Strengthening Communities Through Volunteer Program Development National Volunteer Survey November 2016 Funded by: 1

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Strengthening CommunitiesThroughVolunteer Program Development

National Volunteer Survey

November 2016

Funded by:


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2016 National Volunteer Survey Draft Ver. 3

Hello everyone, Please find below the details for this year’s National Volunteer Survey. If you have any feedback, please don’t hesitate to shoot me an email, I’d love to hear from you.

Date sent out: Date due by: Results Shared Internally: Results Shared Externally:

Email to Volunteers:

Subject: 2016 CNIB National Volunteer Satisfaction Survey

Dear Volunteer,

You are invited to take our 2016 National Volunteer Satisfaction Survey. SURVEY LINK HERE (link pending)

The deadline to complete the survey is December 17th. Upon completion of the survey, you have the option to be entered into a draw to win a $50 gift card – there will be six winners across Canada, one in each Division. It’s our way to say thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

You are receiving this invitation because you have volunteered with CNIB in the last two years. Thank you. By volunteering, you make a difference for people in your community who are blind or partially sighted.


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CNIB could not do the work we do without the support of thousands of volunteers, from the Vision Mates of Victoria, to the Square Foot Gardeners in Yellowknife, to the Ambassadors of St. John’s.

Two years ago, we conducted our first ever National Volunteer Satisfaction Survey. Overall the results were very positive (93% of respondents were satisfied with their volunteer experience with CNIB!). We gained a great deal of information and insight into how our program could be better, and we created an action plan to address the areas for improvement. How did we do? You can read our report card HERE (link pending)

The survey should only take about 10 minutes, and your responses will help us to continue to adapt and improve our program. Our volunteer services team will analyze this year’s results and create a new action plan. The results, and the plan, will be posted on our website in the new year.We are so humbled and grateful to all our volunteers as they stand with us to strengthen our cause and help us to Change What it is to be Blind Today. Thank you again for all that you do.If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Demographic Information

1. (Optional) Gender: ________________________________

2. Age range: 14-18 19-25 26-35 36-45 46-55


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56-65 66-75 76-85 86-95 96+

3. In what community do you volunteer in?

BC Yukon (drop down menu) Lower Mainland / South Coast Fraser Valley Vancouver Island Kelowna area Kamloops area South Okanagan Kootenays Prince George and Northern BC Yukon Other BC – please specify: ___________________________

Alberta NWT (drop down menu) Calgary area Edmonton area Grand Prairie area Lethbridge area Medicine Hat area Red Deer area Northwest Territories Other Alberta – please specify: ___________________________


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Saskatchewan (drop down menu) Regina area Saskatoon area Other Saskatchewan – please specify: _______________________

Manitoba (drop down menu) Winnipeg district Brandon & Western rural district Southern rural district Northern rural district Eastern rural district Other Manitoba – please specify: _______________________

Ontario Nunavut (drop down menu) GTA – Toronto area GTA – Halton-Peel GTA – York GTA – Peterborough area GTA – Durham GTA – Simcoe-Muskoka West – Hamilton area West – Brantford area West – London area West – Waterloo-Kitchener-Cambridge West – Owen Sound area West – Guelph-Elora-Fergus West – Essex-Chatham-Kent West – Niagara


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East – Ottawa area East – Belleville area East – Cornwall area East – Kingston-Brockville East – Renfrew North – Sudbury area North – North Bay area North – Sault Ste. Marie area North – Thunder Bay area North Timmins area Other Ontario – please specify: _______________________ Nunavut

Quebec (drop down menu) Montreal area Other Quebec – please specify: _______________________

Atlantic Canada (drop down menu) NB – Acadian Peninsula NB – Bathurst area NB – Fredericton area NB – Miramichi area NB – Moncton area NB – Northern New Brunswick NB – Saint John area NB – Upper River Valley area Other New Brunswick – please specify: _______________________ NL – Corner Brook area NL – GrandFalls-Windsor area


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NL – St. John’s area NL – Happy Valley-Goose Bay area Other Newfoundland & Labrador – please specify: ________________ NS – Halifax regional municipality NS – Cape Breton Other Nova Scotia – please specify: _______________________ PEI

