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 · willingness to' assist with the- readings and services. ... winute behind us carrying no le. s_ s~r personages than Phil Walsh, Daphne ... about.·12 'vans .iri

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ISSUE NO. 64. ----------------~-

Co-Edit.ors -------------Pete McLind.on. ( 733-2921) Dave Newns.(0744-892791) Pqul Stafford. (639-.4893)

---~~g~~!!~! ___ _ Anna Kupiec, 12B 1Aintree Lane,. ( 526-7978) Lpl lq.


• l


, --~2~E!:~~P~~~~~£~_!2.!.~-... · .Rich1e'~- Cann~~, \.

3· Breret-On "'Avenue· · , __ ......... ..... ' .. . . . , . .. .. . ' Liye~poo1 .,15. ( 733~"5741):

l \ .. '! >; . •• .. '· ·. ·,·

.'· ··

The .Special Gene~ai · l'f.leeting of the 11th .September i 9·75 was concluded with our Chairm.3.n, John -Clarke, announcing ,,

" Votes in favour of the Proposal ..•• · 65 {63%) · ,- ~ Votes against · • • . . 38 ··( 37%) · Tl}e'. -. °I"rop«)sal has not achieved the majo:r:_i:ty __ required . ( 75%) and ~s there.fore rejected. 11

And:~ ·~«~ fpr the second time in 4~ years, Non;;..Catholic~ ·have been_. refused -. ih~mbership of the Associationo -As the SGf'Jf is given qonsiderable coveragei elsewhere in this issue ; I will confine my co!nm~nts to the relevant "statistics. ·- · · .. ,. ~ ...

Firstiy, the fact . that only /1D% of .. -our. members bothered to turn up can only be .described. as "extremely disappointing."

Secondly, the Proposers of the motion may. fine s ome comfort in the fact that th~ result this . time is al1: .. improvement on the 55% majority of 1971 ~ . . '·~ ·

Finaily; and in ·an e ffort to Underline the task .facing any future Proposers of a similar motion, I , em~hasise that a further 49 II Yes it votes were required this-tiiiie-to~achieve-the~75%-ma3ority~ -------~-------~~---- ------~-----------------~-----~------ -------

Obviously therefo~e, only M.~SIVE SUPPORT on the night can give any chahce of success~ However it ·is poiritlesssi}eculating .on future developments; we have our democra tic decision .for 1975; I sincerely hope that the bes~ interests of the Club hJ.ve_ beeh served by. it.

Looking ahead, on Thursday 9th~October we will .be .--holding our 49th. Annual General Meeting at the Manx Suite of the Mona-Hotel. This Meeting is particularly important and should be atte~ded by all members for , amongst other things ,we will be electing our .Corrmittee -for; ·" the forthcoming year. Of c ourse~ the Club is constantly on the lookout f or new ideas and suggestions and this is where our many new members have a big part to· play. WE NEED MANY OF·-YOU ON THE N.i£W Ca'.iMI~TEE t o be

.. ,, ( elected on the 9th. October, but whether you are a new member/ or an 11 old" "· one '.i ; if you care about the future of the Club, th.en ,please ,,,_s ·tand for

.. · ~'~ .. ;·,': "ele'C~ t'ion to the Committee. The Ramblers most definitely need YOU. In conclusion, and particularly as this is my last :t.:Lme as .a Joint-

.Edit'(?r of the Ne~sletter, I would like to th~11k the . ma~y people who· have given me such tremendous help over the last 16.'- motjths in p~oduc­-ing ".: Neyv-sletters for your interest, infonnation and enjoyment . .. I""hope that" ·:the same generous co-operation will be given to my replacement, Richi~ Cannon. I wish him every success. p t M 1 . d n e e c in o •



~ . ; .

' . :.. . ~- '

Dear ·Ramblers-,-·



. ~

I . ~: . . :. Sick Bay;· . H.M.s. Wa;rrior,

· Northwood

_Thank you so much for continuing to send the monthly newsheet ~fo · µe, keeping me in touch with the rambles you 'get up to' all }he time ·~_.. · ..


'! '

·rt seems like an cige since I . last went on one myself, and it looks like anothe~:_6ne · coming upt for having 'just' (well; .. 8 -m~nths) · returned from a 12 month draft t .o. Mal ta I'm ·now due to : leave · for a spell 0.f' hospital wo;rk" in Gib~·alt·ar. Well I suppose there is the ·.· . 'Rock' (is there anything elseJJ?) to climb and the 'reception' from the Apes on the sm:unit, which is soraething that can't be offered on the Sunday Ramble. (phewl)

Wishing· I could Join you on another but, it seeDs not for ' the present. Meanwhile ·regards to those of you who do, good luck anQ goo_d ~eather.

