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    Green Building Certication Institute2101 L Street NW, Suite 650 Washington, DC 20037 www.gbci.org

    1.800.795.1746 +1.202.828.1145 www.gbci.org/contact

    Education Review Program Guide

    Valid for May 2012

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    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    About the Education Review Program

    Education providers ................................................................................................................................. 1

    Course reviewers & auditors ................................................................................................................... 1


    Courses ..................................................................................................................................................... 2

    Basic requirements

    Types of courses

    Review criteria ......................................................................................................................................... 3

    LEED-specic ........................................................................................................................................... 8

    Special situations ..................................................................................................................................... 9

    Conferences & events

    Internal education

    Review Process ...................................................................................................................................... 10

    TimingFast track review

    Course status

    For Providers

    Register as a provider ........................................................................................................................... 12

    Provider Administrator ........................................................................................................................... 12

    Fees ......................................................................................................................................................... 12

    USGBC Member CompaniesUSGBC Chapters

    Managing courses ................................................................................................................................... 13

    Submitting a course for review

    What to submit

    Adding a course instance


    Changing fee teir

    Adding or removing course submitters

    Applying for fast track status

    Approved courses .................................................................................................................................. 15

    Certicate of completion


    Non-approved courses .......................................................................................................................... 16

    Appealing a review

    Provider conduct .................................................................................................................................... 16

    Table of Contents

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    About the Education Review Program1

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    The Education Review Program builds a standard of continuing education for LEED Professionals.The Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) includes 7 other ways to earn CE hours, but theseactivities are reviewed and approved for the highest relevance, quality, and rigor. The Green BuildingCertication Institute (GBCI) manages the program which is made up of organizations who offer greenbuilding courses (known as education providers) and by qualied volunteers (reviewers and auditors)who review their classes.

    Education providersEducation providers are organizations that offer peer-reviewed options for continuing education thathave been approved by GBCI to count for CMP. Within the program, the term courses refers to allofferings by providers and includes on-demand and online activities, articles, and conferences.

    Course reviewers & auditorsCourses are reviewed by a team of independent, cross-professional subject matter experts and adulteducators. Reviewers review applications and approve courses. Auditors review courses that havealready approved. To avoid conicts, the review team remains anonymous to each other and theprovider during a review.

    QualificationsReviewers must be an employee of a USGBC member company or a member of a USGBCChapter. In addition, they must meet 3 of the following 5 requirements:1. Be a LEED Green Associate or LEED AP with specialty meeting all CMP requirements

    2. At least 3 years professional experience in green building and/or sustainability3. A degree from an accredited institution of higher education4. Experience in education or professional development (e.g. instructional design, course

    development)5. A current credential or certicate related to green building and/or sustainability from a

    national or international professional organization. (A LEED Professional Credential satisesboth requirements 1 and 5.)

    Auditors must: Be an existing reviewer in good standing Have completed a minimum of 5 full course reviews Complete a one-hour online auditor training course

    About the Education Review Program

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    About the Education Review Program2

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    CoursesOnly continuing education that is directly related to green building is eligible for review.

    Basic requirementsAll courses must:

    Increase the competency of LEED Professionals Follow current green building practices and provide correct program content Be designed and instructed by persons qualied in the subject matter and qualied as

    instructional designers/course instructors Provide documentation of successful course completion to the LEED Professional Be at least 50 minutes of instructional time in length. (Courses receive one CE hour for the

    rst 50-60 minutes and .5 CE hour for each additional 30 minutes.)

    Courses cannot: Be LEED exam preparation, meaning the content focuses on exam strategies, GBCI candidate

    handbooks, reference documents, and targeting successful exams. This evidence can be

    found in its curricula, syllabi, and marketing. Be intended to lead to a degree. Such courses are College and University Courses in CMP.

    However, courses offered as continuing education or in extension programs at collegesor universities are eligible for review.

    Types of coursesEach course format must rst be designated as either a one-time or an on-going event andeither live or on-demand:

    One-time On-going


    Facilitator-led: Face-to-face instruction offered at a specic time and location. May includeworkshops, panel presentations, lectures etc.

    Online: Training broadcast live at a specic time.

    Tour: In-person tour of one or more projects offered live at a specic time and location withclear green building learning objectives. Virtual tours are On Demand: Online.

    Conference: Single event with multiplesimultaneous sessions or tracks offered liveat a specic time and location. May includeconventions, annual meetings, summits, etc.(See Conferences and Events on page 9.)


