0001A_An Introduction to the Golf Performance Program

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  • 8/9/2019 0001A_An Introduction to the Golf Performance Program


    An introduction to the Golf

    Performance Program by Ben


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    Table of Contents

    Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3

    What is the Golf Performance Programme ........................................................................................... 4

    Premium Product Offering ................................................................................................................. 4

    Standard Product Offering ................................................................................................................. 4

    The Science ............................................................................................................................................ 5

    Exercise Myths ................................................................................................................................... 5

    On and Off Plane ................................................................................................................................ 5

    Swing Phases ...................................................................................................................................... 6

    Addressing the Ball ............................................................................................................................. 6

    The Back Swing ................................................................................................................................... 6

    Weight Transfer .................................................................................................................................. 6

    Balance ............................................................................................................................................... 7

    The Drive ............................................................................................................................................ 7

    The Practical ........................................................................................................................................... 8

    Exercise One: Two arm trunk rotation ............................................................................................... 8

    Exercise Two: Right rotation bend with forward reach ................................................................... 10Exercise Three: Opposite hip arm reach .......................................................................................... 12

    About the author ................................................................................................................................. 14

    Testimonial ........................................................................................................................................... 14

    First published in 2010 by Chilax Investments Limited

    Text copyright Chilax Investments Limited 2010

    Photos Chilax Investments Limited 2010

    The moral right of the author has been asserted

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

    transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or

    otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, except by a reviewer who

    wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for insertion in a newspaper,

    magazine, electronic blog or broadcast.

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    Have you ever wanted to be long off the tee like Tiger but have never known how to develop that

    kind of power? Well, its no wonder given the inaccurate and incorrect information which is floating

    about on how to achieve this. However, it is good to know it is never too late to dramatically

    improve the length and direction of your tee shot, as the Golf Performance Program proves.

    Dynamic movement and increased flexibility are the keys to increased length and power, so while

    big biceps look great at the beach, on the golf course they are only for show because if you really

    want to be long like Tiger, increased core strength and improved flexibility will prove far more


    Through our unique performance system, The Golf Performance Program, we aim to bring you the

    most advanced principles in exercise applicable to golf today. Information only previously available

    to the sports scientists and professional golfers has been packaged into an easy to follow program,

    based on video modules which will substantially increase your golfing movement.

    This program is as applicable to the weekend hacker as it is the tour professional; the only

    difference is tour players are probably already using this type of movement. Years of biomechanical

    study and golfing research have gone into the creation of this unique approach which will increase

    performance and minimise injury, the curse of the golfer.

    Our approach will consign to the dustbin ankle, knee, hip, lower back, shoulder, elbow and wrist

    injuries which have blighted the professional and amateur golfer alike. Research into golfing injury

    has concluded a specific and dynamic exercise program like the Golf Performance Program which

    incorporates golf specific movement is the most effective method of preventing new injury and

    managing existing injuries.

    Our understanding of swing mechanics and muscular-skeletal demands throughout the golf swing

    means, through use of the Golf Performance Program, exposure to injury is minimised while your

    potential is maximised.

    By improving the faulty movement patterns which are the cause of all those hooks, slices, aches

    and pains not only will you play better, you will also feel better playing. Our three dimensional

    approach to movement means the body will work as it was designed to and it will thank you for it.

    Flexibility means effective movement. More effective movement means more successful golf. Ourprogram is designed to create flexibility where you need it, in the body and on the golf course.

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    What is the Golf Performance Programme

    Golf Performance Programme is the fastest way to develop 20% more power off the tee in 30 days

    or your money back.

    Premium Product Offering

    Our premium product offering is a series of downloadable products, priced at 59.99.

    Purchase the premium Golf Performance Programme manual for 59.99 and not only will you

    receive the extended e-book manual which is designed to prepare your body to excel over a regular

    18 holes of golf, you will receive the following bonuses;

    a complete Video Instruction Package featuring no less than 120 minutes of videoinstruction explaining the premium Golf Performance Programme manual in easy to followmodules - FREE

    a complete Quick Reference Video Guide with Ben Cormack performing the extensive 45minute exercise programme FREE

    a complete Quick Reference Guide for use at the gym or at the golf course FREEThe Premium Golf Performance Programme will be available for download in July 2010 from;


    Standard Product Offering

    Our standard product offering is a series of downloadable products, priced at 39.99.

