u f ft. fz ifA Zl? of Letters in the Poll-Offic- e, REMAINIG is not taken out in three months, will be returned to the ' General Pofl-Offic- e, as dead letters Rev. Robt. Armstrong, 2 ; Cant. Nat. Afliby, 2 ; Jacob Alexander ; .Thomas Anderson, Falmouth; .Samuel Ayres j Eliflia Allen. Theophilus Barton, care of Benjamin Parke ; ' John Bell ; Jofias Berryman ; John Barkely, Jeflamine; Robt. Barr, .Lexington, 2 ; Mich. Blake, care of John M'Na-i- r ; Mildred Bradley ; John Black-mor- e ; Thos. Barbour ; Hugh Bod, 2j James Beatty ; Wm. Ballard ; Dr. Red- mond D. Barry ; John Breckeniidge, 5 ; Broufufil, care of John M'Nair ; James Beving; Joseph Beatty j Clarke county; Philip Brink ; Saml. Bogs, a Dan. Collins 5 Jacob Creekbourrtj Jef-fami- ; Col. Wm. Clarke ; Caih. B. Cook, Woodford ; Allan Campbell 2 ; Ben. S. Cox ; Lewis Caftleman ; Laven Clarke; Geo. Cleveland, Clarke county j BafilCrow; Wm. Cooper Thost Gar-ne- al ; Col. Bart. Collins ; Rev. Mr. Craig ; Martin Clay; Maj. J. Calloway. Richmond Dedman ; Moles Doughe- rty; Michael Dugau ; Forbes Devery ; Peter Ditzlor. Saml. Ervine ; Capt. Littlebcry Ellis. James French, Richmond ; Leonard Fleming, 4 ; Ambrose Egglellon ; John Francisco, Woodford; John Fleming; John Fontlery ; John Frilloi Spencer Gill, Woodford ; Andrew Gadgill , James Grey ; Joliah Greaves ; David Gillifpie ; Capj. Gray, JelTamine ; John Graham ; Will. Griffith , Benj. Hodges, Harrison county; John Hill, 2 ; Eliz. Hawkins ; Cjpt. Henry Hughes ; John Hopkins junior, 2 ; Thos. Herndon, 2 ; Moses Hover ; Andrew Holmes; Nelson Hemley ; Jacob Kefby ; Andrew, Hover ; Saml. Hays ; Mar Hind ; Thos. Helm ; Wm.Hayne; Geo. Hunt. Harry Innis, 2 ; Thomas Irvin ; Col. Wm. Irvine, Rich. , - ' Thomas JohnTon, Hickman, road, 2 ; Wm. Johnron ; John Jeffries, plaifterer. Dan. & John Kriider ; Ira G. Kree-lan- d; Abrm. Kellar; Gen Thos. Ken-- , nedy ; Revd. Wm. Kafener. Geo. Linginfclter; SamliLufk; Thos. Lowftutter ; Saml. Leonard ; 1 hos. Love ; Jacob E. Lehre ; Ifaba; Lake ; 5 JacoU Lydick. John Moss, Woodford cdunty; Thos. . -- Mendenhall, 3 ; Robt. MlKinny ; Thos. FMontasnle ; Will. M'Kinny ; Will. M'Guire ; Nat. Mafley, a ; John M'Nair t Saml. Marlhell ; Jacob Meyer, care Dr. Trifler ; Wm. Murray ; Coh David Mead ; James Morrow, care of revd. Mr. Rankin ; Revd. James Moore ; Wade Mofby ; Robt. or Jas. M'Mullin ; Fran- cis M'Murdy. David Nefbit 2 ; Geo. Naylor ; Will. B. New j Beni Netherland ; Pat. Neal. Tohn Obannon. Thos. Picket, Clarke j Coh Wm. Price. j Mrs. Susan. Quarles, Woodfordi James Reley ; Nat Robinson, Boone1 county ; James Rufiel ; Joseph Rodgers ; Eleanor Rose; Wharton Ranfdale, Rev. Adatri Rankin; Col. Wm. Ruffel ; Wm. Robardsi ;, John Scott &"Sbn ; Will. Sutton, Scott county, 2 ; John Spangler ; Jos. Smith, cave of revd. Mr. Welch ; Lieut. G. W. Stall; D.Starke; Col. W. Steel, Wood- ford, 2 ; David Shields ; Richd. Steel ; Will Shreve, Jeffamine ; Charles Searcy, "' near Bourbon ; Wm. Smith, care of James ,Morrifon ; Revd. Geo. Smith ; Geo. Shaclleford, 2 ; Col. Robt. Sand- ers ;" Jortn Scott Afa Taylor r John Thompson 3 For-tunat- Tompkins ; John Taylor ; Col. Stephen Temple, 3 ; Wmi Thorripfon ; Revd. John Thayer ; Buckner Thruflon, 2 ; Dr. peter Trifler ; Walter Taylor ; Revd. David Thomas ', Capt. Zach. Tay- lor ; Martha Thompson ; Capt. Jona. Taylor, 4. ' Benedict Vanpradelles. Aaron Woodruff; Marcella Wafliing-to- n ; Saml. Wooldridge ; James Warfon; ' Caleb Wallace, Woodford county; James Wallace, saddler ; John Worton, care of Mr. M'Nair; Geo. Walker; Stephen Want. John W. Hunt, p. m. April" tit, 1801. TAKEN up by the fubferiber, living county, one three year old, Chef-u- t Sorrel Filley, three feet white, about fourteen hands high, trots jtatural, with a blaze face, not branded; apprai fed to isU - Bellengton M'Lany. May lotlt, i8oo. i A FEW COPIES U Mr. fefferlon's Inauguration Speech, Printed on White Sattin, and calculated forFraming, may be had at this Office. FRESH SUPPLT. MACBEAN &f POYZER, Have just received from Lee & Go's Fa- mily and Medicini. Ware-Hous- e, . Baltimore, a Large Supply aftbc most Celebrted 36, MEDICINES: 1 dollar per packet. Hamilton's Worm Dettroying Lozenges, Which have( within two years pad, given relies to upwards ot FIFTY THOUSAND PERSONS, ol all ages, in various dangerous complaints, arilmg from worms and from foulness or obtlructlon in the ltomach and bowels. A peculiar excellence of this remedy is, its being suited toetery age and conltitution: contains no thing