1 COSC 350: Codes and Ciphers Public-Key Cryptography March 26, 2002 Prof. Dorothy E. Denning

1 COSC 350: Codes and Ciphers Public-Key Cryptography March 26, 2002 Prof. Dorothy E. Denning

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3 Origins of Public Key Concept credited to Diffie and Hellman, 1976 “New Directions in Cryptography” Motivation - They wanted a scheme whereby Alice could send a message to Bob without the need for Alice and Bob to share a secret or for a Trusted Third Party -- called “public-key” because Alice & Bob need only exchange public keys to set up a secret channel Invented earlier by British at CESG

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Page 1: 1 COSC 350: Codes and Ciphers Public-Key Cryptography March 26, 2002 Prof. Dorothy E. Denning


COSC 350: Codes and Ciphers

Public-Key Cryptography

March 26, 2002

Prof. Dorothy E. Denning

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Public-Key Cryptography

Each user has a unique public-private key pairAlice - KApriv, KApub

Bob - KBpriv, KBpub

The public key can be given to anyoneThe private key is not shared with anyone, including a trusted

third party (authentication server)The public key is a one-way function of the private-key (hard

to compute private key from public one)Used for key distribution/agreement, message encryption, and

digital signatures

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Origins of Public Key

Concept credited to Diffie and Hellman, 1976“New Directions in Cryptography”

Motivation - They wanted a scheme whereby Alice could send a message to Bob without the need for Alice and Bob to share a secret or for a Trusted Third Party -- called “public-key” because Alice & Bob need only exchange public keys to set up a secret channel

Invented earlier by British at CESGhttp://www.cesg.gov.uk/about/nsecret.htm

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Public-Key Agreement

Method whereby Alice and Bob can agree on a secret key to use with DES, AES, or some other symmetric encryption algorithm

They do this after exchanging only public keysThey each compute a secret session key K from their

own private key and the other’s public key. They both arrive at the same K independently

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Diffie-Hellman Method

Shared prime p and generator gAlice: private xa and public ya = gxa mod p

xa = logg ya mod p (hard to compute)

Bob: private xb and public yb = gxb mod pThey swap public keysAlice computes: K = ybxa mod p = gxb xa mod pBob computes: K = yaxb mod p = gxa xb mod p

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Math Strength

Depends on difficulty of computing the discrete logarithm

The best known methods are exponentially hard - same as factoring

e.g., given n, find p, q where n = p * qNeed to use numbers on the order of 768 bits (230

digits) or biggerImplementations typically use 512 (155), 1024 (310)

or 2048 (621) bits (digits).

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On The Fly Approach

Alice and Bob generate xa, xb, ya, yb on the flyThey exchange ya and yb and compute KWhat are drawbacks?What applications are appropriate?

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Alice and Bob generate permanent keys and deposit ya and yb in public database (key center)

Alice gets yb from database (or from Bob)Alice computes K = ybxa mod p = gxb xa mod p Alice -> Bob: ya, C = EK(M)

(or Bob could get ya from database)Bob computes K = yaxb mod p = gxa xb mod p Bob decrypts C with K to get MWhat are drawbacks?

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Hybrid Approach

Alice & Bob generate xa, xb and deposit public keys ya, yb

Alice gets yb from database (or from Bob)Alice generates temporary pair xt, yt Alice computes K = ybxt mod p = gxb xt mod p Alice -> Bob: yt, EK(M)

Bob computes K = ytxb mod p = gxt xb mod p and decrypts M

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Public-Key Encryption

The public and private keys are used for message encryption and decryption for purpose of secrecy

Alice encrypts message to Bob with Bob’s public key

Bob decrypts messages to him with his private keyIn practice, public-key encryption is used to encrypt

and decrypt messages that contain symmetric keys (e.g., for DES/AES), and the symmetric keys are used to encrypt/decrypt the data

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Sending Messages

To send message M to Bob, only Bob’s keys usedAlice -> Bob: C = EBpub(M)Bob decrypts: M = DBpriv(C)

In practice, use to distribute symmetric key KAlice -> Bob: CK = EBpub(K), CM = EK(M) Bob decrypts: K = DBpriv(CK), M = DK(CM)Alice and Bob then use K to encrypt/decrypt messages

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RSA Method

Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, Leonard Adleman1977 -- all at MIT at the time

Basic idea: an exponentiation cipher where the modulus is the product of two large primes

Mathematical strength is derived from the difficulty of factoring a number into its primes

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At Crypto 82

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Pick primes p and q and compute n = p * qPick e, d such that e * d = 1 mod (n)

(n) = (p-1) * (q-1)(e, n) is public key(d, n) is private key - (p, q) also part of private key, but not

used after computation of d and eEncrypt: C = Me mod nDecrypt: M = Cd mod n

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p = 53, q = 61, n = 53 * 61 = 3233pick e = 71compute d such that

71 * d = 1 mod (52 * 60) get d = 791

Let M = 1704C = 170471 mod 3233 = 3106.M = 3106791 mod 3233 = 1704.