    Purchase the standard Golf Performance Programme manual for 39.99 and not only will you

    receive the standard e-book manual, you will receive the following bonuses;

    a complete Video Instruction Package featuring no less than 90 minutes of videoinstruction explaining the premium Golf Performance Programme manual in easy to follow

    modules - FREE

    a complete Quick Reference Video Guide with Ben Cormack performing the 30 minuteexercise programme - FREE a complete Quick Reference Guide for use at the gym or at the golf course FREE

    Within each Golf Performance Programme manual, each exercise module is be broken down with

    the SCIENCE which justifies the exercises inclusion in the programme being presented and

    explained before the EXERCISE is demonstrated and then performed properly to ensure customers

    have correct form to follow when doing the exercise to deliver maximum results.

    The Standard Golf Performance Programme will be available for download in July 2010 from;


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    The Science

    The Golf Performance Program is designed to address the four major areas of the body which

    contribute to a successful golf swing. These areas are the ankle, hips, spine and shoulder. In each of

    the modules, we will look at a different area of the body and emphasise movement in the specified

    area within the swing. By emphasising within the context of the golf swing we are able to keep the

    essence of the integrated movement patterns vital to golfing success. If your range of movement in

    these areas is optimal, this will lead to improvements in performance and injury prevention.

    Exercise Myths

    Most golfing programs merely borrow out dated and un-applicable two dimensional gym based

    exercises passed down from the days of Mr Universe. These exercises will do much more to reducemovement and hinder you rather than increase your performance. Big pectorals look great on the

    beach, but will they help us on the tee? No. Tight, inelastic muscles will actually reduce the range

    of movement around the joint causing an unreliable and ineffective swing.

    Competing in the 21st century demands the latest techniques and understanding of sport which

    our program uses. The Golf Performance Program sole aim is to develop your movement potential

    to help make you the best golfer you can be.

    A strength and flexibility programme which incorporates golf specific movements, velocities and

    postures has been scientifically proven to have a more positive effect on golf swing performance

    than traditional strength training programmes.

    On and Off Plane

    Modern golf coaching teaches to not get off plane. This means your swing is optimally using a

    combination of up and down, left and right and rotation to the left and right. This will give you a

    true tri-plane movement so your swing can stay on plane. A common mistake for many golfers is

    to get too steep with the back swing which leads to slicing the ball. This can generally be

    attributed to a lack of rotational movement. Improving the rotational capabilities of your body is a

    key factor in the Golf Performance Program and helps you remain on plane throughout your

    swing. This program is designed to enhance balanced movement in all three planes our bodies

    allow, thus you no longer have a lack of movement in one plane and have to compensate by

    emphasising movement in another plane which generally leads to the hooks, slices and unreliable

    swing mechanics.

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    Swing Phases

    We have been able to design the Golf Performance Program by understanding the biomechanical

    demands of the involved joints and crucially how they interact within the two swing phases, the

    back swing and the down swing. This interaction is the key to the repeatable swing demonstratedby low handicap and professional golfers. The professional swing shows less variation and increased

    reliability leading to consistently lower scoring.

    Through our Golf Performance Program we aim to improve significantly the consistency in muscular

    activity characterized by lower scoring players. By gaining reliable muscular movement patterns

    and storing them to your muscle memory you can emulate the professionals and their impressive


    Addressing the Ball

    Optimal ranges of movement will allow a superior and more dependable initial address position to

    the ball. Many people bend from the waist leading to a slumped and humped position. Increasing

    movement through the hips will allow a more comfortable and functional address posture which

    allows the back to stay straighter and gain more bend from the hips. This promotes more spinal

    rotation when striking the ball, the result being a truer shot more of the time.