but what is perfectly innocent, and is so mild in its operation, that it cannot injurcthe molt deli- cate pregnant lady, or the reiidercit infant ot a week old, mould no worms exilt in the body but will without pain or guping cleanse the ftomath and bowels ot whatever is loulor orfcnlive,,aiid thereby prevent thd produftion of worms end many ft.il disorders. Description of Worms, and the symptoms by which tbey are known. Worms .vlutn uilelt tli. human body, are chiefly of sour kindsf viz the 'Ieres or large, lound worm, the AlcaiiLcs, 01 liliall m-i- hoi 111, and laitly, tlie fEnia, or tape 10im, totalled ironntsrelemolance to tape tins is often many yaids lopg, and is full ot jouus It is molt hurtful, and nioit difficult to cuic. - Among the fvmptoms attending worms, are.tlif agiteaole biealii, elpttially iri the iiiorrting-4a- d and corrupted gums Itching ir the note and about Me seat Con ulfions and epileptic tits, and Ionie- - times privation of speech starting and grinding ot the teeth 111 ileep Irregular appetite, sometimes loathing food, and sometimes voracious Purging, with finny and fcecid 1I00I3 Vomiting Large anu hard belly Puns and licknefs at the ltomach'-Pa- ms 111 the head and thighs, with lownels of fpi-n- Slow sever, with small and irregular pulle A dry cough tnirft Sometimes pale and unhealthy couiiteuancc, and sometimes the face bloated and rlulhed Pel soils jfilifted with any of the above fvmptoms, fliould hive immediate recourle to 11AMIL1 ON's WORM DKS TROYING LOZENGES,yhichhae been constantly attended with success irfVall com- plaints (unilar to thole above defenbed. Children generally take this medicine with cager-nef- s, having a pleasing appearance, and an agreea- ble talte. We mall give occasionally, an account of cures, lelecled from a number ol persons in this state. Price 1 dollar and 50 cents, per bottle, The Genuine Perijan Lotion, Ear Cleansing and Cleaning the FACE and SKIN Of all Scnrbiitic and other Eruptions particu- larly Fieckles, Pimples) Pit's alter the Small-Pox- , Inflamatory Redness, Scurfs, Tetters, Ring-Worm- s, Sun Burns, Prickley Heat, Premature Wrinkles, ice. &c. Rendering the fkm delicately dear and soft, improving the complexion, restoring and the bloom ofouth. rtfc x oliar and 50 cents, per bottle, of )Q Church's Cough Drops, xor toe cure ot uuuuru, liUhua, ASTMAHS sis CONSUMPTIONS, Price 1 dollar and 50 cents per bottle, Infallible Ague 6c Fever Drops, For the cure 6f Agues, remittent and in- termittent Fevers. Thousands can teltify of their beng ured by these drops, aster the bark and eery other medi- cine has proved ineffectual ; a nd not ne in a hun- dred has had occasion to take more than one, and num'uers not half a bottle. These drops arc particularly recdmmended to the inhabitants of low niaiffiy countries, where the worst sort of agues generally prevail, which unless early attended to and speedily remoied, injures the conltitution exceedingly, and brings on dropfies, putr'd severs, and a Variety of complaints, of the mod dangerous and alarming naturfe. Many other' medicinis are daily offered to the public for the cure of this disorder, which, upon trial have been sound either dangerous or useless. The bark is the J. usual remedy made use of, but being a very naufe ous lnetliclnc, and leldom taken in fumcient quanti-ty.- it verv often sails ', and chi'.drtn, arid triulewho have weak ftomaths.-ar- frequently lost lor want of a more easy and pie fant remedy. Price 75 cents per bow The Sovereign Ointmenc for the Itch, which is warranted an infallible remedy at one. application, and niav be ufeclwitli t'le'moit perfect jaiccy Dy pregnane women, or on lrilafiti a week old, not containing 3 particle of mercury, or any dangerous ingredient whatever, and is not accom-pime- d with that tormenting smart, which attends the application of other remedies. PREVENTION Bh.i j Ell THAN CURE., For the prevention and cure of Billions andyplalignant Fevers, is 1 ecommended 0 - (Price I dollar per box,) Dr. Halm's And-Biliou- s Pills. Which have been attended with a degree of fuc cess highly gratifying to the inventor's feelings, in several parts of the West Indies, and the southern of the Uriiterl States, particularly in Baltimore, Peteriburg, Richmond. Norfolk, Ederfton, Wil rhingtori, Charleflon, dnd Savannah. The teflimo ' nyof A number of persons in each of the above pla ces can be adduced, who have reason to believe that a timely use of this falutaiy remedy, lias under