05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management

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  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    2009 coreservlets.com

    , ,and Session Management

    Originals of Slides and Source Code for Examples:


    Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/Servlets, JSP, Struts, JSF/MyFaces/Facelets, Ajax, GWT, Spring, Hibernate/JPA, Java 5 & 6.

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    Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/Servlets, JSP, Struts, JSF/MyFaces/Facelets, Ajax, GWT, Spring, Hibernate/JPA, Java 5 & 6.

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  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Topics in This Section

    Learn the lifecycle of Hibernateentities, when they transition fromstatetostate, and how this affectsdevelopment

    Take a closer look at persistence, anddiscover how Hibernate manages dirtyand related objects

    See how Hibernate uses a Session to

    keep track of, and optimize, useractivities


    Hibernate Object Lifecycle

    Hibernate considers objects it canmanage o a ways e n one o ourstates



    Objects transition from state to statethrough various method calls

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Transient State

    All objects start off in the transients a e

    Account account = new Account();

    Hibernate is not aware of the object

    Not related to database rowNo value for accountId

    Garbage collected when no longer

    referenced by any other objects

    Persistent State

    Hibernate is aware of, and managing, the object

    as a a a ase

    Already existing object retrieved from the database

    Formerl transient ob ect about to be saved

    This is the only state where objects are saved to thedatabase o ca ons ma e n o er s a es are save o e a a ase w e

    the object remains in that state

    Changes to objects in a persistent state are automatically saved to the

    Objects are made persistent through calls against theHibernate session

    session.save(account); session.lock(account);

    session.update(account); session.merge(account);

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Persistent State

    Session session =.

    // transient state Hibernate is NOT aware that it existsAccount account = new Account

    // transition to the persistent state. Hibernate is NOW// aware of the ob ect and will save it to the databasesession.saveOrUpdate(account);

    // modification of the object will automatically be// saved because the object is in the persistent stateaccount.setBalance(500);

    // commit the transactionsession.getTransaction().commit();

    Removed State

    A previously persistent object that isdeleted from the databasesession.delete(account);

    Java instance may still exist, but it is

    ignored by HibernateAny changes made to the object are not saved to

    the database

    Picked up for garbage collection once it falls outof scope

    erna e oes no nu -ou e n-memoryobject

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Removed State

    Session session = SessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

    // retrieve account with id 1. account is returned in a persistent state

    Account account = session.get(Account.class, 1);

    .// database record, and no longer manages the objectsession.delete(account);

    // modification is ignored by Hibernate since it is in the removed stateaccount.setBalance(500);

    // commit the transactionsession.getTransaction().commit();

    // notice the Java object is still alive, though deleted from the database. ,account.setBalance(1000);

    Detached State

    A persistent object that is still referenced

    session.close() changes objects state from persisted todetached

    Still represents a valid row in the database

    No lon er mana ed b HibernateChanges made to detached objects are not saved to the

    database while object remains in the detached state

    an e rea ac e , re urn ng o e pers s en s a e ancausing it to save its state to the database



    lock(); // reattaches, but does not save state

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Detached State

    Session session1 = SessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

    // retrieve account with id 1. account is returned in a persistent stateAccount account = session1.get(Account.class, 1);

    // transition to the detached state. Hibernate no longer manages the objectsession1.close();

    // modification is ignored by Hibernate since it is in the detached// state, but the account still represents a row in the databaseaccoun .se a ance ;

    // re-attach the object to an open session, returning it to the persistent// state and allowing its changes to be saved to the database



    // commit the transaction. .

    Hibernate Lifecycleif not





















    Detached Garbageif not reattached

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Saving Changes to the Database

    Session methods do NOT save changes to

    save();u date ;


    These methods actually SCHEDULE

    Hibernate collects SQL statements to beissued

    Statements are later flushed to the database

    Once submitted, modifications to the database are not


    The Persistence Context

    Managed object environment o or concre e o ec o re erence, us concep ua

    Thought of as containing:

    Graph of managed persistent instances

    Each Hibernate session is said to have one

    persistence context




    B D E



    UPDATE istofS




    Map of Objects


  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Flushing the Context

    Submits the stored SQL statements toe a a ase

    Occurs when: transaction.commit() is called

    session.flush() is called explicitly

    If stored statements would affect the results of the query

    Flush modes session.setFlushMode()

