The ~se Pointe Fa.nD.I 1940 ta rate will be bas~ on the 1939 ViI1qoe- va!uatioft. The actual tax rate will IIlIt be available UlltiJ oa or about JtuIe Ist. At that time, the 1940 budget will be made np. This infonnalioa it pea you by tbe Tu;lay=' ~"~ of Grosse POinte FanllS, on inIoraana. received froat the ViIIaIoe OtJice. IAcaI U. of Me CluJ) Will Vuit Ana Arbor Dr. Ataazsder G. htJnoea. at dinner ~1d in his hoaoc- ae tJM Wbit- tier Apartment Hotel 011. March 27. invitecl tbe Grosse Pointe Chapter of the University of Midlipa Cub .. visit Au Arbor. The dtab is ~ to visit Ana Arb« _ Yay II. M_ lien are asked. to !INlet ill the Map Uaiaa- 'i~ at II 0.... ~ ... ..... ~. btIna .... '!dce ... , ":_, " - . .. ......... ... ~"R ......... ~ SchooL K.-en will R!ba to the Kic:JIipaU" for ... lit J1 :o4S. After fmsdI the .-. will .. coatinued thr~ the Dell' baiIcUAp. At 4 o'docJc Dr. Rntb~ hu ~ the lDembers to the president's hoae to help hian celebrate the lOOth ..... versary of the buildiq of the praI. dent', home. Openin .. At Pointe Bar ------,-----" By Ma.i1 $2.00 per year; SiDJle Copie, S Call 'BEVE Y HILLS GOLF COURSE CLUB HOUSE BURNS TO GROUND '. judged eadt -oa 51, Hr, PriIea 'lift awanled to ... gardens. All entraDta IIItQt do ... own WOI'k. HorticultUral Society Spouors Conteat The Grone Pointe and £astens Yieb. ip a Horticultural Society is 1tartiD'! it~ allllua! pl'den _teat. E~ ia, invited ~ eater, with no ~c-. •_ ..... !- .1 ~ .,t ~:! . .;.q~ Send in )'OIlr appIicatioas DOt later than Yay 15 to the Cootest Committee, in care of Chair'man Horace MaDiIuots, 3675 HaverbiIL Chalfonte A.venue In Farms To Be Improved Grone Pointer Killed In Auto Crash Robert George Schram, 64, of 1366 Balfour, was killed late Saturday night wben his car struek a tree just south of Marine City, Mich, Schram was alone in the automobile. S.:...,,;:-:.::; ~; ;w-,,"h,"\:d by 1i~:; •. :rt autI live children; four girls, Roberta, Mar- ion, :Naomi, lInd Tbelma, and a son, Clarence. Roberta, the youngest, is a Senior at Grosse Pointe Higb School. The other three girls, all graduates of the local higb school, are now married. Oarence is the owner of a c10tbing store on East Jeft'ersoa. Schram ..... born in Dayton, Ohio, and b.l.d liqd in Detroit and Grosae PoiAte ior 26 years. tli "" the W" ~,-.; wfilJe roandiuc a curve ia the r-a, IDlI lost CODtrol of the ear• Garden Club'. Last Lecture Will Be Held Monday The residents of Grosse Pointe Farms particularly those living in the vicinity of Chalfonte avenue, ""ill be pleased to learn that the Village is to improve the highway this year with the aid A Jire of unkn01rn oriein Iwept .. m" but Gouill had bees ... We .. fo the Works Progress Administration through the Beverly Hills Golf Courselileep becaus~ ui a disturbiq crac~ of the Federal Go,'erment, dub house at Van D)'lce and lZY. noise. Bob, a Hl-)'ear-old St. Paal This fact is borne out by a resolution Mile Road early last Sunday morning High ScOOI araduate, finally opeoed .. adopted at a special meeting of the and completely destroyed the structure: second.f100r door and upou invutip. 1 Viiiage Louncd held on April 25. I The blaze, which caused damage t1ti, I tion found the main fioor wreathed i. (See RESOL(;TlO~ on Page S) mated at $.32,000, was discovered at 3:30 fiames. His excited shouts awoke am . a. m. bv Bob Gouin of 479 !';t. n.ir .... h... My! .... "0 1'l'ere ::1:0 :!e>:em. c; Cl U W k avenue. Gouin had been workini in the I«Ond Boor and the lads quickly ean. p ee the dub's check-room eilrlier in the Sed the burning building. Cooperation Urged evening, while the St. Ambrose Bowl. George Diegel, club manqet aol ing League was holding its annual ban- professional, attempted to salvllBe ~ The annual OeRn,up, Palnt-up, Fix- quel. The party had broken up about Z of the building's contents aad oa II» up Week is set for April 27 to May 10 I second trip into the hlaziq structure. and the Civic Pride Association is co- I ZoIllDlr Meaaure . DiC!'"r ot ..... 1:o!~d !!~\'! !:!! d= :h; opctating With the Detroit Board of Dropped by Wooda crumbling stairs. He sulfered I5IiaGr Commerce at this time. The motto B' M burns and bruises alad ..... takea to selected is HLet Us Be Civic Pride uame.. en Cottage HospitaL It is CZ]l«ted b. Con s~ious. " will be released today. The Civic: Pride Association, with a After a thorough discussion of the Victor De Backe, Township justice, it membership of 800 WODlen plan to cOlltroversial proposed zoning ordi. balf owner of the ~ed property. houseclean the city. nance at their regular Monday meeting His partner is Joe Heimbcdt of 3«1 Grosse Pointe is divided into ten the Grui.e Pointe business men decided East Grand Boulevard. It is belieY" to lay aside a vote ,.,hich would vat that 0111 on ........ --h of 'ml"'.- -... s«,dions, each with a cbairman and a Y .... '""'" ..-n. __ e w_ them on record as bein" either for or .... b tb committee. Tbe function of each of ... earn_ y e owner:. aga inst any such leJ(islative measure. Aft b' barr' e ..... th ese llToups is: (I) to obtain from er IS 0WUlfl' expeneae ...... the city department better and more Members aired both pro and eoII Gouin disgustingly remarked. "&ad I frequent garbage and rubbish remO'o'aI, opinioas Oft the 204-foot Mack Super. thought il was mice ,.. (Z) to prOll!ote new beauty by planting highway, and examincd _ map prcpUed _ trees, shrubs and flowers, (3) by Pol' by Fred Biederman. This dnwinlr Gro.ae Pointe rades and handbill distribution urge the showed the buildings which at pruoent Farms Tax Rate public to repaint houses inside and out, protrude over the set-baek Iiue. clean rubbish from basements and Village Oerk Allard remarked that attics. in answer to hi. frequent letters to the Wayne County Hipway ComznissioD. n, he had received TIIuge replies. Believing that it .-ill be qaite some time before it becomes' necessary to widen Wack avenue, the business men decided to sbelve any further diJC:UI. sioa antil a more opportWle time. The Woods Vi11aBe Commiasioa it also disawing this problem at the pres. ent lime &lid it is belined that t~ will tollow the businen men'l lead. The commils .. will meet apiu Beat Tues- day. Half Century History Of Food and Insurance Industries Traced Cl"OIse Pointe Park'i Commission Park Connnuuon Lacka Quorum THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSL POINTE AND THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICf ----------------------------------- L. B. OLDHAM, Publisher GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1940 Groue Esaa... ti0Dl1 IIF A. PIlYOR YOL. 16--NO, 37 PIEitCE JR. HIGH BAND GIVES SPRING CONCERT TOMORROW NIGHT 1'~_ aiKflt the new 6t.piece Pierce ]waior Hich School band will JIftMIle ill Pierce auditorium its fint qrina concert. This OI"ranization, in ita Iinl year, recentl,. received highest IIoDon "t tbe Southeastern Michipn Bud FntiYaL A program of marches, waIuec, lWertares and serenades hat IIeftI lDGOW:ictd by Dircctor Samuel Trickq. Fin soloist. will appeu on the pro- srUIL Ingeborg Richter, 9B, ""ill play the dift'icult ~Canzonetta" by Bakal. einift'olf, solo for the French horn. Richard Collins, 7A, makes his debut with ~AllellTelto" %y Goddard arranged for the flute. A cornet duet ",ill spot- light Jo~ph Leach, SA, and Robert Suber. 8A. Alan Howell, 7A, i, th~ fifth soloist, appearing in a saxophone serenade. William J, Watkins, music supervisor, ,.,ill accompany at the piano. Noye1ties dot the opring concert. l Warilyn Rogers, 7A, drum majorette, Ban ,.oa heard aboat the "White will demonstrate SODle intricacies of ~pftan' Art ~,b,tlOn" contest being baton twirling. A special arrangement Ileld at the WOIIIlUl'I Exchange Oft Way for the hand enables the musicians to lixtb? The lIOCed judges, who will do prove their versatility. The novelty is ~ jlldlrias at three o'c1oc:k, are: called "There's Something About II. SarlcU Sarkilian, Per ry Ratbbone, Soldier." Darid H:amiJtolI UHI Robert Tannahill The concert also offers these prOVen It COlIts om,. a cIoUar to enter ,oor favorites: wilke depbaat in the OOIItest and yoa "Blaze of Glory'", .Chenette KAY" _ ifly dolla,.. for first prize, "Moonlight Echoes" __ .Chenette .....,. in dolIarw far secoad, 01' te.a "Dream Castles". ." , ,.Thorntoll ~Prince Jester Overture ...... __ ..Taylor Tickets for the concert may be pur- chased at the aUl!itOt'itlm box office. All seats are ZS cents, From the office of Charles Leavitt, principal of Pi~rce, comes this cordial invitation, "Many of you have had the opportunity of hearing Grosse Pointe's newest musical organization. We are very proud of the position the band OIl. ready enjoys. We hope you will plan to see and hear for yourself our band at the first spring concert." " dollars for third. No .... Is the t~e for iii aabitioas boasewinl to ransack their attiet fot' knick. knacks and call the WOIIWI's Excbaqe to pick them "Po YOU may win fifty dollart for that fricht of a pW1Cb bowl tbat Couoin Elaa, who lives in Kenosh&, Im1t you for a wedding preseDt twenty live ,.ears -.u Vr perhapl that dark llTUU velvet pillow, 10 lovingly embroider~ in a ..... crosl otitch poem, will bring you tile price of a new bonnet. Whatever it is, tlte ExehaJll'e will wmome your au,. IUId after the contest they'll reo ana it-if )'011 stitt want it I OM of the first Rlae:a we went to on ~ tJa& ~ BowIios e.t'I' at tile c.e-. It's a &18bt - "-," ~ '.' - "-:"." .> ~ Frida,. e'l'ening, when a quorum of memben failed to appear. Only three commissioners were prel. ent, pl1J5 President K. rI B. Goddard. Drawing a parallel between progreu Iber of policyholders has incrused from Commissioner Petzold was ill and con. of the food industry and the life insur. 8,000.000 to 70,000,000. fined to bed, Commissioner Van Deu- b' t' f th Kr ance usmess, c:o;e.cuIves 0 eager This panllels the ----h of tbe sen was cout of tOWl! and Commissioner G dBk C h .... ~". rocery an a utg ompany ave se. Kroger Company nOlI! the one sman Damman was detained on business. lecled "insured savings" as the central river.fro!lt rtore in Cincinnati to hnn. .... - C ..... '" ~ ''',i,.m..1 "" ~,." .• 58... _ ........ """'= .... _ .... "'_ iIIjr "Jater tIis w~ after the .. embers Nle now in progr~s. oat die middle west aad.-th. A typt- ... .-: -. .'~.:" ":'.,' .•,~.: .... '-1:'-,- . _... XI B ilC 'II .. Ii ~ .. -'-- of admHioa. T_ ' "" ." . XiOCer e-pany bePa with OM ited ftriety of eaaed ~ ......... store, more than baH a centlll'y ago, life fnrits,"aad ~Ies Ollly dmiag the ......... - seeminlrJy lII&I'Ch out of Shores Policeman insurancc occupied a positioa of rela- short sUlllmer season, candies, tobaccos .... ere ud take their places on the . I I' b' Ca-"--- youthful tlve y litt e I!IlPO~ In the uSlllen ~nd ~!."Chhotlsdlold :roj>pllQ ;;a wasa forty aDe,s. T1I~ are .II~ about.,.. .... ~ world. At Ihat time there were but J() boards, tubs and brooms. Today all in ~t~ 'WVDling ap time, (wit~oat Bandits in Chase life insurance companies, with many of average Kroger food "market seDs no the Pad be1ft&' set up): thell a WhlStlel __ their agents i'riting policies as a side less than 3,000 different items over its II.. ud ALL ~ PIDS on aU fOl"ty Patrolman Elmer Gabriel, 1014 Haw. line while working at another profes- spotless counters. an.e,s. ,are set 1IP In one movem~Qt. toorne, of the Grosse Pointe Shores sian or trade. Today 375 companies in no. _..... th Ia bt .Jr to Early lifc insurance policies would VWI"",.T" e P .' e s .~ a toarmg I'o:;;:e Department captured two youth- this field employ some 260,000 well .... It litt) d ff It t k~ p seem stra .... e to a policyholder today. The De'M" r -de r'._ •. _ at_... sa, •. e" '"ICU. 0 ~e ful Detroit hoodlums early last Sun- Irained men and women as agents and.... .._:. ~., n '"'~'''~, ..... f . bt The,. had no cash values, no loan priv- hold th I t f jt' I tu d..L. traco: 0 evef.)"" ..lS ....... gOIng OIl, u day morning after a tire on the stol~n in home and branch offices." e as 0 res an gar""n F "'--_ Wiill it doeso't take long to spot the leading . h" d '"d' bl ". ileges, no provisions for cbange of bell' clinics for this season 011 Monday, Yay amoua _pera V If tired of dartin car ID 11' Ich the la s were rl mil', ell' life Insurance If! !~ce m 1890 eficiary or conversion, and premium 6th, 8 p. m. at the John D, Pieree Be H-- _..I at PI-erce Have & au I..o.t Yoar .feUIL n Your eyales, get I' out dunDe an 8,'j'mile-an-hour chase. amounted to $1,600000000 not an in- CIICQ ~aI C! ~.., ,.. __ ~? rom a ey to ey, you CD amuse . . ': " . payments .ere on an annual basis ollly. Janior High School, Ke~hevaJ at Not. ~_ ~ .lI' ~ J'OIIrself '>,. looking at the 1C000eboards After noticing the stolen automobile slgDlfic~nt sum untll a companIOn is In addition. there often were severe re- tingham Road, Grosse Pointe. Mrs. and picking out the teams most likely pass, Gabriel took out in pursuit. The made WIth the ~110,OOO,OOO,OOO w~rth in strictions as tD occllpation and resi. Marc T. Patten of Bloomfield Hills .... ill ~;:=~t::::.=:a:~~ ~~ \Vorken who'Deed daplicatc IOCia to .ue:ceed OIl lawyers--if you believe blow-out caused the car to swerv~ ~ut f~rce I~o~ay. SIxty .years agohvlrtuda.lIy dence. Fci' l'Umple, an .insured might talk on "Herbs for Decorative and CuI- its at the New York C~y premiere of security numbers sbouJd apply to tile there's something in a name. Our cboice °Sf h control d and graze a tree on .....ke a PI~tle; were wrltthten On t e Or '~- not travel south of Virginia and Ken •. inary Uses" illustrated with old books Rinuky.Korsakotrs "oper&, '"The Bum- East Side 'eld offICe of tbe bareau 0( • >r ar inlcos'- To"" Romanaski ore Ro.a , The t1ll'0thieves were dis. ary I e pan; now ere arc apprOXI' tucky between the first of July and the fe turing berb .... ~dens an" •• _- ~I- old ,,_ ." .. su-.....:.- :.'ar--e ,. was, - c ..~,..... , t 1 100 f f h' h h fi 0-" ...... - ble Bee Prince" whicb Junior Pro- u ..-..~..... _ 1& ...- -_ .. Wyskoslri. If the whole eh;.... covered to have been f1allTant violators, I m.a e y orms rom W IC to c oose. rst of November without special per. ored slides. the -:..:.. •• -.cl bal ....... _ '__(, ... •._,.. ..... ..... b. f' f S th t f th t h . . I grams, Inc., brings 011 Saturday, Wa;, _........ .... ~""'_ ~ you, you call wander through tbe one emg arrested our times or Car Ince e urn 0 e cen ury t e num. miSSIOn. Mrs. Patten has one of the most in. 11. It wiU be presented at Pierce JIIO- stroyed or is ao !oclacr in th. possoo arade alld have, your fortulle told, thefts and five times ru~'ofh~r offenses. Grosse POI-nte L- teresting.and.att:;a.ct.inly ar.ranged herb ior Higb School under the aaspicu of sion of the employee. " pby pateS, buy mementos, drink beer The bo,., w.hose nam~ IS Withheld be- Ions gardens In thiS VlClnl"', haYing a formal the Parent-Teacher associations. This statement is made by Eo & and hUIII for the rest rOOlllS.We tried cause of hIS youth, IS only 14 years H 5 C _ gard-n -'here the tl'dv and well behaved ..... PoUock of h old H's compa . n was 0 I... )? t h ~~" . hey shrieked, they giqled, they , a lOaQlfer te social ~ to bay a pack of chewing gum fOt' the I nlO n,.. onor por amplons herb .plants are arrang.ed and outside ohed and ahed-thil r~---- audio curit;, lielcl office at llO31 Harper at kiddies but they aren't allowed to sell The car was stolen fmm East Con- f h 10 r--'~ ' e d l'eb Streets on Sat day ---____ 0 t IS on as. pe. gOIng down to a ence of children," commented the New I Vall Dy.ke. .Up.laininc the service _. it, because it lDay 'gum lIP' the alleys. 55 an I ur. I I dI " I to G I C1 b C branch of the RIHr ROUge are planted YO!'!c T....... na L A --'_on. The d""nified field off,ce iiwes ID cases where a dupI.i- ....... arge e ega.~on o. tue rOS5~ tJ. ar] Sweihart .. chairman of thel"h 'd h blah" •. "'-_.~~ "'. I .,. .. Stopped in at the Grosse Pointe Flor. Club Fifteen Pointe Lions Club h or d th boy' Ib ,. , e anti y er p nts W Jeh can run Xew York Times critic obsened that cate Dumber IS wanted lir. PoUodI: 1st on Kerby Road, and spent a pleasant Wiill Gi PI and girls' teams that°:'e:e 5u:cessf'~1 ce e .rahon "'~s the master of ce~e-' and sprawl to their heart's content. "Their (the children's) pleasure was ob- said: half boor wallderill&' tbrough the green., ve ay in the ,'arous sports throughout the ~Dles. follo"..,ng the banqaet, whlcb The herbs in this garden are used in vious. They applauded IoadIy -.de MIt lritl save time and effort if the houses. We spied a red Persian cat, winter scason at the Keighborhood llas enjoyed by ovcr t"':"ohundred countless different ways in cooking, audible comments ••• " ' applic:aat wiI Icontaet OIIr office clircd 'llnambitiously curled around a pot en Ma"y diyersified activities are being ----------_____ hi ~~:~, ~~~erso~;bspee~al s~akeri k~Pt unfamiliar to most people and very HTf .nti;,ne~ ~~!~;:'-':ii~. ~ ...... i- wtM. to.. 'W!!!!!! ~ <:!::;:!;.;.t" ~: ...- ""'-~-ana.' Haviftg a weakness for cats, planned for the Spring and Summer Detr"'l't's Fre-- L Ie s~e oun ,"" 1 e re 3tm~ ddidvUi .. lidddicate to lne taste. . curity number. \Ve need the sa.ae at. .......,.. ... 1u;JJ hIS manj' e"penences ",htle playing and terlOn of success, yesterday's perform. f lion t' d pl' t her - aMed Gertrude. the _all ,.,ho by Oub Fifteen. Population Help coaching basebali at Kotre Dame Uni. A famous herb garden will be shown ances may be set down as a tn-pb," tOMDaba .0 LSsubea h U lea ~1JDl •• owns the place, to tell as about the The largest undertaking ever at- 't H . ded . r h in one of the ten gardens during the said the critic of the N_ York Sua, t was gtven w en t e 11'01"...,.. 00IJ6 cat. She said it was a male, but that she tempted by the club is now rapidly War Refugees ,'erSI j'. ~ remln hiS Is.teners .ow Annual Pilgrimage of the Garden Cen- ..... hile the Kew York POIt Review de. Dally applied for the first card. If caDed bim Flossy becaase she lika nearing completion. It is the presenta- nece~s.ary . It "'as to keep ID phy'slcal ter, that oi ~f.rs. Standish Backus, dared, "The adaptation was h:..o.ry SlIC- 'lIITong information was givea at die condlt,nn In order to be a good athlele. h" h d d f h I .... h ..... .: ~ th .. I _ •.:...~. , tha~ 1Iame. She wen' os to say that tion of a three.act comedy, "Room Detroit's French population have 'e. . w tC ,...s ellgne rom te '" eessful and a .... hole theaterfal of c1IiI- "me... e ongma a~tIOII it JM', Iood COIIIpany except that he's Service," to be gi,'en at the Pierce cently demonstrated their "nity and b A~~ards f' wer.e r~ted t~ the g,r1s century "Gardebber'l Lab~,.inthe." The Idren s~uealed ",'ith excitetn~nt." should ~ promptly COOTeeted. witII lazy, Only the other day, while FlOSsy Jr. High auditorium late in Mayor cO<'perat;on by contributing nrw and y. rs: . "erm'a ", ~e. ~ alrm~n of pr"ceeds from these pilgri,!,ages enab:e A critic from the Herald-Tnoun completc confidence that such infOflla- was having his dinner, a field rat came early in ~une. used clothing as ",'ell as sweater;. un- the Act1\"t1es Commlt.ec 01 the :\eogh. the Garden Center to gn-e all their f 'I . e tion ,,'ilI not be given anrone.. I>orhood Oub and M r. ~{cEachin of ler"l'c'!. and lectures fre' to e"'ry- o.und .," chI dren absorbed In the 1IP and started eating out of the dish. The cut of the play consists entirely dcrwear, blankets, for the benefit of the Grosse Pointe Lions Club ' ~.. R k K k ff Mr. Pol1ock explained that .tIere .. Floss,. _as too lazy to give the rat of dub members with the exception of war reiugees in France. . .' one interested. The PilllTimage dates lms 'y- orsa'o ~ra, •• ", and one plication ior a duplicate nllmber - a .. No.-Iook. He "llst by down an- some ex-Pointe Pla"ers, a high school An emergency confronted the rel,'e! The. Grosse PO.lDte L,ons Club han are May 18!h and 19th. from the conser, ..at,,"e BrooklY,n Eagle handed to an .mplo".r or Olh--- ~nu ..... ~ , b t d h Ii f h was mond to ","nte: "A capacIty alldi. J' ., r-'~. tiI the rat had finisbed, thclI he ate dramatic club. organization in France ".hen their sU"'. eeIY In .eresfe In t 7 we are <> te The Garden Center in the Alger 10 send in there is dela", as the ear" .' ,. 'a th tn Co t f l> ,. "ence of youngsters .... ere enthralled J" ,,",at was left. The committees in charge are: (1) pl;es were depleted by the war refugees "f u 01 e mmUnl}' or anum er House. 3_ I:ake Shore Road ~,II be ..;th the colodul fantaslic settings, the issued only by the Social S~ We certainl,. hope that a tulip rears Entertainment, .... hich originates and from Spain. 0 )'ears. oren fCYradVIce an~ hbrary serYlce un- gay costumes and the melodious tunes Board field office. The East Side field it'$ beauti!:.l head bfo.fore :Mr. and Hn. plans all phas.s of the undertakings A sewing circle has been established Local Ball ' ~ tt! Jul7 1st and ..... 11 re0i'en Sept. lot to which Ihis English Yersion of Ale>;- office furnishes complete service for Pttblic: start on their Garden Pilgrim- and figures on cost, admission chargc. in Detroit and .... omen affiliated ~tl. -.u.: and begin their seri" of lectures in the ander Pushkin's fairy tal~ were set." all East Side r~idents. etc. It also appoints suh-commilt~es French and ci"ic organiution are in at. ee Underway lalter part oi September. . &l'e, Ha,. 18th a.nd 19th. ".e think it's to take care of tickets and dre0tation<. trn,l>nrr ~t !,,~ Frrnrh C""'~"!er', The occaSIon "'as Ihe first premiere II ~~:! if!ea to ~;,e:: ~~,cs~ 10, dy .;". - (2) Re~reation, which plans all sp<>rt.. ncw head~uarters, in the l'niHnit,.' Tak' ~ th -t'~ . ,'~" Lawn Bowler- Start of an important operatic work e"er <dens to the public and every one who acth'iti~. for el,,1l memhers such '0" BIJ .. E G d R' d. 'm ... an" er s rh,e m ,~e ",rrr' .. Ift"en beforc an audience oi children h k.t- of' 0"' "'''"' ~~ - ran Inr, c,'cry' av t"('\ nf . 'ng th " l't' th N Q __ ._ C&II, oug t t<> ta e a,,-.-ntage seeing baJkethall. baseball, \"inl'(-pong and fro", 1 to 4 n, m. . ~n rn~rgl . elr compr I lOn, e ew ~n and as such exeil~d the allenlion of theta. Last ~nttt in Florida, the Cham- tennis toornamcnts. Purchasc of all ' (,ro.. ~ POinte Basehall LUll'ue .... rl. the not so ea<ii)' ruffled national maga. Cole and Korte. the sensati"na! sil1l'" bet en C~~rce arrana-ed/or a sr.oup sports equipment is also includcd. (J) How About Your corned a GrMse Po:nlc Park enfry into The ne .... municipal greens at Con. zincs: "Time:' the Weekly Xewsmag- ing satire duo wllich has had z.z coa- ~ ~venllOllcTi who were. c.onventlOn; Publicity, ...hich keeps Ihe dubs acti\"i- Iheir fold at a ,,'eekl)' meeting held ia..t nors and Gratiot ""ill be OfIen 10 all alinc. sent obsen'ers. as did "Xews. ,eculi'''e ",'e.ks' run in Detroit are now inc" III Palm Beach, to nut lome 0 ties in the public eYe and takes care of Fur Coat? I"eek. Thi, tie .... learn brings the total East Side Lo .... n bowlers on Saturday, weeK," "~{usieal ..... merica.' and -The at tl,e Pointe Bar. This is a yer}' livel;, the prdens there. Th~ all piled into Iany necessarv publicilv. numb('r of entranu to fi"e. ~!ay 4, at {:3O p, m. Xew Yorker." They .... ere unanimous srot ",'ith novel atmosphere, Enterl.i". three or four buses and saw aoout '. y,.: 1.-: ..... f:e ,'..;;t< :.••• I" ;,e l-er: I .... '""~"!:;'t :;1r oprr.;;;ii. cia;. :::t:nd.1\'. Xc,,, memh"" e~n be aec"mmr,d~ted in their praise. m"nt is featured and there's e:o;cellent t~n >tJ~C~M. Sjr:1cont tt.:.; I" (i,,,, >\)me HI' aoh School LI'b'rarl'an. " ", .' II h j \fa" I' hd' h"rn d"awn up It n'a'ch,,< I c: k" f! f I d " h '{ 1 ~ k' III In (' "\ (1 .... ()r~:;::(". ('\r : nc t'lf w, ('qm t(', " -'. ., " •• I \\ l~;1 ;H)"'\ I!= ~nrl f17hhrr c,o:r-rl c,h("lf'ii .)rt' ..... (l<,,l .m~ ("Ir t rt" wor-1d 0 mll~ic- ance fT1U~IC )'.'\ r :-t~c 'I('~r and his of the .... omen complained about 11le;r <l,rn. nrn In " m"'t ".pen,i'e fllr. (,r~o,<C 1',0."\' \, OOClS ~t l,ro", P".nlc nr-rfrrf" 17M ;~hrmal1"n ,,11M,\: .:c mwi,,",,< anti "',,';r k.:t"-l;,c rril;c' ,'~C""lra. ,,"ith ~Irl rf,,;n~ ,hr h't 11lnMl not being allowed to go through the Will Hold Meetinft' Sflr;n", i, fin, 'I\" upon II< ("'e're ""ln~ I Farm< and (;ro". r~.:::c ''''!c at f "'I I' "" d' I' h ,. h d h " ." d' hi " e . J .. Dr, C :\. Mcr"!t. 1.\9(12~r"ck a,"rnllr, ° .,u'lea ."m.rl"a r"cor ed In ll~ on t e .,o\'ae '" • f e In;trument of a :;':;;0;< .... Well! We on tame tnem thi< wilh nllr ,,,n,,"e in nur check), ""c (,r<>l'<e P('\<nte ~hores. St. Joan of Arc I ' <lne hit. If \VE were going on a trek Tl1e Hi<rh O::;ch001 I ;orarian<' <\"('l("i ho;>r. and ti"re ;< n" lonc:tr netr! fM a reeci\"Cd a hyc. l."nnx Of&. During the e\'en;n;s Crill r" 'Im:1 !h~1 "j\ ch~r~,;~,~ adaPtatjo~ l,,~u;ond :~("Iril.~. ~ h . t"rl'U~h ~meoTle's ~rden. alon,cr ",ith ation 0: (;,,,;«'r D,,:';,:, "'Ii n,'rr; t,,: illr rl'~L 'f'1r r"", i"'! I,kr< "r r1",,,t Th" plo,",'fT lI'a~, at thr tnd "f the ~r. 6064. .•• ~~.f~r: e:r "'~:":al ~ t/ /rrsent •." thr~:rl~'~< an~r~~l~relha t ~r ~ o:th~ ",'ro hundred other I're'1'I". ,,'e'~ n('lt d~y at 4 o\-I"rk.t Crnl,,1 JliQh <;r',.,~l. ';'1;". '0 \I '''" n~: 'e~ri It :" P-r!<1m,,'< ;c~,.'n .• ,1l "" ".,,"'or :. ::,c t'", ,.,',. . ~!i,:r ~lIc1i",,(rn "f ~hlld~,,". n "I~l'.;;;:: opp<>etlln;;;' I" see ~Olha ni I~,ee;ea 00" 0"".' ,xl'~ct tho ownrr tn im"ite 11<into R \ '" '- ," I. ',.. r"'. 1'1 'I ' I . .'. r'\lr";;'l.1."lr" ('\t ~L'(' l f:10T1 ...IC":lr (I(':.nc'-" . ., ,;., ~('''(I1!:''\;l. j()r ('()ld ",:nr. (nt '".\ .. trm:n ;,r'~:'f'"'' ;l;l.~ ;,,,' ~('\. 1:-;" Fr~ SI"r.C'" (tft Winter c.T'~nbl: th~t hroll, jllni0r i'rf"l(:'r.lrn~ ~"fi ;t~ ~lldl., in iHtlon caT" fl"','tri,h. \('Illt" t,"'Ir th.lt. thr oOll.<e.","c'd also e"'pect her 10 hake"1 '1 I \" ." I r"w.y"" rei:,," ":l -'i"1l:"" ~.,," .<cr". 1.0 '., ':.-'=c .. ', ,,"eo ,"1 :.,':: ,;'0< ,,,,, 1,,'r <'erIon, :r~...,< '": ",.,1 C.... neO--P.yN.,,,trAll. Ta"eGoZ.3aIt'j"r, ;'.Ir pr"ln:,iOl'( "prr.li" fll'j . _ a c.akc. PolTk,., «('ll~r('r! tn0tlOl1 p:c:"Jrcs "l;~ tlC-j j"1 i .11("\,1,,1:; ;" .. i~a.\:i ..a; it dC4ncu. lall r:~~,,«'''. :\ (('''''l~('''(' (I";t<.'w.::.l ..c'l('duic rrn'Pft"lal CIe.ner. A. Dyer.., Mack andllllff"." Oh"(T\.('fl tht" (ritH: oi the SOphlS- Reftt tl.at neallt "'~nll *-' • ~.:1Q .!lIt .. ~. :r~l ..... .11 company his Lalle_ Bc1"IO;g; no" ""ill be i1l1n~ull"d nut wcck, NoUiarlaaa. tic.ltcd ..~cw Yorker." er- P... ~ Ilniew li_, ~.' nu: CROSSE POINTE PRINTINC CO.. ........ n- LE_ II. / / .' "

