0 I tt1- f ffJVl- H t TIlE SUN SUNDAY APiUL 28 1806 > j STORIES OF A BRIGHT DOG t nn DOES ffo rnzcKs nUT IIIB A LOT Ulf COJfWOV HIlfCSK- MavtnR R Cannrjr from > CtTh rInd ship or tb Ht Bernnrd and the Chum- rUonAn AllnlKht AVutcli Over Hl- Mmttr > Dropped Pocketbonb from the CMwiffo Ktfm- lDuturn 0 Jllnn April 4Thero hai never bn a dol In this section of tho country that for Intelligence and almost human Intuition could bo compared with tho big St lernnr Pedro owned by I D J Thompson city If all the stories that havo been told concerning this animals sagacity are truc ho could very eMI sour a diploma at a high school but even when tha false Is sifted from tho tru Pedro who Is nearly three feet high and weighs 150 pounds bus performed wonderful mental feats which class him as j one of the most remarkable dogs of recent time Tho IOB tastes are as peculiar as his mental development I Is wonderful Ho his never been like other dOl Almost from tho time ho wa- spupho a now I years oldUr Thomueon- aays he has been of a melancholy temperament r given to long And lonely musings and solitary rambles For the companionship of hIs fellow hi never had any predilection and has only suf- fered ¬ the presence of other dogs with Intelligent resignation Pedro was the only one of a flue litter of Cupplts saved raid Mr Thompson His mother died two dais after ho was born antI ho K wa placed under the care of a collie which I L from the first showed such a dislike for him that we had to raise him by hand In his in- fancy ¬ ho therefore never came In contact with i other dop this may account for his strange i others ot his kind Ho wa- shsrdiyletoutoftIichoueuntii Fi afterhe WA c fc year old He was then I big puppy and h I Know his own strength He got out of tho yard 1 f one day and ran Into the street A shaggy cur following a farmers wagon snapped nt him 1 and bit ofl a piece of his ear Pedro stood as i if struck with amaze 1 was practically 3 the first dog he had coma In contact i f with and bo had never received anthlnr r but the kindest treatment I liven with training be has always been pensive and peculiar f i due probably to his bringing lint ulnco the time mongrel rnl at Ul bit him ho has r V never had any ute nogs As he grow older Fr end stronger ho coca or twice tacked passing dogs but we cured him of that Few dogs I would caro to attack him ho never c 1 lakes any advances to bring about Mich an at ¬ l Hu Is allowed to go but tbu streets as t he tileases but his Journeys solllaiy When a visitor comes to tho house and brings n I dog Pedro simply treats iho stranger as though made of statuary If the troll dog makes t sny advances there Is a Bhoivlni of r teeth and a 101 growl and after that ho Is usa ¬ t < ally left r O Pedro early showed his peculiar temperament- S i Dignified even as a puppy he allowed tho houau- S 1 cat and her kittens to play with him but hU part was always passive Ills disposition was of the kindest and huu o puts were never mo- lested ¬ tj Toward his master ho showed an early 1 t attachment but It was never manifested by barks and romps nnd waagingsof the tnU A Snub uplifting of tbe eyes deep expressive t and a blind obedience of orders when they werl f learned served to Illustrate tho depth affection which strengthened as be grow older The dogs Intelligence was first manifested I when ho was about 14 months olan ugu when St Bernard are usually big masses of bones and havo room for but little other than 1 mischief In tbelr head The Thompson al- ways ¬ f kept a canary bird in a cage sit- ting ¬ room In which Pedro would lie for hours i on a mat One day tbo door of the cage was f loft open and the canary escaping flew about the room In the course of hU fluttering the bird several times flew within a few Inches of f the dog but Pedro only winked lazily Not so a handsome Maltese cat tint had Jima t f crept Into the room At tho Intlthtotbo blr1 the cats savage h also appeared to have an Inborn fear t of the Intruder which It hail not felt toward the dog It flew frantically about the and be- came ¬ bewildered The cat Ort- si move- ments ¬ i with careful eyes and athu canary grow more frantlo In Its struggles to escaoo It ramie i leerl springs which almost secured the coy ¬ i prey Pedro at first paid Ito attention to the movements of cat and as several times I tho latter dashed in agonising frenzy near him hu rOA and 10kOl on with moro interest The f at last directly against thin mantel- piece ¬ r and partially stunned by the shock t to tIme floor Ihecatvvasim It with a jump tel not quicker than Pedro who sprung between f i the bird and cat just In time to save limo formers k life At the same time he gave a loud yelp which was heard all over tho house and tho i family rushed Into the room just in time to see tho eat retreat to escape a vicious snap from i v Pedros jaws Thu canary was but little injured and as It was restorer to its cairo Pedro looked on wagging his tal and expressing every of- t elll i appreciation of net Yet I In a few ho LOU the cat were again on tho best of terms The bil HU Hernard developed many peculiar habits he grew older but none moro striking than was shown In an attachment conceived last summer Early In May a friend of tho d hompsons sent them a chameleon from Florida It wa a beautiful little animal about even c Inches long exclusive of Its tail which was as much longer It was or a blulbh ash color and at once began to thrive m this northern climate the weather being of a genial warmth almost t equal to that of its native clime Time chameleon would sit for hours on the t Window sill apparently dead as tho sill It was fitting on except for the occalonAlllhtnlnK like flashes of us long SC safety Feat that bad approached too close for SOI II own Pedro appeared to take a great deal of Interest J in the stranger Ho would bland by the window where the chameleon lay and watch It for an hour at a iliac Unru or twlco ho put his roll nose against Us body only to Jump tiiek is thu > chameleon would make n hasty hurry toinape Hut Pedro Intuitions u in oof the heat und us the Hummer grew on the chameleon npiieared to understand that what it had taken for vora- ciousness ¬ was only curiosity and It manifested Its friendliness In 1 Its own way During the lint summer days It was no unusual < eight to see Pedro hlll near the window with the sun rliinlne shaggy coat nnd the chameleon scampering over his hairy body I And during these little joiirnej sov er time body of its big friend thu chameleons searching tonuuo I would bo kept bitky I My after fly would dlsap- B pear down Its voracious tin oat and the dog r> Would pant away with perftct enjovmnnt and f apparent understanding of the trouble of which Ills little friend would rid him When cold weather set In the chameleon grew I more sluggish amid early In October died For dnya after Pedro would walk to tho familiar l t window sill and poke his note over Its surface then turn around and look Inquiringly at tho I i members of the family Ho kept this March up the greater part of the winter mid it wan early lit the sprint before ho appeared to understand p that tho chameleon msam gone Saturday night about three weeks ago Mr Thompson made arrangements to tuku J oclock I train I for ht Paul 1edio was flllOdl mouse early In time evening before Mr Thompson j loft The dog was frequently allowed to uccom 1 tiany his muster to time oily and evidently thought would bo allowed to to on this occa t clun When Mr Thompson started out Pedro fol ¬ lowed him Intrt tho hall and when the door was I opened darted out Mr Thompson started down time walk and Urt did not notice that Pedro P was following Ho was several blocks from Bis homo when the patter of the dogs feet 4 traNe1 his attention t 4 Youll have to go home Pedro said Mr Ifft Thompson turning uround Im going too jar J II to take you with me tonight lio buck homo M theres a good 101 Ordinarily order of this kind would bu obeyed at once but to Mr Thompsons sur- prise ¬ the dog did not move Pedro no home at once I cried Mr Thompson In n harsher tone i After a moments maueothmodogturned around and slunk away In time direction of home Mr i Thompson continued on hll way to the railroad tL i latlonhbut had gone only a few blocks further 11 a bark behind him Looking around he saw Pedro but a short dlttanceava 1 In reply to his commands to go bom time dog l would only bark Mr Thompson proceeded on his way a few feet when began to hark i again and turning second time Mr Thomp- son ¬ saw that he was still standing In the same place A As Mr Thompson turnrd around time dog be- gan ¬ to howl In a Btrungo manner but Itwui potting Into und nearly train tltno anti Mr Ihnmpton decided to run fiances of iho dogs J t following him and hurried on down town lie turne around several times but observed that ft was Mandlng on time saute spot appar- ently ¬ r from which his first bark hud attracted II r Thompeonn attention 4 I TIme next morning when Mr Thompson woke Jt up In St Paul and took an Inventory lie noticed 5m time 101 of a package of valuable papers wbloh I lie In his pocket when he started from lu i21 luth A search through his clothing nod satchel et ii revealed nothing No hlnl hail been found ou the train and that was al that Mr Thompson t 1 could learn I 7 Hut about fi oclock that same morning J H- ardner1 4i neighbor of Mr Tbimipmns was j l llklni thu city when about llvo blocks t home lie taw I two men apparently wor- rylng a dog They struck lt time dog with n tick ceveraitlmu mind time dog would then and thin return to his old stand a i liken appeared to be afraid to tao determined i I measures Ilv Jove that looks llkoThompsons dog exclaimed Mr Mardner us he got nearer He hurried on and only u moment later saw that It was really Pedro whom all the neighbors knew as well as therdld their own children t li The stood taco ita wet still tbrcutellni time dog which rf I Here what are you fellows doing cried Mr Jlarilner as hu drew closer tji the scene That dogs uotapocketbAjk here explained the men and Mr Mardner saw that Pedro was guarding a bulky package Ylothats Thompson book Ive seen It do1u m exclaimed Mardner in surprise 1 t u Ho nearer with the Intention of picking It dew although Pedro knew him he mail n nap at Manlners outstretched hand which caused that gentleman to draw It brick In haste The retail was that Mardner and one of the men remained on tho scone until ono of the family was summoned Then Prdro relinquished his guardianship of the package and walked homo pacabiy enough I think that was one of the most remarkable things that ever a dog did said Mr Thompson yesterday dwelling on tho story I vas 1 oclock at night when that book dropped out my pocket The dOl I honestly was on his way home the hook dropped hut in looking around saw It fall nnd ran to the spot hol he barked It was to call my attention I did not return ho staled there nil nltrht to guard thn pocketbook I have learned since that people who know mo raw tho log standing thcro on their way homo thn night and thought ho hn suddenly gun for ho wouldnt lot pass on time walk Two of them complained to me on my return from 8t Paul the next day but when I explained rca on for the dogs exclusiveness they lost sight of their complaint In admiration vo jfOAEr von PITTS ctrr Time Irtllllntnre Wouldnt Ole 8SSOO to Make I little 1nrk to Commeniontto- IMilnumn liimnn Hlrnnsclo wIth I Sbe- Volfllat u Time 1VIII Come IlAltTFoiin April 2Tho Putnam wolf den bill latbly Introduced Into the Nutmll General Assembly by Ilcpresentallvo ¬ ner acting In behalf of the Connecticut Daugh- ters ¬ of tho American Revolution has been un- ceremoniously ¬ spurned by the skinflints of tho Legislature and I ls now tho deliberate con- viction ¬ of time Daughters that the General As ¬ sembly has Insulted them The Daughters had taken no end of pains In concocting that patriotic measure and were In downright earnest about having ft pas < ed They had begged the legislators to donate to them tho beggarly sum of SUOOO with which they enthusiastically promised to fix np tho wild and rocky laud about the wolf den In Toui rctWlndbam countynorthf astern Connecticut In which Old Put Gen Israel Putnam the lutl Connecticut soldier had his extraordinary klrmlsh with a jircdatof she wolf In tIme win- ter ¬ of 171040 They wanted to put things In shlpshapo thereabouts they pleaded make a beautiful park ot Limo savage region all about tho illustrious cavern clear lay time underbrush there lay out winding walks and wall up and adorn a cooling spring near the cave eo at least tho Daughters In a great ali glowing tons meeting at Norwich some time ago de- clared ¬ through their orators- It I was high tInny tho tour spocchmakers elo- quently ¬ submitted that the Staiu of Connecticut lid something tangible and tuibstantlal to provo that It valued and revered time memory of Old Put and other oldtlmo patriots so long notion orcd a memory which had shed so much heroic ustro and other things on tho fair name of Nut megland Accordingly wlththelrbonnotstrlugs temporarily at largo a mishap bob tho fervid enthusiasm of tho occasion tho Daughters passed a lot of resolutions tho upshot of which VA the precipitation of Earl Warners wolfden bill Into tho Legislature AntI what has been tho outcomo of so much