    FlushMode.AUTO: Default. Called as described above FlushMode.COMMIT: Not flushed before queries

    FlushMode.MANUAL: Only when explicit flush() is called

    Hibernate Session

    Single threaded nonshared objectthat represents a unit of work

    Used to retrieve objects from thedatabase

    Contains the ersistence context

    in the database

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Session API

    session.save(Object o)Schedules insert statements to create the new

    object in the database

    session.update(Object o)Schedules update statements to modify the

    existing object in the database

    Scheduled ChangesSession session = SessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

    // transient state Hibernate is NOT aware that it exists

    Account account = new Account();


    // aware of the object and will save it to the database

    // schedules the insert statements to create the object in the database


    // modification of the object will automatically be

    // saved scheduled because the object is in the persistent state

    // (actually alters the initial insert statement since it hasnt been sent yet)



  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Session API

    session.saveOrUpdate(Object o)Convenience method to determine if a save or

    update is required

    session.merge(Object o)Retrieves a fresh version of the object from the

    database and based on that, as well asmo ca ons ma e o e o ec e ng passe n,schedules update statements to modify the


    Session API

    session.get(Object.class, Identifier)Retrieves an object instance, or null if not found

    sess on. oa ec .c ass, en er Retrieves an object instance but does NOT result in a

    a a ase ca If managed instance not found, will return a proxy

    Ob ect full initialized when non-id attribute is accessed

    If detached, throws ObjectNotFoundException

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Session API

    session.lock(Object, LockMode)Reattaches a detached object to a session without

    scheduling an update

    sess on.re res ecGets the latest version from the database

    Session API

    session.delete(Object)Schedule an object for removal from the database


    Removes individual instances from persistencecontext, changing their state from persistent todetached

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Session API

    session.clear() emoves a o ects rom pers stence context, c ang ng a

    their states from persistent to detached

    session.replicate(Object, ReplicationMode) Used for persisting records across databases

    ReplicationModes EXCEPTION: throw exception if row exists

    LATEST_VERSION: choose the latest version to save

    OVERWRITE: overwrite existing row

    2009 coreservlets.com

    asca ng

    Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/Servlets, JSP, Struts, JSF/MyFaces/Facelets, Ajax, GWT, Spring, Hibernate/JPA, Java 5 & 6.

    Developed and taught by well-known author and developer. At public venues or onsite at your location.

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Cascading Object Persistence

    Hibernate represents domain objectrelationships through a graph model

    B D E

    ropaga e e pers s ence ac on no on y o

    the objectsubmitted

    , but also to any objects

    Cascade Attribute

    none e au t e av or

    save-update Associated objects can be transient or detached

    deleteDeletes associated persistent instances delete-orphan

    removed from a collection

    Enabling this tells Hibernate that the associated class is,

    removed from its associated collection

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Save-or-Update: Non-Cascade

    Previously, to add relationships to new

    A C F G

    B D EH



    session.saveOrUpdate(H); ma e pers stentsession.saveOrUpdate(I); // make I persistent

    session.saveOrUpdate(J); // make J persistentC.add(H); // add relationshi with HC.add(I); // add relationship with IC.add(J); // add relationship with Jsession.saveOrUpdate(C); // save relationships through C


    < name="accountI " co umn="ACCOUNT_ID">

    " " - " "_

    c ass

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Save-or-Update: Cascade

    With cascade, no need to persist the.

    persist them automatically

    A C F G

    B D EH


    C.add(H); // add relationship with H


    C.a I ; a re a ons p wC.add(J); // add relationship with Jsession.saveOrUpdate(C); // save relationships through C

    Save-or-Update: Non-Cascade

    Previously, if several associated objectswere modified

    A C F G

    B D E





  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Save-or-Update: Cascade

    Now, call one and let Hibernatecascade the action across associatedobjects

    A C F G

    B D E


    Delete: Non-Cascade

    Before, deleting an object and itsdependants required several calls

    A C F G

    B D E





  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management



    one- o-many c ass= er

    Delete: Cascade

    Now, deleting an object and all of itsdependants is much easier

    A C F G

    B D E


  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management



    " " " " _

    =" " =" " _

    type="timestamp" update="false" />

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Other Cascade Settings

    lockReattaches detached associated objects

    re licateReplicates associated objects

    evictEvicts associated objects from the persistence



    Cascades ever thin but delete-or han Can still include by setting cascade="all, delete-orphan"

    Cascading Delete for M:M

    Issue using M:M and setting cascade delete De ete Jac , tr es to e ete Account 1, w c J st s a assoc ate

    with results in an error (if using database constraints)














    Hibernate discourages it

    2 1

    Recommends NOT using cascade on M:M

    You should be using 1:M

    M:M anyway!

