134 CMP Group Overview 1 CSR Management 2 Corporate Governance 3 Employee Relations 4 Suppliers, Products, and Customers 5 Environmental Sustainability 6 Community Co-Prosperity 7 Appendices 7.1 Calligraphy Greenway in Taichung / 7.2 Cultural and Art Promotion in Taipei / 7.3 Miaoli's Land Renaissance - The CMP Village / 7.4 EVERYDAY ART / 7.5 Public Service 7.3 Miaoli΄s Land Renaissance – the CMP Village The Shangrila Paradise is located at Miaoli county Zaoqiao village, renowned in the early days for being the stage for TV game show programs. Shangrila is well known for its expensive European styled gardens, water fountains, and theme park rides. However, with the increased convenience of overseas travel and changes in consumerism, the TV programs slowly lost its popularity and were eventually canceled. In 2011 the CMP Group acquired the Shangrila Paradise, and with ″professionalism,″ ″environmental sustainability,″ and ″lifestyle philosophy″ as its core values, in combination with elements such as artistic aesthetics and local Miaoli cultural, the CMP Village was created. The CMP Village will strive to rediscover its value as a theme park and the natural colors of the surrounding land. The CMP Village is a local lifestyle aesthetic experiment. With a blessed natural surrounding as a base, three themes are established: Shanna Village, Dreamy Town, and The Forest BIG. The CMP Village hoped to utilize the different themes to reflect the diversity of the current society and to convey a deep and meaningful spirit of entrepreneurship. 7.3.1 Naturally Beautiful Village – Shanna Village The name ″Shanna Village″ in Hakka means ″This Mountain and Forest,″ implying the Apricot Blossom Village composed by the great poet Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty, or the Peach Blossom Spring by Tao Yuanming of the Jin Dynasty. The old European styled garden with the water fountain as its centerpiece has been returned to an expansive field of magnificent green grass. Visitors may join the camping program that included overnight with two meals and hands-on sessions with local traditional crafts, food and beverages, nature, and ecology. People are invited to Miaoli, to know the environment, to rediscover the relations between one΄s self and nature, making CMP Village a place for organic learning and development. A. Natural Co-Prosperity – Leave No Trace Echoing to the sustainability of the CMP Group, the CMP Village continues to promote ″Leave No Trace,″ a lifestyle choice which focuses on environmental protection, implementation of garbage sorting, and reduction of plastic and disposable product use, etc. Since 2017, there have been a variety of short, medium, and long-term goals to promote the ″Leave No Trace″΄ lifestyle and hope to eventuate in ″un-traceability.″

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7 Appendices

7.1 Calligraphy Greenway in Taichung / 7.2 Cultural and Art Promotion in Taipei / 7.3Miaoli'sLandRenaissance-TheCMPVillage/7.4EVERYDAYART/7.5PublicService


The Shangrila Paradise is located at Miaoli county Zaoqiao village, renowned in the early days for being the stage for TV game show programs. Shangrila is wellknownforitsexpensiveEuropeanstyledgardens,waterfountains,andthemeparkrides.However,withtheincreasedconvenienceofoverseastravelandchanges in consumerism, the TV programs slowly lost its popularity and were eventually canceled. In 2011 the CMP Group acquired the Shangrila Paradise, and with″professionalism,″″environmentalsustainability,″and″lifestylephilosophy″asitscorevalues,incombinationwithelementssuchasartisticaestheticsandlocal Miaoli cultural, the CMP Village was created. The CMP Village will strive to rediscover its value as a theme park and the natural colors of the surrounding land.

TheCMPVillageisalocallifestyleaestheticexperiment.Withablessednaturalsurroundingasabase,threethemesareestablished:ShannaVillage,DreamyTown, and The Forest BIG. The CMP Village hoped to utilize the different themes to reflect the diversity of the current society and to convey a deep and meaningful spirit of entrepreneurship.

7.3.1 Naturally Beautiful Village – Shanna Village

Thename″ShannaVillage″ inHakkameans ″ThisMountainandForest,″implying the Apricot Blossom Village composed by the great poet Du Mu of theTangDynasty,orthePeachBlossomSpringbyTaoYuanmingoftheJinDynasty.