nnbottled patriotic zeal and endeavor Why the halfcontemptuous rejection of tticlr be- loved measure by a parsimonious General Ae seuibly and all because a paltry pecuniary con ¬ sideration of 5SOOO was asked for to carry out their noble and grand and glorious design Tho daughters of the American Revolution wont forget this slight and Insult toon either For they havo said so TOo General Assembly wl icnr from them again sure 001 POOH rIme clslvo hearing In respect of Putnam memo- rial ¬ was hud one day late last week and then and there Earl Warner who is A gallant and obliging as well as most capable kLisliitor and advocate delivered an oration In behalf of limo measure that was calculated to melt a heart- of stone but Connecticut hearts of tone It IHS long been noted particularly if In- cprescntatlves at Hnrtfoid are notoriously hard to melt and fuse AH far OR heard from not a legislative heart was RO touch A consider- ately ¬ thawed to say nothing about Its bulng- utitod by Mr Warners pathetic and con vlncini plea Indeed oml members even sullied at films recital and some smiled flippantly Ir disdainfully while a tow others roe in their Seats mil argued unfeelingly In opposition to It that the State I In already ruinously In debt They went on to proclaim that It not only no ready money In its coffers but that there are altogether more Important objects tl which public monov must bo applied that Old Puts celebrated and traditional exploit very likely night be a myth after all Unit time old cave ur wolf den at Iomfret was not likely to bo stolen or to get away from the Mate nt any rate not at present and that tho wholo ImslncnA of thin spring rustic walk arboreal fencedIn Pomfret memorial proposition bor- dered ¬ on tim sentimental and emotional Cer- tainly ¬ they Uldnt bellcvo It would pay to run the State SfiOO In debt just to put a railing Arou1ln wildcat cave In northeastern Connect Introduce a spigot Into I ppoutlng spring In time woods unit so on and to on Ant that sort of timing settled thai whole mat ¬ bo the lalghter masterly determination to In vain Mr Earl Warner who hind proved himself to be a doughty knight worthy of tho aiightcrs confldince and favor essayed to stem the antagonistic legislative onset In time end be was disarmed unhorsed and ridden down by tho skinflint squadron and then the toe sitting on him formally recorded a vote that I Is likely to bo historic In condemnation- and derlson of hits project But thero Is hound to bu a day of reckoning andthntdnylt l IR not unlikely will dawn jut nbml t tlm time when tho Milnns having room titled their work at tho anitnl return to their homes nnd directly face tho Daughters of limo American Revolution their wives sisters IOUS Ins aunts sweethearts amid own daughters of revolution AZJFT rOJtIC ANn L I C SCHOOLBOYS Illpe for a Ba r Henion on Diamond Track und Field The ball players In tho schools of the Long Island Inlcrbcholastlo Athletic League arc very active just now They are VIIlut n greet deal moore than time bovs of city probably bo cause tho later aro more Interested lu track athletics Tho Brooklyn boys have an exten- sive ¬ schedule to play out and It will be some- time yet before tho winners can be picked with any degree of certainty Tho Pratt Institute ads found that they could not get together a suitable team ant they havo forfeited time games that they were scheduled to play The Ur nut Hratton nine mommy bo cOllhlcr1 out of the race as they have lutniiell no titan three do Teats within the last ten days Tho Poly Preps Brooklyn High School St Pauls Ale phi Academy and Brooklyn Latin School teams hate un equal chance to win limo championship These teams havo been pructslnl very hard Tho Latin school team Is splendid condition Tbe championship was won lastear by tho llrooklyu High School but the league deprived time High School of tho honor und gave tho pennant to ht Pauls becauso High School played a boy who had his travelling expenses paid The 8 PIIt ba belIeve that they can win tho pennant thisear Kill Cursoy Phila- delphia ¬ League Clubs pitcher has been couch- Ing time St Iaula players this spring OmmIy one member of the 1814 team has re- turned ¬ to time Brooklyn High School and nearly eli tho material that Capt John B Ilunn has had to Baled a train from hue been very raw Dunn believes that he bus a promising team however Ho and Manager Biownlng have trained time now lads In tho old Thirteenth heal meat armory und Nlncu time niceweather on time parade ground at Prospect Park Manager Drowning Is one of the most energetic leaders In sports at tho High School- lie his prepared an excellent bchcihUe of gamei end has cccured over immo to jimmy tho teams expenses The schedule I IM ux follow May 1 Brooklyn Latin School May 4 New- ark ¬ Acadrmy May H Wall htrrut B C May 11 Hacfccttstown Hlub School IMay 1- 1itevens Institute May 16 fit Paul Mhool May IK Adclpht Academy May UJ Stevens Preparatory School May I iit Poly Props May UO lllvervlevf M 1 A at Pdugltkeeinle Muy at DeUarmo Institute nt Peeksklll lun 3 St Johns School at Slug blng Juno I lietts Academy at Stamford Although time Pratt Institute boys era not to be seen 01 the diamond this miring they arc go lug tu do their level host to win honors In track ntlilftlcs forty buys mire In tralnliiK for time Interxchnlactla League fames Putnam tIll anti Dyers 17 art time mot iiromUlnir boys In time 100jard dash heck la the lust 440yard runner at time In the 880yard event time Pratt IIttuthave a fast runner In Brlbsl Ud Irlaolls also a mile runner In the shot put Is lying upon Milne Ot Washbonme Oil ami- irlbbon 07 MIme I regarded as a record breaker In the hammer throw Borger will be missed In the bicycle races but four other good rulers are going to do something t till his place They are Young OOllunda Brophy 00 und vVegenrotb The annual spring games of the De La Fallo A A will be held at Berkeley Oval next Sat urday afternoon The events open to mill pri- vate ¬ schools within sixty miles of title city are the 100y > l dub 120yard hurdle race 880 yard run poUjrault ti running broad jump and tll all JQrle A ty blc cle race i T i t L 4 FISHED IN TIE STREETS UAitrronn CITIZKXS HAD ROME jly JTJV run jircKAT FLOOD W F Kmlth Cnnilit a hue Pike Ia HU Stuck Yr med limed nnich to Head Home fth to HU Nelhbon > In- cident ¬ In the Great Ituih of Water ItAitTroni April 21ln the phenomenal freshet of the rat ten days with n yellow flood roaring and curling about some of tho princi- pal ¬ business streets ot the town many Hartford citizens enjoyed tho rare and novel sport of tak- ing ¬ fish In their kitchen gardens In city lots and sometimes tn time public highways The hand- somest ¬ catch probably was taken by W 12 Smith nf Wothcrsfleld arcnue who bagged a splendid eovonpoimd river plko in his back- yard near a line of currant bushes Although the place Is a mile and n half front time river ordinarily still there wits water enough thcro even for a craft of tr pikes draught tlnco H was two feet deep html what the big fellow lacked In Smiths kitchen garden- was seaway Ho ho splashed about among the brush tangled himself amid various garden cdlmcnta nnd finally rolled over on his back In tho muddy flood gasping Then Mr Hmlth waded through his garden estuary to the side ot the pike suddenly flung his arms about him and after n gallant finish fizht bugged him With tho big fellow In his nrm casnlng and spluttering and struggling lIke a wildcat tho fisherman streaming with mud and wider dashed Into his kitchen soil planked his prey on Its floor 0 There said fruiUli nftcr he hind regained breath enough Drat yel Fight it out there now If you w ant to Yet Smith w as not exactly angry nor yet pre- cisely ¬ pleoe alt timings considered Many people neighborhood had planked pike for dinner that day On another day several Hartford pcoplo made largo hauls of alewives In business thorough- fares ¬ of tho tow n that are moro than a mllo from tho great rivers balk except In freshet times Smith who tool time big pike took his lhlnl net and a street near hit homo I forenoon one tiny and made scvcrul largo hauls of aluwlvc At times I time surface of limo swollen river miles mid miles wide together with time river tide of tho town and n score or moro of avenues In all human probabil- ity ¬ resembled the taco of the planet Immediate after hum Xiuh dclugo broke loose All sorts of household Hoods und human be- longings ¬ llttlo houses pig pens hen houses liny log cribs furntuuo came trcamlng- alongon thl billowing tnnell all I the limp und wreckers were out on with a flotilla of Mnall boats gallicring what they might ot tho flotsam us It wile shot onward 1 by tho current SNild one observer of the clVect of time great friuhet hlmsiIf a dweller by the river sidu- niiuustlonuiily It was thoBcvcrcst freshet since time extraordinary one of 185H Hundred of dwellings weie half filled with dirty wutur and for morn I than a vvcekltwus Impossible to reach them except by swimming or In boats It was certainly dcddedlj novel to see a iieet of mal pllng through populous Icopll hither and 1 Iellel I with gonu to aud I rom their homes And In what a terribly filthy condition time houses mire left I by time receding vvuteral With a cellar und every room of time first story of Inciting buturuted with river mid tho premises cannot bi cleaned except w great toll and expense while time nrobubilltv I Is thnt UICKU drenched rooms vlll retain an unwholo- eomo dnuipnev fur into tho latter part of tho Hummer i Is likely there will be IAn deaths directly account of the after of tho IDUHlatlol I that Col Snot Holt once ofTcrul to dyke time wholo city mimi just am tho people of Holland hvvudone with their lowlying tuvMis at a cost of only SsoouO It was only a JiLl or two ago that tho Hood began to retire mind Coin Ilerc street I is still navlttblo for rowboats and lightdraiicht eloopa limmire were ninny amusing Incidents due to time our helming rise of water fur to the north In the midst of acres of duliris that went rush lug down the river half a mile from shore ommo timmy n big tIne coop sailed on toppling t tint ¬ bling and cavorting and 6pectMof alone thoru iilalnh discerned a hAIII ouster and a hair tmf hens perched in Irk Time bins took timings placlalj cowering but their proud mate now and then reared lilmsilf unit trowed a clarion detianco to timings in penural It was thought time birds Uad migrated from borne hilt town in Vermont And wore heading straight on tl tho rca Hut twenty miles fuither down- stream a sudden deflection of Its current drove ho floating coop ashore at is ° ex and Boatman Edwin Beckwith captured time mlorehict II Ayers Bay a little below time river hamlet- A povoklmr and bothersome Incident it was that befell u woman who dwells in ono of tho bliort streets that enter Windsor street Early mime mornlnK lust betore time torrent 1apeI1Int- be town she had hung out her tier bock yard nn hour later nhe heard a rip riling nnd ashing sound about her house From her hark window sho beheld her yard In- undated ¬ nnd tho hood which had come a milo and a half across the great North Meadow quickly I cncompi cd her dwelling and weft ew tiling down limo avenue In vain time woman Bought to burrow or hire a boat HO all timjr we- ber nash tlnpjied In time calm just above tile vex- atious hood and tlig I was powerless NEW OJtLLHS CISKVT GIRLS low ttui ramlllcH or Hninn of that Clty > Four lEuuUred Were JlntabllMliedt- Yotn the Cincinnati ntjufrer Some of tho 400 of tho gay Crescent City of today CAl trace their descent back mini to tho tlmu of the foundation cif this colony but thnt- Ibft I pizo perhaps thnt the > wish to bo skipped Nearly I tcntury and a half ago when Franco sintovera number of brokendown otllcers and convict soldiers to colonlo Louisiana it was eoon discovered that there was n scarcity of women Tho soldiers matte raids upon Indian villages and capturni many dusky mutes but tly could not bo domesticated and besides wars followed however time wife of time Colonial Governor had an expedient Vhy eould not WUlrl from thi reformatory Inttituilnim of Milpptd over to heriimu wives fur tie moldier lime soldli ra would bo noi t liii i Mniif u omen w tim would t ramplo upon time out- casts ¬ of timmic minim sex do not htnlUite to Impose them upon minim Aetordlngly aa an experi- ment ¬ two duui girls fioin limo reformatory tirison Ia rulp6trilre Inrls wire shlpptd to Now UrleanH In chargo of time matron of that Institution who vouched for tho good diameter ot each and vruichirged with thu duty of see incthim properly married Ihelr arrival cro nttd great i emeimt in this vllliigonf Olel bhimica Tho iovirnor ncelvtd Ilelll and timim worm eiortid hr troops t 101 vrnnrs 11101 where they bi tamo clients of thu hUd u Rijunro box of loththg and I they were known afterward throughout tho- colonl lull do ciwsotles or thu casket ctmtolnliu their new articles wan In time mhapo ot auihkot Thn iuvernor distributed the prizes Ho se ¬ lected tho most worthy of tho tolUlors to whom ho distributed tho women by lottery It I IK- Btnlul that thcru wa some exchanging of brides but as a rule tho allotmeut of chance was abided by I In ft few month however there wits trouble I Ile petticoat itlnlllun brnko out and the wives threatened to return to Franco