ONLINE EXCLUSIVES AT MNDAILY.COM U OF M MINNEAPOLIS ST PAUL TUESDAY APRIL 15, 2014 MOSTLY SUNNY HIGH 42° LOW 34° Feds urge transparent bank deals Housing studies hits pause HIGHER ED HIGHER ED VOLUME 115 ISSUE 103 HOLLY PETERSON, DAILY The apartment complex The Bridges is under construction at University and 10th avenues southeast and is set to open this fall. DAILY ARCHIVES Minnesota Daily alumnus Kevin Siers, now of the Charlotte Observer, won a Pulitzer Prize on Mon- day for cartooning. At the Daily, he drew poliltical cartoons like this one, about then-Gov. Al Quie. Apt. boom pushes fixes HOUSING BY MEARA CUMMINGS [email protected] W hile the luxury apartment com- plexes popping up around the Uni- versity of Minnesota give students more housing options, off-campus property own- ers are confident they can compete with the new development. Landlords say they haven’t seen a sig- nificant impact on their business due to the new buildings yet, but they expect them to affect the surrounding market — and neighborhoods — in the future. Dinkytown Rentals owner Tim Harm- sen, who owns more than 50 properties in the Dinkytown and Marcy-Holmes area, said the increased demand for student housing will put pressure on the market, encouraging property owners to renovate older properties and make the area safer and cleaner. This, in turn, will push busi- nesses in the area to offer more services to students, he said. “The campus town itself is going to con- dense,” he said. “Next fall, you’re going to plunk probably 3,000 people here, and they Landlords aren’t feeling threated by the luxury apartment boom — in fact, they say it’s improving their neighborhoods. u See APARTMENTS Page 12 u See HOUSING Page 4 u See BANKS Page 5 BY VANESSA NYARKO [email protected] The University of Minnesota’s College of Design will put its decades-old housing studies major on pause starting next year. College administrators decided to tem- porarily stop admitting new students to the program after fall semester 2014, citing low enrollment. Still, some faculty members and students are at odds with the decision. “We’ve vested our lives in this curricu- lum with our students, so it’s disappointing because it is a good major,” said housing studies professor and program director Becky Yust. CDES Dean Tom Fisher made the call in November to stop new students from enrolling in the major, with the intention of allowing faculty members to modify course- work to focus more on community develop- ment than on traditional classroom work. “My hope is not to close it, but to relaunch it in a new way,” he said. BY HALEY HANSEN [email protected] For students nationwide, the bank tied to their college is as much a part of the campus experience as the bookstore or the sports team. But that relationship between colleges and banks may soon change, due to federal recommendations for increasing transpar- ency, including requiring schools to share details of their agreements with banks and banning marketing incentives for school- sponsored debit cards. The idea is that this transparency would help students better weigh the pros and cons of those banking plans. “It seems that universities need to take a closer look at these agreements to deter- mine whether they are in the best interest of students,” said Rohit Chopra, student loan ombudsman for the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. A February U.S. Government The CDES major program is discontinuing temporarily so faculty can re-evaluate it. Lawmakers want colleges to tell more about bank contracts and to dial down marketing. U alumnus wins Pulitzer MEDIA Minneapolis patches pothole fund with $1 million CITY GOVERNMENT u See POTHOLES Page 5 BY TYLER GIESEKE [email protected] This year’s harsh winter conditions have created massive potholes throughout Min- neapolis, prompting City Council members to pass a budget measure Friday to help speed up repairs. But the streets that the University of Minnesota operates won’t receive extra help. The Minneapolis City Council approved an extra $1 million for pothole repair this spring. Although University roads may be suffering, too, officials say they aren’t worse than in past years. University Parking and Transportation Services spokeswoman Jacqueline Brud- los said the extreme cold has increased the number of potholes citywide, but the sever- ity is relatively average on campus. The University is responsible for main- taining on-campus roads, including Church and Beacon streets southeast, and most damaged roadways around campus aren’t under the institution’s control. For exam- ple, Brudlos said Pleasant Street Southeast by Jones Hall and Eddy Hall was particu- larly hit with potholes this winter, but it’s owned by the city. “This winter, we saw the perfect ingredi- ents to create a significant pothole problem on streets metro-wide,” said Mike Kennedy, Minneapolis public works’ director of trans- portation maintenance and repair. The University fixes its own potholes but says its streets don’t need many repairs. u See PULITZER Page 3 BY MEGHAN HOLDEN AND ANNE MILLERBERND [email protected] [email protected] A former Minnesota Daily cartoon- ist and University of Minnesota alumnus was awarded journalism’s highest honor Monday. Kevin Siers, 59, received a Pulitzer Prize for his editorial cartoons on national hot- button topics ranging from gun control to health care. He works for the Charlotte Observ- er newspaper in North Carolina, and hundreds of publications syndicate his cartoons nationwide. Siers attended the University in the 1980s and worked as a cartoonist at the Daily for six years, winning national awards for his work. His cartoons frequently poked fun at political topics, including former President Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy, using a satirical style that he maintains to- day. “He uses humor and satire effectively to make his point, and the originality really stands out,” said Steve Sack, the Star Tri- bune’s 2013 Pulitzer-winning cartoonist. Sack has been a longtime mentor and friend of Siers — the two met while work- ing at the Daily. He said Siers’ distinct draw- ing style and strong views make him a top cartoonist and the ideal candidate for a Pulitzer. But Siers is also a great journalist, said his editor at the Observer, Taylor Batten. “He’s not just drawing a funny pic- ture about something,” Batten said. “He is becoming an expert on whatever he is drawing about.” Former Minnesota Daily cartoonist Kevin Siers won a Pulitzer Prize on Monday. FOOTBALL Williams shines with hope of a comeback Rodrick Williams missed the second half of the season because of an injury. u See PAGE 7 A & E Makeup: When to save and when to splurge If you’re buying $35 lipsticks, you’re probably doing it wrong. u See PAGE 8 CAMPUS & METRO Leg. may fund research to slow pig virus Lawmakers could give the U $1.2M to stave off a deadly swine disease. u See PAGE 3

04-15-2014 Minnesota Daily

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Page 1: 04-15-2014 Minnesota Daily


Feds urge transparentbank deals

Housing studies hits pause




HOLLY PETERSON, DAILYThe apartment complex The Bridges is under construction at University and 10th avenues southeast and is set to open this fall.

DAILY ARCHIVESMinnesota Daily alumnus Kevin Siers, now of the Charlotte Observer, won a Pulitzer Prize on Mon-day for cartooning. At the Daily, he drew poliltical cartoons like this one, about then-Gov. Al Quie.

Apt. boom pushes fixesHOUSING

BY MEARA [email protected]

W hile the luxury apartment com-

plexes popping up around the Uni-

versity of Minnesota give students more

housing options, off-campus property own-

ers are confident they can compete with the

new development.

Landlords say they haven’t seen a sig-

nificant impact on their business due to the

new buildings yet, but they expect them

to affect the surrounding market — and

neighborhoods — in the future.

Dinkytown Rentals owner Tim Harm-

sen, who owns more than 50 properties in

the Dinkytown and Marcy-Holmes area,

said the increased demand for student

housing will put pressure on the market,

encouraging property owners to renovate

older properties and make the area safer

and cleaner. This, in turn, will push busi-

nesses in the area to offer more services to

students, he said.

“The campus town itself is going to con-

dense,” he said. “Next fall, you’re going to

plunk probably 3,000 people here, and they

Landlords aren’t feeling threated by the luxury apartmentboom — in fact, they say it’s improving their neighborhoods.

u See APARTMENTS Page 12

u See HOUSING Page 4

u See BANKS Page 5

BY VANESSA [email protected]

The University of Minnesota’s College of Design will put its decades-old housing studies major on pause starting next year.

College administrators decided to tem-porarily stop admitting new students to the program after fall semester 2014, citing low enrollment. Still, some faculty members and students are at odds with the decision.

“We’ve vested our lives in this curricu-lum with our students, so it’s disappointing because it is a good major,” said housing studies professor and program director Becky Yust.

CDES Dean Tom Fisher made the call in November to stop new students from enrolling in the major, with the intention of allowing faculty members to modify course-work to focus more on community develop-ment than on traditional classroom work.

“My hope is not to close it, but to relaunch it in a new way,” he said.

BY HALEY [email protected]

For students nationwide, the bank tied to their college is as much a part of the campus experience as the bookstore or the sports team.

But that relationship between colleges and banks may soon change, due to federal recommendations for increasing transpar-ency, including requiring schools to share details of their agreements with banks and banning marketing incentives for school-sponsored debit cards.

The idea is that this transparency would help students better weigh the pros and cons of those banking plans.

“It seems that universities need to take a closer look at these agreements to deter-mine whether they are in the best interest of students,” said Rohit Chopra, student loan ombudsman for the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

A F e b r u a r y U . S . G o v e r n m e n t

The CDES major program is discontinuing temporarily so faculty can re-evaluate it.

Lawmakers want colleges to tell more about bank contracts and to dial down marketing.

U alumnus wins PulitzerMEDIA

Minneapolis patches pothole fund with $1 millionCITY GOVERNMENT

u See POTHOLES Page 5

BY TYLER [email protected]

This year’s harsh winter conditions have created massive potholes throughout Min-neapolis, prompting City Council members to pass a budget measure Friday to help speed up repairs.

But the streets that the University of

Minnesota operates won’t receive extra help.

The Minneapolis City Council approved an extra $1 million for pothole repair this spring. Although University roads may be suffering, too, officials say they aren’t worse than in past years.

University Parking and Transportation Services spokeswoman Jacqueline Brud-los said the extreme cold has increased the number of potholes citywide, but the sever-ity is relatively average on campus.

The University is responsible for main-taining on-campus roads, including Church

and Beacon streets southeast, and most damaged roadways around campus aren’t under the institution’s control. For exam-ple, Brudlos said Pleasant Street Southeast by Jones Hall and Eddy Hall was particu-larly hit with potholes this winter, but it’s owned by the city.

“This winter, we saw the perfect ingredi-ents to create a significant pothole problem on streets metro-wide,” said Mike Kennedy, Minneapolis public works’ director of trans-portation maintenance and repair.

The University fixes its own potholes but says its streets don’t need many repairs.

u See PULITZER Page 3

BY MEGHAN HOLDENAND ANNE [email protected] [email protected]

A former Minnesota Daily car toon-ist and University of Minnesota alumnus was awarded journalism’s highest honor Monday.

Kevin Siers, 59, received a Pulitzer Prize for his editorial cartoons on national hot-button topics ranging from gun control to health care.

He works for the Charlotte Obser v-er newspaper in Nor th Carolina, and hundreds of publications syndicate his cartoons nationwide.

Siers attended the University in the 1980s and worked as a cartoonist at the

Daily for six years, winning national awards for his work. His cartoons frequently poked fun at political topics, including former President Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy, using a satirical style that he maintains to-day.

“He uses humor and satire effectively to make his point, and the originality really stands out,” said Steve Sack, the Star Tri-bune’s 2013 Pulitzer-winning cartoonist.

Sack has been a longtime mentor and friend of Siers — the two met while work-ing at the Daily. He said Siers’ distinct draw-ing style and strong views make him a top cartoonist and the ideal candidate for a Pulitzer.

But Siers is also a great journalist, said his editor at the Observer, Taylor Batten.

“He’s not just drawing a funny pic-ture about something,” Batten said. “He is becoming an expert on whatever he is drawing about.”

Former Minnesota Daily cartoonist Kevin Siers won a Pulitzer Prize on Monday.


Williams shines with hope of a comebackRodrick Williams missed the second half of the season because of an injury.

u See PAGE 7

A & E

Makeup: When to save and when to splurgeIf you’re buying $35 lipsticks, you’re probably doing it wrong.

u See PAGE 8


Leg. may fund research to slow pig virusLawmakers could give the U $1.2M to stave off a deadly swine disease.

u See PAGE 3

Page 2: 04-15-2014 Minnesota Daily

2 Tuesday, April 15, 2014

An Independent Student Newspaper, Founded in 1900.

2221 University Ave. SE, Suite 450 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Phone: (612) 627-4080 Fax: (612) 435-5865

Copyright © 2014 The Minnesota Daily This newspaper, its design and its contents are copyrighted.

Daily ReviewVol. 115 Tuesday, April 15, 2014, No. 103


Felony charge in hockey riot

DAILY STAFFUnrest in Dinkytown followed the Gophers men’s hockey team’s NCAA semifinal and championship games Thursday and Saturday nights. A total of 29 people were arrested.

BY KIA [email protected]

A man allegedly threw a rock, bottles and a chunk of concrete at police in Saturday’s Dinkytown riot before they brought him down with a stun gun, ac-

cording to charges filed M o n d a y i n H e n n e p i n County District Court.

