) i Volume XLIU New Curricula at Hope Provide Business Course BUSINESS DEPARTMENT IS MADE POSSIBLE THROUGH AREND VISCHER MEMO- RIAL MISS KOEMAN SAYS "HELLO" Hope College, Holland, Mich, September 17,1*80* SEVERAL COURSES OFFERED ARE New Faculty Members Expected to Be In Charge of Department- Selection not Yet Made Besides providing new curricula which will make it possible foi Hope College to grant the M.A. degree, the authorities have also decided to enlarge the scope of edu- cation in the undergraduate field. This year for the first time in its history Hope College is offering courses of a so-called "vocational type." These courses are combined in the new department of "Busi- ness Administration." This work is an addition to the existing curri- cula. It is not intended that it shall in any way curtail or supplant the existing cultural education. The new department is made possible through a memorial to Arend Visscher made by Mrs. Anna Visscher, Miss Anne G. Visscher, Oswald Visschor, Arthur Visscher, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Visscher. Arend Visscher was a member of the board of trustees of Hope for about 25 years and was treas- urer for most of that time. He was Hope's only graduate in 1872. Be- cause of this unique distinction, he was familiarly known as "the class of '72." His entire life was spent in the city of Holland aa a lawyer, banker, and business man. Despite his business career, Mr. Visscher never lost sight of the literary and cultural side of life, and he was always keenly inter- ested in pursuits along these lines. The liberal donations which he made to the college library both in books and money are a living proof of this fact. The College owes a great debt of gratitude to the Visscher family for this splendid memorial. The new department is most es- sential to accommodate the con- stantly increasing number of Hope- ites who are planning to enter bus- iness as a profession. Included in the new courses are classes in ad- vanced discussions in industrial and commercial production with whole- saling, jobbing, and retail distrib- ution through merchandising by in- dividuals, firms, corporations, chains and branches. A course in the psy- chology of economics and govern- ment and ethical .relations of the industrial processes will also be included in the new department. It is expected that one or more new instructors will be engaged for the new department. .They will be announced very shortly. o Y. W. C. A. INITIAL MEETING Welcome Hopeites: We welcome you, new and old students, ad we begin our worjc for another year. Wheth- er you come from the east or west we're glad to have you here. It is our earnest hope that the coming year will prove to be to each of us a milestone of success. Lot us endeavor to give of our best, and thus "achieve new heights" at Hope this year. The Y. W. C. A. extends a special invita- tion to all new girls. We will make you feel at home at Hope. Cordially, Y. W. Pres. Many of Old Gridders Back On dope's Team ^ " OHIO STATE NORMAL IS FIRST IN LOCAI< SCHEDULE Vacation Spent In Performing Mission Work MISSIONARY FOUR" GIVE PROGRAM IN WESTERN SECTION OF CHURCH DURING SUMMER MONTHS The first meeting of the Y. W. C. A. for the college year 1930- 31 will be called to order by Anne Koeman Tuesday evening. Miss Koeman, elected in March, will head that organization for the school year. Olive Peeke, in the role of vice- president, will plan programs for the meetings which are held every Tuesday evening throughout the school year except during holidays. Ethel Cunningan, as secretary, will record the activities of the organization. Mary Koesegarten who was elected treasurer in March did not return to school this fall and a person will be chosen in the near fuutre to fill her place. The cabinet members in charge of the divisions of tVe society ac- tivities are planning full programs for the promotion of the society aims and also for the social fellow- ship of the girls. f Few Hopeites spent their vaca- tion rendering such unselfish serv- ice to their Alma Mater as did the "Missionary Four." These four young men: Howard Schade from New Jersey, Richard Niesink from Kalamazoo, Rudolph Nichols from Holland, and Abram Antar from Arabia; traveled through the entire western section of the Dutch Re- formed Church in the interest of Arabian missions and Hope Col- lege. They 'set out June 20, im- mediately after graduation, and re- turned during the latter part of August. The trip was made in a modest Ford. This humble creature was treated in the best hospitals along the route and underwent many major operations. The boys were unable to visit every church in the western section, but did succeed in reaching several in each of the mid- western states. The group gave a musical and missionary program. Mr. Schade was able to thrill the audiences as a vocal soloist. Mr. Nichols was the violinist, while Mr. Niesink acted as pianist. Mr. Antar, an Arabian at Hope, who also attended the school of the Reformed church in Arabia, told of missions in his homeland. All proceeds above ex- penses were devoted to the mis- sionary work in that country. o NEW HOPE CHAPEL DECORATED The beauty and impressiveness of Hope Memorial Chapel has been increased by the decorating of the interior of the building. The inside of the chapel has been finished in cream-colored textone giving the effect of huge blocks of stone. Not only has the chapel been improved but a general refinishing and cleaning was made of Winants chapel and Van Raalte hall. The walls in both buildings have been calcimined and the rooms have been gone over. i The girls, no doubt, have noticed the improvements in Voorhees hall for that too has had a general cleaning. Some of the rooms have been reflnished while others have had thefloorsfixed. The cleaning and decorating pro- gram covered the period of one month and the work was done by Ray A. Hoek, Holland decorator. o Rank % Whatever honors Noah had, In good old days of yore, No yacht club e'er bestowed on him The title, "commodore." Ten days from today Hope will place its varsity football team on the field for the opening game.'On September 27 the Orange and Blue clad gridders are scheduled to take on the Ohio State Normal college at Bowling Green, Ohio, in the ini- tial tilt. Hope has six other games during the remainder of the season, five of them in the M.I.A.A. con- ference. Alma, Olivet and Kalama- zoo will play conference games here. Coach Jack Schouten has had a number of his charges out for prac- tice since September 10. Invitations were extended this fall to about two dozen candidates to report for the early drills held at the college field. About half of the number were present at the first practices with the others joining the squad later. Numerous other candidates are expected to report this after-' noon. Chances for a successful year on the gridiron are favorable on Hope's campus. Nine lettermen are among the candidates trying for positions on the 1930 eleven. Hope had a freshman team last fall that was unbeaten in three starts and generally acclaimed as frosh cham- pions of the M.I.A.A. Some of the outstanding men on this team have failed to return to school, however. Leading the Hope squad is Allen Brunson, who is captain of the team. Brunson will be shifted from tackle to center this fall, in order to strengthen the center of the line. Last fall the captain was chosen on the M.I.A.A. Second team. Besides Brunson, there is Fred Wyngarden, tackle; Tom Beaver, tackle; Ron Fox, Jack Juist, and Mike Leenhouts, guards. The back- field veterans include Howard Dal- man, halfback; Lewis Scudder, halfback; and Oosting, utility. Clar- ence Becker, who will lead Hope in basketball this year, is also out for a ball-toting position. Those returning to school from the frosh team are not known. Nor- lin and Zwfmer were the only can- didates to report. This pair made a name for itself in high school football, and they will attempt to keep their record clean at Hope. Norlin and Zwemer weigh but 156 pounds apiece, yet have drive and power of men twice their size. The Weigerink brothers^ Gerrit and Jim, will be out for ends. Big George Painter, Clark Poling, and Herb Marsilje are also to be with the team. 9 Hope Lecture Course To Be , The Best Ever YOUTHFUL RANDOLPH CHURCHILL WILL DISCUSS PROBLEMS THAT CONCERN YOUTH To Freshman and other new students it is undoubtedly a great piece of riews to learn that for the past several decades Hope College has offered an annual Lyceum course to its students as well as to the citizens of the city. These courses are presented under the auspices of