Providence, preserved their lives when in the molt alarming circumstances. The operation of these pills is perfectly mild, so as to be ulej with safety by persons in every fitui tion, and of every age. They are excellentlyatiapted to carry off fuper-fTuou- s bile, and prevent its moibid secretions to restore and amend the ajipetite to pioduce a free perspiration, and theieby prevent colds, which are often of fatal consequences A dole never sails to remove a told, it taken on its first apperaance They are celebrated for removing habitual collive-nef- s licknefs at the stomach, and se ere head ache anl ought to be taken b all persons on a change of climaw. Pi ice 1 dollar and 50 cents per bottle, The Genuine Eflence, and, 1 dollar per box, The Genuine Extracl, of JVluf-tard- , ' Fdr the Cure of Gout, Pally, Sprains, White Swelling, &c. and has performed more cures in the above complaints, than all the other medicines ever before made public. Price 1 dollar and 50 cents per box, Dr. Hamilton's Elixer, A sovereign remedy for Golds j Obltmate Coughs, Afthmas, and approaching Conlufnptionsj and is farfupenorto any bther medicine for the WHOOP- ING" COUGH. Price 2 dollars, Indian Vegetable bpecific, J6 or the t.ure ot a Certain Djfeafe. Price 2 dollars, Hamilton's Grand Restorative, Is recommended as an invaluable medicine for the fpcedy relies and permanent cure of the various complaints which relult fioni diflipated pleafuies, juvmile indiscretions, residence in climates urfa vorable to the conltitution, the immoderate u.'e of mercury J the dileales pecular to females at a cer- tain period of life J baa lyings in, &c. Price 50 cents, The Danulk Lip Salve, An elegant and pleasant preparation for chopped and forelip, andereiy blemilh and inconvenience occasioned by Colds, Fevers, &c fpeedyreltoringa beavtilul rosy color,and delicate foftnefsto the lips. Price 75 cents per box, The Keltorative lJowder for the Teeth and Gums, This excellent preparation comforts and ftrengtli' ens the gums, preserves the enamel from decay, andcleanfcsand whitens the teeth, abforbingall that acrimonious slime andibulnels, w Inch suffered to ac- cumulate never tails to injure and finally ruinthem. Price 50 Cents, Dr. Hahn's True and Genuine German Corn Plailter, An infallible remedy for Corns, speedily remov- ing them loot and branch, without givingpaiti. Price 1 dollar per bottle. Dr. Hahn's Genuine Eye Wa- ter, A sovereign remedy for all diseases of the eyes, whether theeffea of natural weakness or of acci- dent, fpcedilv lemoving inflammations, deBunioiis of rheume, dulncfs, itching, and films en the eves, never sailing to cure those maladies which frequent 'y succeed the small pox, measles, and severs, anil wonderfully ftrengthemng a weak sight. Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues, when nearly deprived of.'ffghtt Price 75 Cents, Tooth-Ach- e Drops, The only remedv jet discovered which gives (mmednte and lasting relies in the molt fetere ?A iy LJ Price 1 dollar, The Anodyne. Elixer, For the cure of1 every kind of Head. Ache, &c. &c &c. N. B. These medicines are sold as above, by ap- pointment) and no where else in Kentucky. Also may be bad as abtVe Hooper's Female Pills Anderson's Scot's do. Piricifli Oil, Godfrey's Cordial, Dr. James's Fever Powder, Turlington's Balfom, . DafFy's Elixer, &c &c 5cc. Lexington, 3i April. . STATE OF KENTUCKY. LEXINGTbhf DiTHICT COURT, " February teim, 1 So I. Richard Crooks, Complainant, , against William Fisber, Lemuel Crittcndon and Sucky bis wise, and J'obn Jones and Sally bis wise, heirs and legal Represen- tatives of Benjamin Fisber, deceased, J3efendants, V) In Chancery. c 'ii-i-i ucreiiuaiiis naving ranea to en-- ter their appearance herein agreea- ble to law, and the rules of this courts and it appearing to the satisfaction of the cpUrt that they are not inhabitants of this commonwealth, on the motio'n of the Complainant by his counsel, itis ordered that the said defendants do appear here on the third day of our next Ma'y term, and answer the complainant's bill, and tliat a copy of this order be inserted in the Kentucky Gazette or Herald, accor- ding to law, another ported at the door of the court-hous- e for Fayette county, and that this cfrder be' publiflied at the door of the Prelbvteflan meetinjr-houf- e in Lexington, on fdme SuAday immedi- ately aster divine fdrv'lce. A Copy Tefie, Tim. Bodley, c. t. D. c. BLANK BOOKS, Of any descripion, may be bad at this Office on tbe sbgrtcft ngtica .THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVi. the fatlsfaftion of .ififorfeihg tuftomeri and fatherS; that jn confeqtiencei bf an rfrrarigeffnent friSde by JohnJorda5i JfiHi they will be ena- bled td purchdfe the follo"wing art2fcleS rif produce this feaTorf, va HEMP, WHEAT, FLOURi , And TOBACCO, Fofvhich they will give such prices- - tn, their present engagements and prospect willjuftify, ivbicb they hope will be sound as liberal as any -- , But as they have Undertaken this bufi- - mess with profpecls indeed, tbo trifling even io conipenfate them fof tH'eir fetvi- - ces, they hope at least, to meet with bet- ter encouragement than vha(t has here- tofore been allotted by the Planters and Farmers bf this state, to those vho er-port- ed their Produde, and that a proper diftinclion will be made in savor of them, who, at all limes have exerted themselves to embrace every opportunity of ftrving the Planters, &c. It is with the utmost reluctance they take notice of an incontrovertible truth, that so far from meeting the encourage- ment tide their exertions, they have had the mortification to find that a preference was at all times given (unless when paytrient was made in produce) to others, who sold for cash only in confe-quen- ce of which, they had determined to pursue the same fyftetnof Cdmmercc that is now so loudly complained bf by the Ci- tizens at large, so long at least, until their competitors fliould either be obliged to Undergo the same risk and trouble. Or the Farmer and Planter take a ftiore estenfive View of his real interest but being anx- ious to avoid their proportion of geheral censure, and to make their occupatiori as useful as poffible, they have Once more receded from their resolution, determin- ed to purchase the productions of thd soil, and trust to the liberality of thd Farmer and Planter, to obviate thofa complaints in suture The conditions on which they intend to take produce, are, the Cash Prices off the several articles In return, they will continue to sell their goods at their ufu-- i al lowpricesjforCafliorProdnce. Those who may have more Produce than would be convenient for them to take" in Goods fliall receive Cash, by allowing a reafon-bl- e Credit, but ho payments will be made! either in Goods or Cafli, until the deli- very of the articles, and it is further ex- - peeled that none will solicit ah advance, as it is impolTible for them (in confer que'nee of the numerous disappointments heretofore experienced) either to difcri minate, or to deviate from this rule. JOHN A SEITZ, . JOHN JORDAN Juri. & Co JN. D. .By the above arrangements therg can bri no caUfe for fufpectihgus of lei lirig higher, and confequehtly we flatter1 oUrfelves with a continuance of the custom of those who fliall wilh to purchase for ' Cash. TAKEN up by the fubferiber living Hallock's on Hufton, a bay mare, eleven or twelve years old, thirteen hands high, with a fUr in her sorehead, an'd foine saddle fpotS on each side, has art old bell on, tied with a tour ftrinp;,thej)ell has no clapper In it ported and 10s. Thomas Richerson. December S2d, I8oo. f TAKE NOTICE. "pHAT we fliall attend the commifii- - oners, appointed by the cdunty cdtirt of Pen- dleton county, on the 20th iriUant, at Edward John-foh'- s, and thence proceed td a walnut tree marked BS, to perpetuate teftimorty concerning the calls of an entry, made in the name of Bartlett Searcy allignee of Rachel Cook, and do such other acls as may be deemed neceflTary amTasreeablc to law. Jas. Littell, Wm. Gillispie. 4th April, rS-Ji- . 1 Hp PUBLIC SALES OF LANDS. It is hereby made known, that the LANDS BELOW the Little Miami River not been heretofore granted, will be offered at ptiblit vendue at Cincinnati, agreeable to the provisions of the aft entitled " An aft t& amend the aft, entitled an aft providing for the sale of the lands of the United States, in the territory north-we- of the Ohio, and above the mouth off " Kentucky river." The vendue will commence, on the first Monday of April next, jnd Will continue frdrn day td day for the term of thfee weeks, at the house of Mr GiiF-fi- n Veatman) innkeeper in said town. Due atten dance will bi given by Ar. St. CLAIR, Gov. March zid, 1801 ISREAL LUDLOW, Register of the Land Office THE GENERAL INST RUCTOR, Containing the Office, Dutyj anct Author rity, of Justices of the Peace, Coro- ners and Conftablesi within this Commonwealth. This work is now publiflied, and mzf be had, bound at Two Dollars and Fif- ty Cents AV J?

