1 1 1 , I> ~.-t . - R.vi.w Waitt .dt Cost L.u . Ctt More VA. 1.4558 JUlt Say "Charg. It" OPEN NEW KIDDIES poot IN CITY mht ~ro9.i~t lPointt lRcUitw Grosse Pointe's Newspaper for More Than 23 Years Last. week the CIty of Grosse Pomte offICIally opened Its new.swmunmg pool for voungsters at theIr waterfront park. On hand for the event were Thomas Hanson who IS --:-:;::--;-------':=:-::~------------------G-R-O-SS-E-p--o::-:r:::-N==TE=-, :-:M::-rC=H:::r:-:::G:-:A7N-=-, -=TH::;;;;U:;:RS~D7A;;Y-, A~U;::;G;;UC;;ST;:;;-;1;;0,-;1in'95;:;;O~-------(G;j;RlCO~SS5EE~PP<05iI~NITT~E 33~O:-, NMiiiIC:iH~liGGiAA:NNi=:VVAA:-. ~2.:l1~165i2 For Compl.t. Cov.r.c. Fint Read Th. R.view \Jl'mb<'r~ of Grn<..-e Pomte Yrl("ht Club "Ill depllrt from I "If' \1<11111 whfOn the\ <ta~p a ))a\ at thp Racl's next \\ ed- r"'da\ PalllP~ \\ III Il'a\'e \', !'rlne<oil\ ;lfternnnn lit 2 pm ( r iln E'ntf'rtllmm~ l'E'<:<.onat ''It' H;l7P) Pllrk Race Trark An appllcation for funds amountmg to $9,300 was ap- proved by the Commumty Faclhues SerVIce, Housmg and Home FInance Agency, to aSSIst In planning a sewage facihtles project In Grosse Pomte Shores, accordmg to a report by Rep. LoUls C. Rabaut. This project IS authOrized un- der Pubhc Law 352 wh1ch was passed In the first seSSlOn of the 81st Congress and prOVides for the advance plannmg of non- Federal works The total estimated cost of tlus sewage development 1S $342,o<JO, which w1ll be raiSed by general obl1gation bond Before actual work beglOs on construc- tion of the proJect, the 1ssue Will 1ace a vote. by the electorate 10 the Shores. The fIrm of Hubbel. Roth and Clark Consulhng Engineers have submItted a plan for an inter- cepting sewer on Lake Shore Road The proposed sewer WIll trans- port sewage and ram water from the Srores to a DetrOit sewer and eventually mto a River Rouge outlet At the present hme the Shores 15 \\ Ithout an adequate sewage 5\<tem Each home 1~ eqUlpped '"Ith a septle tmk which 1Scon- nected With a road dram that runs Into the lake Rep Rabaut states that when the proJect IS completed It Will bE'one of the greatest Improve- ments to the commuruty. * * * * * * * * * 1 Additional WaterMains on WoodsBallot;:~::~~t~e~:~rd $95,000.00IMeeting Friday Bond J:ssue I Construction of Cook Elementary School Wlll eost se!Mt .l. I$282,765 more than the archItect's estImate, accordmg to the P d bIds receIved by the School Board Wednesday mght. 141\ nnse In VIew of the internatIOnal picture whIch has taken a •Uy" I sharp turn to the left Since the Parcells School com~letiOIt At a specIal meetmg Tues- was authonzed m June, the Board was not too surpnsed to day mght the Grosse POInte I have all bids reflect the boomIng bUlldmg costs. ...._..1 Woods CounCIl moved to It was found that Parcells S<;hool.could be c~mpl~ place a $95 000 bond Issue on I for $290,000 less than the archItect s estimate, so this saVinC the ballot at a speCIal electIon IS a counter-balance to the mc~eased cost of Cook Elementary to be held September 12 I School. . whIch IS the date for the I SPEAKER What Jeopardy such m- general pnmary electIOn of creased costs WIll place 011 county, state and nahonal ' completi~n of New Kerby and offices. I the Gratiot School, IS yet to Approval of the bond Issue Willi Ibe determmed. mean the construction of three, Wednesday night's bida new water mam.s In the Woods 1 were referred to the school to Improve the low water pres- ; archItect, attorney and the sure condition staff and WIll be acted upon A proposed 24-mch maio wl1l at a special meeting of the ~ be mstalled from Harper and at 8 a.m. Friday. Vernier to Mack and Verruer, Coal b1ds were tabled awaiUna Low water pressure 10 the west- clearer defuutlon from bil:lcleN em sechon of the Woods w1ll be I and Will be acted upon Friclq relieved by a l2-mch supply malO morrung. extendmg from Verruer road to Low ardutectural bIdder _ Stanhope I Cook school was O. W. Burke, An add1tional supply lme across $1,074,000, followed by WI1l1aDl E street from Vern1er to Cook I Esslmger's $1,087,728, and H. s:. road would form a loop to bU1ld I Cullbertson's $1,252,500. up'water pressur.e m the eastern i Alternate bids from the a~ portIon of the V1llage. mcluded OmulS10nof four ellll!:' Woods President AIOls Ghell- I rooms and adchbonal pWn,. - qU1ere stated that the new pro- Father James Clerk, of St. Low bidder on the mechanjcal Ject would elmunate water prell- contract was Broedell PlumbmC sure problems for the next Clair de Monte Falco, was & Heating W1th a bid of 1199,879. t",:~nty years" guest speaker at the noon followed respectlvely by Chelsa .. We are hopmg, be said, meeting M 0 n day of the Co, $220,936; W. J. RewolCt, that the commumty Wlll sup;, Grosse POInte Rotary Club $224,600, Wm. A. Adam, $234,tOO. port the plan wholeheartedly. at the Memonal Center. Zenle & Maqulre, $238,624; L. L. Low water pre S IIU re hioS Father Clark spoke on the McConaclue, $244,400; B•..,. Qos5., prompted numerous groups of WY'\" D'"t f $247500. HIckey Shaw & Wlnk- cItizens to petltton the Woods subject. ~lIe 19ru y 0 1 i2s{ 197' ~er1can PlwnbUII Councll In ~ past few months. Labor," er ci H~tmg' *"54169. An ordmance dell1gned to re- ------- an • .,.. , lJeve the low water pressure Off d I Low electr1cal b1dder WH SituatIOn has been ngldly en- en ers n Arguson Company WIth a b1d Of forced durlOg the summer. Res1- Park Court $53,795, followed by Shaw Elet;- dents were asked to refram from UtC Co. $70,990 and H~ watering their lawns In the early Electne Wlth a btd. of $74,945- everung hours. A qumtet o! traffic offenders ------- P OI N t E G · P k' Coo I Fe L h AccordIng to a recent protest were arraigned before Judge C. K.dd. I Mary omn ar s tty rter Ire as es by the Lochmoor-Sunmngdale Joseph Belanger In Grosse Pointe 1 les AR AGR AP HS SubdlVls1on, enforcement of thiS Park court Wednellday mornmg. I ., k' 2 Residences ordmance threw the bulk of the Grace Stone paid a $5 ftne for P 10 t R t R h Half way Mar lawn-waterlOg bUSlOess on the a stop street aCCldent at Vernor 00 pens '---I 0 elgn a I eac es. I I GPP k mormng and afternoon water \ and Buclungbam on July 14. The , I n ar supply thus creatlOg low water l1cense of Ray Doyle Bryant, 509 A LakepOinte avenue house- S.F · al After 10 se~,lOns, the Park the same as the Village," Gillett pressures durmg the day as well Harding, was revoked for three In City .,. ~~~' ~~ss~~~~~~t:c\~~hl~~: Wllll estlv : ~:a~~:~ 7~:m~:~;~~a~ e~:r~t \~ sa~*eoPle Will not be aware of I d~tm<;;S;al:O::t~rn~~~ts~ as AcjU;;~; \~h~ ~~:~~JO:;S th1S I ;:,~n~~~=I~eaS~~~g$~~ ~~ take matters mto her own I d I 2 OODdraftmg a City Charter ,accord- any great change of government II two local TeSldences Saturday. group whereby the Woods would Ruth 1. Schaefer, 4500 Bishop, A ,,_ unll5lD1 '--- at. -- th ert An e~hmated crnv. 0 h.. S - I" ,. t --'J '.>' Jo- ......... hands When last seen ep I gathered at the Grosse PolOte ng to a report u,y ecre,ary The Charte;. CommISSion fee s, At 3 10 pm, a neIghbor sum- be zoned and special appomted paid $5 m fines for pulang In 0 pool 1S now eompleted l!l tile madame was \I.avmg a paint I Farms Pier Monda\ mght to I Wilham Gillett he stated, that the pollce, fire I moned the fire wagons to the 18- times be allowed for watenng movmg traffic and causmg an Grosse Pomte C1!;y Park. 'I1Ie brush as she balanced a step- '~atch a arade of 28 lovehes ..o\~ a whole the I!eneral op- ;md other departments are domg I room home of WC Gnffm at lawns aCCident on S1. Paul and Three pnmary force behind thIS .... ladder against the s1de of her 'I p 1 test eratlon of the CIty \\'111be Tl'uch a good Job and they should re-jl006 BerkshIre The occupants Orlgmally, the bond Issue was Mile Onve portant Improvement for the Cit,' hou~e compete In a roya con 1 mam unaltered In the new plan." Iwere unaVl~re that their roof and scheduled to appear on the ballot Walter Flanders, of 784 Bar- has been CouncIlman Chester 1'. o 0 When the processIOn VIas over J WI A rough draft contalDmg the attIc were blazmg FIremen bat- at the same t1me residents would nngton, was fined $5 on a reck- Carpenter. Recognlzm, that tbe SIxteen -) e:::r- old Richard Mary Lou Goum had been select- I lISt ',lIt pr(lpo,ed provISIons for CIty In- tled the rag.ng ftames for an be asked to approve the C1ty less driVing charge Bertha Clark smaller c1\1ldren of the eGm- Craig of 1024 Wayburn left ed by a panel of 'IX Judges to \ corporation has been turned over hour and 30 mmutes. Charter. Curran, 3565 Audubon, wa~ ar- mumty deserve this facfl.1ty, h. Gro<,e Pomte IllSt \\ eek on a reign over the Sv.lmmmg Fes- Tl D t to consultant John 191auer. a The CounCil proposes to have ralgned on a reckless dnvmg has worked dl1.gently to brine N I t l~ Ie OC or The damaoe was e-tJmated at d t J1 1nOD-milebicycle tllP to ew tl\a on •."ugus I. " <p&lah<t In draftmg cIty chaI:- ~ the work on the mains begun at charge for an acci en on u y thIS Into being From the beIPn- h -" ....... I$5 000 by the ftre department bl bef 18 Sh 1 ded not guilty and _ o lean~ In Milwau ee a lom- Four ntner prett)' malden~ were I , 0I I tels He IS a representatlve of LIO" I ' the earliest date POSSI e ore I e pea nmg, he has worked WIth .... panlon Jomed Dick on hiS ,elected to be In the queen.s Diiln t r( er MIchIgan :'.1umclpal League I The fire was caused by defec- the situation becomes Critical. Ithe case was dIsmissed. _ iengmeen and has inSisted that pedal pu~hmg tour He 1~ for- COll< t The\ al e Joan BIsceglia, The charter Will under!lo care- I tlve wIring the pool be coru;tructed retain- mer POlntel Jim Helle A t(lp'. Ellen Belard Maral Molyneaux T'\n dell\ en men n a maron'l i ful <;tudv and analYSIS and Willi The ho'ne IS ow lto.' bv tlw Er- H uI d S. mg as much of the natural IIe't- of the Bluff Tlme~ Ill, paper ilnCl Lynne Hennecke truck flaudulentlv col;ected $31) e\entuallv be turned bacl.. to the '10 Wattles, ,,' Dunkll';", New Ul ,.e WlmmerS tmg as possible. \\ '1< reCl"ntlv ~ent to D.cl..s Th F ,t 1 \\ \ll beglO at 9 from a Gro-<e Po'nte Wood< maId Park Charter CommISSion for I York Although most wading ~ C"d J C g Waterfront e e.lva whlle her emplo'er v.as on ~aCd- I f th I ..-.-ted .th ---'- " OP ral am In the morn,nt: \\Ith sWlm- -' i ur er re\lew - A rn"r fire at the home of Dr C GP P k are cons""" WI a c:~ Park attendant On the front mmg meel~ betv.een tne lIfe twn , Before the Charter IS put tn H 1.. Hnsmer at 1033 Bedford Ol.lpete at ar' bottom, thiS pqpl was desttMd page wa~ a ~torv about the uald~ from the fHe POinte Tne paIr <pllm..ei ti\e bu<he,< 'ote. II pUblic heanng \\,11 be I ~ummoned the fire department at ' to mamtaln the seeme and nat .. tlt>\ s southern Jaunt I g nf peat humus on the front la\\ n conducted at the MUnicIpal: I ural beauty of the Park The poet o 0 mumclpalltle~ of Dr Aaron Ro~er< home at. Bwldmg I 6 30 pm Sunday afternoon ~e\ era I I Sauer In second place was James has a bed 0( lake sand and the A Pointe matron recently I CompetitIOn \~III be tnugh \I.Ith 1294 Lochmoor The\' tnld the The electorate \\ 111 be a,ked CaL~ " a< ~ttr buted to II thousand Grosse POinte Pllrk, NorrIS and M1chael Meurer was entire pool IS surrounded by tonk ~e\eral of hpr out-of-tov.n I top aquatic fl!lure< competmg dome<tIC. T.lIle Wadllngtnn, that to formally appro\e the Chllrter spark from the Incmerator I reSidents gathered at the water-I third sand beach, from 15 to 20 feet o hlt0rS on a tour of the Gro~..e Frank Blelman captain of the ttJ.e doclnr nad placed an ord;,r I <ome tIme m late )lovember nr TIw Ho<mer< left G o<,e Pomte I frot'lt Park to '" Rtch some 100 Pennv TomlCIC won the 25-1 m Width The area of the pool Pnlnte War Memnal Center Umver<ltv of DetrOIt sv.lmmlOj; \\ Ith them and that she \\ 11<'0 Decembe" I earher In the rl~\ for a ~acatlon ~"Immer< compete 10 a senes of Ivard f~ee style match for the IS more than 12.000 square feet I hke to show mv gue<t~ team VIlli be \l.eanng the color< pav for lhp '11<1 erial The Charter Comm ,mm rOll- In northe~n ~I,chlgan I aquatIc events Iglrl~ ",\th ,Ja\. Yeager ~natchlng, and when filled, It contains 10&,. the Center,' she said. becau"e f"r the Pllrh Burt Spurner o~ Dl Rnger< laler told \\ nnd,,' <I, t>f nme member~ a< e<tab- I Damages \I.'ere e<t.mated at I TopPin!,! the afternoon < enter- <econd and DIanne Man thIrd '000 gallon.< of \\a~ 1 < nne of our most beaullful MIchigan Slate and Bob Jl'nt poLce that hp had ne\ er nroerl'd lt~hed 10 the Stllte ,Iatule< Mon. tamment prOi!ram wa.<a thnllmll I I Ih t ed te bt> 2- I An additIonal feature of the lanc'marks' nf Wa~ne Unl\'erslt\ Will a ,n anI humll' fnr hl~ la"n ChlllrTnlln nr the comml« on e Lil't '.l'.~ Pdrk lilemen ar- exhlolhon on water sku< gIVen n e 10 erm la Y<;)- pool IS Inat 1t ha~ two sources at o e 0 I bE' enlered 10 1'\ ent" Spurnl'r Pollre <t~led that the, e a, E" Rolwrt E 'JcKean and nol!- I re"E'd ~ Ii re ~. the <a'l"e aoore55 h Tnm Tnranto vard free <tYJe b e\ ~nt. a n~ I~ec- \\ ater <upplv water from tb. \ feature attractIOn at the \\ 111 repre,t'nt the Farms and nnl\ l\\n rn'l"pilnIP< 1 ren<ed 10 C'la Pl111n1<VI('lnr A Wphmp1er' Tn Ortnner 1944 a <pill... from y loro \\a< 'PI v onnv a er Cltv malO< a~d waler from Lake \!"monal Center thl~ "'eek l< Jenk< thp Shnres del1\n pe~t hllmu< n G"n-q,' o\-<I<tilnt et'rretarv /lncl Irea<lIrer 'hE' ]Ot"mpr,,\nr .tll 1""1a h1a7Pon I Tni' hnnl'lr< In lhe 2"-vard free Secnnri ilnd third place< '''I'nt t~ St' Cla,r The pumpmg <vstem 11 f At' d!l pm 11mHallman P"tnlf' W""I'1<and nelthpr "ne of < \1,< Kin' ('nl1lO' tnp roof ", the G- 'fin rp-lril'nre .'\.~ fnr "'n,< ,. en! tn \\a-ren \brtln o\rllilr llno Tnm ~lcCarth <;0 ar <:n~cd ':::-~ the ",aler may I;E' Simlan~ proouctlnn 0 ... iln, . i'h I ,p<pe('t"'pl\ .. 'Man of Scotland ,. The plav \\ III !l:1\ Pa dlvtnlZ E'Xhlbltlnn lOPE"had !>PE'nn Ihe nell! n r _ ------ ----- ,be CIrculated b, meane of aD , !>Ping prf><entE'd each E'\E'- Hartman Ie All American ol\"t'r hMd at 'he 1me (If tht' dpl'\ E"r~ WAR ON ACCI DENTS I Glrl< ntermen,alp rhamplon< 'I']Pctnr pump "n(l thp \. liter W1U r -•.;: Ihrou,llh Sundilv on the rI t rtpnt at Ihe Vnwer<lt\" ------- 1----------- ne Penn\ {pnde, fir<t "ar\ I bp chlnnnilted Cn'Tlp,pte Clrcula- ~~~:lnu;h~a~~ml:~~r ll~~eU~Ill:; I ~~ 'J~c~I~I;m . Pl()llty Cause I D 0 Urged to Obey Stop S.lgns I ~:~.n~~~ttl~hl~~""d. llno Barona tlo;n~~ a~~~~~,ll<~~~.em ~~n h":r~ ''''P t~rrace for thE'lr sta~!' Thf' prn,l:,am 1< U l 7 dpr th~ I rivers \\ I1lam ,Jnne' took fir,t and \ nerl ,md all nf thl'ln are con- "-0 ch overlooks Lake 5t Clair. rllrE'cll nn nf Hent~ Co In~ for Bfl'fli" 1)' I A,rl B1II'nb 't'cond In Ihe 2i-'ilr<l nCl,en '(1 trJe CII\ \\llter 'lIpplv. o 0 Du, JOg tht' ~flernoon rE'<Hlpnts ~ Tne Ch ("< nf Irle r; "n«e \ .l'r ("'11 n,l:I. " II..' '1 'p 1ht' no,< lr~fAc th~t " bl!'! E'noul<h frpp ,t vle .... n,M \)0\, Tv. n (If t-c,p 'rnl\ < at e thE' ped_ \\,11 comp('l(' In a <enp< "f <\\Im- \ \n\lnl< m"ch Ol,t \\fOnl 10 P>lntp Pol ce Df"pa'.'1l..nl< ''',d -,;:t'<1 \\a\ '0 f'n' ..r ~ Ih-,'ul/:n <n lnllt \n, r~n crn« the nIt' - ~:,r-t p,al'(, n ~)-va,(1 fIN' e"~' I\;~ a,'d ~rE" n .he center mlOl/ E"\'('nt' thp n,'<pll,lI In 'Pf' h _ nf' \.horn .nna, '''l~t T. ~ iln Ol1\'" 1< tarl h ghv.,,\ < '" 'I r a ::;~p In <eellon v.ilhollt call<J02 an' othpr ,hI .. ' ..n or ;:Ir < {',pnt \' cn' tn 0' .he po" ",herpa< tnp ntr,er ---- ,on Looh.ni: lhro\H~h t'1.. >::Ia" Ih,,1 :"\OP <;'2n< ~rp p\~«~ri at ~ nP\l'r.o ~IO\\ no"n <lop nr lurn :\anc\ Hm. \\ h 11"n.. \I-Cllh- I\HI a .. n I ' I~ .hr Out.. \\al1 C ~"O\0 U illia'll!'o f,ont of th.. nur'('I' h(' a,l,,,,l nIp <('(tlnn, to \'('''1' 11 ,0 ,I- nn '" 0(' thE' eh "1< ad\l<t' l('ontinlled on Pa(f Zl (n- \rr> ,r~ I ,h .d-cn "h" "'IU " th(' nur,(' In ch '2(' \\ h\ hl< 'on n'1e r"lI:h .... a\ from runn nil: mle, Thf' (;",,,1' Pn n'p P 'hrf' nt'- ,_________ _ , "1n' t", I' I) \ pn.u"(' mlo the CE"n- 'Iotll ~r II1.,.urf'd -~< \\('ll il' ~II 1h(' fI"1 (of Ih(' no'nnel, nn h~ o'n(', n >:h\\ilV AI.ve ,)a'lM"nl< il E" ,on))('".ttnl( \\I'r! BEHIND PAGE 1 .(' ,"I'(' "n,' -' nf'\\ h ~n I\('d cltI7('n, - \\('1C F\(~n mnln'l<' ,nrie ".'1(I<.h - Stay I hI' \t,"h l/:an Stale S~fet... ( .)1- '\rl- t (-.1 r 11''' "r" nplnC Mr< Flmil M Will am< of bll" 1m2 <0 'lmp p njl~ 'hp, - iI '11ilre~ '1'\ ",01' an" 'h(' Vl ch,gan S a't ----- - p,annpd a'lri ",'1 N> In<talled U Gro«P Pnmte F"lm- molh". nf \\1"1 lep',('d lhp 01, ," nut 1l~:"llun,,' ..'\ "1"OV th'l- H,lln\\a\ T"lf'pll rl!Y'pl' 1 In , 0'''- 7~1' If I k' <f"~ '1< .' ~(' -" ',"l "" np", Gn~ W\lllam< ,,~~ n ~ h.o~Plllll \(l1l \\prE' (In" /I fp.\\ h"lIf< "'lei <ano ll'1(1re' Th\< ,< prO\P<1h, ;r1am ,,., "'IlI..P N,r ., llh\\a\- fllJ ee s ''''rk('~~ d-p'stni r"''''m' o1nd Flash F.e re TUE'~oa\ lit Sprtn>::fl!"ld \' rP hllrl nn clnthr< and r" "11(11'\0\ pr"'"ri' ,\ hleh <h"\< 'h~! m."1' <ifer Tr, 'Pe" < <"';;:a' , :o.lE"t< co\ennl< fwm nlllrp< rpcPI\!"rt \\prE'nutnf'l .... banrl O\,po"l ,00 'h",<a"lo< ,.,1 arclMn < ra-~I'\M STo\Y o\LJ\'E - OBEY STOP Rp7.;!t!.:.v -- --- I . Y h In II" llutnm(lhllt' are,dpn\ il< \nur part of th" FrMrll' li"nl bf'"a' ,p drl\p.r, <1 <1 n(l' cn""'e 'n SIG,"'; .llacl.' ParI.. Gets llo) ures out ThE' lln\ el nM <~Id th~t he hlld -" nulon I \ (Ill nut up " hn\\ 1 'l (,I <lop~! '.(11' <tll:rJ "no I(ln" I The St. # H gn.\,V C""1'11". Lrca; CO'.lPlfon Ha" allan 'a hp('n InformPd hIe mothpr \\ /1< 1M' '(0 p'p fl.ll:hl anri It'ft "pf"~p pn- 1<nner hil <'aled that thprp "'t'ft' catlO'l-plcture T Iro Tpnllis COllrt& ;-.l, H-\-ear-old Gr",<f' pnlO~~ <uffprtnll from $praIn< hI1l1<('~ .pr'1!'! 1hp n.pr<ert nn v. th ra ,- 1('\\1'1 11 '00 tlAfllt dpa'h< In l'le <; rr an< p-p,ent ~tan ,,[ PAtlt (1"1- P' ,,'t'-' '1" 'h" COft- .... , h'" \\/1< ~P\prely nllmt"'<l .. -h~k Tht' ~rr rlt'nt I'\((urrl"d T.k I '()n 1o r"n,< 0, lure r ... •-.", I . h hl< an", 'A rl'" -~t(>r~ Ra, (> It. tA" c;,. 'A I""" ,","<''-"r nA,- C;cn\i~nd -<tnr, ,. II" ""1 "f i .... , Irnn' cnurl In 'II' PJr< ana ~rm< w pn TU~<"A\" hpn \lr' \\ llllllm< , 0\ mo<' <"1ppn.ll:~l a ' no <,in 1'1." ,~,,-, "c t'''' ~... r - , ' ... _A t ~"homn u" h f 1 'n ( \1 ; T f \tod. Pork \\ p." 'ipn pei /It 'he ,,,rnoan on< 0«"" " 'v.~< hpJn.2 0' ,pn h\ hpr r llU 81(>a('11(>(1Trai nnt l'n"ih 1: rif'\pln;')_ ;; i \ 1,0 n npm n «(' ~iln ;In 'p' or 'lImiTwr \acauon< : ~ ~n.lt:ildnn orum of ('linn" fE'1l1from TanjZlp\\n,,<1M".. 10 '0')1'\ dr ,m.2 hanll "h '''l <o(lncr I I f'TY' '1rif'ri nil\ lhf'-f' t' a 1(> ~Ie \ Ih lolll'h Ho 1('\< -<t"" \\ ,,<1 ( n,," ",,' nil: T,lp.,'lay '0" nd eauSlnll ~ I1I\<h /lIP I t f end< In \ l'rm"nl r"" J ,t'n Ie plink<'f' (lpf'n('i () iltp, " r" op il" ~(r;riPTl' \1 •• 1 ~< 'P~IC ~< \\p I,,'al. p, B. {1p ard ('') ga ~(,I, ('n" J" i.:~' Thp ho\s latf'f Admlttpd to \1"'1 TI <i hf'l dl(i not rf" (lonf rl('l()f 0f --h~ '1('\Y"f" or ~()m(" 11.rl\ .r'\,.l. <.;Jr "1~1 .... n t rHlt rn,.n\ of ........ 1"), (C'i \ ... h (' 1 '"" .......... ~ r'1f'" 'lr 'he l.,... rno: pnl (PO th;:lt 1hf'l\ "noll,2hl Thp lIlo\~('rn()r c:.;n f h I \11 .. \L~DIf" H~n ......... ~R.H\ Rfl \n I"'", f' \. I r n r/ \('\1 )".(~ <:f' n('(H" r r i ~ f'ct (\t ~.) .. Irq,. .... fl:Tin. Pl"fll~f> r ('>~,. j. ,e ...l f ,., fl'iP ri n('(',p",,1 t\ or '" e~\ 1 ,' f " 111 rontil npd Kf'rO<E"nr 01' t hl< mother .-Inrip tch"ri ~ ran ,,' olparh tnl,' 11, ri,II l" t"l'prl,.ri \n, t" ,t(lP-1 'eri ~~"rj ,('"" ~~I) " .... ,.'t'd ""'p !I!.'lon"!I' ...n lluh ~If"'r\ )'1\' •" "l"-~ I'~' .- .. , nm T-. 'Tlll1r,.O '\nlllh ",a~ t"ken :n~ l.1P <tlltt' tn VI~I Ihp 1 "10~ r()"m ii' l"'p 1",,, rpqlllrp, I I S,lm' rn C'llr hlll~'l\\il'" ,"r t~f' r ,,<I prAp" t\ .In" Ii) Cmtajfe H(l~ltaL I at tht' mompnt Fed. Funds Granted To G.P.Shores

