©1 - Amherst, MA - Official Websitegis.amherstma.gov/images/scans/septic/files/STATION RD-0669.pdf · THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Application is hereby made for a Permit to

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Page 1: ©1 - Amherst, MA - Official Websitegis.amherstma.gov/images/scans/septic/files/STATION RD-0669.pdf · THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Application is hereby made for a Permit to
Page 2: ©1 - Amherst, MA - Official Websitegis.amherstma.gov/images/scans/septic/files/STATION RD-0669.pdf · THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Application is hereby made for a Permit to


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Page 3: ©1 - Amherst, MA - Official Websitegis.amherstma.gov/images/scans/septic/files/STATION RD-0669.pdf · THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Application is hereby made for a Permit to

, 9V'!.,t No ................ _ ...... .


BOARD 9F HEALTH .u/t::'w,,/ .... u ... u of .... dm~£...rCmu. mm.uuu mm.mu.m.

l\ppliratinu fur ilispusal 1!tifurlw illuul1trurtinu Jrr_ ..• "" Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct

Syst<m at: ) or Repair ( v( an Individual

....... (Q~~L.;ST.a:z:(f'-"' ... :1?~.<9.p.. ...................................... . . . ..............................................•...................................•...•.......... Location - Address or Lot No.

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Type of B~ild~ . . Size Lot ... ~ .................. : .... Sq. feet Dwelhng No. of Bedrooms ... ~ ...................................... ExpanSlOn Atllc 0/.) Garbage Gnnder ~o) Other - Type of Building ............................ No. of persons ........................... . Showers ( ) - Cafeteria ( )

Other fixtures ............................................... ....................... .............................................................................. . Design Flow ... :;r .... ... u .............. u .. l.l.9.uugallons per ~~~er day. Total daily flo\Vu ........... uu .......... S~Q..uugaJlons. S . T kLI··d . /,<""d A II L I /2CtJ·· \\'"d 058·· . 6".5" epuc an z,1 capaclty_ .. ~~.Y._ga ons engt 1. ____ . _____ ._ ... 1 th ____ ... __ ....... Diameter ...... .......... Depth ............... . Disposal Trench No ...... 3 ........... Width .... :3G.:: ....... Total Length .... 2.1O'· ....... Total leaching area ...... l.w.5::<A.sq. ft. S'DEwALL Seepage Pit No ........ ....... ...... Diameter .................... Depth below inlet... ................. Total leaching area. ................. sq. ft. Other Distribution box (1&J) DosinJ; tank 0'0) .y. .; Percolation Test Results Performed by1::!.$.".17;e.~MTK€!!.Ai'd.<R.ift.'!!F.~ . .cb!?/f. .... Date .. ~ .... :.!.. ....................... .

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Description of Soil . .T.Q .. li:::T~~:~~;:;:~::T.~::~:p.:;:i;~~~~;:~~:::ii..:!.;;g:~;;~:;;;:zf;;.;;li.~·.~·;;~~:.ii;.~.·.;.;:6.~.;;;:.

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The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Environmental Code - The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Comp iance has been issued by the board of health.

J~ Signed ·ew,N.t1;...~?JIt:::e. ........ . ................ . Application Approved By d~V ....~r[f.'zry,*L. .. .. .. Application Disapproved for the fall ng r. aronr: ....... ...................... ........ .

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Page 4: ©1 - Amherst, MA - Official Websitegis.amherstma.gov/images/scans/septic/files/STATION RD-0669.pdf · THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Application is hereby made for a Permit to

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Page 5: ©1 - Amherst, MA - Official Websitegis.amherstma.gov/images/scans/septic/files/STATION RD-0669.pdf · THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Application is hereby made for a Permit to


Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (

System at: ) or Repair (vi an Individual Sewage Disposal

...... §.~~. __ ~_[!3.I.~.y.;!/ ... £'?t.!,~L ............................... _.:: ... . . ..................................................... ··········_·····.···._ .. n._ ....... _ ...... . Location· Address or Lot No.