Michael Juberian, 22, faces a felony charge of rioting with a dangerous weapon and a gross misde-meanor charge for assault-ing a police of ficer during the chaos after the Go-phers hockey team’s na-tional championship loss. If convicted, he faces up to six years in prison and $13,000 in fines.

Police arrested Juberi-an early Sunday morning. According to the criminal complaint, he threw sever-al bottles at police before switching to a rock and a chunk of concrete.

Minneapolis police ar-rested 18 other people in connection with Sat-urday’s riot, which drew hundreds of officers and a media swarm to the heart of Dinkytown.

Most o f Sa tur day ’s

crowd refrained from vio-lence, instead taking pho-tos in front of riot police and dancing in the street.

An investigator is cur-rently reviewing photos and video from the riot, the Minneapolis Police Department said Monday.

Authorit ies released Juberian from custody Monday evening, and he declined to comment. He’s likely not a University of Minnesota student.

Pistorius accused of staged outbursts during questioning

EU moves to sanction Russian interference


PRETORIA, South Africa — Oscar Pistorius came under intense pressure Monday at his murder trial from the chief prosecutor, who dismissed his account of how he killed girl-friend Reeva Steenkamp as a flimsy web of lies and accused the Olympian of staging emotional outbursts to mask diffi-culty in answering a barrage of probing questions.

His voice quavering at times, Pistorius struggled to ex-plain alleged inconsistencies in his testimony and broke down sobbing on two occasions, forcing Judge Thokozile Masipa to temporarily halt proceedings.

Prosecutor Gerrie Nel was sometimes quick to acknowl-edge Pistorius’ distress — possibly to allow him time to re-cover and avoid any defense argument that he is not getting a fair trial — but also said the athlete was frantically trying to shore up a fabricated story.

“You’re getting frustrated because your version is im-probable,” Nel said, standing at a lectern and gesturing with his spectacles in his right hand. “You’re not using your emo-tional state as an escape, are you?”

Pistorius said he wasn’t in a “rational frame of mind” at the time of the shooting in his home in the early hours of Feb. 14, 2013, suggesting he was therefore unable to re-member some things about that night or explain some of his actions, such as rushing around with a cocked gun after he killed Steenkamp.

The cross-examination, which resumes for a fifth day Tuesday, is at a pivotal stage in a trial watched on television around the world by viewers who had admired the double-amputee runner for his track achievements. Once a role model with lucrative sponsorship deals, Pistorius is now a suspect in a witness box, challenged by an accuser in a black robe.

Pistorius faces 25 years to life in prison if convicted of premeditated murder, and Nel’s challenge is to prove the state’s case beyond a reasonable doubt. Meticulously, he has sought to pick apart the runner’s account, exposing what he describes as a pattern of improbabilities that, taken as a whole, prove Pistorius is lying when he says he mistakenly shot Steenkamp through the closed door of a toilet cubicle because he feared an intruder was inside.


LUXEMBOURG — European Union foreign ministers decided Monday to sanction more Russians with asset freezes and visa bans as a sign of the trade bloc’s outrage over Moscow’s ongoing interference in Ukraine, a high-ranking EU official announced.

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton declined to make public the number or the names of any of the Russian officials or citizens affected. Another European Union official, who spoke on condition of anonymity be-cause of a lack of authorization to reveal details, said the decision, adopted unanimously by the trade bloc’s 28 foreign ministers, needed to be enshrined in legal docu-ments, and that they will be drafted quickly.

The decision was reached at a meeting of the minis-ters dominated by the crisis in Ukraine and how the EU should respond, Ashton told a news conference.

“Foreign ministers roundly condemned the illegal armed activity in eastern Ukraine over recent days. We are issuing a very direct call on Russia to publicly repudi-ate this activity,” Irish Foreign Minister Eamon Gilmore said.

Some ministers arrived in Luxembourg talking tough. The coordinated action of armed pro-Russian groups oc-cupying government buildings in eastern Ukraine “is something that is being planned and brought about by Russia,” and needs to be met with further sanctions, Brit-ish Foreign Secretary William Hague said.

Russia has strenuously denied involvement in the es-calation of armed violence in eastern Ukraine, but several EU ministers noted events there have echoed what hap-pened in the Crimean Peninsula before Russia unilaterally annexed it.

“The problem is it looks very, very similar to what hap-pened previously in the Crimea. So you know, if it looks like a horse and it walks like a horse, it’s usually a horse — and not a zebra,” said Frans Timmermans, foreign min-ister of the Netherlands.

Like many matters in the European Union, though, levying sanctions requires the unanimous consent of member states. What ministers were able to agree on Monday was a public warning that “any further steps by the Russian Federation to destabilize the situation in Ukraine would lead to additional and far-reaching conse-quences in a broad reach of economic areas” between EU countries and Russia.

THURSDAYHIGH 42°LOW 34°Mostly sunny




THIS DAY IN HISTORY1947Jackie Robinson becomes the first African-American player in Major League Baseball when he steps onto Ebbets Field in Brooklyn to compete for the Brooklyn Dodgers.


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A front-page story, “Crowd split on Coulter,” in the April 9 Daily incorrectly estimated the size of the crowd at Ann Coulter’s speech. The audience had about 300 members.

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Michael Juberian allegedly threw bottles, a rock and concrete at police.


Page 3: 04-15-2014 Minnesota Daily

Tuesday, April 15, 2014 3

Leg. may fund research to slow pig virusLawmakers could give the University $1.2M to stave off a deadly swine disease.BY ROY [email protected]

University of Minnesota researchers are fighting a deadly hog virus, and extra funding is on the table to help speed up the process.

Researchers from the University’s College of Vet-erinary Medicine and the Veterinary Diagnostic Labo-ratory are working on plans to battle the infection and are hoping that state legislators join their cause and boost their labs’ funding.

Last summer, the veteri-nary experts developed a di-agnostic test to help spot the virus, and now, with more research, they are hoping to slow its spread. Minne-sota legislators are mulling a large funding proposal this legislative session in order to help their efforts.

Sen. Gar y Dahms, R-Redwood Falls, who is leading legislation to give the research lab $100,000, said it is important to help researchers fighting the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus because its effects are far-reaching. Another pro-posal that would provide $1.2 million to help University researchers surfaced in the House.

Dr. Thomas Molitor, who chairs the University’s Department of Veterinary Population Medicine, said livestock owners are suffer-ing, pork prices are increas-ing and millions of pigs are dying.

“In a year’s time, [the vi-rus] has had devastating ef-fects, not only in Minnesota, but all parts of the country,” he said.

The deadly disease has affected more than 200 Min-nesota farms so far, Molitor said. The virus, which origi-nated in China, mostly af-fects piglets and gives them severe diarrhea and vomit-ing. But unlike the swine flu, it can’t affect humans.

The University’s swine on the St. Paul campus haven’t contracted the dis-ease, because the facility has strict security measures and researchers take extra

precautions. Those who en-ter the buildings must wear special gear to protect the pigs from contamination.

Dr. Montse Torremorell, an associate professor in the Department of Veterinary Population Medicine, said the virus usually spreads through swine feces and bile. She is currently studying how dust particles can also transmit the disease.

Veterinar y Diagnostic Laboratory Director James Collins said that it’s unclear how the disease spread to the U.S. So far, at least 4 mil-lion pigs have died across the country.

Understanding transmis-sion is crucial because then it’s easier to try and stop the spread, Torremorell said. If it can move through the air, she said, there is a need to heighten biosecurity.

Because piglets are usu-ally held close together in small enclosures, the virus spreads swiftly. Its mortality rate ranges from 50 to 100 percent.

Consumers face high pork prices because of the epidemic, which Molitor said he doesn’t see decreasing anytime soon.

The epidemic is causing a “ripple effect” throughout the economy, Dahms said.

“This is about the con-sumers and the wage earn-ers, too,” he said. “We need to try to get ahead of this as much as we can.”

The biggest issues live-stock owners voice to re-searchers involve how they can keep non-infected swine protected and recover from a major loss of animals, Molitor said.

When the University de-veloped a diagnostics test — seven weeks after the first national reports of the virus — researchers made them available for pig owners immediately. As of Feb. 27, more than 28,000 tests had been administered.

Other institutions, like Iowa State University, are working toward similar goals, and Molitor said re-searchers are talking with each other to ensure they

aren’t duplicating efforts.Collins said Sen. Amy

Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn.; and other federal leaders alerted the U.S. Department of Agricul-ture about the situation. Also, Gov. Mark Dayton has been discussing the issue with the state’s Commissioner of Agriculture.

The state Legislature is set to approve a significant funding boost to help the University. State legislators will decide on a final amount in the coming weeks.

“This will be a burst of money that will be very help-ful to leverage with other funding,” Collins said.

Even with the extra funds, Torremorell said research-ing a vaccine is difficult be-cause the virus is hard to grow and requires special environments to maintain.

“The process is labor-intensive and costly, and we have to do it under isolated conditions,” she said.

By the end of the week, researchers will form a plan to outline how to use the

extra funding most ef fec-tively. Once finalized, Col-lege of Veterinary Medicine Dean Trevor Ames will re-view the budget plan before

it’s approved.Extra state funding is just

a small part of the pie for University researchers, who hope to receive more from

federal government and pork industry leaders.

“Ever ybody is going to feel the brunt of this,” Dahms said.

BY NICOLAS [email protected]

Kafé 421 owner Jim Sander, his wife and their business partner had raised $200,000 by 2003 to start a restaurant in Dinkytown.

Some minor miscalcula-tions made money tight in the beginning, but when the Sanders’ business partner became ill and pulled out of the venture, the business was in turmoil before it had even begun.

“We were just running out of cash and really needed the help,” Sander said. “No one realizes how much it costs to start a new business.”

The Sanders’ problems compounded when banks turned them away for other loans. Sander said banks are reluctant to lend to new res-taurants because the indus-try’s failure rate is so high.

But when the city of Minneapolis signed on as a guarantor for the Sanders’ $12,500 loan as part of the city’s Small Business Revolv-ing Loan Program, the banks said yes.

“It was one of those things that was life or death at the moment,” Sander said. “We’ve survived and are now an asset to Dinkytown and the University [of Minne-sota], in part because we got help when we needed it.”

The City of Minneapolis lent retailers more than $2.4 million in 2013 while also le-veraging about $14.6 million from private lenders, accord-ing to a city report released last month.

Minneapolis Business Development Manager Kris-tin Guild said the program provides small businesses

with loans below market rate from the city while leverag-ing millions from private lenders. The combination gives businesses the start-up capital they need to get going.

The city established the Small Business Revolving Loan Fund Program in 1986 to keep businesses within city limits and to encourage overall growth. The report said the city expects repay-ment of the 49 loans issued in 2013 to earn Minneapolis $2.2 million in 2014.

“The city works with business in a lot of different ways to help them start, stay and grow here,” Guild said. “That’s really what we want to see. That’s the mission.”

Multiple small business owners who received fi-nancial assistance from the city said they couldn’t have opened shop without the program or may have had to leave the city to do so.

In partnership with the African Development Center of Minnesota, the city provid-ed Layla Mohamud a $20,000 loan so she could open the Cedar-Riverside Child Care Center last August.

Mohamud said she start-ed the day care because the community had a “great need” for child care. She said that she and her team care for 53 children, ages infant to school age.

“[The loan] was every-thing,” she said. “It was the basic piece I needed to open. It was very helpful, and I am very grateful.”

Guild said among the eight loan programs the city offers, the most popu-lar is the Two Percent Loan Program, which offers up to $75,000 at 2 percent inter-est. A private bank needs to match the amount and then can issue the loan at its own rate.

Since 1996, the program

has issued 1,159 loans for $35.9 million in city dollars and another $130 million from private lenders, Guild said.

Bauhaus Brew Labs co-founder and University alum-nus Mike Schwandt plans to open a $1.4 million brewery and taproom in northeast Minneapolis with his broth-er this summer. Without the Two Percent Loan Pro-gram, he said, they probably wouldn’t have had enough money to start the brewery.

The city report said it helped Bauhaus leverage $550,000 from a private bank. The financial incentive gave Bauhaus an additional reason to stay in the city, Schwandt said.

“I wouldn’t say that we were ever going to go any-where else, but this defi-nitely tipped the scale in Minneapolis’ favor,” he said. “If this wasn’t there, and we found a building in another city, who knows? In the end, we always wanted to stay in Minneapolis.”

Guild said the city ben-efits in numerous ways when a small business succeeds: Neighborhoods become more appealing, the tax base grows and jobs multiply. The city report estimates that the program created 273 new jobs last year and retained another 339.

The revolving loan pro-gram is one of many tools the city uses to help small busi-nesses, Guild said. The city will also help retailers find a location, support business associations, assist in book-keeping and of fer façade grants to provide new signs, awnings and doors to spruce up storefronts.