1 Additional WaterMainsonWoodsBallot;:~::~~t~e~:~rddigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1950-54/50/1950-08-10.pdfVA. 1.4558 JUlt Say "Charg. It" OPEN NEW KIDDIES poot

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R.vi.w Waitt .dtCost L.u . Ctt More

VA. 1.4558JUlt Say "Charg. It"


mht ~ro9.i~t lPointt lRcUitwGrosse Pointe's Newspaper for More Than 23 Years

Last. week the CIty of Grosse Pomte offICIally openedIts new.swmunmg pool for voungsters at theIr waterfrontpark. On hand for the event were Thomas Hanson who IS

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For Compl.t.

Cov.r.c. FintRead Th. R.view

\Jl'mb<'r~ of Grn<..-e PomteYrl("ht Club "Ill depllrt fromI"If' \1<11111whfOn the\ <ta~p a))a\ at thp Racl's next \\ ed-

r"'da\ PalllP~ \\ III Il'a\'e\', !'rlne<oil\ ;lfternnnn lit 2 pm( r iln E'ntf'rtllmm~ l'E'<:<.onat''It' H;l7P) Pllrk Race Trark

An appllcation for fundsamountmg to $9,300 was ap-proved by the CommumtyFaclhues SerVIce, Housmgand Home FInance Agency,to aSSIst In planning a sewagefacihtles project In GrossePomte Shores, accordmg toa report by Rep. LoUls C.Rabaut.

This project IS authOrized un-der Pubhc Law 352 wh1ch waspassed In the first seSSlOn of the81st Congress and prOVides forthe advance plannmg of non-Federal works

The total estimated cost oftlus sewage development 1S$342,o<JO,which w1ll be raiSed bygeneral obl1gation bond Beforeactual work beglOs on construc-tion of the proJect, the 1ssue Will1ace a vote. by the electorate 10the Shores.

The fIrm of Hubbel. Roth andClark Consulhng Engineers havesubmItted a plan for an inter-cepting sewer on Lake ShoreRoad

The proposed sewer WIll trans-port sewage and ram water fromthe Srores to a DetrOit sewer andeventually mto a River Rougeoutlet

At the present hme the Shores15 \\ Ithout an adequate sewage5\<tem Each home 1~ eqUlpped'"Ith a septle tmk which 1Scon-nected With a road dram thatruns Into the lake

Rep Rabaut states that whenthe proJect IS completed It WillbE'one of the greatest Improve-ments to the commuruty.

* * * * * * * * * 1Additional WaterMains on WoodsBallot;:~::~~t~e~:~rd

$95,000.00IMeeting FridayBond J:ssueI Construction of Cook Elementary School Wlll eost se!Mt.l. I$282,765 more than the archItect's estImate, accordmg to the

P d bIds receIved by the School Board Wednesday mght.141\nnse In VIew of the internatIOnal picture whIch has taken a•Uy" I sharp turn to the left Since the Parcells School com~letiOIt

At a specIal meetmg Tues- was authonzed m June, the Board was not too surpnsed today mght the Grosse POInte I have all bids reflect the boomIng bUlldmg costs. ...._..1Woods CounCIl moved to It was found that Parcells S<;hool.could be c~mpl~place a $95 000 bond Issue on I for $290,000 less than the archItect s estimate, so this saVinCthe ballot at a speCIal electIon IS a counter-balance to the mc~eased cost of Cook Elementaryto be held September 12 I School. . •whIch IS the date for the I SPEAKER What Jeopardy such m-general pnmary electIOn of creased costs WIll place 011county, state and nahonal' completi~n of New Kerby andoffices. I the Gratiot School, IS yet to

Approval of the bond Issue Willi Ibe determmed.mean the construction of three, Wednesday night's bidanew water mam.s In the Woods 1 were referred to the schoolto Improve the low water pres- ; archItect, attorney and thesure condition staff and WIll be acted upon

A proposed 24-mch maio wl1l at a special meeting of the ~be mstalled from Harper and at 8 a.m. Friday.Vernier to Mack and Verruer, Coal b1ds were tabled awaiUnaLow water pressure 10 the west- clearer defuutlon from bil:lcleNem sechon of the Woods w1ll be I and Will be acted upon Friclqrelieved by a l2-mch supply malO morrung.extendmg from Verruer road to Low ardutectural bIdder _Stanhope I Cook school was O. W. Burke,

An add1tional supply lme across $1,074,000, followed by WI1l1aDlE street from Vern1er to Cook I Esslmger's $1,087,728, and H. s:.road would form a loop to bU1ld I Cullbertson's $1,252,500.up'water pressur.e m the eastern i Alternate bids from the a~portIon of the V1llage. mcluded OmulS10nof four ellll!:'

Woods President AIOls Ghell- I rooms and adchbonal pWn,. -qU1ere stated that the new pro- Father James Clerk, of St. Low bidder on the mechanjcalJect would elmunate water prell- contract was Broedell PlumbmCsure problems for the next Clair de Monte Falco, was & Heating W1th a bid of 1199,879.t",:~nty years" guest speaker at the noon followed respectlvely by Chelsa.. We are hopmg, be said, meeting M 0 n day of the Co, $220,936; W. J. RewolCt,that the commumty Wlll sup;, Grosse POInte Rotary Club $224,600, Wm. A. Adam, $234,tOO.

port the plan wholeheartedly. at the Memonal Center. Zenle & Maqulre, $238,624; L. L.Low water pre S II U r e hioS Father Clark spoke on the McConaclue, $244,400; B•..,. Qos5.,

prompted numerous groups of WY'\" D'"t f $247500. HIckey Shaw & Wlnk-cItizens to petltton the Woods subject. ~lIe 19ru y 0 1 i2s{ 197' ~er1can PlwnbUIICouncll In ~ past few months. Labor," erci H~tmg' *"54169.

An ordmance dell1gned to re- ------- an • .,.. ,lJeve the low water pressure Off d I Low electr1cal b1dder WHSituatIOn has been ngldly en- en ers n Arguson Company WIth a b1d Offorced durlOg the summer. Res1- Park Court $53,795, followed by Shaw Elet;-dents were asked to refram from UtC Co. $70,990 and H~watering their lawns In the early Electne Wlth a btd. of $74,945-everung hours. A qumtet o! traffic offenders -------POI N t E G · P k' C· Coo IFe L h AccordIng to a recent protest were arraigned before Judge C. K.dd.

IMary omn ar s tty rter Ire as es by the Lochmoor-Sunmngdale Joseph Belanger In Grosse Pointe 1 lesA R A G R A PHS SubdlVls1on, enforcement of thiS Park court Wednellday mornmg.

I ., k' 2 Residences ordmance threw the bulk of the Grace Stone paid a $5 ftne for P 10t R t R h Half way Mar lawn-waterlOg bUSlOess on the a stop street aCCldent at Vernor 00 pens'---I 0 elgn a I eac es. II GP P k mormng and afternoon water \ and Buclungbam on July 14. The ,

In ar supply thus creatlOg low water l1cense of Ray Doyle Bryant, 509A LakepOinte avenue house- S . F · al After 10 se~,lOns, the Park the same as the Village," Gillett pressures durmg the day as well Harding, was revoked for three In City .,.

~~~' ~~ss~~~~~~t:c\~~hl~~: Wllll estlv :~:a~~:~7~:m~:~;~~a~ e~:r~t \~ sa~*eoPle Will not be aware of I d~tm<;;S;al:O::t~rn~~~ts~ asAcjU;;~;\~h~ ~~:~~JO:;S th1S I ;:,~n~~~=I~eaS~~~g$~~ ~~take matters mto her own I d I 2 OODdraftmg a City Charter ,accord- any great change of government II two local TeSldences Saturday. group whereby the Woods would Ruth 1. Schaefer, 4500 Bishop, A ,,_ unll5lD1 '--- at. --th ert An e~hmated crnv. 0 h.. S - I " ,. t --'J '.>' Jo- .........hands When last seen e p I gathered at the Grosse PolOte ng to a report u,y ecre,ary The Charte;. CommISSion fee s, At 3 10 pm, a neIghbor sum- be zoned and special appomted paid $5 m fines for pulang In 0 pool 1S now eompleted l!l tilemadame was \I.avmg a paint I Farms Pier Monda\ mght to I Wilham Gillett he stated, that the pollce, fire I moned the fire wagons to the 18- times be allowed for watenng movmg traffic and causmg an Grosse Pomte C1!;y Park. 'I1Iebrush as she balanced a step- '~atch a arade of 28 lovehes ..o\~ a whole the I!eneral op- ;md other departments are domg I room home of W C Gnffm at lawns aCCident on S1. Paul and Three pnmary force behind thIS ....ladder against the s1de of her 'I p 1 test eratlon of the CIty \\'111be Tl'uch a good Job and they should re-jl006 BerkshIre The occupants Orlgmally, the bond Issue was Mile Onve portant Improvement for the Cit,'hou~e compete In a roya con 1 mam unaltered In the new plan." Iwere unaVl~re that their roof and scheduled to appear on the ballot Walter Flanders, of 784 Bar- has been CouncIlman Chester 1'.

o 0 When the processIOn VIas over J WI A rough draft contalDmg the attIc were blazmg FIremen bat- at the same t1me residents would nngton, was fined $5 on a reck- Carpenter. Recognlzm, that tbeSIxteen -) e:::r- old Richard Mary Lou Goum had been select- I lISt ',lIt pr(lpo,ed provISIons for CIty In- tled the rag.ng ftames for an be asked to approve the C1ty less driVing charge Bertha Clark smaller c1\1ldren of the eGm-

Craig of 1024 Wayburn left ed by a panel of 'IX Judges to \ corporation has been turned over hour and 30 mmutes. Charter. Curran, 3565 Audubon, wa~ ar- mumty deserve this facfl.1ty, h.Gro<,e Pomte IllSt \\ eek on a reign over the Sv.lmmmg Fes- Tl D t to consultant John 191auer. a The CounCil proposes to have ralgned on a reckless dnvmg has worked dl1.gently to brine

N I• t l~ Ie OC or The damaoe was e-tJmated at d t J 11nOD-milebicycle tllP to ew tl\a on •."ugus I. " <p&lah<t In draftmg cIty chaI:- ~ the work on the mains begun at charge for an acci en on u y thIS Into being From the beIPn-h -" .......I $5 000 by the ftre department bl bef 18 Sh 1 ded not guilty and _o lean~ In Milwau ee a lom- Four ntner prett)' malden~ were I • , 0 I Itels He IS a representatlve of LIO" I ' the earliest date POSSI e ore I e pea nmg, he has worked WIth ....

panlon Jomed Dick on hiS ,elected to be In the queen.s Diiln t r( er MIchIgan :'.1umclpal League I The fire was caused by defec- the situation becomes Critical. I the case was dIsmissed. _ iengmeen and has inSisted thatpedal pu~hmg tour He 1~ for- COll< t The\ al e Joan BIsceglia, The charter Will under!lo care- I tlve wIring the pool be coru;tructed retain-mer POlntel Jim Helle A t(lp'. Ellen Belard Maral Molyneaux T'\n dell\ en men n a maron'l i ful <;tudv and analYSIS and Willi The ho'ne IS ow lto.' bv tlw Er- H uI d S . mg as much of the natural IIe't-of the Bluff Tlme~ Ill, paper ilnCl Lynne Hennecke truck flaudulentlv col;ected $31) e\entuallv be turned bacl.. to the '10 Wattles, ,,' Dunkll';", New Ul ,.e WlmmerS tmg as possible.\\ '1< reCl"ntlv ~ent to D.cl..s Th F ,t 1 \\ \ll beglO at 9 from a Gro-<e Po'nte Wood< maId Park Charter CommISSion for I York Although most wading ~C"d J C g Waterfront e e.lva whlle her emplo'er v.as on ~aCd- I f th I ..-.-ted .th ---'-" OP ral a m In the morn,nt: \\Ith sWlm- -' i ur er re\lew - A rn"r fire at the home of Dr C GP P k are cons""" WI a c:~Park attendant On the front mmg meel~ betv.een tne lIfe twn , Before the Charter IS put tn H 1.. Hnsmer at 1033 Bedford Ol.lpete at ar' bottom, thiS pqpl was desttMdpage wa~ a ~torv about the uald~ from the fHe POinte Tne paIr <pllm.. ei ti\e bu<he,< 'ote. II pUblic heanng \\,11 be I ~ummoned the fire department at • ' to mamtaln the seeme and nat ..tlt>\ s southern Jaunt I g nf peat humus on the front la\\ n conducted at the MUnicIpal: I ural beauty of the Park The poet

o • 0 mumclpalltle~ of Dr Aaron Ro~er< home at. Bwldmg I 6 30 pm Sunday afternoon ~e \ era I I Sauer In second place was James has a bed 0( lake sand and theA Pointe matron recently I CompetitIOn \~III be tnugh \I.Ith 1294 Lochmoor The\' tnld the The electorate \\ 111 be a,ked CaL~ " a< ~ttr buted to II thousand Grosse POinte Pllrk, NorrIS and M1chael Meurer was entire pool IS surrounded by •

tonk ~e\eral of hpr out-of-tov.n I top aquatic fl!lure< competmg dome<tIC. T.lIle Wadllngtnn, that to formally appro\e the Chllrter spark from the Incmerator I reSidents gathered at the water-I third sand beach, from 15 to 20 feeto hlt0rS on a tour of the Gro~..e Frank Blelman captain of the ttJ.e doclnr nad placed an ord;,r I <ome tIme m late )lovember nr TIw Ho<mer< left G o<,e Pomte I frot'lt Park to '" Rtch some 100 Pennv TomlCIC won the 25-1 m Width The area of the poolPnlnte War Memnal Center Umver<ltv of DetrOIt sv.lmmlOj; \\ Ith them and that she \\ 11<'0 Decembe" I earher In the rl~\ for a ~acatlon ~"Immer< compete 10 a senes of Ivard f~ee style match for the IS more than 12.000 square feet

I hke to show mv gue<t~ team VIlli be \l.eanng the color< pav for lhp '11<1 erial The Charter Comm ,mm rOll- In northe~n ~I,chlgan I aquatIc events Iglrl~ ",\th ,Ja\. Yeager ~natchlng, and when filled, It contains 10&,.the Center,' she said. becau"e f"r the Pllrh Burt Spurner o~ Dl Rnger< laler told \\ nnd,,' <I, t>f nme member~ a< e<tab-I Damages \I.'ere e<t.mated at I TopPin!,! the afternoon < enter- <econd and DIanne Man thIrd '000 gallon.< of \\a~1 < nne of our most beaullful MIchigan Slate and Bob Jl'nt poLce that hp had ne\ er nroerl'd lt~hed 10 the Stllte ,Iatule< Mon. tamment prOi!ram wa.<a thnllmll I I Ih t ed te bt> • 2- I An additIonal feature of thelanc'marks' nf Wa~ne Unl\'erslt\ Will a ,n anI humll' fnr hl~ la"n ChlllrTnlln nr the comml« on e Lil't '.l'.~ Pdrk lilemen ar- exhlolhon on water sku< gIVen n e 10 erm la Y<;)- pool IS Inat 1t ha~ two sources at

o e 0 I bE' enlered 10 1'\ ent" Spurnl'r Pollre <t~led that the, e a, E" Rolwrt E 'JcKean and nol!- I re"E'd ~ Iire ~. the <a'l"e aoore55 h Tnm Tnranto vard free <tYJebe\ ~nt. a n~ I~ec- \\ ater <upplv water from tb.\ feature attractIOn at the \\ 111 repre,t'nt the Farms and nnl\ l\\n rn'l"pilnIP< 1 ren<ed 10 C'la Pl111n1<VI('lnr A Wphmp1er' Tn Ortnner 1944 a <pill... from y loro \\a< 'PI v onnv a er Cltv malO< a~d waler from Lake

\!"monal Center thl~ "'eek l< Jenk< thp Shnres del1\n pe~t hllmu< n G"n-q,' o\-<I<tilnt et'rretarv /lncl Irea<lIrer 'hE' ]Ot"mpr,,\nr .tll 1""1a h1a7Pon I Tni' hnnl'lr< In lhe 2"-vard free Secnnri ilnd third place< '''I'nt t~ St' Cla,r The pumpmg <vstem 11f At' d!l pm 11mHallman P"tnlf' W""I'1<and nelthpr "ne of < \1,< Kin' ('nl1lO' tnp roof ", the G- 'fin rp-lril'nre .'\.~ fnr "'n,< ,. en! tn \\a-ren \brtln o\rllilr llno Tnm ~lcCarth <;0 ar <:n~cd ':::-~ the ",aler mayI;E' Simlan~ proouctlnn 0 ... iln, . i'h I ,p<pe('t"'pl\ ..

'Man of Scotland ,. The plav \\ III !l:1\ P a dlvtnlZ E'Xhlbltlnn lOPE"had !>PE'nn Ihe nell! nr_ ------ ----- ,be CIrculated b, meane of aD, !>Ping prf><entE'd each E'\E'- Hartman Ie All American ol\"t'r hMd at 'he 1me (If tht' dpl'\ E"r~ WAR ON ACCI DENTS I Glrl< ntermen,alp rhamplon< 'I']Pctnr pump "n(l thp \. liter W1U

r -•.;: Ihrou,llh Sundilv on the rI t rtpnt at Ihe Vnwer<lt\" ------- 1----------- ne Penn\ {pnde, fir<t "ar\ I bp chlnnnilted Cn'Tlp,pte Clrcula-

~~~:lnu;h~a~~ml:~~r ll~~eU~Ill:; I ~~ 'J~c~I~I;m . Pl()llty Cause ID 0 Urged to Obey Stop S.lgns I ~:~.n~~~ttl~hl~~""d. llno Barona tlo;n~~ a~~~~~,ll<~~~.em~~n h":r~''''P t~rrace for thE'lr sta~!' Thf' prn,l:,am 1< Ul7dpr th~ I rivers \\I1lam ,Jnne' took fir,t and \ nerl ,md all nf thl'ln are con-"-0 ch overlooks Lake 5t Clair. rllrE'cllnn nf Hent~ Co In~ for Bfl 'fli" 1)' I A,rl B1II'nb 't'cond In Ihe 2i-'ilr<l nCl,en '(1 trJe CII\ \\llter 'lIpplv.

