••p MMMi ESTABLISHED MAY, 1895 VOl7. XXH.-No. 11 MANASSAS, VA^ FRIDAY/AUGUST 4, 191G -»1.00 A Year in Advance WRITES OF OLD DUMFRIES Anniveraanr Brings to Light An InterMting Story of CdonuJ Dajr* in Virgink. ~R<4»»&eg An XJfOKuSir wm iT^mmmmm wr RAmEFiELD (R. VV. Herchtnt is the Ricbmood Virgioian) AW-AA^ ssrvleuy, liieiudiiju iliat of the holy communion, were held Sunday In the Eptscopal Church in the Colonial town of Dmufriea, to comnieinerate the 164th anniversary of church work in Prince William. This chureb- resta upon stones which formed a portion of the "foundation walls of tbe church built uppn the same site in 1752, and stands in the center of a church yard in which lie buried the ancestors of those who have risen to the highest pinnacle of fame in the affairs of Vir^rinia, church and state. In this silent, ancient city of the dead and within the shadow of the former sacred edifice in il Washington oft^i. Again.j::H^ JOURNAL calls at- tention to an ironclad rule which must obtain in a newspaper cffice^_ Unsigned commiinicettiona can- not be used. Simple news matter is used in THE JOURNAL without t>ie si^na- tare of the _3eiidfiL but it is ahao- lutely necessary that THE JOUR- NAL shall-know the source of its information. worshipped, were laid to rest the anc€aBltor8~ of~ the VanderbiltsT Upon one of the moss covered tfrn'^ft""*" «'• •''•"in'twiH thn name. of Richard Dunbp, Greek proces- sor, ofJGlasgow, Scotland, who died December 21, 1739r~at the - age- of -eigbtf-tw^-yearsj and t© whom, no doubt, the ancestry of the nnnlmagJLBicbmgBjLmay be traced, llie town of Dumfries is situ- ated at the head of Quantico Greek, in Prince Win&m <foun£y, and is replete A^th landmuiiB and buildiags of Colonial days. It enjoys the distincticm of beiQg the firet incorporated to'iyi in Vinrinia. It waa- one - ^ :iie THE JOURNAL counts its readers TubercuioMs AasociatioD S—fa Bishop Hendriz, Dr. Gouchor To Rdieve Congestion at and Other Distinguished —'Cat&wba. ' r^ ' Guests'Expecteii. Duntfrie. TeacE^ App«nteJ i j ; ^ ^(JR|£jg^|Jf JfgJjQJl The school term for Dumfries district will begin September 4. t«aeb«FS were ap- Two temporary shacks to pro- The Methodist jubilee, jnclud- vide for twentyfeur pationta at ing a picnic- andr -pointed at a meeting of the dis trict school board Saturday: Dumfries. Miss Ocie Green, the Catawba Sanatorium and given by Sudley church to its two thereby relieve to some extent distinguished guests, will be held the congestion due to the waiting Tuesday. The program is to be liat, which tg-ttew longer'than as followBi ^— ' ~ the total capacity of the sanator-; Bishop Eugene R. Hendrix, se- who show interest in tbe4)aperji?"' '^^ yesterday offered nior bishop of t h e Methodist by sending the news of their T^® management at Gatawba by Episcopal Church. South, will ar community the boot sort of read- era a paper can have. THE JOUR- NAL likes to get communications from its readers, but please bear in mind that a communication of any nature must bear your sig- nature. FLOODWARNINGTOSTATES State Forester Asserts That Roods are Due to Destruc- tion nf Timh#!r- The State Forester of Virginia asserts that the severity of the recent floods in wesiern Honh Carolina is directly due to the bor on the months, taught to care for them-1 wisn to attend, will leave Manas- selves and to protect others. It! sasior the Henry farm, to remain has been necessary to shorten for about an hour, reaching Sud- inountejnjid%Mimprop« m e t l ^ ^ g p»iod of stay, because of | It'y Chnrch in tinaa for the pub ods of lumbering and by forest fires, and that they should be taken~as a warning of what may happof at any time in Virginia. The extremely heavy r n i n a would oi course have caused high., water regartiless of the condition of the mountain aides, Imt the streams would have risen more slowly, and the highest stage, the "eroot" of the flood, which al. waya duwa the damage, wmrid nevar hava been reached if the the Virginia Anti-Tuberculoala rive f r o m Lvnchhnrg MnnHay Association. , evening. ReYx Dr.John F. Gnu- The buildings will be of tern- cher, president emeritus of Gou- porary construction and will be' cher College, with other distin- occupied by patients who would guishedBaltimoreans, is expected otherwise have to leaVe Catawba [to reach here at the same hour, at the expiration of their allotted { Tuesday morning these distin- stay. They are intended not guished visitors, accompanied by only to give more beds for those the jubilee committee, will visit clamoring to enter, but also to the jubilee tablet e r e c t e d by enable some cases to remain a Prince WiHiaro county on the little Icmger at the sanatorium. ! courthouse lawn, at Grant and ^•'.'Gatagba has always been used Lee avenues, in cornmemoi-ation OS an odueationol institution", of the Manassas national jubilee. pyincipal; Mrs. Nettle A. SpwiKe, asaistant; Quantico, Miss Ada Southworth; Minni6ville, Miss Maud Norman; Forest Hill^ Miss Ruby Payne; Thornton, Mrs. Emma Carter; Cherry Hill^ Miss Margaret Robinson; Quantico, (colored), T..D. Taliaferro. —No Brentsville Association H o l d s Convention Sunday at United (J. A. Seese, Secretary) The Brentsville District Sunday School Association held its annual convention Sundaiy in the tl. B. Church at Aden. The attend- aneo waa very good, the cwnmo' appoifitments have and been Cabin made for y^^eabaco Branch s c i i o o l s . Applications will be received up to September 4, by Dr. D. C^ Cline, Dumfries, Va., clerk of the Dumfries dis- trict school board. said Captain W. W. Baker, pres- j of peace, July 21, 1914, ident of the State Association, This party, augmented by any patienta^ara kept there a faw Itownapfiq[>Ip a"'^ v i a i t n r g o>Jia MONUMENT TO COL MOSBY Capt Beattie, Qose Friend of Confederate Chieftam, In- «ngur»te« Mavtitnnni~ Capt. Fontaine Beattie.of Alex- andria, has inangurated a move- In ord^ to enable cases to rCTnain a short time longer, we have .offered to build temporary shacks. "The preaenl Biluatiuu ia pili- fuK As edueatioh in the disease grows more '^despread, more patients naturally wish to have proper care. Oqly Richmondand Danville have locsd provisioiUl It ii aeceptad thai tut many bqt^ lie exercises at 11 a. m. The exercises will consist of ap- propnate songs and hymns by the choir, a jubilee prayer by Rev. George T. Tyler, of Fairfax coutt- house, and a welc(Hne on beh^f of S^dl<^ church, by its pastor, Bev. C. K. Millican. The Bsdtimore and Wariiingtpn E reas and the church papers will ave r^xtrters on hand. A num' bar of ^atomobitp loods,af jffnofe ington Mtctihodiata ar«rexpacte# ment to erect a suitable menu ment to Col. John S. Mosby, the famous Confederate! leader, ^ho died « few months ago dious house seating only about half the crowd. The schools were well represented, one only hav- ing no repreaentativa. Tba mooting was well uiluu- " lated to give one a greater vision of the possibilitieis of the Sunday school andtoarouse one to greater activity in the work. The principal speaker of the day was Mr. F. T. Israel, of Fairfax, an enthusiastic Sundaj^ school worker and a live talker. Mr. Israel discussed many phases of Sunday school work, placing special emphasis on organized rlassea for boys of the teen age. He pointed out that there is no, institution doing more for the making nf an Avwlt^ mnnhn^ It is expected that the shaft will be erected- in Col. Mosby's native county of Fauquier, proiv ably at- Warrehton where he is buried. Capt. "Beattie plana tgjuEmit the mattertothesurviviag "l^ds-' by'a men," whose number is es- timated at sixty or seventy scat- tered throoghqut thft country than the Sunday school. Illus- trating this point, he mentioned that the judge of a juvenile court in New Ywh city foond M.p<ii.twl t» to-o^ents in e^6e^ ing th«* pM'mnrial, that out of ^700 boy culprits that appeared before him not one was ai'^itilto.kttemkntatiJaD- day school. Dr. H. l L 3 e o p gave a vfry' helpful talk on teadier training. ur. Roop^ large experience as an educator gave his remarics apon this subject more than oil dinary wdgbt. He made it clear t^f* **'i>ffnryTffiff;ilji9iflhrr TWHStr^r- know at least three things: tiia Bible, thejupil md liia%Lya« teacliing. • , . Il__ \ 1 origjaai ports of entry and the " chief tetiaceo-mart of northera -^agtnia in the «pyeoteen<j»cep^- tory. In the latter part of that ^entiuy tii6 town boasted <^ a banknc inaljitotioni a theatire and^swBCnoa manaftrfadng in- dustries. soil on (he s t e ^ slopes had lieen ih-a condition^ iiIjeJD^ more-o7 the rainfall should t)e provided as there are annual dcatlis. Thio wogld givo ^9 practiia^y 4,000 beda in the State. We have only 300. Lo<^ lust be made before from Foundry M. K Church and uUier chUKh6s in the Uistnct ol fioiumbia. TargftrBpreaentationa Quantko Creek, a tributary of the Potomac, was, at this ptoiod, navigaUe^ feir ^vess^ aa^^fur np^ that e^^eam as Quantico Mills, one-half mile beyond ibe town of Dumfries, at which quantities of grain wore dis- FOItEST m e s FOLLOWED SY FLOOPa It i^ not necessarily a in«re co- ilteidwiw.Uiatlhe mualdestiucfr- ive forest fires in the histtny of Weatem North GaroJJna, in the we can have any real relief from the present very distreasing con- ditions. Demonstrfttion is tiie uiudein 'Method ef fccaehiBg^ are expected from Prin^William, Fairfax, I^ndnun and PJanqniBr counties. Prof. Arthur JL Henry derires to-hflve itfcnownt h ^ tli WARNS A€ABiSr TYPBOID Town Heaftb Officer I The organizatioh was effected with the following <^cers: Prelk- ssnes oitrance to the Henry Farm and his PTplanatinn of its hirtetie ICepwtotf- ident,' Rev. J. T. Fkjry; vice- preddent, Mr;E.V. Arnold; see- Mf. J. A. sakl Captun Bakery "if we can I»<i&ve^ dtat 24 beds-wiU spring of 1916, were followed ^ tri^tng relief, the eominunitioa charged aieAfl<iurJIttBdedfor ex- "porffanade: Tlierp i>!til} rfm*m, int«<»t, portioM of the fflnndatimi the most destructive floods, in nfiaie. Onesinfi^- forest fire in the smring of 1916, OR Kaek Meimtaitt «»4 innfee smToiinding eonntry, in McDoW' ell< Buncombe and Yancqr coon- must do their own arithmetic' connections will, be rednced to twenty-five cents ^or the occa- Hhm. Tti€6omnattee dearer to add. Ever utei, "Btr.'J: Seeu: tr@s=~ B. HuuUiL your dinner. NO IMMtE TOTAL ( » ^ {aUNOL RECALL PERMIT Town AatiMititles PHwmia New waiils of tKe^«li] mST thar con- verted golden grain, frosa the fertile fields of Virginia, into floor for the^Engiish market The stream whidi bore Jaise vaasds witii foil sails to the brees^ to Ihia mill is new inadequate far tieai N. C , is r^twtei to ^ v e boriMd over half a million acres and done between half a miSiea uid a million dcfllars' wrath of; damage to timber, young growth, turn houses, ete. That is the ii»yii>n where the flood damage Valves to nrevvBt Ineenvaa; Nn Anfiairity far BniMing 9m. (By Dr. W. F. llerehsiiVTown H«altfa JEseBest itidications show^ this to be a "typhoid year." In some of theViiginia cities there were repeated in July about double the number of cases reported in July, lifib. While we have hot had a ease reported iu Manassas sincg Departmental superintendent^ —adult depaffiaenfT'lKTI. S. Hoon; seoondairy deportment, Mr. W. R. Hooker; primary depart- ment. Miss Plo^ice C^vin; home department, Mr. D. E. Earhart; teadier traJmng. Miss DeiMBe Bollinger. Visiting committee—Kev. JT r«nd anternnof 1 9 K l w . Brill and^ Messrs. N. E. Gar- thCTe are still a number of wells I berimtt"W:B. Kerlin. the navigation -boat of a nnall row was most severe, The removal of the,timber in It waaiat the store of Sichaid ^ ordinary way, where all trees Dank»p, in the t^-m ^ nnmfri^a |are^ eat, exposM the s o f l ^ hght where General George Washing- pB/ft, pqrt>hgff^!^ |he mafawjaljfor the suit of ?k>thittg he w(»« when presiding over the Cfnstitutional Conventioalin Philadelphia, and the day hnak of Mr, Thmlnp ahnwa The tosswatfa:aacplyjrascut oH Tuesday ani Wednesday while workmoi were huls-y installing two new valves, one of which will obviata the napeaaity of cutr ting off the «itire water sopply foa I'spAjis in the lower saotioai of the town. Tlie~ valves in the T^>e^jeguiar "meeting nf the town eonndl was. held Monday evening at the tows hall. Mayor Wagmer presiding. r- It appearing that thgre waa^>» and air, and heneie It beeomes hum leuytiie ol oieiBture.—Fereet wat^H tial "foartyards superfine Mack doth,, one-half dosen large and two dozen small leather-head ,buttonaJLf'lUf Bkei^oX nlk^ four rowF<gortrT«rd: e< buetoam >and—tfaFoe—deaen tlvead" eenafetatedthamBteriala tor this stdt whieh were par- diased ata «oatof 7 poonds 2dulling8. ^ g P H O P BROWW'S VISIT ^ The Rightl Reva«nd William [ J^^X .' Cabell Brown, biahop coadjotor fires almost invariably follow and in.^ dry slashinga arexery-hot and burn xtp the homra tn t^ soil and the ^ne roota. Tfaqre- after the soil can (mly absoroT small part of the rainfall that it otherwise eoold, and-floods, ero- sion and filling up of stream beds mfnij^ WHflT TAKE AgnON. It is not fair to Uarae the lum^ berto&A^ i«r cutting the timbtt gtnt that The lum- bermen are taxed on their hold- ings and must carry on their busi- ntima fiiwigr CMiditions as they find them. The poblie mast make it of the Diocese of V i r g i n i a , preached Tuesday evening at Trinity Episcopal Church, ad* ministering ^ . rite of confirma- tion to a class of five. The offer- tory was sung by Miss Mary Lee \ Chapman and Mrs. G. Rayin<»d i Ratehffe. I Bishop Brown conducted thej same services Sunday at Hay- market, Monday at Broad Run BOBsible for a mountain huxi- owuei tu iHutect hia young tim- ber from fl^ in whieh case many of them would practice forestry, and if not the public mu«k itself operate the jmountain forests as public f(H«sts. Relief from flood destruction cannot be secured in any other way. forty-six. ' Tbe siroi wiustle sounded early in the day on Tuesday and towna- pfnplf Pnr^toged the next fiftem Lynn Bobertaon for the ereetion about lof* frame and matal buUdiag on minutes to provide a temporary private weaaaTrair tot a aupply of water to last throughout theday. The trouble apparentiy was due to an oversight mrthe part of the engineer employed to act for the tttWB dmiag tha ^ystwn—The town watprw^tnwn treaaurar up to July IStwaa worica have been in operation for nearly two years, during whieh tima-two bwtaka have occurred in the lowerpllHi uf the UIWB, n^ ceesitaring in eaurhjose a com- plete cut-off of the town supoly. Ttinna K r — k a i>«m«» p t w - h a y *A notify the City Fathers of theer iw in the system whieh had no cut-off for tower Manasaa>, al- though providing tlutt trouble in any other quarter might be rem- edied without material iaeonven- ienee. ~ -The Virginia Rural Carriers' Association held its a.-.a Tu"e3day~nrorning~at Nokes-i thirteenth annual S^OTI last > week fn Danville. be away from Manassas much of L^tter^the time during t t » next i e w f weeks, returning each Sunday to keep his appointmenta at the Ma- nuBHair Baptist Gnureh. authority for the pennit granted by the building eommittec to B. ^oint of trouMe this year. To keep out t y p h ^ and the distress and losses incident there- to, HI persons between the ai of f.0 asd 4b Should sobject^them-' selves to the preventive treat- mgnt ThhuramBftBtwUhmtl- The eoIlec6«~:iinouicSBd" |6~ $10.4a The session was a very enjoy- able and helpful occasion. We of the district dtang a better grade of work than in the past Battle street the coundl ordered tnac tbe permit be reealled and' that Mr. Bobertiaon ^ netted tytite- sergeant to suspend forf ther operations until a meeting Of the tfoondl Wedneeday night. tyi^wid vaedne haa jpraetieany -banished typhoid fevei from both - IRke coundl was i^atn in sion Wednesday nii^t but no deeinon has been reached The repnt of the finance com- SE read, and on motioo adopted. A building permit was issued to Walter A. Robioasa.^ tor employment ai gineer was l»iH nn t>w> f hi> Tl»renortof fi«Hye L. Rosen- berger to the public utilities com- mittee was read and UJ.dei ed filwir fiuiL and n«yy lari if fo!? lowed witn the same thoroughness will banin it from eivii eommn- niti«r~-*' n MSOBS COOD i O A K of Northern Vir. FanaMr'aat conducted a summer health cam- paign last year in this county, has launched a similar campaign in Fauquier. The sanitary sor- '¥^'&B beeh^^BSvided and t&ree The mjiteummer meeting of the Natfaem Virginia Parmer's In^ J&^^Bsiit^mmiiMt a Pirlr«tt[»^i^°<^ ' ^ ** hdd-at-the court> house w Manassas on Saturday, August 12. The prindpd fea- tores Of tlHt iiiwitiug will be a- dhKUiudon~ "of good drtunage of land. The council received the ap- pHeatton of S. T. Weir and others for a concrete walk <m the East side of West street betweoMhe intersection of Lee avenue an^i ^ , ^ • ..u J- • __ T> , - ^. J ' aSDd •take part m the discussions. Portner avenue. Action was de-!!ir,_^ r^ . ^- , ^# Experta of the United States Departtoent of Agriculture and dtl^rs win addrasslOie instittto and we hope the fanners and others Mnterested will come out -Rev. Dr. H L. Quarles wiH J ^ - J ' ^ ' - ^ ^ — J I J — T ^ ^ « . cert«nly of mg. —The residence of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hombaker, on West street has be«i freshly punted. interest to all Don't miss the roeetingi which ^wilT be c«lt«i to order at eleven o'clock. R e m e m b e r the date Saturday, Angoat 14. - CAJinacirKTAUQUffiR -Dr, R, W. G^nett of Cbar- lotteaville, field representative of the state board of health, who ^dmSftunltkaare p r u g i e a a i n g ^ simultaneously with tbe work. Dr. Garnett is planning to hdd a *H>etter health wedcT about Sep- temhac-L— Dr. Ennion G. Williams, sUte commissioner of h e a l t h , this wedi viaitiiU the euuoty. maklnf at scvori" Dr. Gamett's assistants are Mr. J. E. Enders, jr., of Berry- ville, Clarke county, who is sta- tioned at The Phuns; Mr. C. C. Kercheval, also of, Berryville, stationed at Markham, and Mr. T. T. Tinder, jr., of Orange county, stationed at Remington. —The picnic of the elementary department of the Manassas Bap- tist Sunday school will be r.eld Wednesday in Mr: R3tmd''3 grn- »>

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Page 1: WRITES OF OL DUMFRIED S wm iT^mmmmm w RAmEFiELrDeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...~R

• • p MMMi

ESTABLISHED MAY, 1895 VOl7. X X H . - N o . 11 MANASSAS, VA^ FRIDAY/AUGUST 4, 191G -»1.00 A Year in Advance

WRITES OF OLD DUMFRIES Anniveraanr Brings to Light An

InterMting Story of CdonuJ Dajr* in Virgink.