0 ::1:0 pdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/40/1940... · The ~se Pointe Fa.nD.I 1940 ta rate will be bas~ on the 1939 ViI1qoe-va!uatioft. The actual tax rate

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The ~se Pointe Fa.nD.I 1940 tarate will be bas~ on the 1939 ViI1qoe-va!uatioft. The actual tax rate will IIlItbe available UlltiJ oa or about JtuIeIst. At that time, the 1940 budget willbe made np. This infonnalioa it peayou by tbe Tu;lay=' ~"~of Grosse POinte FanllS, on inIoraana.received froat the ViIIaIoe OtJice.

IAcaI U. of Me CluJ)Will Vuit Ana Arbor

Dr. Ataazsder G. htJnoea. at •dinner ~1d in his hoaoc- ae tJM Wbit-tier Apartment Hotel 011. March 27.invitecl tbe Grosse Pointe Chapter ofthe University of Midlipa Cub ..visit Au Arbor. The dtab is ~to visit Ana Arb« _ Yay II. M_lien areasked. to !INlet ill the MapUaiaa- 'i~ at II0.... ~ ........ ~. btIna .... '!dce ...

, ":_, " - .

.. ......... ... ~"R .........~ SchooL K.-en will R!bato the Kic:JIipaU" for ... litJ1 :o4S. After fmsdI the .-. will ..coatinued thr~ the Dell' baiIcUAp.At 4 o'docJc Dr. Rntb~ hu ~the lDembers to the president's hoaeto help hian celebrate the lOOth .....versary of the buildiq of the praI.dent', home.

Openin .. AtPointe Bar

------,-----"By Ma.i1 $2.00 per year; SiDJle Copie, S Call


'.judged eadt -oa 51, Hr,PriIea 'lift awanled to ...gardens. All entraDta IIItQt do ...own WOI'k.

HorticultUral SocietySpouors Conteat

The Grone Pointe and £astens Yieb.ip a Horticultural Society is 1tartiD'! it~allllua! pl'den _teat. E~ ia,invited ~ eater, with no ~c-.

• _ ..... !- .1 ~ .,t ~:!..;.q~

Send in )'OIlr appIicatioas DOt laterthan Yay 15 to the Cootest Committee,in care of Chair'man Horace MaDiIuots,3675 HaverbiIL

Chalfonte A.venue InFarms To Be Improved

Grone Pointer KilledIn Auto Crash

Robert George Schram, 64, of 1366Balfour, was killed late Saturday nightwben his car struek a tree just southof Marine City, Mich, Schram wasalone in the automobile.

S.:...,,;:-:.::; ~; ;w-,,"h,"\:d by 1i~:; •. :rt autIlive children; four girls, Roberta, Mar-ion, :Naomi, lInd Tbelma, and a son,Clarence. Roberta, the youngest, is aSenior at Grosse Pointe Higb School.The other three girls, all graduates ofthe local higb school, are now married.Oarence is the owner of a c10tbingstore on East Jeft'ersoa.

Schram ..... born in Dayton, Ohio,and b.l.d liqd in Detroit and GrosaePoiAte ior 26 years.

tli "" the W" ~,-.; wfilJeroandiuc a curve ia the r-a, IDlI lostCODtrol of the ear•

Garden Club'. LastLecture Will BeHeld Monday

The residents of Grosse Pointe Farmsparticularly those living in the vicinityof Chalfonte avenue, ""ill be pleasedto learn that the Village is to improvethe highway this year with the aid A Jire of unkn01rn oriein Iwept .. m" but Gouill had bees ... We ..fo the Works Progress Administration through the Beverly Hills Golf Courselileep becaus~ ui a disturbiq crac~of the Federal Go,'erment, dub house at Van D)'lce and lZY. noise. Bob, a Hl-)'ear-old St. Paal

This fact is borne out by a resolution Mile Road early last Sunday morning High ScOOI araduate, finally opeoed ..adopted at a special meeting of the and completely destroyed the structure: second.f100r door and upou invutip.

1Viiiage Louncd held on April 25. I The blaze, which caused damage t1ti, I tion found the main fioor wreathed i.

(See RESOL(;TlO~ on Page S) mated at $.32,000, was discovered at 3:30 fiames. His excited shouts awoke am. a. m. bv Bob Gouin of 479 !';t. n.ir ....h ... My! ...."0 1'l'ere ::1:0 :!e>:em. c;

Cl U W k avenue. Gouin had been workini in the I«Ond Boor and the lads quicklyean. p ee the dub's check-room eilrlier in the Sed the burning building.Cooperation Urged evening, while the St. Ambrose Bowl. George Diegel, club manqet aol

ing League was holding its annual ban- professional, attempted to salvllBe ~The annual OeRn,up, Palnt-up, Fix- quel. The party had broken up about Z of the building's contents aad oa II»

up Week is set for April 27 to May 10 • I second trip into the hlaziq structure.and the Civic Pride Association is co- I ZoIllDlr Meaaure . DiC!'"r ot ..... 1:o!~d !!~\'! !:!! d= :h;opctating With the Detroit Board of Dropped by Wooda crumbling stairs. He sulfered I5IiaGrCommerce at this time. The motto B' M burns and bruises alad ..... takea toselected is HLet Us Be Civic Pride uame.. en Cottage HospitaL It is CZ]l«ted b.Con s~ious. " will be released today.

The Civic: Pride Association, with a After a thorough discussion of the Victor De Backe, Township justice, itmembership of 800 WODlen plan to cOlltroversial proposed zoning ordi. balf owner of the ~ed property.houseclean the city. nance at their regular Monday meeting His partner is Joe Heimbcdt of 3«1

Grosse Pointe is divided into ten the Grui.e Pointe business men decided East Grand Boulevard. It is belieY"to lay aside a vote ,.,hich would vat that 0111 on ........--h of 'ml"'.- -...s«,dions, each with a cbairman and a Y .... '""'" ..-n. __ e w_them on record as bein" either for or .... b tbcommittee. Tbe function of each of ... earn_ y e owner:.against any such leJ(islative measure. Aft b' barr' • e .....th ese llToups is: (I) to obtain from er IS 0WUlfl' expeneae ......

the city department better and more Members aired both pro and eoII Gouin disgustingly remarked. "&ad Ifrequent garbage and rubbish remO'o'aI, opinioas Oft the 204-foot Mack Super. thought il was mice ,..(Z) to prOll!ote new beauty by planting highway, and examincd _ map prcpUed _trees, shrubs and flowers, (3) by Pol' by Fred Biederman. This dnwinlr Gro.ae Pointerades and handbill distribution urge the showed the buildings which at pruoent Farms Tax Ratepublic to repaint houses inside and out, protrude over the set-baek Iiue.clean rubbish from basements and Village Oerk Allard remarked thatattics. in answer to hi. frequent letters to the

Wayne County Hipway ComznissioD.n, he had received TIIuge replies.Believing that it .-ill be qaite some

time before it becomes' necessary towiden Wack avenue, the business mendecided to sbelve any further diJC:UI.sioa antil a more opportWle time.

