04b Kidney Stones & Making Crystals - Student Sheet

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Kidney Stones & Making Crystals

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  • HASPI Middle School 71 Medical Physical Science 2014

    Lab 4: Kidney Stones & Making Crystals HASPI Middle School/Medical Physical Science


    The Urinary System The purpose of the urinary system is to filter blood and eliminate wastes from the bloodstream in the form of urine. The urinary system, also known as the renal system (relating to, involving, or located in the region of the kidneys), is in charge of eliminating these wastes from the body. The renal system is also responsible for regulating blood volume and pressure, controlling levels of electrolytes and metabolites, and regulating blood pH. The urinary system, or urinary tract, includes two kidneys, two ureters, a bladder, and a urethra. The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist and located just below the rib cage on either side of the spine. The kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood each day to produce about 1 to 2 quarts of urine. The urine flows from the kidneys through the ureters to the bladder, where it is stored until released through urination. During urination, urine flows out of the body through a tube at the bottom of the bladder called the urethra. Male and female urinary systems are very similar.

    What are kidney stones? A kidney stone forms over time when salts and minerals in the urine become highly concentrated and snowball into larger, solid pieces of material. Kidney stones may form in the kidneys themselves, or in the ureter or bladder. Some (especially big ones) remain stationary, while others (especially small ones) flow down the urinary tract. Typically, kidney stones will leave the body and cause minimal or no pain. However, if a stone grows to a sufficient size (usually at least 3 millimeters) it may get stuck along the urinary tract, possibly blocking the flow of urine and creating pressure on the ureter and kidneys, causing excruciating pain and/or bleeding. This particular type of pain, known as renal colic, is commonly accompanied by urinary urgency, restlessness, sweating, nausea, and vomiting, and can come in waves lasting 20 to 60 minutes at a time.

    There are four major types of kidney stones that can form in the urinary system. Uric acid stones form when urine is persistently acidic. Struvite stones result from kidney infections, while cystine stones are caused by a genetic disorder that results in the amino acid, cystine, to leak through the kidneys and into the urine. Calcium stones are the most common type and are caused by a combination of high calcium content in the urine, as well as high pH. About 80 percent of all kidney stones are formed from calcium-based compounds, most commonly calcium oxalate (CaC2O4). How are kidney stones treated?





    Name: ______________________________________ Period: ____________ Date: _____________________

  • HASPI Middle School 72 Medical Physical Science 2014

    Treatment for kidney stones depends primarily on the size of the stones, and what they are made of. The most common form of treatment involves pain medication to ease the passing eventually through urination. Larger stones (such as larger than a marble) that block urine flow or cause extreme pain may need more urgent treatment such as:

    Shock Wave Lithotripsy shock waves are generated through the persons body to break the kidney stones into smaller pieces so they can pass more readily through the urinary tract.

    Ureteroscopy a ureteroscope is inserted through the urethra to remove the stones with a tiny wire basket or to break the stones into smaller pieces with a laser.

    Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy a wire-thin viewing instrument called a nephroscope is surgically inserted directly into the kidney through a small incision in the persons back, and is used to locate and remove the stone through a tube.

    How common are kidney stones? Kidney stones are the most common disorder of the urinary tract. Approximately 8 to 10 of every 100 Americans (8-10%) will have a kidney stone sometime during their lives. Risk factors include:

    Age and gender: Men between the ages of 30 and 50 are most likely to get kidney stones. Postmenopausal women and those who had their ovaries removed are also at increased risk.

    Being overweight increases insulin resistance and can results in increased calcium in the urine.

    Diets high in protein (especially animal-based), sodium, and oxalate-rich foods (see box at right) increase risk. (Tend to increase calcium in the urine.)

    Not drinking enough water on a regular basis.

    Diuretic medications, calcium-based antacids, and certain anti-seizure medications.

    Family history of kidney stones.

    Personal history of frequent urinary tract infection, hypercalciuria, cystic kidney diseases, gout, hyperparathyroidism, and previous stones.

    Gastric bypass surgery or other intestinal surgery.

    Insulin resistance (due to diabetes or obesity).