o 0 Du, JOg tht' ~flernoon rE'<Hlpnts ~ Tne Ch ("< nf Irle r;"n«e \ .l'r ("'11 n,l: I. " II.. ' '1 'p 1ht' no,< lr~ fAc th~ t " bl!'! E'noul<h frpp ,t vle ....n,M \)0\, Tv. n (If t -c,p 'rnl\ < at e thE' ped_\\,11 comp('l(' In a <enp< "f <\\Im- \ \n\lnl< m"ch Ol,t \\fOnl 10 P>lntp Pol ce Df"pa'.'1l..nl< ''',d -,;:t'<1 \\a\ '0 f'n' ..r ~ Ih-,'ul/:n <n lnllt \n, r~n crn« the nIt' - ~:,r-t p,al'(, n ~)-va,(1 fIN' e"~' I\;~ a,'d ~rE" n .he centermlOl/ E"\'('nt' thp n,'<pll,lI In 'Pf' h _ nf' \.horn .nna, '''l~t T. ~ iln Ol1\'" 1< tarl h ghv.,,\ < '" 'I r a ::;~p In <eellon v.ilhollt call<J02 an' othpr ,hI .. ' ..n or ;:Ir < {',pnt \' cn' tn 0' .he po" ",herpa< tnp ntr,er

---- ,on Looh.ni: lhro\H~h t'1.. >::Ia" Ih,,1 :"\OP <;'2n< ~rp p\~«~ri at ~ nP\l'r.o ~IO\\ no"n <lop nr lurn :\anc\ Hm. \\ h 11"n.. \I-Cllh- I\HI a .. n I ' I~ .hr Out.. \\al1

C~"O\0 U illia'll!'o f,ont of th .. nur'('I' h(' a,l,,,,l nIp <('(tlnn, to \'('''1' 11 , 0 ,I- nn '" 0(' thE' eh "1< ad\l<t' l('ontinlled on Pa(f Zl (n- \rr> ,r~ I ,h .d-cn "h" "'IU" th(' nur,(' In ch '2(' \\ h\ hl< 'on n'1e r"lI:h....a\ from runn nil: mle, Thf' (;",,,1' Pn n'p P 'hrf' nt'- ,_________ _ , "1n' t", I' I) \ pn.u"(' mlo the CE"n-

'Iotll~r II1.,.urf'd -~< \\('ll il' ~II 1h(' fI"1 (of Ih(' no'nnel, nn h~ o'n(', n >:h\\ilV AI.ve ,)a'lM"nl< il E" ,on))('".ttnl( \\I'r! BEHIND PAGE 1 .(' ,"I'(' "n,'-' nf'\\ h ~n I\('d cltI7('n, - \\('1C F\(~n mnln'l<' ,nrie ".'1(I<.h - Stay I hI' \t,"h l/:an Stale S~fet... ( .)1- '\rl- t (-.1 r 11''' "r" nplnC

Mr< Flmil M Will am< of bll" 1m2 <0 'lmp p njl~ 'hp, - iI '11ilre~ '1'\ ",01' an" 'h(' Vl ch,gan S a't ----- - p,annpd a'lri ",'1 N> In<talled UGro«P Pnmte F"lm- molh". nf \\1"1 lep',('d lhp 01, ," nut 1l~:"llun,,' ..'\ "1"OV th'l- H,lln\\a\ T"lf'pllrl!Y'pl'1 In , 0'''- 7~1' If I k' <f"~ '1< .' ~(' -" ',"l "" np",Gn~ W\lllam< ,,~~ n ~ h.o~Plllll \(l1l \\prE' (In" /I fp.\\ h"lIf< "'lei <ano ll'1(1re' Th\< ,< prO\P<1h, ;r1am ,,., "'IlI..P N,r ., llh\\a\- fllJ ee s ''''rk('~~ d-p'stni r"''''m' o1ndFlash F.ere TUE'~oa\ lit Sprtn>::fl!"ld \' rP hllrl nn clnthr< and r" "11(11'\0\ pr"'"ri' ,\ hleh <h"\< 'h~! m."1' <ifer Tr, 'Pe" < <"';;:a' , :o.lE"t<co\ennl< fwm nlllrp< rpcPI\!"rt \\prE'nutnf'l ....banrl O\,po"l ,00 'h",<a"lo< ,.,1 arclMn < ra-~I'\M STo\Y o\LJ\'E - OBEY STOP Rp7.;!t!.:.v -- ---

I. Y h In II" llutnm(lhllt' are,dpn\ il< \nur part of th" FrMrll' li"nl bf'"a' ,p drl\p.r, <1 <1 n(l' cn""'e 'n SIG,"'; .llacl.' ParI.. Getsllo)ures out ThE' lln\ el nM <~Id th~t he hlld -" nulon I \ (Ill nut up " hn\\ 1 'l (,I <lop~! '.(11' <tll:rJ "no I(ln" I The St. # H gn.\,V C""1'11". Lrca; CO'.lPlfon Ha" allan 'ahp('n InformPd hIe mothpr \\ /1< 1M' '(0 p'p fl.ll:hl anri It'ft "pf"~p pn- 1<nner hil <'aled that thprp "'t'ft' catlO'l-plcture T Iro Tpnllis COllrt&

;-.l, H-\-ear-old Gr",<f' pnlO~~ <uffprtnll from $praIn< hI1l1<('~ .pr'1!'! 1hp n.pr<ert nn v. th ra ,- 1('\\1'1 11 '00 tlAfllt dpa'h< In l'le <;rr an< p-p,ent ~tan ,,[ PAtlt (1"1- P' ,,'t'-' '1" 'h" COft-.... , h'" \\/1< ~P\prely nllmt"'<l .. -h~k Tht' ~rr rlt'nt I'\((urrl"d T . k I '()n 1o r"n,< 0, lure r ...

• -.", I . h hl< an", 'A rl'" -~t(>r~ Ra, (> It. tA" c;,. 'A I""" ,","<''-"r nA,- C;cn\i~nd -<tnr, ,. II" ""1 "f i...., Irnn' cnurl In'II' PJr< ana ~rm< w pn TU~<"A\" hpn \lr' \\ llllllm< , 0\ mo<' <"1ppn.ll:~l a ' no <,in 1'1." ,~,,-, "c t'''' ~... r - ,

' ... _A t ~"homn • u" h f 1 'n ( \1 ; T f \tod. Pork \\ p." 'ipn pei /It 'he• ,,,rnoan on< 0«"" " 'v.~< hpJn.2 0' ,pn h\ hpr r llU 81(>a('11(>(1Trai nnt l'n"ih 1: rif'\pln;')_ ;; i \ 1,0 n npm n «(' ~iln ;In 'p' or 'lImiTwr \acauon<: ~ ~n.lt:ildnn orum of ('linn" fE'1l1from TanjZlp\\n,,<1M".. 10 '0')1'\ dr ,m.2 hanll "h '''l <o(lncr I I f'TY''1rif'ri nil\ lhf'-f' t ' a 1(> ~Ie \ Ih lolll'h Ho 1('\< -<t"" \\ ,,<1 ( n,," ",,' nil: T,lp.,'lay'0" nd eauSlnll ~ I1I\<h /lIP I t f end< In \ l'rm"nl r"" J ,t'n Ie plink<'f' (lpf'n('i () iltp, " r" op il" ~(r;riPTl' \1 •• 1 ~< 'P~IC ~< \\p I,,'al. p, B. {1p ard ('') ga ~(,I, ('n" J" i.:~'

Thp ho\s latf'f Admlttpd to \1"'1 TI <i hf'l dl(i not rf" (lonf rl('l()f 0f --h~ '1('\Y"f" or ~()m(" 11.rl\ .r'\,.l. <.;Jr "1~1 ....n t rHlt rn,.n\ of ........1"), (C'i \ ... h (' 1 '"" .......... ~ r'1f'" 'lr 'hel.,... rno: pnl (PO th;:lt 1hf'l\ "noll,2hl Thp lIlo\~('rn()r c:.;n f h I \11 .. \L~DIf" H~n ......... ~R.H\ Rfl \n I"'", f' \. I r n r / \('\1 )".(~ <:f' n('(H" r r i ~ f'ct (\t ~.) ..Irq,. .... fl:Tin. Pl"fll~f> r ('>~,. j. ,e

...l f ,., fl'iP ri n('(',p",,1 t\ or '" e~\ 1 , ' f" 111 rontil npd Kf'rO<E"nr 01' t hl< mother .-Inrip tch"ri ~ ran ,,' olparh tnl,' 11, ri, II l" t"l'prl,.ri \n, t" ,t(lP-1 'eri ~~"rj ,('"" ~~I) " ....,.'t'd ""'p !I!.'lon"!I' ...n lluh ~If"'r\ )'1\' • " "l"-~ I'~' .- .. , nm

T-. 'Tlll1r,.O '\nlllh ",a~ t"ken :n~ l.1P <tlltt' tn VI~I Ihp 1 "10~ r()"m ii' l"'p 1",,, rpqlllrp, I IS,lm' rn C'llr hlll~'l\\il'" ,"r t~f' r ,,<I prAp" t\ .In"Ii) Cmtajfe H(l~ltaL I at tht' mompnt

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The Gro~~.. '.oi.lte Review15121 KERCHEVAL AVE •

(BET'W!ZN LAJC!:IloOtMn: AN!) MAJlYl..AJml


Place Your Want Ad

1jJJJL e/UL.