The Woods Vi11aBe Commiasioa italso disawing this problem at the pres.ent lime &lid it is belined that t~ willtollow the businen men'l lead. Thecommils .. will meet apiu Beat Tues-day.

Half Century HistoryOf Food and InsuranceIndustries Traced

Cl"OIse Pointe Park'i Commission

Park ConnnuuonLacka Quorum


Groue Esaa... ti0Dl1IIF A. PIlYOR

YOL. 16--NO, 37


1'~_ aiKflt the new 6t.piecePierce ]waior Hich School band willJIftMIle ill Pierce auditorium its fintqrina concert. This OI"ranization, inita Iinl year, recentl,. received highestIIoDon "t tbe Southeastern MichipnBud FntiYaL A program of marches,waIuec, lWertares and serenades hatIIeftI lDGOW:ictd by Dircctor SamuelTrickq.

Fin soloist. will appeu on the pro-srUIL Ingeborg Richter, 9B, ""ill playthe dift'icult ~Canzonetta" by Bakal.einift'olf, solo for the French horn.Richard Collins, 7A, makes his debutwith ~AllellTelto" %y Goddard arrangedfor the flute. A cornet duet ",ill spot-light Jo~ph Leach, SA, and RobertSuber. 8A. Alan Howell, 7A, i, th~fifth soloist, appearing in a saxophoneserenade. William J, Watkins, musicsupervisor, ,.,ill accompany at thepiano.

Noye1ties dot the opring concert.

lWarilyn Rogers, 7A, drum majorette,Ban ,.oa heard aboat the "White will demonstrate SODle intricacies of

~pftan' Art ~,b,tlOn" contest being baton twirling. A special arrangementIleld at the WOIIIlUl'I Exchange Oft Way for the hand enables the musicians tolixtb? The lIOCed judges, who will do prove their versatility. The novelty is~ jlldlrias at three o'c1oc:k, are: called "There's Something About II.

SarlcU Sarkilian, Per r y Ratbbone, Soldier."Darid H:amiJtolI UHI Robert Tannahill The concert also offers these prOVenIt COlIts om,. a cIoUar to enter ,oor favorites:wilke depbaat in the OOIItest and yoa "Blaze of Glory'", .ChenetteKAY" _ ifly dolla,.. for first prize, "Moonlight Echoes" __ .Chenette.....,. in dolIarw far secoad, 01' te.a "Dream Castles". ." , ,.Thorntoll

~Prince Jester Overture ......__ ..TaylorTickets for the concert may be pur-

chased at the aUl!itOt'itlm box office. Allseats are ZS cents,

From the office of Charles Leavitt,principal of Pi~rce, comes this cordialinvitation, "Many of you have had theopportunity of hearing Grosse Pointe'snewest musical organization. We arevery proud of the position the band OIl.ready enjoys. We hope you will planto see and hear for yourself our bandat the first spring concert." "

dollars for third. No .... Is the t~e foriii aabitioas boasewinl to ransacktheir attiet fot' knick. knacks and callthe WOIIWI's Excbaqe to pick them"Po YOU may win fifty dollart forthat fricht of a pW1Cb bowl tbat CouoinElaa, who lives in Kenosh&, Im1t youfor a wedding preseDt twenty live ,.ears-.u Vr perhapl that dark llTUU velvetpillow, 10 lovingly embroider~ in a..... crosl otitch poem, will bring youtile price of a new bonnet. Whateverit is, tlte ExehaJll'e will wmome yourau,. IUId after the contest they'll reoana it-if )'011 stitt want it I

OM of the first Rlae:a we went to on~ tJa& ~ BowIiose.t'I' at tile c.e-. It's a &18bt

- "-," ~ '.' - "-:"." .> • ~

Frida,. e'l'ening, when a quorum ofmemben failed to appear.

Only three commissioners were prel.

ent, pl1J5 President K. rI B. Goddard. Drawing a parallel between progreu Iber of policyholders has incrused fromCommissioner Petzold was ill and con. of the food industry and the life insur. 8,000.000 to 70,000,000.fined to bed, Commissioner Van Deu- b' t' f th Kr

ance usmess, c:o;e.cuIves 0 eager This panllels the ----h of tbesen was cout of tOWl! and Commissioner G d B k C h ....~".rocery an a utg ompany ave se. Kroger Company nOlI! the one smanDamman was detained on business. lecled "insured savings" as the central

river.fro!lt rtore in Cincinnati to hnn..... - C..... '" ~ ''',i,.m..1 "" ~,." .• 58... _ ........ """'= .... _ .... "'_iIIjr "Jater tIis w~ after the .. embers Nle now in progr~s. oat die middle west aad.-th. A typt-... .-: -. .'~.:" ":'.,' .•,~.: .... '-1:'-,- . _... XI B ilC 'II ..

Ii ~ .. -'-- of admHioa. T_ ' "" . " . XiOCer e-pany bePa with OM ited ftriety of eaaed ~......... store, more than baH a centlll'y ago, life fnrits,"aad ~Ies Ollly dmiag the

......... - seeminlrJy lII&I'Ch out of Shores Policeman insurancc occupied a positioa of rela- short sUlllmer season, candies, tobaccos.... ere ud take their places on the . I I' • b'Ca-"--- youthful tlve y litt e I!IlPO~ In the uSlllen ~nd ~!."Chhotlsdlold :roj>pllQ ;;a wasaforty aDe,s. T1I~ are .II~ about.,.. .... ~ world. At Ihat time there were but J() boards, tubs and brooms. Today allin ~t~ 'WVDling ap time, (wit~oat Bandits inChase life insurance companies, with many of average Kroger food "market seDs nothe Pad be1ft&' set up): thell a WhlStlel __ their agents i'riting policies as a side less than 3,000 different items over itsII.. ud ALL ~ PIDS on aU fOl"ty Patrolman Elmer Gabriel, 1014 Haw. line while working at another profes- spotless counters.an.e,s. ,are set 1IP In one movem~Qt. toorne, of the Grosse Pointe Shores sian or trade. Today 375 companies inno. _..... th Ia b t .Jr to Early lifc insurance policies wouldVWI"",.T" e P .' e s .~ a toarmg I'o:;;:e Department captured two youth- this field employ some 260,000 well

.... It litt) d ff It t k~ p seem stra .... e to a policyholder today. The De'M" r -de r'._ •. _at_... sa, •. e" '"ICU. 0 ~e ful Detroit hoodlums early last Sun- Irained men and women as agents and.... .._:. ~., n '"'~'''~, .....f. b t The,. had no cash values, no loan priv- hold th I t f jt' I tu d..L.traco: 0 evef.)"" ..lS ....... gOIng OIl, u day morning after a tire on the stol~n in home and branch offices." e as 0 s« res an gar""n F "'--_ Wiillit doeso't take long to spot the leading . h" d '"d' bl ". ileges, no provisions for cbange of bell' clinics for this season 011 Monday, Yay amoua _pera V

If tired of dartin car ID 11' Ich the la s were rl mil', ell' life Insurance If! !~ce m 1890 eficiary or conversion, and premium 6th, 8 p. m. at the John D, Pieree Be H-- _..I at PI-erce Have & au I..o.t Yoar.feUIL nYoureyales,get I' out dunDe an 8,'j'mile-an-hour chase. amounted to $1,600000000 not an in- CIICQ ~aI C! ~.., ,.. __ ~?

rom a ey to ey, you CD amuse . . ': " . payments .ere on an annual basis ollly. Janior High School, Ke~hevaJ at Not. ~_ ~ • .lI' ~J'OIIrself '>,. looking at the 1C000eboards After noticing the stolen automobile slgDlfic~nt sum untll a companIOn is In addition. there often were severe re- tingham Road, Grosse Pointe. Mrs.and picking out the teams most likely pass, Gabriel took out in pursuit. The made WIth the ~110,OOO,OOO,OOO w~rth in strictions as tD occllpation and resi. Marc T. Patten of Bloomfield Hills ....ill ~;:=~t::::.=:a:~~ ~~ \Vorken who'Deed daplicatc IOCiato .ue:ceed OIl lawyers--if you believe blow-out caused the car to swerv~ ~ut f~rce I~o~ay. SIxty .years agohvlrtuda.lIy dence. Fci' l'Umple, an .insured might talk on "Herbs for Decorative and CuI- its at the New York C~y premiere of security numbers sbouJd apply to tilethere's something in a name. Our cboice °Sfhcontrol d

andgraze a tree on .....ke a PI~tle; were wrltthten On t e Or '~- not travel south of Virginia and Ken •. inary Uses" illustrated with old books Rinuky.Korsakotrs "oper&, '"The Bum- East Side 'eld offICe of tbe bareau 0(

• >rar inlcos'- To"" Romanaski ore Ro.a , The t1ll'0thieves were dis. ary I e pan; now ere arc apprOXI' tucky between the first of July and the fe turing berb ....~dens an" •• _- ~I- old ,,_ ." .. su-.....:.- :.'ar--e ,.

was, - c ..~,..... , t 1 100 f f h' h h fi • 0-" ......- ble Bee Prince" whicb Junior Pro- u ..-..~..... _ 1&...- -_ .. Wyskoslri. If the whole eh;.... covered to have been f1allTant violators, I m.a e y orms rom W IC to c oose. rst of November without special per. ored slides. the -:..:.. •• -.cl bal ......._ '__(, ...•._,.. ..... ..... b . f' f S th t f th t h . . I grams, Inc., brings 011 Saturday, Wa;, _........ .... ~""'_~ you, you call wander through tbe one emg arrested our times or Car Ince e urn 0 e cen ury t e num. miSSIOn. Mrs. Patten has one of the most in. 11. It wiU be presented at Pierce JIIO- stroyed or is ao !oclacr in th. possooarade alld have, your fortulle told, thefts and five times ru~'ofh~r offenses. Grosse POI-nte L- teresting.and.att:;a.ct.inly ar.ranged herb ior Higb School under the aaspicu of sion of the employee. "pby pateS, buy mementos, drink beer The bo,., w.hose nam~ IS Withheld be- Ions gardens In thiS VlClnl"', haYing a formal the Parent-Teacher associations. This statement is made by Eo &and hUIII for the rest rOOlllS.We tried cause of hIS youth, IS only 14 years H 5 C _ gard-n -'here the tl'dv and well behaved ..... PoUock of h •

old H's compa . n was 0 I... )? t h ~~" .hey shrieked, they giqled, they , a lOaQlfer t e social ~to bay a pack of chewing gum fOt' the I nlO n,.. onor por amplons herb .plants are arrang.ed and outside ohed and ahed-thil r~---- audio curit;, lielcl office at llO31 Harper atkiddies but they aren't allowed to sell The car was stolen fmm East Con- f h 10 r--'~

' e d l'eb Streets on Sat day ---____ 0 t IS on as. pe. gOIng down to a ence of children," commented the New IVall Dy.ke. .Up.laininc the service _.it, because it lDay 'gum lIP' the alleys. 55 an I ur. I I d I " I to G IC1 b C branch of the RIHr ROUge are planted YO!'!c T....... naL A--'_on. The d""nified field off,ce iiwes ID cases where a dupI.i-....... arge e ega.~on o. tue rOS5~ tJ. ar] Sweihart .. chairman of thel"h 'd h blah" •. "'-_.~~ "'. I .,. ..

Stopped in at the Grosse Pointe Flor. Club Fifteen Pointe Lions Club h or d th boy' I b ,. , e anti y er p nts W Jeh can run Xew York Times critic obsened that cate Dumber IS wanted lir. PoUodI:1st on Kerby Road, and spent a pleasant Wiill Gi PI and girls' teams that°:'e:e 5u:cessf'~1 ce e .rahon "'~s the master of ce~e-' and sprawl to their heart's content. "Their (the children's) pleasure was ob- said:half boor wallderill&' tbrough the green., ve ay in the ,'arous sports throughout the ~Dles. follo" ..,ng the banqaet, whlcb The herbs in this garden are used in vious. They applauded IoadIy -.de MIt lritl save time and effort if thehouses. We spied a red Persian cat, winter scason at the Keighborhood llas enjoyed by ovcr t"':"ohundred countless different ways in cooking, audible comments ••• " ' applic:aat wiI Icontaet OIIr office clircd'llnambitiously curled around a pot en Ma"y diyersified activities are being ----------_____ hi ~~:~, ~~~erso~;bspee~al s~akeri k~Pt unfamiliar to most people and very HTf .nti;,ne~ ~~!~;:'-':ii~. ~ ...... i- wtM. to .. 'W!!!!!! ~ <:!::;:!;.;.t" ~: ...-""'-~-ana.' Haviftg a weakness for cats, planned for the Spring and Summer Detr"'l't's Fre--L Ie s~e oun ,"" 1e re 3tm~ ddidvUi ..lidddicate to lne taste. . curity number. \Ve need the sa.ae at........,.. ... 1u;JJ hIS manj' e"penences ",htle playing and terlOn of success, yesterday's perform. f lion t' d pl' t her- aMed Gertrude. the _all ,.,ho by Oub Fifteen. Population Help coaching basebali at Kotre Dame Uni. A famous herb garden will be shown ances may be set down as a tn-pb," tOMDaba .0 LSsubea h

Ulea ~1JDl ••

owns the place, to tell as about the The largest undertaking ever at- 't H . ded . r h in one of the ten gardens during the said the critic of the N_ York Sua, t was gtven w en t e 11'01"...,.. 00IJ6cat. She said it was a male, but that she tempted by the club is now rapidly War Refugees ,'erSI j'. ~ remln hiS Is.teners .ow Annual Pilgrimage of the Garden Cen- .....hile the Kew York POIt Review de. Dally applied for the first card. IfcaDed bim Flossy becaase she lika nearing completion. It is the presenta- nece~s.ary . It "'as to keep ID phy'slcal ter, that oi ~f.rs. Standish Backus, dared, "The adaptation was h:..o.ry SlIC- 'lIITong information was givea at die

condlt,nn In order to be a good athlele. h" h d d f h I....h ..... .: ~ th .. I _ •.:...~. ,tha~ 1Iame. She wen' os to say that tion of a three.act comedy, "Room Detroit's French population have 'e. . w tC ,...s ellgne rom t e '" eessful and a ....hole theaterfal of c1IiI- "me... e ongma a~tIOII itJM', Iood COIIIpany except that he's Service," to be gi,'en at the Pierce cently demonstrated their "nity and b A~~ards f'wer.e r~ted t~ the g,r1s century "Gardebber'l Lab~,.inthe." The Idren s~uealed ",'ith excitetn~nt." should ~ promptly COOTeeted. witIIlazy, Only the other day, while FlOSsy Jr. High auditorium late in Mayor cO<'perat;on by contributing nrw and y. rs: . "erm'a ", ~e. ~ alrm~n of pr"ceeds from these pilgri,!,ages enab:e A critic from the Herald-Tnoun completc confidence that such infOflla-was having his dinner, a field rat came early in ~une. used clothing as ",'ell as sweater;. un- the Act1\"t1es Commlt.ec 01 the :\eogh. the Garden Center to gn-e all their f • 'I . e tion ,,'ilI not be given anrone..

I>orhood Oub and M r. ~{cEachin of ler"l'c'!. and lectures fre' to e"'ry- o.und .," chI dren absorbed In the1IP and started eating out of the dish. The cut of the play consists entirely dcrwear, blankets, for the benefit of the Grosse Pointe Lions Club ' ~.. R k K k ff Mr. Pol1ock explained that .tIere ..Floss,. _as too lazy to give the rat of dub members with the exception of war reiugees in France. . .' one interested. The PilllTimage dates lms 'y- orsa'o ~ra, •• ", and one plication ior a duplicate nllmber •- a ..No.-Iook. He "llst by down an- some ex-Pointe Pla"ers, a high school An emergency confronted the rel,'e! The. Grosse PO.lDte L,ons Club han are May 18!h and 19th. from the conser, ..at,,"e BrooklY,n Eagle handed to an .mplo".r or Olh---~nu ..... ~ , b t d h Ii f h was mond to ","nte: "A capacIty alldi. • J' ., r-'~.tiI the rat had finisbed, thclI he ate dramatic club. organization in France ".hen their sU"'. eeIY In .eresfe In t 7 we are <> t e The Garden Center in the Alger 10 send in there is dela", as the ear" .'

,. 'a th tn Co t f l> ,. "ence of youngsters ....ere enthralled J",,",at was left. The committees in charge are: (1) pl;es were depleted by the war refugees "f u 01 e mmUnl}' or anum er House. 3_ I:ake Shore Road ~,II be ..;th the colodul fantaslic settings, the issued only by the Social S~We certainl,. hope that a tulip rears Entertainment, ....hich originates and from Spain. 0 )'ears. oren fCYradVIce an~ hbrary serYlce un- gay costumes and the melodious tunes Board field office. The East Side field

it'$ beauti!:.l head bfo.fore :Mr. and Hn. plans all phas.s of the undertakings A sewing circle has been established Local Ball ' ~ tt! Jul7 1st and .....11 re0i'en Sept. lot to which Ihis English Yersion of Ale>;- office furnishes complete service forPttblic: start on their Garden Pilgrim- and figures on cost, admission chargc. in Detroit and ....omen affiliated ~tl. -.u.: and begin their seri" of lectures in the ander Pushkin's fairy tal~ were set." all East Side r~idents.

etc. It also appoints suh-commilt~es French and ci"ic organiution are in at. ee Underway lalter part oi September. .&l'e, Ha,. 18th a.nd 19th. ".e think it's to take care of tickets and dre0tation<. trn,l>nrr ~t !,,~Frrnrh C""'~"!er', The occaSIon "'as Ihe first premiereII ~~:! if!ea to ~;,e:: ~~,cs~ 10, dy .;". - (2) Re~reation, which plans all sp<>rt.. ncw head~uarters, in the l'niHnit,.' Tak' ~ th -t'~ . ,'~" Lawn Bowler- Start of an important operatic work e"er<dens to the public and every one who acth'iti~. for el,,1l memhers such '0" BIJ .. E G d R' d . 'm ... an" er s rh,e m ,~e ",rrr' .. Ift"en beforc an audience oi children

h k.t- of' 0"' "'''"' ~~ - ran Inr, c,'cry' av t"('\ nf . 'ng th " l't' th N Q __ ._C&II, oug t t<> ta e a,,-.-ntage seeing baJkethall. baseball, \"inl'(-pong and fro", 1 to 4 n, m. . ~ n rn~rgl . elr compr I lOn, e ew ~n and as such exeil~d the allenlion oftheta. Last ~nttt in Florida, the Cham- tennis toornamcnts. Purchasc of all ' (,ro.. ~ POinte Basehall LUll'ue ....rl. the not so ea<ii)' ruffled national maga. Cole and Korte. the sensati"na! sil1l'"bet enC~~rce arrana-ed/or a sr.oup sports equipment is also includcd. (J) How About Your corned a GrMse Po:nlc Park enfry into The ne .... municipal greens at Con. zincs: "Time:' the Weekly Xewsmag- ing satire duo wllich has had z.z coa-~ ~venllOllcTi who were. c.onventlOn; Publicity, ...hich keeps Ihe dubs acti\"i- Iheir fold at a ,,'eekl)' meeting held ia ..t nors and Gratiot ""ill be OfIen 10 all alinc. sent obsen'ers. as did "Xews. ,eculi'''e ",'e.ks' run in Detroit are nowinc" III Palm Beach, to nut lome 0 ties in the public eYe and takes care of Fur Coat? I"eek. Thi, tie .... learn brings the total East Side Lo ....n bowlers on Saturday, weeK," "~{usieal .....merica.' and -The at tl,e Pointe Bar. This is a yer}' livel;,the prdens there. Th~ all piled into Iany necessarv publicilv. numb('r of entranu to fi"e. ~!ay 4, at {:3O p, m. Xew Yorker." They ....ere unanimous srot ",'ith novel atmosphere, Enterl.i".three or four buses and saw aoout '. y,.: 1.-: .....f:e ,'.. ;;t< : .••• I" ;,e l-er: I .... '""~"!:;'t :;1r oprr.;;;ii. cia;. :::t:nd.1\'. Xc,,, memh"" e~n be aec"mmr,d~ted in their praise. m"nt is featured and there's e:o;cellentt~n >tJ~C~M. Sjr:1cont tt.:.; I" (i,,,, >\)me HI'aoh School LI'b'rarl'an. " ", .' II h j \fa" I' hd' h"rn d"awn up It n'a'ch,,< I c: k" f! f I d " h '{ 1 ~ k'

