1 European Day of Languageszshostrs.sk/documents/Hello_people_1_2013.pdfThe final products are still shown in the Comenius corner in the school corridor. A winter sport is a sport

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Page 1: 1 European Day of Languageszshostrs.sk/documents/Hello_people_1_2013.pdfThe final products are still shown in the Comenius corner in the school corridor. A winter sport is a sport
Page 2: 1 European Day of Languageszshostrs.sk/documents/Hello_people_1_2013.pdfThe final products are still shown in the Comenius corner in the school corridor. A winter sport is a sport

This is the first issue of our school magazine.

And what is inside...?

1 European Day of Languages

2 Winter sports

3 Time of Carneval

4 Valentine´s Day

5 Pictures for fun

6 British and American English

7 Чем заниматься зимой на улице?

8 С Днём Всех Влюблённых

Enjoy your reading!

Page 3: 1 European Day of Languageszshostrs.sk/documents/Hello_people_1_2013.pdfThe final products are still shown in the Comenius corner in the school corridor. A winter sport is a sport

European Day

of Languages

The European Day of Languages is 26th

September, as proclaimed by the the Council of

Europe on 6th December 2001, at the end of the

European Year of Languages, which had been

jointly organized by the Council of Europe and

the European Union. Its aim is encourage

language learning across Europe.

There are about 225 ingenous languages in

Europe. As fara s foreign language studies are

concerned, English is currently the most popular

in Europe, followed by German, French, Italian,

Russianand Spanish.

27th September was the day, when our students commemorated the

European Day of Languages with their teachers through self prepared

powerpoint presentations about countries, where English is spoken.

The second group presented Russian languages through traditional

Russian songs and they showed presentation about Russia.

The German group led by their teacher invited a native speaker man,

Mr Thomas Herwing who lives in our town with his family. He

elucidated the life in Germany to his audience and the children could

try a „ real“ German.

The last group prepared a film about finished Comenius project which

lasted for two years with partners from Portugal, Hungary and Turkey.

The final products are still shown in the Comenius corner in the school


Page 4: 1 European Day of Languageszshostrs.sk/documents/Hello_people_1_2013.pdfThe final products are still shown in the Comenius corner in the school corridor. A winter sport is a sport

A winter sport is a sport which is played on

snow or ice. Most such sports are variations of

skiing, ice skating and sledding.

Traditionally these sports were only played in

cold areas during winter, but artificial snow

and ice allow more flexibility.

Individual winter sports include: cross – country skiing, Alpine skiing, snowboarding ski jumping, speed

skating, figure skating.

Page 5: 1 European Day of Languageszshostrs.sk/documents/Hello_people_1_2013.pdfThe final products are still shown in the Comenius corner in the school corridor. A winter sport is a sport

Team sports include:

ice hockey, curling and bandy

Winter sports often have their own multi-sport tournaments, such as

the Winter Olympic Games.

Page 6: 1 European Day of Languageszshostrs.sk/documents/Hello_people_1_2013.pdfThe final products are still shown in the Comenius corner in the school corridor. A winter sport is a sport

Carnival is a festive season which occurs immedately before Lent.

The main events are usually during February.

Carnival typically involves a public celebration or parade combining

some elements of a circus, mask and street party.

People usually dress up masquerade during the celebration.

CARNIVAL VENICE, Italy was first recorded in 1268.

This Venetian tradition is famous for its distinctive masks.

In Slovakia, theFašiangy takes place from Three Kings Day.(Traja králi)

until the midnight before Ash Wednesday (Škaredá streda or Popolcová

streda). At the midnight marking the end of fašiangy, a symbolic burial

ceremony for the contrabass is performed, because music has to cease for

the Lent.

Page 7: 1 European Day of Languageszshostrs.sk/documents/Hello_people_1_2013.pdfThe final products are still shown in the Comenius corner in the school corridor. A winter sport is a sport

Valentine's Day (Saint Valentine's Day) is an occasion celebrated on

February 14. It is the traditional day on which people express their love

for each other by sending Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, or

offering confectionery.

Who is St. Valentine?

