& it JM *«&' "f 6 } >> V \ m fS *\ £ < l < » if) <? ,, f . _• , , * if, w t ., & _, , < , v , n - " > (w «i * < 4 V 4 % ^,», v v\ T ^ /w-w% v,.iV' r ^, t.v^rd / --», / y >>> % s ' -»V i *. v > H x s ' ( / H' <• * y « »i ^ * ' i ' •> t , *• - j ^ if "A h i t i 4 V 1 v ,-^t V,J \ < nf ?• v )>T •"D* t ... . i v ' > A sr-rV 'I ' 11V ' ' " " -ii- { ... -^m^mtrnm^^^PM^^M^^^*^ 5 ^ ..i^^^^^^^ *dk» >-, »., f i r T * ; *•** 1 i", J,'-f , - •* '*^W f r-< ?& "*! *fl -i » » 1 » P " 't • "W(i" l " 11 »i r 11'!, i.'i' '"' "<!' i""iiu;u B«?gerswaa elected "-' talent were pareaerit and afecor^ "•' •iniHiiii.HWw—im mw lignumj ))• i»>i.|li»wiiywii.cmlifty>M|vi|.lri. mm ip* tmkmm r* »J » -'? IktMMOM D*y AW ^.„x)i calendar ha» been ctemged to extend the"Ch*fetmi^ hoUday» anotherdmy. Sc&iol will re-o^en Tuesday, January: 3rd, at ©:0& A, 1L inatead of Monday, Jaiituir3r25ad. 5 -•'•--?• r * " I»efe«ted By Onlr OM Point ; Tbe Lake George higli acKool fcaaketball team* beat the T^oarth iCre«k team last SViSay by one point. !Ehe game was very excit- iB^WJfi^ftfetandcToae through .out. North-g^Jead at the half. i ;J» Or^j-,.*,^ ..... A 4 $2j , J. lindsey .— .: ..... ;»..0 0 ..0 1 S. Johnaon. .01 I 1 , H. CcwnweH' X Fitegertlld :«.,..! 1 3 ' 5 M l Total t Y** 5 : ***"* * * *>*-^ *- jjmGmmc^ iir;fc.rt 5 1 11 ' Earl t Sica : < ...3 0 e , ^Barl , 1 0 [Z "' Cohen „..*.A 0, 0 ,0 ' Ba%mple ...,:„Z,.^.\.~ ^9 0 0 Xrongwortby .T~.T.O 0 0 , Total . J9 2 20 Kefetee—Potter. •. ' Score at half—15^lf, Norttt Creek. . ... A W? .... - i... • . -J* II ill i l n i *r I'll -m M*~ ^ "** , 4 ^chi#,aiWea8^d«ftt ,^ theen ,iai*awsd tfcltpte —»— T -^ *4 , Intendent's examinaUona Hie Olmsted^ afternoon. 1 tobeIield<wlt^ll?eHoli»e|ol;at £J S T 5»if U ^ ^ ^ DeMmlw Set-Wfe' fl»^toy lO^laat.yea^a^Jbtee-.it waa. . oldnlonof.the members that the program should be repeated. Com- |mittees have been appointed to secure &4ree and-make^all necessa-j ley , arrangementa» At a regular meeting on .December 15th? the) Christmas tree will be erected andti decorated. - - r ^itchoodk for Commander v The meeting went on recordaa 'favoring the candidacy of Comrade ;Earl C. Hitchcock Of Glens Palls, fdr 'Department Commonder r Kew York; State* for the Legion yearl 1939-40. All members * pledged 1 their support to Comrade Hitch.- cock. v * Officers Installed ^lr»^H«rtiw» 8*«tey and lim. Savage will act as dis- , Anyone interested i n ' b«ns «- good friend and neighbor willrre- ceiffe a great deal of help from he club, «nd »re welcome to.at- th* meeting. been cptttpjottit DP the srronnds bur school. The beauty of bur sur- roundings has been, greatly #£* hanced by this project. , Wte ^WomenTs Volley ball has. been organised for, the ' season. The first pracpee was {Thursday night in the high - ifcyni. I Indian Lake Hig School Notes DOROTHY U. IVERSE3N School Reporter Basketball Schedule A movie was held in the school Monday afternoon entitled "The Milky Way, M It was given by Mr. Frank Gilson, secretary, of Y. ML a A. in Wesport, This movie was very informative, pointing out to young boys and girls the serkraa- neas of the Tuberculoma germ, and the cure for this disease* The Girls IntramuraJ Volleyball are' progreesing rapidly, board we #ee>* ^^ssi/Ss^^&smS^ss^-mm^ FOOD DEMONSTRATION Creek's