, VOLUME XXX. .. ' .(TWO DOLLA'RS P.IDR ' . ;I • ' PORT OF , New --- a:fTJ aao ' . J uno 2-t--Emolino Jenkin, Com:, Trnp4ni, 66 cays, t all - Jobu •luon .t Oo , " ' ota.utao · •. ..................... ""' "'-i """""""'• ................................ ............... ......,...,, ........... _ GOVERNMENT NOTICE! !6-Fiom, Plko; Peruombuco, 6&h-Jobo .t Co •., i: .' rrEND E RS will be receiud at thit Office, untiiTII UI:SD.\Y 1 lat AUODST, for a NOTICE! .: Suitable , SlEAMER' THE Meeting •· OF TR£ HARBOR GRACE \VATER 00 MPAN.Y will be beld ia the Literftry Iuatitate oa D AY next, lat July, Sl o'clock; p.m., for th e trauuctioo of the uanal boaioe., io cooformity witb tbe Act of looorporatioo. · By order. ' 4 C. W AT.f3, Sccrttary. llubor Grace, 24t.b J une, 1889. NEW TU . RNIPS! - -- Tho Subacriber wiabea to acqunint bia cuetom • era and the public szenerally t hat he will be nble to aupply N EW TURNlfS to tbem oo Saturday oext. TOBIAS LAUEY. Junet 26,1i STABLING FOR HORSES! Partiea who oome to towo by carriage, aod require atnbliog for t b.ei r horees C.'\ D bo ncoom- modated by applying to the uodenigned . MICHAEL Lt \HEY Water Strut. Harbor ftra ce Premises-Opposite Mr M Jooea' shop ,J UOII 26,3\ Baird'- sQuintne . IRON TONIC T HIS prepnrntioo iP invnlunblo as n r ca tornti•e Tooi 'J fo r all forma of Debility and Weakn ess, Pallor, Pal- pitation and. Dyspepsia. h V11ti6es and th o Blood. thu s Tone aod Vigor to tbe wbolo system E.nquiru of yo ur Dealer Price 60 ceota Price ceAta At cill Dealers . W . H. Th ompson & Son, Hnrbor Grace i. 20 tonl1bu; theo, composite · to ply . iu Tnoity B:1y, aad rurth cr N ortb u be aureed on · 'l'be S!eamer muat have-;.. guarant eed epe.ed or Too knpta . nnd lu\ve aeconnuodatioo for T welve n.o'd Fif teeu pR111enger8, aua apace for a crew of Teo Stenmer to be eruployed each year 111bilat navi- Jlll tion is orl'n Contract to be for yeara from tuo of tbo service . Tt:nders to state t.he rl\to per aooom Freight. Pn8811i<O Money to beiODil to Gdvernment cl.> not bind themt.elvea ·to accept t.he lowest or any Teuder M. FENELON, . ( 'olomal Secrclarg Colooiftl Secr etary's Office, t I May 27tb, l SWJ . r June 1 of Time. O N nnd ctfter MONDAY, Jun e Sri!, 18 89, 'frnins 01till !>e run aa folloll'a, dail y 1 (Su days except ed) :- Laave St. Johli '• 10 a.m., arrive at Harbor Grace S. SO p.m. Le:lvc Harbor Grace 12.16 p.m., arrive at St John's f> .:W p.ro. Oo THURSDAY evc oingf at 6.45 nn exrrn tr nio ,,.ill leave St John's for Xelligrewa . Ro- will leave Xelligrewa 9.80, n rriTiog nt St . Jobn:a 10. 60 p.ru, Ou FR IU AY moroioga at 6 00 Rt oxt l"l\ train will l ei\VC St John's Cor Xelligrewa leave Xelligrew" 7.30 ar riviug nL St John's 8. 6& n. m. : • • -- · . Oo 5ATURDAY l! veoiofZa at 6.16 an ex tra 'train will leave St. John'• for Harbor Grace, ar· ri, intZ 1\t Witbourne 9.30 aod Harbor Grace ll p.tn, will lt:nvo Harbor Gro.ce ru ormngs at 4 .00. Witbourne Salmon Cove 6 86. B.elllgr•wa 7.Uo, T 2Psnil 8.06. arrivinsr . .Jqhn'a a.m. Roodd ·T r ip 1ieltets win lii a old eacb \rHU'R$· . OA Y nt Exouraion ratee, good f or re turning oo nil traine, the eamo and two following daya ooly. .., E xcurrion Tickttta will be at St . John's for the SAT U RDAY neoioll train to alletat:ooa . from Holyrood to Harbor Grace . uood for rer urn iog oo all traioe the following MONDAY ')oly. A THOMAS NOBLE; Ma"agtr for lftceit:tt. 1\ll\y 29 lm 'rOB lAS · LAHEY._ MR. <•om tbo H. LAURJ.NOe t Co., Montrea l, will be tbe a nd sold at lowest prices. OF uore of tbe Afrent. 1\1 unde r, for coon ltatloo. Orders promptl y atLended w, and entire He ia epecially quai!Hed t .o epectaclee for satief ao ti on g uaranteed. • • nery require ment of the .En. aud aocd"re to you N ,8 -He bege to intimRte to bia Inch Rdvantegea .. are only to be found io the d-. 1 L' 1" II" h h h j oltlu: No rollUer wbst tb e ditftcultiee, an " 19 puono ge nera Y t E' Ill ua ru- •ill . wh ere relief CAD be afforded to, flt you ceived a ohoic(' l ot of P. E. IaJ,md ltllll•ffd to pe:reotioo, al•iug you the IIfDit cert ain aide w Cllttle. '.£bose who may p•troni&e biut m•y ai2bt. -B . Lsu raooot' a uave ao be IUI8ured to entire ia t iarac tion in aakoowledged reputation where. : · - . . · aod plea .. ot' to we 'fbere - Waotring-Diuinw, oth.,r diltreuiog Sen· aalio oe prodaoed by tbe uee · · · They Oomfor . t, Streu PreMrve .! theSl , . Aod Jut .. o Jdoe that L e will not you "' oo e oea' per ·week to wear •hoid eom- taoo epeotaolt1 'llhloh..Jre rotJ)61(,. to tbe aud rtqolre tOOftfD tbu tbty I&Otualtr eoet mo re in tbe e od tbaa the b ut Evel')' Speo- • taele aod Eye-Giua ie atamped wltb the loltlala " B u• : Tbej ai* Imitated but D eter equalled -- . W.No&e o( .. , _ TWO •. ' :r.touds.:v aiid '!Uesda.r, and teth .twy · · · - ' at W. H. THO&tPSON' & Oo.'1 Dra1 Store, · Water Ptreet, ove1'y way . ' :May 29, lm . \ ' R.OU"T :m ' ' . .. OF THE ·. 1 I UBRADDR MA . IL STEAftER, 1889. · NorrcE ·ts A ' vif)end of eixl ' upou tlHJ paid·UJ' Gapital Stock or Ll iiA boa ,been d e- c lared for tbe h&lf' Je&r an Sl" May, 18..'49, ..... and bonUA of r l:rea c:Jolla.., pvr ahara payabl'" at \ta Uaukinll Uouee in city oo ,aud TUESDAY. . . I• 'l ' ranefer bookecloaed rroQhlCitb 18th inet, both days _ • , r By order of the .,Board, t GOLDlE. Juoe 16 · Manauer Fre$b !tBBF. l t 'i• __,. . I I now b'Ber, for cash,· unlil .farther notice, Fresh :S.t llt. 12 eta. and ltct& lb a paoroiing to qua ) i,y. Perao011 whp .may meat, ' eau hllve it put. iu ice it !or uu t .,, TOBiaS LAHEY.\ · Jnne 17,2w, 't •• · WM. J 'RUSSEL_ L, P RA C'flCA'L ... Cramps, Chills,·. .Qysentery, Chplera ..! Morbus. ' , 4 ,., 4 - .and hn Bo, wel Complaints, NO REMEDV' EQUALS " AND . I I 49 Years' Experience proves that PERRY DA VIS• PAIN-KILLER Is the best Family Remedy for Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Rheumatism, Neuralgia ' and Toothache. Sold Everywhere at · 25c. and 60c .. a Bottle. / a- Bswaro of Counterfeits and worth/us /mltaUons . -q ,. r WATER STREET WEST l BABBDH GRACE. . -- · -- ·- ....... veaetian Bl.bida rendt'a&ed and re-fitted. NATIONAL OLASS D. o; work furniahed VOtONJZATION JQHN LO'ITERY 1 Real Estate worth ... .. ..... ,. 86.0CO 5. 000 1 do .......... • 2,000 2',000 1 do ....... ..... 1,000 l,OQO . · Italian and Marble, SO APSTO N:f•. &c . · · · Uuder the patrooaJle of Rn Fathe r MON UMENT$, HEA &o., executed in .... rllnl[llt.l UtiiiUKUO. bee, 82 VIc .• ohap 86. EQiliah f os..thtt hueJit..of.j ha.Di- to orCler. Ollf!C&U Sociellel or Col- Note-Best oou,tiob of the provicice or Qnebec. WBD!lESDAY, 17th 4 do . ....... .... 600 2,000 · .Tul ' 10 Keel E'Atatea .. . .. ............. SOO S,OOQ y, 80 Seta ..... .. .. . .. .. . J!OO 6,000 At g p.m. 60 do ............. ... 100 6,000 2UO Gold Watcbea .... .. .. ..... 1 60 - lO.OOl PRIZES, VALUE 1000 Sllnr Watcbea . .... ... .. ..... 10 10 .000 LOOO 'follet Seta . .. ... .. .... ... ..... 6 6, 000 $ 50 000 00 TIOXBTS - - - $1. 00 ' , Offer• are made to All wi on era to pay t.helr. rrir.ea caah, !eu a 10 .e_o .: , · Real · Wtnoert' names nofpubtiilled udle.a Eerate. worth utborir.ed. 000 00 S. B. LEFEBVRF., Secrotal7. tial Work guaranteed. Price L iata aud tipecilo'u Booka aent oo ap· VD ' Ufticea. 19 St. Jami11 etreot . Montl't'Jil, Ca. plication to &oy nrld r eu · Beet lltteotlcu gi•eu to . order• receiTed b7 •nail or otherwist! . All " ork exeoutap under pel'llaual auper rielou CEMENT an d PLASTER PARIS ,for aaJe. TQBA NOVA ld.A.RlLL£ · WORD, Street; St. .John' •· · o•t Oftice Box 49a · Ap llO ' · T HE bu opeoed tbe Hoaae, ·for· would call attention to Manufactures lor the· sea-: ' merly oocupii'Q lly th• late Gaptaio t;oQttct' : . • . ' SOn Of 1889. I , • • llrowa, .. a Aoardi Dil Ho.a .. I Will be a lad to \WO or permaooa& Boardtrt, () ' UR STAND . un HERRIN.G 'N . L"'T 'S . / Mf'le o,r FemalJ ROHI•:RT . . I A L\1 D . . -, Harbor H" rtae . MIIJ •: •• •t . to 60 n.nns, made frem th e "Shepard Gold Medal" 14/6. Twhiet; now Post Qffic te almost exclusively ad<Sptecl_ -, , COl), C . ..t\..PLIN & HERJ:',JNG ft pe r-M Il tT1 1 aall fl'tlm•S_.ttll'on · River. and t , ·• , . Hoone jn U,e· Straha or · Belht hie.• Merchant and F18herman can depeq<l upon gettmg a Seme .from US that 'rc:rriro") be - cbaN(toal>l u will fish well, haudle eaaify and wear 1atiafacturily. · wltb ""the 111t:De of t'oata j:e q• the l>omin· t per &te for. baJC • • The Bank Fishermen are now quantities of our ooot for Local Papera. 1 .. t•apera of 9 oiOD)'-l , Ota) . rer '' A)M'E " L-ICAN", 2 ODD081. 1 , J:\, J. 0. Flik6ER. Gueral . General Poet Omce, Joba;a. t ·• J ltl)a 10. 18.89 r ' ... B.RAND OF LINES· ·'

4collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18890626.pdfVOLUME .. XXX. ' .(TWO DOLLA'RS P.IDR YB~) ' . ;I • ~ ' PORT OF ---HAR~OB c.l~ApE. ,New Adve~ements. • a:fTJ

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' . ;I • ~ '

PORT OF HAR~OB c.l~ApE. ,New Adve~ements. ---• a:fTJ aao ' .

J uno 2-t--Emolino Jenkin, Com:, Trnp4ni, 66 cays, t all - Jobu •luon .t Oo , " '

ota.utao · • .

..................... ""' "'-i"""""""'• ................................ ~~"' ............... ......,...,, ........... _

GOVERNMENT NOTICE! Jun~~ !6-Fiom, Plko; Peruombuco, 6&h-Jobo ~haoo

.t Co •., i: • .' rrEND E RS will be receiud at thit Office,

• untiiTIIUI:SD.\Y1 lat AUODST, for a

NOTICE! .: Suitable, SlEAMER' THE

Annu~ G~neral · Meeting •· OF TR£

HARBOR GRACE \VATER 00 MPAN.Y will be beld ia t he Literftry Iuatitate oa M~N. DAY next, lat July, Sl o'clock; p.m., for the trauuctioo of the uanal boaioe., io cooformity witb tbe Act of looorporatioo. ·

By order. ' 4 C. W AT.f3, Sccrttary.

llubor Grace, 24t.b J une, 1889.

NEW TU.RNIPS! ---Tho Subacriber wiabea to acqunint bia cuetom •

era and the public szenerally t hat he will be nble to aupply NEW TURNlfS to tbem oo Saturday oext.

TOBIAS LAUEY. Junet 26,1i

STABLING FOR HORSES! Partiea who oome to towo by carriage, aod

require atnbliog fo r tb.eir horees C.'\ D bo ncoom-modated by applying to the uodenigned .

MICHAEL Lt\HEY Water Strut. Harbor ftrace

Premises-Opposite Mr M Jooea' shop ,J UOII 26,3\

Baird'-sQuintne A~O .

IRON TONIC T HIS prepnrntioo iP invnlunblo as n rcatornti•e

Tooi'J fo r all forma of

Debility and Weakness, Pallor, Pal-pitation and. Dyspepsia.

h V11ti6es and Eu~iebis tho Blood. thus ~i•io~ Tone aod Vigor to tbe wbolo system E.nquiru of your Dealer Price 60 ceota

Price ~0 ceAta At cill Dealers. W. H. Thompson & Son, Hnrbor Grace

no~ cx,cced~ng i.20 tonl1bu; theo, composite build~ · to ply . iu Tnoity B:1y, aad rurthcr Nortb u ~ay be aureed on ·

'l'be S!eamer muat have-;.. guaranteed epe.ed or Too knpta . nnd lu\ve aeconnuodatioo for T welve ~aloon n.o'd Fifteeu Stt~erage pR111enger8, aua apace for a crew of Teo

Stenmer to be eruployed each year 111bilat navi­Jllltion is orl'n Contract to be for ~yeo yeara from tuo commencemen~ of tbo service .

Tt:nders to state t.he rl\to per aooom F reight. an~ Pn8811i<O Money to beiODil to <.:ootract~r

Gdvernment cl.> not bind themt.elvea ·to accept t.he lowest or any Teuder

M. FENELON, . ( 'olomal Secrclarg

Colooiftl Secretary's Office, t I May 27tb, l SWJ. r June 1

Cha~ge of Time.