~R<4»»&eg An XJfOKuSir wm iT^mmmmm wr RAmEFiELD

(R. VV. Herchtnt is the Ricbmood Virgioian)

—AW-AA^ ssrvleuy, liieiudiiju iliat of the holy communion, were held Sunday In the Eptscopal Church in the Colonial town of Dmufriea, to comnieinerate the 164th anniversary of church work in Prince William.

This chureb- resta upon stones which formed a portion of the

"foundation walls of tbe church built uppn the same site in 1752, and stands in the center of a church yard in which lie buried the ancestors of those who have risen to the highest pinnacle of fame in the affairs of Vir rinia, church and state.

In this silent, ancient city of the dead and within the shadow of the former sacred edifice in

il Washington oft^i.

Again.j::H^ JOURNAL calls at­tention to an ironclad rule which must obtain in a newspaper cffice^_

Unsigned commiinicettiona can­not be used.

Simple news matter is used in THE JOURNAL without t>ie si^na-tare of the _3eiidfiL but it is ahao-lutely necessary that THE JOUR-NAL shall-know the source of its information.

worshipped, were laid to rest the anc€aBltor8~ of~ the VanderbiltsT Upon one of the moss covered t f rn '^ f t""*" «'• •''•"in'twiH thn name.

of Richard Dunbp, Greek proces­sor, ofJGlasgow, Scotland, who died December 21, 1739r~at the

- age- of -eigbtf-tw^-yearsj and t© whom, no doubt, the ancestry of the nnnlmagJLBicbmgBjLmay be traced,

llie town of Dumfries is situ­ated at the head of Quantico Greek, in Prince Win&m <foun£y, and is replete A th landmuiiB and buildiags of Colonial days. It enjoys the distincticm of beiQg the firet incorporated to'iyi in Vinrinia. It waa- one - ^ :iie

THE JOURNAL counts its readers

TubercuioMs AasociatioD S—fa Bishop Hendriz, Dr. Gouchor To Rdieve Congestion at and Other Distinguished

—'Cat&wba. ' r ^ ' Guests'Expecteii.

Duntfrie. T e a c E ^ App«nteJ i j ; ^ ^ ( J R | £ j g ^ | J f JfgJjQJl

The school term for Dumfries district will begin September 4.

t«aeb«FS were ap-

Two temporary shacks to pro- The Methodist jubilee, jnclud-vide for twentyfeur pationta at ing a picnic- andr

-pointed at a meeting of the dis trict school board Saturday:

Dumfries. Miss Ocie Green,

the Catawba Sanatorium and given by Sudley church to its two thereby relieve to some extent distinguished guests, will be held the congestion due to the waiting Tuesday. The program is to be liat, which tg-ttew longer'than as followBi ^— ' ~ the total capacity of the sanator-; Bishop Eugene R. Hendrix, se-

who show interest in tbe4)aperji?"' ' ^ ^ yesterday offered nior bishop of the Methodist by sending the news of their T ® management at Gatawba by Episcopal Church. South, will ar community the boot sort of read-era a paper can have. THE JOUR­NAL likes to get communications from its readers, but please bear in mind that a communication of any nature must bear your sig­nature.

FLOODWARNINGTOSTATES State Forester Asserts T h a t

Roods are Due to Destruc­tion nf Timh#!r-

The State Forester of Virginia asserts that the severity of the recent floods in wesiern Honh Carolina is directly due to the

bor on the

months, taught to care for them-1 wisn to attend, will leave Manas-selves and to protect others. It! sasior the Henry farm, to remain has been necessary to shorten for about an hour, reaching Sud-

inountejnjid%Mimprop« m e t l ^ ^ g p»iod of stay, because of | It'y Chnrch in tinaa for the pub ods of lumbering and by forest fires, and that they should be taken~as a warning of what may happof at any time in Virginia.

The extremely heavy rn ina would oi course have caused high., water regartiless of the condition of the mountain aides, Imt the streams would have risen more slowly, and the highest stage, the "eroot" of the flood, which al. waya duwa the damage, wmrid nevar hava been reached if the

the Virginia Anti-Tuberculoala rive f r o m Lvnchhnrg MnnHay Association. , evening. ReYx Dr.John F. Gnu-

The buildings will be of tern- cher, president emeritus of Gou-porary construction and will be' cher College, with other distin-occupied by patients who would guishedBaltimoreans, is expected otherwise have to leaVe Catawba [to reach here at the same hour, at the expiration of their allotted { Tuesday morning these distin-stay. They are intended not guished visitors, accompanied by only to give more beds for those the jubilee committee, will visit clamoring to enter, but also to the jubilee tablet e rec ted by enable some cases to remain a • Prince WiHiaro county on the little Icmger at the sanatorium. ! courthouse lawn, at Grant and

•'.'Gatagba has always been used Lee avenues, in cornmemoi-ation OS an odueationol institution", of the Manassas national jubilee.

pyincipal; Mrs. Nettle A. SpwiKe, asaistant; Quantico, Miss Ada Southworth; Minni6ville, Miss Maud Norman; Forest Hill Miss Ruby Payne; Thornton, Mrs. Emma Carter; Cherry Hill Miss Margaret Robinson; Quantico, (colored), T..D. Taliaferro. —No

Brentsville Association H o l d s Convention Sunday at United

(J. A . Seese, Secretary)

The Brentsville District Sunday School Association held its annual convention Sundaiy in the tl. B. Church at Aden. The attend-aneo waa very good, the cwnmo'

appoifitments have and

been Cabin made for y eabaco

Branch sci iools . Applications will be received up to September 4, by Dr. D. C Cline, Dumfries, Va., clerk of the Dumfries dis­trict school board.

said Captain W. W. Baker, pres- j of peace, July 21, 1914, ident of the State Association, This party, augmented by any

patienta^ara kept there a faw Itownapfiq[>Ip a"' v i a i t n r g o>Jia

MONUMENT TO COL MOSBY Capt Beattie, Qose Friend of

Confederate Chieftam, In-« n g u r » t e « Mavtitnnni~

Capt. Fontaine Beattie.of Alex-andria, has inangurated a move-

In ord^ to enable cases to rCTnain a short time longer, we have .offered to build temporary shacks.

"The preaenl Biluatiuu ia pili-fuK As edueatioh in the disease grows more '^despread, more patients naturally wish to have proper care. Oqly Richmondand Danville have locsd provisioiUl It ii aeceptad thai tut many bqt^

lie exercises at 11 a. m. The exercises will consist of ap-

propnate songs and hymns by the choir, a jubilee prayer by Rev. George T. Tyler, of Fairfax coutt-house, and a welc(Hne on beh^f of S^dl<^ church, by its pastor, Bev. C. K. Millican.

The Bsdtimore and Wariiingtpn

Ereas and the church papers will ave r^xtrters on hand. A num'

bar of atomobitp loods,af jffnofe ington Mtctihodiata ar«rexpacte#

ment to erect a suitable menu ment to Col. John S. Mosby, the famous Confederate! leader, ^ho died « few months ago

dious house seating only about half the crowd. The schools were well represented, one only hav-ing no repreaentativa.

Tba mooting was well uiluu- " lated to give one a greater vision of the possibilitieis of the Sunday school and to arouse one to greater activity in the work.

The principal speaker of the day was Mr. F. T. Israel, of Fairfax, an enthusiastic Sundaj school worker and a live talker. Mr. Israel discussed many phases of Sunday school work, placing special emphasis on organized rlassea for boys of the teen age. He pointed out that there is no, institution doing more for the m a k i n g nf an A v w l t ^ mnnhn^

It is expected that the shaft will be erected- in Col. Mosby's native county of Fauquier, proiv ably at- Warrehton where he is buried. —

Capt. "Beattie plana tgjuEmit the matter to thesurviviag "l^ds-' by'a men," whose number is es­timated at sixty or seventy scat­tered throoghqut thft country

than the Sunday school. Illus­trating this point, he mentioned that the judge of a juvenile court in New Ywh city foond

M.p<ii.twl t» to-o^ents in e^6e^ ing th«* pM'mnrial,

that out of ^700 boy culprits that appeared before him not one was ai'^itilto.kttemkntatiJaD-day school.

Dr. H. lL3eop gave a vfry' helpful talk on teadier training. ur. Roop^ large experience as an educator gave his remarics apon this subject more than oil dinary wdgbt. He made it clear t^f* **'i> ffnryTffiff;il ji9iflhrr TWHStr r-know at least three things: tiia Bible, thejupil md liia%Lya« teacliing. • , . I l__

\ 1 origjaai ports of entry and the " chief tetiaceo-mart of northera

-^agtnia in the «pyeoteen<j»cep^-tory. In the latter part of that

^entiuy tii6 town boasted < a banknc inaljitotioni a theatire and^swBCnoa manaftrfadng in­dustries.

soil on (he s t e^ slopes had lieen ih-a condition^ iiIjeJD^ more-o7 the rainfall

should t)e provided as there are annual dcatlis. Thio wogld givo ^9 practiia^y 4,000 beda in the State. We have only 300. Lo<^

lust be made before

from Foundry M. K Church and uUier chUKh6s in the Uistnct ol fioiumbia. TargftrBpreaentationa

Quantko Creek, a tributary of the Potomac, was, at this ptoiod, navigaUe^ feir ^vess^ aa fur np that e eam as Quantico Mills, one-half mile beyond ibe town of Dumfries, at which quantities of grain wore dis-


It i not necessarily a in«re co-ilteidwiw.Uiatlhe mualdestiucfr-ive forest fires in the histtny of Weatem North GaroJJna, in the

we can have any real relief from the present very distreasing con­ditions. Demonstrfttion is tiie uiudein 'Method ef fccaehiBg^

are expected from Prin^ William, Fairfax, I^ndnun and PJanqniBr counties.

Prof. Arthur JL Henry derires to-hflve it fcnown th^ tli

WARNS A€ABiSr TYPBOID Town Heaftb Officer I

The organizatioh was effected with the following <^cers: Prelk-

s s n e s

oitrance to the Henry Farm and his PTplanatinn of its hirtetie


ident,' Rev. J. T. Fkjry; vice-preddent, Mr;E.V. Arnold; see-

Mf. J. A.

sakl Captun Bakery "if we can I»<i&ve dtat 24 beds-wiU

spring of 1916, were followed tri^tng relief, the eominunitioa

charged aieA fl<iurJIttBded for ex-"porffanade: Tlierp i>!til} rfm*m, int«<»t, portioM of the fflnndatimi

the most destructive floods, in nfiaie. Onesinfi^-

forest fire in the smring of 1916, OR Kaek Meimtaitt «»4 innfee smToiinding eonntry, in McDoW' ell< Buncombe and Yancqr coon-

must do their own arithmetic'

connections will, be rednced to twenty-five cents ^or the occa-Hhm. Tti€6omnattee dearer to add. Ever

utei, "Btr.'J: Seeu: tr@s=~

B. HuuUiL

your dinner.

NO IMMtE TOTAL ( » ^ {aUNOL RECALL PERMIT Town AatiMititles PHwmia New

waiils of tKe^«li] mST thar con­verted golden grain, frosa the fertile fields of Virginia, into floor for the^Engiish market The stream whidi bore Jaise vaasds witii foil sails to the brees^ to Ihia mill is new inadequate far

tieai N. C , is r^twtei to ^ v e boriMd over half a million acres and done between half a miSiea uid a million dcfllars' wrath of; damage to timber, young growth, turn houses, ete. That is the ii»yii>n where the flood damage

Valves to nrevvBt Ineenvaa; Nn Anfiairity far BniMing 9m.

(By Dr. W. F. llerehsiiVTown H«altfa

JEseBest itidications show^ this to be a "typhoid year." In some of theViiginia cities there were repeated in July about double the number of cases reported in July, lifib. While we have hot had a ease reported iu Manassas sincg

Departmental superintendent^ —adult depaffiaenfT'lKTI. S. Hoon; seoondairy deportment, Mr. W. R. Hooker; primary depart­ment. Miss Plo^ice C^vin; home department, Mr. D. E. Earhart; teadier traJmng. Miss DeiMBe Bollinger.

Visiting committee—Kev. JT r«nd anternnof 19Klw. Brill and Messrs. N. E. Gar-

thCTe are still a number of wells I berimtt"W:B. Kerlin.

the navigation -boat

of a nnall row was most severe, The removal of the,timber in

It waaiat the store of Sichaid ^ ordinary way, where all trees Dank»p, in the t^-m nnmfri^a |are^ eat, exposM the s o f l ^ hght where General George Washing-pB/ft, pqrt>hgff ! |he mafawjaljfor the suit of ?k>thittg he w(»« when presiding over the Cfnstitutional Conventioalin Philadelphia, and the day hnak of Mr, Thmlnp ahnwa

The tosswatfa:aacplyjrascut oH Tuesday ani Wednesday while workmoi were huls-y installing two new valves, one of which will obviata the napeaaity of cutr ting off the «itire water sopply foa I'spAjis in the lower saotioai of the town. Tlie~ valves in the

T^>e^jeguiar "meeting nf the town eonndl was. held Monday evening at the tows hall. Mayor Wagmer presiding. r-

It appearing that thgre waa^>»

and air, and heneie It beeomes hum leuytiie ol oieiBture.—Fereet


tial "foartyards superfine Mack doth,, one-half dosen large and two dozen small leather-head ,buttonaJLf'lUf Bkei^oX nlk^ four

rowF<gortrT«rd: e< buetoam >and—tfaFoe—deaen tlvead" eenafetatedthamBteriala tor this stdt whieh were par-diased ata «oatof 7 poonds 2dulling8.


^ The Rightl Reva«nd William [ J X .' Cabell Brown, biahop coadjotor

fires almost invariably follow and i n . ^ dry slashinga arexery-hot and burn xtp the homra tn t^ soil and the ^ne roota. Tfaqre-after the soil can (mly absoroT small part of the rainfall that it otherwise eoold, and-floods, ero­sion and filling up of stream beds

mfnij^ WHflT TAKE AgnON. It is not fair to Uarae the lum^

berto&A^ i«r cutting the timbtt gtnt that The lum­

bermen are taxed on their hold-ings and must carry on their busi-ntima fiiwigr CMiditions as they find them. The poblie mast make it

of the Diocese of V i r g i n i a , preached Tuesday evening at Trinity Episcopal Church, ad* ministering ^ . rite of confirma­tion to a class of five. The offer­tory was sung by Miss Mary Lee \ Chapman and Mrs. G. Rayin<»d i Ratehffe. I

Bishop Brown conducted thej same services Sunday at Hay-market, Monday at Broad Run

BOBsible for a mountain huxi-owuei tu iHutect hia young tim-ber from fl^ in whieh case many of them would practice forestry, and if not the public mu«k itself operate the jmountain forests as public f(H«sts. Relief from flood destruction cannot be secured in any other way.

forty-six. ' Tbe siroi wiustle sounded early in the day on Tuesday and towna-pfnplf Pnr toged the next fiftem

Lynn Bobertaon for the ereetion about lof* frame and matal buUdiag on

minutes to provide a temporary private weaaaTrair tot a aupply of water to last throughout theday.

The trouble apparentiy was due to an oversight mrthe part of the engineer employed to act for the tttWB dmiag tha ^ystwn—The town watprw^tnwn treaaurar up to July IStwaa worica have been in operation for nearly two years, during whieh tima-two bwtaka have occurred in the lowerpllHi uf the UIWB, n^ ceesitaring in eaurhjose a com-plete cut-off of the town supoly.

Ttinna Kr—ka i>«m«» p t w - h a y *A

notify the City Fathers of theer iw in the system whieh had no cut-off for tower Manasaa>, al­though providing tlutt trouble in any other quarter might be rem­edied without material iaeonven-ienee. ~

-The Virginia Rural Carriers' Association held its

a.-.a Tu"e3day~nrorning~at Nokes-i thirteenth annual S^OTI last > week fn Danville.

be away from Manassas much of L^tter^the time during t t» next i ewf

weeks, returning each Sunday to keep his appointmenta at the Ma-nuBHair Baptist Gnureh.

authority for the pennit granted by the building eommittec to B.

^oint of trouMe this year. To keep out t y p h ^ and the

distress and losses incident there­to, HI persons between the ai of f.0 asd 4b Should sobject^them-' selves to the preventive treat-mgnt ThhuramBftBtwUhmtl-

The eoIlec6«~:iinouicSBd" |6~ $10.4a

The session was a very enjoy­able and helpful occasion. We

of the district dtang a better grade of work than in the past

Battle street the coundl ordered tnac tbe permit be reealled and' that Mr. Bobertiaon ^ netted tytite- sergeant to suspend forf ther operations until a meeting Of the tfoondl Wedneeday night.

tyi^wid vaedne haa jpraetieany -banished typhoid fevei from both -

IRke coundl was i^atn in sion Wednesday nii^t but no deeinon has been reached

The repnt of the finance com-S E

read, and on motioo adopted. A building permit was issued

to Walter A. Robioasa.^

tor employment ai gineer was l»iH nn t>w> f hi>

Tl»renortof fi«Hye L. Rosen-berger to the public utilities com-mittee was read and UJ.dei ed filwir

fiuiL and n«yy lari if fo!? lowed witn the same thoroughness will banin it from eivii eommn-niti«r~-*'

n MSOBS COOD i O A K of Northern Vir.


conducted a summer health cam­paign last year in this county, has launched a similar campaign in Fauquier. The sanitary sor-'¥^'&B beeh BSvided and t&ree

The mjiteummer meeting of the Natfaem Virginia Parmer's In

J&^^Bsiit^mmiiMt a Pirlr«tt[» i °<^ ' ^ ** hdd-at-the court> house w Manassas on Saturday, August 12. The prindpd fea-tores Of tlHt iiiwitiug will be a-dhKUiudon~ "of good drtunage of land.

The council received the ap-pHeatton of S. T. Weir and others for a concrete walk <m the East side of West street betweoMhe intersection of Lee avenue an^i ^ , ^ • ..u J- • __ T> , - . J ' aSDd •take part m the discussions. Portner avenue. Action was de-!!ir,_^ r^ . ^- , #

Experta of the United States Departtoent of Agriculture and dtl^rs win addrasslOie instittto and we hope the fanners and others Mnterested will come out

-Rev. Dr. H L. Quarles wiH J ^ - J ' ^ ' - ^ ^ — J I J — T ^ ^ « . cert«nly of


—The residence of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hombaker, on West street has be«i freshly punted.

interest to all Don't miss the roeetingi which

wilT be c«lt«i to order at eleven o'clock. Remember the date Saturday, Angoat 14. -


-Dr, R, W. G^nett of Cbar-lotteaville, field representative of the state board of health, who

^dmSftunltkaare prugieaaing^ simultaneously with tbe work. Dr. Garnett is planning to hdd a *H>etter health wedcT about Sep-temhac-L—

Dr. Ennion G. Williams, sUte commissioner of hea l th , this wedi viaitiiU the euuoty. maklnf

at scvori" Dr. Gamett's assistants are

Mr. J. E. Enders, jr., of Berry-ville, Clarke county, who is sta­tioned at The Phuns; Mr. C. C. Kercheval, also of, Berryville, stationed at Markham, and Mr. T. T. Tinder, jr., of Orange county, stationed at Remington.

—The picnic of the elementary department of the Manassas Bap­tist Sunday school will be r.eld Wednesday in Mr: R3tmd''3 grn- »>

Page 2: WRITES OF OL DUMFRIED S wm iT^mmmmm w RAmEFiELrDeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...~R


Runabout F. O. B. Detroit Touring Car — $ 3 6 0 —

New prices in effect August 1,1916. These prices are guaranteed not to be reduced prior lo August 1, 1917.- But there is no guarantee that thejpnce will not be advanced at any time. PLACE YOUR ORDER AT ONCE. TEs price means a rush and a shortage of c4rs. Put on your hat and give me a call. I can promise quicE delivery if you place your order NOW. ^


engine or sawmiU; V/e can save you tir JP^^ as strong as newi^ Our outfit is not stationary—we can go an3rwhere to do the workw AsITyoui: neighbor, the Ford owner^ about our service.