If they were not given flour bread In- stead ¬ of corn bread Jhcy held that they were entitled tons rood faro us time otllctrx wives were limo beet poet did up tho petticoat re ¬ hellion in humorous verse tho casket wives wero given their rations of flour mind the rebel ¬ lion ended hut I It I Is nut tonIII ovsmm to tills day by tho preservers II time old Trench quarter who silence gossip to time cainlull7cr as a descendant of I rtorrlll cu tel Uthtr shipments were made until uriglnnl insket girls who had now becumn respectublebegun to turnup their noses anti object to tho Importation of Immoral wo amen Some of the lending citizens came to time colony under lettroi do cachet being ell for politi- cal ¬ < ollrncrsor crImes and bore time high strung dlmnrSher maid norvvldow who Franco as no better than the casket girls bacamo leader ot society In time colony hint time arrival of the tmlprcs hiring tho Trench ronhltnu ruvolutlnnUeil ciHonlal sod un limo blnablooded Creole ailstocnic of today trace thulrancebtry Million ICAcaut who lives In opera anil drama was ono of thOm tnt iustHllnieut of female exiles mmmii I nn original ktt girl It will bu recalled however that the wild Chevalier des irlrux- w ho accompanied her claimed to bo her bus hand and Bile was lot placed In the lottery But later on when they determined to marry IUd told tho Governor tIme unprincipled Cadil ¬ 111 of time deception he decided that the beau- tiful Munon mould v given to his nephew In uiurrlaKc This led a moonlight dui with Hwords between thin chevalier and the lover imrb nephew and the flight nf timecimeveiierammd Minimi Vhon he was found lubenslblo tom lrluf by tho ride of her corin a wound wa found upon her breast Whether both at milled suicide or whether I liu killed her was never known The military court acquitted him nf the charge of murder and afterward his father Admiral dealrloux who had been com- manding ¬ a fleet II took the wild ihuvullcr back France Tha Ahb6 Provost sent a representative to Now Orleans to gather material for his charming novel There I Is a painting In an art gallery showing Monsieur thus Allardsdlctattng time IIcidelt811 the life of lIre Urloux and Manou l anl he has tho only genuine picture In existence time beauti ¬ ful soil fascinating Nation Lescaut Her re- mains ¬ were burled In the old Ht Louis cem- etery ¬ and until about a generation ago thor was an old tombstone beneath the shadows huge oak tree draped In graceful folds of colored gray moss an If In tuourulug la wblch was tvsu Mauou A I i- r nEB8BJBn AND ills ritoonay John UnIt Mennnc In fueling with On- of III Forcraoit InTrn pr- Fromtfit Cottm Commtrrtal njttUHn Time Inventor of the celebrated Bessemer process Is the most modest of men shunning rather than courting observation A tow years since he was eomeUmest b Men tklnla con- stitutional ¬ neighborhood unpre- tentious ¬ abode at Denmark Hill In England but the venerable gentleman with tho benevo- lent ¬ face In time oldfasliloned frock coat and voluminous manytoMe choker neck cloth I U now rarely even by his Immediate neigh- bors ¬ Tho British public the British Ooerment and British manufacturers did very at one time to crush ono of the most useful teen ever born in Britain and failed IgnominIously hhefllold laughed at him and WoIlchY htm the official cold shoulder Hheleld Wonlwicim would be crippled pres- ent ¬ time were It not for Ilossemcr steel Yct even now although foreign potentates showered crosses and stars upon him the hng lieu Oovcrnmont hn conferred upon him any lionnr moore Important than an ordinary kllhthoOI lllhla In splto of the fact that he largest and most Impor- tant ¬ Industries In the world Homo fluctuating calculations made by Sir Henry himself prove that one years produc ¬ lion of licsscmer steel might bo represented by- a solid column sixteen and n half times time height of bt Pauls Cathedral and A thick through feet as an ordinary omoteabnl 100 Henry Bessemer son of the late Mr Anthony Bensemer was born In Hertfordshire In the year 1H1 ills earlier 7eal were devoted to art vvo find that was an exhibitor at Ho al Academy at time of 20 At this early ago hum hml discovered ale means by which 1m pre9 lon of the desIgns on coins modal unit other reliefs could be In any num- bers ¬ on cardbnnnl rprucl work In this lino Is still extant and when specimens come Into tho market they bring high prices This led him Indirectly to a more Important Invention He discovered that time Government of the time was robbed to the tune of 100000 per nnnuui by unscrupulous persons who were In the habit of temovlng the embossed duty stamps on local and other documents and using time sumo again Yonne Bessemer Invented the useful little eonirlvnnce by which the stamp Is embossed on tho paper or purihment the docu- ment ¬ Itself anmi imtlbmmmitteml It to tho then Chief of the Stamp Department at Somerset Houso Tho potentate In question saw the advantage of this system at a glance and soon afterward the authorities expressed their willingness to mako use of It A pretty llttlo story Is connected- with tbllnventon When lila model was com ¬ plet It to tho young lady to v ham he was then engaged lien first comment upon It showed that she was well titled to b como time wlfo of mi Inventor Sue saudi Ves I nnderstnnd this but surely If all otiunpM hail a tile put upon them they could not at n be used again without dUettlon Ihls proved a very valuable suggestion tor- 1FBe1er soon hit upon the Idea of n stool dlo for a movable date and In that form his invention was adopted by the authori- ties ¬ Will it be credited that he never received- a solItary farthing from tho Government for his services or the useof his Invention 7 Such Is nevertheless time hid and when he hlutOI mildly at legal remedies ho was told by tollcitor to time Mamp Department that ho was entitled to no compensation Inasmuch as he hail presented his invention to the Govern- ment ¬ eratUI This was at I time too when ho was by no means well olf when In ¬ lee lie lacked time necessary money to up housekeeping with tho clever young lady whose brilliant suggestion had resulted In a perfect stamping machine Ho received many generous promises front various loltPR of emure mem ofpower after another cto this day ho has never been compensated in shape or form- A Inn of vast wealth now Sir Henry lIes Semfler dim afford to regard tho troubles of that period of bin life with comparative Indlflerenco though lie has since had more ample reason to cherish a dislike for all British Governments and politicians But his disappointment in this Instance taught him n very salutary lesol WIn ho made time great discovery of hi lte that by which It I lit possible to convert vlllro Into steel by a simple and Inexpensive he kept lilt discovery a secret To some extent It is a secret to this day The Importance of the discovery can hardly be overestimated Before tho Bessemer process canoe Into use fteel could not bn bought under i50 a ton and Its prlci prohibited Its use In numberless de- partments ¬ of Industry where It Is now consid- ered ¬ essential At that time too only 61000 tons of cast Heel were produced In bhcflleld In u year In ilm4I tons of steel were manufactured In thu world every day according to tho Be8crner pioccss time selling price per ton averaging iH perhaps Everybody knows that steel I Is superseding Iron In nil departments whuro toughness nnd durability mIre considerations In tho building nfvhlpannd bridgeand the making of gird- ers ¬ for buildings of locomotives rails steam boilers of all kinds steel I is now universally udl I It Is chlitly due 8 Sir Henry Bessemer that ammo I Is almost n on a modern ocean steamship as on land and that tho modern structuring steel Is nearly as Imperishable us time ancient Pvramlds Such a discovery It might b supposed would bo hailed with enthusiasm those Interested 11 tho Iron trade of Great Britain Not a bit of Dcsaemcr mot with every possible disc our nsreinent The steel manufacturers of Bhefllold were dciKMigalntt him from time first and tho fjovernment Ignored him Ono does not expect to llnd unusual enterprise In a governmental department so it I Is not surprising to learn that time British Admiralty Iould only bo Induced adopt tho Bessemer steel In tho building of t shins when It had been In use In buildIng mer- chant ¬ ships many > cnrs Even time engineer of the London and Northwest Hallway utterly de- clined ¬ to have anything t do with Bessemer steel I Encouragement Taluoblf encourage ment Bessemer did however latuMr Platt M I 1 1 head of time famous Old him llrm who yav him JL 50000 for a flf tli share In hU patent On the Continent too his merits were mime¬ diately recocnlrod Krupp the great gun man ulacturer was ono ot time to IIAblm royalty on his p ttnts Time Kniperor Napoleon evinced tho keenest Interest In his Invention and would hare decorated Bessemer with the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor If it had not been ex- plained ¬ to him that llrltlsh subjects were not al ¬ lowed to receive decorations from foreign Gov- ernments ¬ except by special permission Time Emperor of Austria conferred upon him a knighthood of one of time most distinguished Austrian oror and tho King of tho Belgians when ho WI London throve out to Denmark Hill to call upon nUn Time British Government had to follow suit In Snub fashion And a kllihthoo was conferred upon him In INI was presented- with that Drlzo distinction the freedom of tho city of In recognition of his valuable discoveries whIch have so largely ben etltid the iron Industries of this country and his pclontltin attainments which are so well known throughout tho world Americans have done their host to show their respect fur thlarnt misaim In Indiana thero I a la young called after him When the Albeit Midal of time Society of Arts was presented to him at Marlborough Houte by tho 1rlnceof Wales himself BosoI- IIIT humorously confessed that though he prized such distInctions he was no less pleasttd with time All057748 which bo made by his patent Bessemer recently recovered from a severe Ill- ness ¬ lurid I la at present In his Bad j ear busily engaged In great nuns of corre- spondence ¬ which accumulated during his III- neps uoubtlehu a largo proportion of this cor- respondence ¬ consists of begging letters He Is one of time mos churltitmu men ut time day though ho not like It to be known mind many a large benefaction from him llnds IM way anonymiiiibly Into the coffers of thu hos- pitals ¬ and orphanages of London It Is characteristic of time man that he should take a particular pleaiuro In his Invention of a machine for tho mrnufactureof nallsforthe sim- ple ¬ reason that this Invention relieves hundreds of young girls In what i is known In England as tho Black Country sum Wolverhamptonof tho degrading toll or forging nails by hand In filthy reeking dons these poor young things parsed their lives In unwomanly rags en- gaged In unwomanly toll hut Bessemer has al- tered ¬ all tbat Time Uliocklnu Experience ot Two flog fYom the JYovfrfmctf Journal A pair of dogs had a very unhappy ten min ¬ mites on Westminster street yesterday afternoon- It was after 4 oclock when tho first dog came rnmblnr along nod a tow minutes later the appeared They promptly struck ups friendship and entonuu investigating lu Indian lilt An Imocentappearlna trolley polo stands on the sidewalk and though I It was raining the ground about this polo was dry when the dogs showed up Time first dog moved up to the polo und put his nose against It Then lie let out n aunts ot howls and yells and proceeded to roll- over on the ground prefacing time proceeding by kicking the second dog In the eye The latter animal leoDe pained and surprised at this be ¬ havior Invettlguted by putting the end of his no against the pole A number iwoplu hurried to time and apt lUtfiiod to the canine duet while dog con ¬ tinued to roll around In wet plucet and dog No 9 ran up and down with note against the tlagstones Somebody saul time dogs hail a pair of fits between them but he didnt oIplal how ono dog could catch a nt front the Still ho ran for u pall of water Oniccr OBrien came along taw the dry place about U- charged pole and recognized that it was with electricity II said the dogs were shocked and the nice who saw time first of it thought that that described the feelings of time recoiid dog after the tint dog had found out what was in the pole While the dogs were cleaning off time sidewalk with themselves the olllcer guarded time pole and warned away driv- ers ¬ of horses He also notllled time Union Ball rood Company and when the wagon came It was found that the Insulation In the cap over the trolley was worn out end the current had es- caped charging the ground wiresand the pole After this Interesting fact was communIcate4 to thic dp they itpped ruUlng md ru away kiit ch Costiunerso- urflrattr Jftark guarantees otmtSt Ite Perfect Jit ToMorrow Washable Shirt Waists Imported Bijatierials Exclusive Styles SO- Regular UI 6 Silk- Petticoats Double ruffles very full in all the leading colors 5O- Regularly UI 10 Silk Waists Fancy Crinkled also Taffeta Exclusive Styles S OO- Regularly UI 12 Crepon Skirts Imported Material Extra Full SiJI OO- Regularly 16 One good must be seen to lie appreciated 