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FREE GUIDE: How You Can Obtain Your MATRIC

When You Are Out Of School







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Copyright © 2017 by Ekurhuleni Tech College. Revised guide in 2018

The eBook aims to provide information to as many people who want to complete

their Matric but still cannot and do not have enough information on how to go about

it. Therefore, this eBook may be reproduced in any form, by print, photo print, email,

recording or any other means without the written permission from the college. The

college grants full permission to use it however you see it fit as long as you

acknowledge the college.


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Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................ 5

What is Technical Matric ............................................................................................ 7

Sample Certificate of Technical Matric ....................................................................... 8

How to obtain Technical Matric .................................................................................. 9

Technical Matric Subjects offered .............................................................................. 9

Technical Matric under Business Studies -the sad news ......................................... 10

Requirements to obtain Technical Matric ................................................................. 11

Exam times for Technical Matric and how you can plan your time ........................... 12

Practical examples on how you can complete the six subjects ................................ 12

How does the Department of Higher Education and Training combine the certificates

into a Senior certificate ............................................................................................. 13

Languages and how they control your certificate ..................................................... 14

More other options ................................................................................................... 14

Can Technical Matric qualify you for university ........................................................ 15

N3 National Certificate and N3 Matric ...................................................................... 16

Advantages of Technical Matric ............................................................................... 16

Disadvantages of Technical Matric .......................................................................... 17

Ways of learning Technical Matric ........................................................................... 18

Part-time and full time classes .............................................................................. 18

Technical Matric through correspondence ............................................................ 18

Advantages of doing Technical Matric through CORRESPONDENCE studies ........ 20

The Old Syllabus Matric ........................................................................................... 20

How to complete your Old Syllabus Matric ............................................................... 20

Combining Technical Matric with Old syllabus ......................................................... 22

ABET Matric-Amended CAPS .................................................................................. 23

What are the requirements to do Amended CAPS ................................................... 24

What subjects can you study in Amended CAPS ..................................................... 24

How long does it take to study Amended CAPS ...................................................... 24

Does the Amended CAPS Senior certificate has UNIVERSITY endorsements ....... 24

How to register for Technical Matric with us ............................................................. 25

To register: ............................................................................................................... 25

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Introduction: Is this book meant for you?

This book is a guide to help you find the best way in completing your Senior

Certificate if you have already left school be it 20 years ago or two years ago it

doesn’t matter as long as you want to complete it through N3 studies.

This guide also provides answers to some of the most questions you might be

having especially if you did not complete your matric for a long time or you did not

pass all the subjects.

The book is suitable for the following individuals:

Anyone who dropped out of school for whatever reason and now is the time

they want to get their life back on track

Anyone who did their Matric on or before 2007-(Old syllabus)- this is when it

was still higher grade and standard grade

Anyone who wrote their Matric in June exams on or before 2014- this is when

it was still higher grade and standard grade (Old syllabus)

Before we get into detail please note the important timeline below, Figure 1 as we

will keep referring to it.

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Important timeline in the National Senior Certificate in South Africa

1990s - 2007 2008-2014 2015-Till now

Old Syllabus

curriculum was

offered. The Senior

Certificate which used

symbols A, B, C, D etc.

Nated subjects (N-

courses) also offered as

alternative matric (N3

Matric) in Business

Studies and Engineering

Studies by Private


National Curriculum

Statement (NCS) quickly

replaced OBE as the new

NSC. The National Senior

Certificate used level 1-7

Old Syllabus curriculum

moved to ABET centres or

Night Schools.

N3 Matric offered as

alternative Matric and

allowed to combine with Old


CAPS now the current

curriculum. The National

Senior Certificate uses

Levels 1-7

Amended CAPS the current

curriculum in ABET Centres

(Night Schools) replacing Old


N3 Matric offered as

alternative Matric but cannot

combine with Amended CAPS



Figure 1

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What is Technical Matric

Technical Matric commonly known as N3 Matric is a Department of Higher

Education and Technology (DHET) qualification accredited by the regulatory body

Umalusi as an equivalent to a National Senior Certificate.

Technical Matric has an NQF level Level 4 according to South African

Qualifications Framework (SAQA) same as the normal Senior Certificate.

The Department of Higher Education and Technology has allowed this Senior

Certificate to be offered in colleges. This has helped those who left school without a

Matric certificate to still complete their Senior Certificate.