moat bitter rivals, New . comb. The game starts at 8 P. Jl, J ^riday^ December 16th, and we' would appreciate a good following. So come and see the boys beat INewcdmbi Our first borne game will be some night next week. Watch fori our cards. i Support North.. Creek in all {sports. {Legion - meeting the Sons of the [Legion Squadron met and officers were installed by memberiTof the North Ceek Post and Earl Waddell, County Leader of the Sons of the Legion. It was stated at this Meet- ing that elgible sons of veterans from other Legion Posts through-" outjthe county would be invited to join the North Creek Squadron, pending formation of squadrons in their own localities. ager—G. Casonj Ass'tImager— McNaUy, captain, and J ^ ^ g ? D. Baroudij Coach—Charles' An- iiirough good, volleying Friday m- drew; Cheer Leaders—D. Ivetsen, second on the winning hstw ^ - M. Parker, P. Beekman and. M. _ ' J McGinn, " Last week, we welcomed th^ No^mber.2&--lndian Lake.atlfirst two basketball games in our OlmstedViSle; December dth—In-^schooL On Tueiday^' night the CHRISTMAS SEALS ON SALE **«. supervision Buster, of ^fartenshurg. Everyone Interested is eocdially invited. Recent Arrivals , Parents of a Soa.. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. FitsgeraM are perenta v of a son born Friday. ©r. George ^Bjeby of PcHersvule was the attending physician. The 'child haa been named.' Thomas 6. iFifcggerald. •** "-/tot mmtmmi,miim)H.-^rK *• Parents of Soa dian Lake at Long Lake; -Decern- 16—Newcomb at Indian Lake; Januaryft—Qlmstedyiilc~atIndian Lake; January 13—Long Lake, at Indian Lake; January 27—Indian Lake at Newcombj February 10— Indian Lake at Olmstedville; Feb- ruary 17—Indian Lake at Long .Lake; Febraary 24^-Newcomb at j Indian Lake; March 3—Olmsted Jthnbr Varsity said Varsity teams met Indian, Lake high school on the >me court Both games were most NhiW YORK*—*Nov/'. 29-*-Christ- ^f^i^S^S-S^f^ *M* * ^dom Lake; March J 0 - one of the in^^ieaiming and india^i^fe ^ Newcomb: .March jGovernor Bray^* ir Ctovemcafi a^*aar^fcifl--fc-- s sK lac kof relief players due to un- forseen conditions. But we have a good: basketball team here and win I or lose the boys deserve a good [following. Last nighty lineups were as follows:- , North Greek—Comwell, rX; r _oodspeed, li.f Brown, "c; ^John- [son, rvg.^ Fitzgerald, Lg* * • , Schroon Lake—Wuliford, TS.; Pitkui/lX; Bogle, l£*; Aiken, cj W* -Williford, Lg.; EL Noxon, r,g. * ilimr i ii utir ^ ,- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon DeMarsh in Albany, from the* Exjacutive Charnber of the S t a t e ^ ^ J w Y a rk. Following is the tShToTthis docu- ment: over last year. The high scorers of these games are: Olmstedviller Junior Varsity—Edward Lynn, four points and Indian Lake—M. MeCanne with ten points'. The Var- sity, Sullivan of Olmstedville, 7 , points and Burgess of Indian Lake 16—Long Lake at Indian Lake, ten points. , . Games thia year will include a, The second game was Friday (Junior Varsity and Varsity Boy's with Long Lake Junior Varsity and game. Girls will not play scheduled Varsity teams. Long Lake being games but have seven play day victorious. The high scorers werer games with -Norttt Creek, New- Junior Vaj^ty^Olinfttedville, Olden i«f imlniiliriiiltiii sale of Ctoistmas Seals, the S^ii year in which these tokens of good health have been sold to help fight irauu* ««.