330 NOTES PREFACE 1. From Dickens, Charles, Hard Times (1854), Book I, Chap. 5 and Book II, Chap. 1, based on Preston, Lancs. (UK), pp.124-126 and 395 in Clayre, Alasdair (Ed.), Nature and Industrialization, OUP in assoc. with Open UP, 1977. 2. 14 October 1852, Queen Victoria's Jnl. , Royal Archives, and pp.78-79 and 82-84, Engles, Friedrich, The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844, Panther, London (1887), 1969, from Longford, Elizabeth, Victoria RI, Panther, London (1964) 1972, p.381, and Clayre, Alasdair (Ed.), op.cit., pp.122-123. 3. Williams, J.S. , Social Change in a Rajasthan Litt.B. Dissertation, University of New England, 1979. 4. p.1, Desai, A.R. and Pillai, S.D. , A Profile of an Indian Slum, University of Bombay, Bombay, 1972, attrib. to Lewis Mumford. 5. Quoted by the late, the Very Rev. Principal A.A. Dougan in obituary to late Prof. of Town Planning, Denis Winston, University of Sydney, in Sydney Morning Herald, 11 June 1980, p.11. 6. ibid. 7. p.1, Desai, A.R. and Pillai, S.D., op.cit., attrib. Georg Simmel. 8. p.86, Fox, R.G. (Ed.), Urban India: Society, Space and Image, Duke UP, Hillsborough (NC), 1970, attrib. to Joseph di Bona and Ruskin, John, "The Mystery of Life and its Arts" (1868) from Clayre, Alasdair (Ed.), op.cit., pp.139-140. CHAPTER 1 1. Rudra, Ashok, Economic and Political Weekly, Special Articles, "Class Relations in Indian Agriculture - I, II and III", 3 June 1978, pp.916-924; 10 June 1978, pp.963-968; and 17 June 1978, pp . 998-1002. 2. Williams, J.S. Social Change in a Rajasthan Village, Litt.B. Dissertation, University of New England, unpublished, 1979. 3. Wheelright, E.L. , "Underdevelopment or Revolution? The Baran- Frank Thesis, "Paper delivered to the Conference on Imperialism" conducted by the Assoc. for Cooperation and Disarmament, Sydney, February 1972. Mimeo. Q.v. Baran, P.A. , The Political Economy

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1. From Dickens, Charles, Hard Times (1854), Book I, Chap. 5 andBook II, Chap. 1, based on Preston, Lancs. (UK), pp.124-126and 395 in Clayre, Alasdair (Ed.), Nature and Industrialization,OUP in assoc. with Open UP, 1977.

2. 14 October 1852, Queen Victoria's Jnl. , Royal Archives, andpp.78-79 and 82-84, Engles, Friedrich, The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844, Panther, London (1887),1969, from Longford, Elizabeth, Victoria RI, Panther, London(1964) 1972, p.381, and Clayre, Alasdair (Ed.), op.cit., pp.122-123.

3. Williams, J.S. , Social Change in a Rajasthan Litt.B.Dissertation, University of New England, 1979.

4. p.1, Desai, A.R. and Pillai, S.D. , A Profile of an Indian Slum,University of Bombay, Bombay, 1972, attrib. to Lewis Mumford.

5. Quoted by the late, the Very Rev. Principal A.A. Dougan inobituary to late Prof. of Town Planning, Denis Winston,University of Sydney, in Sydney Morning Herald, 11 June 1980,p.11.

6. ibid.

7. p.1, Desai, A.R. and Pillai, S.D., op.cit., attrib. Georg Simmel.

8. p.86, Fox, R.G. (Ed.), Urban India: Society, Space and Image,Duke UP, Hillsborough (NC), 1970, attrib. to Joseph di Bonaand Ruskin, John, "The Mystery of Life and its Arts" (1868)from Clayre, Alasdair (Ed.), op.cit., pp.139-140.


1. Rudra, Ashok, Economic and Political Weekly, Special Articles,"Class Relations in Indian Agriculture - I, II and III", 3 June 1978,pp.916-924; 10 June 1978, pp.963-968; and 17 June 1978,pp . 998-1002.

2. Williams, J.S. Social Change in a Rajasthan Village, Litt.B.Dissertation, University of New England, unpublished, 1979.

3. Wheelright, E.L. , "Underdevelopment or Revolution? The Baran-Frank Thesis, "Paper delivered to the Conference on Imperialism"conducted by the Assoc. for Cooperation and Disarmament, Sydney,February 1972. Mimeo. Q.v. Baran, P.A. , The Political Economy

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of Growth, Penguin, Harmondsworth, London (1957) 1976, andFrank, Andre Gunder, Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America, Monthly Review Press, NY, 1969.

4. Source: 1978 World Population Data Sheet, Washington DC, ThePopulation Reference Bureau Inc., quoted in Table 1, "PopulationProfiles in 1978", p.153; V arma , Baidya Nath , The Sociology and Politics of Development: A Theoretical Study, Routledge & KeganPaul, London, 1978.

5. Rudra, Ashok, op.cit., 17 June 1978, pp.998-1002.

6 . Williams , J . S. , op. cit . , Chaps . 4 and 5.

7. Ambannavar, Jaipal P., Employment Pattern in India since 1911,PhD Thesis, Australian National University, 1971, unpublished;Ambannavar, Jaipal P., Chap. 1, The Developing Economies,VIII, 1, March 1970, "Changes in the Employment Pattern of theIndian Workforce, 1911-1961", pp.128-145; Krishnamurty, J.,Indian Economic and Social History Rev., XIV, 3, "ChangingConcepts of Work in the Indian Censuses: 1901-1961", pp.323-340.

8. Table 19, Agricultural Labourers, Urban and Rural, BhilwaraTahsil, Census of India 1971, Series 18, Parts XA and XB,District Census Handbook, Bhilwara District.

9. Rao, Laxmana G., Internal Migration and Political Change in India: A Case Study of a New Industrial Town, PhD Thesis,Australian National University, 1971, unpublished.

10. Ambannavar, Jaipal P. , op.cit. (1971), p.325. Suggests Indianagricultural sector has been "shock absorber" of population growthnon-agricultural employer is usually selective, agriculturalemployer is usually unselective, and urban-rural disparity inincomes increasing. 1951-1961. Quotes Ashok Mathur, "It isthe duty of the state to provide relief for the visibly under-employed."

11. Sheth, N.R., The Social Framework of an Indian Factory,Manchester, University Press, 1968; and Patel, P.J. and Sheth,N.R. , Industrial Sociology in India (Indian Council of SocialScience Research), Rawat Publishers, Jaipur, 1979.

12. Punekar, S.D. and Madhuri, S., Trade Union Leadership inIndia: A Survey (Tata Institute of Social Sciences), LavlaniPublishing House, Bombay, 1967.

13. Srinivas, M.N., Religion and Society among the Coorgs of SouthIndia, Clarendon Press, Qon, 1952; Caste in Modern India andOther Essays, Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 1969; andStaal, J.F., "Sanskrit and Sanskritization", Jnl. of Asian Studies,XXIII, 3, May 1963, pp.261-275.

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14. Singh, Jaspal, India's Trade Union Leaders, National PublishingHouse, New Delhi, 1980.

15. Beteille, Andre, Caste, Class and Power: Changing Patterns of Stratification in a Tanjore Village, University of CaliforniaPress, 1971.

16. Ramaswamy, E.A. and Uma, Industry and Labour: An Introduction,OUP, Bombay, 1981.

17. Fonseca, S.J., A.J.,Wage Issues in a Developing Economy: The Indian Experience, OUP, Bombay, 1975.

18. E.g., Smith, David M., Where the Grass is Greener: Living in an Unequal World, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1979; and Lodha,Raj Mal, Bhilwara and its Umland, PhD Dissertation, Universityof Udaipur, 1969, published, New Heights, Delhi, 1975.

19. E.g. Mathur, K.S., Mica Industry in Rajasthan, Asha PublishingHouse, Jaipur, 1968; and Saksena, R.D., Location of Industries in Rajasthan, PhD Thesis, University of Udaipur, 1966,unpublished.

20. Selbourne, David, Eye to India: The Unmasking of a Tyranny,Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1977.

21. Jha, Prem Shanker, A Political Economy of Stagnation, OUP,Bombay, 1980.

22. Dasgupta, Biblab, with Laishley, Roy, Lucas, Henry andMitchell, Bryan, Village Society and Labour Use (ILO), OUP,New Delhi, 1977.

23. Bottomore, Tom, Marxist Sociology, Macmillan, London, 1975,pp.73-74, and apposite comment of Streeten, Paul, World Development, 2, October-December 1974, pp .10-12 on "academicimperialism" of West - advocating reforms in Third World fromsafe comfortable position.

24. Gough, Ian, The Political Economy of the Welfare State, Macmillan,London, 1979.

25. Kamenka, Eugene and Neale, R.S. (Eds.), Feudalism, Capitalism and Beyond, ANU Press, 1975, Chap. 6, Kamenka, Eugene, andEhr-Soon Tay, Alice, "Beyond Bourgeois Individualism: TheContemporary Crisis in Law and Legal Ideology", pp.126-144,and Kamenka, Eugene and Krygier, Martin (Eds.), Bureaucracy: The Career of a Concept, Edward Arnold (Aust.), Melbourne,1979, Chap. 5, Kamenka, Eugene and Ehr-Soon Tay, Alice,"Freedom, Law and the Bureaucratic State", pp.112-134.