Dr. J. B. Nykerk, head of the department of English. To him goes the honor and credit of bringing some of the best talent in music, speech, and drama on the American platform to our own school. Mr# Nykerk has constantly presented all profits to the library for a purchasing fund, while he has personally liquidated deficits which "were created in "difficult years." A SPLENDID PROGRAM This year Mr. Nykerk has ar- ranged for a program that will out- dipse any of those seen by the present student generation. The four numbers of the course present a wide variety and are the results of much elimination of less favor- able material, by a connoiseur of impeccable taste. Of exceptional interest is the-announcement of a lecture to be given by Randolph Churchill, eighteen years old, and student at Oxford University. Mr. Churchill is the son of Winston Churchill and the grandson of JLord Randolph Churchill. With his out- spoken statements and intriguing rhetoric-he so impressed the audi- ence at the Oxford Union debate that men high in the circles of state predict a great political career for him in the conservative party in Britain. This youth who has elec- trified audiences in two hemis- pheres will speak at Hope College either on the subject: "Can Youth Be Conservative?" or on the topic: "Why LAm Not a Socialist." The other numbers will be more fully announced later. They in- clude a dramatic performance of a very high calibre, a musical pro- gram, and an impersonator of Abraham Lincoln who will present as readings the famous speeches of the great Unionist. Watch for an announcement of the dates of these programs. o '— Current Questions on the ^Campus Who is going to be president ? What about that Milestone? Who is that? RYLAARSDAM TO LEAD Y. M. C. A. • • The first regular meeting of • the Y. M. C. A. will be held next Tuesday evening. If • weather permits the meeting may be held at the beach, otherwise in the "Y" room in Memorial Chapel. ,; Since Mr. Raymond Mc Gil- vra has not returned, Mr. Clarence Becker will be presi- dent for the year. The meeting Tuesday eve- ning will be led by Coert Ry- laarsdam of the Senior Class. He will discuss the "Purpose of 4 Y'"; "To Promote Chris- tian Feeling and Practise." More than ever the "Y" will strive to achieve the motto: "Jesus Christ Is King of Our • Campus." \* N *mber 33 Hope College Faculty Show Few Changes PROFESSOR LUBBERS KE- SIGNS TO BECOME EDUCA- TION HEAD AT CARROL COLLEGE WIS. The Jftilestone-JIn Explanation o jONSIDERABLE conversation hat been going on up- on the Campus during these opening days of the yekr, relative to the publication of the Milestone. Mr. Wichers, editor of the annual, has requested that THE AN- CHOR make a statement explaining the cause of the delay. This we gladly do. The book is ready to go to press. AH the material, in : eluding many photographs of "early graduates, has been gath- ered together. The book is larger than usual, but the hearty response of the Alumni makes it possible to publish the book with very little more than the usual amount of advertising. However, the business depression together with certain misunderstandings have been the causes of the failure to get the required amount of "ads" up to now. A final organized drive for the remaining amount begins at once. It is hoped that the annual will appear within a few weeks. Mr. Wichers and his Business Staff wish to express their regrets at the delayed puUicatton, but beg the consideration of the student body in view of the abnormal economic con- ditions. ANCHOR Editor. With the opening of the new school year we find few changes in the personnel of the College faculty. Perhaps the outstanding alteration is in the English Depart- ment from which Mr. Irwin Lub- bers resigned last June to accept a position as head of the Educa- tional Department of Carrol Col- lege, Wisconsin. During last year Mr. Lubbers was on a leave of ab- sence at Northwestern University, Evanston, III. His place last year was occupied by Dr. R. Gray as provisional instructor. Mr. Gray is not returning this fall. In the Department of German Mr. Edward Wolters, A. M., will occupy the chair vacated by Dr. G. L. Robinson. Up to nwv Mr. Wolters has been instructor of Latin and Greek in the Hope High School. Faculty members for the new Business Administration Depart- ment as well as for the enlarged work in^Economics have not yet been announced. Prof. Bruce M. Raymond, head^ of the Department of History, is unable to tell all he knows about history in thirty-six weeks. During the past summer he lectured for six weeks at Central State Teach- ers College at Mt. Pleasant Mich- igan. Many oJ the faculty attended summer sessions at several univer- sities. * Othrt-s followed temporary business pursuits. All are return- ing brimful of enthusiasm to make this a year memorable in scholastic achievement. Beware! Orator Gives Address During Convocation HOPE COLLEGE OPENS DOORS TO BEGIN dlXTY-FOURTH ACADEMIC YEAR DIMNENT PRESIDING Nearly Eighty Yean of PregreM Under Six Presidents Makes Hope a Prosperous School SROUWER AND RYLAARSDAM WILL PUBLISH NEW GUIDE There are many things in life which are missed when they aren't. One of them is the Student's Guide. This little booklet which is pub- lished annually has practically be- come a fixture on the Hope College campus. It contains the names of all the students as well as those of the faculty members, together with the complete home and city ad- dresses of all. This year the booklet is being produced by Paul Brouwer and Coert Rylaarsdam, both of the Se- nior Class. They have already made considerable preparation for the publication of the Guide. It will take a few weeks before the work can be completed. Just when it will be depends in part upon the completion of the records in the registrar's office, following regis- tration. This morning marks the sixty- fourth annual convocation of Hope College and ihe seventy-ninth of the preparatory school. Hope Col- lege of today found its origin in the Pioneer School foundation in 1861. This was only four years after the first immigration of the "Pilgrims of the West" Dr. Dimnent, who resigned as president of the College at the an- nual meeting of the Board of Trus- tees last June, will be the chairman at this morning's sendee. He has graciously consented to continue as acting president of the school until a successor has Ijeen secured. Dr. John Vander Meulen, prexy of Louisville Presb. Seminary, will deliver the message at this year's convocation. He is not a stranger to old Hopeites, having been the speaker during Prayer Week two years ago. He is a man of un- thought of today Dr. Vander Meu- len is an exponent of progressive conservatism, a man who seeks to build on the past, not without it. The service this morning finds Prof. Curtis Snow, college organ- ist, at the console of our beautiful instrument It is expected that the service will open with the inspiring strains of Hope's old convocational hymn: "Come Thou, Almighty King." " ' ^ ^ 7 Dr. Edward Dimnent, who has just resigned from the presidency, was Hope's sixth president Dr. Philip Phelps was elected president in 1866. He was followed in turn by Dr. George Mandeville, Dr. Chas. Scott, Dr. G. Kollen, and Dr. J. Vennema. Thanks to the con- structive work of all of these men and of our own Dr. Edward Dim- nent, Hope today enjoys a most flourishing prospehty in every way in which this may be said, of an educational institution. Anchor Subscription Drive Begins at Once DAVE REARDON OF JUNIOR CLASS TO SUPERVISE GROUP SELLING ANCHOR TO STUDENTS Beginning at once, there will be an intensive subscription campaign for the ANCHOR. All subscriptions expire two weeks after the opening of the new school year. Mr. Dave Reardon of the Junior Class has been appointed subscrip- tion manager. He will 0 be assisted by others in signing up , every Hopeite to take the school paper for the coming year. During the past two years there has been a falling off in student subscribers. This manifests a lack of interest in the school paper not only, but a lack of Hope spirit as well. Let's put away the old argu- ments! Let's go "over the top" for the ANCHOR, as well as for every other student object Assist the subscription canvassers by prompt- ly giving them |1.&0 of your sum- mer's earnings when they call Raymond, "Bob," McGilvra, who was to have been a Senior at Hope this fall, has not returned to school. He is attending Iowa "U." Mr. McGilvra was president of the Y.M.C.A. This vacancy will be Ailed by Clarence Becker. -o Cheer Up, Frtekmaa A man iant licked just because he lost his shirt Look at Gandhi' ^ _l ; •