^ «*•««. *^— *^»*: riesase rreax xnem wuwwuayr. tubercnTosas *nd4o Advence pubhc : TJO not boo the referee. He is health. ' • ' - 4i*£ft«r «» A* * f»h- frnnartiAl iob homd November^aSth:' * • < *? ^ Father and Son Sunner 1 1 II ii III I ^ . .^I^il^$mMy\ mnldred *** ! % ^>^-- p^P^er^an* %t^mn»k Urn health. "Every dtixen, through the pur- chase of Christmas Seals, becomes a partner ih^itbwf IrUsade against .disease, stimulating public interest (and bringing the fight close to the homes and hearts of our people Indeed, Seal Sale funds have-pro- vided the means for one of'the most fai^reaching and eotctmooiis educational programs of all time. * MMMJW .,,^...i?r. '- t " '*' '-'•• i1 ^- Bl I Another BmGO party wi& be held at O'Keefe's HaU on Monday evening^ December 13th), for the benefit of the Gore Mt. Ski Club. . "^-"are comb, Pot{?eraviflev Chestertown and Olmstedville.. These games will be played in the afternoon. Boys also have three ptay day games* Pleswe Bemember-— VMtirig teams are our guests. Isitbngtef tse treat them couTteoualy. 4^ #<* -«m,s ,V~->—U-jJ^y .#- s™-,* J-i V"* a fB.m^^%very M^^m i ^mu^w ^^^'iis^^Sm My ideeor^ted 'vsatk rnnners «£ balsam audi pink periwinkle. I The speaker for the occasion was jMr. Arthur Draper, former editor of The literary Digest and assis- tant-editor of the New York Herald *&&#&&:, S0»' Dj^er%/ t»|ie wa^ *!»*, Way. We^Mrn Tba|iy^*^ti __ the uWuy *q|* toWgtven*a^*ar^^ p^,ci»aeiK^ttBe, v - -i_. .-I ,, immmjim$mm*% * BulfP¥ JIOillBllXDBATBK - 3 S ^ Evening 7*^^9:00 Matinee SundTy 2:30 P . M. '' ISaesday* and iPftd^sdm *^^e^ trying to do a fair, Impartial job under great difficulties. Absolute quiet when fouls are being ifihot by either team. Applaud good plays by either team. Welcome the visiting team when it eoraes on the floor* , TJJ not let your emotions at any time cause you to forget you are a lady or gentleman. . ly , We went good sportsmanship to prevail at our games at all time*. Jf you ar^ a- poor sport please re- frain i A goo^gam^ SSA good game re- leas -r-three points; Austln r Long Lake, fifteen points. The varsity, Olm- stedville, Sullivan, three-points; Hetrington, Long Lake, fifteen [points. C. J. Monsaw, district superirt- tendent of schools in Essex County was a guest at the high school |Friday afternoon, Under-the supervision of Miss Helen Slievlin, an art course ham ,been added to the program of the Intermediate grades. The class at present working upon sketches* of local interest. Recognition has been given Leo McNally of Olm- stedville, for his exceptionally fina work. ' ~ , A copy of the Schroon Lake [Central School monthly paper, 0*&*mn&re*j**53*e jE^ard-at** tornfftsej-t. reeeiv'ei mmm m w«o- "Wh_4 "W&- wtatfe ^»e _ehi^lto_y* A ____ Sportstnanship 4 '«jt«a^<- p « y | J f b ^ a n k ^ «r-_» __r*«- . _-v, r*__.ibs^ii_^att1bereefth^ ing1irt&jhe« ^ l i i ^ i d s i t i n g l ^ k e t - - baJl teams. The, class. president acts in the capacity of /g^erat dividend Help yatar ^chool to mainu_ttti-«reeopl «f &tof$&^ ,1 „n)iihiii->-- _ *J___L_ -t_a-a__»_ ^TC*3S-U>, chahtnian. ^ifl-ninBn'^iifi 5 A \ 1 <• w****—~<<i«fc^|3 I > ; £4^ . __!, ^f^.- '7 ; :^ ^ -^--i i^q&__?r