26. Brown, Michael Barratt, The Economics of Imperialism, Penguin,Harmondsworth, 1974, esp. pp.65-69, from Luxemburg, Rosa,The Accumulation of Capital, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London(1913) 1951.

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27. Tabh, William K. and Sawer, Larry (Eds.), Marxism and the Metropolis: New Perspective in Urban Political Economy, OUP,NY, 1978.

28. Abrams, Philip and Wrigley, E.A., Towns in Societies: Essays in Economic History and Historical Sociology, CUP (1978) 1979.

29. Vide note 3. Baran, P.A., op.cit. and Frank, Andre Gunder,op.cit. and q.v. Frank, Andre Gunder, On Capitalist Under-development, OUP, Bombay, 1975.

30. Lane, David, Leninism: A Sociological Interpretation, CUP, 1981.

31. Moore, Jr, Barrington, Social Origins of Dictatorship and Demo-cracy; Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World,Penguin, Harmondsworth (1966) 1974, esp. Chap. VI "Democracyin Asia: India and the Price of Peaceful Change".

32. Kiernan, V.G., Marxism and Imperialism, Edward Arnold,London, 1974, esp. Chaps. 5-7; and Warren , Bill (Sender, John(Ed.)), Imperialism Pioneer of Capitalism, Verso, London, 1980.

33. Jeffrey, Robin (Ed.), People, Princes and Paramount Power: Society and Politics in the Indian Princely States, OUP, 1978.

34. Hettne, Bjorn, The Political Economy of Indirect Rule: Mysore, 1881-1947 (Scandanavian Institute of Asian Studies), CurzonPress, London, 1978.

35. Headrick, Daniel R., The Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century, OUP, NY,1981.

36. Barber, William J., British Economic Thought and India, 1600-1858:A Study in the History of Development Economics, Clarendon,Oxon. , 1975.

37. Stokes, Eric, The Peasant and the Raj: Studies in Agrarian Society and Peasant Rebellion in Colonial India, CUP (1978) 1980.

38. Williams, J.S. , op .cit.


1. Sorokin, Pitrim, Contemporary Sociological Theories: Throughthe First Quarter of the Twentieth Century, Harper & Row, NY(1928) 1964.

2. Wheelwright, E.L. , Underdevelopment or Revolution? The BaranFrank Thesis. Paper given to "Conference on Imperialism" ofAssoc. for International Co-operation and Disarmament, Sydney.

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February 1972; Chap. 8, Brown, Michael Barratt, The Economics of Imperialism, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1974; Baran, P.A.,The Political Economy of Growth, Penguin, Harmondsworth,London, (1957) 1976; Dutt, R. Palme, India Today, People'sPublishing House, Bombay, 1949; and Hawkins, The Principles of Development Aid, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1970, Chap.1"Introduction: The Setting for Aid".

3. Several editions, e.g. Parsons, Talcott, Theory of Social Action: A Study in Social Theory with Special Reference to a Group of Recent European Writers, 2nd Edition, Free Press of Glencoe,NY (1937) 1949 (3rd edn., 1968, 4th edn., 1978).

4. Furtado, Celso (trans. Suzette Macedo), Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems, CUP (1970), 1976, pp.296-302; and Prebisch, Raoul,Change and Development: Latin America's Great Task - Report Submitted to the Inter-American Development Bank, PraegerPublishers, NY, 1971.

5. Based on Mitchell, W.C. , Sociological Analysis and Politics: The Theories of Talcott Parsons, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,1967.

6. Vide Hoogvelt, Ankie M.M. , The Sociology of Developing Societies,Second Edition, Macmillan, London (1976) 1978, Part 1, Chap. 3,"Neo-evolutionary Theory, Structural Functionalism andModernization Theories", pp.50-62.

7. Savage, Stephen P., The Theories of Talcott Parsons: The Social Relations of Action, Macmillan, London, 1981, p.154.

8. Friedberg, S., The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development of 1964: The Theory of the Peripheral Economy at the Centre of International Political Discussion, RotterdamUniversity Press, 1969, pp.35-41, 49-51 and 195.

9. UNRISD, Compilation of Indicators of Development, Geneva,1969 and UNRISD, Contents and Measurement of Socio-Economic Development, Staff Study of UNRISD, Praeger, NY, 1972.

10. Bailey, F.G., Caste and the Economic Frontier: A Village in Highland Orissa, OUP, Bombay, 1958.

11. Beteille, Andre, Caste, Class and Power: Changing Patterns of Stratification in a Tanjore Village, University of California Press,1971.

12. Silversten, Dagfinn, When Caste Barriers Fall, Universitets,Humanities Press, NY, 1963.

13. Gough, Kathleen, "Harijans in Thanjavur", from Gough, Kathleen,and Sharma, Hari P., Imperialism and Revolution in South Asia,Monthly Review Press, NY, 1973, pp.222-245.

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14. Vide Dumont, Louis, Homo Hierarchicus: The Caste System and its Implications, Paladin, London (1966) 1972; Poulantzas, Nicos,Political Power and Social Classes, New Left Books, London,1973; and Godelier, Maurice, Rationality and Irrationality inEconomics, New Left Books, London, 1972 and Perspectivesin Marxist Anthropology, Monthly Review Press, NY, 1978,rev. in Gupta, Dipankar, "Caste, Infrastructure and Super-structure: A Critique", Economic and Political Weekly, SpecialArticle, 19 December 1981, pp.2093-2104.

15. Menchner, Joan, "The Caste System Upside Down or the Not-So-Mysterious East", Current Anthropology, XV, 4, 1974, pp.469-93,q.v. Dumont, Louis, op.cit., and Barnett, Steve, Foruzetti, Lina,and Ostor, Akos, "Hierarchy Purified: Notes on Dumont and hisCritics", Jnl. of Asian Studies, XXXV, 4, August 1976, pp.627-46.

16. Chauhan, Brij Raj, A Rajasthan Village, Vir Publishing House,New Delhi, 1967; and Chakravarti, Anand, Contradiction and Change: Emerging Patterns of Authority in a Rajasthan Village,OUP, 1975.

17. van den Berghe, Pierre L., "Dialectic and Functionalism: Towarda Theoretical Synthesis", Am. Soc. Rev., 28, 5 October 1963,pp.695-705; and Davis, Kingsley, "The Myth of FunctionalAnalysis as a Special Method in Sociology and Anthropology",Am. Soc. Rev., 24, December 1959, pp.752-772, from Part 1,Chambliss, William J. (Ed.), Sociological Readings in the Conflict Perspective, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading (Mass.),1973.

18. Aron, Raymond, Main Currents in Sociological Thought, 1, Penguin,Harmondsworth, 1965, p.121.

19. van den Berghe, Pierre, op.cit.

20. ibid.

21. Frank, Andre Gunder, "Functionalism and Dialectics" in Cbambliss,William (Ed.), op.cit., Part 1, "The Conflict Perspective",pp.62-73.

22. ibid.

23. ibid.

24. ibid.

25. Harrison, Paul, Inside the Third World: The Anatomy of Poverty,2nd edn., Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1982.

26. Harrison, Paul, The Third World Tomorrow: A Report from the Battle Front in the War Against Poverty, Penguin, Harmondsworth,1980.

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27. C.f.also critique of Jayaraman, R., Is Gandhian Economic Philosophy the Answer to Poverty and Unemployment in India? Paper presentedto Department of Sociology Seminar, University of New England,12 April 1978. Mimeo. Schumacher, E.F., Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered, Abacus/Sphere,London (1973) 1977.

28. Lloyd, Peter, Slums of Hope? Shanty Towns of the Third World,Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1979; and Lloyd, Peter, A Third World Proletariat?, George Allen & Unwin, London, 1982.

29. Kitching, Gavin, Development and Underdevelopment in Historical Perspective: Populism, Nationalism, and Industrialization, Methuen,London, 1982.

30. Marx, Karl, quoted in Lichtheim, George, Imperialism, Penguin,Harmondsworth, 1977, p.129; "The Future Results of BritishRule in India", Marx, K. and Engels, F., Selected Works, vol.1,FLPH, Moscow, 1958, pp.345-351; and q.v. Lichtheim, George"Marx and the 'Asiatic Mode of Production", St Anthony's Paper,No.14 (1963), pp.86-112.

31. Marx, Karl, quoted in Bottomore, T.B. and Rubel, Maximilien,Karl Marx: Selected Writings in Sociology and Social Philosophy,Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1977, pp.121-124.

32. E.g. Thapar, Romila, A History of India, 1, Penguin, Harmondsworth,(1966) 1974, p.121.

33. Poulantzas, Nicos, op.cit. (see note 14).

34. Marshall, Gordon, Presbyteries and Profits: Calvinism and the Development of Capitalism in Scotland 1560-1707, Clarendon, Oxon.,1980, p.258.

35. ibid .

36. Morishima, Nlichio, Why Has Japan "Succeeded"? Western Technology and the Japanese Ethos, CUP, 1982.

37. Kennedy, Jr., Robert E., Am. Jnl. of Sociology, LXVIII, 1, July1962, "The Protestant Ethic and the Parsis", pp.11-20, q.v.Kulke, Eckehard, The Parsees in India: A Minority as Agent of Social Change, Weltforum Verlag, Munich, 1974.

38. Williams, J.S., Social Change in a Rajasthan Village, Litt.B.Dissertation, University of New England, 1979, unpublished.