4. Are you also a client of CNIB and/or a donor? Check all that apply.

Yes, I'm a client of CNIB Yes, I'm a donor No

5. Do you volunteer with other organizations as well as CNIB?

No, only CNIB Yes

6. What is your preferred method of communication? (check all that apply)

Mail Phone Call Text Email Interactive Web Site (online) Social Media


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Your Volunteer Role

7. How long have you been volunteering with CNIB? Less than a year 1-4 years 5-9 years 10-14 years 15-19 years 20+ years – please specify: ________________ 8. Why did you start volunteering with CNIB? (Please give your #1 reason – one response only) To make a contribution to my community To use or develop my skills and experience I have a connection to the cause; I am blind or partially sighted I have a connection to the cause; I know someone who is blind or partially sighted To explore my strengths To meet people / network To volunteer with a friend / family member To improve my career or educational opportunities To fulfill religious obligations or beliefs I am required to volunteer for school, work or mandated community service Other – please specify: _____________________________________

9. Why do you continue to volunteer with CNIB? (Please give your #1 reason – one response only) To make a contribution to my community To use or develop my skills and experience


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I have a connection to the cause; I am blind or partially sighted I have a connection to the cause; I know someone who is blind or partially sighted To explore my strengths To meet people / network To volunteer with a friend / family member To improve my career or educational opportunities To fulfill religious obligations or beliefs I am required to volunteer for school, work or mandated community service Other – please specify: _____________________________________ 10. Throughout your time with CNIB, what types of volunteer work have you done? Client Service (Vision Mate, Peer Mentor, Service Support, Recreation Programs, Driver, client surveys, etc). Fund Development (Special Events and Campaigns, Bingo, Community Giving Action Team, etc) Public Awareness (Ambassador or Ambassador Program Assistant) Administrative/Operations (Reception, Shop CNIB, data entry, phone calls, warehouse, garden, etc) Leadership and Advocacy (Board, committee, advocacy work, etc) Library (Audio publishing, Braille publishing, etc) Other – please specify: _____________________________________

The Intake Process

11. Think back to the application process, and rate your experiences:4 – Really easy3 – Somewhat easy2 – Somewhat difficult


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1 – Really difficult0 – Not sure / not applicable

4 3 2 1 0Getting information about volunteering at CNIBSubmitting an application formAttending an orientation sessionBeing interviewedScreening process (varies by position, may include reference checks, police record check, etc)Being placed in a volunteer role

Comments / suggestions on the application process: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. Think about the initial training you received, and rate your experience:4 – Completely agree3 – Somewhat agree2 – Somewhat disagree 1 – Completely disagree0 – Not sure / not applicable

4 3 2 1 0I received enough training before I started in each role


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Training was delivered in a format / style that worked for meTrainers have been organized and effectiveAfter I started in each role, I knew who to go to with questions or problemsAll my initial training needs were met

Comments / suggestions on training: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Supervision and Support

Your supervisor is the person who assigns work, and whom you go to with questions or problems. If you have more than one role, you may have more than one supervisor.

13. Again, thinking about the supervisor you work the most with, rate the following:4 – Completely agree3 – Somewhat agree2 – Somewhat disagree 1 – Completely disagree0 – Not sure / not applicable

4 3 2 1 0My supervisor is prepared for meMy supervisor is available when I need him/her


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My supervisor welcomes my suggestions and feedbackMy supervisor provides feedback on my workI am comfortable going to my supervisor whenever I have a question or problemMy supervisor has provided ongoing training, asneededMy supervisor is friendly I feel like my supervisor really appreciates mycontributionI know my supervisor really appreciates mycontribution, because he/she tells meMy supervisor says thank you

Comments / suggestions on your supervisor: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Role Satisfaction

14. Think about the volunteer work you do, and rate the following:4 – Completely agree3 – Somewhat agree2 – Somewhat disagree 1 – Completely disagree0 – Not sure / not applicable

4 3 2 1 0I am doing what I want to be doing


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I get satisfaction from my volunteer workIt's challengingIt's interestingI am using or developing my skills and experienceI am making a difference for people who are blind or partially sightedI am contributing to CNIB's mission

