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By Carol N Purcell


P O BOX 204



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To a friend of mine and personal Pastor, Howard Gutzmer—because he

draws on the precious Blood of Jesus with such faith, reverence,

confidence and love of God like no one else I have known.


What if all that God has for us, as His children rests on something so

simple, yet so complex many do not see or receive it?

The battle is in the mind…..we must accept, and believe to receive the

blessings outlined in the New Testament given through the Blood of

Jesus. The Bible is a ‘connect the dots’ book to me and especially in

this area of Supernatural Promise.

Life is a gift of God!

Prayer is a privilege!

Jesus Blood is the Divine catalyst of power, payment

and redemption--love and blessing!

The battle is not for the Blood of Jesus—those who know and love

Jesus have access to all HE is. The battle is again, ‘in the mind’ to

believe, receive and accept what can be done with it. Even though

Jesus said on the cross, “It is finished.” (John 19:30), Nothing is

automatic, even salvation, without acceptance, faith (belief, trust), and

declaration of God’s promises that Jesus paid so sufficiently to give us.

The following is a short study of my understanding of accessing the

promises of this ‘battle’.

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Soft, almost tender, pure, majestic in color, gentle in application but

strong, resilient, and tough in purpose and design is the blood that

flows through our bodies bringing life to every cell.

The world has managed to put terror, sorrow, and images of violence

where blood is seen or imagined. Mysteries and crime dramas are just

nothing without a scene of blood from a victim, everywhere.

Interesting that ancient cultures valued blood, esteemed it above

anything else to ratify a covenant or become ‘brothers’ by mixing their

blood in a ceremony. Some still use it today.

Satan worshipers use blood of goats, animal and sometimes humans to

mock and counterfeit the work of God.

People today, some young people, cut themselves….saying that it either

releases something in them or punishes them (because they feel so

guilty). This is truly demonic and a work of the perversion of the

enemy, again mocking the blood and its’ power.

When a lot of blood is lost, our bodies go into decline. If our heart

doesn’t pump blood we are a ‘goner’, If our lungs do not assist the

heart in pumping blood to the body…..WOW…..we feel that in a

heartbeat (excuse the pun).

A friend shared with me that a doctor taught her about the power of

blood to cleanse and heal. He told her if a tourniquet is applied to an

arm and then the hand forms a fist and clenches it, as little as three

times, the arm will suffer spasms or lock up and will no longer

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work……as the toxins are locked into the arm and the blood can no

longer cleanse and feed the cells the oxygen—the life—the arm and

hand need.

So why don’t we have a great respect for the blood in our bodies, how

we are created, the very magic of life itself? Therein is one of battles

of the Blood, just how we think of it and take care of it.

Life is a gift of GOD, and that ‘life energy’ is carried in the blood.

It is precious, unique and wonderful! (Lev 17:11)

We know our blood must be slightly alkaline or we die. Negative

thoughts, traumas and especially fear make the body acidic and affect

our blood flow. In such cases, the body needs minerals and calcium to

restore the alkaline status. If the body does not have access to

calcium and minerals from food, the body will draw calcium and minerals

from any source (bones, muscle) to save our life…..restore the proper

alkaline balance to the blood. Unfortunately we suffer other problems

if that happens often.

Amazingly Supernatural how well designed all of this is!

This also tells us how critical it is to learn to handle the traumas, pain

and fear we face in life, with the teachings of JESUS--the true TREE

OF LIFE. (Gen 2:19; Rev 2:7, Rev 22:14)

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are

honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,

whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report: if

there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things!”

(Philippians 4:8)

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The Bible (the absolute best source of information ever) says, “For the

life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the

altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that

maketh an atonement for the soul.” (Lev 17:11) Note:


Whoops, now we are into the battle of the blood in our mind, using our

‘think tank’ that uses reason and opinion to draw conclusions. That

‘think tank’ has trouble with a physical substance doing a Supernatural

act. We must believe that God is….that God designed these bodies for

our physical use, but since God is Spirit, He can use and apply the

‘principals of life’ in any realm, physical or spiritual. We use our mind,

our will, our spirit and HE does the rest.

