Page 1 of 6 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, 1 IN AND FOR VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA 2 Darren Neese, Appellant, v. R J LARIZZA, Appellee. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO: 2014 10008 APCC LOWER CASE NO: 2013 114783 TRDL ___________________________/ 3 On Appeal from the County Court, 4 In And For Volusia County, Florida 5 ________________________________________________ 6 APPELLANT’S INITIAL BRIEF 7 DARREN NEESE 8 ________________________________________________ 9 10 Darren Neese, Sui Juris 11 1702 N. Woodland Blvd. 12 Suite #116-127 13 Deland, Florida 32720-1838 14 (901) 552-7245 15 [email protected] 16 17

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Darren Neese,














2014 10008 APCC


2013 114783 TRDL

___________________________/ 3

On Appeal from the County Court, 4

In And For Volusia County, Florida 5

________________________________________________ 6



________________________________________________ 9


Darren Neese, Sui Juris 11

1702 N. Woodland Blvd. 12

Suite #116-127 13

Deland, Florida 32720-1838 14

(901) 552-7245 15

[email protected] 16


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STATEMENT OF THE CASE .........................................2 2

STATEMENT OF THE FACTS ........................................2 3

CONCLUSION ....................................................5 4

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ........................................6 5

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE .....................................6 6



On August 1st 2013, Florida Highway Sergeant John P. 9

Carvalho, engaged his emergency signals and detained the 10

Appellant on Interstate-4 east-bound shortly before the first 11

Deltona exit after the bridge coming from Sanford, Florida. 12

During this traffic stop, the Sergeant issued a speeding ticket 13

to the Appellant for allegedly going 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. 14

The “violation” was in regarding 316.187(2)(b). 15


The Appellant notified the court that he would like his day 17

in court in writing without using any preprinted court forms 18

provided by the Clerk of Court in Volusia County, thereby not 19

waiving any rights. SEE EXHIBIT A. 20

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An arraignment was scheduled on 9/26/13 with Judge Sanders. 1

Before this arraignment, the appellant did file a document which 2

served as an answer to this “civil” suit brought against the 3

movant. SEE EXHIBIT B. The Appellant demanded his accuser appear 4

to appear in court and verify his claim such that he may face 5

and cross examine his accuser. Judge Sanders claimed that the 6

trooper would not be appearing and that the only thing that he 7

could do was schedule another arraignment. 8

On the 2nd scheduled arraignment, 11/7/13, the Sergeant did 9

not show as Judge Sanders had expected. The Appellant moved the 10

court to drop the charges since there was no complainant or 11

injured party to make a claim for which relief could be granted. 12

This motion was denied. A pleading entitled “MOTION TO DISMISS” 13

was filed right before this hearing with twelve reasons why this 14

suit should be dismissed. SEE EXHIBIT C. Judge Sanders said he 15

needed time to look it all over since it had some constitutional 16

case law and claims included. He said the next hearing would be 17

spent going over it. 18

Before this next hearing that was set for 1/27/14, Appellant 19

filed a pleading entitled “MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT” (EXHIBIT 20

D) in which the movant demanded summary judgment in favor of 21

the defendant. The defendant felt strongly his due process 22

rights were being grossly violated and even then, there was 23

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still no sign or show of a Prosecutor that had any standing to 1

bring a claim against the Defendant. This particular pleading 2

seemed to offend Judge Sanders and he recused himself. 3

The next hearing was on 2/10/14 with Judge Fields. Judge 4

Fields seemed to give many answers and excuses for the process 5

and procedure of traffic court and made even less sense than 6

Judge Sanders. Appellant brought up many fundamental flaws in 7

the State’s case against him, primarily, it was not clear who 8

was representing the State of Florida or who the prosecutor in 9

fact was in this case. When asked if the Sergeant was 10

representing the State and practicing law without a license, 11

she answered that he was simply a witness in the case. 12

When asked if she represented the State and was practicing 13

law from the bench, she exclaimed that she represented the 14

“People of Florida”. Confused, as the Appellant felt he was the 15

only one in the court room that held the office of “the people”, 16

he asked that the “MOTION TO DISMISS” (EXHIBIT C) was covered 17

in the hearing, and for some reason, the clerk of the court, 18

Judge Sanders, or Judge Fields seemed to have lost it because 19

it was never scanned nor in the case folder. Judge Fields claimed 20

that no such document was filed. To that statement, the 21

Appellant had certified copies with a date/time stamp at hand 22

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and provided the court with yet another copy to make up for 1