The old European styled garden with the water fountain as its centerpiece hasbeenreturnedtoanexpansivefieldofmagnificentgreengrass. Visitorsmay join the camping program that included overnight with two meals and hands-on sessions with local traditional crafts, food and beverages, nature, and ecology. People are invited to Miaoli, to know the environment, to rediscover therelationsbetweenone΄sselfandnature,makingCMPVillageaplacefororganic learning and development.


Echoing to the sustainability of the CMP Group, the CMP Village continues to promote″LeaveNoTrace,″alifestylechoicewhichfocusesonenvironmentalprotection, implementation of garbage sorting, and reduction of plastic and disposable product use, etc. Since 2017, there have been a variety of short, medium,andlong-termgoalstopromotethe″LeaveNoTrace″΄ lifestyleandhopetoeventuatein″un-traceability.″

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Proactive decision making, create compost from leftovers and fallen leaves, procure certified green products, choose food produced from eco-friendly andnon-toxicfarmingfarms,etc.:

Use natural materials: lemongrass is used to make straws for the guests to use; instead of purchasing, fallen trees are upcycled to be remade into props, such as building blocks, beaker racks, incense holders, and ceramic cup holders, etc. Shell ginger leaves are used instead of plastic ropes, to fixthesupportracksinplaceinthefarmingarea.Fortheessentials,andfor a splash of humor, toilet paper made from pine needles are used. Certified green products: Aside from reminding villagers to bring their own toiletries, bamboo toothbrushes are available as a user-pay service, and all of the toiletries are FSC certified. The entry passes are printed with soybean ink, and environmentally friendly purchase guides are produced to promote the notion of environmental protection further. Organic and agricultural food education: purchase locally grown organic and in-season ingredients, such as Touwu turnips, Dahu strawberries, Sanwanmandarin juice,andXihuFarmers΄Association.Compostingsites are established in the Farmland, to implement agricultural food education with food leftovers and fallen leaves.


Long-termgoalsaredevelopmentof lifeandecologydevelopmentand renovation of the park , continual inventory of software and hardware equipment in the park, and the related regulations to strive for opportunities to implement and upgrade carbon reduction plans, all of this are undertaken for CMP Village to one day become an ecological education field and an industry-standard in the green leisure industry.


Improve current situation, establish and promote the notion of environmental protection, reduce the use of disposable products, implement garbage sorting, purchase green products, and stop the provision of disposable supplies unless by request; also, encourage villagers to bring their mugs, cutleries, toothbrushes and other toiletries, and to implement user-pays practice.

Interactivetools:villager΄sentrypassisprintedonrecycledpaperwhiletrialing for electronic passes. QR code is used for villagers to complete feedback forms. Crockery and cutlery: recycled material is used for food packaging, such as recycled bread bags, fabric sacks, or reusable containers. In relation to crockery, all staff is using reusable containers when dining. Environmentally friendly cups, mesh bags, and reusable thermal containers are available for rent to villagers; disposable cutlery and crockery will not be provided. Instead, the villagers will be required to provide their own cutlery and crockery. Environmentally friendly cutlery and crockery are also available for rent. Toiletries: villagers will be notified in advance to provide their own. Other essentials: villagers who do not have their own water bottles, will be provided with environmentally friendly bottles and knitted bags for use; tissue paper and napkins used during dining have been changed to re-washable and reusable fabrics. Garbage sorting and recycling: rubbish bins have been updated with labels to promote garbage sorting. Smoking areas with ashtrays are designated accordingly and recycle bins for batteries is set up at the reception desk, all of which is to assist in establishing the notion of environmental protection.

