Anatomy RQ 15. Maxillary artery travels through all of the following except? Can’t remember but only 1 was left after exclusion,,,, know this type of questions very well --- Options required 1-superior orbital fissure composed of which bones? Ans:Greater wing sphenoid+lesser wing sphenoid. 2- which nerves pass from internal acoustic meatus ? CN VII , CN VIII. 3-vertebral artery pass ? Foramen magnum. 4-wich dural fold separate vertically brain.? Ans : falx cerebri. 5- where is superior and sagittal sinus? Falx cerebri 6-which artery supply brain? Ans: internal carotid artery 6- epidural hematoma? Middle meningial artery 11-which nerve supply sternothyroid va sterno hyoid? Ansa cervica. 12-pain of tmj? Auriculotemporal 14-nerve travel EJv? Greater auricular 15-prprioception? Mesencephalon 16-phagocytosis in tmj? Synovial membrane 17-facial pain nucleus? VPM 18-branch of abdominal aorta (select apply)?celiac/ sma 19which part don't have smooth muscle? Upper esophagus 20- which part don't have sub mucous? Gallbladder 21-motor innervation of thumb? Median nerve 1

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Anatomy RQ15. Maxillary artery travels through all of the following except? Can’t remember but only 1 was left after exclusion,,,, know this type of questions very well --- Options required

1-superior orbital fissure composed of which bones? Ans:Greaterwing sphenoid+lesser wing sphenoid.2- which nerves pass from internal acoustic meatus ?CN VII , CN VIII.3-vertebral artery pass ?Foramen magnum.4-wich dural fold separate vertically brain.?Ans : falx cerebri.5- where is superior and sagittal sinus? Falx cerebri 6-which arterysupply brain? Ans: internal carotid artery6- epidural hematoma? Middle meningial artery11-which nerve supply sternothyroid va sterno hyoid?Ansa cervica.12-pain of tmj? Auriculotemporal14-nerve travel EJv? Greater auricular15-prprioception? Mesencephalon16-phagocytosis in tmj?Synovial membrane17-facial pain nucleus? VPM18-branch of abdominal aorta (select apply)?celiac/ sma19which part don't have smooth muscle? Upper esophagus20- which part don't have sub mucous? Gallbladder 21-motorinnervation of thumb? Median nerve22-non keratinize? Ventral tongue23-one type attach cell? :zonula occlude24:special for bone? Osteonectin25-tooth in socket ? Gomphosis26- nerve cell special PNS? Shawn26-least leukocyte? Basophils27-sinusoids? Spleen28-special cell in skin? Basal layer29- zona fasiculata secret ? Cortisone30- division respiration? Bronchiole/ alveolar duct/ alveolar suck /alveoli31-which duct in salivary gland similar proximal kidney? Striated duct32-most use ATP in kidney? Proximal33-hypercalcify dentin? Peritubular


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34- what dentin in crown s shape? Tubular crowding35-nerve supply sensation larynx below truevocal fold? Inferior laryngeal 36-Pepsinogen secret? Chief cell37-intrinsic factor ? Parietal cell38- somatostatin in insulin? Decrease insulin39- what is bowman's capsule? 2 layer epithelial cell / infiltration40-where is effect aldosterone ? Distal tube 41-detergent effect? Cellmembrane 42- most common bacterial vaccine in u s a? Dpt 43-glucose clearance? 0 44- cannot absorb directly in intestine?Maltose 45-monosynaptic ? Stretch reflex 46-burning pain? C fiber 47-cause rhomboid heart disease? Valvular insufficiency 48-fasterconduction fiber? 1a 49-rest potential: k

what innervate palmar surface --- Median & Ulnar

36-type of cell in pct --- Brush border cell with Microvilli

50-face is formed by-1st and 2nd branchial arches-1st branch and frontonasal process-2nd and fronto. -----Among these 1st br. Arch + frontonasal process is most appropriate


The parasympathetic components in the nerve of the pterygoid canal come from thea. superior cervical ganglionb. otic ganglionc. greater petrosal nerved. deep petrosal nervee. glossopharyngeal

1. What is “distal” to terminal bronchioles aka the order after them?

a. Resp bronchioles, alveolar duct, alveolar sac, alveoli

2. Which branch of ECA arises under greater cornu of hyoid?

a. Superior thyroid artery

3. Preganglionic sym fibers to head have cell bodies in

a. Intermediolateral horns of thoracic spinal cord

4. Primary supinator at radio ulnar joint

a. Biceps brachii


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5. Heart is in which mediastinum

a. Middle

6. All of the following are under autonomic nervous control except?

a. Upper esophagus

1) Hypothyroidism vs hyperthyroidism

2) Prostate cancera. Symptoms

3) What innervates parotida. Tympanic lesser petrosal OTIC ganglion Glosspharyngeal

4) What innervates submandiblar glanda. Facial

5) What provides para pre to otic gangliona. Didn’t know between lesser petrosal, greater petrosal, and one other

one, just look it up but I think it’s greater petrosal6) Infection in mandibular premolar drains to where first

a. I put submandibular but other options were like sublingual, submental, retropharyngeal

