July 2020

07 2020 CCA epistola - candiescreek.com · 7/7/2020  · Candra Gluckner, Judi Renfro, Julie Adolph, Shawn Williams, Tom Jolley, Don Markham and Jake Simko Hey! My name is John Simmons,

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  • July 2020

  • 9090 years of VBS at Candies Creekyears of VBS at Candies Creek

    AWANA begins August 26th! We will be ordering books and materials as we look at theme

    nights and creative unique ways to keep this program available and vibrant. Online registration announcements will be available in mid-July.


    BACKYARD VBS and VBS @ Home is going strong through July. We have given out 17 VBS kits to families and they are doing an amazing job of reaching out to neighbors and

    proclaiming the Gospel. Please continue praying for the Word to accomplish its purpose as we learn how Jesus Power Pulls Us Through.

    Precept COVENANT Bible-study on Friday evenings is half way completed and it has been INCREDIBLE!

    Our 3-6th graders are learning about the seriousness of Covenant with God and the foundations of our faith.

    We will definitely make this study available again.

    Summer Bible Studies for KidsSummer Bible Studies for Kids

    GOSPEL CLASS, featuring the Lifeway material for "Now That I'm a Christian" is taking 1-2nd graders step by step through salvation,

    obedience in following Christ and how the Church serves one another. If your child would be interested in taking this class in the future please contact Mrs. Christy.


    ARK ENCOUNTER TRIP: Yes, it's open and our reservations for July 31 - August 1 look very

    probable! Stay tuned for more information as we approach our date to Board the ARK!!!

  • "Refreshing" is the word I would use to describe our return to campus and being inside the StuB on Wednesday nights. Add to our Wednesday nights our Tuesday "Connect" days and it is beginning to feel a "little bit" back to normal around here. There is an obvious desire for the students to spend time together as revealed in their faithful attendance. They have not only enjoyed the time of worship together, but they have really appreciated the social interaction they get post the gathering.

    As sad as it was to cancel camp at Camp Cherokee this year, there is a great deal of excitement building for our "At Home Camp" coming up this month. God has truly blessed us to work out the schedule for our lead team guest, Jackie Watts and Brainerd Worship to be able to adjust their schedules to be with us. Jackie Watts, our camp speaker, will also be preaching in the pulpit Sunday, July 12th, which makes me excited for the rest of our congregation to be blessed through the ministry of the Holy Spirit in his life.

    Please set aside time over the next few days, and especially the week of camp, to pray for God to use the uniqueness of the week to draw the attention of students and adults back to what He is wanting to do in their lives. I greatly miss the atmosphere of camp that removes everyone from what is familiar, and I want to pray that the familiarity of home does not distract us from the opportunity to meet with God and be transformed. Furthermore, pray that students SEE and MAKE the connection that the same God who speaks to them at camp can speak to them here in their everyday life. Pray also for the community of believ-ers to be built up through unity and the bond of peace. Pray that God would bring friends who are not followers of Christ so that they can hear and respond to the gospel message.

    Well, we have been surprisingly blessed this summer to take on two interns which was unforeseen. Both Alex Tweed and John Simmons (read their bios next page) were sched-uled to be Ocoee Outreach missionaries this summer but due to the affects of Corona, that summer mission program was cancelled. Instead of missing out on a summer of ministry, Randy Bonner, asked us to take them in so they could fulfill the calling that God had put on their lives for this summer. Please be in prayer for these two young men as they seek to discover what the Lord is wanting to teach them through the change of plans.

    In conclusion, feel free to join us each night at camp at 8pm in person. If not, please make it a priority to pray during that time. Thank you church for caring so much about the next generation and making sacrifices in prayer for God to impact their lives.

    Humbly Desiring to Serve,

    Jonathan Kyle

    July 12-16-Camp Week 2020 "Press On!" Tuesday, July 21-Connect Night @ the Witt's House 6-8pm Tuesday, July 28-Connect Night @ Jeff & Jennie Davis’ House 6-8pm

  • Hello Candies Creek, As the Worship Pastor Search Team, we would like to let you know what we have been doing and where we are in the search process. This month, our meetings have gone from Zoom conference

    meetings on phones, tablets and computers to meeting once again as our small group in person with great personal distance and hand sanitizing involved! It is so good to be together again! We have

    met several times and like we’ve mentioned in our previous communications with you, God continues to be good to lead us, to guide us and make His presence known every time we meet.