Our sin-nature from Adam and Eve’s self-righteous decision to listen

and follow Satan, in the Garden of Eden, has tainted our blood. We

have inherited through the generations, that sin nature; our blood

carries life, even though it tolerates sin. And only GOD knows how

much additional sin has been done in the lives of our forefathers

changing our physical make-up even more.

The original blueprint for life was perfect, but the Divine gift of free

will, allows man to mess up GOD’S design. GOD in His sovereignty has

limited Himself to give man ‘free will’ as THEIR (FATHER, SON AND

HOLY SPIRIT) desire is to have eternity with those who chose to be

with THEM—salvation through JESUS. (Gen 1-3)

Example…..we have no problem believing a baby born of a drug addict

mother can have birth defects. Yet, I have heard some say a baby

with mental illness or defect is an act of GOD for some special reason.

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We have no trouble with a curse from addiction to drugs, alcohol,

tobacco or food. Doctors will ask if our family has a history of …….fill

in the blank. Generation curses known by Scientist through study and

research. (Ex 34:7)

Generation ‘curses’ are very clear in the Bible. We must not blame God

for what the devil is doing. We need to trust God for the solution.

How is the devil involved? He is behind every lie, every evil act known

to man that affects us physically, emotionally, our mind and soul. (John

10:10; John 12:31; Acts 10:38; Eph 6)

There is evil in the world, there are evil spirits with an evil leader, the

devil, influencing and affecting both our mental and our physical being.

If you have trouble with that check the evening news…..people doing

evil things that make no sense, even for evil people. (John 10:10)

Would not a gracious and loving GOD have made a provision for man to

cover man’s original bad decision, as well as bad and stupid decisions

and actions we currently make? The answer is YES, YES, absolutely


God who is just requires pure sinless blood as redemption for sin….it

takes pure clean blood to “save,” to make atonement (covering) to

displace the contamination. Good blood for bad blood….great trade off.

What else could pay for our sins but the precious substance that gives

life both physically and spiritually? In all of history there is only one

person with ‘sinless’ Blood and that is JESUS. (Rom 3:25)

Note: There is a great, yet simple, explanation of JESUS the sinless

man (Jesus birth, etc.) in a book by H.A. Maxwell Whyte, THE POWER

OF THE BLOOD, Whitaker House Publishers. I read it several times a

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year, just to renew my faith as I come into agreement with the

principals taught in its’ pages.

Why is blood necessary? Why can’t we just live a ‘good life’ or repent in

a certain way, or pray enough to cover or pay for our sins? How could

GOD grade on a curve? There can be only one standard that includes

everyone on the planet. JESUS giving HIS sinless life for every

creature is the just, fair and logical answer in the Supernatural realm

of God, even though it is illogical to those on earth who want to earn

their way to Heaven by their own works or piety. (Heb 4:15)

Religion is what man must do for a god, and Christianity is what

GOD has already done for man!

The fact that JESUS was GOD and man, (JESUS emptied HIMSELF of

all HIS GODLY power to come to earth as a man, being led and

directed by the HOLY SPIRIT—as we are) and was willing to die, give

HIS Blood as a man (with all the pain and agony connected to HIS

crucifixion and death), to forgive our sins with HIS blood as payment

for our disobedience—this is the greatest love story ever told.


Through the Cross JESUS exchanged our sin for HIS Glory.

It is the pure Blood of JESUS shed at Calvary that brings life to us

for eternity. That is Supernatural Power!

The blood of the cross brought salvation from sin, reconciliation with

GOD, and eternal fellowship….that seems to be more than enough.

However, with everything GOD does there is sooooo much more!

(Colossians 1:20)

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Notice the title of this book is not ‘battle for the blood’ but battle of

the blood. We don’t have to battle for it, JESUS has given it to us.

The battle is to comprehend this most Glorious, Gracious Gift of Life,

carried in the Blood and accept the Supernatural Power it carries, and

use it as GOD intended.

“Whom GOD hath set forth to be propitiation through faith in His

blood, to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are

past, through the forbearance of GOD:” (Romans 3:25)

The underline is mine. Only in the Old King James version of the Bible

is that Scripture worded that way. The others refer to the

‘propitiation’ (covering) of the Blood, without stating ‘faith in it.’ Faith

in the Blood is sooo crucial to our well being, that I value and esteem

the above translation, and cling to and rely upon it……for our faith is in

Jesus and the Blood of JESUS.—as they are one.