•• ,.MAc.fC ... Z..c. ,

8all E. JIFFERSON at CRANE• VA. 2.1103

BRAKE ADJUSTMENT'Rnth IIIho.p" ()'n II'] \,,'"If-,..h "r' 'It "1 "",I" m(')(j"'1 n f"Q J r.mfl'nt 1n ~~<: lr'" ~ nn m~"'lm I ...... h..:tk r-o: p"Y iF Onl\

~~~<!~~~~,~!~n'!(~I~'~<~~~~~!fl'11r~. 281*I nlr'lIP1 ....rl "orkf"'l<: nl(;,<:. Plll" f l~lik:('aw rif"ftllM \\.Ih'\ tl'''' ltR'rpc:;t q\l3IlIt\ ('Ill P )1" 10" ... nh


Which barloin do you need? You'll be SlftOrt to let ellthree now. At th.. e re",orkobly low pt'icn. you'll he",oney oheod for months! Yes, ond you'll be lure youget expert work with the tinest ",oterioh. Why ore yousure?-Becouse we ore pledged to ,n,e you tit. Mstservice . . • on these Ipeciols 01 Oft 011 service work,

allVy. 0" (.IlF "at ..nR~ TOO' Ollt (BF' 1l01.J,T FXPFIlTSr.n f' l Ot. 11lll~, I l RlllrATI('''' PROTFCTTO...

The Groll. Pointe Review-Thursday. AUlu" 10,


Hundred Swimmers,

19501 h 7ni !!1:!~:...~~aw~.m<1",I b~:~r::.::.:u;:M"'.I eombatt.1n, Williams If the

n "t phlloaophY'" ernor does not NHnp 11ll.I mo~~: I~e a~C;:~~;~~~d:t~;~l\~ reo ISThe r,port~r fOI the ,GIand I their hne of think In~,,'foundIep I Rapid- ne",,~paper then Iplated The llbovp np\\

I Ba~lq for 'h(' l'onrlu~lon wa~ an how William H Cal penter, state Grand Rapid. IS ~ Iton lr~atta('k ~~et bVt(hal~ll~~ ~df~~ I cenl1 al commltlee took the flOOl'1that Michigan ~e~~ ~l Proal('omb 0 e rOI pre and 10 defend the name of our iOv-, MIchIgan Republl( .ns a \ lileMIchigan TrUnld.lnt d~bl'nst the el nor" Cal pentrr waa quoted as own Internal famllv rhaYetheaWayne county au lor a..d t OWl ItAm"rlcaM for Df!mocral1c Arllon followl> I In erestlng to ob<l'rvp how ~unIt m the htale Speakln~ dt a ' I 11defend the ADA If I h,we that thp chal gps b\ Edge~Grand Rapid! Democrahc Ially, Ul give Gov Wilham. full nedlt. .. pres. dent of MI~hl&an~

I Edgecomb assailed th ... Michigan When th,e speaker omitted the man duba-wel P 81so mldeI ADA Sf'gm('~ of the Democratic gOVE'1nor s name In mentlonmg Republlcana In 'h, 1949 ltabrI rt as bpln, MarXist ml'~lon. the breath of political fresh aIr, campaign lnr Itdt!' highway IeI pa y.. he meant the ,overnor cleatea mlilioner and "'l!p IUPt ~

larte~ . Ed b I bad smell and a stench, dIdn't dent of pubhc 10'1, uC!Jonnnlf!!We quote the Press g('lom I •asserted the ADA has taken over he W. ha;.e <I. hun, h that Edthe Democratic machlnel v m GOVE.'1nOI Wilham~ I~ the tn- comb's attack on tnp ADA ~MIchigan, M1Onesota and connec-I hell tor of the poltcles of Frank mtenslf,' the Rppubllcan 'I'1l

I tlcul and that It has unduly m- MUIphy and I~ the only Demo- aglmst Wl!ham~ on Ihe g::all!lfiuenced the executive bl anch of ('Iat to h ade blO\~s With the Re- that he I~ 'unduh Infl IIl\dsour state governmE.'nt ' I publicans My sympathIes are by "fifth column' soc,ah!~en~

I• • • \\ Ith Edgel'omb who came her. pose 81 Democrat. The D "'~~

• Th < e ker fOlmPI housmg JOstlucted JO what to laY by I Democrat has furnished etr~tI e ,Pf dD t' t declared the Geo!l;e Fitzgerald, our nallonal ammunition fte", du ector 0 e rOI , Committeeman ..I ADA 10 r.fJchlgan led by Hllk~ --_._- _I GrI,,;ths fermer stllte chall man The Grand Rapids newspa~r F diD Lof the DemQCratic pal ty, had tried Ieportel then added thiS mter- e era Oteto defeat PreSIdent Truman m hiS pretatlon "Ob~ell'ers revlewmgbid for the Democratic nomma- Edgecombs l>peech pomted out for Indu'ltlOn In 1948 and m the state 'has Ihat the DetrOiter left Democrats nsleft nothmg undone to weaken, three chOices In the coming elec- H LJ H,u~rsede, cllcumvent and In ef- hon Edgewood Imphed, they de- em urtfulfeet de~troy the 'posltton of auth- dared. that Democrat. can voteonty of our nahonal commIttee- for Wllhams, vote for a Repub.1 Federal doles havp robbedtbt

Iman George Fitzgerald.' Fltzger- hcan or 'Sit tIght' and not cast a I American Indian or chararl@rLlaId ~as elected nattonal commit- vote for governor. I areas where the Indian I~ the~teeman at the 1948 convention "They pOinted out that L<lge- Ject of governmenl eal e. attord,

"PraIsing PreSident Truman comb snd hIS group would prob- Ing t~ ~sslonarY R J RUlhdoo.--------------------------1 all an 'average AmerIcan sellmg ably prefer the third method of ny 0 yhee, N@ban American program', Edge-I_____________ After serving for ,earl ..comb Itkened Lt. Gov John w., 0 I UARY I miSSionary. among the Indl IConnolly to the preSIdent. I B T Mr Rush~oony summM Up~

• • • I observations recentl" ror lht"'One breath of poltcal Iresh '---------.----- :roundatlon for EconomICldul1

air you get as you pass through MRS. ANNA BRUItCIDIAN tlon In words which mlghl appl,Lansing enroute to Grand Rap. Funeral services for Mfl Anna I With equal force to all peoplewhlIds IS the honesty and the In. Brueckman, 62, 01 485 Neff rd, I base their hopel\ on Federal ll~tegnty of Connolly and Roth Grosse POInte, Will be conducted, mstead of bUilding their ownl\i(Attorney General Stephen J at 1 pm. Thursday from the i tureRoth) and a few others who have J. A DeSantts Funeral Home, "Whatever the pI e re!el VIstudiously aVOided entanglements 2670 Chalmers, and at 1 30 p.m, I Indian was-and hl~ faultl tllill

With mtellectual phonIes,' de- from Christ Episcopal Church. i real-he was able to lake el~l~clared Edgecomb Mrs Brueckman, who dIed yeS-I hImself," Mr RushdtloOl

"'Because of the Imposslbll- terday In her home, was chalr- "The wretched secuntv 'h@tIty of working as Democrat. un- man of the Gray Ladle. at Mar. II had. begl1\nlng With the food1&1der Griffiths In Michigan, a Ine Hospital. clothIng dole of early VeRI'Shaslarge group under the leader- She was born m Detroit Aug sapped hIm of charac~r"shIp of our national committee- 13. 1887 Iman friend the Truman ~mo- She IS surVived by her hus-, lntelhgence IS the HI I of lu .cratlc club of Michigan, the band, Wilham J. and two .lIters, I mg a speech by "hilt IS Id ~speaker added Mrs Ethel Reanu, and Mra. Lucy I by how loud It I~ 5ald sa ,

"It was then that Edgecomb Thuner I -;;;;;;;;;;;;;====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;made It clear that as long as Bunal Will be in Mt. Olivet I•Governor Wilham. associates Cemetery. I J k p.WIth the ADA, he would be op- -- ae lereyposed by a segment of Michigan ELIZABETH BETTY CAREYDemocrats. servlcea for Mlllll Carey, 17, 8

"The Wayne County auditor Groue POinte High SC!hool .tu-1

R Itdeclared, 'We as Democrats must dent, were held Tuesday at 9:30 I ea orbe re-elected But we a. Demo- a.m. from the Verheyden Funer-I Ccrats must also unload our fifth al Home Rnd at 10 a.m. from St. Ofnl'lete Real Estatecolumn. The only way we can Paul'. church. Ido thiS' constructively IS to de- MISI Carey paaaed away .ud-mand that any candldatl running denly at Denver, Cnlorado, last Itmder the Democrattc banner week Irun 81 a Democrat, that he de- She was the daugbter of Mr InO\~nce or rtmounce any dflh-I and Mrs Matthew :r. Carey, of:ahon. indorsement or association 365 UnIversity, He 1& • ('ornellWith the ADA Fallm.l to do thiS, UnIVersIty trustee, A lJater,lwe must conSIder these candl- KItty, was graduated from Cor- I

dates regardless of how high the nell last June Ioffice, as too~ uSing the Demo- Others survlYlng are her twm:cratlc party for ulterior purposes I Sister, Mary. and both of her. " There is no room In Uus grandmothers Iparty for those who wear polltl- Bunal was In Mt. 01lvet Cema-cal cloaks that are labeled Demo- tery.


(Continued from Pare 1) breast stroke JUnior boys, Gilbertbin second and Ro~emary Tomlele Schaf~r, tlrst, James Szwed, lec-thIrd' ond, and RIchard Szhody. third

Other WInners were. 2S-yard Intermediate boys' 25 - yardI breast stroke Brad l~y Pea body,

J I tlrst, and BIlly MCCubbin, secondf7jemember :Juntor boys' 2S-yard backstroke.U\ I Warren Sauer, first, a,nd Gilbert

Schafer, second%4 YEARS AGO Bacltltroke 25 yards for junIor

The Kercheval Im})rovement flrla: Diane E, Nau, IIrst; BettyAllociahon W81 pl1lJU\11\I their I Brownell. second, and Mary Lou-annual Palalll de Dance, ,llse ,Sauer, thl~d Intennedlate

Merchants were promotIng a boys bacltltroke. Robert Berner,ftrst; Mike Marra, Heond, andMUniCIpal or County east aide I B dl Pe bod th drt ra ey a y, Ir,

alrpo . 16 YEARS AGO . lntermedla~ gIrls' baoutroketiUe was won by Dorothy Pe-Groue POinte Farms poltce I trosk

added a maehlne gun to their I Me~"s free style event: Johnweapons department Murphy and Bob Plath hed for

The Repubhcan women of the I Jl.rllt place. Second went to EarlPOInte held a .plash party at the BrobbWaterfront Park Intermediate boys 'free style.

A drIve was under way to col- Ronny Walker first Wilhamleet $16.000,000 In back mas In Jones, second ,~nd Br~dley Pea-Michigan body, third Intermediate .llrls'

11 YEARS AGO free atyle, ~nny Londes, li"I,POInters were holdlnl a fiower I and Carla Duncan, second. Sen-

show at the Neighborhood Club I lor boys' free .tyle: WinnIe Llk-High school puplll were urged' ert, first.

to rellster ~arly, I senIOr i1r~ 'free. style: Nancy6 BAItS "'AGO Hall, Jlnt, Roslmary Tonucle,

Members of the Grosse POint., second, and Marglret Walsh,AmerIcan Lellon were canvlls-1 thIrd. Men's breaststroke BobIn( homu for contributions to Plath, first, and John Murphy,budd a veterans' budding. second

Each LegIonnaIre had pledged Women's breaststroke: RUlhto rllse $100. Woodruff, first Senior girls'

Pomte scouts were partlclpat. backstroke' Irene MCCuObtn, ftrst.tng In a nationWIde paper drive. Lou Zal: Sheridan, second, and

1 YEAR AGO Bermee Mahoney. thirdGrosse Pomte Park CounCIl ap- Semor girls' breaststroke Lou

proved a propoul for & 10-foot Zay Shendan. lint. Senior boys'bUlldmg setback m the Jefferson I free style: Wmme Likert, first.busmeu dIstriCt. The restr,ctlon Semor ,girls' free style' Irene Me-embraced the area on JelTer~on Cubbln, tlrst, and Bernice Ma-from Wayburn and BarrIngt')n honey. secondto Lakepomte. The pro.ram was sponsored by

A Park reSident, Salvatore Dave BeauvaIs. recreational dl-Evola, was held on a $%5,000bond rector at Grosse Pomte Water-as an alleged agent for a counter- hont Park.feltmg ring

GroMe POinte had three CRiesof polio Park OfficersCity to Study Arrest ThugsP k · Pia Tuesday night at 11.30, Grossear lng n Pomte Park Police O1l1.cers Mar.

cel Vervacke and Liwrence CoolsThe Parkml Committee re- a,rresled two youth~ who were

cenlly oriamzed In the CIty of charged With stealmg Cadl11acGros<e POlnle, met at a spee,al Hub caps from an automobIlecommittee Mondav e\ enmg In- 0\1 ned by a Farms reSident

I formatIOn \I a~ submitted as to I -\t the time of the theft the

I the general traffic and parkmg I ('ar had been park~d at the De.Situation, WIth speCial reference trolt Boat Ctub

I to tbe 'Vllla!':e' bUSiness d"tnct I GUilty are Allan Ro,- Jamie-

I "herem a ~tudy IS 10 progre,s I son 2 i75 Chalmer~. 18 vear.!l old.I deSIgned to reheve eXlstmg prob- and George A. Soth, 19 of 1285Ilt'ms A<hland I



Tne be~! llrlV]('~ fnr 'l)orlf'rnpeople, facmjt <Ill sorts of propa-ganda ,.he SinglE' "orrl lh In ..

tance.• Many parents object to the danier ofcrossing mam thoroughfares

Pollee are WIllIng to assist an~' chddrenwho WIsh to cross dangerous highways. Inother cases, the best pl'escnbed method 15to use tramc slgnals, Jaywalking IS dan.gerous at all times

Keep the children on the playgroundsfor thelr favorite sports and if danger ofgetting them there prevails, let the localpolice departmE.'nt know about it

The pollce are there to serve the com-munIty and to make surp that the safetvof the commumty II' bem~ preserved

Keep the bueball team on the play-ground where they belong.

long run consumer welfare will determinethe retaIler's welfare Durln~ and di-rectly after the last war retailing did asplendld job In fi~htmg the black market,In pointU\g out the dangers In consumerhoarding, and in makmg a limIted supplyof goods go around as equitably as pos-Sible. The expenence thus gained placesIt in a better posItion than ever before toserve in any kind of an emergency.

Disquietmg reports of scare bUYIng andhoardIng have appeared again. It is tothe great credit of retailing that the vastmajority of store operators are urgtng thatconsumers buy normally, and are pomtinltout that the supply of goods of a!most allkinds is fully adequate, The hoarder isa menace at a time 11k!!! thIS. The intelli.lent and patrlOtic consumer will cooperat!with retailing In preventing shortagesand maladjustments 10 the supply ma-chine by purchasing only what he needs.

global, all-out war, in whIch they wouldcarry A-bombs to Vltal enemy' targetsthousands of miles away from their bases.

The Air Force has performed splendid-ly 10 Korea. and has mflicted heavy dam-age on Red forces. But reports from thefront have saId tIme and again that thejet planes, in this type of campaign, havebeen a dIsappointment. Valuable as theyare in aIr combat, they are too fast, andtoo ltmlted 10 the tIme they can stayaloft, to operate as well in close support oftroops as piston-engined plane/i.

Navy air. once written off as an obso-lete weaon, has proven enormously vital.The carrier planes operate 111support ofthe groul\d troops, and are a major defensea~ainlt amphIbious landings A tradItionalNavy dominates the sea lanes and theharbors.

The most dramatic example of theworth of an old weapon lS found in thetank It was the greatest smgle factor inmalnng pOSlllble the North Korean dnve,The RUlIslan tanks WhIch the Red troopsused appanmtlv were superior to ours infire 'Power and armor.

Finally, the role of the foot soldier hasagain been all-Important_ DespIte all thenew and revolutIonary concepts yet ut-tered, the "poor, bloody mfantry" hasbeen the queen of battles in Korea

It ma\' be that In the future. and inanother kInd of war If it comes, those newconcepts mav find some justification Theyhave not so far, and It is evident that itwould be a disastrous folly to accept themat theoretical value.




]h 91UJ4ML d'o.infL lbwiRuJGrosse Pomte', 'int NewS'pt1".,-


Letters to the Editor

The boy at hat popped a hIgh ball mtocenter field 8S the star of the team backedup for an eas\' catch A l\creech of brakesfollowed a shutterIng vouthful cr\'

The game ended disastrously as (lneof players fell Victim to an Innocent motor-ist who trespali5ed on a baseball dlamond1lI the street

To aVOId ~Idents of thiS sort localpollee, particularly Grosse POinte Woods,are W'gIng all parents to heed the nation-WIde movement to keep chIldren off thestreets

In Grosoe Pomte thl.'i task should not bet(l() dIffIcult Adequate playgrounds areavaIlable In most areas.

Most plaYJI'ound5 are WithIn hlkmg dls,

Some ome ago an assoclatlon of re-taIlers, whIch has a membership of 7.500lItores, appointed a Committee on Emerg-ency Government Ccmtrols under thechairmanship of Harvard professor of reotailIng, A fe\". days after hostlhtles beganin Kor l!!a, the Committee met It urgedthat its members. and all other stores,"earry on through the months ahead Withtheid wmal concern for the interests ofconsumers and the added determination to.. rve 10 all pOSSIble wavs the mteresta ofthe nation as It faces a pOSSible developIngemergency" It emphaSIzed that retaIlersWlI1 gIve full support to the government in20liciea re!ulting from the crisis in theFar East. It announ~ed that retail expertswould be dl!!legated to consult with It0V'ernment offIcials on problems of polieythat affect retailing.

In peace or war, retallmg is primarilyeoncerned with the welfare of the con-lUlDer-u only for the reason that in the

1J1 tke light of curr!nt l!!vents. itif ~ter!st1ng to look hack about a year, tothe fune when the headlines were largelyOCCUpied WIth the debate over what kindof weaponS' we needed, and how the nextwar would have to be fought. The starof the Air Force was then in itt acend-acy,--and Its more exl;Feme partisans wereUlWng passionately that the airplane-&l'1d most speCIally Jet fighters and thehuge intercontInental bomber~ould dopractically all of the job. The Navy, theargument ran, would in the future be onlya minor. auxlliary semce, and should bedeprived of most, possibly all, of its ownplanes and earners. Thl!! tank was obso-lete, or nearly so, because new weaponshad made It practically as vulnerable tofire as a jeep. And the role of the footsoldIer, always -paramount In past wars,would be a relatIvely mmor one nextbme .

This IS what promptl!!d U. S. News kWorld Report, in an artIcle on mIlitaryfllanrung and strategy, to say: "War (inKorea) is puttmg U S mlhtary Ideas, newweapons, and strategy plans to the test nfexperIence On the baSIS of the recordto date. thl!! report card on first perform-ance can be marked. 'Flunked'" For ourexperience 10 Korea ha~ certamly 'Proventh,t, in thiS particular kmd of "small" warat least, the new weapons and new Ideashave not worked the expected wonders

In thIS war, the blggest bombers haveI\ot been u5l!!d, nor are the\' hkely tn beuSl!!d t., any extent The\' are adapted to


, ... 1 I~"e" News Clnd Women's Editor Paul I. Ilac:klJur", Adv.rtlslng MonagerB, Youn., Circulation Mlr Oottie Youn,. Advertlslnl --~---OFFICES AT 15121 KERCHEVAL 8ETWEEN MARYLAND ANO LAKEPOINn

VAlley 2-1 t 62 • 2.1163 • 2.4558 - 2.4559PUBLISHED EVERY THURSD.\ Y BY fHE GRO~! POiNT! PRlNTtNG CO

to,GOO Iteaden Every 'nIursday • • • - Subaerlptlon Rite. 1\ Cen0.5 per enpy, Bv Mall .2 no IMr vear



_ Pia .....

Earle RichardsSERVICE

...,,, lit U " Tt J.~JJ(.rM •• rOinu 'K04'Mt1

A ....A ' .... 1'.S' ~', «1''' 11 rlT1J11ot', Produl"U I

Idining rl'Om and everv!)ne w a 0;

seated and served WIthout thelelst confusitlft

I Thank~ to lhose who did so--------------------------b ked h 1 f much work behind the scenes, tobea t dOH arle qudandltt1les°d I th05l! who came to dmner and to

8ns an potat0e5 an e lvereh h f h d thos.e whl\ patron.zed our el'fol tst ~m Plpml nt or t e mner

on Sunday An expert .hred ham vst we forJZet-we owe a npbtof Ilratltude also to our commu-

for ~ hour; It wa_ mneed jO"lltlfy- nlty paPf'r~ ~ho so lZenerou~lvlOll 10 <f'f' <0 man, kltehen hE'lp- /lllVP u< ~pa('e week after wl'ek('1< "ork tO~f'thpr sn effirlt'nthHllh <('hoo] TlnV$ anei l!:lrI~ din a Thanh<. P\ en'hod\" - YOU ;HC

l/:rand Joh nf -I'tlmjt and rlearlng \\ onderfultable- .:1< well ll~ <ervmg our RF,GI?\A D Tl'RNF.RlZue<t< Dmnpr rhlllrm!'n Mrs Pubhclty ChllirmanBourj[pol<(' anei Mr_ Mllve- tip-<Prv!' lI:rl'at pral~1' for a wl'll-planneti timnpr for 141l(l Iflle<t-MI< Hout!'kler wa< ho~tE'~~11\ the

TO THE 'EDITOR:Our Lad) Queen nC Peace

Church Feshvll Comrnlttee "'Ishto express Ihelr lhank< to all whohelped to make the 2.dl:> fe~tl-val a happ" succ!'.~

Mallv Ihank~ to the mf'rchanl<and lndlVldulll~ who d011ll11'tl))111:ei fo"!:! f'\r servIces and Inthe merchantll ...hn Sf) J[enf'roll.h~"n~ted to -nnw our adv!'rhs-In« poster< In th--Ir l'h~pla" Wln-d01Vll

It would ~ Impn.'lblf' In Ihllnk~nonllih "i!('h J'f'rFon whn han a,har~ 10 Ihp 'lIrrp« W,. IIrp

,raterul tn t"",,1' '" ho <oj flteddnn<ltlon~ '" nrkp,; ,n thp dlIJ"r.ent ~Ih' .nlrl tlrk.,l< !lnei et-('etra unhmlT ..rl

V,e haw' In rnnd ahr> lh,.~nple '" ho haKen 'hp ht.nnll'ri<"f p'es 'Inn r'l KI" ""d , ..0<;" '" ho




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lIII. ,. ~~~if'I-

G~i •.tt~."~,


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Imported from Italy



CARROTS2. 11K. 1Sc

ORANGESZ lIZ, 59c 4 a.l. '1




t No.2 65eTIJ15


FROZEN ORANGE JOICEFrozen orange JUice has gamed

sudden populanty among Amer-Ican homemakers. Household pur-chases of frozen concentratedorange jUice now account for 19per cent of the total orange andorange product purchases forhome use, accordmg to the U. s.\Department of Agriculture. Ayear ago It was only 5 per cent.

Camp, Draws9 Youngsters




16822 Kercheval - TU. 5-3200580 W. McNichols - UN. 1-6700

Birminghlm - Midwest 4.1500

Larre Pet or. Carnation


TUNA 3Sc • 3

MILK2 TilS 231:

p;rc;. 2ge

IZ 07. TT..,<;-RO' \1

BAKINC POWDER .... , .. ,..... Tin 47c

,,\\ \, ~DO\\'

CAKE FLOUR, ........•......... Pklt. 38e

RFG c;l7E





RICE CHEX ....• , ~ :~:: 1~fJ(:


FALLING CAKESIf your cakes fall perhaps you

are not usrng the nght SIZed pan.When pans are too small thecake batter WIth run .over theedges and bum. When the pansare too large the cake tends tobe thm and overbaked.

The robbers entered the storeand casually ordered a case ofbeer. Proprietor Walter Pricewent to the rear of the store tofetch the order when one of thl' Durmg the pa~t week, nInebandits flashed a rusty revolver young people from Faith Luth-In the face of Mrs. Price who eran Church enJoyed themselve&was waltmg on trade at the Alger at a BIble Camp conducted atBeer Store at 17320 Mack Bass Lake near Gowen, Mich.

When her husband returned the The week's program meludedrobbers ordered the couple and IBible study, lectures, and reclea-a customer, Gracye Siehnskl, of tlO11of aU kmds.56221 Moross, mto the refnger-' The camp IS conqucted for theator. Luther Leaguers of the MIchigan

From a hIdden telephone In the area and IS under the supervIsioncool spot, Price phoned police. of a committee of Lutheran

Meanwhile the bandlts looted pa,torsthe place of $100 10 cash Those attendmg the camp were:

As the crooks were leavmg'l Dorothy Wltt, Carol Weltzmann,they ';Varned a fnend of MISSSle- Barney Enger, Dolores Blum,hnslu s who was waiting 10 a Karen Nelson, Arlene Ruft',car parked m front. Nancy Hemnch, Betty Singer,

"Better go see If your f:lend and Audrey Boyes.needs help," they s81d as ,heyleaped mto a waIting car.

CIty poltce stated that the two

At 11 40 p m. Monday a pair of men were identified as ac :om-armed bandits Invaded a beer pllces m 30 other smular rob-store an"- forced the owners and benes In thIS area In the lasta customer mto a refngerator three months.while they looted the establISh-ment.


"'Gkes deliciousfudge Suuce fOr

'ce (ream2 PIBS, 39c

ORANGE JUICE2 4•• z, Tils 33 c

Tm Makt< 1 Pmt



Fresh Jumbo


Pork Loin

Cass PIOtrowski, Governorof DIstrict 223 Rotary Inter-natIOnal, who lives at 1099Grayton In Grosse Pomte,was guest of honor at thenoon meeting of the GrossePomte Rotary Club Mondayat the Memorial Center,

Sharps Entertain

Western GuestMrs Elwood A Sharp of Neff

road 1.5 currently entertammg herSister, Mrs. Charles F. Hoover,of San Fr~clSco, Cabforrua.

Dr and Mrs Sharp Will thenfake thelr guest to their summerhome at Russell Island, Algonac.

,ROTARY GUEST TN Graue Pointe ReYiew-Thndoy. Aqutt '0. 19!G=f

Armed Thugs Loot Gerow TrailUBeer Store In Pointe ~~~r~~ E~!?;,i~n;..

Notre pame, Is among the .rneIQIo

bers ot Fli:htlng Squadron '1Mand Attilck Squadron 734, nowcompletIng hIS annual two w....tralnmg duty at Grosse lie NJlYaIAir Statlon, Captam Theodore Q,Dahl, USN, Commanding ~has announced.