ON nnd ctfter MONDAY, June Sri!, 1889, 'frnins 01till !>e run aa folloll'a, daily 1 (Sun·

days excepted) :-Laave St. Johli' • 10 a.m., arrive a t Harbor

Grace S.SO p.m. Le:lvc Harbor Grace 12.16 p.m., arrive at St

John's f>.:W p.ro. Oo THURSDAY evcoingf at 6.45 nn exr rn trnio

,,.ill leave St John's for Xelligrewa. Ro­turoin~ will leave Xelligrewa 9.80, nrriTiog nt St. Jobn:a 10.60 p.ru,

Ou FRIU A Y moroioga at 6 00 Rt oxt l"l\ t rain will lei\VC St John's Cor Xelligrewa .Roturuin~ '~ill leave Xelligrew" 7.30 arriviug nL St John's 8.6& n. m. : • • -- · .

Oo 5ATURDAY l!veoiofZa at 6.16 an extra 'train will leave St. John'• for Harbor Grace, ar· ri,•intZ 1\t Witbourne 9.30 aod Harbor Grace ll p . tn, Rctur.oin~ will lt:nvo Harbor Gro.ce MO~DAY ruormngs at 4.00. Witbourne 5.~5. Salmon Cove 6 86. B.elllgr•wa 7.Uo, T2Psnil 8.06. arrivinsr at ~ . .Jqhn'a ~.65 a.m.

Roodd ·T rip 1ieltets win lii aold eacb\rHU'R$· . OA Y nt Exouraion ratee, good for returning

oo nil traine, the eamo and two following daya ooly. ..,

E xcurrion Tickttta will be t~old at St. John's for the SATURDAY neoioll train to alletat:ooa. from Holyrood to Harbor Grace. uood for rerurniog oo all traioe the following MONDAY ')o ly. • A

THOMAS NOBLE; Ma"agtr for lftceit:tt.

1\ll\y 29 lm


MR. LAU&48~ <•om tbo ~2.~!.:.~ 8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:, H. LAURJ.NOe t Co., Montreal, will be a~ tbe a nd sold at lowest prices.


uore of tbe Afrent. 1\1 under, for coonltatloo. Orders promptly atLended w, and entire He ia epecially quai!Hed t.o ~djuet epectaclee for satiefaotion guaranteed. • • nery requirement of the .En. aud aocd"re to you N ,8 -He bege to intimRte to bia on11~mer~t Inch Rdvan tegea .. are on ly to be found io the d-.1 L' 1" II" h h h j ~ l~rJ:ut oltlu: No rollUer wbst tbe ditftcultiee, an " 19 puono genera Y t •~ E' Ill ua ru-b~ •ill. where relief CAD be afforded to, flt you ceived a ohoic(' lot of P. E. IaJ,md ltllll•ffd to pe:reotioo, al•iug you the IIfDit certain aide w Cllttle. '.£bose who may p•troni&e biut m•y ai2bt.-B. Lsuraooot'a ~pectaclea-wbioh uave ao be IUI8ured to receiv~ entire iat iaraction in aakoowledged reputation for ·Sope~iorlty ei~ry. where. : · - . . ·

!~'· ~~~!! ~.~ ~~~lt~~~ aod plea .. ot' to we 'fbere J~no Glim~ri11g - Waotring-Diuinw, ~ oth.,r diltreuiog Sen· aaliooe prodaoed by tbe uee · · · They Oomfor.t, Streu ~4 PreMrve

.! theSl , . Aod Jut .. o Jdoe that L e will not co•~ you

"'ooe oea' per·week to wear •hoid ualo~r eom­taoo epeotaolt1 'llhloh..Jre rotJ)61(,. to tbe al~tM aud rtqolre obao~og tOOftfD tbu tbty I&Otualtr eoet more in tbe eod tbaa the but Evel')' Speo-

• taele aod Eye-Giua ie atamped wltb the loltlala " B u•: Tbej ai* Imitated but Deter equalled -- .

W.No&e ~~e ~~te o( \b'e~ Vialt. . .. , _ TWO DAYS~ • . '

:r.touds.:v aiid '!Uesda.r, 1l5~h and teth!·.twy · · · - ' at W . H. THO&tPSON' & Oo.'1 Dra1 Store,

· Water Ptreet, B,ar~ .G~~

ove1'y way. ' :May 29,lm

. \ 'R.OU"T :m

' ' . .. OF THE ·. 1 I


·NorrcE·ts A ' vif)end of eixl 'upou tlHJ paid·UJ'

Gapital Stock or LliiA boa ,been de-clared for tbe h&lf' Je&r an Sl" May, 18..'49, ..... and • bonUA of rl:rea c:Jolla.., pvr ahara payabl'" at \ta Uaukinll Uouee in t~ city oo ,aud afte~ TUESDAY. l8~,la1' • . . I•

'l' ranefer bookecloaed rroQhlCitb ~ 18th inet, both days ~u~lueiva _ .~' • • , r

By order of the .,Board, t J~MES GOLDlE.

Juoe 16 • ~ · Manauer

Fre$b !tBBF. l t 'i• __,. ~ • . I

I now b'Ber, for cash,· unlil .farther notice, Fresh •:S.t llt. thQ,JoU~ pricell-lOo~ 12 eta. and ltct& ~r lb apaoroiing to qua) i,y.

Satiet~tc~ion gi~en ·~ ·~ll~rtiea. • Perao011 whp .may .pnrq~~ meat, 'eau hllve

it put. iu ice until ·~ey'rtC)adre it !or uu • t .,, TOBiaS LAHEY.\ ·

Jnne 17,2w, 't • ~1 •• ·

WM. J 'RUSSEL_L, P RA C'flCA'L ~J.!lijTER. ...

Cramps, Chills, ·. Cblic~ D.~arrhc:ea. .Qysentery, Chplera ..! Morbus.

• ' , 4 ,., 4 -

.and hn Bo,wel Complaints, NO REMEDV' EQUALS • •

" AND . I I

49 Years' Experience proves that PERRY DA VIS•

PAIN-KILLER Is the best Family Remedy for

Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Rheumatism, Neuralgia

' and Toothache.

Sold Everywhere at·25c. and 60c .. a Bottle. / a- Bswaro of Counterfeits and worth/us /mltaUons. -q

,. r

WATER STREET WEST l BABBDH GRACE.. --· --·- ....... ---....;.....---=-r-~,........~iz_e_s_--veaetian Bl.bida rendt'a&ed and re-fitted. NATIONAL OLASS D.

on~:~~~J:~r all~ o; work furniahed VOtONJZATION ~::~~~~~an::~la'!eraw-JQHN SKfNNJ:i~R,. LO'ITERY

1 Real Estate worth .......... ,. 86.0CO 5.000 1 do .......... • 2,000 2',000 1 do ............ 1,000 l ,OQO

. DEALIDR ·h~ ·

Italian and a·marlc~~ Marble, SO APSTO N:f •. &c. · · ·

Uuder the patrooaJle of ~he Rn Father


MONUMENT$, HEA ~UBBING, uo~:~~~=h~~t ~:, hs:!~ &o., executed in .... rllnl[llt.l UtiiiUKUO. bee, 82 VIc . • ohap 86.

~ • EQiliah ~nd··;...e.gu~ai&D.)lpJ~Mw:JW~I:I,.~ fos..thtt hueJit..of.jha.Di-t o orCler. • Ollf!C&U Sociellel or Col-

Note-Best st~ Substa~- oou,tiob of the provicice or Qnebec.

WBD!lESDAY, 17th 4 do . ........... 600 2,000 · .Tul '10 Keel E'Atatea ..... ............. SOO S,OOQ

y, 80 Farnitnr~ Seta ......... ...... J!OO 6,000

At g p.m. 60 do ................ 100 6,000 2UO Gold Watcbea .... .. ....... 1 60 -lO.OOl

PRIZES, VALUE 1000 Sllnr Watcbea ............... 10 10.000 LOOO 'follet Seta ... ... ......... ..... 6 6,000

$50 000 00 TIOXBTS • - - • - • $1.00 ' • , Offer• are made to All wi on era to pay t.helr.

rrir.ea caah, !eu a co~tn!u..!2.~~f 10 .e _o.: , · Gapltld~Pfi~a--one Real · Wtnoert' names nofpubtiilled udle.a ~ Eerate. worth utborir.ed. ~5 000 00 S. B. LEFEBVRF., Secrotal7.

tial Work guaranteed. Price Liata aud tipecilo'u Booka aent oo ap·

VD ' • Ufticea. 19 St. Jami11 etreot. Montl't'Jil, Ca. ----~~~~--------------------~--~~~~~~~~--~~~~~ · ~

plication to &oy nrld reu · Beet lltteotlcu gi•eu to .order• receiTed b7

•nail or otherwist!. All " ork exeoutap under pel'llaual auperrielou CEMENT and PLASTER PARIS,for aaJe.

TQBA NOVA ld.A.RlLL£ · WORD, ~ J)qokwor~h Street; St. .John'•·

· o•t Oftice Box 49a · ApllO

' Fisheries.~· · •

THE Subacrl~r bu opeoed tbe Hoaae, ·for· would call attention to th~ir Manufactures lor the· sea-:


merly oocupii'Q lly th• late Gaptaio t;oQttct ' : . • . ' SOn Of 1889. I , • • llrowa, .. a AoardiDil Ho.a .. I Will be a lad to

aooornmt~date \WO or tbr~te permaooa& Boardtrt, ()' UR STAND. un HERRIN.G 'N .L"'T'S . / Mf'le o,r FemalJ ROHI•:RT Sl~Pl:ION . . ~ I A L\1 ~ D . . -,

Harbor H"rtae. MIIJ •: )8~ •• • t . to 60 n.nns, made frem the "Shepard Gold Medal" 14/6. Twhiet; now

Post Qfficte ·~N:otic.e. almost exclusively ad<Sptecl_ ~the Mori~e Provin~es. -, ,

A·~l4~ ~El'l'.EM·-)n~ .PAPERS for~llrded COl), C . ..t\..PLIN & HERJ:',JNG ~EINES. 4

~ ft per-M•Il tT1 1aall fl'tlm•S_.ttll'on · River. andt • , ·• , . Hoone ~P&!•uQ~t. jn U,e·Straha or· Belht hie.• Merchant and F18herman can depeq<l upon gettmg a Seme .from US that (beln~ Gau~aillar1 'rc:rriro") ~ill be -cbaN(toal>lu will fish well, haudle eaaify and wear 1atiafacturily. · wltb ""the 111t:De .Rate~ of t'oataj:e q • the l>omin· t •

10'f1~~ ~~~a~a per &te for. Lette~ra, ao~ baJC • • The Bank Fishermen are now usi~g l~rge quantities of our ooot for Local Papera. 1

.. t•apera prla&e~OQC of 9 oiOD)'-l , Ota) . rer ' ' A)M'E" L-ICAN",

2 ODD081. 1 • , ll'~ J:\, J . 0. Flik6ER.

l''*'~~ttr Gueral. General Poet Omce, 8~ Joba;a. t ~ ·•

J ltl)a 10. 18.89 r ' ...


· '

, • .i Advertisements.


T .. & H. (IN BRONZE)

ON ·


GENERAL . Assuralae Ca~paaJ.




Capital: £1,000,000 Stg Insuroncce effected on almost all kinds of

property io N owfouudiand at Jowe5t posaiblA l'utca.



Ag~nt for Bew(ou"r~.d~nd. E. B. THOMPSON, Agl'nt for Hat·Lor Grace·


Medical Ball" ESTABLfSHED IN 1855.

wROLESALE & RETAIL. ---- . ThP s.lbc;criher hiiH ng,lin tulo~cf to hislt~rge

AIIC} \':,ricJ l::itock, II ( ('\V nt th e newest Je11ding p,1tcnt ill ediciues und SunJrit!K, aR follow11 :

G roon'• August Flowe•, \V urn<-r'e Stt.fo Core, Lirut: F ruit Juice. Dusclacti':. GermRn Syrnl' Euo's llrui t Slll t , Hollowu)' s Corn Ctu·e, Canur'R L ittle Li\'CI' Pi lls, \ Vi.,tar'tt Balll,lltl tJf \\.dtl "Cherry, \Vyeth'll Liquiri ) fult E xt r uct. Huzcline M othe r Orn \"es' \I,.' orm Exu•rruiuutor, Liebis;'s Extrac t of :1It••tt, Dntiunge Tubing. Pettr'e o•tp, P t•.tr':. 'luHing Sticks. \Vhite E :ltunc l (fu r filling tee th, ) B .:nzine (for olettnlling plll·posea,) :;'ll.lttson'tt .Ft•mily Syringeil. L euton .vrnp, Rui!IIJUtlrry Syiii!J, Dr. Wilson 's H crbine Bitter11, J ohnson's Anod)'llo Liniml'nt, T~mar Indian (for costi\·enc~R\ Eno's llo-licttted Sugtr (for worms), Gut1rd'11. H ail' Jyn, Trico~hcroua Teaber.·~ T oot.l• Powder, . .11 urrrty's Fl uicl M agnelli;\, HHc£. Irlpn aud Wine, Northro\> & Lyman's Ve~etablo Discovery

do d o ' Quinine Wine, K ellciig'l Asthma Rernedy

do Co&tarrh Snuff. Dllff,y'e Elixir, Hop Bitters Dr. Wallcer'a Vineq"r Bitters

' P utmRn'a Oot·o Ex.traotor K elltinq•,. Inal'ob 'P owder N c.·rtbt·op &. Lyman'a E m nleiol' A yer'a Sarllllparilla. Pntner's ~ruuhlion

do Cherry Pectoral Pierce'• Golden Medical Diacovery

uo ;Purgative P ellete do \ Nasal Iojeotora

W ~&terpro uraing A prona do .81 onge Dttts , do R' a (fot· ouildreo teething.)

.Fellows Colli und Syrup Bt.eedman'~ T iug Powdera Rabbet Tubinll( forpede111 Ayer~ Bay Rum Allen'• Hair .Reetol'er, Cbild'a Truuea Aclult'a~,-"Minard'e Liniment Oail er&.'a Carbolio SOap, Fuller'• Earth Dried S.Yery, Dried Snge, Dried Thyme Wriabt'e Unfermented Wine Burdooe• Blood Bittera ' x .. ~ler'• <Joel Linr Oil and. Malt. ~o~ of Spruoe, Allen'• Long Bal•lltD Jndton'• Gold PaiD&, Judeon'e Gold Ink Citrate of~--~ Oa~une T~ngoa . . . BRiJ!~nP<t'.s,A-;:;s;PEiurUM~RY

Hair and Olo&be11 BRUSH.,_,. 1

• ~"o1 eanfaU7 oomp~auaed ua •i• pan clril._, . . ·

C9-'.,_J · . · -' tbe • ..__. - ·--......._._ U••l6"· 1 atoiMDt Wbea dae be IDWIYieCI

· ••u-l.f, --v .... 1&. Wlllt bt .0U 'fd Uaaa ~~ (Q•a"ffrtliM a!Ul Boord of Bto111 BilL) be OOD'fiJ~ b1. a~ dc\1. otro•

Uoo .llxia t•tTJ'S (Coa&lauedt-Bo' " ap- td Dea& door. aad ~ · n&nalaa b.ct peared tO tbe (io'fernmeua, Ia orderina tbia pro· ud for&h be'•eea ~liODIIII..aDd plaJ{ac wi&b vielon, that U I~ hecame aeaerally koowa Utat &he oblldrea 'of ~ 1 .. iH.._ ·He laid be lltad there wu a r,ee diatribu&loa. lilte _,1 other Oo'f• ao auchori&J to d•&ro7 &he~- aad be (Air. M.)

