.vV) .$ .00 WT' Yoii Want Your Children to Know the Meaning of THE FLAG! A Dollar, Evening Bulletin jil. Or a Dime. : Will Help the Good Work i jv Along. Take a Share in the GRAND ARMY FLAG FUND! Vol. VII. No. 1403. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, 'DECEMBER 15, 1899. Pbiob 5 Obntb. i 8 4. r I)' if -- J i" '" BUSINESS ALMOST NORMAL Some Life In Closed District Now, acd Trading Brisk Again Up Tom. Recoeriog From Panic-B- oard ol Health Established - Inspecting and Cleaning Death ot Hai of 10 Tho Inter-Islan- d steamer Mikahnla, anchored outside, has sig- nalled for a physician. It Is not thought that there are any symptoms of plague. 2 p. m. this day Not even a "falso alarm" since yesterday. All the ani- mals In tho collection of Inoculated beasts still alive. Dr. Hoffman expects most of them to survive seven days. Quarantine Is being moro strictly en- forced, It though there Is "how somo llfo In tho clost'd district. Tho poople are recovering from fright and nre moving about. All tho merchants about town say at that business about town Is getting back rapidly to formal. Branch Hcadqunrtcrs. Dr. J. B. B. Pratt has been maue cniei Inspector and placed In cliargo' of tho Japan Sea headquarters opened In tho Hoys' Brlgado hall on tho Kamaukaplll church premises. Geo. It. Carter has been commlsisoncd first assistant. Supplies for disinfecting will be kept hero and tho placo will be general headquarters for all'workers of the In- spection nnd cleaning force. Tho first stock laid In was twenty-flv- o barrels of lime. Dr. Pratt and Mr. Carter closed a contract early this morning with Henry Gehrlng, tho plumber, who started work with three men and threo helpers and will havo shower baths, etc., ready In the morning. It Is plan- ned to have tho men, who might carry out contagion from tho district, storo extra clothing at this depot. A tele- phone has been put in nnd tho transac- tion of tho business at Jiand will bo gicatly facilitated in every way by tho establishment of the Doard of Health , Beginning at noon today, tho, whole or tho tabu unmet is unuer mmiary cqntrol, an agreement having been reached between Judge Cooner and Marshal Drown whereby the latter withdraws all the police, having plenty for them to do elsewhere' at this time. Tho police force will at all times bo ready to assist In any necessary work developed by tho situation. Case o!,n Native Woman. There has been another death by bubonic plague, making a total of four victims of tho epidemic. This Is tho sixth "suspicious death." Of t.ho first five, threo cases were pronounced plague. The other two were said to bo in doubt and Dr. Hoffman, tho bacteri- ologist of tho Board of Health and the supposed and accredited final author- ity, In his report soon to bo submitted, will not say that these two cases In question wero plague. Reports of the latest case wero sent In last evening from Nuuanu street, between Hotel and Kink, the building being on tho Ahl premises. A native Hawaiian woman was found to bo dy- -, lng and soon passed away, having, the physicians say, all the symptoms and manifestations of the bubonic plague. An autopsy was held and tho remains were cremated at the Honolulu Iron Works. It is stated that tho woman, who was known as Maria, was the wife of a Chinese who died earlier in tho week and who was reported aa one of 'the suspicious cases. She had been 111 'ten days or longer, without attendance and since Tuesday had succeeded in keeping herself hidden from the in- spectors. Food fop thejsolatcd. Through the efforts of Capt W. G. Ashley and tho of Judge W. L. WUcox and others, an ample ntrd steady and certain supply of food for all the people hold within tho town quarantine limits Is now assured. Everything possible was done from the first to furnish meals, but Iti tho early movements there was contusion and some delay and misunderstanding. A number of tno ladles of tho Hawaiian Relief Association volunteered to as- sist. The arrangements aro now that persons in the tabu territory may pass interior lines during certain hours to visit eating places and that distribu- tions of food will bo made by tho Board authorities or employes at stat ed times dally. Judge Wilcox presid- ed during tho first vUlt of a poi wagon and has risen higher than ever in tho esteem, of tho natives. Inspectors In Consultation, Nearly every man in chargo of a dis- trict was on hand for tho congress of inspectors convened at tho Board of Health offices yesterday afternoon. Judgo Cooper presided and called for reports and suggestions. There was not a great deal of variation in tho na- ture of the returns. That Chinatown and tho Japanese' had been found to have many frightfully filthy spota be- came an accepted fact as man after man told of investigations and finds. Each inspector was for radical mea- sures in tho uso of disinfectants and a "number suggested fire as a purifier. Tho work of cleaning and keeping track of tho pcoplo will go on with somo modifications based on experi- ence. A number of valuable hints wero offered by Inspectors and somo of their recommendations were adopt- ed. A Pla&ric Years Ago. "Thcro nro other than tho present day generals who havo handled cs In Hawaii," remarked a this morning. "It wasin 1881 that wo had small pox here to' tho ex- tent that the wholo town was In quar- antine. There were errs everywhere. David Dayton was agent for tho Board Health and the late H. A. P. Carter, by vlrtuo of being Minister of tho In- terior, was at tho head of sanitation, etc. About twenty-flv- o cases wero found tho very first day. Mr. Dayton took hold at onco and tho way things moved was a caution, His regular or- ganization was a couplo of men and n slnglo cart. Very soon tho forco was raised to COO men and a sufficient number of wagons. Thcro was gen- eral cleaning up the samo as In 1895 and tho samo as Is In progress now. was eight months beforo tho dis-ca- was entirely wiped out, for small pox is tenacious and much has been learned of It slnco 1881. Buildings wero erected on Quarantine Island and ono time thcro wero 1,800 pcoplo of out there. Of courso not nil of them had tho disease, for thoso who had been exposed were Isolated as well as tho cases. Ono thing I remember Is that there was a good deal of joking of about the finances of tho work. Money was needed nnd there was not tlmo to get It through tho usual channels. Minister Carter had funds and allowed at Mr. Dayton to draw up to about $40,000 simply on I O U's, much to tho of tho agent. It was some weeks before thero was a settlement, but you may bo suro that a voucher was furnished for every expenditure. Tlicriiavo been epidemics In other years and thero are other men who should bo remembered for excellent service performed." - 4 QUARANTINE WHARF At a special meeting tomorrow morning tho Chamber of Commerco will take action on the request received from tho Board of Health, for a co- operation between tho two bodies to provide maintenance for tho poorer residents of the quarantined districts. On behalf of tho Chamber of Com- merco Mr. J. G. Spencer, tho secretary, has sent a check to tho Board of Health for tho immediate purchase of supplies for those in need. As wns dono during tho cholera epi- demic n wharf will most probably bo quarantined so that the Inter-Islan- d traffic will be continued. Action ns to tho advisability of setting asldo a wharf will be taken at tho meeting to- morrow. CYCLE OF DARK DAYS. On tho 14th of Dcccmbor, 1893, six years ago, tho United States revenue cutter Corwln, famous for Its trip Into tho Arctic regions, reached Honolulu from San Francisco with special and very private dispatches to Albert S. Willis, wno had become American Minister hero after Paramount Blount had hauled down the Stars and Stripes and performed a few other details of his historical mission to Hawaii. Even beforo the Corwln came to anchor off Brewer's wharfthcro were "strong ru- mors of the restoration of Lllluoka-lanl.- " This was the first tremor of the situation which had its culmina- tion in the demand of Minister Willis that President Dolo and associates step down and out. Thcso were tho "dark days of 1893" and there was much un certainty and the gravest speculation over tho final outcome when Mr. Dolo and his associates declined most posi- tively to step down and out. People who were hero at tho tlmo can never forget the tenseness of the situation, for it was thought that tho American Minister would take recourse to armed force at his disposal to enforce his de- mand. Tho cruiser Philadelphia was In port and preparations were made to land her men under the orders of tho Minister, but happily,, this .was not done. The Executlvo "Building was fortified and everything was mado In readiness to resit a movement which was believed to be unjust and unwar- ranted. Plague In New York. Now York, Dec 3. Four steamships from Santos, Brazil, with coffee, are detained at Quarantine, having come from a bubonic plague port They aro the J. W. Taylor, Roman Prince, Las-se- ll and Ragusa. Seven lighters wltn tho cargo of .coffee discharged from tho J. W. Taylor, aro anchored off Clif- ton, S. I., under close observation 6f the police patrol. Threo lighters of tho Beven have served the eight days' detention required by Health Officer Doty and aro free from further quar- antine restrictions as far as Doty's de- partment is concerned. The plaguo pa- tients on Swlnburno Island aro doing well. There Is no Illness among tho crows or stevedores detained on board of tho vessels or at Hoffman island. Capt. Oscar Whlto has a practically "all Chineso" district containing n lot of pork and duck merchants. Nick Breham Uvea in tho vicinity and as- sists In inspection, sells hop beer nnd Ice. NEARLY HALF A CENTURY Capt. Harry English, Was One of (he of These Islands. Sailed Out ol Honolulu Port lo the South Seas- -" Two Member of a, local lodjja JForf Years - A Master Mariner From Dublin. Capt. Harry English, who died yes terday morning nnd whoso funeral was held from tho Masonic Tcmplo in tho afternoon, had been In nnd about Ha- waii S. for nearly half a century, If not qulto that period nnd was Indeed well known to nil the old timers. Clins. B. Wilson know tho eld captain in tho South Seas when tho sturdy of tho Islands was a boy. Tho captain wns a trader In wnrmcr Poly- nesia and did well with a schooner." bo At ono tlmo ho had an Interest In Fnnnlng's Island and through most of his life held that his title was good In equity but that ho was not enough a business , man to look properly after what should havo mado him a fortune. In Dublin, Ireland, wns the birthplace Capt. English, who was 77 at tho at tlmo of his death and had been a mas- ter mariner from about his thirtieth birthday. Ho sailed out of this port one tlmo to other Islands of the group nnd to the south for the late James I. Dowsett. The captain was always regarded as a steady, rellablo man, ablo to meet nny emergency that It might arlso at sen. Ho was an expert navigator and had a most thorough practical knowledgo of all necessary to the successful handling of n sailing vessel. Ho served his time ns well on lntcr-Islan- d steamers here In tho pio- neer dnys of tho Wlldcrs and others. "It was old Captain Harry English when I was a boy," said Judgo Wilcox this morning. "Ho was a worthy man and everybody liked him. Ho always seemed tho samo to me, but ago deals gently with such rugged constitutions ns lie had and he took pretty good caro of himself." Mr. J. O. Carter said that his recollection of Capt. English ran back for a great many years, but that ho thought tho published statement of I tho ago of the deceased being above eighty, was an error. "I know Capt. Harry for over twenty years, I guess," said K. B. G. Wallace at tho Wilder Steamship Company offices, "but you must go to some older man to get any details of his life. I can tell you that ho was a member of Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21, Masons, for forty-on- o years. He was known as a good man nnd a mariner of excellent capability. Thcro wero threo sons and a daughter. Ono son Is Capt 'Bob' English, pilot at tho port of Kahulul, another is a blacksmith at Walalua and a third is a blind man who lives In Llllha street." Said C61. W. F. Allen: "My ac quaintance with the lato Capt. English antes back to tho year 1858. Ho was down on tho water front for the last dozen or so years as watchman for tho Wilder Steamship Company at their wharves and coal piles. Ho was a man of strong character and admlrablo traits. I do not suppose that his life was at all free from such adventure as falls to tho lot of a man who cruises In the South Seas with a small schoon- er, but he was not given to talking of what ho might' havo encountered In the way of peril or suffering. Capt Harry, as a member of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, was ono of tho oldest Ma- sons here. He belonged to the veteran group of S. C. Allen, Dr. McKlbben and myself, wo all having taken our de gree hero about the same time." Capt. Penhallow. of the schooner Alice Cooke, Is another who was an old friend of tho late Capt English. who was a general favorite and was especially well liked among sea-fari- people. Ho had preceded his son as pilot at Kahulul during tho tlmo Col. W. F. Allen was collector general of customs for the Islands. Boer Version of the Fight. London, Dec. B. Tho following i a Boer version, of tho, battle of Moddrr river: J ' Pretoria, Wednesday, November 29. Delary's official report states that' a large forco of British yesterday morn- ing attacked his command at Modder river. Heavy fighting lasted for houra. Cronjo and Delary took up strong po- sitions, tho Frco Staters being recn- - forced. Delary had seventeen killed and wounded, Including his eldest son. The Free Staters' losses aro unknown. At dark tho Boors retired slowly to their positions, .having proyentcd the British from forcing their way to Kim-berle- y. 1 Another Guam Scheme. Washington, December 4. Lleutenent-Command- L. V. Coltman, United States Navy, has recommended to the Navy De- partment that the lepers In the Island of Guam be removed to the Island of Molo-ka- l, the leper settlement In the Hawaiian Islands. He contends that the malady will spread In Guam unless this radical course is adopted. Lieutenant-Command- Coltman recently visited Guam In the comer uruius. WEDDINO STATIONERY, Engraved Cards, Embossing. H. F. WICHMAN. THE FIRST RAPID TRANSIT Pacific Heights Will Have Its OfinElec Ten trie Line Early in 1900. and a Quarter Miles of Line to Be Provided Next Year A Local Arrangement Trips Lighting a Long Line. The first actual rapid transit for Honolulu will be tho Pacific Heights branch or spur, for which Mr. Chas. Desky Is now closing contracts. Tho line Is to bo In operation April 15, 1900 and will bo two and a quarter miles In longth. Terminals will bo, near Kalu- - lani drlvo In Pauoa road and a resi dence point In tho upper levels of Pa- cific Heights. Tracks for this suburban lino will laid near the stono wall which makes ono sldo of tho beautiful road lately built and described a fow days ago in this paper. Thcro will bo cars a every fifteen minutes or ortener rrom 0:30 n. m. to ll:30'p. m. Smnll pack- ages may bo taken up during tho day proper storage or compartments, but nil heavy freight must be carried night "after hours." Transportation arrangements nnd schedules will be subject to chance from tlmo to tlmo tho better to accommodato tho rest dents of Pacific Heights. Faro on tho lino will bo only five cents and for down trlns there will bo provided transfers for cither of tho lines that Is now understood will touch It In tho neighborhood. Tho contract for providing tho Pa cific Heights system goes to n resident In tho transit business, n man of ex- perience nnd with nraplo means to carry out all plans. This gentleman and his associates will own tho lino under conditions satisfactory to tho transit people nnd Mr. Desky. Mater- ial for the "plant Is to bo on tho way from San Francisco within sixty days. Tho power houso will bo about n mllo up Kalulanl drlvo from Pauoa r.oad. A feature of tho first electric street railway for Honolulu or neighborhood will bo the lighting of tho lino at nlcht. Tho trolley poles will bo 100 feet apart and on caih polo will bo n nowcr incnnucseant lamp. It Is believed thnt this will attract to tho boulevard persons who will enjoy tho novelty of the drlvo along a lighted road. SESSION OF THE CABINET. Minister Cooper could not lenvo the Board of Health offices this morning to attend tho regular meeting" of tho Cabinet. Mr. Dolo and Ministers Mott- - Smlth. Young nnd Lansing sat for nearly threo hours. There was a long discussion on a note from Consul Haywood on the pro- test of somo merchants over tho re quirement concerning tho territory In which goods purchased In America might bo certified by consuls. It rs that thcro has been somo mis understanding on tho part of consuls over tho directions. Thcro will bo no chnnges ordered, but a new form of Instructions will bo nrranged by tho Minister of Foreign Affairs and sent on without delay. It was voted to refuse tho petition for a license to sell liquor at retail In Walakea, near Hllo. ' Beet Sugar Men Meet. Omaha. Neb., Dec. 0. Delegates from beet sugar factories In California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Colo- rado, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois. Ohio and New York attended tho annual meeting hero to- day of the American Beet Sugar Man- ufacturers' Association. Tho associa- tion took strong ground against Pres- ident utcKlnley's recommendation of freo sugar. Henry T. Oxnard of New York and San Francisco was elected president: R. M. Allen of Ames. Neb., secretary, and George Strohot of De- troit, Mich., treasurer. Tho noxt an nual meeting will be held nt Detroit next December. Street Sprinkler Asked For. The Increased traffic on Queen street from tho Iron Works to the brldgo has resulted In n great amount of dust being raised. Tho guards along this section aro covered with dust which Is unpleasant nnd not particu larly healthful. Tho suggestion is mado that sprinkling tho street a few times a day will do a good deal to- wards tho comfort of thoso using the street and also of tho guards. Cut Your Envelopes. Postmaster General Oat suggests that the envelopes of all letters de- posited In tho mall should bo cut with a bclssors on two ends to Insure the passage of tho fumes of tho disinfec- tant to which all mall matter Is being subjected. The cuts should bp about an Inch long. Parcels post closes the day before tho sailing of n steamer. Vehicle drivers In tho immediate rear of bicyclists should occasionally cxerciso moro caution and less speed. Last night Barber Jeffs was riding past number two fire station, la order to avoid being run Into, Jeffs suddenly swerved resulting In a fall, a contused eye nnd u severe shaking. SHIPS CROWD THE HARBOR Waiting Orders And Berths Are in the Naval Row. Docks Still Blocked With Freight Interference Wi b Inter Island Traffic Causes Delay-L- ocal Freight Be Cleared Today. There is a large number of sailing vessels In port at present and new ar- rivals coming In every day. Tho lat- est ono Is tho schooner Ethel Zone, which camo In this morning after a slow voyage of 35 days from Port Townsend, with a large cargo of lum- ber. At noon a bark was reported off tho harbor. Thero aro twenty-nln- o vessels nil told, ten of which are anchored In na- val row, among them being tho S. N. Castlo and tho 'Albert which havo cleared and nro waiting only for clean bill of health beforo sailing. The others, with tho exception of tho Mohican and the Dominion, are wait- - lng for berths to unload, as every available spaco Is at present occupied. Tho Martha Davis, Diamond Head and S. G. Wilder aro discharging at tho lrmgnrd wharf, but owing to tho con- gested condition of the freight on the dock tho work of unloading tho Martin; Davis nnd Diamond Head was knocked off. Tho Centennial commenced unload- ing nt Brewer's whnrf this morning, tho Aldcn Besse having finished, Is lay- ing alongside nnd will probably wait for a cargo of sugar before sailing for San Frnnclscof Tho Paul Iscnbcrg at the samo wharf Is still discharging coal. At the Eammcs whnrf aro the Onaway nnd tho County of Merioneth, while tho British steamer Blocmfontcln from Newcastle occupies tho wholo of tho berth nt tho old Flshmnrkct whnrf, repairs to her machinery necessitating her rcmnlnlng there. Tho Eric and Amelia havo nenrly fin- ished discharging their lumber nt the Allen & Rotiinson dock nnd tho Alice Cooko went In thin morning to unload her. cargo. Tho Jessie Minor will take tho Amelia's place tomorrow at the dock. Tho Coryphdnc, which arrived from Nanolmo Dec. 11, was discharging coat Into tho Island steamer Nlllinu and what coal tho Cardigan Castlo has Is being rapidly unloaded nt Wllder's whnrf. Tho Inter-Islan- d wharf still presents tho samo unsettled appcarnnco of the past two days, boxes and bundles of merchandise laying nround in heaps. Most of this was consigned to mer- chants In tho quarantined district nnd will probably bo removed today. Ruin for Cone. Prof. Lyons, lit charge of tho gov crnmeut wenther bureau, has Issued tho Island rainfall report for the month of November. Tho figures will bo especially gratifying to thoso In- terested In tho Hawaii plantations that aro not Irrigated, but safoly depend on the remarkable precipitation shown In tho various districts year after year. Placc3 nnd Inches: Ookaln, 8.80: Pepeekeo, 2.5G; Paaullo, 6.81; Paauhau. 3.CC at Mooro's and G.3C at Evclg's; Honokaa, 4.19; Kukul-haol- e, B.23; Koualo, 4 at tho Parson- age, 3.77 at tho Mission and 3.47 at the Sugar company's: 01aa,,8.C4 at Rus-scl'- s, 3.34 at tho Volcano House; Wnla-kc- a, 4.68. Hamoa, 2.78; Nahlku ,4.53; Haiku, 3.93; Pala, 2.34; Haleakala, 4.80. Orpheum Re-ope- This popular show house Its doors tomorrow, Saturday evening, with n fine program. Physicians agreo that a great pre- ventive against sickness Is the diver- sion of one's mind into other channels. What better diversion than a good laugh? Enjoy life whllo you aro well nnd lenvo tho rest to tho Board of Health. - Dft Posey, specialist for- - Eye, Bar, Throat and Nobo diseases and Catarrh, Masonic Temple. "Own Make" POIIMCN For Sale by (nanufaoturerV Shoe r&jxjmKJKxnemxmjunanarA CT r t.t a .. TCHiucnt oi uunu. It Is learned from persons close to some of the principal men In the Oahu College corporation, that It has been the same as doclded to all W. B. Oleson to the Presidency, to succeed Frank A. Hosmer, A. M., whose resignation takes effect at the end of the current school year. W. B. Oleson Is well known here both as an educator and citizen. The experiment of offering the place to n stranger Is not being k made. Mr. Olesen served as prln- - U clpal of Kamehameha School for H Boys lust ahead of Prof. Theo. N Richards and was signally success- - X ful In this work. Since leaving the Islands, In 189), Mr. Oleson has L been in the educational field In C Massachusetts. He has no little reputation in New England. 8 The name of Dr. Benj. A. An il drews, well known as President of Brown University and now super- - K IntenJent of city schools In Chicago IS was at one tlmo under consldera- - S tlon for the headship of Oahu Ji College, but he did not care to en- - tertaln an offer. KirMWJBrjorjnrjurjBrvz JOHNNIE" HASSIN6ER DEAD After a long and painful and most trying Illness, John A. Hnsslnger, Jr., died nt tho family homo, Kenumoku and Young streets, nt 3:1G this morn- ing. Ho had suffered from typhoid fever slnco tho 13th day of September last. All during tho sickness tho young man had tho most careful attention of relatives and friends, wnB watched over by a trained nurso and two phy- sicians, Drs. C. B. Cooper nnd H. V. Murray. "Johnnie" Hasstngcr was but 21 years nt age. Ho had a flno physlquo nnd gooif courage nnd made a hard fight against tho weakening fever. Ho was born and grew up In Honolulu and was liked by nil who knew him, being manly, intelligent and pleasant always. For somo tlmo tho young man held a position with tho Hawaiian Electric Company. Ills parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hasslnger and sister, Mrs. C. J. Falk, survive tho young man and havo tho slnccrcst sympathy of hun- dreds of city pcoplo who had hoped for tho recovery of tho patient. Tho funeral will bo held at 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoon next. Senntor Haywnrd Dead, Nebraska City, Neb., Dec. 5. United StatC3 Senator Monroo L. Haywnrd died at 6:20 this morning. Senntor Hnyward was stricken with apoplexy in August last and. had Blnco remained in a precarious condition. The Chineso consul Is well satisfied with tho provision mado for provision- ing his countrymen In the quarantlno district. Tho whlto paper passes havo been taken up and a colored card properly vised Is good only now for going into tho tabu district. Three native women, fugitives from tho quarantlno district, were arrested this afternoon near tho Military Hos- pital In Nuuanu valley. The largo hall of the Bureau of Agri- culture in tho Judiciary Building, has been secured for uso as a sleeping room for Board of Health offlco em- ployes. Thero will bo nu Important special meeting of tho Chamber of Commerce tomorrow at 10 o'clock a. m. Full at- tendance of members is earnestly re- quested. Mgr. Chopclle, who passed through here on tho Sherman Is French by birth. In 1865 he was ordained a priest. Seven years ago ho waa con- secrated Bishop of Santa Fe. Ho ha3 been president of tho Ecclesiastical Conferences of, Baltimore and Wash- ington, Ho is also a prominent mem- ber of the Board of Foreign Missions. fOl .IMW, m fc J- - - Co., Fort St, Sign ol the 3t the. HAMILTON, BROWN SHOE CO.'S "HIGHLAND CALF" $3.00 SHOE 1 ' . HHffiBHnrai