III In (' "\ (1 .... ()r~:;::(". ('\r : nc t'lf w, ('qm t(', • " -'. ., " • •• I \\l~;1 ;H)"'\ I!= ~nrl f17hhrr c,o:r-rl c,h("lf'ii .)rt' .....(l<,,l .m~ ("Ir t rt" wor-1d 0 mll~ic- ance fT1U~IC )'.'\ r :-t~c 'I('~r and hisof the ....omen complained about 11le;r <l,rn. nrn In " m"'t ".pen,i'e fllr. (,r~o,<C 1',0."\' \, OOClS ~t l,ro", P".nlc nr-rfrrf" 17M ;~hrmal1"n ,,11M,\: .:c mwi,,",,< anti "',,';r k.:t"-l;,c rril;c' ,'~C""lra. ,,"ith ~Irl rf,,;n~ ,hr h't 11lnMlnot being allowed to go through the Will Hold Meetinft' Sflr;n", i, fin, 'I\" upon II< ("'e're ""ln~ I Farm< and (;ro". r~.:::c ''''!c at f "'I I' "" d' I' h ,. h d h "

." d' hi " e . J .. Dr, C :\. Mcr"!t. 1.\9(12~r"ck a,"rnllr, ° .,u'lea ."m.rl"a r"cor ed In ll~ on t e .,o\'ae '" • f e In;trument of a:;':;;0;< .... Well! We on tame tnem thi< wilh nllr ,,,n,,"e in nur check), ""c (,r<>l'<eP('\<nte ~hores. St. Joan of Arc I '<lne hit. If \VE were going on a trek Tl1e Hi<rh O::;ch001I ;orarian<' <\"('l("i ho;>r. and ti"re ;< n" lonc:tr netr! fM a reeci\"Cd a hyc. l."nnx Of&. During the e\'en;n;s Crill r" 'Im:1 !h~1 "j\ ch~r~,;~,~ adaPtatjo~ l,,~u;ond :~("Iril.~. ~ h .t"rl'U~h ~meoTle's ~rden. alon,cr ",ith ation 0: (;,,,;«'r D,,:';,:, "'Ii n,'rr; t,,: illr rl'~L 'f'1r r"", i"'! I,kr< "r r1",,,t Th" plo,",'fT lI'a~, at thr tnd "f the ~r. 6064. .•• ~~.f~r: e:r "'~:":al ~ t/ /rrsent •." thr~:rl~'~< an~r~~l~relha t ~r ~ o:th~",'ro hundred other I're'1'I". ,,'e'~ n('lt d~y at 4 o\-I"rk.t Crnl,,1 JliQh<;r',.,~l. ';'1;". '0 \I '''" n~: 'e~ri It :" P-r!<1m,,'< ;c~,.'n .• ,1l "" ".,,"'or :. ::,c t'", ,.,',. . ~!i,:r ~lIc1i",,(rn"f ~hlld~,,". n "I~l'.;;;:: opp<>etlln;;;' I" see ~Olha ni I~,ee;ea00"0"".' ,xl'~ct tho ownrr tn im"ite 11<into R \ '" '- ," I. ',.. r"'. 1'1 'I ' I

. .'. r'\lr";;'l.1."lr" ('\t ~L'(' l f:10T1 ...IC":lr (I(':.nc'-" . ., ,;., ~('''(I1!:''\;l. j()r ('()ld ",:nr. (nt '".\ ..trm:n ;,r'~:'f'"'' ;l;l.~ ;,,,' ~('\. 1:-;" Fr~ SI"r.C'" (tft Winter c.T'~nbl: th~t hroll, jllni0r i'rf"l(:'r.lrn~ ~"fi ;t~ ~lldl., in iHtlon caT" fl"','tri,h. \('Illt" t,"'Ir th.lt.thr oOll.<e.","c'd also e"'pect her 10 hake"1 '1 I \ " ." Ir"w.y"" rei:,," ":l -'i"1l:"" ~.,," .<cr". 1.0 '., ':.-'=c .. ', ,,"eo ,"1 :.,':: ,;'0< ,,,,, 1,,'r <'erIon, :r~...,< '": ",.,1 C.... neO--P.yN.,,,trAll. Ta"eGoZ.3aIt'j"r, ;'.Ir • pr"ln:,iOl'( "prr.li" fll'j . _

a c.akc. PolTk,., «('ll~r('r! tn0tlOl1 p:c:"Jrcs "l;~ tlC-j j"1i

.11("\,1,,1:; ;" .. i~a.\:i ..a; it dC4ncu. lall r:~~,,«'''. :\ (('''''l~('''(' (I";t<.'w.::.l ..c'l('duic rrn'Pft"lal CIe.ner. A. Dyer .., Mack andllllff"." Oh"(T\.('fl tht" (ritH: oi the SOphlS- Reftt tl.at neallt "'~nll *-' •~.:1Q .!lIt .. ~. :r~l ......11 company his Lalle_ Bc1"IO;g; no" ""ill be i1l1n~ull"d nut wcck, NoUiarlaaa. tic.ltcd ..~cw Yorker." er- P ... ~ Ilniew li_, ~.'




.' "




. !










i- i







BED SPREADSMade to Order

F.... Eatimatea LE. IZ1Z

IS114 Kercheval Avenue

Cleaner. & Dyer.


LEADER Marclt.s/n - DIRT Marcb.. O"tl


1- at Gnn- 14thIC--...s. _. a..ItMnH f_ en... Pelet. T f... • .CMoI ,.,. -..lit of $1M _ parcIwyo 01 ~ f. 11_._-


~lEADEIItVJe e~ 'fZHd /),._. J. I •._~

Call Tyler 5-8400UA.I. CA.PIT CUANINe co.

Otto H.

o. Mulier'SlSZZS~~ ..............LE. 7786 W.... Ead S,. c'a!. We DeIiYer

The Finest Quality Meata inGrosse Pointe



F You Pay ONLY theree REGULAR CleaningChare. In the Fall

Send Overcoats, Furl; Fur-Trimmedand \Vool Coats for Moth, Theft and

Fire Protection

Store your Winter


l3eldinl!~~15139Kercheval Ave., at Lakepointe

LEnox5800 Established 1918 LEnox 5801

Altar Society wmHold Rummage Sale .

SI. Paul Altar Societ1 wiU hold itajspring rulDmage sale on Wednesda1.Tbursday and Friday. May 8, 9 and 10.at Jefferson and Hillger.

e-,a. a.dooIar s.mc.w. 5, ... ia Cartaiu I


IS Lbs. 89cI" IlACIC TV..... , ....

U 'r_ .... W_'t 0P.ent. CallROBEItTS RADIO SHOP

0.. _ the Mo.t C l'tle ....., .......... ia Detroit

,.. Eo WARREN al ........N. .... o.r..- p _._ ..

Lutheran MiuiOD

~Es::.a:::u? I RUSSELLaJRTAiN CLEANERSWe s,. 5'" .. 1111" ...

In the ]lIDior Laa'ae llquis;e. 'ltoe a....-. c..w- ... D ...read aa intereRing article 011 tbe life 147Z7 ItoId.nIand love of race horse .. We like the Opp. CIIriniua sa.-. CIn.dapararrapb on YaD o' War. who is LE. 8Z75

Place: Library of GrOile PointeHigh SchOOl, FiJher abd Kaumee. Time:of Service: Sunday mornm.s at elCVctlo'clock. Stllion of SUnday School:9 :45 to 10:<45 a. IlL

The Rev. Georae Kun: wi11 deliverthe certllon in the service DW Sun.day. Ma-r S.

Tuesday of thiJ ....~ele is tbe datescheduled for the lllcetiar of PfOllpcC'tift Dlemben of this milaioL The Pllt.poee of the meetine it to e/rect theOI'pBization of • PerDI&Dellt ctIqr'ep.tIoa. Further procraa iD tbia .lftattvwill be reported .. tile caIamlIa of tile......

,pendinr hi, old aae in lUJauy, at tbeFar AWl1 FartII in Kent1lcky. A'tiaitorat the Fana uke4 to lee Maa o' Warand was told that be was ...... ,. beiar;.hoci. "Shod!." Ihe CJaclaimcd, "JtbOU&'ht he didn't wear anytbina'_.daya bllt bedroom IlippcrL.

And apeakinC ot horses. it BimelechdoeslJ't lIy home in the Derby 011 Sat.lIJ'da1. we will have a choice of robbiar;a small boy's bank or talci ... bad: tbeIIlIlI we hid fw the squirrels last Win-ter.

Attention. Esquire Theatre.It has just reached our carl, that

lIOIlleoae ill Gl'OIse Pointe woalcl liketo see "The Sill oi loIadc1011.Clalldet,"starrillt' Helen Ha-res. Sinc,: lOODer orlateI', it is possible to "catch the onestbat rot a .. y"_t tbe Esquire. "1ft

tbOlllrht we'd IIICntioa it.

Life lII&y betin at forty--bat ;U.ttT7 to c:onvillce the laauraace Com.paRies tha t it docs I


I,... ......S- II ....."'",.....~ ,..... s-..W...... lias ,....... ....ticMIF.b u...eScbobleHata.• Manhattan Shirt ••

Pajama. aDd Under.wear.

-Cooper', JockeyShorb.

e Pioneer Belb, Sua.

'Ipendera aDd Garten.

• Phoenix Hoeiery.• Gantner Sweater ..• Monarch and Arrow.

.tem Sport Jaeketl.• All at Popular Prices.

Clem Se.rlell71l4 KERCHEVAL AVE.. II_ St, Clair

Ala. Ca_.... A: Ca_ s...... !Opn't.. IJ


On Friday. 141,. 3rd, there will be aWoolworth DaDce at tbe NeichborboodCllIb at 8;(A, p. JIL

Brinr your palslll

CHUJJ' BASE BALL LEACUE+ iI All Grosse Pointe Girls frOlll the

City, Farms. r....1.:.. :md Woods areurged to let their entries in for theBaseball ~aalle b)' May 15th.

Followine are the rules and rqula-tions:

I, Ten girls will con.titute a team.Fiftccn girls may be entered.

2. Ase limit is 14 year. and over.3. No team entered in lUIother leque

is e Iigt'ble.4. No player is eJjgt'ble to play on

morc tnan one team with the uceptioaof rirls representi.,.. school teallll.

S. ames will be played at the Ne.b.borhood Ctub on Thttrlda,. bichtl at6:30 p: m.

6. Seven inn i n a. will CODltilllte agame.

,. National Girl's seftball Rub wI11be used.

B. En tries close Yay 15, 1940.9. Gamel start Thunda-r nieht, JUlIe


F... QIMIt o-.a.. ........ T.... ,........., ca....

.......... at Ner! .. •


Nest.fT •••5..u

Nest of tine t.Wn ferporch Of' M'IrOOm. AftrlC.iivefy f.sJ1ioMc1 of wroughtiroll finisltecl "' ~ with,'- tops ilt grMn, rd.OFlflge. blue or ydow.

Points & Pointers

"-a, SIIow.


• • -, D.A.R. Holda rI•._S_O_C_IA_L,•._N_O_T_E_S_. Rum ....... SaI.K n. x-i. CalO:l/crne it ba'-r .. ellI

• • • ,... - It. It D......... ,.. ..... loIi.. Adele !Croak, daqhtet' of Mr. be caUiq this otIe and that ODe in COlI.TIae ..... F-.u ... ~ SaM.. Boulevartl. has rKently .nDOUJlced itl and Mrs. Aadrew Kronk of 3401 Liver- nectioft with the cOGlin, rammaae .. Ie

the Puach aAd Judy Buildilll ha. reo rrand opening. Thi, 11_ .hopplq tea. tIOis avenue. Detroit. will take part in whicb u to be riven oa MOII.d'-r. W.y Lcentl,. acquired the .en-ices of Leo. ter is located in the buildinr whicb the annual .prin, COdCert of ell._ble 6. b,. tbe Loui •• St. Clair chapter, 1mmtsr:mc. ~iiMaurer, former I,. of IIc.t & Co. formerly houled • branch of tbe Kro- IllIUic .. iveD by the IIl1nit department Dauabter. of the AA.~.ican :Revolution. Anni

Kr. Maarer will be in charac of all aer chain system. The m:uaacr, Ed. of St. Mar)"s Colle .. e, Notre D-.e, .t 428 Rivard ,treet, in the old build. Celebratifta Our Tenth verlarychildren's trimminr .nd hair .tylin,. ",.ard St. On,e. i. well.lenowll to thrift1 Mon.u,. eveninc, April 29, iDa' which was formerly Newberry willa ~ ............This will undoubtedly be good new. to GrOile Poinle Ihoppen. Miss Kronk will pla-r the lecond pi. chapeL Yrl. Chari .. Hortoa Weltalf EXCLUSIVE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENTh

. G P . t f. oJ_ • • Bo'- n.... 1 . • t' U G'. uL.....EOtMMAN.. ~R-E ..R..15 many roue oln e raea.... The store features a free tele~bone lno III a qultltet.. ...ro. ,",yUI 2. No. .. 1'111 ll1lr .. fl. ascollflle al VICC- VieA.R. D ..1 and delivery 'tfYice. ]Ult dial Tu. 5" by Moszkow.ki, .nd the .teond pi. chairlftan. Miu Karian Broke it ad.

State c.... DUanI , 1M ; "",,- N•• low 'M ~ • ,;... ''''''' ~ ••• " th •••••• -10k, "'~ to ~'. 'i.~_"", sic A ~m- SIcCadillac Socicty, C.A.R. advisory meat price. prevail and frub Yeae- ScherzetliJIg" b)' Cuminade. brillr from IItM:1 Ind .lore room, lome ' "-' r-t

board will give a benefit bridge lunch. tables are on .. Ie eve .... da.... Kisl Kronk is a fre.hlll.ln at tbe eol. intereltiar; 'ntiques and knick.knacks. YOUD8'Miuea' SU .......... r......W .... see.~ , ~, bet • tb h t bo . (To 14 FNft) B, MARYcoa Friday, May tenth, at one o'clock, Ie,e and plana to l1li&;0,. in MilNe. .. _ I o. e c ap er W Ie lpnIII'

at Milady's HOUle, on Madison Ave. The buiJdinr; is C!On"enieatJ,. located • • • ctunla, has reminded them of drap- .:',' F 'B ..• S '0nue. Mfl. Tolbert L. Grimm, lenior .way from the crowded shoppm. lec- The ladiel of WettCl'1l Golf .nd erie., .ilYer. rla"",.are and books which r e IX ranco", ea1610 ranpresident of Cadillac Society, it general tioll. Excellent plrkinr Ipace il to be Country Qub are b.avinr a bridre the,. 110 Ioncer ",an!. have bMD asked P.cIa Ii:: JR.L. 'I'be.tre Br.I-. NI. S7Uchairman. Asaiuinr her are board mem- found near d,e store between East leI. luochcoa Oft Wa1' IS, at 12:30 o'clock. to call Fitzroy 0572. Mrl. Lou.t. M. -7 ...kr. Mrs. Harry Eliot Barnard, Mrs. {cnon and MaulJlee. There will be attnctive docw and table £dear and Mr. Walter C. PomeroyA. G. T. Cortcau. Mrs. Clifton E. Fer. prizes, also novelt, "ulie, head tbe .committ.cc ",hich will collect (guson, Mr .. Ray Sacl.eu. Mrs. WillialJl Neighborhood Club H~~~~~!~:!or :be .lr..ir .re .ra. i'l th .. rlonahnna ...~.. h m....... r. !r~ ~!!_I'B. S!lllrri ..r. Vr!. E~'''.'':lr::! ]. S~;.6C I -- IC. Allen, lira. Huah Banlnti. Mrs. T. able &0 take to :Newberry HO'tlle thelll't Iind Mrs. John L VrOCllll1I.The party MO'fJCE O. lIcLauabtin, W.. , J. W. Kindle. le~e.. . .t ",'ill benefit the Conference fund •• 1 . ::.1: ... AN Sherwood, Mti. W. Eo Hent. l'urnlllD'e and dlShca Will bi! the lpe.

I c.diJ!~;;$v.::k:, .. ;:: Ue OOSICU to out. A soft-ball meetm. .. 11 be held at llchke, Mra; A. 8. WcWood, e1wrlll.ln, c~ relponsibility. of 14.. , RolandItate rroups at the State CAR. Coo. the C!ub on Tue.~y, MaT 14th, at Kr .. T. 1. DODnclly aM WrL W. W. Mitchell &DdMr~, SI~e~ Probert. Mrs.[er:nce, to take place Sattlrda1, June 8:00 0 clock. All 'eolOr soft.ball teams Ge HlUllphre,.1 Sptlnrsun II chalrlll.ln of

Ill, at Botsford Taverll. dClirinr; to enter tbe Nei ..hborhood e. • • • prell relatms. Those who will busyMrs. Robert L. Kerr, of Yorkshire le~gue. I~ould have" represcntative at The IIIOftthl-r !Declinr; of the Ladiel themselves with sortin, ancl III.Irking

Road, state presidellt. and other state th .. mectlllg. Aid of the Scandinavian EV&DaeUc:a1 arc Kr •• Robert L. Kerr aodMr., He.officers, arc filling tables for the cause. Fr •• ~~r~!': ~!! !:: !::!.1 lO: ::';c :.':'Wl: !"!~!! E. C~!!!. !!r:. E!:.:.: .:::. !.~';;..: .

"::oe:..-:'.~:'i'i-i IiAi ..t:£; heach the MappinG' committee. The ar"of Mr.. Eo Nelson, 31 Moran Road, __Groue Pointe FartII., at 1:00 p. JIL OIl raul(iac' and .ale of raco of women'sThurlda)', Yay 9th. clothes will be mauaccl by 101 ... Hansel I

• • • D. Wi1sOG•• uisted b)' Ki .. Katl1feecD"On WedDelda,. ueninr. April 24, MorriMm, W", Clarence Eo Carroll,

Mrs. Sadie Larton .nd her claachtcr lo! ... Harold L Tanner and Mn. F. W.Lindbioom. tien's clothes will be soid IMr>. HiIlr-r ii. Treiberr;er of Lake.

pointe Ave. entertained Mrs. Frank by Miss Myrtle Rabcoek, Mrs. Harold L

WilkilllOll, personnc1 director of tbe Ha.tinl' and Mn. Alfred W. Crabb:Scars, Roebuck Hirhland Park store. ch.iJdren', cloth .. by Mrs. Grant, Mrs.Krs. Joho M.cCormicle and Mrs. Ptn)' Eo W. Pre.leYlDd Mrs. C. Haines Wil.Haaerty of the 1liiie ltore also &.t. lOa.

t"nded. Mr .. E. 51. Elmo Lewis .nd Mu.• , • Charles H lIooney arc hopm. for hats

Miu Marjorie Ebner, dalllhter of with an ostrich featber to di.play inKr. and Krs. Frank Ebner, of Bi7 Bar. their DIillinery department, as they bothrington Rd., is a mCl16ber of tbe reo deplore thi. sprm.'s creationl. RtlllI-ception committee for the ]llniot.Senior lD&&'elilIes have an interest aU theirtea dance to be held at MarylTOVC own, or humor and ClIcitement, .ndCoDege. Y.,. .. have in the put realized huge sums for

the chapter's coffers. The euctinll"work of busUter of tht. affair hasbeen plac:ed ill the capable hands ofYra. Lloyd De Witt Smith, who ClI-pectl it to Det a .ubstanital Slllllo

Groue Pointe StoreJ 7030 KERCHEVAL

1 PI u.

• '!' ~=--:-::.:.:.-..;..



