07-3 Thrift Savings Plan BULLETIN for Agency TSP Representatives Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board 1250 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Subject: TSP Loan Default Process Date: October 4, 2007 The Thrift Saving Plan (TSP) has implemented its loan default program. This program is mandated by Internal Revenue Service regulations which apply to all 401(k) plans, including the TSP. Essentially, the regulations provide that at the end of each calendar quarter, plans like the TSP must identify loan accounts that are missing payments and notify participants that they have until the end of the following quarter to pay the missing amount. If the pay- ments are not made up, the loan balance is declared a taxable distribution. The amount of the distribution is treated as income and may be subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty tax. (See “Repaying a Loan” in the booklet TSP Loans.) I. Implementation A. In preparation for this process, on March 31, 2006, the TSP reamortized a total of 36,545 loans that were missing 2½ or more payments to give participants a chance to start fresh. B. The first quarterly default cycle began on June 30, 2006, the last business day of the second quarter. Any loan that was more than 2½ payments behind was iden- tified as being in default (except loans belonging to participants in nonpay status less than 12 months, or participants in military nonpay status). Approximately 20,000 participants were sent a “pending loan default notice.” This notice informs participants that they must bring their loan accounts up to date by submitting missed loan payments directly to the TSP before the end of the quarter in which the notice was sent. The notice provides the current amount needed to bring the loan into a good standing. This amount is the “cure amount” and is only valid for 30 days. It does not take into consideration any future missed payments. Participants are told to contact the TSP to obtain current cure amounts if they do not submit a payment within 30 days or continue to miss payments. If the payments are not made up, the loans will become taxable distributions at the end of the quarter. A copy of the notice is included with this bulletin as Attachment 1. Inquiries: Questions concerning this bulletin should be directed to the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board at 202-942-1460. Chapter: This bulletin may be filed in Chapter 8, Loan Program.

07-3 Thrift Savings Plan BULLETIN · 07-3 Thrift Savings Plan BULLETIN ... participants were sent a “pending loan default notice. ... This amount is the “cure amount” and is

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07-3Thrift Savings Plan

BULLETIN for Agency TSP Representatives

Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board   •   1250 H Street, NW    •   Washington, DC 20005

Subject: TSPLoanDefaultProcess

Date: October4,2007

TheThriftSavingPlan(TSP)hasimplementeditsloandefaultprogram.ThisprogramismandatedbyInternalRevenueServiceregulationswhichapplytoall401(k)plans,includingtheTSP.Essentially,theregulationsprovidethatattheendofeachcalendarquarter,plansliketheTSPmustidentifyloanaccountsthataremissingpaymentsandnotifyparticipantsthattheyhaveuntiltheendofthefollowingquartertopaythemissingamount.Ifthepay-mentsarenotmadeup,theloanbalanceisdeclaredataxabledistribution.Theamountofthedistributionistreatedasincomeandmaybesubjecttoa10%earlywithdrawalpenaltytax.(See“RepayingaLoan”inthebookletTSP Loans.)

I. Implementation

A. Inpreparationforthisprocess,onMarch31,2006,theTSPreamortizedatotalof36,545loansthatweremissing2½ormorepaymentstogiveparticipantsachancetostartfresh.

B. ThefirstquarterlydefaultcyclebeganonJune30,2006,thelastbusinessdayofthesecondquarter.Anyloanthatwasmorethan2½paymentsbehindwasiden-tifiedasbeingindefault(exceptloansbelongingtoparticipantsinnonpaystatuslessthan12months,orparticipantsinmilitarynonpaystatus).Approximately20,000participantsweresenta“pendingloandefaultnotice.”


Inquiries: QuestionsconcerningthisbulletinshouldbedirectedtotheFederalRetirementThriftInvestmentBoardat202-942-1460.

Chapter: ThisbulletinmaybefiledinChapter8,LoanProgram.



C. ParticipantNotifications.

(1) EndofQuarterParticipantNotices.


a. Iftheparticipanthadbeensentthependingloandefaultnoticeattheendofthepriorquarterandtheloanpaymentshavenotbeenmadeup,theloanwillbedeclaredataxabledistribution.Theparticipantwillbenotifiedthattheloanhasbeenclosed,andagenciesandserviceswillbenotifiedviathe19401Reportthatloanpayments(ifany)shouldbestopped.(SeeAttachment2foracopyofthisnotice.)

b. Iftheparticipanthadnotbeensentthependingloandefaultnotice,onewillbeissued.Theloanwillbesubjecttoataxabledistributionifpay-mentsarenotmadeupbytheendofthefollowingquarter.

(2) Mid-QuarterReminderNotice.Iftheparticipantwassentapendingloandefaultnotice(1)(b)andtheloanhasnotbeen“cured,”aremindernoticewillbesenttotheparticipantapproximatelymid-quarter.AcopyofthatisAttachment3.


A. PendingLoanDefaultReport(19402Report).


B. Agencypersonnelandpayrollofficescanassisttheirparticipantsintwoways:

(1) Ifpaymentsareerroneouslynotbeingmade,theyshouldbestartedimme-diately.Ifpaymentsareincorrect,theyshouldbechangedtotheappropri-ateamount.TheAgencyTechnicalServices(ATS)canprovideassistancetopayrollofficesasnecessary.Agencypersonnelshouldalsoremindpartici-pantsthattheymustsendthecureamounttomakeupthedeficiency(inadditiontotheloanpaymentsmadebypayrolldeductions)topreventthetaxabledistributionsattheendofthequarter.Itistheparticipants’respon-sibilitytoensurethattheirloanpaymentsarecurrent.ParticipantsshouldbereferredtotheTSPtoobtainthelatestcureamount.



(2) Ifparticipantsareonleavewithoutpay(LWOP)ormilitaryLWOPandreceivedapendingloandefaultnotice,thentheTSPwasnotnotifiedofthatstatus.Itisextremelyimportantthatagencies(orservices)promptlysubmitFormTSP-41,NotificationtoTSPofNonpayStatus,totheTSP.(Youmayfaxtheformto1-866-817-5023.)Thisformwillensurethattheparticipants’loan(s)willbesuspendedandnotsubjecttoataxabledis-tributionduetomissingpayments.(NOTE:LoanpaymentscannotbesuspendedduetoLWOPformorethanayearunlesstheparticipantisonmilitaryLWOP.)

FormoreinformationaboutparticipantsinnonpaystatusandtheeffectonTSPloans,pleaseseeTSPBulletin04-8,RevisionoftheBookletTSP Loans,datedMay4,2004.Thereisalsoafactsheet,EffectofNonpayStatusonTSPParticipa-tion,datedMay2005.ThesepublicationsareavailableontheTSPWebsite.




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Report No: TSP 19402 Thrift Savings Plan Run Date: 05/24/07 Payroll Office No: 99999999 Pending Loan Default Information Report Run Time: 06:25:25 Payroll Office Nm: TEST OF DEPT. Page No: 1 Process Taxable Distribution Date: 06/29/2007 ** Sensitive Personnel Data - Use is Restricted ** Date of Loan Payment Date of LWOP End Dept Agcy Pers SSN Last Name First Name Middle Name Birth Number Amount Last Pmt Date Code Code OfId ----------- ----------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- ---- ---- 999-99-9999 SAMPLE PART E 11/15/1965 9999999G 50.00 05/22/2007 00/00/0000 DL ES 3226