,: .

Yo-urs ·sincerely

Babs .. Whittle __ ...,. ___ .... ~------·-


Your prayers are requested for the . repose of ~he s9ul _of Chris McHu.gh who died e-1.rlier this month in a . Glasgow hospitai. Chris had been very seriously ill . for many months but made light of his problems, indeed he was · more inte·rested in helping others when possible, than worrying about himself. Last year he was one o! our u. regulars 11 and yet he was unkh.own to many for he ·

-moved in a quiet and ·gentle manner. Those , members · oh · ·our last retreat will perhaps remember him ·for hi.s willingness to ' assist with the- readings and services. Over the last. year he · has helped t o pr.oduce a little · variety in the Newsletter with the introduct·ion of full.· -. ·:.'. page cartoons, the last of which i$ our back coyer this.

·month. Two weeks before h:l.s death Chris sent. the .f.ollowing . , . rrtessage to all _Ramblinei friends:- . . · · . ~ .... . ..

" The letters and c.ard cheered me _up. ~nd. :_ I badlY ne~~eq that­- the _Nqvena · M~ss B~uq,uet gave m~ a profound feeiing of Joy and Peace,, for that I 9an~t thank .you enough. I wi_sh you many year$ of Rambli~g . ,fun~- leaving. ;rou with the many happy memories of the. adventures and mishaps of ·each Ramble. Your grateful friend, Ch . M H· ,;;~ · ·-. · ris · c -~"·

May he rest in · feace. ·

The Skye Boat LarJpoon

D. Day for -our Skye holiday,. 22nd August, dawned cool and bleak, which was a bad OLlen for the following week was not only wetbut we heard runours that Noah had been seen hanging around Portx(ja's t.arbour boat yard, but nontheless a damn good tiLJ.e · was hacl b:y ~' .... ~- .:· ... the water was taken in the right spirit, IJainly 1 Ooofa Sooter·· . "s.i-.ey.

The drive. froo Scoueeland to the -Haggis Bashers he ., is· last but long, the :Rot1an Soldiers answer to. the trek north,= the · L. ~.. Sharing the driving between a oar-load Dakes the 300 odd miles journey ~earable, but I think Mike Bradley must still be suffering fror.J, tarnac blindness as he urµ'ortunat _ely had the total drive -to hl:ciself •· ·The ihonotony of the oarathop. was brokex:-r by- : the . novel~b.y of a Loch crossing, from '· Glencoe to '.Ballaohulis.h on : a · ferry carrying six cars: at a tine, also . advertising she~p carriage .at ·2p a -. head; but as none of us were prepared to trayel_ steerage it cost :u.s · consi\lerably Dor.e ... ;..:- · ~ ··


Here I should IJention that I travell~d +IJ. ~ th~ 9oJJ1p.any of Pat Moss Unsworth; Ursula 1teachi Norton and Phil Squashed Chan.pion Gillies; Q in Pat's new Lanborghini which had a striking resewblance to a Viva SL converted into · a 15 -- tori BRs · Wagon by the luggage. c ..

As we arrived in the oar park of the Mil ton not or-in·, ( a o. 75 Star establishoent) Peter Mac, who we hadn't seen at all that day, arrived in his MB.~ GT. GEC 1600 Gas Cooker with outboard ootor, 1 winute behind us carrying no le.s_s~r personages than Phil Walsh, Daphne Kenna and Mike O'Shea, who .. IJacle: .. : . .-u.p--the ··total arriving on friday, the further se¥en's E.T. A. was for the following day.

That night the eight of us went to MacTavish 1 s Kitchen in Fort Willian for a superb Deal, followed by a cheeseboard , which was only accepted by the trotting Gouroet of n o fane · a t all, who nearly bankrupted the oanage:oent by his glutonous acceptance of t _he wai tres~' generosity, including a portion of high Stilton, which.eat ripe acclaiD froD 25% of the people present, 5Cff; l eft and 15% fainte·d., thE? reDaining 10% I.JUst have_: aj.ready-been· dead.