- • . . . . . , . _± ; ^ I

TQRD ».• — . — a - ^ -

TIK Urirsal Car . E . McCoy


FARMERS-QMITARWNC _ kneading and stirring the maag

DeDartnient S » v » F » r m B i r » Should Be Prapared for Out­

break of Army Worm.

An unusual abundance of the moth of the True Army Worm-in Maryland, Virg:inia and e Dis­trict of Colamfaia indicates Ifae possibility of an impending out-

UCS. The aaoiDon 'ot six nneiy chopped lemons have been found

: tevadd vahift ID JJifi b|AtJn sojapte cases. IThe poisoned bait should JMS-Mattered broadcasMrhere the worms are at work or in t b ^ patii or among than while they

break of this destructive pest in ^artaX—Honns- VIA. y p MiMey thev^OTmecfito'

entomdogiats of the IL SJfflOving together m a mMs theyj.^V il.h,«*?^n, w w ir;K^^ ,^^»^* ^* A—.-^.i*.,^ — ^ - „ v ^ i . -u^ —J -i..-4_ , , ' *and lecturer; Dr. B. W. Kilgore.

tbe Atlantic^tates. The ja@ t& the Department of Agriculture re­port, were lajrii^^<^'«!ggs dor-in the first week of July and as it takes from three to four weeks for the caS^iQlurs to m tture, tlteii pt«wiic« alwuld begiP to'bg quite apparent about the lastwe^ in July to the first week of Au-^ust.

Farmers shoold be on the akrt to discov^ t ifl P*^ m iti»y<«>wfgt suges befwe it has roaehed a large size and has committed ir> reparable damage to growing crops,y^pedatt]^^jgnuMB and grains.

the. molass ai aftwwanb addw^

until it ia easily broken into small

are on -the fiuodi.




may be ha}ted and destzoyed by l^owtng out or ^ggi i^ a.narrow ditch with steep sides durectiy across Uieir pMh. The worms rdUnto this 4itch in large num-ben and toi; then be enufhed readily by dragging a log (HT efaiuik of wood back and forth tfimnaH

, SPgtYi

When the army Wwm is dis­covered at work the infested spots should be sprayed i ately: with a idution of powdered arsenate of lwrt« l'ywBirthFiBFO gallons be used the s|H«y should be com-posed as fdlows: Paris green, 1

pounds; 'weeet, 6argafiMiir-^%e hme is necessary as a preventive of burning by the Paria grioft which ia quite caustic wb«» oaed eft tender plants aocfa aa


When spraying is im|»«cticaUe Uie pouKMMd bran bait is re pm-mended. It is made as foUows: Wheat bran, 50 pounds; Paris' green, 1 pound, or white arsenic or powdered arsenate of Teik], 2

4 quart?. The bran and poison should be

thoroughly mixed while dry and



All farmers drould keep on hand a few pounds of one of tne standatd inBectioidoa s«ieh •»«»-


AH FahBOT* famtod to AtUad

.1 The thirteenth .annual session of the Virginia State FVumers' Institute Will he held at Nbrfplk, Aug. 9,10 and 11, in the Monti-i^llo hotel auditorium.

An elab(»ate program baa bem Biwrag€ar~TncTudM^ amdngThe opoakoro already aeanred areProf i

director N. C Experiment Sta­tion; Prof. T. C. Johnson. Prof, Jesse S. JoDtt, diiwtor of Farm DesKHMtratku W(H4C in Hrginia , N F. WMtuntt. J l4ha flirtem

senate of lead or Paris vKca be-c a n a o nf »h» # « ^ »h^» ^ha AtA^y

"» «• WW uuurv,' u5uaiijr necessary in ord» to procure iosectiddes in an emergency, enabl^tbe

m will net spoil if kept in a dry oi^ition in covered container*. F^umers'

pound; freshly sliced Ume,'2* " **'*° ^**-"^^<»^*^'""«»^^^

be secured free of charge optm application to the Secretary of Agriculture^

New Wall P a p Wan paper has gone op 25 per cent We bought our stock before the rise and are s^ ing at the oU price COOM at .onc« nf you itMd paper~it is going fast.

Sx>i« Prodoee Exchange; Dr. J. A. Bonsteel, of the Bureau of Soila; HOP. W««JB6t-eltttd Davis. of Loudouh county; Hon. T. S. googlfflite. of N<^<rfk, member of Ralil CnEseJBCs ~t}om James Bdlwood. Virginia's mort noted farmer; B. C Hainea, of PmlanwHith; Jna, A, Turner, of HoUins College, and others.

session is a splendid harbor- tnp to be given to^e'en^lhs&lute,' including the farmers', wives and daughters, xm tiie llth, by the MwMiL Oliambei ef OoiainieiceLi-rrr

to the navy yard, the fanraoi German village, the interned Ger­man raido^ and other points of intAest in the Hampton Roads.

All farmers, whether members of the Institute or not, are not

, only invited to attend this sesaon, hut thpy Kfp expected. Jt is aa

pleasure as it is for the memberw Aap.

A complete program wiH be ready for distribution the latter part of July. A Cbpy at other informatjofv will be gladly fur­nished by the secretary, B. Uor-gan Shepherd, l^chmond, Va.

Low rates obtain on aU rait I roads and tickets^ are gooitfiJfi?. + Ttum or Aug. 14.

can-' noti^imned mtoM playtime, btit the aggravations can be xwer^ cctnQ by proper cgu^mont.

F!,f ! R FFFIT^ A n d <jrocerie>

4 4 t f Bra a i i r i ^ ^ 1 Car iBteraadoial Cow Fed i^r^PaiiPatdr Horse Fed

7 Cars Good HiqF-75 Barrek Flour

^ae^tsysCor lWB«ysOats SO BesMs Wheat-

Our Une of washiubs, wash" bcards,boilers,wringers, lines and other washJk^ essen-ttais are the '*satisfacti that insures reJtsf^fi^

grievances. You look at them 1^

Thin i.«in>»»«>» mni i»rfn.tr. . HnJ «>y»2^ ^""^ hnr-h r}f ffif

Also a full line of Staple vA Fancy Gfoeeriea. Call ia and.

ffctour ^ k c


East Center Street


'yuaranty of quality. G a l ^ ^ , W a a h t a b a . . . 6 0 c to 90c

Waahboanfa-Zmc, Braaa aad Giaae 25c to 45c Beaeta, f eed quaUly TIB 85c toTTOO Boilen^TlB with 0^>per botton Bwlew, heavily GalTaniieiJ-

toodroUers ••-•»•.*#*•

$1.85 ana $1.95

f5i>ft ^n^^ ^^*"»**»^Liiiee, a o § i « I^B,, Irona. Etc

W: C WAGENER Hardware and Furniture Manassas, Virgnaa

Fnpiia Poiytecbic instete ad Agrkiitnral aid Medumical College

- . 4 Li

Apply to Raffwtrmr for C«t_..


EufllnftertTSg" its Aj^TSJ"

J. D. EGCLESTON. Prc.i<Mr.!

Marbk, Granite and aU Kmds of Cemetery



-•- 'H»rr .

Page 3: WRITES OF OL DUMFRIED S wm iT^mmmmm w RAmEFiELrDeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...~R



C1»M Hail Matter


AOVERTOINC l U n S Fift> Centsan inch for thefint uiMrtimand TfMBlr-aT* d a t a (or Meh

oODtinu»nct>. Li wra] Discounts taYevly Advartiacrs. A11<iirrt>of think], formal rewlutkiu, obituary notieM otiMr than th*

••ual rjeslh notieca. and all n»tt«r of an advOTtiatB* ctaanetir. cither dirKtJy or indirectly, will be pubUihml at tb* rata of Twaaty-liTe Cent* ar


THE WEATHER MAN TO BLAME? Would the weather be better if the Govern

ment did not hire a weather man? Many persons are seriously inclined to think Their view is based on the


RED TAPE-•<aM*iMdi«Maaata

It tak^ some emergency such as the mobiHza-tion of the militia to bring out the extent to which "red tape" may bind up men and property. In the early hours of Tuesday mojriing practically two entire:regiinenfe of' men with their rihe^. blanket rolls ^nd other equipment were waiting


for the trains in Framingham. Worn out with the long dSy of breaking camp, these boys were on lawnsi porches—everyjsdbere^. Grace Congre­gational Church and the State Armory stand side by side on Union street, Framingham Tho built by the commonwealth for the militia, the ci^to^ dian kept the armory locked up—"no authority to open it"—while Pastor Forest opened the church and his home and won the lasting^^ti-tude of the weary soldiers. Red tape has no ter­rors for the maiLOlGod—Boston Transcript.

irwi)uid. premise that the

weather is of an extremely sensitive disposition, that it does not like to have people constantly

into its prying oomings aqd goingo^ that it does


TOO SHOCKING TO BE BEUEVED Attention is called in Popular Mechanics to an

appeal alleged to have been made by a Belgian magiRtrat.fi, whi>h is almns<: tnn aVifvlfing tn hp

Oirr Unexcelled Banldng^Service =1

Your businejsi passingthrough our hands receives

-our personal attention and is held ill the Z

> strictest confidence

Others are

pleased witk our



you will be also not like to be charted and put under scientific in­spection and its next moves forecast with author­itative certainty. The wind has always been ac­customed to blow where and when it listed, the sun has never asked anybody's permission to shine or go under a cloud, and the rain has de­lighted in doing just as much or as little business as it pleased. These make up what we call the weather, and if this ftieteorological divinity is really touchy and restless under scientific obser^ vfttion, the interference of the weather man may account for some of her vagaries and exhibitions of instability and resentment The Weather Lady may not care to; be dictated to by a mere man; and if this is so, we can understand the

credible. According t6 this stoi^, the magistrate issued an urgent entreaty calling on all the in­habitants of his town who contemplated suicide to use either poison or rope. The magistrate is said to have based his appeal on the ground that if the Germans wha occupied the town found a firearm—all weapons having been ordered turned in to them—they would inflict a heavy fine on the community.

The story may not be true; probably it is not. Still, all the world knows that if ever a people were cruelly tempted and brutally driven to sui

All we ask is an opportunity to serve you that we may prove the quality of our E^ldng Service

cide it is the Belgians, under that beneficent Kultur enforced on them by fire and sword, death and destruction, at the hands of those their

a The National Bank of Manassas


pleasure ahe took in putting a cool ^speliover on him last Friday and Saturday, when he had haiightily announced that sh» was going tp con-tinue Blistering hot '.' • • '

So far as predictions are concerned, the irrita-ting weather spy at Washington sometimes makes a true guess as to what the self-willed Weather Lady is going to do. He has about fourteen

liataer cans 'tfte most poaooiui and pooeo dcoii' ing people in the world."—Times-Dispatch.

j e s s e s a week, and he ought to guess right some­times. Kit if he aggravates the goddess of heat and eokl nun aad now, tiiun^ and ligiit-mngi by attempting to 4>utluie her course, per^ h i ^ the weather might inqxeove if he «<ere n m e keep quiet At ^ events, the human Yi« 'ma r>f

RURAL CFibrrsBOARir~~~^" In all the President has said o | the potential

benefits of the new Federal farm-k)an system, he has realizedsthat it will be made or marred by the governing hoard. The four aifiointmeidB he


his mistakes woma not be ao grouchy If they had to take the weather as it agne, wiiyeut thedgi appblntm^ls of expecfii^ s(Hiiethii^ £ffi^«nt

had nobody but sitqjttion.

KDoay iXpeCfilMf S(H1 [tProviaeiiee

timoreSun. to bla&iefor^

REfAIRiNG HUMAN MACHINE f^fwn fhn tiiitty^iri W n * h i n n i i n fitin m p i i r T "

This is the slogan of one Wisconsin manufacturer, who pursues novel methods of obtaining effici­ency. He found one girl at a machine squinting ana wrinkling her forehead. He decided" that she h i^eye tronble, ^ d after some argpment s te was ioduced to go to an oculist Her work, which requires good eyesi^t, improved wonder­fully,.and she_eried.out m amazement kt iiie beauty of a worid that she had nc CT seen he^ fore. Another girl Jending a complicatecl ma-ohino obviously haa a headache.—^ ^ little

sent to t h e Senate recently seem admirable. l%ree of the men were reained on f rms, and are still closely interas ted in farm problems. But the chief qgalificatioh of each is eiqiertnefis in one or more of the economic and financial jtrob^

Select your agent and compeniee as you would your Banker, Lawyer or Doctor, since your finabcial exist-eiice tnay depend on Una and the beet coMs no more than A e pooreet s \ a s ^ a u s s

E^abbheiliii ISTS tema that Qm gann. Loan Board will haw- ralk —. t A - ^ « —

meet Herbert Quick, of West Virginia^ who is expected to b ^ m e head, was chosen because he had madfe an extended study of ruraTcrediSln the larger aspects, of Kanaaa,-eomhin6s legal knowledge with exper-

Judge Charles E. lAbd^, with

ience gained as president of a^chain of banks ^lifltdin mriliiinj In inn iu JargMiw. • GaotgaaMi Norris, of Philadelphia, has had long experience in the bond market, and the success of the sys­tem will depend mud^ on the pl»nng of its bowis. William A> Smith, of lowa, ^ is an expert on farna practice in the Agricultural Department, and has also had experienccTn: directii^ a tenk which midces leans to farmers. These men have ^ been interested for years in rural credits.—New York Evening Port.


Home people adjust your firesHHt^ New York shar^^ b will pay ymi to talE it weinai^ ^

questioning^Hie efficiency expert learned that ane took^nly a aip of Btmng coffee and a tittle toast for breakfast An arrangement was mad» — to add to ^er morning diet, ^nl sh6, too, found her working jca^^ty increased. So tiiis effici­ency man goes anout his plant, solving individual


tact^ jncy

problems and jcpoiring lully but surely. He set to woik to xeduce the temp^ratore oi the factory room and increase its humidity. There was a very noticeable increase

The beneSts oFediica^ldn as a factor in iNXHno-ting succeffifui farming and increasing farm yield ase striki^ly daoonstrated in some recentiy-pnhlttihaH •f<tiBtM'<i omrtn-ittg-n gwaa* mi^mhor nf

fmhmmm^^m^ lity. alei in the alertness of employees, their eagerness to

w(«k and in the sixe of their output Above all, the employees became far more healthful and contontod. ^Tfass manxtfactorer miqr be actuated by motives of cmnmercial gain, but,Tixidentally, lie is raakii« a large manbo* of mta md wmnen .. hafpier. ^ o u H that the United States had- ^^ raero saanoiMtarers and eBqpbyersgbinr to^dirl^^^* study ci tiie human equation.—Milwaukee Joor-

tsma in practically all the staUai. II was dis-' ckised to the investigators that, as a rule, the farmer who had been through the high school


jnade t w i ^ a s m ^ oS his farm as t te (me wh^ ^• had a mere ccanmon school education, wiule the nan whd hmS been to ait wgrTi-nffnTiff >ftIU»giP made ttoee times as much. TraoeaUe to

it was found, was iiie fact that whereas ^S^and not k>ng ago was filled with afaan

doned farms, now nearly all of these had been

HOW MANY MILLIONS W< When it is announced by tiie Census Bureau

that there are 21,071,076 men in the United fitattr <rf iwilitaiy. w U l m ciawt luwim ahaakhMffr

Goody c ^ juicy country hams that make your mouth water, to dunk ahout—thaf s what we have jusi

%!!^|t y ^ ^ ^ . K f r ? " Southwest yigynia. They w«re iuustra- g cuTed m hickory asbes and are m prune condition.

b e juTnp«y1 a t that in an onwrgWTWy f h a t - m a i ^ men could be fashioned into an array, the Census Duiwui intend to

Nor does eopvey any guch

dJQsetts sffrards an especially impressive i

^^t^u^T^^'fl^^^^^ ^S^^- S - -You'Uwant one'rishiawayat 22c and 23c a oneof theteadrngagnculturarstatesmtheooun-2 p a . . . / p l ^ * l B | ^- - — -

As for the South, eertain ecntcH of marked ^ . Phmty of CbfflCft Meats and Grocedes--]

idea, -There is a vast difference between taesn oi m i h t ^ age and those canable of bearing arms or doing factory work. Moreover, it is to be borne in mind that there are a great many aliens in the United Slates and poasibly 2,000,000 mates of military age are to be deducted on this score fnmi the 21,000,000. Perhaps when the weeding-ont process is completed, tt would be fotmd that no more than 15,000,000 able-bodied-me» the a ^ of eiriiteen and fortty-ftve could be em­ploye directhr or indirectly for war purposes. Still, that would be an army larger ^ a n any of

•the fighting countries can or could put in the field, with the exception of Russia and possibly Britain, with her colonies and dependencies. There is no way of determining just now long it Would take Vn'cie Sam to train such a large body of men and equip each as conditions of modem

^warfarff demantfr Pewib^'arTytaare.—Broukiyii ? tandard- U ni on.

devetopoMnt, doe to education — particolariy educaUon embracing agiicBltural cliemisUy and kindred subjects—"stand oat i»e-«ninently," we are tokL Central North Carolina and nrathem Mississippi, as well as parts of Alabama and Ge(»^ gia, it was discovered, are unjdueirg several tunes as much as formerly, and without any no­table addition to capital employed

In the connjsction is a soggertion regarding tl >nrt-ban k gBsteny would

m, the educated farmer wi ng rin

seem entirely reasonable. It is that in availi himself of the system, the have a decided advantageover the uneducated,no-tabiy in the matter of extending his holdings and expanding his operations, if he so desires. He will have higher credit, based no less upon his recognized personal ability, due to mote intelh-gent grasp of farming problems, resultant from his education, than upon the increased value of his land, consequent-

f f t

Hieati-*-the best the market can afford.

^WOOL WANTED before you sell—weJiave wocrf sacks

caB Bra« ii jm Cmtj M K S jii 4ive Mh lad ^ ^ €d^


tiveness he has brought it up to. -News Leader. I <i1 «ti<m«i><m»«imtmmim>immMmimtmtmii«»«»»&

Page 4: WRITES OF OL DUMFRIED S wm iT^mmmmm w RAmEFiELrDeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...~R


—Mr. F* Ei GMTISOO i« on the sick list.

—MiV and Mm 4* B, Trimmer- oafederalifi.JV^terans and Lou-fiav^iMrchawd an Overtand toop-imr CM-.

—The M«D»«a«8 Boy Scouts are spending a few days in camp near town.

-Mrs. George H. Smith is un-dergoins; treatment at a Wash-iagrton hospital.

— Miss Margaret Tem^e Hop­kins returned Wednesday from a Washington hospital.

—Messrs. Maddox and Byrd

•aoun Chapter. U. D. C. Dr. and" Mrs. John WinfieW

Harnaon, nf Middle River, Md.. have announced the^marriage o? their daughter, Mary Gary, to Dr. G. Haydon Metcalf, of Sud-terevffle, Md. Dr. Metcatf is^ a nephew of Mr. W. H. Haydon

were purchasers of an Overland toimng car this week.

and formerly lived in this county. —A committee appointed by

the county board of supervisors .Tfttiis weeirhas been aoditing the

accounta of the county traagurer.

—Mr. William Weaver,of Buck-hall, has been employed by the Prince William Pharma^

—The Manassas Choral. Society will meet this evening at the home of Miss Julia Lewis.

—A marriage license was issued in Washington Tuesday to John Ivey and Sallie J. Holladay. both of Catlett.

—Mrs. W. S. Harrison, who went to a Washington sanitarimn last Thursday, is reported to be doing well. .

No acfvicco will bo hold in the Presbyterian, C hurch t h i s nfonth during HSv. Alford Kel-ley's'vacation. — — •

—Elder Vaughn, of Hopewell, N. J., will preach Wednesday at 11 a.. ja.^jU BethdehemPrimitiYe Baptist Church.

