08 – 10 April 2014 Kielce – Cedzyna, Poland www.nodigpoland.tu.kielce.pl V I CONFERENCE with indoor and outdoor exhibitions and live shows European Forum on Underground Constructions Trenchless Technology Center based in Louisiana SPONSORS MEDIA PATRONAGE STEINZEUG-KERAMO Sp. z o.o. BARTHAUER / P.A. NOVA S.A. PER AARSLEFF POLSKA Sp. z o.o. TECO Sp. z o.o. Kielce University of Technology Kielce District Chamber of Civil Engineers Kielce Waterworks Society Polish WaterworksHOBAS System Polska Sp. z o.o. CONSOLIS Polska Sp. z o.o. BLEJKAN Sp. z o.o. Kuliczkowski Andrzej EXPERT 2014 ORGANIZERS AND CO-ORGANIZERS Polish Foundation for Trenchless Technology International Society for Trenchless Technology a member of

08 10 April 2014 Kielce Cedzyna, Poland08 – 10 April 2014 Kielce – Cedzyna, Poland VI CONFERENCE with indoor and outdoor exhibitions and live shows European Forum on Underground

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Page 1: 08 10 April 2014 Kielce Cedzyna, Poland08 – 10 April 2014 Kielce – Cedzyna, Poland VI CONFERENCE with indoor and outdoor exhibitions and live shows European Forum on Underground

08 – 10 April 2014

Kielce – Cedzyna, Poland



with indoor and outdoor exhibitions and live shows

European Forum

on Underground Constructions

Trenchless Technology Center

based in Louisiana




Sp. z o.o.




POLSKA Sp. z o.o.


Sp. z o.o.



of Technology

Kielce District

Chamber of Civil Engineers

Kielce Waterworks

Society „Polish Waterworks”

HOBAS System

Polska Sp. z o.o.


Polska Sp. z o.o.


Sp. z o.o.

Kuliczkowski Andrzej



Polish Foundation

for Trenchless Technology

International Society

for Trenchless Technology

a member of

Page 2: 08 10 April 2014 Kielce Cedzyna, Poland08 – 10 April 2014 Kielce – Cedzyna, Poland VI CONFERENCE with indoor and outdoor exhibitions and live shows European Forum on Underground


● damages of pipelines and failure analysis reasons and consequence

● condition of underground pipelines (assessment and management)

● operation and maintenance of pipelines

● field and laboratory testing of pipelines

● trenchless installation of underground pipelines: microtunelling, pipe jacking and others (the examples of realization)

● trenchless rehabilitation of underground pipelines: repair, sealing, rehabilitation, replacement (the examples of realization)

● pipes used in trenchless technologies

● materials used for repair and rehabilitation of pipelines as well as underground infrastructure building

● devices used in trenchless technologies

● devices used for cleaning and diagnostics of underground pipelines

● planning and designing of trenchless installation as well as rehabilitation of underground pipelines

● large – scale tunneling


During the conference, there will be awarded the „EXPERT 2014” statuettes. The statuettes are awarded to companies

acting in the field of trenchless technologies for the innovations they made in the products as well as in technology for

trenchless installation or rehabilitation of underground pipelines. We kindly invite all companies as well as institutions to take

part in this competition.

The companies interested in the above mentioned competition can submit their products and technology in the

following categories:

I. Trenchless Installation in 2012– 2013

II. Trenchless Rehabilitation in 2012 – 2013

III. The innovative solutions in the range of devices, products or technology used for trenchless installation or rehabilitation

as well as for diagnostics of underground pipelines in 2012 – 2013

More details on www.nodigpoland.tu.kielce.pl



The deadline for the submission of titles and abstracts of papers is 31.01.2014

The deadline for the submission of papers is 10.03.2014

The list of submitted papers is available on a website

The conference proceeding and the exhibition will take place in the Hotel Uroczysko located outside the city in the forest at

the lake, with free sauna, swimming pool and salty cave with salt from the Dead Sea for the conference attendees.

Hotel Uroczysko

Cedzyna 44 D

25 - 900 Kielce

getting by train, bus or taxi from airports

in Cracow (120 km), Warsaw (170 km)

and Katowice (170 km)




„EXPERT 2014”

M.Sc. Beata Pawlusińska

Tel./fax.: +48 41 34-24-450

e-mail: [email protected]

Ph.D. Eng. Maria Gierczak

e-mail: [email protected]

Ph.D. Eng. Justyna Lisowska

e-mail: [email protected]

Page 3: 08 10 April 2014 Kielce Cedzyna, Poland08 – 10 April 2014 Kielce – Cedzyna, Poland VI CONFERENCE with indoor and outdoor exhibitions and live shows European Forum on Underground