    Article/Print: Online or print media courseoffered in written format. Must have anassessment of learning objectives. Mayinclude articles or workbooks.

    Online: Online training offered any time,on demand. Must have an assessment oflearning objectives. May include self pacedand prerecorded formats.

    About the Education Review Program

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    About the Education Review Program3

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    Review criteriaThe review scorecard has prerequisites and qualitative criteria, which are evaluated by the coursereviewers. All prerequisites must be met and will be evaluated with a Yes or No. Qualitative criteriaare rated from 0-3 and must average to 2 points or higher.

    Type Criteria Reviewer NotesSubject MatterPrerequisite Content and

    materials arenon-commercial,nonbiased, anddo not promotea speciccommercialproduct of services

    Courses should not explicitly promote a specic company,product, or service. They should provide generic industryinformation. No company names or identifying product imagemay be used. Any photos used must have any identifyingcompany identication covered or shaded out. Company graphicsmay only be included on the rst and last slide, cover page of ahandout, or on a welcome screen (if an online course).

    Courses should not covertly promote a specic company, product

    or service. They should provide balanced, accepted and credibleindustry information. Education should not direct participantsto preference of one commercial product over another due tounbalanced or biased education. If a specic company, product orservice type is explored generally at the exclusion of others, thecourse title and description should clearly reect that focus.

    Standards, tools, systems and non-commercial products orservices offered by government or non-prot organizations maybe excluded from this criteria. Exclusion may be granted forproducts or services held in the public domain.

    Learners are looking for practical, applicable knowledge theycan apply to their practice. They do not want a sales pitch.Providers that promote their products/services or try to sneak itinto the course content will lose credibility with the learners andstatus as registered GBCI education provider. This criteria allowscourses to be in compliance with AIA/CES and other providercriteria.

    Prerequisite Subject mattersupports theobjectives ofGBCIs Education

    Review Program

    The content must support the Education Review Program goalsof facilitating access to high quality green building professionaldevelopment opportunities for LEED Professionals and drivinggreen market transformation through technically relevant and

    innovative professional development courses that increase greenbuilding knowledge and capacity across the industry. The coursetopic and goals must enrich knowledge, understanding, andapplication of green building practice, techniques, and trendsbeyond what is already known by passing the LEED ProfessionalExams. It should present ways that buildings and communitiesare designed, built, and operated, enabling an environmentallyand socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environmentthat improves the quality of life.

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    About the Education Review Program4

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    Prerequisite USGBC, GBCI,the LEED ratingsystems, andLEED ProfessionalExams areaccurately

    represented, ifapplicable.

    If the course material is presenting any information on the U.S.Green Building Council, the Green Building Certication Institute,the LEED rating systems, or LEED Professional Exams, it shouldbe represented accurately. Only the most current logos shouldbe used, and only in their proper context. Information should notinfringe on USGBC intellectual property rights.

    View more on USGBC or LEED Logo use

    View more on GBCI and the LEED Professional Exams

    USGBC intellectual property includes such items as imagesor text from non-public, USGBC-owned curriculum andpresentations, LEED Online, LEED Reference Guides. If youquestion this, please ag it for USGBC staff to verify.

    Qualitative Subject matter istimely and current

    The topic addressed in the content should be current, timely, andrelevant to the green building industry.

    Qualitative Course content

    includes practicalapplication togreen buildingpractice

    The content and materials used should demonstrate practical

    application to green building practice.Courses should not only relate to sustainability without mentionof the built environment or building practices, and vice versa.

    Qualitative The contentpresented istruthful andaccurate.

    The content should be aligned with green industry acceptedpractices, techniques and technologies.

    Content should be based upon sound research, logic andexpertise.

    Course DescriptionQualitative The course

    description isclear, focused,and provides anoverview of thecourse length,intended audience,content covered,and expectedleaner activitiesand outcomes.

    It is important that the learners understand the learning activity

    in which they will participate. A clear description should be givento help the learner understand the overall objectives and whatactivities they will engage in during the course.

    Note: This is the description that will be included in the onlinecatalog listing of USGBC programs. Any descriptions >125 wordswill be edited by GBCI staff as necessary to t the course catalog.

    Audience and Learning LevelQualitative The audienceis dened andappropriate for thesubject matter.

    The content presented in the course should be appropriate forthe intended audiences general learning styles, knowledge level,and needs. Audience and topic should be identied in coursereview application, but does not need to be in course materials.