Our ~irst Dorning was clear and bright so soDe ·NUT suggested we cliob Ben· Nevis, and c:i,11 having been tarred with the ,-saoe brush, we O did. Or at least half of it, because :the weather -changed and the Dist enveloped us, so following a zany photogTaphic session under influence of the rarefied·air at that. cltitude (HIJBDn) :we _descended to the valley floor and toddled hone to t~e Milton to Deet -the reDainder of our intrepid teaw, Clare Conlon, Theresia Grie ohisch, ' :Mike Bradley, Mary Barrett, .Anna Kupiec, Frank Johnson and Dave Newns~

And so to Skye .via Lochalsh f erry, a nore iupressive 30 v·ehicle carrier. Our first iDpressions of Skye were of bleak but naje$tic mountainous· landscape~ The lower lands ·b eing carpeted with h~ather and peat, and :the fo~bidding peaks piercing the low cloud.· We found: our caravan site . nestling in a sheltered hillside, about .·12 'vans .iri all. They were not ul tranodern but couf ortable and well equipped~ .. ... 1

The site owner greeted us on arrival with cups of · t ea in his palafl_a1" 'van, surprisingly he had<?- very southern· English accent, with a .. tendency to occasional bouts of v~rbal rubbish which we were late~ , to find also


guided his pen~ As we found the following .morning on closer .inspection of the insectaril-.~ _1 cun toilet and showers·-; where there were nunerous hand \<rri ·cten sigris, advising~ deterring and even threatening ··in their nessages,, ranging fror:i advice to use the correct toilet ro11·· to avoid er;1barrasnent?? to the _penalty for allowing ones dog .to foul the· site which was expulsion as "we do not want that kind of person he:t•e. u ·

The capital of SkyG, Portree is small a.nd so.on explored~ but in . 05-tigat.io:h. had a terrific draught, ~cKewins Export, but only partaken of oy the raoblers :to be sociable and to quench the fire of the excellent whisky which of course was only t?l<en . for oedicinal purpos~;s to keep out the cold, or the . he-at . whichever was appropriate at the · ,-tiu~.

On the oonday after arrival the big Secret.was hatched or big Con if you happened to ··be the excluded :g~_ty, · -"The -pl!U;l., to organise · and· execute a par-ty' and presentation f Qr Phil . and Peter to. congratulate the~J Qn their e::.1csageoent? ·All. went well, ale; : wine and present· bought• butties and. orses aooves nade a nd hiq.den,. but then ii{ . cane to 9.45po in ~he local hostelry and :the ·atteupt _to con Peter that we had n:o desire to s-cay for the last drink :but return to 'the site for a ~iople sing song d<;:mg" with Mike,, We all left and th~y· stayed, 1:1e .. r~turned to the. vans and waited in d.arkness for then to ~eturn, they did return later(l) 81'1(1. en~ered the 'van to be greeted by strains of "Congrat1,,llations" and 'tn0 QS0or~ian and ca.Dera flash cubes which is a rrl.nd bending experience out of the total darkcr. ss J can tell you, But fortunately Pete and Phil were nore surprised than we were and there followed a party tp~ _ like

of wl'.iich 1;1;-.ll never be seen again, 15 people in what felt like a cup­boa~d, but dancing was oanaged and fron the experience, it is suggested that the next annual dance be held in a telephone kiosk~ the effect is ver-J fri endJ.:y- ~

We a ttended a couple of ceilidhs, which were in true highland apirit: son e of the folk there in traditional dress, cooplete ~with kilts, sporrans and dirks," ·· the. oeri .. of course were dressed a little oore conservativelyo (Toh) The a toosphere was inforual, lively and healthy and a grea·~ success 1d th use

Du.Ting our stay as I have hinted t.he weather was worse than poor, but being the hardy stalwarts we ares 14 Ranbles were atteDpted, 12 of these to the toilets and showers and back and one which -was .only 500 yards long) butatough i.A 1 walk oade oore difficult by driving rain and the know2-edge that the cars were getting wet so we returned to prote·ct then, One raoble did get off the ground, but fortunately .I was not on it as I was one of the_ advance party' in cecei ving Peter and Phil and had to. go .. t~ t~~m with ,Pat and Ursula to plot and buy,

One fateful day,which was our only clear day, we set off to the north of the island to catch the steaner to the isles of North Uist, Harris and Lewis.; Tarbert the capital and harbour of Harris was nuch sr::ialler than I had ioagined, · and was, : soon · seen ~hich · i~ ju$( as well because the ste8.QGr only allowed 'us 50 oinutes before Sailing back to Skye,) Harris iwee4 vras on sale at £1.50 a ·rnle ·??! sqrry yard, which I gather is c01~s.idered to be .very cheap. We returned to the ship for its dep~ture, and watched nostalgicly as ·the quay side slipped away,