7) Mixing movement of intestinesa. Segmented

8) When at rest the movement of blood is in what relation to the movement of blood through the capillaries

a. I said equal because the volume is not changing at rest9) The ligamentum teres is a remnant of what

a. I think I said umbilical vein but look it up

10)Nerve for shoulder or something like thata. Axillary teres minor and deltoid musclesb. Triceps + extensor m. radial nerve

11)Vagus innervates the a. Ascending colon+ transverse colonb. NOT the sigmoid colon and rectum = pelvic splanchnic nerves

i. Transverse colon not an option

12)Terminal branches of external carotid arterya. Superficial temporal and maxillary

13)What can you not see in the carotid trianglea. Superficial temporal branch of external carotid

i. THINGS IN THE CAROTID triangle: post belly; omohyoid; SCMCommon carotid artery, internal jugular vein, CNs X, XI, XII, cervical plexus

1) Where does the esophagus begin


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a. Inferior level of the cricothyroid

2) what makes sounds from vocal cordsa. posterior cricoarytenoids and lateral cricoarytenoids adducts

3) Internal auditory meatus from wherea. First pouch I think

4) What causes lateral deviation of spinea. Scoliosis

5) Adenosine nucleoside crosses the membrane howa. Nucleoside transporters; Concentrative Nucleioside

Transporters(CNT = SLC28A1 / Na+ dependent), Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter (ENT = SLC29 / Energy dependent)



3 gastitary of the anterior two third will travel along? LINGUAL between options

6which nerve travel with external jugular vein?i was confused between vagus and greater auricular unfourtunatly chose vagus7which innervated muscle below true vocal cord? Inferior laryngeal8What cause subination between ulna and redial? Bracialis, ulnaris extensor, radials extensor, biceps brachial, and one more9chose 2 visceral arteries branch from abdominal aort?10 innervation of the lung

17 proprioception of trigeminal to which neuclease? Mesencephalic

20to much clenching. Abuse activation of ? Medial pterygoid, temporalis, many other options and buccinator I. Hose this cause no masseter in options

33 from where the vertebral artery go to skull

186. Vagus Nerve innervated which part of colon (ascending, descending or sigmoid?) ascending.. Came 2 times.

260. In the pharynx, a nerve that pierces something.. I think internal laryngeal

Visceral branches of abdominal aorta?


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266. Vertebral artery passes through which foramen? Magnum

..what dilates the pupils

..foramen ovale closes to become fossa ovalis. ductus areteriosis closes to become ligamentum arteries

..All are parts of posterior part of brachialis plexus, except? serratus anterior

…lower motor neuron is located in? Anterior or ventral

The innervation of middle part of upper lip? Infraorbital

..Voluntary movement in muscles which tract?corticospinal

538) embryonic origin of inferior parathyroid? third arch

539) location of the thoracic duct ralativ to trachea,esophagus,kidney, I don’t remember the options but just one and i don’t know the correct

547)which ligament is attached to lingula? Sphenomandibular

548)where can we perform spinal tap? L2 ,L3, L4 549)innervation of the lung?

551)two terminal branch of external carotid? maxillary and superficial temporal 552)which cerebral l obe is located in middle cranial fossa? i chose parietal

submandibular gland innervation

558)innervation of upper lip? buccal branch of facial572)which one is not in posterior wall of axilla ? a)latismus dorsi


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b)teres major c)sub scapolaris d : serratus

580)Body of the hyoid bone is derived from which embryonic cartilage? i chose the second cartilage

581)what is the nerve in pericardium? Phrenic

658. Most supply of parathyroid gland ?! Inf thyroid i think

679. Nerve injured after stylomastoid so what is affected

submandibular or facial muscle

42. Muscles needed for producing sound and voice? lateral and posterior crycoarithenoid. LP

48. Preganglionic parasympatetic to (or from) otic ganglion? lesser petrosal,

50. What surrounds nerve? ( epi-, peri, endoneurium)51. The body of hyoid belongs to which branchial arch?2nd & 3rd branchial arches52. Which branchial pouch is inferior parathyroid gland? 3rd53. External auditory meatus comes from what? ( options given: 1st branchial cleft, 2nd branchial cleft, 1st,2nd,3rdbranchial pouches)

Vital capacity is measured as sum of? Máximum air that is present in lungs after deep breathing… or afterforceful inspiration

73. Esophagus begins at? lower border of crycoid C6

Which protrudes the hyoid? Geniohyoideo

83. everything pass through carotid triangle, except one? Carotide triangle, contain: common carotide artery,internal jugular vein, CNS X,XI,XII, Cervical plexus. SO PD FS

114. Which structure is located behind abdominal aorta? kidney IVC


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115. Knife stabbing in back , 12sm deep at level Lumbar 1. Which organ is damaged? (kidney,