-.tliss Dorothy Johnson enter­tained at cards last Friday eve­ning at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. R. d Johnson.

-Rev. Edgar Z. Pence will preach Sanday morning at Bethel Lutheran Cfaardu. The Sunday school 8ertrfc«^wi!lije hdd « t 10 a m.

to Washington yesterday by the death of h&c brotbier, who had been in iH health fur wvenU months. »• -•- —•• • : _ . .

—Rev. H. L. Swain, after a pastorate .of two years and a

.hal£_lu£adied_hiB_£a£exeil_aeE£ men Sunday at the Clarendon Baptist rbniy>i ^L._ ;___ ,

^Kvangeltstk servlees will be held Sunday mcHiiing and evening at Manassas Bi^tist Church. The morning service is to be held

L-Toong peftple.

—The Ladies Aid Society of Grace Mathocfot JE p,ia£iUlJ Church, Soutti, win meetTburs-day afternoon at 3 o^cloi at tKe home of Mrs. £. Wood War.

—A series of meetings'will be held at Cannon Branch, begin­ning tomorrow at 8 p. m. Elder B.- B: wili

-cr preach. "The pubile is' eoe-'

di lly invited to attend. —The local board, of veview

has been in sesnon this week. Members of the board are Messrs.

sas; T3rson Janney^ of Oeeogoan, and A. H. Gfees, of Aden.

-Swviees^ at Ai^ary M. £. Church for the coming week wfll be as foltows: Sanday—Sonday school at ifr- a. m.—fipwurUi Leaguemeetii«at7p.ni. Thota-day—Prayer meefi^ct 8i>. m.

Qniriwi qnirtly celebrated bsr UrtiMky anniv«r-sary y e s t e r ^ at her home on Woct otwict^ABioactheTMtars received was His. Quarlea' brother, Mr. H<Bryt?Wlba«i. at Qifton Forge.

-The annual eleetkm of offi-

—DixieChapter. United Daugh

organized " aTT^eesburg. . Dixie Chapter is a juvenile oittaniza-tion which plans to wwk as ah auxiliary to the camp of Sons of

—Mrs. C. A. Cannon died terffof tiie ConfeSin^cy; fiS^e^FWedMflday attar bomelir

iltcm. Mrs. Cannon's husband, who died several years ago, was a brother of Mr. John A. Can-n(m, of Kensington, Md.. for many years a resident of Manas-

Thecommittee consists of Messrs. Charles R. itcDonald, of Cathaf. pin; T. M. Russell, of Canova. and C. A. Sinclair, of Manassas.

—A picture specially adapted for children will be shown Mon-nay night at the Dixie theatre. On Friday night Denman Thomp­son's classic, "The Old Home­stead," will be shown. A mati­nee also will be run on Friday. No advance in price of admission.

-The Prince William County Dairymen's Association will hold a meeting tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mr. J. M. Klinp, known aa Prospect Dairy l-'arffl. Mi. J. D. McNulty, a representative of the dairy di-vision. United States Department of Agrieulturo. will address the gathering. All dairymen are in­vited to foe pfesent

The Capital Traction Company was made defendant in a damage suit filed yesterday in the Dis^ trict Sui^eme Courts according to the Washington Times. The sum of $5,000 is asked by Marion Hut­chison, by'his father. Oscar C, Hutchison^ for injuries sustained when a car eblHdiBd widi a truck near Eighteenth and TT atreats, northwest, Jtme 20.

week. Mr. James F. GuUek. of Wash-

ington. is-^HiuUitt j(eys»Liayc in town. ' -

—Arparty of buaiuetw men left Manassas and neighboring points yeetcgjay at differenT Smee, CX' paetinff^ 4n«?«t fnf a. clgaynf stay at Atlantic City. Members of the party include Messrs. Ji P. Leachman, f. E. Rsnsdell. Thnr ftw H Ljon andC. K. Mash."

R. H. Davis, of of Manassas; R. H. I ^ ^ , — I T W _ , W T _ U - - ^ Bristow; W, R. Free and H;:^, | Do«»o»y Johnson. Herring^ of Nokesville, and Dr, H. B. Hutchison, of Henidon.

—Arthur Gilbert Sinclair died Tuesday at, his home in Warfi-ingrton. at the' age of 81 years. Mr. Sinclair was wounded While BOnrfng lite' lB:.4ihe battle<^ Bull Bun. Hejtel. was a btothor of the late Dr. R. O. St Clahr, of Wanrenton, and a relative of Mr. Afthar~W. Sin= clair, of Manassas. He is sur­vived by four children, one of

WiyiiMboWrlwfaom is ME A. Leftwidi SBb-cliUr;7l9)iBhinstRr^tt{»iirey. ~

•A baeket pienic waa given Wedn«»sday at the GrovetMi p«> vilMm. Refreahments were mid to vkiton by the ladies of BdU I&n Chapter, United Daughters of liie Ccmfederaey. Hon. C. J. lieetze made an address. The pi<ogram tnehided aetectMns -by Miss Louiae Virginia Makmey, soprano? readings by Miss Vit-yiria Valeatina Jgalkar, daet bf: Miaa Sarah T<eachman and Miaa

nadar thadaectiQD (rf MissGnoe Meta.

Br. C. It C. J<rfiaaen is in

resulted aa foUows: Oerit. Pow^ M. Mets; missk*



pastor's H. Harrell. and incidental ex­pense treasurer. Mr. R. Lee John­son. The following delegates were erecceu ^RT represeBC tne church at the Warreaten meeting of the Potomac Association, Aug. 16, 17 and 18: Messrs. Westwood Hntrhi.qnn, Powell Metz and BOB-ton Steele.

rectdpt of a letter from Charlea Hotanaott, latAged, f o r m e r

i^ht engiaesrof ti»e power booa» who diaappeared Satarday, Jane S. R predatioBef the kJndaeas of the tomn eooBcy by whkfa be waa

A^ [beat whil^ in i f at^-wit^ %^ that hia rteeaee from Manaaaasis un­avoidable. Carrying r suit case and explainii^ that he was going

—Fifteen ladies met Wednes­day in the Literary room at East-em College m the interest of the Virginia War Relief League . Manv bandages, binders, com-prcAoCo sntx piituWD wtsru towxt?* A delightful luncheon was served. Mrs. Mitchell Harrison was rep­resented by Miss Elise Dulin. of Greenwich,, who gave Mrs. Har­rison's instructions which were followed in making the articles

Misses Mattie and Lucy Athey Asld)y~l

from a visit to friends at Elk-wood and Remington.

Mr. C. H. Yarboro^h, jr., of Denton, Tex., has joined Mrs. Y a r b 0 r o u g h and their little

~ j^aughterln Manassas:

for use on the battlefield. More ladies are requested to attend the next meeting, Wednesday at 10 a. m., as there is much work to be done _ ^


visited in Miss Mary Cox6 Warrenton Monday.

Miss Myra B. Payne visited in Warrenton last week.

Mr. H. H. Moon, of Burke, vis­ited friends here during the week.

Mrs. J. N. Badger has returned fronf a visit to Loudoun county.

Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Burdge t hia vrtfk viBJtaH in WaahingtorT

Mr. R. T. Myers, of Laurel, Md., visited .here during the

Miss Muriel Arey is spending the aomiiier nxmUis near Har-riaonboig^ \

Mrs. J. G. Adams this week vinted in Culp^ner and Cfaar-fottesTille.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J.^mpson, of Richmond, vinted in Maiua^ saaSondmr.

Mrs. W. P. Rndarill, of Cnl paper, visited Mrs. D. J. Arrtngr

~_KHn'|Mi»-^^<|^B,^qf£«tt^ Pa. is tiie guest of Misses Grace-tmd~ttabel Ljoich. - —

.Miaa DOIHUM, of Front Boyoli this week was the gucot of Mkfr

Mrs. J. C. Adanss, of Gornumia,, W. Vfu, is visitins: her father, Mr.,^. W. Hixsim. ^

Mrs. Claude Arnold, of Ann^ pk)lii^3fd.7 w^^e" g ^ ^ and Mra. F. A. Lewis.

rs. RoborT Phrrish. of Bris-Tenn., is .the guest of. Mr.

and Mrs. Vernon E. Lake. Mr. andMra. Eennelli Howard.

of Washington, were Mra. EQa Howard SiHiday.

Mian Mabd Humbafar?

i f

visit 4e «elati|ires-here, turned to Wkte Ftsh, Mont

Miss Brown, of WaBbingt(MBi' is visiting at Ae home oi Mrs; Mary ^ Degaa, atGnweton.

Chester. Pa., after aTaheit visit 19 hia tether. Mr. T. H. Marka.

lbs . E. 'A. Lamb and Miaa Clara Imak are gnaata of Mra.

Mrr md Kn^ J o h a ^ . YoweU Louise Leadunaa. of Lynehborg. . ,,^, , . ,

I .»1I?JU. . .J1LT1* Mill'AIlT. Tweal auerts ef Dt. and Mia. Hr -gneatri L. Qoaika.

Bates " 0 ^ Manna isatea,

have been the gneata of Mti. J.

and Mae WaahiaetoBT

Misses Edith Davis and Mary and Roth Read, of Waahington, thia week tiaiieJ their ccaiwu. Miss Fttinie Taybr.

A. Hjjtchiaea and aoa. J. W. Hutchison, of Hayniarfcet, «re-gnests of Mr. u d Mra West wood Hutchison.

Mrs. W. C. Watson, who has to the city to boy Ms weddingj been on a visit to her sister. Mrs. swt, Robinson left Maaaseasen^p. fi. RansdeH. has retoned to the morning- of June 3. Thisjb«- home is New Haven, Conn.}immediatel> to w a i t upon Dr. letter to Dr. Johnson apparentiy i Mrs. WatSMi was accompanied I Qoaries, trusting that be might ,isJLhe.first newsxeceiyed JuMa-jby her mothar, Mrs. F. A. gimp \^ jMfvailpd npnn fn withdraw nassaa since his departure. son. his resignation.

^ Miss Ruth Comwell, who has Seen., visiting her cousin. Mrs. Levi Nails, returned to hw home near Remington, "niursday.

Trinity Episcopal Church, left yesterday for a vacation visit to XsmperaoceviUe, Accomjc. coun­ty.

Mr. F. A. Hutchison, who has been located in Milton. Pa., paid a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weatwood HHtcbison, thia week.

Miss Anna Cochran, of Wash-IHgtOH, and Mlw Laura Lwls, ot Alexandria, were week-end guests of Mr. and Utfi. D. R. Lewis.

Mrs. W. *C. Scott and her d a u g h t e r s . Misses Sudie and Livingston Scott, of Orange, are guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Queries.

Miss Lula Cornwall and her young nephew. Marvin TbomiK son, of Langdon, D. C, were week-end guests of Mrs. H. L. Hundley.

Miss Moxley has returned from a fortnight's stay at Bear Lithia Springs. Miss Mexley was aii» c»mpanied to Bear Lithia by Miss lAura Smoot, of Aleatandria.

Mrs. Thomas Leachman, Glas-gow Leachman and Mias Louise Leachman, of Lowry, Bedfortt county, are guests of-Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dogaa. at Paradise.

Mr. and lira. Ira E. Cuinon. tittle Miaa Helen Cannco and Miss Amui Rorab^uigh left yes­terday by aatomobtle to visit in, Warinngton and in Kensington. Md. — _ — -

Misses Katherine and E d « Donohoe, who spent the past t & e e w e ^ . with their mother, Mrs. i. M* Dom^ioe, r^imed Wednesday to the Peninsuia Geii'

. «rp HbspkaJ, at St iabmry, iSdL

Mis» Mabel Wands, of spending week ington^ is spending the

bere i^ the gSeft" of M » ^ & Randall Her father, Mr. A. E. Wands, is also a visttmr at the . ^ n e of Mr..anid Mrs. J. L Ran­dall. : Mr8.~W.FgweII Merchant has returned from a short stay at

the guest of Iter sister, Mrs. R. J Woodr of Ridimond. Mrs. Merchant was jcopmpaiued. by her littki nephew, Ralph Wnnd

Mrs. J. P. Andrews and littie L Virginia AndwfiwB, who have

beenthegUjBBtaof Mrs. Andrew's aster^ Mrs. J. L. HarreO, for &e P—' *m^ TM^***f, hlYf reamed to their home at Smtthfieki, mak­ing the trip to Norfdkl^ water.

'- Tbey^ wiRr^eeomt>*nted to BSTaw 'ltlite'haa'WtCDrtied to[Wasii!ugtoa by-Sra;fiarr^-wb»

ntnraed to Manassw Saturday. to Manas , Miss Alice L. BocHinan, of 'Waahiogton. f<»inerly of Manaa-paa. ia visiting Mrs. W. R. Wit-•nn in Kewwra, W Ya" Mra

aa MiiMibriJiaddimaa. Many aseiai events have been atraagad

tieolarly dali^tf ol one baiag a BMtor pienie to Qyffaide ^iric, Ksntacky.


After a soccessfnl pastorate of five years at the Msnsiasi Bap-tistCbarch, Rev. Dr. H.U Qoaries ftuaday e v a a ^ tendswd his ignatwa, to tahe berlS.

Thia action came aa a surprise to the membership. It waa de­cided by unanimous vote that the church would suataia a great losa and.a committee was appwntedT


Matinee on Saturday at 3: L5

Monday "Jess of the Mountain Country^" four parte

Tuviday Maclyn /urtluclJa~liii T S a Reform randi data/

Wednesday "Protea let,- five pairts. Chaplin cartoon, one reel.

Thursday Hazel Dawn in T h e Fatal Card."

Friday Denman Thompson's *The Old Homestead.** Matinee 3:15,

Saturday T h e P r i n c e ^ Peace," five parts. Chaplin -cartoon, one reel

Matinee 3:15

your Wife Should

Have a bank account and pav her bills by check. It's the modem, business-liKe, economical way. It tends toward careful management, gives a bet­ter idea of the relation of income to outgo, pro­vides a receipt for each payment, as well as a record of date, aiiionnt, etc. And it often leads to the creation of a substantial reserve fund with which to realize a fond ambition or meet an emergency. Thp lady nf t.hp/^misp is invifpH tn

lei call and learn how c^ily she may open an ac-count in this strong bank, and the convenience which we place at hftr mmmanrf nhanliiTi^ly wirb. out charge.

to serve

H e l ^ d e s N a t k ^ " OF MANASSAS. VA^

I Make it a point to ask your I ^ neigfabof abbuth ^ ^ '

SoGoier or later you will

well Supply G>mpany | i



. Q We have a large and well asaorted stodi. of Lumhwr. MIH Wost and other BuUdinM Materiaia.


la the fact that we rarely ever lose an MOm mlMm:ttm mmimis- BtamOM Wt tfraitos when eoBsMering our prices.-

Tlito iipuBiii tn faotih-QMr M|pi and low

Wa have just completed improvements to our mUl whk^ wUl greatly increase our

Ij-abilky io-turn out apeetel AftHrWoriL — ~^

We want yoortmstnefts arMTwrn^velT I»oa4>t and courteous attention.

Vv. / \ . OIV1V-AJ 1 oc C,v_77 Inc*


Page 5: WRITES OF OL DUMFRIED S wm iT^mmmmm w RAmEFiELrDeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...~R

If roo.«T«r find bapploMa br hunt-Inr for It you wUl find It Uka tha old lady did hoi- lost >l«Ma«. aaf* on h«r own noM all the tima.—Joah BllUnn.

•Mm uut twm uw lunug awnwgna—


This !• an unoaiul recipe worth by-tng, eapecUIly by thoM wbo do aot

care for tbe rich ordi­nary miacemMt.

Lemon Mincemeat.— Stmeeie the }alce trom four larce lemoni and place the peel in cold water, itrlnr to a boti and chance the water twic^ cooking tbe peel until

tender, ^hwn rtratn QT<.I r/»»n4 t^ ^ paate, add tour apples chopped, the jolee of the lemo;is, one pound of cur-

of aucar, one4ialt cupful of nutmwta, oneteaaiKwntul of cinnamon, slnser, sutmec , altapice^ cloTsa, salt and a half cupful of ralBlna. mix all to-cether with half a ^ p t u l of but-ter and put into a jar. •

Ctiaaee and Spinach Roll^—Take t w o qnartt of cooked iplnach, add cme tableapoonftil of butter and chop flue.

-.Add a cupful of grated cheese, two egsa, beaten, and enotigh bread crumbs to term Into a rolL Bake in a baking

1 0 ur Roaat Beef.—Take a quart of water, two cupfuls of vinegar and salt and pepper to taste; slice into this a few onions andcarroti , then add a" roaat of beef. Allow the meat to soak orer night, then roast as usual. When the meat is half cooked add the Tege-

frem the briae and a little vt

Department Stores.—roliinteers will be called for daily to meet

tNDTft ^ - ^ Between 10 a. m. and 2 p. m.

foraging parties will then drift outandscout around Willis 'cracker barrel witJi occasbnal reconnoit-ering parties to see if anyone has the price'of more than one soda.

It will not be compulsory but It islughly desirable that a few not too weak and exhausted by one o'clock should saunter down

thy brine to baete the moat.—When tha meat is tender, remove and add a half cupful of. soon cream an4 floor to thicken. Swre hot This is a dell-elew eld Qeimaa feeJpe.

Nut Strips.—^Beat two eggs until I l^t , add a half pound of brown atigar, one cupful of walnut meats.

' Sift Iwice nre tabiespoonfula'^irouf' and a quar|er of »teaspoonfnl of bak-lac powder and a dash of salt. Uiz and Spread thin on buttered pans. Cut la strips whsm cold. Thesa a'V'deU-

'' ctoua aerrisd. with afternoon tea or


» « i i a k « a StewtiaB Fak Br Y e w g Ilea of FaoqMr.

During the present crisis with the following patiol.or-

wili be iri_§fffiCt:-^ - — tfexico ders

OYerslept themselvea will report daily to the Southern Railroad Statiommtii No. 16 has gone, aft-

which dangerous service they break up in small squads carefully drift toward the

er will and Post Office. Aftw the mail is distributed, as rajiidly as the weather will permit they will ad­vance upon and seize the empty bread crates in front of the va-JJOTIB RtniTfg. 111050100 lale to secure seats will under cover of

heavy bambardment of tobacco juice and cigarette stubs occupy the chairs, seed box, barrels and other objects in front of Willis

lu the Btaliou and gane at No: TJT. Retreat^ will be sounded when Willis' store closes and taps when the Drug Store liijrhtB go out—fne soostec.

THE MANASSAS JOURNAL, FRIDAY. AUGUST 4. 1&16 i ' • , > • i • ' " ' , - " I I I " I I I .


A rae^ng oT the Manassas Business Leagae was beid Tues­day evening in Conner's Hall. Hon. C. J. Meetze was instructed to cemmunicate with peraonirlir-

111 the poaltry plant at Harrisonburg, for the purpose oi getting details, with th« hope of startingli poultry plant in Ma nassas. Mr. Meetze also was di­rected to ascertain the cost of a builiiiDg for poultry, forty by isixtyfeet Mr. Meetze's report is to be made at the next meet­ing of the league, Tuesday, Aug­ust 15. "'

The following del^ates v&s appolnied by cne president, i)r, C. R. C. Johnson, to attend the meeting of the Appalachian Good Roads Association, in Lexington, Ky., September 5-8:

Messrs. Melvin C. Hazen, J. J. Conner. W. R Hale, U. U. Hutch-ison, Thomas H. Lion, W. F. Mer-chant. Charles R. McDonald, C. J. Meetze, R. S. Corbin Thompson.