“Small businesses are es-sential to the city of Minne-apolis,” Guild said. “They’re part of what makes the city a really amazing place to live and work.”

City support helps keep small businesses aliveThe city has helped small businesses get millions in startup funds since 1986.

Abuse task force recommends archdiocese oversight changesBY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

M I N N E A P O L I S — There have been serious shortcomings in how the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis has handled al-legations of sexual abuse by priests because too much decision-making power was given to one or two people who weren’t subject to ad-equate oversight, a task force commissioned by the archdiocese reported Monday.

The task force recom-mended forming a single clergy-review board with a majority of laypeople to re-view all allegations of clergy misconduct. It said a lay person should be hired to take charge of all issues re-lated to clergy sexual abuse and to report allegations to police. And it called for a comprehensive auditing and monitoring program to en-sure that efforts to provide a safe environment are ef-fective.

Archbishop John Ni-enstedt has pledged to ac-cept the recommendations, the archdiocese said in a statement. The Rev. Regi-nald Whitt, a law profes-sor at the University of St.

Thomas who named the seven-member task force last October, will oversee the implementation of the 53-page report, the state-ment said.

The report drew an im-mediate rebuke from the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, which said the task force wasn’t re-ally independent. The group predicted nothing would change.

“It’s laughable that this panel blames ‘outdated sys-tems’ for deliberate deci-sions by dozens of Catholic officials. As long as we act like these are ‘mistakes’ and not intentional, self-serving choices by smart but self-ish men, kids will continue being hurt and crimes will continue being concealed,” SNAP’s outreach director, Barbara Dorris, said in a statement.

The report noted that the archbishop’s top deputy, his vicar general, was also in charge of the archdiocese’s efforts against clerical sex-ual misconduct for many years. It said he held both positions “too long” and was “allowed to exercise too much discretion in the han-dling of cases without over-

sight or review,” the report said.

While the report did not give the top deputy’s name in that context, it was a clear reference to the Rev. Kevin McDonough. He served as vicar general for 17 years until 2008, and oversaw abuse prevention until last September.

The task force also criticized communications within the archdiocese and with Catholics, the public, the media and vic-tims as “inadequate and, at times, non-existent.” Pertinent information was compar tmentalized, pre-venting decision-makers and oversight board from catching early war ning signs of future problems, it said.

While the task force was able to inter view Ni-enstedt and a number of other church of ficials, it said McDonough declined an interview, as did Jenni-fer Haselberger, a former canon law exper t for the archdiocese who resigned last April and became a whistleblower over her concerns about how Nien-stedt and his top deputies handled problem priests.

Although Siers’ Pulit-zer-winning por tfolio fo-cused on national issues, some of his more popular drawings at the Obser v-er jab at local and state officials.

In Batten’s letter to the Pulitzer judges, he wrote that Nor th Carolina leg-islators and gover nors open the editorial section with a “touch of dread”

each morning.Siers’ car toons aren’t

just well -known in his state. His work is distrib-uted to more than 400 newspapers nationwide, including The New York Times, The Washington Post and USA Today. But Batten said that Siers would never boast about that.

Though his pieces are loud and punchy, Siers is known as one of the most low-key employees at the Obser ver, where he ’s

worked for more than two decades.

“He kind of has an in-fluential voice for a guy who’s so quiet personally,” Batten said.

Siers is the third Ob-server cartoonist to win a Pulitzer, an award his edi-tor said was overdue.

“We’ve long thought that he was among the best in the nation,” Batten said, “and so we’re just gratified that the Pulitzer committee now recognizes that as well.”

U alum wins Pulitzer for cartooningPulitzeru from Page 1















885Minn. 13

Wis. 107Mich.





9 Tenn.

15 Ky.

2 S.C.

562 N.C.

75 Pa.

1 Md.

251 Ohio

6 N.Y.

*numbers represent new positive cases identified from March 30 to April 5

AMANDA SNYDER, DAILYResearchers at the University of Minnesota are leading efforts to slow the spread of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, in hopes of keeping non-infected pigs like this one on the St. Paul campus safe.

Page 4: 04-15-2014 Minnesota Daily

4 Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Also, one University staff member threatened another Friday night.

BY NICK [email protected]

Land O’Lakes truck driv-er Carlos Sinche was mak-ing a delivery to the Lunds store on University and Central avenues southeast at about 5 a.m. Friday when two men approached him and asked for his money.

Sinche said his was the only truck in the delivery al-ley. He said he was opening the truck’s rear doors when the two men approached, one showing a gun.

He told the men he wasn’t carrying any money, but they took his wallet and cellphone, according to the Minneapolis police report.

One of the men punched Sinche in the face before running away. Sinche said he wasn’t seriously injured.

Following the incident, Sinche went inside the store to call police and then his manager.

To his knowledge, Sin-che said, it was the first time something like this had happened to a driver

for his company. He said he was unpre-

pared for it, and it was dif-ficult for him to return to work the next day.

“It scared me,” he said.

Staff member threatened

A University of Min-nesota Facilities Manage-ment staff member verbally threatened coworker David Hausauer on Friday night.

After giving the man his assignment at the begin-ning of the shift, Hausauer said, he ran into the man in the basement of Shepherd Laboratories.

Hausauer said the man was voicing a complaint and started to get worked up. The man became increas-ingly aggressive, shouting and holding up his fists, Hausauer said. When the man star ted to walk to-ward him, Hausauer said, he walked away and called University police.

Pol ice ar rested the al leged aggressor and booked him at Hennepin

County Jail for fifth-degree assault. According to Min-nesota law, a person is guilty of fifth-degree assault if they intentionally inflict or attempt to inflict bodily harm on another person, or if they commit an act “with intent to cause fear in an-other of immediate bodily harm or death.”

The man had threatened him once before, Hausauer said, and he repor ted it

to a supervisor.Hausauer said he isn’t

sure whether the man will face disciplinar y ac-tion at work, but he said the incident has made him ner vous and he wouldn’t feel comfor table work-ing with the man in the future.

“My heart’s been beat-ing all weekend like I’m running around the block,” he said.

Deliveryman robbed at gunpoint outside Lunds


FARGO, N.D. — A for-mer University of North Dakota student who pleaded guilty to financing a man who manufactured the syn-thetic drugs that resulted in the deaths of two teenagers in the Grand Forks area was sentenced Monday to 20 years in prison.

Casey Rosen, of Min-neapolis, pleaded guilty in January 2013 to conspiracy to possess with intent to dis-tribute controlled substances resulting in serious bodily injury and death. The charge carries a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Chris Myers said Rosen, 24, was a partner with An-drew Spofford, who pleaded guilty earlier to cooking up chemicals he ordered online. Rosen, Myers said in court Monday, was “essentially the money man financing the op-eration, for one sole purpose, to make money.”

Spofford, who was sen-tenced last month to 17½ years in prison, said in a let-ter to U.S. District Judge Ralph Erickson that it would be unfair for Rosen to receive

more prison time than him.But Judge Erickson noted

that Rosen, unlike Spofford, had a prior felony conviction.

Robert Paule, Rosen’s attorney, argued for a sen-tence of 15 years for Rosen, who has a history of depres-sion and a chronic sleep dis-order. Paule acknowledged it was a serious crime and said he “wasn’t here to make excuses” for Rosen’s con-duct.

Rosen is one of 15 people charged and the 13th person sentenced in the case federal authorities have dubbed “Op-eration Stolen Youth.” The investigation began when Christian Bjerk, 18, of Grand Forks, and Elijah Stai, 17, of Park Rapids, Minn., died within a week of each other in June 2012 after ingesting the drugs.

Erickson said it’s a “re-markably sad case” that is unique because most of the defendants come from “good families by and large” and are not connected to drug cartels. He said the conspir-acy involved “a bunch of col-lege kids” who fancied them-selves as amateur chemists but didn’t know what they were doing.

Man sentenced 20 years for synthetic drugs

French school carries out DNA dragnet in investigation of rape case BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

PARIS — French inves-tigators began taking DNA samples Monday from 527 male students and staf f at a high school — includ-ing boys as young as 14 — as they searched for the assailant who raped a teenage girl on the closed campus.

Testing began Monday at Fenelon-Notre Dame high school in western France. All those who re-ceived summonses last week were warned that any refusal could land them in police custody, and no one rejected the sweeping request to test the high school’s male population.

The testing of students, faculty and staf f at the school is expected to last through Wednesday, with 40 DNA swabs recovered inside two large study halls. Prosecutor Isabelle Pagenelle said investiga-tors had exhausted all oth-er leads in the Sept. 30 rape of the girl in a dark bath-

room at the school.“The choice is simple

for me,” she said. “Either I file it away and wait for a match in what could be several years, or I go look-ing for the match myself.”

While there have been other situations in which DNA samples have been taken en masse, the case is complicated for France, where acceptance is wide-spread for DNA testing and a national database main-tains profiles of people detained for even minor crimes. But children’s civil liber ties are considered sacred, especially within schools.

France has stringent privacy protect ions — Google, for example, has come under legal attack for storing user data, as well as for lapses in images from Street View. Questions of criminality are a dif fer-ent matter — the govern-ment’s DNA database has expanded radically since it was first created in 1998, and now encompasses 2

million profiles, or about 3 percent of the population.

“It’s clearly a situation where people do not have a choice,” said Catherine Bourgain, a genetic re-searcher and author of “DNA, Superstar or Su-percop.” ‘‘One you have a DNA file it’s very dif ficult to get that information erased.”

Authorities have prom-ised to discard the DNA collected once a donor is eliminated as a suspect, but Bourgain said she hoped that would also include the profile information, which during the usual course of French investigations is computerized and trans-mitted to the database.

Police recovered ge-netic material from the girl’s clothing but found no matches among current profiles.

“This happened dur-ing the school day in a confined space,” Chantal Devaux, the private Roman Catholic school’s director, told French media. “The

decision to take such a large sample was made be-cause it was the only way to advance the investigation.”

Summonses went out last week to 475 teenage students, 31 teachers and 21 others — either staff or males who were on campus at the time. Pagenelle’s of-fice, which required paren-tal permission for minors, promised to discard any DNA results from people who were eliminated as suspects.

“Even if they have the agreement of their par-ents they could refuse,” Jean-Francois Fountain, La Rochelle’s mayor, told RTL radio. “I’m tr ying to put a more positive view of things: If you do this, you clear yourself. There are hundreds of people today who will be cleared.”

Devaux acknowledged that all the results could still come back negative, sending investigators back to the drawing board.

From a legal stand-point, the decision is com-

pletely logical, said Chris-topher Mesnooh, an Amer-ican lawyer who works in Paris.

“Of the 500 or so men there’s really only one who should have any concern,” Mesnooh said. “What you have to do in this kind of case is you have to bal-ance each person’s right to privacy against what hap-pened to this girl.”

Such testing has oc-curred in the past. A small town in r ural Australia, Wee Waa, tested the entire male population or about 500 men in 2000 after the rape of a 93-year-old wom-an. It led to the conviction a farm laborer, Stephen James Boney.

English police tr ying to solve the rape and mur-der of two teenage girls in the village of Narborough were the first to use mass DNA collection in 1986, sampling 5,000 men in the earliest days of genetic testing. Police found the killer, Colin Pitchfork, af-ter he asked a friend for a

substitute blood sample.France has also used

DNA dragnets, including in 1997 when police trying to solve the rape and mur-der of a 13-year-old British girl ordered testing for about 3,400 men and boys. In 2004, investigators try-ing to solve the murder of an 11-year-old boy took 2,300 samples. Neither crime was solved.

Last year, a judge in Brit tany ordered DNA tests for all 800 men and boys ages 15 to 75 living in a town plagued with arson fires. The man ultimately charged, a local grocer, had been tested but was ar rested only after two more fires and more inves-tigation.

When the DNA data-base was created, French privacy rights advocates said they were comfor t-able with it because it had clear limitations, said Jean-Pierre Dubois of the French League of Human Rights. Over time, he said, those limits have blurred.


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — A space station cargo ship will remain Earthbound for a while longer because of a rocket leak.

With just over an hour remaining, the SpaceX com-pany called of f Monday’s planned launch. Of ficials said they believe the prob-lem can be fixed by Friday, the next oppor tunity for flying and the last chance before astronauts do urgent spacewalking repairs.

A helium leak in the first-stage of the unmanned Fal-con rocket forced a halt to the countdown, the latest de-lay spanning the past month.

Over the weekend, NA-SA almost postponed the launch attempt because of a computer outage at the International Space Sta-tion. But mission managers decided Sunday that ev-erything would be safe for the arrival of the Dragon capsule and its 2½ tons of supplies.

The computer, a critical backup, failed outside the space station Friday as flight controllers were trying to ac-tivate it for a routine software load. The primary computer has been working fine.

