1 Assessing the Impact of Microfinance in India: Experiences from the Field Maren Duvendack Visiting PhD Researcher GIDR Seminar 29 November 2008

1 Assessing the Impact of Microfinance in India: Experiences from the Field Maren Duvendack Visiting PhD Researcher GIDR Seminar 29 November 2008

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Page 1: 1 Assessing the Impact of Microfinance in India: Experiences from the Field Maren Duvendack Visiting PhD Researcher GIDR Seminar 29 November 2008


Assessing the Impact of Microfinance in India:

Experiences from the Field

Maren Duvendack

Visiting PhD Researcher

GIDR Seminar

29 November 2008

Page 2: 1 Assessing the Impact of Microfinance in India: Experiences from the Field Maren Duvendack Visiting PhD Researcher GIDR Seminar 29 November 2008


Agenda Introduction to Microfinance India’s Rural Credit Market Recent Microfinance Developments

Commercialisation Private Vs. Public Microfinance

Introduction to Impact Assessments Methodological Challenges: Biases

Selection Bias – Solution? Propensity Score Matching Drawbacks Attrition Bias – Solution?

Methodology – Research Design & Sampling Experiences from the Field Conclusion

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Introduction to Microfinance What is microfinance?

Provision of financial (e.g. loans, savings, insurances, remittances) and non-financial services (e.g. consultancy services, financial literacy training) to low-income households

Microfinance is a response to market failure

It relies on social mechanisms (e.g. peer monitoring) to enforce contracts and to reduce the impacts of capital market imperfections and asymmetric information

Microfinance important strategy in the fight against poverty

Importance of microfinance recognised by United Nations and Nobel Prize Committee

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India’s Rural Credit Market

Financial exclusion of India’s poor recurring problem for more than 100 years

Access to finance poverty reduction, thus Indian government launched various policy initiatives aimed at financial inclusion

BUT: Most government-run subsidised credit programmes had negative effects (e.g. the IRDP is a prominent example)

Emergence of microfinance in India mainly due to lack of effective government policies

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Recent Microfinance Developments -Commercialisation Commercialisation defined as the transformation from being a subsidised, donor dependent operation to becoming a regulated financial intermediary

The trend presents itself in 2 different ways:

1. Transformation of not-for-profit organisations into NBFCs

2. Entry of commercial banks through downscaling, e.g. ICICI bank’s approach with the partnership model

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Recent Microfinance Developments -Private Vs. Public Microfinance Direct competition between private and public

microfinance initiatives This led to the first microfinance crisis in India: Andhra

Pradesh, 2006 Government officials shut down offices of SPANDANA

and SHARE because they allegedly maintained abusive lending practices

Crisis had adverse effects on repayment behaviour and public confidence in MFI practices

The crisis might not have been a one-off event Peaceful co-existence of private vs. public run

microfinance initiatives needed

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Introduction to Impact Assessments No clear empirical evidence yet that microfinance has

positive impacts

Impact assessments crucial for donors and microfinance institutions

Challenge of every impact assessment:

Measurement of counterfactual Elimination of biases (i.e. selection & attrition bias)

Limited number of rigorous impact studies exist Study intends to focus on methodological challenges of

impact assessments

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Introduction to Impact Assessments in India

Only 9 comprehensive impact assessment studies conducted in India

Studies vary significantly in terms of scope and approach

They investigate one or more of the following impacts: Poverty reduction Financial services Women’s empowerment

Studies provide conflicting results, impact of microfinance unclear

Thus, more systematic approach to impact assessments needed

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Methodological Challenges: Biases Biases common occurrence in impact evaluations

adversely effect impact results, thus solution crucial Typically the following biases occur in the context of

microfinance: Selection bias: self-selection & non-random programme

placement Attrition bias: refers to clients exiting a microfinance programme

Only handful of rigorous impact studies exist that control for biases: Hulme and Mosley (1996) Coleman (1999) Pitt and Khandker (1998) Alexander and Karlan (2007)

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• Propensity score matching (PSM) popular method used to eliminate selection bias

• Works by matching participants to non-participants based on predicted probability of programme participation or the “propensity score”

• Matching on entire vector X of observable characteristics

• BUT: not feasible since X expected to be extremely large

• Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983) propose matching based on propensity score:

• Assumption: Participation independent of outcomes given X. No bias P(X) when no bias given X

)1Pr()( iii XDXP

Selection Bias – Solution?