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Sample Certificate of Technical Matric Personal information of the student hidden for privacy purposes

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How to obtain Technical Matric

The qualification is obtained by completing four (4) N3 Technical subjects and

adding Business English and Sake Afrikaans languages. The two languages are

compulsory for anyone who wants to complete Technical Matric.

Technical Matric Subjects offered

The Technical Subjects offered are under Engineering studies normally referred to

as N-courses.

These subjects range from simple subjects one can study if wanting a general matric

to specific career related subjects if one is interested in any specific engineering


For example suppose a person wants a general matric. By general matric we mean

doing simple subjects that can easily get you your matric. That senior certificate is

mostly used for work purposes or in careers where a simple requirement is matric or

English language.

The subjects usually chosen for a general matric are:

Supervision in Industry

Industrial Orientation

Industrial Organisation and Planning

Mechanotechnology ( OR Pure Mathematics if having background)

Business English

Sake Afrikaans

You can read more on what these subjects entail on our website:


Career related Technical Matric

Should you require career related Technical subjects such as in Electrical

Engineering, Boiler making, Fitter and Turning, Civil Engineering etc., you need then

to study specific subjects in that career under N3-courses then you add the two


For example suppose a person wants to obtain a National Senior certificate but also

wants a career in Electrical Engineering Light Current

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He/She can do ONLY FOUR the following content subjects under N3 with the first

three compulsory then add the two languages:


Industrial electronics

Engineering science (physics)

Instrument Trade Theory or Logic System or Radio and TV Theory

Business English

Sake Afrikaans

More information can be obtained on our website on:


Technical Matric under Business Studies -the sad news

Technical Matric used to be obtained by doing Technical subjects under

Engineering studies or Business studies. However the Business Studies have

been DISCONTINUED by the Department of Higher Education.

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The even more sad part is that if ever a student managed to pass a part of Business

studies subjects and wants to complete their matric, unfortunately they will need to

start afresh with the Engineering subjects.

We have had students coming to our college wanting to complete their Technical

Matric while having previously done Business studies some only missing one

Business studies subject and we had to tell them to start afresh.

The only valid subjects they can carry on with are the two Languages-Sake

Afrikaans and Business English as they were offered on both sides.

Requirements to obtain Technical Matric

The good news is there are no major requirements needed for one to study

Technical Matric.

However there is one condition that affects majority of people. For you to complete

the Senior Certificate you need to pass two languages: Sake Afrikaans and

Business English.

Also Technical Matric in general requires the following:

The reasons for the above is that the time given to complete the course is pretty

short as we will discuss this below.

a mature person,

well-disciplined individual,

time-conscious person

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Exam times for Technical Matric and how you can plan your time

As previously explained, remember you need to complete and pass six subjects in

order for you to get a Senior Certificate under Technical Matric.

The minimum pass mark is 40%

Having said that, the next thing you need to be aware is that there are three

trimesters in which one can write the exams. These are:

March/April exams

July/August exams

November exams

This means one does not need to write all the six subjects at once, actually there is a

restriction on the number of subjects you can do in one trimester.

You can do a MAXIMUM of four subjects in a trimester.

Practical examples on how you can complete the six subjects

Suppose a person wants to complete the certificate in ONE YEAR and starts in


This person can divide the six subjects into THREE TRIMESTERS and WRITE TWO

SUBJECTS in March/April, TWO SUBJECTS in July/August and TWO SUBJECTS

in November.

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Suppose a person wants to complete the certificate in 8 MONTHS

This is possible if the person starts their studies in the second trimester i.e. after

March/April exams. They can take THREE SUBJECTS in July/August exams and

finish with THREE SUBJECTS which include the two Languages in November.

Or they can do FOUR SUBJECTS in July/August and finish with two languages in


Refer to the previous sample certificate above and you will notice that the student

wrote three subjects in August 2016 and the last three subjects in November 2016.

How does the Department of Higher Education and Training combine

the certificates into a Senior certificate

The process involved explained

Let me use the example of the sample certificate shown above again, for the student

who wrote three subjects in July/August exams and three subjects in November


The student was given three subject certificates by the Department. One certificate

with first three exams, the second certificate with the last content subject written in

November (remember four subjects under N3 must be written), as well as the subject

certificate for the languages. Languages are not combined automatically with the

content subjects.