00 WT' Want Your Children Know Meaning of THE Evening ... · .$00.vV) YoiiWT' Want Your Children to Know the Meaning of THE FLAG! A Dollar, Evening Bulletin jil. Or a Dime.: Will

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Page 1: 00 WT' Want Your Children Know Meaning of THE Evening ... · .$00.vV) YoiiWT' Want Your Children to Know the Meaning of THE FLAG! A Dollar, Evening Bulletin jil. Or a Dime.: Will

.vV).$ .00WT'

Yoii Want Your Children to Know the Meaning of THE FLAG!A Dollar, Evening Bulletinjil. Or a Dime.

: Will Help theGood Work

i jv Along. Take a Share in the GRAND ARMY FLAG FUND!

Vol. VII. No. 1403. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, 'DECEMBER 15, 1899. Pbiob 5 Obntb.



4. r




i" '"


Some Life In Closed District Now, acd

Trading Brisk Again Up Tom.

Recoeriog From Panic-B- oard ol Health

Established - Inspecting and

Cleaning Death ot Haiof

10 Tho Inter-Islan-d steamerMikahnla, anchored outside, has sig-

nalled for a physician. It Is notthought that there are any symptomsof plague.

2 p. m. this day Not even a "falsoalarm" since yesterday. All the ani-

mals In tho collection of Inoculatedbeasts still alive. Dr. Hoffman expectsmost of them to survive seven days.

Quarantine Is being moro strictly en-


though there Is "how somo llfoIn tho clost'd district. Tho poople arerecovering from fright and nre movingabout.

All tho merchants about town say atthat business about town Is gettingback rapidly to formal.

Branch Hcadqunrtcrs.Dr. J. B. B. Pratt has been maue cniei

Inspector and placed In cliargo' of thoJapan Sea headquarters opened In thoHoys' Brlgado hall on tho Kamaukaplllchurch premises. Geo. It. Carter hasbeen commlsisoncd first assistant.Supplies for disinfecting will be kepthero and tho placo will be generalheadquarters for all'workers of the In-

spection nnd cleaning force. Tho firststock laid In was twenty-flv- o barrelsof lime. Dr. Pratt and Mr. Carterclosed a contract early this morningwith Henry Gehrlng, tho plumber, whostarted work with three men and threohelpers and will havo shower baths,etc., ready In the morning. It Is plan-ned to have tho men, who might carryout contagion from tho district, storoextra clothing at this depot. A tele-phone has been put in nnd tho transac-tion of tho business at Jiand will bogicatly facilitated in every way by thoestablishment of the Doard of Health

, Beginning at noon today, tho, wholeor tho tabu unmet is unuer mmiarycqntrol, an agreement having beenreached between Judge Cooner andMarshal Drown whereby the latterwithdraws all the police, having plentyfor them to do elsewhere' at this time.Tho police force will at all times boready to assist In any necessary workdeveloped by tho situation.

Case o!,n Native Woman.There has been another death by

bubonic plague, making a total of fourvictims of tho epidemic. ThisIs tho sixth "suspicious death." Of t.hofirst five, threo cases were pronouncedplague. The other two were said to boin doubt and Dr. Hoffman, tho bacteri-ologist of tho Board of Health and thesupposed and accredited final author-ity, In his report soon to bo submitted,will not say that these two cases Inquestion wero plague.

Reports of the latest case wero sentIn last evening from Nuuanu street,between Hotel and Kink, the buildingbeing on tho Ahl premises. A nativeHawaiian woman was found to bo dy- -,

lng and soon passed away, having, thephysicians say, all the symptoms andmanifestations of the bubonic plague.An autopsy was held and tho remainswere cremated at the Honolulu IronWorks. It is stated that tho woman,who was known as Maria, was the wifeof a Chinese who died earlier in thoweek and who was reported aa one of

'the suspicious cases. She had been 111

'ten days or longer, without attendanceand since Tuesday had succeeded inkeeping herself hidden from the in-spectors.

Food fop thejsolatcd.Through the efforts of Capt W. G.

Ashley and tho of JudgeW. L. WUcox and others, an amplentrd steady and certain supply of foodfor all the people hold within tho townquarantine limits Is now assured.Everything possible was done from thefirst to furnish meals, but Iti tho earlymovements there was contusion andsome delay and misunderstanding. Anumber of tno ladles of tho HawaiianRelief Association volunteered to as-

sist. The arrangements aro now thatpersons in the tabu territory may passinterior lines during certain hours tovisit eating places and that distribu-tions of food will bo made by thoBoard authorities or employes at stated times dally. Judge Wilcox presid-ed during tho first vUlt of a poi wagonand has risen higher than ever in thoesteem, of tho natives.

Inspectors In Consultation,Nearly every man in chargo of a dis-

trict was on hand for tho congress ofinspectors convened at tho Board ofHealth offices yesterday afternoon.Judgo Cooper presided and called forreports and suggestions. There wasnot a great deal of variation in tho na-ture of the returns. That Chinatownand tho Japanese' had been found tohave many frightfully filthy spota be-

came an accepted fact as man afterman told of investigations and finds.Each inspector was for radical mea-

sures in tho uso of disinfectants and a"number suggested fire as a purifier.Tho work of cleaning and keepingtrack of tho pcoplo will go on with

somo modifications based on experi-ence. A number of valuable hintswero offered by Inspectors and somoof their recommendations were adopt-ed.

A Pla&ric Years Ago."Thcro nro other than tho present

day generals who havo handled cs

In Hawaii," remarked athis morning. "It wasin 1881

that wo had small pox here to' tho ex-tent that the wholo town was In quar-antine. There were errs everywhere.David Dayton was agent for tho Board

Health and the late H. A. P. Carter,by vlrtuo of being Minister of tho In-

terior, was at tho head of sanitation,etc. About twenty-flv- o cases werofound tho very first day. Mr. Daytontook hold at onco and tho way thingsmoved was a caution, His regular or-ganization was a couplo of men and nslnglo cart. Very soon tho forco wasraised to COO men and a sufficientnumber of wagons. Thcro was gen-eral cleaning up the samo as In 1895and tho samo as Is In progress now.

was eight months beforo tho dis-ca-

was entirely wiped out, for smallpox is tenacious and much has beenlearned of It slnco 1881. Buildingswero erected on Quarantine Island and

ono time thcro wero 1,800 pcoploofout there. Of courso not nil of them

had tho disease, for thoso who hadbeen exposed were Isolated as well astho cases. Ono thing I remember Isthat there was a good deal of joking ofabout the finances of tho work. Moneywas needed nnd there was not tlmo toget It through tho usual channels.Minister Carter had funds and allowed atMr. Dayton to draw up to about $40,000simply on I O U's, much to tho

of tho agent. It was someweeks before thero was a settlement,but you may bo suro that a voucherwas furnished for every expenditure.Tlicriiavo been epidemics In otheryears and thero are other men whoshould bo remembered for excellentservice performed."



At a special meeting tomorrowmorning tho Chamber of Commercowill take action on the request receivedfrom tho Board of Health, for a co-operation between tho two bodies toprovide maintenance for tho poorerresidents of the quarantined districts.On behalf of tho Chamber of Com-merco Mr. J. G. Spencer, tho secretary,has sent a check to tho Board ofHealth for tho immediate purchase ofsupplies for those in need.

As wns dono during tho cholera epi-

demic n wharf will most probably boquarantined so that the Inter-Islan- d

traffic will be continued. Action ns totho advisability of setting asldo awharf will be taken at tho meeting to-morrow.


On tho 14th of Dcccmbor, 1893, sixyears ago, tho United States revenuecutter Corwln, famous for Its trip Intotho Arctic regions, reached Honolulufrom San Francisco with special andvery private dispatches to Albert S.Willis, wno had become AmericanMinister hero after Paramount Blounthad hauled down the Stars and Stripesand performed a few other details ofhis historical mission to Hawaii. Evenbeforo the Corwln came to anchor offBrewer's wharfthcro were "strong ru-

mors of the restoration of Lllluoka-lanl.- "This was the first tremor of

the situation which had its culmina-tion in the demand of Minister Willisthat President Dolo and associates stepdown and out. Thcso were tho "darkdays of 1893" and there was much uncertainty and the gravest speculationover tho final outcome when Mr. Doloand his associates declined most posi-tively to step down and out. Peoplewho were hero at tho tlmo can neverforget the tenseness of the situation,for it was thought that tho AmericanMinister would take recourse to armedforce at his disposal to enforce his de-mand. Tho cruiser Philadelphia wasIn port and preparations were made toland her men under the orders of thoMinister, but happily,, this .was notdone. The Executlvo "Building wasfortified and everything was mado Inreadiness to resit a movement whichwas believed to be unjust and unwar-ranted.

Plague In New York.Now York, Dec 3. Four steamships

from Santos, Brazil, with coffee, aredetained at Quarantine, having comefrom a bubonic plague port They arothe J. W. Taylor, Roman Prince, Las-se- ll

and Ragusa. Seven lighters wltntho cargo of .coffee discharged fromtho J. W. Taylor, aro anchored off Clif-ton, S. I., under close observation 6fthe police patrol. Threo lighters oftho Beven have served the eight days'detention required by Health OfficerDoty and aro free from further quar-antine restrictions as far as Doty's de-partment is concerned. The plaguo pa-

tients on Swlnburno Island aro doingwell. There Is no Illness among thocrows or stevedores detained on boardof tho vessels or at Hoffman island.

Capt. Oscar Whlto has a practically"all Chineso" district containing n lotof pork and duck merchants. NickBreham Uvea in tho vicinity and as-

sists In inspection, sells hop beer nndIce.


Capt. Harry English, Was One of (he

of These Islands.

Sailed Out ol Honolulu Port lo the South Seas- -" Two

Member of a, local lodjja JForf Years

- A Master Mariner From Dublin.

Capt. Harry English, who died yesterday morning nnd whoso funeral washeld from tho Masonic Tcmplo in thoafternoon, had been In nnd about Ha-waii

S.for nearly half a century, If not

qulto that period nnd was Indeed wellknown to nil the old timers. Clins. B.Wilson know tho eld captain in thoSouth Seas when tho sturdy

of tho Islands was a boy. Thocaptain wns a trader In wnrmcr Poly-nesia and did well with a schooner." boAt ono tlmo ho had an Interest InFnnnlng's Island and through most ofhis life held that his title was goodIn equity but that ho was not enough

a business , man to look properlyafter what should havo mado him afortune. In

Dublin, Ireland, wns the birthplaceCapt. English, who was 77 at tho at

tlmo of his death and had been a mas-ter mariner from about his thirtiethbirthday. Ho sailed out of this port

one tlmo to other Islands of thegroup nnd to the south for the lateJames I. Dowsett. The captain wasalways regarded as a steady, rellabloman, ablo to meet nny emergency that Itmight arlso at sen. Ho was an expertnavigator and had a most thoroughpractical knowledgo of all necessary tothe successful handling of n sailingvessel. Ho served his time ns well onlntcr-Islan- d steamers here In tho pio-neer dnys of tho Wlldcrs and others.

"It was old Captain Harry Englishwhen I was a boy," said Judgo Wilcoxthis morning. "Ho was a worthy manand everybody liked him. Ho alwaysseemed tho samo to me, but ago dealsgently with such rugged constitutionsns lie had and he took pretty good caroof himself." Mr. J. O. Carter said thathis recollection of Capt. English ranback for a great many years, but thatho thought tho published statement of I

tho ago of the deceased being aboveeighty, was an error.

"I know Capt. Harry for over twentyyears, I guess," said K. B. G. Wallaceat tho Wilder Steamship Companyoffices, "but you must go to some olderman to get any details of his life. Ican tell you that ho was a member ofHawaiian Lodge, No. 21, Masons, forforty-on- o years. He was known as agood man nnd a mariner of excellentcapability. Thcro wero threo sons anda daughter. Ono son Is Capt 'Bob'English, pilot at tho port of Kahulul,another is a blacksmith at Walaluaand a third is a blind man who livesIn Llllha street."

Said C61. W. F. Allen: "My acquaintance with the lato Capt. Englishantes back to tho year 1858. Ho wasdown on tho water front for the lastdozen or so years as watchman for thoWilder Steamship Company at theirwharves and coal piles. Ho was a manof strong character and admlrablotraits. I do not suppose that his lifewas at all free from such adventure asfalls to tho lot of a man who cruisesIn the South Seas with a small schoon-er, but he was not given to talking ofwhat ho might' havo encountered Inthe way of peril or suffering. CaptHarry, as a member of Hawaiian LodgeNo. 21, was ono of tho oldest Ma-sons here. He belonged to the veterangroup of S. C. Allen, Dr. McKlbben andmyself, wo all having taken our degree hero about the same time."

Capt. Penhallow. of the schoonerAlice Cooke, Is another who was anold friend of tho late Capt English.who was a general favorite and wasespecially well liked among sea-fari-

people. Ho had preceded his son aspilot at Kahulul during tho tlmo Col.W. F. Allen was collector general ofcustoms for the Islands.

Boer Version of the Fight.London, Dec. B. Tho following i a

Boer version, of tho, battle of Moddrrriver: J '

Pretoria, Wednesday, November 29.Delary's official report states that' a

large forco of British yesterday morn-ing attacked his command at Modderriver. Heavy fighting lasted for houra.Cronjo and Delary took up strong po-sitions, tho Frco Staters being recn- -forced. Delary had seventeen killedand wounded, Including his eldest son.The Free Staters' losses aro unknown.At dark tho Boors retired slowly totheir positions, .having proyentcd theBritish from forcing their way to Kim-berle- y.


Another Guam Scheme.Washington, December 4. Lleutenent-Command-

L. V. Coltman, United StatesNavy, has recommended to the Navy De-partment that the lepers In the Island ofGuam be removed to the Island of Molo-ka- l,

the leper settlement In the HawaiianIslands. He contends that the maladywill spread In Guam unless this radicalcourse is adopted. Lieutenant-Command-

Coltman recently visited Guam In thecomer uruius.

WEDDINO STATIONERY, EngravedCards, Embossing.



Pacific Heights Will Have Its OfinElec Ten

trie Line Early in 1900.

and a Quarter Miles of Line to Be Provided

Next Year A Local Arrangement Trips

Lighting a Long Line.

The first actual rapid transit forHonolulu will be tho Pacific Heightsbranch or spur, for which Mr. Chas.

Desky Is now closing contracts. Tholine Is to bo In operation April 15, 1900and will bo two and a quarter miles Inlongth. Terminals will bo, near Kalu- -lani drlvo In Pauoa road and a residence point In tho upper levels of Pa-

cific Heights.Tracks for this suburban lino will

laid near the stono wall whichmakes ono sldo of tho beautiful roadlately built and described a fow daysago in this paper. Thcro will bo cars aevery fifteen minutes or ortener rrom0:30 n. m. to ll:30'p. m. Smnll pack-ages may bo taken up during tho day

proper storage or compartments,but nil heavy freight must be carried

night "after hours." Transportationarrangements nnd schedules will besubject to chance from tlmo to tlmotho better to accommodato tho restdents of Pacific Heights. Faro on tholino will bo only five cents and fordown trlns there will bo providedtransfers for cither of tho lines that

Is now understood will touch It Intho neighborhood.