Based on the CSR Report published in 2017, the realization of the short-, medium-, and long-term goals were assessed as follows:

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7 Appendices

7.1 Calligraphy Greenway in Taichung / 7.2 Cultural and Art Promotion in Taipei / 7.3Miaoli'sLandRenaissance-TheCMPVillage/7.4EVERYDAYART/7.5PublicService

Arts and humanitiesPottery:YiJiuanStudio/MicoPotteryPainting: TianBian Art Studio Metalworking: Zo.craft

Natural ecologyNaturalexperiences:LivesYard

Food and beveragesJam making: SinpuloveAlmond tea: Pure AnninnCoffee:SoulxFamilyTofu:ChuanLongDofuHouseHandmadedessert:RubatoHandmadeLab

CraftsmanshipNatural dyeing: Neatland

Miaoli″BombingtheDragon″ Houlong″SweetBeautyWatermelonFestival″

HERMÈS/ValeriangrassandHermesleftoverscarf Timberland / natural ecology and shoes Anius / scents and plants Cha Tzu Tang / plants (bitter tea) Climbing Tree / natural ecology and tree climbing CABBAGECookingLab/plantsandcooking Yuantai/utensilsandleavenotrace LiFeChem/experiments,ecologyandlifestyle

Localprofessionals Localcultures

Collaborations with well-known brands


The 1,001 Nights Project was multidimensional, and with repeated implementation and feedback from villagers, it has evolved into a platform that allows participants to get to know nature, ecology, local culture, and handicrafts. This has also attracted many young people to return to their hometown to start their ownbusinessandputdownroots.Thesixmaintopicsrangedfromcultureandart,ecology,foodproductionandfarming,handicraftheritage,funcreativity,and family activities. CMP continually collaborated with other teams and agencies in 2018, with a vision to integrate local culture with well-known brands and to popularize Miaoli culture as well as the local industries.

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TheoldShangrilaParadisewasthehappiestchildhoodmemoryofmany.The″DreamyTown″hopestoprovideauniqueexperiencethatishalf-gamehalf-drama for now grown-up kids. Awakening their inner children, and rediscover the childhood innocence, imagination, and creativity.


Logoutofyourmobilephone,checkoutofreality;onetheatreticket,onesetofheadphones,andoneanimalcostumeequalsone immersivetheatreexperience.Thethreetreehousesontheeucalyptusarethestartingpointforthisjourney,andallvillagersarenowre-castedasperformers.EmergingwritersanddirectorsQian-HanHong,Gang-HuaZhang,andDing-YunHuangarewell-knownfortheiramazinginteractionsbetweencastandaudience,andtheenhancement of individual sensitivity and dynamics produced this play with core members of the Co-coism team. From the meandering trails, along with theatreandlightingdesignastheguide,fantasticsceneriessuchastherabbithole,hunter΄skitchen,andgiant΄sdiningtable,popoutoneafteranother,taking the audience to a fanciful and childlike gathering full of warmth, in a sweet yet surreal dream.

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B. Eco-friendly material usage and promotion

Intheearlydays,Taiwan΄sforestryisawell-developedindustrywithanextensiveloggingvolume.Onemountaincaneasilyprovideforawholevillage.Noonecouldhavepredictedthattheindustrycandeclinesosignificantlywithinafewdecades.Theloggingcriteriawasstrictinthe΄90s,andindigenoustreefellingwas forbidden, which led to low self-sufficiency in relation to domestic wood, and a reliance on imports. With the emergence of global warming, improper global forestry practices, such as felling, logistics, and transactions, are gaining more attention in discussion. A non-government, non-profit organization Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), comprised of non-government agencies, environmental groups, wood traders, processors, and consumers, has developed a set of criterions which audits the management of forestry. These criterions ensure that the forestry management fulfills environmental, society, and economic requirements, and in turn promotes the sustainability of the forestry industry. The FSC certification is now one of the most-trusted forestry certifications worldwide and is an essential signpost for environmental procurements.



With the roundness and fullness of seed as the design concept, the slightly pointed roof symbolizes the beginning of the germination as well as the epicenter oftheplant΄senergy.Theexterioruseddomesticcryptomeria,whichwascarbonizedwithatraditionalnaturalmethodtoincreaseitsdurability.Thecolorsofthe three treehouses are varied and iconic due to the different levels of carbonization.

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Withanexterior similar toaconch, there isamysterious chest within the treehouse which is filled with splendid natural instruments gathered bythetreespirits.Forexample,ahand-operatedmusicbox thateatspaperandemitsbeautifulmusic. The secret weapon is a sound amplifying gatherer. If you point the gatherer at the sky or towards the forest, it will magnify the chirping of the insects and the songs of the birds, presenting the sound right to you.