their misplacement of the case files. 2

Judge Fields claimed she could not go over this motion and 3

it would have to be addressed later on. The Sergeant did not 4

show for this hearing since Judge Fields admitted to having an 5

ex parte phone meeting with him and she told him he his 6

appearance was not required. This was in opposition to Judge 7

Sander’s promise that he would be there. 8

In the next hearing, the Appellant was tired of this three-9

ring circus referred to as traffic court. There were so many 10

due process and other flaws in the State of Florida’s case, he 11

prepared a notice of appeal (EXHIBIT E) that explained his 12

frustration and what seemed like an apparent Kangaroo court 13

where due process and a patient ear was feigned, but no real 14

justice or a fair trial or hearing could actually occur. 15


For the foregoing reasons, Appellant requests the Court to 17

reverse the judgment of the lower court. The Appellant rests 18

his case on his more than sufficient pleadings entered into the 19

case. 20


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I certify a true and accurate copy of this appellate brief 2

has been provided to the Appellee emailed, USPS mailed, or 3

hand delivered by 6/3/14. 4


I certify that this brief was typed in 12-point Courier New 6

font. 7



On 6/3/14, submitted by, 10




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Darren Neese

3017 Wild Pepper Ave

Deltona FL 32725



Volusia County Courthouse

Clerk of Court/Traffic Division

P.O. Box 6043

DeLand, FL 32721-6043

1. I would like to contest this infraction charge against me in court. I do not enter a plea at this

time and reserve all of my rights.

2. I do hereby formally request a case number to file pleadings against before the court date.

3. Mailing address is: 3017 Wild Pepper Ave Deltona FL 32725

4. Phone number is: 407-733-4195 (mobile) Yes, anyone may leave a message concerning this


5. I do hereby formally request a judge to hear my matter and not a hearing officer.

6. I do hereby formally request a court reporter of these legal proceedings for purposes of a

possible appeal.

7. I do hereby formally reserve all my human and natural unalienable rights which include but are

not limited to a fair and impartial trial and my constitutional rights provided to “we the people”.

8. I do hereby formally reserve all other rights including, but not limited to, those covered under

Uniform Commercial Code 1-308, without prejudice.

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"Unalienable: incapable of being alienated, that is, sold and transferred." Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth

Edition, page 1523: You can not surrender, sell or transfer unalienable rights, they are a gift from the

creator to the individual and can not under any circumstances be surrendered or taken. All individual's

have unalienable rights.

Inalienable rights: Rights which are not capable of being surrendered or transferred without the

consent of the one possessing such rights. Morrison v. State, Mo. App., 252 S.W.2d 97, 101.

UCC § 1-308: Performance or Acceptance Under Reservation of Rights.


(a) A party that with explicit reservation of rights performs or promises performance or assents to

performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby prejudice the rights

reserved. Such words as "without prejudice," "under protest," or the like are sufficient.

