1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge

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  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    Data, Information &Knowledge

  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    What is Data?

    Data is a stream of raw facts representingthings or events that have happened.In ICT, we usually say that data is made upfrom four basic types:


    Text Images


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    Storing Data?

    Inside the computer, however, all data isstored as numbers: Numbers




  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    Storing Data?

    Inside the computer, however, all data isstored as numbers: Numbers are stored as numbers, obviously!

    Text characters are stored as a code thatrepresents each e.g. ASCII

    Images are stored as numbers representing

    the amounts of red, green and blue for eachpixel

    Sounds are stored as numbers representingthe loudness at given intervals

  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    How are the numbers

    represented?If you want to store and communicatenumbers electronically, how can you do it? Analogue you could use a range of

    voltages, e.g. 5V for the number 5

    Digital where the number is

    represented in binary form, e.g. thenumber 5 would be stored/sent as 101(using pulses of electricity)

  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    Number Bases You will be familiar with the decimal

    system, and hundreds, tens and units,and a digit from 0-9 in each column

    Binary works in a similar way, exceptthat you have units, twos, fours, eights,and each column only contains 0 or 1, e.g.

    5 is 101 because its one 4 plus one 1:

    128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

    0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    Bits and Bytes Each of the 0s and 1s is called a bit

    binary digit

    Eight bits together form a byte

    The longest number a computer canhandle in one go is called a word e.g. a32-bit computer has a 32-bit word length

    1024 bytes is a kilobyte, 1024 kilobytes isa megabyte, 1024 megabytes is agigabyte, etc.

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    Why Use Binary?

    Bits are easy to represent electronically,with 0 being represented by no signal, and1 being represented by a signal

    These signals could be pulses ofelectricity, flashes of light even down toindividual photons or electrons

    Analogue signals are affected by changingresistance, heat and interference

  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    Adding MeaningHeres an example of some data:


    But what does it mean?

  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    Adding MeaningHeres an example of some data:


    But what does it mean? It's just numbers - it'sraw data!

    If I were to add some formatting so that thenumbers read 21/07/69you can see that itbecomes a date. The formatting has addedmeaning!

    The meaning might only be clear to a Europeanperson, though - in the USA the date would be

    07/21/69and in Japan it would be 69/07/21!

  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    What is Information? Information is data that has been processed to

    make it meaningfuland useful

    Data + Meaning = Information

    Another way to add meaning is to process thedata. For example, individual exam marks areraw data, but if you were to process those to

    say that the average mark for the class was53%, or that boys did better than girls, or that76% of the students in your school got a gradeA or B, then that is information!

  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    Data or Information?

    The number of newspapers sold today

    The name of the best-sellingnewspaper

    The increase in house prices over thelast year


    Your mark for this weeks assignment

    The average mark for the assignment

  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    Encoding Information

    Processing turns data into information

    Sometimes you might want to turn

    information into data i.e. to store it this is called encoding

    How do you code information to make it

    easy to re-process, without losing itsmeaning?

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  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    Where is the data from?

    Internal or External? Internal communication is communication with people

    inside the same organisation or company

    External communication is with people outside thecompany, such as suppliers or customers.

    Direct or Indirect?

    Direct data is collected for the purpose of theprocessing being undertaken e.g. time cards for pay

    Indirect data was originally collected for anotherpurpose, but is now being processed to provide extra

    information - e.g. spending patterns from credit cards

  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    Information Channels

    Formal or Informal?

    Formal channels are the official (or

    reliable!) ones, such as memos, letters, thecompany noticeboard, etc.

    Informal channels are the unofficial ones,

    such as office gossip, informal meetings andrumours these can often be unreliable.

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  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    Good Quality Information

    The characteristics of good quality information itshould be:


    Up-to-date Relevant



    Appropriately presented


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    Collecting Information

    How is information about people collected?

    1. Obviously you can ask people questions about theirspending habits, etc. (but they might not like it!)

    2. Or you can use a more indirect approach: Supermarket loyalty cards

    - e.g. easily identify wine-drinking vegetarians!

    Credit card transactions- amounts and locations- can help prevent fraud, too!

    ATMs, CCTV, till transactions, etc.

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    Coding Information

    Information stored in a computer is oftencoded

    Coding categorises information and can

    replace long, description strings with a fewletters or numbers (or both!)

    You are probably familiar with examples

    such as F for female and M for male

  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    Coding - Advantages

    Information is often coded because:

    It is quicker to enter into the computer

    It require less disc space to store, and lessmemory to process

    It can make processing easier or possible as there will be fewer responses

    It improves the consistency of the data asspelling mistakes are less likely

    Validation is easier to apply

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    Coding - Disadvantages

    Coding also has some negative effects :

    Information is coarsened by forcing it allinto categories there might not be a

    category that matches what you want torecord e.g. hair colour

    The same can be true of rounding numbers

    the intervals or numbers of categories iscalled the granularity this needs to bechosen carefully to maintain the quality ofthe information

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    Data and information deal with facts andfigures

    Knowing what to do with them requires


    Knowledge = information + rules

    Rules tell us the likely effect of something

    For example: you are more likely to passyour A level IF you do your coursework andrevise for your exam!

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  • 7/28/2019 1-1 Data, Information and Knowledge


    Disadvantages of ICT

    What are the drawbacks of using ICT?

    Information overloadhaving so much information you cantdo anything with it all!

    The systems may be inflexible and not give you theinformation you require

    There may be staff resistance to the introduction of ICT

    Fewer staff may be required job losses?

    Staff become relianton ICT and cant work if the computerfails

    Expensive training may be required when systems are updated

    Complicated systems or slow hardware may cause stress

    The data may be coarsened by coding leading to poor quality