The student then applied to the Department for a National Senior Certificate. The

Department first combined the first four content subjects to make it into an N3

Certificate as the first stage in the combination.

This is then followed by combining the N3 certificate with the two languages which

then becomes a National Senior Certificate

[PLEASE NOTE: The two languages are ONLY offered in November exams.

There are NO languages in March/April and July/August exams]

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Languages and how they control your certificate

The Department of Higher Education requires a student to first complete FOUR

subjects BEFORE they can add languages-Business English and Sake Afrikaans.

In other words, the condition to do languages is after you have completed the other

four subjects.

The DHET has never followed that rule and students do get their results even if they

started with languages as their first exams in November

More other options

Suppose you find out about this wonderful opportunity of doing Technical Matric after

the July/August registrations are closed making it impossible to do six subjects in

November exams.

The best advice would be to start with the languages and then in the new calendar

year you can write the remaining subjects either in March/April exams or July/August

exams depending on the student.

However this rule is not followed by the Department of Higher Education. [Make

sure you do not give this book to the DHET to see this statement_Jokes]

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Can Technical Matric qualify you for university

The most common asked question is if ever they are to study and pass Technical

Matric, will they qualify to study at any university.

The answer is partly YES, and partly NO. So it depends.

It depends first on the university you want to study and secondly on the subjects you

did in your Technical Matric as well as how you passed them.

Remember the two languages Sake Afrikaans and Business English are compulsory.

However the other FOUR subjects you choose will determine your career.

If your career only needs basic matric, then whichever subject you do does not

matter as the entry requirement will only be a basic Senior Certificate. However if

your career needs specific subjects then you need to do those subjects if they are

offered in N3.

For example, say you want to study Mechanical Engineering, you then need to do

subjects linked to Mechanical Engineering in N3.

As for which university will take you with N3 Matric, not all universities accept Senior

Certificate under N3, however most Technical universities such as Tshwane

University of Technology (TUT), Vaal University of Technology (VUT), Durban

University of Technology (DUT), Central University of Technology etc. accept

Technical Matric.

Example from a TUT prospectus 2018: National Diploma: Information Technology:

Communication Networks: Applicants with a National N Certificate as published in Nated 191:

N3 at (NQF Level 4): A National Senior Certificate or a N Certificate as published in Nated 191:

N3 (NQF Level 4) issued by the Council for General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi)

with at least 40% (APS of 3) for English and 60% (APS of 5) for Mathematics.

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N3 National Certificate and N3 Matric

If you happen to already have an N3 CERTIFICATE be it in engineering studies or

business studies but you do not have a Senior Certificate, you can add two

languages Business English and Sake Afrikaans and you combine them to obtain

a Senior Certificate.

Advantages of Technical Matric

Technical Matric faster to complete

Technical Matric is much quicker and

faster to complete and can be done

within a year. It can be done from 8-11


However when you consider the

Amended CAPS the new curriculum

now being offered at Adult schools, it

takes a full year to complete it and has

proven countless times to students that it

is very difficult if not impossible to study

more than four subject and ends up

taking two to three years.

This is because with Amended CAPS, one will be writing the same exams the

current learners are writing and to be frank, the current learners who attend

everyday battle to barely pass with 30% (while attending every day and

having done their Grade 10 and 11).

When you consider your situation, it is possible that there have been months

or years you last attended school if you finished sometime back or dropped

out before Grade 12.

This makes it even more challenging for one to complete all the six subjects in

one year. This then ends up taking 2-3 years to fully complete it.

Technical Matric much easier

Technical Matric is MUCH EASIER than current Amended CAPS. Technical

matric subjects are quite easy to pass and cater for both working and full time


This makes it possible to do it without having to change your plans such as

having to quit your job or attend night school. It can be done while working.

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Technical Matric can be done through contact classes or distance


Technical Matric can be done PART-TIME or FULL-TIME or even through


To do part time on Amended CAPS then requires one to do few subjects at a

time making it take 2-3 years to complete.

Technical Matric can be written more than once in a year

Technical Matric is written three times in a year, meaning should you happen

to fail some of the subjects, you can redo them in the same year and still get

your certificate.

This is not the case with the Amended CAPS which is done yearly and failing

means waiting for another year to rewrite.