124. 1st arch cartilage innervated by: V

1. The dorsal root and cranial nerve ganglia are the sites ofa) Synaptic terminations of afferent neuronsb) Autonomic preganglionic cell bodiesc) Cell bodies of afferent neuronsd) Cell bodies of efferent neuronse) Cell bodies of interneurons

2. Which nerve supplies sensation for the larynx below the true vocal foldsa) Hypoglossalb) Accessoryc) Ansa cervicalisd) Internal laryngeale) Inferior laryngeal

3. Each of the following arteries is part of the Circle of Willis EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?a) Basilarb) Internal carotidc) Anterior cerebrald) Posterior cerebrale) Anterior communicating

4. The parasympathetic components in the nerve of the pterygoid canal come from thea) Superior cervical ganglionb) Otic ganglionc) Greater petrosal nerved) Deep petrosal nervee) Glossopharyngeal nerve

5. Which represents the broad fold that connects the jejunum and ileum with the posterior abdominal wall?a) Mesenteryb) Lesser omentumc) Greater omentumd) Ligamentum terese) Falciform ligament


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6. Select the sequence of the cartilaginous zones of the epiphyseal plate, beginning at the epiphysis and progressing toward the diaphysisa) Resting cartilage, hypertrophy, proliferation, ossification, calcificationb) Resting cartilage, proliferation, hypertrophy, calcification, ossificationc) Ossification, hypertrophy, calcification, proliferation, resting cartilaged) Ossification, proliferation, hypertrophy, resting cartilage, calcification

7. The epithelial (Hertwig’s) root sheath is an extension of thea) Enamel cordb) Cervical loopc) Reduce enamel epitheliumd) Dental papillae) Stratum intermedium

8. Which describes how veins of the hepatic portal system differ from veins which drain into the inferior vena cava?a) Absence of valvesb) Thickness of their wallsc) Type of endothelial liningd) Thickness of tunica intimae) Relative amount of smooth muscle in their walls

9. Neuroendocrine cells in the conducting portion of the respiratory system are involved in which function?a) Localized control of mucus secretionb) Localized control of surfactant releasec) Localized control of smooth muscle toned) Participation in water balance and secretione) Secretion of substances which inhibit alveolar macrophages

10. An osmotically active agent that becomes inactivateda) Inhibit ADH secretionb) Promote hypertensionc) Promote edema formationd) Enhance glomerular filtratione) Enhance glucose reuptake in the proximal tubule

108-. Mediated (facilitated) diffusion of substances across cell membranes differs from simple diffusion in that mediated diffusionA. requires ATP.B. requires another solute.C. is a one-directional process.D. exhibits saturation kinetics.

109-. A number of catabolic pathways are allosterically inhibited by an increase in the concentration of which of the following?


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E. Pyruvate

131. deep femoral vein thrombus gets lodge in : lungs

132. Virchow triad all except one..Virchow triad: endothelial injury, stasis (alteration in blood flow), hypercoagulability

138. dissection if sublingual gland what nerve u need to anesthesiaz Lingual

what is most prominent in serous acini....zymogen granules

156. which vein drains directly to InferiorVC on right and left renal vein on left. ?• left gonadal vein drains into left renal vein• rigth gonadal vein empties directly into the IVC

Where do 2nd, 3rd, 4th intercostal veins from right side drain into azygos vein

esophagus innervation ;; vagus nerve, phrenic nerve

2nd branchial arch innervates 3 facial muscles (know your CNs, thyeask a lot of shit bout this)

Both inferior heads of the lateral pterygoid will produce what movement of the chin? Protrusive

What parasympathetic innervation is involved with the pterygopalatine canal?options were: otic ganglion, superior cervical ganglion, deep petrosal, greater petrosalI put deep petrosal

What is the main artery that runs through the pterygopalatine fossa? maxillary Which bones make up the SOP? greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid

What foramen is NOT in the temporal bone?

What develops into the philtrum? nasomedial/maxillary processes

What are the borders of the submandibular triangle? Anterior digastric, posterior digastric,inferior border of mandible

Superficial temporal vein and maxillary vein drain into what? Retromandibular vein, options: IJV,EJV, retromandibular vein, pterygo-Plexus


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What nerve innervated the articular disc of the TMJ? auriculotemporal v3

which nerve supplies slow the vocal cord? Recurrent laryngeal + superior laryngealWhat is pierced by the internal laryngeal nerve? thyrohyoid membrane

Nerve between superior and inferior constrictor? IX

What is the difference between the hepatic portal vein and the internal jugular vein? options: lacks valves, carries nutrition, thicker tunica media, more smooth , muscle in the walls, had no idea

What innervates the posterior half of the palate?If a pt has mutually protected occlusion on the right side and the right maxillary canine isextracted, what happens in lateroscursive movement?What muscle adducts the scapula? Infraspinatus

What is in the axillary sheath with the axillary artery?

160. nucleus of lesser palatine: trigeminal161. axillary sheath has. axillary vein and cord of brachial plexuses162. what supplies larynx..• blood: superior and inferior laryngeal arteries from sup and inf thyroid arteries.• Nerve: recurrent laryngeal nerve (just cricothyroid by the external laringeal nerve.)