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- Address

Installer Address

Type of Build~ _ '". \ .' , ize Lot ............................ Sq. feet Dwelling No. of Bedrooms ... ;? .................. \ ................... Expansion Att\c ~. ) Garbage Grinder r" ) Other - Type of Buildillg ... ........................ -\No. of persons ........... ...... \ ......... Showers ( ) - Cafeteria ( )

. Other fixtures ····I;~····· ·· ·· · ·: ............ "l?:; .. ~:;< .. : ... ~........... . .... .\...... .... ·······················3·0··················· DeSIgn FlowZ ..................... · ............... .. gaUotlS per 1""'""n per . Total da,IX f!ow ... : ...................... "J. ............. gaJlons. Septic Tank rZid capacity./.,fqg .. gaJlons - Length .. t. ?.G! ..... Width .. .;:?:Q ..... :'Diameter ................ Depth';;'::~ .:: .... .. Disposal Trellch No . .... 3 ............ Width ... ~~~ ..... l.. Total Len th ... 2..1.~ ...... Total leaching area. .. ..Iw.s::«> .. sq. ft.ilo= ",~ ,,, Seepage Pit No ..................... DiameteL. ........... : ...... Derth below i lel... ............... Total leaching area. ................. sq. ft. Other Distribution box {~ J ) Dos!;tJi · tank «,,) _. . . _ ..; Percolation Test Results Performed by<;:).<.P.f.U ... ~'K MI'((!{.,b:l!.~(d-!!!.~JJ.!. /:/. ..... ~te.~ .. :.i:.? ......................... .

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Test Pit No. 2 ...... : ......... minutes per inch Depth 01 Test Pit .. ................ '. De~\th to. ground wateL. .................... .. --t-- I \

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The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Environmental Code - The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Com liance has been issued by the board of health.

J SIgned f.ti-""~~"'" ';,;c ApplICation Approved By a~ ~ If,/l t-Y-ryI Application Disapproved for the foil ing

"'" Permit No. . Issued o.~ .... .......... .. :). .. .


by .. THlS~~ Ct.RTr.~J:;~t::.htIndlvidual Sewage Disposal System constructed (~~~.~~.~~ired (...--')

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Page 6: ©1 - Amherst, MA - Official Websitegis.amherstma.gov/images/scans/septic/files/STATION RD-0669.pdf · THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Application is hereby made for a Permit to

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Page 7: ©1 - Amherst, MA - Official Websitegis.amherstma.gov/images/scans/septic/files/STATION RD-0669.pdf · THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Application is hereby made for a Permit to

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Page 8: ©1 - Amherst, MA - Official Websitegis.amherstma.gov/images/scans/septic/files/STATION RD-0669.pdf · THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Application is hereby made for a Permit to


Page 9: ©1 - Amherst, MA - Official Websitegis.amherstma.gov/images/scans/septic/files/STATION RD-0669.pdf · THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Application is hereby made for a Permit to

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Page 10: ©1 - Amherst, MA - Official Websitegis.amherstma.gov/images/scans/septic/files/STATION RD-0669.pdf · THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Application is hereby made for a Permit to

Page 11: ©1 - Amherst, MA - Official Websitegis.amherstma.gov/images/scans/septic/files/STATION RD-0669.pdf · THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Application is hereby made for a Permit to

David Zarozinski Amherst Health Department Bangs Community Center Amherst MA 01002

Richard Scott, P.E. 31 Shutesbury Road Pelham. MA 01002

October 28. 1994

Re: Septic System Repair at 669 Station Road Pioneer Senior Center

On Thursday October 27. I conducted an as-built inspection of this newly repaired septic system. The as-built dimensions are shown in "clouds" on the enclosed plan copy .

AI I system components are installed. In plan view the piping is shifted a small amount to preserve landscape trees. This smal I shift wil I not affect system performance and the field location remains over the test pits.

Elevations In the pump-fed leach trenches were spot checked at approximately twelve locations. The results are al I within a tolerance of +/-.01 feet and all pipe pitches are in accordance with Title 5.

The switches and alarm were checked by manipulating the floats. They appear to be properly set to dose approximately fifty gallons of effluent to the distribution box during each pump cycle.

Work remaining to be done as of Thursday afternoon was to crush and bury the discontinued septic tank. provide new risers on the tank and pump chamber. then to backfill all system components. Once the remaining work is complete. my recommendation is that you approve the installation for use.

If you should have any further questions on this proJect please don't hesitate to call me.

cc: Jean Murray Paul Lussier

~:~~ Richard Scott P.E.

Page 12: ©1 - Amherst, MA - Official Websitegis.amherstma.gov/images/scans/septic/files/STATION RD-0669.pdf · THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Application is hereby made for a Permit to


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Page 13: ©1 - Amherst, MA - Official Websitegis.amherstma.gov/images/scans/septic/files/STATION RD-0669.pdf · THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Application is hereby made for a Permit to

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Page 14: ©1 - Amherst, MA - Official Websitegis.amherstma.gov/images/scans/septic/files/STATION RD-0669.pdf · THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Application is hereby made for a Permit to

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