I can hardly wait to explain what I mean, as it is so exciting to see all

the things (and look forward to the ones I haven’t seen yet) that God

covers with the Blood of JESUS—not physically but supernaturally

through prayer.

How do we use the Blood of Jesus, when we are physical? Much of

what was done in the Old Testament physically (in this world) can be

done in the spirit realm now….and here is how we do it:

Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth

day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb,

according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house:

(Exodus 11:3) And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop and dip it in

the blood that is in the basin, and strike the lintel and the two

side posts with the blood that is in the basin; and none of you

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shall go out the door of the house until the morning; (Exodus

11:22) the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the

destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you. (Exodus

11:23b) JESUS is our lamb, and the lintel and side posts

represents our mouth and our speech. (John 1:29)

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with

the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Rom 8:10) (thinking

in terms of righteousness being ‘right standing with G0D’ and

‘right actions’ with JESUS; the two interact beautifully.

Salvation, Greek word—soteria—deliverance, health, salvation,

save and saving--Strong’s Concordance.

JESUS: “For by thy words thou shall be justified, and by thy

words thou shall be condemned.” (Matt 12:37) What we declare

in agreement with GOD, or agreement with the enemy (the devil

and his evil spirits)….for good or for evil.

JESUS: For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto

this mountain, (problem) Be thou removed, and be thou cast into

the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that

those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have

whatsoever he saith.” (Mark 11:23)

JESUS: “For MY flesh is meat indeed, and MY Blood is drink

indeed.” More was spoken recorded in John 6:43-64 JESUS was

speaking symbolically of HIS Flesh and Blood. It offended many

as it can today, who do not understand HIS words in verse 63,

“It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the

words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.

Since God works both in the spiritual and the physical, the blood is

applicable for our lives and our prayers.

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This speaks of the power of speaking and the faith required confessing

the Supernatural Power and believing what we are speaking. ‘Quicken’

means to ‘make alive.’

There is church history of “pleading the Blood.” Using our words about

the blood of Jesus as though we were pleading a case in a

courtroom…..and ‘hello’ we are--the courtroom of the Supernatural


God does not sit in Heaven just waiting to ‘zap’ us for our errors and

mistakes. However, the devil is. And, the Blood of JESUS was shed to

reverse curses (evil inheritance and evil sins) to blessings:

Lev. 17:11 says that the ‘Life is in the blood.’

Blood has been so honored through the centuries and for the quantum

physics folks (scientists) it’s vibration, movement and magnetism is

unparalleled. They have found in breaking down our physical blood, it

has an energy that is actually musical, and each person’s blood has a

different melody. (Found and demonstrated in several of the

Universities of higher learning in 2011.) Is that awesome or what?

Recognizing the tremendous implications of the power of the blood,

Satan, the devil has tried for centuries to denigrate it, mock the

symbolism where GOD is concerned and convinces his followers to use

it in the most gross and evil ways. He has managed to put fear and

alarm in the minds and hearts of men at the sight of blood, or even talk

about it.

The Blood is the propitiation (covering), or eraser of sin and work of

the enemy. JESUS Blood is not a ‘tool’ of battle but an awesome

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dynamic power that has changed men’s lives since JESUS exchanged

HIS life, gave HIS Blood for our sins on the cross at Calvary!



Let’s take a look at more of the purpose and design that G0D, JESUS

and the HOLY SPIRIT have given. Again this is a partial list of all HE

did and the purpose behind it. We will need to use the word, curse, as

a negative action or result that takes place in the physical. It is the

result of sin starting in the very beginning (Genesis 3). That sin still

brings a curse (negative result) into our lives.

