Did you know that about two months after being organized on April 6, 1830, The Church held its first general conference? It was held at the Peter Whitmer home in Fayette, Seneca County, New York with thirty people in attendance. This packet belongs to: ______________________________________________________________________

0e2adbce82be14fd6bcb …0e2adbce82be14fd6bcb-5584cc5742c63ca82c29a0709ec0b026.r46.cf2… · Dallin H. M. Russell Ballard Robert D. Hales Jeffrey R. Holland David A. Bednar Cook Quentin

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Did you know that about two months after being organized on April 6, 1830, The Church

held its first general conference? It was held at the Peter Whitmer home in Fayette, Seneca County, New York with

thirty people in attendance.

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“Those who will address us have sought heaven’s help and direction as they have prepared their messages. They have been impressed concerning that which they will share with us.” – President Thomas S. Monson, New Era, Nov. 2009, 2–3. In order for YOU to get the most from Conference, write down one question (or more) that you would like an answer to. As the speakers share their messages, listen for specific impressions or thoughts that help answer your question(s).

___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Once conference is over, decide upon a way you can act upon that which you have heard. “In order for the messages of general conference to change our lives, we need to be willing to follow the counsel we hear. The Lord explained in a revelation to the Prophet Joseph Smith “that when ye are assembled together ye shall instruct and edify each other, that ye may know … how to act upon the points of my law and commandment.” But knowing “how to act” isn’t enough. The Lord in the next verse said, “Ye shall bind yourselves to act in all holiness before me.” This willingness to take action on what we have learned opens the doors for marvelous blessings.” - Paul V. Johnson, “The Blessings of General Conference,” Ensign, Nov 2005, 50.

___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Did you know that general conference use to be over a three day period, with the annual conference always including April 6? This proved hard when April 6 fell midweek as many had to work or attend school. In April 1977, during Spencer W. Kimball's presidency, general conference was reduced to two days, Saturday and Sunday.

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This packet was created and shared by

www.sugardoodle.net and www.scriptures4kids.com

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Thomas S. Monson

Henry B. Eyring

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Russell M, Nelson

Dallin H. Oaks

M. Russell Ballard

Robert D. Hales

Jeffrey R. Holland

David A. Bednar

Quentin L. Cook

D. Todd Christofferson

Neil L. Andersen

Thomas S. Monson

Henry B. Eyring

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Russell M, Nelson

Dallin H. Oaks

M. Russell Ballard

Robert D. Hales

Jeffrey R. Holland

David A. Bednar

Quentin L. Cook

D. Todd Christofferson

Neil L. Andersen

Write down scriptures he references so you can study them later. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Place photo of President Thomas S. Monson here once

he speaks.

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Write down scriptures he references so you can study them later. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Place photo of President Henry B.

Eyring here once he speaks.

This packet was created and shared by www.sugardoodle.net

1. Thomas S. Monson ____________________________________ 2. Henry B. Eyring ________________________________________ 3. Dieter F. Uchtdorf _____________________________________ 4. Boyd K. Packer _______________________________________ 5. L. Tom Perry __________________________________________ 6. Russell M. Nelson _____________________________________ 7. Dallin H. Oaks _______________________________________ 8. M. Russell Ballard ____________________________________ 9. Richard G. Scott _____________________________________ 10. Robert D. Hales _____________________________________ 11. Jeffrey R. Holland ___________________________________ 12. David A. Bednar _____________________________________ 13. Quentin L. Cook _____________________________________ 14. D. Todd Christofferson _______________________________ 15. Neil L. Andersen _____________________________________

See if you identify what the initials in the above names

stand for…..


Write down scriptures he references so you can study them later. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Each of the ten words listed can become the name of a person in the Bible if the letters are rearranged. The letter w after a word stands for woman, the letter m, a man. Write your answer below each word. The answers are in box on side.

1. Army (w)

6. Wander (m)

2. Hurt (w)

7. Vee (w)

3. Bale (m)

8. Heal (w)

4. Nailed (m)

9. Evil (m)

5. Masons (m)

10. Lie (m)

ANSWERS: (1) Mary (2) Ruth (3) Abel (4) Daniel (5) Samson (6) Andrew (7) Eve (8) Leah (9) Levi (10) Eli

Place photo of President Dieter F.

Uchtdorf here once he speaks.



Place photo of President

Russell M. Nelson

here once he speaks.


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Place photo of Elder Dallin H.

Oaks here once he speaks.




Place photo of Elder Robert

D. Hales here once he speaks.

Place photo of Elder M.

Russell Ballard here once he speaks.



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Place photo of Elder David

A. Bednar here once he speaks.

Place photo of Elder Jeffrey

R. Holland here once he speaks.



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Place photo of Elder D.

Todd Christofferson

here once he speaks.

Place photo of Elder

Quentin L. Cook

here once he speaks.


Place photo of Elder Neil L.

Andersen here once he speaks.

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This packet was created

and shared by www.sugardoodle.net

As you listen to conference, jot down four short messages or scriptures that made the biggest impression on you. Cut out them out and post them on your mirror, bed, or dresser so you can remind yourself of these important truths.

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For this activity, you’ll need some type of small

snack in different colors or shapes like candy coated

chocolate pieces, different cereals, or jelly

beans. Assign each color or shape a topic before conference starts. Then you can eat the snack each time that topic is

mentioned by a speaker. You can also make your

own sheets with other topics.

(Idea from Oct 2007 Friend)

This is my testimony of

President Thomas S. Monson


Circle the letters every time you find “CTR” in this puzzle. Look up, down, across, backward, and diagonally. Some letters will be used more than once. How many times can you find CTR?

Conference ABC’s – Can you think of a word that relates to conference for every letter of the alphabet?

A: __________________ B: __________________ C: _________________ D: _________________ E: __________________ F: __________________ G: _________________ H: _________________ I: __________________ J: __________________ K: __________________ L: __________________ M:__________________ N: __________________

O: ________________ P: ________________ Q: ________________ R: ________________ S: ________________ T: ________________ U: ________________ V: ________________ W: ________________ X: ________________ Y: ________________ Z: ________________

For an added challenge, play others and try not to duplicate your answers.

I got _______ out of 26!

This craft was taken from a previous conference

packet that I did with Angela Roberts.

Place the following photos in the appropriate places throughout this packet: FIRST PRESIDENCY:


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