What event caused the lower South to secede? The election of Lincoln the raid on Harpers Ferry Lincoln's call for troops the bombardment of

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What event caused the lower South to secede? The election of Lincoln the raid on Harpers Ferry Lincoln's call for troops the bombardment of Fort Sumter

The election of Lincoln

What event caused the upper South to secede? The election of Lincoln the raid on Harpers Ferry Lincoln's call for troops the bombardment of Fort Sumter

Lincoln's call for troops

What federal arsenal was attacked in 1859 in hopes of sparking a slave revolt? __________________________

Harpers Ferry

What party was created in 1860 by conservative Northerners and Southerners who wanted to preserve the Union? ______________________________

Constitutional Union Party

Where was the first shot fired in the Civil War? _____________________________

Fort Sumter

A) Jefferson Davis B) John Bell C) John J. Crittenden D) secession E) Secret Six F) Abraham Lincoln G) John C. Breckenridge

___ first Republican president

F) Abraham Lincoln

A) Jefferson Davis B) John Bell C) John J. Crittenden D) secession E) Secret Six F) Abraham Lincoln G) John C. Breckenridge

___ president of the Confederate States of America

A) Jefferson Davis

A) Jefferson Davis B) John Bell C) John J. Crittenden D) secession E) Secret Six F) Abraham Lincoln G) John C. Breckenridge

___ Southern Democratic candidate in the crucial election of 1860

G) John C. Breckenridge

A) Jefferson Davis B) John Bell C) John J. Crittenden D) secession E) Secret Six F) Abraham Lincoln G) John C. Breckenridge

___ Constitutional Union candidate in the crucial election of 1860

B) John Bell

A) Jefferson Davis B) John Bell C) John J. Crittenden D) secession E) Secret Six F) Abraham Lincoln G) John C. Breckenridge

___ failed, last-ditch compromise to save the Union

C) John J. Crittenden

A) Jefferson Davis B) John Bell C) John J. Crittenden D) secession E) Secret Six F) Abraham Lincoln G) John C. Breckenridge

___ slave revolt

E) Secret Six

A) Jefferson Davis B) John Bell C) John J. Crittenden D) secession E) Secret Six F) Abraham Lincoln G) John C. Breckenridge

___ leaving the Union

D) secession

 True/False ___ Crittenden's compromise failed to

pass the Republican-controlled Congress.