    Review Questions

    1. What is the function of the urinary system? 2. In what form are wastes eliminated from the bloodstream? 3. What are the different body components that make up the urinary system? 4. How much urine do the kidneys produce in a day? 5. How do kidney stones form? 6. What is the most common compound found in kidney stones? 7. What are the symptoms associated with developing kidney stones? 8. How are kidney stones most commonly treated? In more extreme cases? 9. What are the risk factors associated with kidney stones and which can a person control? 10. What risk factors associated with kidney stones does a person not have control over? 11. What recommendations would you make to yourself and others to reduce the risk of developing

    kidney stones?




    Oxalate (C2O42-) is a compound found

    in some foods and is a waste product of many biochemical reactions. It exits the body through the urine. While many foods contain oxalate, some less healthy choices that can contribute to kidney stones include: Beer


  • HASPI Middle School 73 Medical Physical Science 2014

    Kidney Stones & Making Crystals HASPI Middle School/Medical Physical Science


    To model the formation of kidney stones that can develop in the urinary tract, you and your group will grow your own crystals in class. Chemically, a crystal is characterized by the orderly, repetitive, geometric arrangement of the atoms, ions, or molecules that make it up. The kidney stones you learned about in the Background essentially start as small atoms, ions, and molecules suspended in an aqueous (liquid) solution in the urinary tract that eventually come together and crystallize. Kidney stones in the body are usually formed when sodium ions, potassium ions, and calcium oxalate molecules crystallize. In this lab, you will form crystals with potassium aluminum sulfate (KAl(SO4)2) and sodium borate (Na2B4O7). Potassium aluminum sulfate, also known as Alum, and sodium borate, also known as Borax, are commonly found at the local grocery store and have many commercial and home uses. Alum is most commonly used as a preservative in pickling recipes to maintain fruit and vegetable crispiness, and is also an ingredient in deodorants for its antibacterial and anti-wetness properties. Borax is commonly used as a laundry detergent. You will notice that potassium aluminum sulfate and sodium borate are already in crystal form. You and your partners will dissolve these compounds in warm water and then allow the ions to re-crystallize. These two chemicals are ionic compounds, which are compounds formed between atoms that gain or lose electrons. When dissolved in water, ionic compounds will completely separate into the individual ions that make them up. Water consists of two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to an oxygen atom, meaning that the atoms share electrons. An uneven distribution of electrons between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms causes water molecules to have a negatively charged pole and a positively charged pole.


    A covalent bond is formed

    when Oxygen and Hydrogen share electrons.

    Positively charged (+) pole of H2O due to the absence of electrons.

    Negatively charged (-) pole of H2O due to the unpaired electrons near the Oxygen atom. -



    H H


  • HASPI Middle School 74 Medical Physical Science 2014

    The polarity of water (H2O) molecules enables water to dissolve these ionic substances (Alum and Borax). The diagram below outlines what happens to sodium borate (Borax) as it is dissolved in water. The positive poles of water molecules surround the negatively charged borate ions, while the negative poles of water molecules surround the positively charged sodium ions. (The sodium and borate ions can re-crystallize if water is removed from the solution.) Notice that the borate ions do not completely separate into individual oxygen and boron atoms when dissolved, because the oxygen and boron atoms are covalently bonded to form this individual ion. Only ionic substances are soluble, or have the ability to dissolve in a given substance.


    Warm Distilled Water 50g KAl(SO4)2 50g Na2B4O7 20cm String

    2 Plastic Teaspoons 4 Plastic Cups 2 Coffee Filters Digital Balance

    Labels (Masking Tape) Permanent Marker Magnifying Glass

    Multiple Na2B4O7 molecules combine

    to form a solid crystal structure

    Na2B4O7 dissolved in water

    - Sodium Ion (Na+) +

    - Borate Ion (B4O72-


    Sodium Borate, Na2B4O7,

    is an ionic compound

  • HASPI Middle School 75 Medical Physical Science 2014


    Your lab team will be given tasks, or directions, to perform on the left. Record your questions, observations, or required response to each task on the right.