    The Back Swing

    A new found range of movement will increase backswing amplitude, meaning you are able to take

    the club head further. This lets you increase club head speed by accelerating it over a greater

    distance, something which has been regularly displayed by professional golfers over their amateur


    Weight Transfer

    Your range of movement also dictates the amount of weight which you can transfer to the back

    foot during the back swing and use for greater power as you transfer more weight and force intothe down swing. A major complaint of the golf coach is golfers keeping their weight on the front

    foot during the backswing, therefore not allowing effective weight transfer. The more confidence

    the body has in its ability to move, the more it will allow you to shift your weight to where you need


    By promoting integrated ranges of movement between your major joints through this training

    programme you can avoid your swing being restricted by the weak link of a joint which does not

    display a range of movement which integrates with the rest of the body.

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    Balance is a crucial area to be addressed. It is a major component of consistency which brings

    confidence and reliability to the golf swing. Balance is also affected by range of movement as

    instability often occurs at the end of your working range of movement. The muscular mechanismswhich cause you to balance also control your range of movement and the interaction between

    these two mechanisms is vital to golfing achievement. We have incorporated unique balance into

    this program which will enhance and compliment the golfing swing to a tee!

    The Drive

    The most impressive of all golf shots and the one which still gains you the most kudos is the drive.

    You are bombarded by whos the longest off the tee on tour, in the clubhouse and office. The key is

    not the bulging biceps of the weightlifter advocated by other golfing programs but as Newton firsttold us more than 300 hundred years ago, force equals mass times acceleration, therefore more

    power is generated by increasing the acceleration of the golf club head. You can do this by

    increasing the acceleration response of your muscles over a greater range of motion.

    A concept well researched is that of the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC). By improving your ability to

    rapidly stretch your muscles, which translates into increased backswing velocity, this then improves

    your ability to shorten your muscles explosively, creating more force on the downswing. The

    shorter the time between stretching and shortening, or in golfing terms the shorter the time

    between the back swing and the down swing, the more power you can inject into your drives and

    long irons. This is something displayed by the professionals over the rest of the golfing population

    and has been referred to as the X factor in some golfing studies.

    The Golf Performance Program includes exercises specifically designed to enhance the stretch-

    shortening cycle. Our in-depth understanding of muscle function is core to this golfing program.

    Integrating the entire body is a must when trying to create maximum power. Too many weekend

    players try to generate power from the upper body which is an inefficient and non-athletic way to

    generate force. The Golf Performance Program will teach you to harmonise the upper and lower

    body for the optimal driving swing.

    By training with these principles in mind it becomes easy to see why the Golf Performance Program

    is applicable to todays golfer looking to create explosive power off the tee and get that slap on the

    back in the 19th hole.

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    The Practical

    Too many golfers dont prepare sufficiently before they play. Many ofyou chained to your desks all

    week are in no position to arrive at the first hole and perform like the tour professionals or even as

    you want to. What you dont see is the preparation of the professionals before they come out toplay. If you want to play like them, then you have to prepare like them. The Golf Performance

    Program gives you the preparation to allow you to do just that, by following the training modules,

    either in the gym or at home. The Golf Performance Program also crucially gives you the most

    comprehensive and time efficient warm up available today to prepare for your first booming drive

    as youre about to play. This improves both your performance and greatly reduces your risk of


    Here are three sample exercises from the Golf Performance Program designed to get you off the

    first tee and around the course in style. In the program, we use a system of nomenclature which

    allows us to give quick and effective instructions to position the body.

    Exercise One: Two arm trunk rotation


    Lack of movement in the upper back and spine can hold us back from achieving the correct

    combinations of left to right and rotational movement. This can lead to being too steep in the

    swing, a common fault. An inability to keep elbow bend to a minimum during the backswing can

    also be attributed to a lack of range around the muscles of the spine, scapulae and glenohumeraljoints.


    Documented dysfunction in the coupling motions of the vertebrae of the thoracic spine leads to

    reduced range of motion. We have identified the motions during the backswing and have created a

    movement using each hand as a plane driver to restore or optimize motion. These motions are

    lateral flexion to the left and rotation to the right for a right handed golfer.


    Start position: Stand with your legs in position, as if you were addressing your ball. For a right

    handed golfer, hold your right arm in a vertical position against your right ear with your elbow

    straight. Hold your left arm straight out in front of you at shoulder level with a straight elbow.

