

Type parameterization mechanism• template<class T> … indicates type parameter T• C++ has class templates and function templates

Instantiation at link time• Separate copy of template generated for each

type• Why code duplication?

– Size of local variables in activation record– Link to operations on parameter type


Example (discussed in earlier lecture)

Monomorphic swap functionvoid swap(int& x, int& y){ int tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp;}

Polymorphic function templatetemplate<class T>void swap(T& x, T& y){ T tmp = x; x = y; y = tmp;}

Call like ordinary functionfloat a, b; … ; swap(a,b); …


Standard Template Library for C++

Many generic abstractions• Polymorphic abstract types and operations

Useful for many purposes• Excellent example of generic programming

Efficient running time (but not always space) Written in C++

• Uses template mechanism and overloading• Does not rely on objects – No virtual functions

Architect: Alex Stepanov


Main entities in STL

Container: Collection of typed objects• Examples: array, list, associative dictionary, ...

Iterator: Generalization of pointer or address Algorithm Adapter: Convert from one form to another

• Example: produce iterator from updatable container

Function object: Form of closure (“by hand”) Allocator: encapsulation of a memory pool

• Example: GC memory, ref count memory, ...


Example of STL approach

#include <string>#include <list>int main (void) {

list<string> citieslist;}

operations for putting elements on the front orback of a list:

citieslist.push back(“Haifa”);citieslist.push back(“Be’er Sheva”);citieslist.push front(“London”);citieslist.push front(“Liverpool”);


Example of STL approach

We now have a list with four strings in our list. We can print the words in our list by using an iterator.

declaration of an iterator for lists of strings:

list<string>::iterator citieslistIterator;

an STL iterator is like a pointer – an iterator points to an element of a container, and dereferencing a nonnull iterator produces an object from the container

for (citieslistIterator =citieslist.begin(); citieslistIterator!= citieslist.end(); ++citieslistIterator) {

// dereference the iterator to get the list elementcout << * citieslistIterator << endl;



Example of STL approach

Function to merge two sorted lists• merge : range(s) range(t) comparison(u) range(u) This is conceptually right, but not STL syntax.

Basic concepts used• range(s) - ordered “list” of elements of type s,

given by pointers to first and last elements• comparison(u) - boolean-valued function on

type u• subtyping - s and t must be subtypes of u


How merge appears in STL

Ranges represented by iterators• iterator is generalization of pointer• supports ++ (move to next element)

Comparison operator is object of class Compare

Polymorphism expressed using templatetemplate < class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2,

class OutputIterator, class Compare >

OutputIterator merge(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1,

InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator1 last2,

OutputIterator result, Compare comp)


Comparing STL with other libraries


qsort( (void*)v, N, sizeof(v[0]), compare_int );

C++, using raw C arrays:

int v[N];

sort( v, v+N );

C++, using a vector class:

vector v(N);

sort( v.begin(), v.end() );


Efficiency of STL

Running time for sortN = 50000 N = 500000

C 1.4215 18.166C++ (raw arrays) 0.2895 3.844C++ (vector class) 0.2735 3.802

Main point• Generic abstractions can be convenient and efficient

!• But watch out for code size if using C++ templates…


Chapter Summary

In this chapter, we studied some of the ways that programs can be divided into meaningful parts and the way that programming languages support these divisions

main topics:• structured programming• support for abstraction• Modules

Two examples were used to investigate module systems and generic programming• standard ML module system• C++ Standard Template Library (STL)

Two important concepts in modular program development are interfaces and specifications