The Den of the Sky

The treehouse with countless good books also contains many secretive nooks and crannies. A true reading room of the skies, visitors can even request an unofficial dissertation of their dreams lastnight!Theblueprintofthecreator,Prof.Yu-ChihHsiao, ishiddeninthetreehouse,togetherwith the botany, architecture and ecology books heconsultedduringthebuildingprocess.Heleftthem to be discovered by the curious minds to understand the design process and the thoughts put in by the team. There is also an attic which will definitely be appreciated by whoever loves hide-and-seek!


To be loved by those who are wild-at-heart, there is a special entry that allows you to climb from bottom right to the top! There are large slings and paulownia bullets to equip the hunters, with the preys just on the hills across!

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Likeagiantsproutingoutfromthecoreoftheearth, he welcomed the villagers with open arms, shared his dining table and food on the first night, and listened to the stories about harvests and nourishment. A dining table that is 7.5 meters long is made from a combination of a variety of domestic wood, not even adorned with a slick of waterproof stains so the wood may breathe naturally to prolong its life span hopefully; this is the sincerest salute to the land.


ByMr. Je-RongLiu,PlasticArtDepartment,Da-YehUniversity

The whimsical dining table filled with miracles is equipped with the design method for animal sculpture, combines the unlimited imagination with the theatrics of Dreamy Town. Through the imagined creatures of the virtual reality, such as a chicken with the tail ofthephoenix,andaunicorn,seatedaroundthegiant΄sdining table, the villagers canfully immerse themselves in the fantastic and childlike venue in warmth.


The many spatial hardware of the Dreamy Town, such as the kiln which was used during dinner, the crockery to be used by the villagers, even the rabbit hole which served as the entryway, are all created by the Shangrila engineering team. They have fully utilized the material available within the park, to provide for all of the hardware required by the Dreamy Town.

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The meals of the Dreamy Town use unique local produce of Miaoli. Together with a theatrical presentation, the specialties of Miaoli are presented in a variety ofwaysandallowedthevillagerstounderstandsomeoftherarebotanyofTaiwan.Thekilnroasttakesintoaccountvisitors΄likesanddislikesandcultivatedauniquebarbequeexperienceincombinationwithagriculturalfoodeducation.

《BloodandLoveofMedusa》–watermelonseafood chowder

The″watermelonseafoodchowderof fireandice″ isasignaturecreativedishof theDreamyTown.Houlong,Miaoli housesanexpansionof fields, and with distinctive seasons, good drainage, and a reduced amount of pollution, the watermelonsofHoulongissweetanddelicious.Add this to the seafood chowder, and it became the best choice for summer soup that is cold on the outside but will warm your heart.


Themainingredient,Rapunzel΄shair,ismadewiththethickricevermicellioftheHakkaregion(alsoknownaswatervermicelli).Unlikethe″steamedvermicelli″ofHsinchu,whichwassteamedinthefirst place and then sundried, the water vermicelli is boiled and then sundried or baked. Toufen, Miaoli΄s″Jianshanricevermicelli″ iswellknown.In the early days, most families in Jianshan make their living with rice vermicelli production, with approximately50manufacturersinitspeak,nowonly three remains.


With fresh white mullets caught either at the WaipuFishingHarbourofHoulong,MiaoliortheLongfengFishingHarbourofZhunan,Miaoli, itscharacteristics are soft flesh, delicate and tight texturewithlittlebones,whichmakesiteasytoeat.CookedwithHakkapickledwintermelon,which was made with natural ingredients such as salt, sugar, soybean paste, and rice wine, they presentauniqueHakkacuisinewithgreattaste.


60% of Taiwan is covered with forests. As a citizen of Taiwan, how much do you know about forests?

″TheForestBig″isauniversityofforests,anditimplementsthepracticeofforestandhumanlivinginharmony.Withthenaturalenvironmentasthebase,addexperimentsandcreativeenergytothemix,thenon-mainstreamandnon-classicexperiencewillrecallthehumblenessandrespectwithwhichhumansshouldhold when living in harmony with the organisms of the forest.