Tho contract for providing tho Pacific Heights system goes to n residentIn tho transit business, n man of ex-

perience nnd with nraplo means tocarry out all plans. This gentlemanand his associates will own tho linounder conditions satisfactory to thotransit people nnd Mr. Desky. Mater-ial for the "plant Is to bo on tho wayfrom San Francisco within sixty days.Tho power houso will bo about n mlloup Kalulanl drlvo from Pauoa r.oad.

A feature of tho first electric streetrailway for Honolulu or neighborhoodwill bo the lighting of tho lino atnlcht. Tho trolley poles will bo 100feet apart and on caih polo will bo n

nowcr incnnucseant lamp.It Is believed thnt this will attract totho boulevard persons who will enjoytho novelty of the drlvo along alighted road.


Minister Cooper could not lenvo theBoard of Health offices this morningto attend tho regular meeting" of thoCabinet. Mr. Dolo and Ministers Mott- -Smlth. Young nnd Lansing sat fornearly threo hours.

There was a long discussion on anote from Consul Haywood on the pro-

test of somo merchants over tho requirement concerning tho territory Inwhich goods purchased In Americamight bo certified by consuls. It rs

that thcro has been somo misunderstanding on tho part of consulsover tho directions. Thcro will bo nochnnges ordered, but a new form ofInstructions will bo nrranged by thoMinister of Foreign Affairs and senton without delay.

It was voted to refuse tho petitionfor a license to sell liquor at retailIn Walakea, near Hllo. '

Beet Sugar Men Meet.Omaha. Neb., Dec. 0. Delegates

from beet sugar factories In California,Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Colo-

rado, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin,Michigan, Illinois. Ohio and New Yorkattended tho annual meeting hero to-

day of the American Beet Sugar Man-

ufacturers' Association. Tho associa-tion took strong ground against Pres-ident utcKlnley's recommendation offreo sugar. Henry T. Oxnard of NewYork and San Francisco was electedpresident: R. M. Allen of Ames. Neb.,secretary, and George Strohot of De-

troit, Mich., treasurer. Tho noxt annual meeting will be held nt Detroitnext December.

Street Sprinkler Asked For.The Increased traffic on Queen

street from tho Iron Works to thebrldgo has resulted In n great amountof dust being raised. Tho guards alongthis section aro covered with dustwhich Is unpleasant nnd not particularly healthful. Tho suggestion ismado that sprinkling tho street a fewtimes a day will do a good deal to-

wards tho comfort of thoso using thestreet and also of tho guards.

Cut Your Envelopes.Postmaster General Oat suggests

that the envelopes of all letters de-posited In tho mall should bo cut witha bclssors on two ends to Insure thepassage of tho fumes of tho disinfec-tant to which all mall matter Is beingsubjected. The cuts should bp aboutan Inch long. Parcels post closes theday before tho sailing of n steamer.

Vehicle drivers In tho immediaterear of bicyclists should occasionallycxerciso moro caution and less speed.Last night Barber Jeffs was riding pastnumber two fire station, la order toavoid being run Into, Jeffs suddenlyswerved resulting In a fall, a contusedeye nnd u severe shaking.


Waiting Orders And Berths Are in

the Naval Row.

Docks Still Blocked With Freight Interference

Wi b Inter Island Traffic Causes Delay-L- ocal

Freight Be Cleared Today.

There is a large number of sailingvessels In port at present and new ar-rivals coming In every day. Tho lat-est ono Is tho schooner Ethel Zone,which camo In this morning after aslow voyage of 35 days from PortTownsend, with a large cargo of lum-ber. At noon a bark was reported offtho harbor.

Thero aro twenty-nln- o vessels niltold, ten of which are anchored In na-val row, among them being tho S. N.Castlo and tho 'Albert which havo

cleared and nro waiting only forclean bill of health beforo sailing.

The others, with tho exception of thoMohican and the Dominion, are wait- -lng for berths to unload, as everyavailable spaco Is at present occupied.

Tho Martha Davis, Diamond Headand S. G. Wilder aro discharging at tholrmgnrd wharf, but owing to tho con-gested condition of the freight on thedock tho work of unloading tho Martin;Davis nnd Diamond Head was knockedoff.

Tho Centennial commenced unload-ing nt Brewer's whnrf this morning,tho Aldcn Besse having finished, Is lay-ing alongside nnd will probably waitfor a cargo of sugar before sailing forSan Frnnclscof Tho Paul Iscnbcrg atthe samo wharf Is still dischargingcoal. At the Eammcs whnrf aro theOnaway nnd tho County of Merioneth,while tho British steamer Blocmfontclnfrom Newcastle occupies tho wholo oftho berth nt tho old Flshmnrkct whnrf,repairs to her machinery necessitatingher rcmnlnlng there.

Tho Eric and Amelia havo nenrly fin-

ished discharging their lumber nt theAllen & Rotiinson dock nnd tho AliceCooko went In thin morning to unloadher. cargo. Tho Jessie Minor will taketho Amelia's place tomorrow at thedock.

Tho Coryphdnc, which arrived fromNanolmo Dec. 11, was discharging coatInto tho Island steamer Nlllinu andwhat coal tho Cardigan Castlo has Isbeing rapidly unloaded nt Wllder'swhnrf.

Tho Inter-Islan-d wharf still presentstho samo unsettled appcarnnco of thepast two days, boxes and bundles ofmerchandise laying nround in heaps.Most of this was consigned to mer-chants In tho quarantined district nndwill probably bo removed today.

Ruin for Cone.Prof. Lyons, lit charge of tho gov

crnmeut wenther bureau, has Issuedtho Island rainfall report for themonth of November. Tho figures willbo especially gratifying to thoso In-

terested In tho Hawaii plantations thataro not Irrigated, but safoly dependon the remarkable precipitation shownIn tho various districts year after year.Placc3 nnd Inches:Ookaln, 8.80: Pepeekeo, 2.5G; Paaullo,6.81; Paauhau. 3.CC at Mooro's and G.3Cat Evclg's; Honokaa, 4.19; Kukul-haol- e,

B.23; Koualo, 4 at tho Parson-age, 3.77 at tho Mission and 3.47 at theSugar company's: 01aa,,8.C4 at Rus-scl'- s,

3.34 at tho Volcano House; Wnla-kc- a,

4.68.Hamoa, 2.78; Nahlku ,4.53; Haiku,

3.93; Pala, 2.34; Haleakala, 4.80.

Orpheum Re-ope-

This popular show houseIts doors tomorrow, Saturday evening,with n fine program.

Physicians agreo that a great pre-ventive against sickness Is the diver-sion of one's mind into other channels.What better diversion than a goodlaugh? Enjoy life whllo you aro wellnnd lenvo tho rest to tho Board ofHealth.

- Dft Posey, specialist for- - Eye, Bar,Throat and Nobo diseases and Catarrh,Masonic Temple.

"Own Make"


For Sale by (nanufaoturerV Shoe

r&jxjmKJKxnemxmjunanarACT r t.t a ..

TCHiucnt oi uunu.

It Is learned from persons close tosome of the principal men In theOahu College corporation, that Ithas been the same as doclded to allW. B. Oleson to the Presidency, tosucceed Frank A. Hosmer, A. M.,whose resignation takes effect atthe end of the current school year.

W. B. Oleson Is well knownhere both as an educator andcitizen. The experiment of offeringthe place to n stranger Is not being

k made. Mr. Olesen served as prln- -

U clpal of Kamehameha School forH Boys lust ahead of Prof. Theo.N Richards and was signally success- -

X ful In this work. Since leaving theIslands, In 189), Mr. Oleson has

L been in the educational field In

C Massachusetts. He has no littlereputation in New England.

8 The name of Dr. Benj. A. An

il drews, well known as President ofBrown University and now super- -

K IntenJent of city schools In ChicagoIS was at one tlmo under consldera- -

S tlon for the headship of OahuJi College, but he did not care to en- -

tertaln an offer.



After a long and painful and mosttrying Illness, John A. Hnsslnger, Jr.,died nt tho family homo, Kenumokuand Young streets, nt 3:1G this morn-ing. Ho had suffered from typhoidfever slnco tho 13th day of Septemberlast. All during tho sickness tho youngman had tho most careful attention ofrelatives and friends, wnB watchedover by a trained nurso and two phy-sicians, Drs. C. B. Cooper nnd H. V.Murray. "Johnnie" Hasstngcr was but21 years nt age. Ho had a flno physlquonnd gooif courage nnd made a hardfight against tho weakening fever. Howas born and grew up In Honolulu andwas liked by nil who knew him, beingmanly, intelligent and pleasant always.For somo tlmo tho young man held aposition with tho Hawaiian ElectricCompany. Ills parents, Mr. and Mrs.John A. Hasslnger and sister, Mrs. C.J. Falk, survive tho young man andhavo tho slnccrcst sympathy of hun-dreds of city pcoplo who had hoped fortho recovery of tho patient.

Tho funeral will bo held at 3 o'clockon Sunday afternoon next.

Senntor Haywnrd Dead,Nebraska City, Neb., Dec. 5. United

StatC3 Senator Monroo L. Haywnrddied at 6:20 this morning. SenntorHnyward was stricken with apoplexyin August last and. had Blnco remainedin a precarious condition.

The Chineso consul Is well satisfiedwith tho provision mado for provision-ing his countrymen In the quarantlnodistrict.

Tho whlto paper passes havo beentaken up and a colored card properlyvised Is good only now for going intotho tabu district.

Three native women, fugitives fromtho quarantlno district, were arrestedthis afternoon near tho Military Hos-pital In Nuuanu valley.

The largo hall of the Bureau of Agri-culture in tho Judiciary Building, hasbeen secured for uso as a sleepingroom for Board of Health offlco em-ployes.

Thero will bo nu Important specialmeeting of tho Chamber of Commercetomorrow at 10 o'clock a. m. Full at-

tendance of members is earnestly re-quested.

Mgr. Chopclle, who passed throughhere on tho Sherman Is French bybirth. In 1865 he was ordained apriest. Seven years ago ho waa con-secrated Bishop of Santa Fe. Ho ha3been president of tho EcclesiasticalConferences of, Baltimore and Wash-ington, Ho is also a prominent mem-ber of the Board of Foreign Missions.

fOl .IMW,m fc J--


Co., Fort St, Sign ol the 3t the.




1' .


Page 2: 00 WT' Want Your Children Know Meaning of THE Evening ... · .$00.vV) YoiiWT' Want Your Children to Know the Meaning of THE FLAG! A Dollar, Evening Bulletin jil. Or a Dime.: Will



I i


", ,y



Engineers and Builders of High Duty Pumping Enginesfor-VVate- r Works and Irrigation.

THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OFAGENTS Js called to the fact that we carrya largo assortment of pumps for all kinds of

iiaiM air mimns. condensers, feed duitids.with a complete stock of spare parts and valves for all sizes. Careful attention

frfvtn all orders, and oromnt shipment euaranteed.Estimates furnished for complete Irrigation plants of any capacity or

towtr.Office: Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., Honolulu, II. I.

Warehouse: Cor. Queen &

Fraternal Directory.

MYSTIC LODGE No. 2, K. of P.,Mwta every Wednesday evening nt

1:10 o'clock, Castlo Itnll. Fort street.Visiting brothers cordially Invited toAttend.M15 A. E. MURPHY, K. R .S.


Meets every Thursday ovenlng InMuonlc Temple. All visiting compan-ion cordially Invited.

A. P. GILFILLAN, H. P.J. D. TUCKER, Secretary.


Meets every Monday evening nt 7:30,In Harmony Hall, King street.

j d. mcveigh, n. a.E. R. HENDRY, Secretary.

All vlstlng brothers very cordiallyteTlted.


Meets In Masonic Tcmplo on tho second: Thursday evening of eacli monthAH visiting Sir Knights courteously in- -TltM.

HENRY E. COOPER, 13. C.J. D. TUCEKER, Recorder.

OAHU LODGE No. 1, K. of P.Meets every Thursday evening at

their Castlo Hall, 420 Fort street, nt7:10. Members of Mystic Lodge No. 2,and visiting brothers, cordially invited.


llt K. of It. and S.


No. 1 ,A. & A. S. R.Meets tbo first Thursday In each

month, at Masonic Temple. Sojourn-ing and visiting brothers cordially In-

vited to attend all meetingsW. M., FRANK B. AUERDACH.

AliliAN D. SCRIMGEOUR, Secretary.


No. 121, A. & A .S. Rite.Stated meetings on tho last Mon-a- y

ol each month, in its hall, MasonicVmplo.


GEO. W. DcLONG'POST No.45, O. A. R.,

Department of California and Nova-l- a.

meets at Harmony Hall, Kingstreet, first Thursday evening of every

Ui. Sojourning comrades aro cor-Ua-

Invited to atload.L. L. LaPIERRE, P. C.



Stated meetings, first Monday eachaaooth. Special mettings, when called(will be noted in this spaco).

Members Lodco Lo Proerca. PacificIiodVe, and all sojourning brethrencordially Invited.

ED. I. SPALDING, W. M.. R. Q. WALLACE. Secretary.


Lovo Block, Fort street Readingroom opened day and ovenlng for read-fa- g

and social Intercourse Regularmeetings Friday, 7:30 p. m. VisitingVcetsmen especially welcomo nt allilmea.

UEO. L. DALL, Chief.'AUTO B. KENNEDY. Secretary.


No. 171,Regular Army and Navy Union of

tfta United States of America, meets atHarmony Hall, King street, every sec-e- 4

and fourth Friday In each month.iVItlUng comrades are cordially Invited.

MARCUS H. SAUNDERS, ,i Commander.


Wavcrly Block, Bethel street. Stnn-4ar- d

magazines and periodicals; li-

brary; billiard, pool and card tables(or free uso of members. Arrange-ntnt- fl

for transient visitors. Entrancetee 1.25, monthly dues 1. .Open fromt a. m. to 11 p. m.

A. V. GEAR, President.JAMES T. COPELAND. Recording Sec.ALLEN il. SCRIMGEOUR, Fin. Scc'y.


IMSALEci'One 24x48 in.

Sugar Mill, with Engine and, Gearing complete.

One 24x48 in.Sugar Mill, with Engine anoGearing complete,if


These Mills are in firs- t-

class condition and will itsola separately, or ,as a $-


Roller Plant with. cane, andtrash cairiers complete.

Apply toimn. IRWIN & CO.,-Ltd- .


PLANTATION MANAGERS ANDIn stock at our Queen street warehouse



sugar house service, Including vacuumiulce mimes, molasses numos. etc.. to

Cook Sts. Telephone 506.


Salicylic add Is an organic add. It haspowerful antiseptic qualities, prevents thesouring of beer, also the development of

bacteria contained In fluids. Applied ex'ternally It will remove corns and warts,

TAKEN INWARDLY salicylic add rap-

Idly lowers the bodllv temperature, re

duces the pulse rate, blood pressure, andrapidity of respiration ; some people beingpeculiarly susceptible to Its action.

The Board of Health has condemnedall Beers containing salicylic acid. Amongthose proved to be free from this adulterant was the OLYMPIA BEER, sold byLarry Dee of the Hoffman Saloon.


EverywhereYou uro worn out, tlrod, can't put

tho onorgy you deslro Into yourduties. Woll, thon, you must trysomothhig that will overcome thisfouling ami rostoro you to perfocthealth.

PleasantFrom childhood wo nro taught to

rospoct the curative features of herb?.Our grandmothers usotl them, andwero, as a rule, voreod o art ofpreparing romrdios from variousplants

asWe have a preparation that Is of

tho old'fashloncd typo purely vege-table, made of horUs with wlno. Fora Ronoral tonto to produce vigor andstrength, you cannot find a hotterone,

Wine.For malarial disorders, loss of

that tired fcoling, lorn of y,

It Is a true panacea.

Royal Bitten it the name.They gave me at my birth,

From Royal no one need refrain,lit ute will turehj bring mirth.

iPut up In pint bottlos at fiOcenU.

Only of S

Hollisier. Drug Co.

BEN HAAHEO,King street, near Railroad Depot,

Plumber and Tinsmith.Satisfaction guaranteed.

AU work promptly and carefullyattended to. 1OT



100 Pairs New Curtains.- For 1.25 per pair.Usually sold nt j? 1.75.

250 Bedspreads,Full Size, for j5iV25,

Have never been sold for less than31.65 each.


This date, 1851, Knmehameha. HIdied.

For a suitable Christmas present,seo pago 3.

American Messenger Service, Ma- -sonic Temple. Tel. 111.

A fine matched team nrrlved for theClub stables on tho Fort George.

Honolulu Messenger Scrvlco deliversmessages and packages. Tclcphono378.

Ring up 191 when you want n rcllablodriver, a good hack and no over charg-ing.

In n few days tho Hawaiian Historical Society will ho called togetheragain.

Nicely furnished rooms nt tho Pop-ular House, 1G1 Fort street, from fl.00per week up.

IJuy tho hoy n Mansotl hlcyclo withpuncturo proof tires for Christmas,from llailey'a.

It la announced that thero will ho nopostponement "of tho Knmehamehaschool field day.

During tho present crisis the LoveDalsery customers will ho suppliedwith bread from tho Singer Rnkcry.

DON'T PASS our OPERA GLASSESfor tho World. They'ro mado by LoMnlre. "Nuff sold." H. F. WICHMAN.

Mrs. J. K. Farley, sister of Win. O.Smith. Is quite ill nt Koloa, Kauai, Dr.J. H. Raymond left on tho steamer V

G. Hall to attend Mrs. Farley.Mechanics Home, corner Hotel and

Nuuanu strcots, lodging by day, weekor month. Terms: 25 and CO centsper night. $1 and $1.25 per week.

A score or more of tho Road Boardcarts were called Into requisition tohaul trash from Chinatown. Tho pro-

cession moved through King street.A physician was taken to Koloa by

tho steamer W. O. Hall last evening.No communication will bo held withtho shoru outside of lauding the doc-tor.

Tho steamer Mokolll arriving yester-day morning, sailed In tho evening,after remaining In quarantine nil day,for Kahulul. She took n small cargoof rice. .

A meeting of tho Honolulu Librarynnd Reading Room Association Is toho held this evening. Secretary Pnr-uial- eo

announces thnt there will hoelection of officers.

Tho government hand Is having Itsusual Friday rest, but will play atKmma Square tomorrow nfternoon andgivo tho Sunday matlnco concert ntMakco Island, Kaplolaul Park.

Fred Waldron. now mnnagcr of thoVolcano house ,1s nno of tho outsiderscaught In Honolulu by tho quarantine.Mr. Wnldron is well acquainted in thocity mid Is having an Interesting timewith old friends. I

Tho Iuter-Islan- d and Navigation Co.,Ltd., and tho Wilder StenmBhlp Co.,L.U1., nnnounco tnai ncung under or-ders from tho Hoard of Health, theirsteamers will not bo allowed to land ordischarge nt any wharf during tho con- - !

tlnuanco of tho plagu.eEverything Is in readiness for the

production of Faust by Mrs. Turnernnd tho Boston Lyrics nt the OperaHouse tin Tuesday evening next. Thedemand for scats still continues and ngood many peoplo arc booking, as wellfor thp good-by- o performance to bogiven by Col. Thompson's artists onChristmas night.

The steamer Maul arrived Thursduymorning nnd nfter discharging her car-go nt the cattle yard, she will proceedto anchor outside tho harbor. She willnot havo to go through quarantine andwill bo sent out as soon as lighters ennplnco a cargo on board. Her destina-tion will probably bo along tho cons',on tho other side of this Island.