39. Marshall, Gordon, op.cit., p.17.

40. Tawney, R.H. , Religion and the Rise of Capitalism: A Historical Study, Penguin, Harmondsworth (1922) 1969.

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41. West, F.J., "On the Ruins of Feudalism - Capitalism?", Chap. 2in Kamenka, Eugene, and Neale, R.S. (Eds.), Feudalism,Capitalism and Beyond, ANU Press, 1975, pp .50-61.

42. Moore, Jr. Barrington, Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World,Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1967 ; e.g. Frank, Andre Gunder,On Capitalist Underdevelopment, OUP, Bombay, 1975, andFrank, Andre Gunder, Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America: Historical Studies of Chile and Brazil, MonthlyReview Press, NY, 1969.

43. Popper, Karl, The Open Society and its Enemies, 5th edn.,Routledge and Kegan Paul, London (1966) 1973.

44. Lobkowicz, Micholas, "Historical Laws", in Part II, "SocialChange and Evolution", McQuarie, Donald (Ed.), Marx: Sociology/Social Change/Capitalism, Quartet, London, 1978,pp.120-121.

44. Popper, Karl, op.cit., Chap. 22, "The Moral Theory ofHistoricism", pp.199-211, et passim.

45. Lobkowicz , Nicholas , op .cit , pp . 125-129.

46. ibid., pp.129-132.

47. ibid.

48. ibid., p.132.

49. Simmel, George (Trans. , Wolff, Kurt H. and Bendix, Reinhard)"Conflict" in Conflict and the Web of Group Affiliations, FreePress, NY (1955) 1964, pp.11-124.

50. Jayawardena, Chandra, "Political Economy and Anthropology",Chap. 19, in Wheelwright, E.L. and Stilwell, F.B., Readingsin Political Economy, ANZ Book Co, Sydney, 1976, pp.106-191,and Sahlins, Marshall, Stone-age Economics, Tavistock, London(1972) 1974.

51. Bottomore, T.B., Chap. 5, "Karl Marx: Sociologist or Marxist?",Sociology as Social Criticism, George Allen & Unwin, London,1975, pp.72-84.

52. ibid., p.82.

53. ibid.

54. ibid., p.83.

55. Marx, Karl (Trans. de Leon, Daniel), The Eighteenth Braumaire of Louis Bonaparte, quoted in Bottomore, T.B. and Rubel,Maximilien, op .cit. , p.196.

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56. E.g. Marx, Karl((Trans.) Martin, Nicolaus), Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy (Rough Draft),Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1974, and cf. Martin, Nicolaus,"The Unknown Marx" and Godelier, Maurice, "Structure andContradiction in 'Capital' in Blackburn, Robin (Ed.),Ideology in Social Science, Fontana/Collins, London, 1972.

57. Gough, Kathleen, "Harijans in Thanjavur" from Gough, Kathleen,and Sharma, Hari P., Imperialism and Revolution in South Asia,Monthly Review Press, NY, 1973, pp.222-245 and Gough,Kathleen, "Peasant Resistence and Revolt in South India",Pacific Affairs, XLI, 4, 1968-69.

58. Rudra, Ashok, "Class Relations in Indian Agriculture - I ",Economic and Political Weekly, 3 June 1978, p.916.

59. ibid., p.917.

60. ibid., p.919.

61. Williams, J.S., op.cit., Chap. 2, "The Dialectical Method".

62. Harrison, Paul, Inside the Third World: The Anatomy of Poverty,op . cit . , pp . 338- 339.

63. Frank, Andre Gunder, On Capitalist Underdevelopment, op.cit.p.43.

64. E.g. Poulantzas, Nicos, Classes in Contemporary Capitalism,New Left Books, London, 1973, q.v. Wright, Erik Olin, "TheClass Structure of Advanced Capitalist Societies", Chap.9 inBocock, Robert; Hamilton, Peter; Thompson, Kenneth; andWaton, Alan (Eds.), An Introduction to Sociology: A Reader,Fontana/Collins and Open UP, Glasgow, 1980.

65. Gough, Ian, The Political Economy of the Welfare State,Macmillan, London, 1979, pp.104-108.

66. ibid.

67. Marx, Karl, quoted in Bottomore, T.B. and Rubel, Maximilien(Eds.), op.cit., p.92.

68. ibid., p.93.

69. Schumpeter, J.A., Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, George Allenand Unwin, London, 1943, pp.12-13.

70. Marx, Karl, "Capital and Labour" from "Strikes and Combinationsof Workers", Poverty of Philosophy in Marx, K. and Engels, F.,Collected Works, 6, Laurence and Wishart, London, 1976, pp.206-12quoted in Clarke, Tom and Clements, Laurie, Trade Unions under Capitalism, Fontana/Collins, Glasgow, 1977, p.48.

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71. Vide Lane,David, Leninism: A Sociological Interpretation, CUP,1981, pp.43-48, 60-61 and 65.

72. Banks, J.A. , Chap.4, "Trade Unionism", Marxist Sociology in Action, Faber and Faber, London, 1970, pp.47-55, passim.

73. Dumont, Louis, op.cit. , vide note 14.

74. Basham, Arthur L., The Wonder that was India: A Survey of the Indian Sub-Continent Before the Coming of the Muslims,Fontana/Collins, Glasgow (1954) 1974, Chap. V, "Society:Class, Family and Individual", pp.138-190, q.v. Thapar, Romila,op.cit., pp.37-39 and 121-123.

75. Beteille, Andre, The Backward Classes and the New Social Order (The Ambedkar Memorial Lectures delivered under the auspicesof the University of Bombay), OUP, Delhi, 1981.

76. Critically reviewed by Burgess, Robert G., Field Research: A Sourcebook and Field Manual, Allen and Unwin, London, 1982,pp.1-22; and by Srinivas, M.N., "Village Studies, ParticipantObservation and Social Science Research in India", Economic and Political Weekly, Special No., August 1975, pp.1387-1393.

77. Srinivas, M.N., ibid.


1. Sources: Sehgal, K.K., Bhilwara, Rajasthan District Gazetteers,Directorate of District Gazetteers, Government of Rajasthan,Jaipur, 1975, Chap. 1, "General", pp.1-20.

2. Sources: ibid.

3. Sources: ibid.

4. National Archives of India, Government of India, ForeignDepartment (Political Branch), Internal - A Proceedings,May, 1905, pp.66-67, AGG, Rajputana,to Governor-General.

5. Source: Sehgal, K.K., op.cit.

6. ibid. The district also includes the pargaria of Gangapur(now a Class III town for census purposes) which previouslybelonged to the Maratta Scindia of Gwalior..

7. i) Census of India, 1981, Series 18, Rajasthan, ProvisionalPopulation Totals.

ii) Census of India, 1971, Series 18, Rajasthan, Parts XA andXB, District Census Handbook, 19, Bhilwara District.


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8. Source: Census of India, 1971, Series 18, Bhilwara DistrictCensus Handbook, District Primary Census Abstract.

9. Extracted from Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., passim, and Lodha, RajMal, Bhilwara and its Umland, PhD Dissertation, University ofUdaipur, 1969, New Heights, Delhi, 1975, pp.59-91.

10. Lodha, Raj Mal, ibid, p.72.

11. Lok Jivan, 26 March 1982, pp.2 and 4.

12. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., pp.411-412.

13. Lodha, Raj Mal, op.cit., p.135.

14. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., p.182.

15. Source: Sh. C.B.L. Mathur , Gandhinagar.

16. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., p.428.

17. ibid. , p . 352.

18. ibid., pp.27-49; Lodha, Raj Mal, op .cit . , p.14; and q.v.Gupta, K.S. , Mewar and the Maratta Relations (1735-1818 AD),S. Chand & Co, New Delhi, 1971.

19. Tod, Lt Col James, Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan or theCentral and Western Rajpoot States of India, 1, Lahiri, Calcutta,1894, p.3'78; Banerjee, A.C., The Rajput States and BritishParamountcy, Mohan Lal Gupta Rajesh Publications, New Delhi,1980, pp.17-94; and q.v. Panikkar, K.M. , "The Udaipur Treaty",Note 11, Appendix II, Introduction to the Study of Indian Stateswith the Government of India, Martin Hopkinson, London, 1927.

20. Marx, Karl, "The Native States", New York Daily Tribune,25 July 1853, quoted in Mukherjee, Ramkrishna, The Rise and Fallof the East India Company: A Sociological Appraisal, MonthlyReview Press, NY, 1974, Chap. 4, "The Company and IndianRulers", pp.276-282; and quoted also in Dutt, R. Palme,India Today, Peoples Publishing House, Bombay, 1949, p.407;Banerjee , A . C . , ibid . ; Sehgal , K .K . , op .cit . , pp . 49-58.

21. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit. p.64, (n.4).

22. Tod, James, op.cit., III, p.1737.

23. Heber, Reginald, Narrative of a Journey Through the UpperProvinces of India from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825, II,4th edn. , John Murray, London, 1829, pp.461-462.

24. Thapar, Romila, History of India, 1, Penguin, Harmondsworth(1966) 1974, pp.227-229; and Smith, Vincent A. (Spear,Percival (Ed.)), Oxford History of India, 3rd edn., OUP, Delhi(1958) 1974, pp.191-192.

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25. Lord, John, The Maharajas, Random House, NY, 1971, Chap."Children of the Sun", p.182.

