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    6Confederation has two meanings to it. It could be an organization that consists

    of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league. And, it could be a

    more or less permanent union of countries with some or most political power

    vested in a central authority. Both are similar and in Canadas case, it is the same.

    In 1867, Canada West, Canada East (also Known as the British North American

    colonies of the United Province of Canada) New Brunswick and Nova Scotia

    decided to join together in a federal union. They joined in confederation as four

    provinces: Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. And, of course

    anyone who had anything to do with this union gained power over their own affairs

    and turned some of their power to a central government. Canadas federal

    government happens to be this central government and is located in Ottaw.But, it

    didnt stop there. It extended and here is how it went

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    Reasons forConfederationThere were six reasons for confederation at the time and

    here they are

    There was a political deadlock that led to the Great Coalition.

    The United Province of Canada (also known as Canada West and Canada

    East) decided to have a Legislative assembly. Canada West sent the Liberal-

    Conservative party and the Reform party. Canada East sent le parti bleuand le parti

    rouge. The coalition government currently in power had a hard time getting a strongamount of people on agreeing to pass legislation which caused a political deadlock.

    This eventually led to the Great Coalition. All the parties involved formed a

    political alliance and began to co-operate with each other.

    Coalition: a temporary joining together of two or more political parties.

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    A railway was needed to trade and move troops.

    There always seemed to be some difficulty from getting to the United Province

    of Canada to the Atlantic colonies, especially in winter when the St. Lawrence

    River would freeze. It separated them. The idea of making an intercolonial railway

    to join the colonies formed. With an intercolonial railway transporting goods,

    troops, and people to and from the colonies would be that much easier.

    The Reciprocity Treaty ended the free trade between British North American

    colonies and the United States.

    From 1854 to 1865, there was low-taxed trade between the British North

    American colonies and the United States. The colonies traded more with the

    United States then they did with each other. In 1865, The United States ended the

    Reciprocity Treaty they were under with the colonies. The colonies began to think

    that if they traded amongst themselves without any taxes that it would help their


    Reciprocity Treaty: a treaty concluded between two countries, conferring equal

    privileges as regards, customs or charges on imports, or in other respects.

    There was a threat of American expansion into British North American.

    With the American Civil War going on and the Manifest Destiny policy,

    people feared the worst. The Colony of British North America not only feared that

    but worried that the United States would try to take control of their land because ofthe gold rush they had between the 1850s and the 1860s.Their were also some

    Americans settled in the Red River Settlement that wanted to join with the United

    States and there was already a great deal of trading between them. Let us also not

    forget the Fenians that wanted to end British rule over Ireland.

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    Manifest Destiny: a policy of expansion based on the belief that all of the North

    American continent should belong to the United States of America.

    The Fenians: it was a group of Irish Catholics in the United States.

    Great Britain wanted her colonies to be more self-sufficient.

    The people of Great Britain began to change their opinions about the British

    North American colonies, would it be beneficial or just a burden. The British North

    American colonies were aware of their concern and began to prepare for the

    outcome. For whatever result came out of it, the colonies remained intensely loyal

    to their mother land, Great Britain.

    The expansion of the settlement.

    The land at Canada West was decreasing so they looked to the lands to the

    west as areas to settle in. But of course, they had competition because the

    Americans also wanted that land. The colonies thought that if they were to join

    together, they would settle their before the Americans.



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    Confederation did not happen overnight, of course. It took a long time

    debating the advantages and disadvantages. People had different opinions on

    whether it was a good idea or not. They were divided, either with or against

    confederation. Some were not even interested. There were a number of

    conferences between the provinces discussing this situation.

    1. Charlottetown conference2. Quebec conference3. London conference


    New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island met in 1864 to

    discuss the Maritime Union. The United Province of Canada asked to attend

    and tried to persuade the people into joining a larger union with the British

    colonies. A decision could not be made so they decided to meet later on in


    Maritime Union: a proposed political union of the three maritime provinces

    of Canada to form a single new province.

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    All of them returned after a while to Quebec to continue where they left

    off. A large amount of people from the Province of Canada and New

    Brunswick with confederation, although there were some people in CanadaEast who feared this would cause them to lose their French language and

    culture. For the people in Nova Scotia, it was different. The people who

    were with confederation were those who lived near the future railway

    because it would really benefit them, but those who live farther away were

    not interested. In Prince Edward Island, there were those who feared losing

    their power because most of their income comes from the tariffs on trade. If

    there would be confederation, there would be no tariffs and hence the people

    were against confederation. And last but not least, Newfoundland. The

    people there had so little in common with the United Province in Canada so

    they couldve cared less. In the end, only three provinces were interested of

    confederation at the time: the United Province of Canada, New Brunswick

    and Nova Scotia. The outcome of the delegates debates and conclusions

    was put in 72 resolutions.

    Tariffs: a tax of duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.

    72 Resolutions: they were a set of proposals drafted at the 1864 Quebec


    Delegate: a person sent or authorized to represent others, in particular, an

    elected representative sent to a conference.


    This is where all the representatives met for one last final time to

    present the 72 resolutions to Great Britain. The 72 resolutions became theBritish North America Act. Queen Victoria signed this act and it went into

    effect. On May 22, 1867, the Dominion of Canada was created.

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    Although the provinces became one, the people still had different

    opinions about the level of government they should have. Some wanted a

    national government while others wanted a provincial government. It came

    down to the decision where the Dominion of Canada would have two levels

    of government: federal (which included national and central government)

    and provincial. The government system is now one of federalism.

    National Government: any political organization that is put in a place to

    maintain control of a nation.

    Provincial Government: belonging or peculiar to some particular province.

    Federalism: a system of government in which power is divided between a

    central authority and constituent political units.

    After Confederation

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    There were some difficulties along the way, of course. There were still

    some people in Nova Scotia who were against confederation and there were

    some protests. The fear that the United States would still try to take over

    remained, but there is an upside. Inventions increased, education became

    universal and compulsory and the leisure activities were magnificent. Someworking conditions were very poor, but it got better with time.

    And with time, more provinces in North America formed and

    joined confederation and became Canada in all. THE END.

    1867 1905

    1870 1949

    1871 1999



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