Lt Gerow reported abou\SGroSie Ile on July 29. Whlle .tGrosse lie, squadron pIlot. dewdally practice miSSIOns over thebombmg, stratfmg and roekdranges In Lake Huron and LakeEne Enllsted techmclans workedto keep the combat planes infirst class condition to meet thevigorous 111ght schedule. Follow-Ing completion of thiS trainingduty, squadron members W1ll re-turn to their CIVIlIan Jobs,

Naval Air ReserviSts train ODeweek each month throughout theyear In order to mamtain topcombat effiCiency. Proof of ~efficiency IS given in the rec:eDtannouncement by Rear AdmJralA. K. Doyle, Cluef of Navay AIr:Reserve Trammg, that sq~of reserves sutflcient to _IItwo azrcraft carners have IlOWbeen called to aetlve duty. JfoGrosse De Naval SquadroD& he".been reactivated.

1" Gro«(' Pm"l!"

'6915 E. I.fftrlon

TU. 5.4420

Asic for "SCUTTLE"Boll'. 400 sq If $ .95Box. 1250 sq If J 95aGi.55OO sq ft 6.85

A Warranl.d.&;;t.A LAWN CARE


sc un cleans out k_Crabgrau without 1'¥Imt -•desirable grClUe', .,..aonlor pet1. . l

Eoslly applied as. it come5from the packav- by ho~or with a sprtGder .•• nom,xmg. fuuin9 with Sfl'GY'en. Ten year ~of Scoffs ~esemch-~enon' hundre<b of10wns 01 ov-er the country to m.ake sureit will "scuttle" CfQbgrcnsfrom yovr Iowft this year.


Now get rid ofC RASS

CAMP FIRESIn bwlding flres for camp

cookery, oak, elm, white ash, andhickory give long lasting coals.Remember that huge forest firescan start from a smolderingmatch. Be sure your fIre IS com-pletely out before you leave It.

ResidentsDisturbedBy Beetles

Numerous calls have been re-ceived by the CIty of GroasePointe MUnlclpal Oft'lces In thepast several days, mqulrm( asto the blight whtch is assailingthe elm trees 10 several sectionsIn the City The answer is: "elmleaf-beet Ie " I

In converMt'ons With tocalltree service companies as to pro- •per methods of control and rem-edy, Clty Clerk Neff has receivedthe consensus of opmion that, Itis almost useless to attempt spo-radIC or only local "sPQt" spray-ing, rather, the pest should be Isprayed m the early part of thespring, when.the leaves are part-ly out, and agam about threeweeks later.

However, to spray only thetrees on City property along theboulevard sections of the streets,would be meffectual unless res I-.dents cooperated and had theirown trees on private propertysprayed at the same time, Neff~ald.

Estimates on the cost of spray-ing City trees only, and not m-eluding any on private proper-hes, range up to several thou-sand dollars, and 1t is obviousthat the expenditure of a largesum of taxpayers money. wouldnot be justified unless the fullcooperation of the owners of treeson prIvate property was assuredin attempts to stamp out theblight by a coordinated programof sprayrng and maintenance.

Suggestions by Edward Lou-wers, ot the Greater DetroitLandscape Co, adVlSe approach-mg all residents m an attempt toinstItute a program of controLHe urges that infested trees re-ceIve adequate water and careto compensate for the con,ditioncaused by the denudmg action ofthe insects which skeletonize theleaves of the trees which are vic-tIms of the beetles. It IS too lateto effectively spray this year, andany control program should beinstituted m the Spnng whentrees are in partial leaf stage.

Members of some of the localGarden Clubs have manifestedan interest in the plight of thetrees aft'ected, and have indicat-ed their apprehension that alarge scale damage to trees mayresult u the pest IS not controll-ed It has b~n suggested that theassistance of the garden clubswould be helpfUl in bringing theneed of adequate control to at-tention of the property ownerswhose premISes are aft'ected.

'fF;",,1 \H '1 THFRA'""ii<"lllthf"a<1 ("Of of h.t'rC'ht\ a1 anti

I a"t"~ood \.,"f"nlJ~"TI'II'phoftf' \ \ 111("" 2 ..2121\ R , , Clf"bf"r P.a~tOT

\r I "~Tran r\<;("l~l:tnt PaqorC;~ 1 d \. AU£tlo;.1 13---~""'T\ I("f"" ,1. ROO;I"" i' d It 10 30 ,.", ~('rmon "I-j" \(' j

T't'(' Tl"T'(' of Tl'n \."lc;lt,1tIOI1 c:; ..,d.;\\~<:;('1 >01 <:;'('c;;qon from Q n 'n '0 15() ('1('1 'h. ("1 ....."'('c; PT0\ ll:tf"d f()] ,1 r ,11l'('<:'

In(' ]("hne Blhlr- (,,11C::~C: for tt('n-'1li!('~..no ;<dulfc: Vl ....11or .. a.,d nrY.. pUpil ...arc\\f"1<.'om('


F\lTH It THER\'" ...HlRCHF.a<t ~~If~r<on .t Philip

I Pastor<; Re, C H T.aJ1~e andI Rt\ (' Sh""altrr.I <:;und;l' f) 111aM -("l"mr n ~('hoot fOT

all ;l~(,"" 11 00 ~m \\or<;;llp ~nl("c\\ lth Sermon The T..<,c;;l B!esc;;,1T ~

Mrs. Genevieve Nutto of1166 Maryland IS a Repub-hcan candIdate for the StateLeglslature She was re-cently honored at a partygIven by Mrs. BenJamm F.Fruehauf of Roslyn road.

Mll..DEW STAINSIf mIldew stam remalnS after

washmg and drymg In the sun,It may be bleached out by mOls-tenmg With lemon JUice and saltand then spreading in the sun.Use thIS treatment With care oncolored clothes adVISes OleVlaMeyer, MIchigan State Collegehome economist.

On the afternoon of August 3a tea was given m honor of Mrs.Genevieve Nutlo at the horne ofMrs. Benjamm F. Fruehauf, 100Roslyn road.

Mrs. Nutto IS a RepublicancandIdate tor the State LegJ.sla-ture Among the fifty guestspresent were Mrs James N. Mc-Nally, whose husband IS a can-dldate for prosecutmg attorney,and Mrs. Albert French, whosehusband 1S a candIdate for cor-oner.


Simians Transform CenterInto Outdoor Playhouse

"Dim the house hghts Slow and Jim Goebel round out theOkay-~uslc. Bring 'er uPo" cast as guards.

Murmuring of the audience Workmg behind scenes aresettles down With the rught skyabove, the facade of The Mem- stage manager ShIrley Forsythe,orIal Center IS transformed Into hghtlng director Larry Hlttel,a Scottish castle as Mary of and head of costumes Rae Garber.Scotland begins. Tom Donahue deslgned the

Over a microphone John Gale, set; Mary Beaubeu IS make-updirector of Grosse POinte Slffi- chalrman; and FrancIS Gibbslans, Inc., whISpers directions to acts as chalrman of the busmessthe electncal and sound crews. commIttee."One, two, and three hghts TIckets are aval1able for thenow-" And the play begms performance torught, Fnday, and

Joan Lennon as Maxwell An- Saturday everungs by calbngderson's petite Mary of Scotland Peggy Harrmgan at VA-2-9331.brmgs the queen out of the dusty "DIm the house hghts MUSICpages of a history book, makmg now. GoOO-" Mary of Scotlandher a woman, real and excltmg begins.

Jim Donahue, Lord Bothwell,though he loves Mary cannot Ch hsave her from the treachery of nr~Queen Ehzabeth, played by Jane

ISlade. 0- t

John Gale leaves hIS directing I Ire~ orymIcrophone long enough to be- EBElIoEZERB4.PTIST CHURCH

I come the Ill-fated RLZZlO,Mary's 21001 '\Iore..s at Harper

If thf I ecretary. Her ladles-In- Rev E. Arthur lIIeA.h, Pastoral U S ThlS Sunday evenmg the open.alr Iwaiting are Carol Grylls. Gerry I sen Ices contlnue at the EbenezerJacobson, Jean Grey, and Bar-I' ~7,Ph~~u~r.:'~ih~teli-~.;'\\r;: ~Y;;""I~:6~bara Boothe, but even theY are and radlO soprano. WIll prOVIdespe-not strong enouo-h to protect cIa1mus,c Jeanette Dorsey. th" church

Co ~ organist \\ III be at the plano RevMary from Bob Slade s stormmg IArthur McAsh \\.11 brmg the messageas the Prote"tant leader John ~~~ml\7~7fOl..s~dJ.~' S;lf~'d:::t~Jr~~~;Knox. ~ ~~l;I~~:c~~~n;~~a~;v~~:~~t~IJ'~t I

IThe queen" marnage to the 10 DO am \\ ,th Sunda> School at 11 15

PompmJay Damley G eo r g e a m The church IS localed on Morass'd I Rd near Harper A\oE"I Bashara. proves her un olng -------

In their roles as lords are DIck PF\:~t E~a~:H::dA.~~~~CHITobm, Sherb Brown, Alger and I Detro,t, 1Il1rhl~an

IFrank Shelden, Joe Van Domck, TV 2-t12S4

Don DeVne", John Butterfleld,l ~t::~:~~f.':,s~,P::~~~and Ralph Genter Sund3' Allgust 13--Tn the ao,enre

Dale Stevenson, John Sanford, of tne Re' Enno G CIa,,, pastor ofl Peace Lutheran Churcr East \\Iarren

land Balfour, the Vicar Mr Enno T.Clauc; ,,".11 dl"h'\oE'r the c;erm()n thiSSunda, The t'1CMe hf:" has cho"-E'n tosneak on \'C::. • A 'Dccl ...n.e T("<;t of True

I ~rl;!1~n Sen Ices begm at 8 30 a,,:l iSU~~~' s~~n~h~\"t~~~o;;iri~:~n a~~r G~~:~1a1'1 Starlin!! lIme for oolh lh" Sunda'

I School and tne Blhle Clao;c;. IS at q 45I a""

of Games DayThe St. Andlews Society Will

present Tattoo ,md Games at Un-IverSity of DetrOIt StadIUm onSaturday dnd Sunday, August12 and 13, featuring the Chry-sler Bagpipe Band. All membersare employed at Chrysler plants

On SunddY Chrysler Will com-pete With the famous 48th High-landers of Canada, the EssexScottlsh of Windsor, the ArgYUIMrs Nutto Isand Sutherland of Canada and .many others. H d T

The women, not to be outdone, onore at eaWIll be there WIth the George-town Girls PLpe Band of 22members They have traveled Intheir own bus over 20,000 milesgIVing concerts for soldIer andhospital audiences. The TorontoGirls Scottlsh Pipe Band Will behere for both days, as Will theHeather Highlanders of Youngs-town, OhIO and the RambowGirls Kilty PreclSlon Corps ofCleveland An additional fea-ture WIll be the Queens OwnRifles Bugle band

From the profits St Andrewsare enabled to carryon benev.olent work Among their pro-Jects are several hospltahzed pa-bents, mcludmg two poho pa.bents

John J MacEwen, 861 Bea-consfIeld Ave. IS manager of ath-letic events and Wallace Temple,of 184 FISher Rd. IS on the exec-utive com:ll1ttee


to wor,hlp \\ Ith 11<at an ... 'l1ll (n ,('1 \Ice. to brml: )Our Chl]rll,n to ourSundav &hOO1. to <top In and m-"p~t nu~ np,," hUlldml: tn call \lpOnu< for anv <plnlu<l] <('I \ 'r<' "f' m<l\bl- <lhll' In rC'nnl'r WI' fC' t< f' .11 </'T\('


RE". ('RARLES W SA"'DRO('I\. p"<t,,r"IllS ROGENE RART.JF. Parl,h W"rkrr

St. Paul Ev. Lutheran ChurchSERVICES



Soprano of TeleVISIon and RadIOIn case of ram the serv,ce \\ III be held In the ...huJ ch

'"am~Ilnda, SdIooI

I~ :It am.('hnrch Semc.

7,", 11m.

"'""Ir I "....e.t

~~nlnmg Worship 1000 A M Sunday School 11 15 A :\~REV. E. ARTHCR McASH Mm,<tf'r

Cnaplam Mattox of Selfridge AIr B?<C' \\111 preach f,,,tnree Sunday< be!(mnmg Augu-t 20


(''''U~TT \' ~nF''''F (,Ht R< HF'l';()U,.~ \,111 N' 1hl" ....lhlE'('1 of t r('

1 ("<::'-0 .<;'('T"'T'n., I'" all C' nstlflr C;('" cnf'f"(" 11("r(''' ,I) ()ll~ho\lt the \\orlc1 onSo r r'.::I \ \ r If,,' I'

T...,,. (;. JrlrT"l T,..'1 fT j.,..,.-d~.ln 1<::1. 2'"1<;: T (' , r.rrJ IT' \ 10'" 011 • 11, m"(,), '1(' ('''nrr \\1" t n)(" n flm/\....,.....,.........'. r hir n'1,.."' ... t ('

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1'\ ''h .... " <:.n nl \\ 1 \" Mf' ,l". T ...(''''kTl",.. ,.. r1';. ',," \~ 'hI"' r"l) rcf£,('rrf'r1 <;

::ll!e3!!!!!i1IilIGEl l .........,..... , I ~ 1 "11"' .~ ...... (, of P'f'""'"' (l 1(' C ( f' ..

("'nrr \rf'l"l'- ~r 'n!"'lrr(''"fO ",....

Grosse PI Woods Market ~>-~r'.'"H; .... ,' '~~'.~':"~ c;'" ,-e .,, ('<' h 'T ~ \ 'R; ....~ Fori'\ I ( ur1r. I:-..~"~""'0 '~<,~ ~;"'n "t~'/'n~ ~<;r;.- ~"" I b D ........('In" H' ~ (, n(rl, In :I l11nl1ro.6u38,) Mack-Between Lanc:vleT & Country C II rne I ,:':.~~~_~<i _hc><i'~ _

O~~ E.~':.~t'!."gll ,: ~.~~~~.~~~:~~'\';ltt'TI,.1 On" ('IT tnc;f.lHrtl

;U~1_P2rodOOU8ce • Cbot~ M~at~ ~;ah~E~~;;~I:~.':~'~~~~G~T~,~~i3~~:nI T"'I'IlROOK 1-1,00

~' ,-------------



SUNDAY SERVICES10 30 am.. and 5-00 pm




Rev. Hugh C. White. PastorTU 1-1129

Watch Our New ChurchGo Up

Moro.ss Near Kercheval

Sunday Schoollfst sesslon-IO.30 a mecond SeS51on-ll 45 a mednesdav Evening Tesumomal

\leetmg. 8 00 c m.e.dln!! Room open week davs

1000 am to 91lO pm-Sunday230toSDOcm

BAHA'I WORLD FAITH'Irs FIO)'d H. Munson, Sec'y

TU. 1-1052"day Augw;t 11th. 8-00 pm -D'"onGroup at the home of Mr and

FloydH. Munson, 4!12 Fisher Rdn to the public SubJect "The

ject of Every Revelation"unday AuC'JSt 13th. 10 3D am-Idren'. Cla!lS at 132 Moran Rd

blect "God's Plan for Worldtv"ednesdav August 16th, 1 DOpm-

on Group For details. pleasephonethe secretaryCBBlsr rUE lUNG LUTHERAN

CHURCSW. I Gelfert, Pastor

e Sunday School. whleh meetsry Sunday from 930 to 10 3Dam,es the needs of chidlren age 3 toNew pupIls may be enrolled onSunday5lIIrere welcome to all "ho de-to worstup in the m8Jn .service

d every Sunday at 11 DOam HolymmUDlonis celebrated on the firstclayof every month.

t the Word of Chnst dwell innchly In all wiJdom."


Vel1lar Highway E. at LakeviewCalvin F. SUckles, D.D~ Pastor30am -church School CiaSle5fordren young people and adults

I 00 am - Mommg Worship Mrv Gard \\ ho bee h15 last year

~?~tIOtt~%a J;I~~I S~~~I:nngfield Ohio. will preach the ser-nfFDSON AVENUE IIIETHODISTJeft'ersonATenue at Mulborollgh

RudeU H. Boyce, MlnisUray Services. 10 a m -Monung

mup The pastor W11l preach thertll In a series of sennons on the~~~e~Ul"Ch acboo1 for children

ry throulh the sixth grade andng at the same ume as churchce

llcient Fire WagonField Day Bait

bearded clown ridmg on 1906 Hoyt, Harold Zeeb and two uni-el fire engine wIll amuse the formed policemenng& ot youngsters at the PrIze jUdg~~ dre Bob Hyde and

Iropolltan Club Field Day on Geolge VanTif'nrday, August 26, according to The Grosse POll1le High School

gram chairman Jack Burnett. athletic field where the Field Dayt 10 a m. a form~l. flag rals- IS being held Will be patroledceremony will oft'lcially begm by City and Farms Pollce De.day of games and events partments.

e tile mlSChlevous monkey Admittance to the plOgram Willappear by popular demand be a Grosse POinte sWimming or

nd cars WIll be turOished by park cardyd Rice and the McDonald ------Sire" rompames are offering B · Bcream to the expected crowd agplpe ands

2,;ooMetropohtan Club is made Are Featuresof policemen, firemen andral employees from Grosse

'nte.ames Flannigan IS assIStantIrman and the 21 competitivenls are bemg handled by Billon and Don Coats. GatemenAl Martin, Bill Crandel, Artlan, Art CharrIer, Jack Pals-

Jim Furton, Doug Allor,'rge LaForest and Al Yaklin.am Trombley, Walter HoytJm1 Flanmgan Will maintamlhst aid boothu BaldWin and Fred Deum-have been assigned to head-

rters operations.ore than 10,000 bottles ofa Cola WIll be distrIbuted byWyffles, E Boylan, V. Hall-g, B Berno, W. LaDuke, Joeliey, Phlbp Costa, C Fastender,raid Zeedolor guards Will be Walter

H7!5 MACKat I MIle Bold

(J'ormerly B1t.IUr'. Bo*l DIIOpea ":rIl • n.....PrI., •

Portrait, btI

VA. 1-3'I1lI

]inL S/wRJ.For All the F'lIli~

!!!!:!. ~

Ba rba ra StoKetoWedSaturd

Cheap tools from JaplU1 noware abundant in our markets.

Mr. and Mrs. Boynton, !Dci.dentall>, feted Julie and Don andmembers of the weddmg partyo::.t dmner in the Old Club lastweek, and Mrs. Boynton will behostess at the spmster dumerAug. 11.

Her small daug~ter, Ann. w.llbe flower girl in the weddmg.

Don's best man WIll be WilliamWalch The ushers: Pierre Belan.ger, Richard Addy, George YouniJr., Arthur Martz Jr.

Little Fred Martz will be ringbearer.

Bnde-elect Bar baIa IStoke, who WIll be lllartildI

urday In Christ Churc~POinte, IS beIng teted at Iof pre. nuptial parties Shebecome the brIde of WLeIter, son of Mr and::eph Leiter of E OuterDn\'t

M~s Stoke IS the daul1lt..Ml'. and Mrs KendnckSI~McKmney avenue

.Among the parhesgIVen were a mlscellaneQluer by Mrs. Wilham KUI'\b.Isonal shower by Martha'metz and June GQrdon,wh1lbe the maid of honor, aaneow shower by MrsLeIter and Mrs PaUl LeJlll

Mrs. Donald G!end~postess at a mISCellaneouser, and Mrs. Ned Henry wiI1tertain at the SPUlSter _

Among the out-of.lownBarbara Kearins, daughter of who WIll arrive for then

Mr. and Mrs. MIchael J. Kearins are the bride-elect's aUll~Joseph Young of NewYork

of Oxford road, is enjoying a her daughter, JulJa, Whor~crowded summer of foreign a bridesmaId, and Mr m!travel. Herman Frlcka, who wtIl

She and a fnend, Celia Yulow, from Phoenix, ArIZ.ftew West in June and visited 1HawaIi, Guam, Wake Island ~dthe PhilJppmes before returninghome a week ago.

Tuesday evening Bartlara de-parted for Boston where she willsBJI for Europe aboard the ltalia.

She will be joined in Bostonby her Manbattanville Collegeroommate, Eleanor McClellan,and the two will be members ofArchbishop Cushing's party._

They will visit Portugal, Italy, IFrance, England and Scotlandbe!ore returning bome.

Barbara is a senior at Man-hattanville.

Barbara Kearinson Foreign Trip

• GnvelOpe8

• 8tatements

• !JnVOiCe8

• eLetterheads

Fill@ Prillting

25 Years of Service to Grosse Pointeand the East Side

A tnple christening will takeplace Sunday at 11 a.m. atGrosse Pomte Memonal Church.

The party will include Mr. andMrs. Jack Campbell of 1358~Maryland and theIr flve-month-old daughter, Candice Lynn.

Mrs. Campbell is the formerBetty Townsend.

I Christen ThreeSun. atMemorial

Grosse Pointe Printing15121 Kercheval

VA. 2-1162-3

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stefani, of 712 Berkshire, ar-rived in I:JonoluJu on the SS Lurline July 29. Honey-mooners Mr. and Mrs. Stefani, married June 17 at St.Paul's, are fDllowing the sun circuit and are currentlyat the Royal Hawaiian in Honolulu after motoring acrossthe country to California and sailing to the Islands on theLurline. The former Miss Letty Danna and her husbandare spending many sun-filled hours at Walkiki and hope10 acquire a super suntan to show off to their friendswhen they return home September 1st. They are wearingthe fragrant flow~ leis presented to them daily by ka-maaini friends. and the new Mrs. Stefani drapes onearound her brunette hair to form a garland as the Ha-waiian girls do.

---....:HONOLULU HqNEYMOONE~~ Julie Belanger to Marry~· " at St. Pauls Noon CeremOll

AttentIOn turns HUB week to Don's parents M ryJuhe Belanger and her approach- Charles Stau" , of r K~109 marUlage to Donald F. Staub. road, Will give the reh e~on August 19 at S1. Paul's ner Aug. 18 at the Be~Church. Country Club

Julle has asked her Sister, Mrs.RIchard A Green, to be matronof honor; Mary Lou Kappel tobe maId of honor.

Bridesmaids Will be anotherSISter, Celeste Belanger, CarolStaub, Don's sISter, and Mrs.Frank D Boynton, Ill.

• • •

News Told of Rust-Delmeyer Romance

At a tea in her University Placehome Sunday afternoQJ1, Mrs.Fred Delmeyer revealed the newsof the engagement of her daugh-ter Beverley and John H. Rust,son of Mrs. Ralph Rust, IIf W. La-fayette Ave. A graduate of theUDlversity of Michigan, Mr. Rustis a member 01 Sigma Alpha Ep-SIlon fraternity. No wedding datehas been set.




ICheck Healthjof Child Before:School StartsI Thousands of children through-I

out the country will soon bestarting off to school for the firsttime. Great preparations arebemg made for thIS big event.Most of the youngsters have newclothes and some unfanuhar tools,IIke pencils and SClSSOrs.

Unfortunately, for some ofthese would-be pupIls the mostImportant part of the child's 'preparation for school lJie wJl1be skIpped. To get the most outof school the chIld should be Insound mental and phYSIcal con-dItion says the TuberculOSIS andHealth SocIety.

A complete phySical examma-tion by the faml1y phySICIan anda dental checkut) by the famIlydentist IS adVISable for all schoolchIldren. Before school starts anycorrections needed should be ob.talned. In addition, every schoolchild needs protection againstsmallpox and dIphtheria.

Many parents who mean we}!but who neglect the chIld's pre-school medIcal and dental check.up may be send.Jng that chud offto school-into a strange !.Jfe, anew Ide-With one or more han-dicaps Among the handicapssome children face are poor eye.SIght, impaired heanng, faultyposture, speech defects, inJuredhearts, nervous and bebaviourdisorders, diseased tonsIls, footdefomutJes and malnutrition.

It is true that many schoolchildren have poor school recordssimply because they cannot seethe blackboard, cannot hear theteacher or cannot speak so thatthey can be understood. In mostcases early flndmg of these de-fects and prompt correctJonwould make the child's schoolbfe more pleasant and morefruitfl1l

Every child who Is physicallyand mentally well is assured ofa good start in school How aboutyour child!


with the NEW CHRYSLER AIRTEMPRoom Air Conditioner in your

Bedroom• c.Is• Dti a'."• fiters 011 hst ..hi.• ar-... 5.... ,FmII o.tsWe Air

• GIIclIy .. ref,...... .,



'1'029 Whittier A.enue

ro~-~.And About ... Smart ModernsNEWLYWEDS

4-The Gro... Pointe Review-Thursday, AVlvlt 10,

f&,~-t'hoto by J:dc11-.J\,{eGrath. Jr

Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Hillebrand, Jr., are on theirway to California following their marriage Saturday inSt. Ambrose Church. The bride is the .former Nancy AnnJoyce.

Gloria Ford to Make HomeChicago After Nuptials

The chapel 01. JeJrer&OnAvenuePrelbyterian Churcll was the set-ting Saturday morning for the 11o'clock nuptials which unitedGloria Ford and Dean D. Unger.The Rev. Dr. A. A. Zaun of-ficiated.

The bride is the daughter ofMr. and Mn. Earl J. Ford, ofBeaCOll5field aveqae. Mr. LulIer,who livea in Chicago, 15 the sonof Mra. Earl A. Linter, of Oconto,Wis.. and the late Dr. Linger.

'ollowiDg a motor trip to Wi&-CODIin, the J1e'iVi7weda will maketl1eir home in Chicago.

For the wedding, Miss Ford

choee a ballerina length trook ofwhite embroidered organdy, witha eummerbund at Ice blue taffeta.She wore otgandy mitts and aeircular halo that held hershoulder length veil of illllsion mplace.

S t e p h a no ti s 'iJITOunding a'White orchid formed her bouquet.

Geraldine Wlndilcb, the maidof honor, wore yellow organdy By Dr. Arthur M. Maje.ter, O. D.with a froItiJag of white em- GLASS MAKINGbl'01dery to aecent the llIort and The art of glass makmg is oneshawl collar. She carried yellow of the oldest mdustnes known toand wrote carnations. man. In recent years scientific

Dr. T. S. Hall. of Chicago, was research has developed the morethe best man and the guests were nearly perfect glass used in to-seated by John Dasey and Wi!- day's ophthalmic lenses. Many

D 0' D ham Young. people tlunk that there is veryry "ean raper To receive the wed~ guests httle difIere$lce between the glass

for Lonrl7' U7ear at the reception which 10llowed in theIr spectacle lenses and ordi-o "4 at the Ford home, Mrs. Ford nary commercial glass used m

Institute SailS chOR a sheer blue ehi1fon frock. ~~ - making the hun.-' Ber white hat wu accented by '.. dreds of di1fer-

A Word of warning eome.s u a pUs blue ed lavender 1I.0wers ent glass prod-result of complaints from boWIe- and she wore a corsage of uets such as milkwives who have had unsatisfac- orchids. bottles, wmdowtory laundenng experiences Wlth The bnde's travehng outfit wasdraperies made of fabric:a that a two-piece navy :faille frock, ,p a n e s, 1i g h twould ordmariIy be wuhable. marked with rhinestone buttons. ~bulbs, etc.The DIy Cleaners Institute of With It she wore a navy ve)vet The develop-Detl'olt advises against launder- cloche. ment of a spec-iq when deahng with lmed ------ tacle lens startsdrapenes. Such drapenea ibould Harbisons JTisit Dr. Majeser WIth the sandbe dry cleaned. Since the lmmg and chemicals that go into it. AmateriallU1d the drapery material Mullet Lake Club manufacturmg cycle of at leastare different, they are not usually four months 15 reqwred before Itp~ to &he ADJ. extent Mr. and Mrs. David Harbison 15 received by the local optIcaland are not eq~ colorfut. are visitors at Mullet Lake Coun- laboratones. These lenses are• When buying materials, a,ood try C~ub after their recent wed- then ground and finished accord.