26. Banerjee, A.C. , op.cit. (see note 19), pp.1.7-85; Ray, Rajat K.,Chap. 6, "Mewar: The Breakdown of the Princely Order", inJeffrey, Robin (Ed.), People, Princes and Paramount Power: Society and Politics in the Indian Princely States, OUP, NewDelhi, 1978, pp.207-215; and Thapar, Romila, op.cit., pp.227-229,and Glossary.

27. Banerjee, A.C. , ibid., p.81.

28. Paliwal, D.L., Mewar and the British, 1857-1921 AD: A Historyof the Relations of Mewar State with the Government of India,Bafra Prakashan, Jaipur, 1971, p.103.

29. National Archives of India, Government of India, Foreign andPolitical Department (Political), Proceedings (Secret) 1930,File No.275-P, 27 June-10 July 1930, Chief Secretary, Governmentof Madras to Secretary, Government of India.

30. Ray, Rajat K., op.cit., pp.207-15 and q.v. Chakravarti, Anand,Contradiction and Change: Emerging Patterns of Authority in aRajasthan Village, OUP, New Delhi, 1975, esp. chap IV, "TheAbolition of Jagirs".

31. Ray, Rajat K. , ibid.

32. Sehgal, K.K. , op .cit. , pp.47-73.

33. Ray, Rajat K., op.cit., p.214.

34. ibid., pp.209 and 215.

35. C.f. Chauhan,Brij Raj, A Rajasthan Village, Vir Publishing House,New Delhi, 1967.

36. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., pp.324-325.

37. ibid.

38. ibid., pp .50-53.

39. Banerjee, A.C., op.cit., pp .92-93.

40. Pritchard, Iltudus Thos.((Ed.) Bhatji, M.), The Mutinies inRajputana: Being a Personal Narrative of the Mutiny at Nasirabadwith Subsequent Residence at Jodhpur and Journey Across theDesert into Scind Together with an Account of the Outbreak at Nimuch and Mutiny of the Jodhpur Legion at Eringpura and Attack on Mt Abu, Shabd Sancham, Ajmer (1860) 1976; andMalleson, Col., Indian Mutiny of 1857-58, V_, Longmans Greenand Co., Bombay, 1898, pp.223-225.

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41. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit.

42. Vashishtha, V.K. , Rajputana Agency: A Study of BritishRelations with the States of Rajputana during the Period with Special Emphasis on the Role of the Rajputana Agency, PhDThesis, University of Rajasthan, 1978, Aalekh Publishers,Jaipur, 1978, pp.234-237.

43. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., pp.73-79; and Kamal, K.L. and Stern,Robert W., "Jaipur's Freedom Struggle and the BourgeoisRevolution",J. of Commonwealth Political Studies, XI, 3, 1973,pp.241-242.

44. Vashishtha, V.K., op.cit., pp .234-249.

45. Paliwal, D.K., op.cit., pp.80-83; and Saxena, K.S., The Political Movements and Awakening in Rajasthan (1857-1947),S. Chand & Co., New Delhi, 1971, p.39.

46. Vashishtha, V . K . , op .cit . , p . 253.

47. Ray, Rajat K., op.cit., pp.221-222.

48. Sehgal , K . K . , op .cit . , pp . 56-57.

49. Ray, Rajat K., op.cit., pp.220-221.

50. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., pp.222-223.

51. ibid . , pp . 225-226 ; Smith , Vincent , A . ( (Ed . ) Spear, Percival) ,op.cit. (note 24), Chap. 4, "Economic Policy and Development,1858-1939", pp.704-716; and Headrick, Daniel R., The Tools of Empire: Technology and European Imperial in the Nineteenth Century, OUP, NY, 1981, pp.180-190, nb "the impetus given toIndia's railroad projects by the 'cotton barons of Lancashire"(p.182).

52. Headrick, Daniel R., ibid., pp .186-187.

53. Ray, Rajat K., op.cit.; National Archives of India, Governmentof India, Foreign Department, Internal - A Proceedings, May 1905,Mewar Political Resident to A.G.G. , Rajputana; and H.M. Secretaryof State for India-in-Council, The Imperial Gazetteer of India,XXIV, New Edition, Clarendon, Oxon, 1908, pp.93-102.Ray, Rajat K., ibid., p.226; Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., pp.176-177;and Durani, P.K. , Location of Industries in Rajasthan, PhD Thesis,University of Jodhpur, 1970, unpublished, pp.156-166.

54. Durani, P.K. and Sehgal, K.K., ibid.

55. Smith, Vincent A., ((Ed.) Spear, Percival), op.cit., pp .705-708;and Paliwal, D.K. , op .cit. , pp.85-88. For fuller treatment, vide,Chatterji, Basudev, "The Abolition of the Cotton Excise, 1925:A Study in Imperial Priorities", Indian Economic and Social

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History Review, XVII, 4, October-December 1980, pp.355, 380;and q.v. Latham, A.J.H. , The International Economy and the Underdeveloped World, 1865-1914, Croom Helm, London, 1978,pp.69-77.

56. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., pp. 176-177; Paliwal, D.K., ibid.; SmithVincent A. ((Ed.) Spear, Percival), ibid., p.709; Carstairs,George, Shepherd of Udaipur and the Land he Loved, GeorgeDorsen Co., 1926, pp.141-142; q.v. Census of India, 1971 Series 18, Rajasthan, 19, Bhilwara District Census Handbook,Town Directory, Table 1, "Decadal Population Variation, 1901-1971".See Bhilwara, 1901-11 and Imperial Gazetteer of India (1908), p.94.

57. Sehgal, K.K., ibid., p.70.

58. National Archives of India, Government of India, Foreign Department(Political Branch) Internal - A Proceedings, May 1905, pp.66-67,AGG, Rajputana, to GG.

59. Curzon, George Nathaniel, 1st Marquess Curzon of Keddleston,National Archives of India, ibid., p.67.

60. National Archives of India, ibid., pp .66-67.

61. Mary, Countess of Minto, India, Minto and Morley, 1905-10: Compendium of Correspondence between the Viceroy and the Secretary of State with Extracts from her Indian Journal,Macmillan, London, 1934, pp.342-345 quoted in Low, D.A.,"Laissez-Faire' and Traditional Rulership in Princely India" inJeffrey, Robin (Ed.), People, Princes and Paramount Power: Society and Politics in the Indian Princely States, OUP, Delhi,1978.

62. Ray, Rajat K., op .cit. , p.223.

63. ibid., p.224; and Sehgal, K.K. , op.cit., pp.324-326.

64. Sehgal, K.K., ibid.

65. National Archives of India, Government of India, ForeignDepartment (Political Branch), Internal - A, Proceedings, May1905, pp.67-68, AGG, Rajputana, to GG; and Carstairs, George,op.cit., pp.130-132 and 141-142.

66. National Archives of India, ibid.

67. Paliwal, D.L., op.cit., passim; and Ray, Rajat, K. , op .cit. , p.224.

68. Mary, Countess of Minto, and Low, D.A., op.cit.

69. Curzon, Lord, and AGG, Rajputana, to GG, National Archives ofIndia, op.cit.; Lord, John, op .cit. ; and q.v. Trevelyan,Humphrey, The India We Left, Macmillan, London, 1972, pp .113-115.

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70. Tomlinson, B.R., The Political Economy of the Raj, 1914-1947: The Economics of Decolonisation in India, Macmillan, London,1979, in Chap. 4, "The Imperial Government and the IndianEconomy: The Official Mind of Decolonization, 1914-47", esp.pp.105-121; Smith, Vincent A. ((Ed.) Spear, Percival), op .cit. ,pp.691, 706 and 708; Paliwal, D.K., op.cit.; Ray, Rajat K.,op.cit.; and Sehgal, K.K. , op.cit., pp.71-72.

71. Ray, Rajat K. , ibid., p.230 and Paliwal, D.K., ibid., pp.253-255.

72. ibid.

73. ibid.

74. Sources: (i) Chauhan, Brij Raj, op.cit.; (ii) Ray, Rajat K.,ibid., pp.219-220; (iii) Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., pp.47-72, andChap. XI, "Revenue Administration - Land Revenue Administration",pp.284-292.

75. Sehgal, K.K., ibid., pp.284-292.

76. ibid., note 2 on pp.32 to 75-80.

77. Choudhry, P.S., Rajasthan Between the World Wars, Sri RamMehra, Agra, 1968, p.205.

78. The sources of this material and the remainder of the accountare drawn from: (i) Choudhry, P.S., op.cit., pp.204-208;(ii) Paliwal, D.K., op.cit., passim; (iii) Saxena, K.S. , ThePolitical Movements and Awakening in Rajasthan (1857-1947),S. Chand & Co, New Delhi, 1971, pp.84-85 and 153-216;(iv) Ray, Rajat K., op.cit., pp.237-236; and (v) Sehgal, K.K.,op.cit. , pp.284-292.For historiographical critique of sources see Stern, R.W. , inChap. 11, "An Approach to Politics in the Princely States" inJeffrey, Robin (Ed.), op.cit. (see notes 26 and 61), pp.363 and369-370.

79. Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, Upadhyay Papers, File 2(Bijolia Satyagraha Papers).

80. ibid.

81. Smith, Vincent A. ((Ed.) Spear, Percival), op.cit., p.746.

82. Sources for remaining account as cited in note 78.

83. Sources on this and other improvements are drawn from Sehgal,K.K. , op .cit . , Chap. XV, "Education and Culture", pp.379-387;and Ray, Rajat K. , op.cit. , pp.222-226.

