04/2008 Nucleus-International.net 1 How to differentiate between a "Club of Businessmen" and a "Business Chamber as Service and Lobby Organisation" ? Nucleus-International.net Nucleus-International.net

04/2008Nucleus-International.net1 How to differentiate between a "Club of Businessmen" and a "Business Chamber as Service and Lobby Organisation" ? Nucleus-International.net

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Page 1: 04/2008Nucleus-International.net1 How to differentiate between a "Club of Businessmen" and a "Business Chamber as Service and Lobby Organisation" ? Nucleus-International.net

04/2008 Nucleus-International.net 1

How to differentiate between a "Club of Businessmen"

and a "Business Chamber as

Service and Lobby Organisation" ?


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This depends on the economical environment for the businessmen : • When the terms for economical activities

are more static– stable macro economical situation

(stable conjuncture, low inflation, clear laws)– few innovations in technology and business

administration– low pressure from the market to change the


then a "Club of businessmen" can be sufficient and efficient

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• When the terms for economical activities are more dynamical– instable macro economical situation (instable

conjuncture, inflation, frequent changes of laws, globalisation etc.)

– permanent many innovations in technology and business administration

– high pressure from the market to change the products

then only a "Chamber as Service Organisation" can be efficient

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What are the characteristics of an

• chamber as "Club of businessmen"

• chamber as "Service Organisation" ?

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The business chamber as

Club of Businessmen Service Organisation

• Represents a small group / an elite of businessmen

– is closed, especially for SMEs

– it remains between them-selves; doesn't represent the business community

– hinders the creation of new enterprises(more competition bothers)

• Represents the majority of big, middle and small companies

– is open, also for SMEs– maximizes the number of

mem-bers and its grade of representation

– supports the creation of new companies Stressing the common

causes of the businessmen and not the differences

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The business chamber as

Club of Businessmen Service Organisation

• Is an organisation of the president

– the president alone manages the chamber; he dominates and decides

– the opinions and proposals submitted by the chamber to Government and society are the personal ones of the president

• Is an organisation of the members

– the president acts as initiator and moderator of the discussions of the members and its bodies

– the opinions and proposals submitted by the chamber to Government and society are those of the members

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The business chamber as

Club of Businessmen Service Organisation

• Is very low or not at all professionalisized

– the employees think and act subalternly / in a dependent capacity

– they don´t know the enterprises of the members

– they administrate and act without business spirit

• Is professionalisized and has qualified staff

– the employees develop actively the organisation, they initiate, they create

– they know the enterprises of the members

– they think and act as entrepreneurs

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The business chamber as

Club of Businessmen Service Organisation

• Has in the majority passive members

– priority have social activities - to see and to be seen

– they don't participate actively in the development of the chamber

– they pay (or not) a membership fee

• Has in the majority active members

– priority has the efficiency of the chamber for their companies

– they participate actively in the chambers’ development - they request, they propose ...

– they pay a membership fee and expect an economical return

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The business chamber as

Club of Businessmen Service Organisation

• Has only one task: :



• Has two tasks: LOBBY



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The business chamber as

Club of Businessmen Service Organisation

• Is lobbying– without preparation of

arguments and strategies

– more emotionally, through the "belly"

– asking Government for favours"

– for the benefit of individual members of the chamber

• Is lobbying– with professional preparation

of facts and arguments– with clearly defined strategies– with concrete / operational

proposals: what to do and how to do

– with the aim to improve the environment and the industrial location policy for the business community

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Goal of the Lobby Activities: Improvement of the conditions for economical activities ...




Building sites






Schools Training


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... by Networking : Communication and Co-operation




Training institutions

Businesschambers Public


Big,middle, small




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• Supports members through services, which ease the daily work of the businessmen and assist them in the

– Creation– Development– Modernisation and– Expansion

of their companies

• Doesn't support members through services

The business chamber as

Club of Businessmen Service Organisation

A "Club of Businessmen"

spends 70% of its means for social activities.

A "Business Chamber" invests 70% of its means

in services

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The Services of a Business Chamber for its Member Companies

I nf ormation T raining Consultancy S upport

S ervices

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The business chamber as

Club of Businessmen Service Organisation

• Is isolated– tries to resolve

problems locally

An isolated chamber has few impact

• Is part of a network of chambers

– influences together with other chambers and federations the regional and national development

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Objective: Improvement of the internal and external performance of the business chamber

The development into a "Business Chamber" takes place step by step. Gradually changes:

• The performance and the behaviour of the participating persons

• The culture and the climate of the organisation

• The organisational structure and the communication

• The goals and strategies

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How is the situation in your chamber ? Representation Lobby Leadership Services Professionalization Network Participation of the members

?Time to reflect :

How are the conditions for economic activities in your town, your region, your country? More statical or more dynamical

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