1 Hematocrit, plasma & serum fig 12-1 Hematocrit = volume of red cells (~45%) Plasma = fluid in fresh blood Serum = fluid after blood has clotted Plasma = serum + fibrinogen (& other clotting factors) Normal volumes: blood ~5.5L, plasma ~3L, rbc’s ~2.5L

1 Hematocrit, plasma & serum fig 12-1 Hematocrit = volume of red cells (~45%) Plasma = fluid in fresh blood Serum = fluid after blood has clotted Plasma

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Page 1: 1 Hematocrit, plasma & serum fig 12-1 Hematocrit = volume of red cells (~45%) Plasma = fluid in fresh blood Serum = fluid after blood has clotted Plasma


Hematocrit, plasma & serum

fig 12-1

Hematocrit = volume of red cells (~45%)

Plasma = fluid in fresh blood

Serum = fluid after blood has clotted

Plasma = serum + fibrinogen (& other clotting factors)

Normal volumes:blood ~5.5L, plasma ~3L, rbc’s ~2.5L

Page 2: 1 Hematocrit, plasma & serum fig 12-1 Hematocrit = volume of red cells (~45%) Plasma = fluid in fresh blood Serum = fluid after blood has clotted Plasma


Systemic, pulmonary circulations

fig 12-2

2 hearts, each with 2 chambers

Left heart to all body except lungs (systemic)

Right heart to lungs (pulmonary)

Systemic arteries: oxygenated blood

Pulmonary arteries: deoxygenated blood

Systemic veins: deoxygenated blood

Pulmonary veins: oxygenated blood

Atria: receive blood from veins

Ventricles: pump blood to arteries

Page 3: 1 Hematocrit, plasma & serum fig 12-1 Hematocrit = volume of red cells (~45%) Plasma = fluid in fresh blood Serum = fluid after blood has clotted Plasma


Pressure, flow & resistance

flow = Δ pressure / resistance

Later you will see that:

blood pressure = cardiac output (flow) x peripheral resistance

It is Δ pressure that drives flow

Page 4: 1 Hematocrit, plasma & serum fig 12-1 Hematocrit = volume of red cells (~45%) Plasma = fluid in fresh blood Serum = fluid after blood has clotted Plasma



resistance = 8 x x L

x r4


= viscosity (“eta” mostly depends on hematocrit)

L = length of vessel

r = radius of vessel


the body regulates blood flow by altering vessel radius

halving the radius 16x resistance

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Heart structure

fig 12-6

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Heart valve structure

fig 12-7

atrioventricular valves: like parachutesaortic & pulmonary valves: like pockets

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Heart muscle structure

fig 12-9

striated, branched cells, 1 nucleus/cell, connected by intercalated discsspontaneous contraction, regulated by autonomic NS, hormonescoronary blood flow regulated by active hyperemia (see later)

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Conducting system

consists of modified cardiac muscle cells

fig 12-10


sinoatrial node

atrial pathways

atrioventricular node

Bundle of Hisonly path to ventricles

R & L bundle branches

Purkinje fibers

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Conducting system properties

Spontaneous depolarization

all conducting system shows spontaneous depolarization

intrinsic rates:SA node (70/min), AV node (40/min), Purkinje fibers (20/min)

therefore SA node sets heart rate

Conduction rates

slowest: AV node, ~ 100 msec

delay between atrial & ventricular contraction

fastest: Purkinje fibers

all ventricular muscle contracts together (apex slightly ahead)

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Cardiac action potential (ventricular muscle)

RMP close to K+ equilibrium potential

depolarization: Na+ channels open/inactivate

plateau phase:

Ca++ channels open, K+ channels close


Ca++ channels close, K+ channels open

refractory period ~250 milliseconds

value of plateau & refractory period:heart must relax before contracting again

fig 12-12

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Cardiac action potential (conducting tissue)

RMP drifts to threshold (pacemaker potential)K+ channels closingfunny Na+ channels open/closeT-type Ca++ channels open

depolarization: L-type Ca++ channels open

repolarization:Ca++ channels close, K+ channels open

plateau phase:

Ca++ channels open, K+ channels close


Ca++ channels close, K+ channels open

refractory period ~250 milliseconds

fig 12-13

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Excitation contraction coupling

fig 12-18

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Excitation contraction coupling

L-type channel Ca++ channel acts as voltage gated channel

Ca++ enters cytosol from T tubules

Ca++ from T tubules stimulates opening of ryanodine receptor Ca++ channel

Ca++ enters cytosol from sarcoplasmic reticulum contraction

fig 12-17

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Excitation contraction: cardiac vs. skeletal muscle

Ca++ channels

1. L-type Ca++ channels (DHP receptor) in T tubule membrane 2. Ryanodine receptor Ca++ channels in wall of sarcoplasmic reticulum

Skeletal muscle:

L-type (DHP) Ca++ channel acts as voltage sensor (not as channel) L-type (DHP) mechanically opens ryanodine receptor channel Ca++ enters cytosol from sarcoplasmic reticulum contraction

Cardiac muscle

L-type channel Ca++ channel acts as voltage gated channel Ca++ enters cytosol from T tubules Ca++ from T tubules stimulates opening of ryanodine receptor Ca++ channel Ca++ enters cytosol from sarcoplasmic reticulum contraction

Why is this important?