The forgiving unmerited Grace of GOD can reverse the curses to

blessings, through prayer, because JESUS paid for our sins with HIS

Blood. Even though JESUS declared ‘it is finished’—from the cross--

our spiritual use of the Blood of Jesus is not automatic, we must

declare it. (John 19:30)

And being in an agony HE (JESUS) prayed more earnestly: and

his sweat was it were great drops of blood falling down to the

ground. (Luke 22:44) HIS blood burst through the ruptured

walls of the capillaries, the latter caused by HIS agony, coloring

the perspiration and enlarging the drops. (Explained by Kenneth


TESTAMENT, a great reference book I have used for years.)

We are taught this Blood was shed as JESUS struggled and

overcame HIS own fear to declare GOD’S will, not HIS own. We

can plead (pray) this Blood of JESUS over the wills of men that

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their will line up with the will (the desire of HIS heart) with

GOD. Great for praying for others for salvation.

“And they clothed HIM (JESUS) with purple, and platted a

crown of thorns, and put it about HIS head.” (Mark 15:17)

The Blood shed from the crown of thorns is believed to reverse

the curse on the earth on the work of mankind, spoken by GOD in

Genesis 3: 17, 18. We can speak or plead this Blood over the

work of our hands, our business, etc. to reverse ‘any’ curse it

might have!

“Then Pilate therefore took JESUS, and scourged HIM.” (John

19:1) Who HIS own self bare our sins in HIS own body on the

tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness:

by whose stripes ye were healed. (I Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:4,5)

“And from JESUS CHRIST who is the faithful witness, and the

first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the

earth. Unto HIM that loved us, and washed us from our sins in

HIS own Blood. (Rev 1:5)

JESUS shed HIS Blood as payment for our trespasses, sins and

mistakes and forgave us on the cross giving us relationship and

eternal life with HIM.

“Then said JESUS, FATHER, forgive them: for they know not

what they do.” (Luke 23:34)

Note; Jesus forgave, then shad His blood—died, rose again on the

third day and took it and put it on the Mercy seat in heaven. We

can learn from His example to always (with ourselves or others)

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to repent or forgive sins, then pray the Blood, (John 20:23; Heb


“How much more shall the Blood of CHRIST, who through the

eternal SPIRIT offered himself without spot to GOD purge your

conscience from dead works to serve the living GOD? (Heb 9:14)

“But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and

forthwith came thee out Blood and water.” (John 19:34)

That Blood flowed out over the entire world to forgive, cleanse and

heal; and washing by the water of the WORD--JESUS is the WORD.

(John 1)

JESUS shed His Blood as payment for our trespasses, sins, and

mistakes to forgave us on the cross giving us relationship and

eternal life with Him.

And they overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the LAMB,

and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their

lives unto death. (Rev 12:11)

The last one is my favorite, as I see it as our purpose to overcome the

enemy and love the Lord, out of our free will choice. The Blood plays a

huge part in our prayer life in doing just that.

In the Old Testament the priests sprinkled the blood on the altar, the

utensils, on the people, etc. (For reference—Exodus 29:20 and Lev

8:15, etc.)

In the New Testament the writer of Hebrews speaks of sprinkling of

Blood in Chapter 9, verses 13-22 and Peter in Chapter 1, verse 2.

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In the late 19th century, an awesome woman of GOD, Maria Woodworth

Etter, was known to stand before a congregation and sprinkle the Blood

with her words and waving her hand over them. And many ran to the

front to be saved and others fell where they were in repentance.

Was that another ‘season’ or ‘time’ of GOD…..the Blood of JESUS is

not locked into our finite thinking or time clock….rather it is endless

and eternal.

Exodus Chapter 12 describes the Jews being protected by the blood

(Blood of innocent lambs and JESUS is our innocent lamb. Rev 5:6)

against the ‘destroyer’…..”And the blood shall be to you for a token

upon the houses where ye are: “ etc….

Being taught by men and women we respect and honor—always seeking

the Holy Spirit to teach (or confirm to my spirit the teaching of

others)—we have prayed the Blood of JESUS over our homes, our

belongings, our cars, and especially our families for protection. We

have seen and experienced miracles by doing this.

Again, what was done in the physical can now be done with the HOLY

SPIRIT in the Spiritual realm, with declaration and faith.

It is very hard to ‘give testimony’ of what has not happened because of

our pleading the Blood of JESUS, but here is one story….