39 41 W 23d St North Side Between 6th 6th Ayes ire have too many tnedlwn grade Mahogany and irl Jtlaplo Sfttils tmtst move them 0 Plcco solid Mahogany Chamber Suit ycry rich deslRn BOOOt regular price 12rto- s < ii a u i 4 fine5ioo 4 ROO < a u u i Sm very flCftt4COO is 7201S- 3 White MAplo Birds Eye Chamber Suit 7SOO 105ofl- D U n 0 II II oaoos Si OBO 8 ChnmborSult 8OOO BOO J A FEW OF LAST WEEKS BARQAIN8 STILL LEFT AZcfliLI 1 la- W cxt1i 2LQG White Enamel CJiamber Suit Brass Trimmings Including woven wire spring bedstead ruMs any size H t rpm II IZi 1 On reduced from 200 Oak or Cherry r Medicine Cabinet French bevel mirror 60c 0 ft Bamboo Easel very Btronffl- I worth 100 IUIt1f11IPIIF- 1 111- 1iIJl I I I- II illft4- 4S I it 7Kl regular price 8200 largo sire Antlqni Reduced from 1200 solid Oak I H Oak Bocker same upholstered neat In 1 Inn Hanging Book Shelf Tancstry Leather 125 regular price J 100 BROOKLYN FURNITURE COMPANYF- URNITURE 9 AND CARPETS oG3 to S71 Fulton Street BROOKLYTr x V Cutidura S i FOR TH- EHAIR an- dSKIN A warm shampoo with Cutlcura Soap and a single application of Cutlcura the great Skin Cure clear the scalp and hair of crusts scales and dandruff allay Itching soothe Irri- tation ¬ stimulate the hair follicles and nourish the roots thus producing Luxuriant Hair with a clean wholesome scalp when aU else fills Dus S Q ° LI VISa fit EIGHT ItY JXPJfESS The Compnnlen Hard to Take Children but They Ilo 1C Xo Jnniccr Time big express companies will take practically any freight that offers except explosives such as gunpowder and nltroglycerlno and human beings They carry many dead bodies there Is scarcely a through run from the West or South to this city that doesnt bring one or moro dally nod formerly the express com- panies ¬ carried living people but that was done away with about ton years ago The custom nowadays In sending persons usually children from one point to another I U to buy a ticket for theta and put them In the care of the train conductor or ot tho conductor or porter of the Pullman car Children BO shipped for long dis- tances ¬ are Bonntimes tagged When persons were carried by time express companies they were often tagged with this name and address and they were always way billed like any freight Conductors sometimes took thom Into passenger cats but frequently they were carried with the other freight In the express car Tho charges for this class of freight were double passenger rates but this Included food and care whenever a train stopped at a meal eta tlon thu express mcsungcr ulnavs took hum liv ¬ Inc freight to time rctaurtnt with him In reality time niininirof persons carried In that mumirr was never veiy great but there were enough of thoin so that every messenger of those days can recall runs Unit were made In- teresting ¬ by time preoenco of children cairled as might perhaps n small boy sitting utlll and dis- consolate ¬ or may bo a cheerful youngster who followed time messenger In hU work his putting oil mud taking on freight checking up way blue and eo on with lively Inti rest or It might have been pretty little girl in whom the whole train crew Oceania Interested so that In time course of time run all handd eamo to time express carlo look at lien Finally the railroadcom panics objected to time carrying that class of freight In express cars they thought that they should have limo profits arising from tho transportation of perrons mind so came about time general obxervance of the cue ¬ tom of buying ticket and sending time person In cHarge cit time conductor Almimlicsthonm IS still made however to express companies for the transportation of children by express limit while tim large express companies no longer curry living human beings they will carry anything clime alive They carry many dogs and time number of dogs carried Is con- stantly ¬ Increasing Time rules of express com- panies ¬ require that dogs uhull bo boxed and made fast In time box with a chain It often hap ¬ pens that dogs break their way out of boxes and then time chain is of some use In holding them Dogs are toil In transit If necessary The ux press charges logs are double merchandise rates dogs shipped to dot shows attheso rates are returned to time point of shipment free lllrds and snakes and wild animals are not all everyday articles of express freight but they mire by no means unusual An express company took here ono day last week n canary bird for San Francisco the mesnengcrs will feed It and car for It en route The name company took lust week a tiger for Chicago Kxpress corn panics however do not undertake to fend such animals as tigers ou time way and they do insist that they shall bo securely boxed and thu same may be said of snakes XIEETLUS JIY TJIK HUH1IET- JLn Assay of flog Attack time Htreet Light Lnucustar lnt About MidnIght LANCAHTCK Pa April 211Time pavements of this town early till morning were hidden In many places under masses of bugs bigger than time biggest locusts ever seen here They ivtoopod down upon Lancaster literally by the million during time night and flying clouds ot them filled the humid atmosphere The lectrlo street lights were the main point of attack and their glitter brought destruction to the strange nocturnal visitors Time bugs would charge In solid columns up against the arc lamps that swing In the middle of time streets or over time sidewalks and down they would fall dead or disabled They wore gathered up by bush- el under all of the hundreds of aro light In various parts of the city this morning The In ¬ tenors of time globes were In many Instances practically ohoke full of bugs Under the gas lamps they were found in somewhat smaller quantities dead or dying Examination showed that there wore two Kindt of bugs but the otis more plentiful wire hack arid green and much larger thou the argest species of roaches They have shell like backs Time other kind were gray mind sev ¬ eral sizes larger A local ntoniologlit describes these midnight visItors as members of the family of water bee tie They come from time ponds and marshy placeo and about this time of time year they are j on Me move The present vitltation however Is phenomenal Tho bugs do not fly by day In tits ponds they hid la the d ep mud IUE ways SILL An OOfer to rut n Gnat Restriction on thu Civil Hcrrloe Rule It li very rare that there Is any bill pending In Albany and relating to New York city which does not Invoke the Interest of somo politicians It Is still rarer that any hill Is pending lu Al- bany ¬ relating to New York city which Is aCt In ¬ terest to mill politicians Indiscriminately A bill of time latter sort Is the Burns bill No 2082 Introduced on April 1 by the representa- tive ¬ of time First district of Westchester county Time bill Is a brief one but sweeping In charac- ter ¬ for It proposes a change which If adopted would recast all political lines This Is the sec- tion ¬ This rtrll servIce rules and lawn of this State shall not apply tn mieh pironi renldenM or this SIMP who may now hold or w bo rosy hereafter apply for any position or employment time compensation of which does mint exceed ftuday In tIme public depart- ments and upon alt pulmo works ot the Stat of ew York and or the several clUes counties towns and vlllagts thereof More than nlnetrnths of the political office in New York pity their Incumbents less than 4 a day computing time full number of Uuj s In the calendar and nut time political ear Where men mire employed In city State or Federal de- partments ¬ by time day as the expression Is they are paid for time actual number of days or half days In which lawfully public business In done Sundays being excluded Hut tlgurlnc tIme annual compensation on time day limit 1410 would be paid annual salary to a 4u- duy man There are relatively few places In time service of time city which pay moro titan Cl400 u year except heads of departments Time average pay of n clerk In one of the city departments Is shout 1200 In time Street Cleaning Depart- ment ¬ of 1700 employees on time pay roll only thirtytwo get more than Si500 a year In time Department of Charities and Correction time ills parity Is about the same and in time Itcglsters- otllce of lJ1 employees only twentysix In ¬ eluding the ltegister get more than 91500 a year Vet this Is a city department In which practically timers Is DO unskilled labor the chief work being the transcribing of deeds and as- signments ¬ time Hums bill proposes In fact wsuspenelon of time civil service laws In so fur as they now relate to subordinate public places Under Its provisions heads of department could mako their own appolntmunU irrespective of any ux- amlnatlon mill the Interests af time Xepublfcans hereabouts would no doubt be greatly boomed In consequence As It Is time Civil Service Com- missioners ¬ have been graduallyfcut tttadlly en- croaching ¬ on the unclassified list so that very few places now remain In any municipal departments which are not within tIme civil service rules Those rules the Republi- can ¬ politicians say embarrass thorn very milch mud they declare that Mayor Strongs Commissioners have gono too far In their classifications mind have as they express It overdone thu reform bus ness Whether or Out that bo so It Is certainly a fact that the adoption as a law of time Hums bill would be a heavy blow at time civil service reformers and would put back their labors for quite a term of years One objection which politicians generally have to the civil service regulations I Is that they really discriminate tn favor of nonresidents while at time same time times put on terms of equality a candidate for political posts time mrn who are useful at the polls end in organization work and those who shirk nil such limbers Time IIoM Is Popular Tliun time Guide After having been shown through time grounds and building of bailors Snug Harbor a gentle¬ man offered to tip his guide an old sea dog Im much obliged to you sail the latter but I cant take anything We guides used to accept money from visitors and turn it over to time general fund but the managers wnre ap parently suspicious of our honesty Now we cant take anything and the visitors attention Is attracted to contribution boxes placed about time corridors of the buildings AS a ruit time donations have fallen otf 76 per cent because while the people are usually moved to reward a polite guide they are not so ready to add to time funds of a rich corporation That what cornea of being too suspicions and too greedy Tb old fellow accepted a cigar however v FEAXVXS AXD FIIWY47111t Two Iuxurlc for Which the Deaenrrule fled Men of the Zat Dig Hnmnutrum Hoot JVom time Buffalo Courier A few nights ago an Indian was brought Into Police Station No 1 on the usual charge drunk- enness ¬ Ho hud a plnchcdup and vvrlnUed face ho lacked time lltbcness time acllltjr anil In fact all the poetic qualities of the Indian On one arm ho carried a basket which contalnril a few bundles of sassafras This hegoudnaturei- ly distributed among time men In time Motion house Whats your name asked the doorman Nnme Mo not no name You link me fool toll my name so bodUgruocdr Ughl mini time Indian shrugged hla shoulders triumphantly My name Mi nfras no taummt John hiioli hit light John how old are you asked the doorman Mo I never tried t think Guess bout hundred Are you drunk John 1 asked person stand- ing ¬ nenr No mo no drunk Just drink one putt n tils key That little no make Injun drunk This dialogue finished a reserve warm began to search tbo Indian In one pocket was u smirk mmf peanut In another coat pocket wiiHitnolhvr tuck of peanuts In ono trousers pntkitwatu- halffilled sack nf rxnnuts mid nine uunts in- Fnmll pieces John imi t be a goruiand in th peanut line for In the other trousers porkd ilimS a fourth suck of peunutn Every uric luutliid- vthen this was brought out and time IndUn seeming surprised that hit had such an enoiinous stock of thu nuts laughed a heartily as time others It would bo wollnlgh liiipoxslhln to enumerate all time trinkets that were necreted in Johns numerous pocket There wure jaek knives spectacle and tiny quantity of trltles such as tummy be bought from time street peddlers I that all you have In your pockets t asked time policeman Yes that eli aint that nouuliJ John bub- bled ¬ out with a laugh llothonghthxhl opemd- hi coat when hu said this and this brought to time eyes of time searcher time nozzle of u hits whiskey bottle lhln bottle time Indian bad tried herd to keep from th view nf time polite loan and perhaps he would havo siiceerdea hud ho not gone too far In his efforts to con ¬ vince him that be had got oil that was In his pockets When time bottle was seen John was called back to time desk Ho walked back reluctantly and said with a doecud air Uorit you believe me 7 lie kohl his right arm close to his side and objected to allowing thu policeman to go through Ills pockets uKiiln The two struggled an Instant and then the policeman hold up u quart bottle half full of whlnkey When time bottle was brought forth all time on lookers laughed vehemently John was much disappointed He laughed ana then scowled anti finally ventured Firewater bail thing Ought to be locked up Im ho In my cell Him and in good friends we wont Unlit Senleiieu on time Indian wa suspended time fol- low ¬ Inc morning