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Cascading Delete for M:M

    Recommended way to handle this is to use two- -

    No tag

    Cascade on the When Jack ets deleted:

    Jacks record is deleted from the OWNER table The relationship for his account is deleted from the join table Use a database trigger on the join table to check for other existing

    owners o e same accoun , an none, e e e e accounfrom the account table



















    2009 coreservlets.com

    ess on anagemen

    Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/Servlets, JSP, Struts, JSF/MyFaces/Facelets, Ajax, GWT, Spring, Hibernate/JPA, Java 5 & 6.

    Developed and taught by well-known author and developer. At public venues or onsite at your location.

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Hibernate Architecture High

    *Source: Official Hibernate Documentation

    Hibernate Arch Lite

    The Lite" architecture has the application provide its


    *Source: Official Hibernate Documentation

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Hibernate Arch Full Cream

    The "full cream" architecture abstracts the application

    API (JTA) and lets Hibernate take care of the details

    *Source: Official Hibernate Documentation

    Obtaining the Session

    SessionFactory.getCurrentSession() euses an ex s ng sess on

    If none exists, creates one and stores it for future use

    Automaticall flushed and closed whentransaction.commit() is executed

    FlushMode.AUTO SessionFactory.openSession()

    Always obtains a brand new session

    Provides/requires more management FlushMode.MANUAL


  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Obtaining the Session

    Within JavaSE environment, currentsessions are saved on the threadhibernate.cfg.xml

    = _ _ _


    rea oca ess on a ernUse ThreadLocal variable to maintain session data

    rea oca

    Specialized Java class which is associated to a users

    throughout the lifespan of the thread (or child threads)

    Obtaining the Session

    Within a container, managed as part ofthe JTA implementationhibernate.cfg.xml


    Session is scoped and bound to theJTA Transaction

    More about this when we talk aboutTransactions.

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management



    Unit of work that spans multiple requests xamp e:

    User enters a form that spans several screens New Bank Account Creation

    Page 1 Request 1Create Account Object

    Page 2 Request 2Collect user information, save account to database

    Collect information for a single EBiller, build an EBiller

    object, and associate it to the account, save to database

    Page 4 Request N+1Display saved information summary

    Conversations in Hibernate

    Unit of work that spans multiple HibernateSessions (think multiple requests)

    Each request starts and ends its own

    Possibly modifies persistent objects

    Mi ht want to ersist to the database at a later oint intime (i.e. subsequent request when in possession ofmore information)

    Use detached objects

    Session-per-request with detached objects

    Use an extended Persistence Context


  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Session-per-request with

    Previously persisted objects thatcontinue to represent rows of data inthe database that are available to bemodified outside of the HibernateSession

    After changes are complete, thesedetached objects are reattached via

    an update, merge, or lock

    Session-per-request with

    Page 1 Request 1

    Account is transient

    Page 2 Request 2 Collect user information, save account to database

    Account transitions to persistent, but we still want thataccount object available when we get to page 3, so wedetach it from the Hibernate session

    Collect information for a single EBiller, build an EBiller object, and

    associate it to my account, save to database EBiller starts off transient, transitions to persistent for the

    ,for later pages

    Also reattaching the Account object to save the relationship,and then detaching that again as well.

    Page 4 Request N+1 Display saved information summary using detached objects

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Using Session-per-request with

    1. Create transient objects as needed.

    3. Modify/obtain objects from the database through the sessio

    as needed These object will then be in the persistent state and associated to the

    persistence context

    4. Close the session This will change the state of these objects to detached

    e care u anges o o ec s n a pers s en s a e w e save othe database when closing the session!