We who do this (to my knowledge) have never been robbed or

vandalized. One of my friends tried to share with her husband this

truth. He did not accept or believe. She prayed JESUS Blood over

her car daily, parking it in the driveway. He refused. One night, both

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cars were there. His was broken into, and things stolen, but hers was

not touched, even though there were valuables in her car.

Couldn’t she have prayed over his car? She did, but his unbelief and

rebuke nullified her prayers as it was his car and his jurisdiction. More

on that subject of jurisdiction in our book THE SUPERNATURAL


When we are offended or wounded, hurt in any way, it damages ‘the

life in our soul’. The Blood of JESUS contains ‘Life’ and can cleanse the

soul (mind, will and emotions) from pain, hurt, offense, etc…..but we

must apply it in prayer. (I John 1:7)

We need to remember when JESUS was in Nazareth, HIS home town;

HE could do few miracles because of their unbelief and we must be

open to all that God has for us.

Scriptures of the promise of the Blood of JESUS:

Romans 3:24,25 Faith in the Blood.—Stand in faith (also Rev


Romans 5:9 Justified by HIS Blood.—Sin removed, no longer


Ephesians 1:7 Redemption by HIS Blood.—Redeemed, rescued.

Ephesians 2::13 Brought ‘near’ by HIS Blood.—Relationship.

Colossians 1: 20 Peace by HIS Blood.—Inner calm and confidence.

Colossian 1:13,14 Redeemed, forgiven and delivered from kingdom

of darkness by HIS Blood.—Pretty ‘inclusive’ for standing against

the forces of darkness. (Eph 6)

Heb 13:12 Sanctified by the Blood of JESUS.—Set apart for

Holy use.

I John 1:7 Cleansed by HIS Blood.—To be and feel free from sin,

shame and guilt.

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Exodus 12 gives us “protection” by the Blood.

And, the most powerful of all, the provision of taking communion with

the bread and wine…..that represent all that was done on the cross for

us. Bread—the broken Body of CHRIST (HE had no broken bones-the

body was broken from beatings and abuse.) (Isaiah 50:5,6; Psalms

34:20) for our healing.)

The wine JESUS directed us to do in remembrance of HIM, represents

cleansing by HIS Blood and represents and reminds us of the New

Covenant in JESUS, through faith in His Blood. (I Cor 11:24; Rom 3:25)

Why did JESUS say, “Do this in remembrance of ME.” Because we

need to remember….it is a physical act representing both a physical and

spiritual truth for our eternal relationship with HIM, for healing,

wholeness, and all the things listed above in Scripture. (First simple

repentance—change the way we think to cleanse the soul, then the

Blood—a physical act for a spiritual blessing.)

Once we truly know the scope of JESUS, HIS cross, HIS Blood, it is

impossible to separate them from GOD’S Love, Mercy and the Glory of

HIS Grace

“But when you pray use not vain repetitions…..”(Matt 6:7). When I pray

the Blood of JESUS over something, or forgive someone, and pray the

Blood, it is very real to me and in my mind, my heart, the Blood is

there, and my trust in it sparks ‘light, spirit and life’ to my soul (John


Isn’t the Name of JESUS enough? In many cases it may be…..this is

why we need the HOLY SPIRIT to guide and lead us, as we seek HIS

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help with our prayers. However, JESUS is the Name above every

name—most powerful! The Blood, totally connected to HIM and HIS

Name is a Divine commodity of power, payment and redemption.

One of the best examples I can give (and there are many) came when

we prayed over someone for deliverance from an evil spirit.

Sometimes they would not leave with the Name of JESUS, but once we

prayed the Blood, they were gone. We learned they know the ‘payment’

for deliverance, etc……they test to see if we know, and will demand

they respond.

This book is dedicated to a special friend and personal Pastor of mine,

Howard Gutzmer. Pastor Howard has such a precious love for JESUS,

and has followed the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT in ministry, with the

Blood of JESUS, with tremendous success. GOD honors Howard’s

heart and devotion, and is present in HIS meetings to bless those who

are there to receive.