Hynson and


Rorer A. James, state chairman of the Democratic "committee, has announced the following mem­bers of the state executive com­mittee: First district. Nelson S. Groeme. Hampton; aewwd ttia. trict. Col. J. F. West, Suffolk; third district, W. T. Reed, Rich-mond; fourth district. Herbert F. HutchersuD, Mecklciiibu^; fifth district, E. S. Reid, Chatham; sixth district. Col. James Pleasant Woods, Roan«*eT«8venthill8triet, George B. Eeezell, Rockingham; eighth district. Eliiah White.

NatimialrGoIlection Agency, Inc. WASHINGTON, D. C.

Will Dispose of the Following Judgments Virginia

miin l . DeiiUlii. E. E. Edwards. O. H. Powell . . . L. B. Williams. Suffolk Hntoi Ellis & Benton.. L. F. Bradshaw. W . J . F a r l e y . . . G. R. Bunting

•.Suffolk. .Suffolk. .Suffolk. .Suffolk. • SuffoUt.


Gilhfrt .Tnyner ( s a l ) .






)ioeo6 76 «9 22 45 U 66 atiii

Tom Parker Sebrell. Lander Falti (col.) Sebrell. M. R. Pulley Sedley

123 64 32 06 13 91

169 28 -6-80-

Geo. uavis (cdL) John A. Joyner Miller Wibsrins (eoL) . . . . Webster Boone Peter Williams (co l . ) . . . . J. W. Gray . „ : Ralurta Ricks George Turner John Parker (col.) Sawney Gray (col.) Jim Peteraofi Walter Hardy (col.) . . . . liartha McCleney (col.). Gid Bynara (cot.) Hack Bynam (col.) G. W. Yates John Hpriry WIlllamB,




.(^pron , . . Capron .(^pron .Capron . Capron .Courtland .Courtland'. .Courtland. . . . . . .Courtland .0>urtland .Court land. . . . . . .Courtland . Courtland , .

46 60 7 2 7

106 46 "7~5r 43 76 14 23 12^13

3.22 86 98 17 15

160 63 18 48 20 98 32 74 25 51 20 84 22 26

7 8 3 12 88

J. F. Mayhew Gretna.. Pleasant Brown (coL) Gretna.. R. H. Havnes Gretna.. D. D. Yeatte Gretna.. JOIMI Ksllsy Gretna.. W. A. Barksdal* Alfred WaUer J. H.'Conipt(«fi.. E. D. Ridgway II. A. P u A ., Sam Waller Gretna.. Alfred Waller. Gretna.. W. C. Shel ton. . . . . Gretna!.




.Gretna. iGretna •

Mack Bynum Emmett Goodwin (col.) James Evans (col.) Archer Green (col.) Jamss Williams '

. (k)urtland. .IMsputanta . . . Disputanta . . . Disputanta . .

raid (eol.)...Ui8Dutanta

9 56 37 28 38 64-99 89


J. J. Lamkin. T. D. Gunnelts N. W. Lewis Preston Terry (col.) J. B. Spencer .. ". J. E. Jones Otey Mitchell Otis Watson (col.) . . Hy Mitchell (col.) L. M. G o f f „ . . . , . . ; S. E.'Tune W. R. D a v i s . . . . Bev and Max Miller (col.) Silas Clay.: L. P. Pope ( c o L ) . . . . . . . . . W. P. Worsham (col.) . „

COUWltna . . . . . . . . . . . . WW [ Alws Tliuuipsuii . t . • . . . . . . . Java

retna Dry Fork , Dry Fork . Dry Fork . Dry Forit . Dry Fork. Big Island Big Island Big Island . 0r^ isiana . J a v a . . . . . . Java Java Java..;. Java Jaya.^„

63 88 7 40

22 40 31 40 IB SB 42 27 29 19 80 97 40 17

18 07 19 46 7 62

22 45 16 90 17 80 940

17 40 11 00 29 66 14 66 17 76 19 96 23 39 17 2S 28 40 16 10 11 90

Tom Coles (col.) . . . . . . Java . Paul & Silas Luck (col.) . .Java . . . Floyd Petty ( c o L ) . . , . . . . .Java . . . Philip MiHer (colA ....... .Java ,. Hefl. fowfII J i . Joynas*,

14 86 12 90 16 66

7 40 6 86


W<Hiieit In Hanr^ Field*.

A Harrisonburg correspondent of the "Baltimore Sua" has the following to say in bunday^s'is-sue of that well-known daily con-

— Icerning the labor-problem in tbe Raisin Bread.—Take a capful of

a enpfol of sour ndlk, • iaasgociifnl of soda, a daah of salt, two eapfnila of arlhaia floor, a eavtta

/ <^ rmtelns cluqtpod. ' Piii iffiir a deisp hnrnj pan and bake tttr utanXbea te %

•, sdoiw'OTen..-

vtoJUc 7>U^wt<g.

Lacey Spring neighborlwod. The article is headed "Women Do HarvQBtiqg'' aad rwds as foUowsi ' ^ • e s ^ daugbtcart and sweet­hearts are going oot into tlie harvest field in the neighborhood oi Lacjr Oyiiim, JlUUJUiltflhau CoantT. to help sdve hft Iff** prublepL It is reporteg that the idea is working welt Srn-ee jraung gixiB have j^me to workj

[it isisaid that certain yoqag^«ffl> have donned fidd

before clotfa^_who

knowiT to were never work." Comment on the above WftilM hp RiipprflnniiB, h u t y p

Life DMana not sabmisshm B m e r r of, envtromiwat.


tOk bat

That vegetaldae are a neeeaaitr in the diet, Utere is uu ftiwaileB. 'Shej

fnmlsli aifneral salts (which Our take from the yrfl) aa well ««.eel-liiloie and water, w l i ^ : ar* ^vahiaMet cMag talk to tfce Sgod, exeltr Ing periatattto

wager that the fenainine pc^lfr-tioB of the. cultured hamlet of Lacy, Spring would i»ake~«ho«t shift of the author of the report, were bisindeQtityknQwiL—Har-< risonbvrg Ind^;)endent.

Msiiiijii HjiT* fiiimdiy:

,Lo^ — Open-face watch Jantf jwir of spectacles Oii new Brents-' •iHe road, between Manassas and L^casville. Leave at Nash & Co's, -hardware store. Beward.

tfre tract. -TCCetaUes which aro not wtfl valtMd; they ccmtala ma^ elemwits

to tto^TpooST'iweclaay

^^^fffffSwae they use too moeh w i ( ^ and too little soap, women d»-BQt -gttriiie san»~ (taoEding

-tTCB,-WUch^ yottest addttios to the vecetiMe diet.

Cerret and Not l.eirf,^To one e«9-m 6f souta ma jnisat carnm wdd-

walttoeaten en; half a «q id

whiteBcss in tteir washed ckythes as do the United States Mwinea,-^S«rgt Clarentx D. BhoadesToF the Marine Oorps, toM'a pftiy of society wom«i vitdtang the battle* ship Utah

Ot topped walnnta, one flasty o^ced onfam. a taUeapoonfol of >iit«r, n e i t e ^ a half teaapdoafM of eM^a tosk

'ml pevptir sad br«a4 cnoBbo to wmM» a

aoffldsat B^rgnocd

hoc wHh Carrota Flawiawde. • Bofl carrots m-

ta teodor wlthont aerantMr the». tkaa nib oif the skta aad cot ID atrtpe. to a saaeepan pot toettar; «) «d add laasoB Mee, tfen la the ntm. sseapB well wttk aatt and a of carenao and qrtBkle

I m w i k to

Carrot enokad

"Tbe eare-paiaing..tMilliance of oar white clothes is d»e tetiA

M w U « mil h f l juMdmlar Bofep do its ptdo^j^H^U* of t2ie work. Jost enoogli water- to wet the wash is saffldoit,'' the sergeant oontinaed, "and the lesa watofand mowi esi» oM

MK.fii9es tbe irtrttertlie wiiifilB tum out. ' - - - -

The fair visit<M» seemed greatly JimpraaedTi^tE the Ifasfwi ^v'en

them in an art that is diptr to art that evsty wonato's heart

«reaiB and a beaten egs. c»e teaspooa-fU of butter, matted, half a teaapona-Ibl of aagar aad a Bftsrtk of a tm-spooofnl of salb lOi wen.

aa hour or aad l ight


Goviemw StoMt fitriBBaed^a jjK^lwnation declaring Cbar^ kiCtesvtUe a dty of the first dasa.

ZMlcioQs aa w«n as attractlre^ook-lac soups may be laade of carrot*. TTe-teg the laaahed carrot aa a pwrge. p t tkrooch a alere aad aosae of t ^ U«aar In which the earrou were oooked for addlflowT Vhras, add to a kot so«ip aad caraMi wltk eaiiut.

Carreta Wttli Lenten Butter.— Shred Ik* eanoU wUh a alicer in

AB OflteUl COmmonicaQon received at tbe governor's office

boiling, salted water, drain aad son with batter, minced peraiey aad lemon Jiilce«

nuubU tyu^vttiii

Tuesday faoaaJti vising the exeeative that as a lesult of anneaation ^additional territory, the population of Char-k>ttesviUe had been increased to

^^^ ^ ^^ _ ^ ^ ^^^^ _ ll,922,which is more than enough aboeetrtng stripe, cook until tender in to placel£f6 Cttyllt the flnt-CtaSS

division. Two branches of the city coun-

cil will now have to be elected, which is practically the only change in the citygove mment

Loudoun; ninth district. Gov. H. C. Stuart; tenth durtirict. H. D. Flood, Appomattox. Seeretars^ of State Central C<Mnmitte«, J. H. Br«uunan, Bielunond.

SifOW WG IN _ THE- A|ttlY

The new iurmy register shows the distribution of officers- from

folioys:-ahy,- 30; infantry, 66; iSetd ar-tilFery, 13; coast artiller3r;4^airf medical departmeuC, 35t ' ^



Lost-Pair gdd spectacles July 24> between SadleyMMl Cathar* pift." Ei. D. Wenrkh's namefoff case. EewMdifr^dmecHothiff office. It

Lost — Aut(«iobile tire chain

if left at Hyqson's. 7-28-tf

—For Rwiri, ~ My lesideuce wp North Mun street, Mraassaa. A ^ te G. W. Payne. B. F. D. ^^^ 6.i6-tf

'^«i-Sate-' lVo fc«$fe-bekl5S; with or without the eatf. fleni!F Roberts. Tudor Hall. 7-21

Willed at once ten colored laborets to work in fotUizer fac teQ^_a$_Che!^imjViL^od

w i f f * * g "

at Cherry B sandstMMur

_ Palp wood wanted JLQ00oor«b of Poplar, Gum, Sycamore^ Pine, Maple and Bucb. to be cot 5 feet and bark taken beat tune .faut Red

Oooncrr T-T-a"-Surveying and road engineer*

I tag.. BJIL& Hodge. Massssaa.

We will not be undersold on IffITT"' T « H » y nf girwMJa Twy n o and see. Aostin's Harness Shop.

r anlg at f i gs per bar-H. P. Dodge. 6-12 tf

On account of large numbers of applications now on band, aSl parties desiring insurance in the Fairfax Mutual should notify Local Agent Austin in advance of time insurance is needed. Givfc 30 days notice if possible. 5-t2-tf

Wanted—Antique square and upright piajxy- ...H"g° Worch, HPnght Pianos. Hugo Yv o r ^ UIO G Street. Washington. D. C. tU9-22-»

L>amei i-'itzgeraid (col.) Willie Everett (col-.)... Willie Everett (coL) . . . Eddie M y r i d e . . . ; . . . . . . TobeGivena^c^) . . . . . . Robert P e e t e . . . J. H. Moody . . . . . . . . . . Jim Moody A. M. Cnnier . . B. E. Sharpe. 6 . W. M o o ^ J. J. F a i s o n . . . ; „ _ t.n.C\K^...rr^ JellFGoode (eoL) >.. JeffGoode (ooL) . . . Jeff (Soode (eaL) .-.

. Uisputanta

.Disputanta . Disputanta '. Disputanta'

. .Popes . . . W a v e r l y . . . . . .Waverly . . . . . .Waverly . . . . . . W a v e r l y . . . . . .Waverly . . . „vWaver ly^ . , • • • x^upvwu . . ...H<9eweU . . ...HopeweD . . ...Hgpsweli . .

16 56 85 42 89 i r ^

. \ . •• L .1 .

84 50 B166

« 3S G8 67

10142 89 22

Emmett Parham . . . * Farris Grocery Co. . .

L. C. C o l l i n s . . . . . . . . J. T. Jennings . . . . . .

'Agiiur A 9uu.. Mack Grant.. S. J. Wilmer RufuB Bowles. Ajsher Coooing... . . BobDaltoh Aaron Parham

. C. L. Ash Worth . . W. H. Clarey . . . . . Percy McLoogfaih , M. A. ClaiyT?... .

: : A . E. r

.Joynera . . . . . . . .

.Kenbridge . . . . .

.La CrosSe. . . . . .

.La Croase. .LynehteiiffTrr.. .Ljmchbiitg....'.

,. Lyndiburif.. . . . ..AltaVista . . . . . . •Callanda . . . . . .

2 » 2 3 « 1 9 2 Vim 40 65 « 7 » " 14 2S 49 68 7 41

. .Durmid .


..Glade HiH. . . . .

. -Gbsburg . . . . . .

. . In^am

. .LawieCieeville. .Muuut Sulua ."

18 08 13 6? dOTO 129 78 17 OO 17 40 66 16

S 8 00


Collcctioii ffSHrWGTQN, ^,^?



SOMETHING OF INTEREST IVk Nnf Ml— jk ^inyle lame ol WliihmgtOil't Daijhr

Diuring This MontB

Annual Puly 1B an Event OF Eattreme Importance, Because m Face of Gesarafljr


WE CUT THE PRICES on all uJd iBt»rh«ofc** Ua**, aiwl hiemwy qaanfanes to ra«faice our present stodca inunecBate^—You sniyly CM>DO* affbfJ t6 mtot tt—thft th lny you want afe in^ ckulfld.-We can oo l j tey^.p»rt ^ tbfixasd n e w * at a tune. Exceptional n l o e a wHl be found ri^t through tbe nNmth, and many other good bargains, not adver­tised, wffl be planly mariwd with speciai sale signs. It wifl pay you, therefore, if posMble t«>^coaie to WaaUngton in July, and make Kann's your buying bead^

.Quutcatt-tfais month. "


Page 6: WRITES OF OL DUMFRIED S wm iT^mmmmm w RAmEFiELrDeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...~R


St . P e t e r -WHB noMlnff'Vt 13J« P«Hrt> g a t e w h e n ^ ^ e soul o( • tai thtul wlf* Boucht admlttAnce.

. " W t o l IMtve jTou t o w ^ f o r . y o n ^ self t" asked tbe saint. " "1 WM mafr l td to m y buaband l or M y«ara. kirttf HBW ww a a x » - « a -iner i x u t r be told the u , m e old )oke« and 1 a lways laughed hearti ly." -

"Enter, m y good woman," said th» aatot. « u c h . affected! "^lii&boiA j£. your l ife Is wondrous ly free from stain, but had you conducted yoursel f far o therwise , your groat forbearance would haT» «ntitLed^ xoiLia ft S^*

Marttng Karly. "jYi^t youngster of _your» w h a c l u

h i s drum wi th surprising energy ." "fy, >.« H n « . " rflTilled the proud fa-

ther. "I h o p e U will d e r e l e p h i* right

arm." "What's t h e Idea?" "Ob, r m looking t o the future.

Someth ing t e l l s m e that I'm d e s t i n e d to IS* tllB'ftiUiei of • ( • • i o « « • • • • • • • * • pitcher, and I want m y boy t o g e t »U the prel iminary training ha can." .

D O C ^ ' W * " * * * ^ AM doctors a g r e e that applea a r e

nlucb more palatable than the pll l» whicli oiotber frequently passes aroond to the l^.vs uud Kirls at l>edtliiie, real-ly* •coat -mncb lo»» iuou»y and ifnHwer.


the sniui' iiurpose. •'An api'le a day

The old say ing , keeps the doctor

away," j-ontalns more truth than poet^ ry. T h e apple to uot only a heal th giver, a hl^bly elflclout food, but It la also a HJlahtj e f fec t ive remedy for "wliat al ls you ." P o n t tsfci' • pMl: take an uiuile.

Tile Judge, You 8««, Simply Had U Cat Away From Court In • Hurry.

" T h e fuUow.ii,:; JUptcltrt lnriae; i l . grim-ly bu!iiori>un, id sa ia to Luive taken piavc j^'iiiy yeui-j-tt<t<j H> tTii'miJ »t a Ume '. i>.-u rio^i^., ami ili .orde. were KettiuB to li Beiiou^ pDlu



6 tpple*. 6 table»noonful» of mar- + malaije. 1 tcaspoonful of cornstarch 4-

BiutuJ iliiJ »*—*—I-- *

+ + +

«*!-in a i l UK 11 lem«n.

Peel and core applea and place m ~old water to prevent discoloration until ready for use. Fill cavltlea with oranse marmalade, place In baKlnB dlBli and pour enough water .^, . , .>...m t» almnat cover. Bprln-kle them with grated lemon nna. cover and bake until tender. Re­move apples to a fiat dish. Thicken the liquor with the cornstarch or arrowroot, add a tableapoonful of ^^r,g^ rparmalade. bring to the

There wua a lialiva.v juiit;e w b « w a * very luuu of IOA lui-.i-mK and tvoukl never uiUs u Luiet if be cuuitl possibly be there, l i i i ' . i t i k iiinl a aimllar tas ie ami never "msr - rttaTK'e o n v t t n e s s t n g -a hunt. One u,-Au..i'^ tlie . i e r t - ^ bia-pered to the judge . "Ver buuor, l i iere> a lueei toJ»y m »iuli.. iiilniuhiKau, aud they 've a lj,.e « « « l^x.'.

"Uow Liaiii"; i»Uouer>i have w e T ' asked tbe judge.

"Tweiu.v. lor l i o l i u a aud breach of peace, your btmor.-- -

"Tim," said tbe Judge, "do you think fe l low you can get tbe

gui l ty wi thout a t r i a l — m e ^ o to plead Temrin

Wlutmore, Lyno £ ATden Co. 1225 F Street N. W.


Jeweler* Silversmiths


Leaifteater's JTavoring"


boiling point and pour flver lliB aj)" iriea:—Bi'vs at »na» arhllft hot.

off wi th a week lu ja i l?" "The eas ie s t thing in the worldT

s w e r e d tbe fa i thful clerk. '^Mjke ha.ste. then, and briiut

w h o l e gaiig. Aud. 1 say , Tim. tell Jerry to saddle tbe mare meanwhi le ;"

T h e twenty prisoners w e r e biouKht Into court—nineteen of t h e m pieiiared to flpht counsel and jury to the bitter end. Tbe t w e n t i e t h' + 4-4^+++++++



4 pounds of apples, 4 pounds of pineapples, 2 pounds, of sugar, I pints of water, rind of 4 lemons.

Pare, core and cut 4ha apsiea In rings. Cut pineapple in- slices, re­move skin and eyes and cut pulp Into squares. l>eing careful to re­ject the .core. Boil sugar and water Kv„ mlniit,>« Add nlneapply; cOok

« •

until tender: then cook apples until 4eii4e«>—'"^'' '•'"""' rtnH ml lara

"I married my wife for nrfte." "Well, you certainly got gocAttoA

even with yonrBeir.'' ' "~~ '~

His Rcristlvas. The sluggard declined to vlatt .the

"She can't help me out," he said; So he took U s ulster Soim from a nail

And paid his "uncle" a vlatt IBstead.

• a t .

the'^Truth Cotnas ( H i t "No ma'am,"'protes ted t h e u n l e o a .

dered hobo."TqiMS Is i l s t s l r i i -fas t'lnkln' da t drliikln' I s OBO ttr m e fklk In'B.*

"Well ," rejotned the kind o ld tedy a s ghe handed h im a c o e i d e o t p e n a l e s , "appearances are s o m e t i m e s deee l t tuL So you n e v e r ormsT

t h e

(whlcii have been sterilized) with apple and piiieapple, adjust rinj^a, flU Jars vrlth sirup, adjust covers and seal. _ ^ _ _ — — _ —

had been Inter-v i e w e d by the clerk^ "GuUty Or not gtiUty of the cr imes charged?" de­m a n d e d the judge , wi th a propitious smUe. "Guilty, yer honor," said th* craf ty prisoner. "Well ," sa id the judge g lanc ing benero lent ly about the room, "I wi l l let you off w i t h a w e e k ' s Uu prisonmeut."