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    About the Education Review Program5

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    Qualitative The course contentis appropriatefor the identiedaudience(s) andlearning level.

    The content presented should be appropriate for the intendedlearning level identied on the Course Review Application.Appropriateness is determined by such factors as audienceperspective and experience, and course format and content.The breadth and depth of the content presented should beappropriate for the intended learning level identied on the

    Course Review Application.

    Course Development and DeliveryQualitative Course developer

    is a qualiedsubject matterexpert.

    Providers should have specic qualications for subject matterexperts who create education. The developer may be one personor a team. The developer must be qualied to create the subjectmatter for the course. There should be evidence presented thatdocuments the Developer(s) meet these qualications. This canbe documented in a statement from the Education Provider as tothe qualications expected, how they are assessed to determineeligibility, and in a sampling of bios from the course developer(s).

    Qualitative Course developeris qualied asan instructionaldesigner.

    Providers should have identied specic qualications foreducational designers who create education. The developermay be one person or a team. The developer needs to be skilledin the design principles for adult learning. There should beevidence presented that documents the developer(s) meet thesequalications. This can be documented in a statement from theProvider as to the qualications expected, how they are assessedto determine eligibility, and in a sampling of bios from the coursedeveloper(s).

    Qualitative Course instructoris qualied to teach

    this course.

    Providers should have specic qualications for the instructor(s)who present the course. They should be skilled as presenters/

    trainers and knowledgeable in the subject matter. There shouldbe evidence presented that documents that the Instructor(s)meet these qualications. This can be documented in astatement from the Education Provider as to the qualicationsexpected, how they are assessed to determine eligibility, and asampling of bios from the instructors.

    Prerequisite A programevaluation formis used to collectfeedback fromparticipants onthe quality andeffectiveness of thecourse.

    Program evaluation can be in a separate document or online.

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    About the Education Review Program6

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    Objectives and AssessmentPrerequisite Learning objectives

    are stated at thebeginning of thecourse.

    A good course should provide the learning objectives in thebeginning of the course. This allows learners to know what theyare expected to accomplish by the end of the course. Learningobjectives serve as the basis for content and learner assessment.

    If there is a PowerPoint presentation, the learning objectivesmust be on one of the rst slides. The learning objectives canalso be given in the introduction or in course handouts.

    Qualitative Learning objectivesare measurableand achievable

    The objectives should be written so that the learners knowspecically what they should be able to do at the end of thecourse. The objectives should be measurable (the learners caneasily identify if they can or cannot do the action in the objectiveat the end) and achievable (the learners can actually learn what ittakes to meet the objective within the course format, time frame,and content.)

    Qualitative Learning objectives

    are met throughthe course contentand materials.

    The course content, materials and activities should ensure that

    learners achieve the stated learning objectives.

    Qualitative The content reviewactivity/activitiesallow learners tomeasure if theyhave met thecourse objectives

    The course should have a way for the instructor and learnersto assess if the objectives were met. This can be done simplywith an informal review activity, structured Q&A, formal quizor assignment, etc. Assessments should be designed so thelearners can demonstrate (to the instructor or to themselves)they can do the actions stated in the learning objectives.

    Structure and Activities

    Prerequisite A clear agendaor outline of thecourse contentand activitiesis provided toattendees

    Participants should have access to the course outline or timedagenda for reference. Presenting the structure for the coursewill help the learners to understand what will be covered, setsexpectations, and helps them become engaged in the learningprocess. It helps a learner focus by allowing them to considerwhat they already know about the items to be covered. It alsoshows that the Education Provider has structured the course andactivities to ensure that learning objectives are met.

    Qualitative The ow of thecourse is logical

    and effective

    The material and learning activities should match the objectivesand build on the new knowledge presented in a logical format.

    Qualitative The course lengthis appropriatefor the contentcovered

    The amount of materials and content to be covered should twithin the allotted time frame of the course. There should beenough time to present the materials and allow for learnerparticipation. Too much content will not leave time for questions,discussions, or other effective learning activities.

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    About the Education Review Program7

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    Qualitative There are cleardescriptions andinstructions forActivities

    Clear descriptions and instructions must be presented forlearning activities. For online courses, these instructionsshould include how to navigate though the course materials.Learners must understand what is expected in their participation(e.g., passively sit and listen, prepare an example to share,take a quiz, etc.) These instructions are especially important

    since the learner is receiving continuing education credits forsuccessful completion. Providers should share evidence of theseinstructions with the review team if they are not included in theprinted course materials.