1 -^m^mtrnm^^ v ^PM^^M^^^*^ > A ^ ..i^^^^^^^ l i l mnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85009634/1938-12-07/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · hanced by this project. , Wte ^WomenTs Volley ball has

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B«?gerswaa elected "-'

talent were pareaerit and afecor^

— "•' •iniHiiii.HWw—im mw lignum j ))• i»>i.|li»wiiywii.cmlifty>M|vi|.lri. mm i p *


r * »J

» - ' ?

Ik tMMOM D*y A W ^.„x)i calendar ha» been

ctemged to extend the"Ch*fetmi^ hoUday» anotherdmy. Sc&iol will re-o^en Tuesday, January: 3rd, at ©:0& A, 1L inatead of Monday, Jaiituir3r25ad.5 - • ' • - - ? • r *

" I»efe«ted By Onlr O M Point ; • • Tbe Lake George higli acKool fcaaketball team* beat the T oarth iCre«k team last SViSay by one point. !Ehe game was very excit-iB^WJfi^ftfetandcToae through .out. Nor th-g^Jead at the half.

i ;J» O r ^ j - , . * , ^ .....A 4 $2j

, J. lindsey .— .:.....;»..0 0 ..0 1 S. Johnaon. . 0 1 I1

, H. CcwnweH' X Fitegertlld :«.,..! 1 3

' 5 M l Total

t Y**5 :***"* * * * > * - ^ *- jjmGmmc^ iir;fc.rt 5 1 11 ' Earl

t Sica : < ...3 0 e , ^Barl , 1 0 [Z "' Cohen „..*.A „ 0, 0 ,0 ' Ba%mple ...,:„Z,.^.\.~ ^9 0 0

Xrongwortby .T~.T.O 0 0 , Total . J9 2 20 Kefetee—Potter. •. ' Score at half—15 lf, Norttt


. . . . A W ? . . . . - i . . . • . -J* II i l l i l n i *r I'll -m M*~ ^ "**

,4 chi#,aiWea8^d«ftt , ^

theen ,iai*awsd tfcltpte —»—T-^


, Intendent's examinaUona

Hie Olmsted^ afternoon.


tobeIield<wlt^ll?eHoli»e|ol;at £ J S T 5 » i f U ^ ^ ^

DeMmlw Set-Wfe' t« fl»^toy lO^laat.yea^a^Jbtee-.it waa. . oldnlonof.the members that the program should be repeated. Com-|mittees have been appointed to secure &4ree and-make^all necessa-j ley , arrangementa» At a regular meeting on .December 15th? the) Christmas tree will be erected andti decorated. - - r ^itchoodk for Commander v The meeting went on recordaa

'favoring the candidacy of Comrade ;Earl C. Hitchcock Of Glens Palls, f dr 'Department Commonderr Kew York; State* for the Legion yearl 1939-40. All members * pledged1

their support to Comrade Hitch.-cock. v *

Officers Installed

^lr»^H«rtiw» 8*«tey and lim. Savage will act as dis-

, Anyone interested in ' b«ns «-good friend and neighbor willrre-ceiffe a great deal of help from he club, «nd »re welcome to.at-

th* meeting.

been cptttpjottit DP the srronnds bur school. The beauty of bur sur­roundings has been, greatly #£* hanced by this project. ,

Wte WomenTs Volley ball has. been organised for, the ' season. The first pracpee was {Thursday night in the high -ifcyni.