~n., ft'.r.&! ~troioCt*l .IId .ojllriao;. ~"" Wrth....... 4pf'iftf 'N~ fw perfect comfort. it IN~"•~ Mcf. Choice of Ii.,. colors:_fMr-resiste"'....... \

5I<.u-.~ 52.75

Sof. and two chairs of natural ratttn. Comfort.DIe tOI'fng cushions withcoverirtgl in • great v.riety of .ttr.~v. f.~ VIond.rful v.....



The V()lnte l3ar-1121. Eo JeffenoD


~~,:!Judy•• '1 • a ...

... _,. ... , 4




...... ~ V•• .,.-T .... J'IIa)o So ..... 17




Di..,'a"~ D .. 51low"'t W..&..... ............ __

I "Ib;i.~.-'aPlRCE& TaACY

1lEDY' LA.NAItR.. TAU: nlls WOMAN'"

• .. •• "......... J;.~ •




$1.39 ,


7:30 P IIL-EYftlinl' Worship; Set'.mon: ..In God', Handa."

6:30 p. t!L-JeWenon B.Y.P.U.; High

F... Sa..... _ ww. e-.....C!oa ...... P., Nezt FaD. T.... J--.l.pariaJ ca........ A ~ MMI& ....Nottla ........

• I I ,


Let Us Be YourPhoto Finisher

Rand D MARKET344 Ri9U'd BI.cL

Free Delivery .... Call Tux. 2.6866




Now Open to the PublicAt Popular Prica

AL.o Application. for Membenhip Talc.Refreahmeab 5er'f'ed of AD Kmda

For Toumameata, Partiea and AU IDformatM.CaD TIJ Z-III'

"BUD" SAMPSON, Manager

w. do DOt .... !NIe.il!Ia, ad Priat _Caatnat p......

w. an. fall ".da, t 01.. &1m&.rnaere IS • DiW."" .. !)24.Hour Semee

w. do BOt .... :your Woft _to AD __ &aUW ill OBI'work rooau.


MACK AT SEVEN MILE ROADDetroit'. Moat Beautiful Nite Club




Phil Olsen aDd Hia OrchestraNo Ccnw. No Miaianua. No .... ;•• ioa. Ezcept Sablnlva


Warren Studio16711 E. WARREN TU. 2.2548

Jefferaon AvenueBaptiat Church

Grosse Pointe WoodsGolf Club

329 LOCHMOOR BLVD.Bet-. M.d. -....I Lak ........ Dm.

9 :45 L III.-church SchooL11 :00 a. m.-Morninao Worship, Com.

munion, sennon: "Launch Out." Nur-sery, Second session of kindergarten,Primary and Junior departments.School Youth; Crusading Youth.

• I I I


.' National Hardware


.I! Grosse Pointe Hardware..,'I 1691S£. JEFFERSON NI. «Z~_

New Gown Set

Any Length JacketFashion Approved

Long.TarlO Ty))e III Sure toBe Very Popular.

By CHERIE ,NICHOLASAt'eordin, to your preference, to

your tl,ure type, is fashion's answer IIIas to what.1enrth jacket. It euidedin your choice by the latest. yourjacket will be the very new andhill'hly impoetant long.torso typethat ,ives you I finger-tip length.A jacket of .thi. sort with th~ a~l.round pleated skirt 18 top fashion 111the IUit realm.

Howeyer the lon, jacket has III noway detracted trom the glory of theyouthful ever-flattering bolero suitor ensemble costume. Among themoat charming modes for springthere is no type thl t exceeds theever-beloVt!G bolero and in the now- ~so-popular navy with frilly, frothy ~white aCi:ents there is not I morell.attering suit on the sprine styleprogram.

Another type "on the way" ac-cordin. 10 advance reports is, thelooae bozy coat or rather jacketthat is poeIteted most eleve Iy.

Here Is somelhlnr sure to provea case 01 love at first eight withwomen who de!i«ht in wearing pret-ty apparel that playa up to the set.ting 01 aur&c:live home envirolU. Itis a PeelY Jean 1l0WJl set. thatwu much admired when it madeita bow at the wub. apparel showheld receatlT ill Cbieago. Includingtwo itezu •• eown smd • robe, it isftV • Pl'aeticU, aDd .. 1tnoIl1:r... it is uti1iWiaII iD that it .. made01 beaut.iflllHy wuhable Svrisstone insueh deleetahle colOl'l .. powderblue, aqua, ad French roae. It isabIo vel'J' attractive made of polkadot J'reDCh crepe in navy, royal orw1M. The lown as shown lD theinaet .. alIorab1e for boudoir wearand tbe hotde coat will prove at:eU'.u-e aDd a friend indr:ed and in fneed fittirlc into the scheme 01

things in a busy household .t a/ :~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!moment's lI8tice. Col llS a callera t aD unexpected hour. don this

charminfr robe and 10U will look V L4~ f3 ()' L r="pretty .. a pieture" ~. :you Il'eet -~ • ...,.;th tlerteet poise.

At ... BeaatifulHigh SchoOl TrackTeam Loaea to MolU'oe


High Sehool Tenni.T earn Drop. Two More

Michigan StudenbHonored at Convention

Groue Pointe High School's tenni!team suffered two more Border CitiesLe~e c!efeats lut week, when thecourl athletes from Monroe and \Vyan •dotte Highs trampled the local lads.

On Saturday, the Pointers traveled toMonroe and were handed a 7-2 heatine.The following Tuesday the lame teamwas barely defeated 5-4 by Wyandotte.Bob Kundinger and Bill Heyser, localdoubles combination are the only unde-feated Grosse Pointe players. The boy~have won five straight matches.

These two setbacks bring the squad'srecord to a dismal one win and fol1!rI" .. es at the completion of the firstround. Each of the league 5chools ha~now been engaged in competition. Thesecond round will determine the leaguechampion.

Saturday's play will match the localsagainst the Fordson Tractors.

Eight hundred Universny of Michi-gan students received publie eecOlftli-~ion' at the seventeenth annual HonorsConvocation on April 26 for their out-standing scholastic worlc.

The following students from GrMsePointe were honol'ed: James D. Ritchie,for being a membee of the MichiganLaw Review Board aad winning seniorclass honors in the Law School; HearyK. Schoch, Jr., David J. Watson, Jr.,!''.:''~~!:! ~. '!:,,::.~..":::!~-~..: ~:",I••L": ::u.!olofin, senior class honors ill theLiterary College; Robert H. J elfen andJohn },{. Stone, senior class honorsfrom the College of Engineeriag; AenidEo Taylor, sophomore class honors fromthe Literary College; and Charles B.Armstrong, lIOphomore class honorsfeom the College of Engineering.

High -school NineBeatenBy~

Vonroe High School's basebaU squadin"lded Grosse Pointe last Tuesdayafternoon, unleashed aa 8-hit barraze,and returned home with a weI1 earned6-1 vicbory to their cremt.

Behind the four-hit hurling of m-ing Kukla, the victorious Trqjans heldGrosse Pointe scoreless until the lastinning. The Monroe hillers combedthe ol1ering. oi four Blue Devil pit-chers for eight scattered hils, includinztwo triples.

The Trojans POUllced 011 G r 0 Sl ePointe', startinll' pitcher, bespectacledsouthpaw Ralph Strem, and drove himfrom the boo: after four runs had beenscored and only one man retired illtile fin, inning. Lawrellce Shock, nextBlue Devil f1inlrer, allowed only twohits during his five-inning sojourn onthe mound. Eddie Smith and RussDavis 6rrished for Grosse Pointe, ex-periencing only mild success.

George G r a ham, local .horhtop,proved the only Blue Devil brightspot ill the afternoon's battle by slap-ping nIt! three hits in as many timesat b.t. Graham scored the only GrossePointe run in the 7th frame after hissinlZ"le to rilZ"htfield went thro"gh IhO'

Monroe outfielder's legs. This errOrpermitted Graham to advance to thirdbase, from where he scored on an in.freld bounder.

JBriD~'em back.live

III the lirst meet of the Ilew.bornseason, Grosse Poin.te High School'strack tum bowed 74.30 to a well- bal-anced Monroe squad last Saturday aft-emooa. 011 the local dirt oval.

The Grosse Po;n'en salVllged twonrsts out of twelve events, and ll'ave agood ellough showing oonsidering themealfl'e out-door practice they ha'-esnatched from Old Man \Vinter'sclutches.

M.le~ "!!it;:'" re••one and Don IKrammer started the local Blue Devilsoff on the right foot by taking "one-two" in the shot-put. The pOinters!failed to win another first until Edi-son Robbins triumphed in the half-milerace. Robbins, Michigan State champ I

of last year in this e,.ent, led his rivals Ito the tape by a J().)'ard margin.

Ralph DeWinter, Blue Devil Nspeed.sler," pulled a muscle in the loo-yard Idash and limped in to take second I

" place. De\Vinter, one of last year's,~ consistent winners, refused to quit and:


. '. e"en with this painful handicap finished, ••• , ". "',j: ':"J">J (. second in the 220-)'ard sprint. Coache" Slack Suits •

I r: ':) Frank Banach and Weldon Z,mmer- ~... . . m•• -~ "'0 .~ "'''m',,;, o~o.m'll 0tLen , ..... $1" .... ,....

Send Your Fur. ing the runn; ;u~e~ ':1 Dress ShirteaJuea to $2.5e.

to Redwood! : BEAUTIFUL STYLED+ in a quiet. homrlike alm<>'rher(, i51t We'"enever loata furCOllt"et, where no hen (Ir Irqllor i, 'en'ed ;~ PaJ.amas •I ~~~I~ ~inFo:~1 atanyTh~~~ULA~[~II~ Others at $1.%7, f Stora,.. E1IIery COIIt handled MALLORY. STETSON .IId ot_ ."-'ti .....8........• with individual care. labeled Dinin, Room HATS $4.110. suo, SUIt and in"~ed re~larly_ In. t.') 15518 EAST WARREN ~ • V.l_o .t


+ ~ ... T C t Ad ... rti.N1 illil I.. lJ. f' ~f'ECI.-\L-E\T~Y TJn.Rm.\Y II Op oa 5~~,"!r.~, ~t S21.~

Ii ~ 11R~t Towlr.y SSe ~ Don't Miaa This Event-Buy Now

if 2!~7 ji :::~~~~~~~~~~ ,,,:1 SOL'S ~EN'S WEAR IT .., I R_., ~R: .. "" ,.. SScJ l'il ] 4205 E, Jefferson at Newport: 161IS E. Warren .t Bedford +, R t l~." .ef Perk. . _......... 55c ~I Prompt Pick.up ""d D"Ii ry : I R t S,rl",,, of Beef , 55c I ~ OPEN EVENINCS•; Serrice!, • t j \. An A.... Cemp, ..t~ Di""~n ,i.;)~W~:L&J ..~~.~;~Z.;~.,.f;;;:r~~~f.;c:.""':.::::;;:z,~;;z,:.'~'.,,~Kjl'1Em..'r.I"lllll' II I •• 1 ... _



4 9 &1

Bids Wanted

!l<l)"lMlK)'" Gralue, 692 Wllhington.Eliubeth Hayden, J44 Nel!.Norma Taylqr, 16930 Village Lane.Alida Joyce, BOa St. Clair.

GirlsJean Donohue, 454 Lineo1a.Alice Lanno, 909 St. Clair.

Groue, Pointe FarlBlBOYI

Margard Ham m 0 n d, 118 Merrj.'W ..... tJ, .. 'P".

Florence Ledyard, 44 Ridl'CIDOnt.

JOB PRINTING of the bett...kiacI doae ..,. the Gro ... PoiDtePriam.. Compe.ny. 15121 leer.cLnal AftD1Ie.

Aigera Furripreserve thatthat ,0.1 .do

coat. deaned, «lazed, atOrN anaU for $4.'5, Pay Nell:t Fan.

F.... Stonp _ WiD. a.r-..~a...... P.,. N.,.t Fall T.......... 2-....f_perial aea-n " Dyen, Mad. aDdNottiqilaa.

jIllUM ...1i'@i!!t"""""*'h+i@i!iO!Ii!!ffi1~

I~~~-~-.~::~:~o,~ I~ Vinq. of en.... Poiata Wood. @

wiD NCAlm ... f.. ... Mloo .f ~- F....... tract... Biela I,;l

wiD be at tlM _o:t rea ... ,Jar ~ .. , M.,. 7, IN1, .t .,.p. ... at tI... M-xipaJ BIOiIdi...



Iwe have' COftIlletelrr allU ..~._-"

Christian teachers. Classes for all ages Iand grades. M05t of the world's i~lbtoday can be healed by the teachingsof JClUJ. These you have taught. andpruched in His Church. Bring youfamily and attend a neighborly churright ill your neighborhood.

I)J "17':...... ~..- .

Jakimec Beauty SalonLE. '%31

"' BeacmWicld at J.f .....

A STYLE LEADER-aecordinr to Croaw Pointe WOIIMI,

JakiJaee ia ....... i!!!MHI the leader in c:reet.iar Mautifal Hair St"IH

III BaaiaeN oYer Z8 Years

Thunday, May 2, 1940

THE ECKHARDT CO.8342 Gratiot Avenue•


Full Line of Fe~r. and lliaecticidea

Complete Landacaping and MaintenanceService

We Deliver

ExclusiveBicycle Dealer 14

SINCE 1911Apac,o for:. IVER JOHNSON n.~ c. " ...

RAmO"LLF~" sarwtNRT -, V1IIaiot ., eoro...~ w .....~ wII ~r.......... "- L.w. Tn- LiP..... T-u. ~ 01 _ ,... .-r.

............... IlOojk ..... en.. to ia -.I.BIey"''' Low .. $11.51 I __wi.. iMtnodiou .. 1MViI-

w. R..... aD .. "--AlItIoari.d...m. f. aD C-.tao BnJr.. I c. j••iooa. BWo wiD ..UltiJDate ia Preciaic. BaiJt Bikea at ....... t ....... .-t.

BOB C. SURTMAN . f :-;"~~d:-'B~u.::"'''PHILIP F. ALLARD,i54ii MACK (North Side) TU.2.2242 II! . ViIIap c:.k.

L It M!f_~ 4"B;Ad,,!&&JSZemD&9J!dI!



F°Se~~ti:~~::Lf~~o~~'" OJ For .L M~j~d!pril?lt~.~~:~~::T_'u

Grosse Pointe Washer use Mary Tjaarda, 41 ColoniaL

Servloce I Feance. Wills, '2fJ7 Manor.DEATHS • Girls' Grosse Pointe Parle Helen Connolly, (IJ Moran.

NEW AND REBUILT WASHERS Henry Andries, 90, 1164 Nottingham. E\'elyn Robinson, 3 !Jyar Lane.17211 Mack Aft•• t Not .. D_ h' B 87 12J2 Lake''' •• '''J'''.'I'II&, ••••••• 1 '!_'_' _'_'_'__ '_' Kater1ne trgmann" - EI$ie\"'esner.32')~{cKinlty.

• t I • • , • • • I • • • ••• pointe.. Edith Woodruff. 12 Lewiston.Anna Brucie:, 47, 1430 Bishop. Martha Zimmerman, 57 Oak.Dr, John C. Jacob, 1231 Buc~ingh.m. Grosse Pointe WoodsPeter Katus, 71, 1035 Yorluhlre. Boys

Mary Elizabeth Kehoe, 76, 746 Bar- Glad)'s Kammer, 1961 Loch moor,rinll'ton. Aedeline Rhodes, 15005 Hampton.PatTieia Ann MotschaD, 5. 1125 Hypatia Vande .....,ilJ, 2059 Roslyn.Bishop. .Robert ~",e Schram, 54, 1366 Bel-four.Mary Anderson Wi1son, 59, S80 Pem-berton.

City of Gr06se P(>inteStewart Neff, 18, 451 St. Clair.Lillie Tucker, 5Z, 700 SI. Clair.

I , , • Fl. • t I _ ! ~_I___ .... Grone- Pointe Farms•!.... I/jI!iI!!iW1I\!~H~ Jeannie R. Morle, 78, 367 MOl'lln.IBeautiful May Days Call For I 6~~~:emp:~~~j~~~~ Thomson, S4, 44

G d I d Sweater.' Grom Pointe Woods.r en ng - an • Lilliu A. AlIar~, 42, 934 Vuaier.T'ni. Weelt'. SpeciaI-S\¥EATERS 29c I BIRTHS

FV.... AS ......N D-I YCoa1'LWiEIDAte1'NCarmeaERSur I) Grosse P;~;~e .ParkAna Bery, 1312 Wayhurll.Fraaces Krieg, 757 Middlele£

eARL VAN DE PITTE, J>raprieter I .Mary Payette, 1008 Buconsfield.In.. K.u-.J. _t door to S_ A .. P iill Madeline Ramkey, 1417 Beacons6eld.

c.a fw .. Deli.- TU. 2.711' il Jennie Vaader BrUll', 1344 Wayburn.••• hiFW"'!ri!!ii!ildi I!!Ii! I Mary Woodwell, 887 BeacOlls6eld.


I Emily Brown, 1302 Waybum.Mary Giroux. 1125 Nottin .. ham.

I Pauline McGrath, 936 Harcourt.,Feances Miller, lZ19 Lakepoiate.Loretta Motschall, 1329 Buckingham.

Cit,. of Grosse Pointe

16~ Mile Rd.-2 Milea East of Van Dyke% Mile Weat of Utica Rei.


Beautiful GreensInteresting Course

.__ ,_ ,..,-, , ,------------

Goll for Health


AD D.y III Holeo t HOM T .. 1;ptWeek 0.,. $1.10 $1.75 $1.4, $1.51Slit.. s.m.. Holidays ".. US I." .M .75


Single, $25,00 Man and Wife, $35.00 IIFamily (children under 17)......LLoobr P_..... ALGER C

BUSS BEAUPRE, Mg-r. Tel. Utica 29Ft6 i ]6922 KERCHEVAL!>!

~'&;iJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1;r1~~:L~~~~~ ] 6319 E. WARREN.----- - I~ m :rUE Q:YW'l







Tbutsday, May 2, 1940

An out-of-door sketch class for ~ginners and advanced student. underthe instruction of John Cornish will beheld at Alger HOUSf on Fridllys (rOBl10 .. m. to 4:()() p. m. (or .. period 01six weeks commencin&, May 10 and la.t.in&, until June 14. Students may earoOfor MOI'ning or alteflloon sessions. Thecia .. well be Iimiled i. namber. FGI'

LEnox 5801

Cleaners & Dyer.


Gypsy Influence


15139Kercheval Ave., at Lakepointe

Established 1918

tore your Winter

Faith Lutheran Church

F You Pay ONLY theREGULAR ele.nlneree Charge In the Fall

Send Overcoat., Furs; Fur-Trimmedand \Vool Coats for Moth, Theft and

Fire Protection





L1.Enox 5800

(A tnse eop,-.)CHARLES It. HARRIS,• DeputY Prollate RCll'istet.