It’s the first breakdown ever of one of these so-called space station MDMs, or multiplexer-demultiplexers, used to route computer commands for a wide vari-ety of systems. Forty-five MDMs are scattered around the orbiting lab. The failed one is located outside and therefore will require space-walking repairs.

The Dragon capsule holds a gasket-like material for next week’s computer re-placement. This new materi-al was rushed to the launch site over the weekend and loaded into the Dragon. NASA said astronauts can make the repair without it if necessary.

NASA astronauts Rick Mastracchio and Steven Swanson will perform the spacewalk next Tuesday — regardless of whether the Dragon flies by then. It will take several days to get the replacement computer ready, thus the one-week wait before the job, NASA’s Kenny Todd, a station op-erations manager, said Monday.

SpaceX — Space Explo-ration Technologies Corp. of California — is one of two American companies hired by NASA to fill the cargo

gap left when the space shuttles retired in 2011. Or-bital Sciences Corp. of Vir-ginia is the other.

If the SpaceX Dragon isn’t flying by Friday, the company may have to get in line behind Orbital, on track for a May delivery run from its Virginia launching site.

The Dragon should have soared in mid-March, but SpaceX needed two extra weeks of launch prepping. Then an Air Force radar-tracking device was dam-aged in a fluke accident; an electrical short caused the instrument to overheat.

Monday’s helium leak apparently came from a sys-tem that separates the first-stage during the first few minutes of flight.

Earlier in the afternoon, SpaceX signed a 20-year lease with NASA to take over the launch pad used during the Apollo and shuttle pro-grams. Kennedy Space Cen-ter’s Launch Complex 39-A would be used for SpaceX launches with astronauts bound for the space station in three or four more years, if NASA approves the venture. Russia currently provides the only way to get astro-nauts to and from the space station.

Helium leak in space station cargo ship delays its launch

The housing studies mi-nor and graduate-level pro-gram will remain intact, and students currently in the ma-jor will be able to complete their degree.

The program includes courses related to all areas of housing. Students special-ize in one of five areas: com-munity development and policy, housing technology, management and finance, selected populations or sustainability.

The major has never had high enrollment, Yust said. Housing studies had 17 stu-dents this semester, only one of whom is a freshman.

Fisher said CDES admin-istrators were puzzled that a major focused on housing — a basic human need — was struggling to attract students.

Now, Yust said she wants to increase the major’s visibili-ty on campus and make it eas-ier for students to understand what the curriculum entails.

But student feedback showed there wasn’t a prob-lem with the major’s quality, placement and curriculum, Yust said, and she doesn’t un-derstand exactly what chang-es will be required for the ma-jor to be relaunched.

Faculty members’ strat-

egies to boost enrollment haven’t been successful so far, Fisher said, so they must “rethink, repackage and re-launch” the major.

The housing studies facul-ty consists of five tenured pro-fessors, Yust said, so all will be able to continue teaching minor and graduate courses after the major is paused.

Low enrollment, high benefit

Enrollment in housing studies began slipping when its old home, the College of Human Ecology, disbanded in 2006 and the major moved to CDES.

Yust said the design col-lege may be considered an odd fit for the major, leading some students to overlook it. But for other students, the major is unique and benefi-cial to their career path.

While sitting in Espresso Exposé last Wednesday, housing studies sophomore Trevor Mercil analyzed and explained different Univer-sity-area housing develop-ments.

Mercil grew up learning about housing development and management from fam-ily members, which led him to the major.

“Every college has archi-tecture, every college has civil engineering, every col-lege has the basics, but the U

has something called hous-ing studies, which a lot of people don’t know,” he said.

Housing studies has social science roots and is a broad, interdisciplinary major that encompasses classes from other majors, Yust said.

Karly Howg, the only housing studies freshman this year, said she came to the University wanting to fo-cus on architecture.

But after attending a housing studies event, she realized she wanted to work on increasing af fordable housing rather than design-ing and building structures, she said.

Cheryl Steeves gradu-ated with a housing studies degree in 1997 and landed a job with a local government office after graduation.

She left that job to work at a nonprofit women’s shel-ter because, she said, she wanted to get involved with the human and community aspects of housing.

When Steeves was in the major during the 1990s, she said, housing studies was already under the ra-dar — so she understands why it’s now being put on hold.

“I think it’s unfortunate,” she said, “but it makes sense since they had to make some decision about it.”

Housing studies major hits a pauseHousingu from Page 1



Damage to propertyFridayNorthrop AuditoriumA security monitor noticed a roof access door unlocked and found graffiti on a concrete wall on the roof. The graffiti read “Wolfpack Schnell We Got You” and “#1 We Are.”

TheftFridayThe Commons HotelA cellphone charger was reported stolen from a hotel room.

Damage to propertyFridayPillsbury HallOfficers heard unusual noises coming from near the building. Upon investigation, the officers saw three men who fled from the officers on foot. Two of the males were caught, and the officers noticed dam-age to a window screen on the building nearby. The men admitted to causing the damage and were found to be consuming alcohol underage.

Crime: When:

Where: Info:

Crime: When:

Where: Info:

Crime: When:

Where: Info:

Page 5: 04-15-2014 Minnesota Daily

5Tuesday, April 15, 2014 5

HOLLY PETERSON, DAILYOne of the many potholes that cars attempt to avoid hitting on Pillsbury Drive Southeast on the University’s East Bank on Thursday.

Pothole severity usu-ally stays steady, Kennedy said, but this year’s level of damage is relatively high. The extra funding will ex-tend services for the next two months, which Ken-nedy said will hopefully be enough time to make up lost ground.

Potholes form during cy-cles of freezing and thawing in winter months, he said.

Moisture seeps into cracks or fissures in pave-ment, Kennedy said, caus-ing the street to disinte-grate as water expands and contracts in cycles.

Because of several deep freezes and extra moisture from thick layers of ice, this winter gave Minneapolis streets an especially brutal pounding, Kennedy said.

But with the extra fund-ing, the city’s public works department can rent more equipment and hire addi-tional workers, bumping the number of crews from six to nine. Kennedy said the de-partment will also use con-tractors and construction crews when necessary.

C i t y c r e w s s h o u l d minimize the future harm to streets with preven-tion strategies, Kennedy said. Since 2008, city lead-ers have promoted these tact ics, which include coating streets with a sealant.

The City Council didn’t grant additional funds for pothole repairs the past two years, Kennedy said, but boosted funding by $1 mil-lion in 2011 and by $500,000 in 2010.

At the University, Park-ing and Transpor tation Ser vices promote a pot-hole hotline, which allows

members of the University community to call when they want a pothole fixed, Brudlos said.

This year, there hasn’t been an unusual surge in calls, she said.

Still, students are notic-ing the large number of deep potholes throughout the city.

Neuroscience junior Jen Richie said she sees pot-holes while driving from Minneapolis to St. Paul and most of them are on small streets.

The city starts making repairs on large roads first and then moves to residen-tial areas, Kennedy said.

Genetics junior Gillian DeWane said she hopes the potholes are filled as soon as possible.

“They’re kind of annoy-ing,” she said.

Accountability Of fice re-por t looked at a sample of large universities in the countr y and recom-mended that institutions make their contract in-formation more public so students can have the best possible banking options.

“[Universit ies] need to disclose more informa-tion,” said GAO spokes-w o m a n A l i c i a P u e n t e Cackley. “And if they’re going to do [student debit cards], they need to do them in a way that doesn’t disadvantage students.”

The University of Min-nesota discloses some detai ls about i ts par t -nership with TCF Bank online.

According to a Univer-sity statement, the school is already in line with the proposed guidelines. If federal leaders were to ask for more transparen-cy between students and University-endorsed debit cards, the school would make those necessar y changes, according to the statement.

A March proposal from

the U.S. Depar tment of Education would require universities to limit how they market debit cards to students. TCF Bank gives sweatshir ts to students when they open checking

accounts, which the Uni-versity said it considers a “modest” incentive.

The University’s rela-tionship with TCF Bank is not unique. Several Big Ten schools have similar

banking par tnerships, al-lowing students to link their personal checking accounts with their stu-dent identification cards.

This isn’t the first time that this kind of transpar-

ency has been requested. The Credit Card Account-ability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act of 2009 put more restrictions on uni-versities and forced credit card companies to stop

of fering incentives to stu-dents on campus. The act didn’t include marketing for debit cards.

Some lawmakers say the 2009 restrictions didn’t go far enough.

“These agr eements look far too similar to the student loan and credit card abuses we cracked down on in the past ,” Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, who’s leading the push, said in a statement in February.

Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., another suppor ter of increased transparency, expressed a similar sen-timent in a statement in February.

“These arrangements often leave students who are already coping with r is ing education costs even deeper in debt,” he said.

C h o p r a s a i d w h i l e c h a n g e s n e e d t o b e made, the agreements between banks and uni-versities to provide debit cards aren’t necessarily harmful.

The GAO repor t pro-vided recommendations to the U.S. Department of Higher Education, which will likely draft restric-tions before next year.

Banksu from Page 1

Ukraine loses eastern region to pro-RussiansBY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

HORLIVKA, Ukraine — The fuel is local, but the matches are Russian. That in a nutshell is how the in-surgency threatening the survival of Ukraine as a uni-fied state is increasingly un-folding.

Over the past 10 days, more than a dozen govern-ment of fices in eastern Ukraine have been taken over by pro-Russian forces, with most of the seizures fol-lowing the same pattern. Ag-gressive gangs, sometimes carrying firearms and wear-ing military fatigues, storm the buildings. The Ukrai-nian flag is replaced with a Russian one. Then local men move in to hold them.

Those capturing the buildings insist they are carrying out the will of the people and have demanded a referendum on autonomy for the eastern Donetsk re-gion. Relatively small num-bers have hit the streets in support, however, and it is increasingly evident the pur-ported uprising is far from spontaneous and is being carried out with unerring coordination.

Russia has tens of thou-sands of troops massed along Ukraine’s eastern bor-der. Western governments accuse Moscow of fueling the unrest and worry that the specter of bloodshed could be used as a pretext for a Russian invasion, in a repeat of events in Crimea a few weeks ago.

The Ukrainian govern-ment’s inability to quash the pro-Russian insurgency was highlighted by acting Presi-dent Oleksandr Turchyn-ov’s call Monday for the de-ployment of United Nations peacekeeping troops in the east of his country. He said the presence of Russian meddling was clear in the unrest gripping his country.

“The Russian Federation is sending special units to the east of our country, which seize administrative build-ings with the use of weapons and are putting the lives of hundreds of thousands of our citizens in danger,” Tur-chynov said, according to the presidential web-site.

Peacekeepers, however, would have to be autho-rized by the U.N. Secu-rity Council, where Russia holds a veto.


BANGKOK — As head of his village, Prajob Naowa-opas battled to save his community in central Thai-land from the illegal dump-ing of toxic waste by filing petitions and leading villag-ers to block trucks carrying the stuff — until a gunman in broad daylight fired four shots into him.

A year later, his three alleged killers, including a senior government official, are on trial for murder. The dumping has been halted and villagers are erecting a statue to their slain hero.

But the prosecution of Prajob’s murder is a rare ex-ception. A survey released Tuesday -- the first com-prehensive one of its kind - says that only 10 killers of 908 environmental activists slain around the world over the past decade have been

convicted.The r epor t by the

London-based Global Wit-ness, a group that seeks to shed light on the links between environmental ex-ploitation and human rights abuses, says murders of those protecting land rights and the environment have soared dramatically. It noted that its toll of victims in 35 countries is probably far higher since field investiga-tions in a number of African and Asian nations are diffi-cult or impossible.

“Many of those facing threats are ordinary people opposing land grabs, min-ing operations and the in-dustrial timber trade, often forced from their homes and severely threatened by environmental devastation,” the report said. Others have been killed over hydro-electric dams, pollution and wildlife conservation.

The rising deaths, along with non-lethal violence, are attributed to intensifying competition for shrinking resources in a global econ-omy and abetted by authori-ties and security forces in some countries connected to power ful individuals, companies and others be-hind the killings.

Three times as many people died in 2012 than the 10 years previously, with the death rate rising in the past four years to an average of two activists a week, accord-ing to the non-governmen-tal group. Deaths in 2013 are likely to be higher than the 95 documented to date.

The victims have ranged from 70-year-old farmer Je-sus Sebastian Ortiz, one of several people in the Mexi-can town of Cheran killed in 2012 while opposing illegal logging, to the machine-gunning by Phil ippine

armed forces of indigenous anti-mining activist Juvy Ca-pion and her two sons the same year.

Brig. Gen. Domingo Tutaan Jr., who heads the Philippine military’s human rights of fice, told the As-sociated Press that a mili-tary investigation showed the three died in crossfire as troops clashed with sus-pected outlaws. “We don’t tolerate or condone hu-man rights violations and we hope Global Witness can work with us to pin-point any soldier or officer involved in those killings,” Tutaan said.