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Proof sketch for (n) = (p-1) * (q-1)(n) = # primes < n relatively prime to nconsider the n=pq numbers 0, 1, ..., pq-1all are relatively prime to n except for 0 and

p-1 elements: q, 2q, 3q, ..., (p-1)qq-1 elements: p, 2p, 3p, ..., (q-1)p

so (n) = pq - [(p-1) + (q-1) + 1]= pq - p - q + 1 = (p-1)(q-1)

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Given a number n, find primes p1, p2, ..., pk such that n = p1 * p2 * ... * pk

For RSA, there are known to be only 2 factors:n = p * q

Factoring arbitrary numbers is harder than factoring special types of numbers, e.g., numbers of the form n = 2s - 1 (Mersenne number)

Breaking RSA can be no harder than factoring, but could be easier

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History of FactoringYear # Digits Method1970 41 Continued Fraction - Morrison-Brillhart1980 501982 551983 621984 721991 100 Quadratic Sieve1993 120 Quadratic Sieve1994 129 Quadratic Sieve (RSA predicted 40 quadrilllion years!)1996 130 Number Field Sieve (1000 MIPS yrs)1999 140 Number Field Sieve (2000 MIPS yrs, 8.9 CPU yrs)2000 155 Number Field Sieve (35.7 CPU yrs) (512 bits)???? 174 RSA challenge not yet factored (576 bits)

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Proposed Advances

• The Weizmann Institute Key Locating Engine (TWINKLE)– code breaking machine design by Adi Shamir– 6-by-6-inch electro-optical computer– measures light from diodes to perform calculations to break keys

• Daniel Bernstein proposal to NSF– special purpose hardware to facilitate sieving and matrix reduction– trades time for memory– would allow factorization of numbers with 3 times as many bits

for large n• might need 3,072-bit key instead of 1,024-bit key

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Quadratic Sievefastest algorithm for numbers up to 110 digitsAug. 93 - Mar. 94 - 129-digit number factored in effort led

by Arjen LenstraUsed double large prime variation of the multiple

polynomial QS600 people, 1,600 machines on the Internet using e-mail to

communicateEquivalent to about 5,000 MIPS years

1 MIPS year is computation over 1 year at rate of 1 M instructions/sec

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Number Field Sieve

fastest method for numbers > 110 digits1996 - 130-digit number factored on the Internet --

again led by LenstraTook only 500 MIPS years!Lenstra estimated that 50,000 Pentium PCs could

break a 155 digit (512-bit key) in a few daysT = exp((1.923 + O(1))(ln(n)1/3(ln(ln(n)))2/3)

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RSA-512 Factored

Factored August 22, 1999Used General Number Field Sieve

line sieving and lattice sieving35.7 CPU years; 8000 MIPS yearsElapsed time: 7.4 months

Polynomial selection: 9 weeksSieving: 3.7 months produced over 124 million relations

11 sites participatedMatrix solution: 224 CPU hours and 3.2 GB memory on Cray C916 to solve matrix with about 6.7 million rows and columns

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QS and NFS

Use random square factoringFind x and y such that x2 = y2 mod nThen

x2 - y2 = 0 mod n => (x-y)(x+y) = 0 mod nIf x y mod n then

gcd(x-y, n) yields a prime factor of n probability of this is at least 1/2

So trick is generating numbers that are squares

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Random Square Factoring

• Two-phase process– 1) Sieving/collection

• Find number to put into a matrix• Takes gobs of time for large numbers• Effort can be distributed