T h e man t h a n k e d the j u d g e and s tep ped down. There w a s a great sensa­t ion a m o n g the o ^ r de fendants . >(oue Of t h e m expec ted to ge t off wi th leas than five years In prison. H e r e w a s a g ~ v t <»tiinH'P fa progt bv the judge's

TROSTET^ SALE! Under and l)y virtue oJ t i e suihviity veste 1

ia me that certain deed of trust txecut^d ()y Ed«iu ,1 <jr«T on I'he first linj of June, iill'i. anil rei oided m tU* f'4*H4i'- <MB<5e «f iheCiriuit O o r t for [Vhoe William coan ty, Viijjiuia, the uudcriiigned Tru«te« will eUtr for sale ai public auciioi, for cash, upon the ptflPf^njLoLlbeaaid EkiwiaJ llxay. near Oainefvilte, I'riuce William county, Vir giuia, uu

Saturday. Jhrfy 22, 1»16 the following described jie tocal property, to-wii: ^ r

Bedroom farniture, eonsistiog of hedding, l)fd„, bo^eaim, i liai s, waftaunila, mgs; dininAnoftt furtiilnrei tabiea; chairs; stoe-Itoards; chioa< cl> seta: and also all other houaebiBld l iumiu.e iu asid dit^ia J Gray'i dwelling.

Thi»pro|«rtv Js practically new and will lie sold either as a uhole or in parcels — - I'KANK 0 BtlOOKE, Tni - tw •—J. P. KMLIW. Auctiouet»r S-IM 4l

Tka aboT* sa le kaa b«an poatponed to S A T U R D A Y , A U G U S T S, 1 9 J 6 .

p l e a s a n t mood. • "Oo you rill plead gui l ty y" d^mftlld-ed t h e Judge eager ly . " W e do!" shoot e d the enthus ias t i c n ineteen In chorus —"IHTe yearo' penal servl tot le mrh,'".

» <s><8><s>'»<s> 'j><j><s> <»»'»' ^ ^ ' i ^''^*^'^„l; , nuK uuuiNi y i

Judge. "Jerry; i s the

A P P L E CAKE. - ^ • ^ — : ' -

^ 1 heaping cupful of thinly alloed • apples, 1 pint alfted flour, H tea--^ spoonful of salt. S level teaapooa-< Tola of baking powder, M cupful ^ of butter, H cupful of sugar, 1 eKS, # yolk and whlta tieaten separately; ^ 1 cupful of milk. _ ___ :>

Mtt Hour, salt aiia"BaKfn# powd^iT aiid sift two ur thiee thnes. Bprlii-

Wonder if S h e Could Talk? ^ ~"TrweBftato~n rtwlanraat'- t h e - o t h e r

d a y (said a v e r y obserr lng man) and s a w a friend of m i n e s e a t e d a t a table w i t h a Iffi y Hh» h««l fuliw teeth , fa l se hair, a g lass e y e iind a w o o d e n pedal.

"Let m e iBtrodace yon

I-HU^ESl..Bl>OTH£,t i V . B E A B l O ' FrMldatl I l Vlci ?rea oat-

9E0 . ET WiBFI£LD, OttkUi

FIRST NATIONAL BANK, A . ] L . B ] a C A . ] > T D S . I A . -V-.A.

U N I T E I) S T . ^ T K , S JAPITAL - • ' '.fJCOti' 'URPLU6 ABE DHDlVU>£r

— I t l M H . - T n i .

Pahnolivc Soap F R E E

Extracts e« Wfth A ^ 50c Pwehase of Palmolive Products we give three cakes oftABsoLUTELv PURE


Prmc William Pharmacy MeaatMste, Virgmia

a. 1. B o i I I Hi.. W i iUHVl . t i ,

M J, * , JiU-|>.


ton-',.'' ti»T'-l'*'" gtveii :o stl businrw* n :.'.dnij!crillertioB*thro«Khotiltti* noileil *t4l»t •<•<• " ' i - ^ o i , * , . : —

-^ Mtt Hour, salt and baking powder ^" • aiid sift two uf thiee thnas. Bprlii- <» #. kle apple wfth flour. vCream but- <9 ^ ter and sugar, add yolk, well beat- ^ ^ « > i and then t h e tnUk. HSth-teraie • # Sour and beat thoroachljr; add # ^ w h l t e o f e m , beaten•tlS.raad.Iaafr.^^. H e SSJS.

I S i . ' M ' ^ ^ S o S i . * " ^ | i d e e f t ^ - E ^ c h a n g e .

M y f H e n d s a y s . t o m y wi fe ." „ . . .

1 took h l m a s i d i s andTii a n twdeFtane V<rgi»ia. • J d : " H o w could TOO e v e r marry s a c h . » ? ™ » 1 Academy for those aot prepared s a i d : " H o w could y p a e v e r marry

e - t e o M j ^ w o m s u r I s e e s h e h e s (e l se , b s l r . f s l s e t e e t b a n d a g l s s s eye ."

H e s a j h "T:alk o n t m y boy ; "he's

' " C o u r s e - I deee,''-^sngTerOd hobo. "But a s I wuz erbovt t ' ss^i drink^ Urtmn i w m e g i e a t e a t snOoosesei- -^ S e e ? " . ' ' ; ^ . .

A tiomproniiee. g a a t o A e t I h a r e been w d g h e d o f t « i .

Wif.^But-wh^'a^n'; >ee- -wtat.meiI^;SS.°r»^°.[>iteT^H,dt:£;>Ur^^ :i!^^^i^3JS^benHn^ ^^E: to buy your neckt i e s any m o r e ? '

H u b — W e l l - e r f a m.yaulf Lhau he¥e trouble.

rather b a y t h « a g e t e all j t h s t 9W»

Wife—But you.

I l ike t o do t h i n g s for

Hub:--Ohr la that ca^a-jTl l e t y o a look after t h e t i a n a c e w i s i r ia ter ,

Vety True. The Engl i shman (TtsltlnK TJntted

S t a t e s ) — I n tWs country, 1 M l e T e . ^ h e ideal condmoim~pt»Utia U t&U tll» office should seek tbe num.

The Americstt-^wgnr some oiBcee don't think much ot tbcm.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • « ' • * , . n k , A • ! tog me Baby • AP^LE TEA cAxe. — • ' -

Tast ina H i s Sealaa, "TlMnik h e e W a i Jai t i ss h t s ge i t -caU.

far _ E^peasea, iadoding board, voomt s t o i c a l

atCBDtion, and ieee, f 198.00 per s e e ^ ; IKS ad^ilarafaipa lor prospective teachera. redoc-iog eapSBSiu to f 1 ^ 0 0 . HMt Seifian b ^ i a s Seiitanfaer 91 ,1910 . For catalogits BtldiuBB—'"' '''~' '-—•—'• —•—~—

sa id t b e w o m a n 200

Who . . T E A CAKE. <» I w e i g h s weU o v e r 200 pounds . "A

. X K .••••T'Tr .-.. f..i j f S ' j t r a n g e J m t d i e r s h a m e d h im out of It. p a r - a r a o u r . ^ t a M s i i i w M i f a t ^ i f a » - ^ ^ _ . . i " ; „ ^ „ „ ^ „ . ^ . ^ „ . , ^ t^ ^ . t j i u B s l t 3. teaspoonfuls of baking pow- • I t w a s done nncoosclouBly too. That

• der, 5 t e a i ^ o n i u l or cinnamon, z # jg w h y ft w a s so effective".^ SlntSei bC-tablespoonfuls of sugar. 1 table-spoonful of butter, I egg, 1 scant

• Ple»-Mix and aitt dry. iBgrallenti-

Work In butter and milk gradually Blrffri 'P

tog Hver for iite c a t h e remarked that

auJ,'Lgg wnll hnntnn ^ well iMttereil baking pans; Cut ap--4 plea In eighths or sixteenths and * stick. In the doueb. Sprinkle sugar • iiBd oMinamon over the top. -

i to a moderate oven.

»»»»»»».»»••» » • » » » • » » • •

CoDege of Wiiliud and Naiy T w e Hundrad and T w e n t y f aartfc Yaar

Thorough Academiqconjaee leading to "deereea of A. B7"B. tT anS' ATTT; welT equipped laboratories and excellenl library; unexcelled health conditio s; athletics and physical traiyhig, in charge oif skilled phvai-cian, who is'a viember of tbe Faculty; his­toric environment, higb ffrade stodent body, and iatimate contact with the bast ideals of

Good things to put in your Picnic Basket—

Peanut Butter, Saltines,

Olive*, C h e o e , Picklea,

H. L. BWIPCES, P u i i H e r ,

LVOH a TYLER, LL. D . . 6-16-it P r a o d a a t .

Mm^^ Traflsferl^

TomatoM, FriMth Bmarf,

Oranges, Lentons, |(nice

juicy one*) and Bananai.

Maraschine Cbe#ries.

GRAPE JUICE Ail kind*<rf Package and

LooMr CiJKes ind'Orawctcfflrs

GMMtat line of Cood» Freth

€raeaiie«, Flour, l^eed. Etc

J. t. nJSHONG — — T h D > L t > l l i 6 i U i y

Onlen SoKcitd from Dealers


leaifibeater Dmr Corporation ta E. S. IXADBXATEIt * SONS


MOTOR CAR EFFICIENCY IS largely a question of the skill of the repair man. A complicated and nicelf sdjiisteri mwhsnism lilfe an antonhi

-be repslriKl nr ovsrhslled -by-tinkers.


O a r r e p a i r s e r v i c e i s q u i c k and eff ic ient , b e c a u s e e v e r y o n e o f o a r m e c h s B i e a i s an e x p e r t . N o d e l a y s ^ n o ibskmring^ A l l w o r k g u a r a n t e e d . Consol tat ioBS « r * e . •"'


VA RAMDAU. a ' i k C O T


ATHRT. Bagg ige , Fumitare aad all kinds of marr

^hsnuiae; or other commodities ^.ixsoifAf uraai'hHfd as diliawsdi

e r t ) — Heard ht SleetrfeHy.

c 1 uiussui \ v n w e ; f u i u u c W h a t e l e ^ J l e s l nUauBMWwn 1 k n o w n t o r a g s s ; o s e wlilcae'vett.AnidB and E r e n a t l o « A l

•IS ( a « « g - d e g ~ t t o i i i h t ) — 1 A » bodies r ^ e i ; —Hfce bbtHse rttiWgS' P o l y t e c f i f l f c " ~ •'

• - ..,• •. .•--.. ••, • , ••;. • —• -^ • COMPOTE O F AP^LJEr W I T H • , ^—— R i c c : ^ ^ — — — - • i

A d m i n i s t e r e d f o r P a i n -ivQoif o f T e e t h . '

JL.F. H O U G H : , D E N T I S T G. Baiidin«r, Manassas. Vs.

•Vii cuptula of au«ar, ZM c u p u l a ot w a t ^ . 1! ffttpUtIt <M eaOMfl IWS.

TlipiHes, 1 ajiete ot lemon. ' TSX* soirar and m atar tftSBth for ten mtnutaa. Purn- coA and

A VHUnMM. oooooooooooo

t«rr 10 tart at>olea.

JaiJL HJi,^ '

Add lembg aBcea to strap and cotA' ^ aBPlea.La few aUcea a t a i time, unti l # all are cooked. A m u s e rloe ta • botton> of aenrlns diah; place ^ o e s # of apple orerlapphw eadi other o e ^ top'of rice. BoQ.tha ainip nntO. 4 tlitok and poor over apelaa . Oool « aaa stfva. - —. • • •

in • •^ ' .^iViki'i?^,,^:


;Cotirse"i=-^Por f i n B s i y GradeSi--—-,— Coarse I I — F o r InterasediBte and G r a i ­

n ier Grades . Cuuige I l l - ' P u t Iligfa OUiuul Q i e d e s . Ctrtirse I V — F o r Househo ld A r t s . ' ' Coarse V — F o r Ittdustriel A r t s . _ . S t r o n g Coorse m tniDDc beoooi MusicT^ I n c r e u e d Faeti i ty . . N e w and M o d e m EqiufMBMit. Board, laundry, e t c f o r 8es8to i i ,n35 .00 . TBi«ieB.frce t o S t a t e S t u d e n t s , - .

F ^ eati^og;ae a p p l y t e P n a a d e a t E . H . RUSSELL. .

7-21- lmo Fredez icksbdrg , V s .


1 cnpful of ausar, 1 cupful of t-aqnara, lueli s t k ^ eUummog

L I S A T S . , S«AI« CocJaBotMS. V f t a s t a T , Piogipt attaetioD giaen all orders. Priees

• •• • —= ' -itnrji^ Tin | M . „ , . MXTALIOCASKEXB CA srferK

a^ iKUur

TBnEeyairmi of -wis i^ water ana-ctanianwn. Bell aiowly for tan m i s ' otea, sktRimlns walL Cora, para appteavjcook In alrap ontfl oaarlr dona. Drain and cook for a ttnr

O minutea ta tha oven. BoB the strop O entfl almoat Ilka a Jelly; a m a e * O applea oa a dMi f o r t s m l i n ; SB

5aTlt;c3 with leUy or : poor almp erar tbaaa and i aMk.4aaaaa.«aMriMspa*.eBsa^

_ • • • • * * • • • • • < CIDER JELLSTT

Masie—Ltts is wtat v s asks Hany—Let's aeke It heerta.

• uupftil of. • ot eider. • Soak tha • dlaaairv in • aed add t m • I M s e H M aa •

boOlnv aratar, t

w Tis rr"" • " • ~ he wisbed'tbere were reliable in tlte netcBborhood to wetgii Baby tm.

"Said dte boceher. ^Ktsg her <»«• bete.* — - - •--

• Tlumta.' said Jwes i '1 win'

selatla to coU watar.

< » i * i S S » * * » * « > » » S » » * ^ * »

for OS; H e b a d rigged tip a x l c e Bttls ahawl a r r a a g e m e a t s u s p e n d e d f r s a t b e bang ing s e t I M t o p o t b a b j in, a a d tben b e w e s l a t r o d e c e d l a a e s b a a n t cal led a e B e b y

- S e w T « ( ^

"Why do I nrtV Aad tha

"Toe aait nwt

tha post WTsSSk iha aditor made rapiy: I T ^M raar poan la hr a n a - ^ T j la eaa rsassa why." T ^

• . V

Twff " N e w , Kat ie , dp 7 « « k n o w s n e o i A t o

k e e p y o a r Bsouti A n t ? " aaked tbe f a s h l o a a b l e w c a t a a « ( t h e giri d M w a s abotit t o engage .

"Well , m a i n , I k n e w enoat f i t o all Irlgfit^ but the quest ion i s . D o I g s f

•Qoagh w a g e s t o encourage m e to?"

eioRR ICE wa I.-I qaart of cidar. 1 eo^ililaf

Jttlc«. V; cupful ot fnpfala of Sk.

Ask K ti seii i n o v New Slfie Book

It shows many of Rich's fuhions for men, women and dnldrcn and yoa can buj fiwin it with e m j w

^ t D S WANTEI> Bids w i l t ^ re6sU«dat ftes^derVso Ifioe

Uaoasaas, Vs. . ofitit 12 o'clock, aooo. Moil-dav, J o l ; 31 ,1916 , for two Koi seven-teiidia mUeaot msfadam road between Miliord IClls aad Bristow, in Prince WiUiaai e o e a ^ , Vm.

f lsBa- sad speciiestiooa oa file at A s tiarkV effioa, Minsisas. Va. , sad a t this

Speeitoitioee {amiaiied oe ap^^iea-tioa.

SOOTHIHHlAttWSr~ piBira cAUHQt Of m soon ~~~ S C H E D U L C - - — -.. . .-

In effect October 24, 1915. -e^edale figures paUiabsd oal^ as i a t v -

Tr>hnl <<wv«»Mgn»M«g • • foDowt

" ^ U d h :

right is isaeiTsd to raject a a j or all

e . P . ( OLEMAN. State Highway Comanaaioaai,

- : l l a ^ 15,1«1> — R i o h m f d . Va.


SOUTHBOUND. No. i»—DaiW local, 8:S0 a. m. Del iveis

eonnedtiOB at Orange daily except Sniviay to C. A O . for O^rdonariUe aao RiehaMmd.

No . iS—Dai ly thiongfa traia ior CSiarlotts^ 10:08 a. m « i u atop at Manaaaaa e e flag.

N o . 17—Except SoncUy, local faoaa Wask-iBMOB to WaneDtoo, 6:22 p . s i .

J b . IS -rDaU; local ior WJOC letSMwiDe aod wayatatioBS, 6:12 p. v . Pall-.

in Parlor Oar to Wanentoa . H« 41—Qaily tWrcm^ tTm«, ta-U^

• ' • » ' _ . - - - » • , «» . . f atoja tola* o« p a a a a a g w i i r g s W s s h i ^ » » and Alssaadna and to take c«. ppsi for point* at which achedeled to stop.

^ M O R T H B O m m .

soianee of satisfaetMB.

B. Rich's Sons f St.Cw 10tt_

EiTerytlimg G o o d | t o E a t

My ittie *6m6yft< staple and Fancy Grpceg^^.,

Queensware, "tin knd Enamelware_ \ __

WnfaftM, D. f.

What They Travplpr—In China

baT<> vPiiow jat:kef» tbe s ta t e smen

Utaaoive tha suear ta «ho add th« fruit ptie*, mttx tha taeradl-

> > 4 - l l » - H - 4 - m I

Haex ing the LathtSMs. P».rtaDa one of

BAtfoos c lass of s h a m Lat in t l o a s w a s t h a t w h i c h appsBZed s o » e Hmo ago tn a Dnhlln fMni.r It waa In

>-0-o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9


1 ^/HATt-ot -r^rr elder. I cupful -ot lemon julre. 2 t.i^jleR^oonfuLs of s ln -gt^T siT-\ip sujrar ti-v ffwaeten.

Frw7.<' hard or soft

-t~d^^-ii^-t:M^ *'* o o .:> o a — c « c

andqt ie T-a t ln ," a s toOowe: T sahylla haare* aso. forttboB aa ki az«.

NobOe ThUba facta trux. aa Tatktnaet— p«a an dux.

This purported to b a r e been found nestr the alte ot a cbunt^ dedicated to t b e n t n t t n o w n to tbe e ld ebiea-Iclers a s f n o a t i i s . \mbulanns ."

T h e " i ^ t l n " InsortptlOB w a s ta real-- a T « n * * « « ' d rirae:

I aay. Bllb here's a go'

AVJcious ^est

D.J.ARRINGiTON M A N A S S A S , s V t t C O O A

No. 1 » - E s n s v » SuMlaw, b e a l f r o * Wsr-eMoo to WsahiegtoB, 7KI0 a. at.

No. 16-;Dai ly t h n x ^ \ t i« ia betwsse CSiarlotiesfiHe.^ Warrentcv, i t e s i s s a s a p i WaahiagtoBr »:05 a. la. Pallf iaa Pariqr Warrraton to Waahiagtoa.

Nn. 14—Dailyfrae) Bscriaoabarg to W a A -i B g * 0 B , a : 4 7 a . » . P a U a a e P M a r Cbr.