I Indian Lake Hig


School Reporter

Basketball Schedule

A movie was held in the school Monday afternoon entitled "The Milky Way,M I t was given by Mr. Frank Gilson, secretary, of Y. ML a A. in Wesport, This movie was very informative, pointing out to young boys and girls the serkraa-neas of the Tuberculoma germ, and the cure for this disease*

The Girls IntramuraJ Volleyball are' progreesing rapidly,

board we #ee>*



Creek's moat bitter rivals, New . comb. The game starts at 8 P. J l , J ^riday^ December 16th, and we' would appreciate a good following. So come and see the boys beat INewcdmbi

Our first borne game will be some night next week. Watch fori our cards. i

Support North.. Creek in all {sports.

{Legion - meeting the Sons of the [Legion Squadron met and officers were installed by memberiTof the North Ceek Post and Earl Waddell, County Leader of the Sons of the Legion. It was stated at this Meet­ing that elgible sons of veterans from other Legion Posts through-" outjthe county would be invited to join the North Creek Squadron, pending formation of squadrons in their own localities.

ager—G. Casonj Ass'tImager— McNaUy, captain, and J ^ ^ g ? D. Baroudij Coach—Charles' An- iiirough good, volleying Friday m -drew; Cheer Leaders—D. Ivetsen, second on the winning hstw ^ -M. Parker, P . Beekman and. M. _ — ' J McGinn, " Last week, we welcomed th^

No^mber.2&--lndian Lake.atlfirst two basketball games in our OlmstedViSle; December dth—In-^schooL On Tueiday^' night the


**«. supervision „ Buster, of ^fartenshurg. Everyone Interested is eocdially invited.

Recent Arrivals , Parents of a Soa..

Dr. and Mrs. A. B. FitsgeraM are perentavof a son born Friday. ©r. George ^Bjeby of PcHersvule was the attending physician. The 'child haa been named.' Thomas 6 . iFifcggerald.

•** " - / t o t mmtmmi,miim)H.-^rK *•

Parents of Soa

dian Lake at Long Lake; -Decern-16—Newcomb at Indian Lake; January ft—Qlmstedyiilc~at Indian Lake; January 13—Long Lake, at Indian Lake; January 27—Indian Lake at Newcombj February 10— Indian Lake at Olmstedville; Feb­ruary 17—Indian Lake at Long

.Lake; Febraary 24^-Newcomb at j Indian Lake; March 3—Olmsted

Jthnbr Varsity said Varsity teams met Indian, Lake high school on the

>me court Both games were most

NhiW YORK*—*Nov/'. 29-*-Christ-^ f ^ i ^ S ^ S - S ^ f ^ *M* * ^dom Lake; March J 0 -one of the i n ^ ^ i e a i m i n g and india^i^fe ^ Newcomb: .March

jGovernor Bray^* i r Ctovemcafi

a^*aar^fcifl--fc--ssK lac kof relief players due to un-forseen conditions. But we have a good: basketball team here and win

I or lose the boys deserve a good [following. Last nighty lineups were as follows:- ,

North Greek—Comwell, rX; r_oodspeed, li.f Brown, "c; ^John-[son, rvg.^ Fitzgerald, Lg* * • ,

Schroon Lake—Wuliford, TS.; Pitkui/lX; Bogle, l£*; Aiken, c j W* -Williford, Lg.; EL Noxon, r,g. *

ilimr • i ii u t i r ^ ,-

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon DeMarsh

in Albany, from the* Exjacutive Charnber of the State^^JwYar k. Following is the tShToTthis docu­ment:

over last year. The high scorers of these games are: Olmstedviller Junior Varsity—Edward Lynn, four points and Indian Lake—M. MeCanne with ten points'. The Var­sity, Sullivan of Olmstedville, 7