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1895-04-28/ed-1/seq-18… · 0 I tt1-f ffJVl-H t TIlE SUN SUNDAY APiUL 28 1806 > j STORIES OF A BRIGHT DOG t nn

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1895-04-28/ed-1/seq-18… · 0 I tt1-f ffJVl-H t TIlE SUN SUNDAY APiUL 28 1806 > j STORIES OF A BRIGHT DOG t nn

0 I tt1-f ffJVl-



TIlE SUN SUNDAY APiUL 28 1806 > j



MavtnR R Cannrjr from > CtTh rIndship or tb Ht Bernnrd and the Chum-rUonAn AllnlKht AVutcli Over Hl-Mmttr


Dropped Pocketbonbfrom the CMwiffo Ktfm-


Jllnn April 4Thero hai neverbn a dol In this section of tho country thatfor Intelligence and almost human Intuitioncould bo compared with tho big St lernnrPedro owned by ID J Thompsoncity If all the stories that havo been toldconcerning this animals sagacity are truchocould very eMI sour a diploma at a highschool but even when tha false Is sifted fromtho tru Pedro who Is nearly three feethigh and weighs 150 pounds bus performedwonderful mental feats which class him as

j one of the most remarkable dogs of recent timeTho IOB tastes are as peculiar as his mentaldevelopment IIs wonderful Ho his never beenlike other dOl Almost from tho time ho wa-

spuphoa now I years oldUr Thomueon-aays he has been of a melancholy temperament

r given to long And lonely musings and solitaryrambles For the companionship of hIs fellowhi never had any predilection and has only suf-


the presence of other dogs with Intelligentresignation

Pedro was the only one of a flue litter ofCupplts saved raid Mr Thompson Hismother died two dais after ho was born antI ho

K waplaced under the care of a collie whichIL from the first showed such a dislike for him

that we had to raise him by hand In his in-


ho therefore never came In contact withi other dop this may account for his strangei others ot his kind Ho wa-

shsrdiyletoutoftIichoueuntiiFi afterhe WAc fc year old He was then I big puppy andh I Know his own strength He got out of tho yard

1f one day and ran Into the street A shaggycur following a farmers wagon snapped nt him

1 and bit ofl a piece of his ear Pedro stood asi if struck with amaze 1 was practically

3 the first dog he had coma In contacti f with and bo had never received anthlnrr but the kindest treatment Iliven with

training be has always been pensive and peculiarf i due probably to his bringing lint ulnco the

time mongrel rnl at Ul bit him ho hasr V never had any ute nogs As he grow olderFr end stronger ho coca or twice tacked passing

dogs but we cured him of that Few dogsI would caro to attack him ho neverc 1 lakes any advances to bring about Mich an at ¬l Hu Is allowed to go but tbu streets as

t he tileases but his Journeys solllaiyWhen a visitor comes to tho house and brings nI dog Pedro simply treats iho stranger as thoughmade of statuary If the troll dog makes

t sny advances there Is a Bhoivlni ofr teeth and a 101 growl and after that ho Is usa ¬t < ally leftr O Pedro early showed his peculiar temperament-

Si Dignified even as a puppy he allowed tho houau-S1 cat and her kittens to play with him but hU

part was always passive Ills disposition wasof the kindest and huu o puts were never mo-lested


tj Toward his master ho showed an early1 t attachment but It was never manifested by

barks and romps nnd waagingsof the tnU ASnub uplifting of tbe eyes deep expressivet and a blind obedience of orders when they werlf learned served to Illustrate tho depthaffection which strengthened as be grow older

The dogs Intelligence was first manifestedI when ho was about 14 months olan ugu whenSt Bernard are usually big masses ofbones and havo room for but little other than

1 mischief In tbelr head The Thompson al-ways


f kept a canary bird in a cage sit-ting


room In which Pedro would lie for hoursi on a mat One day tbo door of the cage wasf loft open and the canary escaping flew about

the room In the course of hU fluttering thebird several times flew within a few Inches of

f the dog but Pedro only winked lazilyNot so a handsome Maltese cat tint had Jima tf crept Into the room At tho Intlthtotboblr1 the cats savage

h also appeared to have an Inborn feart of the Intruder which It hail not felt toward thedog It flew frantically about the and be-came


bewildered The cat Ort-




i with careful eyes and athu canary growmore frantlo In Its struggles to escaoo It ramie

i leerl springs which almost secured the coy ¬

i preyPedro at first paid Ito attention to the

movements of cat and as several timesI tho latter dashed in agonising frenzy near him

hu rOAand 10kOl on with moro interest Thef at last directly against thin mantel-


r and partially stunned by the shockt to tIme floor Ihecatvvasim It with a jump tel

not quicker than Pedro who sprung betweenf i the bird and cat just In time to save limo formersk life At the same time he gave a loud yelp

which was heard all over tho house and thoi family rushed Into the room just in time to see

tho eat retreat to escape a vicious snap fromi v Pedros jaws Thu canary was but little injured

and as It was restorer to its cairo Pedro lookedon wagging his tal and expressing every of-

t ellli appreciation of net Yet IIn a few hoLOU the cat were again on tho best of terms

The bil HU Hernard developed many peculiarhabits he grew older but none moro strikingthan was shown In an attachment conceivedlast summer Early In May a friend of tho

d hompsons sent them a chameleon from FloridaIt wa a beautiful little animal about evenc Inches long exclusive of Its tail which was as

much longer It was or a blulbh ash color andat once began to thrive m this northern climatethe weather being of a genial warmth almostt equal to that of its native clime

Time chameleon would sit for hours on thet Window sill apparently dead as tho sill It was

fitting on except for the occalonAlllhtnlnKlike flashes of us longSC

safetyFeat that bad approached too close forSOIIIown

Pedro appeared to take a great deal of InterestJ in the stranger Ho would bland by the window

where the chameleon lay and watch It for anhour at a iliac Unru or twlco ho put his rollnose against Us body only to Jump tiiek is thu

> chameleon would make n hasty hurry toinapeHut Pedro Intuitions u in oof the heat und usthe Hummer grew on the chameleon npiiearedto understand that what it had taken for vora-ciousness

¬was only curiosity and It manifested

Its friendliness In 1Its own wayDuring the lint summer days It was no unusual< eight to see Pedro hlll near the window with

the sun rliinlne shaggy coat nnd thechameleon scampering over his hairy bodyI And during these little joiirnej sov er time body ofits big friend thu chameleons searching tonuuoI would bo kept bitky IMy after fly would dlsap-

B pear down Its voracious tin oat and the dogr> Would pant away with perftct enjovmnnt andf apparent understanding of the trouble of which

Ills little friend would rid himWhen cold weather set In the chameleon grewI more sluggish amid early In October died For

dnya after Pedro would walk to tho familiarl t window sill and poke his note over Its surface

then turn around and look Inquiringly at thoIi members of the family Ho kept this March upthe greater part of the winter mid it wan earlylit the sprint before ho appeared to understand

p that tho chameleon msam goneSaturday night about three weeks ago Mr

Thompson made arrangements to tukuJ oclockI trainI for ht Paul 1edio was flllOdlmouse early In time evening before Mr Thompson

j loft The dog was frequently allowed to uccom1 tiany his muster to time oily and evidentlythought would bo allowed to to on this occat clun

When Mr Thompson started out Pedro fol ¬lowed him Intrt tho hall and when the door wasI opened darted out Mr Thompson started downtime walk and Urt did not notice that Pedro

P was following Ho was several blocks fromBis homo when the patter of the dogs feet

4 traNe1 his attention t4 Youll have to go home Pedro said Mr

Ifft Thompson turning uround Im going too jarJ II to take you with me tonight lio buck homoM theres a good 101Ordinarily order of this kind would bu

obeyed at once but to Mr Thompsons sur-prise


the dog did not movePedro no home at once I cried Mr

Thompson In n harsher tonei After a moments maueothmodogturned aroundand slunk away In time direction of home Mr

i Thompson continued on hll way to the railroadtLi latlonhbut had gone only a few blocks further11 a bark behind him Looking

around he saw Pedro but a short dlttanceava1 In reply to his commands to go bom time dogl would only bark Mr Thompson proceeded on

his way a few feet when began to harki again and turning second time Mr Thomp-


saw that he was still standing In the sameplace

A As Mr Thompson turnrd around time dog be-gan


to howl In a Btrungo manner but Itwuipotting Into und nearly train tltno anti MrIhnmpton decided to run fiances of iho dogs

J t following him and hurried on down town lieturnearound several times but observed that

ft was Mandlng on time saute spot appar-ently


r from which his first bark hud attractedII r Thompeonn attention

4I TIme next morning when Mr Thompson woke

Jt up In St Paul and took an Inventory lie noticed5m time 101 of a package of valuable papers wblohI lie In his pocket when he started from lu

i21 luth A search through his clothing nod satchelet ii revealed nothing No hlnlhail been found outhe train and that was al that Mr Thompson

t 1 could learnI 7 Hut about fi oclock that same morning J H-

ardner14i neighbor of Mr Tbimipmns wasj l llklni thu city when about llvo blockst home lie taw Itwo men apparently wor-

rylng a dog They struck lt time dog with ntick ceveraitlmu mind time dog wouldthen and thin return to his old stand a

i liken appeared to be afraid to tao determinedi I measuresIlv Jove that looks llkoThompsons dog

exclaimed Mr Mardner us he got nearerHe hurried on and only u moment later saw

that It was really Pedro whom all the neighborsknew as well as therdld their own childrent li Thestood

tacoita wet still tbrcutellni time dog which

rf I Here what are you fellows doing cried MrJlarilner as hu drew closer tji the scene

That dogs uotapocketbAjk here explainedthe men and Mr Mardner saw that Pedro wasguarding a bulky package

Ylothats Thompson book Ive seen Itdo1u m exclaimed Mardner in surprise

1 tu

Ho nearer with the Intention of pickingIt dew although Pedro knew him he mailn nap at Manlners outstretched hand whichcaused that gentleman to draw It brick In hasteThe retail was that Mardner and one of the menremained on tho scone until ono of the familywas summoned Then Prdro relinquished hisguardianship of the package and walked homopacabiy enough

I think that was one of the most remarkablethings that ever a dog did said Mr Thompsonyesterday dwelling on tho story I vas 1oclock at night when that book dropped outmy pocket The dOl I honestly was onhis way home the hook dropped hut inlooking around saw It fall nnd ran to the spot

hol he barked It was to call my attentionI did not return ho staled there nil nltrht

to guard thnpocketbook I have learned sincethat people who know mo raw tho logstanding thcro on their way homo thnnightand thought ho hn suddenly gun for howouldnt lot pass on time walk Two ofthem complained to me on my return from 8tPaul the next day but when I explainedrca on for the dogs exclusiveness they lost sightof their complaint In admiration

vo jfOAEr von PITTS ctrrTime Irtllllntnre Wouldnt Ole 8SSOO

to Make I little 1nrk to Commeniontto-IMilnumn liimnn Hlrnnsclo wIth I Sbe-Volfllat u Time 1VIII Come

IlAltTFoiin April 2Tho Putnam wolfden bill latbly Introduced Into the NutmllGeneral Assembly by Ilcpresentallvo ¬

ner acting In behalf of the Connecticut Daugh-ters


of tho American Revolution has been un-


spurned by the skinflints of thoLegislature and I ls now tho deliberate con-


of time Daughters that the General As ¬

sembly has Insulted themThe Daughters had taken no end of pains In

concocting that patriotic measure and were Indownright earnest about having ftpas < ed Theyhad begged the legislators to donate tothem tho beggarly sum of SUOOO with whichthey enthusiastically promised to fix np thowild and rocky laud about the wolf den In TouirctWlndbam countynorthf astern ConnecticutIn which Old Put Gen Israel Putnam thelutl Connecticut soldier had his extraordinaryklrmlsh with a jircdatof she wolf In tIme win-


of 171040 They wanted to put things Inshlpshapo thereabouts they pleaded make abeautiful park ot Limo savage region all about thoillustrious cavern clear lay time underbrushthere lay out winding walks and wall up andadorn a cooling spring near the cave eo atleast tho Daughters In a great ali glowingtons meeting at Norwich some time ago de-


through their orators-ItI was high tInny tho tour spocchmakers elo-


submitted that the Staiu of Connecticutlid something tangible and tuibstantlal to provothat It valued and revered time memory of OldPut and other oldtlmo patriots so long notionorcd a memory which had shed so much heroicustro and other things on tho fair name of Nutmegland Accordingly wlththelrbonnotstrlugstemporarily at largo a mishap bob tho fervidenthusiasm of tho occasion tho Daughterspassed a lot of resolutions tho upshot of whichVAthe precipitation of Earl Warners wolfdenbill Into tho Legislature