'"emmeot ald, It would be abueed, and &be U • •' paoe eouab& oa& ~eaa\ Wiualow, ba~io~r penditure would becqme an enormou charge upon fire\ applied a& cbe COJ1r& tfoaM aod aeo.rtaiaed 'hem. 'fbeJ knew from eapJtrienoe iu kindred •here bt lind, wea& &o bla booee aDd booked a mattera tb&C m.-ny wbo could aftord: to pro•ide oooaidenlble thae Wore-."" door waa opened. thoee u~e~~~riee for tbemeeh·ee, on ftodinJr the He (Mr. M ) •aa than lufonaed by tbtt 8ergeaut Governmeot were diabamn~r r~ee uaialanoe, tba&· be bad no authority to -deuroy lhe doll : would ha e no a:~ruple in obtaiolo~r them, ueo tba& ~b'e Ch•irNan of the Board of Health bad to the extent of doing eo uoder falee pretenoJa. go!le bome to the country aid would not be in' Hence the aid wM to appear u of comin~r from wwo until 11 o'clock ou~ fornoon. Now, bt­tbe doctora themteiYea, eo u oot to gite it the b~liend. tbat. i.u lfre&& meaam",tbe epre.ad of the color ood complexioo ot pauper relief. l'be daeeaae •a aunbutable to euob nhr' omcil\liam aa medical membera of the Uoard of He11lth were in : wu demooatrated by tbia cue. Mak•o<lmplala' SlrUClll<} "to fall, in with tbit view of the m11tter, to I tnftn in IUtbority. I,Dd be baa to flO W eot.oe to act accordinRly, aud hue been ao acuog from other mau !ll~bor iu aptMrUy, aod 10 on from tho early appearance of •he diseue up to tho the lowcet round b o the bltzbc:.t round of tbe preeent tqoment; and be !\ad no doub' it will be ladder of officialdom. befor-e the cuiDbroua· m11• round that a largo amount bat thna been gratnlt. chin .. bellloe to mo9-e, while, In the me11ntime, cnaly upended in allniatio~e the aulferinll poor. the de11dly dieeaee ie bniog f411 pl•y. He bad Tbo Go•erntoeot Deter for a QlOIO\Dt atioted gi7en boo. Mr l:Jaruy aoo&ber· illuatratioq or their h~d. nor expreued aoy dnire ~hatner t? thia clrcumloouliouary procua with reapeot to an curtail the expenditu.re for tbie unil!et They applloaclon to tbe Board of Hoaltb reprdinll the ue•er cried atop, oor grumbled at any expeuae; oJf'analn~e aod diainfeotion c.f certain danf(erou• uor would thej have dooo ao, oo 1ontter what it looalitiu. abowlug th.-t a few dollare for carbolic mi~bt eo11t to combat tbia formidaule malady. 11cid could uot, or wouLd oot. be expenjed oy tho lie belie\'ed the Hoo. Mr. llu.vey ia correct io Chairwao of tbe lloara without flret obtaioi"uu etatiog that tho meeting of citizene held eome the aaoctioo of the GoYeru:z~ant. He (Mr. M . ) time 11nce. with ""lew ~ a.id the authorttiea wa11 oo the part of the Municipal Council. IUilRetted do•oid of political aigoificance. Nothiog of the nppoiotmeo& of two or &hroe truatwbrthy men t.ba\ kind appettAiued to tunt 010,ement. It to. auia& io cle-oiug out tbe back yarda and 1wa1 called toaether aocf. acted with tho eole 11\nu. which duty they were ateured YU fa the object of' atreoatheninll the b11nd, of thoao who banda of Mr. Jamea Moore aad otbere.; aud it W1!ro nutborized, ood were actually oainl( tboir i.a e~~ty w lmal{iae bow tbe work wonld tboo be beat endeavore. to arreat tbe apread of tho rerformed. Tbe Uollnoll appointed two men epidemic. It w111 "tnorely ao 11ccidootal thia~r for tba p:npoae, au.t communicated wltb the that the Chairman of that meetiug ••• a member Board of tit·altb oo 1\ Tbunday eYeniojl, and of the Boord of Hel\lth. and ilince then be hAs thcae two paid empfoyda were kept licklol{ their no~ 1\llenaed more tb"n one meottng of the beela for a woelt oeforo thaT were fnroiehed with Bonr<l; but l:e (Mr. P.) could not percei•e that diaiofeot11ut• to try anti 11rrut the oourae of tbe tl~s lOOvemell\, Jiad aoy hiddeo ~oliticnl object. epidemic. He did oot blamto tb" Hoverollli'nt F1oa1l~ be wou"td ~tate tu11~ durina the 6rat fi•o for thi• IUI)Inoaell, beoauee they bad l11oed their or IIX month a of tbe epidemic, it bad not rel\che11 ordora to do what wu needful, bn~ t boae who any very eeriooa pro]>ortiou11• oot until about recei•ed them hue ahowu n. cuiiJabl"l and oeo­~ctohr. when the matter wu immediately token aur:\ble iuertue11 io nr7 many caeea. Tbie mot­In hand by the Roard of Health. 'fbe doc~ora in tf'r requirta to be taken up witb.ozealand prorupt· fac~ clid oot

1 for a cooeiderable time eubeeqoently itude. nod oot treated with ordinary omcial d e

to tl6 firet appearauce. rejlard it ~terioualy. and libtoratioo, if i~ ir. ever to be fo:Jjlht with auoceu some of tbe medical practitiooort bnrl uot & ain~tle It hu been rem .. rked tbllt tbe dilference between ca11e of diphtheria io tbeir pr11ctice until well ioto ,Judwe l'rowae and Juojle Conroy. aa Chnirweo tbe .C&II montba, when, u be aaid. it bejlao to ex· uf the Board of Heal~h. ·•u. tba~ tltt> forruer did tood, .. nd waa immediately dul& with by the not want any aid frotu the wembera of the Uoard, Bonrd of Health . Be aaat~rted tha~ the Uoard that he did all tt.e work oimtelf, and tbu hia of Health, tbe Go•eroment and the dootore are 1\Ccounta ahowed • free band in expenditure oo~ all alive to tbe eoormooa importance of tit&-mar. oeuary to meet ''iait~tione of diaeaae; while the te.r. ftnd eacb and all of them are fully imprelled lt1tter ~tentleman wu more c:.utll\ut, and would wJtb tbe oece11ity and di1poaition to clo every- not rnnlto any IDC ve without ortiora froru tbe tbiug tbnt human ltoowledge can augrceet. or ho· Govero111eM. Doubtle11. to l!bat beaitanoy to U · man power execute, ~ mioim1ze tho elfeot11 of aumo re~pooail>ili&y where immediate aotioo wl\a tbia n.wfu l viaitatioo. The authoritiee would nt. rt:qulred. ""' fttlribotabl&, to a larc • de~:retl, the tho 1111me time. be only too h11ppy w give due t~xteneioo of the diaeaae in tbe town. detpite the wcich t ·to all llllllleltiODII made with n view to fact. thiA llhe we11ther ia all the time i111provin~e. usiat. them, and 110t opou auch if conaiateot witb He belleYed that the di1eaait haa been larjlely th .. ir opinion• 1\nd with the profe1aional advice circulated by aernn' ~tirla goiolt from houaea of the docto r11. whoae directions hftve been C"ru- wloe re diphtheria el iata·.aod .,vi1iliurr their 110· fu l ly followed 1111 tbrou11h thil whole l>o~tinell ql.lflintancu in other hooaea, wboae o~roera 11r11 {,it 01\1.) for th010 llnBCqOallllt!d with the OliOV io ignorance Of the OirCUmat.anOel fie kniW Of 1\ncl ~trave ditfloultiea of the cnae to criticize and ouee iu proot of t bia fllot. It ia a lao mnat likely IJiame. 1pread by conveyance• which hue been tllkt-u

Hoo A l:lARV£1'-Wbo ar~> the medie.-1 mem- from tbo r:ublio o.rriaae alaod t., ncnuy diph· bc r11 of the IJonrd of Hulth? tbertic patient.a to ho1pi&al.aa well rleoeaaed per·

I loo J AS. Prns-Dootora Hunting. Shea, Row- aoua to thu cemeteriea. No tnoto oe• Ill in ob•o· ley nod tl11rvey. · · nel for oommunicatiu" the diaaue oould. · he

of 1n tbe7 t.tc2edi~J.Jfad.tllll.i

all:oai~Gf111 to tbll dooaqaeot, weh ............... _ ~·a'- tt.-1 wen a& liberty to apead moee7 to proYitt. r-emediM, dilillffOt&a&l and GoqrJahmoa& for 'Geedr eulrererJ, Fanbenuvre, the other doctora, eip~oriea &o &t.. ncommeadatiooe, ~o DOl' lppMr to bate beea qafUo& lh&C tbeJ bad auob euUiorhy. aod baace there baa io­diap~ttabiJ been grea' faxit}' opo~ itbe par& of fnedical merubert of &be Board, kaowing the fac&, Ia falliog ~ make their proftalioo11l brethren eeaelble of it. 1f &be Board of Health are actiDi opoo tbe ,ad•ice of thtlit tnedlcl\.l memberi-aod yut two of them whoae namea ore rhe 8ret opoo rbe letter that .baa beoo referred to, uy certaio thin111 ehoold be dooe which are uo& and hue not been done-tile Hoard. if there wu a diver~ 11ty of opittion, ab(\old moat oert.afn.7 hue ta~clo tbe ad•!oe • .blob embodied l}le gr.,tte~ dearee of pncauuon, aa telug th~ •feet "ad aureat ooe

.npder tbe circamataocee they hacl .to deal witb . UuL be wool.d no& for a moment pntllHDe to think Lbat the othtr two medical meiobera of tbe Board would bold o~ gite an ovluion io oppoti· tiou to Doclc.ra Shea aad llaryey ; and he did oot believe the t wo' latter geotlemeo would bne puhliabetl aucb a letter if they koew tho Board of llenlth h11d power to 1pl•nd mooey unatio tfld· ly to aid the ,·cry poor who had aolrered or were~ aufferln:: rr.uu the dread.malady. h waa auppoaable. nl ..... clt:lt no peraon io St. Jobo'a a~1ould know bcllt·r wbetbe~ an efficient quaran­IIIIU could be carried out, nod It Ia inO<)noelnble that they ahouid recommend iL tf the7 had 'not faith io ita practioabH:ty.

lion J AllES flns- • Thia it 11n oploloo poalbly bz\led on t'XJ.Itlr ionoto.

I lou A. HAnvu-H doea ooL make any differ· euce. lle wu not bitnaelf nrgtn~ what exact meaaurea ehould be taken ; bot wba'-ter atep1 are l•eld by the boaL aulboritiea to be iu1peratlte· ly ueccu11ry, ehould bo takeo Immediately. Without ;olng ftoy further with tile lDillter t.e would uy that aftt~r t he publioatioo of tbe rloo­tore' recommendation•' pnbllabed laa& eveoio", and tltl\t 1 t hftl been brouaht directly aud argent· ly and publicly in tbia cbatnbcr before the Uoard or Health aud the Govotomeot, 1f Jbe meuurca odvia.:u be uow pu~ ia force u far aa practicable, the deatba from amoogat thoae oow ealfertog will aort~ly be laid at tberdoora of tboae wbo hue it in lht~ir pow\lr to carry ou~ theao mea· anree and I ail to do •IO. He would further aay thl\l "'"" do not any longer l'fi\UL au explanatton 1\8 to the oauae or tbe tpread of the diae&aO thrOUI(b t he town. If drai11a~e from ao iofec'-d houao hat ruo into Winaor Lake (u atated by bou. Mr. Monroe) for even one day. w11 need eeek oo further for a cause because no means are more 01\lculdted to cou:mu~;i~t~ iufectiou tbno polluted water.

llo!l JAlllr:S Ptns aalt:od if bot were to under­ataud thl\t it ia .~I. a opiuion of the bon gontleruao IIWJ nf the rut or tho Houee, that lbo tiret OD 1h11 loll • f recommeodationa that churchea and 11choola ahonld be oloaod ia Ad,lll\bl.,, ~tud abould be nott!d upon. '

IJoo A. fhRV&\' could only voice hie own view a, and hie ol'iuion wae that it ahould be IICt· t:d upon. Snell Will the opinion or tho flve pro· flltaioool gentlemen liho h11vo :nade U1110 recoon. meuc1Mioo• nnd loe belieovo•l it WAI tbe opiuiou of tbe m•jority of the moru intelligont. peoplll or St. John·a.

IJou JAitf t:S Ptrrs- Tho aeoooa recommeoda tio11 •nay. io ~art. be carried out 1\t oooe, ir poa· aibl.,. lle ahoultt aecortalo lfhethor it can or uot. A• rllt:llrtla au t~llicioot quuantine of all infected louuac!!, tbat ia muob ruore difficult. Howevtor. hu lltuultl UJake enqniry upou that point . Now, Il l r•..:nrJa tbe t hird lll~geatjon, be would aay h 1" ueiuJl 111 fully carried out '" ia necucry ; ao, ut leult. he uudcretood.

lluu A l lARV~T-It Ia not being carried oat tburou"bly at all now. ·

(To ~ conti11utd.)

A. Beaqtitql Woman Saved.

&.u lle U. 1IIQf'lt ,... A ,.., .,, fro• lvad to fa Hair goa&. Doc~~tr~ e,d ltoepitOZ. faiL '1'rifd .,.,tlbtg. Otarwl6f .tM c.tlcllra Baae­tl'~•for •6. ~ am cured of a loatheome cliaeue.eaema, In

1&1 wont ateg«' I tried dllmal doctort aod beeo &tlrongh &be boepilal, bal alf to 110 parpoae. Tbe dlteue co,ered my whol~ bod7 Jtom the &op of my bead w the eolea of •1 feet. My balr all came oil', leariog me a com;>lete raw eore. After trying nerytbiog, I beard•of your OUTt· CURA Rlli£Dtas. aod after u1il11l three botuea of C.tlfJOUa.t. R&soLvDT, with Curicuu aud l-UTI· oou Sou, I fiod myael( cured ·at the c<Jat or about .6. 1 would DO' be wit bout tbe COTICUilA RUI&Dl£S io 1111 booae, 11 I find them ueeful io many cuee, aud I tbiok "bey are the only akin •nd blood medicioee

. ISAAC H. GERMA~. Wuetaboro, N.Y. A !Ito•~ WoJi(!ertul Oure.