Dudlik Włodzimierz Aquanet Poznań S.A., the chairman of the PFTT Council

Jakuta Dorota Society "Polish Waterworks", director

Lipczyński Benedykt Katowice Waterwoks, v-ce chairman of the PFTT Board

Milcarz Henryk Kielce Waterworks, director

Pieniążek Andrzej Kielce District Chamber of Civil Engineers, the chairman

Kuliczkowski Andrzej the chairman

Kuliczkowska Emilia organizational secretary

Lisowska Justyna secretary to the EXPERT 2014 competition

Pawlusińska Beata manager of the conference office

Gierczak Maria organizing committee member

Kuliczkowski Jerzy marketing secretary

Zięba Krzysztof secretary of the conference exhibition

Kuliczkowski Andrzej Kielce University of Technology, professor, the chairman of the PFTT Board, the chairman of the conference, Poland

Ariaratnam Samuel T. Arizona State University, professor, the past chairman of the ISTT, USA

Bielecki Rolf European Forum on Underground Construction (EFUC), the chairman, Germany

Bolt Adam Gdańsk University of Technology, professor, Poland

Dąbek Lidia Kielce University of Technology, professor, the Dean of Environmental Engineering, Geomatics and Power Engineering

Faculty at Kielce University of Technology, Poland

Dąbrowski Wojciech Cracow University of Technology, professor, the PFTT Council member, Poland

Keh – Jian (Albert) Shou National Chung Hsing University, professor, Taiwan

Kuliczkowska Emilia Kielce University of Technology, Ph.D., scientific secretary, Poland

Kusuda Tetsuya The University of Kitakyushu, professor, v-ce chairman of JSTT, Japan

Madryas Cezary Wrocław University of Technology, professor, the chairman of PSTB, Poland

McKim Robert Trenchless Technology Center based in Louisiana, Ph.D., USA

Nenadálová Lucie Czech Technical University in Prague, Ph.D., Czech Republic

Piechurski Florian Silesian University of Technology, Ph.D., Poland

Rak Janusz Rzeszow University of Technology, professor, Poland

Stein Dietrich Dr.-Ing. Stein & Partner GmbH, professor, Germany

Stein Robert Dr.-Ing. Stein & Partner GmbH, Ph.D., Germany

Sterling Raymond L. Trenchless Technology Center based in Louisiana, professor, USA

Wiśniowski Rafał AGH University of Science and Technology, professor, the PFTT Council member, Poland








HOBAS System Polska Sp. z o.o.


TECO Sp. z o.o.


BLEJKAN Sp. z o.o.


CONSOLIS Polska Sp. z o.o.

08.04.2014 (Tuesday)

10:00 – 18:00 – Preparation of exhibition stands

16:00 – Opening of the conference office, quartering

of the participants and handing the proceedings

to the participants (the office will be open to 21:00)

18:00 – The opening ceremony of the exhibition (both indoor

and outdoor), the exhibition will be open to the

visitors to 20:00

20:00 – Dinner

the official languages are english and polish with simultaneous translation

Representatives of the sponsoring companies:

Bachan Arkadiusz PER AARSLEFF POLSKA Sp. z o.o.

Blejsz Jakub BLEJKAN Sp. z o.o.

Nowak Zbigniew CONSOLIS Polska Sp. z o.o.

Polczyk Ireneusz TECO Sp. z o.o.

Połańska-Zorychta Katarzyna STEINZEUG-KERAMO Sp. z o.o.

Skomorowski Lech HOBAS System Polska Sp. z o.o.

Zbyszewski Bogusław BARTHAUER / P.A. NOVA S.A.

09.04.2014 (Wednesday)

07:00 – 08:00 – Breakfast

08:00 – Opening of the conference office and the exhibition

(the office will be open to 18:30)

08:30 – 14:00 – Sessions (with coffee break and time for

visiting the exhibition)

14:00 – 15:00 – Lunch

15:30 – 18:00 – Sessions (with coffee break and time for

visiting the exhibition)

19:00 – Gala dinner with music band and the ceremony of

awarding the „EXPERT 2014” statuettes followed

by awarding memorial plaques to the sponsors of

the conference.

10.04.2014 (Thursday)

07:00 – 08:00 – Breakfast

08:00 – Opening of the conference office (the office

will be open to 14:00)

08:30 – 14:00 – Sessions (with coffee break and time

for visiting the exhibition)

14:00 – 15:00 – Lunch





Page 4: 08 10 April 2014 Kielce Cedzyna, Poland08 – 10 April 2014 Kielce – Cedzyna, Poland VI CONFERENCE with indoor and outdoor exhibitions and live shows European Forum on Underground

REGISTRATION FORM regarding participation in the conference NO-DIG POLAND 2014

Please thick the appropriate boxes below and for the extra options thick the appropriate windows. I would like to participate in the conference of the following persons:

1.Name and the last name …......................................................................... 2. Name and the last name …..................................................................................