Skeletal muscle will contract even if there is no extracellular Ca++

Ca++ channel blocking drugs (DHP derivatives):cardiac contractility, but do not skeletal muscle strength

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fig 12-14

P wave: atrial depolarization

QRS complex: ventricular depolarization

T wave: ventricular repolarization

Atrial repolarization wave obscured by QRS complex

note voltage (compare with ic electrode)

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Cardiac cycle

Systole = contraction (~ *0.3 sec)

Diastole = relaxation (~ *0.5 sec) *resting rate

4 phases:

1. ventricular filling (diastole)

2. isovolumetric ventricular contraction (systole)

3. ventricular ejection (systole)

4. isovolumetric ventricular relaxation (diastole)

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1. Ventricular filling

AV valvesA&P valves

atrial P > ventricular P AV valves openaortic P > ventricular P A&P valves closed

atrial contraction adds ~15% more blood

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2. Isovolumetric ventricular contraction

ventricular P > atrial P AV valves closed

aortic P > ventricular P A&P valves closed

1st heart sound: closing of AV valves

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3. Ventricular ejection

ventricular P > atrial P AV valves closed

ventricular P > aortic P A&P valves open

AV valves

A&P valves

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3. Isovolumetric ventricular relaxation

ventricular P > atrial P AV valves closed

aortic P > ventricular P A&P valves close

2nd heart sound: closing of A&P valves

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Right heart mechanics

fig 12-21

Notes:Volumes, valves, sounds, & times are the same as left heartPressures are lower because peripheral resistance of lung is lower

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Cardiac output & ejection fraction

Cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate

Stroke volume = end diastolic volume (EDV) – end systolic volume (ESV)


cardiac output = (EDV – ESV) x heart rate

at rest: EDV = ~130 ml, ESV = 60 ml, heart rate = 70/min

so: resting cardiac output = (130 – 60) x 70 = 4900 ml/min = ~5L/min

Ejection fraction = percentage of blood ejected with each beat

= stroke volume/EDV = 70/130 = 54%

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Regulation of cardiac output

Heart rate:

sympathetic nervous activity


parasympathetic nervous activity

Stroke volume:

end diastolic volume (Frank-Starling effect)

sympathetic nervous activity (contractility

epinephrine (contractility)

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Regulation of heart rate: autonomics & epinephrine

fig 12-24

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Regulation of heart rate: autonomics & epinephrine

Curve b:sympathetic nerves end on sinoatrial node funny Na+ channels rate of depolarization (cAMP 2nd messenger)

Curve c:parasympathetic nerves end on sinoatrial nodeAcCh open K+ channels (hyperpolarization), funny Na+ channels

rate of depolarization

fig 12-23

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Regulation of cardiac output

Heart rate:

sympathetic nervous activity


parasympathetic nervous activity

Stroke volume:

end diastolic volume (Frank-Starling effect)

sympathetic nervous activity (contractility

epinephrine (contractility)

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Regulation of stroke volume: Frank-Starling effect


end diastolic volume stretch of ventricle better alignment of X-bridges and binding sites on actin

Important for balancing output of left & right heart

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Regulation of stroke volume: sympathetic NS & epinephrine


contraction at a given end diastolic volume

i.e. same EDV, ESV, stroke volume

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Frank Starling vs. sympathetic/epinephrine

These numbers are just examples

Condition EDV ESV Stroke volume

Ejection fraction

resting cardiac output 120 ml 48 ml 72 ml 60%

Frank Starling effect 150 ml 60 ml 90 ml 60%

sympathetic-epinephrine 120 ml 30 ml 90 ml 75%

Frank Starling: end diastolic volume stroke volume

Sympathetic NS-epinephrine: stroke volume at given end diastolic volume

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Sympathetic effects on contraction

rate & force of contraction

rate of relaxation

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Autonomic nerves on heart

Sympathetic nervous system & epinephrine

(all via 1 receptors, cAMP, protein kinase A, phosphorylation)

heart rate ( funny Na+ channels, Ca++ channels)

contractility ( Ca++ channels)

relaxation rate ( Ca++ ATPase activity, faster Ca++ release from troponin)

Parasympathetic nervous system

heart rate

minimal effects on contractility

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Regulation of cardiac output

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Functions: Structure:low resistance conduit large diameter resistancepressure reservoir elastic tissue in walls

fig 12-29

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Arteries as pressure reservoirs

fig 12-30

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Mean arterial pressure

Mean arterial pressure = diastolic pressure + 1/3 pulse pressure

fig 12-31a

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Arterial complianceCompliance = ease of distension,

i.e. larger volume change for given pressure change

Mathematically: compliance = Δvolume / Δpressure

fig 12-31b

Aging & hypertension arterial compliance (arteriosclerosis)