I ban bad, • moe~{ wooderful cure of aalt rheum (Eczema). For five yeara I have aoffored with ~bia chaeue. !'bad it oo roy face, arma aud banda. 1 wu ouable to .do aoytblug whate•er whb my haoda. for over two ye~~ra. ltJ?ed buo­dreda or reroediee, and oot ooe bad thaltnat ef. feet. The doctor aaid my cue waa iocin rable. 1 aaw your advertisement, and concluded to try the CUTJOUHA • R'EllEDlts ; aod incredible aa it may aeeln. after uaio~t one boa or CtntOURA, aod two caltee of COTJCORA SoAP, aod two bottlu of CoTtooh RtsoLVENT, J 6nd lam utirely cored. Tboae wbo thiok tbialetter Uai aereted may come aud aee for tbemael•ea. GRACE P. HARKHAM, Belle Riter, Ontario·

Outioura Bemediea Cure nery apeciee of torturiDJl, bumiliat.iu(C, hch. log, boroiog, ecaly, and pimply diaeuu of tbo akio, acalp, and blood, with loll of hair, and all bumore, blotobe•, eruptiooa, eorea, acalu, aod ornata, wLea pbyaloitanl and all otber remediea fftil . .

Sold . every•bere. Price, ConoonA, 16c. ; ~OAP, 86c. ; RuoLV&NT. •lJO. Prepared by the PoTTiit Dauo AND <!H£)JICAL CoRPORATION, Boa. too.

&rSeod for" How to CoreSkiu Diacuea." 64 plilll, 60 illuatratiooa. and 100 ceatlmooiala.

PIMPLES, black-hoada, red, ro'ngb, cbappod, aod oily altio, preveoted by G trrtTURA


raft ~d up~~.~~~cb~!e~~!.~~~ya, -~ rbeumatiam, aud cheat paia11 relieved in ouo ruiooto by tbe Outicura Anti-Pain Pla.ater. Tbe firat aud only ioatantaooou• paio· killing plt11ter,

BAZAAR. A ~AZAAR iu ~itl ~f the oew Cburch Huild·

1o~: Fuod ••II be befd io Spaoiard'e 13ay iu November uext.

Tbe rollowiol!' Ladies havP. charge of tbe Tablea and will • bsukfully recetvo aod acknowledge aoy oontributiona whicb may be aeot to them.

Mra. Abraham Barrett I Alra Jau1et Youog Mra. Richard BIJlJ(I Mill l!Arle .. MrL Nathaniel uoue Miu Georaioa Goaae

S paoi11 rd'a Hay, May 10, 1889.

PHCENIX Fire Assurance Company



Boo A.' HAR\"&T-The bon 1o1entlem•n bRa &a• tbongbt, bo fout.od tlao auob alrhtb• or oarrla~t••, ~u•··ri ,_.that t he dnotora 00 t.be Boad of Hultb their cuah1ona •od rui' or roboa, after being au ·· · .. , . . ' en ~eana 11nt1 l'mpowered to help the uaed,aod thea employed by oth11ra Ia an ordinary ,, u ... , ,,1 ... 4tl fBmtltea bad auffe red, or were auffer - way: ,A OBie w~~trelat11d w biw by a reliat.le aon• iu~t from dipbtheria ao'd who were unable to pr.,. tletnao of • aerloua au•ck of dlpbtbarla that. coeur· vide oece11ary medicine, dlalofectanta aod Dour. !Jd. i_u Flavin'• Lane. Heraunt \\'loalow If•• iabmeot for tbem•t~lna. Now the queation arlaea aen& to cleau~~e and di1ipfeot the hou•• but tbe wu lhla authori:&Mion ai•en to tbe medical meq.~ beddluawaa fouod, tieu&y-four houraafter•-rda. bera. of th11 Boud of Hultb only. and no& to all h.axln~ oo • renee witb a oomber or ol!ildreD. the Dootora ~ . who bad op•lled ~he beduck. pla1i11a wltll

Ho.o JAS. Pt~-lt w111 taken for, granted by tbe cohteot• of it. Wbeo olroumataouu II~• A ' -~ the GoYeroment th11t when that iuatrnotioo wu theae-ean e'alat, how can i~ be e~ld th"t tbe •11· yoqn~r aod beaotUul married lady realdioll TRUSTEES .t DI!lEOTOatJ ~tenet! t~ the dooton or the Board of He111th. h thoritite are dolog tbalr beal to atarnp I'Qt the il\ thfa oitJ •a• lyin(l' ac. the poio& of death, with Joeepb Wm . BQendale, Eaq, would have b86D oommonioated by thea> to tile diuue ? h canoo~ be ezpected tbat the mell\i tlipht~erla. and waa oot expected to lin but 1\ Hriatow BovUI, . Eaq. · reu of tha fraternity J& "PPUrt, howerer, lo Lere of the Board of Health. or tbe Jlltmbtra oY r~w ulomenll; tbe l:t\laband, f11tber ~tnd mother of 'fbe HQ.n , Jamee .Riaa.

..one cue that be (Mr •• P lt&a) waa aware or. 1 doo- l!le tucutln, are tollo tb111u thlo(l• themhlru. the~ aulferinll lady •ere bf. t~e bedafd~t."' wu John Ulqttoo, E•ft · b t b 1 d bo dl ...... Jd alao th!ll a•ttudlp~e p~yaip au ; eo oertelo were 0 1 L• C ~ ,_ tor koew uothfn11 "'-•teoner about h until 1 d.-y n t e r Hrr•nt• 111 •q r oetn ..,QQ bt b f 1. f d o~' Ql .... o'!J)e, ~~! M.P.

or two aao. It wu uautDed tb11t all would , olotlo•d •ltb ahob po•tr• th•• t~e lt-~IIIU l)lltn on 1 "1 ° 1''111 '1'r •P~roaob 0 .. th, tha' oertaln li111orae 4rtbur Funer ~ tctq, hate beeo Informed of h by the lloard of th• laddtr woQid '•-'1 wa""llttd ttnd that It>.,, arrftrtitiJllllt bad 1 readJ beep made to meat tba Obarlee 1!;. Goodhart. ~n,

J d I I h I I hi I 111d e\'ent T be f11ther ao4 mot.ber were etate of · u Rb d H f " Hoaltb doctore, or Cbalrmau, but on aaqulry he c oty to u wr t ~...- com na. • t D h • I)Oi· ?II 1 d ~. o e awk oa, Eaq. , (Mr. P.) bad IICtrt.-lned that the Cbalrmau or the niaanoe Ofl the epor of thi cucment, wJtJ)out hav- " Uf p!!ople. an bad koown from ohlldbood I:Ur Joho r.llbbook, .Uart., M.P., P.R.i

i I , t 1 · • I r 1 1 ... , of tbe woud.1rful curative power of Jobn1oo'a 'b 1 'fb Hoard bad oot directly communiCU~ted with tbo•e niJ 0"1~p RP 111 anpJr or or :»at rapt 0111 no C ar e" omu Lncaa, Eaq, dootora who are aot membere o! h . ... umlosrtbat do\1~~ Gp•ernmeu& are d"jrou. And properly lo, Auodyoe ~iniment. At tbe auggtttloa· of the Cbarlea Maaoay, Eaq. tb~ tnedlcal membera l'fould ban doue

10• There to keep upeudltore whbln Cl~e bound• ; aa ~e ICrief·atriukl!n mother.the fatl!er bad aooe to th ti' l'be l:lo,q; Edwio B. PorEmao.

Ia DO doubt tbere baa beoo. mlatake made hi tba' how in all Ollel """' ualatanr e ,. a lveu for IIJ!Breet drUI( ltore 'before daylight., aod obteioed Dudlej'"Roben Smith, Eeq cue, aa"tbeloatroctlooa abould bave boan made notblna. there would, tr h were aenarally pro- " bottle, •ud wbon &hu pbyaioaan arriY~~d and Wm. Jame~ ~bompeon, Etq. ' .• koowo to all &hf" roedlcal m,a. OlAIO'Iad , be aa eoormoue a•noont of l'flllte and ~ta:ed,flllt tbe lo~ed oboe ooubld n



1ulbly lh·e _ ...__


Hon M. MONIIOB enid, aa h•..,. coon.ated with abuee Heuce probably a& tl1e beaionlng of the u a ew momeu " ' e mot er t m Y tolrl the SON. · DlREO'rOR ~ae of tbe loatltutlooa dealiog witb cl•lc •ffalre, vlal~tloo, &bey had, an e7e to ·economy; but it ~oct~r tbrl ~he, bart ~rea~ ftth In Johoatoo'a JOHN J • .Ht.OOlUJ&LD, Ln. . lie feh it wquld not• be out of pilUle 00 hi" par& would b'e falee eoonorn)' of cba • .orat k1od. in tbe • 00 yne

0 meat, 10

- aa e him If abe mlgbt \\' JLLI.Alf c·: ~1AGDOlULD,} . -~l '

~ offer a- fclw obae'rn""ooa before tb .. debate mlde~ of tbJ c.lrcumetauoee we arc oow aurround. J,:lve her clau'gbter aome. Tbe doctor replied F n M · " " d I I tA I h h I h d l .. Ceriaioly, if JOlt wieh,· iCqa_n do no llar.m." • UNOJB . AODON.UD, Joint 8ecrettmu o oaet, In dolna •o be wa1 prepared to aaree e w t•, oov h~& teo t e r an a. By lnoreaalug Will b" I , __ • whb hoo Mr. Pitta thAt, to a larae e'ltellt, the tho atpetiii'J o~Polal tlalf, or eppealin11·for .. ._ 1 e t 11 pouver~t 00 wu takln{l place tbe .+ob • ,

d ., " 1 .A

1 h ILl•.. ' f d -' youna .•ifo wae ... aaniua for br .. acb, ud it w•• • -' e eng .. gernen~ of thi• 01Boe are auarar-

trooble to tulreriaa &bt clomrlluofty fa paaelnlf • •-Poe ' o t e, o ,....oe, 1 peceeaa..,, ao IK'yta., d ,.--r • "' ..... ~ b • throoab •I• at&ribatable to tbe otter laooraooe of tbecn fiJII pow-er for the tiJPe' belar. aDd by ....... .,..,e •• f"l tot tha~ ah, ooql4oot lire bo' a few momeo~e • . .'1 a .ourut~rou• a'rld weal~by Proprie&ary tho people of &be dlrefal ooo.il'quenoe of tberrowo nontlutcd pM or''"' prtnut!oo, rtJDedln · Dllt. t.be J i}lotbe~ gQlo~IJ "ocorked the addiuoo to a l11rge invested Oapi&CI ; and ' )be aetl. . He bellen'CII•troold btt found "I moat fm- tlialortotaatJ, he trueled that it willlbortly aod bottle a ad ~"e•a ieupooP19loleac. t~ btii obald; r~Pt'QIIipltjtcad e aod Ubflrtllity wl~b whioh olaime poeaible fot cbe aa-•tioae, of the d!)Otora to aureiJ diaappur 1 and tbat a watt or two more 'l'be rlreea ••l-ilt• majfe J,:. hi &b laltao& &be •• -lwaye been met, are well·kDown and 1 b t. .... 111 h tbl be fW 1 • f 1 ad l f paeeaae . to tile lboi' wae coluaed aile could L Jed ed •

cOM t. e ecuooll aad oborohea to tw. carried OQ&, w • ow oe a t,.ect o t le OJil oa o breatb a lltrle f'uler I lbe mother qolokty bef(ao ao.now I , ~ and. b le qa..Uoaable wh11ber t.ll• etfeot of eoob 'upb fHreoc!•t r1111ed... to bathe the tbroa' exteroaiiJend lo 1 abor• time The import&noe of t\le tranuodona of the •• act ?'oold be prodoo1ire of tbt~ trood aotlcl · Ho'P: A, B4BVIT-With ala'deftrtaceto ~OJ. all pree'eut\ ... &116 orltla bad po.eeed. ln 1 few PH<.ENJX •FIRE' OFF. IC'E patect by eome from 1'- ~Etea were &boac~ ialli· Hr. ~ttle, be (Mr. ·H,) dJd aoa tblok l~llt boa, bopra tbe pat leo& wu oo~llidered O'lt of dao,rer, tatlou oloted. ltie '"1 doubafal ff people ooold I:IPtle~Paa·, eaplaaatlop hu IU.S. tbe •• aDJ aad to a few daJI •• well. 'J'lle blllbaad of may be eaUma'-d from the faot &bai llaoe iu &berebJ be pr.,eawd from conareptlaa &oaerber ~Oller for the a~orl'l". b~Jt liJ feet •ap·wt'"- tllla ladJ related lb ... faor1 wl.h tearflll , 1..., w ea'-b~meot-aow o.tr O.a H 111mUD ~uu­lo plactM mooh more oalcalare{l w lead to cb• b7 aUerDptlnll 10 •ttl'• all &be bhllne for the p,.. atr. JeDuiaa~.a ot tbe firm of J. 8. ~obaloa • c~.. &be paymeate tn e&defaoUon of Clafmt f~r LoM­apread of the dlleaao oa aoooont or laf•rior MDJ· MPt deplof'\ble poudhloa or ·~lop fro~ the H CaJtooa HouM atre,t. I:Je .. ld liten ooqld .. h&'fe uoeedtd rouarn• MILLIOn &riiLIXO. "tary coodldoae Ut wead&~rther In a~ullldelhlt elao!Jl~tr( of tbt c:io1er•n•••'• 'h• Bard tJf t~ uo qoutJop wbetntr ba• wba~ tbfe Liulmeo& laeuraocee aaaiap t.o. b,r 1'1~ aad J.Jibto· wl&b &be boo. ,J;Dt.l..,.u '" belie•lntr ~Ia ·••r· lleal&b apd t~elr ofti'Ciate.·to the tJ-oold,,. or tjJe bad 11red bla wlfe'a llfe.-[Zioa'l llerald, Boe-. la1 are, eleot.d •tit tile Oom~,r b~Q enry

~boel~ tbat thew tl:b~:!~t=. ~: t.J: ~t!: ~:~~ !h:;:::~:~a~ ~~::~.;:;:; ~~~:: to~: 1:~,!~~8ffamiiJI'eaatdf'.';, No,ca;••te; bo~ ~-=~Uo~ o~ P'iope:'~· o~ &be~ 9101& fa•orable

hne oaJen 8JIIttto of rtd-ta~M• •r l~uortn• • ~ how to ilL but owh11 to the wtll taa kOow. '"II medlolo•• l& .,m N 100 to W. -' G ltiUDltLL. -..~-OIIDelaHIID al&opUter ., ... , plaoe where, taowlcdp, of tba&. afi -,b. IDOI't iDOQOI• IIDJ to I. 8. Jobaeoa .. Co •. Soetoo, ... for s~ •• .Ill•~••• aqd I*IDP" ie&lon ••re de- oa•fMD& to lad ooa-...,. a ..-pblet fr.., jill& to ltaru betw to aM. tbe dtea$fDf'IN•I•INiloJtd :-!~~~:~ • eYer &o be .. oqq_fabecJ, durw dilplta all .... llahDeD' eooaot»IQAIIJ. l .\.teaapoOafal proptriJ I - r

-.tiJ,IIIarpl,r, dtOlaf•eiJ : oahl• of ~ will oltu do 'IIOrt 1oocl&baD a balf b.l&tle ~ a._,.. ~ =:Sas~~~=:::=~~~==~~ f;~~~~;~&ic, eboald be au.11111ea.ll1o .. ad..,~the_...,.. ._.0111, ptople-. !!:.._oo:-- V ..-~ . jw.tlr•


MosrwQ~ERFULt E T ..... FAMILY REMEDY -... .