– 2) Matrix reduction/solution• Find entries in matrix that, when combined, give pairs (x, y) of

squares• Takes reasonable time, but not distributable• Uses gobs of memory

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factor n = 24961factor base = {-1,2, 3, 5, 13, 23}compute m = sqrt n = 157

i z b factorization of b a v1 0 -312 -1 * 23 * 3 * 13 157 1 1 1 0 1 02 1 3 3 158 0 0 1 0 0 03 -1 -625 -1 * 54 156 1 0 0 0 0 04 2 320 26 * 5 159 0 0 0 1 0 05 -2 -936 -1 * 23 * 32 * 13 155 1 1 0 0 1 06 4 960 26 * 3 * 5 161 0 0 1 1 0 07 -6 -2160 -1 * 24 * 33 * 5 151 1 0 1 1 0 0

a = z + mb = a2 - n so b = a2 mod n

want x, y such that x2 = y2 mod n

b3 * b6 * b7 = a32 * a62 * a72 = (a3 * a6 * a7)2 mod n

x = a3 * a6 * a7 mod n = 156 * 161 * 151 mod n = 23405

y2 = b3 * b6 * b7 mod n = 210 * 34 * 56 mod ny = - 25 * 32 * 53 mod n = 13922

gcd (x-y, n) = gcd (9483, 24961) = 109 = first factor

compute n/109 = 229 = second factor

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Generating Primes

• For RSA, need to generate primes p, q• Other ciphers also require prime numbers• Guaranteed - prove the number has no factors

– must attempt to factor, which is not feasible for very large numbers

• Probabilistic - no guarantee– but can say with some very high probability that

number is prime– much faster - practical even for very large numbers

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Sieve of Eratosthenes

Invented around 200 B.C.Finds all primes less than NWrite down all numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, ..., NDelete multiples of 2 greater than 2Delete multiples of 3 greater than 3Continue up to sqrt(N)When done, have all primes < NTotally impractical for 200 digit numbers!

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Practical Method

Prick random n-bit number pSet low-order and high-order bit to 1Is p divisible by small primes 3, 5, 7, 11, …?

go up to primes < 256 or 20003, 5, 7 - eliminates 54% of odd numbersall primes < 256 eliminates 76%

Do Rabin-Miller test 5 times. If pass all 5 tests, consider p to be prime

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Rabin-Miller TestProbabilistic testDetails in SchneierSuppose p passes the test.The probability that p is prime is at least 3/4. Thus,

the probability that p is not prime is at most 1/4.Do test t times. If p passes all t times, then the

probability that p is not prime is at most (1/4)t. for t = 5, this is 1/1024

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Odds of SuccessPick p at random - what are the chances that it is prime?Let z = # primes between 1 and NPrime Number Theorem:

z approaches N/ln(N) as z gets largeFor N = 10,000,000 N/ln(N) = 620,421 and z = 664,579

So odds are about 7/100For 100 digit numbers, odds are 1/115

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Strong Primes

Defeat certain factoring methodsProperties

(p-1)/2 and (q-1)/2 should be primegcd(p-1, q-1) should be small both p-1 and q-1 should have large prime

factors, denoted p’ and q’both p’-1 and q’-1 should have large prime factors

Schneier recommends against using strong primes

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Practical Considerationsfor Exponentiation Ciphers

Block messages according to the modulus sizeUse method of fast exponentiation

repeated squaring and multiplication for each 0 bit, square (multiply by itself)for each 1 bit, multiply and then square

(no square on last bit)if exponent has t bits, # of multiplies is T where

t <= T <= 2t - 1

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25 = 1 1 0 0 1a25 mod n = a16 * a8 * a mod nhow many multiplies?

89 = 1 0 1 1 0 0 1a89 mod n = a64 * a16 * a8 * a mod nhow many multiplies?

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Fast Exponentiationfunction fastexp(a, z, n) - “return az mod n”a1 := a; z1 := z; x:= 1;while z1 != 0 do begin while z1 mod 2 = 0 do begin “square a1 while z1 is even” z1 := z1 div 2; a1 := (a1 * a1) mod n end; z1 := z1 - 1; x := (a1 * x) mod n “multiply”end;fastexp := x;end

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Digital Signatures: Objectives

Message integrity and authenticitydetect tampering and bogus messages

Source/sender authenticitydetect forgeries

Non-repudiationsender cannot disavow signing a messagea third party -- court -- can resolve dispute

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Public-Key Signatures

Signer has a public-private key pairThe signature is produced with the private key

only signer can do thisThe signature is validated with the public key

anyone can do this, including the intended recipient and a third party judge

No keys of the receiver are used

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Sending a Signed Message

Alice sends a signed message to Bob using her private key. Bob validates with her public key

Alice -> Bob: (M, S) where S = signApriv(h(M)) for hashing function h

Bob checks: validateApub(M, S)

Hashing function h is public and not keyedS is function of entire message M

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RSA Signatures

Let (e, n) be Alice’s public key and (d, n) her private key

Alice -> Bob: (M, S) where S = signApriv(h(M)) = (h(M))d mod n

Bob checks: validateApub(M, S):

h1 = h(M)h2 = Se mod n [ = (h(M))d e mod n = h(M) ]if h1 = h2 then accept else reject