    5. Modify detached objects outside of the session as needed.

    needed across multiple requests

    7. When the unit-of-work is complete, get a handle to thecurrent session (if not already obtained)8. Reattach the objects to be persisted

    Through an update(), merge() or lock() call

    Reattach using update()

    Need to reattach the ob ect to thepersistence context

    update SQL command, which

    call erna e oesn now w a , any ng,

    changed while it was outside

    Not arm u , ut cou e unnecessary

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Detached Object - Update Example

    public void testUpdateAccountBalance() {

    // Get a handle to the current Session

    Session session =


    // Modify objects

    Account account = new Account();


    // Close the Session without modifying the persistent object

    // Changes the state of the objects to detached



    o y e ac e o ec ou s e o sess on



    Detached Object - Update Example


    // Get an e to a su sequent Sess on

    Session session2 =



    // Reattach the object to be persisted.

    // An update statement will be scheduled regardless

    // of whether or not object was actually updated


    // Commits/closes the session

    // Saves the changes made in the detached state

    session2. etTransaction .commit

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Reattach using lock()

    Reattaches the ob ect without

    forcing an update place


    state is changed from detached to

    Reattach using merge()

    Does NOT reattach the object passed in Checks to see if the object already exists in

    the system ,Creates a new instance otherwise

    Copies the values of the submitted objectinto the persistent object from previous step Returns a reference to the final merged

    Note: SUBMITTED OBJECT STATE DOESNOT CHANGEMerging does not affect the submitted item reference. It

    is up to the developer to replace it if they so desire

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Detached Object - Merge Example


    // Get a handle a subsequent Session

    Session session2 =


    session2.be inTransaction

    // Reattach the object using merge.

    // The data is persisted, but the passed in


    // Since this account object is NOT

    // pers stent, change s not saved


    // Commits/closes session

    // Saves the changes made in the detached state


    Detached Object - Merge Example


    // Get a an e a su sequent Sess on

    Session session2 =



    // Correct use of the merge operation.

    // Now, my account reference is pointing

    // to the updated object in memory


    // Change is NOW saved


    // Commits/closes session

    // Saves the changes made in the detached state


  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Reattach using delete()

    Used to remove detached objectsdirectly from the database

    Though invisible to the user, delete()will first reattach the ob ect via aproxy, and then scheduled it fordeletion just like a normal delete


    Extendin the ersistence contextKeep the same persistence context across server


    Reconnected upon subsequent requests

    No more detached objectsAll objects are either transient or persistent

    No need for reattaching/merging

    Synchronized with database at end ofthe conversation

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management



    Session is disconnected from the underlying JDBC

    Persistence context is held on in some persistent state


    Persistence context is reconnected when thesession begins the next transaction

    ec s oa e ur ng e conversa on are n e pers s en s a e;never detached

    All changes are synchronized with the db when flush() is called

    Set FlushMode.MANUAL when the conversation begins and the

    Session is opened database session.flush() at the end of the conversation


    Still trying to gain traction Implemented by the JBoss Seam

    application framework ons ere o e comp ca e y many


    Need to write an interceptor to bind and unbindthe Session at the be innin and end of eachrequest

    Need to figure out if the conversation is complete

    Refer to documentation for details

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    2009 coreservlets.com


    Customized Java EE Training: http://courses.coreservlets.com/Servlets, JSP, Struts, JSF/MyFaces/Facelets, Ajax, GWT, Spring, Hibernate/JPA, Java 5 & 6.

    Developed and taught by well-known author and developer. At public venues or onsite at your location.


    In this lecture, we: ,

    objects state affects its persistence behavior Transient not persisted Detached previously managed by Hibernate and

    requires re-attachment

    Learned how to cascade object activities cascade="delete " | cascade="delete-orphan"

    Took a closer look at the Session object, explored the concept of thePersistence Context and discovered many different persistentmec an sms

    flush(), merge(), persist(), lock() etc... Defined conversation and the ways to implement them and carry

    Session-per-request with detached objects Session-per-conversation

  • 8/10/2019 05-Hibernate-Object Lifecycle Persistence and Session Management


    Preview of Next Sections

    Transaction management

    Automatic versioning of objects


    2009 coreservlets.com

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