172. what's not in temporal bone: foramen ovale

181. in midline between SCM: thyroid189. most common atery involved in occlusion of heart: Anterior intraventricular artery, branch of coronary artery.190. Jg cells in: afferent arterioles

199.what's peirces the thyrohyoid membrane: internal laryngeal.

200. what supplies vocal below larynx its: inferior laryngeal- recurrent laringeal201. what goes BTW superior and middle constrictor: glossopharngeal.

219. sensory supply on side of commisures facial

243. retromandibular vein: maxillary and superior temporal vein244. what adducts scapula: rhomboid minor Rhomboid major tapezius middle fibers

anterior pillar of fauces..palatoglossus.

252. The patient will have hemothorax due to rupture of arch of aorta..I said 1st true second wrong..as arch is at the level of t3/t4..

253. What lobe of lung is affected.. Wasn't sure put the left middle..254. The patient has previous scar in midline between SCM..What surgery has he done before: thyroid255. radial nerve innervates triceps


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96) abdominal aorta direct branches? SUP MESE , CELIEC TRUNK INF MEAT 97) in colon and feaces what are found ?E COLI 38. All pass thru cavernous sinus except2 Optic

5. Many lateral pterygoid questions6. Know sphenomand. Ligament7. Sympathetic/Parasympathetic innervations8. What happens if you increase parasympathetic

27. Wt nerve innervates the triceps? The radial nerve.29. Wt nerve innervates the bicepsMuscaltinus muscle

43. Nerve responsible for circumduction of the arm? Axillary nerve.44. Insertion of sphenomadibular ligament- spine of sphenoid bone

34) Spinal reflex? golgi tendon n muscle spindle

6-what doesnot pass thru jugular foramen-hypoglossal

11. Epidural hematoma involves the middle meningeal artery. TRUE12. Stroke ? Middle cerebral

Flax cerebri ? Vertical, midline.Forms the superior and inferior sagittal sinuses.45. Muscle passing Ulna medially ? galaxiee or elbow 46. Term Achalasia ? esophagus


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10)philtrum of lip formed by fusion of which of these ? median processes , median and maxillary , median and lateral etc11)cleft palate developed from inability of fusion of ? palatine shelves , maxillary n mandibular processes

17)which of the following structures drain into inferior nasal meatus ? nasolacrimal duct 33) femoral artery thrombi will occlude ? stomach , lung , brain etc

50)wht supplies larynx ?ascending thyroid , thoracocervical ,etc51)DNA dectection by ? southerm blot , western blot , northern blot etc52)TMJ gets its nutrients from ? synovial fluid of tmj , auriculotemporal nerve etc53)anteriorly, TMJ capsule has ? fibrocartilage, fibrous connective tissue , hyaline cartilage , elastic cartilage

13. Flax cerebri ? Vertical, midline.Forms the superior and inferior sagittal sinuses.14. Palatal root of maxilla 1M ? exact location ? option was like more MB to MB or DB to MB

21. second pharyngeal phase innervation ? Sensory information goes to the swallowing center (nucleus ambiguous in medulla oblongata). Nucleus ambiguous sends motor information (SVE), via CNs IX, X, XI, XII, to facilitate swallowing.

27.lesion on the inferior part of the eye which muscles ? were like 8 muscles to choose only four.


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81.Parasympathetic Nuclei for Occulomotor Nerve is the Edinger Westfall

83. Which muscle is the supinator of the arm? Biceps Brachii19. What nerve supplies the area below the true vocal folds? recurrent larngeal, 20. The subdural folds are a part of what in the brain? duramater

29. Epidural hemtoma is caused due to which artery. MMA30 Which part of the brain is responsible for sensing pain from dental origin?VPM nucleus thalamus.... spinal nucleus caudal portion

.1.Communication b/n pterygopalatine fossa and nasal cavity.Options -pterygomaxillary fissureSphenopalatine foramenJugular foramen etc2. Wat connects jejunum and ileum to posterior abdominal wall.mesenary3. Succedenous tooth buds apical to primary tooth roots erupt.Options-BuccalLingualInbetween furcation etc

Patient had a stroke. What common artery is occluded? Middle cerebral artery


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THE BODY (NERVES & MUSCLES) TangyInnervation of the Thenar muscle (thumb) Median Nerve-Thenar are group of muscles on the palm & at base of the thumbWhat innervates the anterior wrist? Median nerve

What part of the arm is most susceptible to ulnar nerve injury ElbowWhich muscle in the arm is innervated by the radial nerve (supplies upper limbs) Triceps What brachial nerve & muscle is for circumduction of the arm? Axillary (b/c of deltoids)Supination of the Radio-ulnar joint? biceps brachiiWhat muscle adducts the scapula? Rhomboids-Adduct = trapezius & rhomboids (major, minor)-Abduct = serratus anterior, pectoralis Which one does not contributed to the posterior wall of the axilla? Serratus anterior, Humerus (?)-Posterior wall = Subscapularis, Teres Major, Latissiumus Dorsi, & Scapula