Lepj NoticeFU"at 1_.--':_

~IUVU E. Jeffersoll and Philip AVfl.,. Ro)" D.OUE. FOIl PVBUCATIO'" Linhart, Paatdr, WIlL G. Wacke, AJ.

28lI)IS .utant.Sunday. 10:45 .. DI..-Divine Worship

ST.\TE OF II:ICHIGAN, Count, of Service. The sermon theme will be "TheWayne, '$. Crown Without Thorns.~ Both choirs

At a session of the Probate Court for will sinll' at this service.said County of Wayne. held at the Pro- 9 :15 .. IlL-Sunday SchooL There arcbate Cotln ROOlIl in the Cit,. of Detroit, cbsse fOf' aILon the twenty-sccond da)" of April in 6:30 p. m.-Youn@' J.hrriet! Couples'the )'CaI' one thousand Diae bundred Oub luncheon.and forty. Monday. i:OO p. m.-Teachers' Meet-

Present THOU-"S C. MURPHY'

jiDll'. At 8:00 p. IlL the pastor will give I

Judge of Probate. IlI!JIe lI:alter of the Last of a series of lectures on "Whatthe Estate l)f MARY ANN RU,SSELL, Lutherans Believe."Deceased, Tuetday. i:OO p. m.-Boy S c 0 U t

011 readinr alld filiq the petition of Meeting.MARGARET LYNN, prayilt&' tJu.t ad- May 9, 6:30 p. m.-Annual Motherministratioo of said estate be- ,ranted and DaUJ(!lter BanqueL A splendidto herself or SOQleother suitable per. mCJIU and prOlTam of entertainmenl

I son: have been prepared. Tickets for thisIt is ordered, That the Twenly-Third event arc on oale ..t the church office. elroni' thill " .. ,,"':'!! thr::~:!::::.;t :iWh-

-:!~.yo! ~h;',ll;J;:, .: : ... V'L:","" iu.ne We invite yOu to worship at Faith I~n ~esign. . It reftects attractive!:rforenoon at laid Cocart ROOlIl be: ap- Lutheran Church. We preach the Old III thiII stunnmg ,Spectator SPOrts ~t .

. .. f b . _:... . . -_.... _ The BretoD sall.Qr ot rolCh "'hitepomte .. , o~ eanq ..... petition. Gospel for lIIVLIera tImes. .traw is tied oa with. searl ot handAn4 11 ~ further. ~~ That a ------ pri.n1ed linen ill yello .... black and

copy of this order be pUblished. three M.iliu L.tber.. white, with the same print makin,successive _elea previo,us to s'lid time Q'I__ ..... the crown and facmr the ~rim.of heariq-. in The Grosse Poinle Re- Wide brimmed Bretofta. either bl.~k,'iew. a lIewspaper printed and.drcu- Southeast Corner of Kerchev ..l and _r navy straw 01' ta~ric, are l~bting ill Aid County of Wayne. Lakewood Avenues. A. H. A. Loeber, ~g the most fuhiot1able fo;r lUI-

THOMAS C. MURPHY. pastor. I~ Lakewood Avenue. Tele- mediate wear_Jadee of Probate. phone LEnox 2121.

"The Cross and the Crown" will be p.:Flashethe subject of the sermon next Sunday, aJ'lS SMay S. This will be the fin..1 sermon.in N.VJ' leads In d.:rtime fashions.the series on "The Cros,." The service Mol:vneaWl:'. bIouR. coat is

.' will be~n at 11 :15 a. m. The Sunday new.".j' . Kerb,.,..~ _1- - - i N-"-- School will be in session from ten to Slim lonC-torao lines is the newlie ".;JCDOOI ~ ;silho~ette.

cleven 0 'dock. Berries, fndtI IUId lowers trimThe last of the Monthly Bible Hours hats. .

H. Jl'. WorJc,., who is visitiDg in oi the sea50ll of 1939-1940 will take Longer jacket ants are fashioIlGrosse Pointe, came to Kerby'School pbce on Sunday, May 5, beginning at favorites.

I and talked to the'fourth grade ~use Jive o'clock in the afternoon. The sub- Suits are ealiftlled with fin-d his armdson. Kyle, had told !lito about ject to be discussed will be "Christian gerie touches.• our study of SlwitzerlaniL Since Mr. Science.~ Everybody welcome! Increasing intereet .iI thowD ill

Worle.. bad Iivad f.or' --e t;-e in 0 h da f b' '-' th d jet embroiderie&.• ~ ~ - n T ur, y 0 t IS wee .. IS e ay R~dish copper tones are out-Switzerland. be was able to teU us of Christ's Ascension. A service wiU standing this spring.

d 1 many tbillll's about tbe Swiss .iIlage5, be held on that day at '):45 o'c1ock in Scbiaparelli makel beJtII oto cosiume~ train., mountain climbing, !JIe evening. s~y green Ie.VeI!.

cities and rivers. One oI the ~t in- ------ Tiny bonnet-li.ll:e toqUelI tippedterestinar tbinp 'be told was that the ~ 0WD.d v. s. ~. back on the beac! is latest mil.Swiss people _sh their clothes once 8JJ*iD oace owned the !11a~or part linery theme. The Stroh Brewery ~0IIIpIIIIJ'

I eYer)" !hr.e or lour weeks .wteld ofl of .tIle ~ now constitutiDc the Detroit, Micbiaaa:II weekb'. Their lIlai4 thought it funny _U_n1_tec:l • _o wben Vn. WOf'I=y ...anted ber to wash~=::=-'~~.~s:~Ready Reference, Business Directory

U ehocolate. with ,us-the label ""<1 the I . D.rCORATINGftIo.o box said "Linda &; Sprungk" lotr. REPAIR WORK LANDSCAPING ~

Worley hu traveled to many different ro......Z.IMZ

8 pans of the world. We certainly en- FIRST CLASS REPAIRINC HENRY KELLEY I C ELLA"R Srjoyed his line talk. Mr. Worle)' lives BICYCLE MOTORCYCLES • 1.in Wa~ington, D. C, LIld is direetor of N_ IIic7ct. .t Low ,... LANDSCAPE GARDENER PAINTING and DECORATING

. . 11' f U ..... ReWIt 8iqcIee , ..... lib -- . I ... c..... Gr.Iiq,,....... I-the- adIooI of UlStrucUOD, are ..u 0 La__ •• s~ s~ e..-.J Maia---. J . ,AND MODELlHCCastom.s. er.... ' ....to .... ,. BUra Siaep Clad to an- _timate. EatablUhed ISla

I&. C. V-'-uIoe 1m J..ak-aota PIaaae TE. I-G38 13ZlIs--.&.Id AYe.GuardiaD AapI. Cd f. HI... ,. Deh.\ ...----~---____ en.- P...... , .....

.. sP-'0I' Laacileoa Vanppn Cleaner GEORGE I CABINET WORKqf - .. ' ~" REPAIR D_a, It-. H..... .. ~ ......~ ~ ~:~=::n::: ~-~PoiDte ur::A~ RidI ;:;=::... - oUerG..... MAD15lII. E'RE

•• 'd":~e spolisor a rout 'beef luadleon and card ~ .....'

I and bunco put)" ill the gym ,.Hayes TV. 1.'1177 J_ MACK $i.5I.1oIId CROSS!:: POINTE CABIHET SH()PBoulevard at M ..yJjeld avenue Thun. • • I • I I I • • • , • , , , ReprocL,c~ of ,_ hrait.re .....day, May 1&.at 12:30 p. IlL Tlib1c and 1'0 P":"t. A.-J:~ Senice II g ..... i!i.... 'E 4AAii!Ii!J to ....a..--Aa,. .t,.1e or __

door prizes. -- - ~ ..... _ POINTE LANDSCAPE CO. ReaedeIiq, Repairiq &ad R~Mrs. Edith Rout mer, chairmaJl, will w..... M--... V_ a--. "_be ~sisted by the f011owinll' ladies; J.-.-., FJ-r LiPt Sock- . CeseraJ -uat_-. Cardeoai.,. .... HOME SERVICEMesdallles Kakaterra. Carreyn, Tron- - R........ W ~~ .---ttiaa. R__ .ble. 0 • t lal"'l •tier .. Hamer, Kolson. Lynchey, E. Ma- _ t:OSS~ POINTE BLVD. rate.. E.timeta.fneI,- an-. Wiadow IUtCI Wall CleaDirae.lloney, McGregor, C Monfils. Meyer" R_d Gran PIa.- HI. 2e74 Phoae MU. 1754 Screeu. Awnia .... StormObcrem. Si::~iki. Stocker, Waper, C__ _ _ zn aiiSS444lib Am, Wmdow. pat up aad reIDlmld.Yaglcy and Yvchak. .If1r!a. ('t-__ .

•. u:J''' R SrIAAl;1'I ::::...... . e I.:.,.~_._;~-y~~r 111 CELERY HEARTS 2 for lIe •

15 Lbs. Sge I NEW RED POTATOES : 61bs. 25cTVaM.Z",

MISCELLANEOUSPAUL PATTE-!?aintinR' and dtcont-

In,ll'. paJ)<'rhanll;lIlit. kalsominina-. wall.washing. Basement sprayed or painted.I will rC'me 10 you recommended andR'Uaranlee all of mv work. SUR'Jl'eslionson docoraling; 17 )'un' experience.TeL LEnox 5825. Estimates freely

,. classroom will be open from 7:JO 108:30 and it is hoped Ihat all parentswill use this opportunity to visit theirchildren's rooms and to become betteracquainted with their teachers.

Parents of Maire School chUdren,their relati,'es and friends, are cordi ..Uyinvited to the meeting next TuesdayeTetling.

Memories of the earphone and eat-whJater da:ra' wm BollSLeo Fitzl)&triclt and "t1DC1e Neal" Tam,. are start1nr the!r Itthyear In radIo thJ.os month. "That's all n~r over Ule dam." sanFlt.z. "We're lootlnR forward to bluer and bettei' thlna In radio.It.s Just ltetUnllC a IICood. healthy atart," nIl: LooII: for 8JIIlore SimOllahd Kay :Frioncis baclt on Rudy Vallee lIOOD. May! RoIemary Lanewill be RUdy's Ruest . • _ Deacon Moore w1.Il be the kUe8t on theHollywood tlOrtion of the Star Theatre May 15 ••• Betty and Bobto return to the all' soon wlth Arlene Franei.'! ••• Mendith WU-IOn. conductor of tbe "Good News Show". will tate over for Fibberand Molly thi.'! summer • • • What's this we hear about DinahShore belnllC the Broo1l:lyn DodIten' D1lIscot~ ••• Raymond GramSwlm: will speall: from the banquet hall of the BooII:sellers tOthannual dinner May 15 ... AI Pearce mates hU CBS-WJR DebutMay 3. 6:30 p. m .••• "Gan,r Busters" 1rill have 7 mlU'den. 11shootinlt'S'. H holdups and 12 s!~Q In the story of Triqer VanBandit Jaell: Howard. May f. 7:30 II. m .. WJR ..• Monday "L\.'l[RadIo Theatre" DJ'tsent.s "Our Town." with Frank craVftl.. W1lla.JIIHolden. Martha 8c:ott. Pay Bainter. Beu1ab Bondi. Thlllm&8 Mlotch-ell, Guy Kibbee and Stuart Enr1n over WJR, Ma,. I. a 1). m •.•.

Val Clare . • • CKLW new:s CClUUIIentator and .peeclHna1l:ernear and far (also divot.dIQer). alms to ezpltlit new doinltll onlocal fairways and rreens very Ibortb'. New ROIt let (wlth lID«ia!$Ide pocket) recent RUt! Praetidna In 1lJac1t stQdio l'eCentlJ'. Valremarked: Nix. you 1&&. no bornnrlnlt 01' aolt eIubs thi.'! :rear.(All, Gee. Val!) ••• Sunda)' over WlR, Sllm .. CUol:e Lornbl3d In'~liver Theater" version of "Ice to the Batimos" ... 5:30 DIII_Gene Autry and hi.'! "Melody Rarlch" ... !:l.Iery Queen at 1:30 l)m ..the story. "The Man Who Collld Double the Slt;t ot Diamonds"... 7:30 pm .. the Premiere of Breezl.n' A10nlt with 'Johnny Green'In Johnnv presents , •• 7:30 p. m~ The Ford Sunday Evenlnll'Hour. Bidu Sayao ltUest •• _ Thref of WlR's best serials havemoved from momlnlt' to afternoon lOOts because ot the timechanR'1" in kl'v l'it.les of the networu. They are Linda's F1.m Love.The Editor's -Dault'hter. and Kitt:r Keene. and are .-ow heard InLhat order. starting at 2:30 pm.•.. Bing Crosby'. guest this weell:lOll! be Gene Towne and Graham Bater. also Annabella and Joee

.. Iturbl ... Jack Benny will be one of the Btolieve It or nots on RIp.-ley's I;how this week-end .•. over WJR. 9:30 Dm .. M.v 3 .•. DonAin!"Che will switch to one or his ramous dialeets (mothl'r tnnltuel\\'WJ. Mav :I ... Tallulah Banlthead dolnlt a It'Ue&ne Oll "ntt.hRow Center". CKLW. Mav 3 .•. Kay Kyser at the FOlI: Thea~re .St. Lnuis ... A1 ':ui ...on Will (maybe) be back on the all' soon ..

CKLW bnnainll' Happy Qanlr, ~ar CBS feat.are. to WindsorMav 15th. and May 16th for 2 nllll:ht DerllOnal appearance at Wlnd-IlOr Arrna. Arranltl'ment.~ In advance hUe eaused 2 Itent.s to loeeII little s1f'f'P! IIneldE'ntallv. wanta buv a ticket?) ... F1.rst. NI~hterMav :I ,.ill ~ a I;tOry on the races "Kent~kv Thoroulithbred ..1'\11: ... fll~?rr., 'I,;n ~,H' th ... low oowr. or. Lhe lilT pockets In tne totl:lesas t1o~l'n by the fire paLrol •.. Amos 'h' Andy SI're did a nrellthlnll' when thrv ramI" on the air to Introduce :'letcher Wiley ...and, bv the wav. did yOU hear the DrOlttam? well. 11'1' <lId e~~vour ole dial tWlstl'r surely took It t.n hf"art tune In F1.. tc_.~ ..i.3u pm .• WJK ana 11:1'& a load vourl;elr ... Quite some Dart,. th.1'bovs tM"rd at the IntncolIell;late Club Wednesday nltht tot: WIR sI-jarrv Wl.,mrr. v.ho will ~ married next w~k to M~" Ell7.abethBrval'll a TIlerI' of Mr." Henry Ford. Nominated as 'chler man Inrhar"'r of worrv dl'Dartmrnt" ... recent addition to announce,: .. IT~,r (,KLW ... Brllre Chirle is "rlt to ~ tied" lonlt about S:4~pm .. earh d:w. Extra heavy bu~inl'u. 1llith JIm Van Kn.rrn, and.Tn" (;~J1tl;e r("l~rr:r,r"Il7lnl<' in that strl'teh. have Brurp- • wrappedup In contmulty". (Pay-day I! Wednesday-forP;t't It. 8ru!'el. .


.. .

FOR SALEJ-PIECE Bedroom out Iit-Cheap. 695

Rj,'ard llld.

)UXIOR twin bedrOOUl suite. Universaldesign. Xl. 9152-


lIISCELLAJlfEousDECORATING-Avoid .prilllf rush.

Have your .dccoratilllt dOtS" now.Tliirty yeus experience. Best refer-ences. Qaick lUVice IIOW'. TlU;edo2-7143.

L.S,KE ERIE-Amherst Pointe. three !riven. For, erv rea!lOn~ble prices bavemiles from Amherst bourg, Ontario; lour work done early.

large mod.rn. electric stove. rcfriger- GEN'ERAL Contractina - P 0 r c h e sation. L. G. DeSpelder. LE. 1528.Icreened; remooelin.o: '''d repairinlr.

FOR RENT PaintiltJir. !ol U. 2616.

FOR RENT for ~UJI!lIIcr .ca!lOlI. Cot- GOLF CLUBS - Spaulding. Wilson.t..ge on l~nadian Lake St. Oair, Hall'..n and Burke. Liberal trade in

eighteen miles from downtown Detroit. allowance on old clubs; ,)5c. Balls atFive.room eouaae with hot and cold $4.50 do%. TU. 2.6010.

irunniDA' ..... ter; shOlWec,' natural fire-PAINTED walls cleaned by machine.place; electric stovt', attractively fur.

No muss; six.room house completenished. Safe bathin,: ei«hty- footin one day. Ul'ol'. 2-7486.frontall'e of sand beach. - Can NI. 9115.

ST. CLAIR. 727-5 room" u'pper; tilt' WILL EXCHANGE Iron-Rite manglekitchen ..nd bath. Slove. refri ...... - ,.!o;".,s,o.me decorating. Paint furnished.

tor. lIeat, bOI water. $65.00. Adulis. .. , .... V7 .....

HOUSE FOR RENT WANJ"£D TO RENT -HOUSEO.o\K ST. 87-Sinlrfe bouse. Giraffe. WANTED-Small house to rent. Write

to Box A. Gro .. e Pointe Review,HELP WANJ'ED-FEMALE 151Z1Kerche,'al, Grosse Pointe. Michi-YOUN(j white tirl-To care for child gan.

I~ years old; abo to "sist withTO RENT-INCOMEgeneral housework; mabts optional. 17J

Moross Road. Tuxedo 2-6243- BISHOP RD, 4433-2 bedrooms, piGIRL for ..eneral housework; laund..,.. heated; upper; very desirable; avail

TU.2-0350. able about Jane ht. $62.50. NI <>956"

WORK W~EMALE BICYCLE WANTEDA-I LAUNDRESS desires work in A9ULT size woman', Dicycle-Must

0WllI home; ezullcnt shin ironer, in &00<1 condition. TU 2-7116-1150 buttOlU repL."eu. Delivery service.Best of referCJICCI. ean TWt. 2-5013 •

LICHT HOUS£K£EpINCGIRL t6-Wishes to care for chil. ROOMS. FoR RENT

drcn after schoOl a.nd Satotdays. NIMARYLAND, 1152-3 large furnisheJ868.

rOOUls; Nth, heat. light, gas. studioGF_ ...ERAL Spring house<:lcan iIIll' by couch in living room. Gar.,e if Ileed-

two reliable women: references: 40<: eel.

pet' hcJur each. Call TU 2-4838. MAR-YLAND. 1152--3 brge furnisheD£SIRES work-Hoasekcepine laun- rooms; bath. heat, light, gas, studi. dry or day work: aperieneed; pbotae cOtlcb; prage if needed; reasonable.Murray 9161.

WANTED TO BUYNURSE-Will take C01DP~te eha~ of

OLD CLOTHING WANTED-Hicb_pawl. 25,dulr. will travc1: clleerfuI,est priees paid for men's .uit. allhUIthy; ezc:d1cnt coole with references.

,hoes. Telephone' caI1 will brine Us IFor in tervicw ca1l LE. 5Z3J.yon immediately. Tel. Tyler 4-36ZS.

SEVEN-DAY Alfvcutist girl 17 yearsELECTRICAL.0£ age wiahel to bave 5 days a week

or as nUriemaid; 1IO lannclr7 or cook-ELECTRICrA.~, Iiccnsed. work myseiq. Call NI 9247.

wiring and repairs, Boor lamps.EXPERIENCED la.dress will do first lon, Switches, _II plugs; Beuum

cleaner sen-ice; prompt and reliable.ctau -irk in own home: also expe_Call anytime. LE. 15,~2. Stl~ young man to wuh .....aUs. Refa

creaca. Dc1iYcry scmce. NL'SZlZ.