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Page 1: 09-17-1930

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Volume XLIU

New Curricula at Hope Provide




Hope College, Holland, Mich, September 17,1*80* •



New Faculty Members Expected to Be In Charge of D e p a r t m e n t -

Selection not Yet Made

Besides providing new curricula which will make it possible foi Hope College to grant the M.A. degree, the authorities have also decided to enlarge the scope of edu-cation in the undergraduate field.

This year for the first time in its history Hope College is offering courses of a so-called "vocational type." These courses are combined in the new department of "Busi-ness Administration." This work is an addition to the existing curri-cula. It is not intended that it shall in any way curtail or supplant the existing cultural education.

The new department is made possible through a memorial to Arend Visscher made by Mrs. Anna Visscher, Miss Anne G. Visscher, Oswald Visschor, Arthur Visscher, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Visscher.

Arend Visscher was a member of the board of trustees of Hope for about 25 years and was treas-urer for most of that time. He was Hope's only graduate in 1872. Be-cause of this unique distinction, he was familiarly known as "the class of '72." His entire life was spent in the city of Holland aa a lawyer, banker, and business man.

Despite his business career, Mr. Visscher never lost sight of the literary and cultural side of life, and he was always keenly inter-ested in pursuits along these lines. The liberal donations which he made to the college library both in books and money are a living proof of this fact. The College owes a great debt of grati tude to the Visscher family for this splendid memorial.

The new department is most es-sential to accommodate the con-stantly increasing number of Hope-ites who are planning to enter bus-iness as a profession. Included in the new courses are classes in ad-vanced discussions in industrial and commercial production with whole-saling, jobbing, and retail distrib-ution through merchandising by in-dividuals, firms, corporations, chains and branches. A course in the psy-chology of economics and govern-ment and ethical .relations of the industrial processes will also be included in the new department.

It is expected that one or more new instructors will be engaged for the new department. .They will be announced very shortly.



Welcome Hopeites: We welcome you, new and

old students, ad we begin our worjc for another year. Wheth-er you come from the east or west we're glad to have you here. It is our earnest hope that the coming year will prove to be to each of us a milestone of success. Lot us endeavor to give of our best, and thus "achieve new heights" at Hope this year. The Y. W. C. A. extends a special invita-tion to all new girls. We will make you feel a t home at Hope.

Cordially, Y. W. Pres.

Many of Old Gridders Back

On dope's Team ^ "


Vacation Spent In Performing

Mission Work






The first meeting of the Y. W. C. A. for the college year 1930-31 will be called to order by Anne Koeman Tuesday evening. Miss Koeman, elected in March, will head tha t organization for the school year.

Olive Peeke, in the role of vice-president, will plan programs for the meetings which are held every Tuesday evening throughout the school year except during holidays. Ethel Cunningan, as secretary, will record the activities of the organization. Mary Koesegarten who was elected t reasurer in March did not return to school this fall and a person will be chosen in the near fuut re to fill her place.

The cabinet members in charge of the divisions of tVe society ac-tivities are planning fu l l programs for the promotion of the society aims and also for the social fellow-ship of the girls. f

Few Hopeites spent their vaca-tion rendering such unselfish serv-ice to their Alma Mater as did the "Missionary Four." These four young men: Howard Schade from New Jersey, Richard Niesink from Kalamazoo, Rudolph Nichols from Holland, and Abram Antar from Arabia; traveled through the entire western section of the Dutch Re-formed Church in the interest of Arabian missions and Hope Col-lege. They 'set out June 20, im-mediately a f t e r graduation, and re-turned during the latter part of August.

The trip was made in a modest Ford. This humble creature was treated in the best hospitals along the route and underwent many major operations. The boys were unable to visit every church in the western section, but did succeed in reaching several in each of the mid-western states.

The group gave a musical and missionary program. Mr. Schade was able to thrill the audiences as a vocal soloist. Mr. Nichols was the violinist, while Mr. Niesink acted as pianist. Mr. Antar, an Arabian a t Hope, who also attended the school of the Reformed church in Arabia, told of missions in his homeland. All proceeds above ex-penses were devoted to the mis-sionary work in that country.




The beauty and impressiveness of Hope Memorial Chapel has been increased by the decorating of the interior of the building. The inside of the chapel has been finished in cream-colored textone giving the effect of huge blocks of stone.

Not only has the chapel been improved but a general refinishing and cleaning was made of Winants chapel and Van Raalte hall. The walls in both buildings have been calcimined and the rooms have been gone over.

i The girls, no doubt, have noticed the improvements in Voorhees hall for that too has had a general cleaning. Some of the rooms have been reflnished while others have had the floors fixed.