TheCMPPUJENFoundation forArtsandCulture is the incubatorofTaiwan΄s forestphilosophy.Aside fromthegoalsof ″professionalism,″ ″naturalsustainability,″and″lifestylephilosophy,″sevendisciplinesoflight,wildforest,agriculturalproduction,naturalmonastery,internalchangesoftheheartandsoul,rhythm,andrestwerefoundedontopoftheyearsofexperienceinexhibitionsthatmappedartwithlocalculture.Directorsandteachersatthetopoftheirrespectivefieldsareinvitedtointeract,build-up,andleadthepeopletoimmersethemselvesandexperience″therelationshipofhumanandforest,″andtoexplorethebeautyoftheunknownfuture.

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Taiwan pine and indigenous forests surrounded a lowland mimicking ecological waters and production fields. The changes in horizon and altitude connected to the artificial cluster, the landscape outside the cluster, and the untouched natural surrounding the Satoyama, is deemed as a miniature Satoyama prototype.

Here,thebuildingstructurewaspreserved,andthroughredesignandre-useofspaceandmaterials,theimportantspiritualvenuesofthepreciousforest,giant rocks, and ecological pools are linked together. With the principle of reducing environmental stress and the attributes of the element of aesthetics, the journey of forestry learning is greatly enriched.

Silvery grey mesh and lightweight steel pipes created a delicate half-closed arch corridor which can be adapted according to the environment. A hazy light illuminated the corridor, cleverly obstructs, and at the same time created a sense of transparency, is the peace one needed to escape the noisy world. The designofthecorridoristostimulatethesenseswhenyoujourneythroughtotheforest.Experiencingthemanyfacetsofthenaturalworldistheinteractionrequired for a human to develop a bond with the forest. The use of lighter material created a barrier around the entryway, resulting in a protective cloak to ensure this bond between human and forest, as well as the renaissance of the habitat, remains uninterrupted.

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The opening of the Forest BIG invited Divooe ZeinArchitectsandSiuSiu-LabofPrimitiveSenses, CN Flower, Fenko Catalysis Chamber, Billy Chang, Anius, and Taiwan Way (Agricultural WorkLaboratory),asdirectorsandteachersfromJuly to December 2018. The traditional brick and mortar classroom border has been broken with the introduction of mountainous forests, giant rocks, and ecological pools. With the changing seasons, in the early morning or late evening, in daylight or darkness, they will lead visitors to expose theirsensesandtodevelop in-depthlearning with the natural environment. They will bring back the sound and pace of the forest, and to adapt this to their everyday life.

Opening CeremonyTheme / Teacher




Samadhibowlartist-YasuhitoArai TraditionalSongsofAtayal–Li-YingMa,Mu-YiKeandmore Firebringer–Jian-HongGuo ScentsoftheForest–AiAiIllumLab Firebringer–Jian-HongGuoandJi-HaoBai



Originalherbalteabrand″Grassphere″ofTaiwan Aromatherapybrand″Anius″

Fenko Catalysis Chamber / Media Laboratory

The overlaying of fibre | The profile of the forest Director: Fenko Catalysis Chamber

Calligrapher–Hong-DaGuo(XiaoZhuo) TheTeacherofTreehuggers–Ya-TangYang Hong-LingSam,DesignerofInstituteofFashion and Communications Design, Shih-Chien University, and the company of dancers


Therapeutic theatre Director: Billy Chang, Founder of Natural Kind Spirit

Modern art performer – Billy Chang Japanese dance painter – Saori Kanda Cellist – Arturo Costa Shakuhachi musician – Jia-Qi Zhang Aerialdancer–Yung-HsinShi Modern dancer – Fang-Rui Zhang Drummers - Wugi Troupe


Map of the BodyDirector: June Wen of Anius






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7 Appendices

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After a long and robust discussion, CMP Village formulated a strategy to restore the natural habitats to assist in the recovery of habitable environment for organisms to naturally gather, grow and prosper, and eventually form a healthy ecology. Since June 2018, and with the forest as its base, the plan is to revive thefireflies΄habitatwithintwotothreeyears.Toachievethehighstandardsofsuitabletemperature,humidity,andnon-chemicalenvironment,theteamconductedin-depthresearchandexecutedtherestorationprojectforbothwaterandland.