    The resumes are starting to slow and we find ourselves drawn to a small pool of candidates. Due to Covid-19, we are keeping the position listing active until July 31st. At that time, and

    following the Lord’s leading, we will look to close the position to any new applicants and proceed with interviewing the candidates that the Lord continues to lay on our hearts over the next month. Please continue to keep our team in prayer. We need God’s wisdom, His discernment and guidance

    every step of the way. We are confident that God has already chosen the man that He wants for Candies Creek and we are also confident that

    He will make that known to us in His perfect timing.

    Candra Gluckner, Judi Renfro, Julie Adolph, Shawn Williams, Tom Jolley, Don Markham and Jake Simko

    Hey! My name is John

    Simmons, I’m the son of

    Jim & Lori Simmons.

    I grew up here at

    Candies Creek and have

    relocated back here to

    Cleveland due to COVID-

    19. After graduating

    from Walker Valley in

    2014, I went on to

    study education at

    Lee University and graduated in 2018 with a

    bachelor’s in Health/Wellness Education and a

    minor in Teaching English to Speakers of Other

    Languages, or TESOL. Since graduation, I had

    taken a teaching job overseas in the Dominican

    Republic but am now home for the time being.

    Like Alex Tweed, I had initially planned on

    helping with Ocoee Outreach this summer, as

    I’d done throughout my time in college. With O2

    being canceled, a new opportunity has opened

    with CrossNet to intern here at Candies Creek.

    I’m glad to be back and am excited about the

    opportunities God has in store!

    Hi, my name is Alex

    Tweed and I am the

    son of Dennis and An-

    nette Tweed.

    I have grown up

    going to Candies Creek

    most of my life and

    consider this my home

    church and family.


    I am a senior at Lee

    University and plan on graduating next May

    with a Bachelor’s degree in Business

    Administration. This summer I planned on

    doing missionary work for Ocoee Outreach

    like I had for the past two summers.

    However, God had different plans in mind.

    Due to COVID-19 Ocoee Outreach was cancelled

    but because of that, I have received a wonderful

    opportunity to intern here at Candies Creek.

    I am excited to see how God is going

    to use this experience to shape and

    mold me into the man

    He wants me to be.

  • Candies Creek Academy July 2020

    Discipleship and Classical Education You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:1–2

    The core of the Great Commission is discipleship. The core of discipleship is teaching that others may teach. The fruit of true discipleship is then an unbroken chain of teaching that is passed from one person to the next and generation after generation. Discipleship teaching is not just about formal or vocational settings but also occurs in day-to-day interactions with a parent, church member, pastor, teacher, mentor, or coach.

    Numerous times Jesus was referred to as Rabbi or Teacher. The gospels show us that Jesus taught and spoke formally, but he also taught informally. His informal teaching took place at small gatherings or when a random person posed a question or journeying to a particular place. Jesus is the Master teacher.

    Church member, you do well when you pursue a life of daily following Jesus and intentionally teaching anyone you rub shoulders with regularly. Parents, you are commanded to diligently teach your children when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise (Deuteronomy 6:6-7). The root of discipleship is teaching someone to love God, live virtuously, and love his neighbor.

    There is a fundamental difference between modern education and classical education. Modern education focuses on what skill is necessary for a particular vocation or reduced to a simple, never-ending endeavor for self-discovery and expression. Classical education differs with a goal of ‘ordo amoris’ which is Latin for “order of love” as St. Augustine wrote in the City of God in the 5th century. Thus, shaping or rightly ordering our loves to match what God loves is the essence of classical education and cannot be done apart from God’s grace.

    Now let us put it all together: discipleship, teaching, and education. The word education does not appear in scripture, but the Greek word that most closely matches is paideia. The initial and lingering idea of paideia from the New Testament until the late modern era (1800’s) was the transmission of culture along with ideas and knowledge from one generation to the next. Classical education is made possible by the grace of God working through the parents and church members who strive to teach the next generation the love of God, the love of virtue (moral excellence), and the love of neighbor.

    “The root of discipleship is teaching someone to love God, live virtuously, and love his neighbor.”

    Upcoming Dates

    July 13 - Financial Aid Due

    August 6- Teacher In-Service 9am - 3pm

    August 7- Teacher In-Service 12-5pm

    August 7 - Student Orientation 6:30pm

    August 10- First Full Day of School

    CCA epistola

  • Shoebox Sisters

    The Candies Creek Shoebox Sisters have resumed their every-other Friday get-togethers....socially

    distancing. Come and join us at 9:30 for great service activities to the Lord and sweet

    fellowship. In July, we will meet July 3, 17, and 31...in the Fellowship Hall.