, points and Burgess of Indian Lake 16—Long Lake at Indian Lake, ten points. ,

. Games thia year will include a, The second game • was Friday (Junior Varsity and Varsity Boy's with Long Lake Junior Varsity and game. Girls will not play scheduled Varsity teams. Long Lake being games but have seven play day victorious. The high scorers werer games with -Norttt Creek, New- Junior Vaj^ty^Olinfttedville, Olden


i m l n i i l i r i i i l t i i i

sale of Ctoistmas Seals, the S^ii year in which these tokens of good health have been sold to help fight irauu* ««.^ «*•««. * — *^»* : riesase rreax xnem wuwwuayr. tubercnTosas *nd4o Advence pubhc : TJO not boo the referee. He is health. ' • • ' - 4i*£ft«r «» A* * f»h- frnnartiAl iob

homd November^aSth:' * • < *? ^

Father and Son Sunner

1 1 I I i i • III I


. .^I^il^$mMy\ mnldred

*** ! % ^ > ^ - - p ^ P ^ e r ^ a n * % t ^ m n » k Urn

health. "Every dtixen, through the pur­

chase of Christmas Seals, becomes a partner ih itbwf IrUsade against

.disease, stimulating public interest (and bringing the fight close to the homes and hearts of our people Indeed, Seal Sale funds have-pro­vided the means for one of ' the most fai^reaching and eotctmooiis educational programs of all time. *

MMMJW .,,^...i?r. '- t " '*' '-'••i1^-

Bl I •

Another BmGO party wi& be held at O'Keef e's HaU on Monday evening^ December 13th), for the benefit of the Gore Mt. Ski Club.

. " ^ - " a r e

comb, Pot{?eraviflev Chestertown and Olmstedville.. These games will be played in the afternoon. Boys also have three ptay day games* Pleswe Bemember-—

VMtirig teams are our guests. Isitbngtef tse treat them couTteoualy.

4 ^ #<* -«m,s

,V~->—U-jJ^y .#- s™-,* J-i


a fB.m^^%very M^^mi^mu^w ^^^'iis^^Sm

My ideeor^ted 'vsatk rnnners «£ balsam audi pink periwinkle.

I The speaker for the occasion was jMr. Arthur Draper, former editor of The literary Digest and assis­tant-editor of the New York Herald *&&#&&:, S0»' Dj^er%/ t»|ie wa^ *!»*, Way. We^Mrn Tba|iy^*^ti

__ the uWuy *q|* t o W g t v e n * a ^ * a r ^ ^

p^,ci»aeiK^ttBe, v - -i_. . - I ,,immmjim$mm*%

* BulfP¥ JIOillBllXDBATBK -

3 S ^ Evening 7 * ^ ^ 9 : 0 0 Matinee SundTy 2:30 P. M. ''

ISaesday* and iPftd^sdm *^^e^

trying to do a fair, Impartial job under great difficulties.

Absolute quiet when fouls are being ifihot by either team.

Applaud good plays by either team.

Welcome the visiting team when it eoraes on the floor* , TJJ not let your emotions at any time cause you to forget you are a lady or gentleman. . ly ,

We went good sportsmanship to prevail at our games at all time*. Jf you ar^ a- poor sport please re­frain i A goo^gam^ SSA good game re-


-r-three points; Austlnr Long Lake, fifteen points. The varsity, Olm­stedville, Sullivan, three-points; Hetrington, Long Lake, fifteen [points.

C. J. Monsaw, district superirt-tendent of schools in Essex County was a guest at the high school |Friday afternoon,

Under-the supervision of Miss Helen Slievlin, an art course ham ,been added to the program of the Intermediate grades. The class i» at present working upon sketches* of local interest. Recognition has been given Leo McNally of Olm­stedville, for his exceptionally fina work. ' ~

, A copy of the Schroon Lake [Central School monthly paper,

0*&*mn&re*j**53*e jE ard-at** tornfftsej-t. reeeiv'ei mmm m w«o- "Wh_4 "W&- w t a t f e ^»e _ehi^lto_y* A ____

Sportstnanship 4'«jt«a^<- p«y|Jfb^ank^ «r-_» __r*«- . _-v, r*__.ibs^ii_^att1bereefth^ ing1irt&jhe« ^lii^idsit ingl^ket--baJl teams. The, class. president acts in the capacity of /g^erat

dividend Help yatar chool to mainu_ttti-«reeopl «f &tof$&^

,1 „n) i ih i i i ->- -

_ *J___L_ -t_a-a__»_ ^TC*3S-U>,

chahtnian. ^ifl-ninBn'^iifi



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