·. 7 ~:

theri· to· ~:mr s'Urprise saw ~~thre·e HELt-ris:.·natives who were doubles ·o'f Frank. J .ohnson';-·.- Mike· .. Bradley··.and Phil .~Gillies, · -all r.tfu.ning~ alotig the · quay ·toards th~ ·fast departing ahip~ ._ .. we· had. a '. .;qui.ck h ead .·c·ount and search .. in the bar just to 'ascertain that it was. in f ~ct oU);' own three 11erry lads., we Wf!V8d to ·then in re.co'gni tion ·and· to coQf ort ·their distre?._S ,' end th~y waved back in f.arc;;well°J Wt]_ inpl~:red - t'he- ship's crew f<Y act sen.sibly in this situation, but th~y :assured us no~ to . worry · there wa::s no chance. of the_ "~hip turmiig ·ahout. No£ did t}i~ir probleos end there,- whep. they did _. ,return to "us· ·we ·pulled their legs unmeroifully; "Have you b een feeiing 'Harrl.'$ed t II and "If you' WGre cast away .on. a desert J...siarid which 8 graoophone records would you choose to· take with you?" etc• but in fact " by' all ·a ccounts t 'hey had a dar:m goqd tin_e:-· whil$t in exile·· _:for a full 24. hours, urilini ted 1 O~ ~hi .. skey; : and even ::youhg ladies. being . brought to· neet such rari tie-s' (a p.¢raplinent . lads I assure you) .

. · JID..~ay as rnich as we enjoyed. :the holiday, I have t o s~y ·the last .. day: tirri ved too ~mon (and. I daren t_t · .wri t .e any[iore 2.n-jway, sor.:1eon_qs got t o . type :.this · lot) As I clos~ I nust' say t o anyone who has not_ · yet. beep. on ·ari 1 -~'(;.·~.A., Holiday, you ·a;re Dissing Q-. ·1ot, :a.nd. as. ·r ha:vf?, '· l~arn·1-t .you ·get out what you put i:q. and if . you l augh_". everyone· wili_·· ,. laug:ff with 'you.. Try one • .

: · Pet~r Glenn ______ .... _____ _ Edi tors·· Note

'"' . . _ q;his givea_ue ·an ideal opportunity to thank all · our friends for

the good. wi·shes aric;l kindnesses shown to Phil and I on our .recent eneagenent. '

CC TOBER · 5th •. ~···


. · CC TOBER 17th ••.•••

Many thanks.

·Pet er Mc. -~-----------..

Flil~ILY SECTION DIARY. ---------------------------Tony and Hollie Roche' s Walk

Ken and Evelyn 0' Neill'. s House , 16_, W~st Oakhill Fark, IJJ.'3.:

( off Bro::tdgrcen Road, by AJ_l Saints Church.)

. . To assist in the production of the next Newslette r ·, would . th~ Family Section please ensure tha t the Family Section fixtures ; a r e in the hands of the new ~d.itor, 1i.ichie Cannon a.s.a.p. . .·.

· Richie 1 s add:r ess is shown: _. qn the fr ont inne r c over. · fv"~ny thanks.





.. I°.


Please note that your imnuai .Subscription ... was. due on 1st Septer:iber 1975 *

. . .• ! :

If you have .not yet done so, please pay· your- subscr1ptions to Anna Kupiec, our Registrar.-·

.Please note the new rates

Single Members

· Marrfed Couples



Members wishing to pay by po§t should write to:

Anna Kupiec, 128 Aintree Lane, Liverpool 1<?•

Tel~No. 526-7978

Cheques or Posthl Orders should be made payable to ·"The Liverpool Catholic Rar:iblers Association".

Please help .Anna by renewing your subscription as soon as possible.

Many thanks •


The following new meIJbers who joined the Club in July and Aueust of this year, that is the last two filonths of the financial year, ARE NOT RBQUIRED TO RE-NE\{ THEIR SUBSCRIPI1ION FOf~ 1rHE CLUB YEAR 1975/76.


Madeleine Boyd St even Fergus.

· Michael ·Lewis Clare Morris Raymond Percival

and Marian Wilson

JarJe s Church Ann Hartley Marian McNerney V.Lichael 0 'Brien Mark Roberts

]) th SEPF'.1975

".ifhe f ollowing notes were extracted from the minutes of the above raeeting;. · It was, not possible · to . refer to every i:;erson whp spoke nor to ensure a oorr2ct interpre.tati~n or" -those comoents detailed. ·h~ .l:ow. Thus yoffJ.. critio.! ·;::is in reference to this report should be addressed to ihe Editor who Hill clarify any anomo;t.ies in the next issue o.f this News letter .~1L.cC?.!£££~t2£~ .mu~.! l?e~!_Eit .i!f£·

'.1lirhe oeeting was ope ned with a prayer and then John Clarke as Chair­man;; int:::odu ced the pe ople on. .·the. t op .. :.tab.le ... who . were, Cyril Kelly (Vice President1 , Ge r r y Penlington (Treasurer), Daphne Kenna (General Secretary), F ::."ank Mullin (Soc i a l Chai.,..,qt:m) and Frank Johnson (Rambling Vice Chairman). John stat8d that a ~15% oajo ... :i'y wa s nee de d to p::i.ss the notion .. He asked t hat norr.·~Catholic 1 nerriber~ J present should spoil their ballot papers and a.130 etress eC. -tnat t he; people -vvho d id speak should speak as ind~~7iduals (not a s C omrni t tec Me mbers etc.)