Signature Date

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STATE OF FLORIDA, ) Citation: A0UH61E 7 ) 8 aka Sergeant John P. Carvalho ) 9 ) 10 PLAINTIFF, ) 11 ) 12 Vs. ) 13 ) Answer and request for full 14 Darren Neese, ) finding of fact and conclusions 15 ) of law 16

a man ) 17 ) 18 __________________________________) 19 20

i, a man require: he who claims i do wrong MUST appear before this 21

court and verify his claim. 22

i require just compensation for defending any and all baseless 23

causes. 24




Darren Neese 28 3017 wild Pepper Ave 29 Deltona, FL 32725 30 (407) 733-4195 31 32

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STATE OF FLORIDA, ) CASE: ________________ 7 ) 8 ) 9 ) 10 PLAINTIFF, ) 11 ) 12 Vs. ) MOTION TO DISMISS 13

) 14 Darren Neese, ) 15

) 16 DEFENDANT ) 17 ) 18 _________________________________/ 19 20

Now comes Darren Neese, alleged defendant, de bene esse, by special 21

and limited appearance, not yet submitting to the court’s 22

jurisdiction, who hereby moves this court to strike/dismiss the 23

complaint filed by John Carvalho for the grounds enumerated below. Any 24

attempt to proceed without fully addressing each point up to dismissal 25

will be regarded as an abridgement of Defendants rights and due process 26

of law.1 If denied, the full grounds, facts, and finding of law for 27

denial are called for in support of the denial. 28

1 "Where a court failed to observe safeguards, it amounts to denial of due process of law, court is deprived of

juris." Merritt v. Hunter, C.A. Kansas 170 F2d 739.

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1. Motion to dismiss for Defendant is unable to enter a plea since 1

jurisdiction has not been proven. 2 The law requires this proof.3 2

Jurisdiction, once challenged, must be proven.4 Defendant 3

reserves ALL rights, inalienable, enumerated, and unremunerated 4

including, but not limited to challenging jurisdiction at any 5

point and time.5 6 7 8 9 6

2. Motion to dismiss for Plaintiff has failed to present a cause of 7

action and/or crime for which relief could be granted. Failure 8

to present the court a case with standing deprives the court of 9

jurisdiction. 10

3. Motion to dismiss for to continue without jurisdiction would 11

prove to be fruitless for both parties. 10 11 12 12

2 "Jurisdiction, once challenged, cannot be assumed and must be decided." Maine v Thiboutot, 100 S. Ct. 250 3 "The law requires proof of jurisdiction to appear on the record of the administrative agency and all administrative proceedings." Hagans v Lavine, 415 U. S. 533 4 "The law provides that once State and Federal Jurisdiction has been challenged, it must be proven." 100 S. Ct. 2502 (1980) 5 "Jurisdiction can be challenged at any time." Basso v. Utah Power & Light Co., 495 F.2d 906, 910 6 "Defense of lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter may be raised at any time, even on appeal." Hill Top Developers v. Holiday Pines Service Corp., 478 So. 2d. 368 (Fla 2nd DCA 1985) 7 "Court must prove on the record, all jurisdiction facts related to the jurisdiction asserted." Lantana v. Hopper, 102 F.

2d 188; Chicago v. New York, 37 F. Supp. 150 8 "Once challenged, jurisdiction cannot be assumed, it must be proved to exist." Stuck v. Medical Examiners, 94 Ca 2d

751. 211 P2d 389 9 "Court must prove on the record, all jurisdiction facts related to the jurisdiction asserted." Latana v. Hopper, 102 F.2d

188; Chicago v. New York 37 F. Supp. 150 10 "Courts are constituted by authority and they cannot go beyond that power delegated to them. If they act beyond

that authority, and certainly in contravention of it, their judgments and orders are regarded as nullities ; they are not voidable, but simply void, and this even prior to reversal." WILLIAMSON v. BERRY, 8 HOW. 945, 540 12 L.Ed. 1170, 1189 (1850)

11 "Once jurisdiction is challenged, the court cannot proceed when it clearly appears that the court lacks jurisdiction, the court has no authority to reach merits, but rather should dismiss the action." Melo v. U.S., 505 F.2d 1026 12 "There is no discretion to ignore lack of jurisdiction." Joyce v. U.S., 474 2D 215