    Qualitative The activitiesallow the learnerto interact withthe content, theinstructor and theother learners

    The course should allow the learners to become engaged in thelearning activities. This should include opportunities to interactwith:

    Content (e.g., problems to solve, material sample to touch,case study to review)

    Instructor (e.g., asks questions, share information)

    Other learners (e.g., group activities, discussions)

    Qualitative The courseactivities areappropriate foraudience, learninglevel, subjectmatter, format

    The materials used to teach the content should match theaudience. A provider should have an idea of the intendedaudiences learning styles, knowledge level, and expectations.

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    About the Education Review Program8

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    LEED-specificLEED Professionals must earn a designated number of LEED-specic CE hours for CMP.

    For a course to earn LEED-specic CE hours, it: Must have 75% or more of the content directly relating to versions of LEED Rating Systems being

    developed or implemented in LEED projects, including: Components of the Rating System: Rating System Selection, Minimum Program RequirementsLEED Project Boundary, Compliant Space Types, Prerequisites & Credit (Intent, Requirements),Related Credits/Credit Synergies, Referenced Standards, Calculations, Documentation, LEEDAddenda, Exemplary Performance, Regional Priority Credits, Credit Weightings

    LEED Online (however, providers cannot show images of LEED Online itself.) LEED Certication Model: Credit Interpretations, Process of Review & Certication, Appeals

    Must be application-based (i.e., an extended interaction using strategy examples, case studies,best practices, and lessons learned beyond a simple overview of LEED credits, intents andrequirements).

    May include comparisons of LEED with other rating systems, codes, standards, or governmentpolicies with the primary focus explaining how LEED relates to these other systems. (For example,demonstrating how to complete LEED within local building code requirements.)

    Must include detailed speaker notes in the application. (Providers must demonstrate the fullcontext of the discussion and consistency in information conveyed by instructors as well as allinformation pertaining to the LEED rating systems for review by LEED-specic reviewers.)

    Must have at least one Subject Matter Expert (SME) on the course development team with: A LEED AP with a specialty related to the course topic (for example, a LEED AP Homes must be

    on the development team for any LEED for Homes course) AND project experience related to the course topic (for example, a course on water efciency

    must have one SME with project experience in the water-related issues on LEED projects)

    Must be taught by an instructor with: A LEED AP with a specialty related to the course topic (for example, the instructor of a LEED-

    specic BD+C course must have a LEED AP BD+C) AND project experience related to the LEED course topic.

    Must include the LEED-specic Application in the course application. Will be reviewed by a LEED AP with a specialty related to the course topic

    LEED-specic courses will be reviewed within 30 days, regardless of fast track status (see Fast TrackReview on page 10). Please review the course to ensure that it is a likely candidate for LEED-specicCE hours prior to submittal. LEED-specic courses are audited at least every 2 years to ensure

    currency with updates to LEED.

    LEED APs with specialty are required to earn LEED-specic CE hours relating to their specialty. Thecourse catalog shows the specialty(ies) for which the course is approved.

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    About the Education Review Program9

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    Special situationsBeyond the standard situations described above, there are some types of courses that warrantdifferent review processes and criteria: conferences and courses created only for internal audiences.

    Conferences and events

    Conferences and events are single, one-time educational events with multiple simultaneoussessions or tracks offered live at a specic time and location. They can include lectures, paneldiscussions, round-tables, or tours, and may be offered in-person or online. Conferences mayalso be referred to as conventions, annual meetings, or summits.

    Due to the shorter development time associated with conferences and events, GBCI does notrequire full program materials for each session (e.g., presentations and handouts) for review;however, providers are always expected to develop and deliver high-quality education that meetsthe review criteria. The review is based upon the strength of the following elements: Clear program description

    Measurable learning objectives which are met through the program Detailed, timed agenda/program outline Program developers Strength of presenters/instructors Program evaluation(s)

    Conferences are reviewed as a live, one-time events and therefore only count as one coursewhen determining provider fees. Providers must attach a completed Conference SessionSpreadsheet with detailed information about each conference session to their application.

    To meet the guidelines of the LEED-specic review criteria, any conference session that isapplying as LEED-specic must include a LEED-specic Application uploaded in the Materialssection of the online course review application. Supporting materials may be requested.