After offic ialJy p:-·oposing · t 18 ... motion~ Fi·ank Mullin · ex.plaine-d·· · ttA:~rnociate Membership:r.. He we n t on ·- ''this subject has been raised before .. Basically, change i s d o .n i reo. because we . ci'.re . proud jco · share our C'lub with our friend3. Mcooc ··-.s of t '1e ciergy have been contacted to ascertain their views> some a re in f avour, soLJ.e ago.inst; Archbishop Deck has also been contacted and has no o"o j ection, 0

- ·· · __ ., _ __ ___ _ : . .. .. ·

Frank J ohn0 on formally s e conded the proposal and then reserved the 'righ-:-tto--~;ra~ent at the end of the meeting. He did, however, ask t hat meob'3 r s ·voted tt wi th t he 'best · interests · of ·the Club as a whole in f:lindl. r:

J~~L~E..:~~---~~e .. t~:J;. 0 I have been in. this Clu~ for about 7 years anQ. :I; . was one o:::· -cbe pr'o pose:"'s +he laa t t~oe this issue was r a ised .. " She O:G.ded \'~here a r 0 alreacl..y non-Catholic rrJembers f, in the Club and it seeos that .c;ome mcobe ::-3 want to get. rid of . -Chem, but why? They are good :oembers and if ~~ b.:; v o.;...e goes a~ainst the m it is p!'obable tha t they and their Ca L~holio frie~:d0 in the Club will leave~ •• e .. 0" 'i'he basic objection

. ~


s ec Bis to be r:;i::.:;c0 c.~ oa-,":rj_ageB . ~,, • t his is a 11 red herring" ••••. a fter all ~.,h is is a Raobling Club not a Marr iage Bureau •. o .Every argument I Q have hea:-2. ~scos ·'.:; o be; in the pa st t ense but · :as n ·-Club .. we-· oust · .. look f'or a r d ., ·. We m1s t p::.--ogress and ma ke sure tha·c the Club is one everyone i s. proud -to · jo_in aY>.t Christians o 11 ·

Harold Bu~ns 17 1 understand provision has been ma de for the non-Gatholics ~l~~~ddy ~fn=--the Cl-u.b., I oo. aware of the fe a r tha t they will .be .''' ho.ofed" out tcoor:.rc-:y b ut I don it thirik anyone in t he Club would be that hea rtless. As regarc .J t~1c rutu:c-c ; the Family Se ction ar0 certa.inJ,y J_~ool.<;.ing. f_q;ryvard. I would lil-c to -cl1in~c that r:;iy dau.o:hter i n a few years tirre will join -the same k ::.nd o:t' Club · as I joine d.. Why do we want to change the Club? 1 -1~ is uni <=.i_U'J:i ~A: ~1~" ·not · h~ep it so, Progre.._; s is not necessarily for the g ood,, n

J·chn Wb'S :::;l_e:!.' 11 I ~ o . spe£llc~_ng as a Con-v.,.ert . I chose to be a Catholic .be-;~~;·;~·';f~- - {he CathoL~~s I kn3'N,, r s aw their fait h nnd rihaf it meant to thco ., 'ii'b. l~<: does not ncan very ouch,, The raost meaningful way is to



live your faith. We want people to share it and get to know about it but we we will not do this if we becooe insular. We have an opportunity to becorae raissionaries in our enjoyment of Ranbling by intrq.ducing- non-Catholics to Cathol°i~s .. "

Richie . Cannon "I have served on: the Qonnittee for 2 years and it has been BY experience that we are in debt. ·to non-Catholic oenbers for their support." \.

:B.:l.11 Roberts · !~I object to Margar~t SrJi th ts cooDents re. Christian Club. It is not taught i:µ schools that we should be Christians and not Catholics. As· reg~.cls oixed uarriagt::s, oarriage has enough problefils without the partners being of different faiths. We want to keep the faith. and we want o~r children to keep it also. Frank Mullin talk~d of safeguards, vetting prospective iJJ.eubcrs etc. . If prospective . r:ienbers have not.. beeri vetted in the past why will they be in the future? Are we going to ·~change the Constitution because of such things as · non~Catholics supporting our activities? This process will b~ a ·· continuing.one and we will not be able to reverse it."