Innervation that causes Rotation of the Arm C5 (doc says C5-C6)If a person can’t flex their wrist, what nerves are involved? C6-C7 (Ulnar n., Flexor Carpi Ulnaris m)What innervates the Brachialis (biceps muscles)? Musculocutaneous (C5-C7)What is the most distal portion of the brachial plexus? Branches (Musculocutaneous, Axillary, median, radial, ulnar nerve)


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Axillary sheath surrounds the axillary vein, axillary artery & 3 cords of the branchial plexus NOT trunks/roots of branchial plexusWhere do the 4th, 5th, and 6th intercostal veins drain? Accessory Hemizygous (formed by the 4th-8th intercostal veins)Right superior intercostal muscles drain into the right side azygos veinAzygous vein leaves impression on right lungWhat supplies the SA node Right coronary ArteryWhere is atherosclerosis most common? Abdominal AortaWhat exits the thorax at T12 Descending AortaThoracic duct is behind what? Esophagus & aorta Esophagus begins at what level Cricoid Cartilage (at C6), inferior to the cricothyroid What is posterior to the aorta

Right KidneyLiverColon (& pancreas are anterior to the abdominal aorta)

What are the visceral arteries of the abdominal/descending aorta? Celiac trunk & inferior mesenteric-Includes: Celiac trunk, renal & superior/inferior mesenteric (not inferior

phrenic)Direct branch of the Celiac Trunk? Splenic Artery (also Left Gastric and Common Hepatic A)Hepatic portal vein contains blood from the? Superior mesenteric & Splenic VeinHepatic Sinusoid drain what Portal Blood to Central Vein


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What’s not found in epithelium? Meissner’s corpuscle (fine touch) Meisseiner plexus only parasympatheticAuerbach’s Plexus both Parasympathetic and Sympathetic (motor innervation to both layers of tunica muscularis)Difference between lamina propria & dermis? Dermis has dense irregular CTWhat type of cells are in stratum granulosum layer? KeratohylainWhat is not present in an orthokeratinized layer? Stratum lucidium (listed all the other stratums)Floor of the mouth is non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium -Soft tissue structures that are nonkeratinized? Soft palate, buccal mucosaEpithelium of palate = keratinized stratified squamous epithelium -hard palate, attached gingiva, dorsum of tongue = keratinized SSE What will cover the hard palate after an ulcer heals? Parakaratinized Stratum Squamous Epithelium Most abundant papillae? Filiform papillaTaste buds are involved in all papillae except? FiliformYou only have minor amounts of this taste bud? Circumvallate papillaAntibody in mucosal surfaces? IgATongue moves to the Right Right CNXII Damage-Damage/lesion to CN 12 shows deviation towards paralyzed side when

protruded b/c of weaker genioglossal muscle.


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What protrudes the tongue genoioglossusWhat protrudes the mandible? Lateral pterygoidWhat PROTRUDES the hyoid bone Geniohyoid helps move tongue and hyoid anteriorlyWhat narrows the maxillary buccal vestibule when you open your mouth all the way? Coronoid ProcessAll of the following elevate the larynx except the sternothyoidWhat creates the Laryngeal Prominence Thyroid CartilageMost superior part of larynx? Aryepiglottic fold (Epiglottis)What muscle constrict to produce sound? Lateral & transverse cricoarytenoidsWhat is the only muscle to abduct (contract) the larynx (vocal fold)? Posterior cricoarytenoid m.What innervates muscles below the vocal fold & most of the laryngeal muscles recurrent laryngeal nerve (of CN 10)

Internal laryngeal nerve innervates thyrohyoid membraneWhat occurs during Tracheostomy? Reduced Airway Resistance, Reduced Dead Space Trachea Bifurcation Sternal AngleThyroid hormone is stored in the colloidWhere does the INFERIOR thyroid artery come from Thyrocervical TrunkThe arteries that supply the thyroid gland are from the thyrocervical trunk & ECA (superior thyroid A)Terminal branches of the external carotid artery? Superficial temporal & maxillary arteryIn the carotid triangle, what branch of the ECA wouldn’t you see? Superficial temporal arteryWhat makes up the carotid triangle? Anterior border of SCM, posterior dine, superior omohyoid

Submental triangle consist of anterior digastric, hyoid bone & mandible. What structure is posterior to the carotid sheath that runs along the Longus Capitas muscle Sympathetic Chain Ganglia


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What in the carotid sheath Common carotid, internal jugular, vagus nerve, NOT ansa cervicalis or phrenic NWhat does the sigmoid sinus drain into? Internal jugular veinWhere does deep facial vein drain into? Pterygoid Plexus -Deep facial vein connects the anterior facial vein & the pterygoid plexus What specific organs does the portal vein drain? Stomach (Also drains spleen, pancreas, SI, LI)Which one is not a function of the spleen? Produce plasma cellsThe difference between the inferior vena cava & portal veins portal contain no valvesMost common cause of portal hypertension Liver cirrhosis (can also lead to esophageal varices)Esophageal varices commonly seen in what? Alcoholics or portal hypertension from cirrhosisEsophageal varices can cause hematemesis (vomiting blood) Alcoholics & liver cirrhosis Mallory bodies (inclusion found in the cytoplasm of liver cells, damaged intermediate filaments in the hepatocytes, usually found in people w/ alcoholic liver)