The cleaning and decorating pro-gram covered the period of one month and the work was done by Ray A. Hoek, Holland decorator.

o Rank

% Whatever honors Noah had, In good old days of yore, No yacht club e'er bestowed on him The title, "commodore."

Ten days from today Hope will place its varsity football team on the field fo r the opening game. 'On September 27 the Orange and Blue clad gridders are scheduled to take on the Ohio State Normal college a t Bowling Green, Ohio, in the ini-tial tilt. Hope has six other games during the remainder of the season, five of them in the M.I.A.A. con-ference. Alma, Olivet and Kalama-zoo will play conference games here.

Coach Jack Schouten has had a number of his charges out for prac-tice since September 10. Invitations were extended this fall to about two dozen candidates to report for the early drills held at the college field. About half of the number were present at the first practices with the others joining the squad later. Numerous other candidates are expected to report this after- ' noon.

Chances for a successful year on the gridiron are favorable on Hope's campus. Nine lettermen are among the candidates trying for positions on the 1930 eleven. Hope had a freshman team last fall that was unbeaten in three s tar ts and generally acclaimed as frosh cham-pions of the M.I.A.A. Some of the outstanding men on this team have failed to return to school, however.

Leading the Hope squad is Allen Brunson, who is captain of the team. Brunson will be shifted from tackle to center this fall, in order to s t rengthen the center of the line. Last fall the captain was chosen on the M.I.A.A. Second team.

Besides Brunson, there is Fred Wyngarden, tackle; Tom Beaver, tackle; Ron Fox, Jack Juist , and Mike Leenhouts, guards. The back-field veterans include Howard Dal-man, halfback; Lewis Scudder, halfback; and Oosting, utility. Clar-ence Becker, who will lead Hope in basketball this year, is also out for a ball-toting position.

Those returning to school from the frosh team are not known. Nor-lin and Zwfmer were the only can-didates to report. This pair made a name for itself in high school football, and they will a t tempt to keep their record clean a t Hope. Norlin and Zwemer weigh but 156 pounds apiece, yet have drive and power of men twice their size. The Weigerink brothers^ Gerrit and Jim, will be out for ends. Big George Painter, Clark Poling, and Herb Marsilje are also to be with the team. 9

Hope Lecture Course To Be , The Best Ever



To Freshman and other new students it is undoubtedly a great piece of riews to learn tha t fo r the past several decades Hope College has offered an annual Lyceum course to its students as well as to the citizens of the city. These courses are presented under the auspices of Dr. J . B. Nykerk, head of the department of English. To him goes the honor and credit of bringing some of the best talent in music, speech, and drama on the American platform to our own school. Mr# Nykerk has constantly presented all profits to the library for a purchasing fund, while he has personally liquidated deficits which

"were created in "difficult years."


This year Mr. Nykerk has ar-ranged for a program tha t will out-dipse any of those seen by the present student generation. The four numbers of the course present a wide variety and are the results of much elimination of less favor-able material, by a connoiseur of impeccable taste. Of exceptional interest is the-announcement of a lecture to be given by Randolph Churchill, eighteen years old, and student at Oxford University. Mr. Churchill is the son of Winston Churchill and the grandson of JLord Randolph Churchill. With his out-spoken statements and intriguing rhetoric-he so impressed the audi-ence a t the Oxford Union debate that men high in the circles of state predict a great political career for him in the conservative party in Britain. This youth who has elec-trified audiences in two hemis-pheres will speak at Hope College either on the subject: "Can Youth Be Conservative?" or on the topic: "Why L A m Not a Socialist."

The other numbers will be more fully announced later. They in-clude a dramatic performance of a very high calibre, a musical pro-gram, and an impersonator of Abraham Lincoln who will present as readings the famous speeches of the great Unionist. Watch for an announcement of the dates of these programs.

o '— Current Questions on the ^Campus

Who is going to be president ? What about tha t Milestone? Who is t h a t ?


• •

The first regular meeting of • the Y. M. C. A. will be held • next Tuesday evening. If • weather permits the meeting may be held at the beach, otherwise in the "Y" room in Memorial Chapel. , ;

Since Mr. Raymond Mc Gil-vra has not returned, Mr. Clarence Becker will be presi- • dent for the year.

The meeting Tuesday eve-ning will be led by Coert Ry-laarsdam of the Senior Class. He will discuss the "Purpose of 4 Y'" ; "To Promote Chris-tian Feeling and Practise." More than ever the "Y" will strive to achieve the motto: "Jesus Christ Is King of Our • Campus." \ *

N *mber 33

Hope College Faculty Show

Few Changes





The J f t i l e s t o n e - J I n E x p l a n a t i o n

o jONSIDERABLE conversation hat been going on up-

on the Campus during these opening days of the yekr, relative to the publication of the Milestone. Mr.

Wichers, editor of the annual, has requested that THE AN-C H O R make a statement explaining the cause of the delay. This we gladly do.

The book is ready to go to press. AH the material, in :

eluding many photographs of "early graduates, has been gath-ered together. The book is larger than usual, but the hearty response of the Alumni makes it possible to publish the book with very little more than the usual amount of advertising.

However, the business depression together with certain misunderstandings have been the causes of the failure to get the required amount of "ads" up to now. A final organized drive for the remaining amount begins at once. It is hoped that the annual will appear within a few weeks.

Mr. Wichers and his Business Staff wish to express their regrets at the delayed puUicatton, but beg the consideration of the student body in view of the abnormal economic con-ditions.

ANCHOR Editor.

With the opening of the new school year we find few changes in the personnel of the College faculty. Perhaps the outstanding alteration is in the English Depart-ment from which Mr. Irwin Lub-bers resigned last June to accept a position as head of the Educa-tional Department of Carrol Col-lege, Wisconsin. During last year Mr. Lubbers was on a leave of ab-sence at Northwestern University, Evanston, III. His place last year was occupied by Dr. R. Gray as provisional instructor. Mr. Gray is not returning this fall.

In the Department of German Mr. Edward Wolters, A. M., will occupy the chair vacated by Dr. G. L. Robinson. Up to nwv Mr. Wolters has been instructor of Latin and Greek in the Hope High School.

Faculty members for the new Business Administration Depart-ment as well as for the enlarged work in^Economics have not yet been announced.

Prof. Bruce M. Raymond, head^ of the Department of History, is unable to tell all he knows about history in thirty-six weeks. During the past summer he lectured for six weeks a t Central Sta te Teach-ers College a t Mt. Pleasant Mich-igan. Many oJ the faculty attended summer sessions a t several univer-sities. * Othrt-s followed temporary business pursuits. All are return-ing brimful of enthusiasm to make this a year memorable in scholastic achievement. Beware!