    Task Response

    1 Some of the chemicals you are using in this lab are toxic. Be sure to review and follow all class safety procedures before starting this lab. Wear gloves and safety goggles at all times during the lab. Failure to comply with class safety procedures may result in injury and/or disciplinary consequences. Obtain the materials provided by your instructor. Record the amount of each material you received. With pieces of masking tape and a permanent marker, label each of your plastic spoons:

    KAl(SO4)2 Na2B4O7

    With pieces of masking tape and a permanent marker, label each of your plastic cups:

    A - KAl(SO4)2 B - KAl(SO4)2 A - Na2B4O7 B - Na2B4O7

    Also include your group initials and period number on each of the plastic cups.

    2 Use a magnifying glass to observe the physical properties of each compound KAl(SO4)2 & Na2B4O7. Record your observations. You may draw and label a picture of what you see if it is easier.

    KAl(SO4)2 Na2B4O7

    3 Pour 150mL of warm distilled water into each of the cups labeled A.

    4 To create a saturated solution of KAl(SO4)2, add 1 teaspoon of KAl(SO4)2 to the warm water in the jar labeled A - KAl(SO4)2 and stir to dissolve.

  • HASPI Middle School 76 Medical Physical Science 2014

    Repeat this step until the solution is completely saturated, which is when the last teaspoon of KAl(SO4)2 added no longer dissolves in the warm water. It is important to add the KAl(SO4)2 a little at a time, so BE PATIENT and GO SLOW. Be sure to only add 1 teaspoon of the compound at a time until the last teaspoon no longer dissolves.

    5 Repeat Step 4 for Na2B4O7 in the cup labeled A - Na2B4O7.

    6 Calculate how much of each compound was needed to create the saturated solutions. Use a digital balance and record the remaining amounts of each undissolved compound. Subtract this value from the original 50g of each compound that you had to start. Record your values and calculations in the table below.

    Table 1: Amounts Needed for Saturated Solutions

    KAl(SO4)2 Na2B4O7

    Original Amount

    50g 50g

    Remaining Amount

    Total Amount Used

    7 Set aside the saturated solutions in the cups labeled A and allow them to cool for 5 minutes.

    8 Crystals will grow on any rough surface. Prepare the strings that the crystals will grow on by cutting the 20cm piece in half, and tie each 10cm piece around a pencil or pen. You will need to separate out any undissolved crystals in your saturated solutions. If you do not see these in any of your cups, you did not add enough of the compound in Step 4 (or 5) and you do not have a completely saturated solution. Go back to Steps 4-6 and be sure your solutions are completely saturated. Make any calculation adjustments needed in your table. Transfer each of the saturated solutions in the cups labeled A through coffee filter paper and into the clean cups respectively labeled B. Be sure to remove all undissolved crystals during your transfer. You may need to repeat this step a few times (do not mix up the coffee filter papers). All undissolved crystals, coffee filters, and empty A cups can be safely disposed of in the trash.

  • HASPI Middle School 77 Medical Physical Science 2014

    9 For each cup labeled B, place the string hanging from a pencil on top of the cup so that the string is suspended in the solution, but is not touching the bottom or sides of the cup. Crystals may begin to grow within a few hours or may take a few days. Place your cups in the designated area in the classroom that the instructor identifies, where they will be left completely undisturbed until your next class. Record the date and time that you set your B cups aside in the column on the right.

    10 After allowing your saturated solutions to sit undisturbed for a period of time, you may carefully lift the strings out of the cups and use a magnifying glass to observe any crystal growth that may have occurred. Be careful when handling your strings/crystals as the crystals may easily break off. After taking the crystals out of the cups for observation, they may be placed back into their respective solutions to grow even larger. Over the next few weeks, monitor the progress of your crystal growth by filling out the data table in the Analysis & Interpretation section of this lab. Be sure to write down the dates and times that you observe your crystals, and record all observations made. You may also want to draw and label pictures of what you see, or take a photo.