There were many Christians names Valentine. According to the Catholic

Encyclopaedia, at least three Saint Valentines are mentioned who are

associated with 14 February. One is described as a priest at Rome,

another as a Bishop of Interamna (now Terni in Italy) and the other lived

and died in Africa.

The Valentine that most experts believe is the actual one remembered

on St. Valentine's Day was a Roman who was martyred for refusing to

give up Christianity.

Valentine ´s Day gifts

Page 8: 1 European Day of Languageszshostrs.sk/documents/Hello_people_1_2013.pdfThe final products are still shown in the Comenius corner in the school corridor. A winter sport is a sport

Can you find the differences?

Page 9: 1 European Day of Languageszshostrs.sk/documents/Hello_people_1_2013.pdfThe final products are still shown in the Comenius corner in the school corridor. A winter sport is a sport
Page 10: 1 European Day of Languageszshostrs.sk/documents/Hello_people_1_2013.pdfThe final products are still shown in the Comenius corner in the school corridor. A winter sport is a sport

Чем заниматься зимой на улице?

Вы только посмотрите на медленное падение крупных снежных хлопьев, понаблюдайте

за радостно искрящимися на ярком солнце переливами снежного наста!

А сосульки? Это же настоящая ледяная бахрома драгоценных камней, которые добрый

Дедушка Мороз развесил на крышах домов.

Посмотрите, какие ажурные узоры нарисовал он на стеклах окон, какой тонкой сеткой

пушных рукавов украсил ветки деревьев. Разве можно игнорировать такую красоту ?

Так чем же можно заняться на улице в снежное время года?

Санки. Это универсальное средство, подходящее детям всех возрастных категорий. Если ребенок еще слишком мал, то посадив кроху в санки и укутав одеялом, можно устроить ему настоящую зимнюю экскурсию по окрестностям. Поверьте, малыш получит незабываемое удовольствие от такой езды. Те, кто чуток постарше, уже и сами могут вооружиться этим средством передвижения и кататься по спускам или специально сделанным горкам.

Кстати, если вы живете в частном доме, горка может стать решением многих проблем в организации зимнего досуга для вашего дитяти. А сколько удовольствия может принести создание этого сооружения! Дайте в руки вашему малышу маленькую лопатку, и пусть он, по мере своих сил, поучаствует в этом веселом процессе. Этим вы убьете не двух, а даже трех зайцев. Во-первых, веселое приобщение ребенка к труду через игру не вызовет у него в дальнейшем отвращения к необходимости помогать по хозяйству. Во-вторых, в процессе заливания горки водой, вы можете объяснить ему основные природные законы – почему вода застывает, и горка становится крепкой и гладкой. А в-третьих, это просто-напросто весело.

Page 11: 1 European Day of Languageszshostrs.sk/documents/Hello_people_1_2013.pdfThe final products are still shown in the Comenius corner in the school corridor. A winter sport is a sport

С Днём Всех Влюблённых !

День святого Валентина празднует огромное количество людей во всём мире.

Поздравления с Днём святого Валентина

Любовь! Она не просто слово,

Что может быть других звучней.

Ты в ней не повторишь другого,

И сам не повторишься в ней!

Я очень люблю тебя... Мне хочется тебя обнять, Дотронуться до тела твоего, Но ты не можешь этого понять, Ведь ты не знаешь чувства моего. О, если б знал(а) ты, как мне нужно Твоё внимание, любовь! И как мне трудно в этой жизни

Без нежных, милых твоих слов...

Page 12: 1 European Day of Languageszshostrs.sk/documents/Hello_people_1_2013.pdfThe final products are still shown in the Comenius corner in the school corridor. A winter sport is a sport

Как хорошо, что есть ты в этом мире! Мне не страшны ни бури, ни снега. Любимый мой, …. Хочу быть с тобою всегда!

Поздравляю с 14 Февраля!

И пусть этот день в лучах сияя,

В жизнь воплотит твои мечты,

Я искренне тебе желаю

Цветов, любви и красоты!

Нет теплее твоих рук, Нет светлее твоих глаз. Пусть не будет разлук И печалей у нас!

Желаю счастья в этот день, Тепла от всех, кто будет рядом. Улыбок светлых на лице И солнечных лучей в придачу!

Любите и будьте любимыми!