Orator Gives Address During




Nearly Eighty Y e a n of PregreM Under Six Presidents Makes

Hope a Prosperous School



There are many things in life which are missed when they aren't . One of them is the Student 's Guide. This little booklet which is pub-lished annually has practically be-come a fixture on the Hope College campus. I t contains the names of all the students as well as those of the faculty members, together with the complete home and city ad-dresses of all.

This year the booklet is being produced by Paul Brouwer and Coert Rylaarsdam, both of the Se-nior Class. They have already made considerable preparation for the publication of the Guide. It will take a few weeks before the work can be completed. J u s t when i t will be depends in pa r t upon the completion of the records in the registrar 's office, following regis-tration.

This morning marks the sixty-fourth annual convocation of Hope College and ihe seventy-ninth of the preparatory school. Hope Col-lege of today found i t s origin in the Pioneer School foundation in 1861. This was only four years a f t e r the first immigration of the "Pilgrims of the W e s t "

Dr. Dimnent, who resigned as president of the College a t the an-nual meeting of the Board of Trus-tees last June, will be the chairman at this morning's sendee. He has graciously consented to continue as acting president of the school until a successor has Ijeen secured.

Dr. John Vander Meulen, prexy of Louisville Presb. Seminary, will deliver the message a t this year 's convocation. He is not a s t ranger to old Hopeites, having been the speaker during Prayer Week two years ago. He is a man of un-thought of today Dr. Vander Meu-len is an exponent of progressive conservatism, a man who seeks to build on the past, not without it.

The service this morning finds Prof. Curtis Snow, college organ-ist, a t the console of our beautiful ins t rument I t is expected tha t the service will open with the inspiring strains of Hope's old convocational hymn: "Come Thou, Almighty King." " ' ^ ^ 7

Dr. Edward Dimnent, who has just resigned from the presidency, was Hope's sixth president Dr. Philip Phelps was elected president in 1866. He was followed in t u r n by Dr. George Mandeville, Dr. Chas. Scott, Dr. G. Kollen, and Dr. J . Vennema. Thanks to the con-structive work of all of these men and of our own Dr. Edward Dim-nent, Hope today enjoys a most flourishing prospehty in every way in which this may be said, of an educational institution.

Anchor Subscription Drive Begins at Once



Beginning at once, there will be an intensive subscription campaign for the ANCHOR. All subscriptions expire two weeks a f t e r the opening of the new school year.

Mr. Dave Reardon of the Junior Class has been appointed subscrip-tion manager. He will0be assisted by others in signing up , every Hopeite to take the school paper for the coming year.

During the past two years there has been a falling off in student subscribers. This manifests a lack of interest in the school paper not only, but a lack of Hope spirit as well. Let 's put away the old argu-ments! Let 's go "over the top" for the ANCHOR, as well as fo r every other student object Assist the subscription canvassers by prompt-ly giving them |1.&0 of your sum-mer's earnings when they ca l l

Raymond, "Bob," McGilvra, who was to have been a Senior a t Hope this fall , has not returned to school. He is attending Iowa "U." Mr. McGilvra was president of the Y.M.C.A. This vacancy will be Ailed by Clarence Becker.

- o Cheer Up, Frtekmaa

A man iant licked just because he lost his shirt Look at Gandhi'

^ _l ; •

Page 2: 09-17-1930

Patre Two Hope College Anchor


Ente red a t the Pojit Office a t Hol land.

Michigan, a» Second ClaHH Mat ter .

Accepted for ma i l ing nt Kiwcinl rn te of

POBtajre provided for in Section 110:5 of

Act of ConKre«H. October .1, 1917. Author -

Ired October 19, 1918,

Editor, J. Coert Rylaarsdam

Editor's Note—Because of limit

time in pet t inp out the first Anchor

it was impossible to .arrange the

names of the complete editorial

stafT. These will be found at the

top of this column in our next


A NEW STAFF This issue of the ANCHOR

again finds the paper in new

hands. Our latest editor, Mr.

Van Ark, has left for Colum-bia Univers i ty , where he will

s tudy more intensively and

direct ly than ever the journal-

istic profession. His splendid

accomplishment on our own

paper is an advance proof of

his f u t u r e success. We regre t

his going f rom Hope but wish

him life 's best.

Observat ion has told us t ha t it is t he well nigh universal

peculiari ty of s tuden t s to ex-

pect radical changes in thei r

school paper whenever a new

editor comes to the helm. To

avoid d isappointment we hope

t h a t few Hopeites a re e x a c t -

ing such revolutions. We be-

lieve t h a t a college weekly

should mi r ro r the activit ies,

in teres ts , and spir i t of its stu-

dent body. We believe t h a t the

ANCHOR has done so in the

p a s t ; we aim to have it do so

in the f u t u r e . Obviously, a col-

lege paper should not change

a t t he opening of th i s yea r we

should s top f o r 4 moment , not to pay a debt of g ra t i t ude , bu t

to make ment ion of a deb t

which can never be paid, a

debt Hope owes Dr. Dimnent .

The past ten yea r s have

been difficult ones f o r t h e

president of a small college,

especially when t h a t college

was a denominat ional school which remained t r ue to t h e

spir i t of its origin. The war

played havoc with the exist-

ing c u r r e n t s of religious and

educational t h o u g h t in our

country . Resides the sacrifices

in blood th i s ca ta s t rophe de-

manded f rom America, it lef t us to combat a spir i t of ma te -

rialism which shows itself in

religious indifference and com-

mercialized education. N a t u r -

ally youth was most deeply

touched by th i s ex t remely

mundane spir i t . It was th i s

spir i t which was met and suc-

cessfully countered by Dr.

Dimnent in his career as pres-ident of Hope.

Always a . f r iend of t ru ly

liberal education, of cu l tu re

for its own sake. Dr. Dimnent

has tenaciously clung to the

t ruly educational curr icula , to

which now o ther ins t i tu t ions

are re tu rn ing . Hope's non-spe-

cialized offer ings could com-

pete successfully with t h e al-

lu rements of commercial or

specialized t ra in ing elsewhere.

Moreover, under Dr. Dim-

nent ' s ca refu l supervis ion as

well as i)ersonal aid, the school

has reached a financial stabil-

ity g r e a t e r than it has ever

before enjoyed. Many of the

small schools of the count ry

are burdened with financial t roubles which makes it well

nigh impossible f o r t hem to

funct ion sa t i s fac tor i ly . The

WIT AND WISDOM Add to Your Similes:

As mafmetic as a sun-burned back.

As hard to close as a suitcase a f t e r mother has packed it with what couldn't go in the trunk.