Most frequent form of varicosities/varicose veins? Superficial veins in the LegsVeins Thick Tunica Adventitia | Muscular Arteries Thick Tunica Media Initial venous drainage of the jejunum? Superior mesenteric vein

HEAD INNERVATIONSLacrimal gland innervated by Superior Salivatory Nucleus-it synapses on the Pterygopalatine ganglionPain from which tract? Lateral Spinothalamic Tractpatient is given topical to relieve what fibers: A delta fibers-NT for A delta fibers = glutamate Sensation on the face and teeth involved what nucleus? Main Sensory Nucleus of V What are the primary sensory neurons of termination involved in pain from the maxillary 2nd molar? Spinal Nucleus of V -Nucleus of CN V include

I. Mesencephalic nucleus: proprioception of face, jaw-jerk reflex

II. Main sensory nucleus: light touchIII. Spinal Trigeminal nucleus: pain & temperature

Which subnucleus of the spinal nucleus of V is responsible for pain sensation? pars interpolarisPain from face goes to? VPM


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-Facial pain = VPM (Ventral posteromedial nucleus) | body pain = VPL (Ventral posterolateral nucleus)

Branchiomeric nerves come from where? CN 5, 7, 9, 10-Branchiomeric nerves are nerves to striated muscles of the head & neck that

develop from branchial arches. Nerves includes CN 5 (1st arch), CN 7 (2nd arch), CN 9 (3rd arch), and CN 10 (4th/6th arch).

What nerve involved in blinking CN V1 & CN 7What nerve innervates the skin above the upper lip? Infraorbital NPatient complains about burning sensation in the mandibular anterior? Mental nerveWhat innervates the posterior hard palate? Greater palatine N (anterior hard palate = nasopalatine N)

Which nerve innervate soft plate? Lesser palatine nerve (CN V2)Which is not part pf the Cavernous Sinus Optic Nerve-nerves that ARE assoc with the cavernous sinus are : CN 3,4,6, V1,V2

(mnemonic: O TOM CAT)

What parasympathetic nerve runs through the foramen lacerum? Greater PetrosalWhat foramen transmits pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibers? Foramen Ovale (for lesser petrosal N)Before synapsing in the submandibular ganglion, pre-parasympathetic travel to which nerve? Chorda tympaniWhat action of the lingual nerve stays with the nerve through its course? Sensory to anterior 2/3 of tongueWhich nerve does not transmit taste fibers from the tongue? Answer choices: V, VII, XWhat is the position of the lingual nerve in respect to the inferior alveolar nerve? anterior & medialWhat ganglion does the postsympathetic for the submandibular ganglion? Superior cervical ganglion

Intraoral approach to get to the submandibular ganglion cut through the mucous membrane only.If someone has motor loss underneath their right zygoma, what nerve is damaged? CN 7 when exiting the stylomastoid foramen


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If you cut the nerve for the stylomastoid foramen, what do you lose innervation to? Orbicularis muscle (oculi & oris)CN VII & VIII goes through? Internal Acoustic MeatusWhat nerve brings preganglionic para nerve fibers to the otic ganglion, then eventually to the parotid gland? Lesser petrosal nerve via glossopharyngeal N (CN 9)What goes between the superior pharyngeal constrictor & middle pharyngeal constrictor? CN 9 What nerves goes between Palatoglossus & Palatopharyngeus? Tonsillar branch of CN9Circumvallate papilla are innervated by what nerve? CN 9What cranial nerve innervates levator veli palatini? CN XWhat nerve does not come out of the jugular foramen? CN 12 -Jugular foramen = CN 9, 10, 11 | hypoglossal canal = CN 12Gag reflex sensory limb (afferent) mediated by CN 9, motor by CN 10What is not innervated by the hypoglossal nerve? Palatoglossal (CN 10)Muscles innervated by Ansa Cervicalis (Cl-C3) include? Infrahyoid muscle

BRAIN TangyWhat is the primary sensory relay station of the brain (conduit)? ThalamusWhat part of the brain controls hunger HypothalamusThe swallowing center: 2nd stage of deglutination is located MedullaSectioning of infundibular stalk of hypothalamus w/ normal hypophyseal tract leads to a decrease in what hormones? ADH-Infundibular stalk = connection between HT & PPWhat divides the diencephalon into two? 3rd ventricle What lines the ventricle of the brain? Ependymal cellsWhat makes up the blood-brain barrier Astrocytes, endothelial cells in capillaries connected by tight junction, water/lipids pass or selective transportLargest paranasal sinus? Maxillary sinusWhere does the maxillary sinus drain into? Semilunar hiatus of the middle meatus-Nasolacrimal drains into the inferior concha Right maxillary sinus is infected, where does it spread to next? Right Ethmoid sinusWhat is the outer edge of the lateral wall of the ethmoid sinus? OrbitAnterior cerebral artery supplies what lobes? Frontal & Parietal Lobes (Medial Surfaces of both)Arachnoid villa & granulation transport CSF from subarachnoid space to venous systemIncrease in CSF pressure causes what? brain herniation Vertebral artery pass through what foramen? Foramen magnum