For Sale (Wbole11alo nnd het~i\) ut TnollPStlli'l\,~etlic'al B i,U, . ~atlJo\' G ,!'~c '

Golder's Patent·-Victoria A:nchor and Oil BuoY:. •

. .. . Uod otthlt,...& old to~a.,ooda. God of the' ciMett· IOU&a,..

AD\1 traeklua na i . God or Uab c~wded ~~ nat, Hod of tbu pri!HDt •ocl the pa,t,

Cao man know 1'hee ! ' I '

God of ,the bl,oe eky ovtthead,.. • Of tbu j.lroen enrlh on ,~).rota WQ tread, .

or lillh) nnd llp.ce; ··J ... • fyotf or ' \he ~nrlda wbi~h Time· conceals, Gorl or 11ie wor!da wbio'll Death reteala , To ,11 our ~oe. 1

From out Thy wrnlh.tbe..,eartliqoakft leap And 11h11ke the world' foundAtion dc~p.

~!'ill Nature a roana n .,. ln agony tbe ~ount11fna• call, And ocea1t bellow• throullbtont all

Ber frightened zones. .· · I '

But when Thy amile i1a ~rlory 11beda, The liliu lift their lovely beade,

And the primroaea"ra~o ; -· And the daillea decked ~irh re11rla .

· Hieber than the proudeat urla Oo their maotlee wear. ' ' Tbeae Thy. preaohera of tbe wildwood.

, Keep they not the heart of -childhood • Fresh' with.!n oe still



eij.~~·ewng 4reet fo(qiDJl an(l• eJhOW·I' ~n~ hf• .;, &.r.ru.i,iil ........ otowd ct. . ' .. . HS• ue•awar••we ciullll'.- " IJux,z; a.b4, •••ll• . gltaull 0 "bjm i\, 1t1hl!l1-.&Lt0ll lUaU llae fwoa ~ ~llOlJ t\im, Wtll. J"'"haa.ltl l . liWO t¥lYJ• 8', i8 nne~~ or the P,{it~ ~M:ri~jet ~t c.he day. · g,. bltlla ou' 110metlnng in Fnmc!J and thu ••itera all mu .. mur : •fA Pri.11011 cJ, Ba(..(;(s· rae rraos) bow down to him and llr'e tlaved.

~ ! ~·al) l'ight. gll'd you cot."M I' ~YP Pottt"r. ,' ~ '11honld have turned 10068 on 'em jn K II!!C·

ond~ anci then l.ht>fd bnva thought. thu $it.>S'' otJ,>"rie b11d be.g~m &gain ' .

f'Ye11. I knew T h!'-d to spoak quick ,' !Ill~'" at.;" young. &,;tmtleu.an, who bus tra.wellell O\'tll' J.t:urbpe and AI11PI rr.u , lll\oi undet:fiiRllllll the ua'un (.(1 whom '"' ll:l t>~lldu~. • I'll urtao~u tlii11 ulf·cil• for yuu,' ant\ hu expluine Lo , Mr. Poller \he lleCHiiua· onlitOIU of t.be plllce t~at. lultl .enntgt:d him, · •

Tlael t he tnruH to lhfl propriet.<f ari'J soon 11et.tkK tte mutWl' w\t.h bim aod the uttond~tnt fJtmdarmu, und Mr. Potter findte the w~y open fo1· him to p1irs.ue Sercenut BaRckes.t once morr. . •Cun r do t~nytuing el11e (M yon 1 You

don't lle~m to uudet'lltllnd :he lungu~tg~, and. I otl'wuya li'ke to aMiet. my travelling oompa­ttiota. · Permit tue I' and wiLh this the ycung mnn'~ives the T exan hie Clltel. I j

,t Spite or all our life'• snd atory ·n.ere lifO Rltaml or 'fbe'o and glory

Iu the d~tffodil,

. • Yon're almighty kind, Mr. Deucey 1' re­tnru~ P otwr, • ~tnd if you could tnk~ me to my aon I'd bleu you to iny dying dc\f, IL'e a ma.UEr ot life apc..l de~tth, nod almighLy quick life Anti death too I'

. -FOR-

In New[ouodl&ud who send (until Slat Jal1j the lnraeat number of Woodill'a German &II:· log Powder (blue) Wrappera, 11 followa:


. e-tr.t.,,s fnr the H•wys to be lwu of Julls

M d I Awa"\rded 1 M uNs & Co, i"llubor Groce. e a S . · 1 F. W. GOLDER, lnvenWI', •

7 . - · - --. '"' ., •

1 Late oJ!ictr of.4. A . T . Co. S. S Minia,

l~t- rnc '' l C ruHU. J\_~ CnOlt IS not t:S - Olld rtCI'p'itllt of the Oqld Medal and pecaally ndnptcd for noy pnrttcnlnr, but every cla.u I Diploma fur modt u a t tl~ FUhtriu nt Vt!SStlls. from tho r;rcat f:a.<tcnl t~ the Uory. 1 Hzllibitio11 g·c, 1883.

2od-lt supersedes nil ot lol!rs. ns tl bns more . 1

~:~~~~~ r.powcr thnn any other twunty per ceut.l GULIIEU'S VHITOllL\ PA'l'ENT OIL BUU y 3rd-It cnoool be f <Jultr! hy co1bles over it or Award~ A Gold Medal at the Barcelona

ltrtpt by its owu . I Exhibition, 18:88, . . 4th-It&lorc.s in. oo~ - rourth t h<! ~oom on deck 1~ud now ust!~ by the Iorge Beet of ~alhDll, for­

or rail , on.ly prOJeCting nbout a ;ont frow lhe e1~n nnd b11nloog Vcuola out of tlut porr. H t"CSSel's sidu when s towed. hail given j::<Hter~o l anti.Caotioo, teatimouillll 001.11•

5th- It. cnn be lilt go Stock a 11d Flu~ from lhe ing io daily. rstl by means of 11 1 ambler. ~ o cock.biflioq, bi.'o'-boarcLI or iron on bv1o neceu:uy.

lith-lt cnooot pqs~ibly fonl the f ore- f oot or pn<'lt tho bow whilllt bcinlo! Becured.

ith - lt is e&&illr to cat nod ju/1 no d 1tow tl,l\n &o\· other anchor .

~th -The Flu Ito cnn be tnktn out nod rtplnctd 10 s. fe <V miuutes . Spare Fl ukes c&n be supplied. which ie of yrent advantage, by sending nwuber of Rite .

9tb-Thia Anchor up to Ovo ltonclred weight ca11 be thnroughly rtpaired by &ny ordinary black­l mith, wuereu the oomtuoo aoohor ia total/11 u~­lt" when once broken.

lOth. -The Stock of tho "VICTORIA AN­CHOR" ia leu than Ont.·half u lonsr &a the •lock or the common •oohor, &od if needed iu a 7surr~ oan be thrown o'\.er wilhortt 11tod;, and it will be found ju11t u avall&ble. No anchor of tho day ia ao euily cll.arul. l!f chai''·

N.B.-The VIOTUlll'A ANCHOR ia the only anchor of the dcly fit for genllerMn'• yacht• where hblding power combined with lightnu• and ncatnu• i.a the demand. t

TESTIMONIALS. The toilowiu~: tt'atimoniala are from (.;apt. HAW ·

KISS, of the bankioll rchooncr Eppie, and Copt I:J uosos. ()f the acho;,oer ~'tlina . both or Har­bor Grnce -

SIR -I hnve used the Victor!& Oil Bnoy t t.e paet aer~aoo whilat eogajred in tho Bank Fith· ery., and, durin~ tho very heavy atorme eur.oun. tered, hn\'e found it to be all lhnt ia rlealred and wbllt ia claimed for it -whether layinJC to or r.1nning. in huvy aea, or ridiog at anchor on the Banks--there ie perfect ufety 'while you have the Oit Buoy afloat. I would not now be wlt!l­out it ae any coat. You cannot eatlmate the aaving by the uae of t}le Oil Buoy.


I have u11ed the Patent Oil Buoy tbia eeuon on the Hanke ftnd o11n testify to ita uaefulneae, and would not care to be without lt, 11 It 9heu aaved my veaael wbilet riding at anchor.

ROltEllT l:lUDSON, Schooner Selir~r'.

ALd old Nat'ure'11 heart rejoicea, And the rivera lift their f()lcea,

And the eoundinl! aea , · And the monntaine old and ho•ry With their dia.:lema or jr\ory,

Shout, Lord, to '£bee-t


W .AB.P A'rll:. -

CHAPTER XX.-l(C6ntin~d.) A NJOl:I.T I~ PARIS.

Tl,is nnexpected goo-f fortune oomea:auont. r, Olll t.he llirople ren~~on that Mr. Bra::kett, \rt..-ing called upon Li~utenan~ Potter, has fonnd thAt. yqun~ ~entleman out, and is now killing a litt.'e ~ime be!o1 e calling ag~tin. It 111nkes the TextlO, howe~er, feel so oomfort­nhle, that, &ftar 1 esol ving Lo quietly wait and follow the 11ergeant out, 11nd then it he a~11in attemps to run 1\Way, le t daylight turough him he sinks intCI n chAir, and a waiter l,~:iug 1\l­re~tsiy 11t h ;s cl l,ow, ord~>ra1 a drink.

Brackett, interested in the llltllet-gi..J, luus not obser\•ed h~w t.bA ~ttuotion of hie dog lu~s once more betrayed him Lo his enetriy, and would prnuably be entirely def~ted, but. now the peculiar cuetoms of tho pia~ 1.:ome to the det.oct.ive's assistance, llnd 1g~tin ea1·e llim on this night in P~tris.

The entrance to this Temple of Thet~pill, Torp•iohore and '! nalia is free, but it is the laahit of every on~ enteriug ita open port11.l to order a c:irink, oigor, or something of the ~rt., the price whe•·eof vuri~ with tb~ location ot• the scat 1 he individual selepts. To tbose near the atage the cbtngo per drink is three franCJJ; ~tbout the ~centrA of t.iae bouse tue tuift' f~tlla to two francs, whileJn ) lf!Oj,J~ l~>ated modestly in the r~nlle price is only ono- fnsnc for 1l1e u.;.e liquar or oiJla•·· ~be vilcitor uppMent.J_v p.i,Y rol' l'dreabmenL!',

' bnt ' reitlly P"Y tor aeata,

• Who is your eon 1' inquirea hia lilltenor, ;.:etting serwu11, for Pottet·'tt in~icates th.st he Uleahs whut b~ anya.

• L icntellltn t Pott.e,. of the U. S. Navy.' • l know him,' return11 1\Ir. D eucsy, and,

hein~ ~ mun of Ration, knrries the old T ex11n through the crowd, nnt:l at the ent.rllnce pOJlR him into hill own Jld \'ate carriage, and get tins in heaitle him, tell11 hi11 oo&clunan: • Pre811 Club, like lightning I' Thon be taket~ a long look at Potter, and wi:.h a Stil'teptitioull w!Jiatle says : • So you're Miss Potter's lather'!'

' Yes; and I'm mighty gl11.d to meet yoQ ! T wus most de11puiring,' murmurs the Honot· .. abl 11 S1trupeon, .geziug at hill guide with ttfFec· tion.'

And gino he Khould be, for Providence has been kind til Mr. Potter ne last. He hu fallen in the hands of the man proLaLly btl8t fitted ' t o smovth his rol\d in Plll'itt for him, Le PrinC'- de Bcu:arat, a young Arue1·lc.u; gen· Llemlln, Oil whom nt tllis time the Oodtleu or Foc·turiH is amiliug, ao kindly that abe h~tli made hiru almost a millionaire by his winnings Rt this most d811JJe•·ate of ~ames. A num wbo b~z1Hdl'l tt million franca on tbe tnrn of ll card u & h~:1'0 on the Pllris.ian Boulevarta; twery· body knows him and ho knows a good m~tny of ~he everybody. He has hau dinner at the PresA Club thP. ln' ening before with Lieuten­ttnt Potter, ~tr.d is aware that gentlemlln bas lli11 roomt~ in tlutt building. .He .:pMka French like a ll llt.ive, and uudet· hitl'gnitLtnoe the CiU'•

rhage fli&l np ~he boulevart•, atnd pKuing the Operll ·~ouse, they al i~ht and enLer the mug· niticent Press Club, now blozing with light llnd jnst beginning to assume ita usual all­niStht. gayety and~ brilliancy.

Cluaperon!!d hy M1·. Dancey, the doora fly open to llr. P otter, who n•ight htt\'O knocked on them fore\'e t· un Ilia own account. And without. any of tbA dflll\ya and !ormalitiea tLat would, under ordinary oironm11tancea, hAve t•lcen plucn, t.hey ao up the (tl'and at.air-'~ue and ~ tlie Texan enters 'be baccarat room Thull vouohed for, the wait.ert b,w to· the ttt·ontul before him, nnd thourch bia wild Wtatern costume aeema in cut·ioue contrut to the brilliant evening Jr~88 that everr one alae wtmrs, Mr. P otter 11trides throuab tbu t•ooa., commented ur-on bttt not 1Jinde1eJ, and yells; 'HouKton, my hoy I 11t laat I'

Antl I,ie•Jtenant P ottflr1 -who; ia jnat about to ait down at. one o( the tablea, returning, 'Great beaveual Ja that yon clnd 1' t.hey fm• medil\telyseize each othcr'a ha'nda and nearly wrir.g off each othea·'• nrma.

·• Now Mr. P ottf..r """ taken. a ohAir in thtt mode•t !'etta· of the pl .. oe, ~tud Li¥ f\rat d, ink cnly costa him' one fume. But, partly to get. a better view of the perforruing ladiea, whose cbarma beann to .appe~tl to bia gallant Weat em heul't, and pa1 tly t_, keep a oloeer look·out. t.pon Br11ckeu., who h"" af11o mov~ bia a&&t appttrently to•I110tf' olo11ely i~tJPf>llt the allnre­menbl ot thA ato~;e be~tnc.i~ta,~theTexan hegina to mov~ about in " free 1lad • eaay way from one ono~oupiM chair ~ a~ot-11~1, . And now hilt dt\inki t>egin to rille 1U prac& 'in a ~anner that' u~ouiahea, irlita tei, llnd makes co mba· tivt' )fr. Potter, who ~· yei~ genarotuc, but doean'•lilre to be imposed npon as a fool and won~' be awin!tled ppr robbed.