precaution is to traDalate the chng m Sl James Church, Che- ing to your doctor's prescrIption.ahrinkage percentage on the la- boygan. The bnde is the former A machmist or tool makerbel to inches. ~ percent shriDkage Nancy Roehm. daug}1ter of the works to tolel'ance.s of thou-means 2~ mchea shorter on 50 Lawrence S. Roehms of washing-I sandths of an mch. The opticalinches of matenal and 1 mch ton road who have a summer techniCIan works to tolerances Inarrower for every 28 inches of hom~ at Mullet Lake. Her hus- that are measured by wavelengthswidth Extra care too must be band S parents are Mr. and Mrs. of hght.taken' with glau ~ Your George P. HarbISOn of Duluth. You may require dif!erent kmddry cleaner should be consulted ------ of lenses for each speCIal task forabout their treatment 1 . EGG DISHES whIch you use your eyes. Statis-

m c eanmg. Hard cooked eggs for summer tics show that SIX out of ten pea------- pIcniCS, salads, and cold ~lates pIe between the ages of fifteen IFarley Grandson should be cooled promptly to and over SIXty need glasses.

prevent over-cookmg and to help ------Born At Detroit. prevent the dark rmg that some- Veto of basmg pnce bill IStimes appears around the yolk held slgnlficant for mdustry.A baby boy, weIghing seven _

pounds, three ounces, was bornIn -Charles Godwm Jennings Hos-pItal to Mrs. Edward J. HIckeyIII, daughter of former postmas-ter general James A. Farley.

Both mother and baby were'reported domg well after theCaesanan birth. The HIckey$, ofthe Detroit clothing store famIly,IlvL at 3~ Rivard. GrOSlle Pointe.Mrs. Hickey IS the former AnnFarley. I

Alaska boom. result of Govern.ment 1JM!l1dlD(, echoes of 1898.

Dance Music by


Gold Cup LoungeOpen 2 P. M. to 2 A. M.



dlhe Whittier

Couple Unitedin DoubleRing Ceremony

Nancy Ann Joyce went down&he aISle of St. Ambrose ChurchSaturday morning to become thebride of FrancIs X. Hillebrand,Jr.

The bride was gowned inwhite organdy for the doublerIng ceremony and she carried awhite orchId In her bouquet.

The mBJd of honor, Sue Joyce,wore a wrote organdy dres.s overa yellow background for her sis-ter', wedding. The bridesmaIdswere Mandy Hurley, Judy Joyce,another SISter of the bride, RuthHoskin and Mary Jo Hillebrand,the JrOom'l sister.

The at1lenlhnts were attired in I

white organdy over treen back.J!'OUDds. They carried daisies.

Seating the guests were Ber-JWd Kilbride, Robert Grambo,Geor,e Tilton, Bud Hillebrandand Frank Gallagher.

The bride is the daughter oflit. ud Mrs. Bryan Joyce ofTrombley road. Her husband isthe I(lft of Mr. and Mra. FrancisX Billebrand.

For her daUlhter'1 weddinl,!in. Joyce mon a coco hrownlaee clrea with matchinc Dutchhat. Mra. Hillebrand wore anaqua &OWn with contrasting Bow-ers.

A reception at the GrossePointe Yacht Club followed theftRIDcmy.

'!'be COIIple left for a month'ltrip te California.

'!'hcmu lWnpr aDd Kar7Jille Van Antwep were married •w~ momfzlc at St. Am- Inbl"OM Church.

Mar1' 311ft" 0I1b' atteDdant w81ker 1IIter, VJrcbU.

Belt man ... Tom', btothv,Pierre.

The JDaJTiqe ~ wasPKfomJed by the bride'. uncle,Cbe ~. Jio. I'rucis r. VanAnIltNrp, aM her brother, theBeY. Fr. '1'hGMa Vu Antwerp,Aid the nuptial hlIh IDUI.

.Uncle ReadsNllptial Rites

Rev. 0/0/ LyonReturns Sundayow JWnrd ~ will IP8H

apia w. ~ at an..~. W~ Pr.lb~terfaDCbureIL

'l'ba JIft'. x.on II vi~dent 01. lMdenbip Trainiq, IDe.,and JI tU mlnastlll c!irIetot' oJ:the Dale CameIi. Cowles inlIetropolltall Detroit. He 1a Sup..p\y KiDiater for the CbriatiIU1Church, Disdpl. of Christ.

VIOlators of the Bicycle Regu-lations set up by the GrQllllePointe Tramc and Safety Com-nuttee will be iUDUlloned 10 ap-pear at the Tra1!J.e Bureau.

Offenders may be 8lIS1gned tothe Bicycle TrllUlinl Scl1Oo1where the rules and regulationaare dIJc:usaed and the safe opera-tion of vehJcles • taugbt.

It is iD the best iDterest of allbicycle riden that these instruc.tiorll are bemg given. The in-creasin( ac:dc1ent rate huprompted the pollee department.to superviBe the operation of thebiCJJcles in Grosse Pomte for theprotection of the ridera and toPrevent accidents and save lIves

Parent. are noWled If theIrcluldren are violators of thetraffic rules. The police are leek-ing the cooperation of everyone lDlaunching this ac:t1ve C8mplllgn tomake the community safe forpedestrians, motonatl and t:1-clJaU.

The Bicycle Trainmll SchoolWIll be held at the Groae PomtePark MunIcipal Buildm(, at 15115East Jefferson avenue, corner ofMaryland avenue.

" f'IjI

< ~

I• r,

• 1,

, I





Cost-cutting m a e h in e s c!e.veloped by American industry',.research are releasmg manpowerfrom the cotton fields for use inthe natton's defense industries.

WIth comparatIvely few work-ers hunting jobs, war industrieshave been fearmg a shortage ofmanpower as defense productioosped up. ConsequenUy, it wa Igood news that "pickers" and"strippers" - machines developedfor pIcking cotton and pullingthe fiber out of the bolls-wouldharvest about 18 per cent of thecotton crop in 1950, comparedwith 9 per cent in 1949. Someauthorities say the mechanicalpickers are the most importantdevelopment in cotton productionsince Ell Whitney's cotton gin.

Machines FreeWar Workers

Call VA 2-4558


E ect a-


The C,.... 'ol"'e R.wiew- Thundoy, Au,utt , 0, ,"0--5Hostelers Offer Ca!"pingand Canoeing Vacation

Are you wonderIng what to do For the New England tnp, tweon your vocatIon' Many young weeks begmnmg Aug. 20, youpeople 1Ike to travel to new may either start from Alban,.,places and s- new faces. N. Y., or Boston, Mass. Fromhow about you? Albany you ~ycle up to Lake

Amencan Youth Hostels otTers George and TIconderoga, to Ver-you a chance to "travel under mont and MassachusettJ Fromyour own steam" . . . blkmg, Boston, the Cap!; Cod reglon ~Icanoeing horseback rldmg and VlSlted, and a short ooat tnlfmountai~ clunbmg. There are from Provmcetown to Cape AlUl..day triPS, one to two week tnps, There are three tnps 10tand week-end Jaunts. canoeISts. on the Huron R1ver

; The Amencan Y(\uth Hostels, a for one week begmnmg Aug, 13.Red Feather service of the Com- LDthe GunnLDt Wilderness on themlmlty Chest, otTers vacation MLDnesoia-Canadlan border for{nps at nummum cost to every- one or two weeks. begUlO:ng Aug.

19; on the Manistee River foron:;ne of the Labor Day week- five days begmmng Aug. 21.end tnps IS bl1ung from De- It is also pOSSible to plan in-trOit to the Saline and Ene dlvldual tnps. Each person whl)hostels, or the Harmony Valley purchases an AmerIcan Youthand Pinebrook Farm hostels. Hostel pass receives a copy otThese groups Will leave Detroit the Hostel Handbook which lis"early Satuaday, sept. 2, return- 150 or more hostels in ~eing on Labor Day evenmg. There Umted States. You may, WlthIS also a 3-day campmg-eanoe the handbook and road ma~,tnp on the Au Sable and Man- plan your own trip for yourself.IStee rivers. Another is hone- or a group of friends.back ridmg at the Emerald Trail For further information OIlRanch m the TT1~hHills. near these tnps call the AmericanTIpton ••• about 60 nules west Youth Hostels, WOodward 3-2172.of DetrOIt. A thrrd trIp is atBoyne Valley hostel near LakeCharlevoix where young peoplecan spend the week-end: bikmgand canoeing.

For longer one to two weektrIPs, there are several openingsfor bikers: the Michigan HostelLoop, one week begll'ln1Og Aug.27, where you VISit the PontiacLake Recreatlon Area, Ann Ar-bor, Saune, and the Woods Hostelat Erie.

Anotber tnp is to the P,enn-sylvama Dutch Country for oneweek, beginning Aug. 27, youcycle from Altoona to Hal'nSburgthrough mountain passes alongthe banks of the Blue Juaniata.

A thlrd trip IS .to Muskoka-North Bay, Canada, for twoweeks beguming Aug. 20. Thetrip begins at Toronto bicyclingto Midland and Lake Simcoe plusa, boat cruise through some ofthe 30,000 Islands of GeorgianBay to parry Sound. At Cham-plam Park, you' canoe part of tileCbamp1aill Trail to Lake NipplS-ing and Lake Huron.

There Js also the Niagara Falls-Toronto trip for elgbt days begm-nmg Aug. 20, cycling throughSouthern Ontario to NIagaraFalls, and a lake steamer tripfrom Queenstown to Toronto.

Stored in your attic or emptyroorns are p1eces of art, furm-

ture, lamps, rugs ancl other

'terns, which you can convertto cash by an tnexpensiv~

RPllU'U" Want Ad.

Wise Persons SellWhat TheyDon't Want!

The Grosse Pointe Review

FLAVORED MILKIf you are having difficulty

getting your youngsters to drinktheir full quota of milk everyday, try dLsgulsmg it as a milkshake or a speCIal frUlt drink,advise Michigan State Collegehome econoIDlSts.


chloride. If a musty odor per-SISts it may be removed bysprinkling chloride of Inne 1D theareas, as on a basement fioor.

A few simple rules will helpyou to prevent mildew fromgrowing on clothing and otherhousehold articles. Never allowdamp or wet articles to hearound. Stretch out to dry allmoist or wet soiled clothing andunironed dampened garments.Sprinkle only enough pieces forone day's ironing. GIve leatberarticles a coat of wax beforestormg. Remember to wax thesoles of shoes, too.

-Carl Joyner PhotoMrs. Dorothy M. Lamer

of Torrey road announcesth e engagement 0 f herdaughter June to Daniel G.McIntosh, son of Mr, andMrs. Gay McIntosh of Mt.Clemens.

One Person's 'T rash" ;sAnother's liT reasure" ... so they say .•.

Memorial Centerof Activities


You might notWant !/t butchances are gomebody

Want !/t


For Period Thunday, Aucuat 10, thro\lJh Thunda" AnCust 17Tue5rlay, August B, through Saturday, August 12

The SlI1Uans present "Mary of Scotland" by MaxwellAndersen. Opening mght performance IS for thebenefit of the Center. Performances on lake frontterrace. AdmJsslon $1.50. Tickets aval1able at theCenter .•...•. , . . • . . . . . .. . . . •........•••••••••••• 8.30 p.m.

Monday, August 14Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe-Luncheon •••••• , •• , •••••• 12.00

Jerry Colonna, the man withthe big mustache, bas been signed8lI one of the star entertainers atthe Michigan State Fair, Septem-ber 1 through 10. He starred onthe Bob Hope radIO program foryears and h8ll appeared in manymovIes.

ThIs was announced today byJames D. FrIel, State Fair gen-eral manager, who saId the hiringof colonna rounds out the bestentertamment program ever of-fered at a MichIgan State Fair.

Betty Hutton will appear sep-tember 1 and 2; Carmen Miranda :'and company September 3, 4, 5 '..and 6; and Colonna September 7,8, 9 and 10. These Hollywoodstars Will headhne two showsdally in the Couseum. WIth eachstar there ow III be eight acts oftop vaudevl1le, including the cre-ative dancer Nlrska, who earnedgreat New York popularity in reocent months,

Jerry Co_onnaTo Appear AtState Fair

Crosse Pointe Woods



Mrs. Eugene N. Lomas was the for!'1erFrances E. Dirkes before her marriageSaturday in St. Paul's Catholic Church.She IS the daughter of Mrs. V. M. Dirkesof McKmley road.

Showroom Open Thur<, Frl , gat T.1l 9 pm



Ni«hlltPh,mei n.5-_


20229 Mack Ave.


lUST OPENEDBradley Jewelers

Expert Watch & ClockRepair;

An y,('rk hmC'd and f('~I('c\ on t',,.la1t<;.1 \\ <'l1(h Mil'(.1tr r.c\tc r,.,('()-rd ..,", mRct"llnt'

<\ nl"oT17~d D1rtrLblltor fnrRamlf1"n Watr".. 0;"" T""mat.

Tf'lf"r'hTon 8nd WfI..cC'1flx (,1tK"'k~

21031 Mack at RoslynTr.2.q30'l

OPf'1'If rld:lY Till 9 P M

o GARACES'r~1 'onr rar aDd por"et1>oo" IlIa-

."10 onlv O? we bUUd tl for yoa.I'b'i~. v"u a IIla.lIflnt 're. If YOn

or _ 0 build tl v<>un.1t 'nm bf>r... ;~•• rlr lfar.lJ;e as $209aft n~ r<'tT an trttmat.f' nr rflm" till. A Chaplllw Lum~ ("n.'" f ~f'\,.n MU",.' f (lote-r Orh'"


", Fn~J.:lnd ('Off"" roa~t('r. ir "", off"nnj! e-offE'! In onE'- I• ""'1:, lll.<t_ like_~"~ I!' ,old 1

ide Wearsantillyce Gown

Fish Is Economical And Easy ICounty OpensT I. l Hospitals to.I. 0 Prepare J orSummer Mea s ChiropiactorsFIsh of all varIeties meet the salt, 1 cup Raked salmon, 1 cup A licensed chIropractor may

specIal requirements for the mam diced cucumber, salted and dram- treat patients in County HOSP1-dISh of summer meals. They ed, 'h cup mayonnaISe, 1~ cup tals thIS IS the substance of anseem hght yet are satlsfymg In cream, whIpped, lettuce or other opl~ion by MIchIgan AttorneyRavor, they can be prepared In a salad greens, additional mayon- General Stephen Roth, upholdingshort time and they combIne de- nalse or cucumber sauce I an opInion to the same eftect byllghtfully WIth abundant vege- Dissolve gelat10 In hot water, Prosecutll'lg Attorney Theodoretables and frUIts. add vmegar and salt. Cool untll G. Albert of Gilgeblc County.

They're of speCIal 10terest to thIck and syrupy. Combme cu- "A lawfully llcensed chlroprac- l'J '"' B P d E Ofmany homemakers for another cumber, salmon and mayonnaISe tor IS a legal practttioner of a Mi uew van e revente asz~1'reason Most fish otTer an eco- and add to gelatm. Fold m cream school of medlcme recogmzed by JnomIcally priced source of elIl- whIch has been beaten untIl the laws of MIchigan wlthm the Muggy, warm, summer weath-clent blood and tissue bUlldmg thIck and shinY, but not. stitT meanmg of PA 1913, No. 350, as Ier IS the Ideal time for the moldsprotem. ChIll until It begins to thIcken amended, and hence IS entItled to to grow that cause mildew.

They compare favorably With then turn mto cold, wet mold pnvlleges m treatmg patients m They thrive on cloth, paper,meat ll'l theIr mmeral and Vlta- and chIll untIl dim. Unmold on county hospItals governed by that wood and leather, warns OleVlamm content. Those whIch come cnsp salad greens and garnISh act equal to those accorded tothe Meyer, MIchIgan State College,from the ocean offer Important WIth addltlogal mayonnaIse or prachtloners of the other schools extension speCIalist. Mildew dis-amounts of IOdme necessary to cucumber sauce Serves 6 to 8 of medlc10e recogDlzed by our colors, leaves a musty odor andthe proper function of the thy- CUCUMBER CREAM DRESSING laws," said Roth's opm!on. The causes decay.rOld gland. Whip 'h cup cream until barely act referred to is the one under FIrSt step in preventing mil-

Freshness is the first essentlal stut. Fold mto It 1/4 teaspoon which the county hospitals are dew IS to remove mOISture. Win-for deliCIOUSRavor, accordmg to salt, dash of pepper, 2 tablespoons established. dows and doors should be openedthe Food and Nutrition Service of vmegar and 1 cucumber whtch The lengthy opinion, covermg for airmg only when the air out.the American Red CrosS'. Never has been chopped and drained. more than 15 typewntten pages, Side IS cooler and drier than thetake a chance on even the shght- NOTE E t d 'lk b I deals largely With the questIOn air insIde A cool night is a goodest "off" odor. In thIS inland sec- b t t ~ d varora ~h ml ~an eg whether chIropractors are "prac- time to freshen the air in thehon sometimes the frozen fish su s I u e b thorth e w PPlnd tltloners of any school of medi- entire house and a little heat in

cream m 0 e moussee an f to 11 eed th .:1_'are the best chOice. Fresh fish th N t all twill h v cine recogmzed by the laws 0 a s ve WI sp up e "'J'mgshould be cooked the day It'S e sauce. a ur y, I a e MIchigan" Wlthm the meamg of process.bought. Frozen fish can be kept Its charaetensbc Ravor. For easy the 1913 hospItal law. Electric fans are helpful in dr-

. t whlppmg, chill the evaporated culatmg the warm damp 8lt out.frozen in the freezmg compar - milk In freezmg compartment of "II they are:: wrote the attor- A small electric hght bumin inment of the refngerator until refrigerator until Ice crystals be- ney general, they are entitled a closet ISsufficient to dry th: airready to use, allowmg enough gm to form. to equal priVileges 10 treatmg pa- nd f b ed ftime to thaw so the pIeces can be t ts Grand View hospital. a a an may e us or crr-len In , culattonseparated. otherwise, pOSSibly they are not On . . .

The other important pomt to "~ enhtled to treat pattents therem." e of the chemIcals aV811~bleremember m order to serve fish ", ".L_ The attorney general, gomg into to absorb mOISture IS CalClumat its best is to keep the cookmg AII.I1J.Jl the hIStory of the 1913 act andtime short. Connective tISsue is other laws deallng Wlth "schoolslackmg in fish so the cookmg , • .ftnd Unquote" of medlcme recogmzed by theshould be continued only until ... act.the Ravor is fully developed and Various supreme court deci.the Resh flakes readily. "Our greatest war asset has sions Cited m the op1Olon con-

There's no need for fancy been and shll IS our enormous tn- tain the statement "that chlro-reclpe5 for fish. The simply pre- dustnal strength and our capa- prachc IS a system, mehtod orpared food IS temptll'lg when City for mass productlon."- school of medIcme adm1ts of noserved WIth something piquant as :3anson W. BaldWin, U.' S mlll- doubt."an accent for Its Ravor. The fish try expert. A reference to a 1913 amendlacking m fat are better for the • • • ment to the med1cal practlce act

dd ti f . h auce made "1 needed some benches so mya I on 0 a TIC s says: "That this amendment to.th th b f ream sauce or frl'ends could watch teleVISion."WI e ase 0 c the medical practice act was in--MISSOUri man explammg theftsmayonnaise. tended to proVlde for the hcens-

. f' from park.Try these recIpes or mexpen- • • • mg of chlropractprs seems cer-sive fish dIshes espeCially SUIted "Put all you've got mto every tam. It IS so mdlcated m the mOlto summerhme Job you tackle." -Earl Bunhng, dex to PA 1913 .•. "

BROn.ED FISH managmg director of NAM, ad- "The Mlchtgan medical practlceOne 3-pound fish, 1 tablespoon vlsmg student group. act does not undertake to pre-

e must keep--in mmd", said lemon JUice, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/4 • • I SCribe treatment or hnut theaut, "that there IS probably tedspoon pepper, 1/4 cup melted Business is never so healthy as practlce of medlcme to any

better dlsposltlon for many of fat. when, like a chIcken, It must do school," says a supreme courte troops than guarding theIr Have fish split and cleaned a certam amount of sClatchmg decISion CIted. by the attorneyborders or patrolling highly Wash qUickly and dry WIth clean for what It gets.-Henry Ford general.

hle overseas are as. From! cloth. SprInkle with 1emon JUIce --;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t pomt of VIew, the offers of MIX salt, pepper and fat and If'stance made so far represent brush over fish. Arrange fiSh, skID EYES EXAMINEDant efforts WIth forces ai- Side down, on well greased brol1er ~ Complete Optical ServIcev m desparate need". rack or shallow pan such as cooky r ~ DR. A. M. MAl ESTER

PARALLEL DIVISION A Isheet. DR. L. D. MAl ESTERITARY DECISION Place in preheated brOIler ~~_\:z:... Optometnstshere also seems to be some I about 2 inche~ from heatmg umt. For AppolIItment 3181 LAKEWOOD

fUSionabout the ongm of the I BrOIl about 10 mmutes or untIl Phone VA. 1-2266 at Mack<lonof Korea along the 38th I nicely brown Turn and brOIl onallel' Rabaut declared i skm SIde until CriSp. about 15he truth IS", he said. "ac-I mInut~ In all Serve at once

dmg to Under Secretary of IWith MaItre D'hotel butterte Webb. In I statement be- MAITRE D'BOTEL BUTTER

the Hou,e CommIttee on One-third cup butter or mar-elgn Affairs, that thIS was a llanne. 1 tablespoon m10ced pars-Itan dec1Slon". ley, l,2 teaspoon salt, I.. teaspoon I'\t the close of the war 10 pepper. 1 table~poon lemon JUice. I

an It was determll'led that 1/4 teaspoon omon JUIce IJapanese troops north of the Cream table fat Beat In re-

'I parallel would surrender to Imammg mgredlents ~aduallv IS Forces under General Mac- Serve WIth baked. brOIled. or,~u- ThIs proposal had )leen : steamed fish Makes I. ("Up~auce I

,'er! hy the then secretary I to serve 6 IWar It was reVIewed by the I BOILED ("ODIe - War _Navy Coordmatmg Two pounds cod fillets, frE'~h or Im!T'lttee and the Jomt ChIefs fro7en. 2 quarts water, 2 table- Ic;l<lff approved bv the Presl- I spoon~ salt• "nrl put Into pffect In Gen- I Place fil!el~ on platE' and tIe

\T~cl\.rthur's GE'neral Order I pl<ltE' m plcce of ('he('~cclo\h1 1'<lIed to thE' Japane~e Lower plate mto bOllm!; <<llt"d.

e n'l1ent, It was solely a lme I ~ ater and ~Immer for 10 mmute< I

mlLtarv demarcation With no Remove plate from water. dramer PUTp(Xe than to faclhtate I fi~h cllrefullv and ~erve at once

<lC<'pplance(\f the Japane~e Ion hot pl<luer gprve WIth ('ggren(ler there", Ral>aut con-l <ance marie bv addIn!! 1 e-hoop('rI.neo hard-cook('d egg< to 1 CliP Cleam 5.DAY FREETRIAL

______ _ ,1lUCC If hked. 1 tahlE'~po(>n..\PPLE SEASON I chopped pars lev can bl' addf'd to Phone

1(' earlv apple season IS here mIxture gea<on to ta<te WIth TU. 1-7410\ '~ll,t and SEoptember Earlv I salt anrl penpern N ;':" "'ell With meat dl'he< SAV\lON 1\IOl'SSr.

" r jn~ nr In salads. and arc One- packagl" lemon f\",\'orc~, 't''' 'lIue-" <lnd pH" M",m J:'('1;ltm 1'1 ruT'< h;lt \\.:lll"] ~, ' llet '8S "TOwn In Mlchl~an t:- blE'~pool'I~\ InE'l:!ar 1 tE'~<~1'IJ '''", TTllnsparent. Duches' I - -

~ r 'Th ~il';alnw

orld Support•couragmg,

baut Saysordmg to Rep, Louis C. Ra-there IS a good deal of In-

t m the 14th DIstrict in thenses to the Untted Nationsest for mlhtary support ofchon In Korea.

of July 31, 1950, Rabautsome twenty-three nations

made specifiC offers of u-ce to the United Nations,

mg nulltary, naval and 81rtance, medical aid, supphestrateglc raw materials, sItesair and sea bases and food-

e see the grounds for en-agement m these offers whenconsIder the circumstanceser whIch some of them weree", saId Rabaut.

e first offer of troops cametmy little Th81land wherefoot soldIers mean a greatm the face of the RUSSIan

bc menace; and Turkey,the Red armies standing

gerently at its borders. ISmg 4,500 troops to Korea",Rabaut

he UN requests for this sup-were made In the Secuntycil Resolutions of June 2527, the latt'er recommendmg"the members of the Umtedons furnIsh such assistancee Repubhc of Korea as may

necessary to repel the armedck and to restore 1Oternahon-~ace and securIty to the

double ntlI eeremony umt-al1CesEo DIrkes and Eugenemas took place at 10 a.m.Paul's Cathollc Church in

e pomte on August 5.bnde, daughter of Mrs.Dll'kes, of McKInley road,

ttended by Mrs. John Lynchtron of honor. The brides-were Joan Dirkes, sisterbl de, and Therese Dirkes.

Dl. J. YoU, an uncle, gaveride away.t rnan tor the bridegroom,! Mrs Newell Lomu, wasV. DIrkes, brother of theThe ushers were DIck

. brother of the groom,Bnggs, Lyle Dougherty, andDesunpel.

bnde wore a gown of Im-chaptllly type lace redm-

buttoned from deep V neck-o waIst, pleated nylon tulletl neclt and pomted sleev,,~

covered a strapl~.. dress Ih has a pleated bodice,ant double nylon tulle skirt.Sideof the skirt is gathereda flower design, centereodWles of the valley. She