Tony .Roche.Was worried about the reasons put forward for the change -"too vague ... in a few ye ~:rs this will n


ot be a Catholic Club - · the Club wi~l change conpletely, I am opposed to it."

Lesley ~ber.ts ·;. ·"You can't say that the Club is no longer Catholic bec~~se non.~Catholics attend. The Club only changes if it loses its ideals an¢l: this has not happened. Christi8.Tl and Catholic are the sarJe noj;.~; O:-Qposite. There are bound to be Darriages in the Club but. this is not :the--iain of the .. Club."

Mona Roberts asked if sooeone froo the Junior Section would speak against the notion. (no coLiuent froo Junior Section at this tine).

Mike Marsden . "l cane to the Club, not w,t th narriage .in Oind., to enjoy Rar:iqli:tlg . :ih ·the coopany of Cathoiics • . · t do not see the need to. change the · c'iub •••• . The change could destroy · it''. and to lose sonething as unique as this .would be a ereat loss."

Margaret SEJ.ith "I an a TeachGr in a school which now accepts Non­Catholics and I find this situation very difficult ••••• I think the Club should renain Catholic."

Frank Fitznaurice "Why. is this Club unique?"

Bill Robert~ It is unique because all the n.eobers are Catholics."

Frallk Fi tzoaurice This .. did not anBWer his question, "I want to lmow why the atnosphere is unique."

Leslei Rob§ftS Raised the questicilln of Parish Clubs.

Bill ·Roberts "Cathol.ic Youth Clubs have now ceased as· such and ·becone non-denor.1inational in order to obtain a gTant •• ~.I re1)eat that this Club is Catholic and· therefore unique.

Frank J:i'itznaurice Does not t .hink the Club is unique. "This Club has a Diddle class atDosphere the sane a 8 !dany other clubs."

Mrs. ·Brennan Did not agree. "I feel the Club should rcnain Catholic."

. ,.- ·· ·

~§.._ ":Et· seen that · oany people are opposed to the notion be-cause t h0y are fri ghtened ·.of change o••• in DY opinion this is a good club and should be 01Jen to Non-Catholic·s,"

Harold Bli:rns "The ·, Club is unique because of the Annual Mass, Benediction ~--;="Annual Retreat etc - we aiso have another unique organisation in the Lake District - The ain of the club according to the original Constitu~ion is to brine together Catholics and provide then with recreational and social facilities • • Legally if the Consi tuti.on ... i .s. .. _:. changed the word Catholic in .the title . should go,"


Richie Cannon speaking on· the r ·eligious-.· aspect "The Catholic Church ,.·. · s'h~uld be . lJ~Opogandist(t. ~ should -we .be like ·the : 12· Apostles b8fOr.e the Holy Ghost cane 9 sitting in a locked rooo? If Non-Catholics are adt1itted they will not control the c1ub · and it will be in the power of the com i tte-e to bring the r eligious aspect to the fore, 11

J1ony Roche 11The Apostles would not allow anyone to join the early . ·· Church before becoing a Catholic."

...... . .

~ke Bradlex "I ~1ave been colling to the club for about 2 years ~.and ... - -:­durine that tine I have · very rarely heard r eligion discussecI"~ I think · is is a bad thing and I think the adrJissi on bf Non-Catholics would stinulat·e r eligious discussi 0n. V[e seeo t o be concentra ting . on· the negative · aspucts of the chang·e and not the .positive aspects · ·:-si:i"ch ~ as this o ~ • o ·' I do not think that the ad.Di ttancc of Non-Catholics would change t he ideals of the .c1ub and I do -not think that ,in .2. or 3 years tioe the club will be floocled with Non-Catholics."

Q_~rry Fin:q£gan "I think Frank Fitzoaurice uay hav e frightened sooe of the older l er:ibers, ·- :But I think the club will always ? .. ttract · a --·· certai:i.1 tYP.e of persono,. .• I want a Catholic Club for oy qhildren but I think that the C~:tholic .. Rai~bl E'.rs wiil r eiJain Catholic ·no oatter wh0-.: ... is hereo"


~12sI'~~~9kway, nr thought the Gonsti tution allowed the entrance of rnixecL couples into _the .clu1?. o" ~y~Kep:c, '-1The Gonstitution does not. ,say that, but it fs an · unwritt en law of the club."