Thoso desiring their clothing clean-ed In tho most sanitary manner shouldsend to tho Honolulu Steam Laundry.Tho equipment of this Institution forthorough sanitary work Is completeAll soiled clothes sent In aro thorough-ly sterilized under high temperaturesand tho packages aro wrapped In spe-cially prepared paper to guard againstany posslblo Infection. Tho laundry Isrushed with orders, but Is equippedto fulfil the public demand. TelephonoBS3.


CI1AS. O. WALKER,Dtlenr nd Builder of Hlib-Or- 4

Yachts, Boats and Launches !

worki, 091 KINU ST.P O B0161. T.Uphoo. 160


New Crepons,45 inches wide, VKRY STYLISH

WEAVES,At 75c, 85c, and 81.00.

Regular price S1.25, per yard.

Blue and Black Serge,inches wide, ALL WOOL.

Per yard, 50c.


J ifill



Henry f &b.C3-E2STTS FOIR,

German American Ins. Co.,Of New York, and

Union Assurance Co.,Of London.

Members Honolulu StockExchange.

: Wernicke Book Cases, :

AN- D-

The Globe Company's Desks,Filing Cases and oftice'

novelties,Secured at lowest prices.


Telephone, 313.Queen street.




New Stock Just Opened.

Lewers I Cooke,FORT ST.

Wall Vyt


Latest styles. A largeinvoice Just received.

Wilder & Co,, Ltd.

Table Damasks andNapkins. ,

TheLARGES'TD MOST COMPLETE STOCK TO SELECTFROM. PRICES THE LOWEST.QUALITIES THE BEST. Ourfull size $2.00 Napkin is a marvel.Just nsk to see it when down town.




I will discontinue importing HARNESSand now

For This Week Only!My entire stock off New Supples, Buggies, Vil-

lage Brakes, Carts, Farm and Delivery Wag-ons, Harness, Whips, Robes, etc. s

Parties desiring bargains should comeearly. .

W. W. WRIGHT,Honolulu Carriage Manufactory.





Tbe Water-hous-e

Store,!Bethel street. Telephone 24.

Just Received








& CO., Ltd.

The Mclntyre StoreI

Cor.Klng Fort streets. Telephone 22.


and. .

Stores- -

Cape Cod Cranberries,Atmore's Mince Meat,

Condensed Mince Meat,Apples, Turnips, Hams,

New Crop Nuts and Raisins, '"Cream Chocolate Tablets, Jams,

Jellies, Shrimps, Table Fruits, Olives,Oiefion Burbank Potatoes, Crickers and Cakes, &c, &c.



Chas. Hustace,212 to Arlington.


The : Germania : LifeInsurancB Company of New York.

Gold Bond Endow.mbnt Policy is Better "thanU. Government Bonds.

Street SteleJucid

Our Bargain Bulletin.

In White, Cream and ColoredWill


King street, next tha



Also, andPIafn-- The Good


Assets 025,211,010.15.

EMMETT MAY. Manager.


Madras.r.ro....v .a..

any home.

jWashing and Kind.


Curtain Muslins,

beautifyDotted Muslins,- -


'FlPimnr niVn.



mm9Fggstgtm0iaUMS. Mn?e&ti&j tifytz&jkir tJt9rTOfi5lT firtSffmJiBilMWKrTr







Page 3: 00 WT' Want Your Children Know Meaning of THE Evening ... · .$00.vV) YoiiWT' Want Your Children to Know the Meaning of THE FLAG! A Dollar, Evening Bulletin jil. Or a Dime.: Will


I? J ,..

fi- -





Benson,Smith &Co .,LtdATOMIZEltS,

New Styles in Iridescent and Colored Glass,EBONITE TOILET SETS AND OASES,

PERFUMES,In Bankets, Bottles, and Balk.

Now Odors, New Styles.PUEF BOXES,




Coming !


I SUITABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENT.''... 4t.it Whs nf I. att D 4! m a a. M a iAnil ftt rllak


"Alnhq flnlloptinn nf1 nwuu WllUUUUU V





With a pretty Card, would answer all purposes.


HAWAIIAN BAZAAR, MASONIC TEMPLE.Corner Hotel and AlakeaStreets.

NEWFDRNITURE DIRECT FROM THE FACTORYYou will save 40 per cent by purchasing at the


The IXL, Nuualiu

P. O. Tlnx S:i5.



J"xxjst Xjetixciecl,EX MOHICAN.

A Splendid Consignment


Buggies', Koad Carts, and Harness.Specially Selected for Local Requirements.

Honolulu Carriage manufactoryV. "W. WBIGHTJ Prop'r.



on the '....;...'....'.




Hawaiian SMitfeMUUJjU,

nod King Streets.W. LEDEREB, .Proprietor.


of Surreys, Phtetons,


tt. mnvrHKUrinL,Agent for the Islands.



Fresh Milkcents :

' avt I

Dollveted in any "quantities to suit.'Leave joorordsn at STAB IV TRY,or TELJTHONE 103.r- - ' JL1347 , ' ,.

Horses, Cattje, Sheep and DogsAXiXi: HAVg T.HjSIR, XXjXjS.

REMEDIES MADE BY JOHN POTTIE & SONS,Veterinary Surgeons of World-wid- e Fame, will

OURB : THOBS :ILL8.Money Is Saved by Investing In Pottle's Remedies.

Black Oils for Sprains, Gall Salve for Sore White Oils for SwollenGreen Lotion, great heat ng agent, Soothing Oils for Skin Eruptions,

Black Ointment for Horses' Feet, Electric Oils, a mild blister,Pottle eve 5aive roraore eyes,

Vermin Soap for Dogs, Sheep, Cattle, Horses, Shrubs and Trees,i IIs only a partial list; If you don't see what vouwantask-- This


Repairing, Piling, Trimming and iilktangFine HoraeBhoetnpr a. Specialty.


Queen Street near Fort.

532 Fort Street.


Best Islands

Delivered twice dal)y, to any-oar- t of






at 12Quart!

Necks, Glands,

Terrible PainsIn tho Stomach Dreadful Head-

aches Faco and Neck CoveredWith Bolls-Cur- ed by Hood's

Is Now Clear." I was covered with bolls all over my f co

and neck. I had dreadful headaches andpains In my stomach. I took medicines,but was not much benefited, and I pro-cured six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla.After taking tho first bottle I could see animprovement. When I had taken a fewmoro bottles tho bolls had all gone, myakin was clear, my appetite returned, andmy health was entirely restored. I amthankful I ever found auch blood puri-fier as Hood's Sarsaparilla. I paid out agood deal of money for useless medicinesbefore taking Hood's Sarsaparilla." W.F.BECKwmr, Hurlock, Maryland.

H you decide to try Hood's Sarsaparillado not bo induced to buy any other.

HOOd'S "pSSfaIs tho Best-- In fact the Ono True ntood Purl,fler. Be sure to get Hood's. Price $l, six for $5.

Hnnrl'a Dillo aretuo only pills Jotakewlthllood'g Sarsaparilla.

Hotels and Restaurants.


It lias to. Our waiters are

trained to be civil, quick and at-

tentive to our guests. Our cliej

is unrivaled in preparation of dainty

and appetizing dishes. Everything

is scrupulously clean, everything

as comfortable as we can makett.

And the prices are always in reason.

Home Bakery Cafe.The Best Meal Cafe.


Best 5c. CigarTo bo had for the monoy.


Beaver Lunch Rooms.H. J. NOLTE.

Beer and Wine Dealers.


Wine Mi Ltpr Dealers.Agtnti (or th. Bottled Rainier Br or Statu.No. 19 Nucanu StreetFo.ur Block. Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands.

P. O. Box 1 it. Mutu.l T.ltphon. jot,



225 Queen Btreot, Honolnlq, H i

loflsoliuateu Soda Water Co., HESsplfxnado.

torner Allen k Fort Stt Honolulu.



108 KING STREET.G. J. TTallkb, : ; Manaoeb

Wholesale and Retail "

ButchersAND .

Navy Contractors.BEST OP MEATS.

Families desiring tender roasts,Juicy steaks and chops shouldci on the

Central Meat MarketWe make a specialty of family tradeand sell the best at reasonableflguros.

2U NWnu St. Telephone 104.


Merchant Tailor534 FORT ST.,

-- Nm cofMf of Cha.lala lu lClaantng ail Rtoalrtag si Short Notlc.

andlo th. tort potM. imw,O. A. GKOTm

MERCHANT : TAILOR,GlothSH madA to nnlnr Rf . Moannali'i

coat,. Clothes cleaned, re.pilred.arduyeu. rirst-cws- s worK guaranteed.' t,O. box 280. Union Btreot, Honolulu;a, a. iaea


Omco of tho Hoard of Health, Hono-lulu, December Ulli, 1899.

Plague, tailed nlso Asiatic plague, orbubonic plague, is mi Infectious andcontagious disease, cnpablo of commu-nication from tho nffectcd person tonnother by bodily contact, and thismay occur during nny stngo of tho dis-ease. It mny nlso bo commmunlcatedby means of tho excretions from thosick, such ns saliva, phlegm, sweat,ami tho dlschnrges from tho bowelsnnd bladder; nlso by tho blood nndranttcr from abscesses and sores. Thbmaterial that causes tho dlseaso Isthcreforo likely to bo contained In thoclothing, dressings nnd bedding, etc.,that havo como in contact with thosick; dishes and utensils that havobeen used by tho sick aro nlso foul.

In order to produco Its effect on thehuman body It must gain nccesss totho blood, Juices and soft parts of thoInterior, nnd In tho great majority ofcases Its door of entrnnco is throughtho delicate and moist membrane oftho mouth, nose, eyes, etc., or throughBomo cut, scratch or abrnded skin sur-face on any part of tho body.

PERIOD OK INCUBATION.Tho period of Incubation, during

which tho evil remains quiet In thobody nnd makes no sign, mny bo asshort as two days or perhaps less, ,or Itmay continue flvo days or even longer;but five days Is generally regarded astho limit of this period.

MUST SYMPTOMS.The earliest symptoms of plague,

though varying somewhat In differentenses, are likely to bo marked by head-ache, a sensation of fulness in thehead, dizziness, n feeling of great wear-iness and languor, paleness of the faco,and perhaps even a staggering gait;thero may also bo nausea nnd vomitingnnd perhaps dlrrhoea; or thocondition mny prevail In tho bowels,that of constipation. Tho eyes aro of-ten bloodshot and tho surfneo of thobody mnv lin nrrwtmt !. i,iii,and patches of n red or purple color.iiucr a snort time, vnrylng In lengthfrom ono to two days, fovcr may setIn and swellings appear In tho groin,armpit or neck, or other parts of thobody.

Persons nflYntiwI In ...... ,.t .iways, though tho troublo may provehui. io uo mo piague, had better callIn a physician at once.

PI.AOUE- - PHKCAUTIONS.Tho virus nf nlnmin f1nufloi.na t.. nt.i.

nnd unclenllness, nnd ninlntalns itselfIn cnrlmerp. ntnln fnmi n.,,1 in .I.- -dark places. Sunlight nnd fresh nlraro quickly fatal to tho germs ofplaguo. It is of the highest Import-ance, therefore, to keep tho bodyscrupulously clean by tho uso of thobath and by frequent changes of cloth- -Inif. Snpninl rnrn fihniiM n tnl ...wash tho hands frequently, always todo so beforo eating, and not to touchtho lips or mouth, or to rub tho eyes,with unclean or unwashed hands,

A". f8' Bcratches or abrnslons oftho skin, should bo at onco washed andcovered with nnmn hrrilnnilnr. i.ii.isuca ns adheslvo plaster. It Is not welliy ku unrciooi; out anyone so dotncshould look well to his feet.

FOOD.Raw, uncooked food or food that Iibb

bcCOmO COld nftor rnnlrlm. ... I. .!.carrier of plague; not so food that hasiii-c- ivccnuy exposed to n holllns orroasting heat. Therefore bewarj ofcold or uncooked food or fruits thathavo been oxposcd to tho attacks offlics or other vermin; or dishes of coldfood that havo stood uncovered anylength of tlmo after preparation, otc ,and do not eat of any fruit withoutfirst removing Its skin, or rind, orpeel; and do not uso tho teeth In skin-n'"- B

any fruit. All food and watershould bo kept covered and protectedfrom flies and Insects; nnd It Is well todrink only of such water ns has beenboiled. Alcoholic liquors aro not aprotection against plague. Over-eatin-

or nny Indulgenco to excess Isdetrimental and to bo avoided, nnd thosame Is truo of nil unduo exposure tocold or wet, or to any exhausting In-fluence. Do temperate nnd tako plentyof sleep.

Fear, over-anxiet- y nnd worry are In-fluences that lay tho system open totho attack of plaguo, ns Is true ofmany other diseases.

The experience of other landsteaches that the clean, tho temperate,tho courageous, tho well nourished andmo well-rest- are not the ones whotako the plague.

Inspectors, nurses and others,- - aftercoming In contact with tho disease,aro advised to tako tho precaution tochange their clothes, nnd If possible touso a bath, .disinfecting tho hands andtho soles of the shoes; hang the clothesout in the air and sunlight,

HENRY E. COOPERPresident Board of Health.

Horses properly shod to correctfaults of gait at tho Stockyards shop.

Thero is only one Jesso Moore Whis-key In tho world and that Is cold andpuro. Lovojoy & Co. aro distributorsfor tho Hawaiian Inlands.

During tho absonco to Hawaii andMaul of Mr. Ilayward, Mr. Petor Sick-ol- s,

formerly of .the Occidental andBaldwin hotels, San Francisco, will as-au-

tho management of Walklkl Innand will bo pleased to entertain any ofhis formor patrons. Tho publio andtourista can rest assured that Mr. Slck- -els Is n hntAl mnn nf wIYa ..rmIm..and the reputation of Walklkl Inn foruacuiicui cuisino win do zuiiy sustain-ed.

Notice.Mr. W. M. GlffarJ will act as Manager

of our Firm during the absence of Mr.W. G. Irwin.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD.Honolulu, December 8, 1809,.

1308 aw

Notice.During my absence' from these Islands.

Mr. W. M. Glffard will act for me underfull power of attorney.

W. G. IRWIN.Honolulu, Dec. 8, 1899. I3g8-2-

m Estatfl and lDSnraDCfl'

&j.mLM art.! ......

lilFE and IPIRE

AGENTS FOR ..New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.tna Fire Insurance Compant



Members Stock and Bond Exchange.


pArtlcuUr ttnllon given (0 purchi n4 ! olH.willin Sugar Stock.IjO.,.b,.n0'i'. EHra n4 Forties Stock,

and Bond!.

403 California St.,San Francisco, Cal. 117a

W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealersin- -

REALJSTATECT We mil Bay or I e ,xtJ Estate is

ill parts of the Ktoap.VW Wn will RaII PmtMtft. nn V.a.AK.

tble Commissions 1

OFFICE, 10 West King Street


Real Estate Broker,223 MERCHANT ST.


Twolvo Chlnoso Omul to HitchingPosts, 5 ench.

Property In towa.HOUSES TO LKT.

Real Estate TransactioprvBubsoribers are farni6tiod with from tin

co six lists uer wook, giving an aocnraUrecord of all doeda, mortgages, leases,

powers o( attorney, eta,, etc, whiclire placed on rocord.Sabscrlptlon Price, $8,00 per Monti;

A. V. GEAR,Judd Building. Hpnolpln.



Member Honolulu Stock Exohango.Room 301, Judd Building.



Mo. 45 Qaeen Btrett.

Expert Appraisement of Bea)gatato and Fnrniture.


Stock and Bond BrokerMtmbcr ol Hawaiian Stock Exchang..

Mclnerny Block. Fort Street.


Real Estate BrokerFinancial Agent and Collector.

Llncoln'Block, 039 King street.114 Tltphon6,i.

A. J. CAMPBELL,Stock and Bond Broker

Mtsbtf ol la. Honolulu Stock Ezcbugt,Onloo Queen street, opposite Union

Feed Company.T.lwnnni 106. P.O. Bol vru


Msaibn ol Honolulu Stock Eachtag.Qumo strMt.

Trtboa. ti. P. O. Boi m.BRUCE CARTWRIGH1

Qeneral Manager of

The BqoiUble Life Asuruice Societ)

Of the United BUtea for the Hawaiianlaland.

On Mat Merohant itreet. Botunhii

' EDMUND H. HABT,Notary Public and Typewriter

CoanytncM and Stircntr ol RtcorIs.

laOffloe No, IB Kaahumanu street., MaTTelophone No. 879.


KOTARY PUBLIC ani TTPEIR1TEBOUc. (Mtrcbut itMt CamV, ttsf

P O. Csrt.r .nmc. O Bono.,

' AoBDts, Brokers and Johhm fm

W. G. Irwin & Bo.Limited

AGENTS FORWestern Sugar Refinery Co., of BV

Francisco.Baldwin Locomotive Worki !

Philadelphia, Pcnn., U. S. A.Nowcll Universal Mill Co. (Natloaal

Cano Shreddcr),Now York, U. a A.N. Ohlandt & Co's Chpmlcal Fertfllr

crs.Alex. Cross & Sons, high grid Hk

tlllzers for Cano and CoSoa.Reed's Steam Pipe Covcrlna.

ALSO OFFER FOR BALBParafllno Paint Co'a P. A. B.

anu l'apcrs; Lucol nndOils, raw nnd boiled.

Indurlno (a cold water palat). fcaWhite nnil rnlnra

Filter Press Cloths, Cement,and Bricks .




Tb. Eva Plantatl'ji Co.Th. Walalua Anlcultural Co.. Lu.

, Th. Kohala Sugar Co.Th. Walama Sugar Mill Co. ,in ..vivaiRTicuuurai lq4TJ. Fulton Iron Work,. St. Lonls. M.Tb. Standard Oil Co.Th. Co. R Blak. Staaai Puaes.Wfilon a Csntrllagals.

Thi NW Pnrrln.4 f l& !....... .asTi. i . fH" "."!?"' - "i. v:.. ' "I '" --" " naniora, iTh. Alll.nct Aituranc. Co. l Lnndo



MERCHANTSAgenti for the California and Orient

Steamship Company.


Wm. G. Irwin & Co,.(LUfXTBD).

Will. O. Irwin, l'rrslilont nn.l M.n....Clnus Spreckels VlcePicsidcntlu,"". occonu vico President.II. M. Whitney, Jr..... Trcas. nnd See.Geo. J. Ross Auditor.

Suij&r Factors-u-ro-

Sommission AgentsAaxms ov xb


mmm c&, ltd.,Qun tret, Honolulu. H. I

A.eronts forCo.. Honomu Sugar Co.. Wallukn u... r 5!5o?.X i,i,,1clui R,,nch Co" MoTokal RaicIZ'?; Franc lico Packeta. Cha i Bmait Co.'. Lin. ol Boston Packet..

LIST OF OFFICERSO. M. Coolco, Presldont; Ooorre H2

llObOrtMOIl. Mananr. V V nT.V-- ..Treasurer and Secretary; Col. wTtIAllen, Audit ir; P. C. Jones, H. Water.mmau, ucu. i. carter, mrectora.

M. PHILLIPS k CO.,WtwltMle Importera and Jobban at

laropeu tnd AMerican DryTo t and Queen Btmtg.