    Internal coursesFirms offering non-commercial courses to a strictly internal audience are encouraged to becomeproviders. These rms must meet the same requirements for instructional design and subjectmatter quality and may participate in the fast track review process.

    Internal courses must be submitted online and meet all course review requirements except:

    Company logos may appear beyond the rst and last slide of a presentation. LEED Online may incorporated only for the sole and exclusive purpose of registering,

    submitting, and/or applying for LEED certication.

    If the course is only being offered to internal audiences, the provider should mark No to thequestion Display courses in course catalog? in the review application. It is the providersresponsibility to inform GBCI if a course is for internal or external audiences and providers whooffer internal courses for external audiences must gain GBCI approval beforehand. Companylogos and LEED Online should not be included in any external courses.

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    About the Education Review Program10

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    Review ProcessGBCIs criteria include a review of both subject matter and instructional design. Once a course hasbeen submitted to GBCI it is sent to a team of qualied reviewers. If the course meets the reviewcriteria it is approved; if not, it is returned with comments indicating what needs to be changed. Ifthe course meets the requirements during the second review, it is approved; if not, the course is not

    approved and must be resubmitted to be approved.

    TimingInitial reviews take up to 30 days. This timeline may change due to the total volume of courses,last-minute requests, and providers responsiveness to reviewer questions. Providers shouldsubmit their courses as early as possible to allow time for the 30-day initial review, for makingany necessary edits to be made to the course, and for a second review. Courses submitted fora second review will be returned as soon as possible. Courses cannot be reviewed after theyhave happened; if a course isnt submitted in time, attendees may report the activity as a LivePresentation.

    Fast track reviewProviders that are able to create courses that consistently meet GBCIs standards can fasttrack their review timelines from 30 days to 2 weeks or less. The fast track review (previouslycalled portfolio review) is stringent and intended for organizations whose primary activity isprofessional education. Providers are eligible for a fast track review after having 3 coursesapproved and are required to submit a fast track application before submitting their 11th course.

    To be eligible for fast track, providers must demonstrate their organizational capability toconsistently develop and deliver top-quality green building education by:

    Demonstrated organizational commitment to greening the built environment Dedicated instructional designer(s) on-staff or contracted for course development Dedicated subject matter expert(s) on-staff or contracted for course development Demonstrated organizational capacity to deliver courses/events on a wide scale A comprehensive system for instructor selection, training, review, and continued quality

    control An established track record as a provider with exceptional courses

    Although fast track courses are usually reviewed in 2 weeks or less, providers should stillprovide as much time as possible for the review. If a fast track review takes longer than 2 weeks,the provider will be notied.

    The fast track review time does not apply to LEED-specic courses. All LEED-specic coursesundergo an extensive 30-day review by LEED-specic reviewers to ensure the highest quality,currency, and accuracy.

    Annually, a minimum of one fast track course will be selected for audit to ensure continuedquality. If the audit does not reect the quality demonstrated in the initial application, the abilityto fast track reviews may be suspended at the discretion of GBCI.

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    About the Education Review Program11

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    Course statusAs a course progresses through the review process, the following terms indicate its status:

    During initial review: Draft: draft of a course has been created but has not been submitted for review. Edits are

    possible. Pre-Review: course has been submitted for review. Edits are not possible. In Review: course has been sent to reviewers. Edits are not possible. Review Complete: reviewers have completed scorecards but not made an approval decision.

    If the course does not meet the review criteria after the initial review, it will be sent back tothe provider. During this second review: Draft2: course was returned the provider with review comments so provider can make

    required changes. Edits are possible. Pre-Review2: course has been submitted for review after the requested edits were

    made by the provider. Edits are not possible. In Review2: course has been sent to reviewers. Edits are not possible. Review Complete2: reviewers have completed scorecards but not made an approval

    decision. Not Approved: course did not meet the review criteria after a second review. For

    approval, a new course review application must be submitted.

    Approved: course review is complete and CE hours have been assigned. Approved Late Renewal: annual fee is overdue. Courses have been removed from the

    catalog. Once paid, courses will return to the catalog (if appropriate) without having toresubmit for review.

    Retired: course is no longer being offered and is not posted to the catalog. Archived: all retired courses become archived at the time of annual renewal. These courses

    do not count toward total courses for a providers fees.

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    For Providers12

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    Register as a providerThe rst step to become a provider is to register online at gbci.org/managecourses. Once theapplicable fees are paid, courses may be submitted for review. Paying by credit card gives instantaccess to submit courses. Paying by check can delay the process by up to 30 days (until the check hascleared).