AntI what has been tho outcomo of so muchnnbottled patriotic zeal and endeavor Whythe halfcontemptuous rejection of tticlr be-

loved measure by a parsimonious General Aeseuibly and all because a paltry pecuniary con ¬

sideration of 5SOOO was asked for to carry outtheir noble and grand and glorious design Thodaughters of the American Revolution wontforget this slight and Insult toon either Forthey havo said so TOo General Assembly wlicnr from them again sure 001 POOH rImeclslvo hearing In respect of Putnam memo-rial


was hud one day late last week and thenand there Earl Warner who is A gallant andobliging as well as most capable kLisliitor andadvocate delivered an oration In behalf of limomeasure that was calculated to melt a heart-of stone but Connecticut hearts of tone It

IHS long been noted particularly if In-cprescntatlves at Hnrtfoid are notoriously

hard to melt and fuse AH far OR heard fromnot a legislative heart was RO touch Aconsider-ately


thawed to say nothing about Its bulng-utitod by Mr Warners pathetic and con

vlncini plea Indeed oml members evensullied at films recital and some smiled flippantlyIr disdainfully while a tow others roe intheir Seats mil argued unfeelingly In oppositionto It that the State IIn already ruinously In debtThey went on to proclaim that It not onlyno ready money In its coffers but that thereare altogether more Important objects tl whichpublic monov must bo applied that Old Putscelebrated and traditional exploit very likelynight be a myth after all Unit time old cave urwolf den at Iomfret was not likely to bo stolenor to get away from the Mate nt any rate notat present and that tho wholo ImslncnA of thin

spring rustic walk arborealfencedIn Pomfret memorial proposition bor-dered


on tim sentimental and emotional Cer-tainly


they Uldnt bellcvo It would pay to runthe State SfiOO In debt just to put a railingArou1ln wildcat cave In northeastern Connect

Introduce a spigot Into I ppoutlngspring In time woods unit so on and to on

Ant that sort of timing settled thai whole mat ¬

bothe lalghter masterly determination to

In vain Mr Earl Warner who hind provedhimself to be a doughty knight worthy of thoaiightcrs confldince and favor essayed tostem the antagonistic legislative onset In timeend be was disarmed unhorsed and riddendown by tho skinflint squadron and then thetoe sitting on him formally recorded a votethat IIs likely to bo historic In condemnation-and derlson of hits project

But thero Is hound to bu a day of reckoningandthntdnylt lIR not unlikely will dawn jutnbml ttlm time when tho Milnns having roomtitled their work at tho anitnl return to theirhomes nnd directly face tho Daughters of limoAmerican Revolution their wives sisters IOUSIns aunts sweethearts amid own daughters ofrevolution


Illpe for a Ba r Henion on Diamond Trackund Field

The ball players In tho schools of the LongIsland Inlcrbcholastlo Athletic League arc veryactive just now They are VIIlut n greet dealmoore than time bovs of city probably bocause tho later aro more Interested lu trackathletics Tho Brooklyn boys have an exten-sive


schedule to play out and It will be some-time yet before tho winners can be picked withany degree of certainty Tho Pratt Instituteads found that they could not get together asuitable team ant they havo forfeited time gamesthat they were scheduled to play The Ur nutHratton nine mommy bo cOllhlcr1 out of the raceas they have lutniiell no titan three doTeats within the last ten days Tho PolyPreps Brooklyn High School St Pauls Alephi Academy and Brooklyn Latin School teamshate un equal chance to win limo championshipThese teams havo been pructslnl very hardTho Latin school team Is splendid conditionTbe championship was won lastear by thollrooklyu High School but the league deprivedtime High School of tho honor und gave thopennant to ht Pauls becauso High Schoolplayed a boy who had his travelling expensespaid The 8PIItba belIeve that they canwin tho pennant thisear Kill Cursoy Phila-delphia


League Clubs pitcher has been couch-Ing time St Iaula players this spring

OmmIy one member of the 1814 team has re-


to time Brooklyn High School and nearlyeli tho material that Capt John B Ilunn hashad to Baled a train from hue been very rawDunn believes that he bus a promising teamhowever Ho and Manager Biownlng havetrained time now lads In tho old Thirteenth healmeat armory und Nlncu time niceweather ontime parade ground at Prospect Park ManagerDrowning Is one of the most energeticleaders In sports at tho High School-lie his prepared an excellent bchcihUeof gamei end has cccured over immo to jimmy thoteams expenses The schedule IIM ux follow

May 1 Brooklyn Latin School May 4 New-ark

¬Acadrmy May H Wall htrrut B C

May 11 Hacfccttstown Hlub School IMay 1-1itevens Institute May 16 fit Paul MhoolMay IK Adclpht Academy May UJ StevensPreparatory School MayI iit Poly PropsMay UO lllvervlevf M1 A at PdugltkeeinleMuy at DeUarmo Institute nt Peeksklll lun3 St Johns School at Slug blng Juno I liettsAcademy at Stamford

Although time Pratt Institute boys era not tobe seen 01 the diamond this miring they arc golug tu do their level host to win honors In trackntlilftlcs forty buys mire In tralnliiK fortime Interxchnlactla League fames PutnamtIll anti Dyers 17 art time mot iiromUlnir

boys In time 100jard dash heck la thelust 440yard runner at time Inthe 880yard event time Pratt IIttuthavea fast runner In Brlbsl Ud Irlaolls also amile runner In the shot put Islying upon Milne Ot Washbonme Oil ami-irlbbon 07 MIme I regarded as a recordbreaker In the hammer throw Borger will bemissed In the bicycle races but four other goodrulers are going to do something ttill his placeThey are Young OOllunda Brophy 00und vVegenrotb

The annual spring games of the De La FalloA A will be held at Berkeley Oval next Saturday afternoon The events open to mill pri-vate


schools within sixty miles of title city arethe 100y >l dub 120yard hurdle race 880yard run poUjraultti running broad jump andtllall JQrle A ty blc cle race

i T it

L 4



W F Kmlth Cnnilit a hue Pike Ia HUStuck Yr med limed nnich to HeadHome fth to HU Nelhbon > In-cident


In the Great Ituih of WaterItAitTroni April 21ln the phenomenal

freshet of the rat ten days with n yellow floodroaring and curling about some of tho princi-pal


business streets ot the town many Hartfordcitizens enjoyed tho rare and novel sport of tak-ing


fish In their kitchen gardens In city lots andsometimes tn time public highways The hand-somest


catch probably was taken by W 12

Smith nf Wothcrsfleld arcnue who bagged asplendid eovonpoimd river plko in his back-yard near a line of currant bushes

Although the place Is a mile and n half fronttime river ordinarily still there wits waterenough thcro even for a craft of tr pikesdraught tlnco H was two feet deep html whatthe big fellow lacked In Smiths kitchen garden-was seaway Ho ho splashed about amongthe brush tangled himself amid variousgarden cdlmcnta nnd finally rolledover on his back In tho muddy flood gaspingThen Mr Hmlth waded through his gardenestuary to the side ot the pike suddenly flunghis arms about him and after n gallant finishfizht bugged him With tho big fellow In hisnrm casnlng and spluttering and strugglinglIke a wildcat tho fisherman streaming withmud and wider dashed Into his kitchen soilplanked his prey on Its floor

0 There said fruiUli nftcr he hind regainedbreath enough Drat yel Fight it out therenow If you w ant to

Yet Smith w as not exactly angry nor yet pre-cisely


pleoe alt timings considered Manypeople neighborhood had planked pikefor dinner that day

On another day several Hartford pcoplo madelargo hauls of alewives In business thorough-fares


of tho tow n that are moro than a mllofrom tho great rivers balk except In freshettimes Smith who tool time big pike took hislhlnl net and a street near hit homo

I forenoon one tiny and made scvcrul largohauls of aluwlvc At timesI time surface of limoswollen river miles mid miles wide togetherwith time river tide of tho town and n score ormoro of avenues In all human probabil-ity


resembled the taco of the planetImmediate after hum Xiuh dclugo broke looseAll sorts of household Hoods und human be-longings


llttlo houses pig pens hen housesliny log cribs furntuuo came trcamlng-alongon thl billowing tnnell allI the limp undwreckers were out on with a flotilla ofMnall boats gallicring what they might ot thoflotsam us It wile shot onward1 by tho currentSNild one observer of the clVect of time greatfriuhet hlmsiIf a dweller by the river sidu-

niiuustlonuiily It was thoBcvcrcst freshetsince time extraordinary one of 185H Hundredof dwellings weie half filled with dirty wuturand for morn Ithan a vvcekltwus Impossible toreach them except by swimming or In boats Itwas certainly dcddedlj novel to see a iieet ofmal pllng through populous

Icopll hither and1 IellelIwith gonu to aud I rom their homesAnd In what a terribly filthy conditiontime houses mire left Iby time receding vvuteralWith a cellar und every room of time first storyof Inciting buturuted with river mid thopremises cannot bi cleaned except w greattoll and expense while time nrobubilltv IIs thntUICKU drenched rooms vlll retain an unwholo-eomo dnuipnev fur into tho latter part of thoHummer iIs likely there will be IAn deathsdirectly account of the after of thoIDUHlatlol

I that Col Snot Holt once ofTcrul todyke time wholo city mimi just am tho people ofHolland hvvudone with their lowlying tuvMisat a cost of only SsoouO It was only a JiLl ortwo ago that tho Hood began to retire mind CoinIlerc street Iis still navlttblo for rowboats andlightdraiicht eloopa

limmire were ninny amusing Incidents due totime our helming rise of water fur to the northIn the midst of acres of duliris that went rushlug down the river half a mile from shore ommo

timmy n big tIne coop sailed on toppling t tint ¬

bling and cavorting and 6pectMof alonethoru iilalnh discerned a hAIII ouster anda hair tmf hens perched in Irk Time bins tooktimings placlalj cowering but their proud matenow and then reared lilmsilf unit trowed aclarion detianco to timings in penural It wasthought time birds Uad migrated from borne hilttown in Vermont And wore heading straight ontl tho rca Hut twenty miles fuither down-stream a sudden deflection of Its current droveho floating coop ashore at is ° ex and BoatmanEdwin Beckwith captured time mlorehict IIAyersBay a little below time river hamlet-

A povoklmr and bothersome Incident it wasthat befell u woman who dwells in ono of thobliort streets that enter Windsor street Earlymime mornlnK lust betore time torrent 1apeI1Int-be town she had hung out hertier bock yard nn hour later nhe heard a ripriling nnd ashing sound about her houseFrom her hark window sho beheld her yard In-undated


nnd tho hood which had come a miloand a half across the great North MeadowquicklyI cncompi cd her dwelling and weftew tiling down limo avenue In vain time womanBought to burrow or hire a boat HO all timjr we-ber nash tlnpjied In time calm just above tile vex-atious hood and tligI was powerless


low ttui ramlllcH or Hninn of that Clty>Four lEuuUred Were JlntabllMliedt-

Yotn the Cincinnati ntjufrerSome of tho 400 of tho gay Crescent City of

today CAl trace their descent back mini to thotlmu of the foundation cif this colony but thnt-IbftI pizo perhaps thnt the > wish to bo skippedNearly Itcntury and a half ago when Francosintovera number of brokendown otllcers andconvict soldiers to colonlo Louisiana it waseoon discovered that there was n scarcity ofwomen Tho soldiers matte raids upon Indianvillages and capturni many dusky mutes buttly could not bo domesticated and besides

wars followedhowever time wife of time Colonial Governor

had an expedient Vhy eould not WUlrl fromthi reformatory Inttituilnim of Milpptdover to heriimu wives fur tie moldier limesoldli ra would bo noi t liii i

Mniif u omen w tim would t ramplo upon time out-casts


of timmic minim sex do not htnlUite to Imposethem upon minim Aetordlngly aa an experi-ment


two duui girls fioin limo reformatorytirison Ia rulp6trilre Inrls wire shlpptd toNow UrleanH In chargo of time matron of thatInstitution who vouched for tho good diameterot each and vruichirged with thu duty of seeincthim properly married Ihelr arrival cronttd great i emeimt in this vllliigonf Olelbhimica Tho iovirnor ncelvtd Ilellland timim worm eiortid hr troops t 101vrnnrs 11101 where they bi tamo clients ofthu hUd u Rijunro box of loththgandI they were known afterward throughout tho-

colonl lull do ciwsotles or thu casketctmtolnliu their new articles

wan In time mhapo ot auihkotThn iuvernor distributed the prizes Ho se ¬

lected tho most worthy of tho tolUlors to whomho distributed tho women by lottery It IIK-