84. Erskine, K.D. , Rajputana Gazetteers, IIB, Mewar Residency,Scottish Mission Industries, Ajmer, 1908, pp .22-23; andSehgal, K.K., ibid.

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85. This material and the remainder of the account have been drawnfrom: (i) Tomlinson, B.R., op.cit. (see note 70), Chap. 4,"The Imperial Government and the Indian Economy: The OfficialMind of Decolonization, 1914-47"; (ii) Smith, Vincent A. ((Ed.)Spear, Percival, op.cit., pp.713-715; and (iii) Kiernan, V.G.,Marxism and Imperialism, Edward Arnold, 1974, Chap. 7, "Indiaand the Labour Party", pp.238-254; and q.v. Hardiman, David,Peasant Nationalists of Gujarat: Kheda District, 1917-1934, OUP,Delhi, 1981, esp. Chap. 1.

86. Hardiman, David, ibid., p.3.

87. Hardiman, David in Jeffrey, Robin (Ed.), op.cit. (note 78),Chap. 1, "Introduction", p.11.

88. Irving, Robert Grant, Indian Summer: Lutyens, Baker and Imperial Delhi, Yale UP, 1980, Chap. 2, "Transfer of theCapital", p.36.

89. Copland, Ian, in Chap. 8, "The Other Guardians: Ideology andPerformance in the Indian Political Service", in Jeffrey, Robin(Ed.), op.cit., pp.275-299; and Creagh-Coen, Sir Terence,The Indian Political Service: A Study in Indirect Rule, Chatto& Windus, London, 1971.

90. E.g. Correspondence of Gandhi, M.K. to Kelkar, N.C., of June1934, quoted in Part D, "The Indian States, 1918-1947 - (b)Congress Policy, 1928-1946", Pandey, B.N. (Ed.), The Indian Nationalist Movement - 1885 to 1947 - Select Documents,Macmillan, 1979, p.232.

91. Saxena, K.S. (note 78(iii)), op.cit., pp .153-216; and Choudhry,P . S . , op . cit . , pp. 204-208.

92. Ray, Rajat K., op.cit., pp .234-236.

93. ibid.

94. ibid.

95. ibid. 96. ibid. 97. ibid. and Trevelyan, Humphrey, op .cit.

98. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., pp.80-81.

99. Vashishtha , U. K . , op . cit . , p . 253.

100. Mathur, K.S., Mica Industry in Rajasthan, Asha Publishing House,Jaipur, 1968, pp.29-32.

101. ibid.

102. Kogata, Ramesh Chandra, A Study of Labour Problems in Mewar Textile Mills Limited, Bhilwara, Diploma of Labour Laws Dissertation,

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University of Rajasthan (MLV Government College, Bhilwara),1979, unpublished, pp.9-10, 18-21, and 127-131; Durani,op .cit . (note 53) , pp . 156-165 ; and Bhawani Prasad Rathi ,MTM Ki Challyan, Gandhinagar.

103. Kogata, Ramesh Chandra, ibid.

104. ibid.

105. ibid.; and Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., p.80.


1. Census of India, 1981, Series 18, Rajasthan,Provisional Population Tables.

2. ibid.

3. Sehgal, K.K., Rajasthan District Gazetteers Bhilwara, Directorateof District Gazetteers, Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur, 1975,Chap . III , "People-Population" , pp . 87-96.

4. See notes 102-104 in Chapter 3.

5. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., pp. 95-97.

6. ibid., p.80; and Ray, Rajat K. in Jeffrey, Robin (Ed.),People, Princes and Paramount Power: Society and Politics in the Indian Princely States, OUP, Delhi, 1978, Chap. 6, "Mewar:The Breakdown of Princely Order", p.235.

7. Ray, Rajat K., ibid., p.233-235.

8. Census of India, 1981 (Provisional Population Tables), op.cit.

9. ibid.

10. ibid. and Table 1 in Pandey, S.M. , "Nature and Determinantsof Urbanization in a Developing Economy: The Case of India",Economic Development and Cultural Change, 25, 2, January1977, pp.265-278.

11. Sehgal , K .K . , op.cit., pp . 95- 96.

12. See Table 4.

13. Sources: Tables 1-4, (i) V.K.R.V. Rao, "Inter-StateVariations in Population Growth and Population Policy".Economic and Political Weekly, December, 19, 1981, pp .2105-2108;and (ii) Sehgal, K.K., op .cit. , Chap. XVI, "Medical and PublicHealth Services", pp.403-408.

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14. Census of India, 1981, op.cit.; Table 36 in Ashish Bose, inJain, Devaki (Ed.), Indian Women, Publications Division, Ministryof Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, NewDelhi, January 1975, p.179; and Census of India, 1971, Series18, Rajasthan, 19, Bhilwara District, Parts XA and XB.

15. For critical treatments of the censal definition and enumerationof "workers and "non-workers", vide: (i) Ambannavar, JaipalP. (a) "Changes in the Employment Pattern of the IndianWorking Force, 1911-1961", The Developing Economies, VIII,1, March 1970, pp.128-145; (b) Employment Pattern in India since 1911, PhD Thesis, Australian National University, 1971,unpublished, pp.1-86; (ii) Krishnamurty, J. , "Changes inthe Composition of the Working Force in Manufacturing, 1901-51:A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis", The Indian Economic and Social History Rev., IV, 1, March 1967, pp.1-16;(iii) Sinha, J.N. , "1981 Census Economic Data: A Note",Spec. Article, Economic and Political Weekly, February, 6,pp.195-203, esp. section I, "Concepts and Definitions".

16. Sinha, J.N. , ibid.

17. Williams, J.S., Social Change in a Rajasthan Village, Litt.B.Dissertation, University of New England, 1979, unpublished,Chap. 3, Section 4, "Bhupalgarh Village - Economic Structure",pp.54-75.

18. Seghal, K.K. , op.cit., Chap. XI, "Revenue Administration",pp.292-295.

19. Vide Rajasthan Tenancy Act 1955, section 42, and Judgement ofGuman Mal Lodha, J. , in Rajasthan High Court in the appealscase of Dalu Ram Harijan v others, Jodhpur, 29 March 1982,reported in Times of India, 1 April 1982, p.9.

20. Vide, note 11, Chap. 3; and Lok Jivan, 29 March 1982, p.2.

21. Census of India, 1971, op .cit. (note 14), Census of India,1961, Rajasthan District Census Handbook, Bhilwara, pp.106-171.

22. Sources: Sub-Inspector Sumer Singh Chauhan, R.P.F. , andSh. Puran Singh Tauar.

23. Vide note 20 above and note 11, Chap. 3.

24. Census of India, 1961, op .cit. , and Census of India, 1971,op.cit.

25. Mathur, K.S. , Mica Industry in Rajasthan, Asha PublishingHouse, Jaipur, 1968, pp.32-42 and 233.

26. Sources: (i) Indian Minerals Yearbook, 1976-77, Indian Bureauof Mines, Ministry of Steel and Mines, Nagpur (Controller ofPublications) , New Delhi, 1980, pp.962-969; (ii) Mica Mines

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Welfare Fund, Bhilwara Office and Central Regional LabourCommissioner, Ajmer; and (iii) Sehgal, K.K. , op.cit., pp.179-181.

27. Mathur, K.S., op .cit. , passim; and Indian Minerals Yearbook,ibid.

28. Mathur, K.S. , ibid.; and Sh. Meerul Hasan, ExecutiveEngineer, Indian Bureau of Mines, Ajmer.

29. Mathur, K.S., ibid., pp.245-251.

30. ibid. , p . 205

31. ibid. passim

32. ibid., p.214.

33. ibid., pp.205-210.

34. Sh. C.V. Varughese, Assistant Manager (Admin.), MITCO,Bhilwara.

35. Directors' Report, 1980-81, MITCO Ltd, New Delhi, 1981.

36. Mathur , K . S . , op .cit , pp . 257-290 .

37. Sh. C.V. Varughese, Kothari, Khyali Lal, The Geographical Survey of Mica Mines and Mica Industry in Bhilwara District,MA Dissertation, University of Rajasthan (MLV GovernmentCollege), 1981, unpublished, Table 4.1; and Durani, P.K. ,The Location of Industries in Rajasthan, PhD Thesis, Universityof Jodhpur, 1970, unpublished, pp.269-272.

38. Durani, P.K., ibid., p.272.

39. Sh. C.V. Varughese.

40. Sh. Meerul Hasan.

41. ibid.; Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., p.204; and Mathur, K.S.,op.cit., pp.210-214.

42. Sehgal, K.K., ibid., pp.180-181.

43. Sources: (i) Kogata, Ramesh Chandra, A Study of Labour Problems in 1\lewar Textile Mills Limited, Bhilwara, Dip. LabourLaws Dissertation, University of Rajasthan (MLV GovernmentCollege), 1979, unpublished, table 7; (ii) Inspector of Factoriesand Boilers, Bhilwara, Chief Inspector of Factories and Boilers,Jaipur, Deputy Regional Labour Commissioner, Bhilwara;(iii) Jay, G., Problems of Absenteeism in Bhilwara Textile Industry, Nl.Comm. Dissertation, University of Udaipur, 1973,unpublished.

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44. Kogata, Ramesh Chandra, ibid., Table 3 (Source: Times of India Directory, 1971).