    For those unfamiliar with the group, we meet throughout the year to collect and make items to

    fit into Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes which are then sent overseas to

    children as an evangelistic tool for nationals in countries

    around the world.

    "Thanks to all who participated in June's Couple's Virtual Game Night!

    Here are the winners from each week, congrats!

    Week 1 - Bingo - Spencer and Kelly Pugh Week 2 - Bible Marriage Trivia - Annette Markham (Don couldn't help, LOL!) Week 3 - Bingo - Mike and Karen Hinkle Week 4 - "Newlywed Game" - It was a tie! Tom and Rhonda Jolley tied with Matt and Jackie Coleman! Nathan and Sierra Missinne were a close second!

    A special thanks to Don Markham who was the

    host for the game nights!"

    Mark and Chasity Witt Lindel and Odalys Farris

    David and Candra Gluckner

    Let us continue to cry out to God on behalf of our children, our children's children,

    our neighbors, those whom our missionaries are building relationship with.

    Pray the following scriptures.

    God, take out of their flesh the heart of stone and give them a new heart of flesh.

    (Ezekiel 11:19) Circumcise their heart so that they love you!

    (Deuteronomy 30:6) Father, put your Spirit within them and

    cause them to walk in your statutes. (Ezekiel 36:27)

    Grant them repentance and a knowledge of the truth that they may escape from the snare of the devil. (2 Timothy 2:25–26)

    Open their hearts so that they believe the gospel! (Acts 16:14)


    Given in June $58,566.88 Expenses in June $51,377.64

    Given YTD $389,604.63 Expenses YTD $348,048.80

    Annie Armstrong $3,639.00

    Prayer Vigil–6 PM Friday 7/31 to 6 PM Saturday 8/1 in the

    Worship Center. There will be one hour slots to sign up for.

    The sign-up list will be in the foyer for both services

  • Mission House Rehab

    May and June were full of activity getting the Mission House ready for our faithful missionaries. So much

    occurred it is nearly impossible to list all the accomplishments but some of the activities included painting,

    electrical, furniture moving, relocating of necessary services, cleaning, sorting, plumbing, heating/AC

    ductwork, landscaping, some more cleaning, supply gathering, caulking, mudding, crown molding

    installation, gutter installation, and yet, more cleaning, etc.....it's nearly impossible to list all the helpers

    who labored with servant hearts but we do thank you! But we particularly thank Mike Hinkle for his

    construction leadership throughout. The following message came with one of the giftcards:

    “May the Lord bless the faithful men and women who've given their time and talents to all the work

    that brought us to the housewarming on June 14! All your hours of planning, decision making and

    labor have resulted in this beautiful mission house that will bring rest and comfort to those who will

    have their time in it. So grateful for the generosity of all who the Lord used in this mission.

    Praising our Father!”

  • Dear Fellow Workers,

    I want to give you a series of quotes from Jim Putman’s book Discipleshift in a chapter titled, “Making the ‘Discipleshift’ In Your Church”…

    “We need to raise up biblical leaders and deploy them into the world so they can raise up biblical disciples and deploy them into the world so they can raise up other disciples.”


    "Step 1: As a team, develop the biblical vision for your church” (body)… “Do not try to shift your church as an individual. It is highly important that you shift as a team. You will need each other for encouragement… vision comes from the Word…. Your team will need to develop it together because they need to own it themselves and be able to articulate it with all of those they lead as well.”

    “Step 2: As a team, create a common language and definition of terms… So it’s vital that your church develop common goals, terms, and language and then progress from there. We must constantly clarify, communicate, and have conflict resolution if we are to succeed… We must be committed to working things out constantly; that is a part of spiritual maturity.”

    “Step 3: As a team, develop the process for creating disciples, then put this process into the hands of the frontline soldiers… First, you must make sure that the language and process you have developed is easy for your people to understand and to use… Second, you

    must create a process or system for getting your people trained in your language and skills…”

    “Step 4: Consistently live out your vision, and consistently recast your vision. Once you’ve got the vision worked out, the terms defined, and the process established, then it becomes all about implementation… Not only do we need to communicate the vision to all levels, but also

    we use the vision to interact with people on a day-to-day basis. Before we do, we must be… Explain to people why you do the things you do…”

    “Step 5: Constantly assess, correct and encourage… We are honest with our people when we have gotten off course, and by being honest, we are vision casting in the right course… Celebrate…. Stay the course with your vision. And constantly reinforce your vision again and again…. You can never cast vision enough.”