1 JVluf-tard- Pofl-Offic- Ware-Hous- 36, vanyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7tdz02zz8h/data/3147.pdfu f ft. fz ifA Zl? of Letters REMAINIG in the Poll-Offic- e, is not taken out in three months,

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    Zl? of Lettersin the Poll-Offic- e,REMAINIG is not taken out in

    three months, will be returned to the' General Pofl-Offic- e, as dead letters

    Rev. Robt. Armstrong, 2 ; Cant. Nat.Afliby, 2 ; Jacob Alexander ; .ThomasAnderson, Falmouth; .Samuel Ayres jEliflia Allen.

    Theophilus Barton, care of BenjaminParke ; ' John Bell ; Jofias Berryman ;John Barkely, Jeflamine; Robt. Barr,

    .Lexington, 2 ; Mich. Blake, care of JohnM'Na-i- r ; Mildred Bradley ; John Black-mor- e

    ; Thos. Barbour ; Hugh Bod, 2jJames Beatty ; Wm. Ballard ; Dr. Red-mond D. Barry ; John Breckeniidge, 5 ;Broufufil, care of John M'Nair ; JamesBeving; Joseph Beatty j Clarke county;Philip Brink ; Saml. Bogs, a

    Dan. Collins 5 Jacob Creekbourrtj Jef-fami-; Col. Wm. Clarke ; Caih. B.

    Cook, Woodford ; Allan Campbell 2 ;Ben. S. Cox ; Lewis Caftleman ; LavenClarke; Geo. Cleveland, Clarke county jBafilCrow; Wm. Cooper Thost Gar-ne- al

    ; Col. Bart. Collins ; Rev. Mr.Craig ; Martin Clay; Maj. J. Calloway.

    Richmond Dedman ; Moles Doughe-rty; Michael Dugau ; Forbes Devery ;Peter Ditzlor.

    Saml. Ervine ; Capt. Littlebcry Ellis.James French, Richmond ; Leonard

    Fleming, 4 ; Ambrose Egglellon ; JohnFrancisco, Woodford; John Fleming;John Fontlery ; John Frilloi

    Spencer Gill, Woodford ; AndrewGadgill , James Grey ; Joliah Greaves ;David Gillifpie ; Capj. Gray, JelTamine ;John Graham ; Will. Griffith, Benj. Hodges, Harrison county; JohnHill, 2 ; Eliz. Hawkins ; Cjpt. HenryHughes ; John Hopkins junior, 2 ; Thos.Herndon, 2 ; Moses Hover ; AndrewHolmes; Nelson Hemley ; Jacob Kefby ;Andrew, Hover ; Saml. Hays ; MarHind ; Thos. Helm ; Wm.Hayne; Geo.Hunt.

    Harry Innis, 2 ; Thomas Irvin ; Col.Wm. Irvine, Rich. , - '

    Thomas JohnTon, Hickman, road, 2 ;Wm. Johnron ; John Jeffries, plaifterer.

    Dan. & John Kriider ; Ira G. Kree-lan- d;Abrm. Kellar; Gen Thos. Ken-- ,

    nedy ; Revd. Wm. Kafener.Geo. Linginfclter; SamliLufk; Thos.

    Lowftutter ; Saml. Leonard ; 1 hos.Love ; Jacob E. Lehre ; Ifaba; Lake ;

    5 JacoU Lydick.John Moss, Woodford cdunty; Thos.

    . -- Mendenhall, 3 ; Robt. MlKinny ; Thos.FMontasnle ; Will. M'Kinny ; Will.

    M'Guire ; Nat. Mafley, a ; John M'Nair tSaml. Marlhell ; Jacob Meyer, careDr. Trifler ; Wm. Murray ; Coh DavidMead ; James Morrow, care of revd. Mr.Rankin ; Revd. James Moore ; WadeMofby ; Robt. or Jas. M'Mullin ; Fran-cis M'Murdy.

    David Nefbit 2 ; Geo. Naylor ; Will.B. New j Beni Netherland ; Pat. Neal.

    Tohn Obannon.Thos. Picket, Clarke j Coh Wm.


    j Mrs. Susan. Quarles, WoodfordiJames Reley ; Nat Robinson, Boone1

    county ; James Rufiel ; Joseph Rodgers ;Eleanor Rose; Wharton Ranfdale, Rev.Adatri Rankin; Col. Wm. Ruffel ; Wm.Robardsi ;,

    John Scott &"Sbn ; Will. Sutton, Scottcounty, 2 ; John Spangler ; Jos. Smith,cave of revd. Mr. Welch ; Lieut. G. W.Stall; D.Starke; Col. W. Steel, Wood-ford, 2 ; David Shields ; Richd. Steel ;Will Shreve, Jeffamine ; Charles Searcy,

    "' near Bourbon ; Wm. Smith, care ofJames ,Morrifon ; Revd. Geo. Smith ;Geo. Shaclleford, 2 ; Col. Robt. Sand-ers ;" Jortn Scott

    Afa Taylor r John Thompson 3 For-tunat-Tompkins ; John Taylor ; Col.

    Stephen Temple, 3 ; Wmi Thorripfon ;Revd. John Thayer ; Buckner Thruflon,2 ; Dr. peter Trifler ; Walter Taylor ;Revd. David Thomas ', Capt. Zach. Tay-lor ; Martha Thompson ; Capt. Jona.Taylor, 4.' Benedict Vanpradelles.

    Aaron Woodruff; Marcella Wafliing-to- n; Saml. Wooldridge ; James Warfon;


    Caleb Wallace, Woodford county; JamesWallace, saddler ; John Worton, care ofMr. M'Nair; Geo. Walker; StephenWant.