45. ibid., passim.

46. ibid., p.19; Durani, P.K., op.cit., p.179; and Sehgal, K.K.op.cit., p.182.

47. Kogata, Ramesh Chandra, ibid.; and Durani, P .K . , ibid.,pp.179-181.

48. Kogata, Ramesh Chandra, ibid., Diagram 4: Profit and Loss,MTM, 1973-78.

49. Sources: ibid. , passim ; Sh. Vishan Singh Yadav andBhawani Prasad Rathi; and Lok Jivan, 22 March 1982, p.4.

50. Lok Jivan, 23 February 1982, p.1; and Sh. Kailashan Ojha,March 1982.

51. Durani, P.K., op.cit., pp.166-179.

52. Kogata, Ramesh Chandra, op.cit., Diagram 3: Sources ofFinance, MTM, in 1978.

53. Lok Jivan, 22 March 1982, p.2.

54. Kogata, Ramesh Chandra, op.cit., pp .19-21 and RAJSPINProspectus, 11 March 1982.

55. Kogata, Ramesh Chandra, ibid., pp .22-23.

56. Dosi, Baghwat Singh, A Study of Socioeconomic Conditions of Workers in Rajasthan Spinning and Weaving Mills Limited, Dip. LabourLaws Dissertation, University of Rajasthan (MLV GovernmentCollege), 1979, unpublished, passim.

57. ibid., RAJSPIN Prospectus, op.cit.; and Sh. Vishan SinghYaday.

58. Dosi, Baghwat Singh, ibid.

59. Kogata, Ramesh Chandra, op .cit. , pp.19-21; and ibid.

60. RAJSPIN Prospectus, op .cit.

61. Durani, P.K., op.cit. pp.166-168.

62. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., p.182; Inspector of Factories andBoilers, Bhilwara; and Deputy Regional Labour Commissioner,Bhilwara.

63. Sh. Kailashan Ohja.

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64. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., pp.201-202.

65. ibid.

66. ibid., pp.203-206.

67. ibid., pp.206-207.

68. ibid., pp.214-217; and Sh. Subash Deo Verma and Sh. HarishKumar Bahati, Agricultural Products Samiti, Bhilwara.

69. q.v. and c.f. Lodha, Raj Mal, Bhilwara and its Umland, PhDDissertation, University of Udaipur, 1969, New Heights, Delhi,1975, Table 16.

70. Deputy Regional Labour Commissioner, Bhilwara.

71. C.f. also following table of Deposits and Advances, All Banks,Bhilwara District, 1980-81

Year 1980 1981

Deposits in Rs lac 2222.4

2111.68Advances in Rs lac 842.4


Source: Bank of Baroda ("Leader"Bank), Bhupalganj, Bhilwara

72. Sehgal, K .K . , op.cit., pp . 203-206.

73. Source: Bank of Baroda, Bhilwara.

74. LIC Office, Bhilwara and Sehgal, K.K., pp.209-210.

75. Sehgal, K.K., ibid.

76. RIICO Office, Bhilwara, and MITCO Office, Bhilwara.

77. Sinha, J.N., op.cit., Tables 5, 5a and 5b, q.v. Sundar, Pushpa,"Characteristics of Female Employment: Implications of Researchand Policy", ibid., 9 May 1981, pp.863-870; Mies, Maria,"Dynamics of Sexual Division of Labour and Capital Accumulation:Women Lace Workers of Narsapur", ibid., Annual No., March 1981,pp.487-500; Galati, Leela, "Female Worker Participation", ibid.,11 January 1975, pp.35-42; and Premi, Mahendra, K., "Aspectsof Female Migration in India", ibid., 12 April 1980, pp.714-720.

78. Sh. Bhawani Prasad Rathi.

79. Sh. Madan Lal Agarwal, Time-keeper, RAJSPIN.

80. Sh. K.L. Sharma, Mgr., State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur,Bhilwara.

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81. C.f. Ambannavar, Jaipal P., (note 15), op.cit., Chap. 6, "DiminishingNon-Agricultural Employment of Women", esp. Tables 6.4 to6.11; and q.v. Sundar, Pushpa, (note 77), op.cit.

82. Sehgal , K .K . , op .cit . , pp . 255-257.

83. Sh. N.K. Gurg, Director, Employment Exchange, Bhilwara.

84. Dosi, Baghwat Singh, op.cit., pp.53-55; Kogata, RameshChandra, op. cit . , p.34, passim; and Jay, G., op.cit.,pp.18-19.

85. Sources: (i) Morris, Morris David, The Emergence of an Industrial Labour Force in India: A Study of the Bombay Cotton Mills 1854-1947, University of California Press, 1965,Chap. 11, pp.198-210; (ii) Goswami, V.G., Labour andIndustrial Laws, Central Law Agency, Allahabad, 1980,Chap. VI, "Trade Unions Act 1926", pp.139-143; and(iii) Ramaswamy, E.A. and Uma, Industry and Labour, OUP,Delhi, 1981, Chap.5, "Trade Unions in India", pp.86-129.

86. Quoted in 1940 and cited by Kogata, Ramesh Chandra, op.cit.,p.128.

87. This passage and the remaining account drawn from ibid.,pp.128-134.

88. Sh. Kailashan Ojha and Mathur, K.S., op.cit., pp.161-165.

89. ibid.; Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., p.90; Ojha, Kailashan, Bhilwara District's Industrial Problems, Solutions, Agreements and Meetings ('Industrial Disputes Act, 1947') , Dip. Labour Laws Dissertation,University of Rajasthan (MLV Government College), 1980,unpublished, pp.53-54; and Office of the Regional LabourCommissioner (Central), Ajmer.

90. Selbourne, David, Eye to India: The Unmasking of a Tyranny,Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1977, passim.

91. B hanwat Lal Bhadada, Bhilwara Tahsil, MLA, 1972-1977.

92. Source: Chief Electoral Officer, State Secretariat, Jaipur.

93. Sh. Vishan Singh Yadav, Ojha, Kailashan, op .cit . , p.72; andq.v. Selbourne, David, op.cit.

94. Editor, Tarun Desh.

95. Khan Mazdoor Sabha.

96. Dosi, Baghwat Singh, op.cit., Table 1; and Selbourne, David,op.cit., pp.216-231.

97. Ojha, Kailashan , op . cit. , pp. 71-77.

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98 . ibid . and q . v . T able 17 .

99. Sh. Vishan Singh Yaday.

100. ibid. and Sh. Kailashan Ojha.

101. Sh. Pradeep Bapiwal (Agent for Shambhu Singh Khemsara),Janata Mill Magdoor Sangh, Champalal Dharmshala,Dabok Rd,Udaipur.

102. The following account is based on personal observations andnewspaper reports (local and national).

103. Times of India, Editorial, 26 January 1982, p.8; Editorial,19 March 1982, p.8; and "Leader", 29 January 1982, p.1.

104. Times of India, 11 April 1982, p.7.

105. At 1 February 1982, there were 69,185 labourers approximatelyemployed throughout Bhilwara District on drought-relief work -source PWD, Exec. Engineer, Bhilwara.

106. Kogata, Ramesh Chandra, op.cit., Tables 21 and 22; and Dosi,Baghwat Singh, op.cit., Tables 17, 19 and 20.

107. Kogata, Ramesh Chandra, ibid., pp.90-98.

108. q.v. ibid., Tables 10 and 11; and Jay G., op.cit., Table V.1.and pp. 98-120.

109. Juneja, Prakash C., "Bonus Bounty ... A Case for Review",Chap. 2 in Gupta, S.N. (Ed.), Labour and Industrial Law,Commercial Law Publications, Delhi, 1982, pp.6-23.

110. ibid.

111. Kogata, Ramesh Chandra, op.cit., p.28; and Dosi, BaghwatSingh, op.cit., Table 11.

112. Vide. Table 4.

113. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., pp.238-239 and Appendices I-III,pp.240-246.

114. Census of India, 1981, Provisional Figures, Series 18, Rajasthan.

115. op .cit . , pp. 90-98.

116. Pushkar Somani, MB, BS (Raj), Hospital Rd, Bhilwara.

117. Sh. Indira Sen Gahelot.

118. Sources: (i) Chief Electoral Officer, State Secretariat, Jaipur;(ii) Kamal, K.L. , Party Politics in an Indian State: A Study of

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the Main Political Parties in Rajasthan, PhD Thesis, Universityof Rajasthan, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi, 1968; (iii) Sisson,Richard, The Congress Party in Rajasthan: Political Integration and Institutional Building in an Indian State, OUP, Delhi, andUniversity of California Press; (iv) Khare, Harish, "Restructuringof Values: Princes in the 1971 Elections", Comp. Studies in Society and History, 15, 4, October 1973, pp.405-415;(v) Rudolph, Suzanne, "The Princely States of Rajputana:Ethic, Authority and Structure", Indian Jnl. of Political Science,XXIV, 1963, pp.14-32; and (vi) Richter, William L., "TraditionalRulers in Post-Traditional Societies: The Princes of India andPakistan", Chap.10, Jeffrey, Robin (Ed.), People, Princes and Paramount Power: Society and Politics in the Indian Princely States, OUP, Delhi, 1978, pp.329-354.