3. Name and the last name …........................................................................ 4. Name and the last name …..................................................................................

Company’s name .......................................................................................... Tax Identification No. if any ......................................................................................

Corresponding address: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Tel./Fax.. ............................................................... e-mail address of a contact person: ..................................................................................................................

- I would like to declare my company to compete for the „EXPERT 2014” AWARD in the category .............................................. (details on www.nodigpoland.tu.kielce.pl)

- I would like to receive a certificate confirming a completion of a training regarding Trenchless Technologies

- I would like to submit a paper entitled:.............................................................................................................................................................................................

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (only for scientific papers, the firms interested in submitting promotional papers are requested to thick one of the extra options given below)

THE CONFERENCE FEE and other payments

- Full Conference Registration:

conference proceedings (the papers, publicity materials),

participation in the sessions and the opening ceremony of the exhibition as well as visiting the exhibition,

dinner on 8th April and lunches on 9

th, 10

th April and coffee breaks,

participation in a gala dinner on 9th April

the number of persons: = ................ x 980 PLN = ....................... PLN

- Presentation of a promotional paper followed by adding the paper to the

conference proceedings or giving the on-site show

.............................................………………………………….1600,00 PLN

The title and the name of the author of a promotional paper:………………………………………………...…………………………………………………………… ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

- Poster (250 × 100 cm) to be set up in the conference room ...............................................................................................900,00 PLN

- Indoor exhibition stand (taking about 4 m2 of space, a table and chair are


……………………………………………..……………………..900,00 PLN

- Outdoor exhibition stand to be set in open air, by the hotel, in which the session

will be held (taking about 12 m2 of space)

………………………………………………….…………….....1200,00 PLN

- Addition of the advertising folders to the conference proceedings

.................................................………………………………..600,00 PLN

Total charges: .......................................... PLN (net price) x 1,23 (VAT) = …………………………….……PLN (gross price) All payments have to be made in PLN according to the exchange rate on the day on which the payments will be finalized. An average exchange rate for example on 7

thNovember 2012 is 1 EUR = 4,11 PLN and 1 USD = 3,20 PLN

All payments should be transfered to the bank account: Wod-Kan Consulting, ul. Obr. Westerplatte 18/10, 25-120 Kielce Bank Millenium S.A., The Bank Account No (IBAN): PL13 1160 2202 0000 0000 6001 7283, SWIFT: BIGBPLPWXXX

Registration cancellation policy: All cancellations must be notified in writing to the Organizing Committee. Cancelations received before 8

th March 2014 will be refunded in full less a handling fee of 30%. There will be no refunds for cancellations

made after 8th March 2014. If you cannot attend your registration is transferable any time to another member of your company.

I would like to inform that a conference fee of ............................(PLN) was transfered/will be transfered to the bank account on the day .…………............. I am obliged to cover charges and bank commission of the money transfer of my and Polish banks (beneficiary's and customers banks).

REGISTRATON FORM regarding the hotel reservation

The hotel reservation will be made only after having received the conference fee.

I would like to make a room reservation on 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 April 2014:

Hotel Uroczysko, Rooms of standard

- a single room rate 220,00 PLN. number = ..................………..

- a double room rate 220,00 PLN. number = ..............................

- a studio apartment for three persons (a living room + a bedroom)

250,00 PLN. number = ............................................................

- a suite for two persons 300,00 PLN. number = ........................................

Hotel Uroczysko, Rooms of standard

- a single room rate 300,00 PLN. number =.......................

- a double room rate 300,00 PLN. number = ......................

- a suite for two persons 400,00 PLN. number = ........................

The room rate includes a breakfast. Swimming pool, sauna and salty cave with salt from the Dead Sea are free of charge. The room rates include VAT tax. The room rates can be paid by participants before or during the conference. There is a possibility of using a car park for 15 PLN/ 24 hours. Detailed information about the hotel are available on a website http://www.hotel-uroczysko.com.pl 1. In case of participation cancellation but without a cancellation of a room reservation to be made within 7 days before the conference starts I agree to cover the room rate for the first

night. 2. In case of shortening a stay during the conference I declare to cover all rates for a room to be reserved. 3. I declare to extra pay for telecommunication service and other extra services in case using or ordering them.

The registration form (which is also available on the web site www.nodigpoland.tu.kielce.pl) please send by e-mail, fax or by post at the address:

Politechnika Świętokrzyska Katedra Sieci i Instalacji Sanitarnych

Al. Tysiąclecia P.P. 7, A/4.37, PL 25-314 Kielce, Poland tel./fax.: (041) 34-24-450, e-mail: [email protected]




Date The company’s data Signature of a chairman