    AdministratorThe individual who completes the online registration form will become the administrator. Everyprovider has one administrator. Responsibilities include: Serving as the main point-of-contact Managing course submitter accounts Maintaining the provider account, including renewing, changing the fee tier, and applying for fast

    track reviews Only the existing administrator can request that the administrator role be passed to another


    FeesProviders pay one annual fee based on the organization type and number of courses offered.Beginning in 2012, fee cycles will correspond to the calendar year. Providers who registered orrenewed before July 17, 2011 will receive a prorated refund in January 2012 to apply to a new feecycle. Providers who registered or renewed after July 17, 2011 will pay a prorated amount for the restof 2011 and start a new fee cycle in 2012. All fees paid to GBCI are non-refundable.

    10 or fewer courses 11 to 25 courses* More than 25*

    Member Non-member Member Non-member Member Non-member

    For-Prot Company $1,500 $1,795 $2,000 $2,400 $3,000 $3,600

    Non-Prot Organization $1,000 $1,200 $1,500 $1,800 $2,000 $2,400

    USGBC Chapters $500 $750 $1,000* Providers with 11 or more courses must apply for fast track review.

    USGBC MembersTo receive the reduced USGBC member rate, the provider account must be linked to the membercompany through the Corporate Access ID. To determine if your company is a current USGBC

    member, search the USGBC Member Directory. Members can request access to their CorporateAccess ID from their organizations primary contact.

    USGBC ChaptersTo receive the reduced chapter rate, the providers administrator who establishes a USGBCChapters account must be a designated Chapter Administrator on USGBCs website. (Pleasehave your Chapter leader contact USGBCs Chapter Department to establish this role.)

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    For Providers13

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    Managing coursesAll courses are managed from your account at gbci.org/managecourses.

    Adding or removing course submittersCourse submitters have access to create, edit, and submit courses. Course submitters cannotrenew, change fee tier, or apply for fast track review. Only the administrator can add or removecourse submitters.

    To add a course submitter:1. Conrm that the desired course submitter has a My GBCI.org account2. Log into gbci.org/managecourses3. Click the User Management tab in the dashboard4. Type the course submitters MyGBCI.org username/email address and click Add

    Submitting a course for reviewOnce the payment has been processed, the administrator or course submitter can submit acourse for review.

    To submit a course:1. Log into gbci.org/managecourses2. Click the Course Maintenance tab and select Add New Course3. Complete the course review application and upload all necessary course materials & submit.

    For a LEED-specic course, complete the LEED-specic Application and upload it inSection I of the online course review application.

    For a conference, complete the Conference Session Spreadsheet and upload it in theMaterials section of the course review application.

    What to submitOnly electronic copies of course materials that have been uploaded into the courseapplication will be accepted. PDF les are the quickest, easiest, and most accessible les. IfPowerPoint or other high-resolution les are submitted, they should be compressed beforeuploading.

    Required materials:

    Final course presentation materials (typically as PDF, PowerPoint, or online) Handout materials supplied to attendees Course evaluation form (PDF or link, if posted online) Learning assessment (only mandatory for on-demand courses) Detailed agenda (in PDF) Conference Session Spreadsheet (only mandatory for conferences)

    Recommended materials (not exclusive):

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    For Providers14

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    Course promotional material (e.g., text for promoting course to potential attendees) Instructor notes/script* (detailed notes are required for LEED-specic courses) Instructor answer key for activities Audio/video les

    * Instructor notes provide the review team with a better understanding of what is beingcovered in a face-to-face course. Speaker notes are essential if multiple instructors arepresenting a course to maintain consistency and accuracy among presentations.

    Adding an instance of a courseOnce a course has been approved, providers can create an instance of that course, so the time,date, and location of the next occurrence appear in the course catalog.

    To create an instance for a course:1. Log into gbci.org/managecourses2. Click the Course Maintenance tab and select Manage Courses3. Under the Instances column click View4. Within the blue title bar, click Add New Instance5. Fill out the appropriate elds (for either a live or online course); press submit The start and end date are for the course itself and will be the same date for most courses.

    RenewingThe administrator begins receiving email notications 90 days before the renewal fee is due. Toavoid paying a higher fee than necessary, providers are encouraged to retire courses no longerbeing offered throughout the year as they will be archived and not count towards the providers

    number of courses offered.