    John W. Hunt, p. m.April" tit, 1801.

    TAKEN up by the fubferiber, livingcounty, one three year old, Chef-u-tSorrel Filley, three feet white, about fourteen

    hands high, trots jtatural, with a blaze face, notbranded; apprai fed to isU


    Bellengton M'Lany.May lotlt, i8oo. i

    A FEW COPIES UMr. fefferlon's

    Inauguration Speech,Printed on White Sattin, and calculated

    forFraming, may be had at this Office.


    MACBEAN &f POYZER,Have just received from Lee & Go's Fa-

    mily and Medicini. Ware-Hous- e,. Baltimore, a Large Supply aftbc most


    36, MEDICINES:1 dollar per packet.Hamilton's Worm Dettroying

    Lozenges,Which have( within two years pad, given relies

    to upwards ot FIFTY THOUSAND PERSONS,ol all ages, in various dangerous complaints, arilmgfrom worms and from foulness or obtlructlon in theltomach and bowels.

    A peculiar excellence of this remedy is, its beingsuited toetery age and conltitution: contains nothing but what is perfectly innocent, and is so mildin its operation, that it cannot injurcthe molt deli-cate pregnant lady, or the reiidercit infant ot a weekold, mould no worms exilt in the body but willwithout pain or guping cleanse the ftomath andbowels ot whatever is loulor orfcnlive,,aiid therebyprevent thd produftion of worms end many ft.ildisorders.

    Description of Worms, and the symptomsby which tbey are known.

    Worms .vlutn uilelt tli. human body, are chieflyof sour kindsf viz the 'Ieres or large, lound worm,the AlcaiiLcs, 01 liliall m-i- hoi 111, and laitly, tliefEnia, or tape 10im, totalled ironntsrelemolanceto tape tins is often many yaids lopg, and is fullot jouus It is molt hurtful, and nioit difficult tocuic. -

    Among the fvmptoms attending worms, are.tlifagiteaole biealii, elpttially iri the iiiorrting-4a- dand corrupted gums Itching ir the note and aboutMe seat Con ulfions and epileptic tits, and Ionie- -times privation of speech starting and grindingot the teeth 111 ileep Irregular appetite, sometimesloathing food, and sometimes voracious Purging,with finny and fcecid 1I00I3 Vomiting Large anuhard belly Puns and licknefs at the ltomach'-Pa- ms

    111 the head and thighs, with lownels of fpi-n-Slow sever, with small and irregular pulle

    A dry cough tnirft Sometimes paleand unhealthy couiiteuancc, and sometimes the facebloated and rlulhed

    Pel soils jfilifted with any of the above fvmptoms,fliould hive immediate recourle to 11AMIL1 ON'sWORM DKS TROYING LOZENGES,yhichhaebeen constantly attended with success irfVall com-plaints (unilar to thole above defenbed.

    Children generally take this medicine with cager-nef- s,having a pleasing appearance, and an agreea-

    ble talte.We mall give occasionally, an account of cures,

    lelecled from a number ol persons in this state.

    Price 1 dollar and 50 cents, per bottle,The Genuine Perijan Lotion,

    Ear Cleansing and Cleaning the FACEand SKIN

    Of all Scnrbiitic and other Eruptions particu-larly Fieckles, Pimples) Pit's alter the Small-Pox- ,Inflamatory Redness, Scurfs, Tetters, Ring-Worm- s,Sun Burns, Prickley Heat, Premature Wrinkles,ice. &c. Rendering the fkm delicately dear andsoft, improving the complexion, restoring and

    the bloom ofouth.

    rtfc x oliar and 50 cents, per bottle,of )Q Church's Cough Drops,

    xor toe cure ot uuuuru, liUhua,ASTMAHS sis CONSUMPTIONS,

    Price 1 dollar and 50 cents per bottle,Infallible Ague 6c Fever Drops,For the cure 6f Agues, remittent and in-

    termittent Fevers.Thousands can teltify of their beng ured by

    these drops, aster the bark and eery other medi-cine has proved ineffectual ; a nd not ne in a hun-dred has had occasion to take more than one, andnum'uers not half a bottle.

    These drops arc particularly recdmmended to theinhabitants of low niaiffiy countries, where theworst sort of agues generally prevail, which unlessearly attended to and speedily remoied, injures theconltitution exceedingly, and brings on dropfies,putr'd severs, and a Variety of complaints, of themod dangerous and alarming naturfe. Many other'medicinis are daily offered to the public for thecure of this disorder, which, upon trial have beensound either dangerous or useless. The bark is the

    J. usual remedy made use of, but being a very naufeous lnetliclnc, and leldom taken in fumcient quanti-ty.- it

    verv often sails ', and chi'.drtn, arid triulewhohave weak ftomaths.-ar- frequently lost lor wantof a more easy and pie fant remedy.

    Price 75 cents per bowThe Sovereign Ointmenc for the

    Itch,which is warranted an infallible remedy at one.

    application, and niav be ufeclwitli t'le'moit perfectjaiccy Dy pregnane women, or on lrilafiti a weekold, not containing 3 particle of mercury, or anydangerous ingredient whatever, and is not accom-pime- d

    with that tormenting smart, which attendsthe application of other remedies.