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4. Motion to dismiss for Plaintiff lacks sufficient process or 1

service of process and thus has yet to provide personal 2

jurisdiction. Courts have held that personal jurisdiction is “the 3

very bedrock of due process.” McRae v. White, 269 App. 455, 604 4

S.E.2d 291 (2004). Personal jurisdiction is obtained through 5

service of process, which is required in every lawsuit. Without 6

proper service, no valid lawsuit arises. It is only after a 7

plaintiff obtains proper service upon the defendant that the 8

court obtains jurisdiction over the defendant to impose an 9

enforceable judgment of liability and damages. If the plaintiff 10

fails to obtain proper service upon the defendant, the lawsuit 11

must be dismissed due to the court’s lack of jurisdiction. 12

Defendant has never waived nor provided waiver of service. 13

5. Motion to dismiss for both the judge and Plaintiff both work for 14

the State of Florida which violates Defendant’s right to a fair 15

and impartial trial and also violates the Separation of Powers 16

Act, and prejudices the side of the Defendant in many regards, 17

the acquisition of revenue for the county could quite possibly 18

be one of possibly others. 19

6. Motion to dismiss for Plaintiff has not appeared in court to 20

affirm nor verify his claims. In his absence, if the judge does 21

not dismiss, shows openly and obviously that he is not only 22

practicing law from the bench, but is also siding with the 23

Plaintiff. 24

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7. Motion to dismiss for under the US constitution, Defendant has 1

claim to unalienable rights, not given to him by the US 2

Constitution (enumerated, not granted by), but by God Almighty 3

Himself, “to informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; 4

to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have 5

compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to 6

have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense”. 13 If this right 7

is doubted by the court, the Defendant asserts this as well as 8

any other rights under article or “amendment” IX of the Bill of 9

Rights. 10

8. Motion to dismiss for this controversy exceeds $20 and Defendant 11

has claim to a trial in a common law “court of record” by a jury 12

of his peers and, … 13

9. Motion to dismiss for same reason (paragraph 8), Plaintiff has 14

used improper venue. The court claims the offense to be a matter 15

of “civil infraction” yet demands I enter a plea that is suited 16

for misdemeanor or criminal matters. There is no indication this 17

is a common law “court of record”, which judged by a jury (as a 18

desirable option) and not appealable by other higher courts, and 19

Common Law the system of law that rules this land as opposed to 20

13 Sixth Amendment In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an

impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

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most of the rest of the world that is ruled by civil, Bijuridical, 1

and/or Sharia law. 2

10. Motion to dismiss as there is no known aggrieved party in this 3

matter. There is no injury. There is no corpus delicti14. 4

11. Motion to dismiss as there is no contract shown or brought forth, 5

nor any claim the Defendant is in breach of. Additionally, no 6

duty has been asserted either. 7

12. Motion to dismiss as the Plaintiff, under color of law, has 8

absolutely no case and rests on the overwhelming odds that the 9

“we the people” are so ignorant of the law, his case hardly needs 10

more than a filing of a “charging document”. 11



14 Corpus Delicti [Latin, The body of the crime.] The foundation or material substance of a crime.

The phrase corpus delicti might be used to mean the physical object upon which the crime was committed, such as a dead body or the charred remains of a house, or it might signify the act itself, that is, the murder or Arson. The corpus delicti is also used to describe the evidence that proves that a crime has been committed. http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Corpus+delicti

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WHEREFORE, Defendant prays the court will dismiss this complaint 2

in the interest of justice and Plaintiff’s gross negligence to properly 3

prosecute his cause. 4


Respectfully submitted, 6



Darren Neese 9 (CURRENTLY HOMELESS) 10 (407) 733-4195 11

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(Sergeant John P. Carvalho)