    2020 has been very different than we expected. Yet I praise the Lord Jesus Christ that in 2019 The ReFocus Vision Team began to THINK BIG, start small, go slow and build deep. Please continue to pray that with God’s leadership in 2020, we will “remove the mission fog so that as Fellow Workers we will build on unity and see organizational clarity.”

    Jesus is alive, on the throne and among us,

    Pastor Stan



    When they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness. And the congregation of those who believed were of

    one heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them. And with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord

    Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all (Acts 4:31-33 nasb).

    1 Please pray that God’s Spirit will so powerfully move in the church that everything related to the ways of the world, the flesh, and the devil will be shaken loose, exposed, and repented of by Christians who are experiencing God’s reviving power in their lives (Ephesians 2:2-3; Acts 4:31).

    2 “Since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken,” pray that Christians all over the world will gratefully “offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe” (Hebrews 12:28).

    3 Even as Ezekiel spoke of a day of judgment against Israel during which every person on earth will shake at God’s pres-ence, pray that all of us will shake under the realization that we are still accountable to a holy God (Ezekiel 38:20-23).

    4 Pray that the people of your community who are spiritually asleep will be shaken out of their slumber, will “arise from the dead,” and will allow the light of Christ’s gospel to shine into their hearts (Ephesians 5:14).

    5 With today’s world system constantly encouraging us to live in our own fleshly power and strength, pray that every Christian you know will have their self-confidence so shaken that they turn back to a state of total dependence on God (Philippians 3:3; Zechariah 4:6).

    6 When Paul and Silas were imprisoned in Philippi, God shook loose everything that kept them from their public ministry and everything that kept the jailer locked in unbelief (Acts 16:25-30). Pray that God will shake loose the things that keep the church from witnessing, and the unbelief that keeps sinners locked away from the gospel.

    7 Pray that Christians will stop thinking they are not good enough to be filled with the Holy Spirit, but will repentantly humble themselves before God and trust that this is God’s plan for their lives (Acts 4:31; Ephesians 5:18).

    8 Pray that your Christian friends will learn to walk in the Spirit just as they received Him into their lives, by faith. Pray that they will lay down the thought that Christian maturity comes through keeping the law (Galatians 3:2, 5).

    9 Pray that your church family will not foolishly try to serve God by doing religious deeds in the flesh, but will under-stand what the will of the Lord is and serve Him through the power of the Spirit (Ephesians 5:17-18).

    10 Pray that every Christian in your community will minister in the Spirit by “speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,” singing and making melody with their hearts to the Lord, always giving thanks for all things in the name of the Lord Jesus (Ephesians 5:19-20).

    11 Pray that your church family will learn to pray at all times in the Spirit and will “be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints” living in your community (Ephesians 6:18).

    12 Since the Holy Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God, pray that Christians will look to Him to strengthen their prayer lives as He so often helps our weakness when we do not know how to pray as we should (Romans 8:26-27).

  • 13 Since Jesus has qualified us to come into God’s presence through His shed blood, pray that we will do so boldly, pray-ing according to God’s will with great confidence that He will hear and answer our prayers (Hebrews 10:19-23).

    14 Pray that your Christian friends will purpose to always enter God’s presence in prayer with a clear conscience, especially since our bold confidence before God is dependent on our hearts not condemning us (1 John 3:21-22).

    15 Just as Paul was encouraged by God’s presence, pray that your church family will not be afraid to share the gospel, but will be bold in their witness because of God’s abiding presence (Acts 18:9-10).

    16 Paul found boldness in his ministry as God reminded him that there were many other believers living in the city in which he was ministering (Acts 18:10). Pray that the members of your church family will recognize that they are not alone and will be bold in their stand for Christ.

    17 Since preaching the whole counsel of the Word of God requires great boldness, pray that your pastor will not shrink back from declaring any spiritual truth (Acts 20:20).

    18 Pray that your church family will not do anything from self-ishness or foolish pride, but will follow Christ with the same mind, maintain the same love, and stand united in spirit (Philippians 2:2-3).

    19 Knowing the negative power of disunity, pray that the body of Christ in your city will be free from division and will reflect to all what it looks like to “be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment” in Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:10, 13).