    PREVENTION Bh.i j Ell THAN CURE.,For the prevention and cure of Billions

    andyplalignant Fevers, is 1 ecommended0 - (Price I dollar per box,)Dr. Halm's And-Biliou- s Pills.Which have been attended with a degree of fuc

    cess highly gratifying to the inventor's feelings, inseveral parts of the West Indies, and the southernof the Uriiterl States, particularly in Baltimore,Peteriburg, Richmond. Norfolk, Ederfton, Wilrhingtori, Charleflon, dnd Savannah. The teflimo 'nyof A number of persons in each of the above places can be adduced, who have reason to believe thata timely use of this falutaiy remedy, lias underProvidence, preserved their lives when in the moltalarming circumstances.

    The operation of these pills is perfectly mild, soas to be ulej with safety by persons in every fituition, and of every age.

    They are excellentlyatiapted to carry off fuper-fTuou- sbile, and prevent its moibid secretions to

    restore and amend the ajipetite to pioduce a freeperspiration, and theieby prevent colds, which areoften of fatal consequences A dole never sails toremove a told, it taken on its first apperaanceThey are celebrated for removing habitual collive-nef- s

    licknefs at the stomach, and se ere head acheanl ought to be taken b all persons on a change

    of climaw.

    Pi ice 1 dollar and 50 cents per bottle,The Genuine Eflence,

    and, 1 dollar per box,The Genuine Extracl, of JVluf-tard-,

    'Fdr the Cure of Gout, Pally,

    Sprains, White Swelling, &c. and has performedmore cures in the above complaints, than all theother medicines ever before made public.

    Price 1 dollar and 50 cents per box,Dr. Hamilton's Elixer,

    A sovereign remedy for Golds j Obltmate Coughs,Afthmas, and approaching Conlufnptionsj and isfarfupenorto any bther medicine for the WHOOP-ING" COUGH.

    Price 2 dollars,Indian Vegetable bpecific,

    J6or the t.ure ot a Certain Djfeafe.

    Price 2 dollars,Hamilton's Grand Restorative,

    Is recommended as an invaluable medicine forthe fpcedy relies and permanent cure of the variouscomplaints which relult fioni diflipated pleafuies,juvmile indiscretions, residence in climates urfavorable to the conltitution, the immoderate u.'e ofmercury J the dileales pecular to females at a cer-tain period of life J baa lyings in, &c.

    Price 50 cents,The Danulk Lip Salve,

    An elegant and pleasant preparation for choppedand forelip, andereiy blemilh and inconvenienceoccasioned by Colds, Fevers, &c fpeedyreltoringabeavtilul rosy color,and delicate foftnefsto the lips.

    Price 75 cents per box,The Keltorative lJowder for the

    Teeth and Gums,This excellent preparation comforts and ftrengtli'

    ens the gums, preserves the enamel from decay,andcleanfcsand whitens the teeth, abforbingall thatacrimonious slime andibulnels, w Inch suffered to ac-cumulate never tails to injure and finally ruinthem.

    Price 50 Cents,Dr. Hahn's True and Genuine

    German Corn Plailter,An infallible remedy for Corns, speedily remov-

    ing them loot and branch, without givingpaiti.

    Price 1 dollar per bottle.Dr. Hahn's Genuine Eye Wa-

    ter,A sovereign remedy for all diseases of the eyes,

    whether theeffea of natural weakness or of acci-dent, fpcedilv lemoving inflammations, deBunioiisof rheume, dulncfs, itching, and films en the eves,never sailing to cure those maladies which frequent'y succeed the small pox, measles, and severs, anilwonderfully ftrengthemng a weak sight. Hundredshave experienced its excellent virtues, when nearlydeprived of.'ffghtt

    Price 75 Cents,Tooth-Ach- e Drops,

    The only remedv jet discovered which gives(mmednte and lasting relies in the molt fetere

    ?Aiy LJ Price 1 dollar,The Anodyne. Elixer,

    For the cure of1 every kind of Head. Ache, &c.&c &c.

    N. B. These medicines are sold as above, by ap-pointment) and no where else in Kentucky.

    Also may be bad as abtVeHooper's Female PillsAnderson's Scot's do.Piricifli Oil,Godfrey's Cordial,Dr. James's Fever Powder,Turlington's Balfom, .DafFy's Elixer, &c &c 5cc.

    Lexington, 3i April.

    . STATE OF KENTUCKY.LEXINGTbhf DiTHICT COURT," February teim, 1 So I.