Brazil, the report says, is the world’s most danger-ous place for activists with 448 deaths between 2002 and 2013, followed by 109 in Honduras and Peru with 58. In Asia, the Philippines is the deadliest with 67, fol-lowed by Thailand at 16.

Killing of environmental activists rises globally



Pothole formation is caused by infiltration of water and moisture into the pavements, through cracks and fissures.

As traffic runs over it, the cracks open up further.

When it thaws, the water contracts and pops the asphalt out.

When water freezes, it expands.








UW Credit Union

TCF Bank

U.S. Bank

Wells Fargo




Michigan State






Penn StateMichigan

Ohio StateNebraska

Feds urge transparency in bank deals

Minneapolis patches pothole fund with $1MPotholesu from Page 1

Israel calls for diplomat’s dismissal over remarkBY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

UNITED NATIONS — Israel’s U.N. ambassador on Monday denounced a U.N. agency head for tacitly comparing the Jewish state to Nazi Germany and has demanded her suspension.

Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor castigated Rima Khalaf, the head of the Arab-oriented Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, and called on the Secretary-General to suspend her.

In a speech in late Feb-ruar y, Khalaf referred to “Israel’s adamancy that it is a Jewish State, which violates the rights of both the Muslim and Christian indigenous populations and revives the concept of state ethnic and religious purity, which caused egregious human suffering during the 20th century.”

U.N. diplomats generally refer to massive “human suf fering during the 20th century” as a way of refer-ring to the Holocaust with-out having to name Hitler in every speech, or gratuitous-ly slur Germany, a major U.N. member state, every time the issue comes up.

Khalaf, who is Jorda-nian, ‘did not name Nazi

Germany or make a specific comparison. The Holocaust would be one obvious in-ference from her speech, though there were many ethnic and religious purges, massacres and wars in the 20th century.

She clearly had issues with Israel, as she also said in her Feb. 25 speech in Tunis, “Foreign inter-ference comes in various forms, such as violations of Arab rights and dignity, but its worst manifestation is the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the Syrian Golan Heights and Lebanese ter-ritories, in flagrant breach of international conventions and resolutions.”

Khalaf was introducing a report on development in Western Asia, and said: “The authors of the report claim that the damage caused by Israeli policies is not limited to occupation activities, but they believe that aggressive Israeli poli-cies, including its support for discord aimed at es-tablishing Arab sectarian mini-States and its nuclear program that is not subject to international monitoring, pose a continuous threat to the security of Arab citizens in the region as a whole.”

Page 6: 04-15-2014 Minnesota Daily

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6 Tuesday, April 15, 2014

F ifty-five percent. Fifty-five percent of the discretionary budget of the United States

goes to the Pentagon. Education? Six percent. A sliver.

Transpor tation? Another tiny fraction — 2 percent. Even veter-ans, the men and women whom our leaders have sent to wage various fickle international inter-ventions, only receive a measly 6 percent toward their benefits upon returning home.

Hawks like Condoleezza Rice — whom we have the pleasure of hearing from this week at the University of Minnesota — chide those who oppose inter ventions in Syria but hardly lift a finger to fight the backlog of benefits claims in the Department of Veterans Af-fairs. They are content with send-ing troops into Iran but scoff at the millions of Americans who live in pover ty. They say we must reas-sert our dominance over Russia in Ukraine but ignore the single par-ent who is forced to work multiple jobs because they are not able to earn a living wage.

Let ’s face it : This nation’s spending priorit ies are back-ward, and they aren’t changing. In 2001, about $400 billion went to the military. By 2012, $668 billion was funneled into the Pentagon. These numbers don’t even in-clude the more than $1 trillion that was spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

This is why the Minnesota Arms Spending Alternatives Proj-ect is utilizing the simple resolu-tion process to fuel a public debate on military spending. Several city councils, including those in Min-neapolis and St. Paul, and more than 150 organizations and lead-ers throughout the state have en-dorsed the MN ASAP resolution to reduce Pentagon spending and transfer that money into more re-sponsible programs.

As one of the wealthiest nations in the world, the U.S. is privileged. Let us use that wealth responsibly and humanely by investing in pub-lic education, fixing our crumbling infrastructure, creating healthy food options for all people, reliev-ing the burden of student loan debt, making public higher educa-tion more affordable and countless other problems that have been ne-glected by our politicians.

Decrease Pentagon spending. Invest in our communities.

Patrick AlcornVolunteer

Minnesota Arms Spending Alternatives Project

LETTERS AND GUEST COLUMNSThe Minnesota Daily welcomes letters and guest columns from readers. All letters must include the writer’s name, address and phone number for verification. The Daily reserves the right to edit all letters for style, space, libel and grammar. Letters to the editor should be no more than 600 words in length. Readers may also submit guest columns. Guest columns should be approximately 350 words. The Daily reserves the right to print any sub-mission as a letter or guest column. Submission does not guarantee publication.

[email protected]: (612) 435-5865Phone: (612) 435-1578 Letters and columns to the editor2221 University Ave. SE Suite 450Minneapolis, MN 55414

Look for online exclusive columns at www.mndaily.com/opinion.


Put an end to runaway Pentagon spending The U.S. government should redirect its huge defense budget.





College riots overlook student effort

T hursday night’s Frozen Four semifinal game ended with an unfor-

gettable buzzer-beater goal to sink our oldest hockey ri-vals, the University of North Dakota. Dinkytown went nuts after the game, as fans took to the streets and started a ruckus. The students rioted again after the Gophers’ loss to Union College on Saturday, as fans decided to make fools of themselves for the second time in three days.

Although many of my fel-low students went to Dinky-town to people-watch Sat-urday, I chose to stay away. University of Minnesota Pres-ident Eric Kaler sent students an email beforehand, warning that even bystanders of po-tential rioting Saturday would be breaking the Student Conduct Code. That wasn’t a chance I wanted to take.

So when I saw the news

reports on the Dinkytown ri-ots Sunday morning, my first reaction was laughter. Many students and Gophers fans were willing to take paintballs or other nonlethal projectiles, risk their standing with the University and face jail time. Was it worth it just to display their pride in the school’s hockey team?

The University is not the only school that has been on the news recently for hosting riots. The University of Ari-zona, the University of Ken-tucky and the University of Connecticut all had similarly large riots during the NCAA tournaments a few weeks ago. Iowa State University canceled its yearly VEISHEA festivities last week because students were already out of

hand Tuesday night, and the event has a history of arrests and injuries. Rioting is popu-lar, but it’s a trend that Uni-versity students should not continue. University students notoriously rioted in 2009 during Spring Jam weekend, leading to 12 arrests. After the events of last weekend, should law enforcement ex-pect a riot when any event gets rowdy?

People may blame the po-lice in this type of situation. They may feel that students are somehow victims of law enforcement in this situation and that students and fans are only partially at fault. I stand by the police in this particular incident, as they did every-thing that they could in their efforts to break up unruly ri-oters and take away the fans who had only destruction and chaos in mind. Some bystand-ers may have received scars and bruises from tear gas and rubber bullets, but they made the choice to be at the scene of the chaos.

Despite a nail-biter vic-tor y or a hear tbreaking loss, neither game justified a riot. Inequality, government

inaction or war could be ap-propriate reasons for such behavior. However, there was no logic to participating in the Dinkytown riot, other than to show misguided pride in school athletics. I enjoyed rooting for the Gophers to the bitter end, but what I saw over the weekend — running through the streets and tak-ing selfies with riot police — was not what I had in mind.

While our school has a his-tory of rioting, this behavior can’t continue to be the expec-tation when our school sees a national championship. Uni-versity students and Gophers fans are better than that. We have worked our butts of f to earn spots in one of the most respected schools in the Midwest, and we should not throw away our efforts for one night of partying. All that our rioting accomplished was to take attention away from an excellent Gophers hockey season and shift the public’s eye to the decisions of a few reckless fans.

Connor Nikolicwelcomes comments at

[email protected].

The trend of rioting on college campuses only serves to make students look immature and unruly.


The widget factory

A recent graduate, a friend of mine, likened his graduate school experience to a widget factory, where each student is a mass-produced commod-ity used for public consump-tion with economic value measured by grades and degrees. I was upset by this analogy, feeling objectified and reduced to a product in an economic system. I cannot be a widget. I am unique. My desire to feel special stems from years of hard work. These sentiments are under-standable after eight years of post-secondary education and more than $400,000 of educational expenses. I want to feel comforted by my edu-cational achievements and milestones.

My response to my peer’s statement tells me the es-sence of the underlying prob-lem. The educational system teaches us to measure our self-worth by defined, fixed achievements and personal attributes: degrees, grades, honors and awards. Profes-sional and graduate schools use these measures to admit students, pressuring students to adopt these values for their own motivation.

If one observes an 8-year-old in a music lesson, it’s obvious that children learn through playful experimenta-tion and genuine curiosity. We are programmed to be curi-ous. Curiosity is how we learn about our world, absorbing massive amounts of informa-tion in the first decade of life. The objective and perfor-mance-based measures in education gradually reduce children’s pure interest and curiosity in the world to lin-early focused career training

that does not adequately pre-pare them for the real world. On March 14, the Obama administration announced that the government is rais-ing awareness about the lack of gainful employment for re-cent graduates from for-profit colleges, leading to high debt and low wages. College stu-dents wrongly think their degree and grades will be the key to their career success.

Linear thinking and ob-jective-focused learning are resulting challenges from our modern higher education sys-tem that provides advanced training for the masses, a feat once unimaginable. Tech-nological advancements in communication, production, agriculture and health care have given us the luxury to pursue lofty artistic, scientific and business feats through education and specialization. The massive growth in edu-cation in the last century has greatly increased our produc-tivity as a society. These same fruits create new challenges that require reform in higher education. Large universities with tens of thousands of stu-dents no longer have the best capacity for fostering individ-ualized learning and creativ-ity for every student. Online courses and nontraditional colleges offer alternative op-tions, but a degree does not guarantee transferable job skills or gainful employment.

Last June, the New York Times interviewed Laszlo Bock, senior vice president of people operations at Google, who said, “One of the things we’ve seen from all our data crunching is that GPAs are worthless as a criteria for hir-ing, and test scores are worth-less — no correlation at all except for brand-new college

grads, where there’s a slight correlation.” The process of learning, applying and trans-ferring knowledge remains more significant than a de-gree label. Nevertheless, the focus of programs and stu-dents is still more on grades instead of learning itself.

It is never too late to adopt values for lifelong learning and personal development. People have the capacity for growth, given that their mindset is focused on the joys of learning and challenge, rather than the pressure of performance-based and ob-jective measures. The power for reform lies with the indi-vidual. While the structure of education and the workplace motivates linear trajectories, the answer is in the mindsets of the students themselves. If a student can make con-nections and learn outside of the curriculum of a specific degree, then there is hope. All it takes is listening to your passions and developing all your interests. You want to be a doctor, great, but don’t discount the value of your lit-erature courses, which devel-op your ability to empathize and critically analyze other points of view. Don’t forget the performing arts, which allow one to embody emotion and expression in a physical manner.

As college students, we may be widgets in some form or another, small components of a complex global economic machine, but nothing is stop-ping us from following our passions and nurturing our curiosities to invent new ma-chinery with which we will improve our world.

Kyle Holmberg University student

Walt Hendalsman of the New Orleans Advocate. Please send comments to [email protected].




Pass the Women’s Economic Security ActRecent equal pay legislation would help adjust wages fairly and benefit Minnesota’s economy.

M innesota may take a big step forward on pay equality if the state Legislature pass-es the Women’s Economic Security Act.

The Humphrey School of Public Affairs Center on Women and Public Policy supported the bill with its own research. Minnesota women current-ly make 80 cents to their male counterparts’ dol-lar, according to the Humphrey School’s report.

The bill would enforce equal pay laws for busi-nesses with state contracts over $500,000. It would also provide a new grant program that aims to in-crease the number of women in high-wage, high-demand and nontraditional occupations, the Min-nesota Daily reported last week.

The House passed the bill Wednesday. The Senate will vote on it in the coming weeks.

Opponents of the bill claim it would affect the bottom line of Minnesota businesses, but re-search from the Humphrey School found that if efforts narrow the gender pay gap, the state’s economy would benefit because female workers would be earning and spending more money.

It’s particularly important that we narrow the pay gap as more women become the primary pro-viders for their families. Unequal pay not only hurts women, but it also negatively affects families.

A similar equal pay bill is making its way through Congress, but lawmakers rejected it ear-lier this month. We are grateful that our state law-makers passed an equal pay bill in the House with bipartisan support.

It’s fortunate that the University has been able to provide integral research and advocacy for the Women’s Economic Security Act, and we hope the Senate considers the Humphrey School’s re-search and brings the bill to Gov. Mark Dayton’s desk.