Maire School Note.RELIABLE ___ lR.IIU day work:half days preferred.. TU. 2.5939. -

The last meeting of the Maire SchoolTYPING ... ted. put time: f_erly Parent-Teacher AsSOC'ia.tion,will be~t to writer. Can NL 4899.held Tuesday, May i, in !JIe auditori1UlL

.WORK WAH'I'ED-IIALE A mcme dcalina witb the Grosse PCliiotePAB!"]'D.iG a84 -a'--'l RUlldt- ~ recreatiooull llI'OlP'Ul will

• ll.IWn b7 Fortut Geary,.--. "abk':Ni'a .. .ph:rsical ecIucatiota at tile hip

LANDsCAPE RUdaet' with _ thirty Bcsi.nning at 8;30, WiIliaJ. ] •. Wat:rears' el<J)Crience, wants stead,. work kinA. director of music in the Gross

takina' Clre of '-wns and Sower beds. Pointe schools will present a musicaGrosse Pointe referenees.. Tel TU.nr~!!! i~ ~ht auditulium.

J •





• , d ••

Greenhouae Crown PLmt. andF10wera are Lovely Indeed !

See .,. '~ •• tifuI CiaIIenriu (.0 colan),Bia ........... c.kuk:riu CLNir:'.Pock"'aak.). y_ will ..... a ...... auortaIMDt of Spriq Cat FJowwa. oar CWioIi •..... ~ 1onIy. w. iaYite JCIa to.... . ,GROSSE POINTE FLORISTII Ken,- RsL NL ZSIJ w. r:»eImr

Just Received

• I I Ii



17t1J ".ftII A...-...- .....0- • St. ClaIr

NI. illS





suite, $M.OG. 212 Kenwood Ct. NI9SJ8.

EAST SIDE of Kensinaton Rd, be.tweell \Vattrloo and Charlt,.oix-

Lot, 6h163 ;YaCallt lot: call CA 1693.•

2 TAUPE chenille f\lll'S ",oith pads; lOxIS, biZ. Livin&, I"OODJ suite; 8-piece

walnut dinin& room.. Round poker~bIe. NJ iJ46.~--------GARLAND p$ stove-Ivory with

Iteeft. White enameled ice box, SO-lb.; exul1f:llt condition; cheap_ NI3047.

COMBINATION radio a ,ei AutomaticViclrolL Completely reconditiolled.

0riPta1 cost $1.000. NI. J966. ICRAND ~IANO - :Very? reuonable.

Call e,.tam.!!:s. I.IU. 404_

ALL WE SELL is living rOOlll suites,JOfas and chairs. Buy direct ..nd save

.... Vall Lokem. 1454') Charlevoix.TV. Z'-SW.

FORD Coupe, 1937-Motor, tries, finishill be' condition; .xcellent. radio.

bata': 18.000 lIlil.s. A beauty: 'eaSOll-~ priced. 8'J6 l..incoln Rd. }I; L 1665.

pACKARD PHAETON$150.00. 198 McMillan


C :I. Iiae of s--.. E'6 II teu .... Sh.de T......lief.. parch.uiq, let .. eatimate ,.oar landac.piu. aeeU.



17131 M.ck A..... at WaaIliqt. RoMH. E. ENGELMAN .... '...... p~ HI .... Z7ZI

Phil Geist's Beer Store<P'...ty ... w......,

17530MACK AVE. NIAGARA 2020N... N.- It....


"PIECE walnut bedroom suite. Liv-ilia room lable. Drapes, bundry

__ e and b;jby fUllliture. LEo 6660..

.... GlJU.'S B~ Good collditioo.Saa&JI .ize: ba1100a fir.... 113.50.Pbone T"-ity 2.(1591. ..

BOAT-l6-!L daaer board Marconi. SIcop, iaboard POWer; excelleut CQn_

4itioD; fully equipped: exceptioaaUy"C au4 'table:. T I1X. Z.9775,

SlMI, ,. .. -C1PidIet, ,. ...,W-... for. ..,

MahrWe .. .-.tN.CSe6e. u.. P..... !teeI _ w.... P. _I _ .--.. ...

MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO.•.., H.per btMlidl.lII'" ...... DR

..--...- - ---









. ,


M.A.;no-...~ .



Check The.e Item. - You WillFind Many Are Appropriate for

Home or Garden Needs

Ceullm. Diaton Saw sz.1.

Notice ofPuhli~- ----.-.._-~

ARMI MINERAL WATER(Artific:iaJJy Mu..r.u-t)

MuJ' ..... nd ... _" otart t ow oW too _ aaI Ie ...ill ..,.1, middSe Iif. whe.. the, .b 14 be at ..." beet. .n..,. ~arip aDd .101";"1 _0....-.. ..... _....u, IlIl4I tinoII _.lIould loa brilliallt i.. .u••, ."e1 rich i.. L-L. .....

I. 0.... to .... lain or re ... taIoli" .IoaaJdo ill a ~ _, •_ •......,. to ai... that bod, ••&llicie .. t '1aaatitifl 01 --.....

If OUr blood drum lac'" pnper .le_..to for ,. ...... ~... ario... di......u follow. Tb..... dia..... take 011 iiiW t ...u.tadoMu.ucb .. hlbere"I ..... , eolitia, arthriw, .i.....dioonIu., -.J.utritioa ......c:aUad n&II down eondit.io" ••

Herbert C. BeJu. Diatributor

VIt/ Carden Ho_Fine Quality 50 It. $2.31

.../ SmootblaC PIaDe-STANLEY_(IJ~ IODI')... Z" cutter $Z.5t

~::::::;.:.~~=~~~:.~.~.::~~ :::::;:.~=.:::::::::~~=:::::::::::::..::

CHAS, SALERNO HARDWARE15128 Mack Ave. at Lakepointe Tu. 2.1266Viait Our Store durinI' NATIONAL HARDWARE OPO


Proposed Amendment to Zon-Ine Ordinance CITY OF

GROSSE POINTE 1-Notice ia hereby livell of a public meethaa'

to be held at 17150 Maumee AftDUe, at 8:01P. l\t." E. S. T.. on Monda!,. r.taY 20, 1'.,in accordance with the followina reaolutioaadopted by the City Council of the City 01Grone Pointe. .

RESOLVED, 'l"hat • public: IDeetinc be LeIcI at tIae Ma.Ilic:ipaJ BlIiIdinr. 17151 Maumee, City of en-e Poiate. at8 P. M. 011 May D. lNO, for the purpose of CADaideriq u...foUowiq fII'OPOMd amea__ t of Section VIII A of tt.. .Zoaiac 0rdiDuce of the City 01 Groaae Poiate.AN ORDINANCE TO kilEND SECTION VIII. A OF 11IE


(!) Whenever the rear of bu,.. ,......ly ill LocalBaaialeu Diatricta or Commercial Diatricta doe. DOt face apoa• public .treet there may be an opea apace ia the rear tIIereofto be uaed at hereiDafter deaicaatecL n. fmther Ita. au,.Iiae of auch opea tpKe IhaII DOt atead .... thu. 251 hetfram the front Iiae of the bu.... KOlle.

(2) Sadaapace abaJ1 be UMcl Iry the aIIuttiac kl&".oaI, for ac:ceaa to the re.r of auch ...... .. by the cu-tomen of the abuttiq buaiaeaa for free parIdq. PROVIDED.HOWEVER, mAT TWENTY FEET OF SUOI SPACEMAY BE USED FOR A PUBLIC ALLEY IF SUCHTWENTY FEET Is DEDICATED TO "i'HE CITY OR IFTHE CITY SHALL CONDEMN TWENTY FEET FOR APUBLIC ALLEY. IN CASE THERE IS NO SUCH PlJB..LlC ALLEY the PU'kiac abaU be 10 arraapd that there Ibd

. be .t all time. aD open lIpIICe betweca the rear of the .......huildiag and the apace used for JlU'kinc 01 .t lea.at tw-tJ'feet to be used for .ceeat to the rear of audI buiIcIiac.

(3) No Itructure of an,. kind, iac:IacIiac lIDy pa .......ete.. IhaU be erected upoa IUCh open apace.

(4) No buaiaeaa of an,. kiDcI aIIaD ... COblIDcteeI ~aac& open space nor ahaU any eMrp be IDIlde for UJ' )NlI"Idqo.

(5) No such place, OTHER THAN THE TWEN1'YFEET HEREIN PROVIDED FOR A PUBLIC ALLEY,.aIIaDbe aled without a writtm permit heinC I't'IIDted for the 11Mof the tame by tbe buildine COIDIIIiNioaer of the CitJ' 01Croaae Pointe and upon approval of the coaaciL Sada....-itaIaaII Dot be iNued ualeaa and Ullti1 the 0W1II" 01 ~rti:eny places the lUIIe in • we. auit.". UMI c'-n .with adequate bard aarface and cIraiaaae. aacI ereeta betw ....ucb pe.rkinc .pace and .djoinin. propea t, in • ~district, and aloal'aide any public aiclewalk within the PIopel tyline, • wire or met.l fence not oYer aix feet in IMia-ht and Mconltructed that nhide. will not encroach upon aach adjoin.ing property or aidewalk. The application for audl permitmust avee to .bide by .II the proviaiona hereof. Failure tokeep such space in the coadition herein required _ to IIIbWeby all the provi.ion. hereof aba11 be cauae for c:aae:eDatioD ofthe permit by the buildin, commiuioner after ten da,.'written notice aerved upon the one to whom the penait wuiuued.

(6) Upon TIlE PARKINC SPACE eeaain, to be usedfn-r till"'''' t'~!~~.!~ :,; ;y.:ci5eJ herein, ita ""M .hail n...ert tothe use provided for in thi. ordinance prior to its use aa above..

(7) Thi. amendment shall be effective ten day. aft ...publication.

And RESOLVED FURTHER. Th.t the clerk ahaI1 huetilill entire relOlution pubhahecl once in the GroNe PointeReYiew not lea th.l.n fifteen days prior to the date d IUChft'leetinll'.

NORBERT P. NEFF,ThbrUay, May 2, 1940. CrTY CLERK.

P. S.

TillSt'.'.I' hu the Dewbec:kbrim .-eep ..• aDd tJ.."teIl-doIlar look" of the Mal-lory llU-ft'tU I!dce. It al80 buthe t/13~ etnrtf orl of pliaDt tis-__ weight Mallory Slottoan,felt. And it'II'CllIV'elI_ $5ette' weatberproofecL





Protect Your FUrl

From Summer Heat


Alrer's Furrier's Method of Cleuinl' willpreserve that life-like luatre .nd aoftneaathat you .dore M much. 'ft~~!!,,:,: ~i'

CHis dNned, .lazed. stored and inaured by Aetna for $181-aU for $4.t5. P.y Next FaD.

Entire Stockof Other Hatl

Now on Sale at$~:S I~po~ ~m~ ~ ..~~ ~ ~ rclelcri!",in,..-J"",_~ !!'l !~::!.:::; :.:;.:! 1'vi IGp for S..mmer! I

Shop .nth "on fidenee .t HHiTler .... _ I35 yean c:onscientio ... IJ" If'ninl De ..treit'. un .i<tf..-M.in .1..... 10Ul1 ....

ALGER Cleaners IWj";~LER I16922 KERCHEVAL TU. 2.4000 'I .14~ E. Jelferson II'

TV 2 1600 I At Chalmm16319 E. WARREN .• I OPEN EVENINGS 1,--------------

OPEN HOUSE'the Girl Scouts cordially invite every-

one to attend their open hoase Oft May13, from 10 a. In. to 10 p. m. in their

F,.. Stwap - WiIrter c..n..e.b offices ill the Community Fund Build-CJeu,ecl-P., Nellt FaD. T .... edoZ.3III. Th P'• "'-- Mack a.... ing at 51 \\' eet \Varren. e oll~te

I~ CIeaaera 01: -1-" troop. will be represented by crallSN_aLa.. I demonstrations by Troops 85 and 11\0'~Bid:Wa~hci@~Jand the ~[ari:~~~

-- . • Last Friday the girls made plans for.n. Vi'" Coaa.~ of th., a series of hikes th,y ",il' t~ke. On.V,". of e.-.. P_t .. w~ one of the hikes they ",ill cook supper.

wiD --- ...... f.. aloe --. These' hikes will help them learn aboll t- ..... FordH. b'actar. BMIa . /I'Il'iD be ..,.... .t t_ lMl.t rep. wild owers.Jar --.. Ma,.7, I", at S:. -::-Po - .. at doe M-.H:ipa.I Bailcliar'l TROOP 121

PHILIP F. ALLARD, E\"erybody gathered in th"ir patrolsViDa.. a..n.. to decide what they would study on the

- n.ture hike. One patrol decided on




T....1i•• t$1.51



ShampooaDd Wan _.'I.7SP_t Wa..._._.$1 ....l::JMl C...Ia -.,--- __ fT.M



IS HOM$1.75l.ot

YMCA to Launch So,. Scout. Hold leeds, one oa baric IJId the other 0111N • 1 C il blossoms.

World Service atiVIIIU ounc They handed In the work the,. hadCunpaia-n done on record.cl.ss proj~eH. '11IeyDurin. the next three weeki the b.l. The National Counci1 of the Boy started O\It on the nature hth for lec.

ance in the fund from which ul'iemploy- Scouts of America ",ill hold its 30th ond e1au.ment benefil. are paid i. expected to This weelc the annual "'orld Service annual meetinll' in Oklahoma City on The found hlouoms and other things.approximate 6J million dollars. Harry Campaign of the Detroit YMCA is Thursday and Friday, May 9 and 10. At the next meeling they arc going toA. McDonald, chairman of the Wichi- being launched and the Hannan Branch The host council is the last frontier see if lhey can determine what theyI'an Unemployment Com pen. a t ion ha. a~ceI>ted. a quot~ of $1,000 ~s iu council of which L. H. "'[ann is presi. are.Commission, recentJy .tated. s!lare In rnakllli ~s5lble the contlllua- dent, _4.. P. Murray is Scout commis. _::_

This 6J million dollar balance, which hOnAO{ t~e .ext~ns!>on .of tlhed

work of sionu and R. L. Billington IS Scout u- TROOP IUb 1 'b lhe ssoc,allon In orelgn a 5. '" d th' J d h' On A '1 19 T 124 h ld h'will be assured y crop oyer cant .. II- T 10380 . d"d I ecullve. ",n er elf ca ers Ip an ex. p", roop e t tlr11 '1' oday there are In IV! ua. - I d

tions totaling bel ween 10 and ml ~~~ YMCA's in 65 countrie; with a mem- te~m'e pr?gbra~ 01 we ,comdean euler. d~es parly. The troop memher< ~nn_11 .N~U'lI 3153dollar. [or the Brst quart~r of 1,""".. . . h' 11 I J'" 000 000 tammcnt 's ewg ue, cJOve • lrabutel SO cenu and a poem. The duesWill be tile large.t since payments first uersmp wbo'c T

totaI near y -. .' I It will be the first !\ational Council chairman took the SO cents and wrote _Th . h' h f men and ys. here are many times . h It! . . : ., ',' -_.- • . f h . Jbecame payable. e prev,ous Ig or h b f'.t •• I I .. lo.. .,., meellnlr e In r~""nn .. n•. " .~:_.; 'V'" IGOwn tile names 0 t e g.r s. li

,h~ f"n" w ....... I..A ..... T.. l_ '. 101~. t at ~um er n ,n ""'.'.~~.' .....~ .*'':' ..... £1 prises Oklahoma, Texas and Xew ~[ex. Then some 'of the girls taught tbe l!when an accumulalion of $62,936,163 i::e.~" the program and acll"ltlt' 0 ico. The d~sii~ation OfOkl:h~a. Ci~y Scout •• ome new games. The tr~p I

tliwas recorded. Th YMCA' . N h A . h by the nallona execulIVe oar,s 1ft had some refreshmenls later, which

• h k d' A'I 20 't e s mort meraca IVel recognition of the unusually progreso _Dunn .. t e wee en mil' ptl ,.1 helped to establish and de,'elop the As. . . . ,waa in,dicated in a report iuued recemly sedation movement in 32 countries. The ~I\'e ~~k of scoutmg' 1ft IIlese Slales CAMP RECISTRA TION.5by McDonald, the number of compens" policy behind the World Service Pro. In 1939, It Wl

h.• announced b~ Dr. Jdamd~s Now is the time to gel your regis tn.hI I' d d from 34955 to E \Vest c lei SCO'UtexecutIve an e 1- • ., b

a e calms rappe , gy-alll has been to h~'n Y\fr&.'! h~.' B' L'f" h t t'fi lion, In lor Camp ,,{etamora, 50 e

week of steady decline, and represents own leadership In every instance work tlon to the .n~t.onla clouncl s .mlem era and parent and accompani~d by your !!:

. h' h' 14 . 'h' 'fnprllln~ eea counc, repre- ~a total of such claims ... IC IS per- was hq-un at the request of national s Ip ~ bId I registration fee. Starting next week ~C~llt below the total for the correa leaders and representative groups. sentallves, mem en at arge an 10n- we hope to publish the li.ts of thO$e l!i

spondinc week in 1939. The YMC." offers a broad platform orary member~.. fi t' th I\'ho have been accepted from this dis.j ~I "The majority of thi, decline," Mc- of Christian living lJpon which people In 1939, r~ilon ftln~ ~s t~ I,n me trict, .0 watch {or your name. \Ve IDonald laid, M,.'2S the result of a of all religious beliefs can unite. It per cent OfSmcrease In t e

d~ pnu

k• want this to be a big Grosse Pointek . bl I i ber of Boy cout troops an CULl ae s, '[mar ed decrea.e In compensa e cams challenges men to live according to. . f 166 t It )'ear at " etamorL

( I I t 31,81? f which. '" . f With an Increase 0 . per cen . .•1 or tot;1 udnedmp.oymehn, t - 0 k a' the,r be~t rellg,ous Ideals and. belle s. was also first in the per cellt of in- - .. -were n e urlng t e pas wee, ~ Franklin D Roosevelt Pres,dent of I . !!3 9 COUNCIL ME£TINC ~d 'th 33075 f the previous • , . cre .. ,,,,;"! tota scouts ... glln 0 .compare WI. ,or the United States makes the follOWing Grosse Pointe was represented at thed iod

" . I per e'en!.sevell- ay per . comment regarding the Internatiuna Detroit Council meeting on April 25 by------- work of the YMCA: "I have always ),[rs. James ]. Phelan Jr., Mrs. C. H.I

REACH FOR LEACH - S__ desired to be counted among those who Resolution :I.(oore. Yrs. Charles O. Chestnut, Mrs.S.......... Alho. appreciate the all around ",'ark for E R VanK!ced: ..nd ?irs. Henry H.

youth wllich the YMCA has ",ccom- The following Resolution was adopted Hubbard. Mis~ France. Lee, a meul-!plished '" I trust that the commemora- by the council of the Village of Grosse ber of the natic>nal staff in New York

tion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of t~e Pointe Farms, Apri! 25: City, spoke to the members concerning Iinternational ....ork of the YMCA will WHEREAS, the improvement of their work as district committee mem •.inspire all participating with new de- ChaIConte between Fisher Road and the bers. The meeting \'I'aS held in thetermination to extend the good work S,,'en Mile Road as a principal high- American Red Cross Building.of the organization in this country, and way in the Village of Grosse Pointe _::_

to make its extensions in other lands Farms has ~en under consideration by consisted of fruit punch, cookies Bnda means for the promotion of friendly this council for many years: anu candy. Iunderstanding and the spirit of the 'VHEREAS, the increased fire hu- F. S.Good Neighbor." ard, and the increased need f.or police _::_ ~

Another national leader. Thomas E. protection, as well as the lllc,,,ased A COOD SCOUT LEADER: Dewey, District Attorney of New York, need for police protection, as well as By P ..... Jail ....