As magnetic as a sun-burned back.

As useless as " I t " when you are dead broke.

As natural looking as the can opener among the gif ts for a bride in a kitchen shower.

As a Senior Sees It

The honeymoon is over when she gets on his nerves while eat ing corn on the cob.

Laughter is only a smile with a sound.

What women need are wrist watches that will run and hosiery that won't.

There was a time when they poi-soned a man by handing him a cup of hemlock; now they invite him down cellar.

Long skirts do not stay long when the* wearer sits down.



One does nob see the green play-

ed up in ribbons, pots and ties on

the first day of school, but one can

see green in the timid-eyed, half-

scared freshmen as they travel on

the campus. They are green!

Green at the knowledge of where

to go, what to do and what to say.

How much more appropi^ate will

be the "wearing of the green" for

them than say the "wearing of the


OhI how welcome the frosh are.

Humor is always welcome in the

serious business of college. What

fun there will be in taking the con-1 ceit out of the group. They still

act as though thev are high school

seniors, the leaders, but they will

soon learn that they are nothing

more than the ground for their

elders to tread on.

Ex-President Dimnent

. , g rea t business sagaci ty of Mr. w i t h o u t a corresponding 1 ) i m n e n t j s j n a l a i , R e m e a s u | , e

change in its s tuden t consli-, r e s p o n s j l ) | e f o | . t h e e n t i r e | v

tuency. •d i f ferent s i tuat ion at Hope. More than ever we wish to j R l l l | ) e l . h a p s t h e g l . e a t e s t

have our pa|)er announce the I a c c ( ) n l | ) l i s | l m e n t o f 0 U l . e x _

cu r ren t desires of s t u d e n t s , p l . e s j f l e l l t w a s h i s a | ) i l i t y t o

with regard to the i r school. 1 ) r e s e | , v e l h e t n l i v c h l . j s U a n

There are many s t a t e m e n t s ! c | l a | . a c t e l . ( ) f o u l . C ( ) | l e g e w h i l e

made as to " W h a t Hope ought ^ t h e s a n i e l i m e n i e e t i n g w i t h '

to do. etc." As s tuden t s « e i . h a l . a c t e l , i s t j c | y '

hear these s t a t emen t s in s e - | s | ) i r j t t h e demands of a new eluded conversation w h e r e j a R e a n d a c l l a n g j n g . e n v i l , ) n . i they can serve only to depress; m e l U H | s . l ( i m o n i t i o n t ( ) a l |

some and to embi t t e r o thers . j o n m a t t e r s was to Le t ' s give our supressions an s e e k t o k M m v t h e t l . u t h J

a i r i n g ! Present your ideas to | | ) 0 n d e l , m ( l e a d e a n l e s t ^ the editorial s taff . If they a r e i g l . e a t ( l l l e s t j ( ) n s o f | i f p X]1( | i n

deemed prudent , even though | a | , t h j s h e t , ) l l n s e | | e c i n o t f i l . s t

t hey a re innovations, they o f a l | U l e s t u d v o f ^ s t a n ( 1 _

will gladly lie given editorial | a r d b u t t h e s t u d v o f

a t ten t ion .

We do not wish to revolu-

tionize, but to progress . As a

se rvan t of Hope the ANCHOR

holds sacred the memory of

the school's glorious past , and

is eager to co-operate with such ambi t ions as it feels will

produce a still g r e a t e r Hope in the f u t u r e , a Hope built

on the foundat ions of the past . To th i s end we ask the

h e a r t y co-operation of every s tudent .

lOdward D. Dimnent resigns after serving 12 years as Hope's President

Welcome! HOPE MEN Welcome! W h i l e rushing anyway . . . try rushing to T h e |

J E R R O L D ' S s tore to join the f ra terni ty of savers.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This year finds Hope Col-

lege wi thout a president , Dr.

Edward Dimnent , f o r the past twelve yea r s head of the

school, unexpectedly resigned

last June . It is but proper t h a t

Him who is the Tru th , whose Word and Life must ever be

the foundat ion of every Chris-tian creed.

The ANCHOR expresses the

sen t iment of all t r ue Hopei tes

when it acknowledges i ts in-debtedness to Dr. Dimnent .


Howard Schade of the Junior Class has been elected to the Third Reformed Church as choir director for this year. The ANCHOR wishes to congratulate Mr. Schade on this distinction. Howard is ex-ceptionally talented for solo work. It was in this way tha t he brought honor to our Glee Club on its east-ern trip last year. For the past two years he has been employed as special soloist by St. Mark's Pro-cathedral in Grand Rapids. Mr. Schade's home is in West Engle-wood, N. J .

Points of Appeal to these fraternity men.

Fall Suits W h a t are the new fall

styles like? M a n . . . th is space isn't half big enough

to tell you. But to put it briefly, we'l l say this . . . the i r t r im snappy lines will "open your eyes".

O n e glance and you'l l b e

"so ld" on the n e w lapel and shou lder effects . . . t he n e w fea tures in vest and t rousers . . . and keen weaves .



The JERROLD CO. 60 East 8th St. Holland, Mich.

HOPEITES! Mass Meeting Mon-

day evening in Carne-

gie "Gym". All Frosh

must be there to hear


NICHOLS BEAUTY SALON Shampooing, Finger Waving, Marcel-

ling, Manicuring.

Ask about our Special Rates for Students

28 W. 8th St. Phone 2704



Old and New

Wo Welcome You

P.S.BOTER&CO Clothing for Men—Young Men and Boys

Shoes for the Whole Family

9 1 muni iiiiiiiiri.'miuuiiiiiuniiiiiiiii;iiia:iiiiiuiiii:uiiiiuuiiiijiiii:i,iiiiiu.iu;iiyi.iiiii:nuiiu:iii:i;iuuii,i!iiiuxiii!iiiiuiimiiuii!nuniiij.,i!i;uiir,miiimirjiiii!iiimiifuiiiinflniii;ii

1 •


Students of Hope

Stationery or Printing of any kind, neatly, quickly and reason-

ably done.

Your Anchor Printer for 37 years



Established 1872 I v

We print anything from a ticket to a full size poster.


Page 3: 09-17-1930

Social Season Opens at Hope College

It has been said that "One doesn't remember much of the book-work of college but ra ther it 's the good times and the friend-ships tha t make college life." Studies do count but the literary societies of Hope do so much in making the school year enjoyable.

The societies of Hope promote the best sort of friendships and also help in forming cultured lives. Their motive is priamrily to pro-mote art in its many varieties, but also to make friendships that are helpful and lasting.

Fall brings the opening of the many social activities of the liter-ary societies on Hope's campus. The freshmen and new students will be entertained at the various societies before they will be asked to give their preference.