Aw hia aecond walter. chflt'gee him two 'l'HB P401t~ I'ROX EGYPT. franca for . th·e eerne had whtiky' thAt a mo 'I've 'got lire •n<l death business with you, · ment. befote hRd coat him but ona, ·be begipa l11d,' whispers Potter . . to get augi'Y ; and when the third ineiat.l in an :Then ~OhiO this war I' aaye his 100. And impudent. and threatening way th~t whialcy Mr. Deucey auggeatirig a private room, the lute gorle 11p once more, and the tariff ia now two ~tors go into it, Hete tb11 old man U1ree francs per glaes, and would almo11~ use aaya: ' Ll\dy ilnnerle,t ...... wb~&t did yoa t.ele­foroe to collect it, Mr .• ?ottet· aatoniehe. the1 graph her abont f Oall du A.mlxultlde11r1. • Why.' retnrpa theyolll.IJ man, 'I arlived

-TLe lMdy singing upon t~~ , ttag~t •.toP. her at :PRria y•lterdcty, and h'AVinJf a packet to aon1 with a fearCulahrielr, c.lie orpb~h·a gina deliv~r to qer-' · Qne t!i~cordant bray •nd ia ~llent, t,h.- •peota· • f Wbat pa~k'eh ' llfu t)!at.f tora •ri•e in diamay, for t~lJfpnorable S.mp- • O"e that aqe Jlttd given y,oapg, Errol be .. aon baa CArried ' th6 waiter, .. bra~ny Alta· fore h.- wu woqoded. Ooe be, bad vr.otQie· ciAn, int.o the oe'o~re aiale of Lh' Mtahllah· td to return to her.' ment,"',rliere be oap'Jsave more rpom for the :• Ah l' Thi. ~ a &Jlort of pereept.loo from bnain-. andJa nterall.t wlpibJJ the ftoor wltb l llo~t,r, . . • ' ~ tbe unt"'iunate Frenoh-man;~whOM:voieeriaf!a , ' • I called at her hot.el here, and •he ,not np o•• tile tu~ul' in ph.eoa. •vpeal• of •si"" ~ing in ~own obtllin,ed her addawa at ROu. ~&,tel terrOr• • , 'f, ' lpsne and telegrapl!ed ber'l woul~ go &.here in ~a' Potter here auddenlJ leave• hia •iotim person to- morrow to deliver it.. Sbe hi4

•d ·w6uld • bolt 1or tbe door ftim•eJr, for ~ed to vaiDA it ••rJ mach, and bad 10111h& Brfokot& h.. and ~iM&l him, and ~~~ over Alldall.Jt 'be ,Moor'• hoo_, for lt. Ia witll ,f' br. fane li ftyioaonc. Jrvpt.' he ~tin au. • • ~ ,

&o ....... • 'l'bat. paeket ooo&KJq~ fOill fatber'• •'••· ... -b T .b ........ priloll ~. r •• "" lha•

. .Alt~MJli __.. . .... - .,. • vii ., I rue r ,no. f~r in $q11Qpb, boa:noet'la' • 0 "it. lO Q1e I' ~ " ~

r.•~~-~J.O~~-~--~ •:t..oaD'•fre&GnaU~ea *ttba 11 J ·~~,.,.. ... , bll t.t.bll" II *or hit



to the 26 famlliea eaob sendinjl Wrap pera repreaeutiuganllt le11 nine lban J1.20. .

ONE to the 2~ families each ll)ndlojl Wrap­'pera repreeeotiog oot le• tahte tbaa 60 ceo a.

HUNDREJ) $25 to the 60 fatbi~iea eaob aendinjl Wrtp•

pera representing not l~:u value than so oeoll.

FAMILIES. 8' Your Grocer can aell you WOODILL'S

GKI:tMAN UA'KING POWDER, io ~par pack· agea, at G, 12 11nd 24 ceota.

Addr11u ordera to


W. M.' D. PEARMAN, Bali/az, N. ~.

NORTHERN Assurance Colnpany.

·----ESTABLISHED 1836.


INCOllE AND FQNDB (1887) : Fire Premium• .......................... £607,000 Life Premi~.. ...... ... .. ... ... .... .. 19'7,000 Interest... •• ... ..... ... ... ... ... . .. ..... ... 148,000 .Aoc:!umulated Fuuca ...... ............ £8,4JU,ooo

£he undersigned is ea. powered to effect in­llnrllnct>l on all kinde of Pt·cpe•ty in New• foundland llt ourrent .Rates of Premium.

The above Oompan1 ia well known for ita liberalitr and promptneae in aettliog lc.a.

Proepeotuaea, Forme of Applic&tiOD tor Fire Pool! Life Inauran~e, and all other lo· torwation oan be obtained at the oftJoe ot

A. 0. HAYWARD, • ST. Jou'a,

.dgent for Nno{O'&WllaM.. W. H. THOMPSON,

Sub-Ag~nt few HMlJor fhaw

Queen Insurance Company~ CAPITAL-£2, 0001060 Sterling





T\VENTY-NIN'lu ANNUAL ~EPOR~. 1 £be Reports an~ Accoont ll tor the year

1886, presented to the Sbarebolden "t th~ A..nnual lleeting, on Tharaday 6th May, 1887, ahowed in the "'

FIRE BRANOH, That the Premium• for 1886, after ded11~

tiag .Re·inauranoea, tmollnted tu t601,11d, and the LoHel to £8~8.~04 ·; or ISS. '16 per oon~ . , r


That ,New Policies bad b~D iauld tdr . £2~8,990, 1ielding in premium £9,9UJ. a.Sd ' ,that the to till nett. premium ioootoe wu .181~ 874. That the ip&ymenta t.o polto1-holM were ~•8,rn, and tbu the Llf'e fDDtl ~ inoreutid b7 UO,OOS. • i

Tbe Ba.lance u Ol'f!dl- of Pro& II elf ~ 1

tlfter adding £28,000 to the Fire ~'wad, ,.. 1bown to amo110' to £18,,198 10. H, aod wai diapc:Md of u folloWI :- ' I • lllrt,OOD I 0-J)l~IUIAI.... !

10,10111 o·M4telto1•••n•• ._, _. 80,._ I 60Mdet.~ . I 1

:TaKWlfbB · alaon~tditad .. rdD•---· .... --'·'!'S·'

~11" ... 1&" 1-ald ., ,.. •••••• - - ... ~_'j~:M~~I) ' ""- ~-

~ilrUc f&.act~ ~~b l ~nd 1b~ al~b~;.PolioY to •o•Yftio ~ •• r- ap llt ~116 jUD~ Whb. tbe .. IQ11Vnoaa·

· ;....~ an e&A.,.;.~ .a G 8:J1Co tlllr

-AND--. oentiYe to 'tfOrkaYOO ~Del pi&J milobief' 001VCEPTJON 'B.t ·Y AI)YERTISBR.. 1\roundt DoNu7 JUD io the ooantry bOw J."~~tfJ~·iD~(f'!;J~~,a-.l~llal·

"~'" ...... ._ . • • ... ......... , ... better lhan doee Slr William, wa• the UOY·

,_ A,.,., ~ &.ni.,4:Ri~" on · . . -A ...aw be& ... a c.bOa. Q4 S.caiday moralitJ ViriouOOD ~- ' •• Cl•"-~II w.Pla),S a& c;.no..., oa •--~-- for ~ ._aura. lite lia • ~ e S.&CudaJ am .. _ • . peiUcla oal7 tile ,.,.._ e

................ ~~· ~ KSDA I.· J 0~~:. .. !~::" .. ..__ ernment hue &Obie•ecl wlall& · he oou1cl not ttm W" 11m W w pe1·har- aooompllah; that. "'-1· have taoecl a ~ m. n "ITB A I 'S 'ldAlm'BBTQ storm be wonld heei&a&e to encounter ; tb.t

.., they bue &uidfd t.be abip ot 11\alO tafely

A INSTR\JMENT. through a q~<* trying ordeal; and t.o da7 CAn · potnt laopelaUy to lbe fut.ure 1 Many wilf IIKJ, therefore, Lbat it. oomca with bad grace that, at. a\\cb a time, eo old a politician t~bouhJ seek, for, met-e ael6ah motive,, \.o rob the Government or well·earned laurel~ and aUempt to 0111t tl1oee who hue borne t.be l>runt of battle, and to r.eap their reward. H1111 an)"Otber preoedi.ng adminiatrA\iou !l~ complishec.l whut tlte pre118nt Go\·e.;ument llttve nttained 1 And the force that hll• done. so much d~riu~t thf' four shol"t · yeura of ita exit~tence nlan.the popular voice will fr~ly RtiJ, 00 UfeJy ttuated to WOrlc Ollt lbe beat intoreata or OUr people j that those who jii\VO

hitherto done so well should l;»e permitte<.l t.o wo:-k oitt their policy, wt.i9h promise<~ t.o make N owfouudland a coveted residence for

Tas politic>'l· U\.;;-;; tho w~ck has been Lbe iaaue by Sir Willillru Wh!teway of bia ))()litical Manifesto to the People of NPwfound· latnd. Those who M~o J'H!I&'osed the inatru. ment ~nuot ingenuously aay that· tht!y are plk•ed with it,or thtt~ it ieetr\!h ll oneui~Sd'.l· CIIJt.ll!d to crsnte 1\ fat YOr11l>le poJiticttJ impre811· ion on unbiaaaed mind11. It i11, in poin~ of fact, a document wo& thy of tho Rluttll leg~tl practi~ ti(\ner when he htts " batd cnuae in hand, and lncka evidence aud legnl proof to ·suatain his ca~~t>-ho Javit~hea 1\ht\Se on ~he OJl. }108ite party I Thlf fnct cannot but. be noticed thllt it uoes uot COOl mit ibselt Lo Any . thing of any momPnt; it iA wea&k unci wan Ling in ~••At qu"lity which 'OQfl w'ould nttLIII'Illly ex· )tect in 11 documtmt e~•oting frow the le.tder of a new politicnl ptuty.' )t. amounts, in fine, as one of our coutemJIOnniea nptly pula it, "LO nothinJt more •.han a feeble indictment of the policy of the preseut. Govoromtmt, which, in v ·t!w uf their recurd for the! lubt four yeus, apd the nu1uerou11 bene6ci"l mellKnreR they have carried into successf•JI operation, will aimply awukeu compusljionate smiles ttll rounu." •

uutivet. and foreigners. ...

As the political ·campaign now appears to ba,·e opened in :eal earnest, the following leader trom Monday's Mdroury anent the Mllnifeat.o will h'a vo more than ll· passing in­terest for onr l't'llder!! here and elliewhere :­sm WM · WfliTBWAY'S llltANIPBSTO·

Sir. William Wbitoway'a ·politicalmaolfeeto ap· pe"red, aimult.aueooaly, in the columna. or the 1'eltgram ao·d Colon &At, ou Saturday neoiog. ~\' •

There is onethiog which ia especially not.i<lfl'- have, of course. ~roaed it care.follf, and o~r aulo. l'lult is th~ utter tt l>sence of ~~.n reference opiuion ia tbat lt .. the moat harmlell political to whlltt.hn Go vernment hnsaccomnlis hed since oncnmeM we hue eter read. It mlgbt be ca!l-

• ,. ed a twio liat4!r of the unfortuoate maoift~~to it came into power. L t>t us b riefly f!Pe whKt. which Sir Will iam iuaed two years ago, aud

, tha t wna: lo!itP.IIcd in office "" "' time when which irrepaa'61y clamaged hi' political reput.~t· the socinl condition of tne country Wll8 ntOKt tioo. Of tile two we abould aay tb11t tile lateat cle plm"M ble, polit icnl 11nu Kectllri•m rotocnnr 11l bora is tbe feebler ' Tllat of 1887 hiUI a f11int inoat dividin~ t he people into t wo I10.'1lile vitAlity, aod diaco\"ered A certaiu amo••nt or in­CtiiDp'", eve a ythin~, io !net, in 11 ferm tsnt, the f11otile paeaioo, or rather \etoper That of 1~9 G ovemment hy it.R lltnt eA munlikc Actiou, in is totally .wanting io vital force. and muat be t he fa.:e of l r•emer.don~t tl iiDcnltics, aucceeded pronounced limp aod flaccid If the former fell • • . f111t and failed to produce tbe ali~eb\~"~ impr~l· 10 11llnym~ tho p aR.<i!OnA nf the peo plt>, nod aion 00 tbe ~ublio JDiod, we venture to pred1ct ~r,.thmlly bron~ht u bont tho hiiJ•PY cone li t ion tbal the present production will awakeu e\·en of }H:nce nnd ;::ood wil lthttt now, Wtsure ple1u.ed leu lutl' reat. and will be forl(otteo 11 aoon 1t1

to ttKy, prevails nil o \·c r the country. T he I read It.am.ounta, in fact, to ~otbiog ruore tbau Amalgtllna tiou o f '$6 us it 12 culled htl Vioo l a r~eble IUdlotment of the pohcy of. the preaent bt>tln t'Ot>c: PJ, the G·u~PrnnlPii\- ws!'l co~ fronted I Government. which, in view of their record f.or

• . . • . tht> l ~at four yean, .aud the cutoerooa benotlcud ~1th the ~~rt tloln con>~equcuct>~< o t a thsnsLt·ous me:.su rl!a they bave carried iuto auccu .. ful op · h .. l,PI"Y. I hon~n nols ot peop le all over the '""ticn . will •imply awaL:en oomp11uioo111.e amilu~ connt1·y Wf'r~ d(•sti t ule nnd tht·f'ntenf'd \vith :\11 round ~· a mauer of coaue. ·a poliliC41 st.un uti on ; many of t he mercantile est.abli11h· t.:nder i~Ioorea all tho I(Ood deeda of bia oppon­m r n tH hntl perforce to cnrt lli l or were obliged t ole, no c1 eodea•oun to make if. appur \httt to 11l togt:t hcr rl!fnRc witllt:l" !lllJiplie~ to theil' thuy have hroul(h& the country to the ver..:e of .1 1 d f II r uin, Bud th:lt be ia the ouly mao who ono avert ue:tll' lfl ; t •e t n1 t: o thu country wua w"' 1 1. 1 t h ..,. \\' ll'l 0 lytollo~a k

· · d " . t 10 1011 c4taa rop e ~•r 1 11n u ~ · nown to he 111 not so RW~le 11 . cun ~uon. u.,. • t h P b~Meu trnck ; but. unfortunately for hi1u , tbe

l.ere.tofort-, on? )lP~hu 1 ·s tl(•rao u H h n11ncud d 1ffi - cvirlcnce totnlly fni t11 to auataio the iudiotrnont cuh te.o~ Wf'ro llllllllr.ent. H ow th ti G overn . .wol tha couutry ~~till rctoro a triumpha11t \'e r­ment cnme to t ho rescue, •1nd s uccPeJed in 1e - d;ct or 11cquitnl The people are well aw11re 1b1U storing stability ttnd I if., to o n r comrucrcinl i n- no pre~iou~ Go\"ernment et~r hall 1uoh "record Rtit u tions; ho w the trnriO of t he couotrv, tot• of aubttta ottal gooclltcoomphrhed .u th~ot which

· · 1 · · · d~ 110~ :111k11 for a renewal of pobho oou6douce; l tlrm g n ne er tile hlow 1t.. hnd rct:el \"C , wns 1 . t 1 I'd f ta Si W' IJ1·1111·1 -eak . . . '"" t)!niOB t aeae ao 1 ao r • 1 ~ )11 6\"Cntt>•l from " 1·u1n?1~ !1 fili i, ~~ncl CUITit:d 1n alle~:&tloos, which ban uot nen tbe ring of ai0 •

AAfeLy ovt>r 11 mo~<t c r lt iCJd pertod ; how the ccrhy. will fall back like a wan . from the roclt peoi' Je we1 e tiJ,.d ove•· the wors t of t!Jat. un~ For tbe Jut forfr yeon t:iir William haa been iu lut~py ti111t>, a nd Kttvell, IUKDY nf t he m, from the poaitloo of "A Monarch Retired from Butl · hCt uul lnmioo by t.J.e proru pc inception u•••l " ' ••" !.ike mo.1t diaorowed ntooaroha, he b~• vinor0\11 vro.~ecu tion of vnlullhle pn h lio wor~· . , ....... t ··· tleu, d..oouteDkd and oohavpJ iu hla