Oor. Kon and Queen Btreeto HoaelaUi

Eonolulu Iron Works Co.ImDroved nnd tnnrtom DITnati m

CHINERY of every capacity and --Bcrlptlon mado to order. Boiler work

uu, nivamu rirnia tor irriKatloaipurposes a specialty. Particular attaa-tlo- npaid to JOB WORK .and renalra

executed at shortest notice.


mil Bond Briir.11G Merchant Street.

R. M. DUNCAN,Collector and General Bus,.

nets Agent.Offlco 113 Kaahumanu atreeL

Also prepared to take order toefilling In low lands and terra!.Work promptly attended to. miMORRIS K.KEOHOKALOLE

United States Custom Hooaa &rakera.

Accountant, Searcher ot Titlaa aaalQeneral Bualncsa Agent.Telephone 620. '

OFFICE: No. 15 KaahuBuura atiaat,Honolulu. Formerly Potin'a Ata

f'.- '-, ' M.3Vj, nf1.

3"ksS2 it i

6i 46Al !&

iiv ."i; l''i.'?.



mi a-


' .&

Page 4: 00 WT' Want Your Children Know Meaning of THE Evening ... · .$00.vV) YoiiWT' Want Your Children to Know the Meaning of THE FLAG! A Dollar, Evening Bulletin jil. Or a Dime.: Will


; ,,


fKi!Spa& "' ""' 'HSTHE EVENING


evening Bulletin,Published Every Day, except Sunday,

t 210 Klfig street, Honolulu, H. I.,by the


tV. It. KAnitlNQTON . EditorDANIEL LOQAN City Editor

Tclephono "3 "

Post Omco Pox 71S

FItlUAY, DEo!MuK 15, 1S99.

Col. Thompson showed his goodJudgment by ticccptlng the run of redfish nt Knual as n straight tip.

Next to tho automobiles, the centerof Interest will bo tho "ferryboats."Tom Johnson Is to operate In Hawa-iian waters.

Tho Huberts family Is up against Ittheso days. Field Marshal Lord Rob-

erts and Congressman Roberts are eachabout to enter n fight within the listof tough propositions.

Willi Aldrich steering tho financialbill, Hawaii ought to bo In n positionto roll a few opposition logs out of thoway that have previously blocked Itspathway to speedy recognition fromCongress.

In dealing out food for thought forHawaii, President McKinlcy rinds thatthcro arc always some small politicalboys never satisfied unless their pieceof pla Is cut nccordlng to their ownchildish opinion.

Broader national American characterIs what ono of tho greatest leaders ofUnited States history, Wni. McKinlcy,asks for Hawaii. What more can ourpeoplo honestly demand, what greaterbenefits could they seek?

The nctual difficulties arising fromtho peculiar situation of Hawaii hav-

ing two Ministers of FInnnco arc fewand far between. This is not tho firstttmo Mr. Lansing has been called to All

Mr. Damon's place and greed for olllcohas never marked Mr. Lansing's pub-

lic career.

Germany seems to bo tho only Im-

portant nation of tho globe actuallyenjoying supreme happiness. With nowar on his hands and In a positionto make new friendships and strength-en old ones, Emperor William ap-

proaches tho holiday season with terri-torial presents and cheery greetingsgalore.

The Intention of tho beet sugar pro-

ducers gatheicd at Omaha, N to com-

pel all sugar, tobacco and other pro-

duce Imported into tho country of theUnited States to pay duties, "whetherIt roincs from Porto lUco, Cuba, thoPhilippines nr other parts of theworld " "Or other parts of tho UnitedStates" would bo a more appropriatewording.

Although tho Sherman, bringingnews from tho Mainland arrived Inthe harbor Wednesday night no'paper of thu city except the Bulletinpublished tho Important local nowscontained In tho Mainland dispatchesuntil two days after tho steamer's ar-

rival. Tho Bulletin was tho onlypaper giving tho Important news oftho Introduction of Hawaii's territorialbill In Congress; tho possibility of anIrapottant deal In local street rail-ways was published exclusively In theBulletin; no other paper gave evidencethat It knew of tho Archbishop Cha-pollo- '3

piebcuco on tho transport Slier-cohtnln- cd

In tho dispatches untiltwo dayB after tho steamer's ar-ma-n.

Tho Bulletin gives all tho nowsall the time and the truth about It.

Humanity Is prone to mistakeswhich wiseacres can easily discovernfterwnrds. Whether thero have .beenmistakes mado In determining thocharacter of tho bubonic plaguo is nmatter that will bo decided by futuroevents. Thero has been no mlstako,however, In tho cleaning up of China-

town and wo know of no way In whicha good portion of tho surplus can heoxpended to better advantage. It willbo remembored by many that after thellrst outbrejkof tho cholera thcro wasn marked Improvement in tho situationwhich 'was followed by u fresh, appear-nnc- o

of tho scourge moro serloiiB thantho first'. Wo trust history will not re-

peat itself In this Instance. Until as-

sured that It will not, to withhold cri-

ticism would seem tho bettor part ofvalor. When tho scaro or tho plaguehas passed everybody can throw uptheir hats and either crltlclso or ap-

prove to tho satisfaction of personalopinion. At tho present time it Is to behoped nothing will occur to mar thehearty which .has char-

acterized public action In the presentttlfllfJ. ., ,



From local comments made upontho President's reference to Hawaii Inhis message, the Inference Is easily

drawn Hint somo of our good peopleanticipated a wholesale endorsementof "tiniisltlon period" conditions, ac-

companied by orders that CongressImmediately proceed to arrange mat-

ters here according to tho directions ofDelegate Hartwell and his compatriots.Having failed to do this tho President's words aro characterized as "notexplicit'- - nnd ''not as comprehensiveas wo could wish."

It would bo well for the people oftheso Islands to remember that thePresident Is dealing with Hawaii froma bioad American standpoint, at thosamo tlmo showing marked considera-tion for the unfoituuato local situa-

tion that has arisen through unfore-

seen and conflicting conditions whichCongress alono can alleviate. A Pres-

ident's message Is not supposed to bea stump speech or a political treatise,notwithstanding 'tho apparent hopotnat Mr. McKlnfey would deviate' fromtho usual dignified course when hocame to Hawaii's affairs.

Thoso dissatisfied with tho referenceto Hawaii should again read that por-

tion of tho messago In which Mr. Mc-

Kinlcy says the provisions of tho an-

nexation resolution continuing Inforce municipal laws not Inconsistentwith tho resolution, not contrary tothe existing treaties of tho UnitedStates nor contrary to the constitution."Do not touch nny subjects of

which nro of n broadly na-

tional character." If our contempor-aries were able or willing to vlow thosituation from tho, vantage point ofbroader national character wo bellevothey would moro readily appreclato thoefforts of the President In Hawaii's be-

half. Tho statement, "tho peoplo oftheso Islands nro entitled to tho bene-

fits nnd privileges of our legislation,"would seem sufficiently explicit nndcompiobenslvo when followed by thoequally positive assertion. It Is mani-foldly Important, therefore, that anact shall bo passed as speedily as pos-

sible erecting theso Islands Into a Ju-

dicial district nnd that thogovernment of this newly acquiredterritory under tho Federal constitu-tion shall bo fully defined and pro-

vided ror."Is there nny problem of the "transi-.o- n

period" more Important than aclear definition of tho Hawaiian gov-

ernment's position under tho Federalconstitution?

Tho President has touched upon thesourci of nil tho difficulties that havearisen under, present conditions and Isdirect nnd positive In his suggestionsto tho legislative branch of tho UnitedStates Government. Ho Is not quickto assume paramount authority nor Is

ho bombastic In defense of local offi-

cial action and condemnation of Con-

gress for failure to act. If, as seemsto bo tho ense, the latter was hopedfor by thoso now expressing dissatis-faction, It would suggest that thcrostill remains n local lack of desire orcapacity to treat Hawaiian questions In

tho light of the "broader nationalchaiactcr" upon which the peoplo ofHawaii have entered.

Giirmnny nnd the Mchhoc.Berlin, Dec. 0. Tho messago sent to

Congress yesterday by President Mc-Kinlcy has been most sympatheticallyreceived by newspapers nnd Govern-ment circles in Germany. This is es-

pecially true, of tho Foreign Office, onoof tho highest officials of which toldtho representative', of tho AssociatedPress that tho document had made asplendid Impressslon, adding that thedlstlnctlvly warm tone of tho mebs-ag- e

will tend In an Important mannerto deepening and strengthening thofriendship of tho two countries mater-ially, and removing dimcultlcs nndsotttllng the mcntnnd sugar questionsstill pending.


For sale on account of whom It mayconcern. Cases of oranges nnd bana-nas on tho Inter-Islan-d S. S. Co.'swharf, Fort street.

Election of Trustees.The Annual Meeting of the members of

the HONOLULU LIBRARY & READ-ING ROOM ASSOCIATION will beheld at their rooms next FRIDAY, the1 5th ln.t. at 7:30 p. m.

H. A. PARMbLEE,i40JMt Sscretary.

Rlinlal Orders 1. 101.


HONOLULU, H. I., Dec. 14, i&x

The followlngmodificatlonof RegimentalOrders No . ioo will be observed :

Pedestrians and vehicles may pass fromtown to Palama and return along Queenand River streets between Nuuanu streetand King street bridge.

By order of Colonel Jones.(Signed), JNO. SCHAEFER,

1402 Cipta'n and Adjutant.


The Pacific Hardware,LIMITED,


Bradley & Hubbard's Lamps.The latest patterns direct from the factory.

Largest and choicest assortment ever imported to the country'.

Wostenholm's Cutlery,In Pocket Knives, Carvers in sets, etc , etc. ...'...

A Direct Importation of

Japanese WareTables, Screens, Porcelain Ware, Jardinieres, Easels, Picture Frames.

Art GoodsMouldinps, Copley Prints, Berlin Photographic Co.'s Goods, Choice

Selections from the Taber-Pran- g Art Co.'sjCatalogue.v WINDSOR & NEWTON'S


Household Supplies, at BethellSt.o


To arrive in a few days, additions to our stock of FINE CUTGLASSWARE.

Pacific "Hardware Co., Ltd.


ShotJust Received, Du-pon- t's

Smokeless Shot-

gun Powder, in 1 pound

tins and i kegs.

Pacific Cycle & M'ft Co.

P. A. DEXTER, Manager.



And all other things


The Largest,Most Complete,

And Most Up-to-D- ate

StockIn the City.

Le Hunyon Fboto. Sopply Go.

426 Fort. Street.Probate Notice.

In the Circuit Court, First Circuit, of theHawaiian Islands.

In the matter of the Estate of GenevieveDowsett, Marlon C. Dmvsett, MadelineC. K. Dowsett, and Annie H, K. Dnwsett,Minors :

On reading and filing the petition ofJ. M. Monsarrat and David Dayton, guar-dians, praying for an order of sale of cer-

tain real estate belonging to said minors,situate on the Island of Oaliu and on theIsland of Maul, and setting forth certainlegal reasons why such real estate shouldbe sold.

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that thenext of kin of the said wards and all otherpersons Interested In the said estate, appearbefore this Court on WEDNESDAY, theTHIRD DAY OF JANUARY, A. D. 1900,at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Court Room olthis Court, In Honolulu, then and there toshow cause why an order shouid not begranted for the sale of such estate.

Honolulu, Dec 6, 1899.By the Court:

GEORGE LUCAS,I395-3- Clerk.



1900! - 1900!O

Published Only by the


tSrWlll Soon be Ready for Malting. "Qio

BQy The iqoo Hawaiian Scentc Calen-dar will be the finest Scentc Calendareven Rotten up for this trade, both Inpoint of Scenes and Artistic Work. Allthe Scenes have been selected for theirbeauty and grandeur. The outside coverwill be a copy of Hitchcock's painting ofthe Volcano in eruption last Julv. done InOil Colors, the Temperature and Rainfallof Honolulu will be given, and In the backpart of the Calendar will be "HawaiiinoP'-"At- oha Oe" "Like No a Like"and 'Ahl Wela," which will add to thevalue of the Calendar. The Price readyfor Malllnc will be onlv so cents I Leave

(Orders for Mailing at



We Are StillIn the Swim!

That's an old saying, yet true, nndwhen we sav we are In the swim, whv.we mean every word of It.

We have the swellest TIES for theHolidays that you want to lay your eyeson, in all of the Latest Styles and Shapes.We have just replenished our stock ofGOLF SH RTS. and are strlctlv sneaklnc

Irlght In as complete a line offm.n'cnm.t' PI It V1SM I NflS ic in

be shown In the largest city of the Main-land.

At our I lotel Street Store, Nos. 9 and 1 ,Waverlev Block, we are polnir to elve voua chance to win a fine BICYCLE. Foreverv nurch.ve of ?oc the customer Is entitled to one ticket. The party who holdstne greatest numnor ot ucuets onennst-ma- s

morning at 10 o'clock gets the wheel.


"The East"TELEPHONES 679 and A

Two Stores.Two Large Stocks

Ol the Best Furnishings.

Accurate history and interestingstories of the campaign are told inOn To Manila.


Grand.AT THE.,



Commencing Next Monday, December 4th, 1899.

Our' entire stock of Dn Goods will be offered to ourcustomers at very low figures.

Laces. Ribbons. FineCashmeres, Ladies Capes suitable



....And you will want some of the good things that are always

needed at that time: Raisins, Currants, Peel Nuts, Sultana Raisins,

Prunes, Dried Pears, Peaches, Apples, Spices cf all kinds, Hams,

Bacon, Soups, Crackers, Pickles, Jams and Sauces, Mincemeat At

Salter's GroceryTelephone GSO.


to bo sold at this

lines of


Lawns,the holidays.

sale regardless

Spreads; Men's, and



Grand Clearance Sale!Beginning the 25th of Nov.,and continuing till Dec. 25.


Largo Blankets,Ladies' Clothing, Hosiery, etc. MUST GO. Seotho advertisement on 10, Saturday's a fulllist of and prices. Call our store and inspect ourgoods and prices for yourself.


We Invite-H- - - -H



vte, y

-H- -H-HKicS

Residence mj


Indian Linen, Finefor


of cost !


- -H- -H-

- -W H-

Shoes,pago issue, for

goods at



J&7"jUJiTV 1

mine HeightsKSttltlgl yfrft



No residence property having similar advantages andattractions, as for healthfulness of location, having an eleva-tion of from 170 to 800 feet, and affording the grandest marineand scenic views ; as also its proximity to the business partof the city, being less thar mile from the Progicss Block,has ever before been presnkc : he people of Honolulu.

One of the main features 01 h property, and procuredat great expense, is the abundant supply of purjj spring water, "'pronounced by Dr. C. B. Wood as befng the purest and bestdrinking water obtainable in the Island, which is now beingconducted into storage reservoirs "upon the property by anindependent pipe Jine, and will be supplied to residents atGovernment rates. "

OUR GUARANTEE: We guarantee to all pur- -'

chasers of lots on Pacific Heights, that we will, within sixmonths, provide rapid transportation to the highest "lots onthe property, connecting the same with the Honolulu RapidTransit Co.'s line on Pauoa Road, at the beginning of Kaiu-la- ni

Drive.TERMS : ji cash, y3 in one year, in two years ;

interest 6 per cent, per annum on deferred payments.Our carriage will convey parties desiring to inspect the

property to and from the same.For maps and full particulars call at ouj office, Rooms

7 and 8 Progress Block. T









' friii'- - 'I ifn

-i An nm 1 r trtlii --ilWiwifif 1

Page 5: 00 WT' Want Your Children Know Meaning of THE Evening ... · .$00.vV) YoiiWT' Want Your Children to Know the Meaning of THE FLAG! A Dollar, Evening Bulletin jil. Or a Dime.: Will





A Thing ofBeauty Is A

Joy Forever

Just arrived per S. S. Aus-

tralia a grand display of assort-

ed silver-wa- re viz.:

Cruet Stands,

- Fancy Berry Dishes,Cake Baskets,

Fruit Stands,Pudding Dishes,

Celery and Pickle StandsIce Tubs, Ice Water Pitchers(with or without Filters,)

Fancy Card Receivers,

Spoon Holders,

Toilet Stands,Fancy Vases,

Individual Salts, Peppers and

Mustard and Napkin Rings.

1A great variety of Rodger's

celebrated silver plated wareviz.:


Desert and Tea Spoons,

Medium andf

Desert Forks.

Just the thing for Christ-

mas and New YeUr presents.Please call and examine for

yourself. Lowest market price

less 10 per cent for caih.

The Hawaiian Bardwaie Co.

Fort street opposite Spreads' Bank.

No shon-wor- n poods on the counters of merchants who advertise inThe Bulletin.

A hm.rfcs...mriaiiu "M



m "!aSk.,J. &:jti.&i!yfc:w- - "j.


!S3-!?r- a ?ifwS'tv- - 'IV i'JB

Tribune !


WHITMAN & CO.;Tribune Agents.

Ttltphom 746.

V. ii7wfeMany 1$9JnrfTones 'ffftp




2W cases of Holiday Goods just opened.Come early and get first choice

Stotes'open until Xmas.


MandolinGuitarZitherBanjoMusic Box

andMany Other









lft Stoi.es-2- . 205-20- 7 Hotel Btfcst...1, ua .....ii'


and are at your














Xmas Wear!SEASON'S

Artistic Waists,Millinery,



LADIES!OurHajrdresslnjj Dressmakiiig Departments

LOCAL ANDJEMRAL.Dr. Itobt. McKlbben Is on 'Maul.

Two lioya wanted. Sea Want col-

umn.V. M. Iiroolts, attorney, Sprockets

Building.A pig In the Wall-Nlchol- B Btoro Is

being ml m I red by many persons dally.AH kinds ot carriage painting by

painters at tho Stochyardsshop.

The band will play tomorrow nt theKnmehnmeha sports, not nt nmninSquat e.

Sixteen members attended, theof the Amateur Orchostra last

oventnfr.Tor the latest shadeu In ribbons,

tailor hats, etc., call on Mrs, Hnumi,street.

President Cooper of tho Hoard ofHealth publishes an Important noticeoutlining the ouarantme districts.

DIAMONDS bought boforo tho Doerwar to bo sold at low figures. OKO.HAFFNEIt, Manufacturing Jeweler.

Trip d.iebcs In nnd oilt of tho tabudlst,rtct will be received horcaftcr onlynt tho corner or Hotel mm Nnuniiustreets..

HcKldcnls of Kauai leuiued ot thoblack plagiiG outbreak by the steamer,Noeau that arrived tit Nawlll- -wlll Thursday.

A native woman, who Is said to hnyobeen In tho asylum fur eoiiio months 11

couple of years ago, was pronouncedInsane at the police station this morn-ing.

O. rtlcdcl has resolved himself Intoa commttteo ot ono and Is directingtho sanitation of Kakaako and Kcwnlodistricts. Good work has been nnd Isbeing done.

Harvey Chase, charged with permit-ting gambling on bis premises In Wnt-klk- l,

made a plea of guilty In DistrictCourt this morning and s fined ,? 100and costs, promptly paying.

A special meeting of tho Medical As-sociation of Hawaii la called for to-morrow, Saturday evening, nt J! p. nint tho Pacific Club, for the purpose ofdiscussing tho present situation. SeeNew Today.

Six burial certificates, on account otdeaths wltliln tho past forty-eig- ht

hours were Issued at tho Hoard ofHealth oIIIcch this morning. Ages intwo cnscrt wero seven months and inone fifteen days.

Judge Cooper had a now Job on handthis morning. He gave his attention toit lot of steamer freight receipts. Anative brought up a bottlo of gin for nfriend on another Island and had mi0 K stamped on tho package.

Tho repot t of tho death of that ex-cellent lady, Mrs. Kobayaslil, wlfo oftho physician and surgeon, was n saderror. Deceased Is another lady of thosamo name. Dr. Kobayaslil receivedmany messages of condolence.