U diversity is a shared issueStudents and administrators share goals, but they need to work together.

A student collective has caused a stir on cam-pus recently with demands for a renewed focus on diversity at the University of

Minnesota. The group Whose Diversity? takes inspiration

from past civil rights activism on campus, emphasiz-ing action over education and firmly but misguided-ly disassociating itself from the administration.

The University has, of course, taken steps to in-crease diversity and address disparities on campus. New Vice President of Equity and Diversity Katrice Albert has announced new initiatives this spring, and conversations about potential racial profiling this past fall seemed to be at least a productive first step.

Both sides share important goals, and their ef-forts are commendable, but shutting down discus-sion is a mistake.

In a recent letter to the editor, a member of Stu-dents for a Democratic Society and Whose Diversi-ty? supporter conflated the University’s willingness to talk about administrative pay and other budget issues with its willingness to talk about diversity. The University has invited dialogue on the issue, and that invitation should be taken in good faith.

SDS has organized discussions with Whose Di-versity? and other groups. That’s a great start, but they must reach out to the administration if they want to see real action.

The University’s diversity efforts are far from perfect — they put a disproportionate emphasis on black students over retaining other students of col-or, for example — and the administration needs to hear why SDS, Whose Diversity? and other groups are equipped to give that feedback.

Whether all of these parties are talking or not, they share the same goals. Shutting down discus-sion will only protract the University’s diversity issues.

Page 7: 04-15-2014 Minnesota Daily

Tuesday, April 15, 2014 7


Oakes returns to Minnesota rootsBASEBALL

PHOTO COURTESY OF GOPHERS ATHLETICSTyler Oakes will return to Minnesota to take on his father, Todd Oakes, as a pitching coach at North Dakota State on Tuesday night.

ICHIGO TAKIKAWA, DAILY FILE PHOTOMinnesota running back Rodrick Williams scampers for a 37-yard touchdown run against Western Illinois on Sept. 14, 2013, at TCF Bank Stadium.


I attended Minneso-ta’s spring football games in 2011, 2012

and 2013.I did not attend this

year’s. And by the looks of it, not many other people did, either.

I sk immed a box score and ta lked to people who did opt to spend their Saturday afternoon at an empty TCF Bank Stadium. From what I gathered, this year’s spring game was like every other Go-phers spring game in re-cent memory — boring as hell.

I lear ned from my past experiences that t h e r e ’ s n o t h i n g t o see at spring football games. They’re actu-ally quite meaningless. That’s especially true for the Gophers but applies across college football.

T h o u g h b i g p r o -grams like Ohio State and Florida State at least par tially fill their respective stadiums, there’s l i t t le to gain from a spring football game.

In general, the play-calling tends to be con-ser vative, the quar ter-backs don’t get a chance to play real football be-cause of injur y precau-tions and the fans don’t create a game-like atmo-sphere.

I’m hard-pressed to believe other guys are giving their 110 percent in a game they know is meaningless. Nobody wants to get hurt.

I get the notion of wanting to lure fans out in hopes of spark-ing interest for the 2014 season. Still, the best way to keep fans interested is by being good the year before — something Minne-sota accomplished last season.

The Gophers opened most of their spring practices to fans and media, of fering a more candid look at Minne-sota’s football team.

T h i s S a t u r d a y ’ s spring game was es-sentially another public practice.

As a whole, the real merit in spring foot-ball isn’t the game, but the 10 to 15 practices, w h i c h a r e c h a n c e s to begin lay ing the groundwork for a team that’s going to have a new identity — an iden-tity the spring game doesn’t do any justice in showcasing.

Nobody saw what Mitch Leidner was truly capable of because he wasn’t allowed to be touched.

Nobody saw what the defense is capable of be-cause so many key play-ers were hurt and didn’t play.

Nobody saw what the total package is go-ing to look like because nobody i s go ing to show all their cards for a sparse spring game crowd.

If you came to any one of the spring foot-ball practices, you prob-ably saw more meaning-ful football than you did Saturday.

On Saturday, noth-ing that happened mat-tered.

Ya feel me?

Sam Gordon welcomes comments

at [email protected] or on Twitter.



BY BETSY [email protected]

Minnesota’s game against North Dakota State on Tues-day will double as a family reunion for Todd and Tyler Oakes.

Both pitching coaches, Todd Oakes will post up in Minnesota’s dugout, and Ty-ler, his oldest son, will be in North Dakota State’s.

Tyler, who pitched for Minnesota from 2006-09, served as a pitching coach for two years at South Da-kota State and then as a volunteer pitching coach at Minnesota before taking his current job.

Though Tyler’s coach-ing career has just started to take off, his father said he’s been a coach of sorts ever since he was a kid.

“He had a coach’s mind way back when he was 7 or 8 years old,” the elder Oakes said. “It doesn’t surprise me at all that he gravitated to the coaching world.”

When Todd was working within the San Francisco Gi-

ants organization in the late 1990s, his three sons often sat in the stands and ob-served.

“You can learn a lot about the game if you just sit and watch,” Todd said. “That’s where they learned the game.”

Todd said Tyler has al-ways had an awareness and love for the game.

“I’ve always kind of had that coach’s brain, I guess, where I’m kind of digging deeper into things than may-be someone else might,” Ty-ler said.

Tyler played rookie ball for a year after his collegiate career ended, pitching for a minor-league affiliate of the Tampa Bay Rays.

“I got the opportunity in pro ball, but I was realistic about it,” he said.

He eventually moved on and earned his master’s de-gree at South Dakota State while serving as a graduate assistant coach.

Tyler searched for the next step in his coaching career after finishing his degree and found it at Min-nesota. He stepped in as a volunteer pitching coach last season after his father was di-agnosed with acute myeloid leukemia.

“There are a lot of base-

ball similarities in terms of philosophy between his dad and [him],” head coach John Anderson said. “That’s why we had him in here in our program while his father was battling leukemia.”

The younger Oakes said he and his father both sport a “flatline personality” — nev-er too high or low.

Minnesota sophomore pitcher Lance Thonvold has been a first hand observer of the similarities between the two. He was recruited by Todd at Minnesota and by Tyler at South Dakota State.

“I told him no for his dad, Todd,” Thonvold said.

Now, he’s been coached by both of them.

“You can tell they come from that same family tree,” Thonvold said.

That family connection and Tyler’s familiarity with the program made it slightly easier for Gophers pitchers when Todd was away from the team.

Tyler was set to return for another season as volunteer pitching coach at Minnesota after last season when he got a call from North Dakota State coach Tod Brown.

“A year ago, I probably wouldn’t [have] been able to … be here without his help just because of my health is-

sues,” the elder Oakes said.Todd is now recovered,

and Tyler said the stars aligned for the North Dakota State job. It allowed him to coach at the Division I level and stay close to home.

“It’s been my goal to con-tinue my coaching career [and] take that next step in the pecking order, and I can only be a volunteer for so long,” Tyler said. “You need to have the paychecks com-ing in, too, every once in a while.”

Tyler’s move to North Dakota State was made of-ficial in early December, and

Tuesday’s matchup will be the first for the two teams with an Oakes on each bench.

Todd and Tyler have al-ready faced off three times while Tyler was with South Dakota State — Tyler holds a 2-1 advantage over his father.

Todd said his son subtly rubs it in from time to time.

“If we’re going to lose to somebody,” Todd said, “[no one] better to do it to than your son.”

The Gophers have a chance to even out that re-cord for Todd on Tuesday night.

Tyler Oakes will face off with his father, Todd Oakes, on Wednesday.

Williams shines with hopes of a comebackFOOTBALL

BY DANE MIZUTANI [email protected]

Rodrick Williams hasn’t taken a meaningful carry in a game in more than six months.

He started last year as part of a two-headed monster in the backfield, but a foot in-jury in the middle of the sea-son derailed his sophomore campaign.

Williams missed two games with the injury, and by the time he returned, fellow running back David Cobb had taken a strong hold on the starting spot.

It’s been clear throughout the spring that Williams, a Lewisville, Texas, native, is gunning to be the No. 1 run-ning back when the season opens up in August.

“It’s always tough,” he said. “It seems like all we’ve got is good backs. It’s fun because competition makes practice fun … but we all know we’re competing for the same spot.”

Williams shined bright-est of all the backs at the Go-phers’ spring game Saturday afternoon. He ran with his trademark power and fin-ished with a game-high 52

rushing yards. Not far behind were Berkley Edwards with 46 yards, Donnell Kirkwood with 39 and Cobb with 29.

“I think all our backs played well, and I think a lot of that has to do with the competition,” head coach Jerry Kill said after the game. “That’s why Rodrick stepped it up. I don’t think there’s any question.”

Edwards may have fin-ished second to Williams in rushing yards Saturday, but he was first in electrifying plays. He flashed the speed so many have raved about with a 33-yard scamper for a score down the left sideline.

“That’s nothing new for us,” quarterback Chris Strev-eler said of Edwards. “He’s definitely a game-breaker. He can take it 80 [yards] at any point.”

That fact alone has served as inspiration for Williams.

“I feel like he’s going to be real good, so I’ve got to work that much harder,” Williams said. “I can’t let the under-classmen show me up.”

Williams admitted that one of the biggest differences compared to last season is that he trusts his foot again.

“When I first got hurt, I was kind of scared to push off

of it, but now it’s just stopped hurting me,” he said, add-ing that not getting carries in last year’s Texas Bowl loss to Syracuse has motivated him throughout the offseason.

His spring game perfor-mance shows that drive.

“I guess I had a point to prove, not really playing since the middle of last season,” Williams said. “I want to get back on the field.”

Running back Rodrick Williams missed half of last season after a foot injury.




3:05 p.m. Tuesday at Siebert Field

MINNESOTA: The Gophers will look to move past a weekend sweep at the hands of Nebraska in Tuesday’s game against North Dakota State.Minnesota was originally supposed to play against North Dakota

State in early April, but that game had to be rescheduled. The Go-phers were supposed to play Hamline on Tuesday, but that game was postponed because Hamline had a conference schedule conflict.NORTH DAKOTA STATE: North Dakota State is currently 8-15 on the season, and has lost its last two games. The Gophers are 17-14. Minnesota beat North Dakota State twice last season, 4-2 and 5-3. This

it the only scheduled matchup between the two teams this season.







2014 (Junior) Season starts in August

2012 (Freshman) 8 57 261 4.6 2

2013 (Sophomore) 10 60 332 5.5 3

Page 8: 04-15-2014 Minnesota Daily

BY JOE KELLEN [email protected]

C omedian Todd B a r r y t e l l s j o k e s l i k e your smart-ass

friend at the bar — except he manages to stay endear-ing to the last punch line.

The New Yorker ap-proaches the stage with a subdued confidence, find-ing humor in irreverence and scathing sarcasm.

On his 2008 album, “From Heaven,” Bar r y per formed in a Chinese restaurant, proclaiming he could sell out “virtually any Chinese restaurant” before quickly stipulating, “The chances of me actually sell-ing out a Chinese restaurant in China are astronomical.”

It’s this brand of humor that’s landed Barry three Comedy Central specials and consistent acting gigs.

“I’ve been per forming

comedy for 26 years. I can’t turn back now,” he said. “I think it’s what I’m meant to do.”

With his relaxed swag-ger, a last-sip-of-whiskey quiet delivery and a whole lot of quick thinking, Barry has been hard at work per-forming the last leg of his “Crowd Work Tour.”

“I didn’t have a brand-new hour of material ready to go,” he said. “So this is what I came up with.”

In comedian’s terms, crowd work is exactly what it sounds like. Barry’s act for this tour consists solely of speaking with the crowd, asking questions and com-menting on everything he can observe about the audi-ence member he just met.

While many performers employ crowd work in their act, Barry’s tour is unique in its sole use of the tech-nique.

“It came up really quick,

and it was planned really quick,” he said. “It was a lot of split-second decisions.”

One of those split-sec-ond decisions was sug-gested by Barry’s longtime friend and colleague Louis C.K.

C.K. asked Barry if he’d be interested in filming sec-tions of his tour to release as a special on C.K.’s web-site. Barr y didn’t miss a beat and accepted the offer.

Barry recently filmed a

special with Comedy Cen-tral and thought his ex-periment would translate well to a tour-style docu-mentar y. Lucky for him, the quality of the material and the spotlight on C.K.’s website has made this thrown-together project in-to something more than he anticipated.

“People for the most part were pretty polite; it was kind of surprising,” he said. “I didn’t really end up getting a lot of material out of it.”

Barr y’s “Crowd Work Tour” special does include a lot of folks who play along with his game, but there are definitely outliers.

Barry recalled an intoxi-cated audience member in Portland, Ore., who went on a lengthy diatribe about urban farming and the high quality of local eggs.