The first inspection of these two restoration projects is set for the firefly season in 2019. This will hopefully recuperate the damaged habitat for many organisms.

1.Aquatic:EstablishmentofFireflyEcologicalPool,RevivetheHabitatforAquatica Ficta

Ecological pools with designated parameters are established to allow organismstobeabletoexistandprosper inthefuturenaturally.Thedepths are specifically designed, with two to three levels of 10-15cm thick steps, with a gradient of fewer than 30 degrees, placed in the intersection of land and water. Smoothly laid with scattered pebbles, or stones and dirt placed between rocks, the steps provide suitable gaps for the larva to perch to a pupa. The pebbles inside the pools also serve as hideaways for organisms like shrimps and reduce the possibility of the shrimps attacking the firefly larva. Indigenous round snails are stocked in the pools as a food source for the fireflies, which will hopefully result in a higher possibility of becoming a complete and continuous ecological cycle.

2. Terrestrial:EstablishmentofHabitatforLuciolaCerata,RevivalofOtherSpecies

Native vegetation has replaced common grass around the ecological pools. Taller plants, such as the butterfly ginger, assisted with blocking direct sunlight, and with creating a cool and dark environment for the fireflies to flourish.

7.3.4 Field Establishment Project

The CMP Village was found upon the philosophy of respect and co-prosperity towards land and the natural environment. It proactively searches for continuity betweenmankindandtheecologicalsystem.Theprovisionofnaturalandhealthyfoodsourceisenabledwithanon-toxicandenvironmentallyfriendlyagriculture discipline. Kitchen waste will be re-introduced into the ecological system through composting, as well as becoming the classroom for agricultural food education.

Apart from the concept of environmental continuity, the establishment of planting fields is also based upon being a showcase of the entrepreneurial spirit of professionalism and lifestyle philosophy. As such, edible landscaping design, layout, ridge techniques, organic planting, irrigation management, friendly collection, and creative use, collectively form a complete set of procedures. This project is not simply for the pursuit of continuity but also strives to create a new lifestyle for farmers.

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Mei-Mao FieldShanna Farmland Concentric Circles Field

In February 2017, ″Shanna Farmland″wasestablished as the first planting field. Farming cannowbeexploredwith0.01acres (900m2) of land. In conjunction with the Shanna Village outdoor kitchen and the Shor t-leaf Pine Classroom, it has become the center zone of the ShannaVillageexperience,aswellasthemainprovider of ingredients for dinning. Professional landscaperMr.Qi-ChangHowas invited tocreate a balance of land and ecological system, and the revival of the land from an aerial photo taken by the US military from 30 years ago.

To a c c u m u l a te a c t u a l o rg a n i c p l a n t i n g experience,Ms.Mei-MaoWu,whohasmanyyearsofnatural farmingexperienceunderherbelt, was invited to join the CMP Village as a consultant in January 2018. Under her guidance, pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers have been abandoned in favor of natural, non-toxicplantingmethodology.Thecropswerechosen according to the season, and the needs ofexperientialclasses.Thus,thesecondplantingfield with an area of 0.015 acres (1500m2), namedasthe″Mei-MaoField,″wasestablished.

Theexpansionwasmadeinduecourse,andthethirdplantingfield″ConcentricCirclesField″wassetupbyrenovatingtheexistingnectariferousplantation″ButterflyPark.″Alongthedivergingconcentric circle, a planting field with a diameter of 20m and ridges with a width of 80cm each was created. The aesthetics of the planting field was presented in the form of a garden, and the edible landscape was planted. The Concentric CirclesFieldattemptstoalterpeople΄sexistingperception of farming, introduce a whole new interpretation to agriculture, and hopes to inspire and redefine the possibilities for agriculture.More and more planting fields within the base will be established in the future, and gradually increase the land area for edible landscape farming.Better farmingexperienceswillbeproposed to assist in the promotion of lifestyle philosophy based on farming.