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What is not part of the circle of Willis? Basilar arteryBranches of the maxillary A. go through all of the following foramen except? Foramen LacerumMaxillary vein & superior temporal veins drain into retromandibular vein Each of the following structures lie between the hyoglossus & mylohyoid muscle expect one? Lingual artery (passes deep to hyoglossus m)What muscle goes between the superior & middle pharyngeal constrictor muscles? Stylopharyngeus muscleKnow the structure that make up the splenoid bone: body, 2 greater wings, 2 lesser wings, pterygoid processWhat forms the Superior Orbital Fissure Greater and Lesser Wing of the SphenoidForamen ovale is located in the greater wing of the sphenoidMedial border of the Infratemporal fossa? Pterygomaxillary FissureGuy shot in back of the head, bullet exits above eyebrows. Which bone is least likely to get damaged? MaxillaryAll of the following pass through the medial & lateral pterygoid except? Buccal Nerve-Passes through lateral pterygoid headsWhat is anterior to the pharyngeal tonsils? Palatoglossal fold Where is synovial fluid produced? Internal synovial layer of the Fibrous Capsule (joint capsule)What cells are responsible for its (synovial fluid) production? Type B Synoviocytes

23.What nerve brings parasympathetic fibers to the parotid? Leeser petrosal branch of IX

Pelvic splanchnic nerves - Arise from sacral spinal nerves S2, S3, S4 to provide parasympathetic innervation to the hindgut.

29 what provides sensory to the upper lip? Sup labial branch of infraorbital nerve

DVT thrombosis – usually in long vein of legs leads to pulmonary embolism if clot get disloged

1. Superior laryngeal artry - branch of superior thyroid artery, supplies larynx.


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13.All intrinsic muscles of larynx SUPPLIED BY recurrent laryngeal nerve (except cricothyroid ext branch of sup.laryungeal nerve)above the vocal fold –internal branch of sup laryngeal nervebelow the vocal fold – recurrent larungeal nerve14. Superior epigastric artry - arises from the internal thoracic artery (referred to as the internal mammary artery in the accompanying diagram). anastomoses with the inferior epigastric artery at the umbilicus and supplies the anterior part of the abdominal wall and some of the diaphragm. Along its course, it is accompanied by a similarly named vein, the superior epigastric vein.

Lots of que. From urea cycle and ETC

34.Extra fusal and intrafusal receptors and golgi tendon and muscle spindal reflex. – Extrafusal fiber- skeltal muscle, alpha motor neuron,Intrafusal fibers – within bulk of muscle, efferent gamma motor neuron, includes muscle spindle and golgi tendon organs.Muscle spindle – nuclear beg fiber (dynamic change in muscle length,hange and nuclear chain (detect static change in muscle length ) both activate alpha motor neuron. Golgi tendon –detect change in muscle tension. Inhibit alpha motor neuron.

101.Thyrohyoid membrane pierced by- internal laryngeal nerve and sup laryngeal artery.102.Nerve between Sup and Inf constrictor - IX103.Location of Colloid cells – throid gland.104.Which lobe senses pain? Parietal lobe

2-the blood supply for thyroid g? sup and inferior thyroid artery .. Superior from eca and inferior from thyrocervical trunk

19- descending aorta branch? Ilieac!/ renal./gonal / superior and inferior messentric20- at t12 what will pass through diaphragm? Aorta,thoracic duct , azygose


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21- drain of stomach? left gastric vein and portal venous system

37- which muscles related with 2 brachial arch ( muscles name )? Facial expression, Posterior belly of digastic, stapedius, and stylohyoid muscle

51- innervation of esophagus sphincter? smooth muscle is innervated by involuntary nerves (sympathetic nerves via the sympathetic trunk and parasympathetic nerves via the vagus nerve)

56-sphenopalatine foramen? Nasopalatine & greater palatine artery?? sphenopalatine artery and vein and the posterior superior lateral nasal nerve and nasopalatine nerves., connects the nasal cavity with the pterygopalatine fossa

62-infrahyoid muscle? sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid and omohyoid muscles. innervated by ansa cervicalis except thyroihyoid m by c1 cn 1263 -lingual artery to the hyoglossus ? medial to this muscle64-jerk jaw reflex? The jaw jerk reflex or the masseter reflex is a stretch reflex used to test the status of a patient's trigeminal nerve, V3