Comments / suggestions on your volunteer work: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

15. Plans for Future Volunteer Level/Hours

The number of hours I give feels about right – I will continue at that rate I'm planning to increase the number of hours I give somewhat I'm planning to increase the number of hours I give significantly I'm planning to reduce the number of hours I give somewhat I'm planning to reduce the number of hours I give significantly

16. If you are planning to reduce your hours, what are the primary reasons?

Personal life requirements There is no variety in volunteer opportunities There is no flexibility in volunteer scheduling I don’t have enough time to attend all the meetings/requirements There is a lack in communication


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17. What volunteer recognition have you received in the last year? Check all that apply. A client said thank you A staff person said thank you Personal email / letter / card Mass email / letter / card Complimentary refreshments / meals Invitation to a recognition event Attended a recognition event Certificate Award recognizing years of service Award recognizing significant accomplishments Nominated for an external award Gift (eg. water bottle, t-shirt, etc) Given more responsibility / autonomy Asked to contribute to program planning Asked to contribute to program evaluation Opportunity for personal or professional development Public recognition (eg, media coverage) Other – please specify: _____________________________________

18. If you didn't attend a recognition event last year, why not? Choose all that apply. In the comments, please provide more information (for example, if the time of day didn't work for you, when do you think the event should be held?) The date and/or time didn't work for me


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The location didn't work for me The event type (e.g. tea, barbecue, luncheon) didn't appeal to me I just don't like volunteer recognition events (feel free to give your reasons in the comments) I wasn't invited to a recognition eventComments on recognition events: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

19. What recognition would you like to receive in the future? What's meaningful for you? Check all that apply. A client says thank you A staff person says thank you Personal email / letter / card Mass email / letter / card Complimentary refreshments / meals Invitation to a recognition event Certificate Award recognizing years of service Award recognizing significant accomplishments Nominated for an external award Gift (eg. water bottle, t-shirt, etc) Given more responsibility / autonomy Asked to contribute to program planning Asked to contribute to program evaluation Opportunity for personal or professional development Public recognition (eg, media coverage) Other – please specify: _____________________________________


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Your Overall Experience

20. In your opinion, what are the two or three most important things CNIB could do to improve volunteer engagement in general?

Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

21. (Optional) What is the most important thing CNIB could do differently to help make YOUR VOLUNTEER CONTRIBUTION as effective, meaningful and satisfying as possible?

Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

22. (Optional) Is there anything that CNIB does that ‘turns you off’ as a volunteer?

Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

23. (Optional) Have you been given feedback or overheard comments by our clients – positive or negative – that you wishto pass on to us?


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Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

24. (Optional) Did you encounter any problems this year in doing your work? Please describe briefly and explain how (if)the situations were resolvedComments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

25. How likely are you to continue volunteering at CNIB? Extremely likely Moderately likely Neither likely nor unlikely Moderately unlikely Extremely unlikely

26. How likely are you to recommend CNIB to others as a place to volunteer? Extremely likely Moderately likely Neither likely nor unlikely Moderately unlikely Extremely unlikely


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27. (Optional) If not very likely, why?

Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

28. (Optional) In just a few sentences or phrases, please tell us how you describe our agency and its work to your friends

Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

29. Overall, how satisfied are you with your volunteer experience with CNIB? Extremely satisfied Moderately satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Moderately dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied

That’s a wrap!

30. If you would like someone to follow-up with you about anything, please enter your contact information here:Name: __________________________________________Email address: __________________________________________Phone number: __________________________________________


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I would like to discuss: _________________________________

If you would like to be entered into the draw to receive one of six $50 Gift Cards (retailer to be determined based on winners' preferences), enter your contact information here (you must complete the survey by November 15, 2014 to be eligible):Name: __________________________________________Email address: __________________________________________Phone number: __________________________________________

Thank you SO much! By taking the time to complete this survey, you're helping CNIB to build a better volunteer program.We may like to use your comments in promotional and recruitment materials. Please check yes if it's ok for us to use your comments (anonymously – you won't be named).

Yes, feel free to use my comments No, thank you