“What if I walk out of here right now?” Barr y said. He turned to another audience member. “If I could walk out with you, I would,” as the egg rant went on.

Barry has no problem finding the humor in the inebriant and said he usu-ally enjoyed when people threw challenges at him. These situations quell his anxiety about going on-stage without any material.

“There were moments where I questioned wheth-er or not anything would happen at all when I was out there,” he said.

Now that this tour is coming to a close, Barry said he’s looking forward to taking on joke writing and more traditional sets. He won’t rule out playing with this concept again, though.

“I mean, there’s always a chance someone will want me to do it again for a million dollars,” he said.

8 Tuesday, April 15, 2014

PHOTO COURTESY OF MINDY TUCKERTodd Barry employs just the right mixture of smarm and charm in his comedy.

ALICIA MCCANN, DAILYSome must-have makeup products are worth splurging on, but others are a chance to save.

Todd Barry

Where Cedar Cultural Center, 416 S. Cedar Ave., Minneapolis When 8 p.m. WednesdayCost $17Age All ages

RADIO K TOP 71. Avey Tare’s Slasher Flicks, Little Fang2. Mac DeMarco, Salad Days3. Tycho, Awake

4. Future Islands, Seasons (Waiting on You)5. St. Vincent, Digital Witness6. Tune-Yards, Water Fountain7. Sisyphus, Rhythm of Devotion

ASSISTANT A&E EDITOR Joe Kellen [email protected]

A&E EDITOR Spencer Doar [email protected]

Todd Barry wings itTodd Barry’s sardonic wit and low-energy charm lends itself to fully improvised sets

on the final leg of his “Crowd Work Tour.”


Makeup: When to save and when to splurgeBEAUTY

BY MELANIE RICHTMAN [email protected]

W ith an over-whelming a r r a y o f makeup op-

tions available, it can be tricky to know where to spend your money. Should you splurge or save? The Fashionista is here to break it down for you.

Foundation: SplurgeFor those of you with

per fect skin and average skin tone, you can get away with buying cheap foundation with ver y few issues. However, if you have sensitive skin, blem-ished skin, ver y fair skin or ver y dark skin, you’re going to be much better of f spending money on a quality product.

Drugstore foundations just don’t have as many color or formula options as their luxurious coun-terpar ts. For example, Covergirl ’s “Tr uBlend” liquid foundation has only 21 shades, whereas MAC’s “Studio Fix” has 40. If you want your foundation to match your skin, you should splurge.

Blush: SaveThere is really no reason

to spend a lot of money on blush unless you’re truly convinced that Nars “Or-

gasm” is perfect for your face. (We all know you’re just buying it for the name.)

Unless you want some-thing dramatic like coral or orchid on your cheeks, most regular pink blushes will give you the rosy glow you desire.

As far as texture, you should definitely go with a cream blush, which is easi-er to blend and has higher pigmentation than its pow-der equivalents. At about $8, Maybelline’s “Dream Bouncy Blush” is a great option.

Bronzer: SplurgeExpensive bronzers

have more finely ground pigments than the basic ones you might buy at Tar-get. Bronzer can break your look if it appears orange, sparkly or ruddy. The finer the pigments, the better re-sults you’ll have.

Look for a bronzer with shimmer, not sparkles, and make sure it’s only one or two shades darker than your skin tone. Finding a good bronzer is especially important if you have fair skin. Choose one with peach undertones, because brown tones will look or-ange. Too Faced “Snow Bunny” bronzer ($30) will give you a nice glow with-out looking like you rubbed dirt on your face.

Powder: SaveIf you use powder to

set your makeup, you don’t need to spend a

lot of money on it. Most powders are translucent anyway, so matching the color to your skin is not a concern.

An af fordable setting powder will work just as well as an expensive one. NYX Studio finishing pow-der ($10) is super-fine but keeps makeup intact for hours.

Eye shadow: SplurgeNot only do expen-

sive eye shadows gener-ally have better colors, but they’re more blendable and have increased stay-ing power.

If you want to wear that trendy aqua blue eye shad-ow once, go ahead and buy something inexpensive. If you want eye shadow you can wear every day or blend into a perfect smoky eye, you should spend a little more.

Consider it an invest-ment: Eye shadow is go-ing to last you a very long time. Buy an Urban Decay “Naked” palette. It’s totally worth the $50.

Eyeliner: SaveThis is more of a person-

al preference, but I have tried a lot of eyeliners in my day, and nothing com-pares to the Maybelline “Lasting Drama” gel eyelin-er. It goes on smooth, stays forever and makes winged eyeliner so easy to do that people will probably think you spent hours drawing it when in reality it took only

a minute. The best part is that it

usually doesn’t cost more than $7. There’s no reason to spend more when the af-fordable option is so good.

Mascara: Splurge (or save)

The mascara you use de-pends on the kind of lash look you want to achieve. If you just want to enhance your naturally long eye-lashes, cheaper mascara will be totally fine. Howev-er, if you want long, thick “notice me” lashes that don’t get flaky, you’ll have to splurge on something

more high-quality. Benefit’s “They’re Re-

al!” mascara is life-chang-ing. The full-size tube is pretty pricey at $23, but you can buy a smaller one for $10 (the better option in the long run, because mascara is supposed to be thrown away every few months).

Lipstick: SaveIf you have one lipstick

color that you love and want to wear ever y day, feel free to buy an expen-sive one like Chanel or MAC.

In general , though,

lipstick is a place to save — especially if you like to experiment with colors. Unless it’s really cheap, it’s not going to dr y out your lips. You might think buying expensive lipstick will ensure that it lasts lon-ger on your lips, but any lipstick can have staying power if you know the right tricks.

After applying your lip-stick, blot it with a tissue, layer it with translucent powder (yep, the same kind you use to set your foundation) and then apply another coat and blot. It’ll last all night.

Back away from the $35 lipstick.

Page 9: 04-15-2014 Minnesota Daily

9Tuesday, April 15, 2014

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The Minnesota Daily Classifieds page is a service for student groups. Student groups can promote themselves for free in the featured section.Featured student groups run for one week and are published on a rolling submission basis.This page is independent from the Minnesota Daily’s editorial content and is operated by the advertising staff.Group submissions are subject to approval by the Publisher for wording, illustrations and typogra- phy. Any content that attacks, criticizes or demeans any individual, race, religion, sex, institution, firm, business, profession, organization or affectional preference shall not be accepted.


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WHAT: River FuturesWHEN: 4-7 p.m. WednesdayWHERE: Best Buy Theater, NorthropPRICE: FreeStudents from all disciplines were invited to imag-ine the future of the Mississippi River in the Twin Cities and to create a work that responds to that imagined future. How will people gain access to the water? What wildlife will inhabit this corridor in the city? How will the region’s long history be evident? These are examples of the questions students are asking about this place. Projects will take the form of a proposed research project, a work of art (visual art, music, performance, etc.), audio/visual media or other means of expression.

WHAT: Southeast Asia Night Market WHO: Singapore Sudent AssociationWHEN: 6-9 p.m. FridayWHERE: Riverbend Plaza, Coffman UnionPRICE: FreeJoin us as we recreate the breathtaking atmo-sphere of an SEA night market. Featuring student groups from the region, we’ll bring the tropics to you!

WHAT: “Venetian Twins”WHEN: 7:30 p.m. FridayWHERE: Arena Theater, Rarig Center, West BankPRICE: FreeCarlo Goldoni, one of the most famous commedia dell’arte writers, brings us this hilarious story of mistaken identity. In lines similar to Shakespeare’s “Comedy of Errors,” “Venetian Twins” tells the story of two twin brothers who were separated at birth and are unknowingly visiting Verona at the same time. Their respective love interests and friends alike begin confusing one with the other as the madness builds and hilarity ensues.

Featured Student Group

Page 10: 04-15-2014 Minnesota Daily

10 Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Today’s Birthday (4/15): Your creative year launches with today’s Full Moon lunar eclipse, impacting partner-ships and agreements. You see newly what’s important. Collaborate for good causes.

To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.Written By Linda C. Black


Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9.

For strategies on how to solve sudoku, visit sudoku.org.uk.

© 2013 Michael Mepham. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.



Yesterday’s solution

Aries (3/21 - 4/19): Today is a 7 — The Full Moon lunar eclipse begins a new phase in a partnership. It could get spicy. Independent efforts advance.

Taurus (4/20 - 5/20): Today is a 7 — Today’s Full Moon lunar eclipse in Libra opens the door to a new level in work, health and service. Changes require adaptations.

Gemini (5/21 - 6/21): Today is a 7 — What you’re learning is broadening your perspective. A new six-month phase in fun, romance and games opens with the Full Moon lunar eclipse.

Cancer (6/22 - 7/22): Today is a 7 — A turning point with home and family arises with the Full Moon eclipse.

Leo (7/23 - 8/22): Today is an 8 — Get things in order today and tomorrow. File papers. Avoid risk, travel and stress.

Virgo (8/23 - 9/22): Today is a 7 — Keep confidences today and tomorrow. A financial turning point arises with today’s Full Moon eclipse.

Libra (9/23 - 10/22): Today is a 7 — Today’s Full Moon eclipse is in your sign, empowering independent thought, a new look and a strong stand. Fly and be free.

Scorpio (10/23 - 11/21): Today is a 7 — This Full Moon eclipse presents a turning point regarding sorrows, secrets and mysteries.

Sagittarius (11/22 - 12/21): Today is an 8 — Friendships and community participation take focus during this eclipse. Group involvement flourishes over the next six months.

Capricorn (12/22 - 1/19): Today is a 7 — Show your love through your actions. A rise in status and reputation gets granted or denied over the next six months, after today’s eclipse.

Aquarius (1/20 - 2/18): Today is a 5 — A new six-month phase begins with the Full Moon eclipse regarding your education, studies and travels.

Pisces (2/19 - 3/20): Today is a 7 — A turning point develops with this Full Moon lunar eclipse in the area of shared finances.

Page 11: 04-15-2014 Minnesota Daily

11Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis


ACROSS1 Wire insulator5 Australian

gemstone9 Dressed

13 They’re found inveins

14 Zany escapade16 Saintly ring17 Yellow sticky

brand19 Eric of “Spamalot”20 Color21 Manicurist’s

concern22 “Breaking Bad”

award24 Out of bed26 Caffeination

station30 Vessel for the

Mad Hatter32 Fast-running bird33 Kibbutz country36 18th-century


37 Kenya neighbor:Abbr.

40 Crisis phoneservice

43 “Breaking Bad”law org.

44 Journey46 Shed, with “off”48 Solar or lunar

phenomenon51 Hiss and hum55 Café serving

group58 Flawless59 British “bye-bye”60 Tees off62 Electronic


63 Jalopy65 Composer’s

output, andwhere to find thelast words of 17-,26-, 40- and 55-Across

68 Sicilian volcano69 Golf targets70 Quick gander71 Light bulb unit72 Circular current73 Respectful titles

DOWN1 Part of Uncle

Sam’s outfit2 Turn on

3 Pre-euroSpanish coin

4 Repair shop fig.5 Penta- plus three6 Lose one’s cool7 2014 Olympics

skating analystOhno

8 Replayed tennisserve

9 Fire-breathingGreek monster

10 1960s WhiteHouse nickname

11 Every one12 Anonymous

Jane15 Snorkeling areas18 Arrival en masse23 Bumped into25 Here, to Henri27 Folded

manuscript sheet28 Clearasil target29 Actress Perlman31 Expert34 On a cruise, say35 Angled pipe

fitting37 Meat-and-

potatoes dish38 Ocean predator39 Combatively

supportive41 Religious sister

42 Self-absorption45 Rain-on-the-roof

rhythm47 Kept secret49 Hollywood hrs.50 Money in the

mattress, e.g.52 Karate instructor53 More like child’s

play54 Men’s


56 Chase flies orgrounders

57 Let loose61 Online crafts

marketplace63 Chop with an

ax64 SFO posting66 Gardening tool67 Portfolio-

increasingmarket moves

Monday’s Puzzle Solved

By Annemarie Brethauer 4/15/14

(c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC 4/15/14

Need relationship advice? Email Dr. Date at [email protected].


dr. dateDr. Date,

My boyfriend writes about music for a fairly well-known website. I’m also a writ-er and really like music, although I write about different things.

Of course, I always read his pieces, and there have been a few times when I’ve noticed he’s used something that I’ve said in a conversation (i.e., some-thing he didn’t think of on his own but is writing as though he did). The first cou-ple of times, I thought it was just a fluke. But then it kept happening, and with in-creasingly specific things — including ref-erences he made to bands that I know he’s never listened to.

I tried to talk to him about it, but he just acted confused. It let up for a while, but recently it’s started back up again.

I’m really frustrated and hurt by this. Music is one of the things we talk about most, but this makes me not want to talk to him about it anymore.