    Richard Crooks, Complainant,, against

    William Fisber, Lemuel Crittcndon andSucky bis wise, and J'obn Jones andSally bis wise, heirs and legal Represen-tatives of Benjamin Fisber, deceased,

    J3efendants,V) In Chancery.

    c 'ii-i-i ucreiiuaiiis naving ranea to en--ter their appearance herein agreea-

    ble to law, and the rules of this courtsand it appearing to the satisfaction of thecpUrt that they are not inhabitants of thiscommonwealth, on the motio'n of theComplainant by his counsel, itis orderedthat the said defendants do appear hereon the third day of our next Ma'y term,and answer the complainant's bill, andtliat a copy of this order be inserted inthe Kentucky Gazette or Herald, accor-ding to law, another ported at the doorof the court-hous- e for Fayette county,and that this cfrder be' publiflied at thedoor of the Prelbvteflan meetinjr-houf- ein Lexington, on fdme SuAday immedi-ately aster divine fdrv'lce.

    A Copy Tefie,Tim. Bodley, c. t. D. c.

    BLANK BOOKS,Of any descripion, may be bad at this

    Office on tbe sbgrtcft ngtica


    HAVi. the fatlsfaftion of .ififorfeihgtuftomeri and fatherS; thatjn confeqtiencei bf an rfrrarigeffnent friSdeby JohnJorda5i JfiHi they will be ena-bled td purchdfe the follo"wing art2fcleSrif produce this feaTorf, vaHEMP, WHEAT, FLOURi, And TOBACCO,Fofvhich they will give such prices-- tn,their present engagements and prospectwilljuftify, ivbicb they hope will be soundas liberal as any

    --, But as they have Undertaken this bufi- -mess with profpecls indeed, tbo triflingeven io conipenfate them fof tH'eir fetvi- -ces, they hope at least, to meet with bet-ter encouragement than vha(t has here-tofore been allotted by the Planters andFarmers bf this state, to those vho er-port- ed

    their Produde, and that a properdiftinclion will be made in savor of them,who, at all limes have exerted themselvesto embrace every opportunity of ftrvingthe Planters, &c.

    It is with the utmost reluctance theytake notice of an incontrovertible truth,that so far from meeting the encourage-ment tide their exertions, they have

    had the mortification to find thata preference was at all times given (unlesswhen paytrient was made in produce) toothers, who sold for cash only in confe-quen- ce

    of which, they had determined topursue the same fyftetnof Cdmmercc thatis now so loudly complained bf by the Ci-tizens at large, so long at least, until theircompetitors fliould either be obliged toUndergo the same risk and trouble. Or theFarmer and Planter take a ftiore estenfiveView of his real interest but being anx-ious to avoid their proportion of geheralcensure, and to make their occupatiori asuseful as poffible, they have Once morereceded from their resolution, determin-ed to purchase the productions of thdsoil, and trust to the liberality of thdFarmer and Planter, to obviate thofacomplaints in suture

    The conditions on which they intendto take produce, are, the Cash Prices offthe several articles In return, they willcontinue to sell their goods at their ufu-- ial lowpricesjforCafliorProdnce. Thosewho may have more Produce than wouldbe convenient for them to take" in Goodsfliall receive Cash, by allowing a reafon-bl- e

    Credit, but ho payments will be made!either in Goods or Cafli, until the deli-very of the articles, and it is further ex- -peeled that none will solicit ah advance,as it is impolTible for them (in conferque'nee of the numerous disappointmentsheretofore experienced) either to difcriminate, or to deviate from this rule.


    JN. D. .By the above arrangements thergcan bri no caUfe for fufpectihgus of leilirig higher, and confequehtly we flatter1oUrfelves with a continuance of the customof those who fliall wilh to purchase for 'Cash.

    TAKEN up by the fubferiber livingHallock's on Hufton, a bay mare,eleven or twelve years old, thirteen hands high,with a fUr in her sorehead, an'd foine saddle fpotSon each side, has art old bell on, tied with a tourftrinp;,thej)ell has no clapper In it ported and


    Thomas Richerson.December S2d, I8oo. f

    TAKE NOTICE."pHAT we fliall attend the commifii- -

    oners, appointed by the cdunty cdtirt of Pen-dleton county, on the 20th iriUant, at Edward John-foh'- s,

    and thence proceed td a walnut tree markedBS, to perpetuate teftimorty concerning the callsof an entry, made in the name of Bartlett Searcyallignee of Rachel Cook, and do such other acls asmay be deemed neceflTary amTasreeablc to law.

    Jas. Littell,Wm. Gillispie.

    4th April, rS-Ji- .



    PUBLIC SALES OF LANDS.It is hereby made known, that the

    LANDSBELOW the Little Miami River

    not been heretofore granted, willbe offered at ptiblit vendue at Cincinnati, agreeableto the provisions of the aft entitled " An aft t&amend the aft, entitled an aft providing for the saleof the lands of the United States, in the territorynorth-we- of the Ohio, and above the mouth off "Kentucky river."

    The vendue will commence, on the first Mondayof April next, jnd Will continue frdrn day td day forthe term of thfee weeks, at the house of Mr GiiF-fi- n

    Veatman) innkeeper in said town. Due attendance will bi given by

    Ar. St. CLAIR, Gov.

    March zid, 1801

    ISREAL LUDLOW,Register of the Land Office


    Containing the Office, Dutyj anct Authorrity, of Justices of the Peace, Coro-

    ners and Conftablesi within thisCommonwealth.

    This work is now publiflied, and mzfbe had, bound at Two Dollars and Fif-ty Cents