Regulations prohibiting tho wasto ofwater will bo strictly enforced fromnow on, on account of scarcity ot wa-ter and Increased demand for cleans-ing purposes. Privileges will bo sus-pended whero any wasto Is detected.

Chong Wong said to Judge Wilcoxthat he did not know tho horse had 11

sore back, for ho harnessed) It up bo-foro daylight In tho morning and didnot unharness till after dark in thoevening. A lino of ?3 nnd costs wnsimposed.

Saturday evening tho HawaiianBand Quintet Club will glvo ono oftheir delightful nntivo musical enter-tainments, both vocal and Instrumen-tal at tho New England Uakcry Lannl.Saturday evening'; every body Invited.Free (o all.

Don't forgot that this week finishesup tho clearing out salo of buggies,brakes, carts, harness, etc., nt tho Ho-nolulu Carriago manufactory: Manager W. V. Wright having decided to(llstontlnuo currying theso goods. Calland secure a bargain.

Mrs. H. H. Williams will hold ngrand salo of unlquo fancy embroider-ed work on Monday and Tuesday nextIn the window of tho City FurnitureStore, 531 Fort street. Tho articlescomprise elegant buscults, oriental nndmlustrei poster pillows, Indies andgentlemen's handkerchief, glovo, neck-tie nnd jeweled boxes. Hnby pillows,robes, shoes, etc. All admlrnbly milt-nb- le

for Xmas gifts.

.'.'- -U'



HPRF i: tifliptvi uiiW get together, iht

proper shoe, at theProper time.

Our new stock of Men's Slippers is just opened,arid shows everything, that is new and fancy.

Hanan's new styles, are particularly attractive, andare sure to prove winners at the coming season.

Do not fail to see these, they beat anything evershown.

8V Mclnerny Shoe Store.




Just thingFor

Philippine campaign.inclusively

WHITNEY & MARSH, LTDFor 0iristixxetJSN


Hermsdorf Stainless High-splice- d

Double Sole.Ladies' - CentsGentlemen's


Ribbons, Stamped Goods, Dining Library TableCovers, Lace Curtains, Portieres.

All Articles of Ladles'

GIFTS FOR EVERYONE!rX3vxoisrx s co.

TO ANNOUNCE that they arc now better than ever before toBEG meet the wants of the people. In their large, varied and d

stcck Rifts can be found to &ult everyone. Having made a study of thej;lft business, even the most fastidious will bapleased.

In their stoclc you will see RICH CUT GLASS, STERLING SILVERWARE,(First-clas- s enpravlnR done In connection with this Department) Glass-- ,ware In crystal and gold and colors, Bronzes, Ornaments, I:iRures. FancyHawaiian Souvenir China, Jardinieres and Fancy Flower Pots, Potteries. Vases,etc., Dinner, and Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, all prices. Piano, Banquetand Ifandnp Lamns. Onvx Tables. Pl.itpd T:ihle SIK'rru'nrw (tteed St H.irton'land other maues). Table Cutlery. Kitchen Outfits, Jewel Stove, for 525.00.Gurney Ice Boxes. S8.00. Standard Blue flame Vvlckless Oil Stoves; see them Inoperation.

WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS, commencing Saturday.9th. with music, as usual, by the best Hawaiian talent. A new feature thisyear will be our special tables No. i," presents for 10c; No. 2. present for 25c; No. 3,presents for 50c; No. 4, presents for 1.

& Co., Ltd.




Spring Dray.the


'39- -'


. Fort Street.On To Manila, n complete hii-tor-

of thehandled by the BULLl



3530 "


Handkerchiefs, and

and Men's Furnishings.





STORE December




The UuUetin, 75 ccnt8pcr vwnlh.




(Under Mrs. Boardman's Management).

You you may desire in Fancy Center&c9 &c.






" 2


.:.$s.''! V




', "

J" '!Wf

' ' & 4,. fey ' W!' i zJ

' v niiiffllfilBHI

SO 'Wm

- mbwilOfind everything Pillows,


- No. 10 FORT ST. M


Page 6: 00 WT' Want Your Children Know Meaning of THE Evening ... · .$00.vV) YoiiWT' Want Your Children to Know the Meaning of THE FLAG! A Dollar, Evening Bulletin jil. Or a Dime.: Will


IX- -


WkSSEHri'sTa. wnsFmPKSr''

I ,'.. ,


ATKINSON & JTJDD,A.L.O.Atklnson and Albort FTmtd,Jr.)

.Attorneys andCouns-'llnr- s at Law.

Office oor Bishop it Co.' Bunk, cor.Kanhumnnu and Moruliant --trnfiw.

T. McOANTS STEWART,Attornoy andCovin pollor nt Law.

'fogroM Block, oppiwlto Cuthoilo ChurchFortBtrcct. Ilonolulti. II. I.

442 Tolopl'imo 1122

Jbbdekic W. Hankey,Attorney-a-t --Law."

jl8 Merchant street, opp. Bishop' Banli

Honolulu, II. I.Telephone --O'J.


Attornoy cit Law andNotary Public.

Kaahnrnauu rtfrpf

JT. C. Aom. Knock JohnsonAOHI & JOHNSON,

A.ttornoys and ComiHalort-a- t

Law.Office No. :0Wost King street.

Telopnono 88 1.

F. M. BltOOKS.

Attorney at LawSprtckels Building, Fort Street,




Block, .Fort St.


Hawaiian Hotol.)Offlco flours: 8 to 10 a. m.; i to 3m. i 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays: 8 to 11m. Tolcpliono 610, P.O. Box 501 .


?iCE AND RESIDENCE, GEDGECOTTAGE, cornor Ilotol nud RichardsLreetn. Ofllco Houra: 0 to 11; 2 to

4, 7 to 8. Telophono 053. 12


Hours: 9-- a.m., 3 p. m 7-- 3 p.m.andays, 12-- 2 p--

Telphoro74l. 1107-3- m


Skin Dlsoascs ot all kinds a spoclalty.Office Room 11, Sprocklcs Building.Hours 9 to 4,Telephone 471. Rosldenco tolephono

ym. 1245

DR. I. MORI,136 Beretania street, between Emma

and Fort streets.Tolephono 277. P. O. Box 813.

Ofllco Ho'iia: U to 12 a. m. and 7 to 8j.m.; Bund v. 1) to 12 a. m. 1229

Hawaiian Medicine Co.,


-T-HE BEST THING FOR THArgOUGH Is our Paukunu Cough Medicine.

Fortsale by the Honolulu Drug Store, andVwr office.


NewTLove's Building Fort Stroot.TELEPHONE 434.

Bouquets !


Supply every variety of Cut Flowers and

Growing Plants. Sprays, Bouquets and

Funeral and Wedding Floral Designs sup--

piled on short notice.

Office, corner Fort street and Cliaplaln

Lane, orpos'4 he Catholic Mission.1117

WhenVouWaitaliguu ut xntsi.

c - r. - u - bLivery, Boarding andSales Stables, : : :

..... ,k, 618 FORT STREET.

. Stable 'Plon. 477Hack Stand 'Phonpe, 310 and 777.




Tract S5

Situated on tlio oast side ofKalihi Valloy. Tho view toPoarl Harbor is tho bust intho city of Honolulu. Thosoil ia very deep; no stonesor rocks on tho place.

Water will bo laid beforepurchasers aro ready to build

A spaco will bo sot apart,in memory of tho PrincessKaiulaui, for a park.

Tho lots will bn sold at, tholowest prices in tho market,with which othor real estate'g nts will not aflbrd to com-

pote.Applications for lots will

bo rcfoivcd at our otlico, Hndwill ho trivon preference ofchosing lots in the order theyaro received.

For further particulars ap-

ply to


Real EstateBrokers

10 WEST KING ST.October 4th, 1899. 1343


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATMESSRS. W.G IRWIN & CO. LIDyhave this day been appointed RESIDENTAGENTS for the Hawaiian Islands of thefollowing Insurance companies:





MR. JOHN S. WALKER will continue to be associated with the business ofthe above named companies.

R. C. MEDCRAFT.t378-i- General Agent and Attorney.


A.RCHITEOT223 Merchant St,. Honolulu,

Between Fort aud Alakea,Telephone : : : 734

0 A Howard, Jr. DodtT. Train,

HOWA11D & TRAIN,Architects.

Suite 7, Moiet Dlock, HONOLULU. OAHU, H.I.P. O. Dox joj. Telephone 9S9.


H. L. KERR & CO.,

Architects and BuildersIRoomi iiii,

PROGRESS BLOCK.Telephone i)i.

.JAMES T. TAYLOR,M Aiti. Soc. C. E.


Hydraulic Engineer.3(10 Judd Mock. Tola. f,33.


Consulting and Suporlntondlng

Electrical HydraulicENGINEER.

Electro-Hydraul- Power TransmissionREPORTS AND ESTIMATESFURNIRIIED. . . .

With Catton-No- ll Co., Quoon Btreet.Ofllco next to Pa. xlloo. 1223


Honolulu Sbeet Hetal Works.

Galvanized Iron Skylights and Ventilators,Metal Roofing,

Conductor Pipe and Gutter Work.Rlctwdi Street, bet. Queen end Merchant. Honolulu

"Jotting promotljr attended to.--


Beretania street, near River street.Notice Is hereby given, that Len Wei will act (or

Bf under full power of attorney during my temporaryabsence fom the Hawaiian Ittandi,

Dated Honolulu, Oaiu, Dicexcer 8, 189),iJW-i- LEN TOW

Forcing the Hand

of Uncle Sam

Washington, Deo. 5. Tho Exami-ner's oxcmslvo story ot 'November 13,that Great Urltnin had forced upontho United Stntos tho question of thesettlement ot the Alaskan boundaryquestion Immediately nfter GreatIlrltnln had mado her nlllanco withGermany and thereby a free hand inSouth Africa, is confirmed by Presi-dent McKlnloy, .although tho story wnsvigorously denied nt tho timo by lead-ing officials of tho Stato Departmentand by tho press generally.

In his messago presented today, thoPresident says: "Tho subject (thoAlaskan boundary) has been receivingtho nttcntlon which its lmportanco de-mands, with tho result that a modusVivendi for provisional demarcationsin tho region nbout tho head of thoLynn canal has been agreed upon;and it Is hoped that tho negotiationsnow In progress betwecen tho two Gov-ernments will end in nn agreement fortho establishment and delimitation ofa permanent boundary."

It is now known officially, as It wasknown to the Examiner soon after thereturn of Lord Pauncefoto to America,that Great Britain reopened tho nego-tiations for tho final adjustment of thomatter. This net of tho British Gov-ernment wis not regarded here nsfrlendly'to tho United States", for thesoreasons: .

It was known to Great Urltnin thattno United States was demanding theopen uoor in China nt tho tlmo thiscountry ngrcecd to tho modus Vivendia order to pacify Canada in Great

Britain's Interest. Orcat Britain, whllofavoring nn open door, was tho power-ful factor to which tho United Stateslooked to assist in securing from thoContinental powers, especially Russiannd Frnnce, tho written assuranceswhich wero desired by this country.Tho assurances were, however, not ob-tained; and, in tho meantime, GreatBritain mado peaco with Germany nndsecured her "hands oft" in tho Trans-vaal, which carried with it nn as-surance that other Continental pow-ers would not interfere, cither by of-fers ot mediation or Intervention.

Great Britain next Becurcd tho con-so- nt

of tho United States to tho parti-tion of Samoa on terms ngrceablo iouormauy In such manner that theUnited States could not withdraw fromtho agreements if it desired, as Ameri-can interests wero Involved.

Theso gravo questions being settledto tho advantage of Great Britain, ,ltwas tho understanding hero that theAlaskan matter would bo permitted torcBt. In fact, It was hoped that GreatBritain would nllow tho provisionalboundary to become pcrmnncnt. GreatBritain, .however, having securedpeaco with Canada long enough to gether to agreo to tho modus vlvcndl nndwith Germany in several quarters, oftho globe, took up Canada's quarrelwith tho United States, and hns pro-posed to raako It a Hvo Issue.

For children, too old for toysa nice water color set withbook of pictures to be coloredwould make a suitable presentfur Xmas. We have two stylesof books and a number ofkinds of water color sets rang-ing in price from 10c. to 1.25eacn.

' KING BROS.,110 Hotel Street.

THE LASfCAiLTho last carB of tho King street lin

going to Wnlkikl nnd Palama pass theAnchor Saloon. Tho cleverest ralxologists In tho city aro thcro a ways ttput you up anything you may desireDrop in and tnlto a drop before youtako tho car. Tho celebrated Seatthbeer tp to bo had hero on draught. Afull lino ot liquors, including tho famous Jesse Mooro Whiskey, etc., al-ways on hand. Received per Warrlmoo, Rainier Bock Beer on draughtTho Anctior Saloon Is hero to plcuso ltapatrons.

SEATTLE BEER.Tho over popular Kalnler beer is be-

coming a household word and "wl 1

you bavo a glass or Seattle" is morooften heard than anything olso. TheCriterion Saloon has tho beer on tap orin bottles.

Rido rt Cleveland; they lead nilothers.

The uso of tho Singer in millions ofhomes shows tho unprecedented suc-cess ot theso ideal sowing machines.It Is convincing proof that tho Singerexcels in all kinds of family sowingand art necdlo work. All our sewingmachines are of tho best construction,beautifu Iy decorated, and are mountedon slcccted woods in finely finishedcabinets ot artistic designs. U. Bcr--eerson, agent, lejfj Uothcl stroot.

Notice.Notice Is hereby clven that the sixth

assessment of. ten (10) per cent on thecapital stock of the HONOLULU RAPIDTRANSIT & LAND CO will be due andpayable to J. H. F sher. at B shon's &Co.'s Bank, Honolulu, on the 1st day ofuecemoer. ine snares upon w men anyassessment may remain unpaid afterthirty days from said date will be declar-ed delinquent.'

CHAS. H. ATHERTON,Secretary H. R. T. & L. Co.

Honolulu, Dec 1, 1809. iwtf

"Honolulu Snap Shots."A handy souvenir of 32 Views of

modern Honolulu, put up In envelope andstamped, to mall In any part of PostalUnion, for 50 cents. '

For sale atThrum's, Golden Rule Bazaar, HaWaTan'New Co.'s, Woman' Exchange, Hawal-la- p

Baiaar, Le Munyon's, and Wall,N hols Co. 's !84-t- f

s7iS7?5,8'5ws5w?i'3Tr.t. R ACF7R Alle unouunuiuTRACT

Bounded by Keeaumoku, Kinau,Piikol and Lunalllo streets; onlyone block from the Beretaniastreet car llne,i"5?"5ir"?"r

This tract is situated in one of the finest resi-

dence portions of Honolulu, and in a direct line withthe cooling breezes of Makiki.

Lots jox 90 feet will be sold for the reasonableprice of $1,250. Terms, $2c;0 cash, balance on in-

stallments, payments to suit purchaser.This land has a very gentle slope, and purchasers

can immediately commence building operations.Early purchasers can secure choice locations.

For further particulars apply to

GEAR, LANSING & CO.,Judd Building.

t --nfaitt. usSftU3gl90rCgri UJ&t




Large stoclc of Coffees from the Kona, Hamaluia, Olaa Dis-

tricts always on hand. Old Coffees a spsciajity.



. EO. A. WILLIAMS, F. D.,Manager,

EMBALMINGA specialty,

Office and Parlors51 4 4510 Fort St. .near Hotel.

Telephone 170.

Coney EstateLANDS.


INGLOTS on Nuuanu Avenue, at Nlo

lopa, Nuuanu Valley, for sale. Apply to"


Cartwrlght Block, Merchant street.'1258







Supported by Voluntary Contributions.

FKEBTIMMrMENr to the Poor ofall iutlonalltiOH.

For Information as to cards ofaud tu the service, etc, eto ,

apply at the'J Infirmary.

Third Floor. Progref Block,riubncrlpllons may bo loft with J. F.

Ilaokfeld, L. U. .Abies or Dr. Sloggett.1300-Si- n


And Practical


305 King St., near Alakea, Honolulu..Tinting, Graining, dating andSlfni.

'Ui EtlmaU Clven.

F, W, THRUM,Surveyor.

ROOM NO. 10, SPRECKELS BLOCKPlantation Work a Specialty.



TT "TT "M" "M" 'H"


& CO., LTD.Proprietor



JUDD BUILDING.incorporate Under thi LawiI

, i op thi Hawaiian Republic.

Capital.'. $400,000

OFFICERS AND DIKECTORSsC11A8..M. Cooke, President.

1. U. jonks, nt

0. n. Cooke, Cashier.F. 0. Aturrton, Assistant Cashier.

Ilenry Waterhouso,Tom May,

F. W. Macfarlane,E. D. Tenney,

JjA. McCaudloss.Solicits tho Accounts of Firms, Cor-

porations, Trusts, Individuals, and willcarefully and promptly attend to allbusiness connected with banking

to it. Bell and purchase ForeignEzchango, issuo Lottors of Credit.


Ordinary and Term Doposlts received,and Intorest allowed in accordance withrulos and conditions printed In Pass-books, copies of which may bo had uponapplication.

OF HAWAII, LTD.Incorporated Under tho Laws of the

Republic of Hawaii.Authorized Capital, $1,000,000Subscribed Capital, 750,000Paid Up Capital 500,00o

OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS.Cecil Brown PresidentB. F. Dillingham nt

W. O. Cooper ,,... .CashierE. M. Boyd SecretaryO. F. McLeod Auditor

Directors Cecil Brown, B. F. Dill-ingham. Mark P. Robinson. BruceCartwrlght and 0. W. Macfarlane.

. DRAW EXCHANGE ON:San Francisco Tho Anglo-Calif-

nia Bank, Limited.Chicago Tho Merchants Loan and

Trust Company.Now York J. & w. Sollgman & Com-

pany.London The Anglo-Californ-

Bank, Limited.Paris Socletie Generate.Hamburg M. M. Warburg & Com-

pany.Hongkong and Yokohama Tho

Chartered Bank of India, Australiaand China.

Australia The Union Bank of Aus-tralia, Limited.

Canada Bank of Montreal.Berlin Gerbruder Meyer.

Exchange bouzht and sold LettersCredit Issued on all parts of theworld.

Xmas Presents !

,. ...Diamond and other Rings,Watches. Bracelets. Pins, and an extensivevariety of Jewelry just opened up. suitabletor Atnas ana rv tear rresenw.

H. Gr. BIAJRT,Manufacturing Jeweller,



- jssi

Cues UraioKXLS. Wn. 0. IK1



San Francltco AgenttTaE NevadaNational Bank of San Francisoo.

8an FiiANoisco Tho Nevada NationalBank of San Francisco.

London Tho Union Bank of London,IitU.,

New YonK American Exchange Na.tlonal Bank.

CmcAao Morchnnts National Bank.Pahis Credit Lyonnais.BEMJN Dresdnor Bank.HONKONQ AND YOKOHAMA Uonkong A

Shanshai Banklnir OiirnnnitlnnNkw Zkaland and Australia Bankor new zeaiaua.Victoria and Vancouver Bank 0

British North Amarlm.Traiaact i General Miu ui Mmt Mm

uepouis Keceivea. Loan made on At- -Broved Security. OommcrcUl and Traveler!

redit laaned. Btlla nt Kti-Ku- .. k-- ..and .Old. """"" BU"CoujoTiOMs Pbomptlt Accomtrap Fo

8I8SF C.