    20 Just as Jesus prayed for His followers to be one with Him and the Father, please pray for the unity of believers within your city, since by this picture of oneness the world will believe that the Father sent His Son (John 17:21).

    21 Pray that churches across America will understand that God encourages diversity within the body of Christ, but He abhors division (1 Corinthians 12:4-6, 12).

    22 Pray that your church family will minister together with humil-ity, gentleness, and patience, showing tolerance for each other in love, diligently preserving the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:2-3).

    23 Pray that every person within your congregation will “attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13).

    24 Pray that all over your community, Christians will be dili-gent in putting on love, “which is the perfect bond of unity” (Colossians 3:14).

    25 Just as the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus with great power, pray that every Christian living in your neighborhood will do the same (Acts 4:33).

    26 Pray that your pastor’s messages will be the same as Paul declared his preaching to be, not with “persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power” (1 Corinthians 2:4).

    27 Since the power of God working in us is the source through which every good work God calls us to do is accomplished, pray that He will continually be glorified by doing far more abun-dantly beyond all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20-21).

    28 Believing that the word of the cross is the power of God to those who are being saved, pray that those who are perishing because of their rejection of the gospel will be set free to see the truth of Christ’s sacrificial love (1 Corinthians 1:18).

    29 As the lost around you are being drawn to Christ, pray that their faith will not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God that can truly set them free from their sin (1 Corinthians 2:5).

    30 Realizing that some “churches” are nothing more than reli-gious social clubs defined by their words, pray that the reality of Christ’s presence within your church family will be evidenced by His power at work within your midst (1 Corinthians 4:20).

    31 Pray for your lost neighbors to be saved—to place their faith in the saving work of Jesus, the One who was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness (Romans 1:4).

  • Sunday Morning Community Group Bible Study…………9:15am Prayer Meeting………………………....………...…….……..……..6:00pm

    Home Community Groups: Mondays - Jolleys’ 5:30pm, Dunns’- 6:30pm

    Online or returning Soon!


    Early Worship (Traditional) ........................................ 8:00am

    Late Worship (Blended Contemporary) .................... 11:00am


    Life 122…………………………………………………………...………..6:00pm


    Men’s Prayer Meeting ……………..………………..……………..6:30am

    Thursday Morning Ladies’ Bible Study…………...…..……..9:00am

    Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    1 2 3 4

    5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    19 20 21 22 23 24 25

    26 27 28 29 30 31

    Students CONNECT

    Night 6:00pm


    Mtg. 4:30



    Face to Face Prayer Vigil 6pm-6pm

    The ARK Encounter

    Shoebox Ministry

    9:30 am

    “Press On” Youth Camp Cleveland

    Emergency Shelter Night - 5:45 pm

    Shoebox Ministry

    9:30 am

    Shoebox Ministry

    9:30 am


    Mtg. 4:30

    Students CONNECT

    Night 6:00pm

  • July birthdays

    1st Tobias Missinne, Jake Beard, Don Marham 3rd John Curtis Klepzig 4th Kathy Flowers 7th Morris Clark 9th Rick Simko 10th Natalie Hoffman 11th Kelly Moore, Benito Mendoza, Stan Gibson 12th Heide Delmotte 13th Chaislyn Witt 14th Baylee Beard, Andra Griffey 16th Erika Olmstead, Anthony Miller 17th Noah Locklear, Garrett Martin, Marilyn Ebling 18th Holland Vaughn 19th Erin (Goodwin) 20th Crosby Nation, Hollie Strickland, Donna Thomas 21st Andrew Markham, Scott Shubert, Donna Stewart 22nd Linda Braden, Scott Vaughn 23rd Jennifer Higgins, Becky Zaidman 24th Braiden Long, Annette Markham 25th Virginia Beesley 27th Cora Gibson, DeWayne Pierce, Milton Hooper 28th Gareth Miller 31st Palmer Blackmon, Leah Jolley, Jenny Steinle, Dale Elrod

    Stan Gibson, Lead Pastor Jonathan Kyle, Associate & Student Pastor Christy Johns, Preschool & Children’s Director


    CHARLESTON, TN 37310

    Our Christian sympathy is extended to:

    Greg Neuendorf & Family for the loss of his brother

    07_2020 CCA epistolaCCA epistola Epistola EpistolaUpcoming DatesDiscipleship and Classical Education

    July '20 NewsletterJuly-2020-PC