I,had this to Say with respect to the MY" the increased traffic resulting from the

W. h . I E"erv Girl Scout in America wants a\Vorld Service Program:" It racla numerous homes erected in recent years _,f h good sCOllt leader. The Girl Scoutsand religious hatred in ecting so many ',n the territo"" to be .erved by sue:

., want a leader that will plan partie I, lJOI nations of the wtlrld today •••. the highway has rendered such improve- df II YMCA don hikes, go on camping trips an en-World Service Program 0 t e ment an immediate and pre. sing nee, .

joy vvious activities •• •. stand! as a beacon of hope. ThrofU&'h and • Of course everY leader should in~istyears of !e..dership in sceial ",'el :Lre WHEREAS, it is possible at thIS 'J

. . h h on /lag drills and good nigbt circles.land educational actiVIty, It as won t e time through the acceptance of Fed-re.pect and confidence of the peoples 1'. d b the construction of said The leaders lhould also see that .theof all natl'OrIs." era ai, y "'PA' t to girll enjoy themselves at the lame tJDIeimprovement as a n prOlec , •

------- I t' f the improve- they are bus,. Inrmng.procure the come elan 0 I _::_-.rile Grosae Pointe ment at a cost to the Village which rep- SENIOR TROOP.

Lutheran Church resents an estimated sayings of from000 00 'the meeting of the Girl SeO\lts o{$30,000.00 to $40, . , . . 1&

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Coun- Troop &S .. -as very Interestmg .t"Orist's Ascension. to God's Right cil of H,. Villall" of Grosse Pointe Monda,., April 22. Mrs. Marsball Tis.

Hatld," will be the subject of the ser- Farms accept the I'fant of thc Fedcral ited the troop to help the Scout I earnmon at the Grosle Pointe Lutheran Go,'ernment as confirmed by leller of their needle badge.Church, ....orshiping in the auditoriUm of April t4, 1940, from the District Direc- The girls wer" ..Eli;"; t,;, ..... "e andthe Richard Sc.hool, Kerchen! and tor of Op~r ..tions, and that Murray M. serve refreshinenls ~ Mason School'sMcKinley, Sunday morning, May 5th, Smith, Villagl 'ehgiDeer, be authorized P.-T. A. dance on May 3. The Scoutspreached by the Rev. M. Luther Canup, to take all such step, and perform all also haTe been uked to demon.trateD.D .. pa'lor. acts nccesl&t)" 01' COIlvenient in eon- how to stull aaimaIs at the Community

In this _on Dr. euac..wnt lIJ\nler lIectloa ",ith tbe tn'ocuremmt of. the F .... BttiJdiag.the following que.tions: Where is the Federal aid eontemplated in said annt lIn. Smith will come to the troopRight Hand of, God? What ia the &lid that he prepare specifications and to u:plain the art of m.ake,up &I1dotherRiaitt Hand of God 1 What It Orist call for bids on such ponions of such beau17 aids.doing a~ the .Right Hand of God; property as are. under the form. of said For the next meeting the Scouts willWheu w~l Chflst. return .w the earth. grant, the responsibility of this Village go roller skating.\\'hat WIll. be H,. func:,on when, He Iand that this Council hereby fixes Mayeomes? WIll all men be ludg~d? .\\ hat 6, 1940, at 8:00 p. m: is the date for thewill be the most essential thIng In the opening of Aid bids.Last Judgement? When will JudgementDay be 1 Do the times indicate it isnear?

- Solo by Mrs. Adeline Doeppinr, dir. GIRLector of the singing.

I SUnday School at 9 :45 a. m., wherewe have competent and consecrated":hrist~n tc:,aChe'fS. ClcU3c5 fur all ages Scoutsand grades. Most of the world's illstoday can be healed by the teachingsof Jesus. These you have taught andpreached in His Ourch. Bring 'yourfamil,. and attend a neighborly churchright in your neighborhood.

AT 1llE



fiil,&G&6 4 Ii 4&18


Sir.,ie, ns... Man and Wife, $35."Family (children under 17), $40."

'nUIrtt!." Mar~, 1~

Yvonne Beauty Salon



(f~ ., StIa ~-. N_ y.... ) 4 SKILLED OPERATORS

t 520t Charlevoix

);11' M~.L .a. ...... u.& ......,



Benefit Fund Increa•• s


P--e W...... 1:151..SIaampoa Wa,,- ...$I'"Haircat -- __ -$1-1»...... 0.,. AIar7> ....7Sc





lee' Cream Pie •••• 33c(...... 4 to I)


Ice Cream

Why Should A .ManHave Breakfast Out

I. All 8lII'I7 .... of pit IZ. Needed red for • tired wife!3. Variety! (Gi ...... t to life.)... IUaaa in the home (aaYa work

of • 1IMlI'IIiIII1').

s. Sid's Breakfast Bar

16% Mile Rd.-2 Mile. Eut of Van DykeIh Mile We.t of Utica Rei.




'0n.1Mt r...a. I'ha pOInt to tile ~ aD _ will-;0, CIGI' =ereal 8Nakfub! WIIatenr the ...... dropill at SW'.. Ja.t • S-miDute elm. to the .... t foocI in towa.OPEN AT ., A. II. ECONOMICAL PRICU PREVAIL

1M Cit,o.W-'" ,,_

SID'S CAFES. McQUEEN .........

15241 E. Warren at Barham Phone NI. 00&4

Beautiful GreensInteresting Course

....._....._._----------------_. -'.'---

AnD.,Week Da,.. $1."Set., Sua., Holiday. US











11iurs(!ay, May 2, 1940

1Smlt~IA_MU.....y tMI

15117M.d. A__NTo.... a II"

.711 Mac1lA-. IAeh ••

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miCE 35C

ORANGE!Buy a Case _ $3.393 Doz ~ :."«.......:-. 99c


FiMr 3 t.1I 3=C::-' "::.: 2 c


50tH. ~~ 23eou....,. .• ~ CChib ca..

CoumRV ClUIIAITAI CI.Ie.... 3 N.. Z 25cStyk ...

adIdreB .......IIIvcb time _ th.8_ that el•••rap aN a SANI.TAR Y NECES.SITY i. 1110. t

lao..... B ... EVERY Isome .......... aDd ...... doeeriaIwhe.. the rul* ..... cleaD, heea_ th. "'P' bricht colonmake the otI>er honaiohill... Ioria'ht... ... _.tifti.Send l'otn' np to Star toda,. ... ealo7' the heBetita .f~ ...'. '-at .... deaaiq at _miCaJ _tl


nEl: DELIV'£.,.Ph ..n.,.: NI. ssee 6511

J 7137 Kerch..,.al Aft.

to hne a .ylph.like fipre lJIus a&'utifully styled peI'IDlIDeDt mitour studio.



u. 29cu.. 39c12~c

~... 10pec""~ c


CUARANTEED CENUINE"CLAS-BAKE"OVENWARE SET 9gec...r...teftI 2 " 10 PIECE.. u-.' ....... S.ET.... 1 H"lT"I'l Q-a. ONLY

: titJ' Lbalt... WITH ft.oo PURCHASE

;BREAD~~:~~..t2 ~ 1Dc\Cigarettes 5 1 .14:Coffee It~i~13e. 39~;Sugar 1Ik~ 10'N.47c;Dressing ~=. qt.19c\

e-.try CIa'" ".score. Fra ...... t

Butter ~ 2

lm5M.r".I\~N'.pI'lt ....15ZZ2E. hire .....

MU. "57

Leg of LambJONES'




Boy Patrol Captain.Will VUit Washington

As a stimulant t!) safety work amongthe school patrols of the State, the Au-tomobile Cub of Michigan is sending69 boys to 'Vashington next month.

This is the reward to patrol captainswhose schools have shown the best re-Isulls in their districts. The YOllngstersleave from Detroit May 9 and willtake part in the gigantic AAA school 1patrol parade in the Capital May 11.

Newspapers have played an import-

ant part in reducing traffic fatalitie&among children of Ichool age frommore than 50 per cent down to between10 and 15 per cent. The support givenby the newspapers has been a strongincentin not only to the children them.selves but to the parents and teachers,.,.hn n1.. ,.... ..I.~:.... _l: ... '=- ."c-<c I~.~t;ol~---'"....."'.- """'..."'''".u.& w.J ~ 1

M"ior Buma HenryPoat No. 303

Ir ' AU of at at lOllle time 01' other Pt"" There .is I Afe .pe<!ld fOl' IlI'J' llet .,"BEYOND IIhaPi tlnthinkill&"ly exeeed the legal Idrivin&' conditioa.. The lower liait ..

speed limit. A& IotIr al nothin, hap- that below which the driver should DOt

l THE BENCH" J pens to us we prutrve • chIldren faith 11'0 without impedinl' the normal Sow. that nothing ever will. Perhaps it is of traffic. The highe.t limit it that bee

For the H'f'enth time, dse Tower, ------------- well to consider that power, whether yond which the motorist cannot ye ....Grosse Pointe Hieh School's ~ekly BF JUDeE THOMAS F. MAHER vested in money, in/luence or an auto- ture with definite uS'Ilrance that he willnewspaper, haa been awarded AlI- Of TraFae Cotan mobile, makes a foolish man more fool- remain alive. Bet &Iways there .is tnlAmerican rating by the National Schol. __ ish and a wise man wiser. Control happy medium..anic Pres.s ASlOCiation.. . From the beginning of time that Iover power is the measure of a man.! Excenive speed and the attt~1!t

Ii The rahDll' was made oaf theh.ballslSSof which is fal'bidden has been the choic. Let', exercise plenty of it behind the Ih....e a definite place and that is 011 theut ,emelter papers, ° w Ie ue f f' . .St h' ed' est 0 rUlt deSIred by men. The thlDll'i Icontrols of a motor vehicle race track-not the city street.evenSOll _s t emallaglll.llOr; 'that are denied people, ideas not com- • _

~f '~~d Kfboo! ~ape~ and :aBUlnes j manly aecepted as morally ..correcl. be-su ml ~ or ratmg "" 01' ~ percent come dothed withwere Irlven top or A rahngs. The inexplicable a _Tower was one of '1 from among 38 peal pweekly sch~ ~tions, prin~ed in S~ it il with thea school print shop ID schools WIth an motorist who al.enrollment betw,een 900 and 1600 to be thouih fully' un.gl\'en AII.Amerlcall. derstanding t hat

Some of the sanestions for improve. traffic regulatjonsment offered by the juda'cs are: are designed pri-

"You play up d.anc:es too much." marily in his own"Too much spacc. devoted to report. interest, yet de.

ing of past Jport ennta." ties all rules of. • I f d !ear e f u I dri"iag"'V,th the wealth of lIlater,a Oun '., .•

in national and world event& today, w. L d" ld""u~llllessd' . fan angerous

there should be more IScusslOn 0 habits which too often have tragic re-these events alld problems to Jupple- Iment IChool problems and sehool life." su U.

The Tower received the following Witty stories are told aboul motor-comments of commendation from the isls who drive at high speed tnrough I'judges: the streets to save 10 minutes' time

and then don't know what to do with"Editorial features are t;xceUent." h 1 10' Th .t e surp us mmutes. ese stoncs I"In headlines, typograph, and make- may be hUll1orous but they don't take'

up, the Tower is continuing the out- the sped out of traffic nOr do they addstanding work of stalls of the past." humor to needless deaths caused by

fast driving.

The N.S.P.A. is spodsOl'ed by the de-partment of joarnalism of the Univer-sit). of Minnesota.

"'Ve want yo1t to Imow that the ex-cellent handling of news pictures isoutstanding, both ill lUke-up and print.ing."

Local Student.WID State Conte.t

The fH,st editorial. sports story, andinterview written by high school stu-dents in Michigan are three GrossePointe high school students, according.to an announcement of the judges inthe Journalism' Division of the annualScholastic Awards contest made in thenew issue of "Qui!! and Scroll" maga-zine.

Sue Stephenson and Richard Body-combe, both January '40 gradtJateswrote the best interview and sportsstory respectively in the opinion of theiud~~L n~ hed- lII'ditnr;~1 ;~ th~ !ta.t~was written by Dornthy Robbins, 12A.

Dick's winninl' sports article was aplay-by-play description of the foot.ball game with FFOl :ison. Dorothy'sarticle appeare~ in the Tower shortlybefore Christmas, tinder the heading."How to Wreck Cars and MangiePeople." Sae's interview with EdithWalther eoa~ lie". life ill Francewas IJUblished in the Tower early inthe fall.

Grosse PointeCongregational Church

A well-organized church school {oran ages is conducted each Sunday at10:30 a. m. in Maire School, 740 Cad.ieux. Trained teachers are in charge.Plans for children's day are in prepa.ratioft. Every pupil in attendance sharethe program. A cordial iJlvit.1.tion isextended to an.

IHiab School WeeldJ'Receivea NatioaalRecoanition




Lucky Charms>II<

EUGENE'S •••Best Food In Town

STEAKS AND SEA FOODSMUIKb, Muzak, II:" A. M. to tl:tl P. M.

DINNERS, LUNCHEONS,75c:to $US 4Ic 10 •

13901 East Jefferson Avenueat LUniew

Doorman WiB Park Yoar CarPAUL PEPPER. Mer.

ForMother's Dayuqaiaite eon..-. LoTeIy

Cut Flowera, a-nainlrPLuab


FLOWERS17111Kerdten1 111. 2-"21

Frothy Black LaceFor Evening Wear

Frothy black lace eombined withcontrasting colors and fabrics ill anoutstan<lins feature of Heim's newevening coUeetion. A dinner gowncut in abirtwaisi style .is effectivelytrimmed with white linen collar andcuffs. Magenta ribbon, at the hemand. for \be belt, is the SOphisticlotedaccent for a very fOrmal sleevelessblacll: lace ll'OW1l.

State Police OfferQuick LicenleCheck.Up Service

\ F Q.icI< a-.u. PreaUotr 5..-ice T.,,_ Z .-I C1eaa...... MacJ. .t Nottiq .....

"" .

j Finding a needle in a naystack is sup.

Iposed to be a difficult job, but HarryF. Kelly, se'retary of State, believesthe registration divi&ion of his officecould make such a task look easy. Ap-proximately 5,500,500 index cards formotor vehicle licenses are received andfiled by this division every year. Fromthis mass of material the registrationdivision is able to obtain any requesteditem of information within 40 seconds.s~.~ciN:k\:, tht:: :r."c:..1c,,,,i Bureau oi

Inyestigation, and all the other law-en-foreement agendes of the State de-pend upon the registraticm division forinformation regarding car ownuship.Requests for info~tion concern thename and address of the ear owner, de-scription of the car, motai' number, se.rial number, title number, liens on thecar, date of title 01" registration issa.anee and all owners and dealers sincethe cu's first registration in this State.

Questions of this kind are answeredby th:l registra tion division 24 hours aday, seven days a week, by mean' oftelephone, teletype and telegraph. From8 a. m. to 5 p. m., division telephone On . - .,operators receive a call approximately r preSident, E1va l\i1e15en has been

h If' d' away on a little trip to Kew York. Hopeevery one and a .a ~nJn~te~, an are she doesn't go Fifth Avenue on us.

Icapilble of answermg It wlthm 40 see- 0 . k b Ca' F' df . ha b . d. ur SIC mem ers. me Inn anonds a ter It seen receive S I' Sh f r ood d I

In order to keep this information h:.:~~_:7:.~r~L .~.e~~~ ~. g . .~aI~onstantly •• ;;.Jlable, a sorting machine I u~~i't;e;;~ch;~~~Ch:-;lai~"hu~a~~~

15 operate~ 24 ~rs a day, five days a I FaC1llty. Fay, here is hoping you'llweek. ThiS machme sorts some 30,000 500n be attt and feeling fine. Glad tocards a day. see Eleanore Thomas back with us

The law requires t~t Seeretary of again. We missed Kate Porter. Don'tState Kelly keep two types of files-a forget our next social meeting at Hazelnumerical file by license number, and Allor, May 7th at 8 o'clock. Betty Hoytan alphabetical file by the name of is asking far contributions for a servicecar owner. Files are kept in this form basket. She would like ~ have toothfor the cunent year and for the three Ibrushes, tooth paste. shaving cream,preceeding years. playing cards, Gem razors (also blad(os),

----.--- cigarettes, 3c stamps, socks (su,e 11 andny.). So ladies see 'IIO'hatyou can do.lt js a worthy cause, let's make " goodshowing as we did the last time, if notbetter. Yours truly, the Scribe, is stay-ing home these days restinc weary feet

• , , I " after three weeks of Census-taking.But I'll be seeing you at Hazel.

II....::;. '=,::;:;:, S;:;::I;;;O;:;:;N:;;;::;:;:;O;':;';F;:;:;T:;::;:H;:;:" E;:;:;:;:;8:;:;:1 G;;:' - ;:;:;C;;;:;,O:;:;:N;;:E;:;:;' ,;;;.;, =,I NOW OPEN II'STROH'S QUALITY ICE CREAM

AI.llea Pinta 15c: Imperial Pinta 23c Id. 17728 Mack Ave., Betw~ Un;'lft!I't;ty and Rivard +

• I I I 1 I • I •• I I' I , • 1 ••• I I •

I •'.z

sy sa



.,••• I I • I I t I • I---GaOlSE POINTE WOODI

RITTER'S IllZZ7 MACK at ........ Mile


All Makea - All Model.

Fora and Mercury Dealer at

Beautiful Reconditioned Used Car.

"-JJJ~~'!!~~.1- - .

Streamlined Cheerfulness


6615g4,~l aC!fF~~~Qt\(b~.~OFoPOSIT( U.S.'Wlle[R GO. FlTZROV.2035)~=~ .

If. ~... ..., ...-. tlti", ltat ratHr •• ltmtia ......- 01...... a.-t.I ehuopape or t &-iall witJa.-art .ty ....... c__ o.-. TIoe..-. _IaorityOff tItne ...-f" ._.Jme.I ,.;.e- i. _f of the;r ........._ ia "il" ....._celleat COft.tradi .....

.... CLeat VuitJ' _ -$164. 75




It', 1InUt, In your choIce of COI-tun1e jewelry, 10 wear a luckycharm or two. Circle your wristwith a chain from which dangle, aframed fourleaf clover, layinr inattractive lettering "I bring you

I,rood luck"; as shown in the pictureat the left. On her lapel this lady-fair bunts a Monoeraft clip of twoTHE STANLEY CUSHION CO. scarlet-tipped dancer's hands posed

1- W "YB- _.. TU sedo z.SSZI down, tor luck. With an Identlfiea-- ft vnn tiun bracelet that reads, "The lI:ey

U! to my heart," as worn by the otheryoung woman, you will set otherhearts fluttering. Note also thelapel gadcet &he wean. It'•.a MOo

.. net circus horse complele- With col-orful bridle and flowing mane, luchas tash*I sophisticates dote OD.




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w. W....Tn.All.....

• ~ift,... •a, II'. .. .............. Powm. aD Ieniw ........... ,.- ..... - .... triameoI riPt? NI 422111111 JlACX AVENUE •

14801' East


George S. DeetsFith and Sea Foocla

TUESDAY and SATURDAYTUuCIo %..1750 15124 Mack AvenueLOBSTERS 3 for Sl.OOu.._Railed ¥t- rwi--.. "'~ t'!~ N~ E~ ('~tFaiaq Delaware Roe Shad ; 32cJam" Shad Roe 75c a let

Soft Shell Crab. and Brook Trout...... el t,tibotee 0aIy ODe GeoIp Deeta fOl' Sea Food



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