    To renew:1. Log into gbci.org/managecourses2. Click the Account Management tab in the dashboard and select Renew. (This will only appear

    within 90 days of renewal.)If you choose not to renew, all courses will be removed from the course catalog and may not beoffered for CE hours.

    Applying for fast track status1. Log into gbci.org/managecourses2. Click the Account Management tab in the dashboard3. Complete and upload the Fast Track Review Application4. Receive nal approval from GBCI Education Review Committee

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    For Providers15

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L Street NW, Suite 500 | Washington, DC 20037 gbci.org/contact 800 795 1746 | +202 828 11

    Changing fee tierBecause the fee structure is tiered based on the number of courses offered, providers mustupdate their accounts and pay the difference between the two fee tiers before adding coursesin excess of their current tier. Providers should review their current courses to determine if anyshould be retired before changing tiers.

    To change fee tiers:1. Log into gbci.org/managecourses2. Click the Account Management tab in the dashboard and select Upgrade Tier.3. Complete the registration form and payment with the updated information and number of


    Approved coursesCourses approved through the review process are assigned CE hours and will be displayed in the

    course catalog. All approved courses have valid from/to dates signifying the lifespan of a coursesapproval.

    Courses should remain in the catalog unless: The course is retired or the provider doesnt renew Fundamental content and structure changes more than 25% Course and provider audits are not satisfactory Course stops meeting the requirements of CMP

    Providers may be asked to resubmit courses for review if there are any discrepancies in these areas.

    AuditingGBCI audits a minimum of 10% of approved courses annually. Audits may involve looking at theprovider organization, reviewing a courses documentation, or attending a course. Providers willbe notied if their or their courses are selected for audit.

    GBCI may audit at any time, for any reason, and auditors must be provided free access to auditthe course. Live courses are audited in person; online courses are audited online. See the LiveCourse Audit Score Card or the On Demand Audit Score Card for the audit criteria.

    After an audit, providers receive the auditors comments and/or recommendations. Based onthis feedback, GBCI may request additional information about the course (e.g. past evaluations,updated materials) or the provider (e.g. audit additional courses, clarifying phone call). Providersmust maintain current records of course evaluations. A summary of evaluations may berequested for any approved course at any time.

    If an audited course is not in compliance, the provider has 45 days to demonstrate compliance.Providers are able to make changes to a course application once for free. If the course is still notin compliance, it must be resubmitted for review.

  • 7/29/2019 01 ERP_Guide.pdf


    For Providers16

    GREEN BUILDING CERTIFICATION INSTITUTE 2101 L St t NW S it 500 | W hi t DC 20037 b i / t t 800 795 1746 | 202 828 11

    Certificate of completionLEED Professionals self-report their CMP activities in My Credentials. However, a record of allattendees must be maintained by the provider for 7 years and each attendee who completes atleast 80% of the course must be given a certicate of completion containing: Course name Course number

    Provider name Attendee name Course completion date Number and type of CE hours Recommended prescriptive category (not required)

    Non-approved coursesSubmitted courses may not be approved for one or more of the following reasons: The subject matter is not relevant to the continuing education needs of LEED Professionals

    The course does not meet the minimum scoring requirements of the review An audit of an approved course has determined it to not be in compliance Provider has retired the course The date of a one-time event has passed Providers account is no longer current with GBCI

    After review, if changes are required, administrators and course submitters are emailed commentsidentifying areas that need improvement and the course will be in Draft2 status. A resubmittednarrative detailing how all non-conforming criteria have been addressed must be uploaded in theMaterials section of the online application.

    GBCIs educational review staff provides limited guidance to assist in meeting the review criteria.Providers are responsible for knowing all criteria and processes outlined in this guide prior tosubmitting a course.

    Appeal ProcessCourses denied approval after resubmission with revisions may make an appeal in writing [email protected] within 30 days of the nal review decision. Appeals must address specicpoints in the reviewers comments and provide supportive documentation. Appeals will bereviewed by the GBCI Education Review Committee and a written response will be made back to

    provider within 30 days.

    Provider ConductWhile participation in the program is governed initially by the quality, relevance, and rigor of what hasbeen submitted, providers are expected to govern their conduct once participating in the program.Misrepresentations of GBCI, CMP, or USGBC are grounds for removal from the program. In the eventof such activity, the provider will be contacted to try to resolve any issues, but GBCI reserves the rightto remove the provider from the program if a resolution cannot be found.