,...d 1 b "ld ' f b PI · .ft ·1 ~:ulvi ~Jts.J political retirement. andhU'bavn ep~:ud · An t .le . lll m g .o t . u ~cen~IK Hl way j - iull hia lelaore lime in plouio~t tbe o•ertbrow of "H 1h111 lfl fre1h 1n thu nnn<.l11 of our people. tho•• wbo dieplaced bhn and ooncootloll llttle To "d<l ~o ita ltiureiA, t.be Go vernment haa in- 1ohemea for the r.oo•ery 'of hla crown Wtt nre t.roduced 11nd 1!1\rried t hrongb the House a uoable ~o ooo(Zratillate him ou tbt lloe of aotlon meuRurtl proTiding for the conatrnotion of the be adopted It waa ob~~r11oler11ed hJ polhionl line of railway to Hall's Blly on a basis which 1pleeo aod pualoo rathar tboA that cluar:,l>e&ded Je."ve11 no r~m for doubt t hat it will be un- aogacityaod •· anqentandlna or tbellmea w!Jlah

, . we loolt for In a ~eader b aeema u tbou¥h po· taken •t ~n • ~nd pu.sne~ to complet~oo. . A litical mlafortunu bad olooded bla uoderttandlnll work wlncb wdl dunng 11.8 construct too gt ve Frlenda and foea wt~re alike aatooiahed by tbe a large awount of e mployment to our 11urplua w1Jdldom and lack of dlaoeromeot which he dia. popullltion not. Pngrtgt!d in the fishery ; stimu· covered; sod pobllo oooftdenoa tr&l sartooc~lr Jute t:very brtnoh of indo1try; import 110 ad· ahahD People felt tbat hla formsr .prutige ""' .ti~iooal i_~pt~t.us to tl'lldc ; increiUie t.he revenutt aon&t ; cha& wh•te••• be may hue been •' the of the country . open up tbe fe rtile land• of bead of a partr a~~d supported by aagaoloua oo-

• 1 wurkere. wheo.lu rataremeqa, wladom 1eemed to Lll.e tot.crior i . afford ac;ellll to our \·.alurtble havot departed frolu , b\m Hlt pame, It •u fotlt, mtneral and timber rewons; aod winch, he· • a• 00 lool(~:r .. Qno' to ooujure tl~b'' We clo aiut11 doin'lt jus tice to tho ril(hlful clatima of uot exoggt rate aor mlarepruent We hHu oulf the northe rn cliatricta to the beoo6LII of rail . to poiut to hia utibKJ'PJ mulfuto of 1881, hi• w11y conatrucLion, will tenet to the permfloent llc~ot of acllou who~11 ~oofedo~Uon wu bron~tbt to proaperity of tha wbole oountr~all tbia tbe trout by Cau•ulaeiDYitaCiou to aeaollate, and, forma ... titLi R clollft to a 'well ·ll lt t erm of abov" aiJ , to bi11 .lufaL~ated oooduet IU oouuaotloo

, ~~tilh thu Uoun1at& eleotloo Ae a oonMqueuoe. o~ce. Tlte overuine~' 1!1\n auured.ly then li1a aupportera wjtbdrew, aurl bla r-rtr waat11d g1.ve " lilood acco t ol ltl Rt.e.wardlclnp, uod, :iWily, uti ooly .&(e11ra &od and Murphy, in the we tbinlc, mt>oyfA the geuerttl election with late Uooae of .A••mbiT. h-J,d up bla baooer eve ry oontrcleuce o .ucceea. Mooarolrt" wbo rttlre froDJ b~J•ln ... •err ~re-

1 ly reco•er tbalr crowD aad robM. •~cJ they are [b oommcn wit t>oll well-wisher• of t.he Jl'ite'r trheo lheJ deYOte tbe¢Hivea l4 Prirlate

h I ~ · Wil oojoymenta aod let others rule ln pollcloal irJ, ~ontry, ret •• uo . t Jilt ~lr - 1' o.anJiianally happen• tba' a leader who baa bam feeh1 called n ~o 1et btcnself 1n battle retired from tf.e polltloal areoa ahoaathtr, oaoe amy •aainat c.he preaent adminiatrar.ion. more re·eo.,.ral~ with auoo... ·• Out of •lgbt oot Wbai eolid1 luting good tO the peOJ)Ie ia, htt of miDd'' 11. b$)•~'"· tbe genaral . raleln polltloa ae uk, to ,..alt trom tbi., we humbly aobmiE, Name a~d me«J?OrJ are aoo11 obllte ... ~l Oor ~achi8ed aotion t Wtll it not, for ooe thing, opSnlou llt &IJa' t;Jr W~IJ•m will reaHae tbe truth. Jeaad perb&na to tbe ,...i~Mtioo llt ,1}8 ooroing of thla .tn bla O"IJ ef~nepPJ We bel~u• he · r- .,--" ' would.bn~.•~*' ,ao,. y..,.ft ~t4 be rel(&rdtd elf'CllOD, or .nlu~ble m•Mud tbe aobetltytio~ hi• polhiGftl ca,.., .. olotecl. ,h_.., hJJ ~"T.dll· therefor of inlenur nnea t DOt'l not ~be oolony a6lud 1od amaliaaatttd whb •pot)J,- H~ he aL die preeent iml'O~t. epooo ill l1er biatory ~D retired bonourably OQ IIIJ J•IJrelf, wflp~ b, need aU Iter f~ co unite fo' the IIOOOm· aooepltd t~e '"ernuoo of &be Clhi•I.JqadAMitip. ol~t of t.be oDe common porpoae-t-ha' All bl• tHeuda, aod •• were WODit tbtcn, ~rgqld 1e the iDlt.iation of meuuree Jookina to awl h••• reprdtd tbe ur&~~pllltlll wlth aatlltaa•lo•.

· b of he ~ ~tad bla reoord woold li&q ~ •DOlt lllarb" providbif for •,be growt • ' ~uotry, • u11.," ta doea to·da7 Hla work .,.. dOGe but be Deeftlblil oi AD \JloreuaDI pnpolatloo, &ad •opl4 poo betlne tbla He bU beeca ial.flna .... _,.. "' )lome ~· lua- number or,... from m. Mlltaaal· f•Ytr .. ., ..... .. •• do ~.... tJl ·onr people who .,. DOmpellecJ ao ooa bel len,.. to t.arel•

.p Jb Ot.ber laDdi "ub tbe l•· at.teo-bor lba~ lailid 16 tand JA euitable Wei oa .uir pon IOi1 t

.... prowtd .10 ...... lOll ., '" .. r-llltr • • ' ·---- 1 coaelatlu of ... cfi'riea' oallt. 1\e "JiMg -·n.. aollooMr ~l.t, Oapt· BJtD of A,..,., IMI&ed a&· Jacn..a f'oa4, HcuaUa~n llaor•.

.Spaniard'• &7. ·~ •• C).uWMiear yee&uda7 for t.A &turda~weet. •d left lD &M •~Jb( for bal& Hhe 'ad ltaO qtla of .. dbe belo111• &o ... , Baoka· ... ~ u ... , •la..._ ...-.,--.a ucbor-Mr Hud 'of Uul.Or Bo.-eu I ... - ..... ._ ..... -

pOIIoy -..lr •1 11 \bl rtOtD&If . Uii ao' r.d t~ . DO

r.leclsee · ~By ·bt~ or aiL~: olD lit bl•d-DI We ar:t of opllildi tW ·ooaialrJ will hue oo doabt.a ~ '&l• afaoitk7 of ~ the Goveroraea~'• ntlnu~ ~POJ · '

• We aball line if!'iu' lartber obttrn*o• to make1oo tbf• ••k aOd iplfi'l- maDlf•&o wblch will oertaloly noi .. , &lio ~ODO"J io a blue Ra­tbe"r we ahoqld •r. lf }here ~110- an OoQ~­Lioo, it "'?·utd ~ ~~J>&"·.of_ a "'' ~la~~ko'

t·c;oll TDC tlA~;o:tJ'r;o. n~~~~n~] •' . o.nBC>li~~idBio"T :DBTiitG: . ' , ........... ~ , ., .. ~, The annuaLmeetlpg ot,U&t Carbonear.Diatriot

waa held io the.,ietbodla' Cburoh. tlo.r&'e Coo­teo\, on l'ueaday aftarnoott1 l&la io•t .. ll••• Joltu (hodi1oo, Chairman of Dietric&, preeldio~r. Af· ter tbe uaual :ietotiouill ueroir~~t, tbe meatlng proctoeded to elec' b7 ba.llot.ita. vatloaa · otl\eera. Res.. J. W. Vicker~ w .. eleotd Diatric~ ~or4· t.ary, Re~a. E. Ta,tor and H. ~ott, Aui.tant St:cret&rie•. aod Ru . .A. IJI.II, ,Joaroal Seoretary. b waa decided &h•& the ••lone 1hoold b" beld u followa: Morning 1011lon from 9 SO to 12.RO. afterooon aeaion from 110 to ~.SO 'fba roll waa called aod the bretbreo preeent ao1wered to their namu. h wu e matter for de•ous th:lok· falueq that the raw of the miuiatry bad been uobrokeo b7 dea!h. 4t 7.SO a good ooni(Nga. 'tioo alteuded the polpor~e meetiOIC·•hiob w111 intereatlog aDd profltatile. lln. J. Goodiaoo presided, and' npr~&oe .pleaaare be ffl& io meeting hla.former 'NfJ\fetrlllUoo and ,ble a~roug •ympatby fa.r. Colpor~~·,,..ork. Tilt followiuK were the apeelu1re ac.d .to_ptot, 1poken • to: u., .. H Soot~Colpor"'II~·Enatteliata; Rev .J. \V .. Viohrs-lJoolteMft.ablo for Colportaace work ; Key, \V,. Keodell-"l'j,le elalw• of Colportltife work oti the Ch,u~ob. 1 ~ A ootleotiou wna made at the oloae ln aid . of. the .Golporl~ wor". ·

Oo Wed0Mda7 ftoanolal baaioeu occupied the ••tentioo of &be memberil of tbe Dl1tric~. The following 1"' flpreae~tadYII from tbe various cirouill were pr~ah .M111rs J 1 A Robiuton (Carbonsar), E H. Parsooa (r'reabwater). t<;. l:)omerville (W eatera Hay). 1111d lt A l'eooey,,J.P, (Heart's Coo tent). A ~Qeetlna on btthalf of. th~ l:)aeteoauoo' Fuod waa belo.t at Dillht. Rn. J Goodiioo pNaided. Slir1"1111C iaddreuca we,a de. livered bylleu J Hlll,cJ Pratt auJ J Piooook .

TburscJay wu ~chlefll occupied with th' coo. 1lde1ation of tiuaiiolal buliiieia, thtt eleclldn .of metnbera fot the Confl!'reoce Committeea. aod tho jlranta rccoromeodod t1i nrioa1 echoola from the lStt•fouutilaud Uay Schqol &ciety. A Bollp.­Metttiol( waa held a\~o1aeht. -.~en addrn!M!e were delitercd hf RtY J =GOu~iiou ((;h.tirmao), lln-. T ~ Jl\u.ea, J Wilioci'•ud A Hill. · .

On ~·riday moruiuar.\he faa~ day of tho UiaLriot. thtt Cbolirmo\D ftt the COmmeDOe&llOOt of tbe .prO• ceedlu~l Ullde toualiiute tfllfrreuce to rhe death of c-.o tne•ubere of tli'r C'oorerence. which had oncurred &JuriU'IC tbo J'ur.:-ltev J' Fox aud the IJou () R Ayre. h ~ mo,ed ""'t Rev'T 1J JaiDH prep•re a auita6fe wiuate to be eutered in the Diatrlot M1uuiea. " l~ev J ~loorw,' who hu buc laboriDg with oiaoh IUCCOII at Brltauuill Cove during tbe peat jeer. o&a~ed a blwhly •tia. f.otory oral examlua,ion unden!le Chairmao~d il wu htt..rtily llod uu .. uiiooaalr reOOI'DIQCfPded that be be: re.cei•ed ·a.~·.~r~~t'iooer of ooa JOar'• etaoclinll. ?· ·I'·

Tbe District olot'!U at 8 p m .• ··~ a Yote. of thauka to the frien•l• et lle"r''• Con teo& for their I[Ooeroaa boapltall.tilal ebte.rt.aloln~r tbe bre~bten; al1o to tlle ohalr:nao and attOretarlea ''fbe Mlt1ote1 wt're· tlleQ al~tued, aud tbe members ttlaperaed to their .A.,i.oqa t)o~ll. &ls:hlj ~tlft•d ac the aao­Otlll or thi11 tlttt Jlr•' l)iuripl ~patina bttld at llearf• co .. ttllt . .._ . !

By Telegraph, ) \ . . \.·


H4t.tf"4ll, Jqne V~-:.-l.P tile Qrhl•b Ro~ate of Co1ut.Uona \he ootloD of •• blt,..tloq to ••old niotiona•lu lrol11nd. wu r.Jtoted.

l'he ~bab of Pwnde bu ~rrlua •• 4nt•erp. Tht wife of o&·!.-'flldtD'- Q&JII . baa be eo

atrlolt•n wiLb apoRI.J•fr. .. , .. · 'l'lfo orolonea we.r•~werle~ced lo one day, In

AI~DJ. MarJia.ud.. 4 · fe,..petiODI ware klll11d ·aud many bullc:4l!·ll~ ~~'WI-t · · ·

A lariC" t.-tiatire of ~\'hat. taken·p1'oe LD·M6n­treal rnr oudervalaaUoo.bf>OOitOmerl of the Vao-!JUIO .Q:I CompanJ.·. , ' . ;

4 d4111lillf!~ ~f .f.~dfle Tuobertao aud oleoe of O•rdin~tl T"P4~r••IJ -If•• eloped with a yonlll( le"Jillal! oJerk. TlfiiT€•11r, qJttrrl~!J.In ~h• KpJ•· cop•l Cburob. . :.

- Paren&, the Olr.<taahler ol tbe e.ahaosre a.~. baa bad hl1 term ot itQ.p'riloomat~& reduaed from ftve t.o three reara. U. •Ill be Ubenc.e~ Ia lkp· tember oex,. .

Jon 26.-A Peaoe Oootfr•• bu been op41oed lu Parla · . · t • . ' 'J,;It, r9J?• llaaarao1td the Arohblahop of Chi· •14~ ~au~orJtr tq -.~~e tbt mo1t eppor&uoe IDeA•

aure• to de~l'rJ ~~~~ CI41JJJ• "aoll~ qppq"tJ~~ to tbe Oburoh. ., • . . . ·

DIJbaan, &bt.defallhlol.oMblef of abe Jllatlonal Park. Haok will be ea\iacU.&ed~ trle.d ud .... c.eao. ed iD New ro .. t r.o ,a,,. ,~~··Q prteoo, •

lJarhP, lbt o•tr iiaator of $l. Jobo, Ia daDitr• oollt Ill. • • ·

'l'brtt baDCJred &ottudera are oo Ut•• ••1 &o O.oada. , , 'f , 1 . ,

' . j8-~!tr&J ~tiJID.lOYHI reoea• d-er, ....... aan,ll. '1#9!• O!>quohted &rial • •

··Qcl... .... .......