Sometimes Pastor Howard says and does things that make us wrinkle

our brow and think ‘where did he get that?’ Those of us who know HIM

and the HOLY SPIRIT smile and do the same, when appropriate. All

the great Generals of healing in the past and those, like Pastor

Howard, work with the HOLY SPIRIT and, proceed in ways we cannot

pin down to ‘chapter and verse’ but the miracles, the signs and wonders

confirm the work.

What if you never ‘plead’ or pray the Blood of JESUS? It sure won’t

affect your salvation. The Blood of JESUS to me and countless others

is not a tool of warfare, but a Divine empowered spiritual substance as

real in the Supernatural as blood is here in the physical. Why would we

not trust, use and have faith in all JESUS has for us.

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The greatest revelation on the Blood is not found in ‘chapter and

verse’, but in the heart of believers—as the Blood of JESUS cannot be

separated from Grace (unmerited favor) and the Love of GOD for us.

Gwen Shaw, a great woman of GOD, said in her book on the Blood,

“Scientists have found that blood is ‘congealed light’” and she reminds

us, “Jesus is the light of the world”.

Also, “This blood speaks; it gives forth the vibrations, rays, beams of

love, forgiveness, mercy, deliverance, and of the poor of a transformed

life to all who will accept it as the one and only atonement for their

sins.” Gwen Shaw (Gen 4;10)

For all her wonderful books, just ‘Google’ her name on the Internet.

This book represents my views and in no way replaces other great

books on the Blood of Jesus such as the work by Andrew Murray, H.A.

Maxwell Whyte and many others. I pray this book inspires interest in

more knowledge on this loving blessing of GOD.

Just look at the many ways Scientists are working to understand the

blood. I enjoy the information, but I am more connected to JESUS

and HIS power through the ‘faith in HIS Blood’ in my part of the

Supernatural, than what Scientists say.

Forgiveness and judgment are my favorite subjects to talk, teach and

share…..but without the Blood the foundation on which to stand is lost.

And great rewards and inheritance may not come forth as intended.

I see the Blood of JESUS as the most wonderful beautiful ecstasy of

energy and love that carries Life through and by the Presence of

GOD’S Grace.

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This is a sample of my prayers for friends and family: “HEAVENLY

FATHER, I forgive the sins of my family, just as YOU have forgiven

mine, and I pray the Blood of JESUS over them for redemption,

sanctification, cleansing, deliverance, healing and protection, all that is

included with the Blood, in JESUS Name. Amen!”

Exodus 12; John 20:23

And I am religious about declaring, “You will not kill, rob or destroy my

family.” to the enemy, based on faith in JESUS, from John 10:10.

I rarely pray only that, but it is the beginning for me…..and some times

just that if time does not allow more, I know they are covered, i.e.


The Blood of Jesus has been so real to me for such a long time; I know

it is the payment used in the supernatural as we pray. However, I had

a wonderful word from the Lord just a few days ago.

I was taking communion, which is a spiritual union through the physical

act of taking bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus, as He told His

disciples to do. The bread is the Body of Christ given for us and the

wine is the new testament (new covenant) in His Blood, which is shed

for us. (Luke 22:19,20; I Cor 10:16)

As I thought of the price Jesus has paid, Jesus spoke to my heart,

“Every time you pray, confess My Blood, we have communion.” It was

and is, so thrilling to me….I understood immediately the spiritual

connection with Him--even without the physical bread and wine, as

remembrance of what Jesus has done for us is an act of loving


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Additional books available at www.CarolPurcel.com

A note here about ‘hearing GOD’ Some feel prompting, some, thoughts

or pictures or visions that they know are from FATHER, SON or HOLY

SPIRIT, and some hear a voice. If you want this, declare and thank

GOD for it and I know He will answer.

It is the Grace of God that carries the Blood that answers prayer….as

we take our hurts, our pain, our troubles to the foot of the Cross—the

cross a portal to Heaven where they are exchanged for the loving,

forgiving, grace and glory of GOD.


LORD AND OUR HOLY SPIRIT with desire, love and trust for all HE

has done……honor HIM and HIS Blood as we use it to cleanse, heal,

protect and promote the Kingdom of GOD here on earth…..covering sin,

exchanging it for the Glory of GOD. AMEN! And AMEN!

Additional books available at www.CarolPurcel.com