Btnlul that thcru wa some exchanging ofbrides but as a rule tho allotmeut of chancewas abided by

IIn ft few month however there witstrouble IIle petticoat itlnlllun brnko outand the wives threatened to return toFranco If they were not given flour bread In-stead


of corn bread Jhcy held that they wereentitled tons rood faro us time otllctrx wiveswere limo beet poet did up tho petticoat re ¬

hellion in humorous verse tho casket wiveswero given their rations of flour mind the rebel ¬

lion ended hut IIt IIs nut tonIII ovsmm to tillsday by tho preservers II time oldTrench quarter who silence gossipto time cainlull7cr as a descendant of Irtorrlllcu tel Uthtr shipments were made until

uriglnnl insket girls who had nowbecumn respectublebegun to turnup their nosesanti object to tho Importation of Immoral woamen

Some of the lending citizens came to time colonyunder lettroi do cachet being ell for politi-cal

¬<ollrncrsor crImes and bore time highstrung dlmnrSher maid norvvldowwho Franco as no better thanthe casket girls bacamo leader ot society In timecolony

hint time arrival of the tmlprcs hiring thoTrench ronhltnu ruvolutlnnUeil ciHonlal sodun limo blnablooded Creoleailstocnic of today trace thulrancebtry

Million ICAcaut who lives In opera anil dramawas ono of thOm tnt iustHllnieut of female exilesmmmiiI nn original ktt girl It will bu recalledhowever that the wild Chevalier des irlrux-w ho accompanied her claimed to bo her bushand and Bile was lot placed In the lotteryBut later on when they determined to marryIUd told tho Governor tIme unprincipled Cadil ¬

111 of time deception he decided that the beau-tiful Munon mould vgiven to his nephew InuiurrlaKc This led a moonlight dui withHwords between thin chevalier and the loverimrb nephew and the flight nf timecimeveiierammdMinimi Vhon he was found lubenslblo tomlrluf by tho ride of her corin a wound wafound upon her breast Whether both atmilled suicide or whether Iliu killed her wasnever known The military court acquitted himnf the charge of murder and afterward hisfather Admiral dealrloux who had been com-manding


a fleet II took the wildihuvullcr back France Tha Ahb6 Provostsent a representative to Now Orleans to gathermaterial for his charming novel There IIs apainting In an art gallery showing Monsieurthus Allardsdlctattng time IIcidelt811 the life oflIre Urloux and Manou l anl he has thoonly genuine picture In existence time beauti ¬

ful soil fascinating Nation Lescaut Her re-mains

¬were burled In the old Ht Louis cem-


and until about a generation ago thorwas an old tombstone beneath the shadowshuge oak tree draped In graceful folds ofcolored gray moss an If In tuourulug lawblch was tvsu Mauou

A I i-r

nEB8BJBn AND ills ritoonayJohn UnIt Mennnc In fueling with On-

of III Forcraoit InTrn pr-Fromtfit Cottm Commtrrtal njttUHn

Time Inventor of the celebrated Bessemerprocess Is the most modest of men shunningrather than courting observation A tow yearssince he was eomeUmestb Men tklnla con-


neighborhood unpre-tentious


abode at Denmark Hill In Englandbut the venerable gentleman with tho benevo-lent


face In time oldfasliloned frock coat andvoluminous manytoMe choker neck cloth IUnow rarely even by his Immediate neigh-bors


Tho British public the British Ooermentand British manufacturers did veryat one time to crush ono of the most useful teenever born in Britain and failed IgnominIouslyhhefllold laughed at him and WoIlchYhtm the official cold shoulder HheleldWonlwicim would be crippled pres-ent


time were It not for Ilossemcr steel Ycteven now although foreign potentatesshowered crosses and stars upon him the hnglieu Oovcrnmont hnconferred upon himany lionnr moore Important than an ordinarykllhthoOI lllhla In splto of the fact that he

largest and most Impor-tant


Industries In the worldHomo fluctuating calculations made by Sir

Henry himself prove that one years produc¬

lion of licsscmer steel might bo represented by-a solid column sixteen and n half times timeheight of bt Pauls Cathedral and A thickthroughfeet

as an ordinary omoteabnl 100

Henry Bessemer son of the late Mr AnthonyBensemer was born In Hertfordshire In the year1H1 ills earlier 7eal were devoted to artvvo find that was an exhibitor atHo al Academy at time of 20 At this earlyago hum hml discovered alemeans by which 1mpre9 lon of the desIgns on coins modal unitother reliefs could be In any num-bers


on cardbnnnl rprucl work In thislino Is still extant and when specimens comeInto tho market they bring high prices

This led him Indirectly to a more ImportantInvention He discovered that time Governmentof the time was robbed to the tune of 100000per nnnuui by unscrupulous persons who wereIn the habit of temovlng the embossed dutystamps on local and other documents and usingtime sumo again Yonne Bessemer Invented theuseful little eonirlvnnce by which the stamp Isembossed on tho paper or purihment the docu-ment


Itself anmi imtlbmmmitteml It to tho then Chief ofthe Stamp Department at Somerset Houso

Tho potentate In question saw the advantageof this system at a glance and soon afterwardthe authorities expressed their willingness tomako use of It A pretty llttlo story Is connected-with tbllnventon When lila model was com ¬

plet It to tho young lady tovham he was then engaged lien first commentupon It showed that she was well titled to bcomo time wlfo of mi Inventor Sue saudi

Ves I nnderstnnd this but surely If allotiunpM hail a tile put upon them they couldnot at n be used again withoutdUettlon

Ihls proved a very valuable suggestion tor-

1FBe1er soon hit upon the Idea of n stool dlofor a movable date and In that

form his invention was adopted by the authori-ties


Will it be credited that he never received-a solItary farthing from tho Government for hisservices or the useof his Invention 7

Such Is nevertheless time hid and when hehlutOI mildly at legal remedies ho was told by

tollcitor to time Mamp Department that howas entitled to no compensation Inasmuch ashe hail presented his invention to the Govern-ment


eratUI This was at I time too when howas by no means well olf when In¬

lee lie lacked time necessary money toup housekeeping with tho clever

young lady whose brilliant suggestion hadresulted In a perfect stamping machineHo received many generous promises frontvarious loltPR of emuremem ofpower after another ctothis day ho has never been compensated inshape or form-

A Inn of vast wealth now Sir Henry lIesSemfler dim afford to regard tho troubles of thatperiod of bin life with comparative Indlflerenco

though lie has since had more ample reasonto cherish a dislike for all British Governmentsand politicians But his disappointment in thisInstance taught him n very salutary lesolWIn ho made time great discovery of hiltethat by which It Ilit possible to convert vlllroInto steel by a simple and Inexpensivehe kept lilt discovery a secret To some extentIt is a secret to this day The Importance of thediscovery can hardly be overestimated

Before tho Bessemer process canoe Into usefteel could not bn bought under i50 a ton andIts prlci prohibited Its use In numberless de-partments


of Industry where It Is now consid-ered


essential At that time too only 61000tons of cast Heel were produced In bhcflleld Inu year In ilm4I tons of steel weremanufactured In thu world every day accordingto tho Be8crner pioccss time selling price perton averaging iH perhaps

Everybody knows that steel IIs supersedingIron In nil departments whuro toughness nnddurability mIre considerations In tho buildingnfvhlpannd bridgeand the making of gird-ers


for buildings of locomotives rails steamboilers of all kinds steel Iis now universallyudlI It Is chlitly due 8 Sir Henry Bessemerthat ammo IIs almost n on a modern oceansteamship as on land and that tho modernstructuring steel Is nearly as Imperishable ustime ancient Pvramlds

Such a discovery It might bsupposed wouldbo hailed with enthusiasm those Interested11 tho Iron trade of Great Britain Not a bit of

Dcsaemcr mot with every possible disc ournsreinent The steel manufacturers of Bheflloldwere dciKMigalntt him from time first and thofjovernment Ignored him Ono does not expectto llnd unusual enterprise In a governmentaldepartment so it IIs not surprising to learn thattime British Admiralty Iould only bo Inducedadopt tho Bessemer steel In tho building of tshins when It had been In use In buildIng mer-chant


ships many > cnrs Even time engineer ofthe London and Northwest Hallway utterly de-clined

¬to have anything tdo with Bessemer

steelI Encouragement Taluoblf encouragement Bessemer did howeverlatuMr Platt MI 11 head of time famous Oldhim llrm who yav him JL 50000 for a flf tli shareIn hU patent

On the Continent too his merits were mime¬diately recocnlrod Krupp the great gun manulacturer was ono ot time to IIAblm royaltyon his p ttnts Time Kniperor Napoleon evincedtho keenest Interest In his Invention and wouldhare decorated Bessemer with the Grand Crossof the Legion of Honor If it had not been ex-plained


to him that llrltlsh subjects were not al ¬lowed to receive decorations from foreign Gov-ernments

¬except by special permission Time

Emperor of Austria conferred upon him aknighthood of one of time most distinguishedAustrian oror and tho King of tho Belgianswhen ho WI London throve out to DenmarkHill to call upon nUn

Time British Government had to follow suit InSnub fashion And a kllihthoo was conferredupon him In INI was presented-with that Drlzo distinction the freedomof tho city of In recognition of hisvaluable discoveries whIch have so largely benetltid the iron Industries of this country andhis pclontltin attainments which are so wellknown throughout tho world

Americans have done their host to show theirrespect fur thlarnt misaim In Indiana thero I


young called after himWhen the Albeit Midal of time Society of

Arts was presented to him at MarlboroughHoute by tho 1rlnceof Wales himself BosoI-IIIT humorously confessed that though heprized such distInctions he was no less pleasttdwith time All057748 which bo made by hispatent

Bessemer recently recovered from a severe Ill-ness

¬lurid Ila at present In his Bad j ear busily

engaged In great nuns of corre-spondence


which accumulated during his III-neps uoubtlehu a largo proportion of this cor-respondence


consists of begging letters He Isone of time mos churltitmu men ut time daythough ho not like It to be known mindmany a large benefaction from him llnds IMway anonymiiiibly Into the coffers of thu hos-pitals

¬and orphanages of London

It Is characteristic of time man that he shouldtake a particular pleaiuro In his Invention of amachine for tho mrnufactureof nallsforthe sim-ple

¬reason that this Invention relieves hundreds

of young girls In what iis known In England astho Black Country sum Wolverhamptonoftho degrading toll or forging nails by hand Infilthy reeking dons these poor young thingsparsed their lives In unwomanly rags en-gaged In unwomanly toll hut Bessemer has al-tered


all tbatTime Uliocklnu Experience otTwo flog

fYom the JYovfrfmctf JournalA pair of dogs had a very unhappy ten min¬

mites on Westminster street yesterday afternoon-It was after 4 oclock when tho first dog camernmblnr along nod a tow minutes later the

appeared They promptly struck upsfriendship and entonuu investigating luIndian lilt

An Imocentappearlna trolley polo stands onthe sidewalk and though IIt was raining theground about this polo was dry when the dogsshowed up Time first dog moved up to the polound put his nose against It Then lie let out naunts ot howls and yells and proceeded to roll-over on the ground prefacing time proceeding bykicking the second dog In the eye The latteranimal leoDepained and surprised at this be ¬

havior Invettlguted by putting the endof his no against the pole

A number iwoplu hurried to time andaptlUtfiiod to the canine duet while dog con ¬

tinued to roll around In wet plucet and dog No9 ran up and down with note against thetlagstones Somebody saul time dogs hail a pairof fits between them but he didnt oIplal howono dog could catch a nt front the Stillho ran for u pall of water

Oniccr OBrien came along taw the dry placeabout U-

chargedpole and recognized that it was

with electricity II said the dogs wereshocked and the nice who saw time first of itthought that that described the feelings of timerecoiid dog after the tint dog had found outwhat was in the pole While the dogs werecleaning off time sidewalk with themselves theolllcer guarded time pole and warned away driv-ers

