1 CS 501 Spring 2003 CS 501: Software Engineering Lecture 8 Requirements I

1 CS 501 Spring 2003 CS 501: Software Engineering Lecture 8 Requirements I

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1 CS 501 Spring 2003

CS 501: Software Engineering

Lecture 8

Requirements I

2 CS 501 Spring 2003


3 CS 501 Spring 2003

Project Presentations

Requirements Analysis

System design

Unit & Integration Testing

System Testing

Operation & Maintenance

Program design


Acceptance Testing




4 CS 501 Spring 2003

Feedback in the Waterfall Model

Requirements Analysis

System design

Unit & Integration Testing

System Testing

Operation & Maintenance

Program design


Acceptance Testing

5 CS 501 Spring 2003

Iterative Refinement









6 CS 501 Spring 2003

From an Old Exam Question

A computing system is likely to need some sort of database

(i) At what stage in the waterfall process, would the decision be made to use a relational database? Give the reasons for your answer.

(ii) At what stage in the waterfall process, would the decision be made to use an Oracle database? Give the reasons for your answer.

(iii) At what stage in the waterfall process would the database schema be specified? Give the reasons for your answer.

7 CS 501 Spring 2003

From an Old Exam Question (Answer)

A requirement is a statement of need as expressed by a client.

The client's requirements are that the system collects certain data, saves it, and carries out specified processes, e.g., displaying it, performing calculations, etc.

The decision of how to store and manipulate the data (e.g., using the relational database model) is usually not a requirement of the client. It comes later, as part of the design.

However. During the feasibility study it is important to know about relational databases, such as Oracle, and to study their capabilities.

8 CS 501 Spring 2003

Why are Requirements Important?

Causes of failed software projects (Standish Group study, 1994)

Incomplete requirements 13.1%Lack of user involvement 12.4%Lack of resources 10.6%Unrealistic expectations 9.9%Lack of executive support 9.3%Changing requirements & specifications 8.8%Lack of planning 8.1%System no longer needed 7.5%

The commonest mistake is to build the wrong system!

9 CS 501 Spring 2003

Evolution of Requirements

• If the requirements definition is wrong, the system will be a failure.

• With complex systems, understanding of requirements always continues to improve.


• The requirements definition must evolve.

• Its documentation must be kept current (but clearly identify versions).

10 CS 501 Spring 2003

Goals During the Requirements Phase

• Understand the requirements in detail (analysis)

• Describe the requirements in a manner that is clear to the client

• Ensure that the client understands the description of the requirements and their implications

• Describe the requirements in a manner that is clear to the people who will design and implement the system

11 CS 501 Spring 2003

The Requirements Process





FeasibilityReport System

Models Definition ofRequirements

Specification ofRequirements


12 CS 501 Spring 2003

Functional Requirements

Requirements about the functions that the system must perform

• Functionality

• Data

• Interfaces

• Users and human factors

13 CS 501 Spring 2003

Example of Functional Requirements

Library of Congress Repository

• Support for complex digital objects. (How many? What size?)

• Access management. (What users? What objects? Policies?)

• Identification. (Which identification system?)

• Information hiding. (Where are the interfaces?)

• Open protocols and formats. (How are these chosen?)

• Integration with existing systems (What legacy systems must be accommodated?).

14 CS 501 Spring 2003

Current Storage Structure (in Unix files, by aggregate)

Index Generation(including pre-processing)

American Memory User Interface(retrieval, navigation, & display)

Object Administration System


NDLP Workflow Tracking Support


NDLP collections already released

NDLP collections in conversion

Coolidge collection(for repository test)

Future NDLP collections


ILS OPAC InterfaceOther User Interfaces (e.g. RLG, OCLC, DLF partners)

Other applicationsand materials


Handle assignment & registration Handle resolution

Supporting infrastructure


AM user interface plus access management

for objects/collections

15 CS 501 Spring 2003

Non-Functional Requirements

Requirements about the context in which the system is built

• Documentation and training

• Resources

• Security

• Physical environment

• Quality assurance

16 CS 501 Spring 2003

Examples of Functional and Non-Functional Requirements

Privacy (Mercury digital library)

Functional requirement: Usage data for management of system

Non-functional requirement: Usage data must not identify individuals

Minimizing records (NeXT)

Functional requirement: Retain all required records

Non-functional requirement: Discard all other records

17 CS 501 Spring 2003

Non-Functional Requirements

Product requirements

performance, reliability, portability, etc...

Organizational requirements

delivery, training, standards, etc...

External requirements

legal, interoperability, etc...

Marketing and public relations

Example: In the NSDL, the NSF wanted a system that could be demonstrated by the end of 2002

18 CS 501 Spring 2003

Example of Non-Functional Requirements

Example: Library of Congress Repository

• Hardware and software systems (IBM/Unix)• Database systems (Oracle)• Programming languages (C and C++)

• Regulations covering government contracting

• Importance of developing a system that will be respected by other major libraries

19 CS 501 Spring 2003

Unspoken Requirements


• Resistance to change

• Departmental friction

• Management strengths and weaknesses

20 CS 501 Spring 2003

Requirements Analysis and Definition

High-level abstract description of requirements:

• Specifies external system behavior

• Comprehensible by customer, management and users

Should reflect accurately what the customer wants:

• Services that the system will provide

• Constraints under which it will operate

Described in a Requirements Document that can be understood by the client.

21 CS 501 Spring 2003

Requirements Analysis

1. Identify the stakeholders:

• Who is affected by this system?

ClientSenior managementProduction staffComputing staffCustomersetc., etc., etc.,

Example: Andrew project (Carnegie Mellon and IBM?)

• Who can disrupt this project?

22 CS 501 Spring 2003

Requirements Analysis

2. Understand the requirements in depth:

• Domain understanding

Examples: Philips light bulbs

• Understanding of the real requirements of all stakeholders

23 CS 501 Spring 2003

Interviews with Clients

Client interviews are the heart of requirements analysis and definition. Allow plenty of time.

Clients may have only a vague concept of requirements.

• Prepare before you meet with them

• Keep full notes

• If you don't understand, delve further

• Repeat what you hear

• Small group meetings are often most effective

Clients often confuse the current system with the underlying requirement.

24 CS 501 Spring 2003

Viewpoint Analysis

Example: University Admissions System

• Applicants

• University administrationAdmissions officeFinancial aid officeSpecial offices (e.g., athletics, development)

• Computing staffOperationsSoftware development and maintenance

• Academic departments

25 CS 501 Spring 2003

Requirements Analysis

3. Organize the requirements:

• Classification into coherent clusters

(e.g., legal requirements)

• Recognize and resolve conflicts

(e.g., functionality v. cost v. timeliness)

Example: Dartmouth general ledger system