M~are~-- :IJ:n-i~S-12 "I think the club will al ways r onain Ca.tholic and I clo nqt s ee that put t ing 1 ye s ' or 'no ' on a ballot paper will oake any d.ifference o11

Ursula Norton "It was said that the cooill. ttee wished to · allow Non- -­C~tholics t ;=--j oin tho club t o boost oeubership. This is nonsence, the oeubership figures are already high and clo not need boosting~ oooThe f ear tho club will be run by Non-Catholics in DY opinion is not justif i ed. 1 only we+L ~J()aning Non-Catholics will . want to join. n.

Pe te:s _ _(}ik~_mg 11 I think this is a g©od club and we should share it with otherso ~ "o o l do not thin;k Tony Roche was entirely correct in his statooent reeard~ng the . early churcblt"

MO:P§·.112.E~§. Qoted the nunber of non-Catholics in the club,

The Cha irmm. asked where she got this fi c..:ure frow as it was not known how uany Non-Catholics nre in the clubo




Bill Potter "It is illlfortuna~e the cor11-n ttee itself t~ .not allowed to speak." Here he was corrected and · t old tha t . u eiJ.bers of the ·c·0Erli ttee had s poken , but ·as i ndividual:::? . Bill c ontinued nrf we are advocates of denocracy we Emst c onside r the -position wo are puttinc the .fron­Catholics in. "They nay. share in the day to day running of tho club, but: have no part. of the 1-:power':.-· I. d9 not. think this is· dGi~10cratic •

• • • •.I .soe this: yr oposal as @1awing away the pillar of .. Cq,~holicisn in the club. The Rosary and Benediction have not been said ·fo~ a lonG tioe illld I do n ot think it ~ill· be ~ long b efore this. C~~b ~s no l oneer Ca tholiq, . About 10 years ago ·th:e -nenbership foro had stated. t hat tho applicant oust be a practising Catholic·, o the word ' practising' h.Pd beGn elio inate<1:." · · : ·p

Richie Cannon 11 I would not expect t o j o.in a ; Jewish Club and run their . aff a i:!!s."

Frank Mullin ~~ -~"The General Coonittoe .wou l d-. <re.Dain cooposed of Catholics and t hey would r e serve · the .:d~ht t o refuse oe~_1bershi·p •.•.•. .;11he only way to show one 's f ai th i s to live .H;n . . ··.

Frank J ohnson "I would have liked to spok0n f or a i ong t i De but it is now get tints late so I will nakc just 3 point$. First 1 con f;uarantee there will be no infiltration of Non- Cath0l ics.. Secondly j if uonber ' s faith de.cre 0,s0s it is n0t b e cause of the -.non- Cat . ~ olics in the Cl ub . Thirdly the ··oaj or i ty of peopl e who syoke secne d to have a v ory insular view.

Ba llD t now hel·d result~ 65 for and 38 aGain:st. . This Gi vos a 63% najori ty but as 75V/o is ne0d8d -·tho notion is defeated.

J , ·.

ANNU ilL GENERAL MEETING - 9th~ OCTOBER 197 5 . ---------------------------_____ ._ _____________ . __ _

You may by now have read the Qatholic .Pictorial r eport of the above Meeting and noted in particular.the l ast paragraph whichreferred t o the possibility of a motion being put t o the A~ G.M . on the .9th. October proposing•. tha t those Non-Catholics already in the Association should betinvitedt t o rema in. It is understood that such a motion is t o be put t o the A.G.M. on the 9/10/75, the exact wording of which was not available a t the time of going t o press, but twords apart, the intention of such a motion is plain enough·.

Note:---------- In acc ordance with the C8nstitution such a motion needs only t o be in t_he hands of the Secretary 7 days prior t o the A .. G .. M .. and this does not permit of a separ a te notice be ing prepared and issued t o e~ch member prior t o the A •. G.M. Even. if it were possible the postage c os t al one would make it prohibitive., · -· '· .....



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' . .

~ ... .. .. ... - - ~ ,,. , .... ..


Please . not e the change s t o the o!'.iginal ramblin~. _programme-.

5th. October . .. . . . · ... 12th. October .........•

-3~19ths October

GJfea t Whe rnside . ..... Pystyll Rhaeadr . .... Invita tion walk t o' Wensleydale; please brihg y our fri~nds. This walk is suitable f or all gr ades of

Tony D9p.oghue • . ,. "" .... -

·' Lesley Roberts.

walkers. . ••••. .A,lan J oynson • . - .,·

-3~ 21+/2p:th.. October -•••.•• Keswick vleekend.

2nd. November ••••• Liberty Hall •. -.· • • • •. •. • • Barry D~-~iey •



The first ·two Rambles ·of the .1975/76 L.C .R. A. year produced the following figures.