119. Census of India, 1971, Series 18, Rajasthan, 19, BhilwaraDistrict Census Handbook, Parts XA and XB.

120. Sh. M. Trivedi.

121. Lodha, Raj Mal, op.cit., Tables 11 and 31; and Sehgal, K.K.,op.cit., p.19.

122. Lodha, Raj Mal, ibid.

123. Kogata, Ramesh Chandra, op.cit., pp.90-98; and Dosi, BaghwatSingh, op.cit., Table 17.

124. Sh. Afiz Mohammed, Chairman, Zila Parishad, Bhilwara.

125. Sharma, Girdhar Behari, "Law as an Instrument for Abolitionof Untouchability: Case of Rajasthan", Economic and Political Weekly, 12 April 1975, pp.635-641, esp. Tables 1 and 2.

126. Government of Rajasthan, Planning Department, Draft Sixth Five-Year Plan, 1978-83, undated, Jaipur, p.21.

127. This passage and the remaining material on generation andprovision of industrial power drawn from: (i) Hart, David,Nuclear Power in India: A Comparative Analysis, George Allen& Unwin, London, 1983, passim; (ii) Durani, P.K., op.cit.,pp.85-95; and (iii) Government of Rajasthan, Directorate ofIndustries, Industrial Rajasthan: A Brief Survey of the Industrial Potential of Rajasthan, Jaipur, April 1960.

128. Government of Rajasthan, Planning Department, Draft Fifth Five Year Plan, 1974-1979, Jaipur, 1973, pp.48; and Sh. R.K.Radhakrishnan, Chief Draftsman, Shree Pipes, Jaipur (Indiancommercial collaborators).

129. Durani, P.K., op.cit., Tables 14 (Multiple Criteria Magnitudeand Intensity) and 15 (Location Quotients for 20 Selected Industries).

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130. Government of India, Directory of Industries, Indian Industries,14th Edition, Indian Industries Publications, 1977, p.8.

131. Government of Rajasthan, Planning Department, Draft Sixth Five-Year Plan, 1978-83, op.cit., pp.111-122.

132. ibid., p.19, for critical treatments of nutrition, q.v. esp.Batliwala, Srilatha, "Rural Energy Scarcity and Nutrition:A New Perspective", Economic and Political Weekly, 27 February1982, pp.329-333; Dandakar, V.M., "On Measurement of Poverty"ibid., 25 July 1981, pp.834-849; Sukhatme, P.V., "On Measure-ment of Poverty", ibid., 8 August 1981, pp.1318-1323; andKrishnaji, N. , "On Measuring the Incidence of Undernutrition:A Note on Suktame's Procedure", Special Article,ibid., 30 May1981, pp.989-991.

133. Atal, Yogesh, Chap.19, "Some Aspects of Employment andUnemployment" in Bose, Ashish; Mitra, Ashok; Desai, P.B .and Sharma , J.N. (Eds.) , Population in India's Development1947-2000, Vikas Publishing House, Delhi, 1974, pp.233-239,esp. Tables 6-8; and q.v. Blaug, Mark, "The Unemploymentof the Educated in India" (1970), Chap. 18, in Jolly, Richard;De Kadt, Emanuel; Singer, Hans; and Wilson, Fiona, ThirdWorld Employment: Problems and Strategy, Penguin,Harmondsworth, 1973.

134. World Bank, World Development Report, 1980, Washington DC,August 1980, Table 5.2.


1. Sehgal, K.K. , Rajasthan District Gazetters - Bhilwara,Directorate of District Gazetteers, Government of Rajasthan,Jaipur, 1975.

2. Rajasthan State Archives, Bikaner and National Archives ofIndia, New Delhi.

3. National Archives of India, Government of India, ForeignDepartment (Political Branch) Proceedings, May 1905, Internal -A, pp.66-67, AGG, Rajputana, to GG.

4. (i) Tod, Lt. Col. James, Annals and Antiquities or the Centraland Western Rajput States of India, Lahiri, Calcutta, 1894;(ii) Heber, Reginald, Bishop of Calcutta, Narrative of aJourney through the Upper Provinces of India from Calcuttato Bombay, 1824-1825, John Murray, London, 1828;(iii) Paliwal, D.L., Mewar and the British, 1857-1921 AD: AHistory of the Relations of Mewar State with the Governmentof India, Bafra Prakashan, Jaipur, 1971; (iv) Saxena, K.S.,The Political Movements and Awakening in Rajasthan 1857-1947,Chand & Co., New Delhi, 1971; (v) Hunter, Sir William Wilson,

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Imperial Gazetteer of India, 2nd Edition, Trubner & Co., London,1887; and Imperial Gazetteer of India, New Edition, H.M. Secretaryof State of India-in-Council, Oxon. , 1908; and Imperial Gazetteer of India, Provincial Series, Rajputana, Supt. of Government Printing,Calcutta, 1908.

5. Erskine, K.R., Rajputana Gazetteers, "Mewar Residency, IIA andJIB", Scottish Mission Industries, Ajmer, 1908.

6. Ray, Rajat K., "Mewar: The Breakdown of the Princely Order", inJeffrey, Robin (Ed.), People, Princes and Paramount Power: Society and Politics in Indian Princely States, OUP, Delhi, 1978, pp.205-239.

7. Rudra, Ashok, "Class Relations in Indian Agriculture, I", Economic and Political Weekly, 3 June 1978, pp.916-919.

8. Ray, Rajat K., op.cit., p.215.

9. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., pp.47-58 and 292-293.

10. Hardiman, David, Peasant Nationalists of Gujarat: Kheda District,1917-1934, OUP, Delhi, 1981, Chap. 3, "The Politics of the Peasantry",pp.31-58.

11. Williams, J.S. , Social Change in a Rajasthan Village, Litt .B.Dissertation, University of New England, 1979, unpublished,Chap . 3, "Bhupalgarh Village" , pp . 34-54.

12. Dosi, Bhagwat Singh, A Study of the Socio-Economic Condition ofWorkers in Rajasthan Spinning and Weaving Mills, Dip. Labour LawsDissertation, University of Rajasthan (MLV Government College),1979, unpublished, Table 9.

13. E.g. Kutchery Rd., Ajmer and Bhilwara Woollen Mills, Chittorgarh Rd.

14. Ganesh, S.R., and Saruria, Dalpat, "Explorations in Helplessness ofHigher Education Institutions in the Third World", Higher Education,12, 1983, pp.191-206, esp. Tables II(a), II(b) and II(c).

15. ibid . , pp . 196-199.

16. A common gotra of the Bhilwara mahajan jati is "Porwal", a name whichlocal amateur geneologists claim derives from "Pur-wallah", i.e. "Manfrom Pur", Pur being on Bhilwara Municipality's west boundary.

17. A Mewar Chamber of Commerce (headquartered in Bhilwara) hasexisted almost since Independence and, although it seems to bedormant, the chamber still has an office in the Seth Pusa LalMansinghka compound. The most recent of merchant associationsto be formed are those of timber merchants and private omnibusowners. Tarun Desh, 17 February 1982, p.2.

18. Sehgal, K.K., op.cit., pp.435-440.

19. Chief Electoral Officer, State Secretariat, Jaipur.

20. Lower Divisional Clerk, Inspector of Factories and Boilers, Bhilwara,a Mer from Nasirabad, Ajmer District.

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21. Lok Jivan, 16 February 1982, 71,630 labourers recruited at 415centres.

22. ibid.

23. Lok Jivan, 26 March 1982, p.4; and Carstairs, G.M., Death of a Witch: A Village in North India, 1950-1981, Hutchinson, London,1983.

24. Bapna, S.L. , Economic and Social Implications of the Green Revolution: A Study of the Kota District, Global 2 Project ReportUNRISD, Geneva, 1973. Female Registrations 1977-81 (507 - '71,637 - '78, 617 - '79, 507 - '80 and 528 - '81) and Total FemalesAvailable for Employment 1977-81 (506 - '77, 640 - '78, 587 - '79,570 - '80, and 634 - '81), Employment Exchange Bhilwara. Q.v.Lok Jivan, 5 April 1982, p.1 - 31 women were reportedly arrestedafter participating in a strike jalus held the previous day.

25. LIC Office, Bhilwara. Q.v. Lok Jivan, 16 February 1982, p.1,and Far Eastern Economic Review, 24 March 1983, pp.67-68.

26. Lok Jivan, 13 March 1982, p.2.

27. C.f. the rise of the Bleichroder family of Jewish bankers in 18thcentury Germany in Stern, F.R., Gold and Iron: Bismark, Bleich-roder and the Building of the German Empire, Knopf, N.Y. , 1977.


1. Rudra, Ashok, "Class Relations in Indian Agriculture - III",Special Article, Economic and Political Weekly, 17 June 1978,pp.998-1003; and q.v. Jha, Prem Shankar, India: A PoliticalEconomy of Stagnation, OUP, Bombay, 1980, esp. Chap. 6,"The Rise of the Intermediate Class", pp.111-132.

2. Hettne, Bijchrn, The Political Economy of Indirect Rule: Mysore 1881- 1947, Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, CurzonPress, London, 1978, esp. Chap. 5, "The Labour Movement"and Chap. 6, "The National Movement"; q.v. and c.f.Simmons, C.P. and Satyanarayana, B.R. , "The EconomicConsequences of Indirect Rule in India: A Re-appraisal",Indian Economic and Social History Rev., XVI, 2, April-June1979, pp.185-206 - the authors argue very convincingly thatthere is no statistical evidence to support claims that there was"a consistent pattern of differences in the levels of economicactivity" between British India and the treaty states and agencies.(Q.v. Hurd, John, "The Economic Consequences of Indirect Rulein India", Indian Economic and Social History Rev., XII, 2, 1975.)