  • HASPI Middle School 78 Medical Physical Science 2014

    Analysis & Interpretation

    Table 2. Crystal Growth Observations

    Observation Date & Time

    Crystal Growth KAl(SO4)2

    Crystal Growth Na2B4O7

  • HASPI Middle School 79 Medical Physical Science 2014

    Analysis Questions

    1. What is a crystal and how do crystals form? 2. What are common household substances that form crystal structures? 3. What is the chemical formula for Alum? Borax? Draw what you think each molecule looks like at

    the atomic level. 4. Water is a polar molecule. What does it mean to be polar? 5. Define solubility. 6. The lab directions called for the use of distilled water. What is the difference between distilled

    water and tap water? What do you think would happen to the results of this lab is tap water was used instead of distilled water?

    7. When dissolving the chemicals in warm water, they were no longer visible with the naked eye. However, the individual KAl(SO4)2 and Na2B4O7 molecules did not simply disappear. Describe what happened to them as you dissolved each chemical in warm water.

    8. What needs to happen in order for aluminum potassium sulfate and sodium borate to re-crystallize in their respective solutions?

    9. Compare and contrast the physical properties of the KAl(SO4)2 and Na2B4O7 crystals in a Venn Diagram.

    10. Explain how growing your own crystals relate to the formation of kidney stones in the human

    urinary system. 11. If you look at pictures of kidney stones that have passed through patients, or have been surgically

    removed, you will find that they seldom form nice geometric patterns. You will also find that some parts of each kidney stone will look different than other parts on the same stone. Explain why you think your crystals formed a more uniform structure, while kidney stones do not.

    KAl(SO4)2 Na2B4O7

  • HASPI Middle School 80 Medical Physical Science 2014

    Connections & Applications

    1. Interview an individual who has had a history of kidney stones to gain a deeper understanding of what it is like to live with the medical condition. After conducting the interview, type up the individuals responses to the questions asked. During the interview process, be sure to:

    Introduce yourself and your project.

    Offer a consent form (refer to Appendix Document A for a sample consent form).

    Prepare your interview questions ahead of time and print them out to use during the interview. You may want to include, but are not limited to, the following questions: o When did you first notice symptoms of your medical condition? Can you describe that experience? o What medical treatment, if any, have you received for your medical condition? Any medications? o Can you describe the sensation of passing a kidney stone? o What preventative measures are you taking to decrease your chances of future stones? o Can you describe any changes you made to your diet, if applicable, before and after you were

    diagnosed with your medical condition?

    During the interview be sure to: o Check to see if recording devices, if any are being used, are working properly. o Actively listen and treat the interview like a conversation with a structure (i.e. begin with

    your list of questions and follow any good openings with further relevant questions). o Keep track of the time. Be sure you stick to whatever time frame you promised. o Do not be afraid to ask for clarification when you do not understand an answer. o Offer to provide a copy of your final assignment to the person being interviewed.

    Follow your interview with a thank-you card and nice note to the person you interviewed.

    2. Kidney stones are not the only known medical condition that involves the crystallization of chemical compounds in the body. Gout for instance, is an inflammatory condition caused by the crystallization of high levels of uric acid in the blood. Similarly, gallstones are caused by the buildup of cholesterol and bile components in the gallbladder.

    Create an informational display board or medical pamphlet on any condition where crystals form in the body. The display board or pamphlet should include, but is not limited to:

    A brief history of the disease

    Cause(s) of the disease

    Most common symptoms

    Possible treatments for the disease


    Interesting facts (famous people with the disease, new research, experimental treatments, foundations dedicated to curing the disease, etc.)

    Source citations for all of your research, including any images you used

    3. Research the advancements in current kidney stone treatments and create a multimedia or visual display to further explain how treatment works. You may choose to focus your research on one of the treatments discussed in the lab Background (or find another that was not discussed), new medications available, or even possible home remedies that claim to be effective. Your multimedia or visual display should include, but is not limited to:

    A brief explanation of how the treatment works


    Expected costs of treatment

    Data, if any, that supports the effectiveness of the treatment

    Possible side effects of the treatment

    Source citations for all of your research, including any images you used

  • HASPI Middle School 81 Medical Physical Science 2014

    Resources & References

    Sperelakis, N. 2011. Cell Physiology Source Book: Essentials of Membrane Biophysics. Academic Press. pp. 288.

    Stalheim-Smith, A., Gaines, R., and Robinson, S. 1993. Laboratory Manual for Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology, West Publishing.

