It's the Aletheans that are in-spired by the "colors of blue and rose, the symbols of truth and love." Sara Fox is the president for the first of the three terms in the school year. Ruby Aiken will be responsible for the programs of the

new school year. With Miss Eunice Hyma as president the society is eager to s t a r t ' a new year social fellowship.

Hazel Paalman, the vice-presi-dent, is planning programs for the year; Anne Buth will do secretarial work for the society; Marian De Kuiper will take care of money matters and Mildred Klow is keeper of archives.

SOROSITES Betty Smith will lead the Soro-

sites in their s tart on another mile-stone of happiness, success and friendship. Her close assistant will be Ethel Cunningan vice-president of the society.

A good record of the accomplish-ments of the society as well as a

^review of the good times will be kept by Bessie Schouten. Elizabeth Arendshorst will have charge of the financial business of Sorosis.


Sibyllines will unfurl their colors cf royal blue and chaste silver representing high ideals of life abundant with Helen Eenenaam as president. Mary Harper, vice-pres-ident, will plan the entertainment of the society.

Secretarial work is in charge of Sadie Grace Masselink while Tillie Masselink will have charge of financial matters.

DORIANS Josephine Rodenberg is the pres-

ident of Dorian for the first term and will no doubt make it one of her aims to put Dorian first in society.

Marguerite Kinkema is the t r eas - | b a s k e t b a l i a g a i n . Marion Lordahl, urer of Alethea and Janet Kollen j vice-president, will help to carry is responsible for secretarial duties. o u t D o r i a n ' s a i m of "Strength, Helen Barr is the officer for order. | S i m p l i c i t y a n d Truth."

Little news is as yet forthcom-ing from the fraternit ies. This per-haps because all the boys are busy bringing their homes back to a de-gree of cleanliness equal to Mor-

ton's 99.44%. The Cosmopolitans converted

their House into a tourist home during the summer. The boys re-port tha t they did very good busi-ness, when allowance is made for the demands of Hoover prosperity. Friesma is back with a new Ford roadster. All mourn the sad ( ? ) end of "Mel" Costing's pin.

The Knickerbocker Home was used by the Parkway Play School during the summer months. The House has been completely cleaned. A new radio has been purchased for the lounging room. The f ra ter-nity has elected Allen Brunson House President. All admire the Painter coach.

At Fraternal Hall the boys aro being assisted by the decorators in completely renovating their Home. The woodwork has been painted and the walls are being decorated. The muscular "Beau" takes a lead in the work. Many repairs are still in progress. John Muilenburg's Ford again graces the drive.

The Emersonians have had the exterior of their Home redecorated, greatly enhancing the beauty of the building. They are now busy bringing the interior into tip-top condition. All work willingly for the new chief, John Mulder.

"Frosh" Are Entertained at

Social Meet





To be sure that no new student

or new freshman would be a victim

of homesickness the Y. W. C. A.

and Y. ^1. C. A. planned special

features for their first week at school so that they might become acquainted and enjoy social gather-ings.

The first of the moves of the organization was to introduce the Freshman to "that dear old town of Holland, Michigan" and also to the beauty spots at the resorts. The sight-seeing tour was staged on Tuesday afternoon before the open-ing of school on Wednesday.

This afternoon the new girls will be entertained at tea by the Y. W. C. A.

The final windup in social affairs that make the opening of school so enjoyable will be the annual V. W. 1

C. A. and Y. M. C. A. reception to be held in Carnegie hall next Wed-nesday evening. The entire college is invited to attend and the recep-tion promises to be unique. Esther Mulder and Gordon Alexander are the social chairmen of thp organ-izations in charge of the party.

News From Class of '30

Many returning Hopeites will be

anxious to have news about the

class graduated in June. Up to now

we have heard from only a few.

But we hope to publish the where-

abouts of all and tell of their ac-

tivities as we hear of them from

time to time.

Bernard Arendshort has left for

Harvard University, Cambridge,

where he will take courses in busi-

ness administration. While at school he is living in Gallatin Hall.

Messrs. Donald Hicks, Donald Wade, Arthur Oudemol, Henry Bast, and perhaps others are en-tering New Brunswick Seminary.

Russell Smith is teaching at St. Johns, while Stanley Van Lare is teaching in the Fremont High School.

John Winter, Marvin Meengs, Sidney Heersma, Harold Dykhui-zen, and others are entering Rush School of Medicine.

Herman Kruizenga is to study classical languages at Michigan

Universily.; He was the recipient

of the regents ' scholarship offered

annually by the University. Earl Mosier is entering the School of Dentistry at the same university.

WELCOME STUDENTS Make our store your headquar ters


Quality Shoe Repairing "Dick The S! oe Doctor,,

Electric Shoe Hospital 13 E. 8 th Street


We extend this wholeheartedly.

We are offering

Tennis Rackets With a

Vs Discount

Superior 206 RIVER

Specialists in Athletic Goods

DELPHIANS Bound by the ties of Yellow and

Blue the Delphians are ready to proclaim "All Hail Delphi" for the

iaimu:mTru:iTiiLT.iiniiiiEBi!Ei:i8:iiriTiTnri mtri twmiiniiiiattiJltBiiKnrratinaiawiinmKriinrrn itmixi imu.i umiii 111 ixi i rnui'

Margaret Rottschaeffer is clerk of the society for the fall term and Geneva Dogger will act as treas-

urer. Hopeites--01d and New!

W e bid you one and all a happy re tu rn to Hol land .

B R I N K ' S B O O K S T O R E


Welcome-Welcome Back Hope Students We will be glad to take care of your Kodak

work and assure you of prompt, thorough and in-expensive service.

D. J. Du Saar, phone"230 KODAK FINISHING and GIFTS


Selles Jewelry Store

Winning Combination! WATERMAN'S PENS are built by

veteran craftsmen and are guaran-teed forever against all defects. Water-man's Inks are absolutely the best inks

for fountain pens and for general use. Together they form a combination that will add greatly to your persodkl

efficiency and pen comfort.

a fuxi 1 ruTrarrrrmimu imujmauiiimmia'XUwrrD i rnaarmwwauaiMMMg in i-uxi u.ti i VI u.i u j.u u i u in 11 uj

1 WELCOME! STUDENTS OF HOPE! You a r e invi ted to use the B a n k i n g facili t ies of

The First State Bank The Oldest and Largest State Bank in the County

1 -rr'TT—""i1" wisuiiiii :iiiauiiiaiauiiH«xi:i;i:i wwmiu iiuaajwiwi i ami rn

A Hearty Welcome To The Students of HOPE

We carry shoes

Come/in and get acquainted

furnishings, and rry a fufl line of dothirg, at popular prices.