3. Hettne, BiOrn, ibid.


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4. ibid.

5. Hardiman, David, "Baroda: The Structure of a 'Progressive'State", Chap. 3 in Jeffrey, Robin (Ed.), People, Princes and Paramount Power: Society and Politics in the Indian Princely States,OUP, Delhi, 1978, pp.107-135.

6. C.f. Census of Mewar, 1941, Vol.II, with Chakravarti, Anand,Contradiction and Change: Emerging Patterns of Authority ina Rajasthan Village, OUP, Delhi, 1975, esp. Chap. IV, "TheAbolition of Jagirs".

7. Kamal, K.L. and Stern, Robert W., "Jaipur's Freedom Struggleand the Bourgeois Revolution", J. of Commonwealth Political Studies, XI, 3, 1973, pp.231-250.

8. ibid.

9. Kamal, K.L. and Stern, Robert W., "Class, Status and Party inRajasthan", J. of Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, XII, 3,November 1974, pp.276-296.

10. Gordon, David M., "Capitalist Development and the History ofAmerican Cities", in Part One, 'From City to Metropolis', inTabb, William K., and Sawers, Larry (Eds.), Marxism and the Metropolis: New Perspectives in Urban Political Economy, OUP,NY, 1978, pp.25-63.

11. C.f. ibid. , 'Commercial Accumulation and the Commercial City',pp . 29- 30.

12. Kamal, K.L. and Stern, Robert W., op.cit. (1974), pp.293-294.

13. ibid. and q.v. Durani, P.K., The Location of Industries inRajasthan, PhD Thesis, University of Jodhpur, 1970, unpublished,pp.125-148, 181, 405 and Tables 12 and 13.

14. Myrdal, Gunnar (abridged King, Seth), Asian Drama: An Inquiry into Poverty of Nations, Penguin, Harmondsworth, (1971) 1977.pp.167-170.

15. Kamal, K.L. and Stern, Robert W., op .cit. (1974), quoted onp.294 from Mathur, 1111.V., Industrial Economy of a DevelopingRegion, Jaipur, 1968.

16. Gordon, David M. , op .cit. , pp.36-43 and 44-46.

17. C.f. Renner, Karl, "The Development of Capitalist Propertyand the Legal Institutions Complementary to the Property Norm"in Aubert, Vilhelm (Ed.), Sociology of Law: Selected Readings,Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1969, esp. pp.43-44.

18. Kamal, K.L. and Stern, Robert W., op.cit. (1974), p.290.These conclusions should be compared favourably with those of

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Rao who, in his comparative study of the new steel producingtown of Bhilai (Madhya Pradesh) (founded 1951) and itsneighbouring old commercial cum small-scale manufacturing townof Raipur (MP) Trade Unionism in Bhilai was organised,influential, and politically articulate. The labourers too wereskilled and competitive, having been recruited from regionswhich were industrially more advanced, e.g. West Bengal, UttarPradesh, Punjab, and Nlaharashtra or from educationallyadvanced regions such as Kerala. They had been previouslyinvolved in trade union organisation and training and alsoretained property interests in their places of origin. Bycontrast, trade union organisation in Raipur was weak, fragmentedand politically servile if not docile. From Rao, Lakshmana G.,Internal Migration and Political Change in India: A Case Study of a New Industrial Town, PhD Thesis, Australian NationalUniversity, 1971, unpublished, pp.61-88, passim.

19. Moore, Jr, Barrington, Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World,Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1977 (1966).

20. Quoted in Phillips, Anne, "The Concept of 'Developmenti",Rev. of African Political Economy, 8, January-April 1977,pp.7-8; and q.v. Warren, Bill ((Ed.) Sender, John),Imperialism: Pioneer of Capitalism, Verso, London, 1980.

21. Vide Phillips, Anne, ibid.

22. ibid.

23. Moore, Jr, Barrington, op.cit., p.314.

24. Vide Lall, Sanjaya and Streeten, Paul, Foreign Investment,Transnationals, and Developing Countries, Macmillan, London,1977, p.150 and Table 6.1; for critical treatment vide Kumar,Nagesh, "Regulating Multinational Monopolies in India", specialarticle, Economic and Political Weekly, 29 May 1982, pp.909-917;Lall, Sanjaya, "Theories of Direct Private Foreign Investmentand Multinational Behaviour", Economic and Political Weekly,Special No., August 1976, pp.1331-1348; and Srivasta, P.K.Foreign Collaboration in Indian Industry, Shiva Lal Agarwala& Co, 1967.

25. Dandekar, V.M. , "Bourgeois Politics of the Working Class",Economic and Political Weekly, 12 January 1980, pp .75-83and q.v. Dandekar, V.M. , "Unequal Exchange: Imperialismof Trade", ibid., 5 January 1980, pp.27-36.

26. ibid., 12 January 1980, pp.82-83.

27. ibid.

28. Harris, Nigel, Of Bread and Guns: The World Economy in Crisis,Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1983, Table 19, p.144 and q.v.

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Dandekar, V.M., ibid., 5 January 1980. It should furtherbe borne in mind that the textiles industry of India ranks amongthe country's first four accident-prone industries. In factoriesgenerally, over the period 1961-71, Rajasthan workers sufferedan accident rate (fatal and non-fatal) above the national averageby approximately 3 injuries per 100,000 mandays worked, fromSamuel, C.J., A Study in Industrial Accidents in India with Special Reference to Causation and Prevention, PhD Dissertation ,University of Udaipur, unpublished, undated, pp.326-330.

29. Lenin, V.I., "What Is To Be Done?", Selected Works, ProgressPublishers, Moscow, 1976, pp.152-153 and 156; and c.f.stratification or segmentation of working-class organised onbasis of trade argued by Lenin, in Lane, David, Leninism:A Sociological Interpretation, CUP, 1981.

30. Rudra, Ashok, op.cit., pp.998-1002.

31. Rajasthan's Sixth Draft Five Year Plan estimated that 41% ofthe State's rural population exist on a food intake of less than2,400 calories per day and that 48% of the urban populationexisted on a food take of less than 2,100 calories per day.Government of Rajasthan, Department of Planning, Sixth Draft Five Year Plan, 1978-83, Jaipur, undated, pp.18-19; q.v.Rao, V.M. and Vivekananda, "Calorie Norm Controversy",Economic and Political Weekly, 13 February 1982, pp.254-255,Table 1; and q.v. critical references cited in noteof Chapter 5.

32. Dasgupta, Biblab, Agrarian Change and the New Technology,UNRISD, Geneva, 1977, Tables 30 and 31, p.141.

33. Williams, J.S., Social Change in a Rajasthan Village, Litt.B.Dissertation, University of New England, 1979, unpublished,Chaps. 3 and 4.

34. Macfarlane, L.J. , The Right to Strike, Bombay, HimalayaPublishing House, 1979.

35. C.f. Renner, Karl, op.cit., p.41.

36. Desai, S.S.M. , Rural Banking in India, Bombay, HimalayaPublishing House, 1979.

37. Rudra, Ashok, op.cit. and "Class Relations in IndianAgriculture - I and II", Special Articles in Economic and Political Weekly, 3 June 1978 and 10 June 1978, resp.pp.916-923 and pp.963-968; and Jha, Prem Shankar, op .cit. Chap. 6, "The Rise of the Intermediate Class", pp.111-133.

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Central Acts

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Indian Boilers Act, 1925.

Factories Act, 1948.

Trade Unions Act, 1926.

Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1948.

Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.


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Urban Improvement Act, 1959.

Welfare Officers (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1959.

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Table 20: Minimum wages for adult workers payable in BhilwaraDistrict by occupation, 1971 and 1982

Minimum wagesper adult workerin Rs per mensem

Category of by yearoccupation orscheduled employment 1971 1982 Comment

Salt industry

Rice, flour and dal mills:

UnskilledSemi-skilledSkilledClericalManager /Accountant

Tobacco and bidi manufacturing:

Snuff-makerRoller, wrapper and

packerSorter and checker

Oil mills:


Local authority:

UnskilledSemi-skilledSkilledOffice, field and

traffic staff

85 234

85 234

85 234100 260125 292.5200 328225 333

85 260

100 292.5125 333

85 234100 260125 292.5

90 n.a.100 n.a.125 260

200 335

No salt factoryin Bhilwara

Piece rates anddaily rates alsoavailable

Piece rates anddaily rates alsoavailable

Woollen carpet-weavingand shawl-weaving

Daily ratesalso available

Daily ratesavailable

Rs 9/- p.d.Rs 11.25 p.d.

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Table 20 (Cont'cl)

Minimum wagesper adult workerin Rs per mensem

Category of by yearoccupation orscheduled employment 1971 1982 Comment




90 234115 260150 292

85 234100 234150 239

85 328

85 234115 260135 234200 320

85 234100 260125 292.5125 320150 320200 405

85 234100 260125 292.5

Building and roadconstruction :


Stone-breaking andcrushing:


Mica dressing:

UnskilledDresser and sorterClerkCutter

Mica mining:

UnskilledSemi- skilledSkilledClerical

Public motor transport

UnskilledSemi-skilledSkilledTraffic staffOffice staffInspection staff

Textiles and printing

UnskilledSemi- skilledSkilled

Source : Office of the Deputy Labour Commissioner, Bhilwara(Rajasthan)

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