Thievin’ Beau,I think this is the first time I’ve heard

of relationship plagiarism. And that is what he’s doing. He’s taking your ideas and thoughts and appropriating them as his own in writing — he’s stealing.

Is he the kind of guy who eats almost a whole pack of your Girl Scout Cook-ies, sparing the last Thin Mint so he can claim he left some for you? Because he seems like that kind of guy.

Also, forget dogs — confusion can re-ally be a man’s best friend. Acting bewil-dered and at a loss for an explanation can get a dude out of some tight situa-tions.

Bottom line: It’s an act. He knows what he’s doing. The lack of your refer-ences included in his pieces after the confrontation is proof that he knows. Like you said, there was an ever-so-brief window when this could have been an accident. If you’re around someone all

the time and you’re talking about the same things, I can see how something could slip into his writing that actually came from you.

But that time is gone — he’s a chis-eler, and a not-so-great one at that.

He’s not treating you or your nog-gin with respect (besides engaging in a practice that his superiors would un-doubtedly find troublesome).

It all boils down to honesty. If he can’t own up to you about this, what else is he doing and not telling you?

—Dr. Date

Dr. Date,I have a crush on this guy, but I hon-

estly can’t tell if he’s gay or straight. I feel like the only way to find out is by get-ting closer to him, but I’m also worried I’d be setting myself up for heartbreak down the road. Should I just ask him? Or would that be crazy?

—Reading The Signs

Inconclusive Radar,I would absolutely not ask him if he’s

gay. That could go a number of ways, most of them not that great.

Just ask him out. That way you avoid the question and it’s on him to decide how to respond, which then solves all of your problems.

If he’s gay, he’ll tell you (and probably take the offer as a compliment).

If he’s straight and not interested, he’ll turn you down, and then you’ll know.

If he’s straight and interested, then you’ll have a date.

If he’s bi, well then the world’s your oyster.

Avoid trying to ingratiate yourself with him or attempting to weasel your way into his friend group. That will be a waste of time and eventually lead to the same possible set of results as laid out above.

—Dr. Date

from the archive

Minnesota Daily Volume 105, Issue 131April 15, 2004

Thursday, April 15, 2004 7B

ACROSS1 Springs6 Fit

10 "__, poorYorick"

14 Lace cap15 Iditarod ride16 Brass band

member17 "Truly __

Deeply"18 Dye19 Spoken20 Start of an

Evan Esar quip23 Office notes24 Made further

remarks25 Manage to get

by28 Gear teeth30 Track shape31 Fido's warning33 Goddess of the

harvest36 Part 2 of quip40 Sheepish she41 Cast a ballot42 Move like The

Blob43 Effervesce44 Con artist's

mark46 Desert spring49 Entity51 End of quip57 All aflutter58 Ring signal59 Zodiac sign60 Toy with a tail61 Largest

Aleutian Island62 Downward

measurement63 Part of P.A.64 Flue

accumulation65 Borden's


DOWN1 Tibetan monk2 Yikes!3 Ray of "Battle

Cry"4 Full tilt5 Fashioned6 Jetsons' dog7 Total delight8 Olin of "Alias"

9 1999 RonHoward satire

10 In conflict11 Gruesome12 Humiliate13 Three-bean or

Waldorf21 Latin primer

word22 Front half of a

griffin25 Manner26 Declare openly27 Crinkly

cabbage28 Firewood unit29 Acknowledge31 Saxophonist

Stan32 "Norma __"33 Shawm's

descendant34 Author of "The

Godfather"35 Anna of "Nana"37 Dispatch boat38 Peri on

"Frasier"39 Greeting-card


43 Squirm44 Slapstick

missile45 Cross a border46 Honshu port47 Sponsorship48 Assigned

places49 Silvers' TV role

50 Renown52 Business degs.53 Presidential

rejection54 Splits roughly55 Successor of

Ramses I56 Court legend



HEY! SEND YOUR ENTRY, NAME & PHONE TO: [email protected]

From Shirts_vs_BlousesHey Network, Once again there is a rampant prob-lem on this campus, and that is ... bikers. Not all ofthem mind you, just the ones who don’t know thatthe sidewalk across the 10th avenue bridge is notthe place to ride your rusted out Huffy piece ofNUTT. That bridge is barely wide enough for twopeople to pass each other, let alone some tool withno idea how to ride their bike. I mean you gottalove it when you’re walking along, and suddenlythere’s a bike within an inch of taking off your damnfeet. The best part of it is, that the person who’s onthe bike, acts like a total and complete asshole. Imean who wouldn’t get pissed that there are peo-ple walking?? So I’ve come up with a solution: Whydon’t we all walk in the bike lanes?? They’re niceand spacious, plus if you get hit by a car, your tu-ition is as good as paid. Net: Yeah, if the Bursar’sOffice starts accepting weed and Black Label inlieu of tuition. Or even better, the next person whohits me with their god damn bike, is going to haveto fish it out of the river. That is if I don’t throwthem in after it. Net: Tell it, sister!

From JD McNuggentNeil Diamond is a god. So, Net, the other night Iwas at the bar and I see this lady over next to thedance floor. She is an attractive looking girl and Ithought it would be nice to go up and ask her todance. So I walk over and say, “Hi would you like todance?” Her reply “NO! Go away!” or somethinglike that, you get the drift. When I walked away itdowned on me. Net: That you weren’t gettin’ anythat night? It is more acceptable for chicks thesedays to be rude to men. It used to be that youwould walk up to a girl and politely ask her out orask her to dance, and she would let you down easy.She would say something like “I’m sorry, I’m in-volved” or “I have AIDS.” You see the women thesedays can be cruel and harsh to men and it’s

acceptable. Net: Betcha didn’t think that 5,000years of patriarchy was gonna come back andbite ya in the ass like that, did ya? A chick isdancing on the floor or is at the bar and looking likeshe wants to be hit on so you walk up and makeyour move only to be struck down in a harsh man-ner. So, what, you’re supposed to take it. I thinkthat is a bunch of NUTT... if a chick is fed up withguys hitting on her or trying to dance with her thenwhy the NUTT is she out at the bar and why theNUTT is she dressed the way she is? Net: Maybeshe likes to get lit and likes to lick … ice creamcones. So my solution to the problem ... guys, thenext time you hit-on a chick at the bar and she isharsh and rude to you. Then you should be harshand rude to her. Let her know how bad it feels to beburned ... Slap her in the face. For my boys at theforum. Net: Hmm, so the remedy for not scoring isaggravated assault? Why didn’t we think of that?

From OhCanadia!Time to remind all of the ladies that tomorrow’sforecast calls for the First Day of Spring (i.e. firstday forecasted above 70 degrees). As such, I amguessing that none of the ladies will need a re-minder to show us men what they have by wearingtheir finest sundresses, short skirts, sports bras,et al. Net: They might not need a reminder, butnow you’ve given them a warning, you wanker.The First Day of Spring is the only thing that keptme from transferring to Arizona State, the Universi-ty of Florida or any other school with racked outboombolatties. Net: Do we have those here?Doesn’t the frost kill them? C’mon Minnesotagirls, shed your midwestern values and make thelong, cold winter worth while. Do you really want allof us men to transfer to schools where the girlsknow how to take care of their men???? Strut yourstuff tomrrow outside of Sally’s during the daylighthours. Much obliged. Net: Eew. Sally’s.


Page 12: 04-15-2014 Minnesota Daily

12 Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Apt. boom pushes fixes

all need to eat — they’re all going to need to get some groceries — so services are really going to be under pres-sure to grow.”

Even with the luxur y housing boom, Harmsen said he’s seen an increase in demand for older houses in the area.

Harmsen said he’s no-ticed that the newer apart-ment buildings in central Dinkytown are built to appeal to a particular market of stu-dents — a market he doesn’t think goes that deep.

“I still think that there’s a lot of pent-up demand; there’s lots of people who want to live in Dinkytown, but they just can’t find any-thing that really fits their needs yet,” he said.

Marcy-Holmes Neighbor-hood Association President Cordelia Pierson said the neighborhood welcomes the growth brought by new developments and hopes to

see even more diverse hous-ing in the future so that more University students, faculty and staff can live in the sur-rounding neighborhoods.

“We’d like to see in-creased housing options lo-cally so that University com-munity members, including faculty and staff, spend less time driving and parking and more time living and partici-pating in community activi-ties,” she said.

Vaith Rentals co-owner Grant Vaith said he hasn’t felt the effects of the market pressure and doesn’t think he will because the company takes care of its properties.

“I think it’s going to affect the people who haven’t kept their properties nice and who aren’t good landlords,” he said, “and the same with apartment buildings who haven’t remodeled or kept their places competitive.”

Freedom versus amenities

Math junior Kyler Vos-sen said he chose to live in a Southeast Como house

for the freedom it gives him. The distance from campus is a benefit, he said.

“I personally kind of like the distance,” he said. “It makes me feel like it’s more of a neighborhood feel versus living in a real metropolitan area.”

Dance and kinesiol -ogy freshman Callie Rosen-baum said she signed a lease with The Bridges for next year because of its central location and ameni-ties. The fact that the apart-ment is brand-new also played a big part in her de-cision.

“No one has used the shower or slept in the beds, which is kind of nice,” Rosenbaum said.

With more options, both Harmsen and David Kla-banof f, community man-ager at The Marshall, said they’ve seen students take more time to sign their leases.

Apar tments like The Marshall and The Bridges aim to attract students

with their amenities, se-curity and convenience, Klabanoff said, and they’re popular because of it.

But Harmsen said many students are looking for a dif ferent kind of expe-rience — one with more freedom and space.

“There’s so much con-trol [in new apartments], you can’t make a key for your boyfriend or girl -friend; you’re just con-trolled. Completely con-trolled,” he said. “It’s just a dif ferent animal, and a lot of people don’t want that.”

Vossen said he wanted to live in a house so he could have his own bed-room at a reasonable price, which is something Vaith said he hears a lot from stu-dents.

“[In Como], you can get a nice place for a little less rent, so we see a lot of people who are sharing a room in more expensive apartments wanting their own bedroom for between $500 to $600,” Vaith said.

HOLLY PETERSON, DAILYA resident walks into the apartment complex The Knoll on Monday.

Apartmentsu from Page 1


ST. PAUL — Tens of thousands of Minnesota workers have big raises coming their way, courte-sy of a new minimum wage law that Gov. Mark Dayton signed Monday, which will take the state from one of the nation’s lowest rates to among the highest.

At a ceremony in the Capitol’s Rotunda, Dayton hailed the hourly jump of more than $3 spread over the next few years as providing “what’s fair” for hard work put in. He said he has been stunned by GOP resistance — it passed the Legislature wi th only Democrat ic votes — to increasing the guaranteed wage from $6.15 per hour now to $9.50 by 2016 and then tie it to inflation.

“We’re not giving peo-ple any ticket into the up-per-middle class,” Dayton said. “We’re giving them hope.”

Minnesota goes from having one of the na -tion’s lowest minimums to among the highest. With federal wage legislation stuck in Congress, states are rushing to fill the void. Califor nia, Connecticut and Maryland have passed laws pushing their respec-tive wages to $10 or more in coming years, and other states are going well above the federal minimum of $7.25 per hour. Not all Minnesota workers have qualified for the federal minimum, which is re-quired if someone engages in an interstate transaction such as swiping a credit card at the cash register.

For large Minnesota employers, mandator y hourly pay will climb to $8 in August, $9 a year later and $9.50 in 2016.

Smaller employers that have gross sales below $500,000 will also have to pay more, though their rate reaches only $7.75 per hour by 2016. There are also car ve-outs for teen workers or those getting trained into new jobs.

All told, some 325,000 workers could be in line for a raise at some point during the phase-in pe-riod.

Jacquita Berens, a sin-gle mother of three from Robbinsdale, said she’s been working three jobs to barely get by. Standing next to Dayton, she said the hike will give her more money for groceries, gas and other essentials and maybe allow her to af ford extracurricular activities for the kids.

“I work incredibly hard but constantly fall behind,” Berens said. “Those of us working low-wage jobs are willing to work hard. We want to get ahead so we are not in survival mode.”

Business groups, such as those representing res-taurants and retail shops, have warned that Minne-sota would be out of step with its neighbors that are all at $7.25 per hour. Republican Rep. Pat Garo-falo, R-Farmington, called the increase “ir respon-sible” and argued it will drive up unemployment as companies adjust.

The law authorizes au-tomatic raises in the years to come that will compen-sate for inflation. Unless state officials take steps to suspend the raises, mini-mum wage pay could rise by up to 2.5 percent an-nually beginning in 2018. Those increases could be suspended if rough eco-nomic conditions sweep in, but catch-up raises can be ordered later.

MN minimum wage increases to among the nation’s highest