Ml. 10 nai la lssa l i »ilO

^ ^


No V t i«

"Soacs of Lowe BMA War," a collection of th« bast poems of the late Eh-. H. M. Qarkson, $ 1 . 0 0 postpaid. Address T H E ' .IOURN.\L. Mfina»»«», Virginia




Telegraph and Tele*

at Oraaga with C. A 0 . Bwlway tnm. R i A -atoad (DO QordonsTilla. ' Mo'. 3S-=^t)4uhT7:SS p. ta., toeal traia be-


aessasaad WaahiagtCB, i-.VS'^.m. N e . M ^ - O e a y t h T a e « h t i a H i , a e

riisjjsg ears tor Waahagtoa aad New Toik, 10:10 p. B . , stops oa t a g : " —

WESTBOUND • • He. W—OaiW local for Harriaonbarg ^

iaianasdiatai paata, 9:40 a. a We n—Iki i ly laaal >e IleiiiauM^siic

^•"' r •

V p .mri g ^ I I , , K. H. COAPMAK. W . U . ' i ; A Y L 0 6 , P a a a . T r a « e Her. H. F. C A B r . G«B. Paaa. Agt. <3. W . - W K T B U E Y , Oan Agent ,

• W A W B I w m ' O N . D . C .

UWfCfSny "61 TIT^IIIUI H e o J af P a b B c S c h o o l S y a t o m o f ' " j j r ^


p b o a e Poleg and P i l i a t j | CeUaga. Gra^eate, L « i ^ M«cB-

f or which w e pay casKT



LOAN FUNDS AVAILABLE laSdwerving stmlents. tlO.fH) ooiera all oo tR to \ irgiola studento ir. ihe .Academic

Page 7: WRITES OF OL DUMFRIED S wm iT^mmmmm w RAmEFiELrDeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...~R


s=Buggie8s== Prices Frea $45.00 (• $100.00

We have just received one car-load of Blue Ribbon Buggies, and one carload of the famous Haydocks—each made of the very best material available, bought in the white wood and painted aa per pur ins;

Also all kinds of



GRASS SEED It will be worth your while to

inspect our stock.

Manauat, Va.

^ out.H»*«ian MW UP


The way to make two blades of grass grown where one does now: Buy the celebrated Magnesium Lime fruih Leesburg Lime Co., tho limo tJint boo boon oold in Loudoun and Fairfax for the past twenty-five years, and out pro­duced them all, and the reason for it fs b^ailse it <M)ntuhs Mag­nesium and Oxide of Iron in right prtmoition to Calcium Carbonate, and the United States Agricul­tural Department in. Year Book 1901, page 161, states that Mag­nesium is absolutely necessary to plant growth and nothing else will tuce^ts place. Send orders to Comwell Supply Co.. Manas­sas, Va.: A. Sw^bertiBon, Well-ington, Va.; M. Rollins, Bristow, tu,, «• diract tooa «n<f w i w will

t protn|>t att^tion.;

I%^g ImrCo TB B.V. WHITE. Manaser

Warm Weather and Meat -

V ! l k ttfla^BMr M A S k**i^-JUB-l^B

MtbelMCMiiikUiLtiiekU •f Mat jw % . lUets wn-cri; Old r« BEil mu kewer taiitd • m m Mitkr aiil

if JMt M MCk

Ife Bike q ^ eiwt to kmife Ml SMt pipuTji fiw the MMit the mmA^^mt ^ the steil, ckpi mi at tci^ m mheL We km a iM> lee•M • •we nip. MWB ilelar;.tlrt

• n jirt Wbe yw rah t» cMh -it

FliWr'* OM Staad. Vm.

Washington's Leading Store_

-^For China, Glaaa, —Silverware, Etc

Our supremacy 'tti the following Unas has b««n r»coyni«»d f w year*.

Dependable qualities, exelniively lowest prices for TUB BEST.

Starling Silvarwara F i u s t Platad W a n H;—k_f*-^jA- C i l l 11 I I u ^ ii*%ai M V ^jwmw^^^ CbiBa Taklawara Tabia Glaatwara Rich Cut Glatt Bra«s and Coppar Ware* Cbafins Diahaa Cbafing Oisb Accaaaoria* Student Lamp* ~ Parlor Lamp* Kitcban Uteatil* Bathroom Fixture* _, gtWy R<lrt|iruaf t, a«.


W A S H I N G T O N ,

REMAWKAgtrXXANQe. ~ In a statistical survey of the first six '

months of prohibition in Arizona, Jan­uary 1 to July 1, 1915, Thomas K. Mar- < •hall shows tlie marlced Improvements tfi tnt fniases Ox state lifa>~ GrimQi'~t2r counties where saloons existed durinc 1914, fell oCr 37.3 per cent when the

1 BAloona ware closed. This Insured a say. • [ mg IP mwyflfg 6T |b(l j78.9» in de-. creased coat of arrests and prosecu-i tions. Kven more striking are the fl|-I urea for the cities and towns. With a total decrease of 2,403, or 60.1 per cent, In the number of arrests for the first six months of 1915 as eqffipyf4 ffiiji

TEXT—Lord I will foUow thee, but—"-Uike 9: SI.

This 1B what a good many people •F« eaying in tbelf beturt* If net witb

their lips. They know the Qositel plan of salvation.

xy-acetylene Welding-~ "We can weld anything, fio matter how badly it is broken, or how Ufge it i«T "' where it is. iust so vou have the pieces we can weld i t and it win be just as strongtj^not stronger, than the onginat

the same moikths of 1914, the savinc amounts to $86,170.14. This almost ott-•ets flie entire amount of liquor license revetaue, 1100,998, which was surren­dered by the cities of the state.

The record of the city of Phoenix is perhaps the most

,t)00 tncieaae In wealth, decrease in tax rate and a ^ u t $20,000 lees iti cost of city government for six months, is credited to the capi­tal city of Arizona for the first half of 1914. The decrease In arrests for drunkenness- for the first six months of 1916 perhaps surpasses that of any city of its size in the United States. The number of arrests for 1914 waa 1^10 and for 1915 was 86. The per capita cost of arrests for 1914 was $6.63. With 1,126 fewer arrests for the Btx months of 1916 tor this cause

TB6y mow ifley must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Qi order io be saved, a n d they know that whBT; t h a y An h e -

Uieie was a Uwrwumd cuai m V?.346.2b toLtbe.city.

Savings banks accounts in the state tocreaBed nearly $400,000 the first six months, and the deposits of all banks

lieve on him with their hearts they wIU follow him In their life ^nd con­duct.

T h e latter is •omethinc t h e y ' do not wish to do l>ecause it means

a turning away from things in which they now find profit or pleasure. They do not reckon oo the fact that when they truly believe on the Lord Jesna Christ they wHl receive a clean heart and have renewed within them a right spirit. When a man Is thus regenerated he no. longer, wishes to do the things he us^d to do and finds it easy to follow Christ.

In their struggle to put off the day of decision they frame various ex-

tarkilr- DoTrelt Company INCORPORATED

Our office and maTn sahesrooiri is now keaten in the M, I. C. BuiW-—ing. on Battlfe Street, oppontc tht T'oMOfficg. where we wltl "

carry a complete line of Horse, Dairy and Poultry Feeds. You arc cordially invited to viait uo when in town. - Our —

stock TB complete at air seasoiis. "Thie feeds rnefi-tioned below are always carried in stock.

~ ; DAIRY FEEDS Clover Leaf, C. O. and B. Feed. Buffalo Gluton Feed, Cot­ton Seed Meal, Corby's Dried Grains, Bran and Middlings. Also Blatchford's and Schumacher Calf Meal, Old Process Oil Mear and Dtanond Hog Meal.

HORSE FEEDS Big Mule ^oJasses Feed, Emerald Feed Cracked Com.

Shelled Com, C9rn, Oats and Barley Feed,

IScratth Fee*?, POULTRY

Corn, PuuUry F E E D S -MnhrAlfat

Scraps, Meat Meal, Granulated Bope, Grit, Oyster SheHs.

Water Ground Table Meal and Floor Timotty and Alfalfa Hay—

cuseB,~nKe tne man or the text wno, when our Lord said unto him: "Fol­low me," repUed: *"L.ord I will fol-•W.W ftia«. ^nt '°* '"" ""* B^ ''*'' **'""' 1]

laegeased nettfly $0,000,000 up tu Bey

piece. W e guarantee pur work

and our prices are reasona-

Wear^ equipped to bum corbon out of your ^Ftiadors. Can clean ~caibmi out « a y engine in on jJMdf to one hour. Spedal:m«B6s to Ford

Ceiitral jrtart jt g;* 'y^'"*'!?"'?, ,*y:"'"''*T ""*



Having determined to devote omr ylibTe Mmeto the Rf^Ejtete and Insurance business, we hereBy solidt iJl i»cq)erty for sale and., request those having pMperty to list the same with us promutiy.

W« pr«nis« to dMl Anrlr with aU aad will f i r s tk« bnsM—I Mir bastatt—Ha»

C . J . M E E T Z € * C t l r -qWe«iii.I.C.ItiiHa»s

Under and by VirtaeOf adecreegrtgredJg HriPl'>''^l€*^«>Brt of friwe ^IliaQi coooty at

the t>ctober, tS15, term thereof, in the ebaa-euj sait therein pending, s^led Mutual lee' Cto. Ts. i. n. KiiniaAuB'St als, to uudw

BEUrS-BlffiAD ^—tB tnade from beat tnateria&,

baked in an up-to-date oven, handled fay neat, elean^ CMfe, fui wBikacu. Aak 4m "

—OF S E V E B A 3 ^ -

Valuftble Houses

tember, 1S15. The children of the state are feeling

tho benoflt of prohibition. . There were

farewell, which are at my * home."

uwitiftiiiy MflM gftiHd M fta 6Piaeuon to a man's doing that, but on this occasion the command of Christ was parwuptuiy, and ^he aaaii's actioa-

toe the first alx montha-of li>15-2,000 would dctormlne at onp<i w>'«> <"»»' more children In school than tor the' preferred hi* famiir to Christ, There saxfie period of 1914. Tho regiBtratloa ! comes a time in every man'* Uf» wh«a at the state unlyeralty aUio shows an' he must decide this question, and d«; increase Of 66 per'mnt oVer the regla-: termlne In the presence of his «lwn tratlon for 1914. _ __ ; tmvO. sgA-la 4iM~ proeoneo otr- « • *

whetlier Qoff comes flriror SSt. ^"'*'''

If you cannot come to see us ute the te lephone or write for quota­tions. AU ord«ra entrtisted to ut will receive prompt and careful attention.

I July Clearance Sale K

Our Semi-Annual July Clearance Sale will begin

^ ruesday, Jii^ 18th

CAMEL IN ILLINOIS., A wet and dry map of nUnola is a

r^eallng sort, et docmkent, says the Chicago Journal. It shows that the •ale of liQuor la forbidden In more than

, Hypeeritea In.tiM Church. -' 1. Some, say there are so many hyp-ocrltfss In the church, forgetting that there are many hypocrites in. the bUBl3«88 or profession I>y whlchVthey

Irtr cent of the geographical Vea | ^^^^ jj^^,, Ureiatood. and yet they of the state. As Indicating "how great bam been the retreat of Jehn Pai'ley-com," centlnuea the Jonmal, "ynn <^ji

drive in an absolutely straight llAe-te the Oh^o river .without once entering y e t terrHery.— Yen can start from half a dozen different townships _ on the Indiana border and drive straight to the Misetsslppl river on dry t e w * torr, and only at two {daces In crosa-Ing the state from eaff to weat do yau need to miJEe m(M« than a- small de-tOiU'U> avoid weSe«».~" -

With the prohibition state of Iowa nn one sjrte snd ilried-up tninola town* and conntle* on the other, the Ulssia-alppl iBows for himdreds of miles be> tween hanka of aolld^droBght; for only at six polBta north of thw Baaf Bt, Lonla oaati «an the thlratr get asythbig tb d r l ^ b ^ water, nearly as the Jonmal can ten, the camti ia marnhtng forward all orar the rtate." — —

? e » » t - « h m e r , * « • • - * * nnder

PROHIBITICM JtftOHiaiTS. Ton cannot etmvlnee the. manage-

r t i K l ^ i C ' S / ^ l , ^ f L . - a t ^ S t K n o x v l H e w I a . . that pro&ndtion '" .—•^.•^.^ They'haTe tfcebeet does not prohibit, poaeible proof that It doM. Apoordlng t o the report of the conntjr Auditor Blnee Jianuary 1 the number of po-Ueato stmt ttLjhfi hfTipltai hot linrn

do not renonnce that traslneaa or pro-fesaion. " '^~- -'"' ,. :• ' : — '

-nr A geed way-to moot thla"

a A whether {BfiX-lhttk wQl go to heaven? vr

etiteM will certainly answer, no,

asked. whether mlght^5e eidvea can Chris L ~Ae qneatlon, as weu as

they go to heaven wtthotit they mnst r e ^ to tUs

to the otuer, m will be bronf^ the negative, they

to set taw tlwy murt dweU with hypo-

beeonte saved. The inqntty brings to mind the caae

of a eWMB msft wna was aiwiys gn-ing this reason f w not accepting Christ. And yet Ua faithful wife heard Mat cry te^te nlgfat more than:

In^rcUnl jsaeer UOd, U In^rcUnl to me. a ft-la-e sad thing for a soal

nvlctlon of sin, to c a t away Uw hope^ot salvation (or ao flimay a reaaon as the, presence of hypoerttea

n m d c o a m i e n a M n of sa>^-m«gia«d^-Qie fact that Dee Kettiaa' •aid decree, ifaaU oa ' aalcjons tended t o cu* down the aleo-1

^twd«jv Augugt Oaifi-about U a'«la9fc, ». m. ot ihet deyi « t •n. n4 Ami nm^, • • i ! - - • '-g^'uTAr

boat of the PeopBiTSfaffoiar B«ik,Tn ibe| ^ J f - " 5 2 * ^ towB of Msm—••, Va., aril hy way of public [ i . yn si, ^oae seiecal Tiimi)l> hoaeos sad loCi Of ti>Sd,~tyiBg SSTberog^laate on Fair-

iii M i i w a i . V s . uf whieh J. O. Kindidoe died wised sad poaMeaed. _ 1. The lot upoa which said J ' uheTsti ia«iiki3 >i ttw 111—-uf-hirtl—tTHF gather with the dwellj^, baraa aad other

2. Tin iot with U>e new frame dwaUiag boeaa thereon, adjamt to miinbar f.

„ ft. Th» l«».will>

« r

oUier. accept no otber. We also bave a nice QUICK LUNCH COUNTER where ytm can

"JSOSJStf your appetite. Ftil line of confectiooery. ~

J* Ma - Get an Ice Cream

yardaod gardea. TEEXS OF SALE:—OiM-tfaird caeh sod

the leaidiie ia two eqsal imtaihBenta. pays-hie >• OB* sad two yrari, the defemd pay '•SBta to Bv enoBBead or the pofeBasers .imeie* hearing note* aatl thc^t l e ta..the ••id real eatate to be wraiaad rt<I tte aota*

tmidier infonnatios apply to aay of igaed commiasiooers.


In order to advertise the No-Vort-Freezer. we will give a

- quirt s1*e<Jf this freezer free with every cash purchase amounting to $30 and a half

. gsHon size' with .cash pur­chases amounting to $40, as long as the supply lasts.




C. A mscLnmr 8-4-4< _ C^oiBugatonera of 3«le.

ffvBSII&g' natJI at isreii«ait lElte a n Just half as'many patlMita aa there were a year ago. Even before the | ataia pioliltinwy ln» mmiL inur^ametr'

hoHe paflenta.


Oivlna Up or XaMm On. WhMif. - a. Othera hcaimta to aecupt Chrlit b ^ n a e ther t h i ^ they will have so m*eih to i^vejipi ^ tM^ are * noraat of the fket that the Christian fOn i» from vnrj pt^t of view a gam rathar than a loaa. Ton give np ala. hot yon take hoHneaa. ton give np aoRow, hitt yon take Joy. Yon give :S>^gB>ifc but yon take lite, tow gty* np.eett, boT yon take Qod."' _

O. U Mooiy used to tell of a soap

Of alB. bnt heattated tp ace«t Chriat. He prewed htm for a •ea. aad at last he said-It waa Ua

We will ha.ve on sale lota of desirable good* at dhaf-Teductiimi;""^oirt"foirget isarShtieSgie^^tr

have some big bargains if you can get yo]ur fit. Owlag to'hfck of lyaca w will not quote^pricea but Ivill promise not to di^ppoint you if you w ^ only give^ia a locfc--WiB^ haVe-afbig lot of Ent'-broiderfea on sale.

CAMPER & JENKINS . ;^—Snccef or* to Cwigftr ft Camper Cat



6S tn the same period of 19U. « * «»•*• « " It. bat the fact la It wOf ««

amcetheflratof t h l a y a a t l M i j a ^ a r l g S L ^ " * * * * ^ ' * * ^ " ^ • * ^ * ' ' haa deer sed atm aMTCk i Cttm, T must give « u*. _

-. - I Hare waaa idaln <aaae which many ECONOMIC EFFECT, I «»"»«• WW has "had to face, but

On top ot th» great moral teaalta we • y^»t follj it is to hMltate a moment wucn^ (o Jeckfe! UoreoVer, have th^ae eeooomlc facts: In the • " * • * •^•y

first three weeka of January the sav- i ^ * ? * 'P''^ ** given vp his bnsineaa aOS^epoaits "in the banki of ^eatOe'j^ft^^rt laa WtM aiterwart thar taicreaaed IB per cent. • There was not' C>»rt« »>•* » ff**^ *«*J '>«»»«' '»"«'• a grocery store tn -SeatUe that dtfj ™»» to gtyg-Mm t h a n ^ had evw

«iMtw an teCTMiS Ot iHlUg— tn • dreamed of; fiw, aa tne i»Die saya. January gPeateTtlMm ever kaOwa In! "UMflBWH « PTOftaSIS imw iB aay month before la all the hiatory of '• thJnga, having promlae of the Ufa that the city, eicept ta koBday time. Ia •«»* «« ead of that-which ia toeeaM." aU the Ui«a KTOCOTT •teret the hi-; «. "I « • »f>»id I wont hold ort."

'Vaa tnuoMiae. Bvary dry . ^ aaothdr very commoii sBSSf^ B*t


good|£ store, except aBi^_aad ftgvrea ftov, hsid a tn bnstnees.


that I i t ^ mlatake here Bea In the tact that rts«-vsa m tHttBba' of 'KIB swa •trsuath taatead • ( the atT««ith ot the Savior.

T h — » u . I^Hm

•tore that haa had iU •tnee prohiMttoa went Into eSeet

TAOKLt IT! trSKhtt part

dnatrial' tBt«reeta -largw

Jewelry, Sporiiiig GouJa When yop-thinlc of purchasing a-wateh,^jripg,-»

J ,(g brooch pinj nrotner-jewek^jemainberjgfe^ " supply yoor wants. Most anythim^ in tte

aporth^ goods line will be found lione— ai an aiuactive price. —— —

the —Special Friday aad Saiaidar azenrskia tickau OB Rale fron Jane 9 to SaptMnher 9. I&IS. Tia Ooulbein Railway txprinciiai ft«-tions in Vjrgioia at greatly radocad (area tn Q ^ g rn business. Atlutrf; Oty, Cape STay, Ocean City. Stone Harbor, Wildwood aod other noted Jeney Coast Resort POIDU. Coatnlt Agents or • rit^ C. W. Weetiwrr. (Vfiieial .' gmt Wfteh:n^^n, D. C. for particulars.