SavingsBank.Havings Deposits win k.

received and interest allowed by t,ilaBank at four and one-ha- lf per oent.per annum. The terms, rutee andregulations of the Hawaiian Postal Bar-ings Bank havo boon adopted as far aaIt is practicable to apply tho in, and theCash Reserve of 150.000 as roqulred nn-d-

tho Postal Act will be maintained.rrinlod coplos of the Rules and Reg.

illations may bo obtained on application.BI8H0P & CO.

Established J868



Transact a General Bankingnd Exchange Business,

Commercial and .Traveler'otters of Credit issued, avail-bi- o

in all the principal citieif the world.Interest allowed after JnJj

1, 1898, on tixed doposits 3months 3 per cent, 6 months3 per cent., 12 months 4per cent.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets, Dee. SI, 1898, $116,803.3Money loaned on approved securityA (savings Bank for monthly depositsHouses built on the monthly Install.ment plan.Eighteenth Sories of Stock is now

openedOfficers: T. F. Lansing, President.

S. B. Rose, C. B. Gray.Treasurer; A. V. Gear, Secretary.

Directors: T. F. Lansing, S.B. Row,A. V. Gear, A. W. Keeoh. J. O. iwt,:woU, Henry Smith, J. J, McLean, J. D.Holt, a B. Gray.

not runner particulars apply to

A. V. GEAK, Secretary.Chamber of Commerce rooms.Office Honrs: 12:301:80 p. m.

TJe Yokohama Specie BunkOHnin

Paid Up Capital Yen 11,000,000Reserve Fund Yen 7,300,000


BRANCHES AND AGENOrEH.Kobe, London. Lyons, New York,

Ban FranoUoo, Shanghai,

Toklo NagasakiThe Bank buys and receives for eolleo

Uon Bills of Exchange, issues Draft andLetters of Credit on the above Branchesand Agencies, and transacts a generalbanking business.INTEREST ALLOWED-- Ob

Qui Dtpoilt for it bobUh, 4 par cast . a 'Ob gxad Dtpoilt (or 6 mootti, j "On FUt4 Dtpoilt for 1 not,


at Yokohama, 0 CurraatDt.PoalLia-iotcasarda- y.

fix Dtpoilt foriamoottn. jK par (tot p. a

Hew EepnbUc Ballim nfm st, HoulUi

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea ft Halekanwila Bta.

Has a large assortment ol

Chandeliers and ElecTtrical Qoodt j

GonBtantly on hand,'

Estimates given for housn wli-I- na

and Electrical plants.Marine Wiring a specialty.








-- I

Page 7: 00 WT' Want Your Children Know Meaning of THE Evening ... · .$00.vV) YoiiWT' Want Your Children to Know the Meaning of THE FLAG! A Dollar, Evening Bulletin jil. Or a Dime.: Will

Lines of

l Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.The Finn Passenger Steamers of This Lino Will Arrive at auo

Leave Thin Port as Hereunder.

Prom San Franoisco: For San FranoiscoDECEMBER I

MARIPOSA...... JANUARY JaiicthSi IA .... .................. JANUARY 17,1 I ALAMfcDA 3

At?sTRAm"v:v.v..v..v:.'::.:.FEBHUA bwaryalameda...'.:.::!;;: :::::...... ramuARY .si mariposa , march..

In oouneotion with the Bailing of the above uteamerB, the Agentsare prepared to ieauo, to mtomlhiK pausongorn, coupon .throughHokota by any railroad from San Francinco, to all points in theUnited Btateo, and from Now York by any Btoamahip line to allEuropean ports.

For further particulars opply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., LimitedQonoral Agents Oceanics S. S. Co.

Pacific Mail Steamship Go.

Occidental and Oriental Steamship Co, Tojo Risen Kaisba

, Steamers ol the above comptnit will call ataaiev dciuw

For Japan and China:Onwnj.jMrEo) -

...CfiBlAmbki Mini ..Dectmbtr &

Alra (cares).Gailk January 13

.MarU I Janua.yajChina...' January jr

For general Intornatlon apply to

H. Hackfeld &

1111 Royal

aWSteamera of line, tunning In connection with the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO..betweeh Vancouver, B?C.. and Sydney. N. S. W.. and calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and BrUbane

art BW AT IIONOl.lIl.IJ on or about the datei below ttated, via t

FROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA, B. C.c. n.l.h.n and vdn.vi . .v. v... -- .,- ,wamrooo..ictmD.r a,Aorangl. ....... .Jan. i)Mlowera ...February itWarrlmoo.... March 17

Aorangl April 14

yTtirough tlclceli limed Irom Honolulu to Canada. United Statei and Europe. Tor Freight andPillage and all general Information, apply to

Thco. H. Davies & Co., Ltd., Genl Agents.

Lines ol Travel.

0tUIMI iJp'Co., Ltd,

TlflE TABLE.S. 8. Klnau,KREEMAN, Master.


Change in Sailing ofStmr. "Kinau."

On and cftcr Tuesday, Nov. fi, thesteamer KINAU will sail from Hono-

lulu on Tuesdays nt 12 noon, for Knu-nakak-

Lahalna, Maalaca Day, Klhcl,MaUcna, Kawalhae, Mahukonn,

and Hllo.Returning, will sail from Hllo on

Fridays at 2 p.'m. for nbovo namedports, arriving In Honolulu on Satur- -

PnsBchgciB and freight will bo takenfor Makcna, Mahukona, Kawalhae, Hl-

lo, Hakalau, Honomu, Papalltou, andiCIM)6lC0.

Passengers and PACKAGES ONLYwill be taken fcr Knumikukal, Laual-n- a.

Maalaca Bay, Klhcl and Ijuinahoo-ho- c.

S. S. Claudtne.CAMERON; Master.

MAUI.Will leave Honolulu every Tuebday

at 6 P. M.. touching nt Lahalna. Ka-hul-

Nahlku, Hana, Hamoa andMaul. Returning, touches

nt above named ports, arriving In Ho-

nolulu Sunday mornings.Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, onco each


S. S. Lehua,DENNETT, Master.

MOLAKAI,, MAUI, LANAI.Sails every Monday for Kaunakakal,

Kamalo, Maunalel, Kalaupapa, Laha-

lna,. Honolua, Olowalu. Returning es

at Honolulu Saturday mornings.

This company reserves tho right tomake changes in tho time of doparturoand arrival of Its steamers WITHOUTunmnD vwi if ui nnr ho rosnonsl- -iile for any consequences arising therefrom.

Consignees must bo nt tho landingto rccctvo tneir ireigui. i".

will not hold itself responsiblefor freight after it has been landed.

Llvo stock received only at owner sllsk.

This company will not bo responsi-ble for money or valuables of passen-Kcr- s

unlcta placed In tho care of thopursers.

ihaao tickets before embarking. Thosofalling to do so wll ho subject to puiddltlonal charge of twenty-flV- perfnt.The company wlli not bo liablo for

loss of, nor injury to, nor delay in,tho delivery of baggage or personalrffoAta n9 fVin hpvnnd thCnmniml nf eiAnAA .inlaCB lf)A ValttA oftho samo bo declared, at or betoro thoissue ot tho ticKet, nnu irciKiit i'"mcreoa,






Honolulu and leave this port pn or about the .umiuwuaii

For San Francisco:Alcoa (cargo.) 1... December uf?.tit December. aHonRkonR Maru December Joi.nina januaiyDoric January 1)Nippon Maru , January!Onsang (cargo) , ,...

Co., Ltd., Agents.

Steamship (jHNI ''

FROM SYDNEY AND BRISBANEFar Victoria and Vancouver IB. C.i:

Aorangi....uecemoer toMiowera.... January 1;Aorangl.... February lrWarrlmoo ....March 14

Mlowera... .April itWarrlmoo. May 9

Lines ol Travel.

All employes of tho company are for-- n .A.mlA f.Alnli. ...I .Ii.,t .1.1utuui:u lu ivvvifu itcigui. truuuuv u- -Ilverlng a shipment receipt therefor Inmo rorm prescnucu uy mo uompany,and which may bo seen by shippersnnnn nnnllrntlnn In tho nursers of thoCompany's steamers.

Shippers nro notltled that It rreightIs shipped without such rcceplt it willbo solely at tho risk of tho shipper.

C. L. WIGHT. President.a TV nn!C KnirnlnrvCAPT.Jt'. K. CLARKE. Port Supt.


From and After January I, 1809.

TRAINS.SIAIIVIUi LailJ ianj(Outward) . Sun. Dally ea. Sun. Dally Dally

A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M,Ifa...... ..... .. . a . a..nunuiuiu 7.a y .3 .1.03 J. .J 3vPearl City.... 80 11:40 '4? !SOEwaMllI 8.) looS ia.00 40s o;ioWalanie 10.50 .... 4'4S ...ifValalua 11:55 :

Kahulm ia:it . 6:15 ....STATIONS. Dally r,(Inward) Sun, Dally Dally Dally

A.M. A.M. , PJrt. P.M.tahuku 5:15 .... 10IWalalua 6:10 .... 1.50Walanai ?:io ....EwaMllI 5.50 t:4S : 4:jPiatlClty :is 8:0) lija 4:5aHonolulu 6.y 8.35 .05 j6

F. O. Smith, Gen'l Pass. A TicketAfAnt.

n Tl V.n&..aA&. C v.aI n a. .1 n.i. I.u. ar. g..imj, mnnimiwMUHMU


The stage for Kaueohe, Heela, Wat-kan- e,

Kualoa ami way points, willICVU JTUSly UlllUtJj 13CLI1U1 BUCUV B1UI'.at 9 a. in., Mondays, Wednesdays andFridays, calling for passengers and

Nuuanu street

A GOOD THING4--- 17 S--- C

Ohia, Algeroba and Pine FireiocOut and Split (ready for the Bum).




At Lowest Prices delivered to imy parIUO VHJ.

MUtrHOHE) 14

HUSTA.CE k CO1 Onocn Htrtnl.

Artesian Wells.


OfflOo with the Faclflc Hardware Co.,Honolulu, H, I.

Estimates glyon and contracts madefor wells ou any of tho Islauds. SIXNEW PLANTS forheavy work oparatod

bv the most skillful highest does drilled.1875


Ready made Linen Crash and WhiteDuck Sults.to be SOLD BELOW COST.

We have a full line of Woolens on liandjwhich we will make lip equally as cheap

good fit guaranteed.

HOP WO & CO.King sired near Union Square


Merchant Tailor

323 Nuuanu St.

Kino Suitings lu English, Scolcli andAmorlcnn Goods made to ordor.

felophone 608. I'ostolBce box US6.

L. AHLO,Dealer in Dry Goods, Grocer-

ies, Hardware,,t - Hoots and Shoos, oto

Al qunllty L. A. Rico for sale.No 400 Ntiuanu street, cor. Chaplain st.

AgollU for Walplo Rico Plamatl 11,

Manana Rico Plantation, Knnooho RicoPlantation, Walahm Rico Plantation,Kapalama Rice r.antation, ana Knnooho Rico Mill.

P. O. Box 101-1- . 1271



And Paper Hanger.133 Nuuanu Avenue, Honolulu, II. I



Watchmaker and .Towollor.


213K King Htroot. 1277


400 Nuuanu Stroot.

Chairs of all kinds, Matting,Cigars, Silk and Chlneso Teas.

YEE OtlONG,(Snccossor to C. Llntl),

lE3e stau.3 an.t.Nuuanu and Hotol htreots

Into of Hotel street, opposllo'I'nntboot.Hotel. First-clai- moal iy)C. rj.ll

Y. MAN SINGHas Removed From Fort Street to 311

Nuuanu Street, opp. Goo Kim's.


Dresses Made To Order.


Merchant Tailor,nAS MOVED

From 3M Nuuanu streot to larger prom-ises, No. 319, on tho oppo'ltn sldo of thestreet. 1203

L. CHONG,No. 6 Nuuanu St.. below Merchant, Honolulu.

MERCHANT : TAILOR.WSults guaranteed to st (nd In latea itylea

Clothing; made 10 order) UnKorma epeclalty.Clothes cleaned and repaired at rtaionable ratal.

K F, BurgessDoes All Kinds of.,

Small RepairingLAWN MOWERS anilGARDEN HOSK......

Are specialties. Liwn Mowers will becalled for, by RINGING UP 220. Also.,

afewfe rent.Pr.NSACOLA 8T.

For the PlumbingOu that new liouRt tliHt you aioabout to build ;or the nlterntiouHyou are intending to tiihko ouyour proporly. Call nnd bee ruoand got bu rstiraalo.

JAS. NGTT, Jr.Practical Tinstuilh ntul Plumbfr.

Shop: llerctanU street, 4 doniscattofPauchhowl. P.'iono HH.

Hour. 7 a. 111. to 5 p. 111,

Jobbing proiupllv attended to.

Telephotet 11W (t ). P. O, Box ,9


Mercantilb AgencyQ. H, BERREY, : .Manager.

Judd Building.

a Specif It?.

Building MaterialsOF ALL KINDS.

Dealers in Lumbor mid Oonl.

ALLEN & ROBINSON- ,-Queen street, Honolulu,

SHIPPING NEWS.Addition!, and (ho Ittcil Shipping Ntw,, will b

found on the ttchth pace



Day. I'i3 &di 5 --3 E.1--3

l?l e.i (5 n a11. in a. nl p.m. n in.

Mol.diiy 11 lu. 10 fi or o.r,i

Tiu-sda- 12! o.;vi ll.l'. , 7.18p. Ill

WednesMlay.. .. 1:1 1 20 l..r. 0 2S 8.25

ThurMlay -- . 1 1 2.0:. 130 7.1m 0.U1

Friday 2.1" 2 20 7)0 10.1(1

Saturday 1.0 n.liSlindiij' 17; J.oj ;i.r.o Il.'l5 11.30

Full moon on (ho lCth nt 3:01 p. 111.

Tho Standard time whlstlo soundsnt 12li. Om. Oa. (midnight), Greenwichtime, which Is Hi. 30m. p. m. ot Hawa-iian Standard lime.

MOVEMENTS OK STEAMERS.Steamers duo and 'sailing today and

foriho next six days nro as follows:ARRIVE

Stonmcrs From DunCoptic San Francisco ..:.,... Dec. 20Australia San Francisco Dec. 20Aorangl Sydney Dec. 20Gnellc Yokoliamn Dec. 22Wnrrlmoo Victoria Dec. 23America Mara San Francisco. Deo. 28Hongkong Maru Yokoliamn ..Dec. 30

DEPARTSteamers For DuoMnunn Loa Hawaii nnd Maul.. Dec. ISCoptic Yokoliamn Dec. 20Aoiaugl Victoria Dec. 20Gaelic San Francisco Dec. 22Warrlmoo Colonies Dec. 23Australia San Francisco .... Dec. 2CAmerica Maru Yokohama ....Dec. 28Hongkong Maru S. F Dec. 30

Report on the Pnnnnui Ctinnl.I'nrls, Dec. 4. The Commission sent

to Pannma by tho now Panama CanalCompany has presented n report outhe investigations nindo by It. Thocommlttco fnvors tho old De Lcsscpsor Panama route, rather than tho Nica-ragua route. Tho claim Is mado thattho Nicaragua canal as projectedwould pubs directly through n vol-canic district. The report declares thattho property surrendered by tho oldcompany Is In good condition. It Isclaimed that thcro nro 3,000 men ntpresent engnged on tho work nnd thatIn tho first year of nctlve work thatnumber will bo raised to 5,000. Tho re-port plncos tho cost of tho cuts at

francs nnd tho general total ofexpenses at 512,000,000 fames.

Steering With Other.An invention has been tested nt

Weymouth for steering nny craft,whether submerged or otherwise, bymeans ot nn ether wuvo on the wire-less telegraphic principle. Tho modelwas suhject to u variety ot tests nndfollowed the current wavo ns surelyns If guided by a rudder. In additionto steering in straight Hues vnrlousfigures wero descrihed. If furthertests nro successful It is likely tho sys-tem will bo adopted by tho Admiralty.Us effect In modern warfare Is Inesti-mable, ns It Is asserted that tho sys-tem cannot only bo applied to torpedonnd other craft, but can bo nttached tomines mid other destructive ngencles.


Shipping BUI Introduced.Washington, Dec. I. The shipping

bill was Introduced lu tho Houso todayby Representative Payna of NewYork, who, with Senator Hannu, pre-pared niui Introduced the bill last year.Mr. Payne says It Is the samo In all es-

sential particulars as tho former bill,except tlmt n provision Is mado thattho bounty shall not exceed $9,000,000annually, and tlmt foreign built shipshaving American register shall haveonly CO per cent of the bounty rntesprovided.



Hut what about the blood which thoheart must pump nt tho rate ot 70times n minute? If tho heart Is to besturdy and tho nerves strong thisblood must bo rich and pure. Hood'sSiu'saparilla makes sturdy hearts

It makes good blood. Ir ,glesto men nnd women strength, ronll-dcuc- p,

courage and endurance.Hood's Pills aro and

tin; only cathartic to tako wl(h Hood'sSarsupnrll a.

AniUVBD EX AUSTRALIA.To arrive ox Australia, Onions, Po- -

tutocs, Lemons, Limes, Apples, Pears.Mils, Kigs, ltniuins, salmon, Flounders,Crabs, Oysters, Cranberries, Quail,Ducks, Turkeys, Ham, llacon. etc., etc.C'amiii Inos, King nnd Alakca streets.

Hoarder's and livery rigs deliverednnd called for nt all hours. King StreetStubles.

Notice.Under orders from the BoarJ of Health

our steamers w ill not be allowed to land or

discharge alongside of a wharf during thecontinuance of the plague. It will be

necessary to lighter all freight tn and from

the steamer.-;-, hi addition to regular ratesof freluht. a further charge for lighterage'sufficient to cover I he actual expense of the

Mine will be made. No freight will be

received, except that It he subject lo thischarge for lighterage.


CO., LTD.,By Its President, John Eua.

(Signed)WlLDER'.S.,STA'MSHJP.i;0..,Jp.1tf By Its President, C. I.. Wight.

r,jtM.. &ML'A II

THE0.H. DAVIES &C0.,LtdMerchants and Commission Agente.

Carry a Complete Line Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery, &c. Painti)Oils and White Lead.


Agents for Clsriphos & Dick's Balata Belting,This Belling Is acknowledged by several of the most expert engineers on tn

Islands to be the best, most djrable, and least expensive.Also Agents Kelthefer Bros.' GRAY AGATE WAKE, of which a full Hi 1

Is carried.A good selection of IRON BEDSTEADS, MATTING, LINOLEUM, LAWr


Lime, Cement, Fire Clay and Fire Bricks.

Honolulu Tobacco Co., LiriiJietiIMPORTERS Or


IM110 of Smoking Tobacco.

Cor. Fort


For a . . . - !

Christmas Present!I

What could be nicer than a

Photo Enlargement

For Children

!Whit Nicer Than

33-- LIOHTIG-- ,


J. J. WILLIAMS'Photo Gallery.


WrrAaDon't delay giving your orders for


till you get crowded out, bill ordernow:

Visitors are cordially invited tocall .and inspect our gallery of life-siz- e

royal photos, from KamehamehaI. to date.

At tho Old StandOn Fort Stroot ::

VolcanosIn Action onMauna Loa !



Mott-Sml- th Building,

Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts.taril


fe"'3afl5i! I faiSi fVjHililililL

Is ONE of the many good features of the

"Oliver' Type -- writer., FOR SALE AT....V..,


"BREAKFASTSIs the foretaste of the whole day. Spoil

that end we probably spoil all." 'Be sure the coffee Is good, and that 'It

Is fromLEWIS & CO.,

..,. Leading grocersTelephone 240. 1 1 1 Fort St.