The Lokker-Rutgers Co. 39—41 East 8tH Holland, Mich,


p o p u l a r

co lo r s of

i n k s

Blue Black (Permanent)

Jet Black (Permanent)

Green Violet Red Blue

2 or. to 1 gaL containers


C O Z Y I N N 68 East «th St.

Blue Bird Diamond Rings Elgin Watchts


Successor to W. R. Stevenson

Complete Watch and Jewelry Repairing


Peoples State Bank

This bank is interested in the students of | Hope College and we are always glad to | be of aid to them. If there is anything we | can do for you at anytime, we would be 1 glad to have you call at the bank. Remember | we shall be glad to carry your account here 1 this year.


i t Pays to Ti Model"

s •"wn—iim


A CLEAR ANALYSIS of your expenditures is always possible with a checking account. Feel free to avail yourself of our facilities at all times.

Holland City State Bank HOLLAND, MICHIGAN

HOPE COED'S We invite you to look over our


Oyr Stock is Complete in Sizes and Styles.

French Cloak Store

Page 4: 09-17-1930

^ T'Tr . «-. .. . ,

B h



P a y P o o r Hope CoDege Anchor


Last fall Hope college had a freshman football team that was unbeaten in season's play am rated as frosh champions of the M. I. A. A. conference. Many of the members of this team are now returning a s ' sophomores, ant should make the varsity and their letters this season.

. ^ There will be football practice today and freshmen are urged t o come out. No matter how much experience you have had, you are welcome to try for the team. The frosh coaching will be done by Alvin Cook, popularly known as "Boo," who was captain of Hope's team last fall. Boo is rated among the best linemen in the state.

The time of the first practice will be announced today. Watch the bulletin boards!










Sept. 27 Hope at Bowling

Green, Ohio

Oct. 4 Open

Oct. 11 Hope at Albion

Oct. 18 Alma at Hope

Oct. 25 Olivet at Hope

Nov. 1 Hope at Hillsdale

Nov. 7 Kalamazoo at Hope Nov. 15 Hope at Detroit City


Hope To Offer Work Leading



Students Welcome Columbia Hat-Suit Cleaners

As a surprise to all returning Hopeites comes the announcement that our College is to commence offering graduate work leading to a M.A. degree. This decision was recently reached by the Board and Council that govern our school. It is contemplated to Begin1 offering the work this fall. It is expected that most of the work will be of-fered in the form of an extension in existing departments and that for the greater part it will be han-dled by faculty members now on the teaching staff.

There is a very essential -motive which prompts our authorities to take this new step. The increased number of those who have attended the colleges and universities of our country during the past decade and a half as compared to former peri-ods has required a corresponding raise in the educational require-ments for many of the leading pro-: essions. This is especially true in the teaching field. This field has been very crowded for the past ten years. To insure a teaching force of the highest calibre many states have recently changed their stand-ards, making it necessary for a high school instructor to have a Master's degree. It is very possible that Michigan as well as other states in the field served by Hope College graduates will soon adopt similar requirements.

In anticipation of such legisla-tion Hope College has begun offer-ing work leading to a Master's de-gree, so tha t it will continue to be possible to earn a State Teaching Certificate at our college. Similar action has been taken by Olivet College at Olivet. Michigan. The new venture is being watched with interest by undergraduate Hope-



With the open ing of the school year an almost entirely new staff will .be in charge of the College publication, the Anchor. Mr. Gor-don Van Ark, editor for the second semester of last year has lef t for Columbia, where he entered the Department of Journalism. He is succeeded by J . Coert Rylaarsdam, formerly of the Associate Staff.

Miss Mary Kosegarten, head re-porter last year is not returning to school this fall. Mr. Harry K. Smith, associate editor last year, resigned at the close of the last year. 4

A complete new editorial staff will be announced within a week.

There will als6 be changes in the Business Staff. However, Mr. Gerald Huenink will continue to be manager. Mr. David Reardon has been appointed Circulation Man-ager and will be assisted by several others in a subscription drive, be-ginning at once.

o-Mr. William De Haan, '28, will

attend the Law School at the " U " of Michigan* this year. He spent his last year at Leland Stanford.



Mr. John Mulder, '28^and former Anchor editor, will return to Cam-bridge, Mass., soon to begin his third year at the Harvard Law School.

o » Miss Berendine Siebers, '30, will,

leave for Rush Medical School, Chi-cago, where she will take up work preparatory to becomingya foreign missionary. Mis Siebers will be re-membered as last year's president of the Y.W.C.A.


SmA J k H &£> 1 iW| off tfuo

a n d

fit tufo of ific




Is one of the Exc i t ing Fash ion S n e c e s N e s

f o r Fall

ft'* Smart to Be Yomthtml Im Smart

Co-Ed Frue km

because their low cost and

authentic styling endears them

to the hearts of fashionables.

D R E S S E S A T 1 1 5 0 0

2 . 0 8 _ C O L L E G E A V E N U E JecuruiLSf toppt

mmmmb tmrnsmm ixaaxnm run eeuiiajiincun: nauxcncixixR imiduiitj ittimtui mi ma run n n«ii—in wiimuniuM, hi in, mmmmmmmmmmmn

All Tired Out After Your Vacation?

Holland Sandwich Shop Food Will Build You Up Quickly


"From Hat to Shoe" Z S Because C o l l f g e folks ' k n o w

t h e y can get real service of this kind at the Columbia Cleaners S to re is w h y one f inds the p lace filled at all t imes .

Before you g ive tha t new girl a rush look at y o u r Hat, Su i t and Shoes .

Suits Pressed While You Wait SkK SWm Pir lw • CMiedioi

Columbia Hat-Suit Cleaners . 11 Vint 8th St. Phone 4656

W o o l laca, fho fabr ic Paris de-craes so smart for

• he y o u t h f u l , makes t l ie skiif of

•his outstandingly chic new CO-ED

ipor fs model witf: its bal l buttons for ejrfra smart-neiv

Specially Priced

• o u r i o e i i

o i l i e r e3t<*li£.s2ve




$1.50 Per Year

18 Holes of Real Fun

Tom Thumb Miniature Golf Course


Central Ave. and 7th Street. One half block North of Warm Friend Tavern

Holland, Michigan %

Open Every Day and Night (EXCEPT SUNDAY) s

Fee 25 Cents

Everybody Welcome! Central Ave. and Seventh Street




You at the W Shoe



i #

Rose Cloak Store | STUDENTS: Welcome To C L E A N — C O M F O R T A B L E — W H O L E S O M E F O O D