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PSM Drawbacks

Basis for matching: observable characteristics Underlying assumption: no selection bias due to

unobservables Unobservables, e.g. entrepreneurial abilities, persistence

to seek goals, organizational skills, risk attitudes and access to social networks are crucial in microfinance

Combine PSM with difference-in-difference, picks up on unobservables but baseline data set required

Availability of cross-sectional data set only, qualitative tools might help to illuminate role of unobservables

PSM results good approximation to those obtained under experimental approach

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Attrition Bias – Solution? Attrition bias in the context of programme evaluations refers

to clients dropping out of microfinance programmes Drop-out rates estimated to be between 3.5% to 60% in

microfinance programmes worldwide Two different types of clients exiting:

Graduates Drop-outs

Attrition bias neglected by majority of studies, Alexander and Karlan (2007) one of the few recognising its importance

Solution to attrition bias: Better sampling Systematic interviews with drop-outs

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Methodology – Research Design Study builds upon SEWA Bank impact assessment conducted

by USAID in 1998 and 2000 Existing SEWA Bank panel has not yet been subjected

advanced statistical techniques, thus much can be learnt by re-analysing it

In addition, new cross-section was collected with the aim to illuminate the role of the unobservables by adding social capital

section to questionnaire to get a clearer picture on short-term versus long-term impacts

Original USAID questionnaire adjusted, pre-tested and then administered to 220 households

8 case study interviews with clients and non-clients to further help illuminate the role of the unobservables

Sampling of drop-outs to account for attrition bias

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Methodology – Sampling Sample: 220 households, criterion: women above 18 and economically


70 borrowers as of FY 2007, 70 savers as of FY 2007, 70 non-clients as a control group and 10 drop-outs

Sample determined by following a 3-step process:

Selection of geographical area: 10 wards in the old city of Ahmedabad

Selection of the 2 client samples and drop-outs: proportionate random sample was drawn from FY 2007 client list covering those 10 wards, oversampling done, replacements accounted for

Selection of the non-client sample: mini-census conducted to identify matching non-clients, enumerators were given checklist with matching criteria

8 case studies, random sample of 4 matching pairs consisting of clients and non-clients. Aim to illuminate role of the unobservables by detailing credit/work histories.

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Experiences from the Field (1)

Client sample: Difficulties in finding addresses, hiding of

respondents Busy respondents, no time for interviews Suspicion and dishonesty Request for payments, i.e. sitting fees Corruption

Non-client sample: Mostly talkative, helpful and cooperative

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Experiences from the Field (2) Drop-out sample:

Major challenge. SEWA Bank has no records on drop-outs, virtual denial of drop-out reality

More attention needed for future studies Case study sample:

Suspicion Presence of husband or other family members led to biased

answers of female respondents Obliged to use SEWA Bank staff as a translator which led to

biased translations General remarks:

Social capital type questions led to noisy data Gender issues SEWA Bank database incomplete

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Conclusion No miracle cure for controlling biases exists

However, accounting for biases should be prerequisites for future impact studies

This study is trying to contribute to the impact evaluation literature as follows: New insights by re-analysing the existing SEWA Bank panel

Collection of new cross-section to compare it with the panel (short-term vs long-term benefits of microfinance) and to illuminate the role of the unobservables by adding a social capital section to the questionnaire

Case studies of clients and non-clients with the aim support the quantitative results and to further illuminate the role of the unobservables

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Q & A Session

For further questions or comments please email:

[email protected]