No special requirements needed

Technical Matric has no requirements at all and anyone can do it even they

dropped out at school, partly completed their matric or never even went to


As long as you can read and write, then you can study and pass and get your

National Senior Certificate under N3.

Other advantages of Technical Matric

Technical Matric is cheaper than Amended CAPS because the time taken to

do it is less.

Technical Matric can qualify you to study at Universities such as discussed


The subjects studied in Technical Matric are more relevant and prepares one

for work more than the Amended CAPS. One gets the skills on being a

supervisor, on leadership and entrepreneurship just to mention a few.

These are some of the advantages but this does not mean that there are no

disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages of Technical Matric are as follows:

Disadvantages of Technical Matric

Some Universities do not recognise Technical

Matric as they want the current Matric

It requires everyone to do Sake Afrikaans as one

of the languages which is a problem especially for those

who do not have an Afrikaans background.

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Exams are in three months and exams come too quicker for some who feel it

is too fast paced and cannot cope.


Ways of learning Technical Matric

Part-time and full time classes

Technical Matric can be studied through part-time and full-time classes. As

Ekurhuleni Tech College, we are located in Krugersdorp, Westrand, Gauteng. If

near then attending classes is possible.

With contact classes you have more advantages of being tested on what you have

learnt, asking questions where you are confused and also discipline of following up

with your studies.

Technical Matric through correspondence

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Technical Matric through CORRESPONDENCE is currently the best way many

people are now completing their matric.

Technical Matric correspondence is whereby students are registered and supported

with study material, past exam papers and assignments for their term mark.


SELECTED SUBJECTS that we also give to our students and this has even made

them get good passes. The video material makes it as if you are also attending


Students then write their final exams at a relevant registered centre. As for us,

our final exams are written in Pretoria, Gauteng.

Studying through correspondence requires discipline and perseverance on the

part of the student especially when it comes to setting up study time.

As Ekurhuleni Tech College, we have many success stories with our

correspondence students and they have managed to pass all their subjects.


With CORRESPONDENCE we will hold

your hands till the end. Our motto is

‘Let Us Help You’.

Be part of our correspondence

students no matter which province

you are and we will support you and

help you complete your studies.

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Advantages of doing Technical Matric through CORRESPONDENCE


Ability to study from the comfort of your home

Ability to still continue with your day to day activities like work or other studies

and still study Technical Matric

More time for you as no need to attends class (however remember discipline

is important on your side)

Saves you money and time in a big way.

The Old Syllabus Matric

The Old Syllabus is a Department of Basic Education Senior Certificate that was

replaced by National Curriculum Statement in 2008. Please refer to the diagram

above, fig 1 which shows the timelines. Before 2008, the Old Syllabus was the

Senior Certificate then and the subjects written were rated in symbols A, B, C, D etc.

Some of the subjects offered then are no longer available in the current Amended

CAPS. However for students who did not complete their Old syllabus we will discuss

how they can complete their Matric below.

How to complete your Old Syllabus Matric

The Old syllabus ended in 2007 from being offered in normal day schools however it

was moved to ABET schools and offered until 2014. The students who attended

ABET from 2008 to 2014 wrote the Old syllabus.

The Old Syllabus was replaced with Amended CAPS from 2015. The

challenge this brought was that the two curriculums DO NOT COMBINE.

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This means that if you once did the Old syllabus but did not complete it and also did

Amended CAPS or Normal CAPS as a way of completing your Matric, it will not

make a Senior Certificate even if you passed enough subjects when the two are


The two curriculums do not combine. One simple reason being that Old syllabus

used symbols as rating scale such as A, B, C, D etc. while CAPS syllabus uses

levels as rating scale such as Level 1, Level 2 till Level 7.

But there is a solution to this with Technical Matric N3; we will look

at it below.

If you want to stick to Amended CAPS, the only way to do will be to START AGAIN

AND THROW AWAY the Old syllabus as it is no longer relevant when it comes to

the current curriculum.

My Old Syllabus cannot

combine with this new

Amended CAPS. But Why?

But How? What must I do?

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Combining Technical Matric with Old syllabus

The good news to those who are still stuck with incomplete Matric of the Old syllabus

is that it can combine with Technical Matric and become a Senior Certificate.