?th-~ Se:pt~mt?er • • • • . • Striding :&ige . •• ·., . 25 Ramblers •

-- -· - · .. ~~-~h. ~~ptember • • ~. · • .• : • •• -earne<tds· · •• ~ "· •••.•• 26 Ramblers •

Best· wishes f or "a speedy recovery t o PAUL WARNER f ollowip.g _ his re.eent acc~dent in the .DOLOMITES . .. .

.· . .

Ha s any one s een our ;Rec.ords· Index Book ? We app_ear t o have l ost 'it. -• ·


FAR:I'ING .SHOT:.:.: ---·---....:.--·---:-------:-

.. · "

Bett~r luck next time · ' pool . •

.. . ,- :: \,

. . ..... : .. · .

. . . ~·


The above is the answer given to our newer members, when they ask the question, "Do you actually ramble during the winter?" Our regular members will know that normally we have a fixture every weekend of the year, and indeed looking back over the L.C.R,A. year ending 31st August 75 you will find that we had~ just 2 blanks. The first was on 29th Decemben· 74, the last, ~ther ironica,J..ly on.~. the 31st August 1975l (A last minute coach breakdown thwarted the arJbitions of some 25 potential Rarablers on this occasion) However; through the year, our newer members might be inteFested to know that we had:-

c-) (i~)

Our Ann-q,al Mass ~on 29 /9 /7 4 (at the Shrine, Clayton Square)• Our' .Annual Retreat on 1/12/74 (at Bi~pop Eton) •

(.iii) (iv) (v)

38 _Coach Rambles (2 of· ·· which included ···a Hot Pot Supper) . 2 Car Rambles • ., . ~" A Yuletide Walk/Hot Pot/D~pe at ·Rivington Barn on 5/1/75•

(vi) (vii)

An Orienteering Competit):on lor the F.C. Norbury Tropy (29/6/75) 2 Weekends ---spent at the :~bling Assoclation Chalet at Maeshfn in North Wfile~s t~ · · ·\ . : , . . \ .

(viii) -?)Wookepd,s 'sp_ent at · L~k$ .. side House, ... K<¥swick (the next one ... 24/?6t'_}J:'~-.octob.er _; · t9q'5.)0 . · ·:· ';~ -.t. · ·~-; ~ .. _ ·. ·

(iix:) · .~ . ~amp~nq:_ .. wee~e~·~ts (_Peterschurch .. ~~ Sc~borough)• (x) \:Cara~an Wee~d (Tre~d~ Ba.Y.,-k;/ing~esey) ,; ·t/ ~

In all j ''Our _'.40. Ramb{es at·~~cted:·· a tot~" ~ttenda.nb~ ... :.p/ ~ ! 161 for an ·average of 2·9.03 per w~ek. The nori_thly·: distr~but~on through the

.. year was:- ,

Ra.obles , .· 'total i

., . ~ . .. . .; : _; Av.erage:'

Sept 74 4 ,/ ,.:109 27.25 Oct 74 J: :·· .. ,..... 95 ·:· 31.67 _. Nov Dec Jan Feb

74 Y 80 26.61· {i1i61.dg 41 .f~r · H'pot Walk) 74 2: 36 18.00 75 ·. 3 72 24.00 75 · 4 129 32·.25 (i~cldg 44 for H'pot Walk)

Mar 75 4 107 26~ 75 ( incldg 13 f9r Car RarJble) Apr 75/ 4. . 137 34.·25 May ··"75 .. ·· ·· _,,. . ·2 _:' 59 ..... 29.50 June 75 · 4 ·· 13s 34~50 July 75 4 - . 1.22 3o:m (incldg 14 for Car Ramble) A;ug 75 _L ..11. 25.bf

;,~1t . · ... To:talfL·- , ~~' 40 1161. ~~29.03 • • .. :"" • .: > t ' .. ~- . ··~· . • . ~-=~ 1,(l:'-.. • • . i..,-~ ~ ~41 . ~

From the Rarabli~~ vieviPoint; ~-t~ bi~ ;proble¢ ;~.~h.rqu~ft,.~,~he .,iek­was the ever increasing cost of coach hire. To combat tl:iis a · flat rate of £1-30 per week was introduced on 23rd February 1975. (The average for the 22 Rambles since that date is 30.45 per week compared with 27.3, the average before the increase). However, whether or not there will be further problems in that direction over the next yea;x remains to be seen, but regardless aJ.l oembers can be sure that once again a varied and interesting tioe lies ahead. Happy Rambling.

P. Mc

t ..

.,,. . \





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