Darren Neese,














CASE: 2013 114783 TRDL



_______________________________/ 8



(and possible intent to sue) 11


Now comes Darren Neese (“Defendant”), NOT a trained/skilled 13

attorney (if it isn’t obvious by now), still by special and 14

limited appearance, seeking to conserve the County’s Judicial 15

resources and also to not waste Defendant’s time and resources 16

further, brings this Motion for Summary Judgment under Florida 17

Rule of Civil Procedure 1.510(b) in response to the claims 18

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brought by Sergeant John P. Carvalho (“Plaintiff”). Defendant’s 1

points and authorities supporting this Summary Judgment in favor 2

of Defendant to dismiss this case with prejudice are fully 3

spelled out in previously filed MOTION TO DISMISS with the court 4

over two weeks ago with twelve reasons to dismiss. The reason 5

why this traffic “case” still exists on the books baffles me. 6

The request for the plaintiff to appear and offer a verified 7

claim or complaint has gone unanswered. There is now a default 8

by lack of response from the Plaintiff. The clerk of the court 9

should now enter this default on the books. 10


Injured Party 12

I do believe I now have become injured, aggrieved, and have 13

been coerced into expending time, effort, and funds to defend 14

this frivolous case that has no apparent or clear prosecutor. 15

The cost of certifying papers with the clerk and getting 16

certified copies the last time I came to the file my motions, it 17

cost me over $40 alone. I believe injury is intentional and has 18

been perpetrated in full knowledge which makes the matter more 19

serious. I have been harassed by the judge and one particular 20

deputy for which I have filed a complaint with his agency for my 21

grievance. 22

I have reason to believe the judge is MOVING the case for 23

himself to schedule future hearings so he, or the entity both he 24

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and the “prosecutor” represents, to exact my hard earned money I 1

have rightfully and lawfully obtained for me, my wife, and four 2

children and to pursue our own life, liberty, and happiness. For 3

the court, this is just business. For me, this is personal. No 4

one is paying me to play court here. If this case is not dropped 5

immediately, I, of course will comply with any coerced demands 6

or threats to appear and go on with this charade, but I will be 7

filing criminal complaints for any and all perpetrators with the 8

FBI, the Department of Justice, and/or through the federal 9

courts, for which I will be seeking the maximum penalties and 10

damages for. I also plan to file complaints with any and all 11

other disciplinary agencies, organizations, or committees such 12

as the American and Florida Bar association and any judicial 13

oversight committee/commission/whatever. 14

I don’t want trouble. I don’t want to file anything more 15

(such as formal complaints, etc.). I might be a plaintiff in a 16

civil suit where Judge Sanders will be the presiding judge; and 17

I don’t want to have to go through the experience of asking him 18

to recuse himself because of this silly crap. 19

If I don’t hear back from any public servant regarding 20

this matter, I will assume Judge Sanders regards my grievance 21

as not having valid merits and I shall continue to appear by 22

limited and special appearance and keep making my case for an 23

appeal. And because I am currently unemployed, and thus 24

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regarded as an “indigent”, I will not be paying for the 1

appeal. If it is money the court is after, perhaps it is 2

going about it the wrong way, or going after the wrong mark. 3


Court Reporter for Further Hearings 5

I’m done being harassed for recording my hearings as the 6

clerk of the court has diligently and gracefully let me know 7

(every time she/they send me notice) I should do if I want 8

make a record, and since my request for a court reporter was 9

denied, I do herby demand that the fancy audio/video 10

equipment is utilized, and yes, I understand I will have to 11

pay $20 or so to get my own copy and hire a transcriber to 12

create a certified transcription for the appeal. 13

I hereby state that I will be sending copies of this 14

motion/letter to the judge (or his assistant), the FHP 15

(hopefully they will not do a “return to sender” and waste 16

more of my money I’ve spent on return receipt requested), and 17

the Volusia’s clerk of court. 18

Please locate your org chart and notice where I lie in 19

it, “the people”, and act accordingly. I’m not sure where 20

everyone got their education, but in elementary school I was 21

taught public servants existed to serve the public, not the 22

other way around. If the state wants to prosecute me, there 23

better be a valid claim (breach of an actual contract, an 24

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actual injured or aggrieved party, or some other valid cause 1