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regulate blood flow to organs

main component of peripheral resistance


smooth muscle in wallsrich autonomic supply, especially sympathetic NS

fig 12-33a

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Regulation of arteriolar tone

1. active & reactive hyperemia

2. flow autoregulation

3. sympathetic, parasympathetic nerves

4. hormones (epinephrine, angiotensin II, ADH/vasopressin, NO)

Note: “injury” is in the objectives, but will not be on the test

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Regulation of arteriolar tone: active hyperemia

Metabolites ( relaxation of smooth muscle blood flow to organ)

decreased: O2

increased:CO2, adenosine, K+, H+ (from CO2 & lactate), osmolality

Important in regulating blood flow to heart (coronaries) & skeletal muscle

Reactive hyperemia

block blood flow, metabolites accumulate, arterioles dilate

release block, high blood flow until metabolites washed out

fig 12-34a

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Regulation of arteriolar tone: flow autoregulation

Mechanism 1: metabolite accumulation

fig 12-34b

Mechanism 2: myogenic response

Especially important in brain & kidney

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Regulation of arteriolar tone: autonomics


Generally vasoconstrictor ( receptors)

Intrinsic tone (basal discharge) constriction or relaxation possible

Important in constricting GI, kidney, skin arterioles


Not important

Nonadrenergic, noncholinergic (NANC) neurons:

NO is neurotransmitter; important in genitals, GI tract

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Regulation of arteriolar tone: hormones


Generally vasoconstrictor ( receptors)

Vasodilator in skeletal muscle ( receptors)

Angiotensin II

Powerful vasoconstrictor

Additional action to aldosterone release

ADH (aka vasopressin)

Powerful vasoconstrictor

Additional role to cause water retention by kidneys (antidiuresis)

Nitric oxide NO

Acts as neurotransmitter & paracrine: vasodilator

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Capillaries: anatomy

fig 12-37

permeability: permeable to all molecules except proteins, transport by diffusion via intercellular clefts & transcellular

vesicles & fused vesicle channels: uncertain function

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Microcirculation structure

fig 12-38

precapillary sphincters: regulated by metabolite levels

metarterioles: potential short circuits between arterioles & venules

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Capillary flow velocity

fig 12-39

Distinguish between:

flow volume of blood (ml/min) & flow velocity of single red cell (cm/min)

flow velocity in capillaries is slowest because total XS area is greatest

Consequence: blood lingers in capillaries for nutrient & waste exchange

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Fluid exchange across capillary wall

Permeability of capillary endothelium:

freely permeable to molecules < ~ 5000 MWt (gases, ions, glucose, amino acids, hormones)

relatively impermeable to protein

Therefore, interstitial fluid = plasma without the protein & red cells

Transport of solutes:

mostly by simple diffusion via intercellular clefts & some transcellular

some “bulk flow” ( fluid flow carries solutes across endothelium)


excessive accumulation of fluid in interstitial fluid space

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Fluid exchange across capillary wall (Starling forces)

fig 12-42a

Balance of fluid between plasma & interstitium controlled by 4 forces

Outward forces: plasma interstitial fluid (“filtration”), given +ve sign

capillary hydrostatic pressure (PC)

interstitial fluid protein osmotic pressure (IF)

Inward forces: interstitial fluid plasma (“reabsorption”), given –ve sign

plasma protein protein osmotic pressure (P)

interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure (PIF)

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Starling forces: the numbers

The most important forces are capillary hydrostatic pressure (PC) & plasma protein protein osmotic pressure (P)

3-4 L/day more fluid is filtered than is absorbed

That 3-4 L re-enters blood via the lymph

(lymph composition = interstitial fluid composition)

Edema develops if net filtration > lymph flow

fig 12-42b

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capacitance vessels

contain ~60% of blood

regulate venous flow to heart


thin walls, smooth muscle


large diameter, low resistance

fig 12-44

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Regulation of venous return (VR) to heart

fig 12-45

1. sympathetic activity

SNS vein compression VR

2. muscle pump

muscle activity vein compression VR

3. ventilation

inspiration atrial pressure VR

4. blood volume

blood volume (kidney) VR

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Regulation of venous return

fig 12-46

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fig 12-47


like interstitial fluid of tissue of origin


valves & smooth muscle

nodes (infection & metastasis)

Flow: 3-4 L/day (in health)

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Blood pressure = Cardiac output X Peripheral resistance

fig 12-51

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Baroreceptor location

fig 12-53

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Baroreceptor response

fig 12-54

blood pressure firing rate

fig 12-55

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Response to hemorrhage

fig 12-56

hemorrhage blood pressure b.p. baroreceptor response

fig 12-52

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Response to standing up (from lying position)

fig 12-56 modified


blood pools in legs

venous return

cardiac ouput

arterial pressure

after a few seconds, little change in blood pressure

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Response to standing up (from lying position)

fig 12-56 modified


blood pools in legs

venous return

cardiac ouput

arterial pressure

after a few seconds, little change in blood pressure

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Exercise (blood flow)

fig 12-61 modified


heart, skeletal muscle, skin (late)


kidney, GI, spleen, liver

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Exercise (cardiovascular changes)