This is the only hope and opening the Department left for Old syllabus students and

if you are one of them you must take advantage while the opportunity is still open as

changes are going to happen soon.

Combination of Technical Matric with Old syllabus depends on the number of

subjects you failed.

The most common scenario is that most people passed the first two languages. You

then need to add FOUR Technical Subjects usually called N3 subjects.

After passing them you can then go to the Department of Education to combine for a

Senior Certificate.

The subjects chosen can be any subjects under N3 ranging from simpler subjects

such as these three easy and common subjects:

Supervision in Industry

Industrial Organisation and Planning

Industrial Orientation

If more than three subjects are required you can go on to add subjects like

Mathematics, Mechanotechnology, Radio and TV Theory etc.

Remember it is not a must to do Mathematics. Also remember you can only add

subjects under Technical subjects. The subjects failed under Old syllabus cannot be

added as they are not under N3 subjects.

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ABET Matric-Amended CAPS

ABET Matric is the matric that is done by anyone who dropped out of school or failed

their matric but still wants to complete their matric.

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) is the one that conducts ABET Matric.

The exams are conducted every June.

ABET Matric can be started from scratch or one can only rewrite and upgrade the

subjects they failed. However with ABET Matric it is very important to note the

following important changes in the curriculums:

Changes in curriculum and the impact on certain people

ABET Matric has been written in ABET centres for a long time and most people

commonly refer to them as ‘Night Schools’. This is because the studies mostly

begin late afternoon from 4pm till 8pm.

In 2014 there was a major change in the ABET curriculum.

DBE changed the curriculum in 2015. The curriculum changed from Old Syllabus to

Amended CAPS. This CAPS is the new curriculum that is currently offered in

schools and the first Grade 12 students to write it was in 2014.

So there is hope for me.

My Old syllabus

combines with N3

subjects. I want these

simple N3 subjects

To avoid confusion of terms, ABET matric written before 2015 is called Old

Syllabus, and ABET Matric written on or after 2015 is called Amended CAPS.


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The first students to write Amended CAPS in ABET started in June 2015 exams and

the last group of students who wrote the Old Syllabus was in 2014.

What are the requirements to do Amended CAPS The following are the requirements that qualify one to do Amended CAPS

The individual must be 21 years and above

The individual must have a grade 10 or 11 report (as a proof they completed

either grade 10 or 11)

If the individual does not have the report, a grade 9 report is also accepted for

much older people.

For students who want to rewrite and upgrade their subjects, they must have

finished their first grade 12 exam three or more years ago.

What subjects can you study in Amended CAPS Amended CAPS allows you to study any subject you want which were in the

previous National Curriculum Statement (NCS).

Please note that some of the subjects that used to be offered in the Old Syllabus are

no longer available such as Biology (now called Life Science) and Business

Economics (now Business Studies and Economics). The other subjects are still the

common subjects such as Mathematics, History, Geography etc.

How long does it take to study Amended CAPS It takes a full year to study Amended CAPS. The registration is from June and

usually closes around October in the same year. It also opens again for a short time

in January for the first two weeks. The exams are written in May/June.

Does the Amended CAPS Senior certificate has UNIVERSITY

endorsements The Amended CAPS has no endorsements yet from the Department of Education.

The Department with Umalusi are still in the process of endorsing it. This means that

the Amended CAPS cannot allow you to study Bachelor’s Degree in the Universities.

To read more on the Amended CAPS refer to the following Umalusi website

regarding Amended CAPS.

http://www.education.gov.za/Curriculum/SeniorCertificate (amended).aspx

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How to register for Technical Matric with us

I trust this book has somehow helped you get an understanding of getting your

Matric if you are out of school.

If you are interested in registering for Technical Matric whether from scratch or to

complete your incomplete subjects you can do so with us at Ekurhuleni Tech

College. We currently do not offer Amended CAPS

Ekurhuleni Tech College is the BEST PRIVATE COLLEGE IN SOUTH AFRICA with

our National footprint being in CORRESPONDENCE LEARNING.



To register:

Send us an email on [email protected]

To download registration forms visit: www.etcollege.co.za

To call our offices: 011 040 7343 or 073 770 3028

To visit our offices: Office number 5. Mogale Square. Rissik Street

and President Street. Krugersdorp. 1739.

Let Us Help You!