HTML – Markup Introduction Colin Gourlay & Kevin Vanderbeken

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HTML – Markup Introduction

Colin Gourlay & Kevin Vanderbeken

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(the content layer)

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separate your content, presentation & behaviour

Last week we said...

It eases our development, with multiple people, and allows all our technologies to work nicely together.

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Today:Basic HTML Concepts:

Document overview - Meet HTML!HTML Syntax - tags, html, xhtml attributesBlock & Inline - <DIV>'s and <SPAN>'sSpecial characters.

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What is HTML...Hypertext Markup Language• The building block of elements in a web

document.• A language designed to allow us to put many

kinds of things on the web.• Has a few variations through different standards:

HTML and XHTML – We’re doing XHTML, it’s stricter.

• Not a programming language! Markup languages describe parts (in a document).

• It’s the bits of a document in a language a browser can understand.

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The document...

‘Document’ is a term that describes the page and all it’s associated bits

and pieces.

1. Browser goes to http://finda.com.au2. Gets back an XHTML formatted (“marked-up”) document.

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Meet XHTML...<html>

<head><title> This is my title. </title>


<h1>Hello World!</h1><p>I am a very basic page. Use your back button to get out of here.</p>


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What are all these brackets?!Part of the HTML Syntax:

The bracketed tags are elements.

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The HTML Element• Required to be lowercase in XHTML.• XHTML defines dozens of text elements that make

up documents:– Headings– Paragraphs– Emphasised text– Links– Etc.

• Used according to it’s semantic markup: type of tag used provides information to the relevancy or type of content that it’s holding. Eg. Headings <h1>

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The HTML Element (cont..)

• Elements don't always have content!• Empty tags are closed by adding a trailing slash

preceded by a space before the closing bracket:<img />, <br />, and <hr />

• There are HTML elements that add information about the document (such as its <title>).

• Some add media such as images, videos, Flash movies, or applets to the page.

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Document Requirements• The base structure of the document is required,

and some fields like <title> are a required element of an XHTML page.

• In XHTML, all elements, including empty elements, must be terminated (closed). They all need their </blah> if in a pair... or <blah /> if they are an empty element.

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Structure of an XHTML document• We saw it before – essentially the document is a


• Everything is inside the <html> </html> tags.

• In head: define properties of the document and linkages to css and js.

• In body: All the content we want the page to display.

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Attributes: Making tags more useful!

• “Attributes are instructions that clarify or modify an element.”

<element attribute-name="value">Content</element> 

or for empty elements (less commonly):<element attribute-name="value" />

• In this way we can tell the browser things like, “This image element has it’s actual image file stored here.”

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Block and Inline elements:

• It’s all about boxes around things!• Block level elements: Treated as boxes stacked up

in the page top to bottom. <div>, <p>, etc.• Inline elements: do not start a new line, but stay

in the flow of content. <span>, <em>, <a>, etc.

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Block and Inline elements:

• It’s all about boxes around things!• Block level elements: Treated as boxes stacked up

in the page top to bottom. <div>, <p>, etc.• Inline elements: do not start a new line, but stay

in the flow of content. <span>, <em>, <a>, etc.

• Whether an element is block or inline restricts what other elements it may contain and where it will end up being positioned.

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Special Characters:

• Some text characters need to be written using a html character substitute because they would not be understood by html or they might be misinterpreted as markup.

• © , & and < are examples of this!• You can represent it by its numeric or named character

reference for the web.• Two options: by an assigned numeric value (numeric entity)

or using a predefined abbreviated name for the character (called a named entity).

• All character references begin with a “&” and end with an “;”.

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