98-fold that connects the jejunum and ileum with the posterior abdominal wall? Mesentery99-dififrence between the small and large intestine? large inst doesnt have villi100- pain in abdominal upper right side (gallbladder not available so i put the hepatomegaly because all other part were to the left)101-lymph node enlarge due to ( hypertrophy or hyperplasia)? heterotrophy or hyper102-molecule requieres a membrane carrier protein to crosss the plama membrane? facilitated diffusion

108 innervation of biceps ? musculocutaneous n

109- innervation of triceps? radial n110-ulnar injury? elbow

167- right 1-2-3-4 intercostal vien drain? azygous vein


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171- the characteristic of mid size artery? Presence of elastic fibers , high pressure172- max buccal vestibule related with >>>coronoid process

179- tensoir veli p origin? hamulus, greater wing of sphenoid and lateral cartilage of auditory tube-v3

1. Difference between lordosis and kyphosis and scoliosis. The term lordosis refers to the normal inward lordotic curvature of the lumbar and cervical regions of the human spine.[1] The normal outward (convex) curvature in the thoracic and sacral regions is termed kyphosis or kyphotic

2. What produces sound in larynx? Lateral and transverse cricoarytenoids

3. Terminal branches of maxillary artery? sphenopalatine

16- Bronchial tree sequence? Primary bronchi, Secondary bronchi( lobar), Tertiary bronchi, Terminal bronchiol, Respiratory bronchiol, Alveolar duct, Alveolar sac, Alveoli.16.trachae ,primary hydrationbronchus,secondary,tertiary,respiratory,bronchioles,alveolar sacs,alveoli

1. Bones that form jugular foramen: temporal and occipital.

1. dorsal tongue blood supplyDorsal lingual branch of lingual N. Tip of tongue: deep lingual

2. main blood supply to thyroid gland? superior thyroid branch of external carotid,inferior thyroid branch of thyrocervical trunck

3. floor of the mouth mylo genio omo ? Mylohioid by the way they wanted only one answer

4. pulpal blood vessels system symillar to which? cranium5. no collagen in enamel6. centers of salivary centers of trigeminal they asking alot about

centers in brain and spinal cord? 1. Brain steam 2. Pons7. post ganglionic centers preganglionic centers8. direct branch of aorta at the lower part? Sup mesenteric, inf

mesenteric,inf phrenic, coeliac...9. Where does max. Sinus opens in nasal cavity? Hiatus semilunaris in

middle meatus

10. 62.celiac trunk branches


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left gastric artery esophageal branch, stomach branch

common hepatic artery

proper hepatic artery , right gastric artery, gastroduodenal artery

splenic artery dorsal pancreatic artery , short gastric arteries, left gastro-omental artery, greater pancreatic artery

The Edinger–Westphal nucleus (accessory oculomotor nucleus) is the parasympathetic pre-ganglionic nucleus that innervates theiris sphincter muscle and the ciliary muscle.

409. Which sub-division of pre-tracheal fascia is posterior to pharynx—,Prevertebral fascia,Carotid,sheath,Buccopharyngeal fascia,Retropharyngeal fascia

336. Preganglionic sympathetic fibers to the head have their cell bodies: intermediolateral horns of the thoracic spinal cord17.)What innervates biceps brachii: musculocutaneous2 triceps innervated by radial nerve Thumb and wrist innervated by the median nerve sensory innervation to thumb: C7

25.)Thymus gland comes from: third pharyngeal pouch Inferior Thyroid gland also comes from the 3rd pharyngeal pouch External acoustic meatus comes from the 1st pharyngeal pouch

26.)Know what happens to all embryological parts of placenta RIGHT AFTER BIRTH (umbilical vein, ductus arteriosus, etc.): Ligamentum venosum came from ductus venosus and ligamentum teres came from umbical vein

98.)Know the difference between Edinger-Westphal Nucleus and Ciliary ganglion 7


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Edinger-Westphal nucleus: parasympathetic nucleus of CN III Ciliary ganglion: postgang parasymp ganglion for CN I

43.)Which of the following is NOT a visceral branch of the abdominal aorta? (Celiac, INFERIOR PHRENIC, superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric); Ans: Inferior Phrenic

101.) Infection on tooth number 19 drains to: I put deep cervical nodes (other options were submental, submandibular and some other weird shit)I thought both arches drains to the submandibular node--I AGREE!!!!!!!! tip of the tongue drains to the submental node External jugular vein runs with the superficial deep cervical node Internal jugular vein runs with the deep cervical node

106.) Third order neuron pain from teeth goes from what structure to cortex? I put Thalamus (all sensory information gets relayed here) 107.) Medial to the hyoglossus: idk, I put lingual artery but if you see genioglossus, hit that one; CN IX can be true too! Lingual nerve and hypoglossal nerve is lateral to hyoglossus!

174.) Each of the following nerves is associated with the cavernous sinus except? Ans: Optic nerve for one version and facial nerve for another version THINK of “OTOMCAT”-->Oculomotor, Trochlear, Opthlamic nerve, Maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve, internal carotid, and Abducen nerve

1. Radial nerve innervates triceps