for action). 2

As always, I will act civilly and with respect for my 3

fellow man, even though I do not agree with their actions. 4

And to address Sergeant Carvalho’s concern once again, I am 5

not a “sovereign” citizen nor a part of any movement AND 6

ESPECIALLY that would harm another human being. I am a 7

Christian man and values peace and simplicity in his life. 8

And I hope the same for all. 9


Sincerely and Respectfully Submitted, 11



____________________________________ __________________ 14

Darren Neese Date 15




PLEASE TAKE NOTICE! Change of Address: 19

Darren Neese 20

2578 Enterprise Road 21

Suite #199 22

Orange City, Florida 23

[email protected] 24

(386) 320-6209 25



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a.k.a. Dawn P. Fields

& John P. Carvalho



Darren Neese,

a private person












CASE: 2013 114783 TRDL


_______________________________/ 7


COMES NOW, Darren Neese, sui juris, A PRIVATE PERSON, the 9

actual injured and aggrieved party in this controversy, serving 10

a notice of appeal to this county “traffic” court once the final 11

judgment of “guilty” is decreed. 12

It is clear to the Defendant that this “traffic court” is 13

not an actual court of law, but in fact a court in the nature of 14

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kangaroos1. The defendant is now certain it does not matter what 1

laws or rights he asserts, he will not be granted any fairness 2

guaranteed by our tradition of Truth, Justice, and the American 3

way, but instead will only be led along in only the pretense of 4

process and in reality, only his time and resources are wasted 5

as a consequence or punishment of “fighting the system” or simply 6

exercising his rights. 7

Even before another hearing or trial proceeds, the Defendant 8

has more than enough grounds to not only construct a compelling 9

appellate brief, but for criminal complaints, Judicial 10

Qualifications Commission complaints, and also grounds for a 11

federal law suit for personal injury and punitive damages2. 12

In previous pleadings, Defendant has already stated many of 13

the reasons to take such actions; this lower court has previously 14

been put on notice. Defendant has proof of this despite the court 15

misplacing and losing such documents. Willful action or ignorance 16

of the law is no excuse, especially after I spelled it out on 17

the record orally and in writing. 18

1 kangaroo court n. 1) a mock court set up without legal basis, such as a

fraternity, sports team or army squad might set up to punish minor violations of organizational

decorum. 2) slang for a court of law in which the violations of procedure, precedents, and due

process are so gross that fundamental justice is denied. It usually means that the judge is

incompetent or obviously biased. (See: star chamber proceedings) - http://legal-


2 Florida Constitution SECTION 21. Access to courts.— The courts shall be open to

every person for redress of any injury, and justice shall be administered without sale, denial

or delay.

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A government that creates “laws” that it then enforces when 1

no actual wrong has been committed against another human being, 2

sets its own role to be a creator, collector, and enforcer of 3

debts from “the people” who are its masters3. Such action is 4

repugnant to the federal and state Constitution which serve as 5

the charter, give power, and define the role of such a 6

government. The state derives its power from the people, not 7

vice versa. 8

WHEREFORE, let this notice serve to the court plain and 9

deliberate notice of an appeal to an adverse judgment against 10

the Defendant in what has been denoted as a “civil” cause. This 11

court is out of line and the Defendant will address his 12

grievances in higher forums that this court must respect and 13

adhere to. 14



3 Florida Constitution, SECTION 1. Political power.— All political power is

inherent in the people. The enunciation herein of certain rights shall not be construed to deny

or impair others retained by the people.

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______________________________ 2

Darren Neese Date 3



Address: 6

Darren Neese 7

1702 N. Woodland Blvd. 8

Suite #116-127 9

Deland, Florida 32720-1838 10

[email protected] 11

901-552-7245 12





I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing 17

has been or will be furnished by hand delivery in court today, 18

March 19th, 2014, to the clerk of court and the Plaintiff’s that 19

appear in court today. 20



______________________________ 23

Darren Neese Date 24

1702 N. Woodland Blvd. 25

Suite #116-127 26

Deland, Florida 32720-1838 27

[email protected] 28

901-552-7245 29