Tftfe t. H

ita. rtw ' ' '





and Merchant Streets, Honolulu.


SilentBarber Shop.

Arlington Mock, Hotel Strvot

Joseph Fernandez, Prop'i

For cloau&tng tho scalp,tho skin of the hoad, rollovlng hoiulacbncanned by overwork nnd luoutal wor:eradicating dandriin", anil gonoradjmaking you feel Pkn a now man orwoman, tboro Is nothing cquallto

Pacltcco's Dandruff Killer.For salo by all druggists, nnd al Jtha)

Union Harbor Shop.Toiepnouo ovu.

The World RegisterKeeps tho Cash whllo yniarn busy.

Try 0110 o

Rock PricesOn Marble nnd Granite,


Fences and LawnFurniture.

Haw'D Iron Fence anil Monumental Ce,

tfll King Stroot.


75 and 79KingStrtTELEPHONE NO. 31.J ,

NOW Is the time to get lens sacuroattagM Men to, ami yenr

Roofs Put in QrdnUy competent workawa ,


Guitar, Mandolin, Zitber,and Ukulole.

irDuring my absence at'OmraMr. Ames, of Wall, Nichols Co.,will have charge of my pupils.


ANN1S MONTAGUE TURNER-Vo- calStudio, "Mlgnon," 720 Derctanla

street. Tel. 1114. 127

iS. K. K-AA-I,

Teacher of Guitar, Mandolin, Zithar;Ukulele and Tare Patch.

Orders to bo loft care of Wall, NlrbolCo., and al llergtrom Mtiatc Co ""l2M




Page 8: 00 WT' Want Your Children Know Meaning of THE Evening ... · .$00.vV) YoiiWT' Want Your Children to Know the Meaning of THE FLAG! A Dollar, Evening Bulletin jil. Or a Dime.: Will




ii.B ".

i'liv- -


-- -



The wonderful antiseptic and disinfectant.

Bubonic, or the Black Plague, is contracted through the

blond from cuts or abiasions of the bkin, or is taken through

the respiratory organs by inhaling.

This preventative, Electrozone, can be applied externally,

or can be used as a mouth wash, thus absolutely preventing

the formation of the deadly bacilli. For regular disinfectants,

which are always necessary, we have CHLOROZONB,

PURIFINE, CHLORIDES, and the commonly-know- n



Honolulu Drug Co.,Von Holt Block, King St.

We Ape Still MovingzWe have torn one warehouse down .inJ are clearing the goods out of

another as fast ns w e can.Our moving sale last week on Bicycle Lamps was a great success, we

have cleaned out all the stock of lamps that we put aside for special sale.

We are now going to offer a limited number of Bicycles at lower prices

than ever offered before so that we will not have to move them to our newquarters.

Columbia Chalnless Bicycles 75-o-

Columbia Chain Bicycles 55- -

Hartford Chain Bicycles... 40.00

Vedette Chain Bicycles 30.00

This offer only applys to our present stock which we do not w Ish to

have to move, when ijiey are gone prices will go back to the sameas In thepast. This Is your chance to get a valuable Christmas present, one tint,will be appreciated.

If you arc looking for JUVENILE WHEELS for the little folks justbear In mind that we have a gooJ stock and can suit you.

We rent Chalnless Columblas by the day week or month.

i E. 0. HALL & SON

Cor. Fort and Kincr StsColumbia aud Rambler Agonts.




China(Nine DifTerent Views.)

Children's Books andToys at ReducedRates.

Hawaiian News Co,,Limited.

(Merchant Street.



Linen Crash andWhite Duck Suits.

HOP WO & CO.,King, near Union Square.

Meeting Notice.A Special Meeting of the MAUI FISH'

ERY COMPANY will be held at the of.flee of E. H. Bailey (Custom House)Kahulul, at 10 a. m. MONDAY, Dec-emb- rt

18th, 1899. Important businesswill be transacted.

Per Order W.T.ROBINSON,Acting Secretary.

Wnlluku, Maul, Dec. 2, iByo.

'.-- , 1303-a-

A. It. KOWAT,(D. V. S.)

Ollice at the Club Stables.1402-i-

THE H. I., 15,



Opening with the whimsical sketch entitled,

"CLAMS"A Big Feature,

F. SMITHThe Champion Rifle Shot of the World

Assisted by C. SMITH.Exhibiting Their Feats of

Rapid and Sdentllic Shooting.The Ariel ArtistHERR 13USCH,

Performing Feats of Strength nn theSpanish Rings.

MUSICALby His Daughter EDITH In an

Original Act"iiiqt enn KiiM


r.V3 p. m.uvn

Assisted bvJULIUS H. RIALTO,


-- ChangeThursdays.


of and

icral AJmtislon. e anJ or.








Electrical Terpslchorcan

Family Matinee





Program Mondays

every Saturday, at

last llx rows for chll Jr.n under ta eari. lof .Rtunti Chairs. 50c.Seats can b booked by ringing up Telephone so




Of the Genuine

H B..

tEdison Type

Oceanic Gas & Electric JCO., LIMITED.

H H H H- -




I. X. L. Hack Stand

WANTS.frttck''''-'- "' '""' """' IntttltJ tllfttnUVfc m hntfirtt inttrtton: to unit ittoni inttu

tion; )o emit A ttk anJ w ctnlt a month, ttit it ibteitifctl tJvtthit " efftrtJ Hiptolt of Honolulu.


JANTE- D- i bny (o hlp In the tUke !ior. NewW EncUnl Uikery. moj-j- !

WANTED-You- nR mm (Hawaiian) Arply THEACT0ULRS SIIOB (lO uoi-l- l



To purchase woni-han- i Romlnj.In cooj repair. GKe price

AJJrcs "Utter." thM nftic.UANTED-- A riVE OH COTTAOE

close to the hulnes centre. AJJress I., u.Le Mimyon. of the LeMtinyon Photo-Sutly-

UANTED-POSITI- ON or any kind by younsman with (ourjeir experience rookkcepine.

Aidtut J. A. care of BULLETIN office iwwRITINfi AND ACCOUNTINO DONE accurate.... i ........ un mm ... d.m.1.'.Iji inuaciaia iic. pin. luvniiv.ic vi'Express Co i or General Delivery, P. O. no-t- f

EMPLOYMENT WANTED by a Japanese" Cnok havlne Ions experience. AWress'OKA,P. O. BOX 874.

COMPETENT GERMAN GIRL WANTED forv ireneral homework anJ care of children. References required. Arply O. M Bulletin office i 6)

WANTED jooMentoeeUhaveJ for isc (whit.W barbers). II. JEITS. 6:oJ5 Fort street, opp.Club Stables


COR SALE oo live fat and )oo live fatreidv to to delivered In any part of


Telephone 856.




j. n. vrituiiii.Independence


second-hin- d i' second-han- wagon, s second-hin- d buggy.Apply to F H. IDA at Union Feed Co.

8- -

SALE GooJ Mllklntr Cows and Heifers.also gentle horses, . milk wagons and milk

cans, Apply to A. A.vane)








HOME IN NUUAMJVALLEY. Address Box 71). i7

SALE A new COTTAGE of eight rooms andgrounds nicely laid out: statu and out

houses.One lot ts x is;; laid on; ornamental

etc One lot, 7J x 115All on street. 1 or runner pamcuurs

apply to W. M. CUNNINGHAM, at. the TavorlteSaloon. Hs ..







ioo-t- f




water trees,corner

TO LET j New Cottages at Punahou, nearly com-pleted, ready to occupy January 1st, 1000.

Several Cottages on Kings not far from town oncar line.

A Residence at Walklkl on the beach. Immediatepossession rK en, Apply to

WILllAM SAVIDGE.No. io I ott street.

CURMSHEDROOW-On- ly a month. PrivateI f amllj , Ci Vlreyard st reet, doors Queen Hotel

9'-i'- n .THE ALOHA ROOMING HOUSE. Fort St. Best

1 rooms and attendance In city.


Chamber of Commerce.A special meeting of the Honolulu

Chamber of Commerce will be held at lisrooms on Saturday (tomorrow), Dec. 16,

at 10 a. m. to consider the application ofHoard of Health for assistance In maintaining the poorer residents of the quaran-

tined district and to take steps toward thequarantining of a wharf.

JAS. GORDON SPENCER,140 Secretary.

Special Meeting oi theMedical Association --

of Hawaii.A special meeting of the Medical Asso-

ciation of Hawaii Is called for Saturdayevening, at 8 o'clock, at the Pacific Clubfor the purpose of discussing the presentsituation. All members of the professionare earnestly requested to be present Irre-

spective of membership.C. L GARVIN, M. D

Secretary M. A. 1


President. 43-2- t


Quarantine Notice.Board op health office,

Honolulu, December is, 1899- -

Uy order of the Board of Health the fol-

lowing district of the City of Honolulu isplaced In strict quarantine. All personsa-- e forbidden to either enter or leave thesame without a pass signed by Col. J. W.Jones, commanding the First Regiment,N. G. H.

The boundaries of the district quarantined are as follow: Beginning at a pointwhere the mauka line of Queen streetcrosses Nuuanu street, thence up Nuuanustreet to Kukul street, including both sidesof Nuuanu street, thence by the center lineof Kukul street to the Walklkl bank orNuuanu stream, thence following saidbank of the stream to n line mauka ofKing street bridge, thence across to Walklkl side of River street, thence along tomauka line of Queen street, thence topoint of beginning.

HENRY COOPER,I433t President Board ot Health.

IRRIGATION NOTICE.Holders wntor privileges, or those

paying wator rates, aro horoby notifiedthat tho hours for Irrigation purposesaro from 0 to 8 o'clock a. m. and from4 to 6 o'clock p.




Superintendent Water Works.Approved by A. YOUNG,

Minister of Interior.Honolulu, Juno 14, 189.

1211-t- f

r,, O0. 04 ,s not quar. Dav,j Ai Dowsetl Esqi has tnlsdayantlned I All orders received will been appointed a Notary Public for thebo,Dromntlv n,tnH,i First Judicial Circuit of the Hawaiian. . j ..v..uu w. " -Islands. ALEX.YOUNG,

Mng and Nuuanu streets. Minister of the Interior.'01'i Interior Office, Dec. J2, 1899. 1401-3- 1


For additional Shipping News see seventh page

AimtVALS.Thursday, Dec. 11.

Stmr. Maul, Wclsbarth, rrbm Huwallw Ith Btock nnd 1E0 cords wood.

Stmr. Mntil, Mncdonald, from Itaiaa-li-

Stmr. Mokolll, Sachs, from Moloknl.Stmr. Wnlalenle, Orccne, from Ka-ln- a:

015 bags rice, 11 pkgs sundries.Am. sclir. Ecthel Zane, Holmstrora,

from 1'oit Townseml, Nov, 10, with100,000 shingles and 085,928 feet oflumber to Wilder & Co.

DEPARTURES.Thursday, Dec. 11.Thursday, Dec. 14.

Stmr. l.clnm, Dower, Molokat (an-

chored In ntiarantlne.)Stmr. O. Hall, Thompson, Koloa,.Br. stmr. Carlisle City, Altkcn. Yo-

kohama.Schr. Mllle Morris, Sam, Koolutt (an-

chored In quarantine.) .

Schr. Kiuilkcaoull, Kuakini, Kopaia(nnchored In quarantine)

Stmr. Mokolll, Sachs, Molokul.Friday, Dec. 15.

Stmr. Maun Lo.t, Slmcrson, for n,

Mnnlnc, Kona, Kau and Vol-

cano nt 10 n. m. (anchored In quarantine.)

TO SAIL THIS AFTERNOON.Stmr. Nilhati, Thompson, for.Lahal-i- m

and Knnnapalt at 4 p. m. (subjectto quaiantlnc regulations.)

PASSENGERS ARRIVED.From Knpaa, per stmr. Walalcalo,

Dee. 14. Mrs. Deerman, H. Blake.

Months at theVIctoiInn, D. C, Dec.

Pumps.3. Again No

vember has proven n disastrous monthfor shipping off tho coast ot VancouverIsland. Besides those provlously re-ported as having had narrow escapesfrom destruction, two vessels met theirdoom lu the terrible storms whichcntiscd so .much uneasiness last month.Portunntcly, however, no lives werelost, although tho survivors had ex-periences which few men pass thorughand Jlvo to tell.

Tho vessels wero the Peru-vian bark Llbertad, which left Plsaguaon August 25th with a cargo ot ni-

trate- for tho Victoria Chemical Works,and tho American schooner Hera, withn general enrco from Seattle-- for Hono-lulu. Tho Llbertad was abandoned Inn sinking condition forty-fiv- e milessouthwest of Capo Cook, nt H16 moitnortherly end of Vancouver Island,nnd tho Hera was burned to tho water's edgo In Clayoquot sound.

Of tho two crows tho men of thoLtbcrtnd, nono ot whom can speakEnglish, had tho most terrible- - experi-ence. Ior closo on two months theytook turns at working tho pumps, andthen, ns they wero getting fartherfrom land nnd tho water In tho vesselwas gaining on them, Captain Arenadecided to abandon tho ship. Thelargest bpat on tho bark was droppedfrom tho dnvltB, a sackful of bread wasthrown Into tho boat, and tho crew gotIn, prepared to faco almost anythingIn preference to further work nt thepumps.

London nnd the McssiijJc.Ixmdon.Dcc. C Tho amount of

sparo dovoted hero to President McKIn- -ley's message to Congress evidencestho widespread Interest In tho document. Tho afternoon papers. In longeditorials on tho subject, partlculnilyrefer to tho currrency declarationsnnd solnco themselves with tho Ideathat tho good relations between tboUnited States and Great JJiitaln aroso well known as to havo luqulicdmoro emphasis ns In tho casn of Oer-mnn- y,

Tho Pall Mall Gnzetto sic3 in thomessago nn unmlstakablo 1 uproot ofMr. Chamberlain's Leicester speech.

Tho Globe thinks tho document laweak lu higher statesmanship, andthat 011 foreign policy, us elsewhere,it is tinctured with opportunism.

Tho Westminster Gazette, discuss-ing tho lefcrcnco to Canada, ,says:

"When discussing tho relations botween Great Britain and tho UnitedStates, It ought always to bo remem-bered that thero are very matorlal In-

terests which must .bo dealt with onbusiness nnd not on sentimentalgrounds. Graceful concessions are notseen In tho samo light by tho daughterns by tho mother."

Wlldmnn and Aguinuldo.Washington, Dec. 6. Ilelntlvo to tho

rumor from Hongkong that AgulnaldoIs willing to surieuder to UnltolStates Consul Wlldman, It is learnedthat though tho Consul himself hadcherished that belief for somo monthspast, tho Government hero had beenwithout any nssirranco of tho sound-ness1 of his conclusion. Mr. Wlldmants not tho only official representing thoGovernment In tho Far East who hasoxpresscd confidence In his ability topersuade- Agulnaldo to censo hostilitiesbut for somo reason tho administra-tion has always been somewhat skoptl-c- a

as to theso undertakings. Thls-re-po-

from Hongkong Is bollovcd to benothing moro than n revival of somoof tho old rumors.

The artist at work in KINGBROS., Hotel street, showwindow is attracting no littleattention by his skillful hand-li- ne

of the brush. It is mostinteresting to watch him colorIsknd views and especiallythe one showing a panoramicview of the city from Punch-bowl. Many of which havebeen sent abroad as

'Xmas gifts.


New York, Dec. 3. John I. Blair ofBlatnrtown, N. J., a e,

and ono ot tho oldest railroad buildersand owners in tho country, died nt G

o'clock yesterday morning.




-- 33 Queen Stree

Auction Sale..OF.

Delinquent Stock

Ink.IN THB..

WTho holders of tuo Mannalcl Sugar

Co., Ltd., stock, hereunder described,nro hereby notified that tho second andthird assessments of 10 per rent each,on said stock Is duo nnd unpaid, nnd Isbow delinquent.

If tho amount of said assessmentwith Interest thereon is not paid on orbefore Thursday, December 28th, nt 12o'clock noon, at tho offices of Gear,,Lansing & Co., Honolulu, tho saidshares will bo sold at Public Auction,at the nbovo hour and date, at thesalesroom of Jns. r. Morgan, 33 Queenstreet, Honolulu, as follows

Cert. . No. Shares15 15C8 , 20C2 4584 10

221 10100 1040C .20119 10137 10

240.., 'C247, ,.... f..'... - : 20259 , 102C0 10318 1339 5363 203C4 , 20 '

3C5 203CG 203G7 20

A. V. GRAB.Trcas. Mannalcl Sugar Co , Ltd.

Honolulu, Dec. 11, 1899.

Auction Sale.or.,

Dipt Sugar Stock


At my salesroom, 33 Queen streot, Ho- -'

Pacific Import Co.(INCORPORATED),

:e:i3ogke3:hss block.TO ALL WHO ARE OPEN TO


We carry the largest stock in thatline, our own importation directfrom the leading manufacturers inGermany. Dolls of all sizes and allprices. Do not make your purchasesuntil you convince yourself by in-

specting our stock and learning ourprices.


Lodies Gents' andChildren's Hand-

kerchiefs.Our values in that department

cannot be duplicated elsewhere. Weplaced on sale Goo dozen Handker-chiefs at 5c, regular 10c quality.We also carry full lines of highergrade goods.

SENSIBLE GIFTS.Sterling Silverware Sold at

Reasonable Priced.

Just received, a complete newstock of KID GLOVES. Our $1.30glove is by tar the best glove everoffered.

Complete line of Ladies' SILKDRESS SKIRTS. Black AlpacaDress Skirts at S2.00, well worthSi.no. Ladles' Fancv Dress Skrtsin Crepon and other new materials.

Ladies SILKat all prices.



wri MA a&fli . w&- - iktvtums, 'WWWmfca3uiwui

nolulu, I will sell nt Public Auction, byorder of Mr. Frank Hustace, Treasmcrof tho Kamalo Sugar Co., tho following'certificates of stock v.x tho Kamalo S11- -gar Co., unless tho d(,llin;li2iit aeuess- - Jment, with Interest thereon, is paid be rrforo tho day of sale. "




-- 416.,40.




...25... CO

...25,.. 15,.. 20... 20... 10...25,.--

. 10... CO

... 25


...COv CO

... 20

... 20

... 20


... CO

... CO

... CO



... CO

... 25


... GO

... 50

... 10

... 10

... 12

... 25

. . .100



, 25. 25, 25, 25. 25. GO

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. 10

. 10

. 10

. 10

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. 25


. 25

. 23

. GO

. 5

. 5

. 25

. GO








' 24..29..


Shrs.. 60. 25. Ju. 201. 20. 10. 25. CO


. 25

. 60

. GO

. 60

. 25

. 20

. 20

. BO

JAMES MORGAN,Auctioneer.





25606010101050 "



25, 25, 10, GO

. 50

. 6

. 25

. 25

. 25

. 25

. 25

. 5

. 5

. G

. 50

P. I


ico Ladies' P. K. DRESSSKIRTS at $1.25, regular S2.00quality.

Special Organdie SaleBetter values were never offered

before. Choice patterns and alarge stock to select from .

500 pes Victoria Lawninches wide, sold at 75c ai

piece. never to De duplicated 1

again tor less than $1.00 a piece.





At Reduced Prices ,'1

Just Received, a Large Stock of

Boys' and Children'sSuits,

In Cloth and Wash Materials.Knee Pants at 35c pair.Wash Suits at 75c a suit.





Linen Dress Suits, newest styles atlowest



goods at special prices.


S, EARLICH, Manager,