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    Front Profile

    Movement: Simultaneously take your right hand above your head over to the left shoulder, keeping

    your elbow straight, while taking the left arm across the body and past your right shoulder,

    maintaining shoulder height.

    Front Profile

    Tips for doing it right: Keep your legs soft and allow the body to move with the arms.

    Repeat 10 to 12 times. Dumbbells can be used to increase the range of movements and your

    strength. Remember to start light and progressively increase weight.

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    Exercise Two: Right rotation bend with forward reach


    The hips are the power source in the golf swing. They must get correct motion to create powerwhich is transferred from the backswing to the downswing. Proper lengthening of the Extensor

    complex in all three planes of motion will allow us to create the motion, power and control we

    need for great shots!


    This squat has been designed to create the flexion, internal rotation and adduction motions which

    occur during the backswing. This lengthens and primes the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius,

    hamstrings and hip flexors for the explosive motion of the downswing. The forward reach helps

    with keeping flexion (bend) at the hips. Different reach heights will emphasise interaction with the

    ankle and spine.


    Start position: Stand, as if you were addressing your ball, with your legs in position and hands

    together out in front (golf club optional).

    Front Profile

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    Movement: Maintaining a slight bend in the knee, reach forward to 45 degrees from the right knee,

    for a right handed golfer, as far as you feel a stretch in the glutes and hamstrings. Try to reach from

    the waist rather than rounding the shoulders and keep to knee height.

    Front Profile

    For progression repeat reach at shin height. Again try not to round the shoulders to get the

    distance and look for a stretch in the glutes and hamstrings.

    Front Profile

    Tips for doing it right: Make sure your legs are fairly straight in the start position before the reach.

    Repeat 10 to 12 times. Dumbbells can be used to increase the range of movements and yourstrength. Remember to start light and progressively increase weight.

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    Exercise Three: Opposite hip arm reach


    In an efficient backswing, left rotation of the pelvis, for the right handed golfer, occurs before

    maximum backswing amplitude (distance) is achieved. This causes increased lengthening of the

    muscles of the shoulder and between the shoulder and the trunk.


    A study carried out of the five longest hitting golf professionals on the PGA tour found they had the

    largest difference between hip and shoulder turn at the top of the backswing. The turn of the hips

    before the shoulders at the top of the backswing increases this difference. This has been labelled as

    the X-factor stretch.

    The top hitters had between 38 to 43 degrees of difference between the hip rotation and shoulder

    at the top of the backswing, an 11% difference when compared with amateur golfers. This

    difference created 19% more power for the professionals players in the downswing.

    This exercise is specifically designed to increase what has been described as leading with the hips

    for maximum X-factor stretch and develop more power on the downswing.


    Start position: Stand in a golf stance. For a right handed golfer, hold your right arm out parallel withyour body at shoulder height, keeping your elbow straight.


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    Movement: Step across your body with your right foot to a point about a club length in front of

    your left foot while simultaneously move your right arm behind you, to the right, in a sweeping

    motion. You should feel a stretch in the front of your chest and abdominal muscles on your right


    Front Profile

    Tips for doing it right: Turn your right foot in, attempting to keep it parallel with your body.

    Repeat 10 to 12 times. Dumbbells can be used to increase the range of movements and your

    strength. Remember to start light and progressively increase weight.

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    About the author

    Ben Cormack is an internationally renowned trainer. He currently teaches and presents the Faster

    Functional performance diploma and is an expert on functional biomechanics. Ben contributes

    functional research articles to the Training industries leading educational and recreationalresources on a number of sports.

    He has trained top amateur and professional sportsmen and women in a variety of disciplines,

    improving performance and resolving chronic injuries.

    The Golf Performance Programme is a culmination of Bens passion, experience and expertise in

    sporting excellence.


    Not long after I started using Bens personal training services I hurt myself quite badly in a

    snowboarding accident. I was diagnosed with a partial tear of the medial collateral ligament in my

    right knee. Not only did Ben ensure my knee ligaments and surrounding muscles made a full

    recovery, he helped increase my strength and flexibility I really noticed first time back on the tee.

    Alex, 38, London, UK.