a smgle whIte orchid.e brIde's attendants were

In whIte marquisette,blue glove5, white hats

ed WIth blue and carriedets of white dallies andlarksPur.er a breakfa:tt reception atEssex country Club the

couple left for a tnp onGreat Lakes.

"Do you favor borrowing money and iSiUlngbondstherefor of the VIllage of Grosse Pointe Woods, in thesum of $95,00000 to bear mterest at a rate not to exceedfour (4~) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually,the saId bonds to mature serially in the fOllowmgman-ner:

"Your are hereby notlfied that a Special ElectionWill be held in the VIllage of Grosse Pointe Woods,Wayne County, Michigan. on Tuesday, September 12.

1950, and that the polls for said Special Election shaJIbe open from 7:00 o'clock in the forenoon to 8.00o'~lockin the evening, Eastern Standard TIme.

"You are further notified that thefor said election shall be as follows:



Voting Precinct No. 22:The Voting Booth in the Mason School,situated on Vernier Road.


Philip F. AllardVillage Clerk,

Vll1aRe of GIOS'*!

Voting Precinct No. 23:The Voting Booth in the Municipal Bwldmg,on Mack Avenue at Anita Avenue.

"To the Quahfied Electors of the

Vlllage of Grosse Pointe Woods, MIchIgan

Voting Precinct No. 25:The Voting Booth sItuated in the Parcells Schoolon Mack Avenue and Vernier Road.

Voting Precinct No. 26:The Voting Booth in the Mason Schoolsituated on Vernier Road.

for the purpose of making a public improvemert In 1l'eVillage of Grosse Pointe Woods. to be and conSistofprovidmg additIons and improvements to the v;ater suo-pi\' system ?',

Voting Precinct No. 27:The Voting Booth situated on Mack Avenueand Kenmore Road.



Voting Precinct No. 28:The Voting Booth situated on Mack Avenueat Broadstone Avenue.

"You are further notmed that the followmg propoo-hon shall be submitted to the qualified electors for thmadoption or r.ction at said Special Election, to-WIt.

$6,000.00 in the years of 1951-60 inclusive. and

$7,000.00 m the years of 1961-65 inclusive,




'You are further I,otlfled that regIstratIOn ma\ a"Iw made ,\ Ith the Vllla'!e Clerk on any dav l.p 10 a-,1I11rludmg AlI~u~t ~3 1950 on whIch latter da\ ~l'e Vlil~e Clerk "111 be 10 hIS office between tnr n ",f! (If8 00 o.c1ock In the forenoon and 800 o'c1oc].. IT" '~e ~\1!'

mnp:, Eilstern Standard TIme

"In accordance WIth the prOVlSlOns of Article 3 5eI:.tlon 4, of the State Constitution as amended. onh' thO-itelectors of thE' VIllage of Grosse Pointe Woods qua]:!\"'

m~ under such prOVISion, are entItled to V(lte at Sol dSpeCial ElectIOn on Bond PropoSItIon

"You are further notifIed that If vou haH' riot I'

Iead,' re~lstered you may do so bv ap~anng before t"eBoard of RE'gl:>tratlOnat the MUniCipal BUlldl11~"n \lackAxenue at Amta Avenue. Grosse Pointe Wood~ 'hchl.gan. on August 2:l. 1950. between the hours of 8 00 ("clock10 the forenoon and II 00 0 .clock in the evemng Fa(tPr'';Iandard TIme




i$2,019 110 63 I

$ 1,684.1420.429.41

$ 22.113.5520.868.75

$ 1,244.80

$ 59,831.25236,832.50

$ 296,66375


$ 116,912.78

$2,051,li50 87

$ 30.756.31

11686000 I


$6,992,900 00 II

$7,550,574 94

$ 557674.94

S 24205540S2 207.735 7S

$3,456,17880 IIIi$4,094,396141

$ 31862'II

12500 I441621



SI.965.680 35 I

$6,314,41352 I



30.l9ii 40,5.00000




:; 86881000

........... $ .!065 ,5.. .. • • .. .. • ... 2.068 810 00

Total Receipts and Balance ...•DIsbursements for Bond Interest

and PrinCIpal ••••••••••••••••

New BUlldlngs $New Equipment .New SItes ... . , •.••.•..•....U.S.A. Cert of Indbt. purcha.ed .

Total Recelpt.~ and BalanceDisbursemetns for Secunhes Pur-

chasedBalance June 30 1950


General FUDdBalance July 1st, 1949 , ..•.. $


Current Tax Collectlons .....• ,. $1,635,844 18Dellnquent Tax CollectIons...... 62,621 87State School AId 511,053.64Other State AId .........•..•••• 16,309.56MISCellaneous Local Revenues... • 30,144.11Stroes DIStribution ...........•.. 33,137.27


Interest on Secuptles . . .. . . . . $Annual AppropnatlonBonds retired and purcha'ed

Balanc:e June 3D, 1950 ••..•...BaUdin&' a:ncI Site hIlCI

Balance July lilt, 1949Cash $Bonds ..

Balance June 20. 1950 .••.....BoI1d. Interest a:ncI Prineipal Fund

Balance July 1st. 1949....••••••••ReceIved from Generall'und .•••••

Balance June 30. 1950 .Employ .. Boad FaDd

Balance July 1st, 1949 •......Received from Payroll DeductIons

Gift Fund----Balance July 1. 1948 ...Donation to Pubhc Library for film

hbTary . .. ....

Total DISbursements ..••••••,

Total Receipts and Balance ..Bonds purcl1ased for employees ...•

Total DIsbursements .•..••.•Balance June 30. 1950

Cash '" $ 294,396 14Bonds •. . .. 3,800,000 00

Total Receipts and Balance ..DISbursements for Public LIbrary

Films .............•.•.•••••••

Toatl Recelptl and Balance ..Disbursements

General Control ...•••.•..••••. $ 61,29821Instruction 1,182,847.74Auxiliary ActivitIes.............. 101,450.61OperatJon ........•• • • •• • • . • . • • • • 276.805 92FIXed Charges ••••••.••••••••.. 7.895.35Mamtenance ...•••••.•••••.•.•.•• 60,473.91Capital Outlay.. .• •••• •• ••• .• •• .. 58,327.03Debt Service ..•.••••..•••••••••. 236,832.50Stores Purchases •..••.••••••••.• 34,963.29

Balance June 30,1950 .•.•..•...Baildiq and Site Sinkinc Fuud

Balance JUly J. 19{9Cash. $ 2,7303')Securlh~ ...••••••••.•••.... 1,962,95000


General Fund •... ..... $ 58,327 03Current Tax CollectIons (3* mIll

levy 419,41125DellDquent Tax CollectlOllS (3ltz

null levy) 17,996.70U.S.A. Cert. of Indbt. purchased .. 3,300,000.00Interest on Cert. of Indebt. •••••• 6,50391Sale af property .........• :..... 4.533.33Sale Of Bond Issue 3,186,127.78


FIIIMIs Oft DePGSlts as f 011011~:

Grosse POInte Bank $ 12959901~trOlt Bank . . • •• . • . • . . 85 4,871National BaDk of Detroit 7023798Manutacturers National Bank Qf

DetrOIt ..Indu~trlal National Bank or De.

troltDetr01t TJU,t Company $afe ..ec-p


Total RecelpUi and Balance .•••Dub_men"

Pointe Board of Education

Fanme P. ChambersEleanor M. TombGrace R. Slocumlone R. DIllGertrude LeckhderDorothy D. SchumannAnna E. IrelandAlols A. GhesqulereHarnet JohnstonEhzabeth Bowen

A questIon was raised as to whether the Public LIbrarycould carryover any unspent balance Irom the 1949.50 appro.prlatlons.

Attorney Coulter mdlcated that thiS could not be legallydone and Mr. Orr, Director of Pubhc Llblalles. leported thatthe end of the year balance m the Pubhc LIbrary accountwould be extremely small.

.RETURN OF ELECTION INSPECTORSThe undersIgned. consbtultng the BOMd of Election in-

spectors at the Annual Election 01 the Qualified Electors of RuralAgricultural School DIStrict No. I, Grosse Pomte Township.Wayne County. MIchigan, held m said DistrIct on the 12th dayof June, A. D. 1950. and

Shirley K. PattersonVirglDJ.a W. WllsonVirgmia T. SpurnerHelen A. ClarkBessie C. SwensonJean S. SchallerFay W. ConleyAnn LuceIrene SuttonEsther C. ThompsonEthel M. Leverenz

Bein, appointed by the quahfied electors present on S8.ld Board,hereby certify that the polls of saId electlon were declared openat 8 o'clock A.M. on SlUd 12th day of June. A.D. 1950. andwere kept open continuously until 8 o'clock P.M., of said day.Eastern Standard Time. havmg been kept open for more thantwo consecutive hours; that a proper poll list was kept, and asuitable ballot box was used; and that upon a canvass of theballots cast of which the following is a true copy:


Groue Pointe Township, Wayne County. :M1chiganOFFICIAL BALLOT

For Election of Two Members of the Board ofEducation to Be Elected for

a Term of Three Years

VOTlN'G INSTRUCTIONSPlace a UOIlI ia the square 181 before the name. of the

candidates you wh to vote for. If the names of the candidatesfavored by you are not printed on the ballot, write the namesin the blank .pac:el provided and place an (X) before thtlame.

Before leaving the booth, fold the ballot so that the initialsof the inspector may be seen on the outside.

J'or Memben of the Board of Education(Vote for Two)






It was found that the whole number of votes cast for theelection of two members of the Board of Education to holdoffice for the ensuing three (3) years were 870; that Frankbn D.Dougherty recelved .us number of votes; that Fred O. Runnellsreceived 183 number of votes; that Sigurd R. Wendin received3114number of votes; that Chester Carpenter receIved I numberof votes; that lone Dl11 receIved 1 number of votes; that A.Russell Ken receIved 1 number of votes; that James Laterreceived 1 number of votes; that Edw. Glanz received 1 numberof votes; and that there were 3 spoued ballots.

After the above canvass the result of said electIOn wasdeclared as stated above. •

We further ~ that aU the proceedmgs of said meetlDgwere TelUlar. and 1D accordance WIth the Statutes of the Stateof Michigan. in such case made and proVlded.

Shirley Ie. Patterson Fannie P. ChambersVirginIa W. Wilson Eleanor M. TombVlrflnja T. Spurner Grace R. SlocumHelen A. Clark lone R. DIllBessie C. Swenson Gertrude LeckhderJean S. SChaller Dorothy D. SchumannFay W. Conley Anna E. IrelandAnn Luce AlolS A. GhesquiereIrene Sutton Harnet JohnstonEsther C. Thompson Ellzabeth BowenEthel 11. LeverenzMoved by Trustee Shea1fer, supported by Trustee Wlclung.~ the report of the electIOn Inspectors be accepted

and reported to the Board ot Education for proper certificatIOnU to the results of the election.

ROLL CALL-Adopted unanimously.

PresIdent Wendln call"d on Trustee Dougherty. v..ho SlId."I haven't much to say. It has been a great pleasure

and an honor to have been a member of the Board ofEducatIon the last three years. 1 deeply appreciate theopportunIty of servlDg another three years, workingWlth the Board 10 flnishmg up the program that westarted. Dunng the past three years. I would say thehaPPiest day IS today, not because of the electIon par_ticularly. but because I finally see the steam shovelnext to the Parcells School ready to get started on thecompletion of that school."PresIdent Wendm made the followmg remarks WIth respect

to his re-election for another three year term on the Board ofEducatIon:

"I have nothmg to add to what Mr Barnes. theSuperintendent, said and what Mr. Dougherty said.I feel that the challenge IS great and that IS one mterest-Ing part of the iob I have often saId I sometImes can'tftgure out why anybody would want to be a school boardtrustee. But once you get mto It and ) ou begln to:(Ieelyou are taklllg part ID solVlng the Important prob-lems, It becomes a real challenge. 1 am glad to be onthe Board for another three years to ~ that thig pro-Iram gets camee.. through. Thank you very mUl'hMOVED by Trustee Wick mg. supported by Trustee Sheaffer.THAT election inspectors and other members of the election

board each be paId ftfteen dollars ($1500) for thelr <er"l~on election day, June 12, 1950.

ROLL CALL-Adopted unaalmousl)

TRANSFER OF MONIESMOVED by Trustee Johnson, supported by Trustee WlckmgTHAT aU funds remaining In the General Fund at the close

of the current fiscal ) ear. exclu~l"e of necessary balance onhand, be transferred to the BUIldmg and SIte Fund

ROLL CALL-Adopted unanimously

ADJOURNMENTMOVED by Trustee Wlcking. supported by Tru,ll'e ShealTerTHAT the meetml a~J01Im at 955 PMROLL CALL-Adopted unanimously

$6216500TOULROLL C ALL;-Adopted unanlmol» I)

Report of Annual Meeting of Grosse

'-The G,... Poi.... I.Yiew-Thu"', .... u..... 10. 19SORabaut Reports Committee Studv of Appropriation l!ill" ~ th ~ mllhon re-I JRg approprlahon bill.Sh h .. h Rep LoUIS C Rabaut reports approved resolution that eaCh Wit ano er tarll As a member of the DefIciencyo rt Pea c Sea son In M IC that the HOUb~ Committee on SubcommIttee of the Committee questbae~pec~edth~~'::~mltte~' hal SubcommIttee and as Chairman

• Approprlatlolll hu undertaken a on ApproprIations should pro- Ha u 581 ed ts duty to of the Central Subcommittee onOff A b d S ,. complete revIew and re-e~!'mm- ceed WIth Immediate revIew of readily recogmz bll savmg by Appropriations Rabaut wIll be Iers un ant uPP les Iltion of the ommbus approprla- the Items under Its JurIsdiction effect evei' ~~~us~lVe revIew in close contact WIth the pro-tlon bill In the hght of new de- for the purpose of ascertammg makmg a tl I dy ap gram of reductIOn In non-mlll-

PlentIful peach supphes and I large crop mands on the Federal Treasury whIch programs or achvltles of appr~pn\ on~o~s~eafor th~ tray expenditureslood buys, but not "bargala" We're missing out Gn fond arlS10g out of the Korean lutU- may be curtailed 01 deferred 10 proved y t.. e _

atlon the light ot making the maxImum fIscal year. We can skpare no COMMENT IIll.-., d~ HI .tole ior nome- supphes of early season peaches . ed I if t" h saId "to ma e everymakel'li who watch the market trorA southern states thIS IUJrl. ''The Committee WIll ferret amount of F era revenues e or ,e, am for After waiting for two days ondose1)'" thiS year, according to.. mer, Love eJt'i)lalRs. Weather has out ltena", Rabaut saId, "not dl. avauable for national defense and dollar count In ~hlS ~~:::al de- the set ot "Illegal Br,de" WIthoutB. Love, MichIgan State College played havoc WIth the crop In reetly connected WIth the natlon- thereby.mlnlmlze IneVitable In- stren~thenmg ten appealing before the cameras,marketing speclahst. all major prodUCing states except al defense,' so that non-mIlitary crea~,es 10 taxes and the public tense ordm to Rabaut the Com- Joan DaVIS, star of CBS' "Leave

Lo\'e calls thiS a "shol t season Michigan, Cahform8 Ind ~s. expenditures can be pared to the debt. dd 1 d AttCC, e~olutlOn WIll be put lilt to Joan" cracked "Pretty soonb "f t M h ou In 10 southern ""ach states bone" New requests for a Itlona e- ml ee s r f I' 't be too old for thISpeac year or mos • IC Igan s n. .... The' CommIttee Ic"on mas ta.' fen s e appropriations h a v e mto effect by the Insertion 0 re-, m g,.omg 0families and belte,'es consumer. the crop IS only about a third of w " f th om I partken pursuant to I'. unanllnously I amounted to $15.7 billion to date SCISSIonlanguage m a or c - .Will really apprecIate Michigan's a\'erage. ...


An annual ElectIOn Meet10g of The Board of Education,Rural Agricultural School DlStllCt No. I, Grosse Pomte Town-ship, Wayne Count)'. MichIgan, was held In Room 107 of theGrosse P01llte HIgh School, 11 Grosse Pomte Boulevard, GrossePomte Farms, Mlchlgan. on Monday. the 12th day of June, A.D.1850. The meeting was called to order and was convened torthe purpose of submlttlDg by orgamzatlon and ballot the QUes-tiOD of:

L Electing two members of the Board of Education to holdo1flce for the ensumg three years on the Board of Educa-bon of Rural Agncultural School Dlstrlct No.1. GrossePomte TownshIp, Wayne County. Mldugan. and

I, '!'he approval of hbrary expenditures for the year 1950-511ll amount of $62,365.00, and such other questions andpropos1tions, If any, as are reqwred by law to be submittedto the vote of the electors of the DlStnct voUng in precmct.s.. .ROLL CALL

Present-Trustees Dougherty, Johnson, Sheaffer. Wendm.Abse!lt-Trustee W1C!ting.AJao present-Superintendent Barnes, Attorney Coulter.

:Dinctor of Business and Finance West, and MIss McElroy, See-retary to the Supermtendent and Board of Education.

Notice of the call of the meeting and aft'ldaVlt of postmg was~ and approved as was the notice of regIStration.

Election offiCIals were appointed and sworn in with instruc.ticml to open the polls of the varIOus precincts at 8:00 a.m. andc10IIesame at 8:00 p.rn.

'!'be meeting was reconvened at 9'05 p.m. in the library ofthe Grosse Pointe HIgh School, 11 Grosse POinte Boulevard,Grosse Pointe Farms. Michigan, with the following trustees he-me present: Trustees Dougherty, Johnson. Sheaft'er. Wendin,'WiclW1g. Supermtendent Barnes, Attorney Coulter, DIrector ofBIainess and Flnance West and MIss McElroy. Secretary to theSUperintendent and Board of Education, were also present.

Secretary Dougherty was called upon to read the minutes of.. annual meeting of June 13. 1949 and of the special me-tin,rrf" February 24, 1950.

After the mmutes of the June 13 meetlng ad the Febf\1UYM meetm, had been brlefeci, it was '

ltfOvm> by Trustee Johnson, Supported by Trustee ShederTHAT The minutes of the annual meeting of June 13, llK9 andC'If the Jl)ecial meeting of February 24, 1950 be adopted.

ROLL CALL Adopted unanlmously.

ANNUAL .REPO.RTSPresideht Wendin made a brief annual report to the elector.

present. His remarka mclUded an expre5510n of appreclatiOD tothe many persons m Grosse Pointe who contributed to the sue-eessfu1 outcome of the February 24 spec1al election. He paid a~ tribute to three members of the High School teac:hinlNft. M1ss Dorns Tefft, MIss Mary Kremmm and Mrs. WinifredCampbell. who are rebrmg at the end of the curren~bool yearwith service records m Grosse Pomte varying 2& to 32years. PresIdent Wendm's report also covered brief summaryltatements WIth respect to 1949.50 budget operations, changesm the school distnct's debt Sltuatlon, and a report of progreuin 'letting actual constructlon of authorized new lcl1oo1 buildinpunderway.

The Supermtendent of Schook was called upon to Jive Iusamwal report.

Mr. Barnes pomted out that his report on this occasion canonly be a prelumnary ouUlOe of the offIcial report whIch isprepared durmg the summer. The Supermtendent expressed acODviction that the 1949-50 school year has been an unusuallyIJIQiftcant one in the history of the Grosse Pomte School Dis-trict. He charactenzed the year H one in which CItizens.,Board of Education members and employees have been espe-cially actiTe and partlcularly e1fective m a cooperative effortto improve the program of public education in Grosse Pointe.The Supenntendent's remarks also mcluded some ''then andnow" compansons of public educatlon m Grosse Pointe in1824-25 as contrasted WIth 1949-50. The Superintendent dwelledbriefly upon the ouUook for the 19M-51 school year. Hepointed out that a prospectlve enrollment mcreue of 450pupils Wlth no mcrease m available classrooms and repeatedlylimited. transportation faCIlities means a se.ous probl:::;.. torteachers and parents In many parts of the school dIStrict.

• The President then called upon Treasurer Johnson to givehiI annual report.

Mr. Johnson explamed that smce the fiscal year does notend until June 30, 1950, It IS ImpOSSIble to glve a complete andftnaI report at tlus tIme. Mimeographed copies of two financialltatements were placed 10 the hands of all present. The firstof these is a consolidated balance gheet of assets and hablhtiesof the school dlstnct as of June 30, 1949 as set forth in thelJUluaI audit of the school dlstnct's accounts. The secondfinanclli statement presented In wntten form to the electorspresent IS a copy of the report of the DIrector of Businessand FInance as subrrutted to the Board of Education at itsregular June meeting This report shows receIpts and expendi-tures in the General Fund m rela~ to budget estimates. Italso mcludes a summary of the cash position of all funds and theplace of deposit of all funds. It was poInted out by TrusteeJohnson that thIS IS NOT a complete report for the fiscal yearIIM8-50 smce June transactIOns are not mcluded In these figures.

MOVED by Trustee Wlckmg, supported by Trustee Sheaffer.THAT the Treasurer's report be receIVed. approved. and

ordered spread on the record of the meetmg m full.ROLl. (" T T ~Adopted unanImously.


MOVED by Trustee Johnson, supported by Trustee Wlcklnl.THAT the followJng named banks and such others as shall

be designated by the Board of EducatIon of Rural AgriculturalSChool DlStnct No 1. Grosse POinte TownshiP, Wayne County,Mu::hlgan, shall be approved as deposltones of the money!and funds of the above named "Chool dlstnct

Grosse Pomte Bank. Grosse Pomte. MIchiganNational Bank of Detr01t. DetrOIt, MichiganDetr01t Bank. DetrOIt. Mlchlg<tnManufacturers NatIOnal Bank, DetroIt, MichIganIndustrial NatIonal Bank of DetroIt, Detroit, MichiganROLL CALI-Adopted unanimously

SALARIES OF TRUSTEES FOR 195'-51MOVED b) M~ Coulter. supported by Mrs ReliorTHAT tne salarIes for Trustees for the ensuing fiscal year

be $400 00 eachROLL CALL-AdoptNl unanlll"ou<ly

APPRO\'AL OF PI"BLiC LIBRARY BUDGETMOVED b' Truqee John<on -t pported by Trustee Wick mg.THAT the budget for the public ]lbrary be 5et at 562.36500

far the 1950-51 fiscal \ ear and that the same be approved Ind.,read upon the records

The breakdov. n of the pu bilc IIbrary budget IS liS followsSIIlaTle! . $47.71500Books and Penodll81s . ....•.•.•.••.. 650000Operation Expenc;e .. , •• .• •• •• • . • •. •. . <4 950 00Maintenance Expense •••.. 2.900 00N_ Equlpm~t . .. . •• • .. .. .. 300 00


,,... t

1 1

. ,I'





". .




ALLakes -


I ... ~ •••••••,.

••.••.•• e .. III ,.,..of .. W An AD. ...tuart tIl. a' Ie ........ f Ulo __ ..............




REPAIRED!Bendix • Maytag

Launderall • LaundromatHotpoint - Frigidaire, aB, eta.

TU 5-6872.Hutto Electrical "-Appliance Co.1&1MMACK M W.,Hnl •

TU, 5-217&

S••••• Robert C. Moor.

Automatic Walher Se"lce


as well asSecurity in Buying






Repaired, ReplaeecJ udCleaud-

Metal Decks-Porchesnet Roo&,




(WRrn: YOUR AD HD!:l




14631 ALMA LA. 1.1151

Pioneer Roofing and Sheet Metal4101 EASTLAWN VAlley 1.1541

LA. 7.2730



Men', and Ladles' Suits Tailored to OrderAltera~ol1l, RelinJ.ng. CleaDJJl.i and Pr...mJU931 E. JEFFERSON, AT CITY LIMITS

Fred M. ScIluman En. 1925 Open Eves. Till 7:00 VA.""'"

'ointin, ond Decorotinc


iiiCroIS. Pointe Hardware IJ8ln) E. lell'enon TV. H4ZD

FOREST LAWN Cemel~v. 3 or 1\.... ves: new section. $100 a lI'&veVA 1-3159

Cemetery Lo...

WANT TO RI:NT. 3-bedrobm horn.VA 1.8328

YOUNG COtl'PLE desIre 4 or 5-roomheated. unfurmsned >ncome or f1alUrgent LA 1-1012

--Th-;-G;~;-P~i;;t;- Review-Thurlday. Aueult 10. 1950-1




lIt 1141IoW M_llf.ath t"1 Oa ~ec1aeed&1fOf Carrt1l& W,,"'I bsQe I

Tot!1t An'~ ("LA~SmfATlOS:Sueh a. ~Carpenter' • "Personals" • :Wile. {or Sale" • "'BoatJ and Motors,- ete.

WrIIe 7o.T .. Illi. AITOU w....),~ n co BIIPUBLII.IID 1"._,.~T~n ADD'azlS orI'D. ONW NtlWSn II.-II ( y ee__ I.

_rCla) a' ~-- III .aan .. &_ "

an"", tun •• ft_1.G_ .-. )t, .......


NAME ..•••.•............•••ADDRESS •..•.....••..•....•ZONE.. _ •• Tel. No .•.••••... _.




Pbllne VA 2-4558 Slop In orMill Your Ad 1\ !

to Groo .. Plllnte ReVIew151tl KercheVal

Fl.... tor Rent

HaUl" Far Sale

Georetan archltoeture. SpaeiOUll homedesiD1ed for .... CIOla hvlna on avenueof 1In.. horn.... Perfect Iloor {llan.PI .. al~ .nd taateful d*<:or.\lo08Grand ltaU't' ..... large Ilvmg room anddining room pIus Ilbrary. sunroom anltterrace. 11110powder room. b ... l1cfastroom and mod.m .lectrically eqUippedkitchen. four batbrooms and naturl1firepla-. FurnJalunp. c.rpeto anddrapenee opUonal. Many other out-otancIlnI fe.turu ineludtnl well land-IC&I)eC1 grounda. lawn spnnkler system