¬of horses He also notllled time Union Ball

rood Company and when the wagon came It wasfound that the Insulation In the cap over thetrolley was worn out end the current had es-caped charging the ground wiresand the pole

After this Interesting fact was communIcate4to thic dp they itpped ruUlng md ru away

kiit chCostiunerso-

urflrattr Jftark guaranteesotmtStIte Perfect Jit


WashableShirt WaistsImported Bijatierials

Exclusive StylesSO-




PetticoatsDouble ruffles very fullin all the leading colors




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Regularly 16One good must be seen to lie appreciated

39 41 W 23d StNorth Side

Between 6th 6th Ayes

ire have too many tnedlwn grade Mahogany and irlJtlaplo Sfttils tmtst move them

0 Plcco solid Mahogany Chamber Suit ycry rich deslRn BOOOt regular price 12rto-


ii a u i 4 fine5ioo 4 ROO <

a u u i Sm very flCftt4COO is 7201S-

3 White MAplo Birds Eye Chamber Suit 7SOO 105ofl-D U n 0 II II oaoos Si OBO

8 ChnmborSult 8OOO BOO J




W cxt1i 2LQGWhite Enamel CJiamber Suit Brass Trimmings Including woven wire spring bedstead ruMs

any size






1 On reduced from 200 Oak or Cherryr Medicine Cabinet French bevel mirror

60c 0 ft Bamboo Easel very Btronffl-I worth 100


1 111-1iIJl I I I-

II illft4-4S I it

7Kl regular price 8200 largo sire AntlqniReduced from 1200 solid Oak I H Oak Bocker same upholstered neat In

1Inn Hanging Book Shelf Tancstry Leather 125 regular price J100



AND CARPETSoG3 to S71 Fulton Street BROOKLYTr x V




dSKINA warm shampoo with Cutlcura Soap

and a single application of Cutlcura the greatSkin Cure clear the scalp and hair of crustsscales and dandruff allay Itching soothe Irri-


stimulate the hair follicles and nourishthe roots thus producing Luxuriant Hair witha clean wholesome scalp when aU else fills

Dus S Q °

LI VISa fitEIGHT ItY JXPJfESSThe Compnnlen Hard to Take Children but

They Ilo 1C Xo JnniccrTime big express companies will take practically

any freight that offers except explosives such asgunpowder and nltroglycerlno and humanbeings They carry many dead bodies thereIs scarcely a through run from the West orSouth to this city that doesnt bring one ormoro dally nod formerly the express com-panies


carried living people but that was doneaway with about ton years ago The customnowadays In sending persons usually childrenfrom one point to another IU to buy a ticketfor theta and put them In the care of the trainconductor or ot tho conductor or porter of thePullman car Children BO shipped for long dis-tances


are Bonntimes tagged When personswere carried by time express companies theywere often tagged with this name and addressand they were always way billed like anyfreight Conductors sometimes took thom Intopassenger cats but frequently they were carriedwith the other freight In the express car Thocharges for this class of freight were doublepassenger rates but this Included food andcare whenever a train stopped at a meal etatlon thu express mcsungcr ulnavs took hum liv ¬

Inc freight to time rctaurtnt with himIn reality time niininirof persons carried In

that mumirr was never veiy great but therewere enough of thoin so that every messenger ofthose days can recall runs Unit were made In-teresting

¬by time preoenco of children cairled asmight perhaps n small boy sitting utlll and dis-


or may bo a cheerful youngster whofollowed time messenger In hU work his puttingoil mud taking on freight checking up wayblue and eo on with lively Inti rest or It mighthave been pretty little girl in whom the wholetrain crew Oceania Interested so that In timecourse of time run all handd eamo to time expresscarlo look at lien

Finally the railroadcom panics objected to timecarrying that class of freight In express carsthey thought that they should have limo profitsarising from tho transportation of perrons mindso came about time general obxervance of the cue ¬tom of buying ticket and sending time personIn cHarge cit time conductor Almimlicsthonm IS stillmade however to express companies for thetransportation of children by express

limit while tim large express companies nolonger curry living human beings they willcarry anything clime alive They carry manydogs and time number of dogs carried Is con-stantly


Increasing Time rules of express com-panies

¬require that dogs uhull bo boxed and

made fast In time box with a chain It often hap ¬

pens that dogs break their way out of boxes andthen time chain is of some use In holding themDogs are toil In transit If necessary The uxpress charges logs are double merchandiserates dogs shipped to dot shows attheso ratesare returned to time point of shipment free

lllrds and snakes and wild animals are not alleveryday articles of express freight but theymire by no means unusual An express companytook here ono day last week n canary bird forSan Francisco the mesnengcrs will feed It andcar for It en route The name company tooklust week a tiger for Chicago Kxpress cornpanics however do not undertake to fend suchanimals as tigers ou time way and they do insistthat they shall bo securely boxed and thu samemay be said of snakes


JLn Assay of flog Attack time Htreet LightLnucustar lnt About MidnIght

LANCAHTCK Pa April 211Time pavements ofthis town early till morning were hidden Inmany places under masses of bugs bigger thantime biggest locusts ever seen here Theyivtoopod down upon Lancaster literally by themillion during time night and flying clouds otthem filled the humid atmosphere The lectrlostreet lights were the main point of attack andtheir glitter brought destruction to the strangenocturnal visitors Time bugs would charge Insolid columns up against the arc lamps thatswing In the middle of time streets or over timesidewalks and down they would fall dead ordisabled They wore gathered up by bush-el under all of the hundreds of aro light Invarious parts of the city this morning The In ¬tenors of time globes were In many Instancespractically ohoke full of bugs Under the gaslamps they were found in somewhat smallerquantities dead or dying

Examination showed that there wore twoKindt of bugs but the otis more plentiful wirehack arid green and much larger thou theargest species of roaches They have shelllike backs Time other kind were gray mind sev ¬

eral sizes largerA local ntoniologlit describes these midnight

visItors as members of the family of water beetie They come from time ponds and marshyplaceo and about this time of time year they are jon Me move The present vitltation howeverIs phenomenal Tho bugs do not fly by day Intits ponds they hid la the d ep mud

IUE ways SILLAn OOfer to rut n Gnat Restriction on thu

Civil Hcrrloe RuleIt li very rare that there Is any bill pending In

Albany and relating to New York city whichdoes not Invoke the Interest of somo politiciansIt Is still rarer that any hill Is pending lu Al-


relating to New York city which Is aCt In ¬

terest to mill politicians Indiscriminately Abill of time latter sort Is the Burns bill No2082 Introduced on April 1 by the representa-tive


of time First district of Westchester countyTime bill Is a brief one but sweeping In charac-ter


for It proposes a change which If adoptedwould recast all political lines This Is the sec-


This rtrll servIce rules and lawn of this State shallnot apply tn mieh pironi renldenM or this SIMPwho may now hold or w bo rosy hereafter apply forany position or employment time compensation ofwhich does mint exceed ftuday In tIme public depart-ments and upon alt pulmo works ot the Stat of ewYork and or the several clUes counties towns andvlllagts thereof

More than nlnetrnths of the political officein New York pity their Incumbents less than 4a day computing time full number of Uuj s Inthe calendar and nut time political ear Wheremen mire employed In city State or Federal de-


by time day as the expression Isthey are paid for time actual number of days orhalf days In which lawfully public business Indone Sundays being excluded Hut tlgurlnctIme annual compensation on time day limit

1410 would be paid annual salary to a 4u-duy man

There are relatively few places In time serviceof time city which pay moro titan Cl400 u yearexcept heads of departments Time average payof n clerk In one of the city departments Isshout 1200 In time Street Cleaning Depart-ment


of 1700 employees on time pay roll onlythirtytwo get more than Si500 a year In timeDepartment of Charities and Correction time illsparity Is about the same and in time Itcglsters-otllce of lJ1 employees only twentysix In ¬

eluding the ltegister get more than 91500 ayear Vet this Is a city department In whichpractically timers Is DO unskilled labor the chiefwork being the transcribing of deeds and as-signments


time Hums bill proposes In fact wsuspenelonof time civil service laws In so fur as they nowrelate to subordinate public places Under Itsprovisions heads of department could makotheir own appolntmunU irrespective of any ux-amlnatlon mill the Interests af time Xepublfcanshereabouts would no doubt be greatly boomedIn consequence As It Is time Civil Service Com-missioners


have been graduallyfcut tttadlly en-croaching


on the unclassified list so thatvery few places now remain In any municipaldepartments which are not within tIme civilservice rules Those rules the Republi-can


politicians say embarrass thorn verymilch mud they declare that MayorStrongs Commissioners have gono too farIn their classifications mind have asthey express It overdone thu reform busness Whether or Out that bo so It Is certainlya fact that the adoption as a law of time Humsbill would be a heavy blow at time civil servicereformers and would put back their labors forquite a term of years

One objection which politicians generally haveto the civil service regulations IIs that they reallydiscriminate tn favor of nonresidents while attime same time times put on terms of equality acandidate for political posts time mrn who areuseful at the polls end in organization work andthose who shirk nil such limbers

Time IIoM Is Popular Tliun time GuideAfter having been shown through time grounds

and building of bailors Snug Harbor a gentle¬

man offered to tip his guide an old sea dogIm much obliged to you sail the latter

but I cant take anything We guides used toaccept money from visitors and turn it over totime general fund but the managers wnre apparently suspicious of our honesty Now wecant take anything and the visitors attentionIs attracted to contribution boxes placed abouttime corridors of the buildings AS a ruit timedonations have fallen otf 76 per cent becausewhile the people are usually moved to reward apolite guide they are not so ready to add to timefunds of a rich corporation That what corneaof being too suspicions and too greedy

Tb old fellow accepted a cigar however


FEAXVXS AXD FIIWY47111tTwo Iuxurlc for Which the Deaenrrulefled Men of the Zat Dig Hnmnutrum Hoot

JVom time Buffalo CourierA few nights ago an Indian was brought Into

Police Station No 1 on the usual charge drunk-enness


Ho hud a plnchcdup and vvrlnUedface ho lacked time lltbcness time acllltjr anilIn fact all the poetic qualities of the Indian Onone arm ho carried a basket which contalnril afew bundles of sassafras This hegoudnaturei-ly distributed among time men In time Motionhouse

Whats your name asked the doormanNnme Mo not no name You link me fool

toll my name so bodUgruocdr Ughl mini timeIndian shrugged hla shoulders triumphantly

My name Mi nfras no taummt John hiiolihit light John how old are you asked the

doormanMo I never tried t think Guess bout

hundredAre you drunk John 1 asked person stand-


nenrNo mo no drunk Just drink one putt n tils

key That little no make Injun drunkThis dialogue finished a reserve warm began to

search tbo Indian In one pocket was u smirk mmf

peanut In another coat pocket wiiHitnolhvrtuck of peanuts In ono trousers pntkitwatu-halffilled sack nf rxnnuts mid nine uunts in-Fnmll pieces John imi t be a goruiand in thpeanut line for In the other trousers porkd ilimSa fourth suck of peunutn Every uric luutliid-vthen this was brought out and time IndUnseeming surprised that hit had such an enoiinousstock of thu nuts laughed a heartily as timeothers It would bo wollnlgh liiipoxslhln toenumerate all time trinkets that were necreted inJohns numerous pocket There wure jaekknives spectacle and tiny quantity of trltlessuch as tummy be bought from time street peddlers

I that all you have In your pockets t askedtime policeman

Yes that eli aint that nouuliJ John bub-bled


out with a laugh llothonghthxhl opemd-hi coat when hu said this and this brought totime eyes of time searcher time nozzle of u hitswhiskey bottle lhln bottle time Indian badtried herd to keep from th view nf time politeloan and perhaps he would havo siiceerdeahud ho not gone too far In his efforts to con ¬

vince him that be had got oil that was In hispockets

When time bottle was seen John was calledback to time desk Ho walked back reluctantlyand said with a doecud air Uorit you believeme 7 lie kohl his right arm close to his sideand objected to allowing thu policeman to gothrough Ills pockets uKiiln The two struggledan Instant and then the policeman hold up uquart bottle half full of whlnkey

When time bottle was brought forth all time onlookers laughed vehemently John was muchdisappointed He laughed ana then scowledanti finally ventured Firewater bail thingOught to be locked up Im ho In my cell Himand in good friends we wont Unlit

Senleiieu on time Indian wa suspended time fol-low


Inc morning