. „ , , _ have in the cam-liiLifii tor iiate-iKRle tsr(i>hfhfHMi t " ^ i waa the question oonaidered by a coo-ference of business men In Grand Rap­ids. Mich. "We have plenty to do at­tending to our own business," reads the caB. "but svrety this la a pan M

If it is going J o tm

antra on—aa. of a T. U. C. A. building In

N « « England that aeto thla truth be-very tersely aad heentlfnny.

are 'Tenee at—nmuutT .wklCh means, 1 hold and am held.' It anggeau the picture of a stranc

ing a dangerovs cliff. The child la I cltttglng to the man. hot it is becauae the man is boldtng the child that tho latter makea the xscent with safety. Ia Hke ma»aa> tha fafth of the er oauaea h b a l o '•""t taJeaus Phrlst

H. D. WENRI^ Jeweler and OptidaB Manassaa, Virginia'

proTO the conditions of the men In our i but It la Jeaua Christ that keepa aad | employ, increase the dividends of our i savea htm to the and. - . . j . stockholders and cleanse the aocial Let ns not be afraid to accept h t e \ life of our city and state, what mor* *« w SaTlgr and foltow him as oM> Q f l ^ . V Q 115 >J U n i o n S l r g ^ t . rmponssi jb^-canw-e u c H e T ' ' - I x f f I F a c t o r y : N o . I l l N . L e e S t r « e t .

Henry K. Tield & Co., Lynber, Swsles , Laths, Doors, Saslu

—^BKoiBnd Building Matmaf^ OF ALL KINDS.



Page 8: WRITES OF OL DUMFRIED S wm iT^mmmmm w RAmEFiELrDeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News...~R


Rt. Rev. William Cabell Brown, Mshep coadjutor of the dioQeae of Vnrginia, preached Sunday morn-ing at SL Paul's Episcopa l Cbuirctf. oonflrminfira'daaaof t,en^ and Sunday evening at Gracd Cbap«I, Hickory Grove, confinn<-ins: a c l a s s of fpur. Bishop Brown's sermon was one of the most interesting sermons ever heard in Hasrmarket.

Rev. Ryland T. Dodge, of Mf.-

^ €f 'Brady.-Miss Grace Graham, of Buck-

land, is the guest of her sister,

Miss Margaret Parsons is visit-ipg hftr ymnHmnther. Mr«. J. S.

Kenney. had charge of the prayer Borviffl SiinHav af. the BaptJBt IAT; Jordan brought home sev-church

The Junior Auxiliary girls are looking forward with great pleas­ure to their camping trip next weoki' Friends will be welaomed at the camp, provided they bring their lunches with them*.

The Presbyterian Missionary Society held their monthly meet-iDg with Mrs. A. R. G. Bass, Wednesday afternoon.


Miss Mary Love Alrich and Mr. Bailey Tyler were quietly married Wednesday at Shelter f ann, near Hickory Grove. The ceremony was perfonned by Rev. Robb White, rector of St. Paul's Epis­copal Church, in the presence of a smalt company of relatives and immcdiftte friende.—^ ••

Mrs. Tyler is the daughter of the late Rev. and Mrs. W. A. AI-rieh. her father having" boon 4t clen^yiuaii uf the Episuupal Church.

Mr. and Mrs. Tyler have the good wishes and congratulatiwis of tbetf nnmy-friertda-at ^ymar> ket

BARN DraTROtED BY FIRE A bam belonging to Mr. W. L.

Heuser was burned to the ground Sunday nighti Spontaneous com­bustion is said to have eansed the fire. We understand, that the loss is partly covered by insoT' ance.

Hayma^et last Thursday night Ezperieneed—tha mnnt geveria thunder storm in many years. Lightning struck a tree at the northeast ecanec of the home of Mr. M. -H. laghtper. colnihg in through a window and down a stovepipe. No strieHB dwnagei was^one.

A large crowd defied the in-clement weather last Friday to attend the fidd'day held at Wav-erly farms. It was regretted that the atiUetic sports under the. direction of Measis. H. J. Ami^-lett and R. A. Meade could not take place. I1tei»oceed8,aDK>unt>-ing to $3Vj>i|l he naaLfM-Pftf-1 Eaattx Wixaj:

Grove." iah improvements by the ladiea u£ DU riill'a OuikL The ladies

Parsons. Mrs. James H.-Graham last

week visited her daughter, Mrs. G. G. Brady.

Mr. C. E. Joman, who has re­turned from a trip to Natural Bndgp, 8aya_JLhe fiigbt.ja welir worth the time and money spent.

eral pictures, including majestic views of the lost river and the lace cascade.

The Austro-Hungarian consul at Baltimore, Mr. G. Louis Hea-ter and his wife and daughter, are guests at Mill Park, the home of Mr. C. A. Heineken.


Miss. Florne Lee, who spent the winter in North Carcdina, is at home for a short stay!,

Miss Celia Owens, of Haymar-ket, is the guest of Miss Annie Taylor.

Miss Alma Brady, of Haymar-ket, spent several days this week in our town.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis and ME Gl W. Washington spent Sunday afternoon at "The Her­mitage.

Mr. C. E; Bailey, of Wa8h-tHg^^»aa»^ ton, spent several days last week at hisiiome.

The Greenwich Athletic Club will hold its annual high class field day on ThufSdffyT^Augiwf 10. commencing at 10. a. m. Among other- erbuisTwo Ksaas of ball will be played. The first game, Greenwich vs. Catharpin, will be played in the morning. The second game. Greenwich vs.. Catlett, will be played in the aft­ernoon. Many other a t hi e t i e events will take place for' whidi liberal cash prizes are offered. Hnrnft th flrpgnwiVh anA ynn qn l |

come again. . Mr.- B. M. Leach spent-the

week-end with friends in WasfaH ' injgbm.

Mr, M. M, Ellis, of Manassas, spent Stgnday in our towni

Mrs. J. T. Thornton and daugh-ter, of Nokesville, spent Thurs^ day night with Mrs. J. W. Hnlli-day.

Miss Carrie Lee spent several days tost week with Misses Katie and Hary Cockerille at "Clover HUL' -

Miss Juli^te Washington, of

ciJFTOjLPQiNGs. ^ fEltRAN NOW Miss Nellie Gossom was the

guest of relatives in Springfield last week.

Misses Lotta and Lillian Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fhor-manf of WasbtHgton, are spend-ing some time at the home of Mrs. J. P. Smith;""

Quite a number of our folks attended the Confederate reunion held at Little River BaptistChurch on Thursday.

Mt98 Rosahe Bowen, oi New York) who has been spending the month of July at Camp Scbonar quaga. Conn., is now visiting relatives here.

Mr. C. S. Shirley, of Washing­ton, spent the week-end at "Oak-shade." 7—- ^

Mr. Neal Maybugb is spending the week at Lawton.

Mr. Clint Foley recently was the guest of his brother. Mr. W. M. Fojey, for several days at his home in Savage, Md.

Rev. C. K. Milliken, of the Sudley charge, is holding a series of meetings at the Woolsey chap­el, with services each evening at 8 o'clock.

Mrs. Frank Pickett, of Spring­field, and Miss Sallie Mount were visitors at the home of Mr. John Hall at Gainesville riecently.

Mlas Marie White, of Waahlng-ton, is. visiting at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. J. C. Mc-

Mr. Ben <Jr€«l, who has been employed in Kansas City, Mo., for the past few months, is at his home here for a short time..

Mr; Ne<r~Yooti ington, was' the week-end guest of rulalivm here. —iS.


Miss Gertie Tapscott is HI at her home in Fore^burg .

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Syncpx vere visitors in Foresttmrg ^m* day; -——^ —

Mr. James Amidbn cpntiauei

Miss Mamie Laming, of Joplto, is visiting Mrs. R. B. Abell.

Mrs, J. F. Dunn sund ber daughsr ters ijetnHied to thdr borne 1M Washa ^^

mSatorday after st>end-

relatives in Forestblffg. Mrs. George Atchison and twp


Rev. Alford Kelley preached Sunday evening in the Presbyte-rian ( hprch. Jiia. subject, the earth and its elements, the different uses of the soil and the advantages of farm life. The yeuAf people's naeetinf, preced­ing the evening service, was led by Mr. Joshua Buckley.

Rev. Mr. Kelley's vacation has begun. Rev. W. L. Naff will take his vacation after filling his appointments Sunday.

Rev. J. F. Burks will not hold sei vices at thf Episeepal Cfauwh Aug. 13.

Mrs. piTi\t ' and have improved. Mrs. J. L. Fris-

cialist last freek. Mr. Charles Clark is able to be out again.

Elmer Ayre went to Chesapeake Beach with the excursion of pos-tal clerks and carriers;


Nokesville farmers are comple­ting the heavy work of the sea­son whichwwas made late by con-' tinued rain.

Dieputy Sheriff John M. Hobe is quite sick.

Mr. H. P. Davis, of Pennsyl-vania. is the guest of his brother

ABLE TO FIGHT .Veteran-Aauijr-tO-

Jishtfor hit Country if CaUedUpon.

*-t The 30th annual bush meeting wk is being held at Purcellville. Aug, 1 to 9, incliiRlve. - •. —

Mr, W. W. Childress, living at 307 W. 19th street, Richmond, Va.. said (December 1,1915) that he was once more re idy to fight for his country and would be among the first to enlist if hia native land was in danger of in­vasion by a hostile foe. He is 76 jeaiBohl and fought DrdundRtcIt m<»id in the war between the states, covering himsell -with glory and hdnor. In explaining

toe canaiilted a Washington ape -bis petaratfr health he eaide^'^ suffered from stiffness and sore­ness and a weak stomach. I was so stiff at times that when I would lie down I could not get UP with" music OH auA«lopnonelire

in-law, Mr. C. C, Herring; Mr. Davis taught at Hebron Seminary several years ago, when that in-utifution waa InfBferi at Rrentft-ville. • I

MK and Mrs. S. S. Stoltz left by auto this morning for atrip to TimbCTville, Dovesville and Ma-

ias, W. Va. ' ' Mrs. Howard B; Ncfffevd has

or any like ailment go tdday to Dowell's Pharmacy, Mianassas, Va., and get a bottle of Tan lac;

-. JlJa^Mp^iiJtheE^. .Why w o n ' t j ^ ^ It help you? •- Adv,

retumed-to Washington, aftet'.a Several weeks' stay with her father. Mr. A. N, King.


JWa»«niaat laangorated for Aaaktance of-

' *Boy8' Rest Over" is the name •of ft beawiipg room hoaae-'aduS will be opened. Sept^nber 1, by thft Ri<»hiT10nd Social ^rvi^t

daughters, Marguerite and Cat erine, of Washington, u ^ Visib-ing Mm. Atchison's father, Mr, R s . Abeu. u „ i : . :

^ t f r « numbw of young peo-ig, i,evfflft-ple enjoy the moonlight ezeor^ ±^ if^ig experience in liaudUi«

ei»don for boys, and young jnen w«-kiBg in £Ucbmond on ran^I salaries. AU ansni^maita bft?C been eausummated by th»ofgan* ization and by the latter iMurt>f the mtntir it will be ready for oEenlMf. ' , •

The Social Service Federation has leased the building at 202 E. Main street, Mr. and Mrs. W.

Davis* Porch and eck. Fajn't U made iftFflH- «Bpe<iially to r*»ist alt weather conditioue-r-

•0 whea paiatiDg ii:hy not nse the thing for

jBjid .young", men, -Mtill plafieiT in chargft of the bnarding

on account of the pains in my back. I saw Tanlac advertised and was impressed with it. Since taking it the stiffness has im­proved and I feel much better. My appetite and digestion have also improved. I recommend it to everyone who is sick as it has helped me and I think it is a fine medicine."

Mr. Childress has imbued some of,that nid time vignr that madp him. such a good soldier. If you are a sufferer from stomach, kid­ney or liver trouble, constipation, indigcotiont eatowhal affoetiono

IhB pur {KIWI? It w ill cu»t BO mure—will hn^ .zif^tjtnd.wvar ri^^t.

77 "W:TC"WAGfcN£Ry 3 ' ManMw, Va.

Rector & Co. HAYMARKET, VA.


Ananal "Bush Meatint" at Pur««U«iUa. BoacU Muir CaUbriliaa.

The cost is 10 cents per day for adults and no entranee^fee-for automobiles or carriat^es.

On the program for 1916 are found such attractions as Rev. Chas. M. Sheldon, famous pastor and author of Topeka, Kanxi^Jr" Frank Hanly, former governor of Indiana, now prohibition candi-daiB for pieaideiit uf the United States; Hon. Chas. Randaii, pro-"hibitibn memberof Congress from Los Angeles, Cal.; Miss Lillian Phelp. natlohrt l«etur6f"W.C.T. U., of Niagara Falls. N. Y.; Rev. Henry Rose, D. D;, of Newark, N. J., whose illustrated lectures

ifiuneoaely popular at the leading chautauquas; R^v. G. W. Mo Daniel, of Richmond, one of the beat known and best loved pad-tors of the state; Rev. J. Ken­ning Nelms, D. D., of Washing­ton, popular pastor and lecturer; Senator G. Walter Mapp, of Vuv ginia. a leading factor in shaping the prohibition laws for the state; Miss Adele Clark, of Richmond, tfho»e.^ rBpreBcntttCtve of the — Equal Suffrage League; Hon. P. P. Claxton. LL.D.^ United States Commissioner of Education; Dr. Harvey W.'-Wliey. pregident Fed- : erated Society for Community Betterment, and-Hon. C. C. Car-lin, who hopes to bring President

Patriotic Day, Aug. 9.


—With two j exceptions the Hemdon high school will begin its next term with an entire new set of teachers. The schoolboard has been engaged during, the pasciev weeks in selecting from A large list of aonlicanta tfaefi

o m ^

nlty-ibr next year, and th^ i« ? -pointments are practically com- * plete. They bave chosen no prin­cipal Frank Asfor. a graduate of tBe University rf Virginia, jwho la. QQs: taking a post gradoatKr r course at Jalms^gopkina^ He i» a young man, but has the best of recommendations and has been to Herndoij^ meet the board aiST^ k)ok the ground over. His as­sistants will be Missea Lloyd, of Mi8souri,_nif!^of QiwgrPiuffhftT)

IlMnrDTAyEDC Uoyd of that state; MISS LocUe U i l i l i m ' l A & f c A u -—^tiratton, the primary teacher last year: Him IBIanchard, of

Washington, wbo iS well known

desire to-at^pcsB their appwiciaw -if gg' tion to all who gave assistance.

Mrs. M. Wbatley. Mrs. White and Mrs. Swain, .wbo With tbe children fn«ni^.^_jM^exVEld^. home haveenjoyed the past two weeks at Wateree, retiuned to Alexannria Tuesday. Mr8.W^at-Iry. Ttir iiinnHiiilimdanri ipfakn

JBss Helen Thornton, of Ntrices 1117— : J. i.t-~ ' -7! J *-i??2r t the week-end w i ^

Ooekeat**nieMan8e.- ^ Miss Ella Reki is visitingfriends

and rdativee at Palls Church. EEENEYES.

and~w!inB8ame t h ^ dotiea "Die his^.wjter8 of New %ver nben the building iaopoMd.


in the hii^tesLtennajot the kind-ness of the pe^leof Hajnua-ketr

Mr. Joim F^yne is empk red at the CentraKSarage.

AU-makM, MOT and rafanilt. for sale' or n o t Will nut jam a maduM for from 11.00 to 13.00 amoath^aiid if joo baf from me later, will allow rental-alwady ppd to ai^5 U4I iMJvfaai; price. Fim MMS ly^ writers, skipped anywhere withoat deposil Writ. . .»: j - . t » k . « mn.. —«.» ^-.1 . t -JU

L. W. liasoe, 638 Nfflw Yoit

have unearthed two IniUan borial grounds on its banks in Wythe county. In most cases the r&-mams were encased in rock,_and

t(»naha^^, bones of dogs are foond with them.

Major Wainwright, of the Snitiuonian Institution, Wash .

quottymL An i-ir. W Wadrntgica, 0 . c: «JS-4t

ington, hftft been a Wythgvuie t6 make exploratfons. -HeMiyathat' the bunai places, wore those of theCIiaibkee Indians.

This boarding' htme^ .*^nch will be SMuewhat similar to "Girls' Rest Over" hweted at 206 S. Chegy Stt, i8,acommo#)asfCT|rr stury laidk rtmetare and w^af-f(Hd ami^ rpom for twenfy-eigbt hoy&.

PktNupt and satirfactoiy tt-vice. Heane fntniabed for any any reiasonable didlaaB«

State NGrno^ Sclid6f%r Women

rutmvtLLt VtROIHM

in Hemd«m; Miss Sexrtxle, of Haymarket. tad probably Miss Roberta Healy,.thoufi^ the sr-rang^aents luive not been OBn-pleted as to htnr. Mrs. Annie W* ker win agun betheteadier

- ifflf nirai^=1%e XJl^nver; ' T"

Stoilt and TUn Costomen

h(»ne is to be

Rev. and Mrs. Ryland T.Dodg«. of McKenney, are guests of Mrs. Uodge's aunt. Miss Kotb U o l ^

Miss Lillian lightner recently returned from the normal sch0(ri at Harrisonborg.

»r."P5fey Htyduii. of Mmaa-sas, waa a week-end gaeat at the home of Mr. md -Mra. tf^ -H.-Lightner. .. _

Mr. Elmer I. Carrutfaers and family, of Charlottesville, this week were 'guests of Mrs. Car-ruthers' father, Mr C, F. Jordan.

Mr. A. C. Deyle made a buai ness trip to Beveriy Mills and The PiMM Wednesday.

Hr. Walter Kobinson and fam­ily, of Maryland, have been guests at the home of Mz. devdand Teele.

Mr. Lewis Spinks. of Balti­more, Md., has been visiting his graadparenta, Mr.and Mrs. Chas. Spinks.

Miss Alma Brady is visiting Miss Lucy Mayhugh at Green-wicTi.' TSIIsr MayMKlT "•feieifilly " rr; ;rned to her home after spend

Balthnore houses,

Manassas Feed, SupplyA Implement Co., Inc.

This opened ny tbe fk>CMQ ervKe Fe3-~ eration for the ptopose of taking in boys and yoang men who have come bo Riehmmd to make a liv­ing and wbo are now living in

lodging houses and amid improper environm«its. TKe boys ji ill he tak«^ week until they draw a salary <rf

aplendidly equipped l t f* l - TB ATW



A dealer iu wearing apparel, noticing that his stent customers |


I'm I ^ at which time theiy will have

will indode both -lodging and board.

There will be two rooms on the first floor tot games, in additioo to >4arce readiat loem^ in wttA will be books of special intewt to yoopg ment

NEEDS OF SITUATKm The sttccess- of the boarding I **ff

home from the start will depend largely upon the generosity of the people. Money and fomiture are verytmuch neededand already some of both have been turned over to the organizati<m by local poop'c.

Anyone desiring to help the (movement should communicate • with the president of the fed^ra-tion, Mrs. Georgria May Jobeon. 115 N. i=tr«>et. Richmond. Va.

.End hi ixery thinjcoatomfitaoi^!^. vere SM>aitive4» to their figures, installed two fuU^la^th mirrors of specii^ Resign. One waaslight-ly eoneave and the other slightly fionaajb—Wksa a steul tualumer


tried on a suit she was led to the cwyave mirror for self-inspection

tEig^iTa abifl-io see lor Tjgrufc as

\ filinson I .lovCTr It woakl appear with its measure-ments leJumsk When a ihia

Alfalfa and all Crass and Clover SceiM for Fall Planting.

Wood'* Pan SMd Cataloa a^o thraa full aad

person came in to try on clothes she was tiJcen to the convex mir­ror, wbwe the opposite effect was produced.—Popular Mecfaan-

,ic» Magaaina.—


VcftcUMe Seefls * ' t i s t i 'LSi l lS 'S 11 y Mty t her home near Pu tfroat ta UM lata iimma^iSd

Fall. Itlaaltoipetbartbaaoatiiae-M ma4 val—bla Fall SMd CMaloe

(rfowwm ttta Faraien on raoaaM. Wrttefor i t .




Mrs. Rosa Lee F ^ died last

Sclkxd. old. —Intermeut

She was forty-two y

WTO- mide in the family burying ground. The pall bearers were Messrs. W. J. Rich­ards, Henry Pearson, W a l t e r Poaey, James Posey, Ben Bell and Archie Beavers.

. The deceased is survived by

THE JOUK>.AL prints JALL the two daughters, o n e t n and W news. '»! a vfar