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Why Hashing

Reduces time to sign and space for signatureAlso important for securitySuppose don’t hash: what happens if you ask Alice

to sign a message sent to her?C = EApub(M) = Me mod n

S = signApriv(M) = Md mod n

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Digital Signature Standard (DSS)

FIPS PUB 186, adopted 1994Uses variant of methods invented by ElGamal and

Schnorr, which in turn were based on Diffie-Hellman

Uses exponentiations in modular arithmetic where security is based on difficulty of computing the discrete log (as for DH)

Uses SHA for hashing

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DSSpublic values shared by group

p - prime number - 512-1024 bitsq - 160-bit value (most computation mod q)g = h(p-1)/q mod p where h < (p-1) and g > 1

user private keyx - any number less than q

user public keyy = gx mod p

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Verification is slower than with RSABoth RSA and DSS are used extensively -- many

products support bothDSS not designed for encryption -- use with Diffie-

Hellman key exchange

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Encrypt & Sign With RSA

Alice generates K & computes CK = EBpub(K)CM = EK(M) S = signApriv(M)

Alice -> Bob: CK, CM, S Bob computes

K = DBpriv(CK) M = DK(CM) validateApub(M, S)

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Dear Bob …


hash sign


enc dec



random K



Dear Bob …


Alice Bob

sent to Bob






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E-Mail In PracticeAlice composes message M to Bob and clicks button “send

signed and encrypted”Alice’s system prompts Alice for password, which unlocks her

private signature keyAlice’s system looks up Bob’s public key-encrypting key. It

generates K, and computes CK, CM, and SWhen Bob gets message, he clicks on button “decrypt and

validate”Bob’s system prompts him for a password, which unlocks his

private key-encrypting key. It decrypts CK and then CMBob’s system looks up Alice’s public signature key and

validates S. It displays M and whether S was OK

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Login AuthenticationChallenge-Response

Alice logs onto serverServer sends Alice a challenge MAlice returns M and her signature S of itServer validates S and knows it is Alice

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Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Can implement schemes analogous to Diffie-Hellman and DSA using elliptic curves mod p instead of the integers mod p

Computing discrete logs is thought to be much harder in elliptic curve than integers mod p

Comparable security with shorter keys160 bits comparable to 1024 RSA/DH108 bits broken in 4 months using 9,500 computers

So less storage needed for keysOrder of magnitude speedup

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Elliptic Curves

An elliptic curve is a set of points (x,y) that solve an equation of a particular form, e.g.,

y2 mod p = x3 + ax + b mod p where a, b < p and

4a3 + 27b2 != 0 mod p (then a group)Can compute over the numbers on an elliptic curve -

there is a group operationTutorial at


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EC Arithmetic Rules

1. infinity + infinity = infinity2. (x, y) + infinity = (x, y)3. (x, y) + (x, -y) = infinity4. (x1, y1) + (x2, y2)5. 2 (x, y)

scalar multiplication by doubling and adding

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Elliptic curve over real numbers

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Elliptic curve overfinite field Fp

(integers mod p)where p = 23


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EC Diffie-Hellman

Global values: p, a, b, P - P is (x, y) point on curveAlice’s private key dA (integer), public key QA = dA PBob’s private key dB, public key QB = dB PAlice and Bob exchange QA and QB

Alice computes secret value (also point on curve)S = dA QB = dA dB P

Bob computes secret valueS = dB QA = dB dA P

Alice and Bob compute symmetric key K from Se.g., K = x where S = (x, y)

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Key Lengths

Symmetric RSA,DH/DSA


Breakable 56 512 112

Adequate 80 1,024 161

StrongNear term

128 3,072 256

Long term 256 15,360 512

Don B. Johnson, “ECC, Future Resiliency and High Security Systems”

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Public Key Cryptography StandardsPKCS #1: RSA Cryptography Standard PKCS #2: incorporated into PKCS #1 PKCS #3: Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Standard PKCS #4: incorporated into PKCS #1 PKCS #5: Password-Based Cryptography Standard PKCS #6: Extended-Certificate Syntax Standard PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard PKCS #8: Private-Key Information Syntax Standard PKCS #9: Selected Attribute Types PKCS #10: Certification Request Syntax Standard PKCS #11: Cryptographic Token Interface Standard PKCS #12: Personal Information Exchange Syntax Standard PKCS #13: Elliptic Curve Cryptography Standard PKCS #15: Cryptographic Token Information Format Standard