~~~::..~~ ~'AVi abon •.•••

Shown by Appointment Only

Owner, VA. 1-2792

Houlel for R .... t

GROSSI: POINTE - Newly deewated,III I'OOIl\lI millt s quarten ~re.-bon room all. park pnvtl•••H•• ted •• rlll" South llf Jofteraon.Lea .. VA l-al8

Real Estate for Sol.I-BIlDROOM aem1-bllnlalow, Ubrary.

J bath5. ne.r acl\c)ola .nd Ibopplngd!&trlets, reasonable. TU 5-llIl3a •

- - ~ - - -rl'RNlCI HOAllDS heOt' fill oarwd

\ ood r••• onahlf' crrlAnn.. drape,\Jnlrnfl'd cr.a, hl('k~ ("I .1''1<1 ""\11"f'ln\\t-f t ..<..nnah r Tl. 2...QUQ

1 1"1 RF I l"'\F'\ 11hl"..If'llh YO'C;;f' pallf'Tn'1 \al d~ II I: 11 OJ HI narktl1~ h.fld

Ihrnln ,,(1 lIlf'd. 'h f" (MI "Fh1l;'f"l4 y", • I 1 l' 2 ~24(1

I 0\ FR"17Fn c.,.'f>m m>~p Mk 1><'dI r"lmplf'l't .. ar",1 orf'~C:;;"'f (ll;H"" .:n, (,'l~1~,,(1 ,,,,,,, "n .... nn1\ nr r j'l '" 444':)

n\ ERc;,17£n -C'-;"1"l"'4;"rol,. ;.-k - M~; .nd dreu ..r \U' .'" IV ('("lAt ."tl _sf

\\ nr" l\nh or ~~ Tl ~...4"4Q

- --CKINA-Llr,a- .. t M.,t" e,"n. NlII

I tn('"~"r.17~""Jlantt prUH'f'{l~ pJllt,.r"'I

Employment Alencles

FIELD'S EMPLOYMENT. Coloredcoup! .. , eookll. maida. cllaul!en, 'e!':-te.... ,llDitors and earetalcers. u-~IIr we'e1L Trlnlty 1-'l'l'7O.

MILLP - I!IIIplll)'111e11t apIIC7. La.'/_2QS. Dc>meStlc be1p ,women forI.undry and eleming. Part-um. 01'... eek1:1. Good la~ and ~

iBicycles • Motorcyc1"

GIRL'S BICYCLE for sale. full O'ize,TU J-413L

loots and MotorsFIRST 1176 takll n ..... IlIartin lID mo-

tor. never out lit cartllft. call Wilcox,WA 1-8240

=e.n, HACKER. 2'» h p XermathGoeII to hlllbeot bldltrr, 14l1l1OKlenk.VA 2.5aQ

Ilecttic Appliancn

JOCLVINATOR. 8 eU 1\, In JllOd elln-dItton, "'5. VE ... 4llI3

HOUlehold Caodl for Sale

AN'l'IQUJrS. IOlIlt walnut. e.ned desk.'~-IIZ11 bed. wt\atllot. mo 1.02'70

KJ:LVlNATOR refrlpral<>r racltll. bedIlI':lnl&. combination rad\ll .nlt Vle-Irllla LA. 1-1801.

CHIPPENDALE dlntne raom SUite, eX-('ellent condition. 1tb<'at'Y table, n.ndC'l'\ ed~lued cI\Inb: dr_pea. I.R;full Ie h, nearly n_. Other -""des 5-1150.



Autol tar Sal. I'.9 NASH Ambl8llldar, 4-door. orllln.l I

0"-' ner 1o"," mUtt,!!', like new MUlt.el1 TU 1.1889

~- --- ----CHRYSLER '1948 WmlUor elub coupe,

radio neater .peclal painl hb lood IcI.an car. pr1\8t.h o....nOil TU 1.

..2~_ --I311PLYMOUTH. $50, can 5 to 7. TU

2.51C3 _

H.lp- Want.cl-Femol.

EXPERIENCED WAITJl.l:SSE.'I fulllime Ind part 11m. Appt) 15Ot2 EJf'''~rlon I



VI.>,I 111'0,,"room fot compl.te dlsplav \ Il d' T I .."t rut seiling surprlle Ilem, Reque,t Musical In.trum.nts \ Wonted to Rent a 10 - e eYlllOR'h. fREE porlfolloa or perlOnl1lzed (Conllnue<flcords I BEAUTIFUL Irand pl.no, In excel- I 0

DetrOit Greeting Cord Co Ilenl condition. ver)' re3lOnlbl. TU I DEPENDABlE vounl "orklnl eou- I R A Dll6J2 GRAND RIVER 2-lm Y:lhro"h small flat or aplrtment ED

Help Wont.d-Mole. , .... and Poultry I BUNGALOW hou-;-;;;:-;;PP;r-;W-;;;;: I ELEVISIOANND SERVICE1 furnl.ned VA 1.&2l!2 'I T •

WANTED Hilh ochool grlduale. to WIllE TERRIER mal. puppl.s reCLS- - - -- - - - - - - -- -- TELEVISIONl.arn trade of pllntlOR at new I 'ered, pedl~reed ehamlnon blood WIDOW de."es unlur'),'hed Ipt In.Sehool of Prmlml Fernl Institute hne. 1~4~ Schnenh.n • Mlle-Gra-I (orne nr flal No cnlldren or pets I INSTALLATIONB" Rapids Fall term beglnS Sepl I hot .. chon EP 1.6988 E AS6 Wnte K.nneln ROlo Scnool of 1 - -- - - - -------- ROB RT7Prlntmc F.rns 1111111ule.BI, Rap- I W t d to 8 I SALES ENGINEER would like 2 or I,ds M'ch I on e uy 3 bedlnom home !:xc.Uent ref.r- 16330 E W___ _ __ . eme. Call TR 3-3510 or Lincoln I ' arreD

Help Want.cl-Mole, Femole' w:;'~'J.~~1m8C~II~./t~~~,erll<>r cood I ~173 _ TV, 2-4550 VE. 9.0880--- ---- ----- 1------- -- ----I MOTHER and four.Y.lr-old w.n be- n-... 10 'tt19MALE OR FEMALE Mlal be Ible 10' FURNITURE Wanted. If you nave h3\ed .on need t"o bedroom rental ....... n a.m. p....

type keep records and I'v. acc~ I In)'thlna ,n tlte line ot bousehold RelLable tenanu. reference, TU. 1. I Guaranteed WorkI"tonnallon ov.r l.lephone furniture and rugs eaU Isaae Nht- 359:1 Pick-Up and Delh'e1'1opporlUlllly tor .dvancemenl Do way Fumlture. 13930 Kercheval VA -- -- ------- ----nol appt- unIe •• qUllified Willue 2-2115 NEWSPAPER man dKlr ... 2 bedroomD,. produel~~ 1.7140 unfurmshed C':' or nouse In Grosse

Situationl Wonted. F.mol. Good -- Clean ~~~ .i..,.: H~~l.~etro'l News wo REAL (STATE

EXPERIENCl:D - Clelnlng. laundry, Soft Cotton EMPLOYED coupl. d.... re unfurnlsbedcurlalns allO TueMl.)'I. Wedn.s- lIat or Income No children no pets Ida~ severy olb.r Saturday Gr_ Refer.nees 'f n.c.l68.ry, ~.5Sll LAPte r.rerences TYler 4-3134 6-25.11 1I 30 10 7 30 I

WOMAN WANTS waahtnl and-IroIUn, Rags RESPONSIBLEII tlOlTle. 4352 M.rylancl. TU.6.5226. N S'lk N 1 JR EXECUTIVE

A-I [.AUNDRESS w.nto wllrk In b.r 0 I or y on and ""fe-Io-be d•• "e rent or lease Ibome Grosae POlnte referencel Ex s.mall two bedroom ftat ap~ Ilrag~ ~cell.nt on .hlrl. Will pick up Ind 15c lb. .pt .te Preferably unfurnished, near,dellv.r WA 1 5108 shopPing center I

&XPItRIENCED BABY SrrrER Cle.lfee $75 tl'l $11 0\\ork Good refer.ncel TU 2.4563 Grosse POinte PrintIng Contact Russel Werneken

COMP!:TENT sry. 5"yn' .xperl- 15121 Kercheval OR PARENTS.nc •. d.sires posItion In Nortn East TU. 2-8811•• ctllln TU 5-1138e

PRACTICAL nu .... wlluld like steadyor part time work VA 4-ll88S

RELIABLE WIDOW would Ilkl ..b~ut'll work 5 day •• week. hlltlle-"ork carrylnl for cblldren or pr ••panna evenlnl dinner ED I-17M

VAlley 2-2250






HANSONChevrolet Co.

14259 MACK AVEVA 2-9800








1lADJ: TO OIlDD-'nIeM leU CaD be.... d. up iD aU oa1on. tne1udiJl1 yel- Office Spoce For Rent

lOw b1... , I'd. treeJlo t&IL ChaIrs anu~!!:'~eret! In Duran ptaat1e 1IlIlterial.wMe tables can be mlde to aIl7 I;Ual Ol'TlCl: sPACE. beat 1IVlt... -;levaw. Ilhape and m.terlaL You eaJl Mlea phone _ce If dOBinol TU I-a3Sfrom 2S dUrlnlnt ~Ies. VIItt o~~tory dlsplQ and ae the- be.u...... Rooml tor Rentsets. BuY d1r.et from mmufa~.,l;

I save as... Odd cbrDmO dWrI. CIIS17 - PLBASAN"l' :ROOM fOT busln_ 1111

METAL MASTERS MFG. CO. HIlM. l)I1V1I.1lM- G4Mld tr.nrpot'la-lion ED 1-1756 \

24845 Gratiot Ave • E. Detroit GROSSE POINn PAllX, 1Ing1. pn-K.... ID M1le Rold val •• bltb beacb prlV1le,.s .xe.l-

()peD lIaIl7 'U1 1 P IlL lent tranapllrtatlon Ref~ceI VAEut Detroit, Mlcb!l.D 2-&\39. IR II 5690 W LARGE PRIVATE ROOM near btll-

Thu; liquid materIal is so osevi e. IIn. ,.rlle aVlnabl. TU 2-1133 \Open Sundays, 12 to' P. M. --

new and lImIted It WIll not be Il'Oll A BJ:TTER llT;de Of used funU- Wanted to Rent

for sale In retal1 outlets tilt I ~'n3930-x.t;.;':;~ .. ~ai~~b~ YOUNG EXECUTIVE and ....,r. need i

1951. 2th'.ltsbllllS you're looldnl for. VA unfUrnlahed 2-bedroom rental In... Grosse Pointe !M!etlon Excellent Tef-oN. .rencn.. No pets COnlC'llmtloua ~ar.1

rnUilPLACI: MIRRORS glass for ev. ot property WA 1-11132.• v.nlngseI') purPOSf" 'P,ctures and fram" Is:a34 Nott,nlnam TU 1-(l9/j() I YOUNG COUPLE pl.nnm« m.rTl-"ll.,

need apt furfll.hed pTlf.rr.d NoJ:XJlCUTIVI: I•• "lnr ellv w,ll ....en. Jmoklng or drinlnn, VA 4-3795. e" ••

lie. 1I rOOI'M of exe.llent furmtur .. I nlOp ICompl.t. ""Ih rup .nd dr.p ... U I -------m good rondttllln 12000 ROTIlal of I RESPONSIBLE coupl. '" ,In 1 sona 4e.house problble to r1ItIt part\ TU SIr. 2-b r home In Iood n.llhbo~,1-3145 I hood Will mlmum property :

DINING RooN!llJlTl: It-pc. ":;I~. I ~-oon even InI!<<P"ClIal make VA 2-7181 I

l..ORGE refn..utor •• xceU.nt cond,-'lIon I'l~ C"o,1 oprln •• nd mattr ... ,clean. sa TU 241l5O ,- -----,

D\jNCAN PHYFE dmlng room sm'.,",11h bntre-t .-nd C'hma cabineten'l .. hO\" n~edl.~()\nl Ver) good

_ ~ondl~_n yu 1I-0S:!' _ __ IOIlIENTAI, llUG. ne", ne' er uoed

LAN DSCAPE' ;:]~~oc;;~d ~~nCT't~n~l~th. y.llnw I

Mise.llon,oul tor 5.1. I

IWEDDING, lIartV M ..unIon. emadtd. I

OT nome portraitsphol~a))hv b~ DD 'I

Rooe~ ,U. 700I.W

I HALF GALION Ie. ('r.Am '17(' Se\-.nI fla vor. A \Im"l S~Al ('lW!rr vl \V,b;on Dal....v c;.tC'tn' 17()()4 "\1~('k .11 "" "'thlP"\f1on Of)f'n !hmd'" -. and rt",l

ci.;l\C; 10~ m II p_m _

I R\'~~r~~H8R\.~'14.~-JnI.d And d•.,

RilE RE\ ERSIBLF n.. and porrnI ([llder SIO S,lIlaltl. tnr ~nltll. EI'l

I M7~




VA 4-lIllM

2.81802925 Holcomb


------ --- -Miscellaneous Services

( I "TO\I \.1"0 .... l~p (1l\f"T'" and tr.v.('I"" drillDE'''~ G larantf"f"o 1\nr'k.m n<:hlp !' niP <111"1It v m~t,..r".' Fr" ..rl;tlm __' ....c: Tl 'Ct"d<'l ?61\8

OBRIEN BROS.Wmdow Cleaning

CompanySiorm Sash and Screen Semce

win w .... lngPiper and Calclmlne Cleaned

bterlM R~u" Wastll!l, ~Mellee41Men for !:v."" 101t

Esttmates Ch-,,>Uy GroetlAlw1I71I A Good Job

Window Shadel

"Pertonally, I don't cart about money-it wu%. alw~~the landlord, the butcher and the irocer that wanted it!

WAI.L WA<;HTNG, piper cJeanln ••p~t, h plaslennl1GEOllGE!l DALLY

WALL WASHING and paper c1unlngWork KUaranl.ed Reasonlble priee.'Whit. men vA 4-1814

VINCENT'S Wall Washll\l and Up-holmrv cleaning Machtne methodsExpenenced \' orkers Insured COJIl.mercla) stld re'<ldentlal Free EIti.mites. Call VEmce lHI'l'70


Repairing and ReplacingPickup and Delivery Au" Wallted


16127 East Warren Lete ModellNI0446 HIGHEST PRICES PAID

Wall Woshin&

Refrigerator Service

REFRIGERATOR - Anlt motor .....Ice. Lteensed aDd banded Kelvtlla- Ilor. rrutcla1re Leon.rd. Col\1lpOt.Universal Ind others. WilliamsVAlley 2-3111

Piano Tuning

PIANOS 'l'Imed and aorv1eed Be_.able nUs. All work guarlnteed. L.a Se1bert. TU. 1-#18

PIANOS TUNED. repaired, cleaned andmolhproofed ProflSS1onal ServlcoClifford L Edwards TU 1-3113

P1umbin& and Heating

ELECTRICAL sewer cleanmg draw<lOks plumbmg heatmg and repalt'll,2065 Counlr)' Club TU 2-9876


PLASTERING - An!' kind of repairwork. Reasonable ratel Free.u.mat ... can TU 5~ Leon Vermeu-len.

A-I PAINTING AND DElCORAi'lNG-o[ntenor and extenor paper hangutJ'.tloor ""ndmg paper rerNlVlnf Wllrkguaranteed Free est1mates. nsured.WA 2-750'

II Watch and Clock Repair

I EXPERT fast walcn TlJ>'IITI Bradl.yJe",.len. 21MI Mael< at RMlyn

NELS SWANSONJ'lm cia. Painting. Paper HU'11n1

and Decoralm.Reasonable - Work GUlran\e@d

VA 2.11588

INTERIOR - EXTERIOR deeorltml.r~ng and wall washml VA.

PAINTING, papering, paper removedWork guaranleed 12a MUIr Roalt.Mertens. TU :-0083

INTERIOR Ind exterIor J'a~er han.'Wi f!~r~rrepa" 81 erehevil.


Paintinl and Decoratine I(Conhnuedl----- ----

RELIABLE F.'INTER n.eds work~r.a ~l.~"ne,~~~to&otd Isor.~~~ln;:'htr"f4-06lMI

PAINTING and decorltlng, wall wuh-lnl."'ren.ral repllr Thom .. DuP.rtVA 1-96a2

Complete Decorating ServiceI:NTl!:RIOR and exterior pallltlng, pa~r

removmg. paper ban BIng Belt qlial.~.J1:::ts':~e:-ork KUu.nteeeL 1m.

E.Itlm.tea ebHrtulI7 IIvell.Call FORSYTHE VA. 2-11118

A.I PAINTING, blsementB Illd InmtLU'llltur. 'f'.rly.d Skilled eol~~W~kei:te~n~:epeJJ. b~~::; F1i1-0182 or WA 4-&738 Crawford

rRI:J: .r.sTD4A TU

VA 2-2250

GEORGE S. DALLYFine Intenor Decorating

Exterior Painting

T~EE REMOVINGTrimming - Guying

Landscapmg • Tree Service





LA. 6-2581

Paintin& and Decorating

IMMEDIATE SERVICE - GUlrantoedmien or pamlllli and decorltlnr Out-Ii de p.unhn, 'Rehable over 3S ) eanexpenence WM. LOADER !:D 1-4088

A. C BOUlt. Cleeoratll\l, palntlJl.. In.tenor and extenor waUpaper re-moved. waslllnil and c1eal1Ulg. 1239Lakepo1nte. VA. s-55&7

Neat. Clean Decoratmg

and PaperhangmgFInt Cl.. Wllrk GUaraJlteedVCPZRT WALL CJ,ZA.N1NG


VA. 1-8164



Electrical R.pairs



Nil lob TIlO Sm.lI

LAkeview 6.4864

-MOYing. Storog.~ C~rt;I'--



SERVICEPlano ana Appl!ance Mov,n,

W. Bu!' rurn,tur.14621 Kercneval VAile, a.un

Dressmokine. Alterationl

ALTERATIONS Dressm.ktn. andUmtorms aeaoonabla Mra Rll1bleLAkeview lI-MOl ,

IDRES~MAKING copying alteration I

~~~Yo~i,';,~ne""~~ \~~~nleed \our

CUSTOM Dr ... ma kin I lad,.. andI cblldren's cloth' Sp"",allzmg InI V"gu. dullno Al1.. aloons experll\

::,nen:10~~,c.Tlr\~3~;rk, b) aPI'",nl.

I DRESS. MAKING and - alt.rall;;' All"ork lualanteed P,ck-up .nd d.-

: lIv.rv VA 2-51145

"l"<'! GPR



ING and REPAIRINGALL KINDS...... Istlmates

LA 7.2952


As provided hy City Charter, a pen.alty of 1% will be added September 1,

I!);)O.and an additional ~ of 1~~ on the1'\t of each sucreeding month.

Pa~' ~'our taxes before August 31.19Sn, and 8'1~idthe penalty.

n,\"-SO, F. ~ \C,1'rE'8SUrerfityof(iro~se Pointe Farm ...

The 1950 City tax is now payable atthe Cib' office. 90 Kerb~' Road, GrossePointe Farms 30, Michigan.

Pa~'l1lent without penalty can he

made up to and inc1udin~ Au~ust 31.1950.

nd Cement Work



FD ('J RTAlNS n.ltlv done' •• ,nn_hl" 'WIll cill 'tor and

• 'A 4-06/;1

ins Laundered

CORSETS-Indn'1dually de-dr.ss and surglcal garmento I

IS \ .ars experience Maudeert TL 5~2i or TO. 1-t312cKInle\

Snck IUld C.m.llt WorkN.w "lid R.plllr

If Stepa PIers Walks, Etc.AI!O water Proomgon.bl. _ Work M711e1t Lawn Maintenance

VA 1.4438 nm: ESTIMATESMAllCBESl: Coli OffIce

AND Cement repall'S. Porcbes VA. 2-5044 1242 Marylandone steps. dnveways garage~e~Jalvletl.~ DeGryse, I Dptical Service

EYES EXAMINED prompt optical n.p"lrs Dr R R.ntal.. aplometriot.1843 Llnealt.r .t Mack TU I lI812Dlllv Thursdav evening, Monday.Wedne,day, Fnd,v

CASH RATEUlJl charg. for clusl.

IS !iDe lor 16 warda,nts lor each additional

VA. 4-8004


nter Work

ED WOMAN wor1<lnlL orhome Wlnt to earn $3.'10

pm mone' dOllll one phase",nnel "ork - dl)' or eve-

l. ~a 86'

pin. and Accountin,


u md Report llen'loe.aJ. It.to aDd CaD.dlaaotar7 Publlo with SUIY HAAS, Tax COnsUltant

lCEBCHEV AL AVE.ter ROld VA 2-1812

Inlenor and extenor En-front or rear porch KItcbentl recreation rooms atbc

r.modehng Promr servtU-N.~~a'¥{}'P ~84 Sarber.

It.nl'l~S lleonoed e.rpenter1~1 ~palrs No lob too small

d Found TREE SPRAYINGDi.mond wrllt Witch, Hydeoke 20 d,amond.. generoul G D'l~r ,elurn 01 InfOrmal10n

lreater etroltto 1OtO' .ry kee~.ake C.lI

f L)neh 1405 De'OnMureH2!!2 ' LANDSCAPE CO.Lad,e, W,tlnauer V.IJIlW I

Ilch ",th blalck rtb~d, BVe,cwma'rty COMPLETE• 'nd Woo wn n. d LANDSCAPE SERVICE1m. 4530 Harvlrd Rd

These Pomte Review

5121 Kerchevalkepomte and Mar)' land

Say "Charge It!"

CHARGE RATEoovelllenc, ad. wIll be

ed over the telephoneInllnLJm charge rale IS15words {our cents for

addItIonal word Pay.can be made by cashor money order.

ClassifiedISPLAY RATESupon Request


~--IGrosse pointe


P.:VI. on the jll, 1\\lrl

",~, t '11 1'1)(\)

City ofPointe Farms


Clerk's offIce \\ III be open until 1100evemngs:



To Be Held

(,if~ (h'rk('lt~ of Gro~ ...e Pomt" I MI,"






Clerk's offIce \\ III bf' 0pf'n for fE'':!l<;!! ('ItIOn €'\"E'n di!' p\,'er'Sunday from 8:30 A ~1 until 110 p ~r (S<lfurd,p un' 1 "111

Noon) up to Clnd mcludlng Wront>,d('l\, A'ugu,.,t ~,; :11;1',\\ hich is the last day to rrglster for 'imi electIOn

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That reglstratlo'l ofqualified electors \\1ho ha\'e not alreadY registel ed cap bemade WIth the Clty Clerk of the CItv of Grosse Pomte f dfl11S

at hIS office in the MuniCIpal BuIldmg sItuated at qn Kerb\Road, CIty of Grosse Pomte Farms. MIchIgan, up to dnnlD'eludmg the 20th day precedmg the saId genelal pi I111ctr:election.



Harness RacesAre Toppin~All Records

VA. 2-5376


yOUI bestyoul !Jest


A. J. FORSTER()PTl) ,lIf:l'lll ,~1'


14400 Charleyoix at Chalmers


- Tl,~n"Rl "'" "r;Rr "'T'-8"" ''''T'' 0"'("'"

ecnm"UOUI lntertoift", ... t

*Freddie Paxton

AIll rO'OJTTO'1I:D -'




*Judy Carroll~tnrl"1f (nmp4'1tr",",

COMPUTE DINNERS FROM $1.45• '0 ""''\II '\Ip"o"

Tl %-18l!1

I-Th. Grone 'oil,.. Re.iew-Thurldey. "!Cult 10. 1950

Pointers Support BachmanAs Probate Bench Candidate


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