-SAD ACCIDDT.-Two meo, oo• amtd a,ct. dy from Red Jllftlld. a~~d &be other l'fler Ridout of g._ Joba'a were: drowDed a' &be ••Cay•i•yea­terdar week. • 'l'betr dory apae' io a beaYJ HL 'l'be men were' tryiog to r~aob tbelr oraf\ from tnwl1.

--:-"7-- Tueaday nest 1.a the day ad•erta.ed.. for &he

iaillnlf. nf the Labrador MaU Hteamer Tbe Leopard 1a. we belle•e. tbe ..... t • blob will be

ployed in 'be eenioe, and of which" Cap& A will be tb.e. oommaocl,~r ·

' ..... , • t ~ • •

~Dr Forbee, of Booultta, IJaa,beeo appointed ,Mc4iclll Attendan.& to the. people, alon~r tbe Lalfrador ooaat durio.ll the aummH . He leue1 by the S S uopord-Mercury

- MF.TRODIIT CONFERBNO&-Tbe Ne~foood­land Coo(csreullo of the Melhodlat <Church met in Aounal Sell><h u 11L Carbooear to day at 9 SO " to The <.; .... r.· reoce l'rayer meeting w&. held from h•lf · p ult l!letoo to ~at f. put twelve o'clock Tb11 Suetantation Fund Commlttoe wlll

t "' S o'cloo~. aod the Stat!oolng Co'D~Qit­t~• at 4 o'clock on Toeaday ned · Wel'lball eudenor to Jar before . our readeu tbe pro­ceed in&~ of tbe Coufel'eooe

Toe .Shore Fiahezy, t:odflah I• reporhrd by the ftahermao io tbia

locality to be .IC<lJ'CO On t!Je ftrtt comlog of t he caplio 4bere wae a ~oqd. afao, bu& alooe tba& timo. there hu been b,u& a •m•ll qaaotlty takeo Caplin i1 ~n abanllaoce, aJ~d farmers aro boy. up large qoaotltiee fo.r oee for fertlll&in(l porpoae1 . A' Portugal <:oYe t!Jia day w"~ throe 1eioea h~uled SOO qtl• 61h-Tbomaa Rrao 160; 'l'bomaa HarterrlOO ; Leary 60.

A Trepaue.y deapatcb aaya that fiah aod b11it are plentiful; 'fOOd worlc was anticipated at the .Oape, •.nd tbere are enooaragioa report.a from the wutero ahoro. ,

Newe from Klog'a Cove eaya tbat 1 perfect llale of wiod ••ept along tbe shore there oo Fri­day. and nothinjf WN oonaequeutly dooe wltb the ftah br aoy one. Oo Saturday the beet vap bailed for t,reoty qaiutall. Otbera bad oot more than ftve each. tiook·aod-lioe· meu report for balf a ,quinl41 to three q:llotal1. Caplill hue bf'eo pleotifal durioR tbe ~t week. The beok· ers are doiog poorlf, while 1the deaerters from the awe are nomeroua. Codftah wu nner kbown to be · ao aoaroe ill tbl• hay aa it Ia tlte preaea' aeuoo. Caplin ate' pleo&lfal bere oow an·d !Arae numbers of ve11el1 are baitloa. loe la •ca;ce at lilt dollnn per tou.

fiah aod bait are pleotifal at Cape St. ltlary'• 110d )(Cod .,ork ia .anticipated tbere. Eucourall­lntt reporta hue alao bt!en reoei•ed from tbe .western Shore

LAieat advice• (rom Ronewaapeak deapoodioj( ly of the beadla•1d ftellery: Weatoro boat• are nni•iult homo after a l ilt wecka' abaeoce witllout •uy flab

-A NF.Wt'OUKOLAND£11 DIES IN ArntcA.-Wo ( Cnlnqi,.l) tnktl che follo~~t inlf olippln~: from a Purt EliJabeth (:5onth Africa) paoer of a rec11ot 11atc. The dec,aeed referred to wu a aoo of .Mr. J obn Forriatal. an olcl •ad ret•peotecl realc.lent of 1 hi• town. · 'l'bi>maa Forrll!al wu all tbroal(b the Znlo war, ~tnd wu oot far away from tbe a pot oil wh1oh 1he .Freoob Prine. wu tilled at ~he time nf the fRtl\1 evtnt ; In faoL, wu witb the lla&roh fl" rty who rliiCOfered tbe body r- ·

lttCHABIT£ FUKlBAL.-Oo Sundar. May ~th. the hrethn;:n of the Reohablte or1.1er io tbJa totrD aqernb:ed to pr~y tbelr laat tribute of reapeot to their l~t!l bro~~er T~~· Fo~rlatal, dec~aaetl . Mr. Yorrltt~tl waa iQ Je&rl q_r_ ~ll!l ~' tbe ti!Dft ol bl• rlettth, ~-t4 to~recJ lo tJarr•f_l (Jorte jq the Uaento ••r, •q'd •lt!J Ua~er'•tJoraelo Zololaod, beiRa P'II481JL ttt thfl ~Uitt 9f tl11t Plundl. lJntil rcoeutlr he •41 Ju ~· II'!!Plor of the l.folon llotttlflll J.lompttPJ· ~y. f'at~e' 81qton ooo­dqctocl t~• ••rvll)e •' t~e pue, afttr whlcb Uro. Hrlt~QIJ, C.ij. "e'l'frf4 t~f fqopAl Or4tJ9u of ~~fl Order,

-=..,.,..,. . .... Tnc fact t~at ont or tMrty~t•.o me~bera In

the'.Newfoun•ll•od. CeaJ!l•!ure. only ai& oppoaed the railway reaolatlooa tho•• tbat tile people of that colodr ho~ve maJe up their mlod1 to dnelop their natural reaoorcea Tht bill ptoYhle• for Dearly :J00 IUJlel of railway, &Od to OCCUpy \8D year• In oooatruotloo Jt l1 propoaed to borro~r the 1ooner. on tht oredlt of the volonr. the ~moqnt;tp be f2.260,000 at Sf per cent , to be '4~11n IIJ·4ii•C,!'•I""'~,'~Cbo~!q@':' to .th' regnire· Qlentl Q~.tb •<>it-' Tfte"'t111f'" pqr.s a IQffer qf the whole llat lbla JH'r, ao ' tbet, If foood dealr­able, teo~ fo( • pilntraot. tDay be ln.lted n•x' year ~ar&ber·-·f*'.,Pto.•ldea t~& tlie woo of oou­'ltrtlotiCJQ"a~all' Nmmon'oe aa lboo u .poialble ~hl1 year: ud a.._,J~~ltoif&)tl,.e po~'"a1reacl1 ·~ad. J.he ptOpoMd,"ltne will open up a 1plendld t..o& or coan&rJ-.tdll OfOII two ftae nl·

I•Jf. qooblnl.Dil tbe 0101~ fertile land of th' Ja. 8'114 .Rd tb~ IJIO'' e'te~a~•e' f'f!Jt fqr~ J& will. al~ "'-oee-. qJla,r'"41 traQt of IW(IIIJten,, "'" Ita "rratDQI •Ill be ht tbe qopper . miploar re~:lou. 'I'IJa• h will tit• a9 lmrneoae impetul tn fartDIDg. luO.bertac 1dd mlolot oa~qOi'be qa•tlooed, II lao' lc OP.t._~ op a oaw' fatue ,for ..c~e AOlODJ aad' Ja ·e~td to -cl•• oloeer ooaaeotloa wltb Oao­a44.-Ntlrl1 8~ 81Nld I

~ ~ .:. . -~t.ou or Two 01Aft l• · reported. i)rie

le the· qowa :~otle bukflla aoboolitr dt;eJia, P!PifiP"'i~· fi"bJa", ._cm~ttf_ co ~·•· wlllofJ ~yttoro q .... Q~· ... ,~ ~ J o'•'·~

l(a • ..,. •or~tiD•• 4 "dtoal f- P!'lfailed aJ time ...... ud 176 , ..... or ... CJt botrd.

to-41Yt llld. k DOW I 10181~ ...... I'M all • 1 ~tale Lob•• nportl 1111

..... w .. a oa de BMll · Ue lOt bl• faN 11"· W. of Cape. IMi.ud ... "'-ntar

ror W• -,ben lae .. , wltb tile

.a oa MoDdaJ afleiAOOD A r.rr quaad'f # of llah waa.Jakea Ia tl•e eYeDIDa Tbe following day waa a Monof OGt, aad ootblDI fODlcl~Mwdooe ~art of W edoteda7 waa fa.or•ble.• ~ &be fiall waa found so pleotifal lo fao& tba& &bert waa every poeaibilitr of a ~ood oatob ~o~ taken Thnnday, bowe .. r. r.rn•ed to be 'fe"1 ~tormy, aod tbe tcbooner be Dl moored 111 deep water, ebe bepD to dng Ur &DcbOr, aDd, d'ro•e from ller gear Aa ao:»D aa the weau..; mollarated, abe waa fouoji tO ban drifted 60 mllea, aod tbe 1torm wun~h tbat it wulmpoeaibla toattemp' to reoo•er &beloet aear Tbe IOIIoooer wu ooo­aequenUr headed for the land, aa.d ~~d here u we aid, on Honda) morolo~r. '£be n~~ul' of tblt ftlhing, which may bave beeD reoko'ed bn' oue dar'•· .waa 00 qtla. of flab. The neoe.ary au. obora, buoy1 &o., were aopplled OD J401J~aJ. aod yeaterd"t•he aook on board a freab aila.tply of Ice aod bai' (the old atock bein~r .ootlt to be ~sed), an•l Niled aplo tbia moriling for th• fiah· lug ~rounds. 'fhi1 ia an uufortunate mJ.eltolp for the achoouer. u her obancet for a cood trip of 81b were ~ood. One naael. Aie11ra. Alan Good. ridgo & "&u'• aobooner RoM May, C'apt. Tho1. Willlama ,waa o'n the Nme KfOUOda u tbe Fly.

• iJ1g A,rrow,' •nd waa doinl( • .ell. '·

TBll: L.I.TB GALE ·dirt not, wo are pleaaed to. eay, do dby aerloaa damage In tiJi•locallty with the ex'cepUobJofaome triftio~e Injury to feooea, &o

Bat the elrecta of the ~le were fel~ more ae· nrely to the \V eat•ard. h raged with creat tury at Cape ~t. Mary'a. D&Jrloa Lhe storm tbe bril(autlne C110rlu W OuUnR, belonging to Jobo Moon & Co., bound (rom No.rthpor,, Non. Sco­tia, to Harbor Grac~. lomber laden, wae dri•en aahore In Uolden lJay. For a Lime the crew were io rreat peril, bat bappily tbelr reeoae ... eff~:cted. 'fbtt veat'll ia a total wreck. T~e aale cau•ed ~reat deatrdcUoo ~ ftabln~r

~r•ar o\ Oateacon. fbree trape were swept away beside• a large number of 11\lmon oeta. One trap, belo"nJ:inll to Mr Martin aooct., be eatilDit· ed beinvortb over SSOO.

A aoboooer, the hay Q'lfcm, Capt. Rafuec drifted out of .droad Cove ; 1be arrlvctl aL St: J uhn·a no Saturday. Tbere were four of lbo crew on board at the• tilDe, She bad 160 fatbom1 of cable and 60 fatboma, of chain out. Wheu aho weot uJrift tbey had to out bo~b to ... ., her from ~oiog ou the land.

h Ia feart"d , too, that the llale waa felt oo tho li•oka Beaidea the iojurr 11111ained by \ b& IJarbor Grace 8 11okiost· •~hooo6r Flgi11g tJrr11w (rhe parllculara of wblch appear elaewhere) ...,0 learn tb11t tho eteaw er Portio, oo hor way 'Into 6t. :Joha' on Satnrday eveJ1inl(, pickett up a dl•·

·&bled eohoouer. abo'i t flvo mile• off tbe Narrowa. The ACbo,oner i• t~e Win'tte Li~v. belonalna to Meaer1.' Cluett & Co., of Grand Bank. 'She waa OD ber WIIJ tO tho bank• wben •. lo t.be breeze O( tbt oi"ht before, abe hat\ ber foremr.tltaod maio. maat·head Cl\rrle~ away. She it D\)t otber"i1e dam11ged, aod is now ooderjloiog repai~ Ql t~o Soutbeide prt mieea of 1ioo r(. ~oproe . . Par. ing the above eve~iulf, tberp ~ll ttlred St Johu'• auother ban~or, " flellora'm orl\rt, whlob waa crivpt, d by tho lou or hllr, m•io boom. ~~~0 and the other ao}looQer wer11 maklne tbelr way into tbe abou port wheo caol(bt fa the hurioaoe. Oo the ume olabt a Portaenuo banker!aot into St. ,Jobo'• from 'be ltabloll ~rrounda. hatloa IOM' her •tcorloa aear aod aaataJoed otber._.hlor ~Rh agee Ia \be heavy wiaterl7 pie of &tlt P~lt CWQ daya. ln the matter of ai•loa ~ ~AQ" ~aD' of her openulona ou t~~ ft•Pkt •• bow .. 'er, Lbla •ea­Hl le le11 fqrtuaace •!lao tnOI& of oor b.oktr1, Altboqell abe o••• &weot1·lbree dorf•, eoct ,m, ploya a ore" of twent)·"nn bao4Ro ~' b•' catch ia oolr 200 qobt!ala. ,Jlier m•a ~ w1•14 hand ·llpe.. ·

At Trepaaer •n~ l'ortqaal OP'f~_.fl• pit 4e, ·•t• oyed '-o tJ'IJ>t' rbe~pan, l:Jqorae, rtaciRif •oct altfa of ~ •o'"l were MilO t~ ~- CortJitr ~MT QQ Tbarect•r· ' :

T~er' fl ~~4 ,.~lpQr' ot)nen& toa& .a V~tr•euae boat le aaborw •~ qrao~h. &del tittrt a" eotert.alo• ed t~11t ~rrea• da~ace b41 btn.dooe fO &npeand aear. Nothlna baa been ltar~t &hert Jt& u to the elteot of tbe a•l• OQ tbe Bank.. • .

..Aootber 10bootter, tbe Oklo: Capt. A. M. Belo­bard'f, from LaHan, llrrit'ed at SL Jobo'• OD lt'rida7 aft~rooon from HalifaJt. £oond to Gnn~ Baok1. ! •porte on Thurada' oiah,, tf!trfn~ 4 heny aale, when abo111 teo ml!~• 40q~ qf P4PW Pine, lo•& a wau uam!:4 \fiJlle S.rtr· Ue ., .. ~ubod from the jlb~q~ •hll • ..torlleg the ftrtoa j1b. EnrJ poaf1bl• eWort· a!\der the olroDDJ• eLla Rei ·~ tuade Co ine hl111, tiot whboor nail. He wu oner eaeo or heard •ftea tlae aea ati~Jot blat, 0110eaaed waa about t•!loty.&wo J!ara· ot a~re, aod a natln of LaHavit 'l'be aoboooer aaetalued larae foeaea lo aaui· aod · cear, wblob .O..ie repllolba at St. John'• , • • ·